The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 15, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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mmMtm YAf&fyt? M'l;
WmwhWo PflSSfflS
Aclrfeasdnty andlhompty.
Cleanses the System
Gently and Effectually
when bilious or costive.
'resents int fie most acceptableaim
the laxative principles of plants
Jtnown to act most eneficialfy.
for sale ty drvfghts price 50t per bottle.
Ice Cream.
Jelej-lioneOrderii Promptly la:l verij 1
;3t-337 AdJms AvemiN
Scranfon Transfer Co.
agRaRC Checked Uirecfc to HoteJs
and Private Residences.
Office. D., Z.
Station. Phone
& W.
Fye, Ear. Nose aucl Throat
OIRre Hours-- e. m. Co 12 SO p m.: I to 4
Wllllamn Building. Opp. ?n?toinca.
- r
MI.KT TOMCIII'.- Munlici of llic 1.1,'ttin ( itv ill and (.nilai- iluli will Kin.l'j inu t .it
the le.nleiKC ot C. II. Uhjte 'Ihor-diy lunin,-.
Itnpoitaiit bu-iiieu is lo be liicuglit up.'
MIRVi: SL'PI'IMI IDMdllT. -The l.oliis' i 1
vitiity of (Jraee thuieli, u.nur M.uli
son atenue ami Mulln.riy tItl, will sin,. t
-uitf kiaut Mippir Tliuisiliy uttnliij, .Sot. ir,.
LAitfii: i'vmi nosviioN.s.-'ii,,. u,0 ,
the rriendlesi .ichuowh d.'is the ioIltiwiu' e.i-'i
l.'ii itlons: .1. t.iwieiue Mi He, -1,0011; "In III,
Name," "1,000 J U II. Willi-, lmjj ,f. II. Wil
II mi-, ?10.
III.WOr.D's l'l.NTIUM,. Ihe fiimiil of C!, fi,
Rihijlds, of I.j Pliinie. will be h"h tomorrow
linn mil',, -.enites will be tomlmlul nt Hie bou-e
at II. j) uMoiK nnd iiiteiiuent will ba made
In the Ili'thel tnitltr.
M'l: TO i:i'IU:PSV. -An inmst was tomliul.
id by roioner liobirls In the tao of Wlllhm
I'.ise, wlui ilioppeil di id at his boiiu in l.uli.
wanna town-hip Monday nlirlit. 'I lie jur ditnled
that death M.ii due to epihp.,
nilOW Nl0 Mil ll".TV.-"llic lliowiilii Ulnari
hociily will holil a iueitiii' 1'ilih) nenin,',
Nov. Pi, in the tisliy loouia ot tin, Piim Ate.
line lliptl-t ihureli. A tull atteudaiite Is de.
iied by the proshlont, .is business of impuriantc
will be distus.-1'd,
1'AY DAYS. Ihe Delaware and llinlvm tl.ilu
men outli of MTanlou and the cmploi.s of the
niathiue Miopi at I'ljinnutli weie pihl jrMrnli.
The Dol.iwaie, I.iil.awami.i and We-tein Ihkuii
pa.tini,' thiir ti.ilnnien jistcrdiy and will eon
tliule tor Ottober today.
PI.'ATtt WS NATIIIt.M,. An aire,! woniiti
mainul Mrs. liallaoher was found dead In her home
at Aiihbald on Tuisila.t. Iiatim; bun ile.iil n da.ts. 1'oi'onu' llidiiiM was nolillul ,ui.
iuitstlsaffd the iuse, IKath was due iu niluiil
caiiccs and jii iniiitst was ilituiul uumei.ssaiy.
mrrriiNi:n mission hv.s addkiiss. a in.
Irmlltu lei lure will be Innlulit niton at lh
Dumuore Pre-bttrilnn ohiuih be IN v. itmrin. ,-
II, ri'liti, of Wist I'lttMoti, .1 ii'turuul inis-Iiul.
ary from Clilm, who will fpeal; on (ho "Mea-i
of I'eUii." A tiltiT ollerini; ttlll bo taken at tlu
door. WIU, IIOT.I) AN I.NQIICSI'.'-Cnriiiier Ilulitili
viewed Hi" icinalns of Mis, .l.iluivni Niushy at
Hie Uiekiwanni Invpltnl, who was Killul on the
nllroul in llelletue Monday rirnliisT and will
nnld an Inquest In the rase, lie Is now (iisupij
Jn colleetlnj ethlenee i,-'.nttt to th nuimir In
which (bo woman intt death.
nOIIIIIWY AT I'llTSIOV.-'Hi.. Wi.t IMltMi.ii
fltiu'lit ami pas-rnuir Malion on the l.aekiwaniu
railroad was cnlned by Imiglju late 'luesilj
nmui aim uiiiii.v.niiie 1'nib oi minei.s' si,
nero itn'en. 'I ho coods uiru rriotued by i
m iltn nninnmii'ii ctn-i 111 nii ulu i.lI.i.Ii.. 1...,
V. ' --w... J .".... .,,...,.., l,ll U
trace of the tliktli has ,'U it beui oliUlnul.
