The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 15, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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A" I
tr The Scrnnton Tribune has opened
R Branch Office In .Ctirbondole nnd
prints a dnlly edition devoted to the
Interests o the city, supplying: Cnr
bondalo with a dnlly morning paper,
containing nil the news of the Pion
eer City. Communications of a news
nature, personals and all Items for
publication may be left at the new
offlccs lu tho Burke Building, or sent
by mall or 'phone. E. L. Hatfield,
manager of the Carbondale edition,
will bo pleased to receive callers
seeking Information or desirous of
Imparting It. Telephone numbers:
New, 286; old, 0423.
Cnrboudale Pigskin Pushers Do tho
Maple City Team Up hi Great
Tho Carbondnlv Indian Toot foftll
team tumlo an afternoon's journey
over tu HoiiosUulo and Intel; yester
day nftortiooii to litivo a little Modal
time with tho foot ball team from
that aspiring little lioiouph. The
Jlnuesdulc team of Into have Rotten
Into the linhlt of lunvIiiK the ground,
lovMliit; tip their heads, snortliifr and
ft'i'llnt; pictty good generally, issuing
"dolls" without limit, and no wonder.
They haw robp through tho ccn&on so
Jar, or up to 'yesterday afternoon un
beaten. J3very team that had con
iron ted them had tVIt the sting of de
featup to yosipiiiny. Hut tho In
dlaris dared to Invade their ki-ouiuIh
in splto of this. 'When the project of
plajlng a pamn with Carbondale was
first bioaclied to the lads "over the
iiavlty." they were inclined to be
imU'onlAinrj and said Carbondale was
not In their clnss. Yesterday proved
that htey weio not in fact, they were
much l:tipeiiir to them. After a ses
sion of two twenty-minute halves, this
was home lu upon the Honesdale hoys
with stronjr corroborative evidence.
The Carbondale.ins outplayed them to
iliei tune or U to 0 in the first part of
tho programme and then took it quiet
ly for the next third of an hour, con
tenting themselves not to allow any
seore from their opponents.
The entire game was replete with
brilliant plays and manoeuvres, Had
glns, Hansen, Murphy, Smith, Hope
and Gorman, of the Indians, making
Mime "spiels" of a star order, and tho
Honesdale boys being well represented
by Jenkins, Stegner and Murrin. The
story of the game is:
First Half Honesdale kicked off, and
Sherholtz of that team got the leather
through a fumble of Monahan, but they
could not hold it long for the referee
awarded it to Carbondale on downs.
Then Carbondale bucked their oppon
ents' centre and gained a few yards. A
double pass from Hadgins to Hansen
brought the ball to within fifteen yards
of Jlopesdale's goal posts. Then big
Hadgins came to the tront and bueked
the centre for another eight yards.
Smith watched his chance nnd at a
signal plunged through right guard for
the remainder of tho gridiron and made
a touchdown. Hadgins kicked tho goal
amid hurrahs from Carbondale rootoi-s.
Score, fl-0. Then Honesdale kicked off
again, Hope securing tho ball. Theie
was a succession of line plunges by the
gnat ds and tackles, Carbondale gain
ing enough ground each time to hold
the ball. This was kept up for about
live minutes, nnd then Hope, with the
Ie.itlir securely tucked under his arm,
made a run of ten yards around the
ih:ht en'd. Then Hadgins broke through
the line like a wild bull at right guard,
and started out for the Honesdale goal,
with half the team pulling at him. Ho
kept on his, way legardless of thet-e
hindrances and planted the ball at tho
foot of the post. Then he prepaied to
llnish the job by kicking it over the
ventre bar. Hut he was just a wee
mite too sure ,or else was flustered by
his recent struggle, for he missed his
connections and the goal was not
Second Half In this half Honesdale
played entirely on the defensive. They
attempted several end luns, lmt gained
nothing by ihem, that Is almost noth
ing, lor Stegner and Jenkins did man
age to push the sphere, a little ways at
times, but it came back in great shape
and the final result was lu tho Indians'
favor. At no time was Carbondale's
goal in danger. Once the ball was in
their territory by about eight yards.
Tho Indians fumbled quite badly in the
second half, this being due to the fact they have recently changed their
signals anil also to tile fact that the
team had never practiced together be
foie getting on the Honesdale grounds.
The winning team was composed of:
Lett end, McClaln; left tackle, Joe
Hansen; left guard, Con Sullivan:
centre, Cogging; right guard, Gorman;
light tackle, Smith: right end, Mona
han; riuarteibaek, Murphy: right half
back, CI us Hansen; left halfback, Hope;
tailback, Hadgins. The lefereo was .Mr.
Atkinson, of Honesdale; the umplic,
rsernurd Kcogh, of Carbondale; time
keeper, Joe Ollhool, of Carbondale.
Among the rooters who accompanied
the team was Joe Walker, Joe l'ow
ilerly, Garfield Williams, Geergu Alvord
anil ICdwnrd Hope.
The Indians will probably jiluv In
Scrnnton on Saturday with the St.
Thomas College team, nadglns will
play fullback fur Curbondale.
Wills Brothers and Their Big Com
:","' pany Coming This Week.
