if 4 fTTT aOf.'Vt..lrtt? Tfrei.etT ' ,l w, ,V"'""ar; :a.,wSV ' ,:" ' .ip "N&l t - '' J, 4. A 1 r- H .' '$$ -t-e.y' ;", 3l ii Hi THE SCIIANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1000. ' 71 NORTHEASTERN WAYNE INSTITUTE. Two Hundred nnd Fortylhree Teachers Meot at Honesdnle. pielnl (o Ilia Serunluti lillmne. lloncsdulc, Nov. U Two humlfd nnd forty-tin oo oC Uio two hundred nnd forty-live school touchers of "Wnyno comity are' enrolled nt lh" Insti tute now In session In tlic court houjc. A very able corps oC Instructors ari present. The afternoon .session yestar ilny Avna Intorcstlntj. A plcnslnf," fen turo of the Institute If the nuHe, tin dor the direction of riof. .T. T. W.it llnn, of Hamilton. The Institute exorcises commence at !) a. in. Wednesday: Devotional exer cises, led by Ilcv. .liunes V. Wan'; "Intermediate Arlthmotlc," by Prof. Albert; "A Ulrilseyt- View of Eigh teenth Century literature," Prof, c'reone: "China, and the Chinese," Or. Wlnshlp. At 1.30 p. in.. "LonRfel Inw," Dr. Wlnililp: "A Literary Rum ble Around London." Prof. fircone: ".Mississippi Valley as n Type Les son." Pi of. Albeit, llvcnlne. Edward Uvuiett Hale, Instead of Prof. 13. C. Poster's lecture, on "Liquid Air," as advertised. NEWMILFORD. Special to the Scianton Tilliiini'. 'cw Vllbnl, Xni i:J. Tin- WniiwliV .MiIon my society will meet n I the home of Mr. !-. I!. I'rult, Woeliicsdiy afiiriioon. nl .1 o'clock. Mrs. aion Aldiii'n Bine n cud pally tu :i lnne number cf her friends l,it Saturday cion ini. Mis Alio- WiilMiinn returned to her linini- in llnllstead, -uiid.il, alter e inline, h week with friends In town. Mirs Jo-lc Il'ijlc is spending -omc lime with relators in ('arbonililo. Mr. 1". i. lien-cm. who has liccn seriously ill (he put (wu Wicks, is ion.iii'-icnt. Mi I' l'. Mii-r !' (onliiicd to Ms home villi rheumatism. Mi Minnie lli.nllij. Ii"v. II. ' lie's .mil S. V. Trumbull wn appointed delegates to attend the Sunday school iii-tltutc at Mi Kliuic.t'i Mill? next Satunh.v. Mr. Iliinj Miue inliitaiiicil tln ladle- of the AuNiliary .il licr lumic one r.'leinnon hist i ek. Mr,. Fatker will Ptilrit.iln the Reading ( iule at lirr mo'ii? in Hip .l.iy Ilnu-. tld iwininir. Mi. M. O. llrjdliy tin .oIihihmI fimn Kn-li, vliirc 6i.c ins limi iprmlinir .i muplo it wool. with licr rwtlirr and luullio. Mr", .lane lljiriMir -petil i- iilitn of l.i't v.t-ik nli friendj in Ililltp.id. ' Mrs. I '. Iii(i and Mi-. Mrll.i IIimlHiin v ill spct lay .mil ?jlnnl.iy with liicnd-i af -"-i-.icIian PITTSTON. puial to the Su.inlon 'Iiibniic. l'iLI-,1 im. .No.. L llioniis V. '..in-, wlio fur the pa-l In: i'.n-. lu- IimhiI tlic I.clditli N.'dlcj HiiluMil (-iiuipiii.1 ' f inn .it Covton, Ins pun lu-ed .1 f.iuu of tcnt -lliifc am?, on Lin coln Heights, su'.nitnn, .md will movnto tint pl.ue caili in't .if.n. He cpitls lo ciifriKi" in truck I lllnili'.'. V r-jcui-old ihil'l cd Mr. nnd Mr. IMwaril ricminir, of Cinoll stu-i't, died Sund.iy of licai t l.iilnre, following .in illne-s ot diplithem. This I, (ho fcerond child "Mi. .mi Mi1. I'leininjr line litiiieri of tld dipc.ie Willi a wtek and they lino two m.ne rhilrhen on tlie siilc 1i-.t. 'I lino ii i srarrity of w.itei in Pitl-toii limn--hip an 1 (lie people .He roinpelhd In jret tluir drinking snt ply at the niineq and from pasinij; loiomotiips. meeting oi the siT.inton-Willtes-llaiie I.nther m Pflstoi.il a---nciilioii xas luld in St. .lohn's I.utheian paionaue, Hiiuhelown. tndi. I.ouis n. W.irnei, of l.acKiiwanna, died fiunil.iv e.iniiis aftir a linseiiii- illnc-s of oier a joar of a complication of diseases Deee.iMil wi icr 70 years of ai;c and i Miried liy a wife '':in I one .on, aNo hy the following Inothei: JJinicl and (iiorKe, of Wr-.t Pittitnii, and i;ii.nlv-. nl Ithaca, X. V. The funeral took place jefctci- The People's Exchange. A POPULAR GLKAKIXG HOUSE for the Bcruflt ot Vll Wlio Have Houses to Runt. Heat lilstiite or Otlisr Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help TJisss Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for I'ivo Cents a Word lixcep: Siluutiorii Wanted, Which Arj ln iscrtcd Free. FOR RENT. fiMUM iu abm: 'bi'scufnoufen.' u 'iioo.m incluilliip- ball), launch, towinir aui i.lciic 100111: was and divine llirl'ts, line open pluinli Hi.', olc. 1'rKit.l'iiiK cats .i"S tlio iloor, W, T. llackctt, Ii ii o lililtr. "as rrnxiMH'u nui'si: woimi -S'3. w. -i. HaeUtt, I'llro lililjj. iVu-i'uitMMti'n nousi: vt oiiixn uim.i:. W. T. ll.ii.kctt, I'riie bl.Is:. sToni:. orrichs. iiutxs, not'hKs, n..vis .iliil loiiuis In nil uiU city. W. T. ll.lcl.ott, Pi ice Wile. Sil, 2-i anil jsW-.STI'.WI Hr'ATTI) Pf,.TS IV ociitul city. W. T, II ul.iti, 1'iliu blilit. fiioi'i'.itrv noro.iiT, sold, ii:nti:i. i;.