Slliril IBlllVS.-r, llnpklii-on Siuiih Mill
hire lliurwliy nlu'ht undir the au,plia of
io YomiR Ladles' m.elely ol the I'lrM 1'ieMiv.
-,. .......1. I,.. ..til ..t. ., !.... 1 . ..
UTiau tiiniiii. im ,ii iiio ir.nniid iroill Ills
own woikJ, and, as he U prolubl (he inoM
popuhr cntertaiii"r on the p'.il(nrm today, It ii
needless to itinirL (hit Ihe lllijtle tlub'will 1U
MYSTKIHOI'S (JAlK.- Coromr IWrU unit (u
Taylor jesterday (ti make an iutislli;ation in
the case nt an Infant found In the wooit he
Constable Mkluol Ott uud .Mkli.n 1 bulue, 'Jli'
ihlld li Hi Utii Inteii'il lor mull we-ki. ami
the body "as uncaithul dinlti'.' the Hunt
ttorm. An autopsy was nuilo uud an Imiuosc
will be laid lain.
D'lXXCnAN IIKLD IN- BAIL.-Owtn l'iiii.eBan,
tt Dicker's court, was crralenrd before Ahler
man Mlllir yctterday ou the (liarue of uajault
md battery piefcmd by Michael luains, a ten-
lint n( lit. Tlic (alter ulteRed tl1.1l Nrmcfjn heat
lilm luillv nnd linked Mm mil nt llic homo one
lilqlit, fun Ins litm to i-Uicp In the wood-tied.
Tin' nlderniiili ii.tnmllteif riniiegan lo the louti-lj-
Jttl In default of $.'100 lull.
TWO tlAflS 1)1 MIOIIS. 1lw potloe dipirtmont
ti.H hotMed l.ut hlglil lit' ttlephtmr that lo
turn Imil liccii wen al Tiijlor tuillilh,' nlomi
tlio t) mid lltiitiun Irmk- toward this i .'
(mil iiiolnc ".' mI'I '''If1 I""1'" '"-i"
Helen from (lie tt'ivt I'llMon ftrliihl stnllon.
Haiti ln r-onHlned lltty p.ilrs of ulioei. "tne lo.
ml polled mr on the lookout tor tlio two null
lull didn't succeed In liawlnit tlicni.
i:itni.uvn nt.w mi:miii:ii. i?n to Tiiculjy
, ruiitinr iVi'J new iiiiiiIipm titer) added lo
, tlii' llillri'id Vminir MinVi ClirUtlali asOtlallon
i liuinlicrs' IM time the iitllte eintind .n trt
I (il n short time niru dy feiiutury V. W. Aililr
I mill hit imoclale-, The uliops luxe Won i in
, miiiciI nml work will now he t ciiti-rl on llic
i Mori a ilepirtincfit niul mr accoiint.inU' offliv,
niter tthlih Ihe told men will he i'imini.eil. The
i. Hindus cipecl tu loath the t.TOl hutk li.v
tin' lirst or J.imnry.
nc.vrit or pait, siiiirrx. t'uii skull, ot
1 Mineral utri'it, the mint r who tea, i-atiglit uihIt
u till of rntk Tncidi.v mornlnir at the line
HriMil; shaft, died jeslrnliy innrnliu til 'I'"
l.ithiwiniiit lirvpltil of III- Itijurli'. Mmlu
find hU lalmrcr, fiihllins, wore uurklnt; tnRfllier
In the mine whim tnirc ttaj n sudden fill ot
I oof, and while the lalmrrr's firm it a, luokcn,
Mm'lz lint hl-i Mp fr.utnred. He Hilferol (treat
nifony Tuesday nml died at 10 o'tloik yesterday
'nothing. A wife and family nirtlte him.
SAM2 Ot'KNS TONI01IT. The Yoiintr I,iiIIm'
SVwInt; Roelely will open IU nnnuiil file toididit
In the Hoard of Tnda liulldlni;. A hmcr Moth
Hi in m ever dNplajid by llu-io buy wmkiN
will bo .etn. Ilerflofoio the fate? lnw In en
hi M ut 1'iiuilo riflldeims Itnr been
Kitui lit the home of the Mlvstt Ilanley utiil
(iulhirt, bill I up- !! the pition i;:e tint
thty hate uulciouu the miitr-n prothhil and
Il Im been found nttisiry to lute this one
down town In n eomiiilenlly lniti loom. A
,'ieal tatletj of iittiiles will be mi tolo.
