y ' -i . - J , s T y? ft. if H .", ' U 3 THE SORANtON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, 10 NOVEMBER 12, 1900. ',' I . IfK Dr. Hand's Condensed Milk With I'lirjiphnt anil tiypoptiosph tes Added. 'Best Milk lor Family Use. ' "Bib e Thrive On it Siianlon, l'a., Aug, Dili, 1000. Dr. Hind Condensed Milk Co. , . . Gf ntl'inttit Your condmvil milk, ttlilih inv ujuplitcr h.n hern fecdlhft her Imby luce )oU Noiomber, lias stilted him Wonderfully well, filii fid It lo lilm ns vion us nil" wunid! him. He win then a yctr old. Ho tin liailitulliliiR lint unii tnllk, am h now 21 month old. Ho wants no oilier food. Ho Is well nnd slronfr, una In porfict I11.1HI1. Tor table uc or cooklni; my firnlly prefers jours to uny ulhcr brand of comlcmcd milk, Yours cry trnlj-. 9 ItlClfAltD MOIIXS, Methodist Minister The Dr. Hand Condensed Hi Ik Co., Scran ton. Pa. GAME WITHOUT ANY SCORING BOBANTON AND DINOHAMTON HIGH SCHOOLS' TIE MATCH. Ttte Two Elevens Met Saturday Af ternoon and the Close of the Dny Found the Score 0-0 John Hornn'o Work a Feature of the Lnfayettci Pennsylvania Game, Which Ke sultcd 12-5 for the lied and Blue. Indians Scalped by Yale nnt! Har vard Boat Brown. The SuiuiUon ami Jllnglitiiiilnti High mjIioo! uIuvuiim .Saturday afternoon battled on tliu Atlilullu iiuk trrliliinn, and tho und uf the two halves found the bull near the miter oC the Hold, with neither Hide having scored. In tho .second half Captain Tropp of tho local team, carried the hall over ft 0111 the fifteen yard Hue, but the IMrlur City representatives .stubbornly de flated that at the time of the play the ball was dead. The 1 eft-res. they declared, had not ,'lvcn the .signal lor piny and they weie off guard and entliely unpre pared for the midden ileiee onslaught of tfje Kcrnnton players. After some discussion High school yielded the point, nnd on the oal being put into play, weie held lor the necessary number of downs, and It was Blng liamton's hall. Tropp and Weissenlluh were High .school's chief ground galnjr.s. The Hect-fooied Kcianton captain made .several pretty end runs, nnd played, in fact, Ills usual liillll.int game. Weissenlluh, the heaviest und biggest man on thj team, continued the same Hue line-bucking game that be has been playing thioughout the season. Harry Vntighan, at right end, put up his tustoniiiry stiong game, tackling low and bald and diving through the IntcUeience time after tinip, to get Ids man. Klvumd also distinguished himself. Ames, the lilnghaniton left half-back, nlm lias played with the eleven for several seasons, did well on the of fense, and the entire Parlor City elev en put-up a fast gingery game, which was beautiful to witness. Seranton led In offenshe work throughout and during the greater part of the game was in possession of the pigskin. Whenever the goal lines appeared al most In the reach of the Seranton warrlois, however, their opponents' line braced strongly and Seranton was unable to break through and score the sought-after five points. The teams' line-up follows: Iliivh.iiiihjii. HikIi School. ' lili- iikIiI twl V.iuKhati Drju right tacklo i:.Min l.itur liirlit mind Kluoml fiMiinn cmtci "ltlmltz Wultcrs, .1 Iofl guild ' in (.orJi i Allerfoii left tackle WVi-suilhih l.C'.idti' left end Powell wlirgnii quirlcr bilk O'llfllly Wnllfi-, r tight half William., 1110. leil I1.1K linip. I'.inull full lu.k PhilliiH 'I imoker pel v- I'u.fo-.rir .1. I.'