The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 15, 1900, Image 1

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    TVL ' 4 tf j I , t ' ft I
Senator Vest Sans That the Cham
pion of Free Silver Can
Never Be President.
Drops Him as the Leader of the
Democrats Ridicules the Idea of
n Reorganization of the Party, but
Favors Cutting Loose from Allies.
He Explains Defeat.
Fly Kxclii'hc Wile fium The Aisouatcd ln-f4
Washington, Nov. II. Senator Vest.
of Missouri, thiols over Hryan us the
Deinueiatle loader without an expres
sion of regret. He also has interesting
opinions about tlio future of the Demo
cratic party anil almiit probable legis
lation by tlio Republican congress.
"Tlio election just held," he savs,
"demonstrates the fact that Mr. Jii-ynn
can never be president. Uut tbe Dsmo
cratic party Is not dependent on the
fate of any one man. It survived the
death of Mr. Jefferson and It will sur
vive the disappearance of Mr. lliyan."
"What about the proposed reorgan
ization of the party?" the senator was
"It is nonsense to talk reorganization
of the party at this time" he replied;
"all that the Democrats can do Is to
awnlt developments and renew their al
legiance to the principles of the inrty
as announced by Jefferson. We have
had too much populism and too much
gtroplnir around for alliance with peo
ple who have no sympathy with our
Democratic doctrine. Nobody can say
now who will be the nominee of the
parly in 11)01, or from what section ho
will come. A leader will be found for
the Democracy at the proper time."
"Then you are not discouraged?"
"There is really no iU3o for discour
agement to Democrats in the result of
the Lite election. History has simply
repeated Itself. No political party in
this country has ever been able to de
feat an administration which was car
rying on u foreign war. The Federal
P'irty was destroyed because of Its op
position to the War of ISDi, and while
the Whigs elected General Taylor In
.U.VS, noLw Ithstanding their, opposition
to the Mexican war, they were success
ful because the people believed that
Taylor had been unfalily treated by the
Toll: administration and relented what
they cousldcrexl to be an injustice to a
gallant soldier. It must be remembered,
however, that Taylor was the last
Whig president elected, and Fillmore,
who succeeded hltn, was the last AVhlg
president in the white house. Thou
sands of patriotic citizens, who were
really opposed to the foreign policy of
Mr. McKlnley, voted for him at the last
election because they believe that we
rrtiould first end the war in the Philip
pines nnd then settle other otiestions
connected with the archipelago. Noth
ing was more fieely heard In the cam
paign from conservative men than the
nrirument that it would discredit our
government to withdraw troops from
tlio Philippines while armed opposition
to the government existed there. I be
lieve that feeling' did more for Presi
dent MoKinley than any other one fac
tor hi the election. I remember that
twenty-eight years ago It was asserted
that the Democratic party was dead
beyond resurrection. We had been de
feated by a crushing niajoilly, and De
mocracy really seemed to be past all
hope. In 1S7H the Missouri Kepulilicnus
remarked that the party was dead and
its putrid carcass ought to be carried
out to the public common. But what
was the result? We elected William
Allen governor of Ohio In 1X74, and in
tlio same year the Democrats carried
the nuijorlty of the state campaigns for
governors and elected a majority in the
house of representatives. In 1S70 wo
olqcted Mr. Tilden. In the spring of
1870, when I entered the senate, thurn
was u majority of eight Democrats in
that body, and we made Mr. Thuinuin
president pro tempore. I repeat, then,
that the Democracy will go onwurd to
victory, despite its piesent defeat."
Jeffries and Sharkey Are Matched,
and Now Await Bidders,
By TJieliishe wiie trom The Aoelultd I'io.i,
New York, Nov, 11, A match
made In this city today between .runies
,T, Jeffries, tho champion pugilist, mul
Tom Sharkoy, Tho terms In tho agree
ment are that the winner shall tako tho
ontlro purse. The battle will be de
cided next May, before the club offer
ing tho largest purse. If tho battle
takes 'place In Nevada It will ho to u
finish. Iilds for tliu light will remain
open until January ir,. Marquis of
Queonsbury rules will govern the con
test, and ounce gloves will be used,
Kuoh prliioipul deposited K.Wio to In
sure ills appearance in the ring.
Tho articles also contained tho pin
vino that should Jeffries make a nritrh
with either Iloh Fltzslmnions or Uus
Ituhliu that battle would bn decided
before tho present one. The same con
ditions piuvnll in legard to a match
being made between Hluukey and Ituli
y ISuhulve Wre frorn Tho AMOciatiit I'rrsi,
Klmlra, N. V, Nov. II. CiIIhiIiic Loomo Ins
nude an affidavit ihnjiuw hei cilmliiil auu.ilh'n
with reH"" i! to Miyor Flood, She ,iia tlut n
notaiy railed on In r Jl the Jill mi. I told licr
tlio in j or was djlni; ami Hut this i-.m-eil lur
to rnL the retraction.
