rr;vr?"-YV J".1 ..-..- "-,( && 17 , j i l ' IT 1 S-! In ? THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1900. 3. OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BASEBALL PLAYERS Batting Averages' of Members of the National League WJio Have Played in Fifteen or More Games. Name. Club. amies. A. It. Until. Ill, Manner Pittsburg. 1:14 : 107 L'01 I'llck Philadelphia 1M 617 llx) 2117 Kcclcr Urookli u :I7 WW Intl aw Ilurketi .'ft. Louis 142 M) 8S 2M Lajole Philadelphia 1W 4'il lit l.'iil bclbach New York 141 rii iri ISt llriklcy t'lnclnmitl 1:13 6u vi l' Tannchllf I'lllslnirg :IJ 117 I'l 4(1 lliOraw l. Louis Hi :UI 84 115 Hamilton Ilnstiin Ml Ml 111.1 174 Hartsdl Cincinnati IS HI HI 21 tlonlln HI. Louis -'! I'1 l Davis New York Ill 42 70 LIS Thoma I'lillsdrtplila i:i'l r.'JU l:il 172 Donovan St. Louis 127 art 7S lift Clarke Hoslon 71 2(tt :,1 ti Van Wallren New Voik Ill MS 113 111 Dflfhanty Philadelphia IMI 612 82 17:t Kollcy lliooklju lli 4.1.1 02 111 SthriVer Pittsburg. M ". 11 '27 Barrett I.'liiclnnatl l:W 644 11$ li'2 Daly nroiiklvu OS al.'i 7U tus Hickman New York 125 I7,'l W) UK Dunn llrookl)li.-Fhlla 16 i I 17 jonr Hrooklvn I'M 5.VI 10e 172 Mercer New Yoik 72 217 :ll 711 McFtrluid I'hllatlalphU NO 42 SO 111.'. Orth Philadelphia 127 7 .10 Doiiglmw Philadelphia 43 160 2.1 4U fcheckard Urookl.vn 7,"i 200 74 .12 Chance OhlraKO W 161 "I. 111 Kennedy Urookl.vn MS 12.1 1U :I7 Mcdann SI. I.cm! 121 450 71) 1:i lleldrick St. Louis 8.1 Alii 5.1 102 Freeman Hoston 30!) 120 fii 1?H Collins Ilostou 142 CM 101 17( Orcen CIiIcjko 100 :iSV )I2 lit! Blaffla Philadelphia 141 378 If. ITU Duffy Hoston SO 1M s 34 Zlmmar Pittsburg. 80 i!7A 28 H Krister St. Louis 123 film 7ri 140 McCarthy rhlrago 12.1 mil 07 nil Bttchey Pittsburg 12.1 47." 01 111 Mertes Chicago 12 J 4R1 71. 141 O'Brien Pittsburg ni :7t so no Cross ft. Louis-Brooklyn 1-1 fill) 711 132 fitahl Boston 1.14 V2 M Mz Bradley Chicago 120 415 04 12S Illneen Boston .10 122 14 ':.' Foster New York 20 81 lri 24 Tfnny Boston Ill 417 7.i 121 Kitson Brooklyn yC... ': 113 21 .12 Beaumont. Plttamug i:'S MO 107 IMI Clarke Pittsburg 10.1 .1113 SI 112 McGuire. Brooklyn (Iri '2.1') 20 07 Lrre Boston 127 47.1 . 1:12 Smith : Clnclnatl-.Vew York.... 110 42.". CI 118 Wohcrton Philadelphia '... 101 ::! 42 1(17 Farrell Brooklyn 7:1 274 :4 70 McBridc Cincinnati 100 4:12 S7 120 Hyan Chicago 10.1 4 Hi Ml 11.1 Strang Chicago 21 HI 1", 2(1 Powell ...'. St. Louis 117 1110 14 .10 Qulnn. Clnclnnati-St. Louis.... HI ''"' -' M Oeler Cincinnati SO 1PI 20 .10 Doyle New York 10 Mil do 1S Oaiutel Chicago 7' 287 20 7S Wallace SI. Louis 12') 4S' 72 1.11 Irwin Cincinnati 81 :!: -Vi ml Jennings lliooklyn T12 440 62 110 Crawford Cincinnati Hit W 67 101 Warner New York .11 104 14 2ri Sullivan Boston lii! 2.Vi 40 (0 Williams Pittiiburg. Klii til f 110 Criger St. Louis 7(1 282 30 75 Piatt Philadelphia 10 III 7 17 Wood Cincinnati 84 140 18 .17 Barry Boston hi; 23.1 40 M Dahlen Brooklyn 1.14 48.1 87 1211 nicison New York Ill 1420 fid I as Kraser Philadelphia 20 tl v 22 Long Bostoi 124 48.1 HI 121 Kowfmnan New Yoik 7:1 201 21 fiS Robinson St. Louis M 212 2(i .11 rcitr Cincinnati St 2H1 .11 74 firifflths Chicago .SO OH 1(1 24 De Montreville Brooklyn 1-1 2:12 .12 M4 Murphy New Y'ork HI 72 12 IS Stelntcldt Cincinnati 11(1 .11:1 .IS 127 Chllds Chicago.: LIS 5.1S 70 1.11 Bernard New York 10 70 ) 17 Corcoran Cincinnati 12S .12.1 ( 127 F.ly Plttsbuig 130 174 til HI Donates Chicago 05 2ir 21 .10 O'Connor St. Louis-PitMnirg ... 4S 181 20 l.i Dtllard St. Louis 44 177 21 12 Everett Chicago 2.1 M 1(1 '22 Csllahan Chicago ;;.! 118 17 2i Doheny New York IS .ll 17 1.1 Donahue Philadelphia 20 M : 2u Taylor Chicago 2.1 80 K M- Hawley New York .10 111 I) 25 MeOreery , Pittsburg .11 1U0 20 2 C.rady New York 71 252 .10 ,17 Chiles Philadelphia 28 100 l.l 24 McCormick Chicago 110 :I7I Rl 81 Leach Pittsburg. 4.1 LIS ID :tl BreiUnstcin Cincinnati :ti 11.1 12 21 Hughsy St. Louis 11 41 : no Nlcholl Boston 2S 87 11 18 teever Pittaburp ."... 27 87 !l 18 Uahn Cincinnati 40 117 12 21 Dexter Chicago 3.1 121 7 2.1 Clinrmin Chicago 40 l,lo l.i :!2 Cooley Pittsburg. b! 2.10 .10 .10 Crots Philadelphia ISO 40.1 40 hi Newton " Cincinnati It 80 Hi 17 Dolan I'hilaelphla 7(1 2,17 r,'i .11 Fudhoff St. Louis 112 Kill 11 111 Ratios Cincinnati 40 177 IS :LI McOinnltv Brooklyn 11 1(11 1 27 Young St. Louis St 121 II 21 Phllltcpt Pittsburg :!2 101 7 . 10 Jont St. Louis .'IS IIS II 21 CarrieV New York 27 7ri 8 11 Phillips Cincinnati ,. 41 111 12 111 Chesbro Pi'Mmrg 2'i 8.1 10 II Waddell riltburg 22 81 (i 1.1 Bernhard Phllaelphia 2S l 7 11 Oarvin Chicago 2i !l 12 II (k'ott Cincinnati :i'i 121 ') Hi Willi Boston 2(1 ax S 12 Lewis .Boston 2(1 72 10 II T.B. .102 .102 2.111 201 211 2411 '211 f,(l 20I .II 110 17J 18.1 181 IIS an 2.11 220 .10 21.1 li:i 2.11 18 21.1 82 18.1 48 ItS 121 112 40 17.1 1.12 IK') 2211 Hill 211 7.1 ltd 200 177 177 1M 154 mi 233 181 311 31) 150 18 212 llll 80 1(11 111.1 144 ((8 K.2 llll 21) 4.1 107 38, 1W1 112 187 llll 15.1 172 .11 112 100 101 111 47 1)2 lhS 12S 27 181 ,s; i.) 04 34 no 10 174 lfis 20 10(1 130 02 48 fil 2 .'III II 20 2(1 .11 42 71 37 112 42 .12 3.1 31 30 1,0 122 I'l (11 40 :'i ::.i l:: 2.1 in 21 10 n 2S Hi I) n... 380 .178 ,tim HOI) ,iin ,ii.i 313 .142 ,117 3.12 .128 .127 :;2.i 32.1 321 .120 3111 .111) .118 317 3IH 31.1 313 .1(W 30S .107 :w7 lion 30.1 .1114 301 302 .101 ,'iuo 21111 2! 