IV. If ""' ? V . M.,.,,L .JJ'. - PlSiS , ..- . -j.,t- ,-,. .",(.,., ., . t-i .7. ' - , ' 5 ''.,: . ki uVl ,1 ..;' iTHE 'SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATUBDAY, NOVKMBKR 10, 1900. m If I ft M - - at Religious.. IMKUK 18 liullitr imbllshetl In New York what Is enlloct "Tho Mod ern Ahierlrim Hlblc," the com liller helnK llev. Frank 8. Tlallen tine, nn Kplticonal clcriryninn of Pcranton. It I In five dainty voliimeit, Unvoted to tho New Tcntnim-nt, and BVnPV tll'AI nt llnl l. ..!.... .1.1 l..l ...-.r .,.., ui muij vvrit Filicnuci iiieve: It. The author dons not announce whether he purpoacH covering the Old Testament or not. Only two volumes re out thus far. though all tho others ire In pi-ens. .The first volume gives the Gospel of Rt. Mark; the second contains St. Mat thew, together with the Kplstles of St. Peter. St. Judo and St. James, which Mr. Ballentino considers to belong to the same period. The third volume Is to contain the Gospel according to St. Luke and the Acts of the Apostles; the fourth and fifth will give the Epistles of St. Paul. Including the Kplstle to the Hebrews; and In the sixth volume the Gospel, tho Kplstles and the Hovelatlon of St. John will be published together. This translation has been made In modern Alnerlcan Idiomatic English, for modern American readers. Much Care has been devoted to the typogra phical arrangement. Prose Is printed b prose, and poetry as poetry. He brew parallelisms are Indicated plainly nd graphically. As Christ's words to the people of His day and generation were plain, simple and homely, so this translation teljs again the same great truths In the same simple language of cur own day and native land. Mr. Ballentine uses dollars and cents, not pounds, shillings, pence and farth ings. He makes some popular changes, too "charger" to "dish"; "mammon" to money"; "watch of the night," first hour," etc., to our present designations of time. He drops all antlquarianlsms, ituch as the final "eths" of the verbs; he employs quotation marks and thus escapes the necessity of repeating "he wild." Ho prints quotations from the Old Testament In somewhat smaller type. In Matthew's Gospel, he tries to reproduce the effect of the Hebraic rythm by the free use of parallelisms in printing. On picking up one or these beautiful ly printed little volumes they are not too large to put In the pocket one Is struck with the fact that there is no numbering or breaking Into verses, but that the text looks as attractive as that of any book of today. The print runs not In the narrow columns as In the old Bible, but acioss the page. The conversational parts uie arranged as In all modern stories, after the method of Henri Laserre In bis Les Saints Kvangiles, Mr. Ballentine giving the French author full credit for this novel nnd striking featuie. Probably few people care for grammatical details, but scholars will be glad to know that Mr. Ballentine has restored to the Eng lish much of the force and beauty it has lost In translation, his faithful ren dering of the tenses of the original Greek being what the Sunday School Times reviewer calls the greatest In novation In the work. Wllkes-Barre Record. men's Christian association will be tented for tho unveiling of the monu ment, November IS. i The several I.uthoinu churches of the city will unite on Sunday owning In Zlon's Lutheran church to celebrate the four hundred and seventeenth anniversary of Mart In Luther. Tho service will be conducted in the Oer mnn and In tho English languages. Hev. James Wltlcc of riirMt Lutheran church will preach the Gorman ser mon nnd Hev. c. O. Suleker of Holy Trinity church will pi each tho Eng lish sermon. The hymns selectedi can be sung In both lnntruaces. ftlon'ti congregation Is the olden among the Lutheran churches In this city. Its active pastor Is the oldest active pas tor in the city. Hev. P. F. Zlzelnmnn has been the faithful shepherd of his flock for over forty years. The election of oflttfis for tho Methodist Ministers' association of Scranton and vicinity teiulted as fol lows: President, llev. O, "'. Lyman, Court street; vice-president, P.ev. G. A. Cure, Providence; Neeretury-ttas-urer, Bev. J. N. Balloy of Moonta: chairman theme committee. Rev. Jos eph Madison, Green nidge. A com mittee conslstlnc of PreMdlng Elder Gilflln. Itev. Dr. ('. M. Griffin, Rev. Dr. I. B. Sweet. P.ev. Dr. L. L. Sprague unci iiev. Dr. v. h. fierce met on Wednesday to map out a programme for tho great convention of Decembsr .1 and 4, In the Interests of the twen tieth century forward movement. ----... m itlVtStSWSW