By Kclu$lv Wire from 'flic .,o LUrd Pro.
Vw York, Nov. II. Auonllny tu CviiiipIv
tkner u( Ininilifialion 1'IUIiie, Imiiilxiuiiii tuc
arilud in Ihlj lountiy at tlic rutit of I,u) kr
lay from all countries uncu Ujt July.
Clgarmakora' Organizations at Open
War Factories Are Closed
to Avoid Bloodshed.
By Kxctuiltc Wire from The Associated l're.
Tampa, Flu.., Nov. 11. The trouble
between the various lalior organiza
tions, the Itciislstluncta and the Inter
national Clgur Makers' unions, reached
:i crisis today. Kueh organization has
made the demand that the members
of the rlvul order be locked out and
some of the manufaotuiers have closed
their factories to prevent trouble.
Forces from both sides met at tlio
factory of Y. Pendu and Alverez and
declared that they would not allow
the other to work oven If there had
to be bloodshed. The factory was Im
mediately closed by the management.
Demand was then made on nil the
factories of the Cuban-American com
pany that they turn the International
men Into the street nnd one hundred
men were forced out of employment.
The conditions are the most serious
yet presented.
The question of wages does not enter
Into the matter. It being simply a
light between the International (Amor-
lean) and Spanish factions for supre
macy. The manufacturers are being
I hampered seriously at the busiest sea
son of the year.
It is expected that by tomorrow
morning there will ho more than two
hundred people out on account of the
The Affairs of the Firm in Much
Worse State Than Had Been
By L'tluie Wire fiom The Associated I'rc-A
Now York, Nov. 11. The appeal of a
receiver for the llrm of W. I,. Strong &
Co. yesterday has been discussed with
great Interest in mercantile circles here
today, in view of the report that the
Arm's affairs are in much worse con
dition tbun those who know the ex
niayor suspected.
The Commercial Advertiser today
prints the following: "A bank presi
dent, who has had business with the
llrm, is quoted today as saying that It
had been well known in the street that
the former mayor was not by any
means so rich as was generally sup
posed. He was not a millionaire and
he was not very wealthy. Lately ho
and Stott had been piesentlng their
notes for various sums, all the wav
from $23,000 to $100,000, so that lending
hunks became cautious, and then many
of us refused to discount stock. The
two members of the llrm had been
doing a great deal of 'swapping paper.'
Mr. Strong endorsed Mr. Ktott's notes
and Sir. Stott endorsed Mr. Strong's.
It was un accommodation paper, and
served to show that the llrm was in
growing diillculties."
The case of the Strong failure was
made public today by Butler, Notman,
Jollne .t Manders, counsel for the llrm,
in the action for the recelvershlp.whieh,
resulted in the appointment of Kdward
A. Treat.
Counsel said that tho Strong llrm
had indorsed more than JUJO.UOO In
notes for the Stott woolen mills, for
which the llrm was agent, and that
the circumstances of the sudden death
of former Mayor Strong and F. II.
Stott, heads of tho two concerns, within
three days of each other, had brought
about a crisis by dissolving both linns
at a moment when large sums were
due. Tho Stott mills were located at
Stottvllle, X. Y.
One note indorsed for the Stott com
pany for $100,000 Is due tomorro'v.
Other notes for nearly hull' a million
are due soon. The Stott company, in
which tho Strong company Is largely
inteiested, counsel said today, had in
dorsed notes of tho Strong company
in return, but for an insignilleant
amount, probably less than $1CO,000 in
"If cither Mr. Strong or Mr. Stott
had lived the dilllculty might have
been settled without public embarrass
ment," said the representative of tho
counsel. "We cannot say what action
will bo taken In regard to the winding
up of the business of the Stott com
pany, but it is debts of that concern
rather than that of Strong & Coin
puny which has brought about the
present condition. Tito Stott partner
ship Is dissolved the same as that of
Strong i- Company.
Receiver Kdwurd .V. Treat when
asked about the Philadelphia dispatch
to tho effect that tho liabilities of the
house of W. L. Stioug & Company
might amount to $6,000,000, said that
reports of this kind worn nil guess
woik. He said the liabilities might not
bo one-half that, perhaps not ono-quar-ter.
Worst Storm of; tho Season Is Ap
proaching from the West All
Traffic Suspended.
lly lluliiihe Who from Tim Atcotuitdl Viesj.
