The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 14, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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& v-. . F?vVtf '"' - ' ..'4 .; .iTC . ; ; ?-" . yr.u? 'rwzimmw-
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f i
Dr. Hand's
Condensed Milk
With Fhosphsto and
Hypop!i3piitjs AdM
Builds up the brain and
tissues.enriches the blood
and is equally beneficial
to both children and
"Best flllk for Family Use."
Babies Thrive on It."
At Grocers and Druggists.
Write for llooklet.
Dr, Hail Coilansad Ml!k Co,.
Ice Cream.
Ar Per
Jjc Quart
3 elerilione Cretan Promptly Otll vorsl
3p-ji7 Adams Avenus.
Scranfon Transfer Co.
BagBage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office D., I. & W.
Etntlon. Phooe 525.
Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat
Office 'Hours a. n. to 12.S0 p. m. : 5 to I
Williams Building. Oup Prfto!n,'n.
- f
-f -f- -6--
ST. JOSEPH'S SOCIHTY. Tlio roRiil.ii- meetinj,'
of St. .Joseph's s-oclely will lie held Uii aflu-
noon In the College chapel at U o'iIikL. .. .
feMMI;.MIll:US COUIt!3i:.-lIoiaco I. llowne, the r.iii-uuitiu, ii.i- uri ii M-i'illlil Ul i;ie 1
performance at the Railroad Youii!; Jim's Chris
tian association memucis' tourie net Fridiy
COMMON' SCOLD. Oirtie Jones as held ill
$TO bail l.i'-t eenins by .Vd.rnun Kelly on th
charfre of lniii it common Mold. The cliirce
was preferred by George ltiee, of iuu Wasliini,'
ton aieuue.
.10INT AVXIYi:nSAUY. Scrantnn u-tlc, No.
l."7, and E-ther n-semhly. No. Pi, Ancient Oiihr '
KnlRliti of the M.i-tie Chain, will hulil their'
joint annncr-aiy In linlej's liall on l.aikiwanui
uieiuie on Nov. 10.
('H.UIflUU WITH ASSAULT. Onrn ITmiljiii,
of linker's court, was .e-lciiliv ci.uiuiitiul to
the county jail in default of ?0ll ball bj Aldn
man Millar on tlie chuce of .iv..Hilliii','Mlih.uI
Kiarns and threitinln hN life.
HAY (J. SMITH f'llOsl'.V. Tin munbirs of
Company C, Thirteenth lesimcnt, mil I it iiiKht
in Hie arnioiy and tiluniiiMii-U i let led I'liM
SeriMiit Kay (!. Miilth to b. ei d lieutenant,
v It l lleinard Uac.eity, rcslKiied.
utcii nnroYi;i!i:i) ritj neieetuc Moir
ye-.l(iiliy litmereil a nM watth ind ihiiii
width was stolen Oct. 1.1 fiom William A. Pails,
"The Cohlen Mlnei," who attni.lid I lit- ininei'
convention held hue at tint time.
llVn.VINn OP Hi:ADINT,."-P, II.,pklii,on smith,
Ihc famous authoi-aitfcr and inlnerr,
will nit nn eunliiR ot reulinir in the Itlnele
club Thursday, .nv, 22, Tltkets may be hat) at
Powell's miiie stoic and Sind.i-.unN tlnu stoic.
HANNAH ri'.VIIHAI,. The seniles oi
Mis. William .1. llamiah will be held inuu the
lesldcnce of her illushler. Mis, , I,, ptpew,
2nni Amelia an nue, Wednesday afternoon at !
u'elock, instead ul :.', as annutiiiuil in a paiiom
i)i:MovsTit.Tivi: i,i:i"nmi:.-Situni.iy. Nov
17, at II i. in., the teuher of dome-tlu'sclenio
of the V. N. T. A. will ttlve a di'iuoiislratlvo
lectuio at 205 WasliiiiKton incline on the inakliij;
of bread and lolls. A sTti.iU ndiiiU'sIon foe will
be charKcd.
ArCUSP.I) OF .SAUI,T.H.iiij S.ilihl of tit
Laikawanna News rompany, was last nlKht ir
l.iii?netl beiore Ahlciiiian Mlllett, ol West Si run
ton on (lie charge of assaullln? Minis 1'iinlt,
ti joiiuir new-boy, blindly moiiiiiiif. The case
was dlsihargid.