- 1 Imuici'il, iusuu'il, uiiiu.iK'cl ami cuccl fur, W. T. IlJCklt, I'li.ti Welir. FOR SALE roit s.u.i'-r oN.ii'Miniv 101: u. ivroci. ron sulu jt I'.ir.; ':! iiniJiy dhliloiul. IL, !H.i .tclfr-isou .iwiiiii', fob sm.i:-co."ii:vi.- oi' uot'.si: puism- lure, cupoU, li-cUinc;, He, WJ Washington nirnue, lU'SINThS AND lli:sli)K( I.' I'HIli'r'ltTV lis" III iiiln nt city, W, T. Il.'ekitt, I'lkc lilcls, feKVBAb I.IM:S HUslXI'en, .MAMd'AC'l IIII.Nli nml uiiliiiiitlli', csl.ilillsln'il mil M,ilii; cln.t;, linrilwuic, uiiiifi.v, wall Un,r, rle, .S'c W T, IlacVctt, 1'ilcc Wilif. J.i-00 iiousr. and 1.0 r u nobtii i:vh." w. r. Il.iLl.ctl, Piiic hhlu. IV YOU T 'HI 111 V (IB hlll.l, A IU.il'xi:Vrj or piopi'ltj' S'i' W. T. IIicLi'lt, I'lici! Wilt;, I'TjXJANTI.Y i:tjtil'rxil ASH WlLATKlJ hoarilint: lioiisi-, -JS iniitiis, luiitainlue i'i'iy tliintr Irani 4 luutliiick tu a nljiiu. I'm iiIl, etc, tec' W, T. lUiklt, Price IiMb BU SI NESS OPPORTUNITY j iiavk hi:vi:b.Mj links oi' 11 M.'rAort;TN Iiilt unci lucicjiitili- liiiilui'ss lui sale; Haul. naic, ill UK. liiu'ciy, ull i.ipci uiul uth'.is. Call and fiiMetlKatc if )uii mean lmino8s. W. T, Ilai Lett, 1'ric.o Wei.'. IP VOir WANT TO (JO INTO Till: MINIxJj ruuin, iiukU lunch 111 Ixuicllni! Iioiuc liu.lni'ss tie -, T. HaiUit, t'liiv hlilir. )7TuU WANT 'loUllV (lit .Si:i.L A IHIulMiss tea , T, ilaikrtt, I'lltc tildg-. MONEY TO LOAN. MONKV TO I.0A.S'. HATrENBEBO, A'llOB aty, S07 Council Building. MONIiY TO luOAN-STKAiailT LOANS AT once, (Xiriy, Connell building. ANV AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN. QUIChS itrtlgbt loru or Bulldlns nnd Loin. At liom 4 to 0 per cent. Call ou N. V. Wilker, ilt'31S Csnnell buildioc. PENNSYLVANIA da) at. -.'..Id p, in., with llilmiieiil. In Hie llrkli iliuttli tciiutny. lliitKlnri entind the potollle l Toll (lilllllli nt mi rally lioui' Sunday innmliiiii 1ml. wi m oil only a viiiiill iiuintlty ol m.iiiim nnd prnt d cnnN. ltc. O. I,, Ncmion, piloi id the West 1'Itli Ion Mi llmilNl rlmiili till Imlav lor .liislltii, (i.i.. to n 1 1 rinl, a mi linltiil Burst, the aliliu.il Ic-unlon of lie (Videdeute VeteianV n-wiclilllnti of fliDitdi, MONTROSE. Speilat tu the Srrniilon Tribune. Atniilnnr-, Nov. 1 1. The regular Mlnn ol No Minher trim of court opened In this pl.nc is ttnliy, .liulup ll.itilel W. Seirlo inM!nff. '1 lie eiiiirt appnlnleil .tolin It. Hill to lie pool nuMer ol I'iupaI City to till llin ninn.y eiii'ed by the death nt I'liinl; !. Ikltne-i. In to! load hi Lalhrup and lliuoVljn lowinhlp, load in Auburn InwiHilp ami biliti;e in lilltli Meildous petltloks for jppoitilineiit ol lcwcii 'lie (lied. Kiln I Mlltrhiii.,nu s. Ililii.-all Huh lilli-iu, liioeliinalloii In dlvoiep iiwatded. ('. (I, Stephen : Clitrlei Itinl.le.v, rub to how eaiHp why Judgment 'hould not he upencil. Itule tn.ule iilisoluti'. .lame" P. (lay wai appnltited by tin iwiit to bo tlpstuie durinir .Vnu'iulier term. IMwIii M, IrfinntN was appoinlid merf.eer of the poor for Hopbottoui lioiouuli. to (111 lcanev cuiised by deatli of William (. Alnej. K. I.. Weeks i. P. Aillitir Tvul. Itule Kiunlcil on plalntilf to Miow- uiu-i' wh.i Judgment "ball not he opined and defrndmt peindtled to come lu and defend and slieiltf enjoined fiom s.ellliiKi etc. I'omuioiiweallh ;. Tloe Wood. Pcfeiidanl In ul.fs the iinolient law mid is di'dinrnod. (.'oiiimonwiallh . Thonias Hrld,, iharRed with brealiins nnd eiiliilnc and larceny. Knlers plea of Riiilly. tteiiiandeil to await M-ntiinp. ('nuunouuiallli is. Ifanl; r,T.selt horse steal int", laiLi'iiy ami inch Ink. Knteix plea of not pullly. I.eory Sli-iie ii l!eoij;o ItuKei-.. Ai-iKtiiMciit of eiror (lied. .''iinmnimo.illli . Iburict II. Scolt, chaifted with in iup a touunon cold. The eiident fhowed Hut the defi ndant was of unsound mind uiul Hie hu nndeied verdict of nut guilty. (onimoiiwi'.illb is Thomas Pile';, diaiged r.llli luealiii.ic Jiil JZnlci -s plea of not (ruilt). rnininoiiwe.iltli i. Midiacl Iliini-, breaking Jill. Kulirs plea of not ituilt.i. C nunoiiweallb s, Krank Smith, Iiicnkini? Jail. Heads not RiiiltJ. William Mnr.ni ic .lolin O'llea. si. Hide uranl nl on ilifiiiil.ini to show caup wh3- I lip appeal in this t.is- should nut bo stiiLktu ot). The following uism weie continued to .lanu.iry teim 'iml bail entered in each case: I'onnuouwialth .s. William Snyder, as-ault ami lulteii, a.-.suult with intent to lull. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Iiyceum. Piiday "Hie House That Jack lluilt.'" Satiiiday "The lunmr.s Mate." Aftenvoi and nislit. Academy. All Week Huntley-lackson company. Gaiety. l'llut 'lime Pajs Truradeio lliulc-iU rs. I.al Three Dajs "Social Maids." At the Academy. The iliiutle.l-lacksou company plajed ,c's(eiday "Loe and I.ihcrt" and last eiening "'Hie Toi nado" at the Academy of Music. This uflciiioun lliey will pi ii "The Maibl. Hc.ut" and Ihis eieninpr "The 1'atal Card " Fine Burlesque Show. 'Jheie can be hut one best, and the best bin lesque show uu tlio load this si.isun in Waldion .t lliyant's 'lYocadeio ltuilesn,ue company now appeal inir ,il Hie fiaiet tlieatei. The loinpanv is composed of thiuy people, all ol whom stmd ill the fionl lank, rithei as audeille oi bin li'Miue .ii.ii-.i. iniuiK tliem an- J.u k Ciawfoul and lllanchc Wa-hbutu, Smitli and Chuupion, HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTED AT ONCE. SEVERAL, EXPEHIENCKD SALESMEN. OOOD SALAR IES AND PERMANENT POSI TIONS TO THE RIGHT PAR TIES. NONE HUT EXPERI ENCED MEN, SCHOOLED AND TRAINED IN THE RUSINESS, NEED APPLY. CONNOLLY & WALLACE. WAS ITD -ONU BXrElUKNCXD MAX '10 woik in gieen liouac; tingle prc'circd: at KiiTilitri'ii lainu South Main mcuuc, Lincoln llciBlils. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. v. Vstku-a 'iibioht" noT 'io"i'iTvbx'"ThT: ihiiif lii'suicss, Adchcm IlniBithi Tribune olflie, ' WAXTLiv-imioiir nxmifim'io vouxa lady of (rood acldic'sii; salary to start ijlll pel week. Call after 1 o'clock, 42(1 Adams avenue, RECRUITS WANTED. MAHISi; COIU'S, U, S. NAVY, BECdHmS vi.ir.teil Alile-bmllcd men, smlc-e on our nar tlilps in all parts of the world .ind 011 laud In lliu i'liillppines when reipilreil. BeciuUlns oi. Ik vi, JOI Wjumltig avenue, Scianton. BOARD WANTED, noAitn WAXTi:n-roB thbi:u adults ash one tuull child. In luptctuble Jewh), taiji. ily, lUliiif ir. tlrt-c las uelijliboriiood. Stale pilce. V. A., Tribune iifflie. ROOMS WANTED, WANTKD-3 6lTu1iSJSlTED BOOVSr-ofi light housekeeping; centrally located. Ad cJrcu, J. W,, Willltms building, City. LOST, lOQT Villi nllllIi.l, linnc rixr sim ni7ni W , . I'.........,,. ........ .., ..b't'l....,,, I street between Oulucy i:iul lianklln uicuucoj tuitable reward will be paid upon return lu John T, Hichsuls, Meaej building, ell v. Colien nml flatdntr, ta;iv I'atmer, Nelson, (llin teireltl und Detiioiilo, !iille Vnn New, tmra Cook, Adeline Irln, Daisy Palmer, Kittle 1'iank. Iln, .Maude Stanilfonl, ,lcslc sharp nnd otliers too Humorous to mention. The ii6grammi! ruml'ls n tlio ipand opcnlni; btiilesqiie, liikin Ironi the rronili. ami Intio ilncliiK the T'our I'rcndi I'eiiialc Ilium JblJots, lollownl bv .in olio lint would tic hard to belt, nml ii Bland (.losing liuileiiio In wltlili the riitlru eoinpatij ol thirty appear, to(rotlier with ppeclal rcentiy, liind.ome iinlutucs nml pleaslnir iini'lc. "The House Timl Jack Built." (lenrifp II, Hro,iilIiurt, who lias irbon us null te., diner fnuei us "The Ppriillillnr,"' "The Wionir .Mr. Wtliilit," "Wlm Itippennl to .tours" and "Why Smith Lett Home" and TO W fgj JBj&$ ShU SZZ y- "Kir'aSSSfTV $?'.'' ....r,,V amt nniDcr.ii. ; whose latest farcp, "Tlic House That .lad: lluilt," will be een here rrlday niiilit at the l..vieiiin, Is today the recounted Ainrilcin writ ir of modern farce. 'I lie llrst four named comedies weie not al leied In u sinirlo instance, ellher In word, text or situation, Jrom the llrst iinlormanec, some llilnsr olieniciy l.ue nonad.ijs, in mast In ftnnees it beinir a well known fact that authors have icmalned with their companies for weeks at a time, alleriuir and niakiiiir such chancres as weie thought neces.saiv. Mi. liiondhlllsl, uboie all else, diiins absolute eleanlliiiss in Ids pl.ijs, and "The House Tint .laik Hitllt" will prove no ec option to this iule. 'The Gunner's Mote." 'I be naial drama his alna.m found a ery liriie pl.it o in the heaits ot the patriotic then lii'Koiin; American public, but "The (junnei'.s Mate," "which Is to be piesenled at the l.jceum nct Saluiday altcruoon and night, under the direction of .Managci Augustus 1'itoii, seems to touch mole haiiiioniotisly and more respon sibly the popular chord than any preiious ef loit in this clavs of ..r.un.ilir piodutlicn. tleoigc A. (liiilay, who was liuglcr on the New orl; and who iccciied his houoiahlo dis charge, has bom tpicially eugnged to appp.ii in the piodiictiou this season. Ilefoie Mich a back giouiid the author of the play, William J. JIc Kleinan, has .sit a sloiy thrilling with licail inleiest, its people drawn in the likeness of natme, and tlic incidints of tbelr liies made to wcaie out a most sensational and dramatic denouement. flhe love and comedy elements arc adioitly introduced, the piny wolks itself out most satisfactory. Singing and some expel t buck dancing and a gimp contest by lcil pugil ists arc introduced