SHR j 'I, .Si ''l f.. V, j.-V .TWia..r i? TTCKimrS. "J.' f,A 4&WW. AJftAteMI s: ;A, .- y tfA '? fWJ' 1 ,-' A' V "" t 1H. " -n , , ' i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1900. 1 JVI l V"' "-Wi u WEST YOUNG WOMEN'S WINTER WORK ,CHBISTIAN ASSOCIATION AC TIVELY ENGAGED. Opportunities Offered for Religious, Educational and Physical Impiove- ment West Scrnntou Young' Men In New York Little Gleaners' En tertainment and Social What an Initial Supper Really In Effects of the High Winds Yesterday. Other Notes. The Young "W'onien'rt C'lulstlan ns-m-clatlon has entered upon tho whiter work with mitcli nativity ntiil tlieie Is IncrcuBcd Interest In all brunches. IMuny kIi'Ih arc taitliit, iidviintiiuu oC the opportunities olt'ered for ivIIrIouh,' edu cational and physical Impiovemonl, ami the rooms arc open to nil who dcslic to sivall themselves of the prlvllegon thus ufforded. Beginning' Monday, December -', the association will conduct, n "dolls carni val" for one week. All Kills under twelve years of use are Invited to meet (With the secretary and lejilster. The rooms arc open every day trom 4 to !) p. m. Miss Martha I'lillllps will lead the Aospol meeting tomorrow afternoon at a. 15 o'clock. Young women arc cordial ly welcome at these services. The kitchen garden classes will meet this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Any girl who Is over five years of age may be come a member of this class. The gospel song- service will be held this evening-, commencing' at 8 o'clock. nev. J. P. Moffat, D. I).. will the girls at this meeting". All women and girls are Invited. The chrysanthemum and orchid show for the benefit of the assoelaton will be held at Colonel and Mrs. H. Ai. Boles' conservatory, Tuesday, November 13, from 3 to 10 p. m. The side entrance "will be used, and the admission will be ton cents. The rooms will be open at 3 o'clock, stnd all who wish to attend the show .ind have no friends who arc able to go with them arc requested to meet at the rooms and join the party which leaves at that time. Ksuorts will leave with parties at !!, !, 5, 7 and S o'clock promptly. Young Men in the Metropolis. A number of West Scranton young men have decided to locate in New York city, and the contingent already there will be augmented by several more within a few days. In addition Geta Good Enough Cough remedy. Dufour's French Tar is what you need. Proper Neckwear For Ladies and Stylish Ribbons Innumerable Get the leading place in the store on Saturday. The special display ought to interest every woman of taste with a love for the beautiful, as it covers every detail of fashion's domain along the lines indicated. The Very Latest That New York, London and Paris have to offer is at your service on Saturday at figures far below those asked in the centers of fashion uamed. No need to tell why this is so. Your own good sense answers that question. Some of the New Creations Iu Chiffous, Liberty Mousseline, Silks, etc., are dreams 01 beauty in softened splendor, while more strikinrr ef- i ' C I lects are shown ior those who desire them, bile Ties are much sought after by the They may be seen at their best here today. Our Ribbon Department Is gay with countless hues and prettv fancies gathered in from all over the world wherever R bbons are made. The new variegated weaves, with their soft blending tones or high color. Contrasts und first favorites aud ',,', there is no lim t to the uses which women of taste aud .expeiieuce find for them in fancy work or perhaps dec , , oratiou.; a 1 f Biit There Are Other Weaves t f- Which vie with the variegated goods in their claim for ., ' popular favor and so novel are :hev that we do not hes- . uate 10 piace mem siue oy sias. K udous were never I s so much' iu general use as thev are today, consequent y a displav such as we now offer for your inspection shoul I be viewed with interest as an exposition of what 'is correct aud most desirable iu that Hue. Special Show Day, Saturday, November loih u Globe Warebodse I SCRANTON lit Mmerpon I), Owen, John .1. doulon, Arthur Van Vlell and Frederick It. .lone?, who have