STRUCK TliniSK IN TH11 PArik-Uince De
pew, of Mosciiw, was last ltlsrht lirld In 'lOd b,ill
by Alderman Millar on the ehartre of assaulting
J, P,, a Penn avenue iiitniil.111. The two
nicn Imd a, quarrel over a mutual swatlieart and
Pepcw (.truck Tlirtbo In the faie, OF IIOOF.-Paul ShulU. a miner at tlw
Pine Rrook ehaft, nnd Joe Oabllhis, his hhoier,
were yecterihy iMiurht under a fall of roof wlille
at work In tho mine and weie lerlously injured,
(libillns Mist allied a fracture of the U-li arm,
ind Shultz had his hip bone fractuitd,
SFAYINO 0I11CM5 SAI,i:.-Tlie Youiiit Lulles'
BcwiiiR rirelc- will haie n silo In the Hoard of
Tiado buildiiK tomoriow and Fridiy, when many
useful and beautiful articles), fincy viuk, dull.,
candy, cakes, etc., will be oireied to patrons.
The proteccU aie for the poor ol tho oily,
w:sT plact: to si:i; i:xi:iirisi:s,-Tiie best
place in town to n-c Hie paiatle and to i,v,
ihe uiin'iliut." of tlie monument is fiom Ui.i
Indow of the Younc; AYinnen'b Cliilstlau asQ.
datloii. Thee windows will be lentnl. Conic in
to engufe ouo befuic .ill the room Is koiiv,
TlIHKFAlJ, MUCH ArCUsKII.-Wllllam Tliic
fall, of 112 I.uiKatatr amine, was eteidiy ar
ralifiied before Aldeiunn Millar on tlie iliarue
If tfarlntf down a tone wall liclonclni; to ihe
jcliauniin.1 Iron bled i-onipmy and c .11 tint;
iway the ctoncs. lie was bold in iv'.ui ball.
SKUHj FnAOTUnilD.-Aiidrcw Kolu, of Mull
foil annue, Duumoie, was budly injuied i.lillo
u woik jitlfiiljy In tlie Jnhnone mine, He
iiad fired u blast and wan nlmek by a largo plu
of tfjinx; coal, He sustained a n-ilous fiailure
if the tkull and was taken to Ihe Hahneiiiaiiu
III. tUUl,KU Willi JAMI4U. J011U I.jlllll. I
S l'.'-yeu-olil lid employed at Jcrmyu Ko. 1 I
mine, vm fonllnir n stick of ilj-namltc tt
SatOrtliij-, 'when It exploded, blowing oil two
linger mid ii tliumli alid tnutllatlni; the otheM
Hi (lie Innd f badly tlmt the lint' har tn be
MI1H. M'llAt.K AlinCSTni) AOAIN'.-Mrn. An'
tin Mtttnlc ol Ninth direct, is the Mist thtltn
nl Mijor Slolr'i peakruy irtiMile. Mio win e
Irrday arraigned before Alderman Kason, churned
with nelllnc? liquor without n license and denied
the rlinriro, The lieailnx was continued until
l'rld.1 alleinoon.
VIADUCT I'CTITIONH.-Major Molr was Jot
lerday prccnled with neun petitions rciUrsllnK
liltn to tlirn I he nrdlnilitc priiildltiK tor ia
duct. The petlllons wire prn.iitFil by Chattel
1.'. Daniels and T l'l'Mows Mason, rcprcsintlti.
the West Seranton hu.itd of trade mid conhtlnul
cljflit hiindted limit.
PAY MAYS. The. Delaware, l.aikawanna and
WcMcrn company paid Hie yartl men yetrrd.iy
ami will pay the trainmen today, eoinmenilnx
at i ii, in, mid T."ip p. in. The Delaware unit
Hudson company pild the tialiimeii liorlli of
Sinmtnu jostcrdaj- and Hie emplnjcs of ttie ma
chine chop ill Caihondale.
M-ICONI) nNTKUTAlNMP.XT.-The foe on.) num
ber ol the meinbi'iii' luuiie ut the ltallrnad
Votinjr llen'a Christian association will he alien
on Krltliy crnlnir, Nov. Ill, by llni.ioe .'. How lie,
hummlst and Impersonator, in miiik and stoty.
Members may brinir their f.imltlct or a lady
filctid. TIckUs nt the association oihic.
NO TP.UTII IN IT.-Superlnteniltnt Hot. f(
the Delaware and Iliulion coal department, stated
to a Tilhiine man jtslcrday that there wm nbsn.
litlely no tnilh In the.puhlMied slattiii"iit tint
the llelawaie ninl Hudson company cnnlciiiplattd
Hie puuhase or the ClIlTord bleaker or the f I 111 -slilo
foil ami li..u loinpany, nl 1'onst (llj.
