5jwESw?5SmS?S ltl.-?i lW V ' i i i jy 6 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1900. WEST SCRANTON THEY SHOULD BE LOYAL RESOLUTION OF WEST SIDE CENTRAL REPUBLICAN CLUB. Calling Upon the Legislative Elec tors to Stand by the Party Prin cipals and the Will of the Ma jority Y. W. C. A. Meetings and Doings Marrlago of Victor Noth and Miss Journey Funeral of Mrs. Stevens Aldermnnic Cases and Other Notes. Tho West Side Central Republican club held a spirited mooting liutt ovon infr. at which a set of resolutlmiH In troduced by Charlc.i Jl. Acker caused considerable dl.'icus.ilon. Yhoy pertain to tho action of the newly elected rep resentatives In the next loRlslnture and call for united efforts on their part in behalf of the party and ltn princi ples. The full text of the resolutions adopted follows: Whcreae, The pa-ewcro ot the illy nf Scr.inl'm trom third to wtowl diss appears tn h un lis Hired fact, which hut awaits the rcrtiiicatu of the governor of the commonwealth tor confirmi tion. As the laws gowmlm: cities of the second cl.ua nppcar to be Inadequate for the can till nml judicious rcRiilatlon of city iitF.ilrs, It Is im Vortant that legislative merurcs be enaded thnt will awuro a wise, clean and economical go em inent thereof. Nothing, therefore, should be per mitted to lessen or weaken the influence of om lcpicscntatl.es in promoting this ilcsliahle leg islation; mid Whereas, The needs of (lie several Irtish! Ivo lMrict.s of Lackawanna rounty are ol too Rre.it imporlaneo to lie Jeopardised by any fictional discord which msy now, or lieieaftcr, eist with in the party; and Wherein, Individual influence ami effort, on the part of representative, are ineffective and lutile unless supported hj pcrty lcadun and lrprular party innuence; therefoie, be it ItcsoUrd, That it is the sense ot the West Mde Central Itepubliean chili that the icprcen-taties-elect of the several legislative ilistikts of Lackawanna county should enter the pirty cm tin when held at Ilanisbure;, participate in its deliberation.! and l.e Kocrncd by Its dcci'-lim-, 1o the end that the needs and leepumnints which they will be CTpccted to triuird ind ado. tale may not he ignored or ciidanircied. The rcsoliltioiiB vcro dhciisoctl by several members and each tool: occa sion to express their views. C. K. Gi ver spoke on the importune1 of adopt ing the resolutions.. The adoption of inesp resolutions, he said, was not for i lie benefit of the representatives to the lepteiature, but for the people whom the- will represent, and if the party and Hb interests are not pro tected our institutions supported by the state will suffer In consequence. Th" representatives cannot afford to Good Enough Cough remedy. Dufour's French Tar is what you need. Hosiery Fashions For Ladies. An exhibition, of the latest and worthiest productions in Ladies' Fancy Hosiery will interest many of our visitors on Saturday. The full season's line will be shown iu a special display at aud near the Hosiery Department, but if you art. in a hurry and have only time to give a" passing glance at Ihe Latest Hosiery Prettiness See Our Windows on Saturday . Many new and attractive novelties have lately come to hand and one of the most astonishing' things about the new productions is that some of the most beautiful are easily within the reach of the moit moderate purse. There Won't Be Room to Show 'Em - Iu detail ou Saturday, but if you ask about them you'll find that we have the most complete line of Cashmere Hose for Infants' aud Children's wear iu l the city. All sorts aud sizes are here at your com maud. Special Bargain for Saturday Only ioo dozen Ladies' Ingrain Hermsdorf Dye Hosiery, black, w th split feet. The regular price is 370 a pair, aud they're tull regular made aud a good me dium weight. Bargain Price on Saturday Only.... Globe Warehouse pn counter to the wlshr. ot tho ma jorlly ot their party. David K. Jones was of the opinion that the representative from tho Klrst I'.'Klslitllve district was elected tin anti-Quay man, and ho did not favor tfh adoption of thu resolutions, Oaylord Thomas tlmURht. the resolu tions ought to be adopted. Charier n. Acker, who Introduced the rc.xolutlons, also spoke In favor of their adoption. Y. W. C. A. Notes. The T. r. C. club met last pvunlng. The proRramme was In clmrsc of the president, Miss Maud ThnnuiH. All Klrls owning dolls should resis tor at tho rooms next week for tho "Dolls' Carnival." Mr. Koohler'H