been there some lime and branched out In dlrfcicut sections, there Is Unhurt 1M'I., of Jackson street, and Tom Blair, of South Main avenue, who went to Now York recent ly to engage In business put suit". Two more of the boys will leave to day. They are Evan Jones, of Uello vtie, ami Henry Williams, of Noith Main avenue. The former will become Identllled with the sttaw giiodH house of J, S. I'lummcr & Co., IM Mercer street, and the latter will enter the employ of a large shoe manufacturing concern. Two well-known West Hcranton fam ilies have lecently located In the lue tiopolls also. Bert tlreen's family, for meily of llellevue, and Major M. I,. Blair's family, of South Main avenue. The former are located on East Forty seventh street, and thu latter on West Fifty-seventh street. Gleaners' Successful Venture. The Little Gleaners of the HlmpMiu Methodist Episcopal church, who have taken upon themselves the pleasant task of raising funds to help defray thi chin eh's expenses, conducted a very novel and Interesting affair last evening at the homes of W. W. Davis and W. C. Williams, on Houth Hyde Park avenue. They conceived the idea of making pillows and selling them, in addition to providing entertainment and re freshments, and the manner In which they succeeded was fully attested by the liberal patronage accorded them. The programme presented was thor oughly enjoyed and Included vocal and Instrumental mimbeis, recitations and drills. Each participant was ac corded a full measure of applause for their efforts. Thirty-nine little girls recited "The Shepherd Boy" and an other dozen gave a r, o'clock tea cup drill. Miss May Davis recited cleverly and Vlrgle and Virona DePuy bahg a pleasing duet. Miss Marie Becker rendered a very pretty holo and "Uuth Bryant and Mar jorle Utt sweetly sang a duet. Blanche Thomas, Minnie Thro and Gene Mun son also sang and recited, and an Instrumental trio was composed of the Misses Saxe. Ice cream was afterwards served by the little misses and the guests voted the affair one of the most successful and pleasurable events of the season. In all probability .similar entertain ments will bo provided during the winter. Initial Suppers Popular. The question has been asked "What Is an initial supper?" And The Trib une correspondent has been requested to define this popular means of rais ing money. In several of the churches, notably the Simpson Methodist Epis copal, Plymouth Congregational, Jack son street and First Baptist churches, the ladies have banded together to raise money for church work. They select a number of workers in the congregation whose names begin with certain Initials and delegate them to provide a supper for several hun dred people. Mrs. A, B and C furnish the linen and dishes, Mrs. D, E and F taM Autoino smart set. provide the edibles, Mrs. CI, It, I and J do the cooking, and Mrs, K, L, M, N, O and P serve Hie supper. In this way everything Im provided for ii llrst-class meal at u nominal price, and no expense Is attached to the church. The receipts nro turned over tfi the" trcasuier to apply on whatever expense Is to 1m mot nnd every year many dollars nrc gathered Into the treasury. Sometimes Mrs. Q, 11, 55 or T turns over the use of their house to the .other ladles, and more frequently the suppers are served In the churches. The plan originated with the Ladles' Aid society of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church, and as many as three hundred people have been serv ed In an evening In their spacious djiilug looms. 'A number of them are now making preparations for serving another sup per In the church next Thursday even ing, and tin ladles of the Plymouth chinch also have arrangements under way for a similar event, The date will be announced later. Effects of the High Winds. The unusually high winds of yester day had the elfcet of causing; many redden tN to leturn Indoors last eve ulng, and Main avenue was practically deselted as early as t! o'clock. Many o'' the stores were closed earlier than usual and the usual crowd that gnth rs on the street corners were con spicuous by their absence. The only 'event of iMo hi llif amusement line was a dance In Hoar's hall under thu auspices of the Young People's Untieing class. The police had but little to do, and the usual sources of news furnished absolute! nothing for the pi ess. Did You Read It. Our advertisement on another page of this paper will be Interesting read ing to every lady desiring a ready-to-wear garment. Mears ft Hagen. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Oscar Jones, of North Hyde Paik .1 venue, left yesterday for a few days' vlbtt with friends In Carbonddale. The funeral of the late Patiiek Sliearon will tnke place to-day from, the bottle, , '-Si Kmmit street. Ser vices will be held in llnzieton church, and interment will bo made in the Ca thedral cemetery. llev. AV. K. Williams, the Drummer Kvangelist, will deliver his lecture, "The Last Bomp With the Tiger," to morrow evening, at the First Welsh '"ongregiitlonal church. South Main avenue, commencing at C o'clock. He will not speak at the Plymouth church as pre iously announced. Mr. and Mrs. T. ,1. Reynolds, of South Main wenuo, aiv the'guehts of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lewis, of Kingston. The Eagle Hose company will hold their annual ball in Music hull on November 13. IIIas Mary Hastie, of Avoca. assist ed in the revival services at the Sum mer Avenue Presbyterian church last evening. The Swedish American Citizens' club will meet to-night at French roof hall at 7:30 o'clock. ' DUNMORE. At the Uumnorc MethoilW Episcopal tliiiuh to. mcirow 1I13 p.itor, He. A. J. Van t'kft, uill occupy the pulpit at holh inornlnx .nnd aonin,' bciikei!. The morning suhjed will he " from llcuun." The 1 cuinix topic Mill he "Christ, the Cirpemer." In the moiniiig the puntoi uill ule it flicinlniite 1 ilk to tne ihil then. The Nimby bthool will he helil .it -.''( p. 111. The othir senilis will he held as usiul. Seats flic ami all unJe iehmue. At the I'lftih.wulan thureh Her. W. f. CSitj buii, pu'lor. Sjmoes at 1U.30 a. m. .mil 7.." p. m. i-uhjcits for tomoirou: MorniiiK, "Home Jl""-ion Work." i:cnim,', "Tiiid Wupons tor fcpiritinl Waifue." All are wileomo. hoi itia at Tiipp An nue thureh to rr 01 row iilll he .11 Icillow?: Minday ntnool .it 10 oMoiK; iniiiniuriluii ncmie at 11 o'tloik. 1'cv. V,'. II. Williams will omipy the pulpit In the eienins nulng to the sImiiie of tl. p.itci. 111$ mhjut Mill be " ltomp iiith the ligt i'." All me lli-s. ri.uik llliiirliam. of UutKr itucl, paio a tnot enjojihle iliniicr to a fiw of htr finniU lat nisht: Anions thoje present iieie li. A. It. Mi Kay, Mi. Iton Snarl, Mis. I'reil Mtkiron, Jlrs. A. 31. Dinuhain, Mr Jij, Mis. John Kill-, MieB lltaie Ihijtlf, Miss tJineileii' IIIokiiUi. tlihlnd and Cora NirkiiMm, Huth and Amu Ki lls, Mare;aut HiiiRhain and Alhtit Miliaj, The hinUimirten uill he ojuiiul in the old Pioneer building; on Tripp an nue on Monday inomina;. It is to he for KnjrlUh speakiri; ilill (Iron and will ho in charge of Miss- l.illljn ilouis, of bcianlcn, 11I10 formerly hnl iharisc of the tchool for Italian hildn 11 on Chclnnt i-tuet. The H0j.1l Aicanum uill hold in ninl-inonlhl.v meeting Monday eiiiiini;, Viu nihil' li, at S oMotk. A full altendinee is ileslied.. Miss Clara Potter his hoinp (.pitiun'ul.i ot ait needle uoirlc on psliihitlon in the ulndoivs of .1. fi, Hone & Sins' mugiittnii; that mu uttrait ing iiiuiIi attention fiom the ladlis uho hau fi 1 11 Hum. Mi-ss Made Hioiison, of Kim ulreet, is Mtiiii "SZ Y$X?iZ' ,uk., .,, ,IlH ,,hla' "l,it,l,r ,I" ' ---nrii to the huMde o I. ill II lllflll l I CT 14l III III... t . . . 1 .1 I... Kit niece, Mis. Stun, Mho is mm tin- proud in (onditiiK. I'tler llohd.i.v, uho met uiih .111 .neiilonl uhilo liuiitlii ii 11 ku lounl.i last iw el. lias opiialid (ii JCsttlilie ,11 the Mo-es Tajlor liospifl, ulnre he has lii-in (.line the .lu'ldein, and the bulla nas leinoied fiom his hi?, it Kaiini; liken .111 upuaiil toiiise fiom iihcio It enliud ut alunti the ankle. I'.iei.MluiiR lookH faun ihle lor lib, Lilly r in cry. John Modatt, of Kim Mini, lilt jiMcuhy lor riiilailolphla, uhue he uill be the ituesl of his iii-Iii.iw, Iter. John II. Danes, It. I)., pjslni ol Ihe Hithlfheni I'lesb.ilerlan ihiiiih in thai til). Min John Moll ut, ol lludhv ,luel, l..i 10. tumid lioiu Xiw Vork, mIiciu she has bun at Ihe bciUhle ot Inr hu-hand uho nas leuull.i opiralnl on lit the I'lCnb.iterlJIi hit-pilul Iheie. Jh. Mob fait is rcpoited as ileadll.i Kuiiiinir in stU'iiKtb nnd his caily home loiuiu u lookul for. riiurlilw; at the Ibidhy hligil iliurih in thu moiiilns by ihe p.utor, J, 1 Kieiuu.'i, Itev. n. M. (ircni, II, ) of I'hocuisiilli'. 