l""TT(M'i'. Ttt nnr "&" ,! ' ' ' f ii. V orawtoii THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICis OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., FRIDAY MORNTNU, NOVEMBER 10, 1900. TWO CENTS. Sribune. r INDUSTRIAL TESTIMONY Startling Revelations Made Uu the Various Witnesses Before tlie Commission. 1 WHACK AT THE POLICE Dr. Blaustcin, Superintendent ot Educational Alliance, Speaks of tho People of the Enst Side and States Thnt It Is Impossible to Secuie Services of the Police to Aid in Checking the Evil. flr llxelusbe Wire fiom 'llic Assaulted l'ro. AVitbhliiKton. Nov. lil The indus trial commission devoted Its ioicnoon session today to hem In.? testimony fium membeis of tin- New Yoik Uuild us' league, ihi' Hi st witness lielm? J. I'. t-.ee, picsldent of llio league. On nl tin- witnesses, Louis Hauling, .said (h. it tile labor unions tonti oiled Mute htrlslatlon bv means of a blacklist. Mr. Lee's testlinonv dealt laiRely with 1 lio methods ot settling disputes In the ililtcient blanches ot the btitldln-r tiadu. He announced himself us ta (li able to aiblti.ition and lie mildly cilli e l.sed some of the methods of the tiades unions, lit' deekiied that ooinpna thelv tow men conliol the lt clsicim nf the union and tli.it those who ob ject to these decisions suhjeet them selves to cillcisin. The witness s-ald his league had nev (l hi ,i htilku ealled in the .lid ol the .state boaid ot in liltiation, bellev iniir that the bebl way to leaeh an nutlet -htandliic; was to meet dhectly a lom mittee of the stiikois. The state bo id lus been licensed, he said, of paiti lit Judson Law son, also a n nbei of llio Bulldeis' leaRiie, of New Yoik. ciidoiscd what Mr. Lee had said and :idded that he was a eiv zealous ad vocate of atbltiation, though not of tompulsoiy arbitiation. Louis Ilnulinq-, a member of the hoaul of managers of the New Yoik rnllder's Le.isue. testiliid in a blind ir manner to pieeedlim witnesses Speuk inpr of labor legislation. Mi. HaidliiT f-aitl the labor insinuations kept the i9ii-.iit.A;tui)y clmJim-,sesblons of t'i state leiilslatuie, and th it niemben ot that body who did tint Mipprut the measures pics.ptl bv these ropiesonla tives weie placed upon a black list and markfd for opposition at the nct eleetlon. "The legislators aie .ifr.ud ot th" la bor vote, 'he .said, "and thov don't liositnte to tav so." VI cpicssed tlu opinion that nTost of the lavs enacte 1 In the state in the past few mim had woikcd injuiv to tln labniin,? men thenii"l es. AKo, he asset tM that the high pi lie ot labm in Suv Yoik and the --lioi t iiouis obentil. veto bavins the ellecl of diivlng eei taln classes of woik out of the stil. Alter Mi. If.tiilint, lotiroil All lwe returned to ihe stand. He t-aid he krew membeis of the New Yoik slate nssemblv who had been milked tin op position by labor associations bee-iiif of their position on labor nvasuic.. Indeed, he said, theie bad hi en lor a time opposition tu tlu Pciiiooiatle. candidate toi govi nor in the ie":it election on that account, but If aft"t M at ds was withtlinwn He "-aid tho labor oiganl.itlons weie in the habit ot keeping a lobbv ot fight or tm men In Vlbiny while the legislature Mas 'in scwblon. East Side Lmmoinlity. Di. David Ulaustcln, superintendent nt the rducatloiial Alllunee, disci Ibed the details ot Jewish linmlgiation. lie took up the question ot liuinoiallty among the people ol the I'ast Sddo of Ke w Vnl, eltv. and said that In the 1 asi tew je.us teinaie immorality had iicuiod a hold in the tenement housi nt New Yoik nccr beloie known; that e'hlldien aie used as agents lot lewd women and that it Is Impossible to suppiess tho pinetlfcs beeaiiso of cor iiiptiou In the police loiee ot New Yoik. On account of this condition. It had lienn impossible to get even one ease Into eouit. The witness said, in jepljlng to the quo'tlenis, that tlie po lite levy 1 1 Unite upon the pi i sons en Barred in tho inuuoial piaollces; thai this levy system extends to tlie cii tlie police lotee and that tho Haloou kecpei.s geneiallN aie cuiiiknetl as In termedial !es In this shtcm. "Why iio )ou not go to the chief of police?" he was asked. "lie hnu gone," w.i.s the leply, "He, too, i.s In the lonspluuj," Speuklllg ot llio HWi'UttdtopH, Dl, JllauHteln hald that iiiany Jew.s wuia ililviln to them because this Hstem iiIIowh them to.nhsciwi their Habliath hen the factoiles do not. Tho .lew Isli InnniBiant I.s ay puiictllloiib nu the point, as a i ule, ho nakl, lie miggputcd that immlgiautH Kliouhl he kepi- nnder close goNuiniuont In spection for a. few eatn utter landing and that thoio should be nioto hm etal dlstilhutioii or tin in than Is now thu caj, when too many of Hum Mop in New Yoik city. When Di, llliiuMclu llulshed hi) testimony, tlio loiilinl.sslou tailed Malnt Kot, pioMdeiil ol