during the piogress of tlio play. The Social Maids. Ihcic is ginger as well as vsriet.i in the pel foiinancp of Hurtig k S'e.iin ins' "Social Maids," who appear at tlic Gaiety tomorrow. The oi Saturation is a huge one and includes cleier loimdians and pretty gills who can do something more than inculy pose in .scant costumes and otheiwisc, and a really notable cntcitainer in the person of Mile. Pilar Moiin. Two builettas, "The Water Xjnipb" and "The (laj Modiste," aie the mediums for the fun-making and foric their purpose well. Among the leading meiry inakeis aic (ieoige 1!. lleban, paiody singer and comedian. Pilar Moiin, the beautiful Kicudi coinedicnnp. whose imputation is inlei national, assumes the leading part in liotli builett.is. bho sings such songs as the "flay Coquette" and "Dimples' with something ot the slle and epie.ssion made familiar by Anna Held. She is an altiactive ligiup ami Inr peifonnauie adds niiidi to make the "Social Maids," all in all, one of the best attractions em the nnd. Pilar Moiin is the dainty aitrc-s who pioduced "Mile. Piti" at the l.wciun last wintei. LEGAL. IiOTKT. '10 THK r.LUCTOlts OK Till: CITY 01' -Hranicin, Pciincyh-inia. IIip folluwins oiilinancc has been introduced in the Omnium Council of the said city and i in'iidinir on passaec. nil- of Common C'uuncil, So. u7, llXXl. AS OBIIlXAXCi: rioiidilie; for tlic sitliniission to the otc of the electors of the City of Nranlun, an increase 111 the inelcblc elnciv, of the i-.ilil city, to thu amount ui one liiuiiluil tlieiiisiiul dollars (S1IX1, WW.UJJ, im Hie. payment of judninents and ad jnillriitiil cliinis tijaliist the said city up to the date ul the- pa.s.s.iirv of this nicliiunic; nial in La-e the vole is in taioi of Mich proposed inciease. luahliitr .111 appropriation id fcitd Mini for ciid puipoac. Section 1. lie it oulaiucd b.i the- S.'lcct and Common Councils of the' Cit of Snanton, and il is lieu by oulaiucd by authority nf ihu same, lli.lt for the pill pose of pnjlnir the judtiinenls and other adjudicated indebli'ihicus nf the City nf Su-anton, an increase in the indebtedness ot .said city by an iaoue of city bonds to the umoiint nt one bundled thousand elollais (SllM.liV.OO), is lierdiy nutborleil, subjei t, neverthrlesi., te the consent nl the ilcctois nf the .said city of Peran um as hcicinaftir pimided. Sec. :!. The qiiestion of nsseutiiiir to the iibuve pioiosi'il ine lease ot tlie dphi of the eltv nli.ill be Mibmlttod In a o(e of the qualltied eleetors ot the City of Sirantoin, ut the ucst xemial 1 lection nccuiilnif not lev, ihau forty dav inter the pansace nt this oidlname and its appinval by the .Major. See. :i. Aftei the pavsaire and .1ppr0i.il of ihis oidilianee as afoiesaiil. and at least tlditv davs j before uld election, the Major shall publish .1 nu,.i.- vt I,...- L-ti'viitMi ue-iL-ii aiiiueiii7iic 111 mice' daily papers pulillshed in said citj, and .1 stale iiicnt such as Is ieiulred by law, which elati'iiii'iil shall be furnished by the Cltj C'untrollei. Sec, I. If the ild electois aisiee to incieaw the indebtedness of said lity for wid purpose, iheip shall be apmopriaied and set aput for the pavnicnt of a.ild judipninU und other adjiidieateil iiidi'bteclncss ol Mid cltj, the sum nf one bun dled thousand iMIars (lt),()i)l.iO), or so iiiueh thereof .H shall b neeinsaij-, Publklied In purt.ii.nue ot picnisioiis nf a roo. lutieui of City Coiiiicils of (he City g Seranton, Pa,, 1hl1 Ii icolutloii was appmud bv the- .Major of said city on Xnirmbcr 7th, ifjoo, 31. T 1. VVBLLi:, (ily Cltil.. 9i:alkh i'iioi'Osm.s will hi: iii:ci:iYi;n at the eiliie of the (.eeitlaiy of the Serantou llo.iul of Contlol until 7.:w n'lloek, Mondiy uiening, Xuv, in, luuo, 101 Hie election of .1 two 100111 ticiditioii to So. ;l.l nehool, nml feu- the con Irurlion uf sewer line for said building, in ne. contain p with plans and speillii-ations in the hands uf Juliil A, Duikwoitli, aiihitc, t, 'liie sum of two bundled and llfty dollais (2J0) in rah or cci tilled (heck thai! bo enctosed with each bid, which nun tli.ill be foifelled to the school district in case pf iefus.i or omission 011 the part of the sucressfiil bidder In execute contract within ten ilaj-s after Hie jiv.udliiir o( the same. So bid will be read or considered which fall- In comply with this requirement, Hy older of the hcrantnti Hoard of Control, r.H(ir.Si: I), 1-;IX0 S, Secretary. REAL ESTATE. HllSISI.s-, AMI ItlHIIISt'inTiToTOtT.OB rale in rdl pails of city and Duumoie, W. T, Hacked, Pike blclg. MW WILL BUY A IIOUSi: AXI) LOT .VTXoimt Lud. W, T. llacketi, ',i, Wdg. ' W. T, llAlTvWT JIUYS, 'IILLS, nn.N'tS, IS. suics exeluiuco, uppralses anil