"ni'i " r.'!otk",'Wrt.P VTvtWxR'fT? "; t-" "-Nt- FSWl.stf - -.VtVVv l'a I,?'"JJV -ee.- :-ip . t THE SORANTON TRIBtNE-FRIDAY,, NOVEMBER ltt, 1900. V' NORTHEASTERN SUSQUEHANNA. t-'prclal to I In- hcrntittm Trllmne. SrHisqueliimim, Xov. 15. Ck'nCRO Tlx ik'll Is III with typhoid fever nt bin litiine on Hronel streot. tioeirt-e Hoyden, nf Onlttniitl townnhli, tflio In hunting In the wIWIm of Pike uouuly, IM., uliot u deer on Monday. "Tho Iunl or tlio Si'Ven Tnl'lrn." hold by Hip Dcirciiji widely In tho I'i hytcrlan olmifh parlor this uvi'iilnn, wan woll lUtcrnled and a lliiaiu'lnl silt- CCS9 .lo?oph Toly, of .laclssoii Mtrrol. (niployt'il In tho Krle Miop as a niachln Isl, wan ipiltc seriously Injured wlillti at work on Tuesday inornlnir. A bolb,r plui? struck him In thu facu, liici'i-atlnir his forehead, and he was considerably Kcalded by esenplUK: stwini. Dr. Ui.'oiKe V. Uleason and iliiuc-bloi' weic at .Mot-win. X. Y on Tuesda.v. attending tho funeral of Dr. U Ji. Glcason. u brother of the dor-tor. After a brief Illness, Mrs. Kirk, an a sett and respeoted resident, relict of Charles Kirk, of I.anesboro. died on Saturday evening at the residence of her foii-ln-taw, .Tamos Kirk, In this boroURh. The funeral occurred Tues day ufternuun at the homo. "Parties to the Jury unknown" on Friday night stole a hoise of Mr. J.ee, of Stevens' Point, oillcers Me.Mahon and Palmer on Saturday evening found the steed in a barn In UiiiiPsbtiro.wlicvc it had boil lett by the thieves, Extra meetings will soon befjln In the Methodist church. Mrs. J. .1. Huylc but returned home from a visit with relatives at Ottawa, Illinois. liranch II, Ladles' Catholic Uuiicvu U nt. association, will hold Its animal reception fiom it to In o'clock on Tues d.iy evenhmr at the Stavrucca house. A banquet will follow. Mrs. 13. H. Me llow an, supreme president, and Mrs. .r. A, ItoircMS, supreme recorder, will be present. The usldent demy and mem bers of the Catholic Mutual Itcnevoleiu association will deliver addresses. Poran's orchestra will furniMi music Tor Hie occasion. Mrs. M. II. ISIsmnn is vlsltliiff P.liis liniiiUiii relatives. The veterans received their iiiarteily pension on Tuesday. I'nlon Tlmnks'Rivliif; services will -be held In the I'lesb.vterian church on Thursday e-ve.-iilnj;-, Xovombei' :!0. Ser mon by l'.ev. Charles Henry NVwliiir. nastor nt' the Methodist church. The funeral of Mrs. Fran!; ICiMii'on, Cliffoul. this county, who died sild-.-nly on I''riday nislit, took place on Sunday. li.Ui:," of obstreperous tramps an i cliis vicinity, eonimlttlufr petty dep- latlons. A Brushviilrt hunter a few tlays ncrn Killed an opposum, an animal seldom -era in tills section. Several persons weie received Into membership In the Methodist church on sun lay in r nhiR. Susir" liamia, Xew .Mllford and Hsell fad talent iill soon .ulvo an cnter talnnie..J at IJallstead. lirlu Knttineer Joseph Elston, former 1 of Susquehanna but now of Khnira, Ii-ih been reinstated, after a suspension of several mouths. Miss T-ena Harrett, assisted liy Miss Howard, a violinist, will give a recital a the Methodist church on Wednesday evening next. The Crescent dub will hold a hop at the Starrueca house on ThauksKlvhiK eve. About fifty members of Doru He luliah lode. Independent Order of Odd Follows, 'last evening paid SunliRht Ite brkah lodurc. of lliiitilinintoii, a frater nal visitation, and report a very pleas ant time. V consr national iiioetliiK will be held in the Presbyterian church on Monday vciiir-,'. for the purpo.se of seleetiny; n jinstor. H. A. Sloeuin, a promineul fanner of Telatt, w.m found dead In his cow bain n Monday morulas;. Heart disease was 'lie caus-e. Tb' fum-ral of Jessie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, for merly of l'.raudl but now of Straight, Tj., occurred fioni the llrantlt Pres liytcrlan church on Tuesday inornins'. The Interment was made In the Hrandt i emetery. Tin' Si Stobblns company failed to iiiaterializo in JIokiiii opera lions. las! evening, owlnt,- to the illness of the lending man. Dan DarlelRli, in Port JpivIs. The reception and banquet held at lie St.UTiicea house last evening bv Uraneh 11, Ladies' Catholic llonevolent association, was larsely attended and a very pleasant alfalr. The supreme inesidciu and supreme recorder were present, and Hie resilient dersy and prominent inembers of. Hie Catholic Mutual Henevolent. association made remarks. Poran's nreliositra, furnished music. DURVEA. Airs. lliirt liuckniun wn1 lsltlnt? at the homo of Mrs. John 13111s. Class Xo. ", or the llrid: .Methodist Kplscop'U Sunday selioul, will hold a Kraud enterlainniont in I.nwroncj Jlosi hall, Xov. LM. I'iveryliody In vltPtl, The entertainment will cause laufchUr from bealnnnur to end. Miss .Mary Xolan is ('..iously 111 with typhoid rover. Mrs. Johnson Itamliil! and son, Kllaw. tx r visiHtiir friends in riould.-dioro, Mv. Uiiii.iainln Hidiardson Js, visit ixiS her dnuKhtor. Mrs W. (1. l.euns, of Soranton. AlfH. Wlllidin liowuii lias return. m' lioino ailer a two woks' visit" In Philadelphia. Coroner McK'-e held mi Inquest, yes xr.rday nfiernoon at Squire Ollboy'si i,r. flee in the ease of Charles McOail, who fell in the rollers at the Habylnu mine last Thursday. Inspector .Mc Donald conducted tho examination with the coroner. After six witnesses were examined, tho Jury I'oudured a Verdict that tho hoy i-amo to Ids deaht by his own neglect, H0PB0TT0M. Cjicelal in ilit Sii anion Ttibuiii'. Uopbotoin, Xov. 1.1. Jlr. and .Mrs. T-J. A. Oardner have &ona to Ithaca, N, Y., wltero they will Hpentl tho winter with their daughter, Mr. Albert Ttlua Is in u very critical condition, with little hopo of hlw re covery, He has been ill for soino time with some obscure Momacn dllllcuHy. Mrs. Cleorfjo Warner was u recent visitor at tlio homo of Mrs. Emliv Heese. Mrs. f, 13. Ilrown spent Monday in Scrunton; also Mik. Oney Case. Thero will bu services at tho Unlver- PENNSYLVANIA Mik. Walter TliiKley Is spending some lime at her home In Lenox. sa;lsL church Sunday evenlntr at T.t'O o'clock. lleA. L. L. L,uwlt, iho new ims tor, will preach. Tho Ladles' Aid society, which met nt the homo of Mra. M. J. Hartley, Wed nesday afternoon, was enjoyed by a Kootlly number of people. About llftj' were present. Tho report that .Mr. Urnest Penny was nlllletcd with typhoid fever, lately mentioned, proved to bo untrii". Mi". Penny was not seriously ill. - HONESDALE. Spiel.il In (lip Hcrnnton Tilbiini. Houesdalo, Xov. t,".