20') 208 2'ia 208 2'KI 203 204 21)1 2M 29.1 288 287 28H 281 281 282 28 1 280 270 "a 270 270 27.1 274 27.1 :i7:t 272 272 271 270 270 2(10 201 2(18 26(1 2(1.1 201 2(.l 2.VI 217 2.17 2.1(1 2,Vl 215 211 210 230 ?5(l 217 243 243 242 21-2 2.10 2.17 2.17 21(1 21(1 MO 211 225 22.1 22,1 222 220 215 21.1 210 201 207 2(17 201 201 201 200 200 118 llll 100 18(1 181 1S1 181 178 107 Hi7 10.1 ICO 1.18 Ml 114 130 125 an, s.ii. 4 .'id U .17 111 30 III .11 2 21 H 3.1 12 22 3 3 5 28 211 H ,12 32 30 44 0 41 II 20 0 40 20 II t .11 14 12 1 8 31 9 0 15 8 20 32 30 12 4 31 2.1 IS 30 II 21 2.1 10 7 0 1(1 19 18 1 18 20 A .1 II 17 I i 11 .1 45 3 10 (I 31 15 2 I 16 I) 1 -) id 31 5 ll ll 14 II II 13 14 II 0 10 r. 4 I) IK :: 11 o I 8 ll 8 II ll 27 5 II II 11 18 10 7 (I 1 10 1 21 0 I) II 8 4 5 3 4 4 0 4 I) 1.1 4 4 I .1 r 1 1 s 1 l 1 8 a 10 20 1 1.1 10 (I I 1 1 5 0 .1 ; l I! :i 3 18 5 :i I 12 TRUE BILLS OP THE GRAND JURY Mayor. Moir and Councllmen Indicted for Not Keeping Ransom Road in Good Repair. Among the true "bills returned to court on Saturday by the srrand jury was one indicting Samuel Bllllot, of Carbondale, for murder. Bllllot Is charged with the murder of Edward Herbert, of that place. A most peculiar Indictment was re turned with the others. It indicts Mayor Molr and each and every one of the fort-two councllmen with main taining1 a public nuisance, The prose cutor is Constable Joseph Dean, of the Twenty-flrat ward, who alleges that the road leading to Ransom township, on account of its deplorablo condition, Is public nuisance, and the councils and the mayor are to blame in not appro priating money to keep it in repair. The list of true and Ignored bills fol lows: TIIUU BILLS. Murder Samuel BilUott; K. J. Neary, proi. Deceiving Stolen Goods Alamanti Porter, Alonio Porter; Funk Itobllug, jr., pros., two bills,' Walter Reynolds; John A. I.te, proa. A. Wass; 11. Seldman, proa. Samuel Itlch; Frank Robling, Jr., proa. Larceny and Receiving l)ljse Meyeia; J. A. Taylor, pros. Washko Krlnock; Thomas 1'ronv iaky; William Shannon, proa. Charles !ley nol&rV John A. Lee, proa. Gcorga Cluni; John A. Lee, proa, Patrick O'Malley; John J. lie Andrew, pros. Hoocrt Wilson, Mary Jane Wll lea; Samuel Willes, pros, Joseph Lovlc, (Irorge Lovtc, Steve Sandoakia, John Hosinoskla; Frank Vickies, pros. Ailtult and Iltteiy-S. Miller, OUo Miller; Charlotte Kowrotn. pios. John Swallow; Herje Jones, pros. Stanley Zrarnoch, Leweu Burbot. ski, Walent Kopeiuki, Michael Walshepkl; John Wrdachak, proa. John Clark; I.avina It, Sw. art, proa. Mary llaronko; Mary Cinpko, proa. Wm. Ivory; Frank Hobllng, Jr., proa. Mary Holey; Bridget Kilgaonon, proa. Win. II. Sant; Ktan J. Erana, pros. John Clark; Arnold 8w, Hart, proa, Wm. Pougher; (Irou Kommoth, proa. John Luaenske; fleorgo llasc, pios. Km cry J. Khrgood; George Da Witt, proa. John Mulligan; Frank llobling, Jr., pros. Thomas Slrrianio; B. J. Xeary, pros. Marlon Koptwli niakl; Frank Itobling, Jr., pioa. Andrew I'll itchla, ToOle t'heckuskl; W'ni. Katoakle, proa. Frank WatrfsVy; Adolpli Juteplrs, pios. May. hem Tomatsi hlrrlamn; (:. J, Neary, pros. Adultery Mary Jane Will; Samuel Willvat, pros. Dealing and Tiafllclng in Registered llottlea Nick Caplello; Henry I'lrlch, proa. V. Mlt lenian: A. M. Morc, pros., (our bills, Cruelly to AnlinaU Hal Hunting; J. W, llogan, pros. publiu Nulbamc Jamca Molr, Kinley lto, W, M. r'lnn, DaUd II. lltc.e, Morris V. Moiris and others; Joaeph Dean, pros. Attempt at Arson George BcJay; James Tberlon, pros. Selling Liquor Without License SaHotor .Ma notti; Angel Cluekic, pro. Larceny by Bailee Ucorge Yonalonla; Ger trude Toinusaitz, pros. Perjury Belle Hamilton; Alexander Brown, pros. William lltley; Alexander llrown, pros. Dcfrauiling Boauling House .lames flranvlllo; Mary Miitlley, piov. llicaklni; Jail Harney Mellogh and Flank Backus; II. F. Feiber, pmi. 1G.V011ED HILLS. Assault and llattciy Ailliur. Swlgart; John Clark, pios., county to pay ocW Arnold Swi gait, John Clark, pios., county to pay costs. Mary Hughes; Mary Acker, proi., county to pay costs. Selling Without License Theodore Yono&ky; Thomas Colby, pros., county to pay costs. John J, Coleman; H. Snarlz, pros., county to pay costs. Laiceny and Receiving Thomas Reese; Flank Robling, Jr., pios., county lo pay rusts, Isaac Sinska, Joseph Klnpinskla, .luhn Mabadinska, John Goodminaka; Sylvanus Smith, pios., coun ty to pay costs. Patrick tjilsn; Fnink Hob ling, jr., pros, to pay coat?, sn!r IVhsnie; Annie Fodorlna, pros., lounty m pay costs. Frank Backus; II, F. Ferher. pios,,' county to pay costs. Pointing a Pistol P. .1. Conuay; C'atter Lee, pros., county lo pay costs. P. J. Conuay; Mra. A. K. I'crguion, piox,, county to pay costs. Selling on Sunday and Selling to Minors Mrs. Richard Busteed; W, II. Dvam, proa., county to pay costs. Trjillcklng In RegUtwd nottles-Thos. Hoban andTllcUael Hoban; A, M. Morse, pros,, coun ty to pay costs. (Four bills.) REMAINS TAKEN TO HIL1SDALE Funeral Services Over the Body of Rev. Dr. Ransom Sunn. The funeral of the late Rev, Dr. Ran som Dunn was held yesterday after noon, with services at the residence of Dr. Li. M. Gates, at M9 Madison avenue. The remains were removed to Hillsdale, Mich., for Interment. A large number of the friends who loved and reverred the depurted clergyman were present at the home at 4 o'clock, and took their last look at the face of the deceased. The remains rested In a front parlor, In a somber black casket andv were surrounded by beautiful roses, lilies of the valley and other of the fragrant blossome, which Dr, Dunn loved so well. Rev. Richard Hlorns delivered the Invocation, and Rev, Dr. C. B. Robin son, of the Second Presbyterian church, then delivered an address, In which he iinld a most beautiful testimonial to the memory of the deceased by saying that he was practically led Into the ministry by hearing an address deliv ered by Dr, Dunn at Hillsdale many years ago. Rev. Dr. S. C. I.ogun alsp told of his life-long acquaintance, and tho es teem In which he held his departed friend. They were associated with each other for forty-seven years, while in the West. Rev. Dr. R. P, Y, Pierce, of the Penn Avenue Baptist church, was in charge of the services, and in his address chose an his themo the following pass age! "I have fought a good fight t I have finished my course; I have kept the faith. Henceforth there In laid up for me a crown of righteousness." He gave a brief outline of Dr. Dunn's life, his birth In 1818, hid call to the min istry when about 18 years of nge, and of the way In which ho began hid life work, with a determination to win success, by the grace of God. "He was an organizer of colleges, a