The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 16, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    trt . t -
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l iWWW 7
Tim MouBRt Hakuw Bront
of your hoUBO should be
kept ns near 70 degrees as
possible to have It In a
healthful condition. With
a Sterling Hcnter In the
house you' will hnvo no
trouble in keeping the
temperatuio at 70 or 100
degiees if you wish it. The
Sterling has a heavy,
stiaight-sldod fire pot of
extra capacity, cast in one
piece. Sterlings nro sold
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
L. R.JD. & M.
" f tm
Tropic nho count m proper 1ioc? w-ces'.irc lo
-oricct cIkm u III lie cMiUitod ullli our new
I'all .mil Winter Miccs mw on cshililtlnn.
tore full of new stilt timl nfn ilwa a iiriz?.
lor swell footweir this is the store.
.730 Lackawanna Avenue.
,-iSPenn Avenue. A. B. WARiMAN.
I.uiil dill fcr nv. II, lOOi):
llftiln -.t tiiiiM iijh 1 depicts
3 iiurt triuinrituio -J" diit,-!'-.
"- .1. ir 70 pd mil.
p m 70 pn cent
Wtmm.v . 1) U ViiK,. or Mnmioii', wis .1
-' .inlon M-iloi ji-ltnlo.
1 apljin T. C. 1'iiKpi, of Wilkn nine, sit
II11 umtillli,- ut tl.o inoiuuntnt lieio jiMcnln
vii-. viii loiliau, 01 Wtlliulli, N, A (he
HH't cf t lit. v-' tn-cii, of MidUou ir -nie.
Vlhi Aw j Iloiuuein. of ( ipi lliii!', VM ,
h the lust of lui uiii-iu. Mi. I'. I'. Pull, of
J'llie street.
Sup 111 to, Kill 1'. lun of tin Imi-t Mill
'tie romp in, nnl lln pi-t Mr di-. Imntiiu
H l'lki LLilUt.
Hi. I. M O1I1-. In-, it tinned 110111 lltlNlile,
"Midi , wlicio lie itluidul ihi fumr.ll of liU
1 1II111 in ljr, tlio Hi, In. liiiiooni II111111
linn- W.illiii-,' lio pu(j Miouidiil W.miin
I ',lr. sinip-nii 11 ilie tmiiit jiil I i-t .iiiuir,.
IVt wuc nut iw.iiil-. inlon iiiiul 111 1 lllthij:
111 itmci
M- aid Mi- .1 II I hid jud Mi, William
Vllliill' (f l'ltt,10!l, WHO .llllOli; tho.o wlm llt
111 -11I Hie iciiiiomis .iiui.cljnl upon tin- iiiin i I
i mi ilie im mum nl,
1 !ni . IIiiIki, ( (.mil lli.l'o, rml Ml,
'Lie I.loul, of UelleMu, who iiuui i ,1 .it tlio
iisiini'e of ih- Wi-liliuui Stieei I'u.lMtdim
Hiuuli uti VVidie-iliv oinlt,
IVUi .1 IihI-, of l'lttIuiiA foiuuih ,1 u,i
diit of '-until liinnil ,.iiui, in.) Vl 111.,
011 SciuH, of Suiilli Midi hi into, vlll in iinitid
111 imiiliKe on TliinKvbhu ivmiiw
Dr. J. I-Iyles Gibbons Weds a West
ern Maid in Canada.
Dr. J. Myles Gibbon., of Wyoming'
nventte, and Mlhs Kathleen Cnghlln, of
Toledo, O,, weie united In uumlago
yehteidny ut Montienl, Can.
The eui oniony was porfoimcd .it in
o'clock in the uioinlug nt St. Palilck's
chuieh by the lector, Rev. J, L. Swin-
lln, of tho Older of St. Sulplee. A high
nitii-s was lelebtnteil ut the tonulu.sloti '
of the- uuptinlb. On miouiit ot thn u-
cent death ot tho bible's L'iand)ttients
in Toledo, tlio wedding was private.
This beieuvement nnd the fact that
Ihu bildu'ri of kin aiu of Montieal,
occabloncd tho (-election of the Cann
dluu rlty us tlio mcho of tho wedding.