--Weilnesday was tho third day of tho county Institute and was liu-Rcly attended. Tho deep Interest, which has been taken In nil the sessions still continues. Preced ing tho lecture Wednesday evening:, Mr. .1. T. WalkltiH sunt? "The Han dolero" in a. volume of voice that lilled liie court room, which brought a tleaf ' ciiIiik uppluuse from thw audience. In 'i espouse tt the encore, ho sanfr very sn-eetly "Love's Old Sweet Sons," by ' request. Mrs. Jesslo Dohnesloli prn ! sided at the piano. Following the solo, Superintendent Mower Introduced Dr. S. Parks Cadmnn, of the Metropolitan i Temple, or Xew York city, who de lliveivd his address on "Lincoln." Dr. Cadman is an exceedingly iluo enter tainer. For one and olio-halt' hours lie held tho larjjo audience that packed the court house und"r ills control. j while he paid a glowing tribute and :eviewen me hip oi mui nuiut: inun, Abraham Lincoln, from his birth to ;he time of his cruel assassination. Ho also paid tribute to Oeneial Grant and other generals of the Civil war. Tile lecture was also full of wit and humor and proved very entertaining. The programme for Friday forenoon is- "Kloiuoiils of Success in Tcaeli-un-r," Prof. Albert; "Wall Street," Dr. winship: achlrer.". Prof. Larrabee. Tile Wayne County Directors' asso ciation held a meeting in the High school room yesterday. KINGSLEY. Special lo the f-uanlon Tribune. Kingsloj, Xov. In, Jlr. antlAIrs. F. 13. Titus leturned Wednesday from a two weelcs visit with relatives and triends in Xew York city. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Uoherts, or Peckville, were recent visitors of VC. AV. Adams. W. Bowers, of DuPlane, Midi., was 11 guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Steo-iO this week. Mrs. L. AV. Moore and daughters, of Xew .Mllford, were guests at V. C. Moore's on Sunday. 1. 15. floss spent Sunday and Mon day with relatives at Hinghamton and Athens. Mrs. W. .loffries is spending this week wlHx her daughter at Syracuse university. Air. and Mrs. AV. H. Xutt, of Athens, Bradford county, are making an ex tended visit with their daughter, Mrs. .1. P. Goss. BRADFORD COUNTY. Sp'Mi.'il in the Ser.intim Ti ilium. Viinaml.i, Im''. 11. .Inlin Howie, .0 uno lime .1 piv.ieioua .mil pinniineiit hay dealer at Ulster. li.n iraaiii been luuiisht into the Kiwlp Milijut tiy iKlujf nrir-leil by the county iletetliu on the rlurge of alleiin? the faie value of nnte-i. We w.nul a iiejiini; liefon an Atlieiw juilio,; an. I hi caw will In luotisht into coin I. What luiiihl btio been a elil)U. urciileul nn.l Iu- of liie ocnirail .11 P.ivie I.l Saluul.iy morn, in.', win 11 cNire train Xo. 11 anil 11 fivlslit train collided. Kupinecr Clianibcis and I'irenii'i Kelley mid 1;.iiiiii,iii I.onwr, of Iho epie-s liiiini weie slightly injuicd. One iiiuinu win badly uiecktii and three car Inadi of coin wiecl.ed. All--. i,ei,iue Maim, of Koine tnun-liip, hu been aucled li.i Mi Anna l'liieidl, n Fihool teacher, who iljitns lli.lt -lit had been whippe.1 by (lie foiniei. v.;th.'iel l'liiiai'i.i. tf .North Tuwanda, ha.-, been f.iiinii ln-aiii! and the county iimimistloiieifi will lake him to Hie ii..liini at Pamllle for tif.it nient. 'the Mi-iIko-Chi eleven, of Philadelphia, will phy a '.Mine ol fuul ball with lie team at Allien- on Nov. !.". Dr. I.. 1!. lhimloun, of Sa.ire, is a new iiunil.ir of (he iKii-iou exaiiiininu' board. A new time labia i-" expeeted to take effect on the Lehij.li Valley, Xov. 23. IMwaid Hornet, ar acrid fnu.icr in i.Mii,Iii,' inwndiip. w.-n Iiadly l.lc.kcd by one of hN horei on atuid.iy. Ilii Jaw ami cheek lioiifi weie ! liiiike, liieiatiliu- his Iijukui. I The hoard of niananrr and oirieeis of tho iliadfird County Air. knltuial iueii x,v. wlio werj 1 aueMii! lor idlowfinr Kiinibliiiir and other device! mi (he fair jiiraunk lat Sepleinlier, have been 1 li'tli.ii'iieJ on ac 10:1111 ef Lei; 01' sullleicnt oil j il.'i'te I It 14 lepoued that lie Auieiieau :HiIki cone I p.iny e.peiu to lenwie thu Alliens plant to I'liulra. The i-iion eniplojes about lour hundred UaiiiN, Tin (dory lias alriady luin eontr.idlcteil by iiood uutlii'iily. The Towanda undritakcrs have putcluifced can let lowerlim- tin In-. llaiiy and llv.i llake-i, of -a.u. the yoiulu who were on a bipin-.' toui and ancslcd at l'lthtiin u few UieUs ai.'o, have been taken in 1 In IIuim o( Itefnu'o by Sheriff Drake. I'. I!. Allen, am nt of the Philadelphia Inipiiur, had biislncha in town thl week. Mr.. CitlirrhiQ l'hlnney lias none to TVnnrsve 10 -.ni.l the winter. Mr. M. A. 'haw and iliuuhlei-, of rioiida, me t.'iiciU of frkniU in town. Tlio Chieau'ei Mai inn baud, whiih appcau at ll.ile'h Opera Jlou-e. on Satuiday evinlnir, Is eoei. posfil of the vciy best, inusfiian tliat l'rofe-io. T, P. Iliooke ran keeuie. fly Hie way, thu pre slates thai Mr. lliooko ii the (,-realest illieclor of I lie eounliy todiy, Under iilf dirct. lion, thu tlbplajs of brilliant execution aiil the 1I.1-.I1 and liwpir.itinii of the pericinuneeH .iiiua all that has been picvlously lie.iul ami mail! Ihe-e eniittits tho greatest popular muiu treau ever listened to, The baud Inn been play iuu: teiiillnmin.ly for sl e.irs in tlio larite lill'i ami nt the lan;est epodtlon. Jli, llnniet DeiiKlii r.icl.ai'd, the prima donna soprano, U Killed with 11 Miltv uf i.ue niiallly, Shi I1.1 re. eelved medal? In Italy and ebewberc, BROOKLYN. Apeelal to the Scianton Tiibune. lliookl)ii, N'cv. II, Mit, li.iH'i'. moiher of e"i.