.J. - Tj "!-T.""" V(S '' .J'jijv- i",,y''5s,iii f "v: Wf! "V- v 4 Wf V, "Tt. . f -V i.' .--v ( i i ' ,. t, V ri' ' t e. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1900. A it n Syrup-Figs Actffeasaiitfyandfivmpty. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when v bilious or costive. resents itt, the most acceplablefbm the Inxath'C principles ofplants Jcnon'ii to act most heneflcioffy. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANF'D. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. . SAN FRANCISCO, CAl. LOUISVIltE , KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. tor tale ty tfrvfgisfs - price SO per bottle. O- Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. OC Per J)C Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO UrlepboneOrderi Promptly Dell verel 2J-.137 Adams Avenue. -r N- Srjanfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checksd Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office D., L. & W. Passenger 'Station. Phone 625- DR. H. B. WARE. SPECIALIST. Eye, ar. Nose aud Throat .-Qr? Hours a. . to 11.30 p. m.: ! to . ' Jlllatns Building, , Opp. Pojtofllc 7 CITY NOTES 10I..Ui:i OIIDI.NWtl. .Mm Jnne. ol rt Sinntoti, u.is (".('ld.u cointtiltU'it to tlic coun. y jail by Alilnin.iti H. l).iis llf it (hnripil . 1 1 1 1 u'oUtiug ,i illy owlliuiiir. AMI.Ij IVI'.xinir.. imnnn HulniU imm not ill. (1 ji'-tuiln cif t ho di.illi i ll.ii(l .loin'-, ol fii-jl Wujno inn in1. An iini'-tuJtion will lie liudu in tliu t.i-o 10ll.ll I' Y-IA . 'I lie l).").m.u I.Kk.i.inin .nij i ill iij iompim p.ml .Mintln .it t lie nmliiiic hliulK nitl llio rijiui ami lliitliin rnllit'i'cN. To iliy tlie i niil(i(.s ot tho Son', )i tic will lie 1 Ji.I. ' lNQri.M' T rVllllOMIM.lI-Cototiu Roll. nt.-, uwil to ('.iilioml.ilc h-t iiIkM to loiiilurt .in iiiiiurt. in II A i i.n lit Tliltii.ii. fi.Amt.iu. w lift v.i, Killid on the Heliu.in- ami lliuNon iiilliu.ul i I refill v MIINfli III' I. Mil I .--Ml(.!ml MouiM-y, ( 't u iiiimi h.ii lotiiiuUtril u llio loiinly J ill .U'jli'iiln i Alili I iii.ni .Inlm I, I. ll lit ilofiiilt nt lull lli ii cluiji'il wltli the In ceil" ot i i o it, WAxil'Jl AT IKIM'IT.M. --All Minis ot i lul- lllitlV llolllln llll1 lliH'iloil at II.' lil'A" llllUlllll'4 wiul nt thi; Iu l,.u ,um i lio;pit.il. Ml who 1.1:1 i.mlilliuti' or 'nil IiiIipj ulm .onlil lie wllllo in stw mi ililldii'n's KJiinuit'J pli io rnmniuiii. oitp wliuMI-s Kii'iiiii'r, siijiciliiuiHlont of llio liovpiti.1. rt ltllfil'l Ml MIII.TINU. Tin- WoiiuiiV roifUti Mlssioniiy Kiility of the l'iu( I'u'-.li.itfilan cIhikIi will liolil ilii'h u'iilai' uionllilv meilliu on 'lhi!iil.iy (tlleinoon it 4 o'cloil; in llio ihnuli ldtino i oi,iii.( MUj fluilutto lliwhc, a ini8.-iun-niy(whn ictciitv ii nipil frcm C'lim, will aii. iln tlio iiioiSQm,', 'fit I 5M.li H'ivn.M'.-lh.' nnniiil ineetliii; c! tlu'JjMni' llnsUMl pifiity of Noilln'.uti'in IVnn. tjhjniii, will '- lu'Ul nl tho lioaul of tiaile loouto, I'rldaj rijninqr, Xov, I), at ,M o'lloil?, at wMHi I imp illlcii aio tu lie rieoloil fur (lie en. BiilnV juip ori'iiM aie lo he read ami atunsc. mipf ntt'o- for t( anmnl rtimicr. ' a Childieii's Underwear. Complete HnWlnf eort flefy ribbed timjerwear, peiffcet fiUlntf; inont de flrajile Roods i have ever seeii, AH Mz-j'ut inc. 20c, -p" so": nccordlnR- to elite. MMARS & UAPKN. The Cheapest. Vo buy tho lowest And boll the lowest. ' Olir store Is tho smallest,, tUjr.expenneR tho least. , TJlis Is why we have no competition. Our prices aro bulow conipaUliun It purohiisots will coifilder t'.uullty. This Is made pololbla by always jiaj'Ju spot,cauh foa,all-we buy. Our plaluis aiifl orKans are(nold on easy month)y payments If purchasers bo eslre, or at a Ilbtral discount for call . 