m " y r t - X Vy . ! '' ' SI I'll, I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3,2, 1900. ' SXRBOHDALE mr . rrjir - f w "W"-",J"I-"U i-nr ""tt""""' r jt t B7Tha BcWinton Tribune lias opened ft Branch Ofllco In Carbondale and prints a dally edition devoted to the Interests of the city, supplying Cnr- ".fcondnle with a dally morning paper, containing all the news of the Plon- eer City. Communications of a news .'nature, peisonals and all Items for publication may be left at the new f ofllcas In.tho Burke Building, or sent by, mall or 'phone. E. L. Hatfield, manager of the Carbondale edition, will bo pleased to receive callers Jseeklng Information or deslious of Imparting It. Telephone numbers: .tfew, 280; old, 0423. m ' THE SILK MILL STKIKE. The Night Shift of Boys Make De- - mands Which Besult in Their Being tald Off. The strike nt the silk mill, which skirted on Friday evening among Hip bows cniplojed un the night shift, lins not yet been sealed, nor Is theie much likelihood that It will be In the near futuro. The boys stiuck for wages of a dollar a night each, ti nuibcrlul In crease In some cases, and when their demandt wete laid before Manager Frieder he at once lefuscd to Riant thorn, and when they poislsted in go ing out on stilke lie lelitctuntly closed the mil! down lclucttintly, because lie did not wish to thiow the night hands out of employment for a long time, as scorns now likely must bo the ease. For the past few month'', It seems, the silk business has been stagnant. The Klots company has tluco mills, one in Scranton, one in Fredericksburg, Va and one in this city. These mills have tocently been tunning on half time because of the depiesslon in the tiade. Serious thoughts have been had from time to time of closing one of these mills, as it would mean u saving of $2,000 a month to concentrate the work in two instead of tlnee. The com pany did not wish to dischaigc their employes in any one of the thiee mills, however, so have kept all 1 mining at a serious loss. Investigation fuil'hor rcieals the fact that the boys aio ill-advised at this time to make a demand for higher pay, for at present, or up to the time they weno on strike, they wore lecelving fully one-third moie than is paid a similar class of labor pei forming the uine work in any other silk mill In the state. They have also had inducements In the way of extra compensation for every pound of silk they tuin out over i certain fixed quantity. There Is some talk of the day hands at the silk mill going out this moi nlng to show their sympathy with the boys' movement. It is hoped that some way may bo found to avert this, as in the prcscntcoriditlon of the silk trade theto will bc-Tno recourse for the Klots com pany but to shut down, and if the ilres in the fuinaces are allowed to go out thoie is the stiongest probability that they will not bo lighted again tills win ter, thus tin owing two hundred per sons out of work. Manager Frleder told a Tilbune man yesterday after noon that lie looks for no further double at the mill today, and said also that the night shift would not be stall ed again unless the tiouhle is adjusted quickly. Under these clicumstances, as the boys will be the heaviest losers by a continued stilke just now, it is hoped that they will see the wisdom of going back. A committee of the bit Iking boys i ailed at the Caibondale olllce of The Tribune Saturday afternoon and left the lolloulng communication, giving their veislon of the tiouhle, with a ie quost to make It public: "To The Tilbune. "In Saturday morning's Issue It was stated that the night shlfL would te tiun to fcork in a lew days, as told by Mr. riieder. the superintendent, but, as the boys on stilke aie not willing to go back under the old scale, we think that pel haps the time will lengthen to weeks or months. Ot late the boys have been depth ed of theii tights and will stand for it no longei. Their claim is that twelve bouts a night and under the slate ot ductile lights Is too much. Some of the buy.-, walked haul nil night, and the highest they leeched was fiom 2i to no tents. The cause ot the stilko I- that the '(list time' asks a dollar a night for the frames and M) rents for lour tr.ttnes. 'Second tlnto" asks a. laltjo ol no nulls, us they me "nly- netting fcOfCunts n night. 