. Ilanti. pilmipil llliiKli.initoii hii.li sihool. -ind C. II. Nivkr. liftcreo Pawd Hin-. l.iiu-simii -iih.iiti imd MiPuiiild. Games on College Gridirons. Lafayette Saturday afternoon met the Univeisily of Pennsylvania at Phil adelphia, und at the close of the after noon's fuiioiis struggle the Eastonians U to 0 victoiy of last year was avengeel and the lied and Ulue Haunted gaily In the breeze and thousands of strong young voices shatteied the atmospheio with ehreis for Captain Tiuman Trux 1011 Hare and his gallant men, whose famous guard.-.-lmck play had met a similar formation and proved lis sit perleirlty to the tune of V2 to o. John Hoi. m. the ex-Scinnton High school plnyei1, was .stationed nt the Lafayette left giurd, taking the pluc; of Tioul, the Jluroons' gieat llne plunglug guai il. Horan has played tackle dining the majoilty of his games this season, but his woilt Saturday showed lilm fully capable of handling the guaid position. With Full Hack Cure he was the greatest ground-gainer of the Lafayette team. His tackling was strong and sure and his agility remarkable for a large, bulky man, No loss than suven fumbles by Pennsyl-' vanlnns weie tuken advantage of by the Seiantonlan, vho fell on the bull on each occasion. Horan's woilt was the feature of his teum's woik nnd stamp ed him one of tho gieat guards of the country, I-afayotto scoied fan minutes after jlay started by rushing tho bull down tho Held to within a few feet of the line, when Cure's signal was given anil the big full back crashed through the Pennsylvania detenso for the touch down. The punt-ouf for the goal was muffed, and the extra point was for feited. Ponn then reoveteel and dur ing tho remainder ofi the half tote pieces in tho Lnfayetto line and sent Hodge over tho line for the touchdown, lrom which Hare kicked tho goal. In tho second half Hodgo again scored nnd Hare kicked another goal. Captiln flordon Drown and his slur-, dy Yaleslnns brought woe to tho hearts of tho Carlisle Indians Haturday by swamping tho led men under the score of 35 to 0. "Lo, tho poor Indian!" howled tho mhthful Now Haven roof ers all tho afternoon as the eopper hued, broud-shoulderod Aborigines un successfully attempted to buck tho Yale line or skirt tho ends. Two at tempts at field goals wcro tho Indians' only menaces to tho Ell line during tho afternoon. Hole and Slimpe, two of tho Yale stars, were out of the game, Dupeo, who illled the former's pluce at full back, put up a magnificent game and the splendid wotk of FlncUe, tho ex-quurter, at half back, was a revela. tion to tho coaches. A successful double pass enabled Half Back Barry, of Brown, to take the nva over the Hamad line Saturday nnd scoto the touchdown which, with Melenily's goal, gave tho , Providence men six points to tho Crimson's eleven. During the llrat half of the game neith er side scored. Captain Daly, Sawin, Ellis, Hallowcll and others of tho Har vard regular 'varsity men, were out of tho game, which is accountable for Brown's score and Harvard's not run ning up more points. Captain and Half Back Washburn played a splendid game for Brown. Other Games. Cornell, 2!ij Obcrlln, 0. Annapolis, Hi State College, 