1 convince all Asvir prices are si small And the quality offifoodi mi nil, That it Ouernsey 'Brothers is the largest Haul. I anrjuNSBY- imOTlfBRS, N 114 Washington ave. - i Steam Heating an'd Plumbing. . P, M.jr, Howtoy,t Wyoming ave. AN OPERATIC RECITAL. .It Will Be Given In the Lyceum on Sec. 3. Thi! Hrcllal club, which incliulcn pupils of MaiUune Tlinbermiin-Itnn-ilolph nnil othorn, will give nn operatic rocltnl, December 3, In the Lyceum for tho 'benefit of the H&hncinnnn hospltnl. It will be by far the most elabortttu mid beautiful entertainment ever pre sented In this city by local talent. In Mtend of taking nn cntlri' opera, It Is proposed to nlvo the prettiest nclR from aevernl, nmont? them "The Chlmei of Nm mainly," "The Mikado" mud "Katl nltzn." The utmost care will bo bIvoii to details of uostumlng and stnffo set tlnsr, and with 'the contents of the most elegant drawlnR-rooms of the city nt the disposal of the committee It may well .be Imagined that few professional performances have ever been produced hero which rould rival the magnificence of the pioposed affair. Tho Itocltal club Is composed of many leading vocalists of this region, und tho various bcoiich arranged for the enter tainment will afford opportunity for distinction In several roles. An additional feature of Interest will bo an ontr' act programme, In which the famous Spanish Onchuka donee will bo given, while a most fascinating tableau effect, "The Artist's Dream," In will I oh beautiful statuary will 'be posed, Is nlso to be an attraction. Tho recital will bo directed by Mrs. Harry K. Dixie, who Is to begin tho rehearsals nt once. In order to accom modate the throngs of people who are sure to attend, a matinee will be elven. GIRL RUN DOWN BY A RAILROAD TRAIN Fileda Herbst Was Terribly Injured on the Delaware and Hudson, Near Snquoit Mill. Fileda Jlerbst, tho 14-year-old dnuKhter of Mrs. Frieda Herbst, o Moltkc avenue, South Scranton, was tun over yesterday mornlnf? by a pas senger train on the Delaware and Hudson lallroad and had her left leg bo badly mangled thnt it was later amputated at the Lackawanna hospi tal. The child also suffered several severe scalp wounds and was badly bruised and cub about her entire body. From the time of the accident, about 12 o'clock, until several houts after her admittance to the Lacka- uanna hospital, she was unconscious, and last night was reported to be Mi .i very serious condition. The accident happened at the lall toad tracks near the Saqulot Silk mill, wheie the little girl Is employed. At noon she, with .the other 'girls, had her hour for lunch and recieation. She passed merrily out of the building and, with several young companions, was romping gaily about the street, all unconscious of Hie approaching train. In the meanwhile, the 12.03 Delawate and Hudson passenger train, from Wilkes-Bane, was coming up the track at a very high speed. None of the girls in the road paid any atten tion to the ttain as it- rapidly drew near, and when It was only a bhort distance away, Frieda Herbst made a faudden quick movement Vo cross the tracks, and her young ft lends turned away with a chorus of shrieks to avoid witnessing the tenible sight which met their gaze. The gteat mass of lion and steel pushed direct against the child, who was thrown with her one leg lest ing on the tiack. "Befote the engi neer, by using all his energy, could stop tho train, the giant wheels had passed over the girl's left leg, and when the train was backed up and little Fileda was picked up by a score of helping hands, the leg was a mass of splintered bone and toin bhreds of bleeding flesh. The Lackawanna hospital, was noti fied, and soon Dr. Walker