fPir ' ''( i-?-i-; ' y&.. jpT THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1900. "S CARBONDALE f - -" UUAfVVWWk -wm T - . C3The Scranton Tribune lias opened a Branch Office In Carbondale and 'will print a dally edition devoted to the Interests of the city, the aim be ing to supply Carbondale with a dally morning paper, containing all the news of the Pioneer City. Com munications of a news nature, per sonals and all itemB for publication may be left at the new offlceB In the Burke Building, or may be sent by mall or 'phone. E. Xi. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbondale edition, will bo pleased to receive callers seeking Information or desirous of impart ing It. " M'DONALD-BRIDQETT. Prominent Young People Wedded at St. Rose Church. OC tlio numerous wedding ceremonies pet formed In St. Hose elimoh tlmt yes tprilay morning uniting John O. Hrld Butt and Miss May McDonald wis ono or the most notable. It wan tlio wish o the parties concerned to have the evi;iit conducted In an unostentatious manner, yet the Interest which at taches to persons so widely known and respected attracted unusual attention. Precisely at !) o'clock to the strains of the Lohengrin march, played by Miss Mice IlridKett, the bride and groom, with their attendants, Miss ftuslu Hanks and Charles IJrldRett, took their place before the altar, where the brliiu and groom have worshipped from childhood. The marriage ceremony was performed by Jtev. .T. .T. CIrlfllii as the organ pealed forth the tones of the appropriate selection, "O I'l'otn iv Me." The bride's costume was a cri-atlon of gun-metal broadcloth with trim mings of violet mirror velvet and duchess .lace. The gown, beautiful in its .simplicity, enhanced the natural beauty of tlio bride. The hat was of three shades of violet velvet, with a touch or gold. In her hand I lie bride carried an ivory and gold prayer book. The bride's attendant, Miss Banks, was attired In lavender foulard, with black velvet appllciue trimmings. Site voro a becoming Gainsborough hat of black velvet. The groom and grooms ma ti wore the conventional black. Vs a recessional Mendelssohn's wed ding march was played and the parly lcpaired to the bride's home on South Main street, where a breakfast was served. The happy couple will leave for a two weeks' stay in New York city and vicinity. Mr. Bridgett is one of the most prominent business men of this city. Ho iu closely Identified with church work and is a leader in society circles and a member of the class of 'SS of the High School alumni. Mr. Igrldgctt's bride is a charming young lady, possessing beautiful traits of character. Her amiability and re fin'."! manners have won for her tlio admiration and esteem of her friends, whose number Is legion. MUNICIPAL WATER. 'titty -Votes in Favor of Project by Overwhelming Majority. It was a great victory achieved for municipal water Tuesday. The propo sition, whether it will ever be carried out or not, received the endorsement of ,1 great majority of the districts in tlio city, and the overwhelming vote ( ast In its favor showed its popularity. The full water vote in the city was as loilr.ws: For. Against. First ward. First dist. ... SI ill Third dist 22;: .1 f'pcssul ward, First dist. . :',0 12 Second dist m; ::i Third dist 57 0 Third ward, First dist. .. 2 L'3 Second dist 12S 17 Third dist S4 4 Fourth dist 117 12 Fourth ward. First dist.. 12H 7 Second dist I0S I! Third dist Ill :; Fifth ward, First dist. .. 11 1 G2 Second district 121) n Sixth ward, First dist. .. in! 2 .Second dist :: i Totals 101," 319 ...Majority for municipal water, 129G. I',' '" THE FLOWER SHOW. Well Attended Last Evening Pro gramme Rendorad. Tlic chrysanthemum show conducted hv the ladles of tlio Borean Baptist church with the beautiful flowers so kindly donated by Mr. Hendrlck has so l'.ii- been a great success. Many hand pimi) plants nnd bouquets were sold yesterday afternoon and evening and every one was delighted with the dls plav of floral beauty. At tlio exhibition and sale last even ins tho .following programme was reu t'nrcd: Plona duet, Misses draco Hull and ftrnma Kahl; recitation, selected, M!rs Helen Patterson; piano solo, Loon )y; wdi'iii solo, Miss Anna Dunstnn: pi'ino solo, Miss Kahl; recitation, se lected, Miss Jilodwln Davis; vocal solo, Miss Kuntco Bryson. tOHFRUIT DAY. entury'tJlrfij Will Have One for the lE'll iHospital. 