Miss t'laia Cuiivi'i was bildchinuid,
and Walter Wayne liwlu, ot I'lttsluii,
11 fellow-htude'iit or tho gi ooiu at thu
Tuilverslty of Pennsylvania, was
man. Uieakfasl was heivod at IheieM
dence of tho bride's uncle, Hon. J, J.
fin ran.
Dr, and .Mis. Gibbons will make their
homo 011 West Chestnut stiept, Phila
delphia, that Dr. Gibbous may, while
coutlnulim piaetlce, avail himself of
the advuntaKeh of Hie I'nlveislty nt
Pennsylvania for u bpeelal com. so of
Dr. Gibbons Is the younger fcou ol Di.
ill. II. Gibbons, Scnuiton's eminent sui
gcon and phjslclau, and has been asso
ciated with his father since his giadua
tlon in lt0t. His career In his piofes
slon, so far, auguis well for a Iji lllluitt
futuie, Puisoiiully, ho Is a young mail
of stcilhur qualities and pleasant ad
dress, and has legions of tilends. The
lirld u Is a htindsomo und ciiltuie-d
youuc woman, and iiab a laigo num
ber of filends In this city, wheiu she
has occasionally visited. She Is 11
daughter of Mr, and Mis. Edward
ioghlln, deceased, of Toledo. Sha
Initiated fiom Villa Maile, of the
ligiegatlou of .N'otie Dame, Man-
J, In 1S93, und was voledictoilnn of
-.1 IN'
Lchocplate cieams, sOe, per pound.
i j
jW BBBZ3i(B jlBB
Conducted by Young Ladies' Society
in Board of Trade Building.
The young Ladles' Sewing society
openrtl Its charity fair Init night In
tlm Hoard of Trade building. Under
tin' IntpplcRt nuHplcc. TIip brlKhlty U
liltulnntert looms, wltli thn pretty dlt
piny of vvut-cs and stilt piottlor rIiK
Mltiaclrd everyone In tlio vlotnUy,
even llio Ninth rcRiiuenl t'oyc, who
had their lieuiUlimtterti next door and
wore conllnuully mnhlng tlio appaient
nihtnlce of locating thoinielvei In the
talr loonix.
The tunics v.010 liiHtoful.v niuingel
with quantities of fancy und useful
urltolc, cakes and lionio-iuiutc candy,
pop-coin, lamp shades dolls, etc. Mln
Orneu Htttiilorson us cashier duitng
the cvnnlng. Mm. II. C. rtmlcor,
Miasms l.'nnna anil Itiith Hnnley, Ml ami Mary Oenrlmrt. Knnna ros
ter, Anna Itiock, ( Wntklnt,
CJmrt Tlct stead, KlUulielh Sander
son, Albio, Clruee Hlrdnll, Min, WIIIIh
Klikpatrlck, and the Misses (.'h.ulotle
and Helen llnntl. An oiohestin, com
posed of Messrs. Clnince, Stanton, Han
ley, Allen and othern, will furnish
intislo today.
Thinugh the kindness of .1. V".
Guernsey, u piano wn- placed In th'
loom, which was 11 pleuslug addition
to the music seemed. The sale will
be continued nil day iyid this evening,
Announcement Is Made of Many
Transfers Among the Priests of
the Scrnnton Diocese.
A nuniher of other clumpx-h in the
stations of pilots of the Scranton dio
cese weio announced yoitoiduy by III.
ltov. Bishop Ilolian.
Hov. James Monlson, of Tovvnnda,
noes to Amic.i. Ilev. .Michael Loftus.
Is transfei red trom West Scianton to
(licen Hldge. Ilev. I'atrkk Jlolnnd, te
1 entlv oid.iinod, who hus been tem
poiailly stationed tit Minooka, Is as
slpncu' lo Tovvnmla. ltev. Ftank Can
avan j,oes tiont AVest Scianton to
lie. Dennis linslln, or Wllke
IJane, who II was mmoieil, woull
come to Scianton to succeed the laU"
!''. D. J. McGolUilck at the cathe
dial, soes to Willlamsporl, hcre his
knowledge of Itillin will make hi-
-en ices pailluulaily valuable; there
li'dnfj a huse colony of Italian Catholic!-'
now .it that place.
Hew John Holmes lt tiaiihfciieu
Horn Athens to UazK;ton, and Rev.