arrived with the ambulance. Tho child was taken to tho hospital and there removed to the operating room, as amputation of the leg was unavoidable. Dr. A. .T. Connell, of the hospital staff, perfoimed the operation, as sisted by tho senior resident surgeon, Dr. J. W. Husch, and Dr. Claudo Wal ker. The limb was seveiod just be low the knee. Tho cuts on the scalp and face wounds were dressed, and thtoughout the tcmalnder of tho day the girl did as well as could be ex pected. Jits. Herbst, the child's al most heatt-broken mother, remained at the hospital tlnoughout the en tile time, watching by her daughter's side, with a face so full of sortow and agony that it gave a heart ache to everyone who saw tho lonely figure be side the little white col. MADE THEIR FINAL VOWS. Two Young Women Received Into Order of Sisters of Mercy. "At 7 o'clock this morning two young ladles, pustulnntn In St. Mary's con vent, made their llnal professions oC chastity, poverty und obedience, conse crated their lives to God and took the black veil" of tho order of the Sisters of Mercy," says yesterday's Wilkes J1.il io Times. "The vowb were received by night Rev. Bishop Hoban In the ptotty chapel oi St. Mary's convent, and tho services uttendant thereon were beuu tlful und Impressive. The altar and chapel were beautifully decorated with a profusion of lloweis and brilliant with clusters of lighted candles. i "The postulants were Sister Uorro meo, founerly Miss Anna Dunn, ot Wilmington, Del., and Sister Gene vieve, formerly Miss Kate Ituddy, of I'lalns, The profession was preceded by a mass, celebrated by tho bishop. Fathers McAndrew and Dunn, of this city; Father Judge, of Sugar Notch, and Father Hussie, of Plains, were alto present and assisted nt the ser vice. The ehapel was filled with friends of tho two slstors, many being from Wllmlngtdn. Del., Towanda, Plains and this city. "After the vows were received tho bishop preached a short sermon on the beautiful and peaceful lives of thoso who devoto themselves wholly to the service of tho Lord." WILL INITIATE GOBIN. Is to Become a Member of Gohin Command, SpauiBU War Veterans. Brigadier General J. P. S. Gobln, for whom the local command of the Span ish war veterans was named, has ac knowledged tho honor in a very pleas ant letter to tho otllcers of tho com mand aud expresses a wish to become enrolled In Us membership. The command Is making arrange ments for a big celebration In tho coursr of a few weel.fc to mark the occasion of General Gobln's Initiation. The date Is to be fixed to suit the hit ter's convenience, FOUR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE LACKAWANNA SENDS A REPUB LICAN DELECATION. Each of the Legislative Districts of the County Gave the Republican Candidates a Rousing Qood Vote, and All Four of Them Are Elected by Very Snug Pluralities Sum mary of the Vote in Each Legisla tive District, ns Well as the Vote in Detail by Election Districts. The tables printed In tho last edition of yesterday's Tribune showed that Republicans were elected In each of tho four legislative dlBtrlets of tho county. Tables carefully compiled yesterday from the open returns In the prothon otary's ofllce showed that Tho Trib une's figures were almost absolutely correct. The summary of the legislative vote In each district follows: FIRST DISTRICT. T. J. Reynolds, R 3931 Timothy Hayes, D 3485 Corner Reese, P 189 Reynolds' plurality 446 SECOND DISTRICT. John J. Scheuer, R., re-elected 4303 M. D. Flaherty, D 3955 Rev. Levi Bird, P 117 Scheuer's plurality 348 " THIRD DISTRICT. Edward James, jr., R 2591 John H. Bonner, D 1781 John L. Lacoe, P 485 James' plurality 810 FOURTH DISTRICT. P. A. Phllbin, R 4771 P. E. Timlin, D 4343 William