'Thltd time' asks' a dollar a night for four fiaines and 7r funis for tlnee fi .lines. They also ask thut the bobbin-can lei. s ot Tlist,' 'second' and 'thltd time' be given CO cents a night, These ate the demands of the night shllt boys, and unless they aie met and given we will stay out until they aie. It Is near time that we demand our tights, and now that wo haw we will stay out till we get tticm It It taken mouths, ' ' "The Slrlkeis." At the Chinches Yesteiday. At the Heiean Baptist church jestet Juy morning the pastor, Hew Dr. W'hulen, pi cached the thlwl senium u his series on "ill eat Themes of Dtir Kollglon," the discourse yesteiday relating to ".Man, His Otlgin and Des tiny." A lultlit ul (oiupailsuit of oo lutlou and icvelatlou was made. In llt1e1,qi' he Bloomy mm ping n largo tTmgiegatlon gieeted Dr. Whulnii mid TSP 'interest followed his uiguttunt mil exposition of Utu ttuth of the DIv itr.ie.velatUm. At the Fhst Congiegutlon.il ohutch lie rtu. M. C. nillott also diew a argo congtegatlon. The handsome lew Muson ci Hamlin organ, which lift just been installed theie, was Wed tor the tlrst thtiu yesteiday, and t pleased the coiigiegatlon gieatiy. dr. Klllott's moinlng dlscoutse was: 'Preparing for a Itovival," and In the. ivenlng, as the thlid in the series of lis .sermons on '.'Gteut Men," he chose orchis topic, "Daniel, the Intoipro e" A song set vice piecedcd the ivenlng senium, At - p. in, the Sun lay school hail its thlid successive ally, the pupils ptesentlng a btlght ind uttiuctlvu piogianmi?, At 1 I'cjock the llev, Mi, I'aisons, of Ply aiquth, addressed tho meiuber.s of the Vdung Meri's union hi their hall doiwi ktfalrs In the church. 'At the Second Piesbyteihm chinch the. Rev. Milton K. Kerwln preached . Cures all 'furcut aud I.uug Affcctloua. COUGH SYRUP W GcttbeKeauluc. Refuc&uujtltutcs. M Vis sure 5h twn Oil cure KlicuuiatUin. tjikajf, V In the nftPtnooti nt the close of the Sunday school. At Trinity Protestant Ilplstopul, the lector, ltev. 11. A. Sawyer, adminis tered communion In the moinlng and preached, in the evening his dls coutse was the thlid of a scilc) on "Communistic Soolallsm." At St. Paul's chinch (llvangulleul Ltithotnn), llev. F. Imlugcr, the pas tor, spoke both moinlng and evening. Ills text In the morning was from Hebrews, x::M-25, "Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good woiks, not forsaking the assem bling or out solves together, as the manner of some Is." His evening dis course was insiilied by Hpheslans, lv:!l "Kndeavorlttg to keep the unity of the sphlt in the bond of place In connec tion with piaetlelng liturgical songs. In the afternoon, at 2 p. in., llieio was u council meeting In the ehuieh to prepnte the annual teport. Piogramme for Tonight. At the Ciiand Opeta house this evi n Ing liiooke's famous Ohlcngo Mm hie band will play, agisted by Miss Har tlot Dement lMckuid, tho gifted dia matlc oprano soloist. The ptogiammo will be: Mauli, "King P(i" (') Itiuul..- Uittlmr, ".lulillco" "ll"'' Tlih incttiuc lomlmln Willi tin- li.Miin on i.liiih me Inuniliil lom lutloiul A "! 'aie the ,tioni," tor i:ii;linil; "Our Own Dear I ."ml," toi Sullruliiiil, "Long Uo tin' I ' pnoi," lr (Senium; mill for Atncikii, "Mj Country, Mh uf 'J'lice, 'nrct l.nul of I ilioilj." (Juirtitte liiim "Itlgeiltttn" inll Solo fir lioinlionr, "Vnli Ciprai'" aimou Mi. (Iiidlt! vinioin. Pecnpilc I'imi, "ii in in t i li I. slme," O.ili hilt ttui-'bion. Mi -iio fiom tin OpiTi "(..-.mini" Illit Sclo fm sopuiin, Cnnllii.t (lom "II" ijuiiii ., SIhIh" I.oiiimil llnnlet ncini'iil PalUid. Ijirl MoMiiiuit f 1 6in "Di.innttr 'jniplmm" (( ntiiii-linl) Hliu'wit Polo for 1'iiiolip, '-puMiii',' ll llrop'," Strut--, Mi. Mmi-IiiII luM.t. (it) Mi ilc It allot , "llnifc of tin- .lusts" ( ii iliiin iiIl (li) 'lo Slip, "Hip m finttin" (mm), lliooln Sicm l'(ipul.ilii', " Mu-ii il Coil. in ("id," llnUi Cotuluitor Ilioini l'ri-l"ii llioo'io Not" llio ilmii pinji inn H MliJ-rt to fclulil tlnntc The People's Lectin e Couise. The tiustees of the Bcienn Baptist chinch piosent the following list of lec tures, dates and spcakeis to the public and Invite the co-operation of ull. Theie will be no fixed udinlsslon chaise, a slher offeiing only being asked. The ptoject Is inter-donomin.t-tlonal, each speaker being fiom among the leudets of the vat ions chinches. The dates, lectureis and subjects will be: Monday, Nov. 13 llev. John W. Phil lips, Ph. D., D. D on "What I Laughed at m Palestine." Dr. Phillips is pastor of the First Haptlst dim eh in Hitig hamton, X. Y the laigest Baptist chuich in New Yotk state outside of (Jteater New Yoik. Tuesdav, Dec. I. Hew T. .1. Lansing, D. D., on "Among the (.Jlueleis of the High Alps." Dr. Lansing is pastor of tho CJieen Ttldge Freiib tetian chuieli, Sctanton. Wednesday, Dee. t!l liew Lj man U. Weeks on "The Passion I'ltiv, as Seen abOhuiamnivtB.ru in 1'iOU " Mr. Weeks Is one of the best known niliiiilets ul the Wyoming .Methodist confeienci. Tuc-day, .Ian. J2 lle. G. Albeit CietU on "Mai tin Luther," Illustuted by the steteopucon. Mt. tietty has long been a piomlnent Ltttluiaii elet gyman. Tuesday, i'eb. Pi Mu-.ic.il and litet jny entei t.ilnment, under the atf-plces of the music lommltteo of the Ret can church, given by home talent, assisted by out-of-town attists. Wednesday, Mutch 1,; ltc i: A. Bo 1 on "Tlie Seen and the Unsi en " Mr. Do. 1 is pastor ot the Plymouth Congiegational chin t It of Scranton and head of the