cierman elat's will niret this I'Venlnjr at S o'clock. Sirs. Knottier is one of tho best Herman toaeherr In the city, and as a result rapid progress Is shown. Tuesday evening, Nov. 20, Mary Haines Hall will five the llrst of ti aeries of iiractlcal talks to till 1m ami women, "Our Hodles and How to Car.! for Them." A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to all women nnd jjIrR The Hospel service on Saturday evening will be In chaw of Mlsi Helena Claik. the assistant secretary of the. central association. The meet ing bcKlns piomptly at. S o'clock. All are welcome to these services. This afternoon at 1 o'clock, Itev. George Alrich will meet his Hlble class at p.'ayer service. All women unit fflrls are Invited to attend. Today Is the special day In tho young Women's Christian association week of prayer. Service at the rooms. 115 Main avenue at '1 o'clock. All members andfrlends are requested to attend. Simpson Church Supper. Another large crowd of diners were served with a palatable supper at the Simpson Methodist Kplseopal church last evening. Seasonable viands from fried oysters to ice cream wen pro vided in the usual manner which has made these ladles famous for their ability in the cooking line. Pour tables were spread and were presided over by the following: Table No. 1. Mrs. Josle Knauss, Misses May .Tones and Hachael .Tones. Table So. 2 Mis. David Hodgson. Misses Florence Keith and Kuth Ack er. Table Xo. :l Mrs. James It. James, Mrs. George Friant and Miss Helen Gillette. Table Xo. I Mrs. E. Y. Har rison. Mrs. F. C. 3I.ill and Miss Lulu Haywood. Mrs. Hall was generalissimo of the affair and Mrs. Richard Castner acted as cashier. In the cookery were Mrs. Krigbaum, Mrs. X. Jacobs, Mrs. A. D. Keith, Mrs. Seth AVrigley, Mrs. Eliza beth Jenkins, Mrs. Summerhill and Miss Annie Summerhill. Popular Athlete Married. Victor E. Xoth. of 1123 Lafayette street, the popular instructor of the Scranton Athletic club, and Miss Es tella M. Journey, of Rockland, Dela ware, were united in marriage at 0 o'clock last evening the parsonage of the Chestnut Street German Presby- 25c a Pair terlan church, Itov. Jacob Bchoettlo performed tho ceremony. The couple were attended by John It. Hoth nnd Miss Emma Wlrth, of South Scranton. After thn nuptial knot was tied tho party repaired to the homo of tho Broom, where n re ception was tendered them. Mr. Noth Is a clever alt-round athlete and until recently was onBaged rui an Instructor In Byntnastlo work In Philadelphia, where ho became acquainted with the bride, who Is a young lady or charm ing personality nnd an amiable dis position. They will reside on Lafayette street. Before Alderman Kelly. Joseph Copota was arraigned before Aldermnn Kelly last evening at the Instance of Olovanla Descliuniii, who charged him with stealing tools. Ten witnesses were examined, but the evi dence was Insuiuclent and the defend ant was discharged. Attorney IS. Y. Thayer appeared for the prosecutor. Thomas Moran had Thomas Mc Loughlln arrested on a warrant from Alderman Kelly, charging him with bribery during tho recent election, Tho defendant waived a hearing and en tered ball. A counter suit was also Instituted for threats, but tho caso was dismissed. Jackson Street Baptists. Mrs. Harriet Xewell Jones, of Phila delphia, secretary of tho Baptist Homo Missionary society of America, will speak at tho Jackson Street liaptlst chutch next Sunday evening. Special music will bu rendeieil and William Allen and W. H. Stanton will assist with violin and cornet, The pastor Is preparing a special service for young people In the near future, to which all couples married by him during his pastorate In this city will be especially Invited to at tend. The subject of his discourse will bo "Home Ties." Funeral Announcements. Hew J. U. Sweet, of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church, conduct ed the funeral services over the re mains or the late Mrs. Elizabeth Ste vens yesterday afternoon at the home of deceased's daughter, Mrs. Otis Alti 111 us, IU4 North Lincoln avenue. A iiuartette composed of Mr. and Mrs. Sweet, Mrs. Shoemaker and Thomas Abrams sang tho hymns. The pall-bearers were Peter Hlnker, Jnsluli Paff, X. C. Mayo, Hector Campbell, Charles Lull and Seth "Wrlgloy. Fune ral Director Price had charge of tin; funeral. Interment was made in AVashburn street eametery. Tho remains of the late dtaiy J. York were privately interred in tho Washburn street cemetery yesterday morning. Services were conducted at the family residence, 1S0S Jackson street, by Itev. J. B. Sweet, with Ue. A. J. Van Cleft, of Dunmore, assist ing. The pall-bearers were the l'ou. brothet s of deceased. The funeral of the late Owen Reese will take place at 3 o'clock this after noon from the home of her brother. 