IO.NTIi.VrT POIl MAI ONt:.-'I he lontiatt
awanlid u It, A. M.iloiic, of l.imaster, for tl'e
utiii-tiiiitloii of Hie bit,' Nineteenth district H'Wer
wai jelrnby up by AwNlnnt City hullel
tor I) ii is, i(.'iicd by Major Voir and LOiinter
sinned by ConlHiller lloi.ell. 'Ilils lonlraet will
be M'lit to lilm lodiy and It he n linos' I" sIrh It
the ellywlll then h.uo grounds loi retalnlnc Ihc
yeslerdiy the Scrinlnn Hallway imnpaiij put a
new scludule Inlo elTu I on its l'roildiiice-I'eelf
lille line, the Vs Innkm by tlie piltn opera
tions on Noith Main aviniie Ibiouh the entire
-iiiiiiner li.iinir bun cunneeled. The PefUllIe
e.iis Mill rim tlnoiiRh eciy twenty inlniilis,
and thue will be vh whlih will make trips
on ,1 Uii-iiilmitc henlway fioni I.aikawanna ae
nue to Piovideme Hqinre.
A.VTIIDN POPdI.I CAP rt'ltKI). Deputy I'nl
lid Stales Mu-hal I', l.owiy, of this city,
on Mondiy in u sled Anthony Popull, of Yalis
ville, I'opo'l 1 1. id bun for some eicht
nionlli.s int for i-illinir liiiuor without .1 smein-
nienl liiuise and has eleierly eluded eapluie
Iikc ii.mi. lie is iiehl in .in ball in- rilled
Stiiu, Ciininiisslonci llahn for his nppr.iranic
befoio the Much ti mi of the United Statu,
court to be held In Ibis city.
members of (ieneral (Vibin command, No. II,
lJiitil'-h-Ameiicau War Veterans, nnd nil .soldlin
wlio partiiipatid in the lecent w-.u with piiu.
ale ri'ipieHtfil to ni"et at 1.'10 o'cloik on Tliuu
tlij iifli'iiiiion al liaub's hall, on Wjonilni; .Ho
lme, tn p.ntic ip.ili' in the parade attendant upon
the limi'MinK of the Nildifis' and Sallois' iiioiiu
lrent. Tiny are ieiiiestul to wear dirk eltlmi.-'
ilotbtr., eainpaln hats and white (jloies.
1VI)1INT IV K.Vfil.i: CAS'I.An iniiesl was Mondi.i by Corontr .1. J. ltob"ils in
the r.h of 1'iaii. Kiutle. who jumped inlo a will
at In, home in So-itb 'seiantoii Simd iv eienhu.
The jurois ueie l'tter Zin-i, .fo-t oh Klein, lMtr
H.iimcriy, Willhiii ili-diehlle. .lohn P. liuiiii and
Omrie iiiHeniTaiis. The Midltt of the jury fo.
lows: "We. the mi,lei.icii.d jmois. tind that '
Pr.ui Ihide came to his ileith on Nov 11, 1-100,
in OIOMIIIIII; III II ill III nil' leal u. 1113 iiuniVi
Ol'i Hire Ii vtuit, in this city.
HAPPILY Wnimrn. .linNon n Walleu and
Mis. Annie II. Smith weie man hd yctcrdnv
nioinliur. at the parvomire of the i'enn Awnuol
liiptist thiny-li bv llev. Holi-it 1". . pn ice,
P. I). Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallen iev.)e in ninth im-
!;"'.-? .Y,V '',';'1 "'I" '',,.m;"irtl(v -"M m ,
tlie Put lliptUt ilmnh'of tint elty, the Rrooni
brine i sneious vmimr limine mill. The I
happy couple will bale the congratulations if
tn.tpi fiieinN. l.oih In IhU cite a Widi as in their
old home In llinejiamtnn, wlure they will ion
tinue to lesiile.
AV ASl'ltlU) srci'P.'M The npnmtlc perform
atno to be (,'hen bv the c'nli. Dee. 1,
is in assured smces fiom eiuy point of iew.
i-eopie are nisisu in in ineir ueinauii tor se.n.
