pK?.jr'ra v 't''- V), .3fr- v . (5.M'. ,-H - sl s THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1900. t'b) : INDUSTRIAL, i D,, . & W. Bofttd for Today. Following la tiin make-up t the Delaware, Liicltattiuina utid Western bonrd for todny! Wednesday, Nov. U. wild) cus i:.vsr. C i. Hi. II. T, IVIIowi. i.W) i. M. Ti .T. 11innmon. 11 p. m. IV. A. llattliulniiicn". ThutnliVi Jiirt. 15- wir.i) cats i:sr. 12 no a. in T. Doudlc in. II n. in. T. Nniiiiinii. 4 n. in. II. tlllllR.ili. fi n. in. .1. W. limine. (1 n in. J. A. Hush. 8 a. m. 0. Kliiitlfj P n. in. A. .1. McDm lifii. 10 si) u. ni. .1. (tentilinn. 1210 p. in. I'. I,, limits. J .so . ni. .1. J. Dllllj. i! 30 p. in. J (linloy. :m"i p. in. r. m f illicit. i.U p. in. J. Duil.liitt. SUMMITS. . m north n. t'ratiiiMLct. !1 a. in., liortli MclioU. It a. m., liortli J. Cairlcc 7 p. in., liortli, from CajHKi Mcl.ane 7 p. in., south, from !.iy Ann i:. Unity. PULLER. 30 i. ni. Sinter, nj&iitm fi a. m toutli Homer. 11 "0 a. ni., smith Moron. 7 p. in., south Murphy. 0 p. ni., south II. V. 1,'ohln. i'Assi:.stii:i: rxniMS. 7 . in. fiaffney. 6.10 p. in -Mjutun. 7 p. in. .MK0irrn. WIMJ Uls WU8T. t SO a. ni. V. Ullirr. C n. in.-O. Hill, r. io . in. r. Wnii. n "jo it. in. M. I'liincrtj. 7..I0 u. in. S Cuiimd' Hun. in. A. (I. IliiniiillW P. VI a. ni. J. 11. Mijtus. 1(1 a. m. .1. Ilirhii, 11 i. in J. Molir. 1 p. 111. .1. O'lldM. U 1. 111. .1. l.llllL'ltl. .1 p. in M. Cirmoi'y I p. in. .t. 11. Mct'irn. f. p. in. O. Uailholrincivi r. p. tn, A. K. Kittluin. 7 p. ni. I. S.iil. 5 p. in. f. I'ltzpitrkk. notice. T. McMllstcr anil cuu, south, it C a m, fcuiiinilt, Nov. 1", tiom Siranton. Around the Shops. Thirty now ctibocsos are being built nt the Uolawuto, Lackawanna anil "Western car bhopi. The lhfct four will be tin ned out on N ember 21, ami one each day will bo tinned out theicnfter until the older Is llnihed In batches of four. Master Car Builder Canlleld is so (dialling the woik at the ear shops to enable the men to tuin out each tlav one 60,000 capacity hopper car for Bon oral use on the Lackawanna, lallioad. The upholsterers have been moved to the quarters foimcily occupied by the cabinet makeis-. The latter are now comfoitably quartet ed in their new .shop-home adjoining the cai pouter .shop. The contract for two sixty-foot com bination baggage and null can. for the Lackawanna tnilroad has been uwaul ed to the Uainoy & Smith Car Manu fcturing company, of Dayton, Ohi?. lach compartment w 111 be thirty feet In length. They will be thoroughly model n In ovety respect, and will bo equipped with six-wheeled tiucks and T3oles steel car whtels. "Work in all the car departments is steadily inci easing, and the rolling stock of the Lackawanna lailroad Is second to none in the woild. The locomotives which have been undergoing lepairs in the machine shops are now in bcnlco, and nil along the line there is a demand for mote en gines. Yard Limit Boards. Yard limit boards have been placed by the Lackawanna tailioad officials to designate the limits of Kingston