cares for pioptit', Hoc ins u and Id Price Wdg, WANTED-TO BUY, WANTL'D-SECOND IWBlTMACHiNEs";' oust be In KOud order; state particulars a to make and price. Address, t. M., general de livery, Bcrantou. I'. DRESSMAKING, -i , "''''-'r-is-i--v-i-w-ir j--r j-j-ij-uij-j-u-j--n-c-j DIIESSUAKIXQ FOB CHILDHEN TO OBDEII; 1m ladles' issUta. Louisa Shoemaker, 213 Adama aevoue. cz - iCxr- :".v. .. , n ' Test for Yourself the Wonderful Curative Properties of SwampRoot m ... i- ! il - - .,.. , i --! - To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy Swamp-Root Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of "The Tribune" May Have a Sample Bottle Free. Reporters Have Convincing: Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binuhamton, N. 1 -' nnYLB. I 1 ? 1 '"bookiw J Ghntli-men : 1 feel it my duty to send you an acknowledgment ol the receipt of the sample bottle of Swamp Root you so kindly sent me. I had been out of health for the past five years with kidney and bladdnr trouble. Had our best physicians prescribe for me. They would relieve me for the time being, but the old complaint would in a short time return agiin. I sent for a sample bottle of Swamp Root and found it did me a world of good. Since then I have taken eight small bottles bought at my drug store, and 1 consider myself perfectly cuied. It seemed as though my back would break in two after stooping. I do not have to get up during the night to urinate as I formerly did, three or four times a night, but now sleep the sleep of peace. My back is all right again, and in every way lam a new man. Two of my brother officers are still using Swamp-Root. They, like myself, cannot say too much in praise of it. It is a boon to mankind. We lecommend it to all humanity who are suffering from kidney and bladder disnases. My brother officers (whose signatures accompany this letter), as well as myself, thank you for the blessing you have brought to the human race in the compounding of Swamp-Root. We remain, yours very truly, JAMES COOK, HUGH E. BOYLE, Officers of the 38th Police Precinct, Greater New York JOHN J. BODKIN. Nov. 16, 1899. THEODORUS VAN WYCK, former Editor of the Mt. Vernon News, and now one of the most prosperous real estate brokers in New York, 128 South Eleventh Avenue, Alount Vernon, N. Y. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : 1 had been a sufferer for over four years from severe attacks of rheumatism and Kidney trouble, probably contracted by exposure on hunting expeditions and wading trout streams. 1 tried many reme dies, the patent and other kind, but none of them seeded to do me any good. I was persuaded by an oli and valued Iriend to try Swamp.Root.and tranklv confess it has benefited me as no other medicine has. I now feel like myself again. I do not have the con stant aches and pains which at one time seemed to make life un bearable. It is a positive benefit in ailments of this kind. I always keep it in the house, as it is just as necessary as bread and butter. Very respectlully. ZC EDITORIAL NOTE.-Swamp-Boot, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder remedy, is so remarkably succeosful that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of The Scranton Tribune, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottlo sent absolutely free by mail. Also a book telling all about kidney and bladder troubles and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured by Swamp-Root. Be sure and mention reading this generous offer in The Scranton Tribune when sending your addrsss to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N, Y. SITUATIONS WANTED A WIDOW L.UWbsmT'TxACf: AS A housekei pel foi .1 niitowci 01 a small family, 37-7 .lackson sticel. Sni'A'IIOS WASTEIl UY A MlBIM.i: AC.E11 lady a.s hou-ekeeiier. Aihhess A. II.. Tiibunc. SITCA'llON" WASTKD-BY AS HKI'KBir.SCnil gloeeiy clerk; strictly temperate and honest and well locomiiieiiileel. II. C. D., Tiibunc of Ike. .SITUATION- WANTKH-'lO (10 OUT UY THfl day ami to clean ollices. t' .1, A,, U.Jj Wasli. ir.ton aienne. &1TU.VUON WASTr.H BY AS nXl'IlBIKXCBI) laundress nn l.ulj's line- clothes; will go out by the dij. Call or ,iddtcs .120 Pleasant street, West Side, Best of lefeicnrcs. WASIKD-A PLACK TO WOBIC'AS WAITLB OB any kind of woik in doors. Good uferenie8. Acldivss .1. S. O. Tiibuns. SI'tl'A'lIOX WASIED-BY YOUXC PROTEST ant g'll to assist in houscwoik. Can come well I ec online iiiled. Call 01 addiess 7.1'i South Wjoiuiuir itvinue. siiuvrios wasti:i)-as s'lKVMirriT.it 011 engineer, by fullj lapiblo 111 111, Addiess, 41.1 ( lay aienue. sirtU'llOX WANTED HY A YOl'N'O COLOBEll ir 111 as waiter or poller, or any kind of woik in doors; good reference. Adehcvs fj. S. ., Trib une oftice. srrrvnox waxted-by a yol'su max as chiicr, or cm make himself 11-eliil .Hound maihiner-. Address P. C, Tiihune olflee. WASTEH-WOItK AS WAITEB OB l'OIUEIl IV boarding hoiine, nr nt imv kind ol work; good refeienees., Adi'iei' .f, S. Outlaw, Tiiliuno olhcie, SITUATION' WASTED-BY A fiOMAN TO lake catc ot children, or In du general liptisc work. Addiess, Min, ;U, iais, 3lh Prcn idiiice load. SPECIAL NOTICE. NOTICE.