10 Acker avenue, Pellevue. Interment will be made in the Washburn street cemetery. You Are Invited. Chrysanthemum show Saturday at our .--tores. MeJts & Hugen. General News Notes. William Mahcr, of 114 North Filmore avenue, fell down a flight of stairs at his home yesterday and fractured his skull. Dr. J. J. Uremia n is attending him. ,John L. Itoyd complained to the police his i evening that he was robbed of S2 in a house at the corner of Ninth and Jackson streets'. rnlon Thanksgiving service of tho English-speaking churches will lu held on Thanksgiving morning in the Plymouth Congregational church. Rev. S. F. Mathews, of the First Baptist church will preach the ssrmon. Itov. Dr. Griflln, presiding elder, con ducted the third quarterly meeting of the Simpson church on Wednesday evening. The reports showed tho church to be in a very flourishing con dition. The entertainment and social in the Hampton Street Methodist Kplseopal church last evening was enjoyed by a large assemblage. TJie progranunu printed in this department yesterday was acceptably rendered. The supper served last evening by the Ladies' Aid society of thu First Baptist church at tho home of Mrs. Thomas Thompson, on North Lincoln avenue, was liberally patronized and excellently nerved. Central local, No. 14I1S, United Mino Workers of America, will meet at Flanagan'., hull, Luzerne street, this evening. Miss Harriet llalley attended the funeral of her niece, Miss Esther Da vis, in Elmlra, ye.sterday. OBITUARY. The death of Mr. Petei llloom, wiiiih oe curie J jcbtcriliy inurnlui; at tlio home of lar son-in-law, Mr. Kiluin V. be-, of Jetlu-oii ae nue, fiieen IlliUe. ruuous fiom thin roinmuiilty cue of Its oMeot iisiJenlt. ami a lady nhu-'v iniaiy gnus of chaueler .iml person nude Imr Erially beloved hy a u-t munliir of Ineims. She was TO ,uir-i old, nnd whs the daughter ot the lite Philip fa Win, ami t-i-.it r ot 'I nouns (;,, l'tiahi, (.'coijie and Ueliotcr fSriflin of thi-t illy, lint little inoie Hun a jenr au her 1ius1i.hi I dud; while in tho com so of a few .iura threo runvln-hivi nut wij Midden death. flie la sunlud hy lur 401.1, torji', nf C'oniordii, Kan t.u, and lleit- 11 , of Kansas L'lly, Mo., ind her iMuslitini, Mm. Pijiicoi Mw.ni and lu, lotcptilna Kim, of 1'js.i-Iciij, t'al.i Mu. .leiiule Ives nnd .Ml-t. 11. V. bis, of tills it,, Ml. ml Mrk. h'c-i had lelumrd hum California hut (he nlttlit !nl"ic tint which UnuliuU'il their mollicr's life, Ir. .in Is unahli) to be line mlng to the illii"i-i of lir liusiuml, whleh is liourl.v inriul to prove dial. Mis. llloom was ill hut a few di.w. llei !oi to 1 er family, hy width ihc w.ij mi doolcdly Ioed, l eotc Indeid, for ji5r had lift her ltallly iiiiluiuirid and her fine lutil leil tmnurred. Ilris wa-t a most beautiful llfo nnd IU niemoiy in wa ami hledbed in th'.' hearts ot her fileiuN, 'flic funeral will tale plant on Situiihy liumnou, fiom II19 resldmeo of Mr, i:. W, lies, i-omir of Gran Itldje stien and .kllouoii auime, Mis. Ann Kunz, daimhltr of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Spiandle, of Stone awiim. died Tuesday aitiiuoun. rum-Mi thU afternoon at 2 u'cloik at the home of her parents. Inteiinent In 1'itts. ton avenue ccim-iiry, , What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question nriscs in tho family every day, Let us atibwcr it to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling! no baking I add boiling water and set to cool. Flavois: Lemou, Orange, Uasp berry and Strawberry, Get a package at your grocers to-day, jo cts. A sample of WAMNBR'S SAFE CUKB that urent kidney and liver euro will lio Bent you Two by adtlressltip; n postal cntd (montlniili'tf lliis puper) to Wnrner's Safe Cure Co.,Itoelicster, N.Y GREEN RIDGE. Mlsj Ida f.oi eland, ol Vtnn avenue, left yes terday for a two weeks' itay with friends in Moscow. The LddlrV AM satiety of tlic flrccn ltldgs Presbyterian church will give a "Cfllomlnr" no tlnl In the chmcli parlors this evening. Tho ladles receiving will represent the months of the jcar, ami will he tlr.,Mcil In elegant cos tumes. Jin. H. I'. Hull, prel!rnl of Ihe soci ety, lias chaise of the eenlin?'a entertainment, which will ho free to Ihe members nf the roti Rrojratloii, Its object belnfc to promote oclnl Inlircoiirse between the member) of the church. In cplle of the slouny weather a full honsa Kicelcil the "Wlklies Carnival," which was re peated nt Ihe Library bulMlwr last eenln, unit a neat sum n,is realized for the benefit of the library. The t'lm-nrtli league of the Asliury Melhodlst Kplftopal church will (rbe a social Iu the church parlors thU eunlnfr. You Are Invited. riirjsanlliemum show Situul.iv at our store). " Jlears fc linden. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Mulo Plunged Through a Trench. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Allen Enter tainedOther News Notes. A mule belonging to a team driven by a young man named Dally, em ployed by Farmer La Hue, of Xewton township, plunged Into nn open trench In front of AVatklns' butcher shop, on North Main avenue, last evening. The wagon stopped on the brink of the trench, saving the two men on the scat fiom being plunged Into the street. Tho mule was removed from tho hole with considerable dllllculty. The trench was being dug for the purpose ot re placing water pipes broken when tho c-.ive-ln recently occurred there. Mr. "U'atkins Imd a lantern In place, but the driver of the wagon failed to ace It. A Pleasant Evening. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. John Allen entertained a paity of triends at their home, on North Main avenue, lu honor of their guest, Miss Mollie Terry, of Law ton, Pa. A very pleasant evening was spent by all. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mis.WIlllam Van tiorden, Mr. and Mis. Leslie Lane, Mr. and .Mrs. Will Hln liian, Mr. and Mrs. James Lovelass, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Horry, Mr. and Mrs. H. Klauniinzer, Mr. and Mrs. Fied Terry, Mrs. Chcnoiveth. and Misses Manda Terry, Mollio Terry, Amber Stonier, Frances Klauminzer, Clara Harlos, Gertrude Chonoweth, Edith James, Lola Sherman, Minnie Terry. Minnie Cleate, Effle Ballet, Messrs, J. B. Terry, Will Wright, Almon Stonier. Joseph Blsbinp, Samuel Blsbing, David Watklns, Will Allen, Edwatd Van Gorder, Brt Watson and Artie Kola ling. Two Funerals. The funeral of the late Mrs. Eliza Hannah took place Wednesday after noon trom the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Depew, of Amelia avenue. Rev. S. G. Readinjr, of the North Main Avenue Baptist church, assisted by the Itev. W. G. Watklns, were the emulat ing clergymen. The quartette from the church sang "'Abide With Me" and "The Christian's Goodnight" in a beau tiful and impressive manner. The pall bearers were Giles Claik, William Cliappell, D. Itolls and Mr. Hall. A number of lulatives and friends or the i deceased from Sunbury aud Blooms- burg attended the funeral. Tho funeral of Mrs. Fred Ware took place yesterday utternoon from her lato home on Wilbur street. Itev. W. F. Davics. of the Welsh Congregational church, oillclatud. Many friends nnd relative, gathered at the home to pay their last respects to their departed friend. You Are Invited. Chrysanthemum s-how Saturday at our store--. Meat's & Hagen. ' Briefly Noted. Miss iSurtha Bishop, of Diamond avenue, entertained a few friends at her home on Wednesday oveninir. John Martin and family have re moved from Church avenue to Summit avenue. Miss Helen Chappell, of AVest Market street, was tendered a pleasant sur prise party on Wednesday evening-. Dainty refreshments were served, and h, delightful evening followed. Recita tions by Miss Tearl Davis, of the Wen Bide, Kumes and music were Indulged In. Those present were Misses Helen C'lmppcll, Pearl Davis, Oussle and Bes sie Cohen, Llbble Danvers, Messrs, Fred and Willard Koblnson, Clark Da vis, Joe Cohen and Harrison Trethe way. Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Koons, of Kaston, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J, S. Maloney, of West Market street. Miss Caroline V. Dorsey will speak in tho Presbyterian church this even ing. Mrs, Harriot Junes, of Philadelphia, gave an address In tho Baptist church last evening 011 "Missionary Societies." Mrs, Jones is a lluent and cultured speaker. She Is becietary of the Bap tist Foielgn Missionary society, and Is well-known throughout the state. Tho church was filled with earnest listen ers. Miss Caroline Dorsey, a missionary from Japan, assisted by two Jap-inese ladles, will glvo a lecture on the "Sun rlso Kingdom" this evening In thu Providence Presbyterian church. The two ladles, KlJIma Masa San and Nakanlshlo Shliu Han, will wear the native dress, Tho programme Includes twelve parts, In which will bo shown imiuh of tho manners and customs of tho people, The tickets aru ten and fifteen cents. SETTLING A SHIKE. My IlxUmlvo Wlro from 'llic Associated I'resa. Tirru Haute, Ind,, Nov. fS. Tin MriMiit? mino liuMini; ensiucrj lodjy cUimeil tli.it four uiinu lime sIrhcU tin- m-.iU- for an .ulunio in umuh, UinuiiUcil by the uiglncers on Monday wlim, ly .vfiiiiiig tn work Jonift'r t tho old scale, thej threw out 7,000 1! luminous iojI miners of Indt. niu out of eiiiploj menu On the other hand tho operator declare Die miners are lonilnK back to nork ami will foicc the engineers to accept the old wages until the January Interstate Joint con. fire nee. FATAL FIGHT OF STUDENTS. Hy Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated I'rcjs. Omaha, Xov, 15. In a light today between medleal 01U demist etudents at Ouulu Medical college uur the possession of front jcjU, Dave Woodj, of Schujler, Neb., a pcilups fal.tlly injured, and Joe McCann, also a Undent, terious. )y hurt. I'lsU and tticLs torn from dviM We used. SOUTHSGRANTON FUNERAL OF THE LATE MISS LIZZIE BARRETT. Was Conducted Yesterday from St. John's Church, Where a Requiem Mass Was Sung Debate at Last Night's Meeting of the St Aloy slus Society Alderman Lentos' Dog Stolen Number Attend Golden Wedding Anniversary. Other News Notes and Personals. Tho funeral of Miss Lizzie Barrett took place yesterday morning from tho family residence, on Cherry street, and was largely attended. Prior to tho funeral the house of the bereaved par ents was thronged with friends to pay their last respect to the deceased, and many llora.1 offerings were tenderly de posited on tho casket. At 9 o'clock tho cortege moved to St. John's church, on Fig street, where a requiem mars was celebrated, at tho conclusion of which the remains were taken to tho Cathedral cemetery, where Interment wn.s made. The pall-bearers were John Campbell, Owen Lnngan, Thomas Flaherty, Pat rick TJarrott, Michael Flaherty and James Hohan. St. Aloysius Society. Tho St. Aloysius Literary anl Debat ing society met last evening In Phar macy hall for their second literary cx erolses, which were preceded by an en joyable smoker. During the evening papeis were read by various members, a piccolo solo being rendered in fine I style hy Michael Coyne, followed by a ' discussion of free silver by Martin , Walsh. Daniel Itoyle rendered a solo, which was followed by an Interesting debate on "ltesolved, That Bonaparte W;ts a Greater General Than Hannibal." be ing discussed affirmatively by William Daniels, Thomas Needham, Malnzhl Coyne and Steve Duggan, while Hugh Coyne, Thomas Handley, Thomas Lowry and Terrence McGovorn spoke on the negative side of the question. You Are Invited. Chrysanthemum show Satuiday at our stores. Mcars it Hagen. Briefly Noted. Aldei man John Lentes, of Cedar ave nue, had his fine huge brown St. Ber nard dog stolen from him tho other day, and no trace of dog or thieves has I yet been discovered. The clog, which ! has been in the possession of the alder man for nearly two years, is a fine specimen of a tawny St. Bernard species, being over three feet in height, with long, hhaggy hair. The police have been notified, but no trace has yet been discovered of lilm. The following Scrantonlans attended tho jjolden wedding aunlveit-ary ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mack, celebrated on Wednesday in Elmdalo: J. If. Burgess Miss Burgess, Miss Hose, Mrs. Chailes SchaftVr, John Mack, John Mack, Jr., Mr. Hay, Mr. Call, Mrs. William Heinz, Peter Herhner, Miss ltiith Killam, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Horbach, Karl Horbach, Mi.w Maud Mack, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mack, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack, of Arrarat, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mutchm.ui, Fted and George Mutchman, and Miss Tillle Mutchman, of Klmira, and Mis. Christian Jlcnforth, Mr. Slier, Missis 1,'Htie and Latcy Yeith, Mrs. Xorman, and Mis. Frank MePeek, of Klmdale. Mr-. M. Kobinson very pleasantly entertained a number of her friends .it tea Wednesday utternoon. George Fager, Henry Smith and Frederick LThl, of IJlmira, returnel home, after spending several days with friends ou the South Side. The