pf :w;-b5 K 6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1900. Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. OR Per JC Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 3l)honeOrflni PrompHr DMl w4 ;t( "J7 Adam. Avenue. Scranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office D., I. ft W. Passenger Station. Phone S25. DR. H. B. WARE. SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat offlc Hourl .. m. to 12.S9 p. m.'. S to William. Building. Opp. Pojtoffloa. j CITY NOTES : MONTHLY MKIVriNf!. Ilia Women' Ciuilil of fit. l.ukc'-e iliuuli will lioltl their rciuilir month ly nici'tinir iVedncday ad i moon, Nov, T, Id tho I'.uitli liou-o. It VAN ITNTIIAI, The of JoMdt. the infant son oi' .Mr. nml Mr. '1 ll.v.ui, of S.!3 KiIIoiiiuii mmt, will In- held today with inter- IllCIlt 111 (ll! MitlOOlU CCIllClll). lli:ci'ljH Mi:r.TIN!. All niemhii-, should at t. ml the riKiihr mcclirir tonijrtit of the Sunn ion L'lciks' association. No. 211, at 103 Kpiucc fetrcet. Important. buincs 1-. to lie transacted. iiixriNo or liihToitic'At, socti:tv. The ( atholle Historical Soikty ami Newman Maifi yine i lub met l,vt nhht. An ilitt ri-.l Inif iddrcM on "Why la the Apr Antl-l'hilowphlo" was lie crefl ly Itev. il.vios Mc.M.imu, of St. 1'ctrr'u cathedral. i. o. o. r. i)i;(iiii;r. woiik cuntinmtii lodtro, lndipedcnl Orel, r of Odd I"cllovv, of VilkcB. llarre, will work tin' llrl iltKrcc t'ridjy evening on (.cveial candlditc.s of Liikauaniia lodge, at Iheii hall on Wvnmiin; avenue. Odd Kcllovvi am lordi.illy invited to attend tlie mi cling. I.VJVKCI) I1Y PAl.l. 01' liriRliam, of Not tli Main .ienuc, was last nifrl.t taken to the I.ackawanm lio-pilal, with an in jtned ltt If jr. The man was .Monday morning cuitrht under a fall of loek at the White Oik tdiift aVrdibald, win re he is employed. inVYCIl ANU l.i:OXAim. Jl. J. Puyrr, of this city, who last. Thursday defeated Fiaiik Oehle, of Ohio, in a wrestling match heiuic the Iiicjcle club, lias potcil a $i" forfeit with Tho Tribune for bis wrestle witli (luiles Leonaid, of Newark, N, .1. This will be bold at tli llUjtls club hoic Tuc.'day, No ember. 13. OI'KNI.Mj L'ONCKHT. The Sdjiiton I.ieder l.ian will hold their npeninff concert of the een.son at Mnsio Hall on Thursday evening. The soloists will ll. llis riceuun and 1'rof, Thiele. 'Hie choiu$, uniler the direotlon of prof. Hem beiKcr, will nnilcr several ihoice selections. A loelal will folbn. Music by lJjuer's oicli(-.tra, lN.lUttKn BY BLAsT. Tuny Caiulie, of Hied; ptr.eet, n hboicr at the Council colliery, was badly burned jesterday by n prcnntuic blast and va tihen to the bacLiwauiia hospital. Tlicrc were seeral eioiis bum- .ilnnit the man's face, .inns and )ne:il, and in addition his tlesh :h pciroulid by tinv Imijii'enls ot rod; and real. I'AY-H.W'.-Tlie D.-lawuv, l.u-niwjiini ainl Western on.p.iny il ,estu-diy at the T.Miu, Tajlo.- and llold.'ii mines .md tlio c.u rIio'. To. il .y tlui ciuplnjcs it he llii.ldu .in-1 l.ijiiria will I 1b i.iid, and luimiiuw the pay car will jslt il: 1 'slf.iia mines. ' IU.iw.iu,'i.iiui i and f ttiHern i-ouipaii pain iisieida.v ai th. lir.wsy ''MjikI .it OI) jtli ml and ilii- niiiirs at pUt Cieck. . THAI lll'.'ts iUI.1, Itr. PAH .