f i vrBk. & . . I oaay Positively the Last Day Tonight the Great Exhibition, which has been the wonder, of the many thousands who have visited' it, closes. It has been the most successful Pure Food Show ever held in the State. We are erateful for the appreciation. If it has inspired you to greater confidence in the store; helped you to know the merchandise better and to appreciate the standard of low prices, your welfare has been served and our object accomplished Grand Gala Concerts This Afternoon and Evening by the Royal Hungarian Band of New York Positively the last appearance in Scranton. Everyone who hears them marvels at their playing Do iiss this great closing feature of the Exposition. Concerts today at 2 o'clock and 7 o' clock. not miss JONAS LONG'S SONS : - . "VSrfNVJ The Young Slen's Christian associa tion meeting for men will be addressed on Sunday at 3.45 by W. H. Williams, the "Drummer Evangelist;" subject, "The Young Slan and His Company." Excellent music In charge of Director J. SI. Chance will precede the address. The meeting will be held In Guern sey's music hall, on the first floor. f Hev. D. J. Williams will read a pa per before the Paptlst Pastors' con ference Monday at 10:30 on the sub ject, "Does the Theory' of Evolution Provide a Place for the Fall of Slan?" The Wyoming annual conference will be held in West Plttston April tOMi. Hlshop AV. X. Nlnde presiding. L. V. Power, secietary-treasuier of the Dickson Manufacturing company, will address the family meeting Hun day at 3H". Railroad Y. SI. C, A , Scranton, Pa. The orchestra will give a programme of old hymns at thp opening. A r-orcli.il welcome to all. A. Similar, of Philadelphia; morning ncriuon, "A Pure Heart;" evening Kcrinon, "Eternal l.llo." All nrc welcome. Memorial llaptlt Church N-rvleei at the luual linma. Ilihle school at i i. in., flcoigo llavK Mipcrlntendent. In Hie evening the p.ntor, being ntwnt, the meeting vvlll lie in charge if I lie .vnung people, who have prepaieil nn edify ing piograiniiie. Monday evening I lie legtihir weekly pra.ver meeting of (he iliuirli. 'fueiday enlne; j oung people' meeting. Topic, "'Ihe Lame Man Healed." Iltakel.i r Imrrli Hev. Dm Id Speneer, P. P., Hill pieaih al 10.:i0 a. in., nn "CliiM, Hie lloul of Propheiy," and at 7.1)0 p. in., on "The I'lodlgal'n Klilir lliollier"; Ilihle iihool, 11. Ci; II. V. P. I!., fin, Kvotvbodv welcome. Martin Luther, the great reformer, xvas born November 10, 1483, at Elsle ben, Germany. This event will he commemorated at the Sunday services tomorrow In Grace Lutheran church, corner Sladlson avenue and Mulberry treet, Hev. Luther Hess Waring, pas tor. The Sunday school will render the following Home Slission and Luther Day programme at 10.30 a. m., to -which the public Is cordially Invited: Organ prelude MM Ilaltio Kline Invocation pastor and conjugation fcong of praise, "I.o! a Mighty Unit" School (Scripture "Lesson, the Luther Psalm, Ml M.uie lli'lncckel 6onu, "Christ for ThU Land We Mng".. School Pra.ier of TlianK.Rblni; for the. work of Ihe icformet Ijinc Matter Addrean, "Why We Are Here" M. c. I.andt Recitations .. I.irzir Sunday and Lewie Kaufman Renpomhc reading, "Luther and His Woik," Supeilntendent and school Uridine, "Luther, a Model of True Christian . Mfr" I). L. nan. cm. fyn(r, "Forward Soldier. Follow .leans".... School Trimary department lecilationn. Klla Orau, Kmma Kwald, n.non Wllcot, Kl. mer Kiufman. Hdlth I.andt, Janet Sunday, Clara Corey, Foster Kaufman nnd F.dltli Ben der. Bora-, "Happy LHtle Ones" Primary dn Recitation, "O Church! Arise and .Simr!" Hoy Linker flonjj, "Sound the Itattle Cry" School Responsive Reading, "Home Missions," Supeilntendent nnd school Recitations, ' In no Lorenr. L'lsle Kline, Irene Siebecker, l.llllc Foss, Irene Cunningham and llosa nulli. Sons, "A Work for P tn On" sihool Ilrrltatton, "MKslonaiy Music" Chun Haas Address, "Home Missions" IMklur Violin solo, selected Miss Clarn Lonij Bona-. "Lord, Send Thy Word and Let It Fir," School Closing; Trayer and Benediction. At the evening service nt 7.30 o'clock there will be special music and the pastor will speak on "Traces of Luther In Germany Today." ... - Tollowlng Is tho programme of tho Home Missionary confeienco to be held In tho Washburn Street Presby terian church; Voluntary and Doiology, Prayer. Hymn, "Jly Country 'TIs of Thee." crlpture reading. Address, "Our Homo Mlvilonaiy Picichem How Many and Wlieic" n. A. Stono rapcr, "iiur Home JMsaionary Teachers and Tomorrow's Services Methodist Episcopal. F.lm Park Church Low- I'ejH at '.:: a. in., conducted by the