The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 17, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Jhe Conversion
of on Snrique.
T IS MOST wonderful! Nay,
more, It In ntnrvelous,
miraculous! Why, nn hun
dred burros could not draw
bo great n loadl No, not
oven nn hundred of the
best horses ot Las Dellclasl
Come, my friend, let tis In-
rltuitlj depart. Of truth, It Is the work
of the Evil One himself, nd to remain
longer would bo but to endanerr the
welfare of our souls. Let us nver
have railroads In our Mexico!"
Don Enrique was a nrovlnclnl Mexi
can gentleman who had Journeyed In
that good, old fashioned conveyance, a
rattle-trap of a dlHem-la, from his far
away rancho to the frontier town of
Paso del Norte, where be hail boon
persuaded, not a little against his will,
to accompany a friend to Kl I'aso, on
(he Texas side of the Hlo Grande, there
to view the wonders being wrought by
the Americans. The first tallroad to
enter El Paso had Just been completed,
and ho saw for the first time In his life
that wonderful machine, a steam loco
motive. Its strange noises filled hint
wlbh alarm! the foul smoke uourlmr
from its stack almoit straimled him;
and, awe-stricken by Its miraculous
strength, he finally gave expression to
his emotions, as shown above. 1 It
turned a deaf ear 'to the laughing re
monstrances of his friend, meanwhile
piously crossing lilmself, and Insisted
upon immediately returning to t'.e
Mexican side of the river; there, be
,'clt, they would be safe from the
naliirnant iniluence of the diabolical
nacblne. And, upon arriving in Puso
:lel Norte, he lost no time In starling
back home, but R was with a heavy
heart; he was oppressed with the fear
that he had committed a heinous sin.
A few months later he was Informed
that a concession for the construction
of a railroad In Mexico had been grant
ed an American company, whereupon
ho held up his hands in sueecriless
horror. Regaining use of his tongue,
be denounced the impious government
of hla country In terms both vigorous
and picturesque, but that accomplished
nothing. And when the ingineets wlio
located the line of the road entered the
bounds of Las Dellclas be used all the
diplomacy at his command to turn
them aside, but to no effect, for the
road was surveyed to pass within a
mile, of his house.
In due time the graders came, a
motley crowd of rude, rough men who
laughed dn Iris face, and with many
an outbuist of impotent rage he saw
them tear an ugly trench across the
breadth of Las Dellcias. Then came
the tracklnyers, and he raved and
stormed like one beside himself as tho
lines offlfcllterlng rails ciept up to and
past his home; and he ciossed himself
In pious horror at sight of the tele
graph wires. He was not in the lean
mollified when the railroad company
paid him a good, lound sum for its
right-of-way across his nroperty, and
rejected with a superb gesture or scnrn
the annual pass that was also tender
ed him.
"No, no, senor!" be exclaimed, indig
nantly; "I was powerless to pi event
this dccocratlon of my beloved coun
try, but I did what I could. As yet
the Infamous government has not en
acted laws compelling mo to patron!
your railroad, and until that be done
neither X, nor my family, nor yet my
servants, shall imperil their souls by
gciliip near your trains. Take back
the pass to those who sent it. and loll
them that 1 Knrlciuc del Tmo, do ex
ecrate it and thpm,"
Don Knriciue's opposition gave the of the road but little concern;
bis was only one ol many such cases,
nevertheless it was decided to propi
tutu him by establishing .1 station eon
vehlent to his usp, and ,i neat fraino
building was erected not far from his
bouse. "When the lime arrived to se
lect u man to have charge of this sta
tion. Hob Kvans, a man who was a
thorough railroader and with a repu
tation for coolness and "nerve." but
who was utterly lacking in respect for
Mexicans, wiiii chosen. Jle was not
tile man to make ovortuies of friend
ship to Don Knriquo, most decidedly
not and Don Enrique would have re
pelled such overtures had they been
made. Weeks passed, with each seem
ing to be Insensible of the other's ox-Isten-e;
but there were ngeneles at
work that were destined soon to break
down the barriers between them.
One morning a vaqueio galloped
madly to the hacienda, bringing Don
Enilque the teirlfylng news that a
large war party of Apache Indians had
swept down from the neighboring
mountains, killing and binning, and
were making for the hacienda. Many
years had passed since the Indians had
raided that country, and so Don En
rique was utterly unprepared to mcot
"God of my soul, what am T to do?"
he gionned. "We are too few to re
sist them. We must My, but where?