- popular nieielnnl, II. II. Oliver, iml Iho mli'niiuiio to fall and lueal her hip l.i,t week. Jlr, l'. T. Illy li.n so far icroimil that her il.uiil.li'i, Mu'. IVelhain, icluiiicd to Scmilon, iiniday. Mi--, I'.illll. P. ri iij-r, luj been avii.tini,- IUh. Kliticr IlieieJ. Il.iliif tn the illne,i nt her fathel. Ml.. Aiiic t-Uillii'C '.vill pot he able 10 eulvitajii I he leilleV .Mil fcoeUly, c wa plaiaitd. II will probably lie held ut tho elieuih, .lolin VeomaiiK U tvoiktne at I.'. II. t:iy'. Tlio iiiimiaso .ile at the Methocllt KpScop.il clurcli haj been postponed till Tuesday next, Mr. and h. Olen Nali aic preparing lo move la Moiitloee toon. I.ewli Snuier ipcnt Tuesday in Montroic. A, W, Kent l paliitiuir hl lioiue in town, KctlvJl (neetliiBS ore beliis held at the Metfio ii!,t Kpi-xopal iliuicii. Miv. ('. (J. Doran l.lted Montrow last Tuesday, Itev. (loss, of Jersey City, will five hi illus trated lecture en the I'.mion play at the InI. wrsjlUt ihuicli next -3lurtljy tvrnini; under the ampler of the V. I'. C. V. JERMYN AND MAVFIEID .lormjli uliool Irpnrt for mntith MullnB Nov. 6! N'umlior In atlendnncp, fdS iivcMito per lent, of ntlonil.llicp, t)0.30 khIii, .1 per cent. The follow Iiik inn tliDse who li,xe li" ninth Wow l!i lllcli ilu,tl, seniors Mmy Jrntdlii, W.i tlllf". l.oitKi Moon, lllltli Hnltk, Himinor !).nl. Sot) liuilni Miiiutlc M.irli. lntrtiiu'iltiite ili'iuitini'iit, clRhtli (frinlo Aiinw I'li'l, Nurii .Mnhionn, Wlnb Iml Mntilrr, .l.imrs Miittlnon, Allta O'llrli'ii, lloir- nlto Lou?, Shy Dotniwcy, Tlvunlo niniiliiislimn, Mnriraicl Miiinfuul, ,Mlte lolir". Srvcntli uroilo Minnie l'.irk, IMmt M.i.Mi.tnl, Cli.irli- IthiUc. Sixth auidc KII.I MeAnilnw, Plorcnre Allen, Cm-.i Vide. Mniiil nrlllllti!, tH.x (lllhert, Vtm Whllnmir, t.uy .Splll.uie, WIIILini Jenrt, Uml .-ImiTit. Pilimiry ilfp.iititient, llttli uMili-l'ranls IHKliliey, lllhla Phillips, I'.lolw SlililiU, Amu May Smllli, MatiMirl JcnkiiH, IMItli r.iHthil.f. I'nurlli nliiilii:thH ll.uvi'y, Mjltle Snillli. t.nw I'll Widl, lloy Wull, A i fl.irir. Sjhl.i Milks, Minnie M.uin, ,lm Itowlaml, I)miiiI SitlllvJii, Tmniiiy .liiikln, tlminn LuiKiii.tii, Miiiio iU-Clm ley, llc.itll llmiipy, frar.di Mitiv.ui', Ml' tiodi', Willie IMxMwn. Unity Kllpililtk, Atmlo I'utlcy, Mau.1 Ail.ini', f'li.lilo. flalno?, Third rmiIo Covi .rone, f.'ninor firiilllli, M.in- hmminv1. "'Up I'iji Mice Kl.ilon, Ctrl Kelly, Alfu-il Uovr well, ll.iiohl Ilf,il,i,n, AVIII.iul flrllllllu, I'lo.-ile I'rlie, .loo Moirotn, lV.inl: ('nniiiimli.un. Hurl!1 ileil'. Murphy, ltnhml l).iy, MIMiril Xellwitii'i. Tolin Ad.'iim, Until Avery. Klintr lllake. Second liinilc Ann.i Colllni, Dorothy Kliilnii, IMillo Mmoii, .M.iii le Venle, .Iiihii Kellv. Alliftt l.on;.', ,.... ...... .... .. ....... ,.i .. ....i.. .ire .Mlllllimn lliroiil .leoow. rrmiaiy ki.im who'i: iitteiiilinrc H porfret Thnni.u Clark, Xib lie Martin, Plujd Kllpililck, Ptter (lillitther. .Mltli.ul Lxn-lrr. .I.iiiks McKeithrr, .lolin Liiatli.. Hail Itennle, Tiinnut M.i)iic, Willie I'enry, Mil ilre,l filllieit, Carrie lllakf. Helen Pavhbon, livn rilniuii'N, Sitllc M.ivne, Mary TIrIio, Annie Sub llv.ni, ill.inche Mellde, Annie t'ciloiszak, May Dlclln, Caroline Afajn'"'. S. II. llarrelt, prite c I ml. Itev. M. 1J. fuller, pastor of the JlelhmlM i:ibcnp.il rlmrcli, l in New lurk. HIh pulpit will lw nlled fiiuiilay inornins by ltcv. Vi-atitU tiiml.ill, of IVckvllIe. Sunday evotilng Iho pie ultllnit oliler, Iter. ,1. V. Wntntr, will preach ami ailniliil'ler the sanaiuent. 1'ranl; Winlcri Is rotivjIoKcnt ailer Ills sevcie lcknt. I I'.itilck ltuiMy, t youiii; 111..11 of tie Had I lile, Is MifTrrinjc Willi a i-eviie alluck of tjphnlil (e er. Mw. (Jeore Mono ami son, Winnie, of Tlilul stieel, weic Ciiliuntlilo lilol ye-leiilay. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. 1'ililay "The IIou-x: That .lark lluill.1" ,?.. ,... ,. el... r - ,,-.. , IH....A.H . rMUIlll.l,l- 1.11' l.llIIUL'l fi .MILL'. .1,11 I HUV.t 1 ...! ..:nl.t Academy. All Week llunlli'y-.laekon eompiuy. Gaiety. l.at Thiee Day, "Mici.il MahN." At the Academy. 'the llimtley-J.ick.-on company, at the Acad emy of Miialc, y"lii day atternoon plajetl "Tie Palal Card," and la't cc:iir.y, "An Innocent Sinner." TeuiiUit the bill will lie "lioanike." and till afleinonn, "An Innocent Sinner." The Social Maids. Hiutit,' and Seaman.' "Social M.ilnV llii! liviiie Conii.iny" picenled one of the uiet utiiriii! hills of the -en-on at the (Jaiety .icstenhx1. Tin Soeial Maid-.' company i- headed by etri oiilin.iry talent in Joe and Nat 1'ields Ma) belle Whilninie, Mi.-s Iluuina. IStitti llobioson, Jennie l.a eau, Mile. Pilar Morin, Cteoiee K, lli's.in and I'dilie Wrolhe. The entertainment opciw with a miwieal btulelta entitled the "Water Nymph." mill clime with "The (lay Modi.-to.".'-pccialtiC'i ari iutmilueed ilui'm; the eourec of the pla)i and ome were of a nieiitoiious order, while othcis could have been well t-p.il eel. "The Oiv alodiste' is decidedly I'lendiy in make-up and liie .iteration, .-no laushable thiouKliout. Mil.'. Molin and Ceoitro lleban trail eceenl PatUi.in iniper-oiiatloiw in thi't, and Joe and Nat i'i -hl-ainl Mlvse-i Whitiiioic- and Kdwina we'ie Riven eppoitunity to Oillay their tjlent at tini-iriaMi!:; in a way that Kept the audieive in rontiiiuoiH laintliter wlieneee-r lliey appeired. The Snehl Jlalels will lie at Hie flaiety lhe lialaiie-o of tlii- week, witli matinees dally. "The House That Jack Built." Ar the Lyceum loni-thl Seiaiiton (he.iteri;neii will bale .111 opportunity uf re-einir (icm'Ko It, ItrcntlliniH'.- rew lon'.edv. "The llou-e That Jack lluill." The hi. Paul ninbe cays of it: "Tin lnealli of a plot that is necessary for all farce i-e not nioie tiian 11 bie'.itli in 'Tiie llnu-e That Jack Dullt,' but biealh a-i it ii, ill utiily is iidinirable. A man, Dr. .lack, bulltU a hou-o and pieeci'ds to fiiiliisli il and decorate il in hi own way. Willie Slab, a papir-limscr, is Kinpl'iyeel. Theic are Kiie-t-e in Iho liou.