piesiillng i-hlei : -.m innieiil.il sen ice nt ID. '10 :i. in.; ji I J in., b.ilf hour ilihle study in Sunday school mom; Sunday school nt 2, nnd Kpuorth League nt ti.JIO p. m. I'le.icliing by tho pastor, U M. (Ilffin, I). I)., al 7.:i0 p. in.; topic, "Failed To Do Klecteil; Whose Fault Is ItV" At the mission, 1319 Pine street, Sundaj school al fl a. in.; Kpuorth League 'at fl.!i0 p. in. Simpson Methodist Lpiscopiil lunch llev. .1. T). Sweet, 1). I),, pasloi. Morning piaeis at H..'1'J; pieaihing seniee, seiinou by (he pastor, at 10.110; tet, Titus. Ii:14; anhjnt, "The Fomfolil Woik of I luiht." Sunday mIiouI, f!. L. Peck, .iiperiiitrnilenl, at 1J; .luuioi Kp oilh league, Mnw ( i.iwfoid, Hinerlntendent. nt 2.50; Kpnorlh league, W. orlliup, president. Mis. .1. I!. Hughes, leader, at fl.SO: pieaihing sen Ice, srimon by the pastor, nt 7.3(1; tei, 2 Peler, 1 :10; subject. "Making Klection Sure." Free seats. Helpful senior's. Come ami enjoy them. Quarterly conference net Wednesd.iv eening. The pra.ier meeting will be led bj Hev. Dr. fSililn. the presiding elder. Pi m idem o Methodist Lpiscopal church The lliotherhood of Si. Paul meets at lu a. in. Mr. One's subject at 1O.:!0 . in., will be "A fioxrrniiient Appointment;" at 7.:m p. m "The Diair Set." Sunday school, C. W. Dawson, su perintendent, nt 2 p. in.; Kpuorth league, K. L. Hcnjamln. president, at O.Fi p. in., topic, "Dccinion for Christ'; Anna Fndden, leader, ncilwil seniles will be held ccry night next neck, hut Saluiday night. Cedar Avenue .Methodist Kniscon.il church- Quarterly meeting in the inoming; loicfcist at fl.30 a. in.; seiinon at I0.:i0, followed by Lord's supper; .iiiiiuir i.puouu league at :i,.lll p. m.; Kpuorth league at ..'10 p. in.; pleaching bv tlie pastor at 7.W) p. m. stiangeia are coidlally weluome. Hampton Slreet Methodist Kpiscopal ilnucli Rev. .lames llennlngei', pisloi. Pleaching ser vice at 10.SO, subject of sermon, "Kxpntaiuy"; class meet lug at ll.HO; Sunday school nt 2 p. in., .1. T, Hendle, superintendent; Junior Kpuoilh league at .1 p. in.; Senior Kpworlh league at 0.::u. leadei, C. W. Dunn; eiening preaching senile at 7,.'iu, subject of seimon, "The Wedding (Jainicnt." , coulial Imitation. I list nernun Methodist KpUop.il ebnrih, Ad ams .neniie and Vine sliect CI. Ilohllin, pastor. Pleaching sen Ices, 10.30 a. m, ami 7.30 p. in.; Sunday siboul at noon: Kpwoitb league meeting at 7 p. in. Ilnlul seniles will he held cw-i.v ewning uf tliis week, excepting Sat. nrilay. Court Slreet MclhodW Kpisiopal Churcli fl, C, L.nnan, pastor, Quiiteily lonfeiencc- Satui clay, 7,30 p. in.; Rev. C. l. (ilffln, H. I) ll preside. I.nc Fenst Sunday. !, 10 n. in., ser. mon nnd communion senile; Sunday school, II, 41 a. in.; (3. It, Claik, biiperlnteiiilcnl: Ilioihcihood Presbyterian. FnM Piesbylerian Cliuich-Ur. Mi l.cod ulll pieach morning and evening; morning sen ice, 10 30 o'llock; eienlng service, 7.30 o'clock; Sun day mIhhiI, 12.1j noon; Young People's Soelel.v of Christian Kndeavor, 6.:i0 p. ni. Mid-week ser. viie Widnesday, 7.'." p. in. Strangeia weliome at all senlees. Second Piesb.vterlan iliuiih Services, 111 30 a. m. and 7.SII p. in. Ilr. Iloblnson will preadi in the iiiiunliig nn "Patient o, Comfort nnd Hope fioin the Scrlplure," and In the evening on "Son llemeniber." All are welcome. tlieen Ridge Pieslivteiian ilmrrh llev, I. .1. Lansing, past'oi ; llev. L. U. Foster, assistant. Al 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m., services of wor ship, with seiinou by the pasloi. Ilihle school at 12; Christian Kndeavor at 11.3(1. Cllls-ciis ami strangers eonli.il y invited. Provldenie Presb.vteiian Church The pastor, llev. Dr. (leorge K. (iiilhl, will otc-upv Ihe puipit at l.:) a. m. and 7.IJ0 p. in. The of ferings of Ihe day will be for' Home Missions. Sunday school al noon; Knileavor meeting at (1 .'I'i o'clock. The seals of the church arc flic. Washburn Sheet Presb.vteiian ( hnrch llev. John P. Moffat. I). 1)., pud or. Scrviiesal 10.30 a. ni. and 7.30 p. m.