--In ie-ponse to tl.' lr,' . l" a laigr- iiiiiiiIki' of Hie I cull- I m oi illy, I'lishUiii ol the llinnl of. irliol II. T. .l.i)i,e iiimiiiiil Willi a imiiibcr i.f I the funlrullcm md obi.iiued tbeir tciisint tint I Hie tiMi-niii. be iiid Tiiday 'imy uil ihut bo pared ihe imirsit) ol w.iilln,' until ..It. t .Mn-i-h'h iosjiiiii1 iinuiini., fii,. niuiithh Hip.'hd, l Childian's Undervcar. f.mipli'li. lino of i'Ult fleecy ribbed tmdfrv.f.'ir, pouVet IUiIiib; most de sirable jjDods have over heen. All f-lKS nt l.rif, '.'Ue, '.'."(, :;0c: acenrdlm,' to si:'.'-'. .MH.VKS & HAflK.V. DISINFECTING LEPERS' MAIL. How Letters from tho Molokal Set tlement, Hawaii,1 Are Treated. IS" i:ilnalvo Wbe Horn 'J lit Av.odated l'n es. Wnshinjrton. Xov. 0. Marino'il Suiki'iiii Carinichttwl, at, Honolulu, .Hawaii, In a repot t to Surgeon Gen eral AVyman on tho disinfection of malls front the lejier .settlement on tho island of Molokal, says a reasonably Nifa plitn hits been adopted to avoid tho delay incident to sondlm? thu mail tutliH iuarautluu htatlon. ' vVl! mull front thu lejier huttlemettt wH,,ho disinfected with iuilphuy dlox iijo at the settlement and then trans lyrreil dlioctly to thu steauisliiji rutd rt'cejvfcil itboatd In clean and disinfect olfi sucks furnished by the poitolllcn atrthoiltles, At Honolulu tho mall will bo(tukcn In the sacks directly to a room In jhe postolllee used for disin fection .pui poses and disinfected with formaldehyde with out removal from the sacks.' AHjlettctrsiuro perforated or the cor ners, clipped tut thu settlement buforo disinfection. No cat.o of leprosy, tho ui'ffe'on repoftf., has yet been dincov pred amoni? the postnfllco employes, althoitgh iiontdisrufvetea mall from lite lejjer settlo;neitt has bseu hundled by thorn for many years. '? - s 3 A Boal Treat, "The V.i Man of Jloriijo U lil," bald the nuiieuui nai'.i-'.'r, "Yc,." Icilled Hip pIoirIn:i; l'i Just it. inlncd blirt.i Ho need) to travel a little," "How dlilsho take tie Mi'itcstIoiir "Very noil. He uylio'j ncicr been out of thU state InMiU Ilfe."-Vlill.idelplila itecord. Key West Cigars. "Odd3 arrl Knds;" and broken lots To; regular price 7 to 10c E. G. Cour- son. died;. 4. '", WAUITN. In Scranton, Nov. 4, 1H00, Mrs. Mary .Maifin, aged 27 ear, funeral nervlccs at fahaiy ItcfonncJ church, Ihts inorninjr, at 10 o'clock. .."k. i !t '( " m HEARD ELECTION RETURNS. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MoAnulty Enter tained Friends Last Night. Mr. ami Mrs. J. S. McAtiuity onlor tnlned a party of friends nt tlielr homo on Vino Hticct Inst night. Election ro turnj wer received by telegraph and 'phone. Those present wore lion, iiiul Mrs. Wllllnni Council, Colonel and Mrs. K. II. nlpiite, Dr. nnt1 Mrs. A. J. Clonnell, Mr. iiiul Mrs. A. 15. Connoll, Mr. n)ul Mrs. II. A. Council, Mrs. W, A. Con noil, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Stevens, Mr. nml Mrs. T. V. Penman, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Connoll, Mrs. Mury Reynolds, Mrs. C. W. Pulton, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Brooks, Mr, and Mrs. O. C, Penman, the Misses Helen Stevens, Jcsslo Ripple, Sue Ripple, Jessie Dlmmlclt, Irene Reynolds, Messrs. T. 13. and 13. U. Connoll, Dr. H. L. Vail, EtlRtir W. Connoll and W. C. Dlmmlck. PROSPERITY SHOWN BY CENSUS 245,000 More Manufactories in Uni ted Stntes Than in 1800. Dy r.rclmhc Wire from The Asocial eel I'roM. Chicago, Nov. 