"I m THE tfCHANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1900. fl (XI m l 'V V l . ' , NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Specltl In I In- 'tijinlnn' 'I'llmne. lntiliii(.i-. Xnv. !!. McKltllpV'H lillt rnllty In SuM(iiliiinnn county, oIIIcIhI, Is 1,'lS2. t'otiKit'iinmn Wrlfiht ' liruU tin llr-Uet vvltli ii lilmiillly of Ifi'i? Hill. (llllllHliil .. 'iiira- mr i-iiiiHif innn-iil'liiiKi' Iiiih u iiltimllty or I.RI.S. The ultleliil .mint tn not ,ct cniiiplotcd l.w.,in.wtu ill' lIlU II I ll.'ll'l bill Ull til til' vlllilRi' Imll liullilltiir fllinl. ltivm'Vi'(l scats on snip nt MrCnii'landV. The Ui'litllilli'Miit nt" Slintlplinnll.i (utility will Ituvi' n Kraiul all-day Jolll llratloil nvi-r tin1 ili-ctlil! faults on Frldny, Nor. HI. A tin-ul time In an ticipated. Tin- nun i limo of Mli" I'.llzuliolli Hit Hols l.tislc. ymitiBPM tliumlilcr of Mr. nod Mrs. Wllllilin I). 1.111;. In Mr. Stanley Thomas Wlllett. of Slmnitil.v "THn mors uauRim'ii ii. nun-"' i cnmoily ilnmin, will 1)" prosi-iitrcl ."' llii vllnifc lutll on Monday t-inlnpr. In locul lnli'iil, nxslsli'il mill iiiuli'i- III' illiTftlorv or Mr. KiiKoni- lirymit, lnl-' eiilctl iioinr of Xfw Vol If pity. 'I'll'1 ranlon, Canada, look plnro sit "Miut nilL 'IVrrac'L'," the holil'' of the lii'liV's imrcuts on l.nUe aveime, on Tiiesilu..-inni-nliur, Xnv. , the In Ide's rector, IteV. Kelwlli A. W'airlner, iierfoinilllt,' I lit; i;vi rinMi, Kepresentiitlve OtirKO 15. Tllfnny. ' (ilbs'on, and lt'pnsriit:itlvo-ok'Ct Oco. ( lllll, or Sliver Luke, were prominent arrival" In town tlili week. Mrs. Daniel Sayer and her niece, Mls JIui'V Sayie, will fpciul the winter In Hampton, Virginia. Giwrs? Scott has )cen tippolnle'l clerk nt Ihe po.st olllce to sue reed Churl" AVarnnr, who has reslirni-iV hecnurfP of ill health. The canninsf factory l still running on lull lime, miming apples. Tl. V. Reach and wife me In Xew Yen I: city this week. Miss Kate Uilllaid Is erlllcillv III at the home of her sister, Mrs. llarvf'v Tyler. Her brother, Zubulon IJullnrd, who resided In the township, died on AVedneilay and was hurled hi tins cemetery at South Montrose, llite af ternoon. Xoiman Stewart has sold his hand some residence on South Slain street to his mother, Mr.. S. "U. Stewart. V Mrs. Jacob Koch and daughter, of "Akion, f.. are visiting at the lionvi t of Mrs. Koch's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. ( M. S. Pes.-aucr, In this place. ' S. .1. r.ouers N vMHiigr relative? at Montclair, X. ,r. .Mrs. Kelttin hathrop has gone to Sound I leach. Conn., to visit a friend, and will later bo to Xew London, w here she expeels to spend the winter. A village hall house wanning is to lie siven to-nislil under the auspice:, ol the Village Improvement society. ARIEL. Sprita! In the Si union lilbuue. Allcl, X.-.v. !. Mr. .1. V. .Sander cock Is shipping a large iituntily of apples. Mr. Uci't Ih'iidley shot a ciane last Week that measured five feet between the tlps'of the winijs. Mr. Chailes r.ldwell ejught eighteen poumlsM.r 1Kb irum the lake on Tues day moinlug. The Methodist society have decided to build a chinch of their own and have elected Hie following board of trustees: .1. AV. Andiows, S. S. Hortree, .1. Hroun, Geo. Inverts, George Tlsdel, Y. 11. Hazlett, Jl. it. XeelT. Air excellent lot. liOxlnO has been se cured from the Lake Ariel Improve ment company and about ?1,."00 Is al leady in sight for tiie new enterprise. Owlntr to the lateness oC the season the building will not be erected until eailv In the spilng. The stone for the foundation and the heavy timbers will be seemed this fall so that the work may not be hindeied in the siu'lng. Plans have been seemed for a very neat building with an rudltoiium IlnxtO wllh a lectin e iiiinu on the side 20x21. TlK- building when complete will cost about S2,rou. David Trcssler, who has been sick EVERY WOMAN Jomntlm&jneodas Tollable, noonthl7, rtgaltting medicine. Only harm teas ton tbo ,urei( druga should be mod. It you warn tha beat, get Dp. Peal's Pennyroyal PilOs They are prompt, siifo and certain in result. . . . JpV Qq , Tlin "Ti'ino (Dr. Peal's) uever For Sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce street. ERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Visor and Manhood Curclmpotency, Night Emissions, Loss of jiii iiniM ,-v mi it a -i cure or refund the our Bankable Guarantee Bond. lJri TTUl WI Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Un developed or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our Bank able Guarantee Bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Nervita Medical Co., Clinton and Jackson sts Chicago, III. SfMl HV MrrMAItAll & TH()MAS DHUaoiSTS, 209 LACKAWANNA