- rtible ilas, nt 12 in.; Christian Kndeavor Vc g People, at fi 20 p. m. The inoming and evening service will be given to the consideration of Home Missions. In the morning a senium bj the pasloi ; in the evening a Home Missionary lonfeiencc. A number Of sboit addiesHcs will be given. OITriings for the Home Mission lause at each service. Special music nioining and evening by Ihe cboii. AH couliall.v invited. Sumner AVenue Picsbvterian (liniih. miner Sunnier Avemie and Price slieel. Senlees "as u-iial. Preaching by llev. Frank J. Mllinan n lO.'KI a. m.; Sunday school at 2 p. ni.; Kvan gelist Conger will speak at 0 p. in. Revival services every evening during the week except Saturday; atrangem welcome. Adama Avenue Chapel, New York eticet Rev. .lamei Hughes, pastor, will preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7,30 p. m. ; Similar school at 3 p. m.; Bible (lass for men taught by the paslur. Thcie will he services in the chapel on Wednesday ev ening, and cottage meetings on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. All nrc welcome. Taj lor Presbyterian Churcli Professor W. K. Pliiinley, of the School of the Lacknnnnua, will picnch al the morning service. No evening ser Evangelical Lutheran. I. wiugellcal Lutlicra ii Twenty-second Sunday alter Tilnltv. tiospel, .Matt., xvlli:2.1-2.i; epis tle. Phil.. 1:3-11. SI. Milk's, Washburn and t'nuitcciith stieils ItcV. A. L. Itauu-r, Ph. I)., pastor. Seniles at 10 10 a. in. : Sunday school, 12 in. Morning subject, "Fellowship In the CJospel," Xo even ing servlie. ..e cougiegation will take pait in the union service In Zlon's church. Holy Tilnlty, Adams nienue and Mulbeiiy street llev. C, (3. Spleker, pastor. Senlce. 10.30 a. in.; Sunday school, 12 in. Xo evening sei vlce. The pastor will pleach the Kngllsh sei mon at Ihe union service In inn's l.uthii.in church, St. Paul's, Short avenue llev. W. C. L. Lauer, pastor. Service at 10.30 a. in,; Sunday school, 2.30 p in. Tin- congregation will milte with Ion's Lutlici.ni congicgatlon in Ihe evening service. Zinn'i, Jlltttin avenue Rev. P. F. Irilnunn, pastor. Sen Ices at 10::o a. in.; Sunday school nt 2 p. in. I'nlon service of the Lutheran churches nt 7..I0 p. m In loiumemoiutlon of Luthel's blitbday. Christ chinch. Cedar nvenue and Beech street Rev. James Withe, pistnr. Seniles at 10.30 a. in.; Sunday sihool, 2 p. m, There will be no evening suviie. The pastor will pieach the Oeiman seiinou at the union seniw- in Ion's Lutheran churcli. St. Petri's;, Present! avenue Rev. .1. W. Ran dolph, pastor. Seniles at 10.30 a. in.; Hitmliv school, 2 p. m. The congregation vvlll unite Willi .ion's Lufheinn church In the evening ser vile. (iraic- KnglMi I.uthcian Clime It (Ceiieuil S.vnnd), conn i Madison nviniie .mil Mulbeny stuel Hev. Luther lle-s Wailng, pislur. 0.:i a. in., Simil.iv sihool; KI..-1II a. in., Ilonii- Mission and Luther Div seniles liy tin- Suniliv sihool: I). L. Flikes, esii., iipciinli-uilint. Addu-ssis, recitations, leadings, spirited iniisic and a ior dial well nine. 0J" p. in., Young People' So. ciety of Christian Fndeavoi; 7.10 p. ni., Divine senlees. Aihbess bv pi-lnron "Ti.kis of .nth. er in tleimanv Todiv " -peiial music. A we icmc to all. Episcopal. Siiint Luke's iiarlsh Rev. Rogeis Is I, I), 1)., rector; llev. K. J. Haughton, senior cur ale; Hev. M. II. Xash, junior cuiale. Twcntj seiond Sunday ufler Trinity. St. Luke's chinch-7.3(1 a. in., holy coinmun ion; 10.3(1 a. m., morning pinju- and seimon; 7.30 p. in., evening pra.ver and sermon; y.lj a. in., Sunday school and Ilihle classes. St. Mink's, Dunniori 8 a. ni., ltolv Com munion; 10.30 a. m , sermon nnd Holy Com munion: 7.30 p. in., evening prajer and ser mon; .1 p. ni., Sunday school and Ilihle classes. Kast Knd mission, Prescott avenue 2 p. in., Sunday .school and Illlile classes; 3.30 p. in., evening prajer nnd seimon. South Side minimi. Fig slreet 2.30 p, ouii.ia., si mini aim uioie classes. St. (leoige's, Ol.vphant-2.30 p. m,, Sunday school and Bible classes; 3.30 p. m., evening prater nnd sermon. Chi lit' Chilli h, comer Washington avenue and Park stieet. Rev. F. S. Unllentliip, rector. Ser vices iu.;iu a. m., 2.30 p. ni. anil 7.10 i All seats fiec. All welcome. Reformed Episcopal. Crnce Reformed Kplscop.il chinch, Wvomliig avenue, below Mulbeiiy stieet Rev. Ucorge L. Alricli, pastor. Piavcr and pralso service, 0.30 ii. in.; divine woislilp, 10.30 a. in, and 7.30 p. in. Subjects, ii. in., "Kept In God's Love," Judo, :21; p. m., "Foiglvcness," Psalm, exxx:', Sabbath school, 12 in.; Y. P. S. C. 1.'., 0.30 p. m.; lesson study Wednesday even ing nt 7.30 o'clock, followed by piavcr meet ing at 8. Seats free. All welcome. Miscellaneous. Plymouth Congiegatlonal Church, Jackson stieet, between Main street and Hyde Paik live, nue II. A. Hoy I, pastor. 