1'a., uill puudi at Ihe iiiiilnir miim hubjeti, "Kulish. Iliinea." Ilriiial seniles wilt b (ontiuiinl lilnlilly limine the unk. Dr. On en uill pieaili nnd I'.utoi- ,1, I Kicaincr uill elnir a solo nt Hum) m-iiIus, All ui'leoiue, Tieasiiiei August AViihUis uill piy boroutjli or. ikis this afternoon at the IiihuIikIi huihliuu. Did You Read It. Our .idvtTtlseinmit on iinotlipr puija or this paper will liu Intuu-Htliipr icutf IniT 10 uvcry lmly iImIiIiii,' u ieiidy-lo-wi'iif Bitnnont. ah-uih ,.- llnsuti, omo GRAIN COFFEE Konio iiuonlu can't drink colTco ; everybody can drink Groln-O, It looks and tastes like colTeo, but it is jiiado from puro grains. No coJTeb ju it. Grain-0 is cheaper than coffee. ; costs about oue-ijiiaiter us much. All grocer 1 15c. smlvsc. SOUTH SCRANTON RINGGOLD BAND PRESENTED . WITH A BANNER. It WttB Presented to Them Last Night in Athletic Hall by Miss Keegnn, of Plttston Avenue The Patriotic Order of True Americans Entertained Last Night in Fiue han's Hall Concluding Entertain ment in People's Lecture Course. Other News Notes. The Ulnggold bind, the popular iniMeal oiganlr.allou of South Scran ton, was presented hist evening In Athletic hall with a handsome silk banner, theglft of Miss Kcegan, of l'lttslon avenue, the presentation speech being neatly made by William Miller. It was responded to in hearty words by Leader John U. "'huso of the band, who accepted the bannoi" In behalf of (ho organization. The ban ner, which Iw tiiitr feet wide hv six ; j,1(, jum,., S (t splendid example of woman's skill and Ingenuity In fancy needlework. The one side Is of purple silk, with the words "Success and Piosperlly to the lllnggold Band," In genuously worked on with small gold bends. The other side bears the motto, "Eat, Urink and Be Merry," which the large assemblage did Immediately after tho ceremony, partaking of choice viands prepared by the ladles. The huunsi which is all baud made is valued at True Americans Entertained. A very pleasant social was given in Frtiehan'K hull. Cellar avenue, last eve ning by the local camp of Patriotic Order of True Americans. A line liter ary programme was given, during which Mrs. Randolph Jones, presi dent of the National Order of True Americans, spoke encouragingly of the work of the older during the past year. The programme given was as fol lows: Song, "America," audience; udilress, Mrs. Randolph Jones; ad dress, Rev. M. H. Flror; recitation. Miss Ida Klbler; vocal solo, Master Will Scheuer; recitation. MI--S Bertha Courtrlghl; recitation, Miss Llzule Ilorbuch: solo (vocal), Mrs. Bald. Concluding Entertainment. Thfi folloivitiB' is the priwamnici which will conclude the People's Le tiiiv nnd entertainment course, iu the Cedar avenue llethodist church, or Tuesday evening', Nov. IS: Pant First some, "llattle Iljinn ot the He public," iiudituie; plionojrapli adetllou, Mr. Ti-dtl; dint, "lleautiful MmuiiIIrIiI," Misses MIlliK.iu anil M.usdeu; redlation, IKrbeit Ralilni;; solo, "1'rue loi Life," Daild Dalies; ntit.ition, Wilfred Maisden; recitation, Xettiu llaldcrman; quartttte, " Fairy Moonllttht," Mi-es Millicnii, Map-dm and Miti. Smith ami Doty; lecitation, tbace lleutnu; banjo bideetion; ht-eue in t-nuit, "hueaiinpr in a Jury," dialogue; duet, "Call lo aims'," Mesrs Daiis and Watkms; Solomon Uaacs troubles. Part Second Srifrina., audiente; plionociapli cleitton, Mr. Tisdel; luoo hand; recitation, "rainier Stchhlns at the Hall," llou.inl Doty; "Manlli Hiy," Jolin Kiaiw; solo, Udltli Doty; solo, James Wat kins; sonij, flenciieic IleiKhatiscr; .elettion, baijo club; sonR, "Homeland hhou," .uidlenec. Did You Read It. Our