depaitment ot doi utlon In the Intel national ('otieipondi'iu'c.' ScliooN, of Scranton. Wednesday, Apiil 1U lte. Ihnest Melville on "An Ironing with Teiinj. -son Headings." jr(. Mehlllc Is the tectoi ul St. .Tallies' Hplscopnl chtllih at Fait Hilw.inl, N. Y. An Atti active Tiuuk. At the Delaw.ne and Hudson depot on Satin day inoinltig theie tested up on the plutlotni ii weaiy-looUing, bat tel ed, old wooden ttunk, with the lock biokeu oft and the hamlles pulled out. The ttunk was lull ot what appealed to be weatlng appatol and the unet was only half down. Tho tiunk was seemed by a white tope tied twice utound. To lliu casual obsetvur the old telle ot bygone daj.s looked ileeldcdly uninteresting. Nevertheless all who passed It stopped tor a .second look and then laughed he.utlly and called some one lo slime his mlilh. Tho cause of It all was about fifty pi lined slips pasted on the tt neks lontnlnltig tlli? woids: "We have just been niiil l it'll." Tacked on top of tho roer was a wild beating the addiess: "A. ( M., til ecu llldge," A uuinb.'f of it lends of the owner scribbled mes sages or coiigtatulatlons on the white caul, and a seutdi wtis made of the waiting loom lor the happy couple. Hut they wete not illsicined bv ihe time the tiuuk was placed on the tialii, A Slight Scaie, At about . u'dock on Satiiulay at let noon, when the inatltiei' crowd was coining ttoiit tho Ciiand opeui house, the .tuning In ft out of Lai kin A: Pliny's clothing state, nt the coiner of Nottlt Main and Salem avenues, was discovcteil to bo on lite, tfeveial men tan out, giabhed the awning and totu It In two, tho blazing portion tailing to ihe Kiound, when It was iptlikly Jumped un and tho lite completed. Tho wind had dctudted one cud of the awning fiom its I untie, and the luoso end had tlupped around In the gale until it Dually found a lodgment in the globe of an aie light on tho stoop. Then the ted hot lid lions set It ttllie, Hesldo the desttuetlon of tho awning no damage resulted and no nlaim was tinned In. The Water Vote May Be Invalid. An Intel estlng question, b? tiling illicitly on the vntu cast tor municipal water on Tuesday last, has Just at Isen In Sci anion. Theie It Involves tho val idity ot bonds Issued lor (he imptoe meiit of ben eig to cost $27.1.000. it, II, Day it Co., the successful bidden for these bonds, icfuse to take thein because they contend that ut the dee Hon at which the inciease of debt was voted for tho election was not con ducted accnidlng to law. The Scrnn ton inciease of debt was balloted for juecisely in the same manner in which DEPARTMENT. the water bonds weie voted for In Carbondale. The case, In all proba bility, will ho taken to court to decide. In that event the day for municipal water for this city is still far olT, as the stipieme court of the slate will have lo ghe a decision before the bonds can bo sold, as Investors will want to wait until a decision has been ictuleicd. Clatenco J. Fan ell Send. Clatence J. Farrell, whoe home was at l.l South Washington street, died suddenly lust night, while pet forming his duties as n hrnkeman on a Dela ware and Hudson fi eight tin In. The sad event occurred nt Lallln. As the lialit was stopping he had lltteo In akes to set. Ho had sot two ot the brakes and was In th" act of running to tho thhd when he was seen to sud denly put Ills hand to his head, stag g?r, and then fall down upon the car. When the other trainmen reached hhn he wus dead. It Is supposed that his death was caused by a utptuted blood vessel, The temalns were Immediate ly hi ought to his home In this city. Mr. Fnrtclt was ill) years ot ago, and is sui l veil by a wife and four chll dien, Don't Forget the Hospital Today. Don't fotget that today will bo fttilt day for tho hospital. A committee of ladles will bo at the Arnold building, corner of Main stitet and Lincoln ave nue, ltoni n. m. to 5 p. m. to lecelvo the fruit and send it to the hospital. It is hoped that the ladies of Carbon dale will be Intoiestcil to send some thing and that the donation will bo enough to hist the hospital till winter. An Accident in No. 3. Joieph Ssitfotd, of Clntk aenue, a l tinner In No I! mine, had his foot hndlv lacerated Satuiday morning. A mine car jumped the ttnek and San foul's foot caught between the wheM and the tall. An ambulance conveyed him to his home, Molusky-Murray. At St. Hose chinch, this city, last Thin silay evening llev. Father Dlvon perfoiined it nmiilagc oetemony that united Miss Marv Murtay, ot Gordon avenue, to Joseph Molusky, of Pike sttect. At the Opera House. Tonight Hi ooke's Chicago Murine band. Thin sday, Ftiday, Satuiday (matinee and evening) Wills Hrotheis' com pany In lepertohu. Meetings Tonight. Common council. Olhti Leaf lodge. No. 1fi. I. O. O. F. Federal union. No 7204. Mr. Bairett's Funeial. The finieial cot lege ot the late James Hiinett will leave the