J. Evans, P 320 Philbin's plurality 428 In the accompanying tables the do talls of the vote in each district aro set forth: FIRST LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. DISTRICTS Knir ward, 1'irst Uiat l'irst ward, Pocond ilitt I'irst ward. Third dist , l'nit wjiiI, Kourlli (list I'irst ward. Fifth ilNt "cconil ward. llrt ilisL Stcond ward, Scioud di?t .second ward, 'Ihiul dist M-conil w.ud, fourth di.t , Second w.ud, 1'iftli ilist , 'J hud ward, i'irst clist Third ward, .second ilist , J'oiuth waid, l'iiit dist , l'omtli ward. Second iliit , Fourth ward, Thud ilit , rouilli ward, fourth dist , fifth Maul, fust ilitt , fifth waul, hecond dist , fifth ward, Third di5t , fifth waul, Kouitli dist Mxlli ward, fust dist Sixth waid, Second del fouileentli waid, first ihi-l fourteenth ward. Second dist .... fifteenth waid, first (list fifteenth waid, hecond di,.t l'.iKlitecnth ward Twcnty-lirKt ward, flint ilist .., Tncnt) .flint waid, becoud ili-it .... lt2 3'l 17. ldi SI 17 S8 120 110 39 TO lft! awi 124 (II 112 70 120 19 20G 26.i 11 11 1.-.2 1S1 1(11) IS. 40 21 7i 17S 303 114 20-.' 21.1 2ir 188 in 12 ir no 202 es; Oil 127 13(1 1 24Si 101 115 144 117 IdS 120 144 121 117. IS 100 0 mi: 440' 31S5 153 Keloids' plurality SECOND LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. I DISTUICTS. Seenth waid, fit"disl Seeu(li waid. Second dist SmriiHi ward, Third dist fiBlith waul, firt di,l Eighth waid, Second dist Ninth ward, flnt dist Ninth ward, Second dist Ninth ward, Thlid dist Tenth w.ud, I list dist Tenth waid, Second dist fleienth ward. First dlsi 1 leventh ward, Second dist .... fleienth ward, Third dit Twelfth ward, Flit dist Twelfth waid, Second dist 'llilitccnth wuul. fuel dist .... Thirteenth ward, Second dist ., 'Jhirleenth ward, Tliiul dist ... Sixteenth ward, first dist .... Sixteenth ward. Second dist ... Scicnteclnh ward, First dist... Seicutecnth ward, Second ilist seventeenth waid, Third dist .. Nineteenth waid, fimt dist .... Ninelienth ward, Second dist .. Nineteenth wjrd, Third dist ... Nineteenth ward, Fourth dist .. Twentieth ward, first ilist .... Twentieth ward, Second dist ,. Twentieth ward, Third dist .... Twentieth waul, fuuitli dist .. 1SI 133 8S 35 124 151 110 110 120 76 2.S' mo 21.11 00 (il 79 (kS 150 72 111 142 200 207 103 4s 10 10 106 .110 11.5 l(u 1M 2.il 2"4 140 175 in 211 101 1401 s'l 75 102 141 100 CO 82 174 211 171; ie 148 111 71 07 200 254 4J M 130 162 4303 8055 117 Scheuer's pluiallly SIS THIRD LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. DISTRICTS. Ileiilon , Clifton Vo Initl on Dillon , (ilenhurn , ,,,, Couldshoro (ireenfidd , ,., laicUwanua South dLtiict , West district , i:a.t district , Northeast ilUhlct , Soutliwist district , I.I l'liuiio illstrlot , l.chigli district , Madlion di.trlct , Moiisii! borough ill.trlct , Newton dlstilct , North Abii'Rtoii district Old forco township ...,,, , Old forsce-flmt dlstilct Second liUtilct fourth district ,,, Hati.on first district ,,, ,, Second distilct ,,,,,, Scott ,, ,,,,, Suanto.i Sixth ward, Third dist ,, Siriiiif ilrooU ,,,.., South AuliiKloii-l'list di.tiict , Second ilbtrlcl ,.,,, Thlid distiht , Tajloi-lTret waid Sec criil ward , Third ward ,,,, ,,, foiiilh waid Fifth ward ,......,, i,, .,,,,,, N'aurly ,,.,,.,, .....,,.., West Abiniitoii , , ,,, n 3 0 1 41 47 50 I 10 "i 1 in a7 'in .1 5 10 17 .! "l 12 II 1-i u 20 10 25011781 4S5 James plurality bio;.,.. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup lias been "sed for ov er , ITFTY YErs by MILLIONS ol MOlTIKRS for their CIIILDRE.V 1ILE TElrillNa. tilth PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES tin CHILI). SOFTENS tli uUifS ALLAYS ill PAlNl CUBES WIND COUO. and i tho test remedy for PUnitHOL'A. Sold by UruifgWts In cvciy part ol thu world. Ho 6U and ask for "Sirs. Window' Soothing byrun," and take no other Mud. Twenty-ate cent, a bottle. ' FOURTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT nisTiiicis. Arcliliahl-riist ward, Hut illt .. first wiril, Second dlit Scond ward, Flnt dlt ........ Third w.ud Rlakely Fli.t ward Second ward Third ward ., , C.itlioni!.ili tuwmhip X. W. dlit... Xorthuut district Carlmndilf rirtt wan!, Firit dirt.. rirst ward. Third dlt Second ward, Flint di.l Hecond wnrd, Pfcond illut Hecond wml, Third IK Third ward, flrt dist 'Ihlrd ward, second dist Third ward, Thlid dint Third wnrd, Fourth dlt... fourth ward, first dlit fourth waid, Second dht fourth wml, Third dist fifth ward, First dlt fifth ward, Scond dist f 111 127 78 211 .11 n ISO :n 27 104 18 nt 62 in ra; .ti lot It ii.ii 81 .18 71 sixth ward, First dist Sixth ward, Second dist Dickson Clty-Flrst ward Second ward Tlilid ward Dumnore First ward, I'lril dist... First ward. Siromt dist Hciond ward. First rti.t SYiomt ward. Second Jlst Third ward, firV; dist Third wrd, Kcond dist Third wnrd, Third dist l-ourth vard , Fifth ward .Sixth rd, Fust dist HUth watd, Sfccnd dist .1(1 oO OS 44 02 81) 70 201 110 91 6' M 03 flu 70 101 21 .14 87 r.ininursr. ... Fll township-First district , Second district Fourth district Jefferson , Jennyn First waid , Second ward .,, 1 rd , Mayflcld Olyphant lint ward Second ward Third ward, Fint district Third ward, Second district .... 1 ourth ward Roarlnif Biook Tirn,0P andlinp Winton First ward Second ward ,. Third waid 7(1 4.11 81 183 12' in 03 ! 11 M! 21 128 4!) 23 131 180 4771 1113 .120 riillbln's pluiality 421 RECORDER-ELECT MEETS SAD MISHAP Drank Ammonia in Mistake for a Cough Medicine While Hurriedly Responding to Serenade. For a time yesterday it was feared that Recorder-elect Emll Bonn would never enjoy the fruits of his valiant and successful fight. Early in the morning a party of his admiring fi lends, on their way home from the central city, stopped at his residence, CIS Flttbtou avenue, and pro ceeded to give him a serenade. On the way from hia bedroom to re spond to the greeting ibe hurriedly and excitedly reached for a bottle of cough medicine, which he had been using1 to cure a hoarseness brought on by the campaigning, but instead of taking tho throat remedy he got ihold of a bottle of llnament, of which ammonia was the principal Ingredient, and took a small swallow of Jt before ihe discov ered his mistake. Seven drops diluted in an ounce of water was 'the prescribed maximum dose for an adult. He drank about a teaspoonful raw. The burning'paln,caused to his mouth and throat and thejSickness Induced to his stomach prostrated him, and when Dr. A. J. Kolb and Dr. L. M. Gates ar rived in response to a hurried sum mons they found him in a. state of al most complete collapse. The dangerous, dlicct effects of the ammonia were readily overcome, ibut the shock to his system, already debili tated by the hardships and exposures on the campaign, may bring on serious consecjuenees, the doctors say. No Grand Store. We have no grand warorooms but we have a nice little store well adapt ed to our business where our expenses are the lowest and where every In strument Is paid for the day it arrives. This way of doing business enables us to ofter grand grades of pianos at grand low prices and give the pur chaser the most possible value for his money. Cash customers will not bo disregarded while those less fortunate and needing a little time will be treat ed just as courteously and the amount agreed on bo accepted In easy month ly payments. A call Will prove to all That pianos took atfall GUERNSEY BROTHERS, 114 Washington ave. Denied the Accusations. "I hae eomo to joii," said tho reporter, 'as a repreeentalhe, lifelong Democrat ' "But I sm not a lifelong Democrat," pro tested the eminent cltiien. "Tho first three or four j ears ot my life I paid no attention to poli tics at all." Indianapolis Tress. 