advertisement on another page of this paper will be Interesting read ing to every lady desiring a ready-to-wear gm ment. Mears ec Hagen. BRIEFLY NOTED. An alarm of tire was turned In trom box .11, comer of Cedar avenue and Alder street, lust night at- 6 o'clock, uul the Century, Neptune and Phoe nix companies responded and iiuicklv put out a blaze in the apartment house of A. Welnschenk In Schimplt's court, occupied by a Polish family, and caused by a defective flue. The damage done was slight. The 16-mont'h-old child of Guseppo Repello, an Italian living at 11 1 Beech street, was horribly burned last even ing shortly before supper, through thu carelessness nf her sister, who over turned ti kettle of boiling soup over the litt'le tot, who was playing on the floor, and healded her face and le'ft side of her body In a frightful man ner. Dr. M. II. Qulim was hastily called and administered to the child. The Gospel meeting at 3.43 o'clock in the association rooms of the Young Women's Clulstlan association on Sun day afternoon will be in chargp of Miss Anna Uanklu. All women and girls invited to attend this .service. Camp 120, Patriotic Order Sons of America Drum corps, are at ranging for tlier eighth annual reception, to be given Jan. 1 iu Music Hall. Arrangements are being made by the liiiil.'giild band for their annual ball, in liu given Thanksgiving evening, iu Athletic hall, Alder street. John Chrlstnphel, of Remington ave nue, a si'igeant in Company M, Fifth United States cavalry, now stationed Iu Porto Klco, is home on 11 ten days' furlough, Newr. Mas lecolveil hern yesterday of the death In Detroit, Mich., of Mrs. AVIlIlam Wlrth, who formerly lesided cm Prospect avenue, and who Is well known lieiealiiiuts. Thomas Mutehninn and family, uf Klmlia, are visiting lrlenils In lid's bi'l'tloll. Harry .Schwartz, uf Mnltke avenue, In 111 nt his home with appendicitis, Mrs. J. K. Evans Is 111 at her home on Pear street. William Cook, of 1727 Piospcct ave nue, is suffering from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. OLD FORGE. Ullliam lU.niuii, who his bcin milfeilnt; with liill.immntoi.1 ihiimntlni foi M.W1.1I iiuiilhs. Is Mill iu 11 iiillul'iondllioii. I'lunk 1. olu.dU. ol San liaiuisio, uho in. bun lislllliir liiemU in ihhi plaee, lift on Mou. ili.i for Sen' oil., while ho uill jieml j fnv liioiilhs iioiis lo ills it lill 11 home. Johnson llii'dill .mil family h.ue halt spind. ill',- the pisl link .11 'Ihoinhursl. Mir, lliiikln.ui, of 'ln.ll"l'i l.illi'l on IiKihU iu lids 1'l.ue on Wtdiusdiy, lib hud Ciui the misfoiiiine to bruk In-. J nil en Tuiluy iihlle ut uoik. )ltih ml IIomjiiI h.'.s moiiil his family lo I'jtts ton. udreii' SiiliUr, Of Mooir, Ihe 1,-ne.f of Kbeu Toole on Miudi, ' 'I In' mhool luuld io,tid ll"tl(cs thloil);hout the boiouitli eiiiellui.' .ill uhu iii.h In nlleiul niKht kihool to ie(iisier ullh the niuili4l of liny ot Ihe m, by Mondj), .Vol, 1.'. 'Ihe hoaid optned j iiieilal djy nhool fuf Iht'liow diirlnj,' the tilke in .1 bulldlim' oiwnd by William llip, uhleli he iraie the bojrd llie uo of tree. The bojid itishu lo ule the bo) uho 11UI1 llio op. poiliiully lo nttmd iiiuhl mIuwI If they so ile. fire. For a Cold in the Head Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets, HnKKKK5CUKn90CKK0UKKKUK)0KKKKKUKXUKKX: X Uric ncld Klilaey Thorny Gravel, Do Not Wait until sm & .kv mzr Just as soon as you notloe a aedlmeent m rmm K I "T" In your water on atandlna, take the QRFA SOLvEN I 0 FREE SAMPLE St ml jiotliil for lice simple to w.iic.M.H's s.ri; uiii; t n., Hixlicstcr, N. V. JUiitlon lliis jupir when willlnif, KKUKJOUCU UK50SK)Un:KXUnKKnKKKKnKKKKKKHK NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Miss Kline, of North Main avenue, Was Surprised Miss Anna Ly- nott Entertains Other Notes. Jllss Kline, of North Mnln avenue, was pleasantly gurprlpcd nt her home on Thursilny evening:, when a number of her friends tendered her a uarty. Although Miss Kline was not expect ing' company, she soon proved herself ii charming' hostess. The usual party diversions were indulged In and dainty viands were served. Those present were Misses