'j. Ex-Governor Win. 1 Mcrrlatn of Mlnnchntn, director of the United Stated census, spent sev eral hours In Chicago en route from Washington to his home In St. Paul, where he wont to vote. In discussing the itiihis, he said: "The liik'fro llgure'S shown by the re- cent census of this country are a bltf and pleasant surprise to me. None of US nt tho hurenu hurt j-xneeted a turner total than 75,000.000, hut. much to our surprise and gratification, it has ex ceeded that number by more than 1, ooo.ono. "Wo reckoned that the decreased iminlfrriitloR for the Inst dfcad must work a decrease In tho percentage of gain for tho decade, as comiinrcd with the decade preceding, lletween 1SS0 and IS90 a vast Immigration flowed hitii our country. The tid was much diminished, It was supposed, duiintj the hist ton years. "Congiess, when it meets in Dc cenibo.', will have the result-) to hand upon which to btis-i the now appor tionment of seats in the, lower house. The wiiole result will not bo pub. lished until January, and indeed I see a jrood year's worl: beforo us. "The munbrr of fdrms In the United States proves to be about 5.800,000. "When complete tho census will show facts about each form. "tn 1S90 there: were some Su.'i.OOf) manufacturing institutions in tho United States. Now, li: round num bers, there are about b'00,000. The in crease in tlie number of plants will b. shown to be very Rroat in the west. The south also has added to its manufacturer. AVIiether the in crease In the west and south is ditional to or at the expense of manufactories of the east, r do ad the not yet know." - - BIG FIRE AT ALBANY. Office of the Press and Knicker bocker and a Candy Factory Burned Loss $500,000. rty Inclusive Win- The Associated Tress. Albany, N. Y Nov. 6. Firo broke out tonight at Kreischer's large candy fac tory and communicated to the Press and Knickerbocker buildings. Both buildings were destroyed. At this hour it is estimated that tho loss will probably bo half a million dollars. HIS LAST VOTE. New York Merchant Expires Soon After Casting His Ballot. By IXcIushc Wiic from Tho Associated l'irss. Now York, Nov. (!. Mcndal Joachim, an aged merchant, of Itlvlngton street, cnniplulneil to lite family of pains in hw legs this morning, lie was advised to stav home, hut he would not lose his vote.'. "I don't know whether I shall live to vote again." he said, as he left for tho polling place. After casting his vote ho made his way to tho sidewalk, where he began to groan, and a few minutes after h" was taken to his home dead. The physician who examined him said the old man bad suffered from ilionsy. COLUMBIA DEFEATS PRINCETON Foot Boll Game Witnessed by 35,000 People. II) i:cluslvi Mu now The Associated l'rcst. New York, Nov, . ti. Before nearly lij.t't'ii iioople the Columbia, football eleven to-day defeated Princeton by a scoru of fi to u, at Columbia field. It w.'ts one of the closest games ever foeu hero and from tho kick off was lull of tlno 10am work and Individual )iht)s. The Interference of both teams wns gooel. Huper. of I'llncitun, furnished the t:ensatlou of the game. In a scrim mage ho got tho ball front lleniui on a fumble and made u tun of 4S yards for .1 touchdown, planting the ball hqimroly behind tho goal jiosts. .. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Nov. it, Korecibt tor Int ern l'iniis)ai.i.i; I'ailly eloudy Wed. iierdi), jirobabl) followed by rain at night or Thursday, v.iii.iblu winds, be coming flesh Niiuilii'ily, f A.--A-A.a.Js...