house at !M" o'clock this nun nine. Picked Up in Passing'. Mi. and Mis. H. Schiyver are islt Ing in Naitowsbuig. Hoi n To Mr. and Mis. James Wllie, of Belmont sttect, a daughtet. .1. Llebeiman, the popular telephone man, passed Sunday In Scianton. W. 11 Johnson and John Buiko slat t toi St. Louis tonionow, on business. Mossi lj. j. Shannon and M. .1. Mm pity spent last evening in Forest C'itv. .Mr. and Mis. H. S. Uoiiham and son, Ftank, of Chestnut avenue, ate islilng In White'.s Valley. Miss Annie I'lonin, of Fallbtook Mi eel, is untet taiiiltis her sister, Miss Winnie Ciouln, of Honesdnle. Anthony Tlghe. ot Philadelphia, a fot mcr lesldent heie, Is seriously III at his home In the Quaker City. JRMYN AND A1AYFIELD. The fuot ball game played on Satin -dav aiteiiioun on fowlci's field, be tween the Houesdale and JeiuiMi High School teams, atttacted sevcial bun dled people, ninong whom weie a fair spt Inkling of ladles. Uulli teams had ptevlously met, and although Hones dale was on that occasion victorious, thi! f,ame was won by such a close maigln that it was thought on Satur day ihe locals would, with the advant age ot pla.ving on their homo gioimds, win the game. In the (list half the pla.ing was so equal that neither side was able to scoie, but In the latter half tho lsllot.s outclassed the locals and ewntuallv won by a score uf 11 to 0. The Jeimyn bo.s' defeat was due to their weak line foiinatlon. They played Tahly good on defense, but le'peatedly tailed to gain gtotmil when opportun ities displayed themselves. The line-up: Houesdale Mm Ian ,lett end: Spettl gue, loft tackle; Munay, left cuatd: Volter, center; Halm, right guaid; Homy, light tackle; Dl.. tight end; Swift, ittint let back; Dill i lull, light haltb.iek; Dlx, left halfback; Stegner, nillback; Smith, substitute, .reimn CiillUths, left end; Tiotler,' left tackle; Nolan, left gu.ud; Ttotter, center: Ptiee, tight guaid; Tennis, Unlit tackle: O'Hrlon, tight end: Mur wiy, nai tot back; HuUdy. tight half back; Lutey, lett halfbaok; Fteas, full bad;; lliowu and Campbell, substi tutes, Iteteiee, Dr. S. H, Moyoi, The tunuial or the little Holls child, the victim of Thut sday night's lite, look place yesteiday afternoon, and on account of the sad clioumstnnces under which the Utile one met death, an un usually latge number of people weie pteseiil. Seniles were held In St. James i:p!seopal chinch by the tector, llev. (,' 13. Fessenden, who meaehed an Impicssivp sennon fiom the wauls found in Coilnthluns, chapter v:l'0, "Hut now is Liu 1st ilseti fiom the dead, and become the Hist Units of them that slept," His refeieiuu to the child's un timely death btought teais to many eyes. Inteuuiint was afteiwauls made in the boiough cemeteiy, The p.ill beaieih were Mau Kowiand, Ilattlo and Mamie Heck, limy Douslier, An nie Hogutth and Hilda Stevens. The llower-heaieis wete tiladys Soby ami Claia Dennett, Dr, II, C, Wheeler, or Carbondale, de llveied a lectuie on "Suigical F.mer Bendes" to the Flist Aid society on Satuiday evening, in addition to the members of the Aid society the lectuie was listened to by a number of others who ute Interested In the society's good wotlc. In the course of the lectin o Dr. Wheeler, by the use ot a iiumber of charts of his own diawlng and by piae lleal demonstrations, showed how to place an Injured mint in the most com putable position for tuinsportntlon, how to stop henionhage of different paits of the body and to lellevo shock. Isaac Benjamin and Kllas Evans, of Vandllnar, spent Saturday evening hcus with friends. John H. Qlbbs, ot West Mayfleld.who somo time aso enlisted In tho United Stales Infantry, left New York last Wednesday for Iho Philippines. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgo Penderod, Jr., of Third sheet, spent yesterday with Providence friends. OLVPHANT. A tegular meeting of tho school board was held on Saturday evening with all members ptcsont except Mr. Dully. A, large number of applica tions for exoneration of school truces wore refoned to the finance commit tee. This Is In necordance to a tc cent resolution, which requires all per sons desiring to become exempt from taxes to state their cases before the board, Instead of to the tax collector, ns hetetofoie. The heating: apparatus In tho First waul school building was leported out of order and the secre tin y dhected to communicate with tho manufactuters to have an cxpcit come on heie to remedy the defects. Tho sccretaty was also Instructed to no tify ex-Tax Collector Hoban to come before the next meeting of tho boaid with a list of exonerations for the yoais 1818 and 1S09. The following bills were passed: Atherton & Sut ton. 70c; James J. Lynch estate, $112.25; Oylphant light plant, $7.00: American Hook company, J3S.33: John Dempsey, J'J.OO; Peter Ingolsby, $3.00; twelve dl lectois, one day attending Institute, $3.R0 each. Prof. Cummlngs