6Real Bargains Golf Skirts Black Meltou, seven rows of stitching, tourist , ft patch pocket, $5,00 value for $2,y5 Golf Skirts Twenty-seven Sample Skirts, all fine tailored gar ments, in black, grey, Oxford blue and brown, at one- quarter less than regular prices. Golf Capes Misses' reversible, , in beautiful Clan a j w Plaids $4.95 Box Coats For misses, in brown, castor aud blue, It's a & - beauty ip7.5U Dress Goods. Another lot of scinch all wool tailor Veuetiaus, ft all new mixtures, $1,00 value, for only 7vC Vicunas, 50-inch, real $i.2c, value, iu shades of slates, modes, browns, blues, greens, wine and fi nn garnet, Our price , plUU SEE OUR WINDOWS. MEARS&HAGEN 415-417 Lackawanna Avenue. IDENTITY OF THE SUSPECT POLICE NOW KNOW WHO PHILIP 8LOANE IS. His Real Name Is Philip McManus and He Was Paroled from the El mlra Reformatory and Is Now Wanted at That Institution for Breaking the Terms of His Parol. He Served Two Years In That In stitutionNothing Heard as to George Davis. The police are now assured that In arresting on suspicion last week the two men, who gave their nnmes ns Frank Sloano and George Dnvls, they made no -rnlstnko, and that tho two Htrangors are both wanted in other cities for tho commission of a crime. Advices from Elmlra tell that Sloane, whoso real nnme Is Philip McManus, Is a paroled prisoner of tho Elmlra teformatory, and officers are dally ex pected from that Institution to take him back to the Imperial state. McManus now admits his identity and furthermore admitted that the jewelry found In his possession when he was arrested was secured by crooked means. Just how this was done, however, he will not tell, and stubornly refuses to throw any light on this part of the transaction. As will be remembered, he and his companion, Davis, as he calls lilmsclf, were arrested In the early part of last week by City Detective John Molr, Mounted Officer Block and Con stable Will Thomas. The two men had been visiting various central city ho tels and there tried to secretly dis pose of an amount of jewelry. One of the hotel keepers, who did not like the aspect of the operations, notified the police and the arrest of the duo resulted. CONTAINED JEWELRY. When taken Into custody, a neatly tied parcel, which one of the men car ried, was opened and found to con tain a miscellaneous collection of cheap watches, rings, scarf-pins and other jewelry, the greater part of which was bogus, but some of which proved to be genuine. When arraigned before Mayor Molr, the prisoners gave their nnmes as Sloane and Davis, and claimed lo be jewelry pedleis. They appeared very hazy, however, regard ing the place whenc they came here and when asked where their homes were, gave very evasive and discon certed answers. At the conclusion of the hearing, it was decided to hold them until their cases could be further Investigated. Each of the men was photographed, and his measurements taken accord ing to the Bertlllon system, and sev eral copies of the resulting likenesses were made. These were forwarded to a large number of police bureaus In cities of the east, and yesterday Chlef- of-Police Robllng received an answer from BInghamton. The Parlor City sleuths on receiv ing the photograph of the man who gave his name as Sloane, immediately recognized the features as those of one Philip McManus, a resident of BInghamton. He was arrested a lit tle over two years ago, seriously