10.30 a. mu pleach ing by tho pastor; 12 in., Sabbath school, A. It. K.vnon, supeilntendent; 2.15 p. m., Slienu in Avenue Sabbath school, John 11. Thomas, super intendent; 7 p. in., evening service, addicss bv Rev. W. II. Williams, superintendent of Anti Saloon league. A coulial welcome to nil these services. Calvaiy Rcfoinied Church, Mnnioe avenue nnd Gibson stieet Rev. Marion L. Firor, pistoi. Ser vices Sjinday, 10.30 n. in.; Sunday School, 11.43 a. in.; Cluistiaii Kndeavor, 0.13 p. in.; evening services', 7.30 p. in. Morning and evening ser mons by tin- pastor. Zlun I'nlted Kvaugcllial, 1120 Capouse nvenue Pleaching at 10 13 a. in, nnd 7. ill p. in., by the pasloi. Rev. J. W. Mosslngrr. Subjects: "Rieak L'p Your Fallow-gioiind," and "find or lli.il- Which?." Mmdiy school al 'J.l'i u. in.: special conseu ition service at 3 p.' ni.; Keystone leigiie nulstl.ui Kudeavoi, at 0.10 p. in." Week nlrfht levlval seniles begin at 7.3U. All me coidiallv Invited In ntlend. Fiist Chinch (Chi 1st .Scientist), fil'l Adams nve nue Sunday sen ices, lO.i.M u. m. and 7.30 p. in.; Similar school, 11.13 a. in.; subject, "So-il nrd Body." Testhnoniil ineellnp Weilnesdiy even ing nt 8 o'clock. The c lunch is al-o open rvny day dining the week. The llildc and all Chris, tiau Silence Literature Is l:ept in its free public leading loom. Science and Hcilth, with key to the Sciiplnies, by .Mary Raker 1'ddy, will be loaned for investigation without charge. Visltcis nnd lettem of inquiry an- cvci"omed ami given com Icons attention and information fne. The People's Prohibition chinch Rev. Dr. Iliul, pastor. Tlieie will be legular preaching service on Sunday evening ut 7.30 p. in., in Morcll hall, Rreaker street, fireen Ridge; sub ject, ".Momentous Lessons fiom the Late Flec tion." All aie welcome. m., isB. I June I Warmiifi .A I Midwinter I3B1I simp,ef I liel--H as a m I JlicKK Stove M B IcqcscctiiIIIIs C-fftgvTI I II tfPiiH I r a iIPPP" J . Sper! Heatess (Steam or lie. Wale:) furnish the tempcrntur." r.t summer throughout the house, day and night. The automatic damper nnd fuel feed take the work nnd tlic worry of watching off your hands and keep the hect ct the desired point; n heall'; ful heat free of dust ontl offensive odors. It la ti temperature that con b i egulatcd lowered or rule ed at yottr villi tincl thn economy of fuel is wonder ful. Catalocuc mallei! free. The Sperl Heater Co. Coibondutc, Pu. "113!, For a Cold in the Head Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. Sunday School Lesson for November 11. The Rich Man and Lazarus. Luke xvi, 19-31. BV J. E. Gilbert, D.D Secretary of American Society of Religious Education. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, SA Heaters. GIINSTER FORSYTH MB-OT PENN AVENUE. 01 nt. ram, .1 p. in.; .minor League, :!..',() p. in, ; Kpuorth League 11.30 p. in.; prcachlne; . llev, C, M. fllffiii, I). l) 7.:io. ,v. eleonie.' Baptist. IVnn Avenue llapllut chiirih, l-enii avenue he tvveen t-piuce anil Llmlen fctiecta I'icathliiff, mornlns -nt 10.TO, liy llev. It. M. (Ireen, 1). ) paator of rust ll.iptl.t thmcli, I'hoenlxvllle, l'a ami lu the evinlnu at 7,:i0, liy the paitor, llev, llohert l'. Y. I'lcne. I), n. .Moininij pia.vcra In tlie lovvei leniple at 0,4'ii Runilav COXTKXT. In the paiablc of the unjust alcvv aril which we atmlieil last Sunday .lens cv hihils tho jiciver.lly 0f n,e jrHis, ica,ieis, to vvhem had been comniltteil the ailmlnistiation of Ilk' KinRiioin of Uod, as the fctevvards of its nys teiits, who used thdr power not for the uloiy of (lod, but for their own pioflt. He had utteicd inrae ininga as a warning to the disciples, ileclai. lug tint they could not teive Cod ami nnminon (Luke xvl: N). Hut the .1 bailees ovcrlirarcl and ileriileil Iliin. It became necessary, theieforc, to kiiMk directly to them and expose their piac liccs. Tlie aitiiatfn was cmbairassiiiB;. The apot tics, under tialning to he the future leadei. and teachers, must be pmeiveil galnt the contain lulling Influence of these vvoildlj-mlnded men. If ...... n.unr "..Mini, a Hauler iii which iiu-v weic greatly cpocd, (hen Ihe whole Christian svh tun would be involvid. To teach them on tin, subject, nnd to Mice) coino light on tlie lelatlou of this world to the next, Jesus ilellvend the parable of the rich man ami Lhmiih, the People The Work l'or".MIs Mabel Crist Bcllo1 at '' 'llml- l H'c IVnn avenue i lunch, Address, "Our Jv'cvv Fields In Cuba and l-orto 'i nml nt 't'30 P- ' "' M Memoilal mission on ",c """. n- '- Morgan rijiiin, nan vo uie i.oru Anointed," Addrru, "lleasons ami Motive for Home MU. ,. , l"" Ilobert .1. William. AddrtM, "What Our Local Church flavc Last Year to Home Missions anil What We Should Oivc Tlila Year" The pastor Offering for Home Missions. Pri)T. Hymn, "Rod Dlcis Our Native Land," Benediction, t ! , Gospel service at tho Young Wo men's Christian association, 205 Wash Innton avenue, at 3.45 Sunday after noon. Peleuatea to the stato conven