Oh, "'my wife, my daughter! Truly It
Is an evil day that has come upon us.
W,o muKflly from Las Dellclas, but
whero can. wee find safety? There niv
no soldiers nearer than Chihuahua, and
of truj;h the Indians would overtake us
liofoiWiwov-eould go so far." And the
poor imin vrung his hands In despair.
"YoiQJcrp"tbo railway. Don Kn
riquo," the- vnuuero answered, "Let
us hum" to tho stntlon; a train may
come at any moment, and nil tho
Apacliesbf 'the Sletrn Madre could not
overtake that, it moves with such swfftlcss.Vi
"The railway Is a device of Suture
for entrdpplng our souls," Don En-
rlquD sternly replied.
"And aro not the Apaches Satan's
own Impi?" tho vaquero lejolned,
with respectful persistence.
Don Knriquo was loath to surrender
his cherished nollcy of non-intercourse
with the railroad, but his wife and
daughter promptly championed tho
vnquoio's suggestion, nnd when two
women beset one poor man, that mnn
has but one course to follow, Ho yield
ed, anil Ininieillatoly his household be
gan Up night. Pell-mell, edirleKlng,
and gesticulating, (hey poured into tho
station, surprising Evans into speech
lessness; and Don Enrique, ills sim
ple mind agitated no less by his fear
of the clicking telegraph Instruments
than by his blood-curdling horrors of
nn ApaohB i-afyl, tfempted,to explain
tho cause of their -pomliig.! He spoke
Spanish, the only language he knew,
nnd his excitement' cauied his words
to pour out In nn unbroken stream
that Mrs, wholly! unlntelllglule to Ev
iu)s, M-hcmcould i understand Spanish
oiJy whwlt wns bpoken slowly and
wth' careful enunciation,
Mexicans nlwaya amused Evans
when they did not dlHgimt him. Their
theatrical display of emotion, their ef
fusiveness, startling gesticulation, nnd
comical grimaces, when excited, woro
to him all thnt the nntlcs of a cage
of monkeys arc to the smnll hoy. In
puzzled amusement he sat staring nt
Don Lnrlque, letting him talk away
until exhausted, and then coolly in
formed him that he had failed to catch
bin meaning.
Don Enrique gasped with despair;
what could he do to arouse this thick
headed American, he wondered. A
happy thought occurred to him; grnsp
Ing Evans by the arm, he dragged him
to the window. "Mlra, Nsennr," he
filed, printing to the west, where u
numlitr of slender columns of smoko
were rising, "indlos! Apnchcs! Muchos,
Evans was a frontiersman, nnd his
mind instantly took In the sltuntlon.
With a bound he t eached his telegraph
Institnnoiit nnd begun calling Chihua
hua, while Don Enrique drew back
fram the devilish machinery ns far as
he could. The Chihuahua otTIco was
pionipt to "espond, nnd the next mo
ment an urgent call for roldlers went
leaping along the wire-. There was tin
mediate excitement In Chihuahua; the
fussy switch-engine that was stand
ing for tha moment Idly beside tho
telegraph ofloe awoke with a snort,
and darted to tho end of the yard,
wheie It began hastily sorting out
coaches. In hot haste a messenger
vas dispatched to the barracks:
brentbbrs he rushed Into the office of
the cornmandante, and the next minute
thpip aiose nn angry snarling of
dmms and a loud, excited calling of
bugles. Then came a. pattering of
many sndaled feet and the rattle and
jingle of nrms, a hasty calling of rolls
and counting of fours, followed by
sharp, culck-spoken words of com
mand, nnd a r-olnmn of swarthy, uni
formed riPii emerged from the bar
racks. Again a sharp command, and
they spiang forward nt the double
quick, lacing to the railroad station,
where a train was now In rendlnes'i
for them. Having seen tht soldiers
safely aboard, the conductor went Into
the telegraph oftice, where he remained
:i few moments; when be came out
again he carried In bis, hand a crum
pled bit of paper, upon which appeared
the words, "ltun regardless." HI--
band shot upward In a to tl
waiting engineer, and, with clangn
bell and the Ills., of escaping stem.
the train moved out.