Henry Burke, ot Hazieton. takes
Fi'thei l.'ustin's place at Vllke--Utiiv.
ltev. Waller A. Cloiman, of
Minooka, Is to auccccd Jlev. John
f.Uliln, ot Curbondale, who. a. an
nounced m yesteulu'- Tiibune, Is lo
1 ome to f-cianten to succeed luv. J.
J. LoUKhtau, S. T. L, at. ciinncclloi
of the diocerfo and seeictaiy to the
Rev. rather Xovieki is .it'-incd to
Nanlleoke to establish a new Polish
.V number of the priests who .11 now
nfeiRiied peimuner.t pines woi- eiv
inp tempoiniily in stations mule va
cant bv the ten pihscs who .pt n.
tile "ummei In ntuopa with Hishop
Address by A. B. Sunning Befoic
the Engineers Club on the Utili
zation of Pi i son Lnboi.
At last night's meeting ot the Knl
neeis' club in the Ho.nd ot Tiadc
building, Supei vising lJnglneer of the
1'ilscm Eouid A. 13. Dunning gave an
inteiesting addies.s 011 the subject of
"The Utilization of Prison Laboi." He
gave u summaiy ot the w 01 kings ol
in Ison labor in a number of stutes of
the Union and quoted the opinions
of piomlneni aulhoilties on pilsnii
lie cited the law on the question,
telling ot tile act which passed the
leglsliituie Apiil 1'0, 1S90, aulhoilzlng
the employment of male piisoneis .it
,1tiiN and woik houses tint! penall.'.ing
till attempts at eseape.
In Lackawanna county pilsou labor
was llrs-L utilized on the public loads
May 1, 1000, and has eontlnued up to
the piesent' time. Mr. Dunning then
gave the lollow lug ligiues ot the woik
done In the count). In May, June
and July, I, .HO feet of lelford macada
mized load, twenty feet in width, was
laid on the Newton tuinplke; ,!00 leet
of dill mad was built on Jackson
stieet nnd lor two miles ot the New
ton tuinplke stones weie picket! up,
culverts lepahed nnd gutteis opened.
Taking it altogether the work of th
lelfoid road was 1! c"nts per .sqitni
) ard.
Dining August, SoptumlK r, October
and November loads weie lepalrecl in
North Scrnnton and Dutuuoie. Ono
and thiee hundredths miles of nu avei
uge width or thirty teet wete lepalrecl
at n cost of about tP,i cents per squaio
yuid. This toad contained dltehe.-,
fiom two to four feet deep and was
entliely unsate for tiatllc. Poitlon of
the woik done was on electric avenue,
leading to Finest Hill eemeteiy,
At the conclusion of tho nddiess tho
following: lesohulons wete ndopted by
tho club:
lti-ohcl, 'lint wo mm Uul.ile llio piUmi
bind 01 l..u 1 itt.uiiu lomiiy upon llio iiiuo-.
tint Ins hull allalliul lo tlio iinplntiuoiil of
piisumH up"U tlio iiudi, and rptow out wUlin
lo riioouut'c llicni In l lie fiiillur iiui-l"ii of
tlio .-.-! 111 1, Lot li foi tlio cool) of pi,ouii, nnd
llio louununltlr, in lil(li biuli pii'outi, ,111
Does It PnyP
Mr. Geoige DoWllde attended the
Scianton Uuslness College night school
long enough to leuwi slioithaud, Ho
went to Philadelphia a few weeks ugo
and soon seemed tin excellent stono
gtaphlo situation with Saigent & Co,
Uu says he hud the choice of four pos.
Mi. William 11. Heveis learned book,
keeping In the night school. A shoit
while ago he staited for New Yoik,
111 mod with a letter of tctommemlutiuu
fiom Hack & Whltmoie, Ho now has a
lesponslblo position with the Schwnivs
schild & Sulzberger Co., at Uiooklyn.
A young man spent his evenings In
the night bchool. He lenined book
keeping and seemed a $55 pep month
position, He now says he la going to
buy a shoithnud scholuishlp for him
self und a bookkeeping scholai&hlp for
his bi other.
- .