Kiauk M. und John II. Wills, two of
tho cleverest comedians on tho Ameri
can stage, together with a company of
pietty gills, acrobat--, etc., will lie at
tho Grand for tlireo nights und one
matinee, beginning tonight.
Tho shoiv Is a good one, und the com
pany is composed of botne of tint best
vaudevlllo talent on the road. Frank
M. Wills, lu ills monologue: John U.
and KMella Wills, in "A Olddlsn
Tilek;" Carlton and MvSliane, in "Tho
.Jirothvrs." Kinina SIege Wills, in songs
and dances, and 'the three Sisters Hels
ton, In a pantomimic, statuo dance, en
titled "Jealousy," niuko up a series of
specialties that lu themselves hhould
1111 the houbo on each occasion.
The Silk Striko Still On,
Tiie strike at the JClou Tiiiiivvfiii;
.coinpnny's 'silk mill had not been set
tled up to last evening, and the mill
was still running yesterday, bulllcient
.help having stayed in to llnish up the
"stock on hand. Manager Frleder still
maintains that ho can get cuuuoU and
mare new hands to nil the mill. Yes.
tcrday It was tald that soma of the
boys who were foremost la starting1
the striko have already applied for
their old positions. The strikers
claim, however, that they are stand
ing fast and they liavu Issued a let
ter to tlie public, In which they claim
that (ho girls and boys who remain
at work have broken an agreement
that nil made, that every one of them
would null work when the word wns
given. They say nil tlioy ask Is n fair
price anil a fair weight.
The Abington Association Have a
Day of Enjoyable Meetings.
The autumn basket meeting of the
Women's Home and Foreign Mission
ary societies of the Abington Uapllst
association was held yesterday. Two
sessions were given up to the pro
gramme, which need reports, musi
cal and literary features. Mrs. Ade
laide Kstabrook, of Scrnnton, opened
the .morning session wlth'piayer, and
tho lenuilnder of tho morning was
spent as follows:
lte.Hlltii? minute of lJt Ii4l.ct tin i-t hit;.
HiJclinir. "(I'ml'-t l.lelit on tlio Muuntiilu,"
Solo IMIth fowler
I'.ipcr, "I'oilo lllco; IH Hoinlul Oullon',,"
llulii .Miller,
litrll.itiuii, "Hie 'Mini! U Shoit,"
lMllli JtjwUM.
Allelic Mi. .V. II. Ji'iiM
After dinner the prugi amine Was:
I''e sen lie, lid by llw, Nlulcii.
1'jpci, "lio, let Co, Help Co"
Mr. W. W.
S'oln Mn. 11. I". Y. l'lciii"
Ailehw Mi. X. II. Jones
y-Ao Mi-. II. W. ttliilcn
l!i.iill!i;. "Mell'M'N Sncec-Ail r.illuro"
('.uric licny.
"A Clliim-e of tim Flelil-."
II)- foun j'omi!; people
Olliflljii. t'ujcr.
Among the delegates in nttondnnce
wen- the following: Dalton, Mir. Ji.
ft. Thompson; Airs. Uvioii Hall, of
Abington; Mesdnmos 1,. J. TJarrmv,
Elizabeth Colborn, D. K. Thitnn and
U. H. tligor. of Forest City; Mesdames
Henry nivenburg, Ira J. Welherby,
Emory Green and H. K. Finn. .Misses
Haltle Coleman, of Clifford, and Sadie
Itivenburg, of Clark's Green: Miss M.
11. Hovnn, of Clark's Green; M'csdames
K. K. Crothamel, If. A. Can-, W. W.
Grant, It. F. Y. Pieice. J. C. High
lield, William McClave and Mrs. E. L.
flevan and Miss S. C. Krigbaum, of
Seranton: MesJames AV. J. Ford, F.
M. T,oomis, Ernest Latham and Ellen
lioimoU, of Green Ridge.
Funeral of Lawrence J. Farrell.
The funeral of the lato Lawrence J.
Farrell, whose sudden death was re
corded in Monday morning's Tribun,
took place yesterday morning at St.
Ruse church. Large delegations from
the lent Older of Hibernians, Di
vision Xo. 11, and the Brotherhood of
Hallway Trainmen, were at the church
as well as many personal friends. The
llov. Father J. J. Gilflin piesidcd over
tho services, and delivered a beauti
ful eulogy, depicting the manly, ster
ling characteristics of the departed,
and consoling the alllictcd friends and
family with the sweet comfort and
faith of tho Words of Hint who died
that all might live. Miss Lizzie Pow
ferly sang a beautiful solo. Anion.?
the lloral emblems was one from the
members of the railroad crew of which
Air. Farrell was so recently a mem
ber. The ten (lower and pall bearers
wer divided equally among the so
cieties with which Air. Fiurell was
affiliated. They were: Michael Too-
Utn, Thomas Moran, David Thomas, !
George Alangan, Frank Fitxsintinons,
Michael Dugun, James Gorman, P.
Purcell, John Barrett and F. Murray.
An Improved Service.