'I lie ,uw Century club has decided upon next Monday, Nov, in, as the day 'or the donation of fruit for Kinei-geu-?X hnspltuirm ! Any ladled who would like to donate fanned fruit oPjelly will please- neiid It to tho placo mentioned below at that timet and it wllPbo taken to the hos pital. A committee of the ladles will bo nt tho Arnold building, corner of Main atreet ntutO'lncoln avenue,1 from in. in. until a p. m, A Merry Evening. Tito Chrysanthemum club and their Kfittleinan friends met at the home of Mis? Jennie Williams Tuesday evening. Music, games and dancing were the features of tho occasion, Jtefreahinen(H wtirn served ut an early ijour, After an enjoyable evening tho guests de parted for their homes, voting' their jiimess a royal entertainer. Those presents were; Misses JennVi Davis, Dr.Bullfe COUCH SYRUP Cures Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, whooplDg-Coueb, Bronchitis,' fiiippc ami Consumption. .Quick. ure results. Dt.BuU'i PUU cur CuUUoa. M pitta Ite, iVVSlWVWW .Tonnlo Williams, Mary (loodwln, Mary Jacob, Bessie Davles, Juno Hughes, Mumlo Williams: Messrs. Tommy 'Cloodwln, Will Thomas, Paul ltoeslger, Johnny Williams, David WllllaitiB, Ikddoo Williams, Thomas Goodwin, ltceso W. Price, Daniel H. Davles. Amusement Notes. Thero was a large crowd at the opera house' Tuesday night to witness tho Htlntloy-Jackson company's rendi tion of "Tho Tornado." Those who were Micro were by no means disap pointed. The show was bettor than their samo production last year. The two Pucks continue to Interest every body. During und after the perform ance election returns were received on the ctnge by special Wire and read by C. V, O'Connor. At the matinee yes terday afternoon "The Marble Heart" was rendered In a very capable man ner, and In the evening "The Fatal Card" was produced. This evening "An Innocent Sinner',' will be given and lomorro night "Hoanoke." There will bo two performances on Saturday, the afternoon being devoted to "The World," and as a farewell play that evening there will be a- thrilling and powerful presentation or "Michael Strogoif." McHale-Kelley. The wedding ceremony that united Robert Mcllale, of the West Side, to Miss Knthryn Kolley, of the South Side, was performed at St. Hose church yesterday afternoon nt 5.30 o'clock. The Itev. Thomas Dixon was the officiating clergyman. The bridesmaid was Miss Annie Kol ley, the sister of the bride, while Mr. McHnle was nttonded by his friend, M. J. Mullauey. The happy man is an employe of the Delaware and Hud son mine department and is a popular townsman. The newly married couple left for a brief wedding tour Immedi ately after the ceremony. Uncalled-Por Letters. List of letters remaining In the post office, Nov. 7, for persons unknown: William F. Bolan, W. S. Goodman, Thomas K. Greene, K. A. Jaecitllnot, Francesco Cardomone, Mrs. Charles it. Fisher. Miss Kii.a Young, Mrs. Madga Sliovellan. A Long Journey. Theodore "V. Iteeder and wife, of Dundaff street, left for San Diego, Cal., last evening on the Erie flyer. They will make the balmy western state their home during the winter, return ing to Carbondale next spring. Elected a Director. Mrs. Agnes K. Brodle, of Church street, tills city, wfts elected a. director of the Florence Mission nt the meeting held in Scranton yesterday. Mrs. Brodle was also one of the speakers at the meeting. An Involuntary Half Holiday. Owing to a breakdown in the ma chinery of the big Coalbrook breaker yesterday the employes of the different Delaware and Hudson collieries in this section were unable to work after tho noon hour. A Thimble Tea. Mrs. Samuel Mills, Mrs. Oscar Mooro and Mrs. George Mills will unite In giving a thimble tea at Mrs. Samuel Mills' homo, No. S, Birkctt street, this afternoon from 3 to 0. Meetings Tonight. George K. Randolph camp, No. 13S, Sons of Veterans. C. M. B. A., Branch No. .111. Carbondale council, No, 921, Royal Arcanum. Mitchells Meet. There will be a special meeting of tho Mitchell Hose company tomorrow evening at tho headquarters of the company. A Turn for the Worst. The condition of Fred Hubbard, ot Williams avenue, is much worse to day, and grave doubts are entertained as to his recovery. Back from New York. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munn and daughter, Romaine, and Miss Grace Munn have returned from Now York, where they spent the last two weeks. A Pink Tea. Mrs. W. A. Spencer Is planning to give w pink tea In tlio very near future. Picked Up in Passing. Mr. Louis Bunnell, of Scranton, was In tlio city on business yesterday. Miss Mary Cawley and Miss Annie Farrell, of Forest City, were callers In town yesterday. II, II, Hathaway, tho flour man, of Blnghamton, was calling on tho trade In this city yostordny. J. B, Shannon, district agent of tho Now York Life Insurance company, was In Forest City yesterday. Charles M. Colburn, tho North Main street dentist, who has been absent from tho city for a number of days, Is In town again, Myron llockonberry, who came from Dickinson college to cast his vote In this city, returned to that Institution yesterday morning. MIhs M. It. B. Jenkins, who has been following her vocation as trained nur,o