-A.. ' ' ' ''-''TTTTT-r--Ti To SAVE 11 portion of my earn ingsIs it tight or wrongwill It helii or hinder dues It loud up or lead down? Easy questions all, and any man or woman of sense should quickly answer them by deeds, not words; and ere long bo tho wealthier and tho wiser. Savings Department TRADERS NATIONAL BANK Cor, Wyoming' and Spruce pRAPERSf wmMM BANjyff WORK MISSION IS PERFORMING ANNUAL MEETING WAS HELD YESTERDAY. Report of the President, Mrs. J, L. Crawford, Sot Forth the Plan the Mission Has for Winning Erring Women Back to n Good Life Suc cess That Has Been Met with In This Work Officers That Were Elected for the Year Report of Finances Presented by Treasurer. The annual mooting' of tho Florence Mission was held yesterday afternoon with u largo attendance present. The reports Kvoro very encouraging and a lively dojrrcu of Interest was mani fested. DiirltiR the 1 ost few months a clmnjfo has boon made in tho asstit nnl matron. Miss Thomas having ro tdgnod to be succeeded by Miss Cat lln, another most capable worker, who ha been enpaKcd In thu Midnight mission of Loudon. Mrs. .T. h. Crawford, Iho president, pave iu admirable report, u portion of which Is here appended: Sisvintrni mum a''n hi .New York city Charles ,. Cilttrr.ton. the fuundei ot the mlsalous j i.jr bis name, oiicnid up the llrst home for ' fallen and iinfortimalo ulilf and women, slme that time boni"s or iiils.loui ucon loeaieu In ecry stale in the l.'nlon and Its Rroat work has aLso widened to such an extent that injny homes of this same charactir and under the wipuilslon of our olllccis Ium- been lo cated in foreign lands and but a few d.i)K oso It w.n my ihllrge to read a rcpoit from Tokio, J.ii.m, Tho leport of Kate Waller ret I, our general superintendent of n.itionil wot I;, tells lis that we ban; In our homes ocry day In the ) an ax er.iKo number ot more llian 3,n) gills and 000 babies, )nt we imy siy the work la just lieanin for wc ciimot but admit that thu work lias not appealed to the sympithy of thu hearts i of the prcat mass of 6odcty and lias In a meas- tKv been inipojiular, and how often our be.irts have Iiein jrrii'ird as we hale lieind it Slid that thoju girls should know better and, not make the mistakes that have fallen their lot. HAVi: NOT COSf-mr.UKD. Our dear fiiends have failed In lake into lon siih'iation the circumstances that have caused them to fall, fur we cannot but lealizc that Ibeic are fomc cxtciimtin ch cumstanccs and as thomili the Scriptincs have been veilficd and the iniquities p." the iannts isited upon the chit drni to thu thiid and foiu'li generations and in many of the cases wc do not line to trace even this far bad. in their line of ancestors for it is a &ad but Hue fact that many of tbibc Rirh hae nucr known a better life but of theru aie exceptions and some of them have bad burroundinprs that .sould haic tended to a better cuiidition but nllll the, in an edl hour and under the jiowcr ot the tempter fallen, and when this .sad moment in their lics conic, so ciety has a tendency to shun them and k'vo then no oiioitunlty to ledecm themselves but at once up and condemns, oftimtR net even giving them a chance to cam an honest living'. To be Mile we feel that an evil life is to be condemned but still when a dcidre is rhown or caressed to .eform they should certainly bo en couraged aud helped and this I believe Is the ( thought and object of our home, gills are only admitted when they have a desire to lead a better