'Lhe Carbondale Telephone company,
commonly designated as the "new
company," expects to hnvo additional
facilities for their subscribers on and
after Dee. 1. The business of tho
company has grown so recently and is
likely to expand so much in the near
future that Is officers now contemplate
an all-night service as well as a Sun
day one. On and after tho date men
tioned, there will be a continuous ser
vice for the twenty-four hours, seven
days In the week. A night operator
will accordingly be installed at the
switchboard on .Saturday, Dec. 1.
A Relapse.
The tunny friends of Mrs. James
Honey, of nchnnnl sheet, will regret
to learn that she lias suffered a ser
ious relapse. She lias been quite ill
lor a number of. weeks, but the first
of the present week she seemed to be
growing better. Yesterday her con
dition was reported as very serious.
Meetings Tonight.
George J.'. ISandolph camp, No. 189,
Sons of Vet ei tins.
Division Xo. o, Ancient Older of
United Aline Workers. Local SI4.
Ill anvil No. 77, L. C. 11. A.
rtetall Clciks' union, Local council
Xo. ISii.
A Former Resident Dead.
Charles P. Whiting', formerly of tills
city, but of Into years a resident of
lckillp, died recently at tho latter
plntu of typhoid lever, after tin Ill
ness of live weeks. A wife and three
children, Hay, Thomas, and Florence,
hiirvlve him. Tho funeral was held at
his late residence in IVckvllle,
At tho Grand Opera House;
Tonight "Two Old Croulcs."
Friday night "lio.sotu Friends."
Saturday atternoon "Two Old Cro
nies." . Satim'ay night "In Atlantic City."
A Trained Nurse In Attendance,
S. E. SpttiiBenborg, formerly of this
city but now of Scninttm, is ut the
homo of Tinnitus K, Swingle, tho Park
street grocur, taking" cure of hint tlur
Ins his illness. Air. Swingle is suf
fering front nervous prostration, due
tu ownvotk.
Fred A. Muiiu, 11 former irnddoni of
this city, and a son of Mr. ami Mrs.
Charles ,. Mtitut, of Brook a"cnue,
was married in San Francisco lately to
Mis Nellie Corsuii, a native of Hono
lulu. Mr. Munn resided in Honolulu
until last sttinnior, iWicn ho went to
S:tn Frrniflsco to take tip his residence.
For Shattered Nerves,
A remedy that toolhe, build up
the wasted tissues und enrich the
blood is Indispensable. Liehty's CcN
ery Nervve Compound ims been wondor.
fully successful in cases of nervous
ness, as thousands of grateful people
will testify, Sold by Mttthews IJ103,
Two or Carbondale's Most Popular
Residents United Amid Beautiful
Flornl Settings.
l.Mnnn At. Smith was yesterday
married to Miss Minnie Reynolds,
daughter of Airs. George W. Reynolds,
at the residence of the bride's mother,
on North Alain street. The contract
ing jinnies are both prominent and
popular residents of tills city and for
that leason unusual interest was taken
in tlie wedding, even though It was
the wish of all concerned to have tho
! event jiass over ns quietly as possible.
Hut this wedding was really one of the
most notable that has taken place In
the Pioneer City for many months
und for that reason, it has excited
public Interest.
It was Just nt noon that the wedding
jiurty entered the beautiful nornl-la-ilon
lmrlors and proceeded to tlici
palm-hidden bay windows in the rear,
wliero the ltev. A. P. Chaffee, pastor
of tho First Atethodlst Episcopal
church, awaited them. First to come
through tlie aisle made by the as
sembled guests was little Atiss Both
Reynolds, niece of the bride, who se
d'Uely walked in unison with the
swelling melody of lite wedding march
front "Lohengrin," played by the
Aiosart orchestra. Then Miss Jose
jiltlno Burr, maid of honor, 'and George
Smith, brother of tho bridegroom, and
his attendant, followed, preceding tho
ltapjiy jmlr. Tito bride was given to
the brldegioom by her brother, Avery
W. Reynolds. Amid the solemn hush
and surrounded by beautiful flora, tha
S'icreil obligations of marriage wore
Tho bride's gown ias of soft grey
crepe de chine. In her hand was a
bouquet of bride roses. The maid
of honor's dress was of violet liberty
rill; and her bouquet was of violet
chrysanthemums. The flower bearer,
Allss Beth Reynolds, hnd her tiny fig
ure apparelled in a gown of pure
white organdie, trimmed with lnce,
rare and costly. She alio bore a bou
quet of chrysanthemums, but of snowy
white In tint.
Tlie inaniago was vilnessed by the
immediate friends and icla lives only,
in accordance with the pre-arrangedi
plans to have a quiet home wedding.
Tho house was elaooroately decorated,
however, and everything possible was
dene to make the scene impressive and
Tito hi Ide is a member of the Fort
nightly circle and the bridegroom has
a. high standing In the business com
munity of Carbondale, being the audi,
tor and notary public of the Hendrick
Manufacturing1 eomjmny, as well as
being the dlsttict agent of the John
Ilnttcok Life Insurance company.
There i ere many handsome and eostly
presents and tokens of esteem be
stowed upon tlie bride.