thu National lion Mouldeis' union. Mi, l"o said that the Imn nioiildei.s neur onto upon KtilktH until u thoiough canvass of thu Hituation Is made. He lonccded (hat stiikes ato Iminedlalely unptollt able to all coneet u'-d, but lield that their ultimate eitect had been to pio Heno to labor a greater Miato of the ije'iimnl wealth than It would other wise hae bet in ed. Mr, Vox took a positive position In opposition to torn fiulboiy nihtti.itlon an opposed to the splilt of Ameilcan Instltutionb. H. ulso took stiong gtound against the lesoit to Injunctions In labor tumbles, bellovlng that tho law Itself supplies ample piovislon for punishment of of. fenses connected with stiikes us In other cases. ISAAC BIRRIOLO HANGED. The Wollesboio Wlfo Muidercr Said He Had Nothing to Confess. tly tlitludvi. U Ire from 'llio AmoiIiIhI 1'n.s?. AVellesboio, Pu Nov. in.lsaac Hlt ilolo, who wan coinloted of wife mur der last December, was hanged hete today. The condemned man, accoin psnli'd bv Sherllf .rohnson "ind Depit ty LIod, was taken fiom his cell to the nr-aifold, which had been ciectol In thu jail yaid about slvly fe t I'way. IK walked tho distance with a tli in, steady step. When asked by Hheilff Johlisoa just befoie the tap was put oer his head, If he had any .statement to make, IMnlolo .said: "flood bje, 1 1 lends; t li.no nothing,' to lonless." Tw'dvc niliilttes .if lei the ill op fell, he was pi enounced dend. The 1 1 line lot which Uhrlolo was put to tleith was eommlttt'd In Hlos,s btug In Jul,v, lsj'l lie was a baibir bv t'ade and alter a piintl with his, wile he slI Ihe to her clothing and she was lnuned to de ith. Pullowlng ills coiivlctioii, stienuous ell oils weie mad' to secuie foi lilm a new tiial and he was lepilevd t'liec t lints by Goveiuor Stone, until the Supiomo eouit tin illv lifusrd the application ioi the ne. tiial. The ef I'Mts In Mniolo's bilmlf weie con tinued until last ueek. when appli cation was iniide to the' boanl of pai dons for a i cheating of his ease and which that body icfils' d. As the ti.ip wus spiung at 1L" 119 o'clock, llh i olo's holy shot clow nw aid almost nine feet. His head wjh almost toi a ft mil his body, and blood s:nu ted thtee leet Into spllL'e, and then tailing In ton cuts oer the dead man's bobom and clothes fiom the gah cut Into his inik li the lope, which had smeied the jugulai elii. It was a houlble sight, one never to "be foi gotten by the -'00 people within the enclobiiie. MISS LOONIE MAKES A RETRACTION Alleges That She Made Other State ment to Prevent Mayor Flood fiom Committing Suicide. Bj f.cluMe Wlro from Tho Associated I'rccs Klmira, N. Y Nov. 15 Catherine I oonle, eonlett-d ot forging deeds to ceitain piopeity, hat. nvtde another re t Kiel ion of the statement put out jes tiiday in hei name and which assorted that Alavot riood initiated and direct ed the forgeiles. Aliss Loonle now al leges that Major Floell's attorney In clined her to sign the statement by leiiicscnthigthat if she did not do so Flood ouIil"bTdihen to suicide, and that moially she would be his inui deier. Thu piisonei, in her Iatebt state ment, sajs, she is willing to go be loie the stand juiy and ghe testimony as to tlie guilt ot Mnjoi Flood. Catheilne Loonle was taken to Au burn piisou this alteinoon to sere her sentence ot four cai and nine months, tin offeiing foiged (kids lor icceid. McKINIEY'S NEPHEW DEAD. Assistant Paymaster J. S. Barber, of Hong Kong, Passes Away. By Ixclusiiu Wirt fium IIil' AmuuuUU t'ltaa I ihin lull, o. V (H wis utoi cil hcio toiloj nl thu ill ah of Mi MelvmUj'a luihi, Avht ml I'.i.mi l-lu .1 S HiiIri, at Jlong Uone'. I In news i nut in llio form of i di-nuli to the ro tlipiiliiuiit fium llic lununiiul r ol the MunlCH to wlmh .inung Baibit as Jtt.K'liul, in llio following uiuI-. llnliu iliul of l.wliuiil ut -1 SO tills moniiiiK ' (nu inins toil i, So,, 1) ) News of tlie ili ith n tomc.iril lo tin wlillp lioii-i itisiuiill li Ciptiln ("owlis, a"tiii5T elmf if llio iiaUjntiou bm ail, mil riiis-il RiLit rk in Mi 1 1 K 1 1 1 1 1 Tin! tin pniMtl nt. Mi. Ilnlicr 1 hi .1 ino iiniit ilili ucoul foi ono so ,ounjc I Ik rntiKil tin Ohio oluntiiH m the rulbrciu ii' tin cpinisi u.ii is a print" with his (ouIii, ' .liniih McKiiiU, ami u;n coniim mini for Kill.mt loiiiluct. lie is nni-tcrcil out it tli tnd of tlie w ir .ind win u ho iiujicrul Ills hcill'i, whielt li id lietin htiittiiril b llio cj)oine in 1 lunl Ft l ice to which In hlil bun subjected, ho .n l,ieii i loiinni luii in llic nn.i a an kmIsUM 1 iMiii'tir. He wis oulereil lo the riilllj)iin ut his own riquct, Ihmhk iiUkIuiI lo llic Don Jiun Dc Au-tili. Mltrwinl In wis ti in. fcrrcil to the Monkni, hut in tin Milium r hit, hcilth anin tr lie w i .mil he hit! I, mi 1 v inr ill ".ith tilioliI Ituf .it llun Koni; tor i-cinil weent ut. WILL NOT CONTEST. i