0, Northwestern, G; Cljlcugo, 0. Syracuse University, 6: Dickinson, 0. Bucktiell, ;is; .Susquehanna, 0. Lutrobe, C; Dunucsno C. and A. club, 0. Gridiron Dust. Edsall Simpson, the son of Warden W. T. Simpson, Is playing a splendid ipiarterback for the Mansfield State Nounul school. The latter team re cently administered a crushing defeat to the Ttinkhannock High School by the score of 29-0. Abhatlchio, tho Italian bnsc ball player, who for awhile covered second base for Philadelphia, Is playing full back for the Larobe professional font ball teum. In Saturelay's game With the Duqtiesne C. nnd A. club team, Ab hatlchio kicked a goal from the field, the onlj score 01 the game. Christy Matthewson's work on the Hucknell team Satm day against Sus I'liehunn.i was the feature of the day. The big Factoryvllle fullback made two 75 and 50-yard runs and in addition punted admirably, severaltif his long kicks, with the assistance or the wind, going seventy yards. OFFICIAL COUNT OF LEGISLATIVE VOTE First Legislative District. WslttllM". 2 C. " S u fy - 2 o S K 1 11-I w.inl, 1 ir-t del uir 10 I irst mini, Ninml ili-t, 377 W 17 l"i -.t u ill, Tliinl diit 10"i frf. 7 l'llst uillil, lollltll ilM 1(W liS 4 I'li't ward, Tiflli dist !3 llfi 0 Siinnd w.iid, 1'lnl dist 102 l'l h SiKIld lid, Suond dial 2J0 llil 10 "eeoml u.iid, 'Jlnul dist 112 111 !l SliuiiiI n.m, l'oi'ilh dist I 70 Uil ." Stioml waid, I'lfth di-t 11) Jiki .... 'Iliird ward, l'ii-l diit I 11 M'i,.... 'Ibiid Mird, SioikI dit i 111 1S2i.... rouith wait!, PiM clW ' 132 41 21 IVmitli .inl, Si-eijiiil rii-l !Sl 75 ." 1'iiurlli waul, Tliinl rli-t ! It.'l' 17S s I'llllltl W.lld. I'ollllll 15I .III"! ill1 If Tilth w.'U'. Hut di-t OK I II'1 I'lfth ward, Sfnml ih-t 2t:i! "I, 1- I'lftli ward, 'Ihinl di-t 2U2 U7 In Tilth waid, fonitli di-t ' Ins' iw o sitli ward, I'lrf-t ilUt , i u, 21s, MHi ward, Second ilM I 121 lftl1.... rourteentli w-aul, 1 list dMI ' ll" 1 1 .' 1 Pourtrfnth ward. &.rond dial HOi 11.1,.... Filtrcnth ward, Pit dut 'Ji,2 11" Id Piftci'nth waid, hetond dist I 1H7 Hi II Picblcinth waid l I2U,.... T rnt -flrl waul, first (list f J00 HI t rwiiit-fii,t w lid, Second ell.l S) 121, I, UlKllliiUO, 221 Ui'jnoMV plurallle 3m). ..,.. . Second Legislative District. DHTiticis. s r s; II? Ul Seventh waidTpirt"ditrr.....rrT s"Uf 1 Se'M'iitli ward, ,onJ ilist 5 S8 .... SoNiiilli waul, Tliinl dist S5 151 .... KiKlitli ward, Past dist 124 lib.... KUIitli waid, hiiond dist j;,o J.'MI t Ninth wind, first dist -n , Ninth ward, Si'miid dit 110 00 1 N'imli w ml, 'Hind dil. jK'l M S Tenth waul, Pilot ih-1 12 70 r, Tcnlli ward, Si'i oinl ihst 20fi IS Plcwnth ward, riii-t dist 207 13fi ;i i;iccnth waul, s'uond dist l(i.t 72 2 Klexcntli waul. Third dM 4f l.VS 1 Twelfth waid, Pint dist 10 244 .... Tuilftli waul, Second ilbL 10 Ifti 1 'Iliirtemlli wind, Kilst ilisl IDS 110 It Thirteenth ward, Scioinl ilit a.'IU SI 27 Tlilrtitntli waid, 'Ihinl dist in 75 0 SlUccnth waul, Pirl dil i(-, 102 1 Shtee'iith ward. Second dist ISO ill .... Seii'iiUentli w,ud, Kir3t dlt 2il 10i 1 SfMiiteenlli ward, Suimd dist ujl f,i) ,-, s.enU'entli ward, 'Ihinl dist 141) SJ n Nineteenth waul, 1'iisl ilst 175 171 Niiultenlli wird, .Nniiinl dNl lfi 211 (I Niiiiteintli waul, Thiul dlsi us, 171,.., Niuitii'iilh waul, Poiiitli dist Ill r 'l Twe'iitletli waul, Plrsl dlsi 7,1 200 2 Twentieth ',ml. hi fond dut (17 2.".li 1 Twriuietli waul, 'Ihlid dist 41 1.10,.,. Tweiillttli waul, Pourlli dist rr, Iil2 .... Hill WW 11.1 S.heuers pluiallly 3.i" Third Legislative District. d IlISllllClS. "". u- I 3 8 -! J Ile'litoi 7. 