tion will mako reports, All women and Blrls are most cordially Invited. The week beBlnulns November u will be observed as eek of pr.iym' In the a-rsu. riatlon. Hervlces will bo held every day Rt 12.1.1 and at I o'clock on Tiirhiluy afternoon. WlminwB at tho Yiuiiik Wo- Dr.BulIs COUCH SYRUP Cures Cough or Cold at onoe. Conquers Croup, Whooplng-Coucli, PronchitU, T.rlprie and Consumption. Quick, uie results. Or.uirHUcurttonJtlpatlon, eupllii Oc Piescntt avenue; ll.W) Young IVonle'a Society ut Christian Lndeavor meriliig; topic u even ing (.crmoii, "Life's Open Door," A brief cvangelistli) service will follow the evening ci. mon, when i.u- pastor vvlll ui- object lessons in presenting (-ciiptum tiiill,'., I'iixt llaptUt i him h, South .Main avenue S, V, Malhevva, pa.toi; parsonage, 111! Uik Kin-ei. ine uuai stivicc r-aunain, ,:;ij a, m. and ".:) p. m,, in baiement of WrMi llapiUt chinch. Sunday nthool, S.ao p. m., Plymouth ihurili, Dr. Ileddoe, kiiptiiutrndeiit-, II, V. I', li, nervlce, tUO p. m., Ivoiltr lull; puver meeting Wediicsda.v evening, J.:i0 p. in. ',H aie loidlallv imllid. liiccii Itidge HaptUt ihuiili-lliv, W, J, Cord, pasloi; 1I10I1 piajer incellng at 0 a, m.; pu. idling by Ihu pastor at Ju.30 and 7,ao. hub jeet in Hie inoriilng, "Tin- Ileal I'ftei;" in the evening, "'I lie sin uf .Nuaulas." hunday sihool at II. O; meeting, of ihe junior aoclcty al :i.:al; pia.vcr meeting of tlie senior society at U . Jackson Miect llaiitist ( huiih-Monilii- .u,., inccling at H.MI; leailci, Jlictlic r louu .lone; piicililiis by the pastor, llev. Ihouus dc liuiibv Ii. It., at JU..AI; tuple, I'Pt-lri'k Kliul Woiils." .Sunday school at -'; .Mfinl nobuls, supci Intend. flits; evening scivlic, alvvajs a ilellijilful au. jhecrfulj song suv,,. f0, (,,, i,,),,,,, fn. lowed by a shuil addicvs by hc piilm, "Ihe Mission of Cliil.l." .)t lite elew of Ihe cveulii" feivlec tlie Lend' Suppei will be adniluijicieil' All uie invited to all the piivllegc of uur ihuicli C'cme. Milloli llaptlst lliuith, Center lirrt-Srtn- at 10.13 a. m. and 7.! p. m., by lliv, Jamci LOMIIIIOV. 'Hits paiablc- presents (wo men vvhos evvorhlly lot is in Miiking contrast. 'Ihe llrst has (xtii-me vveallh. Two Items aie men tioned concerning him he was clothed in pur. pie ami fine linen; and ho faied sumptuously ev. cry elay, Ills applied leprcscnted Ilia two most honored classo. put pie being vvoui by kings (Judges till: -JI) nnd flue linen by piicsts (lit. .wvlll; iJ), so that he had (In- insignia of all possible dignity, ills food was in harmony with his attire. The ilehest viands and tic- choicest bulls from ilisiant pans, served bv skillful in Wren, were on his elegant lable, and many """ " "csiiii.v nnu nonoreii were doubt, lew welcomed in a most hospitable manner. Ho lie lived In dally splendor, liuuiy and Jovial mlrlh. The other man was a bcggai, a member of that large class to be found then, as now, in all eaatern countries (Luke xvlli) .15), atlllcled us Ihe patriarch wis (Job ; 7). Friends laid him dally at Ihe gatca of the rich man, that he might obtain the food (hat fell fioin Ihe rich man's table (Acts ill; 2). Then- Ihe dogs licked his aorea as Ihey came in like manner lu re ceive ineir aupplles (Matl, xv: 27. Thcc, then aie- Hie entrcmes In the social scale in the e. liuiatioii of men none could be higher Ihau the fnsr, none lower llian Iho second. CIIAII..Ti:iL-Oui' Saviour lias made the mat. Icr of piopeily so piomlneut in tlie paiable as qulle to oIuluic tlie item of character, Con. ecrning Ihe Hist, It is not said that lie ac c)ulreil his wealth by inlinilty, (hat lie robbed ivldovvs ami orpliaps, or that ho ued falso pos. sessions or gatheinl them by careful, palnstak. lug lu business. Neither is It said that be ruined Ills family or dcfiaudcd Ids uciditois. He Is not atcuscd of adultery, or drunkenness, or bias, plumy, It Is not slated (hat ho was unebarill able, irfuslng (he rail of (he pool, The parable Is equally silent as to the bcggir, It does not sjv that he was pious. There Is no attempt whatever to poitiay his virtues. Ho may have been Icmpciate, liulhful, gentle, prajerful; but Ihe lchou Ha iiollilug on these matters. And jit tin- oiilliMiy leader will dcilve the impres sion Hut one was bad ami (he othci good. 'Ivvu vvoids in the passige might convey such Mils. Sumptuous living signified uncodlv litinir (Krk. xvl! Id), an iilln illsregaiel of icligious IhliigA The name of the beggar, .juriis, ap pliul lo milj one nihei puson lu .Scilpliuc (Julm Nl, 2) mcjiil "Cod ni.v lulpci," 'fids thru, was Hie- dilTeicnec wealth minus leliglouj iiovcrty plus icligioii. IILi:.