The guests were received by the
btide's mother, Airs. George AV. Rey
nolds, assisted by the mother of tho
bridegroom, Ah-s. D. G. Smith, in the
handsome parlors. Tho wedding
breakfast, served immediately after
the ceiemony, was by Huntington, of
Seianlnn, and was in that well-known
caterer'? best style, and was def,tly
served by a corps of waiters brought
heie from Seranton.
Air. and Mis. Smith departed at 2.30
for a tour of the sunny South. They
will be absent a month, visiting all
the points of interest in the Southern
The New Italian Church.
The Chin eh of Our Lady of Afotint
Carntcl is now well under way, some
of the 1 afters for tho roor having just
been put in place, and the structure is
expected to be under cover very soon.
Next the basement will be lilted up
for a temporary church, so the congre
gation may have a place of worship as
quickly as possible. It is hoped by Con
tractor Xolatt that this may be done by
Christmas. Tlie edifice being erected
is on Fall Brook street, and tlie wor
shippers ill be natives of Italy.
A Pink Tea.
Airs. Dr. AV. A. Spencer cntertulned
about forty young ladies at a pink tea
yesterday afternoon at her lesldence.
Picked Up in Passing.
Airs. Jenn Thompson spent Tuesday
In Alnyfleld.
Alderman S. S. Jones went to Har
rlsburg yesterday on business.
Garfield Williams went to Honesdale
yesterday to attend a. social there.
Airs. J. 13. Day, of Bronson place,
left yesterday morning for Springfield,
Alass,, to visit her two sisters there.
Alts, Anna. Utley, of Clifford, is
spending a few days with her daugh
ter, Aliss Emma Utley, of Belmont
Air. nnd Airs. E. L. Eevan and daugh
ter, Ehanor, of Seranton, are visit
ing at the homo of Air. C, E. Lath rope,
on Garfield avenue.
Ernest and Archie Price have ru
hlgned their iosltlons with tho Psla
waro and Hudson company. They
wero employed at the North Atolii
street blacksmith shops.
Alts. 13. B. Steurns leaves for Toron
to, Canada, tills evening. She will
make n.i extended visit with relatives.
Miss Bessie Wylle, who has been in
tills city for several months, visiting
1 datives and frlcndr, returned to her
home in Philadelphia yesterday morn
ing. To Cine a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If it falls to cure. E. AV, Gtoui's sig
nature is on each box. i3e.
'Iliu uf ItKhiuil, tin' lJiuoiiji4 old
(I1II1I of Mi, und Ml?. Illilnid llrcmun, uf
11111 and Uridsil itli'its. will r,!.u plate
uftuiMm ut 2.:.0 o'll'icl.. Interment nill lo
iikiiIa in Hit! Arclili.tM Cnlliolio irimti'iy.
Mr. l'.ilikU fcwcmoy, uu old aril rc-pMid
iioldcnt uf 1 liK pliiiv, lu.i iitotrd IJ l.miily ni
'llui fiim-nil of Mr, Wlittiiii;, furmrily m.uhhUt
.it tin" All. .lioiii) collU'iy, teuL jihcii tod.iy,
Inlumint in ti. l'wl:tll ccimlny.
.Mini', .leliii .aid I'jlrlili Swuiiey, tun ot ilia
must imU'itli' i'JUi.s men ut this luuu, fill
tieiiip) dm (iilli',' Holt I, ioiincily uect'nlcd
liy TIioiimj MeAiidii'H.
'lliu lllsrli iilwol ii?liy ItMiit', lilili
u.u tu lul.e pUeii at tlie St, .liiiu.s lull, lui
been Unlisted lu Swu'lie)' mi liid,'c vlrcc t.
m '
Ml r.liiilieili Urecn alteinlul a finuul ut i.ul.c
Ariel en 'luodaj,
Mr. Hincil Alms it ill ut Ms home on t'oiin
t eiiue.
MiCrludle i: t'omji my )iae. rceeiteU their new
fall stoil? Iron Knv V01U.
MIm .leule lted ient WedueMay ttenlni; In
MU .)e..-Ic L. Sti'juw lm ntninid to her
lionic In Pecktlllo after ucclc'g Tliit Utli tier
mint, Mr 1. TrcRillu, of Main tlreet.
Mm, Itccd, el nreen llldirc. Untied Mrs. Jop
llnir, ol Nerlli Main ttrrct. ycslenlnj-.
Somo lioya while (lenllntf apples from Mr.
Wilbur Waterman' orchard were illieovered anil
lit their liaty (IIrIiI dropped 4 book bolotiglri
to tho Khlnlila ol the Ooldea r.tglo. The owner
can sAiiie hy callltiB at Mr. Waterman's.
John Voiinit died at liU liotno In Boulli Moolo
Ttie.d.ty at 0 p. ni. 1H demise ttai iliio to
heait falluitf. ie win reading the ttlhla pre
luralory In lending a Christian Alliance nicotinic
tlili rienlntf, whin he fell fiom the chair. Ho
i surthrd by flio rhlldrrti! Mm. 1'r.uils Trait,
Mm. ,l.inic l'rlee, Ml Agnct nnd Mr. .tolni
Vounir, ol Mooslc, and Mrs. CliarlM (Julck, ol
M', II, MiinntM made n bnlne3 tilp In Ecnn
ton joslcrday.