John W. Yeikes Appointed Collector I of Internal Revenue. I!y I xiluslic Wire from flic Asiochted I'rcs. isliiiiKtou, m, j Join) V. Ycvkn., lilr lit inlilii.iu iiiulitlito lor Ruxinor of Kintuclo, this iflinioon was appulnuil mllutoi of he torn il rrwniiu fur llio Ciulilli ilistrht. lie will I a'-iiiui' lil Outiis Not, JO, .Ml, Villas, who rolKiHil the ifllco to whlih ho Ins I, mm le jiiolnkil in iinKe his i iinpaiu j of htntiida for the i;oi rnorship, ( illul cu llio i imninlssloiior nf inn mil riMimo toilij. Ho ) h till ho hut nlunilunul nil Idea of coukstlni; (loiinior lliikhiiu's elect Ion, 1 eslie ( ouilis, tli linn in of the lltiublliaii blalo (tmiinltiio t! hinluik), aui,iiiiiiilul Mr. Vrhis Ho iislKnul Ills in,joii as pctbinii uicint .it Louis llio, to loiiihut tho btulo c irnpaign. It b, umli itn),l Hut ho, too, will bo fiiiiiut(il to llio i llico ho fonnirly liclti. NEW REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS, Will Be Opened at Washington Within Two Weeks. fly PiilihUe Wlro from The AMochted Prrts. UdiliUflnii, o, li Within two wool.s lie. piiblh in lutionnl In nlqu liters will lie opintd In this til), apartments hnlm; betu M In toil (a. iliy in tho biilliling at tho northeast (ormr ot Voimonl luiiuo iml II tin ct. Ml of tho fimil'uro of tho exkrn tioaibpi ir. ten, at New i,ik uml pin of that of tho Lhl. t.iga hiiilqiiiitirs hio bun bhliusl to Wnsli iiis'toil tot the lisp of llio natloiiit ccniiiilllu. SENATOR DAVIS DELIRIOUS. liy Lxeluaho Wlro Ireun 'llio Anoclalel I'rcw H. I'aul, Jlliin , .No. n 'Ihe new futuro In tlie i.-uc nf Hilled t-tatu Snutoi UuLs n llio sIIkIiI dtlirliim on first uwakinlni,'. 'IhU iniJI e.itis tho mental as well oj phisial btrain under which the patient U t-ii!lulii- and Is a ttage of tho kidney troiili'o which U now the inosl scil. uiu elillltulty with wlneli tlio unator lias to con tend, 'flic in in.ililtc fjiull) in prepared for tlio worst oiiteonio, ulthougli hoivcful of the nsllile tutu foi llic bctttl, which teciui to uppear in any faiorable ) ruptomi. BIG ARMOR CONTRACT Secretaru LonQflnnounces tlie Con clusion ot a Long Controversy. Overprices. THE AGREEMENT MADE Carnegie and Bethlehem Companies Authorized to Make Armor for Seventeen Ships Now in Various Stages of Construction, Including Eight Battleships, Six Armoied Cruisers and Thiee Piotected Ciuisers Tho Rate Agieed Upon Is S420 a Ton, with the Possible Addition of Royalty Fees, Making tho Maximum Pi ice $455.02 a Ton Cheaper Aunor Than That Piocured by Any Country iu the World. D.i i:luslio Wire from The Vssociited Presa Washington, Nov. 13 Seeietaiy Long today announced the conclusion ot the long contioeisy oei the pi Ice of ur moi pi tte for naal vesel.s, and an agi cement vilth the Cainegle and Beth lehem companies for Kmpp minor at $4J0 a ton, with the possible addition of ro.ilty fees making the maximum pilce ol'"i3J a ton. The amount ol ui -men liuoHecl is the laigest mei placed at one time by the government, and is .said to euunl all the aimoi nui chased by this government up to lSlti. It covers the aimor loi t-eenteen ships now In aiIous htages of constitictlon. Includ ing eight b.itleshlps, s- atmoied ctuls eis and thiee ptotectcd ciuisei The following ofllclal statement was given out concerning the agreement: "The navy deputment has come to an agieement with the Carnegie and Bethlehem companies for Kiupp armor of the first class, amounting to 114,930 tons, for $120 a. ton. The Kiupp process involves the Haivey patent, the valid ity of which Is now under consldeta tion by the courts., and it Is fuither agieed that the gov eminent will as sume, in addition, any liability foi tho Krupp process not ef ceeding $5, or $24 -32 a ton lor Kiupp royalty, and not exceeding the United States license fee or JU.20' tor Haivey royally. The maximum pi Ice to the government is tiierefoie $4"5 "i a ton, subject to dimi nution in ease of any reduction in the foiegoing loyalties. The Original Bid. "The bid of these companies lor this class of annoi was 400, and the pi lee oi iginally asked, $345. "The MklMtle eomp.inv some time ago wlthdiew theli bid, but they-would have been unable. In any event, to luiuish armoi in elue season for the Maine class of battleship. Had they not wlthdiavvn their bid it is probable that some auangement might have been made for the dlslilbution among the thiee companies ol the manufac tme of armor othei than that of the Maine class. Their bid, howcvei, was of value in enabling Ihe department to secuie the above laige l eduction." Admhal O'Neill, chief of the bureau of oulnnnee, said of the result: "The agi lenient is most satisfactory. The teims me i educed not only to a je.isonable point, but are moie than leasonable. Wo get armor cheaper than any country in the world. It is due not only to Seeietaiy