Demi wood, S, P Nov, II, Tho worst
storm of tho winter began tills morn
ing with a geutlo snow and a mist, He.
ports from all surrounding towns and
mining ramps say that tho storm Is
general, On the prairies north and
west tho wind Is blowing lloivcly and
Uut snow 1h blinding. Tlio thermom
eter has fallen thirty degrees hlnce
morning, and It Is growing colder rap
ll' tonight.
The storm is severest In the moun
tains west of this city, where tho
snow Is already two feet deep. All
street tralllo In l.eadvllle nnd Dead
wood Is suspended tonight. As yet, tho
htorm has not Interfered with rallioad
tru I lie. ,
)y I'lclu.ihe Wlro from Tim Associated 1'ie.y.
Wmliliiulun, Nov, H. 'I he tlilrty-foujtli aimu.
j I Ktslou ot tlio Natluiul Cranio, i'uliviu ef
lliutumlry, iKfc'.oi Ikic today ullh a gouj altui'l.
tone' uud "III lontiimi. fi u uctk or more.
Testimony Given bu James P. Rey
nolds Before the Indus
trial Commission.
In Giving Detailed Accounts of the
Disturbances That Have Never
Before Been Published, Mr. Rlxey
Advocates Compulsory Arbitration.
A Word Picture of the Honors of
the East Side Broilers.
By Exclusive Who fioin The A-wociatcd Prow.
Washington, Nov. 14. The Industrial
commission today examined Thomas 1.
Rlxey, labor commissioner of Missouri,
and Mr. James I lteynolds, of New
York. Mr. Klxey's testimony Included
u detailed account of the St. Louis
street cur strike, which, ho said, never
had been declared off.
Mr. Rlxey advocated a compulsory
arbitration law. Ho said the arbitra
tion law of Missouri had proved so in
adequate that he had not Invoked it In
the St. Louis strike. He did not be
lieve that troops would have been suf
licient to compel order during the
strike. Mr. Hixey asserted that tho
people were no more lawless than those
of other states and said that, as a rule,
It was not necessary to shoot them
down in order to make them obey the ,
law. i
Mr. James P. lteynolds, head worker
of the University settlement, of New
York, testified as to tho redemption of
the slums of New York, to which pur
pose the society is devoted. The soci
ety's building in Eldridge street, Mr.
lteynolds said, Is now largely surround
ed by Russian and Polish Jews nnd by
Roumanians, but he thought these were
I gradually being crowded out by Ital- j
lans, ns the Germans were earlier by ,
tho Jews, and the Irish by the Ger
mans. He said that the children of tho
quarter manifest a disposition to be
come ashamed of their parents, and not
all of them were disposed to adopt the
trades of their fathers.
Mr. lteynolds also contributed con
siderable information concerning tho
sweat shops of Now York city's
"side. He said that garmenf-maltiilg' ir,
pursued largely in that section in pri
vate apartments and that It had de
generated in recent years. He attrib
uted several recent failures of largo es
tablishments to the sweat house com
petition. Ho had investigated one In
stance of 123 workmen, four of whom
were working regulurly twenty hours
per day, six of them eighteen hours,
and others less time, ranging down to
ten hours per day. In ea,ses of long
continued dally service the wages were
not increased oonmicnurately with the
time put in by workers.
Mr. lteynolds said that there was
much typhus and also tuberculosis in
the workshops. Garments were often
I thrown on the dirty lloors, and when
Governor Roosevelt Investigated the
question and visited tho quarters,
he found the goods stored In a back
room, and also found a man In the last
stages of tuberculosis. An establish
ment on Piftli avenue was as apt to
employ these agencies as places else
where, and the style of a garment was
no guarantee against the place of its
Shocking Death of Bev. Father John
E. Barry of Manchester Em
ployes Arrested.
By Kxchiohe Wire from Tin- Aorlalcd I'io.
New York-, Nov. II. Rev. Father
John K. Harry, vicar general of the dlo
ceso of Manchester and Concoid, N, II,,
and pastor of St. John's church, Con
cord, was Instantly killed by a cable
cat on Broadway Into this afternoon.
In company with Rev. K. M. Callahan,
of Portsmouth, N. II.; Rev. G. AV. Mur
phy, or Portland, Me,, and Row AV. J.
O'Reilly, of Manchester, N. II., ho was
crossing tho street Immediately in
front of the Astor house for tho pur
pose of mailing a letter at the iost
olllce. Two'cnrs were passing at tho
time and Father Barry being In tho
lead, attempted to cross the track to
avoid the Ilrst. Roforo ho could be
warned he was caught by the fender of
tho other car and thrown In front of
tho wheels. His ibody was dragged for
Homo distance, the wheels of the Ilrst
truck passing over and horribly mang
ling tho body. Tratllu was stopped for
some time, owing to tho dilllculty In
removing tho remains from the ciitaug
llntr wheels.