120 jei 22 Chfliili 11 11 .... Onliulim 01 10 7 llilli 12J 2; 11 (lle'idii.rn I'i 1 2d tlnillil-lmrn 10' II,,.. (Jieenllild , 102 211 111 I.ickiwanniSoiitli IIMilit ,. II 1117,,.. 1 : -1 iiuniet n ,ti it N'oitheal illstiKt iij Ml li 1 .s. i.lliwist district ,,,,. 12 12l 2 I.a I'liiiiie ;il h U lahlMli 21 7 1 Madison 127 1VI 17 ! .Mn.i-li' iioioi.kIi 15S 150 17 Newton m; y, Si) ! NV1M1 Abintcn ,., so It 10 I Old P011;'' ton nshli , 1 11 ,,,, ' Old Pow Pilst district 1711 218 2 Suond district 2 11 1 Pnurth dlstriit 120 l5 111, Hansom Pirst district 27 .ifl 37 Second Uhtilct 11 10,,.. I Hcott 101 7.1 10 i Serantun SKtli ward, Third dist ,, 243 41 ft Spline; llrool; iu 11 ft booth Abliiiftun First dUtilet ,.,, K0 0 111 Sicioul district 8 10 47 ' "llilrd district .,,,, :o I) 22 Taylor First waul ,.,,, ft I 01 1 Second ward 7(1 m 12 llilrd ward , , 7'i so U Fourth ward , , S:i 44 12 Plflli ward ,,,,,., 5rt Mil u Waicrly ,, ..,, 65 ,17 20 Wct Ablution ,, , 24 7 10 2590 1S0S "457 James' pluullty , , ,..,,.,.. 782 BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ...MANUFACTURED BY,.. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO, tWJiOTB THE NAME. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QVICK RETURNS Fourth Legislative District. l)tSTIttCT3. Archlultl l'lrit word, Kim dist.,. First waul, Second dlt ., Hcrond ward, FImI dlt Thltd ward Illaliely First ward ,,,,.,,.,, .Second ward ,.,......, Third ward Carbondtlo townlmlp X, W, dist,,, Northeast district ,.,,...., Curbondalc First ward, First illit,. First ward. Third dist , Hetond ward, Flmt dist Second wiul, Second dist ...... 1'econd ward, Thltd dist Third ward, First dlt Third ward, Second dist Third wird, Third dlsi Third ward, Fourth dist Foutth ward, First dist Fourth ward, Second dist Fourth ward, Thltd dist Fifth ward, First tlUt ."IMh waul, First dlsi sixth ward. Second dist Dickson CIt I'lrbt war J Second waid , Third ward Dunmori Flrt ward. First dist,, ..I Fit st ward. Second dist m i" 1 7S 20 III .17 15(1 .12 27 111' 1 'si 'ii 1U 18 Til 0.1 f. Hi 21 til 71 .17 mi 110 .10 25 ! 57 111 SI 7 K0 .'.0 1711 12 101 M 17 13! 3.1 OS IS 10 ib iai II S2 sn 70 Sociiml waul, First dist .Second ward, Svcond dll Third ward, l'list dist 'I bird ward, Second dlt Third wind, Thiul dist .' Fourth waid Fifth waul Sixth waul, First dlt Sixth ward, Sciond dist Flinliurst Fell tfiuiutiiii Flrvit district Sicoinl district l'ouith district .1 c'lerson .fcrtiijn First ward Sim olid ward Third waul May Hold 01 pliant First ward second wind 'llilrd w ird. First district 'llilrd ward, Second dlstilet .... Puiiilh ward ltoarlnir Hi 00k 'I hi nop Vanillin?. Wlnton Flint ward Sciond waul Third wind 204 110 91 r7 111! ft1 M 70 Ml! l'l ::l 11 I 121 2ti 20 :in r,s 10 hi S7I n 70, 4.1 s1 1S.1 111 110 50 112 (,2 127 . rci" 1H. 11'. list; .".I 2.) lie. co 1 21 Ml 12s 10 71 21 111 Is1 1 !:: ISHI 4A1J l'hilbin'o plurality '"f-ftv-f-f-f-f-f-f-t--t--f : INDOSTRIflL. The Haid Coal Trade. The KnglnceriiiB and Mining Journal says of the March coal tiade: All the anthr.icito