life ani come to use of their own tree will and if they remain with us it is became they disire to do .so and not because they are compelled. Whrn in our home everything jios bible 's done with the aim of helping thei.i In that hetitr .'ind nobler life is Inlindid lor womanhood, and their suiroimdiiies is made for them us much like a Christian home a.s love and CluiHtian ial can make it, our dooit, aie alwa.vs open and yet few if any of the girls ever Kave, even after they have bein Haul to a lite upon tlie btreets, as one of the flist thinir they aie t.uiKht In our home is to obey and this is one ot the things has appauntly in most eases hem cntlrdy foitlKil to thuni heietofore Mid wc arj nfuii nnuzid at the tpirit of con tentment that they liosscs-. During the ) wc iuive done whit we had lone; contcmpljlcd, inserlid a new clause in oar rules, to tie etlict liiat no girls .shall be aa milled in the home under a icil.iln nee for a bhoilrr peiiod (Inn two years and over liiat age jhiiod les, than one )ear, 'leiotofon: our ude was they .should icinaiu tluco montii. NOP I.OXf; CNOUtSII. We did not think this was lulu enough to is InblKli I hem in whir mw way of living but mi ud) lo ot.n t Hum as il alwavs bcenicd our lindtul im.uu would nut nelinit Us lo keep ilu in lur a longir peiiod an.l stli mis rulJ did all tint was in cm povir for tbuu for tint liiigtli of lime and tlim buii',hl and endiavoicd lo plues foi tli' m in Chri'liiii bonics, but In ttu'iii) eases thty wen- oo l'nuiMiit ot right living tint in I lie inij'oiil) oi cases Ihey undo but iinii domcitUs, and with our new lulc al lowing Hum lo rim.ilu within our doors for a longer jKiiod we fed that with the course of U.iiiiing they will now be enabled to Rive the home willi a betlir (lniue oi making thiir lives n iiiicu.s to be atiie thU regulation means nn incicased ejieiise to the home, but wc have bright hopes that we will be able to line bnnie kind of wcil: done in the home that wilt ho a M.mi'p of income and that will be in a me.ibuic at least belpsupp-.rtiiig, but in onlir to cairy out lids jdan means that wo will nni'Mjril) have to obtain fundi tu equip the home with Ihe prop, r ine.UH lo begin this work, but we be lieve Willi a little more individual cilort and bud woik wo will be able to mmu toittaiil anj leihe our hopis Mrs, V. T. IJackett, tronhiiror of tho hulldlmr fund, presented n report to tho effect that $-'! had been raised towaul the tiiillitliitr fund, the debt at present bulwr $950. Mrs. Thomas, tho efficient matron, Kftvo a most Intorustlnn report. 1)111111;? tho year, thlrty-sovcn Inmates have been sheltered. Of this nttinber four havu man led and five have united with churches. Three of tho fourteen-year-old ulrls huvo been adopted or taken permanently Into homes. Among the Incidents related was that of dne who had como tu the mission a woman of otiltme, who had made muslo a life wotk. Immediately she began to ti-aln tho other members of the fnmllv. and so great was her suc cess that u most creditable enturlaln- ment was given ny tnu young' women and Bills. This person and her child of ton have slnco united with a church of Scranton, ami now have ro-.1oIned tho husband and father In a far-away city, where all aro living happily. OFFICERS HLI5CTKI). Miss Junnla Reynolds, the secretary, gave an Interesting reiiort of tho work of thu managing board dining thu year, after