Jidiii Mumford and l.rwlt l', two well
knoKn you 115 .foilnjn nun, will In a lew djj.i
I'lnhurlc in the livery tuUtio-, lining rented the
llcrji itnblo reeont'ljr ncated hy Tholius Hen
drilled. Harry Pmny, on ol Mr. and Mr.. S.inui.'l
I'l'imy, of I'ouilli attcct. a few d.ijs urd More a
patv of hooi which rubbed the i-UIii ot! one ft
Ida licoli. Utcod poisoning bat now pet hi and
the young man In nerleinly III.
The be.ird of dlicelon of the Cemetery ttuu
elation will buhl their tegular quitter!)' meeting
lient WeJnesdiy evcnlnj;.
The school bojid met on Tuesday evening. A
mnilier of bills were read nnd pament nu
thoilrcd. Profeiior lltirctt reported that tho en
rullment ot pupile for the past month M 51",
the overage nttendjnee being 471, or n Irlllo
tnoie than 80 per cent. It wtia derided to rlnpe
the tihooli on Tli.inliagivlng. Clr.inl, Hunter and
I'rltcliard wcio appointed visiting committee for
the present month.
Tlie foot hall game between the i:at Side In
dians nnd the Jeup High octioul, ni'lieduled lor
jestctd.iy nfternoon, did not come oil". The In.
dlnns In their paint ami fcathcro were upon the
field nt the appointed time, but the High school
team failed to turn up.
The Hillside t'oil and Iron company yesterday
paid the employer o( the Olcnnooil, Krle and
lii'jstone collleilw.
A little daughter was yetcrdiy born to Mr.
nnd Mrs. Wilt Snyder, ot Main stieet.
The Ladle.-.' Aid of M. .tames ihurcli 111 meet
this afternoon at the humr of Mm. John Ho
gisith, of Thlid (tieit.
Mr. and Mr. Ollnlon Badger and ilitighter,
Hdna, of Utlci, X. Y., were on Tuoclay the
guest of bis brother, Councilman Itadgcr, of
Cimeterv stieet.
Mr--. Charles Baltcnlieig. of Atelibald, w.15
c.illlng 011 .lermtn friends Tuesday afternoon.
The Minus' fnlon foot ball ilub h.'ie nriang.
ed a game for the afternoon ol TlnnksglUng IMy
Willi the Ttkhmoii'lale ltutcis, to he phicd on
l'owlcr'd fl.'ld.
Miss Jact:on, of IVilmiiigloii, 1Kb, who fo.'
"eveial ecl I111 been the giuv.1 of l!o. ami
Mrs. C. V.. Fieml;n, retuincil to her home on
Mr. and Mi. (.'Italic MeOlnley, of Main street,
entertained a number of children on Tucsd.iy
.1II01 110011 in honor of the ton, Ralph's fltili
The 11el.iw.irc and Hudiini collieiy is working
nine hoiin time.
Mrs. Osboine, of Canleni. X. Y., Is in lowr.,
lining been culled here by the death of her little
Mis. Cioiuer O.imes and eUiixliter, Iieiic. ol
Piosidenee, pent Tuesday with Jermjn filendn.
llible day will be observed at the Calvary Uap
list chinch on Sunday next. The celebration will
bo held at the evening serUee vhen the follow
ing programme will be rendered: Hymn, "Father
of Mircies," cotigicgation; piayer, by Hie pas
tor, Ilev. Harris! responsive leading; choius,
"The Lord Is Our King," bund..y hihool; tecita
lion, Maud Ihaus; choius, .school; recitation,
Spencer Itecse; recitation, Maud Davis; solo
and iliortis, "The Wonderful Story," recitation,
I.eah llv.uis; choius, primary class; iccitation,
IMIth Marsli; chorus, primary class; recitation,
Henrietta Harrix; iccitation, llenjamin Ilairi.-.;
clicmio, "Our (In'tdc," Sabbath school; recitation,
Maiguict Datis; chorus, Sabbath .school; ad-die-s,
pialor, Kev. lhnis; offerings, for llible
work; ihonis, by congregation; h.iniii, congre
gation; bencdutionv pastor.
A reception was teudeted at the home of Su.
piiiulenejcnt Paul Clements on Cooper's .slicel
011 Monday ucning, which was attention by a
Inige number of his friends. A generil good
time was siwnt in tin1 usual nartv diversions,
vide li made the cunlng pleasant lliioughnut.
Refreshments wcie fcertcd.
Mrs. Iliown, of XicimUnn ami Mrs. McCracken,
of Wilkos-llauc, isitcd lclalives hero yesterday.
Uiikanauua Vnlley luurcit. No. l, .Junior Or
ikr Hniteil Atnciican Micliantcj, will meet 111
biasion thin cetiirf.
A large attendance of mcmbeis was present at
the meeting of the Ann. lie. m Pioleanc associa
tion lodse on Tuesday pM-ning, when William
Spence and .staff of Ihe grand lodge fiom Phila
delphia wcie piesent.