teported that the (total em oilmen t. for (the month of October was 700 and the average attendance CSS, an Increase of T over last year and the highest at tendance yet retained In ithls bor ough. Tho Hxcolslor Hose company, at a meeting held Fi Iday evening, elected the following ofheers: Ptesldent, T. Frank Jordan: vice president, George .1. Ferguson; ttcasuror, C. M. Hatha wav; secretary, D. c. A'oylo; foreman, John It. IVttigrew; assistants. M. n. O'Hnjie, T. F. .Ionian: nemen. M. V.. Dardls. Wllllnm Kelly, Arthur Petti-! Blew, I.ottls Zttkrm, David Williams, P. McLsren: trustee, John J O'Malley, Ceotgp Fctguson, Frank P. McLaugh lin. Agents for the Tockawanna Tele phone company have been In town tho past few davs canvassing for tele phone Mibsctibets. Thiy have met with great success and already ncatlv httv names linvc been rectuod. The new company Is charging $2 per year J i or seivice tn ptivate toFiaencos ana ,'JG pei veai for !iism."-i houses. The wotk of electing poles and wires will be commenced ns soon as the neces. snry light of way Is seemed In this boioiigh. It Is expected that an e change will be established here. The boiough t ottncil will meet this eenlng. The season of loilv hotits' devotion wa commenced in St. Patiick'j chuich at S o'clock jestetday moin lng. with a high mass new Father MiCallen, of Haltimoie, was celebrant. At 10 20 nviss was cclebtated by P.ew P. J. Mtuphy. In th" evening, an eloquent and Instructive discourse was delivered by Father MeCallen. The devotions will be btought lo a closd tomouow. PECKVILLE. Mr. and Mis. Hdwaid Aldilch, of Tripps Patk. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. v. J. p.ioad, of Piospecl stieet. Chailes Whiting, of Cemeteiy stieet, Is veiy low with tjphoid fever. The Temple Coal and It on company w 111 observe the semi-monthly pay law. The emploes of their Steniek deck collleiy will lecehe their pay on Sat uiday, Vox. 17. Mis. (leoige Hitidick, ol Main stieet, who lias been ill of typhoid foer for some time, lins suffeied a i elapse and Is now dangeiously 111. Mis. O. D. Secor Is quite ill at her home on Cemeteiy stieet. Mr. and Mis. S. II. Ui iggs spent Sunday with their son, Mr. H. H Hi lggs, of Carbondale. The ne'l tegular meeting of the lioai d of tiade will be held Wednesday evenlng. All membeis aie icnuested to attend. Theie will be a meeting ot the bor ough counoll at the borough building this evening. A legular meeting of the Wilson Fire company will be held nt their moms Tuesday evening. JESSUP. The O1lent.1l foot bull eleven, oC .Sctanton, delented the Jesssup team hi a one-sided kiihip yesteiday by the scoie or lti-0. The Jesbiip Ilitjli Hchool Ilugby team me makliiff aiinncrcinents for a botlal, to-be held ut St. James' hall, Nocem nor 28. MeswiH. Jllthael McAndiow and W. .1. Scnnlon have letuined home tionr Ohio, ivheic they huvo been employed iliuliiK tho lecent sttlUe. Air. nnd Mi s. Mlehnel Coleman, of lljde P.uk, aie vlsltlner fi lends In town. The St. James .conKiesnllon Is mult Intr aiianseniunts for it festival, to take place nt St. James' hall, Novem ber 20. The loiunilttoe In chareo la leaving nothing: undone to make It tho sreatcht event of the nelson. I!. .T Mcduil, of Sctanton, was vl.sit liiff fi lends In town yesterday. .V latpo numbor of our townspeople heaid the sennon given by llev. J. S, MiC'alleit, S. S Inst evenlngr at Ht. Pat iluk'h chilli Ii, Olyphunt, Miss I.IrkIo C'annlff. of Sciantott, was visiting telatlves In town yestotdav, Mlbs Kutlo llioffiut, of Archbald, Is vl.slthiK ftlcndb In town, Thonuis I.angnn, of South So.uiton, Is vlhllluK ftlunds heie, John Dougher, of Jerniyn, was a caller In town Inst evening. Tteeno atlfllths was In Hoianton hut evening. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative nromo-Qulnlne Tablets cute a cold In one day, No Cute, No I'ay, I'tlce 25 cents. GOULPSBORO, Mis. Keillng Is spending tho week In Now Yotk, buying Christmas goods for Mrb. S, A, Adams' btote. Dr. Hurwy, of Westlleld. N. J bpent pait of last week lth Mr. and Mis. llitivey, Miss Anna Ciooks has elected a handsome monument in Lehigh ceme tery, In menioty of her patents, Mr. and Mis. John Ciooks. Mrs. Sltlnucillng, of Thoinhutst, Is vlbltlug her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Matthews. W. L. Haivey bpent Friday at New Yotk. We mo sotiy to lose one of our e. JONAS LONG'S SON9. Our Thanks to Food Show Patrons. We would not feel tht the Exhibition which closed here Saturday night would be complete without a vote ol thanks to the many thousands of personages hi Scranton nnd vicinage, who helped j to make it so complete and interesting a success. We are grateful for the appreciation and confidence . beitowed. If it has put you in touch with Foods of the better variety, we are very glad. Wc do not think the Pure Food Show will soon be forgotten. It has