Longs' able management ot the matter, but alto to the tact that the company's met him In a veiy leasonable splilt. It Is only just that this should be under stood." The minor continct eovers'not only the 24,9'itJ ions specitled hi tho ofllclal statement, but also some 10,000 tons ot armoi of the second and third class, which has not been In controveisy, but has been dependent upon the dis posal ot the first class minor. The ou tline amount, ul.OOO tons, I.s now avail able. Now .speelllcMtlons have been piepared by the navy depaitment showing in detail the- tests, time of deliveiy, etc. Tliete Is some change In the spoclllcatlons, but in the main leatutes tho specillcatlons are as they veto when the last bids weio made. COUNCIL OF WOMEN. Will Establish Commissions on U, S. Possesions, By Kvclusho Who from riiu .Vnoclilicl 1'icsi. Minneapolis, Noi, 15 -lliei nitltml loiuuil of womtu toil iv deiiikel tu Inu-vtk'ito tho iiiuli tioni ot i-oi ill .iml iloinesHi 1 1 to in tho new Wind poM.(9leina of the Hnlloil Mtttt, mid If its commissioner:) diim hUj .iml s rttommend In tdtablMt peiiiiiuinl eoininUsluiis in tlio isl.iiuU lho tolliAiiii Imi-tlKillnK; eoiiimu. Montis wiro ;ii)li tnl: Hau.ill, iUt. il. It. M. Wnl hie: C'ula mid I'orto Itlto, Mis. S. V. Viskt, Mliiiitaioliiii l'lilliiine' UhuiN, Mr;,, l'uielliie II Wells, I tali. Their lnttructlon.1 ore In tecure looprutlon in the MaiuU IIkiiisiUi.s If poihlo so ns lo let bou thu expcnuo ol ntijliiK out the pl.uu. CORPORATIONS CHARTERED. ir Prelusive Wires from llio Associated Press ll.irrUhuirf, oiiv. 11 Cluikri, ere I'suul lj tho state diiaitiuiiit totU to the lol'oi.lui; nil. porationi; Ilui!litowci mid llhk SIounl.uu stuet llilluaj ioiiiiuin, lUriishurt;, to Imlld uu tin llio lino liom I'mrcss to l.lnuli'tinwi, to Cun met llli tic line uf Hie H.iirUliint- 'lueiloii lompjiiy; i ipilil, Jl'MUm. Tin llinie'JU Mllk'i r.ljsi tominny, jsbliiton, e ipltil, oJ(n) yi). Ilirha County Trn,t irnipmy, Ituilliii;; tapltal, f 2J0 ooa CENSUS RETURNS. Ily rccluiho Wire liom The Avsoelated Vta. Wahlintlon. Nov, 15 fho population of the ttate nf .MkMr'Jii, ai ofliiially announced today, in ..i:o.t-i, igaitist e.tni.'eu in is'io. ihu kho an neiMfC' tliicc ltiO ot JJ7,0J!), or 1H per t-tnt. Washington, Nui. 15 The population of the btate of Kentueky an announced Ly tlio iia.u bureau Is .117.171, at Jalii.t 1,855,0.15 In 1SJ0 'I'hla is an iuercasa cl 23,WJ, or 15 5 per tent. MISS MORGAN MARRIED. Over 2500 Invltntlons Issued to Sei vlces In St. Georgo's Chuich. Ily Inclusive Wire from The tanclntrtl I'rcsj. New Ycik, Nov. ii!. MIm Loulso I'lerpoiU Morgan, .laughter ut Mr, ami Mid. J. I'leifint .Voigan, was marilfd nt S.i'O cclock this af'eriioon In Hi. George's cliuich, Htuyivuiit Stpmte, to Hoibert Llvlngsion tjnttcilcu, a law yer of this oily. Tlie in vital Ions for tho ec'iotnonv nunilcid L' roo, much hi.vontl the seating tiii.iclty of ih (htiich. The ceieinonv was piuloiined by tilt Uev. Di. ItaliHluid, lector of k-'t. Oeoige'.s. The .sci'ln vutH tully choi.il. The wedding march tioni Lohenmin w.ih sting and plavcd as the bi Idal pio i esslon enleieii the chiiuh. The biide, who was aieonipinled'lby her father, wine a supeib widdliig crown of white pcuit de sole, almost entliely coveied Willi efUlslle point d'Aleneon. Tins veil was tulle and Ihe boiuiitH was of white ottliids, lilies of the valley and white loses. The bildesinalds wire Miss Anne Tiacy Moip-an. the Inkle's stcr, Mlss Catollne Moigan, Miss Ursula Moigan and Alias Fiances Ktiftt Haiipln, her cousins; M'ss Alailon Sntteilce. sister of the biidegioom, and Mls M iv ytuiges. The lloi.il di toratlons In tho chuich and house weie of an unusual ly elaboi.tle ehm.it tni. A buffet lunch eon was seived under i lingo tempor al y stiucture eneted In the yaid ad joining the houe The In ide leeched ftoni her father a supeib tlaia and collai of diamond! and a htooch of lu.iuiuci dianionds set hi lieface design, and It is nlil Mi. Moigan ha.s set aside for her bonds of great value. JHE PARSONS WING ELECTS OFFICERS Hayes Fnction of Knights of Laboi Discusses the Chinese Ex clusion Act. By Leluit W ire. frcm The. Vs-ocialcd l'res j Miiniinglnm, Ala. Nov. 15. At to I day's session of t''e Parsons' wing, knights of Labor, the tollnvlng ofi ctr.s we1 e elected. Master woiMua.ii, John N. Paison. ot New York, wot thy loiemun, .J. .T. lionr.elly, Boston, Mass.. ("ecietary and treasure!, IJmoiy I3ui iey, of Wclhton, Ohio Membeis ot executive bo.ud, A. J. O'Keefc. TJIi mlnghani, Al.' ; .1. A. Comiet, I'ltts buig, Pa., and V. B. Cur. of Wash ington, I). C. A. J. O'Keefe vas elected editor ut tho national jonin.il, published nt Washington, D. C. Hemy A. IIIck, ot New I'ork, vvtis "epe,l1erf fiom "rh" older on the allegation that he tilled places of striking clcctuciaus