AVKNl'E, SOHANTON, l'., for stomp niunttiK, tiled at Ills home on Wednesday morning;. II i wits well known us nit excellent mam a stood citizen and n r'lit-lfttlitn. lie hud lieeti forji niiinhur of yours a ineniher of thu Methodist HjilHcnpnl ehllich. The ril neral will he held al Hie chtiieh In thto place un sUttiiriltty mornliiir nt 10 o'clock, eondiii'ted by IteV. I.. K. Van Jloesen. KINGSLEY. Plicil.il In (he hi ant nil 'lillmin'. Kliigsley, XoV. A. A number of our lownspeopl" nttuiided the Kepublleaii rallv at Moiitioe Friday. Mrs. T. M. Mnyniird who has been veiling In Xew Vork, retiiined home Snturduy. Will Tltfany and wife will occupy looms In the Cllile building. Our band went to Monti rse Kilday and took part In the Itcpubllcnn tally. Orvle Jlaynard, who N atleiullns school, spent Sunday with his parents In this place. liev. (5. D. Fisher Is holding revival meetings ut Klngsley. The llbraiy nieetlug Friday night was wvll attended, the addiess, "Holla and I!''aius" by Paul Sherwood, Ks(., was well wortli listening to. Arthur Alexander and wife, of lilng hatnton, sp"iit Sunday with fileiiil.1 heie. Sir. Alexander enteitalned the Methodist congregation with .some very line slinrlng. Sir. and Mrs. K. .1. AVlillney and Mr. and Mis. F. It. Tiffany attended the church fair at Gibson, Thursday. Alls. George Thompklns and daugh ter I'uuil, of Binghaniton, are visiting; heie. They intend to mal o their home al Klngsley. Sir. and SIis. Hlrlch of Dlniock. cilled on their daughter, Daisy, Thurs day. Slis.s 'Dora Plummer of Xew sniforil, called on srr.. E. K. Luwla ic-cenlly. UNIONDALE. Spici.il In tilt 'uatitcm Tiiln.ue. ITniondale, Nov. !). The election passed off quietly. The town went llopublican, the rroliibltlonlsts out numbering the Democrats. The Dem ocrats showed great magnanimity in replacing their liberty poll and float ing the national emblem al lis tup on the day following the election. George Carpenter came home fioui New York state to vote. Ira C. Thomas made an olllclal tilp to Slontrose last 'Wednesday. Rev. J. II. Ilaynor, of Slontro.-e. oc cupied the pulpit of the Methodist Kpiseopal church in the morning and that or the Free Slethodist church in Ihe evening- last Sunday. Alis. K. SI. I'ei-k, of Carbondale, was a w elcome visitor In tow n Tuesday. Lyman Norton, the wide-awake agent for the Slontiose Demociat, Is spending a few dnys at home. Sir. and Sirs. Louis Norton spent Tuesday and a part of Wednesday vis iting their relatives at Jackson. Sir. and Sirs. Phil Unks have icliun ed to their home In Xew York state. SHss Daisy llionson, after being away for some time, is again among us. Sir. and SIis. Chailes Lyon, Sirs. Campbell, Burns Lyon nud SIis. A. Iioswell, attended the golden weddin;? of Seail Crandall at Klkdale last Sat in day. Uev. Dr. Wlialen, of Caibondali-, Is exjiected to deliver two lectin es here In the early lulnre. Farmers are .shipping a great many b.iriels of apples to different places. rriday nioinlng brought us the Hist snow slorm of the season. NEW iWILFORD. Sliiii.il to the ananlon Tuliime. New Slllford. Nov. n. SIis. SI. D. Fiey, ot Elmliurst, will begin a series of meetings in the Slethodlsl church next Slondny evening. On October 21, ut the bride's home, In the township, oceuued the mnnlage of disappoint. Bold for S1.00 per bor. Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming avenue and diseases, ail ettects ot selt-abuse or excess and indiscretion, A Nerve Tonic and Blood Builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail 50c per box, 6 boxes for $2.60, with our Bankable Guarantee Bond to monev naid. Send for (YELLOW LABEL) AUJ I ADPl Sirs. Julia Foote lo Jtr. AlphonBO Tow ner. Sirs. J. SI. Vail Bpeiit last Tuusdny with tier daughter In Harford. Prayer meeting witalield nt the home of Airs. d. M, Shelp thin evening. Slips Aluudo Aldrtch l enterlaltilnp her friend, MIrh Allen AVutetinitn, of llallHtend, Atlsa Slntul llrown visited friends al lliillstoild the foroparl of the week. SIip. Hollo Finch visited In Susque hanna Ihl.s week. An art museum soclul was held at the home of John Itayden this evening. Sir. unit Sirs. James Donohtie, of CI rout Hend, were guests of relatives In town Saturday and Sunday. Sirs. George SHx. of Xew ark Valley, has been the guest of tier brother, Thomas Illicit, a few days this week. I. C. Cleary, of Now York, was a guest at the homo of .Matthew Hand recently. Miss Until Vail vlslled In Harford this week, A number of new books have recently been placed In the Pratt public library. - HONESDALE. SpfrLI to tlie Scrontoii Tilbmir. Ilonesdale, Nov. ii. The Ilrsl' snow storm of the season visited Honesdiile today. It disappeared as soon us It touched the