been an bxhibltion worthy of the store and of the city. But it Is over now. Today the store awakes on the rush o! a busy winter and holiday season. It is well prepared for it well prepared for you. Specials for Monday; Domestics. MUSLIN, unbleached, full yard the 6c kind Monday for MUSLIN, unbleached sheeting, ular 18c kind Monday for PILLOW CASES, full 40x36 with i2c kind for MUSLIN, line bleached and full kind Monday for CANTON FLANNEL, extra heavy, unhleached, 32 inches wide, the i2c kind Monday for BLANKETS, extra heavy weight, full size 11 1-4; splen didly made and finished; regular $1.33 Blanket, pair, for Monday VC SHAKER FLANNEL, full width, extra heavy, fine A quality. Special Monday, yatd 4-2C HORSE BLANKETS, good quality and nicely made, t , the regular S1.75 kind Monday, pair ( 1 5d Dress Goods. PI-AinS, A Bollil cp of 1I011M0 fiilil IM1I1U ill icry protlj "tjlrsj cheap nt -'JL Vcrj- tprclnt for toilav 2 III:MIIKTTA, full ao-lnch wide ami ful inlor; Kllk flnMioil, cxcrllont ncijrlil In a Mipub Miigc ot colnrliiR? a ui-cial, j.ml "w VWVa, HAITI PI VIDS, the ginuinp Frnuli In the lliusl iiuiilci anil lii-it ot (ol olliifjc. ui Hi up ti 41.iV) i .nd Bl). pciiil Slpnilij ot OSK, CLOVKIXOS full 5(1 iinhci ldi, pitir wind iiiipmlcil ilouMngs cxtu lioa wdklil; till in iliolip oolorinss S-po- I)Sr 1I1I pir jaul "O"' Notions. nnr-'- si ys sulllll Mlll, M'l 5c l'INS !.ciiuiiiu Ailjiiiuiliiio; futii pi- Br lulkftl '' MU'IIIM: Oil, puio .mil ilnf, pu i bottle Bli'llO.VS fnif.i trhninim;. tur c,. dozen J- mtU.-ll lltMll.Nf:, I10M quallti. ,n An Mill) "w CMITI.lt l.i:N-(.lllS of luwt mall- QC SPOOb tOITON. RronkN Ul xird -5- FIMMII'I) BH Ml), lt ipidlli. An pkt "l Jonas tlmable joiing ladies, Miss Oetttude lfager, who has accepted 11 position as htenogiaphoi In New Yoik. The th si snow of the season fell Filday mot nlng, which was followed by rain and high wind. Nelson Oeaiy, of i:.iston, Is the guest of his alhler, Mis. G. CJ. Smith. Mis. llnnlet Wolfe is making esaun &ie tepaits to her lesidence on Main stieet, I'lection dav passed eiy nuletly. The otf polled was Ml Itepublli an, 1G PemoLral, I Prohibition. TAYLOR. Ue.ith iciuoieil fiom our midst one of T.i. lot's pioneer tuMdcnts when lames Alonis, sr., passed away nt his home on Grove stieet at 1.30 o'tloik .Satuiday morning. For thhly jears ho had le.slded In this town nnd in that time made many filen'l". De eensod 'Vas bout in nienmnin, Wales, 111 t, -eight jieais oso. lie is mnheil by a wile and sK clilldten, luiinely: .Mis. John P. Ftancls, Mis. Tallin ililtllths, .lames, William and Miss Jeitiude, of this place. Tlte lalter Is .1 teacher In one of our boiough schools and MNs Susie, u milliner, of Sen rin ton. The funeral will take place thla afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be held nt the lamily tcsldence. In terment will be made in the Wash burn street cemeteiy. Hyde Park. Mis. Nelson Lowiy. of North Main .ilreet, while engaged In her household duties on Saturday, fell 11 distance of twenty feet and sustained scilouu Injuiles. She was engaged at the time In dusting cm pot on a potch adjoin ing tho house, when the guaid Kill gave away. Her Injuiles consisted of a dislocated hip and other minor bruises. Ptofessor I'lmnlty, uf thu School of l.ackuwaiinna, Seiawton. addiessed tho coiigiegatlon or the PiesbytQllan ilnii eh estotd.iy moinlng. Pi of. l'lunilsy Is an able speuker; his ad dress was Instinctive and entertain ing, and his heat 01. s weio well pleased with the discourse. Kveiy member of tho T.ucka wanna lodge, No. US, Amen lean IMotestunt association, Is m gently leiiuesled to be present nt tonionow evening's ses sion to welcome the worthy gitind master, Wllllnm Hpenee, nnd stalf of giand lodge ofllcets, fiom Phlladel phlu. Mr. and Mis. John ileynohls, of West Scranton, were guests of rela tives horn yesteiiliiy. Miss Kate Wllttois, of Itullio.id sticsr, visited Miss lit owning, of Helle ue, yesteiday. Mhses Annlo anil l,UtU' Williams Messrs. J, S, Inglls, Philip WnlKlna and Ar, It. Wllllums. weio guests of Misses Ada and Suslo ndwards at Mount Dewey ye3twlay. Mlsaes ,IInniiah Powell and Unh UvaiiH visited lelatlves ot the fot mcr In Uellovua yesterday, The work of laying tlw pMh-s In posl. lion of tho Pond stieet sower Is pio grossing lapldly, Street commissioner Han Is Is supet Intending tho wink. Miss Maiuii! Prancls, of Illoomsbiu h Noimal school, Is home to attend the funeral of her giandfather, Emblem division, No. 57, Sous of Tempeiance, will meet In session this evening. Miss Ida Speiber, of Taylor stieet, was the guest of ft lends In I'oil.vllle, yesterday, Mis. William Divls uiul daughter, Miss Elizabeth, of South Scuinton, visited at the homo of their son, Mr. Pavld M. Davit,, of Main atu'l. yes teiday. Mr. TUchaul Uendull i-pent yisteuluy at the homo uf his patents, ltev. and Mrs. Francis Gendall, ot Peckvllle. JONAS LONG'S 90N8. wide and fine In quality, A J 42C full io 1.4 wide, the reg- t 1 1 Z2C handkerchief border; the 9c yard wide, the regular 7c 52c 8c Cloak Department. WlIM't'I'ltS of iiiponor ipiallty of tjlno, with pl.ilti1 lucks Nitc assorlniont ot mini, flzo XI tu 14. 