Anxiously the refugees at Las Dell
clas scanned the western horizon. In
that direction nn almost level plain
stretched away mile upon mile to
where it met a range of mountain.-'!
that were velvety and blue with dis
tance. Midway in this plain a cloud
of dust arose, grew larger with every
moment, and diew r.ipldly nearer. Now
a dense roll of black smoke auoeared,
and ascended straight upward to lone
Itself In the blue ol the sky. and an
angry glare of llame leaped upward be
neath It. The Apaches weie oomlns
In a whirlwind of death and destruc
tion. "A Dlos, they are but little mo;v
than three leagues away!" groaned
Don Enrique. "What shall wo do?"
"No need for wony, senor," returned
Kvans, who was siting with one ear
over his telegraph instruments; and
with exasperating coolness he struck a
ina'lch and lit his pipe.
"No need for worry?" gasped Don
Enrique. "Great God, man, thou art
crazed with fear!"
Hut Evans did not reply, did not
hear; he was entirely absorbed by
what be telegraph was saying. Present
ly a look of satisfaction shone in his
face, and he made a hasty mental cal
culation: "Indians ten miles away, an'
comin' ton miles nn hour; soldiers s'x
ly miles away, an' 'ussin' Jimmy John
son n-pullln' 'em: result, some Indians
to bury In 'bout an hour If Jimmy st.iy
on th'i rails hot times for us if he
The cloud of dust kept rolling near
er, nnd a group of tiny black specks
came Into view at Its base specks
that Increased In number with every
moment, and that grew larger, tool:
form, and becamo galloping Apaches.
Nearer, nearer they came, and the
sobbing, praying, hysterical Mexicans
relinquished all hope of mortal aid; but
not so with Evans, Leaning far out
of his window, he was watching th2
track, and, presently, fur away where
the two lines of gleaming rails seemed
to unite In one. ho caught sight of an
other speck a speck that was sending
aloft a pluino of Inky-black smoke.
"Fireman's workln' like th devil," hi
mused, "an' Jimmy's got her wide
open, comln' down u one-per-cent,
grade, too, Ain't he a bird?" Now he
looked at the Indians, and a look of
concern stole into his face. They were
getting dangerously near. Going to his
desk, he took out nnd cocked his re
volver. It held six loads, one for each
of the women If tho worst should come
far better death for them than cau
Uiro by the Apache, he thought. Glune
Ing at these poor creatures, who weio
huddling together In a corner of tho
room, ho noticed for tho first time that
ono of them, a. young woman whom
ho took to be Don Enrique's daughter,
was possessed of more than average
beauty, and he trembled with the
thought that his might be the hand
that must end her life.
The Apaches were within rifle-range
of tho station, and tho rapid pounding
of their horses' hoofs was distinctly.
heard, when tho rails ftegan to vibrato
and hum beneath swiftly turning
wheels. The next minute, with a deaf
ening roar of escaping steam, and with
every wheel sliding and sending show
ers of sparks from the rails, tho train
bearing the soldiers swept up to tha
station and came to a stop. Stentorian
commands rang out, followed Instantly
by a rattling and crackling of locks,
unit a thunderous volley crashed from
the ear windows.
Tho surprise of the Apaches was
complete; several of their number
reeled and almost fell from their
ponies. A whoop and a wave of their
leuder's hand sent them Hying back
towards the mountains, and the sol
diers, quickly pouring from tho train,
started in hopeless pursuit of t-heiii.
Don Enrique was as one who sees a
vision so sudden a transition from
dumb despair to u sense of safety stu
pefied him. With round, wide-open
eyes, he stared a few minutes ut tho
fleeing Indians, at the dusty soldiers
above whose heads fluttered the Hug
of his country, and then, in a sudden
transport of joy, rushed to Evans and
clasped him in his arms, f
The "Raglan"
The judgment of men who areused
to wearing custom made clothes has
been passed on this new style of
Overcoat "The Raglan." It's a
swell coat when made and tailored
right. The "Raglan" that we have
sold to many good dressers in this
city is a fashionable garment with
that style and grace which only ap
pears in the Custom Tailor's paH
terns. Every man who has seen
them and tried one on has compli
mented us on the new ideas we
have put into this coat, that distin
guishes it from the many inferior
imitations now being shown in this
city. The cloth is exclusive and
cannot be found in the imitation
garment, but above all the tailoring
and design shows the touches of
expert men. Our prices, accord
ing to quality,
Samter Brothers
Scranton's Leading Outfitters
"My fiiend, my very dear friend!"
he cried, kissing the urprised Ameri
can, -first on one cheek, then the other.