In I'eekville for somo time, returned to her homo on Salem avenue, this city, yesterday, For Shatterod Nerves. A remedy that will soothe, build up the wasted tissues und enrich the blood Is Indispensable. Utility's Cel ery Nerve Compound has been wonder fully successful In enses of nervous ness, as thousands of grateful people will testify. Sold by Matthews Bros. TAYLOR. The Young Men's Christian asso elation aro preparing to hold a grand banquet in honor of Its members on Thanksgiving Day. An excellent time Is anticipated, as no lmlus.nre being spared whatever to niako tho event a grand success. During tho afternoon a game of foot ball will be played lie. tween two picked teams from tho as sociation. Machinery for the new silk factory, on High street, Is being expected every day, TJie contractors aro putting on a finishing touch to the structure. The following has been added to the list of. prises for tho Christmas pro gramme: Vov the best speech (seven DEPARTMENT. teen minutes' lime), subject, "Tho dif ference Between Anarchism nnd So cialism"! prlsso $1,00. Report conies from the Moses Tay lor hospital stating that Mrs. Robert Coombs, of this place, Is slightly Im proving. Mr. U, 1 Cramer, our popular but cher, has vacated the llorgcr building nnd can now be found In his up-to-date shop In the Thomas building on Main street. The order of services at the Welsh Baptist) church hereafter will be Welsh In tho morning nt 10.30 o'clock and English sermons In the evening, com mencing at 6 p. m. Tlio street commissioner's gang are busily engaged during tho past few days In laying tho sewer pipes In their position on Pond street. The condition ot Mrs. Richard J. Davis, North Main street, who be came seriously 111 on Tuesday evening, showed a marked Improvement yes terday. Mrs. John Davis, of Middle street, was tho guest ot relatives In Hyde Park yesterday. The voters of the First ward, es pecially those residing In Feltsvllle, have at) last won their long looked for victory, when they succeeded on elec tion day In removing tho polling bouso to a more centrally located place. Their will bo a foot ball contest on Thanksgiving on the Riverside grounds, between two local teams. OLYPHANT. The funeral of Thomas, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burns, ot Bell street, took place yesterday after noon at ;: o'clock and was largely at tended by friends of the family. Bur ial was made in St. Patrick's ceme tery. Editor P. A. Phllbin, ot Archbald, was In town yesterday receiving con gratulations from his many friends, and was very proud of the largo vote cast for him in tills borough. P. F. O'Malley and Harry E. Jonc3 returned to school yesterday. There will be a meetings of the Ex celsior Hose company tomorrow even ing, when they will elect officers for the coming year. St.. Patrick's church choir met last evening to arrange parts for an operetta, which will be produced in Hie near future under the dlrctlon of Prof. T. AY. Wntkins. Mrs. Daniel Murdza, of Lackawanna street, is visiting relatives at Jcrmyn. Mrs. Ivor Parry, of Hyde Parle, was the guest of Mrs. John M. Evans yes terday. Mrs. J. W. Sweeney and Miss Mary A. Sweeney, of Green Ridge, visited at the residence of J. W. Sweeney yesterday. m PECKVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Greening, who have been visiting relatives in Pike county, returned homo last evening. Mr. J. II. Kinback is ill at his home on Hickory street. Mrs. Rogers and three children, Wil lie, Walter and Ola, left yesterday for Passaic, N. J., whero they will make their home. Mr. L. B. Thompson was taken sud denly ill on Tuesday evening while at the Third ward voting place. He is somewhat improved at this writing. Mrs. Clarence A. Williams, aged H years, died at her home on Hickory street, at C o'clock yesterday morning. She had been ill just two weeks of typhoid fever. Deceased leaves a hus band and two children, namely, Flos sie and Shepherd. The funeral will bo held at the residence Friday at 2 1. in.. Rev. Oendall, pastor of tho Peckville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in Prospect cemetery. Rev. David Spencer. D. D of Blake ly. will deliver a lecture at the Peck ville Baptist church tonight. Subject, "Christ, tlio Goal of Prophecy." All aro cordially invited to hear him. CLARK'S GREEN. Mrs. ClaVa Rymor is now convales cing from her recent Illness. Mrs. John Smith and daughter Ha zel, of Nay Aug, are guests or rela tives here. Mr. Howard E. Northup came homo to cast his vote for the first time for a number of years. Mrs. H. N. Jones, a representative at the American Baptist Foreign Mis sionary society, will deliver an address in tho Clark's Green Baptist church In tlio Interest of the society on Sunday morning next, November 11. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to be present1. Mrs. ' H, E. Northup returned on Thursday last from a three weeks visit among friends at her old home in Stroudsburg, FOREST CITY. Special to the Scranton Tilbime. Forest City, Nov, 7.--Foiest) City voted as follows Tuesday; First ward For president, McKin ley and Roosevelt, M; Bryan ami Stevenson, 120; Wooloy and Motcalf, 5. Auditor general, Hurdenbergh, Sii; .Meek, 12(1; GUI, fi. Congrossmen-ut-large, Grow and Foerderer, SS; Grlnt and Edwards, 123; Hague and arum bine, fl. Congress, Wright, 90; Pack ard, 123; Reynolds, 5. Legislature, Tiffany, 80; Hill S7; Brush, 129; Jewett, 123; Holies, 7; Brown, 5. Prothonotary, Manner, b9; Hand, 123; Glllett, C, Jury commissioner, Terry, S9; llooney, 121; Tollman, fi; Coroner, Goodwin, 89; Wilson, 121; Snyder, 3. Second ward MoKlnley, 111; Bryan, 131; Wooley, 19, Auditor General, Haitlenbergli, 1:13; Meek, 153; GUI, 18. Congressmen-at'-large, Grow, j.-js; Foerderer, jsoj drlm. 132; Edwards, 15.1; Hague, IS; Grumblno, 19, Cong gross, Wright, 1.13; Packard, 132; Rey nolds, 20. Legislature, Tiffany, 1:12; Hill, i:il j Brush, 160; Jowelt, 130; Bo les, 19; Brown, 20. Prothonotary, Manzwr, ia7; Hand 150; Glllett, 19. Tho proposition to bond the town iu tho sum of $3,000 for tho erection of a borough building, wus carried. Tim first ward gave t2B votes for and .11 against; tlio second, ,'i:i for anil 90 against, The store of Charles .Melville was entered by burglars Wednesday morn ing, the safe blown open and a good watch taken. The thieves uiso car ried away several pairs of heavy men's shoes, To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tho money If It falls to cure. K. W. Grove's slg nature is on ench box. 2.'c. JERMYN AND MAVFIELP. The supper held In St. James' church basement last evening Under tlio aus pices of the Ladles' Aid society was quite liberally patronized and the la dles were so much encouraged that they have decided to hold a similar affair monthly. The friends' of Mr. W. H. Ltttcy, who went to Ontario, Canada, a short time nso, will be pleased to hear of his success In the gold mine of which he Is the superintendent. The com pany has shown their appreciation ot Mr. Lutey's services and he has Just been made one ot the managing direc tors of the company. A little daughter has arrived at the homo ot Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Toman, of Third street, and a son nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gomel- Grlfllthr, ot Fourth street. The Delaware and Hudson company will pay tllelr employes here this af ternoon. The local lodgt of Rebekahs nomi nated officers for the ensuing term last evening. A largo party of merry young peoplo occupied Gllmore hnll for several hours last evening, when they had a mo enjoyable social. One of the local surprises of the election was the small vote cast for Spencer. The candidate's workers here made considerable noise and com motion before the election and hired a band to parade the town. The In significant vote cost in each of tho three wards for him was a" deserved rebuke.. Tho election also developed the fact that a large percentage of voters, espe cially In the Second ward, were not registered. It is said that people who have owned property In thnt ward for the past five years have not yet been assessed. SETTING UP A MASTODON. Gigantic Skeleton from the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. l'lom the Hoclicster Post-Hxprcit. He rose twelve feet at the shoulder, wore a' hairy hide und looked like a haystack with tusks. That was ;t,000 years ago. Now a cluster of club-like bones Is all that bears testimony to his life as a free, ponderous rover of the immense wastes in those dim, historic days when the earth was young and man a vague possibility living in trees. Tho mastodon we call him; and out ot awe for his supposed Immensity, wo have enriched the language by an ad jective which is applied to everything big, from theatrical productions to bar gain sales. Tho osseous remains aro slowly but accurately being fitted into one another at Ward's natural science establishment in this city, where a mammoth or a mastodon is such a commonplace sort of a thing that it is treated with little respect oven when its venerable dignity weighs in the bal ance. This mastodon was discovered by a gardener near Newark last spring. Ho was turning over ills garden patch with a spade one morning and nearly fainted when it struck a bone so huge that It took three men to carry It off. The Newark savants Immediately decide! that the discovery was of great value. Tho yellow journals of tho metropolis gleefully seized upon it and printed columns, with pictures of it feeding placidly or waging combat fiercely witii a rival. These