Father Hairy was felxty-soven vears
of age and M'oll known throughout Now
Kugliuid. u'ho conductor uud motor
man of tho ear that killed the vicar
worn arrested.
- '
lly i:iludr Wlro ln.nn The Anoelatid hi,
St. I'.iul, Nor, II,-'I In- ii)it limn ilm lod.
Mn of Culled suirn .senator t', lv, IIiWj iliU
afternoon dated Dial lie wa rMln'' riiifoituldv,
'lliu I'Ii.uIcIjiu admit the serious n.unui of In
lllncvf, bill Ilia fact tint lie- lias Kept up Ma
blieiik'tll 6" rwn.irkutily mal.e.-i limit li.-pofnl of
tho outcome, llio trouMo ullli tlio font lie
llcu'd lo law I'Oiii ill.iiowd of ami tlie wound
U lieallut; nicely,
Dy Exclusive Wlro Item Tlio Associated 1'rtn.
IlarrUburp, Jfuv, U. Ui.irtna Mere lued bj
the Mate depaitiiuiit todiy to tlio following tor
linntlons: The l.ancjtcr, Willow htrei't, Lamp.
s(ei' ami fitriiisliiirg ltjilu-iy romriany; ui',
3iri0,O0O, to build un eleilrli: lino ten tnllt-i long
In l.unejjtev county; intthluit, Aiikw lloldlntr,
Lancaster j 'I ho I'liHythanl.! MinufaituriiiK Co.,
I.Dk'uni I'erry, Alkidieny count ; rultul, $1 ',,.
OHO. lllekory ItMo Coal ( o,, 1'itl.huri,-; up
Itol, I10.0W.
Tragedy Prevents a Wedding at
Halifax Accident or Suicide.
B) Kxihulte Wire from "tin Associated I'rcsi.
Halifax, N. S., Nov, II. Sergeant
Major 13dwards, of the Roynl artillery,
was found dead at the door ot his
quarters in the citadel when a carriage
today called to convey him to Trinity
church, where ho was to ha married.
Near the body a carbine was found,
which, olther by accident or suicidal
intent, had been discharged, and a
bullet from which passed through tho
head of tho dead soldier. Tho body
was taken to the hospital,
News of tho death of Sergeant Major
Kdwards wtit carried to the church,
whore the bride, AIIss Allen, and
friends, were waiting for tho groom to
arrive. Miss Allen was thrown Into
hysterics by the Information and she
was removed quickly to her homo and
placed under the cure of a physician.
The friends of the sergeant major
are unable to believe that ho commit
ted suicide. He was 40 years old and
had seen nineteeli years' horvlce.
Great Preparations Ate Being Made
for the Meeting id' Chicago on
November 21l to 24.
Chicago, Nov. II. Great prepara
tions are being made for the meeting
of the Natlonul Irrigation congress on
Nov. 21 to 24. Home of tlio most prom
inent men of the country have agreed
to address the congress on the subjects
of forest preservation and national ir
rigation. These two question? have attracted
a good deal of attention during the
past year. F.veryboily agrees that the
future welfare of a preat part of the
country depends upon pieservlng our
magnificent foiests uud water sheds,
which In most eases are sources of
water supply, and the national Irri
gation movement has pushed forward
into such prominence us to be the
subject of planks in the national plat
iorins of both the great political par
ties. It will be a surprise to some
people to know how many public men
are taking a deep Interest in the prob
lem of tho reclamation of tlio arid
west, which, if the waters which now
run to wasto were stored by the gov
ernmnnt nnd used for irrigation, would
be transl'oimed into tons of thousands
of small but highly productive farms.
Tlio Irrigation congress has secu ed
for its public addresses such men as
General Allies, who through his plains
cnuipaiijiiilig li'.'O.iii'f'.i slninb nd'vo
cate of national Irrigation; Secretary
AVilson, of tho department of agricul
ture, wlio is heartily in accord wl'h
tile proposition to "Pave the forests
and store the Hoods;" Senator Foster,
ot 'Washington: Senator Carter, of
Montana; Senator lleverldge, of In
diana; Senator Perkins, of California,
and others. The more technical side
of the question will be discussed by
tho government experts on forestry
and irrigation, accompanied by Illus
trated lectures In tho Auditorium
theater. The business side of the
ptoblem will be taken up by some of
Chicago's most prominent business
men. President James J. Hill, of the
Great Northern railroad, will discuss
tno question from his standpoint. The
meetings will be held at the Central
Music hall, which accomodates two
thousand, and the Auditorium thpa'or,
w hich seats four thousand, under the
auspices of the the National Irriga
tion association, headquarters
arc in Chicago,
It Is estimated by the government
ullleiuls that there are about 73,ouu,009
acres of arid land subject to reclama
tion through irrigation and that It
would require nn expenditure ot about
one hundred and fifty million dolhus
to accomplish it. The proposition Is
that the general government should
appropriate ten or twelve million dol
lais a year to i-atry on this work as
a species of Internal Improvement, the.
same 'as In the improvement of rivers
and harbors, and the various liinmi
faetiiilng associations havo taken up
tlio question with a view to securing
c.ongro.slonal action In this dlioctlon.