rouls are busy getting toi waul cull to localillca while blm.Ks aic .shell, llitall biniuK lias bien xiry llitht oer lite whole counti.v, owing to contlliuil mild weather, but Urtro amounts an- needed to bung nupriHes up to normal, paiticulatly at inlind jinliits, 'lhur aii coinplilnls of car s10il,ici'. pirtindarly ut box cairf for tho lVcbt. Tlits shoitago was mnilusl last jcar, and us '.it diirltiic the Mrl'c w,rc dicirlcd to othci business, it will prohibly take (01110 time to (;et car supply tip to the normal. 'lho milieu ate not riinnintr smoothly .set, and will not bo for a week or two. Sonic mines find laborers haul to get and will hac thiir.output tistrlctcd soiuewl it on this account. 1'hiio are lecal troubles oici docbiye and Initial iriicc. auces, and tlie-e looal titnl.Cs are HUcly,to cause mori' or less tumble nil wintci. Production for October was but &n.Vll tons as compiled with 4.S0O.M1 to-n in Octobci, lfcW, and 2,TiO,iX)0 tons in S'pti'tnbci. The total pioductlor. tot ten mouths is 3I.745.C20 tons, as comiiaiid with :?,. M'i.ImO tons list irar. P.idintlc the 10i produc tion will bo behind that of 1Wi. Tradi- in Chi lao tcuitoi i lis'ht. but .1 Ijirc Jiuount of coil i wanted at ,he di kc 'li.ide at the lie id of ti.e likca Ins al-o fallin ufl. Dealers .110 tiyinj; to pet producers to hull toil foiuaul lirlnn nilnatlon tloaes. At the lowei like poits .mil at all inlnd port. toil is in ,-lcit ih maud ! dcalcis, thou'.h n lr.lt trade is llglit. At Pastcm point ..team b'iis aio in eiy shoit supple, paitiiulaily pea. 1'iicCN .110 gi m rally lioni 25 to 50 ce.ils highci th..n bcfoio tlo siukt. Wo fiu,to rtuicnt pines f. o. b. New Voik hailior polls 101 fu-e-burninic white .tfli .is follow: lltokiu. '$1; eg. 17 1."; stiuo and nut, -l.Vl; pi a, tsl; buckwheat, 2.."ii). lion Market Review. ltuports fiom all fjuarteis show an Inciease of business, especially in founv drj irons, for which largo contracts have been placed. This has led to greater firmness In prices, and there bus been more uniformity in sales. A lr.tv dispatch reports that an inciease of 50 cents a ton will be made on nil rirudec ol Southern pig Iron, but it is doubtful whether this will be enforced. The export season for the Southern fiumces has now set In, as ship room Is abundant at the cotton ports; the trar'o promises to be a large one this yi tir. Uehssuier pig lias been mush mora quiet than foundry irons, but some larger sales of basic pig are noted. In finished material tho demand Is good, especially for bridge and struc tural work, for which large contracts have been placed. The rail question Is still unsettled. A .iientlng of all tho large steel In tel tsts is to be held soon to settle the billet question and some others. Tho lesull is very doubtful, ns there are many conflicting Interests. There has not yet been time to seo what effect the result of the election may have on tho it on trade, but tho general belief Is that it will bo favor nble, Engineering and Mining Journal. D., L. and W. Board for Today. Following Is tho make-up of the Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western boaitl for today: 'Sunday, Nov, 11. WILD CATS SOUTH. 1 a. in. JI. Fiiiiuiy. .'! 11, in. O. llanclolph. 0 ,1, 111, P. Van Wiirmcr, H a. in. W. I). Wailcl. 10 a. 111. P. tilllUan. 