tlAIIII'.MM'.ltS 01l(IAM7i:.-llioiilu 51. Mipli
in", of lllii'aliaintoii, X. ., 'itiiilli tliopitii
init nml i.iMinirr ol the I'ldl ! llir'i iidiis1
l.o.iviii', undiy liiuhl oranirnl I.oeil No. I.II,
of thli tllj, in the HoLl stott on LarUwanni
mini". Ilori .1. W'lincr w.n ilicteil pirideiitt
mid Allehael Midoterrii. tiie pieidnl. 'Ilm
iitlir ofliiiM ileitrd 'u h'llowii: 'I'icimiu',
lol.n T, (Jiinin: niordlm; hecrdaiv, liobut
Halloo; 'ii n mi, John O'Mulle j In.
spi'itin, l'lanh -eanloli, inside KUll1!, Ton
lililllir.I) AND lli:Vli:.V. Mitliael I.ipti, t
i; Pole, who i.dd 'hit lil- home il 111
'xi.iuton, 'ippllul ill polite lii.nliinrlti- for
1 nlalin; l.i'-t itniinu. lie .u a pitiful .t;iii.
JIN lieiil uh lialliinl, his fue swollen and he
'talkul i il 1 1 1 Ti i i i vr -mil' pilu. Mpia i-iil
that he lib In a vliinte at Maui Ii Chunk when
two :m ii intiitil atil iiiiuii'dlatily biiriu ti
piuiiim 1 litm, one u-iui; a he.ity iluli with ileid
1 t ti c r . lie fill uiiion-iiou-i to tlie floor and
thiii It. iteoiLiid some time littr !u- waleh
and s.D ,l(, miv.iii'. I.i.ea made Ids way lo
this iit.e am will leate todiy foi Ni:iut"U. -'.(lllo.
lime Xnts.
OPKItUir t'lllMV.U,. 1iil.tU foi the ..pel
afo tinmal ale uoitit; lapiill. So mill' ire
liilirislul in the lliilltl ,lubi width Im hides
miuli of the l.i-l lulent in the iit.i.
tint s,ats will be in j;u it ileioiud. The pro
Ifl llilllli', I'lilWlth-tllidilii.' the 1 It L tlmt il III
elmli , p i.i lion, ii, will not b
Im lulu, a- the puis m let ml me In it I and
pili n ne bin a'rhs or dm Is with a -Int'le ilioiu..
Mh" tiilrr-nrl sums will be in atti iclne as .nif
timiiKr mi Hie prcirrunnie. Tin im liule dnm s
find tiomleiliil t ioh m itluts imilei milium
IthK. In the latter wilt be posri! many ol lie
most bi-iutinil k'hIs in i he tut. 'I lie totalNis
are lininj: the In t of ll.iiniiiK and the le
heirsils piond-e a biillhm tnltrl imiiient
Members of Li)iden Street Synagogue
Have Purchased a Lot Belonging
to Hon. J. A, Scrnnton.
Tin- fuiiKicKalimi or" tho T-,lmlon
Ktivt't .synitKOKiiu litivo puri'luibt'il a lut
(in IndlMui iuemif, anil wmk will
siiiiii bi stai toil tlier,;oii, of tin- i'on
Mrtittion nC a nciv tenipli-. Fur tht
last fcovcral vimi, there has beon a
strong ilohitv ammiK the niombcris nf
thu 1'0111,'rt'h'iitlon to move into a netf
lilnuv of Atoi'Mil), anil dining .tin.' pai-t
l'l-w muntlib the matter lias been the
sum ci nf I'oiiHtant illHcussIon nnd
lilani'.inir. with the result that Tues
day a, lot, (j0xK!.-i foot, owned by Hon.
.1. A. Seraiiton, win. pin t'luised by tips
bu.iril of uusttess.
The m'ouiid Ih on the norllierly part
oi .Mr. Ser.mlon'.s ptoiierty, at the em
nor nf Vine hit eel anil Mndl.son aw
niit'.iiiid has ti irontngu of .sixty feci
on .Maditon .ivenue. The present
syuauoijUtr ttlll he Inst disposed of iiu.l
then woi'lc will be stait"d on tlie new
edillee. There in 12 two prospective pur
el )tHers,l and ;i sale will boon be 0011
stminiated. The ietv liuiliUnir i.s to bo of an
OiKntal Ktyle of art'hitueture, and will
present a very israeeftil appumanue,
Bishop Hoban Announces a Number
of Trnnsfeis in His Diocese.
Ut. Huv. lilshop Hoban annount-ii
a iiiuiibcr of 1'lmnne.s iu the stations
of piiejls of the Herantun yes
It'iilay. itev. M. P. O'llourke, of AYilllaii.s
pott, Is assigned to Athens, to nui
eeed Uev. Father Haniliiul. deeeased;
Kev. Thuinus O'Alullev, ussNlant
at St, John's church, South Seian
tou, goes to llonestlale nis itss.siHiant to
Itev. Thoinus Ilandlcy, nnd Hew Jos
eph J. Koniorowskl, of Vlyinouth,
Kots to the Hlavuk uhurch at Nan'
colic, to Klli'ceed Uev, Htopht-n isovot
elk, who Is tr.insiViTed to Chicago.