The leht.usa's, under the direction of Mrs. pivle.
are piociis.insr finely and the rntliu-iani on r
the affair is c-reiiir than antl, ipited at any
'enple are iu-dslint in tlieir deinauil for seats, j
tlni". This is but le.tsoniMe wlun Hie ilisllni
tlnu of the pi i funnel-, ai-d Ihc pioininenie 3f
those intiicstid En (he culett iiument Is ioiwiI
eied. Not only will its prot n tK help a niu.r
woidii inst nut Ion and iriw a -iiperli limbic il
or.iuivtlion a pnutaiient pine In lis home i it v,
but the pn.sii mmie will be of sut h a plea-lmr lei as Is .si-Mom alToideil by the most
famous piofcioml tompinies.
slIMuMM.AHIW HUMIP.n. M.ii-lial Dariath,
the well Known si ile'.eiilan -tlinlar and reider,
will lente "The rwelfth Vlitht" at St. Luke's
P.iil-h II ill Tuesday nilit. It will be the
nn ii ly i lent of the oik and will be attended
by th- H iilim: pinple ot the illy. It will lie
leiiitinbi led that Mr, h, appeared 111 the
"lino pi lie Ih fine a lante autlienie bisl MMson.
Ilii course of s ieillni:s at the Wiltloif-Astoili
win- anionu: tiie most popular eieuts of llie
,iear Airon the pitiontes for next week's re
tllal aie Mis Hiri) llilln, .II., Mr-. Thoiiim
niti-sun, ills i(..'eis, ill's. . m, neiher.
Mis, r, i .lone-, Mrs. ii iiiiicklnlnn. Wis. II ind, Mi's. (!, II sniiil,, M,s. f. II.
Willcs, Mo- II, II liia.l.v. .h , li M. II.
K.ijs, Mis. I .1. I.'insinsr. Mis. (!eorL,e Slinleison
Mr-. P.' N. Wlllard, Mis. K. Ii. .Simjies, Mik.
Wall i' I M. Diik'on and miiiv more, liiakluu a
llt of cue hitnilrid of the well known soibty
U'jilift-, whose names will app.Mi- latir.
Ihe ltit,l,v eleien wue il -fi-atetl at the hand)
of Mitawley's Indian-. In wie iioie of 17 lt II.
Tlie fealuic of the .Muit neir Waltu-'h
end runs and thow of t;o. Morris. Tie'
f.'.llur. s on the side oi l.e lliieliy rliven were
Ihe laikllui: of SiMiiini. and f'O'ikllu and the
incut and only ni.h by IMjjir Troutfelt.
which Miit'd them fiom a u.ish. Iiiiuii'.
llie seiond half I.irge-lnnli il t'onklln mule I.I.
appeal. nue on llio cold anil weiuy .,'iUllioi.. Pur
in the flist half hlieilll-eleii Carjl Sehailt vas
I lid Into tho upper realms uf ileinlly. The tnuili
downs weie iniile by Mm lis (Tiandler and
Clark. For the other ileum Trout fell maihi the
toiiilidown. lloiton kiiked oj, Timekieper,
.Mike; referee, Jami.s lie) Holds; t'limuiliiits, lines
nun. Rightly Fixed
So long as this old world con
tinues to turn in space, ho long
will niagnilicent oppoitunitles for
success -continue to exist. No man,
nor tiny set of men him u monop
oly on Opportunity's mill; she
turps out golden chances for all
alike, To lio sure, one gaining
chance to change Ids status must
fiuartl it more closely than was the
wont. Tho ago Is quick, and none
will brook deluy In getting at the
dollar; even though on occasion
tllchlng be required to 'fetch It.
As all thinking folks aro aware,
however, most opportunities actu
ally require tho right MAN rightly
FIXED, to liupioyo them. And as
a nucleus for the effort, jiotHng
equals a. systematic) SAVINO from
current Incomo; no matter how
small tlmt income may he. Tho
way tho best llxcd'innn of today
Ever expect to bo "well Axed?"
Savings Department
Cor. Wyoming-, and Spruce
Seranton Hallway Company Sued for
Alleged Violation of Contract with
a Junk Dealer A $5,000 Trespass
Suit Settled for $25 Barber As
phalt Company Called Upon to Pay
for Dead Horse Walsh Did Not
Shoot the Pigeons the Jury Says.
Other Court Matters.
TiuIro Arclihald Ih uiikhkcci In trylnpr
iiw. unit r.r t 1 riii r. u.. ..e
IJtiffalo, nwlnn the Scrnnton llnlhvny t'""'1' ,iv''atnt' w 1. A,!t,,",
company, In which damnBes are asked IMolwol, of Old l-oiw, Italian 9a
for alloKPd violation of a contract for vorlo Mnrmucel. ol Diamond avenue,
the Hale of three carloads of scrap Iron. ! H'Hlnn: Cooper Soiilld. pp.. ol Pjne,
In June, 1SHS, an npent of the Htlffnto
firm barg-alned with Oeneral MannRer
- -
Hllllmiui, of the railway company, for
ti heap of scrap Iron containing sev-enty-ilvo
tons, and after several Inter
views closed a deal for the material ut a ton.