Old-fashioned chocoluto creams, '.'3c.
per pound. Tho kind candy stores sell
ut CO ami SOc. K. G. Coursen. '
Though the Weather Was Very Disagreeable
the Programme Arranged Was Car
ried Out Almost in Its Entirety.
lWne Nature was unkind .vcsteiday
and the gencial ulmosnhoi lo condl-
1 tious weie unfa vol able to the parade
nnd c'Miiclses held In celebration of
I the unveiling of the Soldier's nnd Sail
ors monument on Court Houe square,
bi't in spite of Inclemency of the
weather, wind nnd snow, old soldiers
and young ones turned out in meat
numbets and gaily mni-ehcd tho streets
In the pre.senee of thousands of cheer
ing, enthusiastic persons. When the
exercises pioper were started, Wash
ington avenue was blocked fiom Mn
Jeit street to tlip Connell building,
and at tho windows of every building
which commanded a view ot the secne
cage1-, expectant faces wore massed.
The day was In charge of a com
mittee consisting of the commanders
of fJuind Anuy of the Republic posts
ynd caplains of Sons ot Veteians
camps of Lackawanna county, A. 15.
1-41 i.l ev) fr J- U ) U A tU
Soldieis' and Sailois' Monument, Court House
Sqiuti e, Unveiled Yestciday.
"f -( -I-1 l N 'i v ( ' T r VC T N ' T ( v(
A -n. ,
Stevns-, commander of 1'zia Gilffln
)ost, being ch.ilnnun, and S. II. Ste
v -us-, or tin- same post, secietnry.
Colonel K. II. r.ii pie was mtushal of
the painde, in which theio paitlclpatod
number of posts ot the old soldlerj Sons of Veteians' camps, tb
Ninth leghnent, ol' Wllko-Baric, and
tlu Thirteenth, of thld eity, the Sol
diis' Oiphans' school, of Haitoid, and
the Spanish-Ameilcan War Veteran--.
The city was in gala attlio. all th;
buildings along the line of march be
ing 'ray with laige Hugs and lavishly
dcroiated .with shields and red, white
and blue bunting. The couit house
piesented an especially innate up
'Huuanee. Over the main entianc
wns a huge national .shield, and ban
neis and te.nnous or Old Glory werj
iihunditntly used in giving tho stately
building- an appe.uanee thnioughly In
keeping with tho spirit of the dav.
Close to tho monument van the
Imgu stand In which the exeicls-es
wie conducted, nnd in the tear of
which lose a number of si tits on which
toll old soldieis took their place nttei
their inarch. Heie County Solicitor H.
L. Taylor tor the board ot county com
mlssloneis, made the speech ot piesen
latloti and enti listed the monumeni to
the eaio of the Gland 11nv or the
P.epublie, to which Commnnder A. 11.
Stevens made a tl.tlng lesponse, In the
behalf of thn voteians of tho Civil
war. Hon. Alfred, of Wllkes
M.uie, Judge of tho Orphans' court,
gave a hliuliiK speech, and Hon.
Thomas Sample, of Allegheny, also
tj-ivo a talk with h moused tho gieut-
Full Cream, Sage, Philadel
phia Cream, English Dairy,
Pineapple, Roquefo;t, Kdara,
Parmesan, MacLareu's Im
perial, Club House aud
Florida Oranges, Florida
Grape Fruit, Calitornia
Grapes, Malaga Grapes aud
Native Grapes.
E. 6. Coursen
j est enthusiasm among the externally
1 chilled but vvnun-henrtod nudlonce.
1 P. J. McMnniis lead Professor P. P.
Duikln's original poem, the writing
of which was pioniptod by the splen
dor of the monument audi the thought
01 what the hiinrtsnme granite haft
really iepresent..
THi: UNVini.INii.
Jioiuer Oieene, esq, "1 Honesdnlo,
the author-lawyer, was another of the
atlernoon'fi speakers. The unveiling
was done by Rov Fuhiman, an ex
H.illor lad, who went tin the lonif ropo
with the ngllllty of Hie seamen ana
prnmptlv at l.l'i o'clock "eveiwl tlie
restraining bonds.