May Kline, Anna Morris, fiessle Mori Is, Gussle Cohen, Mattio Kline, Hatch and Armstrong-; Messis. Clark Davis, Fred and WUhud Robin son, Harrison Trog-away, Everett Johns nnd Joseph Cohen. Mlhs Anna B. Lynott entertained the following' young people at her home last evening: Misses Anna Shields, Mary Golden, Kate Neary, Elizabeth Gallagher, Mary Jackson, Mary De vlne, Messrs. William Williams, Ed ward Gibson, John Kenney, Thomas Kelley, Daniel Davis and Arthur Rich ards. Meeting of Men's Society. "The Scranton Men's Society" (Niii th End), which was organized a few weeks ago In the Providence Pres bvteilan Social rooms, and which is to hold sessions monthly during the winter season, will have their opening assembly next Monday evening. The announcements for that occasion are attractive and almost elaborate as the sequence of much preparation by the vailous committees. The new presi dent, Captain Doiph B. Atherton. will give an inaugural address which will be followed by an address on a civic theme by ttev. Dr. Isaac Lansing, ot Green Kldge. For programme variations, Prof. C. F. Whlttcmoro and his social commit tee have provided several male cjimr Wtu numbers and during the social hour they will serve a light collation. The Scranton Men's society starts with an emollment of about 6," members, which includes many of the leading citizens of the North End section of the city. The object of the organiza tion Is "Literary, Philanthropic and Social." Promises have been received for addresses during: the winter from James T. Duliois, United States Consul General to Switzeiland, and from 11. J. Carr, president of National As sociation of Libranans who will speak on Libraries: also fiom Harry Fuller, esq., a leading barrister of Wilkes Harie. It Is also expected that Hon, Willis Moore, chief of the "Weather Uureau, at Washington, D. C, wllll speak some evening during the season. In January the 'society will have open parliament on local citizenship, wlisn adeli esses will be given by City Solicitor A. A. Voshurs', and ex-Sollci-tor James H. Torrey, esq. The as sembly on Monday evening next, will open sharp at S o'clock, by singing "America" in grand chorus, led by tho quartette. At the Baptist Church. .Sunday evening at tho Memoiinl Bap list church. In the absence of the pas tor, who will officiate at the Hnptlst church of South Wilkes-Run e, tho meeting will be In charge of. the young people, with tlie following programme: Simdntc (-oiiKH'.'.ill')ii Seilpiure lesson ls.1.11 Willi. mis siuitim.' (ieori;o Daties und parly I'i.iju- fieoiite Dalies boh lMuard Motrin lledlillon, "Tho Loid Is .My Miepluid"- .lilinie IlichanN, Duel 'I low. Jlies and I.eiiis Jones l'.inl', "Mlli-hilio" ('01.1 Ufibllts Uniihlo quuletli'-- .Ma.'b'iii .lihu, May Willlaius, T.uliil Hies, Annie Ileus, Coin lluberl', Willi mis, IMuaid Moiicaii, 'lh"S. lit t -.. tho. Hills, I,tnU Junes, John Hin-lus. Ibillalion IMhei Willi nil, lleiltaliou .'. T.l.llil lieeii 'llio Ueo. ll.uis, Thus, Hies, IM. .Moikju AuuoiuKeineuls, Siuitiuu Cuiiri 1 Dillon lliiniliilloi I). II. Ilrllllths Did You Read It. Our advertisement on mint her page of this paper will ho Interesting lead ing to every lady desiring 11 ready-to-wear Kimneiit. Mears it Hagen, NUBS OF NEWS, The I'piioilh liauuo of Ihe 1'ioiidiiiee Millio. list Cpls10p.1l (luilih lit 1,1 a koiiiil List Uill Inir in the ilnmh parhn.. Iluli.uioii,. diut, villus ami llisllllliii' uhu lions iieie I lit ft.l lines of the I'Hiiiiii;. At Ihe loiulibioii ot the pioKiauniit ufiishiuiuU mo nivul. 'llio Sund ly bthool n the I'loihleiue I'irs lj leiijn 1 Iiuh h hud an euliilulmiii'iil tun 'ilk'. A lllfc'e audit in e uj.s piistin. I'onoiiluK Ihe inleilaiiiiuint a wiial nas htld Tho i:i-iUlor niihfslra mndiuleil .1 mxIiI in the Aiidlturliiui list ciiuiui;. 'Iheio nil) be 11 intelluK of the iViplo.ti'a of the Von Monh mine in .uhlhihl' lull, lliis euiilni; ut 7,'M n'lloil,. The AmiiIoii Mtn'a Kuilrty iilll hvhl a mut. lill,' In Hit! p.nluls of the I'loildtiiee I'ltflivlU' tin tlmrili .Monday eunliiu, Mi. D. V. Jones hien iiituuiulni; the pat uul., her thlti, .Mu. lJ1.1h.11n, of TiinU- llJIIIIOl'.. Ut I'ooper, of Xiiilou, has lutn altiudiiitf to biuliits.s In tills illy ilurim; u portion of the uetk. 