-e unu who loin each other, t-oine who elri nut ami then an the usual rntiipliciitioii neee.-s.uy In a tiiece.-ful farce. A nocl hceim in lhe second act is the paper-haUKinK one. (Il n hieli iomedy order is the lovi-inakint,- in the third act. "Tlio play, naturally, ones much of its sue-ce-s in Iho .idinii.il. 1(! inti'ipretatloti of it. that was given last evening by .1 well-balanced com. pany, Thomas A. Wise was W1IH1111 Slab. .Iml ; imr by the finih that Mr. Wise mum' lo his work lavt eveniiic, il was ilillienlt to belieie thai lhe play was receiving its flr.-t pivsentatioii be. fore a eity auilicuce. Heibert Aylliu; s, tie. .Mr, Dr. .lack "ho built the lmue. Ill-' con ception of tlie diameter is admirable, "Percy lluntinirtnu, whoit of ntatuie, hut lout; on riinianie, was luipeisonaled verv ablv bv Alfnd Klein. Tiiil W. Pettis as fledfoid M.uli. Fou, Kr,, and l!ny K.iheliild in fledloul Madison, Jr., the father that te the feu and the son that is lhe father, help the funiiiakliii; iiunieasuralily by their (.kill. (.'Iiailcs f'heny is 11 eiy per-oii. atilc lover, and his scene with Mls.s liiandop Ilouela-is In the third aeU. is delicately mammal, Anolhe-r lilt of character skelihim,' that niatclies Mr. Itioadhiirsl's Willie .Slab Is Lily I.lntou, vaudeville artLt, Inip-rsuiulrd by Mi.-s Jennie Veamaiis. So skilltul Is the piece of work tli.it it s-eems a pity Ml-s Yeamaiis' appearance should be Hoi-tin;;. Mi.-. Annie Ve.1m.1us i jn.st as clever in hir Inlirprelatlnu of the charaetii' of lhe Irish lady, Mis. Donley. M. (irale Dudley was a jnctlj and dilnty Kloicnce. Mhs Anita llrldKcr was a kls-able .laponlcie." The Ounner's Mate. ' 'I iio javalet of all naval ili.im.i pioihiiih.us, the Mime as seen la-i t.e.u-011 iluiinu' lis ny MKCOsiul . vnsagc ment at the Grand Opera House, New York, will be t-i-en at tho l,)ceiiin theater leiiuorrow' atternoon and nivlit. 'the rp. tire New York press was unanimous in Its prabe. "The new naval iliama inakes a hit. 'liven. Inw World. "It is Inailid to tin! I.ilin with aul-m ai.d heail Inleii'si," Kienlnit Journal. " 'Tho (iiinnei'- Mile' a tilt." Moinln-r Tel. euiaph. "Tlio play Went wilji a whoop and a bai K fiom stall lei I'nisli.".- Ileialil. "A luge .iiidhak-ii iiilhu,litie.illv wile ears Tho (luiii'l'o Mute.' " Timete. " 'The (litnni-i'! M-ilei' was ohecred at the flniiil Opern llouj.., last idahl.'' Mat! and l.'x pies?. "lots of uclluii III 'The ClunnerV M itc' tnoimu ralliotl-IU at its Ihst piodi;e(lon,"-'Mnnili.K jouinal. "It would bo (rcatoii to siy 'The (!i:n:ier'n Male' is not a kowI uiilodraiiu, "World. "The man wlio cannot act his money's woitli at the tiianil Opera llou-e this week Is a iilut ton with an abnormal appetite." Alan Di!e, New Yoik Journal. Bob J?it7.slmmons Coming, Hob riUsiniiiioni will be seen iie.vl TuvMlay civiiiin,' at the Lyceum Iht-uler In thu title rule ot Hob I'lU, ill "Tho Honest lllacksniltli." Sup. purlins him in addition to Mrs. riu.slniii.iiii unci tlieir toil, Hobble, jr., are iu-li well-known lueliopolliau fivoiites as Ilany lllh'ioa, liaiiU Holland, W. II. Mcllnciy, llany McV'aet l-n, Wa. thanUI Alexander, William i'.ittaii, .'elm J, 111 aely, f. AleMiider, Jack Itay-jion-J, llutli Itojal and Jesdo Italph. IMiaul Diiiilhorst Is Hob's tpanbiK parttiir, and the Idaeksinllli's iii.ilittu, .hniile Deore, l.unvtU MeCatm ai.d lh i:po.dlion I'dur, introduce clever ,pvcliltles. Hcsldos all this it should not be toiuoilen that riUilmnieii) aha ints a sonir, Mva, Winslow's Soothin-j- Syrup Has been used for over FIFTY YIIAHS by MILLIONS of MOTIiClt-j lor their (.'IIII.DHKS WIIII.K TKin'IlINT,. with I'Klll'KOT SUCCF.SS. H SO0T1IKS the Cllll.l). feOl'l'KNS the (iUMS. AI.bAVS all I'-MN'i TUJinS WIND COIJCJ, and Is the lust remedy for DHHHIIOllA. lolcl by l)riii,-;lits in every part ol tho world. De kuiu ami ak for "lbs, Wirutow's Soothing tfjiup," and tale nu olhn kind. Tweiuy-llve rent a lioltU. BRYDEN HAS A REMEDY AT LAW tCotietiieleei tiolil P.lfje 3, J not llo In favor ol n teacher In the public frhoeiM elilmlnir itndci- a conlracl a pmltlon oe c'lipled liy another lonelier Who aln thilnn tlio place liy similar nnthoilly. Fur lha reaimi tlniitlii plalntht In this ea.c! hai n. plain, of ellnni-y nnd adetii.ite remedy at law, ami after due consideration, (he nile for a pirllnilnaiy in. Junction Is tllseharired, the Itijiiuttloti itfued and the bill ill.ml-sctl. Wi have power nrr the cost, Thl-nush no fault of the plalntllf lhe present complication has eirisen. He has n ronlraet, but no hi-IiuoI, Another teacher lm 11 rolitract for the Mine place, and Is temporarily uctupylnir the podtlon. The lioard of dlrecloH are leponlble fur this cnliilition of llilnus. It is pinper thai lie! clinol elbtrlct rl.niitel pay tlio ttrtl, and we to order nnd ndjudge. In Common Pleas Court. eltidpe John V. Kelly yesterday tools up the trial of the damage case of H. A, Fox, tlie blrdinnu, ualnst William Cra Ifr. In the sprlnir of 1M9, Air. CraiR lost a valuable 'bulldog. Some time later he funnel the aulnial In the possession of Peter ZlcBler, ot tho Elk. Inquiry re vealed the fact that Mr. HIcKlcr bought tlie doir from Air. Vox. Mr. Cralff had Mr. Fox arrcsled for larceny, before Alderman John Iconic., and Mr. Fox wiiH bound over for court. The m-and jury Ignored the bill, and Mr. Fox forthwith hrouglit n daauoge ftult ntrainst Mr. Crnlfr for malicious prose cution. Mr. Fox is endeavoring to show that ho bought the dog from a party to whom Mr. Craig gave It as a present, and that the dog. having been publicly exposed for sale in the window, thero was no probable cause for lnylng a charge of larceny. Attorney Charles lt. Ilawley represents tlie plaintiff, and Hon. C. P. O'Malluy, tlio defendant. The case of K. U Gliuburg & r!on against .the Scranton Hallway company was given to the jury Just before noon yesterday. Major Everett Warren closed for the defense, ami Attorney Italph I,. Levy for the plaintiff. The 'hiding of the jury will be reported this