ground. Xext week Honesdiile will welcome the school teachers of the county at their annual Institute. Apples for making elder aie being shipped from Honesdiile to Goshen, X. Y., by the car load. Almost anything you want can be found at the rummage sale now belnK held next door to Slenner & Co. Conductor Hubbard's train from Carbondale, came In Wednesday with full dinner pull on Hie cow catcher, and trimmed with flags and bunting; from ft mil to icar. The llrst number of the Institute, course will be a lecture In the court house on Monday evening by Dr. A. 10. Wlushlp. Subject, "Itascals and Saints," Sir. Wlushlp is an excellent entertainer, willy and humorous. P.ov. G. A. Place and family ie Utined riom niiiKliuniton Thursday evening. Itev. F. V. Harrington, of Trinity chinch, West Plttston. will occupy flic Grace church pulpit in Honesdale on Sunday. Itev. James 1'. Ware will of llciate at Plttston. Itev. D. S. Slackellar, of Beech Lake, will speak In the Slethodist church ill Honesdale bofh morning and evonlnf on Sunday. Sirs. William H. Swlit Is visiting friends In AVIlkcK-P.arre. The Philharmonic orchestra Is mak ing a special effort for Its concert next week In the Teachers' Institute course. The meeting of the Musical History club Is postponed until Xov. 22. The Honesdale foot ball club will go to Jermyn and play the Jermyn club on Saturday. AIlss Vinnle Hose entertuined tins Euchre club lust evening. The Lake Lodore Improvement company will build ice houses at Keen's lake. Sir. Walsh, traveling pasesnger and freight agent of the Ontaiio and West ern, was a Honesdale visitor today. THOMPSON. Sic rial lu the Stiiinlon Tribune. Tliompson.Nov. 9. Aluniford Wi Ight er, who moved fiom town to his farm at Wiighter's lake, some six weeks ago, is suffering from tits epileptic prob ably and Is In a sad condition. He is toui score yearn old. Itussell Wrlghter's condition is not Improving. Sirs. William Starbord was taken seriously sick Monday evening. She Is very ill at this willing. Sirs. H. F. Hamlin and sons, Hiuee G. and Butler, of Hamilton, have been visitors at Host cotage with her aunt, Sirs. I. il. Tower, since Tuesday. They will return to their home tomor row. Lu B. Cuke and bis Aire, Ella June Sleade, a noted elocutionist, will ap pear In the Slethodist Episcopal church heie next Slonday evening. They are clever artists and fall not to ulease their heaieis. Uev. H. J. Whaleii, of Carbondale, will lecture In the Free Baptist church next Slonday and Tuesday evenings. This morning the llrst snow squall oC the season visited us, attended by high winds. Itev. A. D. David wus In Sciunton yesterday. Hon. W. W. Slumlord and wjfe, of Starrucea, were calling In town yester day. Myron Sillier has so far iccovereil from his recent attack of typhoid fever as to be nbout the house. Insurance Agent SI. L. SlcSllIlen, or Nicholson, was looking down upon Thompson yesteiday. Memory, all wasting 60 PILL8 50 CENTS cirmhr and r EXTRA STRENGTH Immediate Results HALLSTEAD. SperMI to the Scmnfon Tribune. HullHlrnil, Xov. !).-Prof. J. L. Ulch nrda ot Clrent lletul, principal of the public, schools of thai place, wilt ad dress the public tueotltnr Sunday aftar mion ut the Hi It. Y. M. . A. Mis. 13. F. Jternslclti enlerlalned rf number ot friends at it tea party last Wpdnemluy afternoon at tier homo on Pino street. Tito lIullRtcad Republican etlib nrn rejolclnp over the grand victory of the Hrpnlillcan parly In Hnllstead last Tuesduy for the lltst lime lu many yeais Hie town w-ent nepubtlcun. Many old line DenioeratH votd tho Ptralghl Republican ticket. Kdwuril Cokely of Hits county, form erly well known here by Hie members of Cnmptiny a, Thirteenth regiment, P. V. I., during the Spanlsli-Aincrlcnti war, wnn taken to the ncylum at Dan ville a short time ago. Sir. Lowe was Hie oldest man to vote In Hallstcnd In tu Tuesday, lie Is over ninety-one years of age mid still vlgoiotis. Sir. I.owu Is the father of M. S. Lowe of this plate. The old gentleninn voted a straight Itepubll enn ticket and said he wus proud of the chanco to vote for prosperity. The County Herald was delayed this week on ficcounl or the non-arrival of a form roller fiom Now York ult.v. V chicken pie supper will be served at the home of SHss Emma Howell Friday evening. All are Invited. The congregation of Ihe Presbyter ian church mot at the church Thurs day morning for the annual hoits'! cleanlng of the edillce. A Sunday school luMltutu of the Third district of Susquehanna county will be held at tho AIcKlnncy MIII3 school house next Saturday, November I'i. The district comprises Franklin, Liberty, Xew 'Slllford and Great Hend eownshlps nnd the Included boroughs. This institute is to be a