It is also reported that Ruv. Father
Orllllu, of ('arhoiidale, is to come to
Heianton lo sucet'td to the ollico of
dloeuHiin chaiicellur made vacant by
tti.'V. .1. J. laiiiBiiran, H, t. I,., corns;
to ileum, and that Kev, Father Huh
llu, of Wilkes-Ham, will bo added to
the list of assistant priests at the
cathedral, to nil tho vacancy caused
by tho death of Hov. D. J. JlacQol
The ht. 'Ibouiaa Colli'Ku loot ball team will
play Ihe Cubondulc Indians on .S.ituulay next,
lit Atldellt! pari;, The Indian.,' team bus been
l!iiii;thiiied ury niuth Mnio tiny flrct met
llic ht. 'Ihomas b"s thU teaJon, and tht-y
piouil-u to Kite one of tlulr supeiior lontets
at this Rjiite, Ssiturd.iy, ,S'o. SI, fct. Thomas
plaja Ih'ittitli Alhletlu as.-i)ejJtIoii, nt IlervvjiK;
I ht n wilt t'oiuo Ihe Kreat llnile, tlie 1,'icatrst of
tho seasuu, whin they int'ct the t'oidlum cuIUk'e
team on the Strauteii urlillren. rordlnni has a
Ml em; uiord for this reason and thtlr game hero
on 'IliaiiWitlii!,' Di will be it 1rc.1t atuiously
toui,'ht by thu foot ball inthibi.uit of thU valley,
Scruuton Business College,
Blnco tho cnUiiii, of tho strike stu
dents Uavo been sccurlnij positions ul
most at tlio rnto of one a dav. Woro
I'rliiclpaU Huck & Whltmoro able to
iiuulify them rapidly enough tho uite
would be much higher. The demand Is
urcater than tlie supply,
When You Get a Headache
don't wnsto a minute but bo to your
dnih'glst and Rot a box of Krauso's
Ilcailache Capsules. They will pre
vent puln, uven though your ukuij
wcro craclted, They are harmless, o.
Head th guarantee. Price 25c. Sold
by Matthews Bros.
Wob Forwarded Yesterday to tho
Secretary of Internal Affairs at
Harrisburg Tritat tho Tabulation
Shows Events of the Day In Com
mon Pleas Court Decisions by
Jutlgo Edwards In Several Cases.
Some Divorce Doings Another
Deserted Husband Court House
Nows Notes.
Tlio annual repoit ot the county rom
tnlftsloners to the Focrctary of Inter
nal ufTniiu of (tho number of taxa
tion nnd amount of taxable property,
toRuthci' with tho amount of ta-"i
collected thereon for state nnd county
purposes, way forwarded yesterday.
The leport shows the number of tax
nblcM In the county to be IIS.VIS; amount
of ilea red land, 17C.7S3 acres; timber
land, Sij.DI'j acres; value of nil real
entitle, $SC,V,.,:!,1l'I; value of real es-
f - t - - f - f - f - f - f - f - f - - f - f - r - - t - - t - - f
The taxpayers of Lackawanna county are respect
fully invited by tlie County Commissioners to attend
the ceremonies incident to the dedication of the Soldiers'
and Sailors' Monument, to be held on the Court -House
grounds, on Thursday, --Nov. i, 1900.
John Coimim Morris,
John Penman,
John J. Durkin.
V. G. Daniels, Clerk. County Commissioners.
tl4 t f ft -
tate exempt fioni taxation, $l,r,7l,ll
. 1
value of taxable real estate, S'S-.IK1.-::il;
number of horses and mules over
four years of iiKe, 11,-lS; vnlue of same,
? 10 l.-lf,:.; number of heads of meat cat
lle over four years of age, C,70C; valiia
ol' same, 72,9.',i; valualion of occu a
tlons, .V!,010,ir7; nBtCBttii value of all
property unable for county purposed
at the rate ot seven mills on thu do!
lar, :!.",70ii,S3ti; aBBi'CBittu amouttt of
county tn:: nsie.sseii at tip tate of
seven mllN on the dollar. WltMMI.'.tnl;
amount ot money at inlet est, lueiinl
hiB morlKaBcx. juilKinents, bonds,
notes, stoeks, etc., $i;,Snii,ii.1U; value jf
stitB'"', oiimlbusef, hacks, cabs etc..