Ah the. duipctltii fell off and the
monument In all Its beauty appeal el
lo the gasie, the sun peeped out mo
mentailly fiom a bank of clouds and
sent down a wanning lay. Tlieic was
7- A At A A A A Ah A A A
mr"T - --T;;
? gieat shout fiom thousands ot
tluoats. which mingled vvilh the sa
lute filed bv the nitill2iy squad of
the Oiphans' school and the Sons of
Veterans, and for soveial minutes tho
big ciowd continued the cheoilng, as,
loi the flr.'t time, the lvallrntion buist
.Uion th'in in Its lull sUnifie.ineo that
Scranton is now possessed of ono of
U'o finest sluilts In the
otato of Pennsj Iv.tnla.
The pat ado staited .about '.'.1 o'clock.
It fc nmed on Washington avenue, and
the line of mm oh was along tho fol
lowing streets: Out Washington ave
nue to Pino stieet, countoimmch to
Mulbetiy, to Finnklln, to Lackawanna,
to Wyoming, to Linden, to Washington
(passing in levtew at monument), to
Sptuee, to Adams, to Linden, to Wash
ington, to Sptuee.
Piist in tho lino cnino Giund Mai.slinl
U. It. Hippie- and his chief of stair, H.
A. Com sen, on hm.subaek, mid followed
by his mounted aides. Tlio lattci weie
Dr. C. H. Fisher, Major J. 15. Fish,
Captain 1'. J. McAndicw, commander
of Colonel Monies post, Giand Army of
tho Republic; Major C. 13. Mink, Cap
tain Dibble, William MeClave, and
Fted It. Stink, Dr. IJ. Itussell und
Uitriy Jefftles, of tho Sons of Veteians.
Following them came Mm.shul of tho
Flint Division S. II. Mott and his
mounted staff, consisting of Frank
Mai tin, Wallace G. Moser mid Thomas
Sullivan, or the Sons of Veteians. D.
T, Uiown, tho coloied stundaiil-bearei-,
1 ode along with them, pioudly (Buy
ing tho waving folds of 'Old Oloiy.
Ueiilns's band, of Wllkes-Muiie, was
next In line, and with Its brisk martial
imislo announced tho piesenco of
Conynghnm post, No, 07, The Luzerne
company was accoided ho pluee of
honor In tho lino of mmch by their
Scianton hosts, and as they wniehed
nlong, ono hundred stiong, a halo and
hearty 'band of veteians they pioved
tliemselves to he. Commander Admit
Zlmmi'i was at their head,
Tho Patilotlo Older Sons of America
Drum coips was close behind, the her
alds of Kzra Grlftln post, titand Anny
ot the lie-public, of hls city. Major
Pe.uce, of North Scranton, walking
pioudly at the head, Fully two hun
dred membeis of this branch of the
Grand Army of the Republic were In
line, and weie followed iby about llfty
veterans, wemlng tho budge of Colonel
Monies post.
Sergeant Geoigo Fell post, No. 7, of
Wnverly, commanded by Major A, I.
Ackeily, und Nicholson post brought
up the tear of tho old boldleis,' line.
Cuptaln S. C. Hutchison letl Camp
No. S, Sons of Veterans, who marched
four abieust and swung along with a
Jaunty, martial ticud, preceotng the
Wllkes-Barro camp. This, Colonel
Continued on Pave 8.1
Would Appropriate Specific Sums
for Payment of Judgments.
Select. Oouncllninn Charles K. Chit
tenden, ot tho Ninth waid, has n new
niuulclpnl seheme which he Intend t
lo put In opcintlon next spring, pro
viding the taxpnyois at tho special
election soon to be held decide agaliHt
the Issue of $loo,wm woilh of hoinls
to wipe out existing judgments.
His plan as outlined yesterday In
city hall Is to nppi opt Into certain spe
elllc rums to pay ccitaln rptclllc ludg
uicnts and clnltnu, Instead of appro
printing 11 lump sum lo he known as
the judgments and Incidentals nppro
ptlntlon, ns In the past.
If councils pushed such Horns la next
.vein's nppmpilatlon otdlnance )t
woull entliely do tiwity with n great
ileal of the cotinclhnnnle Jugglery of
llitt .lntlgnient-1 nntl Incidentals appto
ptlatlon. Then the money would be
npni'ipilated for a certain opcclllc put-
pose and would have to be expended,
for that p'tttlcular put pose and none
Under noli an iiiiuiigcnient It would
lv Impossible to divert tie money to
paying otia permanent fuen; to pny
1 opnh h In wni iln whoi o tho 1 ckuUu
Tppopilnilon Imu hern oxIuiuhIoi,
Justice of the Pence and Lending
Citizen of Holllstervillc Held
Under Bnil for Heaving.