"Nay, thou art more than friend sav
ioursaviour of my pioperty of my
family of all that I hold dear! Thou
hast "
"Oh, hello! Say, drop it! Turn me
loose, you old fool! D n you, quit kiss
in' me," sputtered Evans, speaking
English, as was natural under such
" performed a miracle, thou and
thy railroad, and thy telegraph!"
Don Enrique went on, not noticing this
interruption, nnd holding tight to
Evans, who was snuggling with all
his stiength to get away.
Evans gave up, and, to escape far
the osculation, pushed forward his
head on the Mexican's shoulder; bis
face was flushed with shame, and his
eyes were lolling ludicrously from side
to side, fairly speaking the disgust he
felt. "
"Ay de ml! 1 did oppose the build
ing of thy railroad! I thought it the
work of the devil, and I denounced tho
government for permitting it. But -I
was wrong I, Enrique del Toro, do
admit that I was wrong, nnd hence
forth I nm the friend of railroads of
the telegraph, also. It has been the
means of saving our lives, and there
fore can not be harmful to our souls,
T am the friend of thy railroad, I re
peat, and I will now accept the pass I
once did refuse. Come to my house,
my friend, It is thine; all that I pos
sess Is thine at thy pleasure,
Ho was trying to kiss Evnns again,
when a voice that shook with laugh
ter called from the window: "Sny,
Evans, what's the matter with the
good-looking daughter? I'd rather
kiss her than the eld man I'll take
her If you'll let me get Into the game."
"D n you an' th' daughter, too!"
Evans leturned, wrnthfully, glancing
at the grimy face of "Cussln" Jimmy,
which was framed In the window, and
with a mighty effort ho wrenched him
self free and ran out of the room.
A year passed, and one day Evans
hailed the engineer on a train that was
slowing into Las Dellclas: "Ray, Jim
my," ho called, "do you remember th'
little Mexican girl you saw out here
last year th' time you pulled th' ex
tra, brlngln' soldiers?"
"The ono that was lonkln' so lone
some while you were huggln' tho old
man?" answered Jimmy. "Why, yes;
what's become of her?"
"She doesn't got lonesome that way
any more," Evans replied, grinning
sheepishly. "Slip on your best clothes
an' dead-head out here tomoriow, nnd
you'll see her become Mrs, Evans."
Uourdun Wilson, In the Argonaut.
Mis. M. I J. T.evun and son, James,
liavo returned after a month'B visit nt
Mrs. Hill, of Scranton, was a caller
In town yesterday,
Mrs, Tressler nnd son, Slrnubert, of
I,ake Ariel, are visiting at the homo
of D, O. Green.
Misses Verna Schoonovcr nnd Ion
nln Ace uro arranging -for an enter
talnment to bo given Tuesday evening,
Nov. 20, at 8 o'clock, In the jilotho
dlst Episcopal church. Free-will of
fering will be taken.
Mr. Galley Tlngley, of Gibson, Sin
quehannn county, Is visiting Ills sis
ter, Mrs. J, N. Jlalley.
Beginning with Monday, Nov. 19,
tho following changes will bo made lit
tho Mooslo High school: Mr. T. (I.
Osborne will huvo for his assistant Mr.
Haydn Oliver; Miss Jeunlo Dick will
have charge of room No. 2, Miss Con
nolly room No. , Miss McMurtrlo
room No. i, Miss Weir room No 5,
$15 to $25
and Miss Arcrtle DIx, of Susquehanna,
room No. 6.
Misses Grace and Hello AVelr, oC
South Main street, are visiting their
sister In Forest City.
Miss Ella L.evan was a caller In
Scranton yesterday.
Word has been received that Air.
Henry S. Ives, formerly of this place,
but now of Aspen, Col., met with an
acicdent nn Nov. 11, In which he re
ceived a broken arm.
Mr. Charles Mroadhead Is confined
to his home with sickness.
Services in the churches will be con
ducted tomorrow as usual.
The Prices of Commodities Have Ad
vanced. By Exclusive Wire from Thi AwocutcJ Press.