1 p. 111. II, T. Stapli-j. a.Wi p. 111 F I,. Itoirs. I 15 . in. II. Dohcrty, SUMMITS. 8 u. 111., noilh llaihpr. s a. iii touth U. Unify, I'UI.LEIt, 10 a. in. Ringer. I'usiii'ns. f.13 a. in., north J. Cibtello, 8 a. 111., south (.'olden, 11..S0 a. iu south Moran. II p. 111,, nouth-ll. V, Tallin. PASicxamt ENQiKr.3. 7 a. m. DafTney, 7 p. in. Stunton. 7 p. in, Mjh'oiern. w11.11 cats kobtil ft a, in. J, II, McCann, 7 a, 111, C, llarlholoincw, H ,1. in. Kile ham, 10.30 a, ni. Swarts. ll.SU 11. m.-Plirpitrlck. 1 p. in. Ilaxier, with Mullcn'4 men, 2 p. in. I.allair, p. m. Hasten'. , 1 1 -Hill. 0 p. in. F. I.. IIorcii. 0 p. in, A. (,'. Iljiunltt. KOTICK. M. Flnncrly takes Vim Vlcll's men. J. (icrrity and crew uud F, Wall and crew will teport at trainiiuitn's offlcc, 10 a. 111,, .Monday, llrakeinan Thoiiins (JI.Miii will no out Tuesdiy, N'oc, id, en Til In 51, In plmu of llrakeinan O'Toolo, II. Uistuer and new will no out Satiitday after noon In place of A. (i Ihmmltt and crew, llrakeinan Pinery Nell will go out Saturday af. tcrnoon with MosUr, In plaro of extra man. The Dickson Miiiiiiracturln:,' Uo, tcrtntonand Wllkevllarrj, I'x, iUiuifiio.urari or LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARV ENGINES KolUrs, llolatlnyind Pumping Macblngry. Qtniral OfBct, Scruton, Pa, WCOH-V'IT- wmm FttiUR naiirr ri "No, I Will Not" That sounds posi- ve, but she was right. or her grocer trie ! o make her take an nferior flodr instead o Kjaswrfsssji'-i mMr Merchant Tailoring It is impossible to get more for your money than we give you. , Others may offer lower prices but they give you ranch inferior work. Some give good work, but exhorbitant prices, Our fac hues are the best, our work the best and our prices the lowest. W. J. DAVIS, 213 Wyoming Ave. Short Sea Trips of two ta fee dijs' duration, arc oliiied by the OLD DOMINION LINE TO Norfolk, Ua. Old Point Comforf, Ua. Richmond, Ua. Washington, D. C. StcatniH tail daily except Sunday fiom Pier 26, Noith Unci, foot of llcach street, New York. lickctn, Including nicaU and stateroom accommodation-, ipll.00 and upward. , For full inform ition apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81 Beech Street, New York, N. Y, II.n.WAl.KER,Tia(.Mgr. .T.iI.nitOW.V.G.I'.A. Heating Stovss, Ranges, ( Furnaces, Oil Stovss, Gas Stoves, M Heaters. - i KS-3CT PENN AVENUB. HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming District for DUPONTS POWDER. UlDlng, lllattlncr, Eportlni,-, Fmokelcsi ind tli Rcpautio Chemical Company's High Explosives. Safety ruse, Carrj and Exploders. Itoom 101 Coo. oell Building, Seranton. AUKN'CIKSl iiios. ponn ,,.,,. nttiton JOHN fi. SMITH & fcON .,,,,.,.,. ...Plymouth W, U. UULUUAN ,.....,,..,,, Wllles-Darr Pfol.D.FJHEELiM.-D.N.n Nl..rkllta.ll.klhl'.. MailriiUtWrtril. (,u t i.iiiec. i, iui. ulitr .11 oi)i r. fni. PRIVATE. PllUSlS.DUCHAHOlJ.IUHHINOS.AlWlJ; lllStS !. nlill lilvlioriumciniedioii . Ci7i. ;.i,n1iru..Miicitsrs.itniiBoiiou- 310JT UANHI90. rli"l HlrTrturrH no uinE.T,V -vctrirtctis.l cl)of.h'i.iiuUicricnreliiCcniiii. . 