The Mlbeol will bo discussed from
evnty standpoint at tho Chicago con
gress. conference'of
the silverites
Members of Republican Faith Are
Urged to Become Democrats.
By rixdiialic Wire from The Associated Pn'j,
Minneapolis, Nov. 11, Members or
the Silver Republican national coni
mltteo havo been In rouferanco hero
over the question of tho party's fu
ture. Among those participating were
Charles A. Towne,' ehalrnian of the
committee; Cieorgo II, Shlbloy, of Illi
nois, and K. f. Corner, of this city,
treasurer of the committee, It Is un
derstood they havo decided to issue an
address in which they will express
the JiPllef Hint tho time has romu for
tho giving up of tho party organisa
tion. All Sliver nnd Lincoln Republi
cans will ho urged, It Is understood,
to become Doiiioeiats.
lly nichuUc Wire from Tim Avociatcl IV".
New York, Xov. ll..lilKill,
Aiitwup; il.ijw.tlr-, I.lini4 Clmol; l-i
lji:iliiUBiie, ll.uio! AnjtiWi luoii.i, lljiiilmri;
.i rbnioiitli aid Chulivuiir, SjIIoIi ht,
boulii, .South iiiiitu:i; OiiiiauU'.l.lun'Oiil; South,
nailt, Aiilui, fheilwurg Arrhids Unit Hal.
ilerMT, Nov V!. lor lljinkurir. Ijiitimlimn
Aillmls Tuiluiile, Xov Voii: fur Liverpool,
rbinoutli AuhiM: IMitwIdnid, Nov Yi'iK for
llmiliuitr, Soiilluiiiiitoii Sdliili Kilsir Wll
helm II. r CiUM-o Iiciii lliL'iiiru, Nov Yell; U
lly Hxilutho Who fiom Tho .Woii.iUil I'm
London, Nor. 13. Comiiui.dmt (Icneul Iloiliu,
au'r,iiiiir to u ijijtcli to tho Duly Hill from
I'll toiij, Mia to l.oid ltbhert a iUiUiiciit
of tho (vim on ttkltli lie "ill MtMr'
The Native and Mixed Population
of the Northern District
Is 12,652.
The Condition of the Red Hen Has
Been Rendered Most Deplorable by
the Slaughter of Eur-bearlng
Animnls That Furnished Them
Proper Clothing They Huddle in
Huts nnd Exist on Frozen Fish.
Population of Nome. "
fly K.elu!vo Wlro from The Associated J'rcs.
Washington, Nov. 14. Tho census
bureau recently completed the enum
eration of the District of Alaska. Tho
schedules have been received at tho
ollleo and are now In process of tabu
lation. The director of the census today
gave out the following statement with
reference to tho work In that great
"Air. Samuel C. Dunham, who had
charge of the work In tho northern dis
trict returned to Washington a few
days ago and submitted his final re
port. He left Washington on May 4,
1SHS. Tho native and mixed popula
tion of the northern district of Alaska
is iSfi'C Tho most populous district
with lespect to the native population
is tlio country lying between the mouth
of thu Yukon and the Kuskoquln
rivers, and extending back from the
coast one hundred miles. Mr. Muu
liee Johnson, tile agent for this dlj
trirt traveled over two thousand miles
with a dog team during the winter
and enumerated 3.01". persons, all of
whom were Indians. The Indians In
this region are probably the most des
titute people in the North Amerlciu
continent. Air. Johnson reports that
from 'lDec. 1 lo March 15 he visi'ed
seventy-four Indian villages, and dur
ing that time saw hut three tires
burning in the shacks or dugouts. The
poor creatures huddle together in
their miserable dwelling during the
long winter and subsist on frozen fish
! and a little seal oil, which they se
cure on thr coast durlniv the summer.
Insufficient Clothing.
The fur bearing animals. v,ich for
meily furnished them with nutuial
clothing, are nearly extinct, and they
have been forced to adopt the w'hite
man's garb, and as their poverty pre
vents them from securing enough to
cover their nakedness, there is great
suffering trom the cold. The spirit
ual condition of neglected na
tives Is no better than the physical, as
the missionaries deotc their atten
tion to the more attractive fields in
the gold region and along tho rivers,
where their good work may be seen.