New l'ork, Nov. 1G R. G. Dun &
Co.'s Weekly Iteview of Trade tomor
iow will sny:
Prices of commodities advanced al
most without exception and all the
changes In manufactured goods are In
the direction of firmer quotations.
Scarcity of labor gives manufactures
In the middle states great concern.
Activity at iron and stool mills stead
ily increase, and there Is nn equally
uniform advance In quotations. The
gain has been more general this week
than at any previous time this season,
pig Iron moving up twenty-five cents
a ton and corresponding gains appear
ing In bars, billets, plates nnd struc
tural materials generally. Instead of
the recent agitation for cheaper steel
rails, there Is now talk of an advance,
to $28, owing to the further rise In steel
billets, Orders come forward In the
best volume since last spring, when
there was severe Inflation of prices,
and requests for quick delivery are
general. The report of pig Iron De
duction on November i, 'by the Iron
Age, shows a weekly capacity of only
2l!i,30l tons, the smallest since Septem
ber, 1898, but the reduction ot 29,000 tons
from October 1 from furnace stocks Is
most encouraging. These figures, with
the activity In all branches of the In
dustry, Indicute that there will be no
further reduction In output, but tho De
cember stntement will probably show
moro than 200 furnaces In. blast.
Hoot nnd shoo manufacturers are still
unable to secure any advance In quota
tions, although they" aro attempting to
raise lists 2Y cents, I.ocal Jobbers aro
well supplied, but more seasonable
weather has stimulated retuil trade.
Textile Industries are rather quiet, al
though heavyweight goods move more
freely with the lower temperature.
A temporary flurry In tho wheat mar
ket on Monday took the December op
tion above eighty cents. It was re
ported that Wall street operators were
turning attention to grain, Publica
tion ot the usunl weekly statistics had
a depressing effect, however, purtlcu
liuly tho enormous exports from Itus
sa, which were a contradiction of
oailler statements that tho crop was
short In northern Europe. Cotton rose
slightly, Exports to Great Britain con
tinue heavy at prices two cents higher
than a year ngo.
Failures for tho week were 217 In tho
United States against 21U last year, and
33 In Canada against 20 last year.
n.v Hxclmhe Wire from Th AssocUUd l'ru.
Willej-llano, Nov. 18. The Womrn'f auxil
iary central I'rniMjhuuU dioefse of tlie KpU
copal church, which lia keen holdini; iU elgh.
trcnlh annual inr.limKP in tlila city, elected
thn following ofHcei.: President, Mrs. K. 0.
Scott, Wllkr,llaiic; lie piekldent, Mrs. O. l.
lUmsay, llairUliurit; licuurtr, Mm. A. M.
C'ltMH-r, South Hclhlehcm; ecrctury, JIUi 1!.
V. Jiurcur, Wet 1'ltt.lwn.
Considerably Shaken Up on the Eve
of Their Game with U. of P.
Uy i:cliiMe Wire from The Associated Pre.
Philadelphia, Nov. 10. The Univer
sity of Pennsylvania foot ball tnm
took its last practice this afternoon
in prepartion for the annual contest
with the Carlisle Indians on Franklin
field tomorrow. The eleven men and
substitutes are In fit condition for tho
bard gama which they expect the Red
Men to put up. Pennsylvania was
badly beaten by the Indians last year
and the I!ed and Blue hopes to n
trleve the defeat by n handsome score.
The practice this afternoon was of a
light order, no risk being taken to
have any of the playeis laid up from
The Indians were to have arrived
here at 10.30 o'clock tonight, but the
tiain on which they were traveling
was partially wrecked nt Mechanlcs
burg by running into the rear end of
n freight train, and the engineer and
fireman were killed. The Redskins
were considerably shaken up by the
shock of tho collision, but none of
tlif-m were hurt. Conch Wnrner de
cided to return to Carlisle, Instead of
having his men travel sill night in day
coaches. Coach Wnrner telegraphed
that the team will leave Carlisle early
tomorrow morning and will arrive here
about noon.
Jr. Order United American Mechan
ics Affected by Court Decision.
By Kxcluslte Wire from 'the Associated l'rr.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1C Consequent on
the decision of the Supreme court sus
taining the position of the National
council of tho Junior Order United
American Mechanics, the 273 Ipsurgent
Stato councils have receded from their
position in lef using to pay te per
capita tax. The limit of time set by
tho loyal state council ended today, and
It Is reported that over 100 recalcitrant
lodges havo contributed their sharo of
this tax.