-! WISH TO XOTll'Y ALL LIl'II 1N suraucc cciiipanirs not u paj any iusuraiuc on Hie life cf my husband, Patrlik llienuan, Ulcly deceased. ASX 11IIESXAS, pift Prospect Ac City. CITY SCAVENGER A. B. BBIOOS 0LENS PBIVY VAULTS AND less pool: no odor, Iinruoved nuinrs used. A. B. BltliidS. Proprletoi, Lea 10 onlcri ll'io .North Main avenue, or Lille's drug sloic, cor ner Adams and Miilhenj Tclcpliono VHO. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant, EDWABD 0. SI'AULDIXn, C. I'. A., 2'J TIIA1I tis' DjiiW building, Architects. LUIVAUB ll. DAVIS, AllClllTEar. CONXLLL building, Ec union. I'BEDEBICK L. IHJOW.V, ABCHITCOT, I'BIUK building, lie Washington aienue, Seraiituu. Cabs and Carriages. Bl'BBEB TIBED CAPS AND OABBIAUES; BEST of service Prompt attention gticn ordcri. bv 'lhoiie. 'phones 207'J and 63M. 'oneph Belie;'. Ui Linden. Interviews with Prominent 58111 POLICE PRECINCT. Y., Dictated S. R. Dentists. DB. C. E. EILESBEBGEB, PAULI UUILDINO, Spruce stiect, Scranton. DB. I. O. LYMAN, SCBANTOS PB1VATE HOS' pital, cornet Wyoming and Mulbeny. DB. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. DB. II. I'. BEYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. TlIC ELK CAFE, 123 AND 127 I'RAXKLIN AVE nue. Bates icasonable. P. ZElnLEB, Proprietor. SCBANTOS HOUSE, XEAB D.. L. k W. PAS tcnger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOP, KOCH, Proprietor, Lawyers. J. W. DBOWSISO. ATTOBXF.Y AND COUNSEL-loi-al-law. Booms 312-31.1 Mcais building. V. B. BEPLOtiLK, ATTOBN'EY-LOAN'S NEOO tlated on leal estate security. Meats building, corner Washington aienue and hpiuce stteet. W1LLAIIP. WABEEX & KNAPP, ATTOBNEYS snd counscllois-at-lan. Bcpublican building, Washington aienue. JESSUP He JESSUP, ATTOBSEYS AND COUN. tcllois-atdaw. Commonwcaltli building, Boons 19, 20 and 21. JAMES w! OAKTOBI), ATTOBSEY-AT-LAW. Booms 614, Slfi and MO Hoard of Trade build lug. EDWABD W. 1 HAVER. ATTOBNEV. Wi-ooi, 9tb Boor, Mcani building. BOOMS t. A. WATBF.S. AITOBXEY-ATLAW, BOABD ot Trade building, Scianton, Pa. C. H. I'lTCIIEB. ATTORNT.V-AT.LAW, HOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa, PATTERSON' tc WILCOS, TRADERS' NATIONAL Hank building, C, COMEOYS, 9-1,1 BEPUI1LIOAX I1UILDIS0. A. W. BEBTHOLF. ATTORNEY, MEABS BI.DH, Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. I. ALLEN", 51.1 NORTH WASHINGTON' avenue, DB. S. W. lAMOIIEAUX, OFFICE JS1 WASH. ington aienue.' Residence, 1113 Vlulburv. Chronic diseajes, lungs, heart, kidneys and Bcnlto-inlnary crgans specialty, Hours, 1 to 4 p. iu. Schools. SCHOOL Of THE LACKAWANNA, SCIIANTON, 'a. Courso preparatory to college, law, mcili. cine or bjslne.-s. Opens Sept, 12th. Send for catalogue. Ilev. Thomas M CMnn. LL. D., prln. clpal and proprietor; W, E. I'liiinlcj-, A. j., headnuster. Seeds. 0. It. CLARK k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND SUBS. cijiMiii, store UOI Wuthlngton aveiiuo; green houses, 1030 N'oilh Main avenue; store tele phone, "32. Wive Screens, JOSEPH KIKTTKIi. REAR 611 LACKAWANNA aienue, Sc union, Pa,, manufacturer or Wire Scieeiu. Miscellaneous. iliiTuivir "obciiestb i-MUslorOh BAUS? nlciilo, parties. rocepticM, weddings aud con, cert woil. luiuished. For terms address R. J lUuer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, ovr Hulbcit's iiiusic store. HEOABOEE IJBIH., I'lnN'ratS' M'l'pl Ks). KS. lelopei, papci ba, livpie Wnriliousr, l il Washington r.unui-. Sontwi. 1'a. People in Greater New York Grhatur Ni-.w Youk. His Physician Prescribed Swamp-Root. NEW YORK', Nov. 18, 1S99. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I was all run down in health and spirits, from overworK on the Exchange floor. I developed nervous neuralgia and also suf fered from an acute attack of rheumatism. Of course. I had careful medical attendance, but while conva lescing my own physician himself ordered me to take Swamp Root to build up my nervous system, and put my kidneys in shape. It helped me more than any curative or tonic everused and now I always keep it in my medicine chest. With best wishes for sufferers, &-c-pu. 'HJZz - JJADTIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect Oct. 21, 1000. Trains for Carbondalc leaio Scranton at (I.'