'tho 7.',t. kind A On tnd.1v Jt "7W 1'tiU UlLIAltr.ni: .mil kctih, irliniiicil Willi daitci of Kildc tails liotli Unlit anil link kinds IniiiiNoinc otdn C Oft Worlli i.Z0. spend toihy .. t.vo (l)M-! for l.idut and nilmp ot Itnp all wool Uiri ilolli In all tho popular hi'ih,, lined tluouiJioiit. tlist) slorm nllau .sploiiriiil t line 111 S7.VI. S)ftial ec )Q toihi il PU.-'U Underwear. (lUilliNM'lOV M'lli. I.idle-' Onnlt suili In '.'i.n, uui .ut 1 1 ! 1 0 ; Hi-.' bi-t on ttie mikt'l .0 the iiui'. Tin.' "iCl. lCr iiuilitv lodij foi 0&1 M SIS AND PVNTN fo- l.idiei; lieun flicnd and iMilluit uiiulil. uy fipuul AQn m3 fm yw. Hosiery. I till. IlKI .W hen.i idilied and tililly f-t lihik iluikliiit". Mill "Ilk Itu'rings; pi rat iM'iiiinr rpnllliM: ala' :!k. a in, pan speihl iy MKN'S ill wool and xtiiitli fict bluk Sods, in heaw ict.lit. spmal, pn- 17.-. pih 1 V. . 1 Long's Sons THE MARKETS. Satin day's Stock Quotations. The following qiiotitlom are fiirnlihtd The Trillion lij M. .s .lord 111 i. Co, rooms TOJ-TOD Heirs liullillng. sirintoii, I'i. 'Iclephoue flillH: Open- HIrIi- tow "los inj ist. et in;. Alllllll III surfn 1,1't ,l;, i,ls IJV-( Auiiiiiaii 'liiliuv' HM'i l"''h MK ( IlK. .. (,l Uu-I II l 11 11 ('., II. V. O IHij 114 HIU H-ll si. Paul Mi UJ'i 121 's 122 Hoik Mnml lPi'.i I!'.1.. II.! lFI'i i.oik irtiiu 111, a ii a n" i'.i Dilawau- uud Ilnd-uii lift lit.' -1- I In Ilil'a I I lit I ill lilt I l '4 I ' ft I T'i, I'ul. .-till, I' (i'k 77 711', 7ij'i Kan. T'., Pi .'i'i ",".4 .'ii Kj l.tuii .V. .Ni1 7'i'4 7n"i 7li'n illV-i Mini. I'.li'vilid ins ins"', KW'i 107i Mil. Traction US'i K.STu J07". 111711 M.i-,0 Pacitlc Vl'i (,0 t8 .VPi IVople'K !a-. D'Hi 111114 iH'k I'sTf , I, I'cnllil I tT'j lis l.'il'i H7"s Soiilhiiil I'ailfli' Ill'i ll'l tOU JPii Noitnlk J. Wi-t I0?h 41 H lil-tii 40 Nnilliiin I'.uili 2",, I.I di'i. I,2i Noilh I'uilii'. IT. 7ii!J 7dH 7,-' 7ili V. V. Cinliil 117i 117'h Tl7'4 1 .7 Out. A Wcteiii 2I4 'IU "I 24ii I'uini. II. It 1 .n'j 1i'ii l.'.s's l!0i; I'.ullic Mill IS ;,7 IS .'id lle.idiiig Iti I'i"; Hi' IliU J'i'i lIiMiling III.. I'i Ii2'i 1,2'i lilW I1P1 S..11II1 ll.. I'i .VI;, W2 ',n IJIK. '1 1 tin Coal k Iron .... n7 riSW. uoJl n;ij I', s. leilhci IIH 11; IIH 15 V. .s. f.eiihei. I'i. ... 7:'; 7('i 7i 7iH- L. S. Ilulilmi ij'.j .'17'k .'IVS !iH I 1 luoii l'adlic n.ij (,7J4 U,''. Ml" '11I011 Par Hie, 1 7f 7d T"i 78 Wib.uli, Pr. jPt 21 JHi 2Ki Western I'nlo st ', si M MIW IOIIK I'ltOllftT. IJXClUNCi: PltlChS Open- High- f.n y. CI01 WIIIIM' In;.-. c-.t. est itnr. neunihei VH 711 7')'J 7f M.11 1 M s, st (OIIN. Duemlier 42 1J 12 I2TA May 12 IJ'l I2; tin Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. AIM. Tlltl CV llir II I 1 J "3 ,17' -' Atihiion ',: 8 .ii "j D'a AldiNuii. I'i 7i- 7s 77H '"''a Ituok. Iiactio (il 70 -'4 0S)i lliltn k Ui 'iHa Ml' T'). 7'i'k (Mil. 'Inliiuio : iU .UK "ii1.' dt'i lliis .k Dim i... .2"k .11 i'j W't Hid. AUt Mi) SO) 1)3 4.'.1 U'lu 10 1 50 0 ir. ... ... i( " 300 1ST 100 ... Ill Ui ... 113 ... ... W) ... 10-i , First National Uank bciaidon savlugn lljnl .scranton 1'atMnir Co Tliliil .National Uank I Dune lltpoilt and Ui'iount Hank ,, 1 economy l.lttht. II. f. I'. Co l.fl.!i. Trim Safe Itcnoiil Co S'ranlon t'alnt Co Chik A Snovci Cu,, IT f-iranton lion Fmco &. Jlfir. Co, ... htranlon Alio Works I.nihuujnn.1 Paby Co, Vt County bailing Hank A: 'liu.t Co... Fiitt National llinK (Caruondalc).. .sianlard llrllllnir Co. Traden,' National Hani; Ktrinton Holt and Nut Co F10N11S bcrmtoii 1'asaenitcr tlallwa, llrst Mortisajtc, due HOT l'coplc'4 blicet Riilnay, rlrst moil. (Mire, due tfllb 1'eopU' htreet llJilwjy, (lineiul nmrtsage, rlue IWI tlicUon Manufacturius Co I icka, lunnililp S-choul 0 per cent, City of Scranton bt. Imp. 8 per cent Scranton Tiadlon 0 per tent 10i US Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected hj II. 0. Dale, 27 Ucfcauanna Ave) Uuttei Cieuncr. JJaJlc; dairy tubs, sKc. I'iril Sektt uiiforn, 17c i neiiliy Ulc, ISc. I heete Full iicaiu. lieu, IlljV. lk'Jin-1'i-r 1m , iliuiiu marrow, fJ.IO, medium, f2Si; pea, . :.0. Potatoes BOc. Ciilona oOc. per hu. riaui Heft paltlit, $1 CO. Philadelphia Cattle Maiket. 1'iillaiUlplila, .Nov, II. litcelpti foi the nick: ('alllf, .',lih: slu'ip, 7, PIT ho. 0.J1J. ( attlo liurkil boo of utun stock, fill iiHpdi,. for (.oikI laltli nlilili uou iatl.il Main", iiti.i, ifVUal.Wj icnud, Wjl .'3; luedluni, ijl.'.'8ijal Tr iinuiim, 41 i'nl r). siKrp and lainln IKtlulilc oltiTini "i io in htutoiialdo ihmand it Kioadj i Unci., ut.IT (oiniiuiocr trail. i dull autt uejU; Iamli4 of Iho better Mln-'lonsi tulett ailhi' j 'Jal'n.j (oiiuuoii, t'jj'Ji.; cpriiuc lanilH. 