In the face ot this decision, and In
spite of the movement which has set
In to le-JJln the loyalists, a number of
the state bodies have entirely with
drawn from the national organization.
These lodges havo adopted the name of
"I.oyal American Mechanics,"
This new organization had Its begin
ning at Lebanon, when Council No. 74S
surrendered Its charter and reorsun
Ized under tho now name. National
Secretary Edward S. Deemor Mild to
day that steps would bo taken at once
to prevent the Lobjmun lodges using
the adopted name,
W. F. Orottler, of Soudertop, spent
Sunday with Dr. Eilenberger.
Attorney T. F, Wells, F, E. Piatt und
W. W, Phillips, of Scranton, were In
town Tuesday.
Prof. Mlchels and Misses Emma
Iluger and Anna Crooks nro attending
tho Wayne county teacheis' Institute
ut llonesdale.
It. B, Decker spent part of the week
In New York city,
S. W. Heese, Sherman Heeso und
George Denning, of Westlleld, N, J.,
are guests of W, It. Harvey.
She'll Outgrow,
'I know something; I won't tell," nvss the
widow hoarder's little aitl, a little plrll luvc
done ever sine? language wj.1 imented.
"Never mind, child," ald the SjJe Bailie
lor, "you'll Bet iycr that habit when ou e''
older." Indlanapolij frft&i.
The Chesterfield
The always popular and stylish
"Chesterfield" Overcoat will also
be worn by many, and if you have
noticed the latest fashion plate you
will find that the cutter must allow
a broader shoulder and a much
fuller "box" back than the style
worn last season. We have paid
particular attention to those rules
laid down by the fashion makers,
and in every "Chesterfield" Over
coat made for us this season you
will find the broad shoulder and
full back. The Oxford Grey
seems to be the most popular shade,
but for those who prefer a smooth
cloth we have the. Melton and
Beaver,, lined throughout with
serge or pure silk. The price
depends upon the d A A (frC
quality, from . .' . plU 10 tZD
By Exclusbe Wire from The Associated Trew.
H.i7.1eton, Nov. 10. Tho strike at Coxe Bros. &
Co.'s Bojvrr Mi'.ulow colliery, which was in
augurated jestcril.i- was settled today and the
men aie tiark at woik. The mine workeis claim,
eil that tho (oinpinv was Rotating tli. nsreo
nuiit by which tho last (iriko was declaicd off.
'The water famine which prealU in this reprion
today compelled tho I'rflnheny colliery and
Knollris' laiRe planing mill to suspend open-
Ity IXcliithe Wile fioin The Aociatcd Vrctn.
Xpw York, Nov. JO. A Mr crowd ot Demo
(1..U thioncrcd Ihe looms of the Democratic club
tutiiKht to .s.iy Eood uyp to Hichard Croker. Ho
will lrje on the steamer l.ucauia for London
Delaware and Hudson.
In Kflcct Oct. 21. 1000.
Train for Carbondale leave Scranton at 6.U0,
7.M, S.53, 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, 1.23, 2.20, 3.52, 6.25,
U.2S, 7.57, 0.15, 11.15 p. m.: l.lo a. m.
fore llonesdale 0.20, 10.13 a. m.; 2,20 and
5.25 p. m.
For Wilkes-llarre 0.45, 7.48, 8.43. 9.3S, 10.43 .
m.: 12.03, 1.28, 2.18, 3.33, 4.27, 0.10, 7.48, 10.41,
11.30 p. m.
Kor I,. V. ft. It. polnts-0.45 a. m. ; 12.08, 2.18,
4.27 and 11.30 p. 111.
For 1'enns.vbanii It. 11. points 0.43, 9.33 t.
m.: 2.18 and 4.27 p. m.
For Albany and all points north 6.20 a. in.
and 3.52 p. m.
For Carl)cndalc--0.00. 11.33 a. m.; 2.26, 3.52,
5.17, 10.52 p. m.
For Wilkes-Barre 0.38 a. m.; 12.CM, 1.58, 3.28,
0.27, 8.27 p. m.
For Albany and points north 3.62 p. m.
For llonesdale 0.00 a. m. and 3.52 p. m.