3ri,U c,ei ct retliq 4 ti U day,. Aiuul cliripnairatai: J 'illy OfftxiiUt a citch. RulglTlimiua,l. Stud f. r K.n,f ?irllitial.l.4now1iin'lacnicil'alVftclrlc3lfriu.t,C tfieiilnieutbyMiiil. Inxlnnl rollrT. T'irrilif 1 vfii4V Connolly SCRANTON'a SHOPPING French Broiidclotlis.Veiietians Extraordinary offerings in high-class dress fab rics have been frequent here recently, and the selling has been almost phenomenal. Monday morning there begins another sale, than which there have been none, here or elsewhere, more advantageous. A special offering of the newest and handsomest of Broadcloths and Venetians, just when they are most wanted. 2,000 yards await you today, 54 inches wide, in 20 of the handsomest colorings we have yet seen. Prices, $1.25, $1.50 $2.00 Yard Some of the colors are old rose, greys, receda, old blue, cadet, castor, golf red, cardinal, garnet, brown, tan, myrtle, navy blue. They are from the best French makers. Superb in quality, exquisite in colorings. r CONNOLLY .. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED IB7S DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital surplus.. $200,000 . soo.000 WJV1. CONNOLl, President. HEINRY BELIN, Jr., VlccPres. WILLIAM tl. PECK, Castaltr. Special attention given to buil. ncss accornts. Three per cent. in. terest pat on Interest deposits. O s WWWsTWsrWW'Wf Lager Beer Brewery Mniinrnclurors ?r OLD STOCK PILSNER N. Ninth Street, SCRANTON PA Telephona Cull, 2333, EUGENE FIELD'S POEMS A $7.00 BOOK Q ven Free to each person IntPfCbt. cd In EUbicrlhms to tho i:uscno KU I J Monu ment Fouunlr I'mid. fmliscrlbo any aiinunt desired. Sulnrrliitlom .14 low as $1 00 uill in. ltlo donor to his dalnt. TlIKll'iolcoftlm fly artistic oluine. ceiiiury.uaim- i-i ,uo 1 1, mv ens" bomolv. I .uh- aiotu hojnd. Sll). as tritcil uy t'lir a ccrtlflcuto of auUicrip-tV-twii of tho tion to fund. flook Orlll Slirc'lll. .milaliw n i, oM If,,, f est Alt "tl, Fleld'i le.t und mo.t representative works and is ready for de ll wry, Due for tho noble contribution of the world's greatest urtlsts thli book rould not hue been nunufactuicd for less than $7M Tho Kiind created Is dhided equally be tueen the family of the late Eugene Field and tho Fund for tho building of a monu incut to tho memory of tho beloved poet of childhood. Addre.9 Uuzcns Fiel 4 n onumint viuventlr Fund Chicago. Ill If j on alo wish to send postage, enclose 10 cents i m w & WALLACE, M CARPETS 1M1 We want you to see the new arrivals in our Carpet Department. We believe we have the most complete stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to bt had this side of New York. A superb line of r wall. PAPeer i I BRASS AND WILLIAMS & McANULTY, 129 Wiomins; Av:nui. iff XilJtri&!tti Umbrellas Repaired Si Florey & 2U Washington Ave. Jftft;- THX SIC POWDER CO. Homs 1 ua2, Com'llh B'l'U'g. OBANION, PA. Hlning and Blasting POWDER Mr4at Mootloaod Rush ltd Works. LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANQE QUN POWDER Klrotrlo U4ttorIes, ICIastrlo Kxplolari, splodlu blast, oafsty Kus i i RfliaiMft TkaMlnal PaU I"1" - n8aUI bRBHCU UB. I EXPLO. VC TS1 lac CENTER. 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUB e I DRAPERIES I cj, METALLIC BEDS I , . , . Brooks, mit&&&300 OR. DENSTCN, 311 Spruce Street. Scram ton. Pa. II cute am Chronic Disease ol Man I. n ah i'sVil l4rn I'nnenltailan hsk.1 1 examination free. Utile Hour Dally ane ' buaJay S a- ns. to p p m. .rti wa i- r.m i -$ I r S w tt t-vC ' v-. J. trf. S"i I C jSJ . j-- T i . - r f-f. -V, tert't r r .y I i. ', f ji twVM M WKWaSAPK 11 3 Trv ft I