preacher of righteousness," said Dr. Pierce, "and nothing speaks more of his grand life than the beautiful tes timonials we have already heard, by those who knew him for ho many years. He was a leader In his denomi nation, made so by his sound judgment and logical mind, and throughout his life was greatly blessed In pastoral and educational work." ' Dr. Pierce concluded by quoting those lines, so applicable to the sub ject upon which he discoursed: "Life's race well run; life's work well done; life's crown well won; now comes rest." Mrs. Frank Brundage, of the choir of the Penn Avenue Baptist church, Bang In fine voice, "The Rock of Age's" and another selection. The funeral procession then took Its way to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western station. The pallbearers were: Dr. D. A. Capwell, F. M. Hor ton, J. L. Stelle, Charles Henwood, S. F. Weyburn and H. A. Browning. BURGLARS AT WORK ON SPRUCE STREET Entry Was Made Into Places of Busi ness of W. E. Davis and Relsmnn Brothers A Small Haul. The places of business of W. H. Da vis, llorlst, at 427 Spruce street, and Relsman Brothers, newsdealers, at 403 Spruce street, were broken Into yes terday morning by burglars, who, how ever, only secured a small booty, taking about $2 at Relsman's place and $4 or $! at Davis' establishment. In each case entry was effected early yester day morning by the intruders break ing In the panel in the door with a large brick. Through the hole ft hits made In the woodwork they slipped their hands and easily turned the locks. On their entry they broke open the cash drawers and rilled them of their contents. Florist Davis' money, however, was In a re cently purchased safe, and the Relsman Brothers had already removed their day's receipts. The burglars were In noways easily suited, as they evidently were after cash and cash alone. Many valuable pipes and boxes of cigars, cigarettes and other very portable articles were untouched. . The broken doors were discovered about 5 o'clock by Patrolman Schmidt, who reported the matter to the central station. No clue has been, as yet, dis covered to the Identity of the burs-lars. AN OPERATIC CARNIVAL. It Will Be Given Under the Auspices of Recital Club. The arrangements for the operatic carnival to be given for the Recital club, under the management of Mad ame Timberman-Randolph, are rapid ly reaching completion. It will be the great musicat and social event of the year, and as such Is exciting tho In terest of the community. The Recital club Is composed of many of the lead ing vocallstH of the region and pro poses to make Itself into a permanent organization, which will hold a similar place In the Held to that occupied by the Symphony orchestra. This will be Its first appearance be fore the public, and the programme offered Is to be one that will afford more pleasure than most of the pro fessional operatic performances since It will embrace the best portions of several operas together with other pleasing features. Rehearsals, under the direction of Mrs. Dixie, are held Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. Already many of the boxes have been sold to prominent citizens, nmong them, K. I Fuller, Colonel H. M. Boles, T. H. Watklns, C. S. Weston, C. R. Connell, Henry Belln, jr., J. B. Dlmmick, T. K, Jones, W. W. Scran ton, K. B. Sturges. Among 'those who have tickets for sale are the members of the Recital club, Mrs. T. II. Watklns, Mrs. u. H. Welles, Mrs. Henry Belln, jr., Mrs. George Sanderson, Mrs. G. B. Smith, Mrs. A. M. Decker, Mrs. Mrs. J. A. Robertson, Mrs. t,. S. Oakford, Mrs. H. M. Boies, Miss Richmond, Mrs. H, B. Ware, Mrs. J. W. Coolldge, Mrs. F. D. Brewster, Mrs. Ltndaberry, Mrs. Berllnghoff, Mrs. C. W. Roberts, Mrs. F. AV. Lange, Mrs. Surreth, Mrs. Mc Dowell, Dr. Anna Clarke, Mrs. M. H. Holgate, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. W. G. Watson, of PIttston, Mrs. Prlscllla Bennett and Mrs, Bullard, of Wilkes Barre; Mrs. C. M, Lee and Mrs. J. K. Burr, Carbondale. Tickets will also be on sale tomor row at Sanderson's Drug Btore and J. D. Williams & Bros., In Scranton and the West Side. It Is expected that they will be In great demand for both performances.and so large Is tho prob able advance sale, that many patrons have signified their Intention of buying a large number us soon as the sale opens. MR. ATHERTON'S SCHEME. The last few meetings of the board of trade have not been very well attend ed and Secretary Atherton has accord ingly decided to entice the members to next Monday night's regular meet ing by the announcement that an In formal luncheon Will be served at Its close. This has generally had the ef fect in the past of bringing out a good ly attendance and it Is expected that lb will do so tonight. No especial business Is expected to come up, though a report from the committee on legislation and taxes on the matter of tho transition of Scran ton to a second class city is looked for, 8100 Reward $100. The readers ot this paper will be pleased to liarn that there Is at least one dieadcd disease that acltncr has been able to cure in til ils itagtt and that ia catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure uow known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh being a constitu tional dlaease, requires a constitutional treat, ment. lull's. Catarrh Cure ia taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous aur facet of the ijstcm, thereby destroying the foundation of the o'iteue, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution tnd assisting nature In doing Iti work. The proprie tors havo to much taltli In its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollar (or any caca (hat it ftila tu cure. Send for list of test! inonliuk ' Addrcsi. F, J. CHG.NXY k CO., Toledo, 0. bold bv druggbti. 