Lowest rates to all polnta In United States and
.1. W. ntmillCK. O. P. A.. Albany, K. V.
II, W. CROSS, 1). I A., Scranton, I'a.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Klteit May 27, WOO.
Trains Leave Scranton.
For Philadelphia and New York ia I), Si II.
II. II., at 0.45 a. in. and 1J.03, 2.1S, 4.37 (Blaek
Diamond Kxprew), and 11.30 p. in. Sundajn, 1).
& II. R. R., 1.5S, 7,43 p. in.
Fur Whito Haven, Hazleton and principal
points in the coal regions, via P. k II. R. It.,
0.45, 2.18 4.21 p. in. For Pottsville, 6.4,
2.18 p. in. '
For Bcthlehein,1 rjnton, Reading;, flariisbura;
and principal inteiinediato stations via U. & II.
R. R.,'0.45 a. in.; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (UUck Dla.
moml Express), 11.30 p. in. Sundajs, I). li II,
R. It., 1.63, 7.48 p. 111.
For Tunklunnock, Towanda, Elmlra, Ithiea,
Geneva and principal Intermediate stations, vln
P., I,. 4: W, R. It., 8.03 a. m.; 1.05 and 3.J3
''"For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlagsra Falls,
Chirairo, and all points west, via D. it II. It. R.,
12.0.1. 3.31 IBladt Diamond Express), 7.48. 10.41,
ltisb p. in. Sundajs, li.'lc II. II. R., 12.03 p.
"'pullman'" parlor and sleeping- or Uhljrh Valley
parlor eais on all trains between Ilkes-Ilarre
and New York, Philadelphia, lliiffalo and Sin-
llOMJN II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt,, 20 Cortland
street. New York.
ClrAItl.KS S. I.KK, Gen. Pass. Agt., ?0 Cortlard
Direct. New York.
A. W. KONNI'.MACIinn. PiV. riss. Agt., South
Bethlehem, I'a
For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to
309 I.orkawanna avenue, Scranton, I'a.
Central Bailroad of New Jersey,
Stations In New York-Foot of Liberty atrest,
X, 5.. und South Ferry. .
Anthracite coal used delusively, Insuring
clcanlintss and comfort.
Tialia leave Scranton tdr New York, Newark,
FliuUtli. Philadelphia, Uaston, Bethlehem, Al.
leutoivn, Maueh Chunk and White Haven, at 8.!0
a. in.; express, 1.20 ; express, 4.00 p. m Sun.
davs 2.15 p. m.
For I'ltttton and WIlkesBarre, 8.30 a. m.; 1.20
and 4.00 p. in. Sundays. 2.15 p. in,
For Baltimore, and Washington, and points
Soutli and West via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. in., 1.20
u. in. Sundays, 2.15 p. m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Oiove, etc., at 8.30
in and 1.20 . m.
For Reading, Lebanon and HarrUbura-, via Al.
Untivvu, 8.l'0 a. ni. and 1.20 p. in. Sundays,
2.15 P. m.
For I'ottsvllle, S.10 . m , 1.20 p. in.
Through t!iket to all points cast, south ar.d
west at lowest rates at the station.
.1. II. OIILHAUSEN. Gen. Supt.
II. I. BALDWIN, Geu. Paw. Act.
Schedule in Effect May 87, 1000.
Traiqs leave Scranton, D. &. H.
6.45 a. m., week day, for Sunbury,
Haixisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and for Pitts
burg: and the West.
0.38 a. m., week days, for Haileton,
Pottsville, Reading Norrlstown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitti
burg and the West.
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sunday
1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West. For Haeleton, Potts
ville, Beading, &o. week days.
4.27 p. xn., week days, for Sunbury,
Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
J. R. WOOD, Gta. Fats. Act.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect June 10, 1000.
Soutli Leave Scranton for New York at 1.45,
3.00, 6.40, 8.00 and 10.05 a. to., 12.63, 8.83 sad
8.10 p. m. For Philadelphia at 6.40, 8.00 and
10.05 a. in.: 12.55 and 3.83 p. m. For Stroudi
burg at 0.10 p. in. Milk and accommodation at
.1.40 p. in. Arrive at Hoboken at 6.56, 7.18,
10.13 a. m.; 12.08. 2.47, 4.48, 7.19 and 9.43 p. m.