public plenle Institute, every delegate nnd frlqiul will bring their own dinner lor man and beast. The SIcKInney Mills school will provide tables and dishes and also barn room. TRINIDAD'S ASPHALT LAKE. Twenty Thousand Tons of Increased Bitumen livery Year. Tuiiii tin' Salimliiy Ku'iilng I'ihI, Asphalt Is being dug out of the ru inous tar lake of Trinidad the most notable existing source of the material In the world at the rate of 80,000 tons per annum. There are still 4,500,000 tons In sight, but al this rate the .sim ply could not last long, were It not that the lake or bitumen referred to Is receiving a constant accretion from the bowels ot the earth. This accre tion is reckoned as amounting to about 'iO.UOii tons yearly, and would suftlce to restore the lake to its origin al condition if It were allowed to re main undisturbed for a few years. This wonderful lake of pitch has an area of 114 acres, and recent soundings made In the middle of it have shown Its depth to bo l.".."l feet In that part.. Xeur the center II is seml-lliUld and bubbling, but elsewhere it has so hard a surface that a man on horssback can ride over it without danger of breaking through Ihe crust. Scattered over its surface are a number of small Islands which have no proper roots In the earth, so to speak, but are com posed merely of accumulations of soil, though trees of considerable .size grow on some of them. These Islunds arc not stationary, but are carried slowly from place to place by the movement of the lake. Now and then one of them Is entirely engulfed. THEATRICAL. ATTBACTIONS THIS WEEK. Academy of Music. AM. WIXK .Uicaulcj'I'.ittiin i ninpany in up. t'floiic. Gaiety. l.AVr Til It hi". DAYS-Mamliislu'js ".'u.Kn JjiUs." "Who Is Who?" A liiit .ni'lirwc went to Ihe Mruim lat iiljjit to lliiil nut "Wliu Ih Whoi" .ui. while they tie. I'.uteil ni im wi thoy i.nnc wliii ipfmuntc ti who wlm Is thy cnoy.'d aonci.i! Ikciih of :i. luist cimlii lion-, l.mulili'i' , mil lie. ml Miiiic ot tin- new- poiuil.ir ilitllcs of tlie il.iy s.iiii? in ,m ,ic iiit.ililo ni.iniHi', "Wliu Is Who?" i .1 niiiii.il fane iunn.il.1 In wlilcli Ilic well Known (Jnin.m rcinioili.ni, Cluilu A. 1.0'lei, is sliinlu;; this joar. .Mr. I.oiIit docs :t good Jell nt cilicitainllli; hinisclf lint il'.rs ii'it tiy to do It all. Kitty Wolt .mi Jinny .. (M who lilh rlilof arcoiiiplici'B lnc nlclit unci al-i lcci'netl .ilu,ililc nistntii o tiom .John .Mo Milicm, M.iniir llcne C'ciMc anil Mm let il.i noj. Mncauley-Patton Company. 'Jhi- iljcaulcy-Patton company pl.ijcil "Po.uc. Jul VjIIoj' ami ".Inst JJefoii' Dawn" yesienUy. Today tin- iniitlneo will lio "liiiitlc Tuck" am) tonight will In' pu'ientri! "Tc.njs CohIid.i." Week of Scenic Piotfuctions. (Viniincni-liiK; MoniLiy (ciihirr net llw lliuiilcy. .Jaikson html, company will open their UKiihir iNecKN Wt In tills city ji the AciUcini or Jlu. sh) pii-conlliiic i. llll.in I.ewU' inllll.ny play, "Tor l.ilicrty and Lom'," with all Ihe oilglml urn. ciy and ell rets the raino .h when the play, was iniiduceil nl hlitli pilci, III addition lo the clumullc pel foi nunc e u'V ii.il liitrli r Jnss peclillliit will lie inliodtiieil, in. ilndins "'Ihe Two I'uclcs" cleiri' chlldu'ii, ngiil i mid S, well and taioinhly ii'incinbrii'd here 1 J-t season, Mo.it of the rinnp.iny nf I.hI Mi iui. will be hem tliU jcin, llie cail lirlnu- lic.ul "1 I'.v .J. II. Huntley and MU- Helen Vanillin, .VU'i.il c li.iii s )ia" hecn nude lu l'ie nun pmj's leportolre, which will Indiide "Iho Fatal I'lird," "Innocent Sinnei," "1'iir J.lb. ny tincl J.ciM'," "Ju-.t Ilefore lliwn, Ihe Tuinado, ' "Mlchiel Mingon" and "'llie Wntltl." chanite of hill will he made .a lach per. Imiiunro, and they hould ilo Ihelr riMnmiir) hit; Week at pupnlar piicm. "The House That Jnck Built." -l llnnilow )oulas wlio wa lat tn in Suunton m .Mm. Smith In that oilier ilioadhnin laice, "Why Smith I.rft llonie," is aside Hum hclii? a tiny liundsonic woman, one of tins licit dirrsem mi the tuge todnj, As .lark's dmshter lletci, in Urnadhnrnt's newest laugh proiokci, "Ihe llousa That .lack llullt," .lie has ,i iclf to wlilcli she is paitlc.ul.iily adaiitrcl, that ol 3 yciiins society wonmu with torlalUtln tendiucic, who Ik'Hcnps in the iluwu trodden wenkingnun and di-dpUes the aiUloirary. Tlie nouns that li-s Douglas will wiar In IliU pinduciion ate, u thu ladles would tcim it, "UicaiiH" ci( (lie modiste's ait, Mficd Klluc, that illuiluuliie coincdlan, who win atMHlJtnl so Ions,' with IJnWnlf Hopper, U riiliiistpil with another impoilant comedy iolc and p.'ilupt one ol tlie tint in which he lux Ikpii icin, Miss Anita IMiiljci- 1, iiincuibcrn (of hot ivatloiu Impersonation of "fiy" In "What; Happened to June'." wlilcli had heen seen nud much enjoyed hoc. .Miss fiutu Dudley and .leunie Ycamaus both l.an: fmpoitaut iold lu which they utu con. (.culally sdaptcd. All In all the eat, which ap pcjis below, is the tttonttect Atthur Ilioailluu.t jus jet provliliil In any uf hi imiiieiuii) force; il.oiiius A. Wice, Allied Klein, Charlc Chcuy, I'rcd IV, I'clci, lliilieit ,J".'