75c. tteU'i 'mlly Fill! k tin best CHALLENGE FOB THE WINNER, Wrestler Atlas Wants to Meet Dwyer or Leonard, TJie following challenge for tho Win ner of tomorrow night's wrestling match between M, L Dwyer, ot this city, and Charles Leonard, ot Newark, N, Y,, was yesterday received at The Tribune offlce. It Is from Atlas, the well known Graeco-Itomon wrestler, nnd In It he says: Bridgeport, Nov. 11, MOO, Sporting IMIlur ol The Tribune. Dear Sir! I sic by the New York Journal that Leonard and llujor ore to wreslb; In Siruti ton, I will wrotlc llio winner ot tin uuilili and agree to throw him Ihreo limes In one hfiur, winner to take ull ami a side bet from ftiXl to 500. Here Is money. a cli.mce for whip one . to get tin: Prof. Atla.s Chnnmlon flraeio-llonuti Wrestler. Address 1100 Main street, Alucilcm Wheel Club, Bridgeport, Conn. NOW A MUSICIANS' UNION. Branch of the American Federation of Musicians Organized. Permanent organization was effected yesterday by Local No. 120, of the American Federation of Musicians, at Its regular meeting place, Schlmpff's hall, C02 Cedar avenue. The churter was closed with 1G3 members on the roll. The oftlcers elected were: President, W. V. Griffiths: vice president, M. J. Cuslck; recording secretary, Theodore H. Bausclunnii: financial secretary, John W. Uerghouser; treasurer, Aug ust Schlmpff; sergeant at arms, James Broen. The new ofllrers were Installed by Temporary President Thomas 11. Miles. On assuming tho chair, Presi dent Griffiths made a felicitous speech. Another meeting will be held next Sunday. m POLICE PICKINGS. Michael Dclanoy as attested Saturday ein lllg by Patiolmcii Walsh, Fceney nnd Conneiy, nt the complaint of hi, uifr ami daughter, win, said he was acting in a ery violent manner, and that they weie afiaiil lo leiualn In the house Willi him. .Major .Molr fined Mm 410 jes teiday, in default nf which he will gi In the utility Jail for thirty daja. Jjiob Fries gate a sulking illustiatlun nf man's ingratlttiili- Hatiuday night ami paid a SI Hut- as a result .xcstculay morning. He was sitting on a Penn nipiiiir tiiilntone witli the blood flowing f i tn tt a -in.ill cut In bis lieail. On Karius niklng him where he lecehcd' his Injury, I'liea surlily icpondcd that It was none of his holiness, 'and then became fo aliushe that he was finally put under arrest. (leoige Me.ule was fined !&! estenl.iy morning by Major Molr, on the (bulge of iotatiug the city ordinance by selling jewelry without a license. He was arrested by Patrolman Day, who discovered him hawking a cheop ring on the street for which he asked 1. Two other rings were found in his pocket. Samuel Cnstigau, while in an intoxicated con dition, eaily. jeslenl.iv morning approached a dwelling house ut 11.10 .South Washington ae nue, and raised a window. The man who liicd at the place noiselessly made his etit and III fanned Patiolnuii .McMullen that a burglar was paying him a u'sit. Uu the patiohnan's arii al ho found lastigau Ijiug at the door ill a drunken stupor. lie was fined !f- jeslcrday morning. SHERIFF'S SALES. s HERIFF'S BALES -OF- Valuable Real Estate UN FRIDAY, NOV, 1G, 1900. By virtue of sundry writs nf Fieri Fa cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni ftx ponas. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna County, to me di rected, I will expose to public sale t.y vendue or outcry, to the highest nnd brat bidder, for cash, at Hie court hoube, in the City of Scranton, Lackawanna, Coun ty, on FRIDAY, the SIXTEENTH DAY of NOVEMBER, A. D., WOO, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. all the right, title nnd Interest of tho defendants In nnd to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.: No. 1. All the right, title and Interest of tho defendant In and to all that cer tain lot, piece or parcel of land bound ed nnd described as follows, to wit: Sit uate In tho City of Scranton, County nf Lnckawniuui and Stale of Pennsylvania, nnd known ns Lot No. 2, In Block No. 1, of Thurston's Addition to the City of Scranton, said lot adjoins corner lot on Jones street, fifty (50) feet In front on Main Rond to Providence, on tlio west side of the Lnnkawnnna river nnd one hundred (100) feet deep, nnd is tho land convoyed by Henry Thurston et ux to Fannie Arnold, the thirty-llrst day of October, 1S73. Recorded In Lackawanna County Deed Book No. 3, page 102. etc. All Improved with two two-story frnmo dwelling houses and other outbuildings tlipreon. Seized nnd tnken In execution at tho suit of Now Sohlllcr Building and Loan association of Scranton, Pa., vs. A, AV. Eortholf, executor of Samuel Arnold, de ceased. Debt, JSOfl. Judgment No, 457, November Term, 1D0O. Fl. fa. to Novem ber Term, 1900. STOKES, Att'y. ALSO No. 2. All tho light, title and Interest of the defendant In nnd to nil that cer tain lot. piece or parcel of innd situate In tho City of Scranton, County of Lack awanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows, viz.: Being Lot No. 27, In Square or Block No. 28, and situate upon street known as Stone nvenue, upon the town plot of Scranton, being forty 00) feet In front on Stone avenue nnd one hundred nnd forty (140) feet In depth, with tho usunl ten (10) feet privilege In front. AH Im proved with a two-story frnmo dwelling house and other outbuildings thereon. Seized nnd tnken In execution at tho suit of New Schiller Building and Loun association vs. Wlndylaws KnwcynBkl, administratrix of Loon Kawcynskl, Debt, J010, Judgment No. 43U, November Term, 1W0. Fl, fa. to November Term, 1900. STOKES, Att'y. ALSO No. 3.-A1I the right title nnd Interest of the defendant, Luella Klunclinrd, In and to all that certain lot of land sit uate lying and bolng In the Third ward of the City of Carbondale. County of Lackuwanna and Stuto of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows, to wit: Beginning at a point, the Inter section of Seventh avenue with Hue of land of John Murrln; thencu southerly along suld line one hundred uud eighty GEO) feet to lino ot lunds of the latu Uernhard Champinau; thence In a west erly UlrectloiuuloiiK talil lino one hun dred and five (105) feet to line of lands now or formerly of John Hausau: thencu along said line northerly one hundred and eighty (lbO) feat to the sold Seventh avenue; thence easterly ulong said Sev. enth avenue one hundred and live CIO.",) feet to line ot lands now or formerly ot John Murrln, the place of beginning, Being the same property convoyed to Luulla Blanchard by Daniel 10, Ulanchnrd by deed dated Jun. 31, H90, und recorded In Lackawanna County, In Deed Rook No, VM, pago 6J5. and Nov, 12. JM1. und recorded in Deed Uook No, 121, pago 51. All improved with a two-story frame dwelling house, barn, and other out buildings. Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit of Eagan & 0Doiiuull vs. Liiellu Blanchard. Seized and taken in execution nt tho suit of Eagan & O'Donnoll vs. Luella Blanchard. Debt, JS8.7D. Judgment No, 33, March Term, 1898. Fl. fa, lu Novem ber Term, 1900. H. D. CAREY, Att'y. ALSO No. 4. All the rleht. title and Interest of the defendant, S. Jay Austin, In and to all that certain lot, piece, parcol or tract ot land bounded and described as follows.and situate In Lackawanna Coun ty, Pa., to wit: Commencing at a point In the center of tho Great Bend and Philadelphia Turnpike, where the Prickly Ash Road crosses the said turn- SHBHIFF'S SALES. pike, being ns near as may be the cen tral point of this crossing; tlienco along the Fnrtoryvlllo Rond north eighty threo (8.1) degrees west, seventy-five (73) perches to a corner: thence by lands now or Into of Edward Reynolds south thirty (30) degrees west thirty-nino (39) perches to n post; thonce south twenty-six and one-fourth (2IH4) degrees east thirty eight nnd six-tenths (38.0) porches to u post; thence north forty-live and a half (4E?4) degrees east twenty-nine (2n) perches to a poll: thence south forty-four nnd a half (41',4) degrees east, seventy-eight (78) perches to a point In the center of tho Great Bend and Phllndclnhln Turnpike; thenco nlong snld turnpike north seven nnd one-fourth (7',l) degrees east thirty two (32) perches to a corner: thence south eighty-two and thrcn-fourtliH (82i) degrees east forty-seven (47) perches to a corner; thence north threo and a half (3',4) degrees west, twenty-four (24) perches to a post; thence north sixty-two tH2) degrees oast, nine nnd six-tenths (D.fi) perches lo a post and stones; thence north forty-three and three fourths (4,1,i) degrees west about fifty (KO) perches to a corner! thenco north eighty-three (S3) degrees west sixteen (16) perches to a point In tho center of the Great Bend and Philadelphia Turn pike; thence nlong snld turnpike north two nnd n half (2tJ) degrpes west ono hundred and twenty-one (121) feet to the point ot commencement, contnlnlng fifty (Ml) ncres more or less. All Improved with two frame dwelling houses, a barn nnd other outbuildings. Seized nnd tnken In execution at the suit of Assigned to W. H. Snamnns vs. S. J. Austin. Debt, J2.000. Judgment No, 385, November Term, 1900. Fl. fa. to November Term, 1900. NDWCOMB, Att'y ALSO No. 5. All the' right, tile and Interest of the defendant, In nnd to all those forty-seven lots of ground sltunte in the Township of South Ablngton, County of Lackawanna nnd Stntn of Pennsylvania, known and designated as Lots Nos. 28, 4S. 49. CO, 61, fi2. 53. 91. 95. 97. 101, 112. 118, 123. 121. 123, 155, 171, 175, 176, 177, ITS,' ITS. 185, 18S 189, 190, 197, 198, 199, 200. 201, 204, 205, 20(1, 207, 279, 283, 284, 2Sn, 28(5. 291. 292. 293, 294; all In a certain plan of lots called "Summit Park" nurvcyed for Vood,( Harmon & Co., by O. S. Miller, civil engineer, nnd recorded In the office for recording dceili, etc.. In and for Lackawanna County nforesald, In Deed Book No. S7. pago 4S2. etc. Also all those sixty-two (02) certain lots of ground sltunte In South Ablngton township nforesald, known and designat ed as Lots Nos. 397. 424. 423, 427, 410, 431, 432, 433, 434, 443, 414. 447, 471, 472. 480, 4S5, ISO, 4S9. 492. 499, 500, 505, 500. 510, 623, 62.-1. 520, 529. 630. 535, 530, 641. 545, 510. 547, 54S, 519, 550, 65S, 539. 500, 501, 572, 573, 680, COO, 010, G13, 013, nnd all those lots numbered from and Including 044 to nnd Including C5B; also Hint one-half of Lot 679, which ad joins Lot 80, In n certnin plan of lots called "Summit Park Annex," surveyed for Wood, Harmon Co., by O. W. Mlluos, civil engineer, and reeorJid in Lackawanna County ns aforesaid In thd recorders office. In Deed Book No. 100, page 398, etc. Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit of Wllllnm E. Hnrmon, Trustee, vs. Henry S. Alworth, Debt. $2090. Judg ment No. 408, November Term, 1900. Fl. fa. to November Term, 1900. aTtURTLTSFF, Att'y. ALSO No. 0. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, E. L. Lord, In and to all tho following described two certain pieces, parcels or lots of land known and described as "Miller Block," being Lots Nos. 21 and 22, In Block No. 3, in Park Place, formerly called "WInan's Addi tion," situate in the Second ward of the City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, said lots be ing each forty-six (40) feet wide front nnd rear, and one hundred und forty (140) feet In depth, fronting on Rail road avenue, with an alley in the rear. Excepting nnd reserving therefrom tho coal and other minerals. All Improved with a three-story and basement brick dwelling house block, one barn, one two-story wood frame dwelling house with basement, also outbuildings and fruit trees. Seized and tnken in execution at the suit of tho Girard Fire and Marine In surance company, assignee of I. J. Post, vs. E. L. Lord. Debt $5,020.91. Judgment, No. 575, September Term, 1S9G. Lev. fa. to November Term, 1900. WOODRUFF, Att'y. ALSO No. 7. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Louis Spitz, In and to all that certain lot of land, with tho Improvements thereon, lying nnd being in the Borough of Winton, County of Lnckawnnna and State of Pennsylva nia, known and distinguished as Lot No. 1, upon plot of lots designated as Pat terson's Addition to tho Borough of Win ton, as described nnd designated in his survey of the same, uccompnnled by a map thereof, being in front fifty (50) feet on street called and known as Jessup Rqnd street, nnd In rear fifty (50) feet, and In depth ono hundred (100) feet. Ex cepting Coal, etc. Improved with a two story frame building used as storo and dwelling. Seized and tnken in execution at tho suit of George Hosly & Son vs. Louis Spitz. Debt-$70 50. Judgment No. 17S, November Term. 1900. Vend. ex. to Novenibor Term. 1900. CAREY, Att'y. ALSO No. 8 All Ilia right, title and interest of tho defendant, Howard W. Hull, in nnd to all that certnin piece, parcel or lot of land, situate In tho Vlllago ot Dnlton, Dalton borough, In tho County of Liu'knwnnnn, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows: Beginning at tho northeast (north) corner of lands deeded by U, R, Newton and wife to Julia S. Brewster: thenco along the line between lands of C. II. Newton, now Hull (being the lands herohy mortgaged) and lands ot Julia S. Brewer south thirty-two (32) degrees eighteen (IS) minutes west one hundred nnd forty-seven (147) feet; thenco nlong lands of Randolph Crlppon north sixty-five (65) degrees two (2) min utes west fifty and seven-tenths (50.7) feet to a corner in lnnds of Rnudolph Crippen nnd C, D. Mackey, the west corner thereof; thence north thirty-two (32) degrees eighteen (18) minutes east ono hundred and fifty-four and one-half (154',3) feet to the north corner hereof and a corner of C. D. Mackey on tho public street In front of the premises hereby conveyed; thonce along snld street south llfty-elght (58) degrees flf teon (15) minutes east fifty 150) foot to the place of beginning. Containing sov-onty-four hundred and twenty-five (7,425) houare feet of land, moro or less. All Im proved with a two-story frame dwelling house, fruit treets and other outbuild ings thereon. Seized and taken In execution nt tho suit of Charles R. Newton vs. Howard W. Hull. Debt, $1,408.51. Judgment No. 24", September Term, 1900. Alias 11, fu, to November Term, 1900. PATTERSON & WILCOX. Atfys. ALSO No. 9, All tho right, title und Interest of the defendants, Georgu Bocz.ir and Mary Boezar, In uud to all those two certain lots, pieces ur purcels of land, fcituntc, lying nnd being hi the Village of Jessup, in Ihu lliirotigh of Wlntun, County of Luckuwuutui, uud State ot Pennsylvania, bounded and debcrlbed as Lots Nos. U and 14, In Squure or Block No, 1, and sliuuto upon sticut called uud known as Dolph street, upon Plot No, 2, of "Wlliton, Dolph and Sturges' Map of David Brown's Survey," which said map is recorded hi the recorder's oltlco of Luckuwaunn county, lu Deed Book No, 59, page 670, the said two lots are contiguous, 'being rectangular lu shape, and eacli of suld lots is llfty (SO) feet III width In front on said Dolph street, tho sumo in rear, und one hundred and fifty (150) feet lu depth. Coal und minerals excepted and reserved uu tho same are excepted and reserved hi a deed of the said premise from the Anthracite Build ing uud Loan UBbochitlon to George Boc. zur and Mary Boczur, dated the beveutli day of March, Ibiis, and recorded In tho recorder's olllce ol Lackawunna County, In Deed iliiok No. 101, page 211. All Im proved with two double frame dwelling houses uud outbuildings. Seized and tuken in execution at the suit of Anthracite Building nnd l.ouu as sociation vs. George Boczar and Mary Boczar. Debt. JiOO. Judgment No. 279, Muy Term, 1E98. Alius fl. fa. to Novem ber Term, 1900. ZIMMERMAN, Att'y, ALSO No. 10. All the right, tltlo and Interest of the defendants In and to all tliut certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate lu the Borough of Winton in tho County of Lackawanna and Stuto of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as folows, to wit: Situate on what is known as "David Brown" tract, being Lot No, 2 lu Square or Block "G.," and SHKmlFF'S BALKS. situate on Church street, as shown .In map Intended to be recorded, snld lot being fifty (60) feet In front by one hun dred and fifty (150) feet In depth and Is rectangular. All Improved with two two story frame dwelling houses and other outbuildings thereon. Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit of New Schiller Dtilldlng nnd Loan association vs. Thcophllii Knneczney and Joseph Koncczney, Debt, $2,100. Judge ment No. 482, November Term, 1900. I'M. fa, to November Term, 1900. STOICEB. Att'y. ALSO No. 11, All the right, tltlo and Interest ot the defendant lu and tn ull that cer tain lot, piece or parcel of laud, situate, lying and being upon Grove street, In the City of Scranton, In the County ot Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows, to wit! Being Lot No. 10 lu Square or Block No. 11, In Wlnnn'B Addition to the City of Scranton, said lot being forty-two and four-tenths (42,4) feet. In width In front on Grove street, the same width In rear, and ono. hundred nnd thirty eight (138) ftet In depth. All Improved with a two-story frnmo dwelling house, nnd other outbuildings thereon. Seized nnd tnktn in execution at the suit of New Schlllor Building and Loan association vs. Charles Billings. Debt, $991. Judgment No. 494, November Term, 1900. K, fa. to November Term, 1900. STOKES, Att'y. ALSO No. 12.