aid. The board governing west-bound ttains Is located about one-half way between liennott and Kingston stations, and the board governing the cast-bound trains is about one-fourth of a mile east of the Woodward bleaker. Speed of first-class trains through this yaul must not exceed twenty miles per hour. Lhiginemen of second-class and Iriegular trains must have their trains under poifeet contiol and pie pared to stop unlebS the switches ate tiijht and the track Is clear. Yard limit boaid.s have been placed at the east and west ends of tho Ca tiga yaul. All trains passing through this nid must reduce spesl and piocceil c.uefully, prepared to stop, unless switches are light and the trad: is clear. Speed of second class and Irregular trains must not exceed s-K miles per hout. This does not In any way le llove tt.ilmnen horn prrtceting them selves by Hag within these limits. Ashley Shop Men Quit. The laboiers employed In tho yard of tho Contial shops at Ashley, who sev eral days ago made a demand for an In wages, yesteiday motning recuhed their answer, which was to the eii'ect that tho company could not giant their demands at this time. Upon the leeelpt of this answer about twenty of the men quit woik at '. o'clock and went home. Thu. men weie until te cently paid twcho cents per hour. On Xoveniber I all of tho laboivia who had been In the employ of tho toiupany for ouu enr or oVr weio given an lueieani of one-hull' cent per hour, which was not satlstaetoiy to tho men, and they asked to hao their pay Inci eased to font teen cents per hour, with tho ,iIjou usult. Wilkes-harro ltccoul. Not Yet foi n "While. Ono of thu Sunday iiajiors pi luted n story about tho Laekinvuniiii itnllroml coiupnny 111111:11117 cluumcs to niovldo for tho iiiiomiiiodntlou of tltulr lu-I'ica-Hlmr rioluht btiblness by thu pm I'liaso of thu bulldltiBs on thu bouili .Mdu of lowr i.,ii.k.iNMiiiua avumie. Tho attlclu In (iiostloii ulso Htatrd that the piesent imhsohkui' btittlou will bo used for a it eight ilnptit and it lun,' er station eri'ttod on tho 1'latt estuto, lth a fsub'htfuioii nt thu West I.aekti wiiiina avciino cioisIiiB-, Tho linpiovo jiiunts nvo piobnblo enough, says ono of tho oillcluls, but two not possible for yctua to come, .is thu company Is innk. ItiB so inuiiy utliet nuuded Iniptove jiieiits Just now that thu nbovu eluuiBes uio out of the cjtiodtioii. I Incrense in Coal Traffic. At tho piebont tiuio the linineiisa miiuunt of coal being ttmispoited over nil thu ralliouds tiuinlnt; out of Sei an ion was never equaled, and tho coal rarrylntr cumpanlca report a demand to I'.'ii 4 till uloiiK tho various lines. Tho mines mo being woikctl to their 'futli at eapai'itlej, and the recent strike y ut ix stimulus on the business, which Ih unprecedented In the hlaloiy ot coal milling. This and That. The new water cranes on the east and west-hound hacks ul IJInghatnton ate now leady for ufo. AmtltoiH Culver and II. V. Vol tor, ot Albany, X. Y., are In thu city looking over the books ot the local agents. A set of Babeoclc & Wilcox hollers liavu been Installed tit the Diamond mines to furnish steam Tor the colliery and wnshery. The Caiiuccl Hiding leading oft tho east-hound truck, between Foster and Xlcholsun, oil the Lackawanna rail road, Is now ready for use. Conductors have been untitled that whenever rais tiro damaged while In their chaige, they must report the sanio on their wheel tcportii S. T. lb, 2i and Si, giving the numbers and Initials. Tho Dodge coal storage plant at tho Hampton breaker Is about reudv for business, and as boon as the tush Is over, tho Delawate, Lackawanna and Western company will begin stocking up the ynuls at that point. Some Lackawanna conductors and trainmen In using pnssover switches are not closing tho switch loading from the hack their tmln stands on to op posite hack, thereby causing both sig nals to be set at danger. Hoth switches should be set for main llnu as soon as crossover Is made. Lackawanna, bulletin, Xo. 110S, daied August fi, 11)00, instiiietlng that no huso taken from engines should he applied to height equipment, Is not being obeyed. "Whenever it Is neces.saiy to replace air brake hose on a freight car, such hose must be taken from caboose and under no circumstances must trainmen take it liom equipment car ried on the engine. Twenty men In tho employ of the VA mlia ifrldge company atrlved In town last night. They come bore direct fiom Michigan. The men are to woik on tho lino of tho Kile and "Wyoming Valley lulhoad, completing .some big bildges 'being built on the Avoca end of the load, which are being built in antici pation of tho Increase of business to bo cruised by the building of tho Delaware Valley nnd Kingston load. If tho following hanspoitatlon Is pre sented for passage on the Lackawanna lailroad, conductou. will take up tho same and piesent to Superintendent Ketcham's ollfce: Two bundled hip quarterly pass Xo. SSf, In favor ot one man, good between station and station in Xew Jet soy. Fifty h lp family ticket Xo. 78G!, in favor of "W. II. Umeibon, good between Xew ark and Xew Yoik. Two bundled hip quaiteily pass, Xo. C030, In favor of one man, good bet wren station and station, Mot lis and Essex division. M'KSNNEY BUT NOT M'CANN Conchnloil fiom P.irc f!. Amlt anil tlittirj (Iinrso l.icoy, AtiiitMa Liro : Ausu-ta T.icoy, pro. 0ear Hofrmin, .liwipli MisjlkiLUiir, pio. .lolin Motion; Strii; MitkiuiU, pro-j 'Hatir "McViuln'tt, .Tu-si ph Cintcrliurj ; Joseph Cniitcrlmrr, pro' lohn and .Wrph Jlircouli, Joseph illpki, Mike Iti ; I'cltr Oram, pios (li-oreo Mitloltla, alias C.'iHir'o; IVtir Itoola, pro. Lirconj II. JuilKout.; U Kiccilimn, pio. Olloy Piatt; John 'luolan, pro?. Sillini; I.lquoi Without License Anthon) Slino; Tlinmai I.ejhnii, pro?. l'lirriWe Puny mil Detainer Mary lto5c; Pas qml llhaljcqtii. pio l'cloniom I'ntr Mis John I'ritr; Joseph Oitcliud:, pro- liDfriiuhiiK lloanliiifr IIouc Tlohert Ilughcc, John ltolnits; Cluric Kiiifinin, pro3. IRNOIH'U HILLS. Ilrihen P. 1 Mif inn Abortion Annie Ilcliin?. I'ointitiir 1'isIdI IMer Swiccrt. HifihiiiK