. Hoy I'liiiihlld, Mbcil AiiiIjcMU, Mi. .ymio Vcaiuan, lliundon Douglas, Anita JJlldvei, (li;uu Dudley, llauisoii Aiin.-lioiii,-, AlesU J.iw (JMko, .). . fllenton, Jennie Vcunanj. For m Cold in the Head Laxative Btomo-Qulnine Tablets. The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEANING HOUSE for tha Benefit nt AM Wh- Have Houses to Rent, Roul Entnte or Other Property to Sell or ExctmiiRe, or Who Wnnt Situation or Help Thso Small Advertisements Cost One Cent n Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a WordExcept Situation Wnutod, Which Arj lit nertcd Free. FOR KENT. KOH HT.NT-l'I.CASANT I'lllINStlKI) ttOOMSs no llftlit hoinckcrpliipf 1'Priiillle-ll rrlcrcnrc. 811 .Mulberry sheet. KOIl RRST-DIISIIIABI.B MOllKIIV IIOMR, OK hill. "11 Qulncy nxniiif. FOIt ltl'.NT CIIKAI'-I-AtlOU COIINT.1t STOttBt pooil locntlnn for limit Moio, wcmiiMitnil m nnv other Iniilness, with or wltlioul IhliiK tooiiii. lniiilio 10.18 r,af.ijrllc stKTt. Koii "itnNTMHix. on rot'u roMioiir.Mit.v fiiriiNlml inonii lor IlKlit linuwkciiihiii. hi' HUtll' (It 1IKS l..lfll.l'ttC RllT-ft, FOR SALE Wll.l, SIU.I, JIV HOIfsn KVItOf. WITH OAR. tlase, cutler, h.iriies". iobe. All In fph'K an Kpati tonlllon. A. I). 11., "J8 Moutoe. KOIl SAM'. TWO IIOl'SKi, IJAIIN AND OTIU'.II ciutbulldlims and about 10 acies ot tincl nt i::nihuisli live nilnulcs walk trout cither Ihe IJ., I., k W. or K. !i W. V. It. II. station. Wilte or apply to lljrou lluckliiBliain. ion s.u:-rni'iT and dauiv iwum fou .ialo In Xewlnnii Township. Mm. K. II. ' i ol, .VnntlcoKe, J'a. j'oit p.i.i:-co.tj:xts or iioupb fukm- li'rc, i'.itiet, Lctldiiifr, etc. GU Washinirton oieniic. Jf.j fkk.k.h.WkV REAL ESTATE. ffI0,W Wihl, IIOV JU-1IOOM MNOLi: llOfSI!, Ii.iul wood ilnlsh. full lot. Ihe mlnules walk to court home. M. II. Illiterate. $U,noo WIMj IJUV r'lNU IHMDlINtJK, .JJTI'KR. on incline, coiner. I'or p.iitliiilars call at oilier. Jl. II. HolBate. sII.IKXI WILL HUV MODIUe IIOMK, CI.AY AVU line Terms to Mult. M. II. Hnlale. V.IKK) WIMi I1JJV I'lXi: LOT. nuc, M. II. Hnlgnlo, TAYI.Olt AVB- ?7,(W') WILL UU (TINTKAti I'HOPIIHTY, HIIST Irer for JI. Iown payment small, balance moite,'.iirc. Al. II, Jtclgatc. ,Wi Wlf.l. 1IUV 101JOOM HOIkSK, stoni: bam. Jtont .TitO. i 1 at oltlee. II. II. I locate ?IO,010 WIf.Ji I1UV WIST IjACJKAWAXXA AVB line propel ty. Mu--l be hold. I'or paiticulurs call at otliLe. M. II. tlalcate. fS,7flo will m-Y noiJiu.i: iiousi:, qimxc avenue. M. II. Ilolecitte. ,S,llnO WIIJi BUY It-KOOM SIXtJI.B IJOUfti:, Webster avenue. M. 11. Iloleeitc. $1,!M0 Wll.Ie IJUY FULL LOT. iiarkiso.v avk. line, if l.ikcn quick. .M. II. Ilolale. 5,lXJ0 Wtl.Ii IJUV HOUSK. HAltN", HI.'Mi J.OT, Taylor avenue. M. II. Ilolgate. IL',000 WILL Ill'Y BRICK DWF.I.I.l.VC!. .101 lilock Madison avenue. M. II. Hnlcile. $m Wlf.l, 11UY DOIIIJI.K IIOK.SK, J'L'I.Ij lot, (Juinty avenue. Jl. II. Hnlirutr. w.txi xu, nnv j.or mxim i'ki:t, fhAV uvciiue. JJ. II. Ilolerate. ifi.joo wii.i, jiuv n-noo.M sixoi.i: hoi:si:, lot .JISI feet, Sanderson avenue. M 11. Hob cute, Ciinimonnealth buililiiifr. . HELP WANTED-MALE. JtAXA(!CR-OLD LhTATudsliiMjillTCtXTILii; house wants honest, capable man to lunu.ip' lnaiicli; salary li."i monihi etia I'nimiilssions; no solicitini,- requited, but mut take iteneinl tl. lection business and be ambitious; cruoil lefep euees and JfSOO cash requited; oporionte as man asei not nccev-ai.v if ipialllled In other icpeeln. Maiiainr, Di.ivver 71, Xew Haven, Conn. lahoi: housi: wants capaiilk mux axi! women to act as scncral agents. oti() jeaily sulaiy; epenos; etru coinmUsiun-; btilliani oppoitunlty. Maflord Picr Co., Xew Haven Conn. wanted oxn j:xpi:rikxced max to work in ftreen houe; i-ingle preferred; al Iv'ersteler'a farm, South Main avenue, Lincoln HcisliLs. AGENTS WANTED. AGLXTS-MALi: AXI FJIMAI.i:. TO SHI.L A tine line of peifiiniciy. Cuilit itivcn profit, able employment. C.linpbcll Peilunieiy lonipan.v. Wore ester, .Mass, SALESMAN WANTED. WANTCD-SALKSMW; cxiene; peurancnt. Itochcotcr, X. Y. 5 MONTHLY AND I'tiny NuiM'iy Co., SALUSMLX WANTLD TO SKLL OUR GOODS by sample to wholesale and letatl ti.ule. We am tlie laisest and only ni.inufacliueH in our line in the woild. Lllici.il salary paid. Addieas, CAX.DL'X Jirfc-. Co., Savannah, Oa. RECRUITS WANTED. MAR1NF. CORPS, V. S. NAVY, RECRUITS wanted Able-bod led men, service on our war ships in all parts of the