.Mis. (lenrge lliiley and Mis. Ceorgc Tlijer,
of Poit Jcitis; MKs Ariis Tbeultlicll, of Pauline
nnd Mis. William If. (tendon and d.ui,'hler. Miss
Sadie, of fccranton, wcie guisU of Mr. und Mis,
II. .1. Daniels, of Washington street, on Tues
day. T'ajlur castle, o. 2n7, Knights of the (ioldeu
Tnglc, will moot tills cienirg.
Tlie Delaware, Lackawanna and Western col.
liciirs: Iicip are working full time and ten hours
jxr diy.
rnriiiiiu and Mis. Samuel Phillips anil
ieis, )Iisip and .Miy, of Taylor sheet, attended
the wedding of MUs Maigenet i:ans .unl Mi,
Huny Evan-., at lljde Park, on Tuc-day.
A diaini, "Down on the rami," with
Miss Miunio lister as the leading lady, will be
presented at the Puttier Mnthcw opera next
Tuesday cu-nlng, under tho iliieitlon of tho
Itiggs lonipauv. MifS lister is ,111 old fuorilc
with tlie thcaUr-gous of this place and 110 doubt
Hie pcifoiiiMUU' will be greeted with a uuwded
The loity boui' deiotlon .senile In St.
liik'K chuiilt weie luoiight. to ;i ilu-e je-tculjy
morning, when a IiIkIi mass was celibrated ut 7
o'clock by Ilev. Puttier fioylan, nf Mlnnoka. The
triviirsj throtnshont weie vciy largely attended.
Cdetta fiaul, the little diuglitcr of Mr. and
Jlrs. Charles Caul, of Susquehanna stieet, i 111
with diphtherln.
ll.ittey Killy, id Iliooklyn, Is spending a tew
days with Mr. and Mrs, James O'Malley, of
Dunniore s-treit.
Mis.s Mary tlcirlly, of I'lilladelphia. is the
Sliest of Sir, and Mis, George rcrgibon, of Hud
su street.
The .Iinculs ll.ii.i lug Uas will meet lu Mihon'.s
hall this evenintr.
Miss 'Miunle Ilohan Ins aeeepted a pol(lon in
Jonas bong's Sons' Morn at Seranton,
B. I) Hnsign. of lllnhamton, Is lilting
tilruds In Ulakelv.
Mis. Aiwtlu rjildm, of Dunniore street, U
cy 111.
Mr. I'lojd (Ireiner, ef tho firm nf (jrelner .t
Son, appealed upon tho sheets yfutcidiy for the
llist time In sepiul weeks, Mr. (treiner IiwIiir
fully tccoteri'd hum an uttacl; of tjphnld fever,
Mr, and Mrs. J. It. Hell letunicil yotciilty
ft nni a lIt with rclatitcs at Wlnehester, Ya,
Mr, ami Mrs. (leoige Hobeits leae todiy to
ipend n fow diys with the foiiuei's parents,
.Mr. and Mrs. Silas liohcrls, ot .Mulheuberg.
Mr, (I. 31, I'ierte rettirnid last evening fiom
DavcnpoU, ,N', Y., wlicm ho haa. bicn for a few
diys sislllng his pareiit. Mr. I'ime'i. fjtlui,
who Ins been scry HI, Is tniuculut belln.
Iter. 8. II. M0011 Iijs iuom'iI his family into
the new' rnb)terl'in .Min.-'e, The building u
ruiutly coiupleteil by the 1'eik I.uinlur cuinpnny
as is cue of tlio inndel reshKiiecs In town.
Hiuu'ulJt W. S Woes, ni Main attpet, h on tlm
stcl. list.
.Ml.. Willi uu ll.iium and dauhtir, Maigarct,
lute ii'tuiind home attir a two eete' L-il
with friends in l'Mluklilila.
ClaiS ;o. 17 of the 3Ietliodlat Dpluopal Sun
diy tcUoul will git an cnlcitalmucnt in the
Iio.c lioibo on Widucsilay tviulng, .N'c-v, -Jl, for
the lienellt cf the iluireh,
(iioige Drake, ji., I Uiling friends hi Nkh
ids, . V,
Mis. II. I.. Kdtjll has letuint'd home utter a
few dj)s' ialt at YostUlle,
li-ttl II. Warner, one of the oldeit residents
ot this place, died on fcumUiy, Nov, II, alter an
tiiuuas 01 scvciat wicks, ur. uarucr was until
In New York state. He came to this place when I
be was f .wins old, v. hero ho bad tcaldcl ever 1
Uuce. lie was pa,t CU yiau ot age. The fu-1
Sixty-Minute Sales of Great Importance 1
SO EXTRAORDINARY and unusual is this sale for tomorrow that we give
unusual prominence to it. The items are the strongest ever offered by us,
without any question. Most phenomenal of all is the great sale of SILKS
at 3 o'clock. It will be worth coming miles just to get a look at, and admire them.
Every other item is proportionately powerful.and worthy of your earnest consideration.
Begin'promptly at 2 o'clock with the ringing of the gong. Two o'clock sale in the
Basement great money-savers. Other sales on Main Floor at 3 o'clock and 4 o'clock.
Be on time.
At Two O'clock Sharp.