to lVrform Duties of Otllcc Joseph Moore. Attcmptril Itipe I'nnl: Sholinanskv. Mihein Ihriuinl IViiiriffo Sulurtion liomin I!o-. hcepiiis: C.uiiiii-r Ilnii-c John Swallow, llurlar.i 1'etci Malum, John O'llira. lliTiKini; J.iil Joseph Kutiai.ige. Aio I'ctir Pencil ( oiico.iliiiK De-itli ot lllisitlinatc Chllil Mlko n-ull. ("irrjins ConcealrJ MVipoti Patrick J. Bar rett. I'ntiiins Minor Chllil Henry Drcwcll. Iliiratrt Aiinu1 Nonk. MM W. 1'iKlir snijthc. Mohtlon ot l'ood i.aiis Louis Hunn Misiliiiieanoi In IMrl Mhluel McLoiifchlln, John T. 'Illinois. llnikini,' I'liiec 'lony I'ltiro, nrulgct Kilsin uou. HNihirrflti rin'irm with Intent to Kill Wil Mllej (2), itlnnld 'Ihoiiiai,, Patrick I. Iliiii'tt, John Mulo. ("onp!riij I.', . Vin Valkenheiir, Leo ltoo, Mrs il fun. M. 1). fine, --u-lc Cure, V. K. fair, John Mi II lie, .l.liob Hull, Dili iiiilins lloinllnu' lloiic Ijiiim CoiMo, Alike AIiJu, Ikury AUIleiuiolt, C Inrlcs (iiliaulxr, Mi ( liaika OallaKliu, John Itoherts, Robert Hiulus I inlii ?pl( meiit It, I, Kilelsohn, Michael J, 1'iiip. Hilph llirrtoo.l, Ailultirj llnnoii llunloiURO, Junes llirutt, Sti phaui i People. I'ornu ition ami lla-l inl) Jo-ph AleLonshllii, Isaac Oiani, h.niiurl IMv, ml-i, DnlJ Jouts. MYER D AVI DOW. Rousing Shoe Bargains Today, Friday and Saturday At SJ.0U Ij'iilies' fino Hoji On If, Vicl Kill nnd Knumt'l, fxtra heavy soicd shoes, all biz-is, AL 4)1 96 LddieV lino Viol Kid button and lueo nlmos.kid Hinl patent tip, orth!l At $1.29 Men's patent Irath t'l'UKO Shoes. At $1.98 Men's heavy win ter russet $2 60 shoei At $1.29 Roys' Calf Shoes, worth J3.00. At 50c Little Gent's Hub net Shoes. At 79c Youths' Heavy Shoes. At 93c Spr iiff Heel $1.50 Shoes. At $3.50 Men's Box Cuif t'o JllO'S At $2.50 Ladles' Fine Shoes worth SI. TA Ittiueiiilier every hIioo wo sell jjoea nnd of (,'iniil (jimlity. If you 11ml thuui you another pair oi'slioee. MYER The Cheapest Shoe 1'oriiliatlon l:lla DcnnN. raise Pretences .lolin It. PlilReltinn, M. P. Uc.ll. Boplih Kultjkottskl, W. I'. Hmyllic. ABgraintcil Asaull ami Hal ler Thomas, Jo eph ami Anna tlalljRher, llrhlKcl Dunpsey. franco Talcrlio, l;opiril Hos'iifehl, Jillnci Oor don. ' r'orclblu Unlry ami DcUlner Joseph r.ulcskl, Mury l'.irlcskl, Stcie I'ehllck, 1'itci Chlpoloiu alrh, Mlk'ciuiit, Wasco (tonsil, Abiim Loltus. rorceiy Mitlhew Deeitali, II. S. Coner. I'rrjiirj- inlliony Orel, Coplihi Kulljkiittfkl, Mltlc llrolls, Mike bke.ilT, ,locph ltcgo, Aiiiile .Voirk, .lohn stjek. Hipe John Urlnk, Phlney Wlllhms, thlilei Alison, Mlclncl Kenny, Mcliolu Vouiirj, Tlioum Ilurke. Hecelilna; Molen ciooiU-'Imy 1'nci, L'onnlo Millurtl, Miclnel Come, .limes Munson, Atortl? riiossnun, Clurlcs W'alooskj, l'rink Johnson, Alnlrcw Itusliiiock, John Aslock, Hose (inciiilllli, l'hlllp nuciiillln. Ahllclotn Mlsciilcf Jiimes am( Anilrcw Molock, Auihcw N'oon, l'rink llruin, .losrph AhLuiuhlliii lllcliinl Ciiceii, Joseph Aiulrotcltii'. (co lloos, fatherlno Ilinnihiie, Ahrsarct llmhly, Tlioniit Muhlctlif, Mkholoy Kellchuin. John t hers ink', f.'cornij Lamb, Jinies