world and on land in Hie Philippines when lequiied. Recruiting ol fleer, lttl Wjumlnir avenue, Scranton. WANTED-TO BUY. V'A NTKDsixoTfDHA'NlT must be in soud older; etate particular ai to make and price. Addicts, L. II., gcneiai de livery, Scranton, Pa. ROOMS WANTED. wanted--.: oii"':i ruitNTsmiTTr6oMs.' PlHt llglit housekeeping; ee'iitialli localcd. Ad dress, J. W., Willlanu bulldini;, Cil. BOARD WANTED, BOARD WAXTED-FOR TIIREi: ADULTS AND one small child, in lespec tabic .lewisli lam. ily, livinu In llit-cla ucigliboiliond, Srhle pi ice. W, A Tiiluine office, PERSONAL. DEAFNESS CCHED Oil NO PAY. C. II. ROWAN, .villttaukce, Wis. MONEY TO LOAN, MONEY TO LOAN'. B TTEXUEttO, ATTOR. t ney, S07 C'oiinoll Bulldiiitf. MONEY TO LOAK-STRAIOlTi' LOANS AT once, Curry, ConneR building, ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN. QUtciT . tnlKht loinj or Bulldini; and Loan. At fiom 4 to C per cent, Cll on N. V. Walker, 8K-SU Coiinell buildint;. $500,000 -f -f -f -f f f Or Any Part Thereof Can Be Obtained Upon First Lien Mortgages At Rates Ranging from 4 TO 6 PER CENT. RICE&OONNELLY.Attonieys-at-l.aw SITUATIONS WANTED smuiTox WANTi:n-tiv a younr man' ah driver, or inn make hlmrlt titrlut nroiind machinery. Allelic I'. I',, Tribune olllce. WANTCD-WOIIK AS WAITIIll (Ml t'OMItR IV tionrilhiR lioiuo, or nt nny lilml ol wniki dooil irlrirniP''. Aili'ieis ,t. S. Oullnw, Tiiliinii' nllke. y Situation- WAvrm-nv a yoiino man- as bookkeeper or olllce w,oile. AddrrM .1. II. Wi, Tribune! olllce. SITUATION- WANTlitJ-IlY A WOMAN' TO lake cure of clillcheii, or lo do ueueiul bousewotU. Aitelrot", Mrs. llllii. D.lVl", l.Tlii l'rov lelence toiel. LEGAL. nsTAPiTrHijA?rTLv Tnvvnnlilp nf Clllloti, County of Latl.awanii.i and State of Poiiinyhaiilu, ileceneil. Letters of ndinlnlntr.itlon upon Hie abiivv-namecl cilnte having been Kranlcd to ihe uiiileiRiied, all peiKotis li.nlinr lIuIiiih or dcminils ni.nlinL the Kild etate will present the.ni for pu.i inenl, mill thei-e indebted thereto will pbie n.nke iui itnll.ile pavuunt to W. i:. I'LOWmt, dniliiMiatnr. 'I MIS. P. WP.LLS. 1XJ., tioul.ls'uro, Pa. Attorney fur IJstate. lM-ATi: OP ItOllllItT V. I.KB, LAT1I OP Till! IJnroiiKh ol Dunmurc, County ot Laekawamit and .State nf IViiuhvIviiiiIu, doeeiwel. Letters of atlminlsliatlcm upon the iilirtve-named estiite liavlni; been Kimited to the undcrlnued, nil persons li.it inir claims or demand- ,iraliit the salel estate wilt pi event llicni for ;i,inent, and thei-e lueleblcd theiclo will ple.i'-e li.al.e iui liRiliate pavment to (TIARLOlTi: I.I:K, AilminlstiatiK-, Diintnori', Pa.; WILLIAM S. SIMPSON, Ailmlmitr.itor. TIIO-J, P. WIILl.t. P.SIt., Plttston, Pa. Attorney for lMule. SCALP TREATMENT. 'S' ,VWVWVV kW WKv. MRS. L. T. KLLI.KII, SCAM" Tltl'.ATMI'.NT, ,1U... shainpoolnR, lOr. ; faae.ii! ma.iR;e manieui. InR. 2oc. ; chliopody. 701 (Julnej. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. HOWARD O SPAIJLULSO, V. ew" Hank biiildinej. I. A., 2-1 TRAD. Architects. F.DWAISD II. DAVIS. ARCIIiriXT, COX.NLl.L buildine:, b'uaiitoii. I'llCDF.KlCK h. HROWX, ARCJIITLCr. PRKJI". buileiimr, J-U Washlnstou avenue, Scianton. Cabs and Carriages. nunnnr. tjri:d cabs and carhiagi:s; ui-asr of scrviio Prompt attention ijlven orders, b" 'iihone. 'Phones MSTi and G33J. Jo'cph Kelle.v-. m Linden. Dentists. DR. C. i:. ICILENBKROIJII, PAULI UUILDLNoi Eunice itiect. i-'cianloii. DR. I. O. LYMAX, SCRANTOX P1UVATE HOS- pltal, corner vvjominr; and Mulbciry. DR. C. C. LAUItACH, 115 WYOMING AVCXUK.' DR. II. F. RP.YXOLDS, OI'P. J'. O. Hotels and Restaurants. TUP. KLK LAFi:, 123 AND 127 I'JIANKLIX AVI'. uue. Rates icasonaJilc. P. ZPIGLICR, Proprietor. SCRANTON IIOUSi:, XKAR D.. L. k V. Vf. Sfnger depot. Conducted on the Kutopeau plan. VICTOR KOCH, l'ropiietoi. , Lawyers. ,J. W. BROWNING. ATTORXnY AND COUXSLl". lur'iit-law'. Rooms 3I2Jl;i Jlcars liuiidiiig-. D B. REPLOGI.K. ATTORXEY-LOAXS SUGO. tiatcd on leal estate security. Jloars bttJIdiii" coiner Washington atciius and Spiuce street.' WJLLARD. WA1UICN .t KNAI'P ATTOItxTjYH and couiu.ellors-at-lavv. Republican bulldiiiir Wasldngton iivem.e. JLSSUP i .ILUI'. .VITORMJYH INI) Coii sellorH-at-law. Comnionvvcalth buildins, Itooun lfl, SO and 21. ' JAMES W. OAKI'ORD, ATTORNKY.T.LAv' IloomJ OH. 515 and 510 Board of Tiadc builu'. Ina. j:dward w. 2"a'y?.11' attojinkv. noovis (Xfl-'JUI, Dili floot". Jlcars buildins:. L. A. WATRKS. ATTOIIXLY-AT-LAW, HOAUli of Tiodo bulldini;, Scranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER. ATrORXKY-AT-LAW, BOaTiT! ot Tiado buildiiiK, Scianton, Pa, PATTERSON- & WILCOX, TRADERS' N'A'UON'aTi Bank buildint;. C. COMEOYS. Ul) REPUIILIOAX BUILDING. A. W. BERTHOLP, ATTORNT.Y, 5IEARS BLDG. Physicians and Surgeons. jTlt. W. E. ALLEN, 61.1 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOIIEAUX, OFFICE .'