same, newspapers made guesses as to UieValW of the skeleton The average price was decided to be $20,000. The market gardener at once began to build an extensive addition to his house. The real price did not reach one-twentieth of that amount. The bones were bid in by the Brooklyn In stitute of Arts and Sciences. Tlio Ward establishment received the order for their mounting. It will bo completed along In June. The mastodon and the Tissot pictures may be gazed upon in the same visit to the Brooklyn insti tute. They will not, however, occupy the same room. It is quite likely that In the imagia atlon of tho great majority a mam moth and a mastodon aro two names for tho same beast. Both nre huge, both existed In prehistoric days and both aro pictured in encyclopedias and stand in rickety grandeur in museums. But tlio two are alike only in form and mass. The mastodon is on earlier nni mal than the mammoth, although a relative by distant ties of consanguin ity. Outwardly they were much alike. Tho modern elephant Is a pretty Talr representative of them. If he could bo covered with curly hair, wear tusks curved like hooks and range over tho state of New York and tho city of Rochester In careless ease, the ele phant would be exceedingly like his prototype of 300 centuries ago. In point of fact ho is the modern representa tive of the mammoth. If it were not for his teeth, he might be likewise a close relative of the mastodon. But the teeth break the chain. A mammoth's teeth and an elephant's teeth aro almost exactly alike. They are flat and oval on top. The grinding surfaces are crossed by parallel ridges of enamel which, when a longitudinal section is made, give to tho upper edgo a slight wavy outline. The mastodon's teeth nre totally unlike this. He won his 1101110 from, their peculiar shape. It comes from two Greek words, "nios tos," breast, and "odous," tooth. This means that tho molars of the mastodon are shaped like tho breast with conical knobby caps, which stick up two Inches or so from tho base of tho tooth, Be sides this, the mastodon's tusks, simply elongated Incisors, aro stralghter than tho mammoth's. The remains of the mastodon aro found In nearly all parts of the globe. He used to roam over tlio forests, crashing in among the dense foliage, feeding In solitary masstveness or lighting until the ground quivered with his plunges. The .very weight of the huge creature often proved his ruin. AVanderliig Into some marshy place, he would become mired and slowly sink In helplessness until tho ooze closed over him, to remain hidden from ken for 11,000 years, when chance should un cover his mighty bones to human sight. Tho skelotou of this Newark masto don Is unusually complete. The vette brae, great rlng'Shaped bones with long divergent spikes which held the huge muscles that supported tho tusks, wero almost all present. The tail, which looks like a full grown alligator, was perfect, The pelvis, eight or nine feet from edge to. edge, the skull, tooth and tusks wero In a singularly com plete stole of preservation. The legs wero missing and will have to bo sup. piled by U10 mounters. This, however, Is not so dlflicult, Leg bones of the mastodon aro frequently found and from them may bo taken plaster casts, which when made up are so like the real bones that an expert alone can tell the difference, These leg bones are huge objects. They look like water worn, knotty logs, four feet lonsr, twelve Inches thick, and a hundred pounds in weight, The measureless strength of the mastodon may bo Im agined best when one thinks what power he inUst have possessed slmntv to carry liimsclf. The mounting of the skeleton Is slow ly progressing. The vertebrae and ribs are strung upon a heavy Iron bar, bent to match the curves of the great bock. As tho legless barrel hongs from tho celling by chains nnd tackle, it looks like tho Inverted keel nnd rib's of a broad-boatned catboat In process of construction. Among the most Interesting parts ot this huge skeleton nre -the first few vertebrae nf the aplnat column, Just back or tho base of the skull and neck. Their diameter. Is nearly a foot. From the top Hho spiky projections as long again, whose tops make an undulating curve not unllko the top of a harp. Farther back these projecting bones becomes shorter and shorter. Now, be tween tho tallest of these nnlkcs and tho base of the skull is a dip norhaps two feet down. This was filled with thick muscles und tendons. Their ends wero welded into tho solkcs so firmly that tho upper part of!, tho bones is rugced as, tho broken end of wroucht Iron columns. These Immense muscles wero needed to support tho great weight ot the tusks, which, when their own mass and the leverage caused by tllelr jutting length arc taken Into con sideration, needed all the strength tho mnstodon could summon to keep them manageable. When tho bones are put In their posi tion nnd the missing parts replaced tho skeleton will stand about twelve feet at the front leg, perhaps thirty from tusk tip to tall tip. Surmount this with a bulky layer of flesh, fat and hide, and one can picture tho hugeness of his mastodonshlp when he reigned supreme. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, Nov. 7. No such excite ment and demand for stocks has been witnessed on the New York exchange since tho boom days of the floating ot the securities of the new Indus trial combinations in tho sprln got 1899, as today kept -all departments ot the stoek exchange at fever heat of ani mation and activity. It's rarely in tho speculative world that the precon ceived plan of operations, which has been widely discussed in public, . re sults to successfully as tho taking on of long stocks by professional opera tors for some time past In anticipa tion of the large demand to follow the election. The rush today to buy stocks was so overwhelming us to ab sorb all the very large selling with no great effect on prices. In the opening dealings there changed hands instan taneously with the sounding of the gong no less than 13,000 shares of Union Pacific. S.O0O shares ot Atchison, 6,000 shares of Southern Pacific and of American Steel and Wire, and of sev eral thousand shares of a numbbr of old Important stocks. This was as near as could bo ascertained by the usual method of records. The same stocks sold at the same time at prices 1 points apart and it was believed that the record of a large number of transactions was entirely lost In the feverish excitement of the trading. During tho early part -of the day, small Individual transactions had no place whatever in the trading, when prices were at) the high level, the small orders including big lots, began to make their .appearance. A von' large business In Americans had been done In the London market before tho stock market opened In New York. Commission houses kept their offices open all night and took orders which wore executed in London as early as 3 o'clock, New York time. Foreign arbitrage brokers in New York esti mated that as a result of the New York buying In London and tho Lon don selling In New York, no less than 150,000 shares of various stocks changed hands from foreign to Ameri can owners. The professional opera tors who have been looking on Lon don stock for several weeks past, threw their holdings on an enormous scale to take advantage or the out side demand. The movement in Pennsylvania rail road was very notable, even In the day's broad and active market, and Northern Pacific shared this promi nence in a less degree. The extreme advance in Pennsylvania was 316 points. In the industrial department gains were even more marked, but tho movement thero was far more feverish and Irregular. Tho steel stocks wero in tlio foreground, and many of them advanced between four and five points. There was a late re action In the market pn profit taking, led by sugar. A number of industrials reacted between one and two points, but in the railroads these last prices were only a fraction below tho bpst, and tho market was in progress of liquidation. The following quotatloni Tribune by M. S. .Ionian Hears builJIiiff, Scranton, l'a Open- n furnJlid Thl Co., rooms 703.700 , Telephone 00.1: lllKh- Low CIoi. est. et. ins. 12S71 l'.'fl 12(l?i !l!. .Miit-iicm Sugar ... American Toluico Am. K. c V Atcli., T". fc S- '' A., V. k S. P., 1'r II100U.111 Traction ..Witt ..102 .. asu .. Uilfc .. 70ti .. tVs .. 77'4 .. :n .. at? .. 12'.S . .laO'a ..118!!, . .1101 j ..til ..170 .. -i:i? .. 71 .. SIT .. 7S',i ..100 lU2',i 1UI 1(12 .i!"; 33',i 77'.i Kill 77?i ilHi UHi 121,'. 33','j 77 fili 7S14 :i2 il2 1:1 1S2 120 112 llll'j l'lt'.i : 72 ai'j 7(1 K lilt mo; 1.17 noli iw; - 1.17 aw 13'l 411 111 m-Ti 1IU .Wi 112 1.1 71 wit; ai'; 7 -H'!i S2 an-: 7(l',i ITU 77 .'Mi atu liii Halt. iV OHIO ('out. Tobacco .... Cbtw. & Ohio Chic. &(-'. W chti!., . fc q .St. I'ant Itocl; Ul.uul Il.'l.iu'nm & lllliltOII 1X0',. 131 IISI. 121) inn nt1)! 111 im; no'. l.UL'kawiilHU l'Vik-ral Steel IVdcral Steel, IT Kan. & Tvx IT Lulls, k NaUi Sfanlinttnii IMe Jfct. Traction Co .... .MUsouil Pacific People' (iat, X, .I. Centra! Southern Pacific Xorfolk & Western ... Xoilli. IMcllio Xorth, r.aeltle, IT .... X. V, Central ,,. Out. k West lVnnn. It, It ......... l'aclllo- Mull .,., .' Itradiuir ....,.,...,... Ileaillnir, IT Southern It. H (..,M.nr.i It O. I'l .. 17H I.I 7HV.- .Tl'.i 7- Wi PliW .VTk l.V,i Willi ntTi 3 s'l',; 7i; wi'i m Ml IITk isi WU l.li i2-i; ?ai i'.2! 7 wn w 1.1 72-K SHU 7Mi llll1!!. iiwy4 m wit; 137 toy; aiu niTi 71) Mil 2.1! 0 LliiV-i 17 IJOi III) II '! t.l if ,'tl bit; 7S 211 1 i S2 " llK'i . .VS . Wl . an'j . :ia . 