Justice of the Peace Kraslus I!. Hol
llKter, of Hollisleivlllo, Wayne county,
was nriestod yesteiduy on the charge
of embezzling ?J00, while solving as the
executor of the estate of tho lato Cath
erine Hochicin, of this county.
The Intot mutton lor his art est was
swoin ouL befoie Alderman Kasson by
Caspar Ilochreln, of 31 Lafayette
stieet. It sels foith that lie Is ono ot
tho holts of the late Catheiine Hoch
lein, and states that Just prior to her
death her will was drawn up by Mr.
Hollister and that he whs named as
her executor.
It further sets forth that on March
1, 1S9S, while acting ns executor of the
estate, Mr. Hollister was paid a laigo
sum of money by Wllllnin Fitzslm
nions, $r00 of which was to 'be used in
paying certain debts, the balance to re
vert to tho heiis. The infoimation al
leges that the $500 was letalned and
embezzled by Mr. Hollister and that he
used it for bis own put poses.
Mr. Hollister is one of the lendinc
citizens of Hollistetvllle, and has been
a justice of the peace there for a num
ber of yeats. The town is named after
his family.
Ho was walking along Washington
avenue, when Constable Ira Mitchell
stepped up lo him and placed him
under arrest. The old man was very
much surprised, but came willingly up
to the uldermun'b oflieo and demanded
an immediate hearing.
The prosecutor, who was reptesented
by Attorney George M. Watson, was
not ptepared fot an Immediate hear
ing, inasmuch as nil the witnesses re
side in Wavno county. The aldeiman
theiefoie held the accused in SSOQ bail
for a healing at 11 p. m. next Wednes
Seiies of Them Are to Be Held in
This County.
The attention of our faimcis is called
to the list of institutes, to be held In
this county this winter, by the State
DepaitiuenL of Agilcultuie. assisted
by the local boaid of Institute manng
ets lor the county. These meetings
aie in the Intel esl of all t.umeis, and
open to all. The expenses of conduct
ing them is boi ne by the state. No
collections mo allowed or tho adver
tising of any business. The idscussions
me upon faun topics for the benefit
of f.nmeis. Ai range )our business so
as 10 attend and take part in the exer
cises. All classes of citizens aie wel
come, and Intoi estlng piogi amines have
been ptepared.
The county chulunnn is Henry W.
Northup, of Glenbuin, who will be glad
to send pi ogi amines or infoimation to
any one who will make the ictiuest.
Tho .stale speakeis who will be present
me: Hon. H. S. Seeds, Huntlnston
county; Hon. George Campbell, Btad
101 d county, and C. W. Uioadhead,
Susquehanna county.
The Institutes will be held at the
lollow lug dates unit places: 'I'omp
kinsville, November 9 and JO; Dalo
vllle, November 30 and December 1;
Madisonville, December t to ,'l; Chuk's
Summit, December .1 to 4; Bald Mount,
December I to 5; Fleelvllle, December
.1 nnd fi. Come out to theso meetings
and bilug our tumllies mid li lends.
Just Received.
Sri anion Business College.
Geiilleiueii: Please if )ou
have any young man In your college
that Is quick nnd nce-unite In llguriig
and a full- penman, that would come
heie for ?J3 per month. Need a man
nt once as timekeeper and assistant
A tuque's t for it lndy stenogiapher,
No one to send. "
Turkey Supper.
The ladles of the Second
chinch will filvo a turkey supper, Fii
duy evening, November 10, Hum fi to 8
o'clock. Pi lev, 35 cents.
Needs vaiy tastes
differ prices numer
ous. Hero you find
a collection, which
we have no fenr in
saying, will meet
with your approval,
Priced from $1.00
to 85.00,
AH Records Broken.
We have broken all records with
our sale of
Scotch Whiskies
This week, ti is because they sell for more money
elsewhere. If you want a case or bottle order today.
Presented a Plctme to Dicthoin
fiom Luzerne.