The taxpayers of Lackawanna county are respect
fully invited by the County Commissioners to attend
the ceremonies incident to the dedication of the Soldiers'
and Sailors' Monument, to
giounus, on inuisuay, inov.
W. G Daniels, Clerk.
-.----f - f -
The Iron was loaded on Ontario and
Western cars and notice sent to tho
Buffalo firm to this effect. Air. Silll-
man waited several days for the corti-
lied check which would release the con-
slirnment. but as It did not come, he
sold the material to another dealer.
The case hinges on the terms of tin;
sale, which are In dispute.
Joliu It. Edwards and Itnlph L. Levy
represent the plaintiff. Tho defense Is
looked after by Major Everett Warren
and Hon. C. I. O'Malley.
J. E
Oro,s, from up tho country,
secured a $150 verdict against the liar
ber Asphalt company in Judge Arch
bald's court yesterday.
Cross' hired man left his team and
produce wagon standing on Franklin
avenue, near Spruce street, last fall,
when some repairing was beins done
to the pavement. While the hired man
wag , thQ doonvay of u nearby houe
the team became frightened and start
ed to prance about, as if intending to
make a break. Two of the Barber com
pany's employes caught the bridles and
held the houses ill subjection till tlie
driver came. The latter had no sooner
tnki.n Hip rnlnn limn tho renin in,,,lf.
a sudden swerving plunge and landed
,.,, ., , n ,
in a hcaP on the roatI' ne fl4 " lP
of the other and the under one was s.i
badly Injured that it died.
r.. -, -,, .. i,-- a,. - .
"' WUM uoest'u uiai tne noises not maintaining a guard against P"
took fright at the company's road rol- ,!ostrians valking into the excava
ler and brought suit to recover tho f,,,,,
y"LUPf the norso' whIch h0 set atl Mi's-s Hannon's broth,.,- was badly
$l.o. The company claimed that the injm.crl i,out the hack by a fall of
road roller was half a block away from ..(...r Monday, and i now in a nrei-u-
the te:m and out of tlieir sight at tho
tlme they became fiightened, and con-
scfiuciitly It must have been something
uim' unit irigiueneu them.
The jury believed the story of the
Plalntilf, or at all events took it for
granted Hint th,. n.,i
could stand it, and gave a verdict 'for
$150. "-ltuct roi
Attorneys & Donnelly and C. S
Woodruff represented the plaintiff. At
torney James H. Torrey was defend
ant's counsel.
A verdict in favor of the nf-.n 'ant
vonu ,v. ,.... . , . '"
.",,, """ m tno case of William
hi I jf,a,lm Thomas Walsh, In
which the plaintiff sought to recover
for five valuable homing pigeons
which he alleged the defendant shot '
In the case of Anthony Miillrii-k'nv
against John Aswell. a verdict of $iil.76
w!J,!eiUI'',.el? f1' ,h ',,:,I""ff- J'"'-
iiiikij suet ror wngs to that anifnint.
Aswell claimed that Mullarkey wan
not In his employ, but did the work
111 question as a SUb-cnn tr'icfni- r.nrl
that tho debt had ripen nnltl Th,
jury thought otherwise, P,iwl"y &
Shean reprrsented th.- plaintiff, and
J.- W, lirnwnlng the defendant.
Mntihowson & Snook, of Dickson
City, secured a verdict of 5S30.B3 against
John and Mary Koslofskl, for a gro
cery hill which the defendants tried
tn dodge by nn effort to show that
the bill was contracted bv the hus
band, who has no prcirty. The
judgment ran bo collected from Mrs.
Koslofskl. Carpenter & Fleltz ap
peared for the plaintiffs,
The suit of James J. O Malley against
the Seranton Hallway company was
settled In Judge Kelly's court) by tho
defendant agreeing to a verdict of t'i't
for the plaintiff, without costs. O'Mal
ley bued for l.yino for peisonnl In
juries and damages to his team and
wagon, resulting from a collision on
the Rellevue line three years ago, Hon,
C. I. O'Malley, of "Wlllard, Warren &
Knnpp, represented tho company
In tho case of Frank Finch against
M. E. Worden, a non suit was granted
because of the failure of the plaintiff
to put in nn nppenrance.
Grim Tragedy Recalled.