-ii:i.K.S.-'ihc bcggai saint died llrst, .is lulglit have been cvpeetcd under such (ileum Hr.ecs. lllghlcousncsi tends to longevity, ac. cording to Ihe pioniise (Psalm .cl: Mi, and sin Bhoitens life (piov. II, 22). Hut tlieie ale nicicl fill cxecptions lo this law. When Liarna died Ills troubles ended anil bis jojs began. Xothlng is said of ihu disposition of Ids body. That was of little value. Lung diseased, it had been a burden. Happy day when it was laid aside, even though It may have been taken to Ihe potter's field! Hut his soul, the leal man, win canled away ny angels sent to receive- il (Heb. i, H), into the ho-oni of Ahiaham. Tills shows that lie was a iicomiia'cl inemlier of that sphili.al household (Kpli. iii: i), of which the imincnt pitilarch was the head, composed of the light cpus of nil cenluiies (Mali, vili: 11). Morcovei, lie is admitted Into the most eadearlng iclatlon, not unlike that granted to the beloved apostle (John .till, 2.1), an intimacy that must have been the inoie honoiahle and delightful because of the picvlous eaitlily dlstiess (II Cor. iv: 17). All this coiuired -vitliout delay. One moment with the dogs lu poveity, the lieu inoiuent with Abraham In glorv. x MlSLItV. 'Ihe ilih man .il-n died. Ills vveallh couui not inucliase iiuniunlty fiom duease. Ho fell before the grim destro.vci whom no phvslelan could master (lloig, v, 12). Death terminated bis Jojs uud Inlroduced his soirovvs. It Id cs picssly stated that he- was burled. Thoso who survived paid dee cut repeet lo Ills bodv, tlie mouai pan which had ihlcfly engaged his at tci.tion. 'lhal long pioccssion of filtnds uud llmt eompaiv of hit il piofi-Nslonals gave ev. deuce of sorrow as Ihey passed to the nannvv bouse, the last i est lug place. Hut the rich man's soul lifted up Us ejfS hell, to which plneo It bad gravilnted, without convoy (Acts I: 2.1), Suddenly fiom mi earthly mansion to tlm ubodes of the lost! If any sluinlc fiom this statement riinrnilirr that .lisiis made II. The i"picsson oil Ills lips of love Is invested with tieuiendous interest, In that abode that man was lu lui. me ills, Tlie text implies that his sutrcilng was so gieul thai he lifted bis eje to eoiitiinpl.ile bis surioiindlngs, If possible to discover some mode of , lief, The bievlly of tin- ileserlnllnn picmpls one to fill in details In (lie unutteiuble horrors of the new stale (Horn. II; 0), Pl.liMII.N'O. The wandering gse beheld Abra bam afar off and Laiirus in his bosom. One realm was visible fiom Ihe oilier, though remote. lliN interesting fact Is sulllclcnt giounil for tlie old doctilne that tho place of departed uplills la in tivu adjunct ere lions, and wo know- fiom tho words of Jesus that at least one of these sections is subdivided (John lv:2), Tlie rich man in bis sorrow was not only able to sea Abraham lu Ids Joy, but to speak to him as well. This was his only ground of iinpo, based on Iho goodness of the patriarch. It vva.i a small favoe mat ne asked that Lazarus might como and cool bis tongue. Heboid how quickly the fortune ni inese men were changed! One pleading for Ihe ministration of the other, when a shoit time befoie (lint order was reversed. In his cry for help the Intensity of Ids suffering Is pro clulined; "I am tormented in this flame." What flame? Was it a literal fire? (Iia. Itvl:2l) Ono might al first so conclude from sevtial scrlptuial nlteiances (Mrk lv:ll). Hut because spirits can not suiter from material flic it must be undo, stood us figurative. If a man fpciids this life In seeking eaitlily good, preteirlng the jileasiues of sense-, he must be In pain when he enters inc next lira and these things are irmoved. I'ei petual longing for tho Impossible is worse than the holiest liame. Rami and (lie lust. Tlie interiouise may have been allowed foi pinposcs of instruction, or, as this is a parable, it may have been Imaginary for the benefit of thoso who heard.' Tlie an swer of Abraliiini was in two paits. nut, he reminded the petitioner that the lost of the two men was in the nature of a rctilhiitloii or ad justment. One had good things before death nnd evil things after death, while the other had evil tilings befuie- and good tilings after. The iiioiignc is mat this was not in the order of divine Justice- or deciee, but of human ihoiee and seeking. One man had so earnestly piizcd earthly goods as to lo,e the olher, while Yaarus, in his poverty, had laid up luusuics bevond (Malt. vl:20). Moioovor, Abiabiini Infoimed" the rich nun that tlieie was a gulf between them, so that passage lu either dliccllon