"The Nome district Is the most pop
ulous in Northern Alaska. The enu
meration showed a permanent white
population on June I of 2,704. During
the summer about IS.OOO people lauded
at Nome, about 2,Wa of these coming
front Dawson. About 12,000 havo re
turned to their homes in the states
leaving about 9,000 people In the region
contiguous to Nome. It is probabK
that the population of tlio town of
Nome dining the winter will be be
tween 1,000 and 15,000."
Postmaster General Smith Has
Flamed His Estimates Asking-
for Appropriations for 1902.
Dy 1'uliiiire Wire from The A'soclalcd l'res.
Washington, Nov. 11. Postmaster
Oeneral Kmory Smith has framed his
esltmutes to bo submitted to con
gress nnd will ask nn aggregate of
about fl'Jl, 000,000 as tho appropriation
for the entire service for tho llscal
year ending June 30, 1002.
This Includes an estimate of S3.B00,
000 for the rural free delivery service,
Py tho close of this fiscal year, i.'MO
rural free delivery routes throughout
the United States will havo been es
tablished and the general oxtonulrm
contemplated for next year will In
volve about 4, GOO additional routes,
Tho success of tho service so far In
stituted has resulted in plans for a
very general extension next year, Tho
postmaster general together with other
ofllelals Is Investigating tho feasibil
ity of putting the servlco In operation
at every point thioughoitt tho coun
try not reached by tho freo delivery
service as it now stands,
Was Fouled by Mysterious Billy
Smith in Eleventh Round,
lly Italntlw- Wire fiom Tlio Atipr-lauil l'rM.
Savannah, Ciu - Nov, H."Mywtrv:
ions Pllly" Hiultli, ot Now York, lost
his fight here- tonight with .Hut Judge,
of Kcralitnn, J'a by fouling his inuii
hi the eleventh round,
Tho light was fust uud furious up lo
tho point of conclusion. Smith's ring
tactloi were condemned by the au
dience. DEATHS OF A DAY,
lly uxiliuhu Wlrr fiom I ho .UiotUtcd rrm.
l'lillad, Iphia, .Nov, II.- Uillhiu S. lUvbiiui,
fuller of loimer 'm;U"-mi.iii John I.', ltajhuni,
died at hi licnio lu-io lda of kciiciuI dihltlty,
ai;ul ill jui. Mi. Unburn w., horn tu Ohio,
.mil at Ncvr CirlWle In Uut blalc, fiet undertook
tho muniifactuir uf lurhtuiuir ivd.
I'liil4dcliulj, Nov, 1. Judu JiremUh L)onsp
ot MlltlliitoMi, l'J , i(ldcut juUijc oi the coin
men litems touit of tho l'orty-first I'uiiisjh.inia
judicial district. lorifrUini; Juniata and l'iry
Weather InJIcatlon Todr,
1 Genual Sviutcr'Yctt fciya llrjan Can Never
Ho I'rrxlfhnl.
The Kilir's'S'lRrilnuiit iccrli on Chlnt,
Alwknn Cetisun Completed.
Industrial ConimlsMon Inquires Inln Swvat
2 (jeneral Citrliundals Newi llcUltinc:it.
3 Local l'lml lii-poit ot the flraml Jury.
Court l'loct'Cdliiu.
1 IMItorhl.
XewM and Comment.
5 Lneal Old (.'ouncllt Can l'.lcct Heads ot New
I'.ver) thing In ltcidlntM for Tndjy'i Unveil-im,-.
G Local West K-mMoti and Stihuibnii.
7 Nurlheatlem l'onnihanU Niw.
8 Loud t.le Ncvs ot tho World.
It Will Bo Attempted by a Number
of Meetings Planned by
Church People,
By Kxiliblvc Win; from The A'-ioclaled I'rics.
New York, Nov. 11. The Ilrst of a
number of meetings planned for church
people with a view to purifying the
social condition ot Pateison, N. J.,
was held in the First Baptist church
tonight under the auspices ot the
Christian Kndeavor union. Airs. Kiln
N. Dealing, matron of the Florence
Crlttenton Home, made the principal
address. Airs. William Hall, a promi
nent member of the W. C. T. U., also
spoke. Both took for their themcj the
"Appalling- Conditions Disclosed by the
Development hi the nosscheller Case."
Airs. Dealing: said she believed in a
Christian rather than a leform move
ment. She believed that all churches
should unite to crush out existing con
ditions, nnd, that, united everything
could be done, but very little could be
accomplished If each church or each
denomination worked alone.