in New i Yoik city with non-union men. The Hayes laction spent the niotniiis in Ihe discussion of the Chinese ex elusion act. Tho geneial sentiment was that tlie -at should bo continued in stienuous force and that piecau I tions should be eueIod against p.tupei imnilgtation with moie cue than ever, owing to the new posses sions of the United States CASE OF WHOLESALE BODY SNATCHING Nine Cadaveis Taken fiom a Ceme tery Near Kalamazoo, Mich., During the Past Yeai. Ily l.cluie Wire from The Associated I'ri r. Detiolt, Nov. 15. A Fice Press hpe- clal liom Kalamazoo hijs: "Tho au thorities ot this city weie intoimed to day ol a horrible case of wholesale body-snatchlnL', which took place In the Spring lliook ecmeteiy In Jfew i .ijgo county. The evidence at hand , noluts to the tact that the woik was ' done soveial days uro. as the cm ith le moved fiom the glints was lioen and the ban en grave, weie hult'-llllecl with .snow. Nine bodies, w) fin as known at piesenl, weie exhumed and all but one I weie tho-e of pusnns who had died I within the pist year, as lolhnvs: j "Mis. C.irlotta nielredc;e, aired thiity llvej her dauKhter. Mllthed, nine yc.u. ot iiRe, both of whom died ol typhoid level ; Chailes James, slty yeats of ajru; lleniy Houston, a inldvile-iured man; e'laience Cole, a .soventcen-y eiu old boy; Don and lleitle Clrcbton, ln i lants, ami Mis. Oeniso Bailey, about llfty yeats of ai;e. "The ninth victim of tho ghouls, which Is supposed to have been Mrs. Homy Knowles, although the body lh In Mich an advanced wtate of dceom posltlan as to bu uniecoirnUable, was (lUcoveted in a liedKO feiite about .i iiuaitor of a mile tuun the eonieteiy. She dleVl about live yeuis uko. "The cemoteiy H In uu Isolated bpot and up to AVeilncsday thetci had not been n Iniilnl for neatly thtee weeks. It was when Isaac Clunlou, tho .se lun, wont to dlcr u mavo yesteuiay mutiiliit,', that the dlscovoiy was made. Tlio icninnuts of tlie caskets, whbh fO mid to havo been knocked apart ,ith an axe, weio sttown about the Kuweynid. The bIipiIP' of Nowayvo eouiity was In Kalaniuoo todtty ami was met heto by two HiaiiK'e men fiom iliancl liap ids, suppobed to be I'lnkoi top detee tltves, who aie' lo work on the myster ious, case. Tho thieo men lott touluht for UtistliiBH. MRS. QUITEAU'S , THIRD VENTURE. Ilj Kvelmlu' Wlro frcm llu Assoelikd Pies. Chltaeo, o, 13 A lhino n is,uul (udiy foi the mairtiL.0 of Mi". Amu Denmlio mid I nocli Allen. Mis IKitiiiln; vas the wife ot Charlc? .1. C'ultr.ui. lur'nl for tho iissid.,lnatIoii of Prcildent fianleld in l5i. Alien 1 l.e tlilnl liu.luud. COXE MINERS STRIKE. tlv t'lclusiio VVItc Jroni The Auoeiuteil l'i llarleton, N'ov. 10 The inlnet unploycd at Ho Heme MenloA lollkry cf ',oe Hint. K fo nuit on klrlkc today herausv, it Is alte-,'id, they were rut tioni i to U cents a eai, which tiny ilalni U In violitlon of the uirreeinent ot the (Oiupany to pay tlu in the t'.-t pei cent. Incrcaro )ioiuivU viheii tbo btiikc was declared elf. THE NOTE FOR CHINA READY ministers at Pcktn Will Probablu Submit It. Within Fow Daijs. THE DISPUTED POINTS They Have All Been Piacticnlly Agieed Upon This Announce ment Made at the Last Meeting Held in Pekln Will Meet Again on Tuesday. Hi I'wluslie Win fiom The isociatc 1 1'resi l'ekin, Nov. to The note of tho pow eis for Hie Chinese plenipotentiaries will piobablv lv ieac?y to submit within tlie next ten davs. This nn l'ouuieini'iU was made at the conclu sion of a meeting of the inmiten to day. It Is undei stood that all pint--under d'scusslon have he"n pi.ic.tic.il 1 ly agreed on, minor phases onlv of stveial of llic most hupoitaut (incs tlens n in lining to bj settled. Con eeinlng those the mlnlsteis have e."liled foi Instiuetlons, which they e- pncl te iicelvo beloie Nov. 20, the elate ol the next meeting. Iliigadior Cioneral Chniles tluni plncy, ot Clcnernl rimftee's t.ilf, has gone to Sl.an-lInl-Kwan, on tho gulf of Liio-Tunr,, to inspect that plies iet,.udlng its availability as a winter pnit. RUSSIAN AGGRESSION. St. Peteisbuig Press Celebiates An niversary of Treaty of Pekin. Ily Ixcltisivp Wire from Thu Asociitnl I'rtsi ?t Petersburg. Nov. It The Ull" sian newspapis aie jubilantly eele- 1 Mating the loitieth anniversiiv of the i treaty ot Pekin bv which Itussia nc ' (filled an immense amount of toul 1 te'iy. The Novoe Vtemva, however, ' uulavoi bly compiles Kussinn diplo 1 p-incy tlien with Euiopean diiilonmcv row, and rays that it is authorized to s-iy emphatically that an effort will be mini to pi ess a campaign foi a srp-i-ate place by flussii in the negotii lions, with China. That is not, hovv "ei, understood ns lcpicsentlng ha goveunnent's views. COUNT VON WALDERSEE'S PAY. Reichstag Bill Piovides for 150,000 Maiks a Year for Him. liy lcluie Wne fiom Tho "ocuted Press Beilln, Nov. 15 The