Ji:!,?!'!; aBBi'i'Bntu value of property
taal)le for state puriiosus at four mlll.s
011 the dollar, $0,bOS,l'ol ; awre'-Mie
amount of state tax assened, $-7,:S.4!i;
debt of county, Wlo.UOO.
sjeranton's iiioportion of the above U
as follows: Number of taxables, Hs,-
lil'l! cleared land, l,i17 acres; vain
of all real estate, ,ji'.'t,l!i.',729; real es
tate exempt from taxatiun, 3,uCS,liit:
taxable real esiato, ?Jl,H,7,."riS; num
ber nf horses, :i,7s'5; value of sain
$IS2,4J0; number of head of meat cal
tle, I'eS; value of same, $1.03.1: nida
tion of oceupiillonx, St,li71.ti-7; prop
erty tn.vabli for county purposo.-., S2J.
Ki7,n:i"i; tounty lax asscsed, $H'iU,',i71i.i1;
amount of money at Interest, ?5,y3,'.lCS:
Millies of staKes, etc., $ll,3"'i; piopcr
ty taxable lor slate pin poses, $r,33j.
IKSi: amount of btato tux assessed,
Carbondale has a valuation of $1,
Mi:i,72l: Hunmoie, M.Sl'J.tDS; Laclw-v.-iimiri,
$roi,7i:f'; Old Foi-bo boroiiBli,
$n77.SSJ: Taylor, SVJ4.S".:,
s.VJ.-,, :.'.": Archbald. K-Sy.'-'L's- Fell, $131.
.'17: Blakely, .$1I1,WL'.
iloiildsboio has a total valuation of
Decisions by Judge Edwauls.
JuiIbu Hdwaiils yesteiday imidered
an opinion, in which he declined lo
iuask the writ of replevin, as prayed
for. In the ease, of the Lackawanna
DruB company iiBalu.-t P. O. Iturrick.
The petltiuu to iiuash was based on
the Act of April 3, 177H, which says that
inoperty is not subject to such seizure
when in the hands of an oflleer of the
law. This is an ancient but salutaiy
law, the judse says, but It does not
meet the case in question. It is In
tended to prevent interfeieuee with an
otllcu' In the dls-chaure of his dulle--,
and If the replevin was addressed to
the constable, the judge says he would
Brant the petition to uuash. It should
not be quuidied, however, he says, when
a third person and not the constable I.'
made the defendant.
In tlie caso of M. P. Wymbs, (-.uimlluu
of the minor children of BililKet Hyan,
deceased, iiBalnst 15. X. Rullly, the rulu
to enforce asslBlunent of mortBaBO was
yesterday made absolute, by JuiIbo Kd
wards, conditioned upon the payment
to tho piesent holder of the mortitaBQ
all debts and costs due thereon with
Intel est to tho date of assignment.
The t ulu to open Judgment In the case
of X, A. Hulbert iiBalnst M. AV. Plynn
and others "was made absolute.
In Common Pleas Court.
Tho case of It. I,. OinsbuiK oi Son, of
Buffalo, nsalnst the Seranton Hallway
company, was on all of yesterday Tio
foro JiiiIro Archbald In the main court
loom and will likely occupy the creator
portion of today also.
By iiRivemuut In open court, Judg
ment for the plaintiff In the sum of $200
was entered In the case of A. W. Will
lams and others against James T.
Green and otheis.
Soino Divorco Court Doings.
Alias biibpocnas in divorce woro
Branted by Judge Kelly yesterday In
tho cases of Charles Jones against
Sarah Jones, and Rachel Hopkins
agulnst Thomas Hopkins.
Bules for dcciees weio granted In tlio
cases of Hasan Schoon against Simon
Schocu, and David Junes against Lizzie.
Jones. November "3, 1900, at l p. in.,
was llxod as tho tlmo for taking tcsti
mony In tho latter case.
The (lino tor taldiij; teMlumiiy in tlio matter
ot the tomkimiiUP.i of Ihe l'attortllle slid Ab.
Ington luriipll.e, n,J; tulcrday cittended to Pee,
10, VX0.
In the else of tho John Church company
apaliat tluenispy llrcs., a rule wu Wttiday
granted on the plalutllf to tliow cause why an
aceojfiit should not be llled us pi-jyd for.
On the rifonmii ndation of Dr. J. A. Mauley,
ccurt yesUrdiy enkred Michael 'riiornliij, n
piUoutr at tlie county Jail, to be remotcd to
the Lackawanna hospital lor medical trtatmiut.
.Martin Ci rrli:an, through Attorney I., j'. Wcde.
mall, brought suit for i.OOO dinuges yesterday
afc-ainst lohu Sainton ami John p. btuntoa, M.
1 who, Corriiraii uliigis, beat 1dm and injured
him trrlnouily An;,-. H last.
Itointo Groilano, ol this city, applet! yestcrdty
tor divorce from Ui alleged truant wife, Uzdo
tiritttano, who, he nlleRr, left tilni Dec. T, ISO',
mt thlrt) 'three ili.tq alter their tnarrlagr, and
ttint to rhlladelphta lo lief mother. Jotipli
JelTrle l IiIa ntlnrnry.