morning. At tlie conclusion of the Glnsbunr case, which was at 11.15, a jury was sworn in the case of U VS. Orosvcnor against S. J. Cool; and others, and then court adjourned for tlie da) In honor o-f the monument celebration. Mickel Wants to Be Freed. Habeas, corpus proceedings were in stituted yesterday by Attorneys Chase & Million lo secure the release of Alfred Mickel, who was committed to the county jail, by Alderman Millar, last Thursday, In default or $1,000 bail, to answer tlie charge of fraud and forg ery. The hearing in the case will lake place before Judge Kelly today. Michel is tlie man accused of lining out the fake marriage ccrtlllciito under which young Frank Compton and Carrie Tlcdglin presumed to live as man and wife. Sheriff's Deeds Acknowledged. Sheriff I'ryor acknowledged the fol lowing deeds in open court yesterday morning: Pinperlv of Alev. A. and Nora V. Pieunaii, in Uarlmtidaic-, to Patrick shannon, leu- Sl,;;t). Propcity of Muv Diaile), adnilnbtratii.x, in Pilechurjr, to Johanna lluiiuelly, Tor ml'i.fll. Pinpeitv of Jennie V.. Uioier. in .Mevisic, lo l.eci i:. Wmden, for Sl,fKl. Property of C. T.. Silvltis in Scranton, to Mma Ilcblnsoii, for ?ST. IS. Piopretv of lltnictp C'onery. in Hirantem, lo i:. Ii. Uollin-i, lor yjl.0l. I'ropeitv of Patrick and lliidset Laikin. ill Diimuorc,' to SlowciV l'ork Paekini; and Provi sion cnnipany. fen r"'J.0U. Piopeitv of Margiret and James Marl:, in M.i) llt-ld, "to l.oliny M. Seliooiiover. for S5I.TI. I'roperly of M.ny II and James .1. Ilueiisliilty, in Duiimnie, to James 11 itaii hfoi'd, for ?"n. I'inpeil) id Jn-epli A. (icuilil, in Seranlon, to e.-..iile-s S. Seamans'. for ill 17. I'ropeiiy of l.uke and P. v. llor.in, in Scran 111. to .l.iini-s K. Ili.uly, for S,",,17. It Pmpeitv of Jolm II. .Ionian, ailiiiiiu-tiator, in Arihhnld.' to Manaiet l'ad.len. for tj.-il.H7. Properly of 1'iank Dnonlo. in 111 ilcly, to New Sclii'llcr Hullilincr and loan a-ocialion, for .S-.-7.7l. Marriage Licenses. I'r.iiiee--io Aulbu'-eicia Pitl-lon rilnnieni DilipailU Pitt-till M.okn Menlehillo Old I'.iiko Pa-iU.i.! Tede-cii Old l'omo Saliatcie III1I1.111I Dunmore l.iie-li f'nwena Piiiiiuoni Tony Telnico ("d roii;c: Jo-ophine l.upeie Old I'oiki TAYLOR. Xialit s. hcnl .-c'sslon-; opened in tlds burom.li on Monday cunilK. Tills all'ords a iri.iml op 1'oitunity fur our yniintr people who cannot find time to' attend the iliy session. The s.ehoo!.j wheiein nipht fes-Joni are held are No. 1, Noilli Main htreet, in charitc of Professor J. P. Foley and Ml! Mattle Powell; No. 2 school, Orovo stiect, in charue of Jll Hattle Mackenle, JIM Su-le Han is-, Mli-s IMItii Watkins and Miss l.il ll.in i'.vans. No .silivc clue bai jet been found In the identity of the body of the Infant which n tound in lhe South Taylor woods. The body of the infant Is ill the iiminue uf I'lideitaker J. 11 Davis to await lurtlier outcome and the decision of tlio coroner. The celebrated WiilKIm family of imislililtn, comprised lei follows: Mr. John Walkin?, cornel: Master Fddle, lollutil; Sfjuli'i llany, clulonet, and Miss I'raucci!. planl.t, nnd Miss Flossie Pan Held, pirtielpateel ill lhe enteitatnnieiit nt the llimpleiii Street Melliodbt Cplhcopal chuieli, Hyde I'ail, last eveninir. The cominpr ei.steddfud of lhe Wc-l-li llipll-l chinch, to be lie-Id in till town on (hiistiuai day is leronilns- the alirliliw topic of on. people. The coinniltleu In charge) is laborln-j; nsslduciisy tn make this cu-nt a micci-.su and ask the co-opera Hon of the public, The pro ceeds eleiivcil theietioiii will ku to leplciilsh the tliinch treasury. Tho prnirriimm of U-o day Is eeitalnly well seleckd and will .surely be nioro than 11 treat lo time who ik-sho tu be prnwiit. Mii. J. W, li.iu.ei and iluii-liUr, Mis. Ildlth, were Ktiest-i of Ml-s niiIIIi, matron at the Wet side hospital, Sel-antnn, on Wcdncday, Iniinclldii ciimiii.iiidery. No. 232, ICultshls of Jlaltn, will meet this cvcnliiK in rrsular Fe..son. Itev, ami Mu. Clinton II. Henry have been vUlting Iriend-i in Alderum, Pa,, lor lhe pait few daj-i. Misler I? J. Unwell, of Main slicer, 1 iudl posed. Tlii! ciiiiililloii of Jo.epli lieiw, who was su badly injured In the Taylor mine on Wednesday. Is iiiiproiiiiii m well a, ean ho expected anil at tin preent writlns good hojies are enteilalned for lii-i iceovrr)-. Her. John Mrl.oiiiihlln, foinu-lly of Kentucky, hut now of this town, is d.Misorcmfly ill at the lioinu of his pai 1 ids. A foot ball contest will Ii? pla.u-d 011 Hij Itlverdde iriouuds on Thuiksalvlnif clay hftween mo icprcscntilivo reams and on the sliuve duo the font bill entliu-lasts will be Riven a lieat, PECKVILLE. A nuipriao pally wai Kiieu in honor ui Mi.i May llriimliKo at licr home on South Main street Wcdiiciday cvi-nlni,', Nov, 11. 'i'liu eve ulna: w-u pent ery pleasantly by liidulidm,' in i;aiiie and iiiiuiv, Tlio-se pie.-cnt weiei: Mlsse-, I'lanec) Wllllinu, Nina Ilninelaije, Mabel I'luiniuei-, I'liin ces Sipiler, lUlicl Slicrci'i C'aule Cooke, Malwl Moon, llauiiah Keliatmie, i'lorencc I'uole, Lillian HuIjo, Curio Itot. Myittc Hitter, Lena fiindjll, Don hlcWw.-l'cail lliiindaitc-i MeM. Joe lln-,'. lili, Itohtit Jones, btanley Mum, Henry l)ol, Thoniai Wllllanu. Andiew Moiitebclla, 1'iaiili (7i'iidall, llowjul UniudaKe, Lawie'neci lloiistiln, KayTlioipe, Hairy I'ecl;. fieort'e I'etk, Joe lteese, l-'ianl; Wllllanis, Stanfuid Hee.e, t'la3 No. 1 of lhe 1'iobyterlati Sunday school is ivUC"ited to meet ut thu church Satuuljy evening, Nov, 17, at 8 o'clock. It iv. J. i Wainer, I. I.'-, will bold Urn iusr teily confercne'e pt tho Methodist Kpiseop.il eliurdi Paturdiy .itnnr at 7.80. Lovo feait. SaMutli inoiiilniir, D.SO; prraehlnir at ln.SOi id' i-einmi at 11. 