-AII the right, title and Interest of the defendants, W. II. Sant and Jen nie Sant, In nnd to all that certain lot or piece of land situate on tho southeast erly side of Fillmore avenue In tho Fourth ward of the City of Scranton, County of Lackawannn and State of Pennsylvania,' being tho rear half of Lots Nos. 1 and 2, In Block No. 16, of Price and Pnnconst's addition to tho City of Scroutun, and further described as follows, to wit: Beginning nt a cor ner on the southeasterly side of Fill more avenue at the distance of seventy- five (75) feet northeasterly from the northeasterly side of Price street: thence southeasterly and at right angles with said Fillmore nvenue fifty (50) feet to a corner: thence northeasterly seventy-five (75) feet to a corner: thence northwest erly fifty (53) feet to a corner on said Fillmore avenue, and thence southwest erly nlong snld Fillmore avenue seventy five (75) feet to the place of beginning. Seized nnd tuken In execution nt the suit of the West Side Bank vs. W. H. Snnt nnd Jennie Sant. Debt, $232.25. Judgment No. 70, January Term, 1900. Lev. fa. to November Term, 1900. THOMAS, Att'y. Also at the suit of J. W. Slocum vs. W. H. Sant. Debt. $410. Judgment No. 80, November Term. 1900. Fl. fu. to November Termr-UIOO. WibbABD, WARREN & KNAFP, ALSO No. 13. All the right, title and interest of the defendants, Eliza Lown and George Lown, In and to all the follow ing described lots, pieces or parcels of land situate In tjae Township of Madison County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: First Beginning at an original stone heap for a corner of Lots Nos. 193, 194 and 203 respectively; thence by Lot No. 194 fifty (60) degrees west one huudked nnd thirty-two (132) perches to u scone heap corner, a corner of Lots Nos. 195 and 201; thenco by lust mentioned lot north forty (10) degrees east alxty-one (61) perches to a stone heap; thenco by laud sold to Jacob Blesecker south llfty (50) degrees east slxty-flvo (63) perches to a stone heap for a corner; thence north forty (40) degrees east by the other parts of fald land one (1) perch and two (2) links to a stone corner; thence MUth fifty (50) degrees east sixty live (61) perch2s to a stone corner; thence south forty (40) degrees west sixty-two (62) perches and two (2) links to the place ot beginning. Containing fifty (50) acres of land, be the same more or less. Improved with a one and one-half story frame dwelling house, three barns, ono shed, one orchard and outbuildings thereon. Second Beginning at a post and stone corner, the west corner of land contract ed for by Horutio Sager and Charles Biesecker's land; thence by the same south fifty (50) degrees east one hundred and four (104) perches to a post and stones corner; thence by land sold to Jacob Blesecker and land of Henry Yea ger south forty (40) degrees west thirty three (33) porches to a post corner; thence by land sold to John Coon north fifty (50) degrees west one hundred and four (104) porches to a corner; thence by part of orlgnal Lot No. 200. north forty (40) degrees west thirty-three (33) perch es to tho beginning. Containing twenty one ncres and seventy-two (72) perches ot land more or less. Improved with a one and one-half story framo dweltng house, outhouses nnd orchard. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of W. R. Bevan. assigned to Thom as R. Cummlngs. Debt, $400. Judgment No. 312. November Term, 1899. Alias 11. fa. to November Term, 1900. COJIEGYS, Att'y. ALSO No. 14. All the right, title and Interest ot the defendant, John J. Snyder, In and to all those two certain lots or pieces ot land situate, lying and being In the Twenty-first ward of tho City of Scran ton, County of Lackawanna, and State of Pennsylvania, known and designat ed on tho map or plan of lots called "Eureka Lawn," as Lots Nos. 13 and 14, having a frontage on the southeasterly side of Summit nvenue of seventy and live-tenths (70.5) feet, and being ninety and ferty-six one hundredths (90,46) feet In depth nlong tho southeasterly side of Pasndena street, seventy-nine and fifty six one-hundredth (79.50) feet hi width at the rear on the southeasterly side of bald lots along the line of an alley, and ninety (90) feet in depth along the north easterly side Hue of Lot No. 12, In said plot, situate in the southerly angle formed by the junction of Summit ave nue and Pasadena street. Being the same premises which Mlna Robinson grunted und convoyed to John J. Snyder by deed duted March 1, 1893, and record ed in tho recorder's ofllco of Lackawan na county, lu Deed Book No, 162, at puge 219, Coal and minerals excopted and reserved, .;.; lu suld deed. All Improved with a two-story framo dwelling house and 4nrge burn. Seized und taken in execution at the suit of Citizens' Building and Loan as sociation vs. John J. Snyder. Debt, $2,454.23. Judgment No. 503, November Term, 1900, Fl, fn, to November Term, 1900. ZIMMERMAN, Att'y. ALSO No. 15. All the right, title nnd Interest ot the defendant, George Pabst, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate lu tho Borough ot Dun more, In the County of Lackawanna, and State ot Pennsylvania, and bounded und described as follows: Beginning on Irv ing avenue at a corner ot lands of Mich ael O'Hara; thenco southwest along said O'llura's land ono hundred and fifty seven (157) feet to an alley; thenco north east along suld alloy thirty-one (31) feet to a corner In lands of W. C. D. Pabst; thence northwest ulong said W. C. D, Rabat's lands one hundred and llfty seveu (157) feet to a corner in Irving avenue afuresuld; thence southwesterly along Irving avenue thirty-one i.ll) feut to tho place of beginning. Being the sumo lot of lund conveyed by W. C, D. Pabst to the defendant, in deed dated Nov. 20, 1893. and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Lacknwaiiuii County Deed Book No, 134, pago 30, etc, Coal and minerals reserved, All Im- mHmmfrm balm. proved with a Iwo-siorr trra-B)'dststaf fiotiM and mitbulMlns!tbr5l Tw Seised and taken, in -SMouttoa tjs suit of German Building RssocliUon, Vo. 9, vs. Georgo Pabst. Debt, $",000. iuAtr. ment, No. 481, November .Torm, 1900. V fa, to November Term. iwo. - HANNAH, Att'y. ALSO No. 16. All the right, titles and Interest of tho defendant, The Speedway Land company, the defendant within namtd, In and to all the surfaco or right of soil of tho following described lot or pares) of Innd situate In the- Fifth wsrd of ttM Borough ot Dunmoro, County ot Lacka wanna nnd State of Pennsylvania, bound rd and described ns follows: Regtnntn at a stake and stones'oorner which Is bj the Intersection of the northerly (Ids of the Nay Aug Falls and Elmhurst Boule. vnrd, ns conveyed by the Pennsylvania Coal company, and the nouthesstsrl side of the township rond, which crossei the said Boulevard nt the Kite Track, Snld corner being sixteen (18) feet from