Arrive at Philadclohla at 10.00 a. m.; 1.06, 8.48.
l.00 and 9.22 p. m. Arrive from Newr lork it
1.05, 4.06 and 10.20 a. m.; 1.00, 1.62, 8.43, 8.4S
and 11,30 p. m. From Stroudsburr at 8.05 a. m.
North Leave Scranton for Buffalo and inter
mediate stations at 1.10, 4.10 and 8.30 a. in.;
1.55, C.48 and 11.35 p. m. For Oawego and Syr
cuse at 4.10 a. m. and 1.55 p. in. For Utiea at
1.10 a. m. and 1,55 p. m. For Montroi at 8.80
a. m. ; 1,05 p. m. and 5.48 p. m. For Nichol
son at 4,00 and 0.15 p. m. For Blnghamton. 10,26
and 8.60 p. m. Arrive in Scranton from Buffalo
at 1.30, 2.55, 6.S5 and 10.00 a. m.; 3.80 and 8.00
p in.- From Oswego and Syracuse at 2.58 a. m. ;
12.38 and 8.00 p. in. From Utlca at 2.65 a. m,;
12.33 and 3.30 p. m. From Nicholson at 6.60 a.
in. and 0.00 p. m. From Montrose at 7.55 and
10 00 a. m.; 3.20 and 8,00 p. ra.
Bloomsburg Division Leave Scranton for
Northumberland at 0.43, 10.05 a. m. : 1.55 and
6.60 p. in. For Plymouth ot 1.05, 3.40, 8.65 and
11.3.1 p. m. For Nanticoke at 8.10 a. m. Arriva
at Northumberland at P..15 a. iu.; 1,10. 5.00 anA
8.45 p. m. Arrive nt Nanticoke at 0,10 a. m.
Arrive at Plymouth at 2.00, 4.82, 0.60 p. m. iM
12.30 a. in. Arrive at Scranton from Northum.
berland at 9.42 a. m.; 12.85, 4.60 and 8,45 p.
m. From Nanticoke it 11.00 a. m. Front
Plymouth at 7.50 a. m., 3.20, 5.95 and 11,10 p.
South Leave Scranton 1.40, 3.00, 6.40, 10.M a.
in.: 3.33, 3.40 and 8.10 p. m.
North Leave Scranton at 1.10, 4.19 a. n.
1,63. 5.48 and 11.35 p. m.
Bloomsburg Division Leave Scranton at 10.01
a, m. and 6,50 p. in, '
New York, Ontario and Western R.R.
North Bound Trains.
Leave Leave Arriva
Simiilon. Caibondale. Cidosta,
10.40 a. in. U.20 a. ni. 1.05 p. m,
COO p. m. Arrive Carbondale 6 10 p. m.
Soutli Bound.
Leave Leave Arrlva
Cadosia. Pjibondale, Scranton,
7.0 a. in. 7.40 a, rr,
2.05 p. in 3.31 p. III. 4.20 p. m,
Sundajs only, North Bound.
Leave Leave Arrivi
h ronton. Carbondale. Cadoaia,
8.30 n. in, I'.IO m. 10-41 a. ni.
7,011 p. m. Airlve Carbondale 7.40 p. ni.
Leave Leave Arrive
Cudcsla, Carbondale. "rranton,
7.00 a. in. 7.40 i, in,
4.30 p. in. 5.54 p. ni. 0.3J p. m.
Trains leaving Sirintoii at 10.40 a. m. dail,
and 8.30 a. m. Sundavs, make New York, Corn,
wall, Mlddlelovvn, Walton, Sidney, Norwich,
Rome, Utl'-a, Oneida and Oswego connections.
For further Information lonsult ticket agents.
.1. C. AM1KKSON, Gen. Fiw. Agt., New York.
J, E. WELSH, Traveling Passenger Agent, 6crn.
Erie nnd Wyoming Valley,
Times Table in Effeit Sept. 17, 1900.
Trains for llawley and local points, connect.
Ing at Havvlc) with Erie railroad for New YorU,
New burgh ad intennedlate points, leav Scran,
ton at 7.05 a. in. and 2.25 p. m.
Trains arrive at Scranton at 10.30 a. m. ar.d
9.10 p. ni.
'v '
t i
.. 'j-i. .-4J! i. i-i" ,. v,
t.t-- j. , -e jfi. -i-m .. AUrv.