Keichstag bill piovldlng lor a third supplemental y , eictlit on account of the China expedi tion fixes the sal.uy of Tlcld M.ushal I Count von AValdeisee at 150,000 maiks annuallv, with huge extwib. The dlvi--ion conim.indeis will leceive ho.OOu marks and extras, and lower otlkeis villi be paid pioportlonately. The above aie live times the lales of the salaries pild at home CAVALRY TO STAY IN CHINA. Cy 1 vtliisivd Wile (rout The iociatrd Presj "Washington, N'ov. 13. Oeneial L'hnt lee has cabled the war deputment the following li om Taku, under date ol November 1: 'feKth li'Klmtnt United States cav aliv will lemiin in Chin l under com mand ot Lieutenant Colonel Theoeloie J. Wlnl, with Hoops I, IC, U BI. "Chaffee." AMERICAN LEAGUE IS INDEPENDENT. Spiiit of the Oiganizatlon Shown In President Johnson's Statement, tly i:ilusiw Wire fiom Ihe Vuuciatcd 1'rerJ. I Chiiao, o. 15 Presiih nl Hut .loluwn, of the .nu rii in Iiiii(, souiiilcd i clen noto of Inilineiitleiici' tt thy when he declared tint no. hoiki i nasi lit li id htm ukul in liraiil lo tho cistiru iiiv islnn "He did not .i,k lotm I. Itnen If we could pi lie a e!uh iu Philjiklphii," fiid lho prolikiit, "atnl ie did not isi, if no could pi iif ti inii In cithei llaltimoii' or Wash ington Wo jil-t im lit ihcad ind ilid .is uu pit isoil, and .ililir ii-li not looking foi timihle, we're levih tor It nt in time," Tho I hroiih lo tuinoiiiin will sij , "The bj Iril ' of the Vmerliau IciKiie is pithily hlinwn liv I I'lCsiilent .lohu-ou'i Ktitenieiiti, It coiiihleii if. Kelt uu an in.ii.ll plane Midi Hie eld N.itininl leiirtie, and this menu llio tuuiluiu; of Ihe in T tm 1 1 nn'rciineiit, An entliely ikw lu'uinnut I ilU he di inn up bj lho Atntrkin Ieitciu nii. li ilcs. whin lliey unit in this rlt iliout . jn. ami It is thought hy miio tint the .Yilioml league will IiIuaii Id flk'll ir. If It dots Hull tlurii Mill he ti lU'lil." EROS PHOTOGRAPHED. Uj IVImlw Wire fiom 'Ihe soc!atfd Tics? Miiiui'ipolU, Nov. Ifi I'liifisMir I". 1', Iiavcn. wot lit j.Iiot o-i ijilit el the Arnold Pros tluou-h Hie teksioio at Ihe "lite iuiliiii.ll) ohnii ilnry li-l uuiliu' Comiileiiiu tint the diminutive phnit h bild lo he Jl OnO.fKJO mill iw.tv It wis u Ion.' bhdt. The pr(ifior bahi tint tin p'tlitt niulil not he mil with the ntkeil )v oi tluoiuh the tcUscope Ily t ilnse iiiithuii ilical i ilcu'l. lion lie .I'fiilaliHil iu ivuit lueitton mid the Flllilthl llll' ClllC'llt its llkl I1CS.S, (Mil HlOll'h Il w u hi j ond human ken STEAMSHIP ARRIVALS. Ily Kxclinho Hhe fiom The Awoilatfil Vrcas Xcw nrki Nov. 11 Ailltul: l'ur.t llkniaiele, from ll.iniliuit"; True, lliinun. .silled; iik iitie Mtioria, lluuhuri,' I. I'lyiuonlli mil ( her. houiijj I.i (.hinia'iie, lime, l.hiipuol t riiiil; Tiiitonle. fiiiu New Vorl. llr nun t. riledi I.1I111, New Yoik, Ijiivtlhtcitwihilliilt tkiiinli' tfioui l.htriKioDi New Vorl. Ilamlmii; irihedi DeiiUihlaud, New uiU via 1'ljin. 0111I1 and I'heihour;. Itoitiribiit 'alku: St it endjiii, llouloipio and en Yolk. TRAIN DERAILED. fly r.teliisbo Wire from fho VtsiciaUd l'rc. Ilellikhem, l'.t , Nov. 15 Traninj hot nlglil thiew oini a twitch on the Ichl,li and I.acka wanna railroad, ten miles north of here, and the ivprrbs fiom Haiti. I'a., to lhl city, as dc railed, runnlnit into Monoeacy creek, but inn oierturnlns. Sevmtecn iu.-.saigeis weie aboard, but 110 one w-, hurt, liavil wai blockul until this morning. The) county authoiItiM believe tho work wa Hut of profeMiioiul train vaeckcrt. THE iM;VS THIS MDU.M.Vli Weather litllcntlons To Jar, PAtRi CONTINUED COLO, 1 Oetioril rmiiiitiiiv Will .Mil In supprridiin Mcc In Nov iiik. I.linilu Armor Conine t wnrdoil. M in It rf tho Inhi'lrlal f'nnmillon MliiUloisi uicc us lo n Nt to for China, !! lei d Mn'iilff ol llfililiopUlm. Council I'riitrt'tllnjs I be Iniiiettlnl Niwt J lord It, 7tl. ltd ilit tho story of Mr? I ui rl ltd mi of l Hit I I Villi)! hi ti ind Comment 1 In d I uuIIIiil, of tin s-. ttllsirt ami siHm.t Met HUM 111. ( Iiuil-il sfiinitii in, I stil ttrl, in 7 VirlhiiKkiii I'niii'ili.iiil i Ntw s It'll I i telllnn pf Ihe soMir-t,1 ml mIIi rs" Mi'iiiunelil (t one hi lul ) THIRTEEN PERSONS ARE KILLED Fatal Wieck of a Tiaiu Near Bayonne, Fiance Rcstauiant Car Leave1? the Tiack. Ily I UiMiL Whc ficm lho A,oclilotl Pre Ilayonue. riauce, Nov. 15. The southein expiess was derailed at noo'i today betvvien St. (leotge's and Sau busse, ne.ii Dax. abuitt thlily -thiee miles notthe.ist of hete The i est. an anl cai was pm Iplt.ited ovei an embankment. 'Villi (eon pei sons weie killed and twenty othei ? lnjiiteil, seven soriouslv. live pis spugeis aie missing. The list ol de id Includes Setior .1. 