Fair committee for the coming Athletic club fair, held 11 well-attended meeting last evening In Athletic hill. Charlis Decker, of Stone aenu, while coupling cars at the South woiks yesteiday, had his left hand badly snueecd by having it caught between the bumper?. The Loyalty club of the South S'de Young 'Women's Christian associa tion, will hold their monthly Gospel meeting this evening. The meeting will bu led by Miss Lizzie Rentseh- kr. The Fourteen Friends met in regu lar busings hesslon A edn day night I at Btst's hotel, Cedar avenue, and ini tiated three new members, viz., Al derman I.entcs, William Zelsmor an.l Adam l-'teuehtel. A Jelly j-if-sion fol lowed. I Horn-To Mr, and Mrs, James Xea Ion, of H2i! Stone avenue, a baby girl. CharKs Ro.-e, the gonial bontfaco of flu Athletic Hull house, Alder street, was H5 years old Wednesday, and last night, In honor of the event, royally entertained the Athletic club und friends at his home. dunmore' doings. Interesting Address in the Presby terian Church by a Besieged Missionary from Pekln. 'I In- nt.uunl ii.il.e 3ii,ico of the W'nman'H Mn.-iu1.111y society i,f the I'nuloleiian ihiiuli u hi hi In the Audlluiium I.i-t nij,lit. Tin incetiUK was lut in puyer by llei, Mr. Ham mond, of 0l,lili.llit, allu wiiiih the pistol', Itev V. ". (iibbom, ill u few cluweii wouU, lonaMlu I Hid thn-.u pii'suit on the pihiliw lu tmo mi tlu in. and ilcjiloitd thu fact tint the i-toiin bad lui'wnli'l mine fiom .U t tilling the senile, He t licit inlioiluced Ihe yptakir ot I lie; cwnlni,', llev. CViiiliicy II, rum, ot I'lttiton, v.'lm was ni.e nf lliu I'rrslijtuilan mlvslonailni boilc'ed in 1'il.ln. Mr, I'imi b a shunt;, tomful si akir, who I'.iuin lomiriicii with his every woid and commands tlu clnscnt intuition fiom hN bearers, ll bittmi lilt icmirKi by luuludiii,- Ills audi ence thai it wa-t the same (ind who p.'imllt d I In od tn i'iii';iiiuii tlio lie j Hi of Jaiuin 1h.1t law lit iu .,ic Titer, the came God who allouul the iiiiabiiii' 1a I'an 'I'Iiib I'u, win delhircd the Ih'.Iu'i'iI In T1I.I11. He Mid tho t.atln; of tho he. elctttd was ihe hmiIi nf piacrs iittcinl lor tliem iu all paita if the uorll. .Vimr in tho lilstiny of the Clnlstlan thuich had fo many pi.iywi lieiu iitteied as for tlue in I'iKlii. I'ury lupptnlu leading up lo tin tlcgc, us it is no.v looked at, li teen to have bun pmildciilially unmixed In insure ihu deliv erance of Ihosn In IVIiiu. Had the fclisre iom niencul two weckt bnoiur they would lilu' been liepriud of Immense qimntltieM of lice and wheat, whli li in the luiautlme had been stoied liirlit within their uiasp. Imimnsa quantities of cloth from which sand baj were made were found within teach. A iaiKe mill, with eight itrlndinir rraehlneii ull ready to begin the work of grind ing out food for the 4,000 people within the gaten, was dlsiotered within the territory the) were able to hold, unbracing altogether about fifteen acres. During the slego iheic weio about ninety liorti's aud mules ujed a fund The IlrltUh legation rui nlslicd an abiindiut mpply of water. Tlio only well In all I'cldn that jleld a tupply of water that can b used without boiling, arc located within IU gatei. He maintained that tho Hocr movement wan uiitl-foiclgii and only because the WARTS AND WEEDS. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WISHING AND WORKING. It is popularly believed that warts can be wished away, flut the farmer who sat down and tried to clear his field by wishing the weeds away would soon find his crops gone. It takes working to get rid of weeds, and the man with the hoc must nut in many a long day before he can take a well earned rest. It is a singular fact that a great many people treat certain forms of disease as warts arc said to be treated by wishing. This is especially so in the case of coughs. "I wish this cough didn't bother me so," they say. "I wish my cough didn't keep me atfalce so much," and so on. It never seems to occur to them that it takes active measures to get rid of a cough ; that a cough is like a weed, growing right along, nnd the longer it grows the deeper it strikes its roots. If a man heard the alarm of a rattle snake tie by he'd jump aside at once to avoid me attack and then seek to find and destroy the dangerous reptile. The cough is a danger alarm as much more significant than the rattleof the snake as the disease it heralds is more dangerous than the snake bite. FEW PEOPLE ARE KILLED by snake bites