-O, 7.5J, 8.M, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00, 1.2'J, 2.20, tl.W, 3 23, 0.23, 7.57, 0.13, 11.15 p. tn.i I. Ill a. m. . Toie Honesdnle (1,2(1, M.1J a. in.; 2,2H and 0.25 p. nt. For Wilkes-Barre I). 13, 7.4S. S.1S. O.SS, 10.11 a. ll!.; 12.03, 1.2S, 2.19, 3.31, 4.27, 0.10, 7.4S, 10.11, 11.30 p. in. ' For L. V. B. B. points 0.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 and Jl.IlO p. in. For Pennsylvania B. B. poinls-li.lS, 11.33 a. m.; 2.1S and .27 p. m. For Albany and all points Morth rt.2U a. in. and 3.B2 p, m. MJN'DAY TRAIX. For Caibcnd.ile--'J.nO, 11.31 a. in.; 2.2C, 3.32, 3.17, 10.52 p. m. For Wilkes-llaru-o.lS a. m.; 12.0.1, 1,-jS, 3.2, 0.27, 8.27 p. in. For Albany and points '.nitli-3.,12 p. in. For Honesdale 9.00 a. m. and .1.52 p. in. Lowest rates to all points in United Stale!, an I Canada. .1. W. BUflDlCK. Ci. P. A.. Albany. N, Y. II. W. CROSS, I). P. A.. Sciantoii. IM Lehigh Valley Railroad. 'n Effect May 27, 1000. Trains Leaio Scranton. Fur Philadelphia and New Yotk lia II. .V II. It. It., at 0.43 a. in. ami 12.03, 2. IS, 1.27 (Black Diamond Expirss), ami 11.30 p, in, Sundajs, D. ct II. B. R.. 1.5S. 7. IS p. in. For White llaicn, Hazleton nml piluelpal points in the coal nglons, via 1). A- II. R, It., (1.45, 2.1S and 4,27 p. in. 1'nr Pottsillle, (.13, 2.'I8 p. 111. For licthlelirm, Eastou, Reading, Tliinlshuig and piiuelpal inleimedinte staliiuis via II. & II, It. B 0.15 a. in.; 12.01, 2.1.S, 1.27 (Black Ilia, mond Expirss), 11,10 p, in. biindiijs, 1). k II R. B 1.5S. 7,13 p. ill. For Tunkhanuock, Towanda, Elinita, Ithaca, Oencva nnd pilncltul iuteiimdlato statu, ns, ill D., Ii. k W. 11. It., SI'S a, in,; l.T. and 3'3 p. 111. For (leneia, Buohester, llutlalo, Niagara Falls, Chliago, and all points west, vii II. A- II, II 11., i?.n;!. n.n.1 illlack llianioiid Emes). 7.4s. 10 II. 11.30 p. m, S'umlajs, D. & II, It, It , U.tU i. in.; 7.13 p. in. , , , I Cullman panor-aim sleeping oi 1,01111:11 inuey pallor ears on all ttalns between Wllkes-lluio and New Yoilt, I'hlladelplila, BiiiTnlei and mu iieislon Bridge. BOLLIX 11. WILMUR, (ten, Supt., 2H Cortland btreel, New Yoik, CHARLIE S, LI'.L', (leu, 1'a.is. Agt., ?d Coillai'd sireet, new ioik. j A. w. Ml..l.l.ie.lll.li, I'll, rass, am,, .-suuiu ncthlehrm, P.t. For tickets and Pullman leseiiitioiis apply to SOU LtcUwuiiiii avenue, Scianton, IM, Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations In New Yoik-Toot of Llbcity street, N. B.. and South Fcriy, . Anthracite coal used cMluslielj-, Insuilug cleanliness und comfoil. TIME TABLE IN EFKCT MY ."-. 1'JO.i. Tiallis leaio Sciantuii (m New Yoik, Xcwark-, Ellabctli, Philadelphia, Easton, llolhleheni, Al lentimn, Matuh Chunk and While llaien, ,11 Vo a. 111.; cxpiess, 1.20 j cspress, 4.00 p. 111 Sun. dan, 8.M p. 111. Foi 1'lllHi'" and Wilkivllaiie, S.30 ,1. m.; i,q and 4.00 p. in. Sundajs. 2.15 p Por Baltbuoic ami Washington, -ind points South and Wet ill letlilcieiii, S.30 a. m., i.-jg p, ill. Suiiday.s, 2.15 p. 111. For Long Branch, Ocean Oioie, etc., at S 30 a. 111. and 1.20 p. 111. For Beading, Lebanon ar.d HariUbiug, U ,. Ii.itowu, .. a. in. and J. 20 p. m. Sundajs, 2.13 p. in. For Pottsville, S.MI a. m., 1,20 p. 111. Ihrougli tickets to all points ia,t, touih and wmt at lonest rales at the station. .1. II. OIILIIAUSEN. Oe'ii. Supt. l. P. BAI.HWIN, ficn. Pass! . Agt. SCALP TREATMENT, k, VtVVVW MhS. L. T.vKELLER. SCALP TBEATMENT, 50c.; thimpoing, 30c; fascial 'massage: nianicm. lug, 3c; cliiiopod'. 701 (Julncy. Regarding Wonderful Cures How to Find Out if You Need Swamp-Root. It used to he considered that only ui'liinry nnd bladder troubles wort: l' bo traced to the kidneys, but now modern Hclence provoi that nenrly nil dlsennoH hnvi- their beginning' In the dlsordsr of these most important or fe'uns. The kidneys Illtjr nnd purify the glood that Is their work. Po when your kidneys are weak or out ot ordor, you can understand how (illicitly your entire body Is nffectcd, and how every orgim seems to fall tu do Its duty. If you nre sick or "feel badly," bc- sin taking' the famous new discovery. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp -Hoot, because u soon as your kidneys arc well they will help nil the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. Weak nnd unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more sickness nnd suf fering thrtn any other disease, nnd Ir permitted to continue fatal results are sure to follow. Kidney trouble Irri tates the nerves, makes you dizzy. rustlers, sleepless and Irritable. Make you pass water often rturlnjr the dav and nuliKuM you to get up many times during the night, ('auses puffy of dark circles under thu eyes, rheuma tism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, piiln or dull ncho In the back, joints and mii'-eles, makes y.iur head aehr and hack ache, caures indigestion, stouT'ch nnd liver 1 rouble, you get a hallow, yellow complexion: makes you feel as though you had heart trouble: you may have plenty of ambition, but no strength; get weak and waste away. The cure for these troubles Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the world famous kidney remedy. In taking: Swamp-Hoot yo.u silford natural help to nature, for Swamp-Root Is the most pprfe't healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that is known to medical sci ence If there is any doubt In your mind as to your condition, take from your urine on rising about four oundes, place it In a glass or bottle and lee it stand twenty-four hours. If, on ex amination, it is milky or cloudy. If there is n brick-dust settling, or If small particles float about InA, your kidneys are in need of immediate at tention. Swamp-Itoot is pleasant to take and ii used In the lending hospitals, rec ommended by skillful physicians In their private practice, and Is taken by doctors themselves who have kidney ailments, because they recognize in It the greatest and moat successful remedy for kidney, liver snd bladder troubles. If you ore already convinced that Swamp-Hoot, is whit you need you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles at the drug stores everywhere. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILflQA3 Schedule in Effect May 27, 1800. Trains leave Scranton, D. &. H. Station: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, HtUTisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Reading Norristown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pltt burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Bnltimoie. Washington and Pittsburg and the West. Fov Hazleton, Potts ville, Reading, &c. week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, rhilndelphin and Pittsburg. .1 Ii. WOOD, (ien. Pas. Aa:t. J, II. HI'TCIIIXSOS, flen. 5lgr. Delawaie, Lacko wanna and Western. In Elicit June 10, V)00. South Leave, Minntuii for Sew ulh at I, (a, 3.00, 5.10, S.0'1 and IO.ii'i a. in., 12.55, I.'W and 8.10 p, in. I'o i- Philtdelphla at 5,40, S.OO and 1(1.05 a, m ; 12.55 and 3.33 p. 111, Fov Strouds hint,' at h.lu p. 111, Milk and aienminodation at 3.40 p. in. AirlM- at llolmkeii ut (1.55, 7,1', 10.1.1 a, m.: 12. (H. 2.(7, 4,tS 7,10 and.t'.U p. m. Anile at Phlladelnhi.1 al 10 Oil a. 111.; I, bo, 3 4 ll. W and 22 p. 111. Alibi' fimn New ork r 1,03, 4.WI ami 1020 a. in.; l.bo, 1.52, 5.(1, H (a and 11,30 p. in, Fimn htmiidshuig at S.05 a. ' N'oith L'ave Scranton (en Ilutfilo n:id Intfi uiediutp stations nt 1.10, 1.10 and S.,10 u lu : I 55, S IS and 11,33 p. 111. For Oiwcgn and SjiU iusc al 1.10 a, pi, and 1.53 p. 111, For Utica at 1.10 11, 111. and 1.33 p. in. For Montine at S.KO a, m.; 1,0,5 p. 111. and 5.43 p. m. For Xlcl1.1t oii at I.1K1 and li. 15 p. 111. For llii.tiluimlon. lu.'.'l nml S.WJ p. 111. Anhe in Scranton liom lliiftalu al 1 ..10. 2.33, .1.8, and 10.00 a. m.; 11.311 ami t." i in, Fimn Oswego ami Sj'iacnse at 2.55 c. in.'. 12.33 and Ron p, m, rrom Utlra at 2,33 a. 111 ; 12.33 and 3.30 p. in, Fiom Nicholson at 6 50 a m. ami 0.00 p. m. From Montioce at 7,55 and 10 00 a. m,; ,,20 and 3,00 p. in, lllnoiiisbiiti; Division Leave Scranton fir -Vnrlhumlieilaud nt 0.45, 10.03 a. 111.; 1.33 and 5.50 p. m. For Plymouth at 1.03, 3,40, 3.55 aud 11.3.1 p. in, For N'antlcokei at 8.10 a. in. Arrlv at N'nilhimibeilaud at 0.35 a. m.; 1.10. 5.00 ant 8,45 p. m. rihe at Nautlcoke at P.10 a, m. Airlvp at Pljinoulli at 2.00, 4.32, 0 80 p. nl. and 12.30 a. m. Arrlic at Scranton from Northmii. hcrlaml at 9.42 a. in.; 12.31, 4 50 and 8.45 p. m. From Nantlroke at 11,00 a, in. From I'lj'inoulh at 7,50 a. in., .1.20, C 35 am) 11.10 . m. SUNDAY TRMN'S. Sfliith-Leavo Scranton 1,40, 3.00, 3.40, 10.05 1. 111.-. 3.3.1, 3.10 and 8.10 p. 111. N'oith I.raip Scianton at 1,10, 4.10 a, m l.,V. 5.13 und 11,33 p. 111. Blnoinshurir Division Lravo Reunion at 10.ni a in, ami 5 50 p. m. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Times Table in Effect Sept, 17, Itioo. lialns for llawley and local points. iiuuil lug al llawley ultli Eiie uilroaci for N'eiv York New bin gli ad Intermediate pointi, leaie Scran ton it 7.05 a. 111. and 2.25 p. ni. Tiatui airtva at Scianton at 10.80 a. m. ant 0.10 p. 111. NEWSPAPERS THE WII.KESBABBi: RECORD CAN BE HAD 111 cranion ai Ilia news stands ol Hulsmaa Bios., 0o Spuicc and 60S Lindas; M. Nartou, ktl Lscsaw i-auna svjnue; 1. 0, Spiuce ttreet l -sV iL -