1'. Cauevaro, Puuvinu nilnlstoi to Kinnee, and an attache of the IViuviuu legation in Madrid The section of the line whcio the tecldent oceutied is under lepair and the derailment is attributed to I'u great speed of the expre-is. The engineer s.ivi, the giound give tuv undei thf locomotive, which sink into Ihe ballast Tho lcstauiant cat enae into ten rifle collision with Hi tendci and alone lolled down the em b inkmcnt It was luncheon hour and out ot thlrty-fout passengers in the tiaui thirty vieie at the table. The bodies wei.. tfiribly mangled, tine uf the butlers of the iestaui.nU en In came suddenly Insane and walked to and Ho amid the wieckagc singing at tho top of his voice. The engineei a nil stokei, who were lluown into a Held, had mliaculous escapes JEFFRIES SIGNS ARTICLES. Will Meet Tom Shaikey and Gus Ruhlin. Dy rxdmlvc Who fmin 1 lie A'suchtnl I'ics3 New Yoik, Xov. ID James. . I. .lelf iiet, of r.ilitoinia, today signed aiticlCs of iki cement foi limits with both tius. Uuhlhi, ol -kion, Ohio, and Tom Shai key, ot Iielmd. Account's to the stipu lations, the bout with Ruhllu is to take place llrst. The leinis of .Icfuiss' .signed iiKreement weie ten wauled by who to Uuhlhi at Mahanoy City, Pa., and lMIIv Madden hoon alter notified his agent in this ( Ily that Rri00 had keen s,.ut to Alt Smith 011 behalf ot lluhllti to cover the champion's money. The Jcftries-IUihlin ar?ieenient mils for a twenty-live louiid contest betore the club ofLeriiiK the best iiuliicements, cm 01 about June 1, 11)01, the exact date to be named when the club .11 tides ate signed. Piaetkally the avri cement calls tor a tight to a linlsh. Should the con test take place In 11 htato 01 city Iesal ilncr only limited lound contents, then ui the end of the twenty-tifth lound, If the tefeiee It. not able to lendei a de cision, he shall be peunltted to extind the contest live rounds at a time In delinltely mull he Is able to decide the wlnnei. If the contest takes place in the state of Nevada the bout shall bo to a llnisii. The contest shall be kuv eined by lho Mniouls of Queonsbuiy utles, and the men .shall bo oeuultted to iltflit with one hand tiee, each pio tcctlwr hhuselt at the bienkaway. but to bleak at the Older ot the leteiee. Plve'-ounee irloves aie- callod for. Tho winner Is to take the until 0 pui.te and all leeelpts, privileges and other money itcciiiini; fiom the contest. If cither man be beaten between now and the time of the kittle, the match can bo deelaied oil' by tho man who lenialns unbeaten. Tliete is only ono eouilillon in tli 3 aKie'iwnt and that is that .leflries le serves the iIkIU lo meet Hob Flt'; pliiinions helm ii thu match with Uuh lhi. piDvldlnp; tills can b tui.inir el on 01 betoio April I, limi, match with FltMnuiiniiH may iiicessltate 11 post ponement of the bout, lit the Hliriicd tiiTiecmunt vlihli Jel Iries today sent to Tom Sh'tlkey lor his Hiffiintuio, the lltrht is to be on tli 3 same tcinisas the .leffi les-ltuhlhi ton lesl tor on or befoie July 1, 1901, .lei. fi I- s v 0101 v es the ris'ht to meet both i'Mrs-lmmons mid Uulilln betoio tlio matili vltlt lilm, pitivhlcd lho match with Flli'slinmons comes off on or be foie June , 1I1U1. Tho Jrlfrics-IUihllu bout will ptoli ii'ily call for .1 postponeiueiit of tho Jell 1 1 s-fslmihny 1 ontest to a li.ler Onto than thai mentioned In trie iiKienne'iit; a second postponeiueiit would be nie cssary In eas-e ol a bout with TIU slmmoiis, uuli.ss Jell lies thould bo de fwi ti d. MOURNING FOR MARCUS DALY. Pv I telusive e liom The b,oclated I'revi. Iltleiii, .vi.ini , Nov 1j.)Ii mortal mi lev lor Marcus Italy, whosi funeial look pi no In Niu t'ik (udiy, who he hi in marly all Hie iliuiihis thitiihoiit Hie ttat lotlay, and hiijlikst if nil ikftriptl'iiis was ni'iiuliil, iiiiliiJinn- the opn i tions of all the inliied, bine Hint and mill ef the AiiialKimaicd Copper luiiipany, No buck bcenes of niniiriiliiir and nldinco of rupccl havo cicr been witnessed iu the wct befoie. INDIANA'S VOTE. 0y Etcluslve Wirs from fha Abseelated I'reJ. Indianapollj, Ind . !ov. 15. Tlio olliclal ot on btatc ollUui was completed today. It fivie. Purhlu, Uipii'ilican, foi oiciuoi, ovei Kern, Democrat, 5,1 plurality, TAMMANY WILL NOW BE GOOD Richard Grokcr Takes a Hand in llic AtoVGincnt to Suppress . Vice in New York. WBLL SOON GO TO EUROPE Tho Tr.inmauy Loader Makes a Speech In Vhich He Assoits That Not Ono Dollar Comes Into His Possession liom Laudloids of Pool Rooms niul Housen of 111 Tamo. Tlie Meeting Bleaks, Up in Confu sion on Account of the Attitude of Coiouer ritzpatrick. Ilj l.eliHli' Who frim lhc s-r.. I itrtl I'u-h New Yoik, Nov. 13. The evcttthe (oniiuittee of T.iuiniiiiiy hall held a mettln' tmiiylii, at uhli'li Uleh.iid Ciokei btile till the leuleis irood-bve, and took a hand In stinting a move ment to lid the ilty ol vice. In a Utile speech the Tmumanv leadei said ho was ironic to Km ope loi health, not pleasuio and Intioduied Isidoie Stt,iu, inesldenl nl the