In the fight over the administration
of tho estate of James J, O'lloyle, the
decision was yesterday given by Depu
ty Itegister Koehler in favor of the
widow, Mrs. Eliza O'lloyle, and against
the sister, Margaret O'Boylo,
Tho decedant, II will be recalled,
shot his wlfo three times, though not
fatally, and then killed himself, at
their boarding houso on Franklin ave
nue, n year ugo. He owned u. houso
op the South SUUi and died without be
queathing It. .Mrs. O'Hoyle sought let
ters of administration but was estop
ped by u. caveat Hied by O'Hoylo's sib
tor, who alleged that Mrs. O'Hoyle
was, not tho legal wife of James J,
O'Hoyle, because, as she iillegod, nt
tho time of tho marrlago ceremony,
Airs. O'Doyle's former husband, Jim
Chester, was alive.
Airs. O'floylo denied that she had
liii-tt inn ti!r il in Tim Plinoffm nnd In
the opinion of tho register, the oppo. I
sltlon fnllJd to conclusively prove the
Tills means that Mrs. O'Hoyle will
nilmlnstor the estate nnd have le.s
dlltlciilflM probably to contend with In
secinlhtr her widow's third tlinn IC
somo other party was made nrimlnta
Some New Gltlzoiis.
Kollowlntr Ih ii list ot the new ultl
zctiH ndmltled by JtnlKo Kelly nt Mon
day's hcshIoii tit imluntllratlon rotirt:
John !'. Ivoeltls, o'f Troop, Hungm
Ian: Alike Mimic, of Throop, lluntrat
l'in: Koineo Grnsslunn, of 207 Lncka
wnnna avenue, Itulinn: Albeit Doh
rnlt, of tSiM Ash street, Oermnn! Ktnll
Schmidt, of Dunmoro. Oennan; John
Curl li'rennr, of Idl'J Ash street, Oji
tnnn; Andrew D.inlels. of Old Vovw,
Aunt t Inn; Jneob KorbolluK', of Old
Kot-Hc. AiiHtrliin; Hi-nry Connor, nt 14T
Ttnblnson strnot, Autlrluu; Wllllnm
Wood, of AfcliDnlii, i-.npusn; unspoi'
ri...n.. ...i,...,ii Fi'hniiinu m iiiirir iifiau nr
nniiuau, . . '""'", "'T r"'!,,
. - .I't',' . r110' " ""."' Joscph
wranai. ol inroup, iiiiiihu.iii.
Strike Was to Blame, They Say.
Attorney John V. Murphy yesterday
betran habeas corpus procecdlnjjs for
be held on the Court House
15, 1900.
John Coukikk Morris,
John Pknman,
John J. Durkin,
County Commissioners.
f -f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f
tho release of John Roberts nnd ttol-
ert Hushes, who Were committed to
the county jail by Alderman Millar,
In default of .$300 bail, to answer the
charge of defrauding a boarding houso
keeper, preferred by Charles W.
Kaulfman. of 10'J Lackawanna live-
I The petition sets torth that nt tho
hearing there was no evidence pr-
sented to show that tho defendants
mntlu any fale pretenses, atlemnte I
to abscond, or to secretly remove their be tl10 oilier objects 01 particular so
bnnracc. They were slmnlv unuhl. I licitude.
to nay their bills, boentis-n thov pnnlil
ot secm.0 cmplnvinent at their occu-
pntion as laborers on account of the
Judfre Kelly will hear the cases at
noon today.
Fell Into an Exotvation.
Thiough Attorneys nice & Donnel'y,
proceedings in trespass were Inotl
tilteil yesterday by Atlss Winifred
Tlannon, of Providence, against the
Seranton Railway company.
On the nitrht of July 3, this year.
Miss Hnnnon was crossing Adams ave
nue, near Gibson street, and fell into
an excavation which the railway com
pany was making lor the pin pis'1 of
lowering Its tracks, Sb(. Inlurud hrr
snlnp ntwl. It i clillmoil. will l.n nc-
, ln!inPntiy disabled. It is charged that
the tiolley romnany was negligent in
i - -
roni .iioiiti.iy, .iuu is now 111 o iircc-ir-;
nu condition nt tin- Moses Taylor
I ' ' ' - -
He V7as Not Such a FicioHus.
Mario Magdalena Krolzinger filed n,
libel in divorce yesterday aga'nst h"r
huiband, Fid.lius KroMngpr, against
ii i-iimi i , i' mi lilt-- ts.i i-i ' inri , tiLti.'ni
who she alloges cruel treatment and ,
Tnoy wcrp Ilin4.,.Ieil jant 3i lga3i
separated Aug. 20, ISPS.