was impossi. Iile. After death the righteous tunnot perfoim ny inlnistiy to Ihu wicked, however willing they might be, neither can tlie wicked visit the righteous to iccclvc any favor. Tlie gulf, what ever it was, was fifed. It would never be re moved (i:ccl. xl:3). This sluteinent Is fatal to the eloclrine of post-mortem eonveislon. Hi:i'Li:OTIO.S. Ihe licit man accented Abu. I liauis statement as final, and felt tint his own destiny was fully mid Justly ileteimlued. Imme diately bis thoughts levcried to his father's house, wheie were live brothers, all liable to lead the same kind of life width he had led, and to meet the same fate (Psilni xll:l3), Willi becoming affection he icqiicsled that Larjnis be sent lo them to wain them, In Ihls he mani fested confident c lu the beggai's goodniss uud ability. The realities of the other world hail opened his i-.vcn and given him some just con ception of things. He was, however, ignorant of the plan of (lod, supposing, us some vainly Imagine, that spliiis, having dcpaitcd, mav re turn to this world. Hut Abraham infoimed 1dm on this point. Tin- five biolheis In the Hesli hail the vvilliugs of Moses and the prophets, sufficient for all religious needs (Mai. IvM), The lost man had so neglected these agencies as not to know their value (2 Tim. 111:12-17), He tbeie- foio pleaded that if one arose fiom the dead they would lepent. If possible be would subvert the divine economy and Institute a new order of things. Hut Abraham replied that If a man ejected the nilnlstiy of the living lie would nNo reject that of ono restored from the dead (John xIsM), There the meditations ceased, and tho narratlvo ended. Llcrna! J0y Kterual sor row! The- living must heed Ood'j appointed preachers (2 Cor, Vill). NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, 13.60 per day and upward. European Plan, 11.60 per day and upward. I. D. CRAWFOnD, Proprietor. m SgaT HEADQUARTERS FOR For Business Men In (ha heart of the) wholcsala district. j. For Shoppers S minutes' -walk to Wannmakers; S minutes to Siogel Cooper's) Big Store. Easy of access to the treat ury uuuuts otores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Cars, giv ing easy transportation to all points of Interest. : HOTEL ALBERT NEW YORK. Hen's Underwear Highest Grades at Popular Prices. Cor. 11th ST. A UNIVERSITY PU -f Only ono Block from Broadway. RnnnK SI Nn .restaurant . flUUIila, VI Up. irce5 Reasonable J "f . .. SilS X Jmjlff&dam 412 Spruce Street. Agency for Young's Hats, IIKSI'OSbi:. A hi .ilia iii could hear the tnDrier, and lie vva pcimillcd to leply to his rcquc.t.' Tliis may be a permanent privilege between tlie THACIIINfiS. Several nutters aro very plainly picscnted in this parable, the fact of a conacioiu ttato bejond the grave, beginning Immediately i "i-uiii, iii auiiun or in nappincsi; the separa tion between tho rlghtrom and tho wicked, so that neither class H transferred to the otheij tho total removal of all leformatory and palliat ing iiiituriiirif, whether from man or angel, so that souls enter upon an unalterable ileMlny Iheso truths aro held by tho orthodox thuicli of every name, Hut question a ihe hcie. Is properly n cure? U poverty a ble.slngjf Prop city may be u blessing and povcily a cure. The special point Jesus sought to Illustrate was Iho me to bo made of either. One may be mined by wealth, II It lead him avvav fiom fiod (1 'lini. :u). Undue thought of thla vvoibl may shut out all thought of the next, and coi rupt and pervert the heart (Piov, xv:2T). On mo oiner imiiii, tnc poor man may trust in fiod, Ids vvoildly lot impelling lilm (o 6ccl true itches .lames h;jj. vvi'.iiih and religion may go Schick Job. Milili). If cllhcr mu, I be sac men, ici it be me loimcr (Piov, 111:17), "No, I Will Not" That souuds posi- : tive, but she was right, j for her grocer tried to make her take an iuferior flour instead of "Snow White" WSftWSSHSSi IU"3 toil- I DRESSMAKING. DBESSJIAKIN'O FOH CIIILDIILN TO OltUEII: also ladies' waists. Louise Shoeintkvr, 213 Adami aevnue. HENRY BELIN. JR., General Agent for tha Wyoming Ulstrlct (er DUPONTS POWDER. Mining, Olastlng, Spoiling, Smokeless and tksj Repauno Chemical Company's High Explosives. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Room (01 Con nell Duildlng, Scranton. AtlKNCILS: 1IIOS. FOIIIl PHt.ton JOII.V P.. Mliril & SO.V , Plymouth W, E. MULLIUA.N' , Wllkesnrn Tlio IHckson MnnuractHi'lnsr Co, t crautou nml' Willcot.il irr .' .MmiufuctHi'ori o.' L0C0M0HVE5, SrATIUNAKV 'fNaiNEJ Boilers, llolstlnjaiul I'umpln; Muchlniry General Odice. Scranton, To. Asl N , .