-"') W VSII inston avenue. Residence, l.'HS Miilbcriy. Lhronin elisease.s, liinvis, heart, kidneys and Renitn-uriniiy crjrun a prrlalty. Horns, 1 to i p. in. Schools. SCHOOL of rut: LACKAWANNA, SCUANTOS, Pj, Coiiic prepiratury to chIIcbo. law, uiedi cine or lijliiei. Opens Sept. l.'th. Scud for catalogue, ilev. 'Ilioiuas M C.inn, I.L. Ii.. p.-lu-cli.il and piopiietoi; V, II. Pluinlcy. A. .M,, hc'.ieluiaster. Seeds. . II. CLAIIK i CO.. SLKDSMIIX AND MilLS. eijiuen, stom '.01 '.i.hingtou avenue; tiecu liouscj, lii'O Not (ti Main avenue; stole tele phone, 7S3. Wire Screens. josp.ph Ki.'ivnr.L. hijaiTjii i. ciava.v.n-.' avenue, Scranton, Pa,, iiiauufaeturer of U'iie Sc I eeiw. Mlsoellnneous. nALI'.U'o OIICIIL'SntA-MUfelO FOIt IUI.LS picnics, paitlcf letcptlnus tvcddiui; and con 1 Pit work liiinUlied. I'oi trims addre4 ft. .I Itauct, lOtiUuctoi, 117 l,VMiiin uvciuie, utei Hulbert'a in'Mc mote, MHtlAHULF. MHOS., PltlSTKIIS' slH'PLIKS, JIN velopcs, paper bacjs, twine. Waiehoiisc, J0 Waitilnton avenue, Scianton, Pa. f RAILROAD TIME TA9LK9. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule In Meet May 87, 1800. TralnB leave Scranton, D, ft. ft. Stations 0.48 1 a. m week days, for Sunbury, Hajrisburir, Philadelphia, BalM more, WasliinRton and for Wttw burg and the Wt. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Kuletda, Pottavllle, Reading Morrtatewn, and Philadelphia; and for tm bury Harrisbure;, Philadelphia, BaltimoreWashington and Pltti burg and the Weet. 2.18 p, m,, week daya, (Sunday 1.5? p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harrta burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington and Pittabura; and the West. For Haaleton, Potta vllle, Beading, Ac. week daya. 4.87 p. m., week daye, for Sunbury, Haaleton, Fottaville, Harrlabnrg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .J. II, WOOD, Gn. Ptrt. Al. J. IJ. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mir. Delaware, Iickawanna and Western. In Effect June 10, 1D0O. South-Leave Scranton tor New Ycnk at M5. S.0". 5,,0, s.OO anil 10.Hi . m., 12.55, 3.3 an j MO p. m. Tor Philadelphia at fl.40, .0O mid ;. a. m.; jii.jf, nm j,;u ,,. ,n. For Strouds bnra; at o.lo p, m. Milk and accommodation t Vk4?'1' '" Afflc t Hoboken nt CM. 7.1H, lf.W a. in.; t2.0S. 2.17, 4.4b, 7.19 and 0.4.1 p. in. Arrive nt Plilljdelphla at 10.00 a. m.: 1.08. J.!1. 0.') Miid ?.s. p. ,, Arr;e f,om New Yort .'t LftJ. 4.0n and 10.20 . in.; J.00, 1.88, i.4!t, 8 4 J and I J 30 p. nii F01 stioiidiibiirK at S.05 . lu. Atirni--l.riH(, Scranton for Buffalo and Intel - "uiaie siailoiw nt 1.10, 4.10 and 8.30 1. w.. c.j.'. ft.48 and JI.S5 p. in. For O3tvejro and Hi"- i'"inB '" 'w " '" "'"I I'M P- " 'aT mlcA ,l '10 a. tn. , ,3J ., m .or joiitroe it COT I'"'' ! P. m. nnd .1.43 p. 111. For Nlehvl; S'L ' '" Arrlte in Scranton (mm Buflai.v ' 1-0. -J.ZS, .1.83 anil 10.00 a. m. ; .1.30 and ?' -10 UL' ':'"'" Ocvteiro and SvrartiHn nt i.M . m. ; ,r,2 "n, S00 p. ,, From Utlca at 2.J5 . blj '-..11 and :t;io p. ,. i.-lnn, Meholnon at 8.S0 . in. and (J.00 p. ,. i,-rorn Montrose t 7.55 tni lunei a. 1,,.. 3-M alll sn0 , v;..V,"",.'","! HIviMon-Leavo Scranton Ut Jorlluinilieilanil at (1.43, lO.Ofi a. 111.: 1.55 and HO p. in. For Plymouth at LOS. 3.40, 8.5J .nt '' ' p. in. pnr Xnntieoke at S.10 a. m. rnuj Jt erthuii,)Cr,n(l nt 11,35 tt, i.; 1.10. 5.00 and '.."i p !"-. "' t Niinticoke al D.10 . w. Aiiite al Pljiuoiith at 2.O0, 4.32, 0.B0 p. m. and -. I...J0 a. in. .!,,!, pemton (rom Nnrtbum n land , it o.f. , ,.. lL.,3i 4.50 and f.4-1 p. 1.1 .Pm XnlIeoke at 11.00 n. 111. From Uniioulli at 7,r,n . , .,), c.35 and 11,10' p. SUNDAY TItAINS. Siiulh Leave Sipanton 1.40, 3.00, 5 40. 10.05 . in.: J.;w, :i.io n(j s.10 p. m. North I.eaie Scianton at 1. 10. 4.10 a. tn ; LM. r..JS and ll.Sr, p. m. TJlnrnulitirer Division-Leave "eranton at 10l'5 in. and 5.50 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In KiTeot Oct. 21. 1000. Tialm for Clibendale leave Scranton at 9.i0, ..5.!. S.3.;, 10.1S a. m.; 12.00, 1.23, 2.20, :t.0i, S.2S, .i-, 7.57. n.13, 11.15 p. m.: 1,10 a. in. 1-oic IJoncilalc 0.20, 10.1J a. in.; X2 and J.25 p. 111. r For ilkei-Uarre 0.43, 7.4S, 8.43. 9.31, 10.4.1 a. 111.; 12.03, J.2S, 2.18, .l.r.i, 4.27, 6.10. 7.4S, 10.4U 11.30 p. ni. ;.... I'or U V. II, n. pointifi.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.1S, 4.27 and 11,50 p. m. For Pennsylvanli IL R. polnt-.45. 9.88 a m.; 2.18 and 4.27 p. 111. I'or Albany and all points nerth 6.20 a. in, and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. lor Caibcndilc-0.00. 11.33 . m.; I., 3.53k 5.17. 10 32 p. m. I'or Wilkea-Dairc 0.3S a. m.; 12.03, 1.38, 3.2 fi.27. 