10. TEST FOR YOURSELF The Wonderful Curative Properties of Swamp-Root. To Prove What the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of The Tribune Hay Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by flail. It used .to ho considered Hint only tirlnury and bladder troiiblen were to ho traced lo the hldneys, hut now modern nclenee iiiovch thnt nearly nil iIIsciihch hiive their beglnnlm? In the disorder of these moat linporltuil or gan h. Tlie ItldneyH filter nnd purify the blood, Hint In their work. So when your hielnoya nro wcuk or out. of order, you can undeirtund liow Illicitly your entire body In affected, and hov every organ acorns to fall to do its duty. If you arc hIcU: or "feel badly," beshi tiiklnir the itnioiiH now discovery. Hr. KlltiKM'.i Hwnmn-rtoot, becreUsc as noon iih your kldticyH are well they will help till tlie other orisans to health. A trial will eonvlnee anyone. Ainon-r lhe many famous! cults of ?wainp. Itool Invcitlmiteil by The 'lilbune. tlie cue which we publish today lor Iho benefit of cur trnilciH pc.ibi in the highest leims nl tlie uoiiiteiful Liiratiiu piou-itles of llilJ urea! kldnev rcineiti. Mm. Maty Hnin.ii.i', rthiii'icsitcr, Tev.i', wrltei: "I write to let you lenow I am well and owe tny h-altli In Svanip-Itnnt. I was so weal; In my b.lrli that I tonld sit up but a Utile while ut a Htm. Had to net up to urinate irom (.c-icn tn ten flnies throuah the ulliti .-oulil tcep lilt a few inlntitcn at a time! would wain up in tiled I rnuld hardlv mole: felt like a heavy weight en inv iheil: fret mill and needled in cl.i.v time; headat-he all the time. Wenk find unhealthy kidneys are rennonslblo for many kinds of dlseitsei, pnd If permitted to eontlnuo much Eiilferlni: with lnlal resulta are sure to follow. Kldnev trouble Irritates the n.-rves, makes you ii7.yy, reHtless. sleepless nnel irrltahlp. Makes you pass water often durinp; the day and obllpes you to fret up many times clurlntr the iiIbIU. Unhcillhy kidneys enusu rheumatism. Bi-avel, catarrh of tlie bladder, pain in the back, joints and ninscles: makes your head ncho nnd back ache, causes indigestion, stomach and liver trouble, you set a sallow, yellow complexion, makes you feel as though you had heart trouble: you may have plenty of ambition, but no strength; net weak nnd waste away. HBADACIII2 ALL THB TIMIi. , tilUinpr Swump-Ttoot you rxf- ford natural help to future, for Kidney 2nd Bladder Troubles Alake Men and Wo-'iivnmp-ltoot is the; most perfect men Miserable. "V'l'l J.YN." xsm r 11 ) P vi ml m3rTC rrimjwwi ... - 'VSSSiftlsWV ' X -TJ.Vlt7IJ --ft-- -vsi-'fi - - v.' y-t"iiw. EDITOSIAL .NOTE- Swaxnp-Koot, the great Kidney, Liver and Bladder remedy, is ao remarkably succass fttl that a special arrangement has been mado by which all renders of Tho Tribttno, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent absolutely free by mail. Also a book telling all about kidney and blad der troubles and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured by Swamp-Root. Be sure and mention reading this generous offer in tho Scranton Daily Tribune, when sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New Yoik, Nov. 1.". .SIichkUi was lencwed ill the slock m.ukcl tenia)-, but then; was not hint, iiko a resumption of tlie .speculative enthib-iaan of la-l week. Thu movement In Great .Noitherii pick-lied and Union l'acitic was utlrihalcd tu repents of 11 wnikin; aepeimcnl looking to cj-ti-iioion of tiafile into each other's territory. Northern Pacific, alter a lather .sIlRht advance, fell bad; lo abuut lat lilulit'u lei el. Consolb dated I!. is, Coiitlneiilal Tobacco, I'rople'H (Jai, Tenit-.see Coil, llrnokljn Kapiil Ti-unsil and some oilier spec laities were Mroiur ill the same way. The pmfi.-slonal piosure aitiilust tuc- mar-ke-l was icl.eU'd and the-ii.- were no (ml her Kisiw ef invent liquidation, although pioflt t.illni; imw in evidence at some points alt clay. Money was appiecia'.d.v ca-ii r. Tolal rales, 6i;i,S0D haics. 'I lie liond 111 uKuL was of the same character a-i t lie stock niail.el, hIiom lusr slrcinith. but iut at lhe liiali level nf I Hi we el:. Total sales, par alne, W.TC'O.iJ'Xi. U. S. rcfeu.diii'r -Js and the .Vs c-ouiinn ileclineel ',.', per cent, and do. lecij-li-reil .iml the 11I1I l, !i pel cenl. on lhe lasc f ill. Tlie follou-lnc: cuototlons are furninhed The Tilbune bj- M. P. Jordan & Co., rooms TOj-700 Mi-grt liulldingr, se-ranlun, Pa. Teleptioue fOM: ' Open. High- Low. Clos. 111;.. e-t. est. inir. Ameiiran Nntar l"0Vj llll'i VS)'h VWh American Tobaec-n 1D1I 11HU 10'-a KliH. Am. blcel & Wilt 11 13 'Ml i::U Atebi.-Oll '."i'h .Ilea iij's !M;Sl Alchlsiin I'r '."& TP'i ili'A " Rrook. Traction Cli'i 70?i TUVi Ilalto. k Ohio f-lU M',-a PlV, & t Vi. ("out. Tobacco IIIU SO'i .ll'i &Y Clies. Ohio :a:. ::' r..'.:i nli Chic-, ft (it. West 15; K'U 1S,4 l!i Chic, It. & i i:WJi WIVb 1U' lT)-k ft. I'aul 1!2 1-J-iTa 121 132V& Hock Island lPIVi tWU 112-i 1131J. IM. .t Hudson lUV.1, IPITi llQli llU'.i laicKawanme 11. If HI IS IS! f-l Kcdeial .Steel W& IS'A 4-sts Keel. Mcel, I'r V 7.i!i 7l''a 7-r Kan. le Tev.. I'r .'Il'i 117 i-7i "' l.ouis. .: x.wh 7a'.i 7i)?.'t 7ti 7nv-, Man. Klevated 1IOV1 HW's ICs-U W) Met. Traction pill 170 IfiiiH liTjii Mis--o. l'acliio r.ini mi. r.n .vi?:, People's fias lis1! tm'.-j dSW- nS"i N. .1. Central H2'i 1W ll-.'ij 111ft Southern lMoifli! ItU -It-U II IMi Xoilolk .t We.l U'.'i -I-2-U UYt I!'! Noitliiin l'acilie fit"i m'i IB'... IB-Ji Nnrlli. Paellle. i'r 7m.'. w 7il 70 X. V. Central i:s jsn-n ins j:w--i Ontaiio l Wi-lein ... i.-.-Ji tiVi -Mi,; Ttt l'eiuia. It. It 142 1U 111 111); Paellie Mill mv Id's l.-4 t.!a llciulimr liy .'') 20 10!i l!l"j tlenilinir, I'r. i'-T'i (VHi iii; 1)2',-, .Oniitlieiii it. II 1"Ti 1-iTi W-H l-V-i Soutlie-rn, I'r iin',i ill UiVi U)?L TVim. Coal .c lion .... 71)',; 72 70 "HI If. ,P. Leather IS Lift IS IS IT. S, Leather, I'r 771,, 77',i 7H-'., TH-Ji r. s. iiubber an; snu, iw :!iii Union Vaeill n7 11.S !', (.7-!l I'nion IMillle, I'r, .... 7d'6 Rflli Tti'.S fo'.i Wab.