.IiiiIrs Kelly .teMer.l.iy dUinlwd the writs ff
liibeas rorpiu with whliti It tvan hopul ti fecute
the nle.H" of Hubert lltulies and John Itutierlf,
thateril by Llnrles Kiufman nltli detrnuitlliir
a boarding Immn keeper. Hie Rfaml Jury re
turned true Ull ninilnst Itiein latw In the dy.
They Were Aired Before Alderman
Millar Last Night.
What pi utilised lo be a beiisutlnnnl
rase wuno oft lust nlRht In Alilermnn
Millar's olllce. It did piovo to bo a
sensational case, but not nlonir the lints
that tin In 1 bo crowd present expected
It would bo.
The ca.e At as that of William Muff
ley, of Brock court, who had his wife
arrested yesterday ninrnlnir mi tho
liuu'Be of adultery, and the hearing
was fixed for laid night. When It was
called by tlio nldertnan his Uttlo court
room will crowded with an eager
th pons', nnxtoiw to hear the Kalouloui
testimony which It was supposed would
be offered.
Inside the rail were the prisoner, thu
neciisiiiB hus'band and tho prisoner's
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John
The only testimony offered by tins
prosecution wilm that of Isadora Stroll,
- f - f - f - f - f4"f - f - f - f - f - f - - - f
't - 'f-fl -f -ff-f-f
;i bartender, who tea tilled to havlnir
served Mis. Mullley with drinks in the
tear loom of a Lackawanna avenue
saloon, while she was in the company
of various men other than ln-r husband,
some of them being negioe.s. The al
derman consldeted the evidence insuf
ficient, and discharged Mis. Mulfley.
Thioimhout the hearing Mrs. O'Brien
kept up a continual How of the most
original 'billingsgate, which she dliect
eil at her son-in-law. She refeired to
him as "a dirty, low -lived beggar," and
dispensed a tew other choice expres
sion', llrv husband attempted to uulet
her, but she was irreiircislble.
As soon as his daughter was ills
charged, Air. O'Bilen sttoie out a war
rant for young .Mnllley's airrst, charg
ing him with nun-support. The warrant
was served on him, and then Mrs.
O'Brien commenced again, and this
time so vigniotisly that she had to be
suppressed by the ulderinnn's olll
cers. Muhiey explained that his wile
wouldn't live with him, and that he
couldn't alfurd to pay board and pav
her also.
The alderman held him in $.100 bail,
remarking: "If this is your mother-in-law,
Will, may thc'Luul help you."
Enjoyed an Evening of Pleastue in
Guernsey Hall.
The hundred anil more employes of
the Globe Waiehoust gatheied to
Bother last night in (.iuernsey hull and
enjoyed a most delightful evening of
nieirymakiiig. It Is the intention in
the fiituiu lo make these gatherings
an annual feature uf the social life of
the employes, of this great establish
ment. A programme of ospelal excellence
was rendered eailv iu the evening,
the talent all being selected from
among the employes themselves. An
openinir address was made by tho
ilooi -walker, John (.5. McCuiinell, who
acted as chairman of the evening.
Character sketches weie givpn by
Uevtilt Tewksbury, Frank Huber,
Adel Moore and George Vlpond, who
let loose many wllty sallies directed
at a numbi of those present.
Walter Oeckelnlck, the well known
boy sopiano. satig a couple of negro
ditties in his usual clever manner.
I'liiuu solos wt'iu leudored acceptably
by .Miss .Viable Spencer and Miss
Louise Lulz, while a charming vocal
duel, ".'as sung by Miss Kathryn
Ulaschko and Morgan Hawkins.
Aftei tho entertainment u supper
wits served in the hnunupt hall and
then the merry young in'ople danced
for several hours.
Costs Little.
Young men should realize that it
costs less to spend their uvcnlngs at tlio
Serantou Business C'ollego night school
than It does to spend them ou tho
street. '
Complete assortments of soft, fleecy
garments, for men, women and children.
Special attention invited to our perfect fitting
CUildreu's Eyptiau Yarn Vests and Pants, at
15c, 20c, 25c, 30c
Ladies' Egyptian Yarn Veats and Pants at 25c
Ladies' Fine Egyptian Yarn Vests and Pants at 35c
Lidies' Extra Fine Egyptiau Yarn Vests aud Pants,., 50c
Lidies' Natural Wool Vests and Pants at, 75c
Lad es' F ne Natural Wool Vests and Pants at.,, $1,00
Ladies' Extra Heavy White Vests and Pants at 1,50
Blankets and Comforts
A great variety of styles at prices from 55 cents up
to $10.00.
415-417 Lackawanna Avenue,
True Bill Returned In the Carl W.