8.27 p. m. I'or Albany and point noilh 3.52 p. m. For Honesdale 0.00 a. m. and 3.52-JJ in. Lowest rates to all points in Unitcdftattu and Canada. 1 .J. Y. UUnniCK. C. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. II. V. CROSS. D. P. A.. Scranton, P. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Kffecl May 27, 1M. Trains Leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York via 1"). A U. It. !(., nt 11.45 a. 111. and 12.0.1, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Diamond i:prrfn), ami 11.S0 p. m. Sundays, 1 k H. R. It., 1.5S. 7.JS p. in. For White Haven, limit-ton and principal polnti In the coal regions, via D. & H. R. K., 0.41. 2.IS auel 4.27 p. in. I'-or Potturille, .4, 2.11 p. in. I'or Relhlehrni, I'aston, Reading, Harriibura; and iirincip.il intciiuedialc atatinna via D. k II. Ii. It., 11.15 a. in.: 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black -J)iii-inoiiel 1'Apicss), 11.30 p. m Siinela, D..& II. It. R., l.BS, 7.4t p. 111. " For Tiiiililiannock, Tovvanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, r.iueta and pilnclpal iutennrdiato station, via. I)., L. k Y. It. It., 8.(18 a. 111.; 1.03 and 3.V3 p. 111. I'or Geneva, Rochester, Duffalo, Niagara Ft'ln, Chicago, and all pnlnU weal, via D. t H. R. JL, 12.0.). 3.33 (Black Diamond Lxprc.s), 7.48, 10.11, 11,30 p. in. t inula s, D. k II. R. It., 12.03 p. 111.; 7.41 p. in. I'ullniaii pallor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley pallor can on all trains between WilkM-Bann .inil New Yoik, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus pi'islon niidite. ROI.LIN II. WILBUR, O-n. Snpt.. 28 Cortlmid stieet, Xew York. riiAI!LI S. I.r.L'. fien. Paai. Act., ?! Cortlai.'l slieet. New Yolk. A. W. ONNT.MAOIli:i:. Div. Pas. Agl South Belhlebrin, Pa. For tickets and Pullman rescivatlons apply Li SW (.Rckatvaniia nveiiiie, Scianton, Pa. Central Knlhond of New Jersey. Stations in New York-Fool ol Utterly itru't, N. Ii.. and South Feiry. Aulhiacite coal tuoil exclusively, iiiauiing cleanliness end roinfmr. lIMi: TAIH.t: IN I'.FF.CT MAY 2., PHhi. Trains leavo Sciiiiitnii for New Yoik, NettaiV, Fllrabetli. I'bilailelphia, r,i(nii. Hethlelini. Al. le'nl'ivn.-Mlueli Chiinl' anil White Haven, at S.."q a. m.' ..,ie", 1.20; eNpresn. 4. HO p. 111 Sun. tlavs, 2. 1.1 p. 1". For Pitti-tein and Wilkes.llane, S.30 n. m.; I 2a and 1.00 p. 111. Sunti.iys. 2.15 p. in. For Baltimoie and W.c.lifligtoii, and polnU "mil Ii nnd Went via llctldcheiii, S.;l() a. in,, I '( p, in. Sundays. 2.15 p. 111. Fur l.ony Biantli, Ocean Oiov-, ele., at S. 10 .1, in. anil 1.20 p. 111. For Reading, Lebanon and llairlnburg, tl Al. li.iM'Ui, '.'Ii .1. ni. 1.20 p. in. Sunda.v. 2.15 p. in. Per Pott.vllle. S.-W 1 111., l.fO p. 111. 'IIiihiikIi tic 1 cts tu nil pninls east, mmth ar.il vel at lne-t i.ltes at the station, .1. II. OIILIIMISKN. Cen. Stipt. II. P. IIMDWIX, Cm. Paj A. New York, Ontario and WoBtern B.R. IIJIi: TVBI.F. IV FITLCT SFMJAV, NOV. 4, W0, Not III llmmil I'lalus, Irate Leave Artive SiijiiImii. I'liibnndaie. ( ado-sia, JO, in , in, 11.20 a. ni. 1.113 p, in, B.00 p. 111, Vnive Cajbondale 0,(0 p. ni, South llmiud, ' laaiii Leave A rrt t Cailosla, Caibondale. Scuutnii. 7.n0 a. pi, 7,4(1 a, in, 2. IT. p. 111 :l.:ll p, in, 1.20 p. in. Smells only, Noilh Bound, I.ttte . I.e.ite Anim Sfianlim t'arbiindale. CtdMia. S.;:c a 111. li.lun. in. in.H n. tn, 7,l a. 111, Alilvr.Cjlboiriale 7,40 p. i I.e.ite Lfaye ' ,iri1 t'adcsla. I'aibnndale. Scranton, 7.00 a, 111. 7.40 a. ni. i.::n p. m. 5.51 p. in, 6.:i" p. in, Ti.ilns Iratiui: Sciantnu at 10.(0 .1. nn dilli. and 8.30 a. m. 'unelan. make New Yoik. Corn wall, Mill llctcivvii, Walton, Sidney, Norwich, Home, Utiea, Oneida and Oswego connections. Fur (uithcr Inanimation reiiiull ticket agnnu. .1. O. AMIIIItMIV, Cell, Pl(. ,gt New York. .J. II. WCJ.'II, luvfliiiir Passenger Agent, Serin. I mi, , j n -.. Evie and Wyoming; Valley. Times Table In llrfcet Sept, 17. IW0. Tiaini for Hartley and local points, conntrl Ing at Havvli'V with I'.ile tallioad for Nw York, Ncwburgh ud inteinieillate poltiti, leave Serin Ion at 7,03 a. tn. and 2.23 p. 111. Trains unite at Scranton at 10.30 a. m. and 0.10 p. in. NEWSPAPERS '1 UK WILKBSBARBB RECORD CAV BE HAP 111 S.I anion it (lie news stands of RslMnan lire, 405 Spiuce and 03 Lindens M. Norton, 022 Lackatvauna strniia; I, S, Schulutr, 111 Spiuce Hreet. CITY SCAVENGER k. b. BitinovU'KANa PBifr vkviii ma mt pool: net odor, ImnroTtd punn ttMi. A. II. lmii'.GS. -roprictgr. Uvs vrderf ll'U N'oillj Main a.tiuiy, or Ulcks't drug itort. r. ncr Adams and Mulberry, TsJtslioM VI44J, t- t-'j ' A ' r .' . ' J: ':. Mfevf "$t& A MJdM'MJ jof.;fej:ik'-u- At -. k &- . -V-, t