-i.li, I'r -.11'. i 20?; SOU ID'.J Wutcrn Union St slVi SI K' xiivv yoiik I'ltoiiiici: r.xciiAxai: iMticr.3 Open llleli. Low CI01. WI1i:.Vr, inif. e-t. Mt. Inc. Doccir.bei 7M.'e 7'i T.! 7n'j May WIS SI9i Mill Sl'i COIIX. neciinber WU I'l't l-IV, W?; .May I2!i I2?i t2',i 12-Ji Scranton Board of Trade Excluxngu Quotations All Quotnttonu Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Firnt National Haul. Hcrantnn Satlnu'S Hank Seraiiton I'aelcliii! Co. , Third National Hank , nime Deposit and Discount Haul; ,, Kronomv l.li;lit. . ' ,f ;, Iji-la. Trust tiafe Deposit Co Scranton I'alnt Co Clink it bnuver Co., I'r. Siianton Iron Feneo 4: lifer. Co. ... Keranten Axle WorU I.sclawaniki DaIiv o.. I'r, County Savlm-M Hani & TnU Co.,, I'lisl National Hank (l.'aibondale),. Hid. Aikn MO ,,, 300 93 "2S 2111 ... ID 130 ... SO 12S ... 10.1 "S l COD ... SM 15.S 100 ... US ,,, 115 .,, US ... ,.. 100 ... 102 i Slaiiil.iul luiiiio- co ,,.,.,,,,, ' Tiaders' Xattouil Haul. .,,, bcranton Holt ami .-mii 10 itoxns. Ktionton rassenmr Itaibvay, Drst Moi limuc. due IIW) ..-.... le-oplc-' Slieel Hallway, llrst inoit- coifc, due l'Ui People' Street Itaibvay, llciioral mcitsaae, due 11)21 ,....,,,,.,.,. Dickson Maimfacturinit Co. , laicka. Town-hip t-cliool f, ier cent. City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per cent. ,,,.., , Seianton Trution 0 per cent. ,,,,, in Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. 0. Pte, S7 Laekiwuuna. Ave,) Butter Cieailicry, 2Ja2lc; dairy tiius, 23c. FKirt, Selec t weatem, 17c; nearby ntate, lite. CIieee Full cream, new, UMc. li.-iitu Per hu.. choice mairo'V. Vi. Id: medium. , fj2.aj; pea. 12-SO. I Potatoes tOc. Onions (JOc. ht bu. i I'leur-lU-st pitenl, "jl.U). I lonlel not Iceep my ntliid on erne ubjecl nunc than it few m-cou-U at 11 llnte. I wnnld fntiri't what I v.ii talleliu nboiil. 1 sent for a Mtiiplo buttle of Swiiinp-ltoiil, and sliic-o then I have tal.en siv lare bnlllen purchased of my dunrulst, and am ai well in cer I wn. I ean'l llmnk joti i-nntih for the won- ileifnl irond vonr Sevainii-ttont did for me. "I caw Sivainti-ltnot lo my llltle Rlrl. She emild not held her urine. It cured her. Seuii bottlt'H rureet in both. If you wish tn pi hit any nf tills letter, elo mi. I remain ymi Iririiel, mid wish you sueeess unit Ions? life, Mnv you find rest after jour latum ate tin isheel." Mitij. MAItV 1IOMANS. Jan. t, 1D00. Manchester, Texas, healer anil scntle nid lo tho kid neys that Is known to medical science. If thero Is any doubt in your tnlnd us lo your condition, take from vour urine on rising: about four ounces, place in a glass or bottle and let it stand twenty-four hours. If on examination It 13 ftih-sYf ', milky or cloudy. If. there is a brick' WTT-W' 1l,s'; setllintr, or If small particles - float about in it, your kidneys are in need of immediate attention. If j-ou are already convinced that Swamp-Ttool is whit you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at tlio drug stores everywhere. Remem ber the luxinn. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Bool, and tin; address, ningiiam ton, N. Y. wc WHEN ) STRONG (To WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY S& Ave f Tv?i W. virnr In Ch u-hnl KImi.. All a',ln, LsV" arc properly cur:d. their condition .5" Mailed sealed. Price ii per box; 6 boxes, with Iron-clad lerjal guarantee to euro or refund Ihi - moaey.is.oo. Send for free bcok. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Clevaland. 0.' vtCTiCix-tst For Sale by JOHN H. Spruce street; PHELPS, Philadelphia Grain antl Produce. Philadelphia, Xov. 13. Wheat riiinj contract Siacle, Nov., 72'.'.a72vic'. Corn I'll 111, 'jc. bleth er; Xo. 2 mixed, Xov., 42fiiiWe. Oats Steady, but quiet; Xo. S white clippcil, 2S.12V&.. llutler l'inn and ','mc. higher; l.mey wi-slcin cieamci)-, 2lio. ; elo. priiit-i, 2-c. H;gi--l-'iriii; fresh near by, 20c-.; do. western, 2Jc; do. .southwestern, 21c; do. MJiithein, 2.!c. Clieesc Quiet; Xew York full creams, fancy Mmill, llallVec. ; do. do. do., fair to choice, lOalOflc Itelined suirara I'lichansed. Tallow .Steady; city prime in hhdi., 4;Jac; couutiv- clu., blil.s.. I'.ialTif.; calce-s, Ssc. Cotton Finn nnd 1-Kic. liiKlu-r; middliti'r uplamls, 1(1 J-lCc. Live poultry (Juiet; fnwls-, I'aD'.-c.; old roontem, dliaTc. ; fpnne ehieUcii-, i.l!sc. ; ilucKs, 1alOc-. ; Keenc, OalOe.; 1 111 Keys, fljltlc. Dies-eel pouluy 1'irni, uoml demand; lowls, choice, 10c; do. fair to frond, iMU'.e.; old roosters, fli&i. ; nearby sprimr chiekens, Uu 12c.; western elo., Ual2e. ltfcelpts ITour, -I,IK ban els, and 0.':n,2IS pounds in nacks; wheat, 2il,fHK) beislnb; coin, lir),ool buslicls; oat, 27,1)00. Shipments Wheal, 7,one) LuslicU; com, (W.Oem bushels; oals Ul.iW), New York Grain nnd Produce. ' Xew Yoik. Xov. 13, Flour Market was epiiet ' link u trille steadier. Wheat -Spot lin-i; No. 2 led, 70lje. f. o, b. allo.lt; Xo. 2 led, 77)io. ' delator: Xo. 1 iioilhein Dulutli, StVtc. f. o. b. nlloat. Options ste.uly ami uiic'liau;ed, fnlluwed , by weakno. An iiftvrnonn rally lolloeved, and liie close was llnu at Uc net advance. Nu. 2 led, March, Sl-lie.: May, Fl'st.; Xov.. 77-Vic.; Dec.. 781 .'.o. Com Snot llrm: Xo. 2. I'i'.ic. ele. j tin, and 47'ic. I', o. b. nlloat. Options nlcady In III m all day; closed thin and J,sc. net ad vance. May eloseil 12'..; D"i,, l:i:),c. OiU Spot fit in ; Xo. 2, 2tlc; Xo. II, 2S,,!!e.; Xo. 2 white, 2b'.