In Its lepoit of 11 leeeptlon given by
Columbia council, Junior Order United
American Mechanics, ot Wllkos-lturrc.
Wednesday night, the Wllkes-Hnne
Ilccotd yestetluy said:
"Marvin Tullll, of No. 102.', Dunmore,
also nintlo a few tcmutks nnd In thu
name or tho reception committee of the
State council of 1S99 piesenled to Co
lumbia council a framed picture of P.
S. C. George 11. linnets, which was won
at 11 base ball Kiiine plaved at laike
Ariel between the membeis of l.uzetne
county nntl hiuknwiiunit coutitv."
Spend Your Evenings Profitably.
Voting men and women who arc cm
ployed during the day should uutillfy
themselves to enin linger salaries by
spending their evenings nt the Scran
ton Bu-dness College night school. '
Abreast The Times.
For Men, Boys, Youths,
and Little Men.
You may pay more,
but you cannot buy a
shoe that will wear
better, fit better, or
look more stylish.
Quality and price
prove value. We have
it at last
$1,25, $1.58 ""$2.08
.7 srww-w-"",r" rr. -; ;
You cin ffe It in tlie di-pby v unlaw ot Rey
nolds Ilrotlicis, llotd Term) 11 biiilillns, 01 at the
ortire of (lie nscnt.
21) Board of 'l'l idn llulldlns.
The Oriental
(.ill-, i-plulcd mow, 1 1-.1 1 nl until Christ,
mis I've.
The Unveiling;
Of Crockery Values.
which i cliily occiiiume litre, net
thu nut ot town slupinr ralliutil jiie, "r
whip, acconliiii. t" tho v.ilu t inr-
'I lie followliie' iUotitionj roiiipl' '' tli1
nor) :
liai.cUonicIy decoutnl glo''".
cif pun-el iln -10 plec-H -In aieit ia
vlety vl dciii.ii.
112 piece! Ilonl eininientJlioii,
Pierce's Market, Penu Avenue
Receiving daily. Pnncy Domestic
Drapes, Concouls, Wordens, Nia
garas, Delnwuies, and other varieties.
Al6o Malaga and Tokay Drapes.
Pears, Pound Sweet Apples and
Quinces, Cauliflower, Lima Beans,
Spinach, Boston Head Letttuce, Cel
ery Etc.
Strictly New Laid Eggs, Pnncy
Creamery Butter.
W. H. Pierce,
It ttcLawanni Ave.
119, US, 111 Peon Ate.
tf-Vtwlti' !'.' 1 ? 'J iK a-
iSvJ-0S,ifrrn'i . lGVSeil
i ' -v.v. .32-. ri-75"'
v,?i '-- -. -"'
I uruener cs o. m
I 205 Wyomine Avenue. H , O 3 W O
216 Lackawanna Avenut,
Scranton, Pa.
.PHONE 2162.
2 and 2 Are 4
As sine ns 2 and 2 aie 4, bo
sine aie you of securing an
up-to-dato hnt at our store.
Tho style in soft hats has ma
terially changed this -winter.
Come nnd see the latest.
305 Lackawanna Ave.
House Beautiful
Ever realize how important
are in the furnishing of your
home P
This stock is absolutely new,
each pattern selected not only
for its beauty of design and
coloring, but for Its -wearing
qualities as well.
It will pay you to investigate
P. McCrea & Co
427 Lackawanna Ave.
Tho 1'opular Houufurnubtag Stora '
eatt ot
as maxim has it is to be
l cached only through
his stomach. No greater
aid to maiden fair or
cook supremo than Dock
ash Range to reach that
vital spot. Buy it at
iVai r-4-n. -C. rr.aiioM r
if.(j ruuic wv i uuoi v
140-13 Washington Avd.
Day Fixings
Look to the Dining loom
it's the most sought
for on that day. Maybe
you are thinking of re
furnishing the room en-
tiiely see us! possibly fc
the chairs iooK too shab
by for the sideboard
see us! then again it
may be that tlie side
board is at fault see us !
by all means bctoie re
furnishing any part of
the home,
Certainly !
221-223-22tj-227 WyomlngAve
111 il MEARS
I credit You ?
2 t Sj,
3 ir
ifiv. &,MJt &a jjjfajjvetofrioi, s4r j&kA