'Ihe 1'ioildt'iite l'rc.b It rlau Sunday M-liuol tuehtu, luiplH and ollkcrs and ushcu hid Uric ncld and nl.ojpliHeH. Kidney origin. center, origin. Oxylnte ol lime. Kidney origin. Granular Daposlts Develop Into GRAVEL WARNER'S Oslikosh, Wiinur'it fc-ifc Cine Co It oclwitrr, '. Y. Ontlimeli: KlKlil nit 1 sinimn grrauv win wunvj ui n-, , rniMiltcil vcuinl phjiiUliina, Imt tlirlr innllciiiea tlld nip no koikI. A filcml cf mine In the ilrmr Ihi-Iiicm tint t try, WiihiitVi S-afo Citu I followed the MWBdtluii nnd "tier udnif n couple nf Lotties I notlinl a ll..l,l I, ,n,r, .,,,,,. i,l I n, ill lull, il 111 UM tllT UllOllt 18 tllOtUlH HIM lUtt hnpiiv to uv It inniplilrly cnrcil me. 1 fore" Klilnir tlili tcillinontul in imlcr In hco now helleie it N. eurs truly, bctietniy (Wikosh Timiw. We have received a magnificent new importation of Rugs and Carpets of all sizes and qualities. Our thorough acquaintance with the Oriental markels puts us in position to get the best and latest at the very lowest prices. Also a fine line of Wilton , Smyrna and Axminster Rugs at a bargain. EVERY RUG GUARANTEED. Michaelian Bros, & Co. 124 Wasfiiigton Avsnin, Scranton Pa. 275 Firm Avenue, New York. a cy pleasant social last ricnlns in the social moms of that thureh. Itctitations, niuslc and phonograph si lections and light refu'shnunts Mere among the enteitaliilni; featurts. 'the occasion 11.1s pit pared by Superintendent II. If. MeKeclian and an assisting committee. GREEN RIDGE "WOMEN'S CLUB. The Departments and the Women Who Have Charge of Them. The Green Itldge Woman's Club an nounce the following departments with directors, for the coming winter: Music Mrs. J. A. Pennington, assisted by Miss French and Mr. Hofmaster. of the Scranton Oonsoratory of Music. Literaturer-CVIctorlan Period) Mrs. S. Friedewnld. Household Economics Miss Amy von Sal is Gerecke. Monday, November Vi, at !l p. in., the directors will met all those deslrlm? U become members of these depart ments', at the Green Ridge library. Did You Head It. Our advertisement on another page of this paper will be interesting read ing to every lady desiring- a ready-to-wear garment. Mears & Hagen. OBITUARY. Itev. Hnn-oni Dunn, ho died at the home of his oii-lii'laii-, Dr. L. M. (fates, jesterday, was .1 notluiible limine lettntly on our strttts. He lias 2 ,ieir of iw, but still blight and interestiniTi well postnl iu all ncits ot the diy ,ind full of Infoimatlon on eiery subject. lie had Hied tliimieh m.iuy iuteitsliiiK eli.niRis iu our lounlo's histoi.v. lie brsan piiathlne at lb 31.114 of iiRi- iu nas then uilil cmintiy iu Ohio and MlcliisJii and Wisconsin. (Ireat reiitals folloiieil his itrorls and he ureaniid miny ohuiehes. Ills great life itorlc, hoiieur, lias loml, a he was, a leather at (leuritla stinliMi.r, uheie i'resident C.'arlleld attended, and later pmfior III lllllsilile tolliRe, Mirliiguii, and .it tliu hind of Its Piiiniry ntliool. He u a .1 foielhle and uiiKiictic pt,akel. Pol' Ihe last two 31MIS he has ulien up hiirtli- his puhlie unik. but was a tonstant tontrlbutoi to piptis. IIiiip iliuithli'is suriiie him, .Mis. ti, A. S'.i--ton, of NibiasKa; Mis, Waller .1. Clailt, of ludli, a l'rr.slitlfrim uilssiouary, and Mis. Cairn, of lliis city. The fiimral will be held Monday I aflernoon nt the old home iu .MltliluMii. where ,iMi!s wife Is inn ltd. Ills irramLsoii, Watliud Dunn Iilll'-, is now ut lllllsilile college, Thoinnh llians, .1 highly ie-ieiiul itsitluit of .Vol Hi N union, diul at his home in SpiluK I, llio 'Ihuisdiy eltullik' .if 1 1 1 ,1 I Iff illuiss, 'Hie dici.isul Mas ,1 uallie ot Wales, but his u.siili'.l ill this settlon foi'ihe tidily jc.irs, iiheie ho is held in hlvli"esWrm. Ile nas ..i Hit Ions mcmbii' of tho W1M1 t'oim'i teat Ion il tliuich, also nf ('.iirhdl.iiili Imlifp. Auieriian 'luie liorltis. A Mile ami the fulloikliig eldldnii suriiie him; .lolm, ', Hi 1113, William, II it Id, Mis. John lim n, Mis. William D.nis and Mis. (ienrnre Dills, nil of this ind. I' aniioiiiiiiimiit I.Hti. 