3a0c, i I04 flood demand. ptiiM slrad.i ; lies! uenteni, iiT'.ic.; other .1 indi, (HiaTc; itato Iiorh, not vlTerid. Fat coiw, in light linjuio t 'Ja:!1!!'. J JON A3 LONQ'S SON9. vS1 I Millinery, TOtlltlsr IIATsS tor hillra' nnit mlsic In v forlcd rolnrn with polkadot li.uuh, lQn icry fpe1l.1I " TRtSIMF.D HATS In the err iirwcut effctU ami tichrpt ikslgns; the $3 00 C- OR klml, tptclal at 4X.yO ClllI.nitKN'S soft I11U III askortrd coloni, a Kpctlitl lot, umtli i'. cattt, eflr to ea at " Women's Shoes. FIM! MM Kin MIOKSj Io liot rail In all kIjIci, oIoi nnd ldtln; light, incdluiii ami heaiy nolo?. Kciy pilr Ruaranteeil; north worth $2.(10 anil Mry pcclal for C f OR today at l.VO Toweling. KirCIlKV CIMf.ll. n hitr anil (.peciil lot of it for Slondiy's f lllnc. llleachid, iinbleathcd and fanry thciked, with plintv IwyTbc. all vho come today at, per ard.,,.'70'' Groceries. HAMS, lipt miv,nr cured, WQlLf prund y2'- JUCKr.ftl.b; wlrrttil Vo. 2. 10 pound AVn pall foi t' ( Ol) I'lsll, absolnlv bonder; 2 lb. ''1 hov for j6C Mill Ml. lxnt granulated, 17 C 1 f( pntituls for '"" I'lll'NES, urn-, cholin anil meaty; 5 '2Kn pounds for iwW CltVCKKltS !-odt'i crUp and tender;' r lioiind HON'F.V, niw ohicr, full wclKht OKn liue, 2 for "'?' 3IAI.T DKHAKFASr rOOD, special; 2 11 lilihagis for ' ItOfJ.hl) OATS, cleaned, no hulls; 1r 10 pounds ''" PKS, challenge brmd, early June, tin per can CHICKt.V JfACKF.RUf,, tn wint "20c ciucc; fine, per can " xcal catie-i, aitio ami tinner at SaVlic.l mllih limn ot tho licit kiniN, sold rcadil) from $.ISa3a; dies'-ed steers, S'ila'lc.; dressed cows, Ui7?ic. Buffalo Live Stock Market. I'nit lluffelo, Nov. 11. Receipt Cattle, 155 ian; sheep, and Iambi, 33 cirnj hogs, Hto cars shipuunU Cuttle, 129 cars; iheep, 20 can; hrntH, li i ir. Cattle s(nd. Catven, choice to cxtri, S7,7.",H. limbi, choko to extra. ii',.2."iao Id. hlicc Choleo to ctia, ?4i4 25. Hopra Medium and heai j, s; j; EMBALMED IN HISTORY, One Veteran of the Great Conflict Who Carried Scars. In a cettain skirmish a colonel (gen eral hu came to call himself) cot a slight scratch on his lep. The wound wan a matter of great glory to him, says the Chicago Inter-Ocean, and ho nursed It through afterdays, growlnq lamer with every year that the mem ory of his braiery might ever be neitr him. One day, late In his Hfp, as ho sat nut sing his leg and pondeilng tho glorious paft, a young man, vlsitlnR the family for the first time, ap proached and sympathetically ie niarked: "Lume, General?" "Yes, sir," alter n pause, and with Inexpressible solemnity; "I am lame," "neon riding, sir?" "No," with lebuking sternness, "I hae not been tiding." "Ah, slipped on the ice. General?" "No, sir," w Ith actual ferocity. "Perhaps, then, you have sprained jefur nkle, sir?" With a pilnful slowness the old man lifted his pet leg In both hands, set It carefully on the floor, rose .sloiily front his chair, and, looking down upon the unfortunate youth with mingled pity and wrath, bttist forth In the sublim ity of rage: "Go tead the history ol your countiy, you puppy!" California Exclusions. Leaving AVashtngton every Monday, Wednesday and Filday at 10,4,3 p. m.. via Southern Hallway, New Tourist Sleepers, " poisonally conducted, go through to San Francisco with out change of cats, conductors or portct's, The toute Is through Atlanta, Mont sonieiy. New Orleans, Houston, San Antonio, Now Mexico, Arizona and Southern California, Tho cais aro the vry latest pattern of I'ullman Tourist Sleepets, .bhch-wood finish, hlgh-back seats, sixteen sections, .supplied with linen, etc,, same ns standard sleepers, lighted with I'lntsch gas, wide vestl bule, double sash, i oiler curtains, lavtitoiy and smoking 100111 for gen tlemen, and two tetlilug looms lor ladles, Tin oc and oiie-lmlf days to Mexico and Ailzonu, four days to l.os Ansoles and flvo'dnjs to San Ki.uii'Isco, The Tmnlst Car fate Is lers than U any other loute, saving from 523.00 to $30.00 Tor the tilp. ('has, I.. Hopkins, IMsttlct Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, s.'s uhest iiuo stieet, Philadelphia, Pn will bo ideased lo fuinli.li all Infoi tuition. Hetedlty, "Hut U U un ildgiua " "Si, noiidi' Hu dioi Iu i u.n .uili a mei) butlcitlj!" "IndiLill" "And In I fallui un a icjulai lolntii' ' i:cn the iiuarl k'I, play obsrite, aiv nut alio" Killior exempt lioni Ihe subllo law of heredity. Hetifllt loiunal. Mis. Wlnslow's Soothing Syiip IU Uui u.nt for our I'llTV VHMtS by MILLIONS ul MOTIIKIO for theli L'HII,)R; S1I1 K TKKTIIIMI. Willi l'iall'hl.T OUCCKss It tsOOTMU Ibe CHILI). SOHLNs th. IJU1I.S ALLAYS "ll I'AIV, ' "IlKs MM) COLIC, nuj (a the bc.t rcmidy' foi IHA IHIIOKA. bu!d I,? Prugitnta In ciery pait ol ilia not d. e su and aW tor "Mi. ttlmlow' faootldnj; Syruu," and lake no other kind. Tttcnty-flte trllu u bottle. va 'A ?& -vJ i.WMtiM .m i .. v JM , I a x'