each year. Consumption slays its thousands and tens of thousands annually and it is the fatality of con sumption which makes the cough that heralds it a danger signal to be promptly heeded. Don't wish the cough would stop. Stop it ! "I had long been a sufferer from chronic catarrh of the head," says Chas. T. Stone, Esq., of Whitford, Chester Co., Pa. "About last May it developed into a very disagreeable and hacking cough, with soreness and fullness of the chest. Doctors here pronounced it bron chitis. I tried several doctors and took different remedies without receiving any benefit whatever. I then consulted Dr. R. V. Pierce, in reference to my case. The first bottle of his ' Golden Medical Discovery' stopped the cough. I used several bottles, with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, ands have since had no symp tom of a return of the cough." " Last spring I had a severe attack of pneumonia which left me with a very bad cough, and also left my lungs in a very bad condition," writes John M. Russell, Esq.. of Brent, Cherokee Nat., Ind. Ter. "I had no appetite and was so weak I could scarcely walk. My breast was all sore with running sores. I got two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery which 1 believe saved my life. I cannot express my gratitude to you. I am able now to do very good work." The surest way to slop a couh is to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical' Dis F. L. CRANE FURRIER. Established 1866. No end ot pretty j.oJuls. Fine Furs, Fur neckpieces Collarettes Capes. Our 'ine or Jack ts, Ladies' and Misses' Tai or ' nits will 'Mill the Bill-" Fur Kniiirl!ig a Specialty. KAW FURS BOUGHT. 324 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton Pa, New Gaiely Theatre II It. I.O.NC, Lessee and Manager. Tliiee Dajs roimiiciicln.r TIIUIISIJAY, .NOV. 15. 'lho nig lliauty Miow Hi'U'iiti a m:amovs SOCIAL MAIDS." Ihe funniest, cajrit and piiltlest ImilcanuciM that eier reached the town. 2 Merry lliu-lesiiues- 2. The xliaeioiH, lie Iglitful :iud chirm, lug I'll.AH MOItIN, and a laigo chorus of hand i,omt women. I'ricct. tie , 25c., .13o 50e. Ihitu Dajii, Coiniiu nciiu MO.N'DAV, MV. 13. 'Hid Original BROADWAY GIRXS. And the raiuoui "(illti, IX lll.Ul'." lnltsionaiiw wero foieigncrc w.u it anti-ChrN-tian. Not neatly all Clilnce weio llocn or favored tint mo.cniint. llmr l.iXXJ.OOii of the betur claii lelt their liomes In IMclu b.-fim the mi) (.lounrles lelt thiiii., feailur' wliat was In happen, Vet they nero iiouuli'it lo prat tut It. Tlieio were gathered In ll.e ligation refugees to Ifu number ui S.GOO, ,HMI Iliinuu Catholics and M)0 I'lotisluut tnthe Cliilsllans who had lojt their ull for thu sake of III lr belief. At tlm cho of tho oddrev. u sller olTcring was taken up, and a liberal bum wis iculUed for the missionary i.ium'. You Are Invited. ('Iirjsai'thcmum chow isiturday at our storrt. Meaw k Hagin. TOLD IN BRIEF, I.'. W, Oalerhout has rrlmned fiom I'lorencr, B. O. , wluie he lias cstcuslie lumber Inteiests. Ui', Anna White, of llawley, is n'omllng a few das with Miss Allic 'I'ofl, of North lllakei) street. Dr. Steieiis, of South ('jiiaaii, is isitlug his brother, Merchant A. U. Steicns.of Marlon .trnt. Oscar Vost returned from his bunting trip lu I'lkc county last night, with a line supply .of email game. Ho icports that Ills parly was wry successful, killing two decrs. which aic due here ''"' ' "jjs ff Cf&Ti&rjfMffi' y'v &mi:--'w' .- covery. It cures obstinate and deep seated coughs, bronchitis, bleeding of the lungs and other diseases of the organs of respiration, which if neglected or unskilfully treated find a fatal ter mination In consumption. In hundreds of ccj a cure has been effected by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery" after all other means and medicines had failed to benefit and doctors had said, "There is no hope." don't Otva IIP IIOPR. Let every one who suffers from resptr-i atory and pulmonary diseases cherish hope until Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has been given a fair and faithful trial. It always helps. It al most always cures. Ninety-eight per cent, of those who use "Golden Medical Discovery " find in it a perfect and per manent cure. Even the two per cent, acknowledge benefit and help from the use of the medicine. " I want to say a word in favor of your grand medi cine,'' writes Mrs. Priscllla Small, of Leechburg, Arm strong County, Pa. " About three years ago