In an opinion by Jinliro An.lil.ald, tiled yes-
leiihy, in ihe ca-e of the Arnnlnn SaUnsrs
leittiv, in uie
Uink and Trust comniny asainst II. A. Couy,
def.nilant, and Thomas Toid, L-amlshee, jiidir-
"'''" a' entered In f.nor of the plalntilf and
airiinst tlie garnishee, and It wis fountl that
"l0 f-''lr,li''nt'p 'ms '" Mi hands the sum of
'''.win.ns. moneys of U. A. Coray and ten bhaics
"''cvra"'' Ca' co,"l,lny stock dUo 1,oIo"B'
''hti'ibl..ursayf)'Ariuino was jesterday appointed
Kiiirdian of Nellie I!uni!u--s, a minor ami oiphin,
who wanted to sunre a marriaire license and
liatl to snmibody duly aulliorired to slie
cun-int to her maniise.
hi the .ue of as-liond tn Oeoise M. Okell Meirltt Scott, a rule was ye.sterd.iy errant'
ed to hlu.w i.iu.c why the j-l.ciiiT's s-ale should
nut bo nt aidc.
Grand Display of
ks and Dress Goods
special bargains:
For Waists Cheney Bros,' Plain Cashmere Taffeta
Silk, a very soft lustreless silk, double warp, positively
guaranteed to wash aud wear; 28 beautiful new col- TCfl
iugs, real value $1.00. Our price ,.... fOy
Dress Venetians 17 very desirable colors to select
from, We have made it a leader for our department. Sara
pies for comparison gladly given, Positively guar- Ol tin
auteed to be $1.25 goods. Our price Oil UU
Vicunas A very large selection of $2 goods in grevs,
beige, beaver, Oxforls iu all mixtures, the best 04 PA
ailor suiting made. Our price,., UliuU
Black Goods A great var'ety of all the new weaver
Cheviots, Pbb e Cloths, Rombraus, Granites, An AA
Venetians, Etc, from ,...,.......,,., ,50c up to yiUU
415-417 Lackawanna Avenue,
Propose to Have Recourse to tho
Strong Arm of tho Law to Cure
Ills Peculiar to Themselves Which
Pills, Powders and Edge Tools Can
Not Reach Osteopaths, Faith
Curlsts, Bad Debtors, Lay Ob
stetricians nnd the Like to Be
Given Attention.
Now the doctors are KoInK to organ
lxc 11 union!
Impelled by the success of the min
ors nnd others In bettering their con
dition by unionizing, the physicians
have concluded It Is about time they
K't tojretliLM' and secur
I llif many Krluvnnci
cd n redress of
ny grievances of which they
feel they can Justly complain.
The matter was discussed at length
at last night's regular monthly meet
ing of the county medical society and
so favorably was the proposition re
eelvcd that tin attorney was selected
to draft and present it plan and scope
of the most effective society It would
be possible for them to nrgiiiilttc.
They will have the lawyer tell them
how far they can legally ko In remedy
ing the evils which they ctinnol reach
with pills, powders or scalpels and Just
how It would be best to proceed In
reaching with the nnn of tho law
these Ills which the medical profession
Is peculiarly heir to.
First anil foremost they will demand
the drafting of a successful plan for
circumventing dead-beats. Every doc
tor in the city has big outstanding
accounts, und when thoy occasionally
come to compare notes they often llnd
that the same names are among the
list of debtors on many different sets
of books. To compel those lons-stand-Ing-nevor-pny-anythliuy
patients to set
tli up will be a chief aim of the new
Another prominent purpose of the
organization will be the suppression
of quackery. Lay obstetricians who
i (It "t fully comply with tho reciuhe-
I ments of the law will be an especial
target lor me attacKS 01 ioe doctors
union. Osteopnths, who are not recog-
' nlzed by the law In this state, and who
j it is claimed, subject themselves to
arrest it they take a fee for their ser-
vice- will he also closely watched,
, Christian Scientists, Dowieites and ail
' others who practice faith curing will
At the next meeting of the medical
society the matter will be again dis
cussed and It Is expected definite stcp.-i
will be taken to perfect the organiza
tion before the first of the year, ft
will be independent of the medical so
ciety, it Is proposed, but the reipiire
ments for membership will be practi
cally the same.
Preceding the business session of the
society last night the members listened
to and discussed an interesting paper
by Br. Morgan J. Williams.
House Occupied by Dr. Sanborn and
Others Partially Destroyed.
Shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon lire was discovered In the
double houso of Dr. Mary Sanborn, In
the thirteen bundled block of P-mn
avenue. An alarm was sent In from
I'.ox 01 and the Oeneral Phlnney Hose
company was soon on the scene and
the llames were by their efforts con
fined to the back part of the building
.,,,,, c
' nn(1 w'''e extinguished before any very
I gicnt damage was done.