7114 .l'tl'i . IU . VI . rfci !l Trin., v. k iron -o; 1', S. Leather ..,..,,,., l'-" f, H. Leather, IT ,,.... Wi KiiUicr MTi Union l'aclllo M9 I'nlnil I'adtio, IT .,,,,, i73 WalMli, IT .,,,. ? Wotcrn Union ,, W Scranton Board ot Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. lllil. A.krd. Pir.t Xatlwal 1Ull, ,,,,... Soil ,,, Kcruiiton Swings Hank ,, ,.,, 300 ... Krrii.itnn Packfnff Co. .. .. US Tlilnl National Hank ,,, 12.'i .., Dime pepodit and Discount Dank ,, 00 ... Kcononiy bight. II. k I'. Co 10 I.9C ka. J1U9I emu 'V'uoit vu. .... uj ... Boianton I'alnt Co , SO rt.L. A Kmiipi' Co.. IT. 123 beranton iron rente 0. uk. l,v. ... ,., .i Scranton Axle Work 0.1 Lackawanna iwirj- m, it s County SaW'iK l)Jllk & Trust C-- M) Fir.t National Bank (Carbondale),, . ,. 300 cn...tP,i nHIIIni fta 'Ail Trader National Dank 15.1 ... ' bcraotou Ooli auu .Mil 10 11x1 ... Jonas Long's Sons SPECIAL l t The Royal Hungarian Band will give a special concert Friday morning from 10 until 12 o'clock, in addition to the usual Friday afternoon concertfor the benefit of those who may wish to avoid the great crowds attend ant on the Friday afternoon sales. The Royal Hungarian Band of New York Plaus at 2 O'Clock iTo- day. Only Three Days More of the Big Pure Food Show. Miles and Miles of Pi-etty Silks (At Prices Less Than Usual.) Started the sale yesterday. The first customer walked away with a silk dress-I and the materials for several waists.. The next one took the stuff for a dress. A third one bought three waist patterns. Thus it went all day. The Silk Sale lasts until the Silks are sold, which won't be long, by the way. If interested (and what woman isn't interested in silks), better drop in today. . Silks. Music. Good silks. Good music. Isn't ' it a pretty good place to spend the afternoon ? 19-inch Liberty Satin, in all the pastel shades; a biautiful soft lustrous fabric (or evening wear; special November 33c price, yard --- 19-inch Colored Taffeta Silks, in a big variety of desirable shades, positively cheap at 6oc Special November price, 45c 24-inch two-toned Lining Silks of a very substantial qual ity and superb finish. Cheap at 45c Special November 29c price 19-inch Plisse Silks in shades suited for evening wear. Would be very cheap at one dollar. Special November price, )3c yard 19-inch, fully guaranteed Taf fetas, in plain shades with em broidered polkadot; full range of colors, and usually sold at $1.25 the yard. Special 98c November price 21-inch Black Brocades with colored polkadots of cardinal, turquoise, sage, rose, heliotrope and white. Cheap at one dol lar yard. Special No- 59c vember price BONDS. Scranton Pasn:ir!r jtnuvray, mat Morteaco, ilue 1020 People's Street Hallway, first wort- kokc due 1018 People's Street Huilway, General moilfraRe. duo 1821 Dickson Mannfaeturini; Co I.acka. Ton.hip School D per cent. City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per cent Scranton Traction 6 per cent first 115 115 Hi 100 102 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. rCorrected liy II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) 1 nutter-Cieamery, 2Ja2le.i dairy tubs. 23c. j.-ggv-Selcct western, 17c; nearliy state, 19c. Clici-ic Full cream, new, ll',ic. Ucaiu-1'er hu., cholcu marrow, $-.'l; medium, $2.31); pea, $2.30. Pntatues UOo. Onions We. per tu. flour Uest patent, fl.CO. New York Grain und Produce. New York, Nov, 7, flour Dull hut steadily held. Wheat-Spot c.i-.y; .No. 2 led, p'.Sc f. p. V, jllojt; No 2 led, TiVic clrmlors :o. 1 noitli. cm lluluth, 6l',4v. atlo.it; options opened tinner hut llnallv hioko under heavy pressure f Ioiir wheat anil closed neak at VinHe. nit decline; No. if red .March closed S2VU: May, S2c; .No Miiiher, THic'S Ueceinhci-, S3',4c Coin-Spot unlet; No. 2, 4Uc. elevator; W?c. afloat; optium .: i t....... I..., l't.ni. dwlltioil nml rliwil ftLSV at Uc. net decline; May l-IiwiI 42'Ai'.: December, I2c. OaU-Spot hleildy, No. 2, 2.V,iv,; .No. it, !!.".-.; No. 2 while, 2ec; N. II while. 2i',:i.; tr.uk mixed wcidem, 2.Vi2il'iiO. ; track while vel. cm, 270330.; track whltu and slate, 27j3:,V.; op tions dull but bte.id.v. Ilutler film; creamciy, lii.i2:ic; factoiy, l.i.il.'iilc; Juno crcmuiy, im J.V.; imitation cieainery, llalfcc; stalo dihy, 15a2l Clicrir Steady; lariio white, 10-Ui'.; male ilaliv, IBaSlc. Cheese Steady; lariro while, in'ie.j i-i.in.ill while, lit-.; law colored, Hi'i.i llli'.e,: miull colored, llr, Usb' Smut", tate and fcumylvania, 22a2lc; western, regular ucUlnir, 17a2Ic, ; wcatun, Uisj oil, 23. Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce. Philadelphia, .Nov -Wheat Ue. lower; eon. tract Kr.nle, November, 72',.i72?r. Com 1 liui, "v, lilcher; No. 2 inlved Nuwiiibfr, H'.iuCI'S''. (Tats Steady; No. 2 white dipped, !Nt2a!'i-. Ilut ler film and iiale. Iilahev; fancy western crcamcrv, 21c,; do. nrlnti, SSe. KsfRit-Hrni and H-. higher; fre.li ueail.y, SIC.: do. wwtein, Sli-. J do, tomliniMciu, 23c; do. southern, 22c, t'liichi' Kiislii-r; New Vuils full crounu fancy Miull, ll'.iall:Jc,i do. do. do. Kood In choice, III alio, iUllucd Suif.irs Ijiiict but sleadj, C'oltoii I'mliai mil. Talloiv .steady, city pilme. in hrifidici.d-1, l?ic, ; conniiy do., harrs, 4Ural9i'.; cake, Si'. I.lxo I'oulliy Steady; lowN, Mm-.; old iuujUh, lUU'.ic ; in ilikkeus MVc; ilmks, llalOo.; jieev. b'j.i'Jc. ; tuikij., aillic. Diewd I'oullry Wlicluniied! fowls, chohe, H'.-yi lik-,: ilo, fair l aood, SHa'c,: old rotter, ll'.ic. ; licoliy sinllisr chickens, 10.l2i; western il., a He. lUii-Inu flour, ll.iwi bands ami 2,2iri,(iiii iiiuds iu .iek; wheat, 12.f,i) luuhcls; com, l'.'jI.OUI liu.hcls; I'.iU. i'i.ihKI huhcls. Shipment Wheal, I7,U1 bushels; com, 372,U lm,licl; rats, I'M"! hu.lii-N. Chicago Live Stock Market. I'hluiro, Nov. ". Cattle lleeelpls, IVM. in iliidiut,' 700 Te.saiu and W) utU-iii; alow Iu IDi I').' lovii; linn hen' Mi.il; steady In Mum;;; wcstcini and Tcxans about IDc, towel ; iiatltes, bet on ..h' today one caiload at i'J.iij; Kuod Iu i Inn- hlvvis fl.'Aij.Ti; poor to medium, M.iui !.:i.i; nlcclt-d Icoh'i-, idc.id.i, J.TO.il, I'l; mixed toikeu slow, 2. in.il.M; cow. $.,".Yil.:tt; luif us. W.S0.il.7Ji ciiiiiils, sl.o0a2.U.1; bull., .-.li-.idc, lfl.2"u).-j; caluj, steady, $lal; TYv-iiw, l'st Kraei4 on ki.li- today, n carload, at yi.ii'i best ion) led on sato today, 22 cailoads at 1.-10 al.Uo; Ttxin red steers', fal.u.i; Texas ma btecu, M.2;al.l0, Tcxaa bulls, 2.tiOa3.2J. Uoga Hecelpti tcday, 21,000; tomorrow, 23.000; jelt our, 3,000; Sc. higher; miied and butchri, i)!.W K'xrwNM 21-itich fine quality Black and. White Satin Striped Taffetas in all desirable styles. Spe- (Qr i.irti nuvcuiuci pi ice 27-inch all silk Black Satin Duchess, of heavy weight and soft finish; would be cheap at $1.25. Special Novem- Q7r ber price so-inch all pure silk Peau d'e . Soie, of good weight, soft lus trous; worth a dollar. Spe cial November price, 9c yard 22-inch very best quality of Black Peau de Soie, extra heavy and always sold at $i.2j-- Spe cial November price, fc QQ yard M 29-inch Black Gros Grain, pure silk and heavy weave. Special November price, 79c yard 22-inch fine quality Black Swiss Taffeta, every yard fully guaranteed by the makers; cheap at $1.25. Spe- Q$q cial November price.... HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for tho Wyoming District for DUPONT'S POWDER. Mining, masting, Sportimr, Smokeless and tht Ilepauno Chemical Company's High Explosives. Safety fuse, Caps and Ejploders. Room 401 Cou ncil Building, Scranton. AUENCtCS: THOS. fOUD JOHN II. SMITH k SON W. E. HUU.10AN fittston Plymouth Wllkea-Ilarro WINTER RESORT ''Through tho Hesperian Gardens of the West" Runs the Luxurious "SUNSET LIMITED." The Finest Thini? on Wheels, AND ITS DESTINATION ARE THOSE DELIOHTFUL Summer Lands of " California." Special Ihrnush traim roml'tlni: ot ulccpliii; mi' I dining-cars will leave New York every SII mclay, Tuesday und Thuisdjy, lonni-cliiiir d' leclly wllli I ho "Sunset Limited" at .Vow Orlennt. for lull intoi nation, free illmtrnted painph. lets, iiijh and timetable., alio lowest rate., hlt'iplng car lii-kclt and lusiMtje- clieckiri, apply to Southern I'aeiti" Co., lttl S. Thltd street, Philadelphia, l'a, al.ll2',j; xm.il tu choh-e luMi.v. $I.Wil.H2'j; iourIi heavy, n-I.Mal.iSO; Unlii. .iH.Wil.im; bulk id fall's, l.7ini,lsi. Sheep Itecelpl, il,nmi: sheep, steady; iambi, weak tu IV. lower: Hood lo i holio wetheis, lfl.ll.::0; fair lo choice inixod, W.K1.1I; western slin-p. I.U.fcO; Tew sheep, hl.M..W); i.-iliu' Iambi, I.'ji.iVm); western lauiU, Wa'i.M, New York Live Stock. New Yolk, .Vov. 7. elleves Steen, atlhr; uw ilium grades lu'. higher; common tteadt , bulls steady lo stion:;; cows, steady to lile, Jowu-j steels', l.'.'.Vil.ui iim-ii and stags, W.'-M-i !l.."il; hulls. 2.2.Vi.'I: cotts. 1st.1J.JU. Cllwt Steady In stroiitfi ral-i, WaS..(l; top, !.s.iO; lit. lie cahiM, ifl.Wt.i5; panels, ;a:).:,0; jearlint, t2.2.1i2.7'. Slurp and I.Jiul'-. -(food sheep, tlrt.dy; medium and luiiimou sink and price weak; good lambs iladv, ihoiio opened ttroni,'. Slucp, i2.23ai chohe. l.2"; 1 till. l.l)0a2; lambs, ijl.7j.ui; culU, ' iH.i l..'ai; Canada lambs', iXiM. llJ-l'iim at iroaO.W). Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Huftalo, Xuv. 7- llecelpts-Catllc, SOcUi, (heeii ami lamtu, 21 cam; ogn, 'if can.' tiliiji meiils Cuttle, SI earn; heep, and lamb. 11 can; liogs-, n cars', Cattle-Steady; 'rilv", cholco tu cxtia, 7.7.'i.:ii; lambs choice to cuc.i V.l5a.i.3J; (lieip, i-lmli-o lo itra, $.l.7Sil. Iloiji Ileaiy and mhed, fi; r'.'. fSal.lO. ' ,s