McKlnney Case, but Select Coun
cilman P. F. McCnnu Is Acquitted,
The Long-Standing Van Valken
berg Caso Ignored Jury Makes a
Number of Recommendations nnd
Approves of Several Petitions for
Bridges List of Ignored Bills.
in its final report to couvt yester
day afternoon, the grand Jury returned
u trim bill itgulnst Cail w. McKlnney,
charged with bribing ex-Mayor James
C!. Iliilley, and Ignored tho bill against
1'. P. McCnnu, eli'irced with accepting
a bilbo from V. W, Gallagher, ngimt
of the SciMitton Hallway company.
It being the last grand Jury session
tu District Attorney Jones' term, there
was a gencial clearing up of the pond
ing imuscrlplK, and as a result, an
Immense list of Ignored bills were re
turned. Among them was thu case ut
10. A. Van Valkcnberg, a political agent
of the nntl-Quayltcs, who was charged
with having bribed ex-neprcsentatlve
N. C. Mackcy, M. D of tho Third
Lackawanna district, at the Hotel
Torniyn In this city, Oct. 29,1.S Tho
costs were placed on tho pruseeutor,
Detective H. Barring.
Constable J. C Alornn's charge
against Mayor Molr and the councils,
of maintaining n public nuisance by
leason of their failure to repair tho
Mountain road. In tl.o Twelfth vvartf,
was also ignored.
Favorable report was made on a
number of petitions for Inidgc3. The
report of the Jury in full i.s nppendeil:
To tiie ll.iiiia.ibh', the Indies nf the Ci)ttrl.s of
l.ii I. iu.ilm.1 I ouiili.
The aland intiie-l. utUJi!na: in nnd fur the
f.ihl eouiil of L.ick.ivaiiii.i, 1 1 sput Wily leport
lis follow:., to wil:
Klial With reiennte to the pttltioii lcfirred
to us and signed by ! laiue iiumher of mtinbm
of the bar, for tho impiuit incut uf the attmisth
properties of (be main tourt inoni, we would
i.iiiir'tly reeommentl tlmt an eipirt on aecou-tiia
le at unit emplo.ttd l,y the tounty i euimi'-shiii-tis
ui rietUe a plin to remedy the p!e.ent un
Mtisfaelory tsyiitiitinn of slid eonrt mom. and
that the inu be put in operation us soon as
seii'iul VtV Hut different di- be
.issi"ik.i f.,r pru-uiitors in tertain iioilions of
the fount- lo toiiie before Ihe gland iury, io
rbtlite tho ipin-e enlalltd upon witmsses. and
lifilMiits by icason of their taes bclns; post
poind from diy to tliy.
'IhirdWe oirnesllv protest iiuinsl the mult i
pliration of i.tses by ti.tmtiitt intr imglslritu
mil ngilnst their Miidhur in ea-t to the
grand jur.t, whith hate betn settbd by the till
(rants before the errand Jiuy com cms,
rouilh-'lhe distill t altoiney is commended fur
IiU loiirtiniis (re unit nt and for the way in
which In- (ransuUil the laigo imoiint ot puhlie
I'iflh We rtsoinmind IhiL eonstable. whtn
returning violitioiis of the lhiuoi- hws, be par
titular to get Miihiitnl oiitlente luforc eoinlua-'
In fore tlie gi md jiuy.
With Wo lute visiled the county jail an
found esciy thing In a sanitary and htlpftil ton
lit ion. We rttonuntnd that ceitain repiirs be
mule P the guttering on the roof of the jail,
whith is at picsuil iu bad condition.
Itcspettiully submitted,
John II. l'owcll, Foreman.
cianti.n, Pa , Not-. J I, m)0.
Uecoinniendatlons for bridges were
madt! iby the grand jury, as follows:
Our l.iekawanui rinr, coiinettinif Miin and
l.aiinl street-, in the borough ot AithbiM; ap
piopirilion, s,:,ixki.
Dtee slienii in tunii ol llallon, on Miin slroctj
appiopn (lion, soij.
Our High Tails tiick, Itau-oni, mar Methodist
ebiirtb; appmpri ilion, sjno.
Dicr Sulloii uetk, llaiisoui, lien- linn of X,
P. Smith; appiopiiatiou, (100.
iiii' arm ( pond nt ('laik's Miuimit; appio
pn ilion. i?IOl.
lltrr Trails' uetk. Sniitli Vbington: near old
Itti Tiatis liou-i", iippiiipiiatiou, jml.
Iiur I.ieoe'.i neck, Xettton, near residence
of lo-rpli V. Lime; appiojirlation, WIW.
Over trtek in Newton, neir rc-idente of laiacl
l!oellt, tkte.istd; appiopiiation, ?1"0.
Titii: hills'.
lliibery ('. W. MtKiiiney, K. II. stuige-, pros.
Adult! r Sidney Williams; Iny I.oflns, pint.