GAS HEATERS, with round cylinder, 21
inches high, made of cast steel with polished
brass burner. Will heat a good sized room in
o0 minutes. Useful and ornamental. 0
Worth $2. For One hour at VOC
novelty form, with wood handle at-'
tached. Half Price for One Hour, at. . . 1 C
At Three O'clock Sharp
SHOES. A bargain never before offered in
Seranton. Fine cloth top, button, hand-turned
Shoes, made in the very latest of styles. Easy on
the feet, perfect fitting and very dressy. All sizes
from 4 to S. Widths C, D and E. Never sold
by any store for less than $1.25. Just for One
Hour Friday at the remarkable
price of OyC
At Four O'clock Sharp.
good grade of cotton, finely ribbed and fleeced;
nicely finished. One of Friday's best
offerings at, each X I C
BOYS' KNEE PANTS, on sale Second
Floor. A lot of new patterns in all wool grey
mixtures; all sizes from I to 34 years. Strong
and serviceable waist bauds. Cheap at
Me. For One Hour at 51C
nor.ll hiili'i siie hoM nt tlie UrlcU JU-ilioelUt
i:iUiuiil iIiukIi Tikwlay niluiiwii. Iiiloimint
was iiuilw In Mnrcy iiiiiolrry.
MM limy ejiu U my ski; at lur lu'iiw nlm
Ijpliiilil hur.
T, J. bte-H.iul lun riluilif'l home hum I lial
lie".1 trip t" Sew Yejil, Clt.
. 1 - - - - -
'Hid HUl of I'aliii-k rilflnre iiliJ IMIllit Kane
far IncaMufa- lulu Ilia livlauaic ami Ma
tlou a few niemilis ub, .u lu'jnl lu Wllkn
llanc oil TiU'siljy. Kaiiu not aiiiiiiCi li' '"'l
was foitcili'il. I'lUliuel luting no allium?
ii'lirrtfiit Mill, aaKcil to nUael liU u 'l- 1'l,'t
iviiucst 4 Kiantcel mul UU oiiuiuut, Attorney
Mulliall, tewtliO' v.llh tlio wltiuiM' anil Juiy,
ueif iuiieil at Hi" alilu inaunei- lu nhlili lie hla own e.ic. He asa,kcil lu ileflui
tlio eveial law teinu lio iiil, w lilt li le ili'l
ullli uu uiiuulu en id ami aituraiy. (.'lltTxril
told of l.oiv luiie lielpnt lilui into tlie aUttnii
thioiiuli a wlnelow lu tlie eiftlie. 'Hie nloiy l
(reUiteil. fiiiee Clillord i a cripple ami (ouU
not fOt In tlie ktaliou without avlUaiue. I1!'.'
juiy uturncO a terdlet el teullly, but on aecouut
of liU coinlltloii iceoiniiHiiilcJ him to tlie meiey
of the iuibc. Clitlord It a ililk'eut it'J'lei aii'J
Sale No. 1. Begins .at 2 O'clock Sharp.
In the Basement,
FOLDING IRONING TABLES, made of best cedar
wood, easily raised or lowered ; tlie bqst Folding Ironing
Table on tlie market; worth $1. Ready at 2 o'clock for. . 5"C
they are; just the tiling for everyday use. Considered cheap
at -."c. dozen. Not more than U to a customer, at
each 1 C
500 BRUSHES of all kinds, including Scrubbing, Stove,
Dust, Cloth and all other kinds; positively worth from 10c
to 40c. Cheap for One Hour at 5C
Sale No. 2. Begins at 3 O'clock Sharp.
On Main Floor,
GREAT SALE OF SILKS: the most remarkable sale
of the day, consisting of over ,'1,250 yards of exquisite novelties
in 21-inch Ribbon Striped Taffeta; 20-inch Crepe Plissc; 20-inclf
Honeycomb Corded Taffeta; 19-inch Van Dyke Stripe Liberty
Satins: 20-inch Corded Taffetas; 20-inch Black and White Hair
cord Yelour; 21-inch Polkadot Taffetas; 24-inch French Twill
Foulards and 20-inch Novelty Brocades. Most charming array
of patterns and in delightful colorings. Silks worth in value
from Soc to $1.75 the yard; all to go for One Q
Hour at 5oC
Sale No. 3. Begins at 4 O'clock Sharp.
On Main Floor.
FINE OUTING FLANNELS; a lot of 4,2:54 yards of
the most exquisite patterns ever brought to Seranton. The
famous Populaire Brand in medium and light colors, and in all
the pretty shades of pink, light blue, cardinal and checks and
stripes. Outings that would be very cheap at He yard, .3
we offer Friday at "X4C
BED SHEETS of the very
and !M sizes; made with one-inch hem at one end and two-inch
Iictn at the other cud. All torn and hemmed and finished in the
best possible maimer. A great offering for One Hour
at 4 o'clock for 5VC
Long's Sons
he I11f01n.ul the people pk-.ciit that he ji will,
ins lilitniy of Ihe p.inlle.iUTleiii w.ii un
luil already e.l!hty-setii llioutaiul ueirili .i p Klleil Heap, a-eil 17 juu, elleil a
hemic of her uncle, I'aliUli Cmluii, i.l Hi
iIe ji'oteriljy aftcrumm after a hih'f i.