charged, and at his trial received the sentence of eighteen yeais In the El mlra reformatory. SERVED TWO YEARS. He served for about two years ot this, and then for good behavior and other causes, was released on parole. This parole was to consist of his be ing afforded practically absolute lib erty, with the proviso that on the first day of each month he was to report at the reformatory, either In person, or send a written statement of his whereabouts. This parole was soon broken by McManus, and all trace of htm was lost until the picture was received at BInghamton, and In turn forwarded to Elmlra. When Chief Robllng yester day acquainted McManus that his Identity was discovered ho acted In a very philosophic manner, and non chalantly dioppod a lemark to the effect that he didn't come by the jewelry In any honest way. Nothing further has been learned re garding Davls Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Tony Mlcho Utlca Virginia Cerla Dunmore Trust Worthy. "Is ho a trustworthy patriot?" asked the earn est citizen. "I should say so," answered Senator Sorghum. "A man that can make money as brilliantly as he can la worthy ot ll the trusts he is able to controls'Washington Star. jwywywwvwwwww' Transplant Before the frost gets; them, and you had better do it at once. First get your Jardinieres at this store, for we have just what you want at the price you want to pay. We have some In beautiful Rookwood Effects at amazingly low prices, from ta.oo to $10.00. Then we have others from 15 cents to $i,oo. VvxyaTViiAX. Geo V Millar VJCV. V.lTlllim mMmmwmmMwwmtMm WjSjJW We m.ke a specialty of Painless Ex traction, and If you have any pain while we are pulling your teeth will guarantee to do all of your work free of charge. I had ten teeth pulled absolutely without pain. Mrs. Duricin, 112 Adonis avenue. I have recommended your painless method to cvcijbody. Mrs. Smith, Moosic, Va. We mako teeth to suit you and your friends. We guarantee to please 3011 or no pay. saaagxxsQs&xxxsxsocxsaogxxsoBoe We Have Large Shops For AH Classes of machine Wor Difficult Repairing. Large Ovens For All Kinds of Enameling, Nickel Plating and Bicycle Repairing, by mechanics. ' U (.BENDER In Our New Store j We are now located in our new store. 406 Lackawanna Avenue, formerly oc-, cupied by Siebecker & Watkins. We are showing a superior line of Furniture and Carpets, and invite inspection Scranton Carpet and Furniture Company REGISTERED. The Buffalo Steam Cereal Cooker Does everything that a high priced steam cooker can do, except charging you a high price for it. It is a marvel in its way; simply constructed, yet fulfilling every requiremeut of the steam cooker. It prepares everything very thoroughly and very quickly, making the food light and easily digesti ble, and giving to it a peculiarly smooth and de licious taste. Ask to see the Buffalo Cooker the next time you're in the store. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue. D ! Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, M Heaters. fi FORSYTH V M-N7 PBNN AVBNUa. 1 Those Flowers & Co W Wyoming Avcnne U VU. W.Ik In nd look .round. TEETH $5 SET $5 rtottcr come In and talk to iu ahout your teeth. We believe you will appreciate the work and our low prices. We trill save you nearly one-halt on all dental work. Our Crown and Per Bridge Work .... $3 Tooth All work guaranteed (or ten yeara. Call and have jour teeth examined free. Dr. Reyer, Dentist SU Spruce St., Opp. Court House. Work and Pfl 126 and 128 h IU.. Franklin Ave. $ HEADQUARTERS FOR Hen's Underwear. Highest Grades at Popular Prices. mm 412 Spruce Street. Agency for Young's Hats. i v9r mJf fM v. ( .A t4rjg:scsn;E sscacKPSKWwvr- ,1 I W! k s I J? J(- -