Loui-o V. Phillips; Thomas Ial-lmu, pro..
Pointing Pistol t'l ml; Koithinki; John
Wnclkcm, pros, ivur Spader; Thomas II. Walsh,
pros. '
Public Nuiiince George Spitz; Anlhony &hal-
kottslll, plOs.
(Jonimoii Seold Uridget Italncy; Mary K. .Tor
dan, pi ov.
I'lijiut- Mi-, iioliii Kn,.in; .Icv-epli Vilelle,
pi OS.
rmbizltunlit IMwaul I.'. Connor; P. A. Har
ml, pros. I'. .I, llogau; P. A. Ilarrett, pros.
Vldlug Piisoini' in I si ape Joseph Martovltth,
Chrlstana Manotilth, Anthony I'inblinitli, An
nie Pi oblot it-ii, lli Ii ul Smith, Suslu Smith, btt
pin u W.issini.i; s. A. (iilhy, prt.
liipe-.lohu Kullek; Jatk Mattaik, pruo.
l'al-e Pit (elites; Mitthcw Coleman; John J.
Ill oh u, pros,
Sodom -Albeit While; John VV, Jones, pro.
llobbir.t Chnles Karluger; William Sehoen,
pros. Krink Zllliiiakl; I'liailcs Vloskey, proi.
IMIIIi Pond; Cianli Itoldiug, Jr., pros,
Milltltma Mlschlef-VVallatc OakKy; John
Irltt'liird, prod. Mary ltosa; Josephine llltab
acipio proT,
Continued on I'age S.J
uwvwvwvuvwwy rt wwww wwwuwww wyw
fnaviland trench China
g For Less Than Porcelain...
JS Thee head llnca eeent Sftnatlonnl, bulthey are lllctally ttne. Wo will sell yeu
5 l'ici'cli China Dinner Set for 12 people, ilecoiiited and coin gold trimmings, (or f 23.00!
2 ll.ultatid : Conipmy'i 113 plem net lor ?M.W. W'o liato about twenty acts tnat
5 wo ttlll nil nt tlieo prlcts. When tlicy are gone, you milt piy moie money, as wt
can't duplltalc them for any such price.
3s Oeo V Millar &
We make a specialty oi Painless Ex
traction, an J If you have anv pain while
we are pulling your teeth will ciarantec
lo do all of your work free of cli.trKu.
I had tin tcelli pulhd absolutily witlicmt
pain. Mt. Durkin, .VJ0 Oiehird ititet.
We make teeth lo milt ou nnd your (rltnd.
Wo guaianlee to please you m- no paj.
Vte keep wink In lepali' fne of ihame.
We examine nnd eitiatl teeth tiee of clnrRc.
jvH i K at v. Pi te . t , at a
mayes 6c Vaney
J 424-426 Spruce St., Bet. Washington & Wyoming: Aves
RainyDay Skirts
We have seenrad a manufacturer's line
of Sample Rainy-Day Skirts at half regu
lar price. Th3y are from $7 to $9. We1
place them on Bargiin Table Today at
Black. Oxford Grey,
We Have Large Shops
For All Classes
Difficult Repairing.
jf Large Ovens
For All Kinds of Enameling, Nickel
Plating and Bicycle Repairing, by He-chanics.
In Our New Store
We are now located in our new store.
406 Lackawanna Avenue, formerly oc
cupied by Siebecker & Watkins.
We are showing ,a superior line of
Furniture and Carpets,and invite inspection
Carpet and Furniture Company
Flags for Decoration
Thursday the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument will be un
veiled. It is to be made a gala occasion in Scranton.
Won't you decorate? Everyone else is Roing to,
Here are special prices on Flags just for this occasion prices
that you'll Unci are less than iu any other store, if you loolc around
a bit.
The All-Wool Bunting Rags uin in sizes from 2.v? leet to
20x30 feet. Guaranteed of United States Standard Bunting; will
hold their colors so long as Father Wind leaves them alone.
The Doll Doctor is hereall the little folks know him. Mr.
Tunstall is his name. He supplies missing parts to Dollie eyes,
arms, limbs or whatever else the little u fortunate may have lost,
even to the saw-dust.
312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue,
Cn Wl Wjomlnt Avenue Sfc
$5 SET $5
llrller tome iu und tall, to us
nliout jour tcelli. We bcilete you
silll appreeiale the woik and our
low pritr. Wc will save ou
ncaily ont-half on all dentil
Our Crown and
$3 Tooth
Bridge Work.
All woil. uiiirautud fir tin 0.u.J. I alt
nnd liavftoiir teeth iMitnliiiil liec.
Dr. Rever, Dentist
I su Spruce ht.. Opp. Court House.
at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
w - ..1
Brown and Navy.
of Machine Work and &
n; omH no
Franklin Ave. ?
i i.
'. . ,.
& m, rn. ,