uiusitl by beau IjIIiui', Pile I, tiliiin,
uu: biulbiii Keil 17 jciiri, :ui'l imi: Mfti'i. .
pi iiMK, Thi. piii'iiti) of thu elillilieu are ih ul
The lll lade pi n n tomoirow .ilteiiiom
it 'J uilniK. Inlt line nt in !-'. Mary'i el. inch,
John Voiiuk. i leihleiit nf .vne-a tor inoro
tli.iu t wuiil y .loin, elieil at tho family lehUnec
tu ll.u .Nuilli l.'ml uu Tiienlay tuning. He
UHiliut thai Jj in llw mined ami J1 jut
miiul icailln a booU alter MippLr "Inn In' fell
luil, In the ili.ilr, IIU ilauiihtei, tblnltll't; he
l.uil faluteil, went to hi. .i,ijl line, but nas
thuiKeil In ruul lilui alieailj 'I lie iIckIoi
proiuiiiniril it lie.irt ilUe.He. lee'e.Wil H.H 411
Ii.iiki.1, iuibi.llloiu man ami nf u ipiiet ami le
Hi In;,' ilipi,lthm. I In l sun he J ,y one urn,
John, Mlvi Akiipk, Sir. Cluile (Jnlik, of t!lioiiih
(uu f, X'u 1'ianlt l'i).-i, of Mole, ami Mm.
J.i inn I'llee. 'Ihe luueral will l.iUe plain on
Kattinla.v alUinooii at -i n'oloel:. Iiiteiinent isill
be in l-iUKillllo teinetei.
The nianiaKO of IUe Sliry. ilaiurhier of Mr,
ami Mw. Uelnaiel (iilioy, uf I.imoln Hill, ami
Tlwni.u lU'jp, of Hill tlrecl, vat tuleiuule'cil
WATER PAILS, galvanized 10-quart Pails,
very heavy material and always 20c.
For One Hour at 1 2iC
FERN DISHES, with linings of 'fancy
colored decoration, full (5 inches in diameter and
worth 2oc. A big lot of them to close -
the 2 o'clock sale at 1 )C
monly good lot of them. Of splendid quality
kidskins, two-clasp and in all shades of the fol
lowing sizes: f:, 0, fl:i' and 7. Gloves of standard
make and finish, equal to many sold .
elsewhere at SI. Ready at !t o'clock for 57C
MENIS FINE HOSIERY, a lot of about
four hundred pairs of heavy black Sox, carefully
made and finished. Just the thing for heavy
winter wear. Bought to sell at 15c the .
pair. For One Hour at 1 UC
best grade of muslin in S-4 .
BED-ROOM TABLES or Lamp Stands,
on sale Fourth Floor. These tables are finished
in Golden Antique: have J (Much lops and 10-iueh
underslielfs; neatly turned spindle legs, all se
surely put together with patent mortise. Not to
be had elsewhere for less than 75c. See
them in window. On sale at 1 o'clock for 40C
lu Sir. Maro Jaet cirnliiif by Ilev. M. V,
1'i.ine. The biblo ami tier coiuiu, MI-,1 II. Kelly,
r.e 1 r y ,.!..,, ........ I,.,.l-in.....l.. . , . f . .1 1.. ......I
..Ml.lWK, 1IIIW llllll-Ullll'IJ UtlHtll HI Ol?' I
'ilutli leuwiij, ullh kitin ami buhl tiiminliu".
Iliilh wniit bl.ii'li (iaiuslioiiiiik'li huts anil rariiel
l'i". 'the kiiiuiii wan walUJ upon 1j Oneu
tiuhleii, Silir tlie eeiemuny u nveptloii wn
leueh'ieil tho fiiemU of lhe eouli leihnj paitin
ai Hi" Imine ol lliu luliles paienit Mr, ami
ttii. Iteup will ulilo in .1 liaiiilxiiiu'ly fiuntehi"!
Iiuuir) mi finite fctrtet.
Tlie IrlelleV lenie MKIoiuiy .utlity of m
i'. .M. (luireli wilt meet at the home nf Mm.
Kteliinl Caihly HiU uiniiilni: at II n'clnek. tlml-im-j
iiiiellnt: at it ii'i luck.
Tliuiius lfr,usou, nf SVk.iiI Ni, I. ipem.
Insr a fnv elijt wtili til mutlu'i en Mlinol tticet.
Mis. Wiuslow's Soothing Syiup
ll.n been ueil for out I'JITV YIIAltS bv
MILLION'S nf MlirilCKS for lliiir riflLDItUV
uiin.i: 'iKCTiiixft. wiih I'KiirKt r siti is,
II MIOTHKS the CHILI). Miri'KVh tlio (1U.MS.
ALLAVit ull I'AINi ( I'ltIN WIND COLIC, ami
is the beot unieely for III WtlSHOHA. tkiUl In
DruKUtj In iteiy uil of the ttoibl. lie ur
ami ulc for "tin. witwott' hootliln; bjrup, '
(ml talie no bther Mml. Tttentj.flvii cent a
i; '
V .