Mulan, Ji.i "on lloo Poo, John inn! fhrlstlni Korn, Jllclmhi rekonskli', ('. Trothcn, Lbzlc IMnanls, Hinlil l)imri, 1'Jtrlck Cuuley, John lillj, I'ctif Smllli, loseph Cojii", II, II. thicnport. Larceny ly llallec .lohn snillnw, Itemirrl 1'ciIciIko, Stephen lloslr, Allihscl Hern Hi, fhnilrs O'lloiln, Atnlrtw Hiililrk, Junes Jeroni. IMmiiiI Whllltitf, Annie Hiriflli CJ), rimtiiH Ainlriw, John 1juiuw, John mil Anna Uirh thn. I'mliliililn Liquor to Allnors-Jolm hlnslnnk Sellluit liquor on Simclis lohn lllcpo (J), Alevjiiilcr Thlchko. Selllm,' T.lquor Without a 1 in iir Ucxainlir McDonald, 'lhonias Aloliilun, John Aohti", Wlb Ham Mcin. Mirv l'unll. 'Ihomis f. William", l:. W. I'rcriliniii. l'elir lillpi'iiliis, . II Howard. Inorgo Spit?, Louis Wilstaii'ii. Willi nil I'll roll. Miry Jiro l'lillllH. 1 O. lluikc, Jennie ltoMiliw. selllm; Liquor on I Ire lion Has -1'icd Sildlir, AliMlitlir Alillonild, 'Ihoiniis WJIIIiin, Airs, Ihnnias Williams. Ahliilniiiln Public Vuiiincp Juins Aloir, mav. or and others, coinidlnnn, ("rank Noak. Kcepliiif Ihnilv HouscMl Hun, Uilij Mil lei. Nellio 111.1. fonunon Scold Kite It ulrsklc. Wllliim Kil oskil, Kitlif rluc Kilscr, fornclli (Irnson. Itobberj Kale leuli. Palsy AlllUr. AVIUlim Thomas, James fntir, .Vneph tliiniliola, Hid Moore, Ahrtlu Hikir, Moiris I, HennorU, Wll liim Mclliitiiott, Alike Tol in, John Allller, .Tamos sit7cl. Kitlierlnp Coosklc, Irink McAllisUr, llonk NohpluisUo. LnrLCii Joiiu Itil-ki, fniiulelo (lurranp. Hirrv Wiinr, Alir.-aiet Ilill, Jisper lloupesnlc, Karl Kill.uer, AInrj Polliikir, Jiseph I'olliiAai, All ilic Aankpy, John Oufii'J. Ni-sle Klinok Josiph Smith, John '-oim, Iclm ltln-ki, Albert line, Junes A.i!kcr, Alilthci.' T.iirkhttil, Wolf Oroop inns, .Tolin Alaim, William W uislilp, John AInP lln, J inn s lonjn, Mike Morrispj, John Slcronl. John Kiill-kl, lohn Wnllslic-k. Irinl: Slilclol:, Tlionm Ohpiis, Albert rirlfl, John Alishltr, Vianit Ahcis, John ind Annie llii"ink, Antliniiv WVtlf lok, Joseph iml Alny Itiiiniiiifili, Josiph mill rioruipc Hill, Tlirmii It illi. Willi im f millii, Alirv OiMiw, A .in blink I'nori. Alutln Lnih, Ouin lliclln, IMtriik Liikln, Joseph -tuirt. John Kuhi., Ihniins shields, John Alcllmihl. John Grihitn, MixhiiIt Aliltchoski, l'rink Li lnri, John II171I, Miclnol llnuoiskt, W'ashil l'o-tar, clmlev llennelt, Josiph 1. i-noik, John Mien, AliMiider Thiibko, Jolm Tuluin. AMlllam Alorm, 1'ilir ICfs.ler, I.i-ko Kliusko, Ttnvvi AliCillen, John 'lisnk lohn Tiudnoskj, John Hinry. hd ird IU, John Witob-k, Diniel I'll Ion, I dwanl Mtformitk, Stepl en Howip, Tlirmj f!oii7pn ick. Mirtin llniliJp, fieorte flnchiiri, illie ni. Amies Liltn , Vloluilhi Tuisik, Krink 1'iirliiiskv, Doinlnmlc Dejoota, l'rink Gilakip, Jo-eph Amli.nlcs. John Jlpelimtio. Josiph Sluirl, 1'rler Uirli k, Joseph I'irlisli, Alirj Pmleskii. Ilcl1s.1t Mrl ue, Airs Hurt Aim nliiir, all is Kali- Shcip, lohn SMnn, Ci ink Mirtin, .Tulliii foohk, An lion Ituhlnltz, Clcoifo W'ntko, O. I'. Ilrimir, l'lmio llilistiaw. .I1111 s IIpss, fhreiipe Si uls, Anlhonv