I was taken with a bad cough; had night -sweats; would take coughing spelts and have to sit up iu bed at night for an hour at a time. When1 I would walk up hill I could hardly breathe; would get all stopped up in my throat. I did not try any doctor but I saw the advertisement of Dr., Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and decided to' try it. I took three bottles which cured me. When- ever people tell me they are sick I say to them, 'Why don't you get Dr.l Pierce's medicine? It curetf me and will cure others.' " A GREAT FREE OPPER. Persons suffering from chronic forms' of disease are iuvitcd to consult Dr.l Pierce by letter, free. All letters are held as private and their contents guard-; ctl by the same strict professional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce in personal con- sulfations at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. I This offer is not to be confounded with those offers of "free medical ad vice," which are made without any evi dence of medr-jal qualification or profes sional standing. Por more than thirty years Dr. Pierce, as chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., as sisted by his medical staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured many thousands of men and women who had been given up by friends and physicians as incurable. Dr. Pierce's success has been founded on the fact that he cures so-called " in curables." There are thousands of men and women to-day, living in the enjoy ment of perfect health, who bless the day when they wrote the first letter to Dr. Pierce. Who can wonder that these people are enthusiastic over Dr. Pierce's metlicines and advice? Write to Dr. Pierce. It may be to you as it has been to manv others the first step to health. Dr. P'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other nar cotics. It is a true body-building, flesh forming, strength-giving medicine. Sometimes a dealer tempted by the little more profit paid by less meritori ous preparations, attempts to sell a sub stitute medicine as "just as good" as Dr. Pierce's. The only way in which to get the cure you seek is to insist upon the medicine which cured others, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. A COLD MINE FOR 21 CENTS. Who wouldn't jump at such a chance? Yet " wisdom is better than gold," and that mine of wisdom, Dr. Pierce's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages (in paper-covers), is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. For the cloth bound volume send 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE '"'Bur-iunder & Kels, Lessee-and Alanaj;r- A. J. Dully, business Manager. OM: XIl'liT ONLY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. lliondlimst's I.atett Comedy, THE HOlb'E THAT JACK BUILT "How About oiu- Alarm Clock." Tiiees Lower Heir, oicliestra. 3); orchestra ciiele, hi; dios circle, T.'je. Uileony, first twu rows, 7ue', ; liule, one. teats on sale U'clnesiliy at !) a. m. Saturday, November 17, MATINF.i: AXD NIOUT Auguilus I'llou's l.'laborate I'roduction of The Gumm's Mate A Mammoth Scenic I'roduction. It Is to tho Navy what "ticcict Sinice" aud "Shenandoah" aie to the Army. I'ltirrS Malin.-a: Loever floor, 60c.; entire li.ilc.om', 23e. ; ihlldren under 12 years to any p.ut (if limisi', 1.1c. Sight: Oiche-tra, H.lO; iiiclioMij tircle, TV.; drew ciiele, 30c; balcon, lr-t two row.-, "Jr.; balcony eiicle, 50c. hilo of biats will open Thursday at 9 a. m. ONI! NlflllT ONLY, Tuesday, November 20, Robert Rtz-ummons In a four-act Comedy Drama of JIOMi: AND SPOHTINO Ui'K. The Honest Blacksmith I'rlcc- Lower Hour, orihcstu, $1; orchntr clrilc, 7.1c, j drcs ciitle, BOc. llalcony, flrst two rows, 7.1c; circle, 50c, Ciallcry, "5o, talo of healb opens Satuiday at I) a. m. ACADEriY OF nusic, UUUUUNDIHt & KBI?. Usitc. II. A. UKUWiS, Munii'r. ALL THIS WEEK. Huntley-Jackson Co I'locntliu,' llljf Pioduilioiis at I'opular Priced. ALL Ni:.T WIXK, SOHARF AND MORRIS CO, i.v itiii'Kitronii:. Matlneo l'rices 10 and SO cents. i:enliig 1'ilccs 10, 20 and 30 cub, in a few clajs in ilurge of Dr. Winters ani 0. V, Washer, CRUSHED BY OARS. Dy 1'xilusitv Wire from Tho Asoclatcd l'r Hairisburg-, No. 15. Charles I). Suni aged IS j cam, while attcmplnt; to lioarJ fieiitlit train at It.tde station, on tb dliisiou Pennsylvania railioad, todays twecu tho cars ami was crushed to del 4 4 L"H 1 ,s- ; i , ,m :w ,,Ar &. Se ft . i? -' . ..fc fc.j.-ait. t ,- nj, t .,