Kduiationiil allium c, ae a mm who was aeiiualtiteil with the (Oinlltlon ol lliinjrs on the 1 a.st hide, inldliiK. "I Impi vou will j;lve attent ive lic.tiliu; to his statement of tlie eon ! slitlon ol vice that exists tlieu, and that alter you have heaid what he bus lo say you will use eveiy elLoil to c ot -tec I those evils as fit as lies in 10111 pow ei . ' r Mi. Sti.uu said he had met Mi. Cioker at dinnci accidentally and had I liked with him loi two Iiouis ovei tlie londltlons in the eist sjde, and Ml. e'io''er had atked lilm to talk lo the iMciittve comnilttee ol Tammany hall, and then atldiehritie; tho committee. Mi. Stums told ol whit was needed on the j ens! side to suimiess ciinte. He cab I j tint he, as a Demociat, had frequently h id cast up to him the statement that Tammany hall leeches the giealoi j pait of its tcvenue fiom people In thee 'Vll conditions ot life, and that no good 'i.in be accomplished unless tho powei of Tammany hill is deployed All . SI 1 aus hid lepeatod this to Mi. Ctokcr, and the latter asked him to come be fon the committee with the statement, and had piomised his aid. j Lewis NiNoti Ihen. bv letoluttoi'. hid .1 eonuiilttec of (He appointed to "iu vistlBrito the 11101.il 1 onditious of the t ilv and to leceive and .suirtrcsl icni uliet lor the collections ol abuses" Mi. Xinuii was in tele chilli man, und the other memhris aie tieoic C. Clausen piesideiit ol Uu uik bonds; Colonel Miell icl C. Muipliv, piesidellt of the health boanl, .lohu ,1. cannell, the comniisslonei, and John W. Kellei, h.u itles conimissiotiei . Mi. Ciokei's Hemaiks. ll Cmki 1 tlie ii .ii os- und said. "1 have nothiliK lo add to what has been. ild lo you bv Mi. tattatts. because he ! lamlll.u wilh tlie niittleis nu v Inch In has spuKou to you. 1 hope th il this ildlle lonimittce will j,ivo lis lull -lieii!;lli tow.iuls li'lrdnc, him and his woik. We should In .11 Illy enthuse hpi lein.irkM and aid him in llii woik 01 (tiishiniT out till-, awful 11 lint. And riKltt hue 1 want to uiUt.iti what I sail .1 while .mo to you, and th.it W tlnl not out ilnllai 1 oines lulu mv possession li 0111 landioids tit pool looms and houuts of ill tame, and il any one of you Kiiitluiicn .110 inlliet hiu; fiom anv of thee., people, you had butler J,i't out of the oif.'anl.itioii U has no use lor you. You aie .1 (lis friaco to II. Thf oiu'iniatiou ean'r. und won't stand for any such thine;." The iiieethw btoiso up In contusion been ie of the attitude of Cnionr. l'll"p ttili k, the Tamuianv It .uler in the rouiteenth assoinbly tlisttkt, who drilled Hint theie weie any ilisiopu table houses 111 his dlntritl. lie .s.ikl if tin 1 o was vice tlieie it was In t' ne ment houses and 1 ould not be coii ti oiled. Tn this Mr. Ciokei excitedly 1 'plied lint the loion-'r did not know what could be done until some elfent was made m WILL REMOVE TAX. Coiifjiessmnn Tawney Belioves That Reduction Should Be Giadual. II) 1 eluiie Who fiom Hie roelaleel l'rtti Wilinin, 'Minn , Nil, II ' toni,'i.'(3mr,u .1 nius V. I.iv. I'i't, if lh wits ind nu 111, eoiuinillti, .p. llilm; if the lliu tin.' to lie hold iu Washlli,' 1011 Nut. -I, nllf "lhc rhj it is lo t'Diistil. r llu 1 stent to wlucti Uu w 11 nil nun I ills eau ho itiuoictl 11m liiicmlii nils biu'L'csteil to mile the law iiienit n it itfittuy in iihuiiiktriliiin, The pi(hhm is li wlnl li(s .hill In leiuuird will he 1 peiplcvin one I thiiil , houiwr, il in ile tnin mat Hid ki.iiup I e. upon in-tliimuits if imivrv into emit .is itittr.. tit t its. limit'; 11,1s, liihiiit uietA ft r chilli ihle and Itimoknt pmi.)s will he let iiinndi po,lhli Hie lives upon piipileluy nu dli li is and sunn (Uliers. "it will he tlie ilijiie 111 the miniliiib (f tho 1 niiiulliio In nn.oic jint is miiiy ut tho btauip I ixis a, iii-tihli, hut llki the luil'iul of the btuup tivts iimli r tl( old dll w ir rcuuiiu ,11 1 this will piol illy Invi to ho d"in) ,'railuilly en ut to ivtul snilli A lt) dose lo lho !liiiner of 1 dci(it " JErPRIES-CORBETT BOUT. Ily Kxilihtvr- W'lie from Tlu Aociated I'rci. f hit 1.0, Nov., la -I on M lloit-iinaii, nukh inaktr of llii l,iiur-ills Mhktk ilub, todiy si. 1 niul iho riruaiuro uf linns I Loihctt tu n til ths of a;iiiiiiuit ullln.f In .1 tliiomd bout Intuitu the evehauip'oii ami himploii Jcffika, It is plinn-il tn pull lho match oil lute oil Jau, 1, loi 30 'T tent, of the K'te iietipli, the wlnmr to til' i'i and Hie lnni 1 rr cent. Coihetl (loti'l "?1,iji with llnwiiuii as a tor felt. The ankles wne iitw.udttl iu Willlatii V. Urady, Jclltk ' uiaiusei, this ullctnooi. f 00 0-Ktt f WEATHER POREOAST. 4. -f Washington, Nov, 11 Pori'mst loi Irn- - -i diy and Situiil.ii: I'j.t'.Tll PtiiiuytiaiiU sV 4- I'alr, loiitluiicd coll liielay. IMtui- -4 4- day, ftesh wtsteily wlnelj --f-'--t--f-f-t-s.-f. t sa "ol s. M iti ,) SrV F