-ac; Xo. ;i while, 2sc.; tiat': mlscil vcslein, "Ul&aJTc; tiaek white we-tein, 27',U .').!. ; tiaek white ftate, 271iaaie'. Opliuus eiirlct but hteady, Hutter Firm; creamery. P'a27c; factory, UlalS'-ic; .lime creauie ry, lSa2ti. : iinl tiitiou c-reameiy, llalS'.ic ; state elairy, lfa2Se. Cheese Steady; Sept. laitey, Ul-flc; small Sept. fancy, lie.; law Oct. fancy, 10',iat0',c; mull Oct. fancy, lOiic. Kints Siiohkj stale' and I'lliiia,, 22a2Sc; western, lettul.il paekini.', 21a 2jc. ; e-tiui, loss eitr, 27e, Chicngo Grain nnd Produce. Clilraujo, Xov, 13, WIic.it hailns been sold In :e stand-till, rallieel today e hie liy on piuflt lal. IniC by shuns, iiIiIioiirIi tlierc was kiii-.c neves ol u liulli-li hue. Ilcccmlier cloud 'ic. enir yes terday, Coin closed n t-haele higher and mils im cliainrcd. I'ioUlom advanced on llcht Uvx re ceipts. Cash limitations were as follows: I loin Dull and easy; Xo. !l Hpiins ulic.it, l.s',1 a7.lc.; Xo. 2 led, 7;i.i7o-Hc.; Xo. 2 corn, il'i'iH Jlt'lic,: Xo. 2 yellow, .'J'lVia W.j.i-. ; No. : o.m, -'.iilMlio.; Xo. a white, 2He-.; Xo. .1 while, 21a Sllfai. ; Xo. 1 lla, hl.7li.il,77; Xo. 1 nouhwe-ii, sl.77: timothy, ifl.a.i; pork, Hii.iui'j.il0.7S; lard, is7.2iU7.2Ji lib.. ifi),W)a7,2a; hhonlilci-s, aSvici side, i-n.e0aU,Vil; whiskey, -l.27. Su-ear. Cut loaf, i;0.1S; ssiaiuilate-el, v.7."i. Gliicfigo Live Stock Market. Cliiniejei, Xov, 15. Catlle Hfielits, ii.iii). in cluillns: 100 Tcmius and 200 westcini; seed tn cl.olei-, blionir to ICc hinlier; pour and rough medium, i-lnw; pativcii, best mi (.ale today, I carload of yeai litem nt ttXM; stood to piinw ttecio-, tf3.IO.iB.0ui pour In medium, ',I..'I3.iS..hi; f-rleclesl fcede-is, sloev, iSUS-iLill; inheil blil irs, weak. f2.50a.'l.&i); rown, eheiiee, liiajier, A2.70 ai.25; helfeirs, choice, clroiicr In Hl, Idehir, .7S nl.73! rjiiuvm, ttcady, lfl,50.i2.00; bulls, steady, l-2.3al,0; calves, alnut sle.uly, ?la3.73, Tixans Uel on ualei today, 7 t-.itis of uraseer-i at tfli Tcvas fisl stecM. islal; Texas si-is' "tvciv, f0.3S al.)fij Tctas bulls, 2'..',0a.;.;;s, lldg ItccclpU today, Sl.tmHi lomoriuw, 27,. Ue.l; leil over, l.noo; tin mils hi-ilier. clodn.-i-hade easier; top, v-"-cVi lulved nnd biitchci--;, tl.7fM1.US; pioel to ciieiice heavy, ?t.S0a!.nS; icuiili be-avy, i-l.reial.7Si IIkIiI, l."0.ij.0il,ii bulk of sales, f l.t'M). Sliee--ltetelpts, lH.neiO; ihecp, fleady lei t.hade lower; lieaiy cwv, lOo. lower; lambs, S lo 10 cents lo.vei'i lined to rholee .villu-M, 1,'lal.Ud; fair to chotco niivccl, v).73a.lil; western blicep, flal.'JSt TVvas oheep. ij-!.Wai.tli; native lantiii, W.S1a1.S0; wistcin lait.lis, f.1aS.2S. New York Live Stock. New York, Nov. IV Iljuvea Yi'iy Utile tiadi j jeeliii'i, steady; calves, r-u'et; veals. bleadv; grasseis, nominally weak; )rals, $SaS',0; liule calves, llal.50: fed calves, yJ.W. Sheep In llbcial supply and shale lower; lambs, fteady, !ieep. i2.50j.23; lambs, fl.7J S.bS; culls, ft; Canada laniU, ;,3.tV.iS SI. IlojsSteaily, at tf3.2Sa3.50 tor whole ramie. East Liberty Stock Market. fct Libel ty. Nov. 15. Culllc-.Stead.v-; extia, 5.50u3.(JS; j'rlme, ijl.2iU.13t-; common, li:i.Uj. Hoys Stead)-; -all yrades, ?3.03a3.15, lousli, n 5o.ii.7o. Shcei Steaily; choice uell.eis. $l.el.P); com. ir.on, il.0a2.50: ilioicc bmls, IJ5.'.'3.15.J0; com mon o good, ).C0aS; veal calves, $7a7.W. R&Wftgl DK. KILMEE'S HK P SWAMP-ROOT KB ?i vH I X"' ''''"rand Biadder jBWt jjfj8J Mar toko one, tnn or HH i' liiXii threo tecupocntula before HKj y, j JlvJj oruflcrmmb ami at bfl- HHjH '(tjfM i Children Jem ucc-orcUsc hIwmBJ w jffw 8 pmnll doses r.ncl lncrennto HH rt in 1 u (0"3 or mur0 ua t10 B1' -Tftw'l $ ea.o would tecmtoreqtilro. Hft SwieflR tu'i'o.'.aehMc.ittr.-hoftho tjjKjlHf: S5---'.Uivi 5 hteiUcr, pr.-..-eI, tLfiiiii.i- HRK1 flVlJj.i'-.W f, tiiui.himlineotu'.dlirlttht'e PPp3?t'( -eivl'-iri ) I':sa:B,whie;UJi)t;io vonl (oLJMQh V&M f on" ut 1;l'-luey clUea:e. rattCBib1 fi' niiplrosa-itloU.l.-e. KW, Hs'O't'nl rnE?ARt-D 0U-Y BSiff' 'wM i or. Kfi.ir.ER & co., MnjP; pfMS BINQHAMTOS, K.Y. WftW'- ptrlf HoMbj-nUDsHwliU. K; (Siiv.unp-Itoot Is pleasant to take.) Theyhave itood liie tell of yetn, aim leave cured inousamu 01 ycases of Nervous Diseases, such las Debility, Dizziness, Sleepless F ness and Varicocele3ttroohv.&c. KlW a. W&f- They clear the brain, strengthen tnc circulation, mane aigesnoit -..fa., ,n,l lmnw O I. f.ktf qnH Irtei-e ?ita rlif-pl--rl 4fttritrntv IfnlM nsltnM often worries themlnto Insanity. Consumotlonor Death. Fharmacist, ccr. Wyoming avenue and ea Trips of two to fvc days' duration, aic offered by the OLD BOffilO,. LINE TO Norfolk, Ua, Old Point Contforf, Ua. Richmond, Ua. Washington, D. C. Steamers tall daily except Sunday fiom Pier 29, Xoilh HIvit, font of Ilcach street, New York. Tickets, ineludint,' meals and stateroom acconi. uiodatlons, $1.1.00 and upward. I'm full information apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81 Beech Street, New York, N. Y. II.II.WAUvlIlt.Truf.Mm. J.J.rillOWX.li.P.A. BUY THE GENUINE P OF FIGS ...MANUFACTURED DV ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. MVl'H Til J'. .VAMK. Prof.G.F.TfSEEL.M.D. N.3.h Tl I (ill luff llllltllt IM I piurillllllCf llllt IIUI- , rri..-4.lf. ir.. D RIV ATC filf A l. t IBIl Cf JC4 .f,niJSE.S.Pl0n3PQI.$0V.NIRV0USDIBIUTV.1 J-VLIST MANHOOD. VAHIC0CIU4, SJHICTURI1 U1 ..-"tiKiuMtiiii;),! iiJrfrli'pmrnlt,fliiriiiisavr(i. LUij'firt'riti4i,'we-ir'iipI'iui"p'r.'rinjinuriinni, Srntirjrljtiaklrutlt'tiiitilnvmrdlfalAfUrlrltiUr '".'" ' Oil' Market." Oil City, Nov. 13. 'Credit balances, 103; tor t. (levies, no bid, ?hipim'ii, lul.PJl; average, liyioa. Huns, WUiil; avcragt SU.7W. n.-alci- shall I marl. It '('. 0, 1)" tl:o .-aina a before? Il'i)er-Xei, sir, i didn't fel thai until u day and a half A lnlf nfiti' I ordeied it. Suppo, cni mail, this "l'. 1). Q." llOHton Trancripl, t100 Hewnrrt $100, The leadtis of liiis paper 'will bo pleased to leain tliat llieic il 91 l-'.'H one drcadeel dtseai that H'len-.e has been able tu cum in all in itusjca und that Is euiarih. IIhII's t'jtanli Cms is hi only positive cine now known lo Iht medical fraternlly. Cutaiili bfinj a coustilu. tlonat eli.e.i-c, ic.ulici a cciistitutloiial trer.i n.cr.t. liali;s Catauh (,'uio is taken tntsinally, uctiusr diicclly upon the blood and mucous gu; face et tho syoieiu, thereby cJctio)incj tbi IcuiieUiieii vl the t'Ucasc, and yivinj tlio patient tti'ctwth by 1'iiil'IIiij up the constitution ml uvlaliiK natuie in doing Its work. The propris. tors liavo to miicli laitli in its curative) power, that thoy offer cms lluudicd Dolltrt (or any c-.ics thai it lulls' to cuic. Send (or list ol tcstb inonlal,. Addros. V. .1. CHEXKY & CO., Toledo, O. Isold by ilrusjftlslr, t5c; Hall's ramlly Pill, aic the belt. Short SYRU i -;