the middle ot said township road as now used nnd also one hundred and ninety eight (1U3) feet on a course north eighty two (82) degrees thirty-five (85) minutes east ulong snld boulevard from the southwest corner of lands of L. A, Wat lea nnd Cclla A, Hill; thence along north side of said Boulovaid north eighty-two (82) degrees thirty-live (36) minutes ea.it seven hundred (700) feet to a corner: thence nlong lands of Celta A. Hill north seven (7) degreos twenty-five (26) mln tiles west three hundred and sevonty-ons und live-tenths (371,5) feet to a corneri thence along lands of the Pennsylvania Conl company south eighty-five (85) de grees west four hundred and flfty-flva (453) feet to the easily side of the nfore sald township rond: and thence along thsj easterly side of tho said road south six (l) degrees fifty (50) minutes west on hundred and sixty-eight (168) feet south thirty-three (3.1) degrees twenty (20) min utes west one hundred and fifty-eight (158) feet and south thirty-six (.19) de grees twenty (20) minutes west one hun dred and forty-eight (148) feet to the place of beginning. Containing four and seventy-eight one-hundredths (4.78) acres ot land or therabouts, and being part ot the same premises which were granted nnd convoyed to Cella A, Hill by the Pennsylvania Coal company by deed dated the twelfth day of August, A. !., 1898, and recorded In tho offlco for record ing deeds In nnd for said county of Lack awanna aforesaid, in Deed Book No. 165, at pago 293, etc. And being the same premises which Celln A. Hill, et. al by deed dated the twenty-eighth day of No. vember, A. D., 1899, and recorded In tha aforesaid office for recording of deeds in Deed Book No. 185, puge 91, etc,, granted and conveyed unto the Bald The Speed way Land company. Excepting and re serving, however, all coal and minerals in, under and upon snld described lot or parcel of land, with tho right nnd privi lege of mining and removing .the same. And also Bitblect to the reservations, ex ceptions, savings, stipulations, conditions and provisions us all are contained In the two above recited deeds. Together with all and singular the buildings and Im provements rights, liberties, privileges, easements, hereditaments and appurten ances whatsoever unto the hereby grant ed premises belonging or In any wise ap pertaining, or to belong and appertain, nnd the remainders nnd reversions, rents. Issues and -profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demund of every nature nnd kind whatsoever of the said Tho Speed way Land Company as well In law as in equity of, In and to the same nnd ev ery part and parcel thereof. All Im proved with a one two-story frame hotel and club house, one frame barn, one lo house, one shed, and one crematory. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of R. N. Lnbar and Frank Connell, Trustees, vs. The Speedway Lnnd Com pany. Debt. $3,089.07. Judgment No. 678. March Term, 1900. Fl. fa. to Novem ber Term. 1900. VOSBURG & DAWSON. Atfys. Also at the suit of Casey Bros. vs. Speedway Land company. Dobt, Jl.606.18. Judgment No. 310, November Term, 1900. Fl. fa. to November Term. 1900. HORN, Att'y. ALSO No. 17. All the right, tltlo and Interest of the defendant, William Connor, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Carbondale. County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described a follows: Being twenty-six (20) feet In front on Dundaff street and twenty-six (26) feet In width In rear, and one hun dred (100) feet deep; bounded northerly by land of the estate of Wllllnm Mc Mlnn, deceased; easterly by land ot the estnte of William Connor, deceased: .-.outherly by land of the Bald egtae of William Connor, deceased, and westerly by said Dundaff street. Containing twenty-six hundred (2,600) square feet o.t land, moro or less. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and out buildings thereon. Being the same lnnd described in mortgage from William Connor to Edward Clarkson, bearing dato March 20, 1897, and recorded In Lackawanna County In Mortgnge Book No. 89, page 664. Seized and taken In execution nt tins suit of Edward Clarkson vs. Wllllanr Connor. Debt, $830. Judgment No. 514, November Term, 1900. Fl. fa. to Novem ber Term, 190O. STUART, Att'y. ALSO No. 18. All tho right, title and Interest of the defendants. Rla J, G re nor and Edward Grewer, In and to all that cer tain lot, piece or parcel of land situate In the First ward of the City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna and State ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Being Lot No. 1, In Square or Block A, as shown on plot of lots made by Jordan and Hannah, and known as Richmont Park, said lot being duly re corded In the office of the recorder of deeds, In and for tho County of Lacka wanna, In Deed Book No. .page -. Tho said lot Is fortv-flve (45) feat In width In front on Washington avenua nnd forty-live (45) feet in width in rear, and one hundred and thlrty-nlght and three-fourths (138i) feet In length or depth from front to rear. Coal and min erals reserved. ..... Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Alfred Griffin vs. Ida Grewer and Edward Grewer. Debt. $1,810.10. Judg ment No. 439, September Torm. 1900. Lev. fa, to November Term, 1900. S. B. PRICE, Att'y. TERNS OF SALE. FIFTY DOLLARS C.SH WHEN PROP FRTY IS STRUCK OFF AND BALANCE IN CASH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SALB IS CONCLUDED. WHEN SOLD FOR. COSTS, COSTS MUST RE PAID WHEN STRUCK OFF. ALL PROPERTIES ON WHICH ABOVE TERMS HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLIED WITH WILL BE RESOLD BEFORB AD. JOUR N MENT. CLARENCE E. PRYOR, Sheriff. Sheriffs office, Scranton, Pa., October 28, 1900. . One Cent OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO; A Word sail it posts to make your wants known through the columns of The Tribune; and there is no better ad vertising medium printed ; in Scranton. SITUATION WANTMO AUK IHMRTKO FMK, 6 00000000000000000600000000Q I f .-. -. fr