Airs. Hull referred directly to tho
llosscholter murder and said the vul
tures of India that preyed upon tho
weal: were no worse than tho men
who lured Innocent girls fiom the path
of righteousness. The purest were not
too good for these human birds of
prey. In the name of the mothers of
I'aterson she asked all to unite for the
protection of the children.
Will Be Introduced at the General
Conference of Protestant Epis
copal Church at 'Frisco.
Dy Km.Iusov ttiic fiom Tht Aiiouaud Press.
Xv York, Nov. 14. When the gen
eral conference ot the Protestant Epis
copal church meets In San Francisco
next October three new canons on the
subject of marriage and divorce will bo
placed before the body for Its consid
erations. Should these canons become
the law of the Episcopal church,
through the approval of the general
conference, then the Episcopal church
will have pronounced its anathema
against divorce, and more yaitlcularlv
against the re-marrylng of divorced
persons while another party lo tlio
divorce still Is in life.
The subject of marriage and divoice
came lu for a good deal of attention at
the hands of tho general Episcopal con
ference of IbDS. So much, in fact, that
a' committee of twelve was appointed
for the purpose of taking the matter
under consideration and make such rec
ommendation to the next conference of
that 'body as would, pavu ihe way for
changes In thu present tenets of the
church on these subjects. This com
mit tec, after having met a 'year ago,
when they tailed lo reach an agree
ment looking toward reform, again met
today, The session was secret. As the
members came out at the close of the
session It was announced that the con
ference of the committee had been ad
journed sine die, and three canons
dealing with the subject of Ihe confer
ence had been drafted,
The ilrst two canons erect new bar
riers as a safeguard against Illegal
marriages and prohibit marriage by
any Episcopal minister of any party
to u divorce suit, whether guilty ur
innocent. Tho third canon go-i one
step further and excludes from all
means of grace within thu dispensa
tion of tho church any divorced per
son who shall havo remarried and h,t
living with husband or wife as tho
case may bo, while tho oilier party
to the divorce still Is In life. This
canon, which, lioweser, applied only
to tho offending party of a divorce,
practically tends to outlaw tho ofi'ut
dor us far as ehurch fellowship goes,
and provides for his renduptlon in tho
fold only on tho condition that ho
become truly penitent uud Fcparuted
trom tho party to the second murrlugi
or If ho should happen to be hi im
mediate danger of death and show tho
i plrlt of lino repentance. i
Tho committee wns made up of an
eon. il number of clergy and laymen,
Those present were: Iti-v, Pr. Alor
guii ills and ltov, Dr. Hull'inau, of
Now Yoilt; liev. Dr. Alaun, of St.
Louis; Uov. Dr. Pulton, Philadelphia,
anil Uov. Kccleston, of Ualthnore, The
laymen members ol tho comniltleo who
were presenl, wain Francis A, Lewis,
Philadelphia; Fiiinclu U HieUon, Now
Yoik; Charles II. Iliiinley, Washing
ton, and .ludgo U. ti. Bradford, Wil
mington, Del.
lly i:.clulm Win' from 'ihe .Undated 1'ieaJ.
WllkM-IUtie, N II A jury uiu finally M
leiteil In Iho l.utz minder i:im' tudiy, Tliico
dib were talen up In Kitting Uulvc men to
iip. 'Ihe pjml wn exIuiMcd yiterday and
llity Uhtuieli hid u Iw uimiiioucd. '(liLt ii
l.uii'i ok i. pd for. Ill-, life. At flit; rlrtl
Dial ho n&4 uuirlid of minder in tlio first
decree, hut u new trial was Runted on the state
Hunt mado hy nio of the juroi? that he i,a ill
I mid wu eocictd Into tlgtilln; the uidlet.
SigniiiGuiib Sneecli from tlic
.Throne at the Rcopcnlna
of the fvctchstag.
Intentions ot tho Allies to Hestoro
Order as Speedily ns Possiblo nnd
Prevent Recurrence of Outrages.
Why Parliament Wns Not Con
sulted Earlier Alleged Budget
Deficit -Large Loan and an Issue
of Treasury Bills Suggested.
By Ecliuhe Wire hum The Associated l'n.-a.
JJerlln, Nov. 14. The reichstag re
assembled today. In u speech from ilia
throne thu events lu China, "which
have excited such deep emotion among
civilized people," were dwelt on at
length. The kaiser said:
"Tiie fanatical hale and dark super
stition, Incited by the unscrupulous ad
visers of the court havo driven mis
guided masses of Chinese lo acts of
atrocity against the outposts of west
ern civilization nnd Christian worship
dwelling peacefully In.the'lr midst.