The lire caught from nn over-heated
kitchen stove. The house was a double
one and was occupied by TJr. San
born and two other families, named
Decker and MeNulty. The dam-
, .., i.,..., t-,in
ne t,onu nmounte to about M0.
Persons Were Unauthorized.
To Whom it May C'ontein:
Having learned tint iinaiilliorircil persons ie
cently -oliiited and receiied sums of money
from candid ites, or their friends, on behalf of
Columbia Hose and Cbniiical eoniiany. No.
Ihe mmI company Is cusiroiis oi knowins lo wnat
. CMCIll nils intitule nus i.eti, i.iiiirti uu, uuu
requests any and all persons who mule
any contributions Intended for the compile,
within th" past siv weeks, to write tlie tccictary,
llobert Diclil, KfU Smith II)de Pari: incline, blut
Jug tlie amount lontiibiited, and tn whom,
lly older oi the committee.
Joseph Oliver, Chalinun.
Pcranlon, Pa., Nov. PI, WM.
Marriage Licenses.
Michael Itn-s Chinchilla
Nellie Illudoss 711 Seiantou strict
Jiiikson 1), Walleu IliiiKlKiiiiton, ,V, Y.
uuiu II. Smith Itinghamton, N. Y.
Sttpheii Smaiit Majfleld
Host Kioelito Ma) Held
0mNmmwH4 a wwww wvwv wwwwwv
uciviiunu 1 rencn
For Less Than Porcelain...
These head Unci seem sctmllonal, tint they are lllcrally tnie. We will sell you a
French China Dinner Set for 12 people, decorated anil coin irold trlmmlngi, for $AV0u
Itm lliiml ti Company's 11:) pleco net for WM. We hue about tweniy fcIi tint
wo will pell al these ptltpt, When tliey are gone jou will pay nioio money, ti m
uii't duplicate them for nny sucli price. .
Geo. V. Millar c&
Wo make a specialty of Painless Ex
traction, an J If you have any pain whllj
we are nulling your teeth will icjarantce
to do all of your work free of charge.
I hail ten teelh pulled absolutely without
pain. Mrs. Durkin, fill) Oichaid Mieel.
We make teeth to milt jou nnd your friends.
We irtiartintif to pleise you or no pi.v,
We keep work In lcpalr flee of ihirire.
We examine and extract teeth flee of ihirKP.
lj y 'Jj
I We Have Large Shops
JS For All Classes of machine Work and ?5
Q Difficult Repairing. Q
$ Large Ovens B
2J For All Kinds of Enameling, Nickel- f?
Plating and Bicycle Repairing, by fie- JS
?S chanics. 5
In Our New Store
We are now located in our new store.
406 Lackawanna Avenue, formerly oc
cupied by Siebecker & Watkins.
We are showing a superior line of
Furniture and Carpets.and invite inspection
Carpet and Furniture Company
-t- -t- -f-f - -f-f-f-t-f
! New York Life :
Insurance Company
Insurance That Insures. Policies iucontesta-
"" able from date of issus. M restriction a. to residence. ""
travel or occupation, as to habits of life, or as to mati-
tier, time or place of death, Policies non-forfeitable
after first premium is paid. One mouth's grace in the
payment of premiums. Cash loans can be obtained at
any time after the policy has been in force two years.
Policies combine insurance and investment.
Seranton Branch Office.
837 to 615 Mears Building, Seranton, Pa.
f - f4 - f - f - f - f - - - f - - - f - f - f - f - f - f - t - - f - -
Heating Stoves,
Gil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
X Heaters.
Co. ,lfiv?'",;,vcn?
$5 SET $5
Poller come in and talk to m
about Jour leeth. We bclle.r on
will appreciate the woik and our
low prliis. We will save jou
nearly ouch. ill on all dental
Our Crown and Per
Bridge Work.... $3 Tooth
All work Kuntantciil fir ten years, full
nnd liao jour teeth evimlnetl fue.
Dr. ReyerTDenlist
I 514 Spruce St.. Opp. Court
fn 126 and 128
IIIm Franklin Ave.
Agency Director :
f - f4' - 4 - -f-f-f-f-'-f-f-f --4'-f
Grades at
412 Spruce Street.
Agency for Young's Hats.
. - n
1 1
1 ' Awft - w- , "
v4f v ' i ji f- '' ; 4'sfft t
ifm &i iMmktSidC
fan., Ma V.y.
a..s. i'itu