'Iliomas Deiine of t:i lliniptou kIihI, ibed ii.-.uili,v nioriiliu, 'llio f111111.1l uill be held Monday iiiuriiini; ultli tcrilies at 61. I'.ililih'a chuiih nnd iukriuent in Aioca. Unanimous Opinion. "('.inilnll3', Jane," said n September bible (.'room to his hilde, iu 11 tpliit nf si If-abaseiuent, "I 1.111't piKeiie libit 3011 .s.uv In nil: to mike 3011 t llllmc to in.iiry me." "Neier mind, ile.ii," leplled Ihe biidoi "iliat'ii uhu all my relating wj'," I'ltisbuitf Clironlele, Next Thing' to It. Jlil.hed (law oii tnr bun would I13 .1 nun in .1 thirl ualsty AlheXo; bill onto I was il.iliui; 0110 of the liuMluu llio bt.udtil uouiu lliul 10 lllibt uiih ine.-t hltjii Tlnies-llirihl, 8100 Reward S100. Tho rcadirs of this paper nil! ho pleased to learn that lime ii .it bust one dreaded ilista.e that nil mi' ha been abb to Hire in all lis flagc and that Is eatarrh. Hill's Calurrh Cure Is the only poitlic 1 lire lion known to the midU'Jl luti'iiill, Calairli Ijtln- u loustilu. lioiul illstaie, it.iiius .1 loiutiliilloiidl treat, incut. Hall's ('atari Ii Cine is tikiu Internally, uelliit; illitctly upon the blood and nintous tur. fate ot the stsl.'in, then by dtslroylni; the (ouniljilon uf thu, und uiiiiitf the pstlcnt elitUKlh by biilliluis up the lonalltutlun and asisliiii; nature in doliii; tn woik. The pioprie lorn ban- to niuih tailh in Its iiualliii powers, that they 0II1T one lluudrtd Dollars for uiiy tau that It falls to cure. Said for list of ttuti monlals. Addrei. P. J. CIIKXUY i ( O., Toletlo, O. bvld by dniKKists, 7.V. llall'j family 1'ilU aie tlui lot. " Uric ncld cryjUI. STONES SAFE CURE. VL Sept. M.lWlO. h.ivu wnltcd scleral cars be. II my cum wu permanent. I . u JU-NULNa. Oriental Rugs and Carpets At Special Reduced Prices. AMUSEMENTS. IYCEUH THEATRE "-"Huri;under & Rels, Lessesand At A. J. Duffy, Business Manager. AUnajerJ ACADEHY OF flUSIC, UUUauNDER & KBIS. Lessees. tl. A. BkOWN, Manager. oaijAKCU op wi:i:ic MacauleU'Patton Co Presenting Thuieday ci'eninp, Pridoy. ".lust Dcfore Dann"; Texas Coll boy." "Rnyjl Rags"; Saturday, "A ALL NEXT WEEK. Huntley and Jackson Co. Openins Monday eienlnp; with "For Liberty and Loie." USUAL 1'ItICEP. , New Gaiety Theatre If. It. LONG, Leeu anil Manager. Tbiee Dajs Commtnelncf TIirilSDAV MATINIX. NOVUMUER 8. Cub IMnthestcr's CRACKER JACKR. A now biuleonue for laughing purposes only "OX 1 111: TALL HIVEIl UXII." Full of new stuff. 'JO pietty girls. A big olio ot noieltiei,. Matinees daily. . j lluec (kits, rommencinp; wllll matinee, Mon c'ai, Nov, l'- WALDI10X k llltVANT'S "TIIOCADEUOS." Pliets lae., -it., 'loe., ."iOe, What's Your Money's Worth ? Answering that question depends en tirely upon where you go to find out. Wo honestly believe that AlANos r tepresent more veal piano value than any other make on the market. BECAUSE they are the result of the highest skilled labor, imbued with exalted ideals, working intelli gently with choicest materials. BECAUSE, within the lid of every STIEFE is more than half a century of experimental art along the linei of highest possible attainment. , BECAUSE they are sold at a fair price for an artistic piano, NO FANCY PBICE EOE REPUTATION. THE STIEFF TONE CABBIES WITH IT A CONVICTION OF ME CHANICAL ..INTEOBITY. Bargains in slightly used pianos, following makes, Gildemeester & Kroeger, Checkering & Sous, Mc Fhall, Krell, Fease, Smith & Barnes, Boyal nil uprights and in first-class condition. Fine Tuning ft Specialty, A complete stock of Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise, GEORGE W. FINN, 138' WYOMING AVENUE. Open Evenings. JEAUTY, IM CONQUEROft BELLAVITA .rsenlq Beauty Tablets and Pills. A par- octly sufoiiml KUiiruntceiltrestnicDt fora allium llsorders. Reilorth bloom oljouthtolsded lac. U di.ya1 troutinent 50c i SO daji.1 1.00, by mail circular. Address, ,-""T mpiiiimi m -u..'4 jtcktea SO., Watt Soli) by McQarrah A Thomas. Drug gists., 80: Lucknwauna ave., bcrunton. fa. 'Ihe stone iiuhciin and cold Ueiomes J lit lug mold, 'Ihe 111010 Ihe maiblu wastes The more the ttattic grout. iliJuel AcgtJa, Sonnet, i ' 41 . P A .l ax r- v ,? J&