A'aukoskv. Join Iliuionirs, 1 1 ink Inmei, John slmni-kl, John Huoln. Mirftant Piinlcn, John Komvirski, Cm sip Wirnci. A'-iult and rtitlerj Joeph Mircouch and otlurs, fiemi.'i Sintliinr. nil i- Ceoriro Ali(.oiu, .linns Cuiisrlilin. Jr., Fimnd Illlliotp, Aiclor Hell, Anthony Lmlki, Amlnw Iiicotdi, J. W. Knekupll. John Sulot'ki-, Alin Sif rjirlinski, Alirv Voholn, Alidnd riupotinr, A illi nil Itii", Ahrlnel I'roloskl. John Klnpelnk, Klirilictri Oiaham. Authoii Sitko mil others. Loiiit lliiiiu, Uobiit Vm-iin, Chlui! SiiniMr, Josiph Lcd',-c, J. W". Iloikwill. Aluj Deli ijiRlon. John TulfiV, CicniLP 'Inrner, A1U1111' 'luttlo, Aliry It 'Ihomn, Alts lt"e-e ltifsp. Tliomts Joins, Alike Itinne, loseph Iliikus, I uke While, Lottie Ice, lliimm Aloiris, J II. Scittruubil. Ollii PI itt. linnanl IVduiiro (1), l.i in 1. I..ins. Willinn II. Itieso, Alitthiw llioin, Mike Koslinlm, Mlikolaj f1-kou-lip, (!eoi'C Schriiiei, Alulnel Dully, Aliih ad llounett. Airs Willhui Lians, Cclu .linkfii', I iwrcncp Abhiii, AliU. Alonub 111, Cenvc Cirillin, II. Josiphsnn, Jiroli 1 1 u low it, flnrln roiisnn, Patrick funk, A! i ur, Alirlln Alillei, Mor lis AIjci, ltoe Siinitmn, ( Iniles Jirobs, 'llionns Phillip-, Jn-eph Ililiiuchiik, 'lliomas Johns, Antlioni KotiHkiwskie. iluity l', John AVil'ue, .like htuihiik. l'llnik Italiif.i. Ji Junes H AlrfJI'l. llionns lolins. John llolisko, Piter liniik, Mirgirit Durden, John Diuiii, Alike 'lhio.von, Vniili' Pul iiui, Joephlui W.illirs, J. A. hi itliruod, Junes llmwn, nllion (Mlnskv, .loiiph Kilinski, Walhic siilmlij, 1 Is 111 v Dresser. I'ltrick Me Ruin1, Join Hi in a. W'illnm 'lliointon, Jostph lliu-itk, Aliiluil sluitki. Iiiob lllmin, ajlk 1 tulie. all is 'Ibliiil, Andnw Anniow. Wirrin Tappui. Aliiluil lloss, f. 'liothui, Iiiiiro Spin ino, .lohn llei'.'iu, l'i ink Aliinhi, John Itobliins, Alike Dooihah, tiioiav Can is, Aim Kolio, John Nov ick, John Klnpi, .lu-epli Alarho inl.l, Henry Kinucily. Josipliiiip llh.ll KiUi., I'nui i Wllliim., C. urKi! Andriws, John Aloon, Aliilii. 1 D'lliieu, I.'i( Oein mil ullius, Still i Wiilus, John Sttiuerw.ilt Jliki. (iusslj pi, sjilili Seiiuius, IMuml lliinpliu, K.illp Aleduiip, Sam Ki4.intln (2), Alike Kistantlii, flkoMskic. r Curcs.aU Tliicnl aud Limn Affections. cm-en SYRUP W. GettheRcmilue, Rcfiiaoputislitutci.. jQ Solution Oil cures Uli'-", u, 5-T;ctB. MYER DAVIDOW, At .vt. Ladies' dongola but'on 11 ml litee shoes, worth $2. At $1 49 Men's cult liicoand congress dross hoes At 75c Ladies' .asset Shoes. At $1.98 Men's Emmie $3,50 Shoos. At $4.00 Men's F.qitme! Iiut ton 95 00 Shoes out wtli our promlso uutl gunnint -o that it is nor ect in fitting, good wenrliiR otherwise biinj; tliem buck ut tiny time mid we will refund your money or clve DAVIDOW, Store, 307 CEYLON AND INDIA TEA BLACK or GREEN . ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SALADA Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. PEUCIOU3. fluid only In I.ond Tuaki tn. 50c, G')c. ami 0c. Tor Lb. Merchant Tailorin et90 It is impossible to get more for your money than we give you. Others may offer lower prices but they give you much inferior work. Some give good work, but exhorbitaut prices, Our facilities are the best, our work the best and 'our prices the lowest. . J. DAVIS, 213 Wyoming Ave. Fast Time io Duluth CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY fUE Duluth Limited and St. Paul Fast Mail leaves Chicago daily io.oop.m., arrives Duluth 10.30 a. in. nuxt morning. Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Observa tion Parlor Cars with Cafe and free Kcclininfc Chair Cars. Fast train to head of lakes. The best of c erything. Call on any agent for tickets or address 461 Oroaduay - Nem Yorti 1SS Ytna St , Cincinnati 507 Sml hf'USt , rlttlbura COt St ,PbUa'ltlchta 358 IVasfilngtun SI .Boston 301 Halt St., Bulfilc S12 Clutk Ct Chicago 224 Superior St,, Cleutlat i n Campus tkirtlaz, Ditrcit Slllno .Eaaf.Toronto.Ont, TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS MYER DAVIDOW. Au VOL Utiles' 81. 50 shoes button and luce, worth 81,50. At 75c Ladles' Heaver Felt lined shoes, bU.s 4 toS. At $3.50 Mcn'ii enamel rivod;ir wtlt stW53 uorth f5. At 98c Mining Sliocs wotth ?1 50. At 49c Men's Grain Slippers. At 49c Children's Hhnes, Sl70 fl to 11. At 49c Ladies' FaltSHopeu. At 75c LUtlo (.ent's Calf Phoes, sizes 0 to l!l, At $1.50 Skll'rt HonruUlr rrnrk. In,? blioA, worth ?" At 25c Children1!) Shoes, Hles 1 to 0 Lackawanna Avenue, Knit Underwear, Various Men s, Women's and Children's.;... What weight do you require for comfort during the cold weather? Must you have the thick, sott, fleecy kinds ? Or are the lighter, thinner, yet still warm, grades preferred ? All wool, or silk-and-wool, or silk-and-cottou, or all-cotton, or all-silk ? This underwear store has all the many weights and styles, and none but thoroughly dependable grarles. Choose from this unequaled gathering with assurance .as to excellence of quality and moderateness of price. This list may be helpful, A visit to the store will surely be For Men $1.00 a garment All wool, natural colored shirts nnd drawers, in sizes fiom 30 to 50. Heavy weight. $1.50 a garment Full fashioned and regular made, natural coloicd nieiiuo shirts and drawers, heavy weight. Also in blue. Medium weight. $75 a garment Fine medium liiht weight, all wool shirts and drawers in natuial coloi a standard garment the year 'round. $2.00 a garment All wool natural shirts and drawers, fashioned and regular made. Draweis spliced front and back, seats reinforced. Heavy weight. $2.25 a garment Extra heavy weight, pure wool garments lor those exposed to severe cold weather. CONNOLLY sj(s0 THIRD NATI31L BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 13? CEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES, CnpiTit- SSOO.OOO SURPLUS SOO.OOO WA1. CONNRLL, PresUmt. IIE.NKV BGLIN. Jr., Vlce-Pres. WILLIAM H. PECK. CasnUr. Eperla' attention given to busi ness accurnta. Three per cent in tercut pal on Inteiost depoaiti. & 111 I Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer -r OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 455 IV. Ninth Stroet, I, PA Tclephna Call, WM. THE iiSiC POWDER CO. Mourns 1 ana 2, Com'llh WVd'x. SCRANTON, PA. Hiniiig and Blasting POWDER Mils at MooiloiiU liutb .! iVorKi LAFUN HAND POWOBR CO 'S ORANQE GUN POWDER XI otrlo fiattarloi, Kluotrla Kinlij Uri, oxplodlii.