"Aty minister died at the hands of
an assassin, lu a courageous attempt
to overcome the rising peril. Tho for
eigners at the capital saw themselves
threatened, life and limb. These
things of horror united the civilized
community, where otherwise llier"
was divergence. AH nations against
which tho unparalleled onslaught was
directed drew closer. Their son
fought with one mind, shoulder to
shoulder, even as yonder standards
lloat side by side. So the governments
show themselves In council, united with
the sole wish to restore nn orderly
state of things as speedily as possible,
and, after the punishment of the chief
culprits, avert a recurrence In the fu
ture of such a disturbance of the peace
of the world." .
In announcing that tho relations of
Ctoiinnny with all the powers are good,
the emperor recalled his sorrow over
the assassination of King Humbert, of
Italy, "my ally and dear friend, who
fell a victim to a damnable outrage."
Ills majesty proceeded.
Prompt Action lfecuedury.
"X would havo consulted the reich
stag sooner on the measures in China
but for the necessity of prompt action
and the dilllculty of furnishing rellabl
Information. Whenever the relchstng
could form decisions or estimate tit--expenditure
lequlred the government.
fell1 conlident that the representatives
would not. refuse their subsequent
sanction to the necessary expendi
ture." At the conclusion of tlio speech from
the throne Emperor William was
warmly cheered and Count von Bulov.
the Imperial chancellor, formally de
clared the session open.
The ceremony of opening the reich
stag was tonducted at noon In lh
Knlghts' Hall of the richloss. In th
presence of the empeior.
S-'evoinl of the evening newspapers
announce that ihe Gorman financial
bill submitted lo the federal council
shows that lo balance it tho .sum of
t-'.iMU.HIT.'JiH marks will be required.
The bill empowers the Imperial ehnn
cellor to a loan of 9T,JSli,:iS4 marks
and to issue treasury bills to tin
amount of 173,OUt),000 marks to
strengthen the ordinary working capi
tal of the imperial treasury.
A bill piovlding for a third supple
mentary credit on account of the China
expedition ;iii in, submitted to tlus
Anthony Comr.toclc Will Head a
Movemont Against Vice.
Dy Ktiliirhr Wlr.- fiom The Awoclalcd 1'iis.i.
Now Yoik, Nov. II, It Is announced
tonight that thu Society for the Sup
pression of Vice, of which Anthonv
Comstoek Is the head, will s-onu begin
the most extensive raid of pool looms
and gambling dens ever undertaken lu
this city.
The work of obtaining1 evidence lias
been under way for some time, and tho
Comstoek society lias received tlio uld
of many citizens, who have formed
themselves Into mi organization known
as tlio "Anti-VIco Hocloty of Now
York." The evidence collected has been
turned over to District Attorney Gardi
ner, and It Is said Air. Comstoek will
tomorrow get out a largo miiiihir or"
' i . i .-.
Ilv llvlii-hi1 Wire from 'J ho Associated l're'..
rhllidflphlJ, -Nov. 1 1, 'llio t.ill I'uhlWilne
' LHiuii.iiiy, m.nei- m tho llwnlir.; Call iiewspipu,
iiuilu an ;Hli;iuiiiiit for tho honrfit of iriililort
tnhj, and (he iva-o-il pulillr-aliwi illi
.)il,i .Mm .1. Itldb'w.iy wus appointed
n.-iiitiui'. Ho t-uld tlm nt'ieU uhlth amount
h. uUiut JiV1"", would piolully umr the ll-
Uihlli'i. lliiliui S, ulin touuihd the p.ip. r
In l-sl, I- 'ho pi -hh'i i aiul pilnUpal owner
lie company.
lly Kuluihi wlf from Tim Anoclated I're&f.
SlonlBi'iiicl, Ah,, Nov, H.t 'I ho FfU'liili an
nul iiiileiinu of die I'nltcd UiiinliU'i'i of Uu
I oiiddiraey heio todjy. llu. rAlnin Weed,
Kineral piitdtiit, was hi the rh.ilr. 'flic l!thl
from tho nrlptum lo,-on wag read u& th
iiuio cue upi'ii which .left l).iU took Ihe oath
of dlllco ay prislihni ot tho innuderato sulci.
4-f-f -f-f-'--f--f-t'-f-f-f
Wuhtngton, 1,'ov. u. l'orccast for
Thursday and Trlday: Uutern I'enniyl
vjnla -l-'ali ; coiitlmied ohl Tlmroday.
1'rhljy, fair; wmdo mostly light uortU-
-i----f -f-f-f-ft--fttt t
6 i
j k ,
fcl ..
,- i
4 -
ImII '' i-fl'M ,
. iVfc-TOTV