- blast i, aafjty l.'nu 1 1 1 Reoauno Chenbal Go.'s ux.4!" V 1 "CRANTON'& SHOPPA9 CENTER. For Women & WALLACE, o 0 RUGS 1 We want you to see the new .arrivals in our Carpet Department. We believe we have the most complete stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con sidered, we can g ve you value and a selection not to be had this side of New York. A superb line of I WALL PAPER I s$ I BRASS AND J WILLIAiS & McANULTY, 129 Wyoming Avim. These Game Boards have Rules for 50 Guinea including CROKINO' "' '" " '""OWI GAMES Florey & Brooks, 21 1 wXsvei,nuKeton DH, DlilNSTEiN (Lys'cian and Surging 311 SDP3J St. Uuu Lllddin tltiAriiUil CA. All tcute tin clitciilc ilUi33's ol into, wo men u'ul (lilUnn. ClIilO.Ml) M.IIVOI1.S, IIIIAIN A.M iAbll.M! UlsHShS S'K;. IM.IV. All ili-un ul the l.lur, Kidniji, llUilJcr. M.In, Illuml, ,ru, Wuiiih. I'jt, I ar, Nuic, lliiiut, Jli'J l.uii.'s, l.Jluii., I ulnars, i'llis, Ituiitiirc, linltrc. lllicuini.tUiii. Astlitua, Catarrh. VuruniKcle. Liul MjiiIio.hI. MfUtly hiiilons, nil I'uiMlc I'isuii, l.i iiiorihou, etc. tiomiurrlua. ritphili., Illiotl I'uUun. nilicro. lion unl nmhfu liiihiu iililllujt'.il hui,'ii.r, Ml'. Kl'iltixv. '3h- iii1 Homlill Uiims. i'., T.MIItHOtlM'. frpttlftf tot Cmarrli Hire inontlu' liiatmuit unly Si 00. 'Ir il free in ilfic. PuiinullJllon rni'l I'lainluillun In.?. IIM.u) hours 'lsl' Jiid biuiili), S u in, tn I i. iu. DR. DENSTEN Weights 50c a garment White and natural color, rib bed merino vests and pant's. M.'dium weight. 75c a garment Heavy weight ribbed vests and pants in white or grey, two-thirds wool, one third cotton. $1.00 a ganmnt Of heavy, ribbed merino, white or grey, vests in high neck with short or long sleeves, full length drawers, also light and medium weights at same price. FOR CHILDREN Ecru, heavy ribbed cotton ve-ti and pants, fleeced lined, all properly cut and fi is led in all sues for ages Irom two to twelva years. Price 25c. Natural wool vests, pants and boys' drawers in medium and heavy weight. All sizes from 16 to ;$,, for ages Irom one year to 16 years. Prices range from 25c up, according to sue. Union suits for men, women and children in all grades and weights, and styles, at our welf known low prices. 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE J t DRAPERIES I S METALLIC DEDS I S HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for th. Wjcmliif District lor OUPONTS POWDER. Mining, niastln;, iipurllne, SniokcUn mil h Hcpaunu ( lieinlcal Cumpjny't Hiffh Exp1osives. Safety I'lu-, rjp$ mid Eiiilodtrs. Itcom 10J Con licll DulLlliif, bsrantcii. AtillNCirS: TI10S. rOCIl .....Pittstcn JOHN II. bMltll & bO.V , 1U) mouth W. C. MUI.LIOVN WIILn Brr CARPETS m X . A i -tr?". ,'w i J , . iS -T, -Efe.y cswJ ,,