which the following ollicors woto elected; Honorary president, Mis. Thomas Dickson; jiresldunt, Mrs. J, U Ctawford; llrst vice-president, Alts. W. If. Sadler; ttccoiul vloo-presUlent, Mrs. A. D. Stolid; secretary, Miss Jonnlo Reynolds; treasurer, Mrs, Arja AVIIl lams; corresjiondlng secretary, Mis. a, E. Dean; chairman of membershlo commlttef, Mrs, J. w, Howarth; dlrec tors, to servo thteo years, Mrs, V, ,S, Dlohl, Mis. R. Cl. Rrooks, Mrs. , u, Taylor, Miss A. K. Sanderson aud Mti, R. J. atilllths, ' TREASURER'S REPORT. Tho following report was presented by thu treusurer, Mrs. Arja Wllllums; On hand October t, XS'10 ,,,8 3 51 Donations ,..., ,..,, ?317 70 Hoard .,; ,...,,,,., i) TO itilliticralilp dues l-'ioni Vut I'ittston ? 37 00 l'lom Ciibonilale S 00 110111 Mm. Itouailli ill 74 2'i0 19 50 DmuMou from board of director From Omaha? Ten, U'nOilnim Street I'rrsh) Icrlnn church i ...... ...... i 12 t) from Wdt Plltvton I'rcsliytcrlan i.liurrli .....I,.,,,,,,,, ,,i.i , .12 UO Fioni Clin Park dirndl i 20 fi t'loin Human Itaplhl tlmrdi...... 1 01 Home and Forclmi Mlixlomry no. tloly, l'naldomc l'roih)lcrlan iliuul ,,,,.,..,,,........., 1 13 Lrcluie cours) ,.,,,,.,.,, ItU 111 CliittN )'il.'n fjilrtj-, lljdc I'ail:,,. art 00 Life member (Mm. J, h. Ci.nvloul) 60 OJ Work at .Mtwlon Vsi Urugj 0 1 D33 M 104J 41 i)isiiuitsi:.Mi:NTs. Matron's ...$J10 nu (I'M 10 ivj Thugs VI IV Printing ,,, jy? Telephone. 32' IT lloiuo cspemes ,., ltd :i.i foul CO T.l Water n 00 Plumbing 20 cs Itallroad fare 10 00 Itiilldlng fund ;." tin Interest on nolo ; ID 00 "OS 1 Cah on hand () lober 1. 1900 .? S3 87 FOR MUNICIPAL WATER. Proposition of City Ownership Car ried by Big Majority. The long mooted question of Carbon dalo assuming ownership und control ot Its water supply was put lo vote yes terday and It carried overwhelmingly. Fourteen out of sixteen districts show 1,202 votes on tho question, with 1,025 majority In thu nlllrmatlvo. The under taking moans .$145,000 Increased city in debtedness. TOAD STOOLS CAUSED JOE TURKON'S DEATH Throop Miner Dies as Result of Eat ing Poisonous Fungi, Believing Them to Be Mushrooms. Joseph Tutkon of Throop, nn em ploye of thu Fnncoast Coal company died Monday night ami his death la supposed to be tho result of his having eaten several of those deadly fungi, toadstools, while under the belief that they were mushrooms. Turkon with his family lives In what is known tts the Red Row, tho company's tene ment houses. Monday afternoon his wife went Into tho fields near the house and picked n largo number of mushrooms, which grow plentifully thereabouts. To gether with these she must hove gath ered several toadstools, for after the evening meal, Turkin, his wife and two ot their children became violently ill. Dr. Jacobs was summoned and Mrs. Turkon and the chlldtcn were relieved and soon felt no ill effects from tho meal. Turkon however, grew speedily moio and more sick, and about 10 o'clock died. Coroner Robsrte yesterday per formed an autopsy on the remains of Turkon, and will to-elay examine th contents of his stomach to ascertain the- actual causes of the man's death. He has not yet decided whether ho will hold an Inquest. Turkon was 43 years of ago and is survived by a wife und large family. SUSQUEHANNA. Special to ihu Scranton Tilbunc. bjubijuchaiuia, .Nov. o. Ilurglais on Situnlay evenlmr entered the geneial btoie of liuiklcy Brothers, at I.ane.-boio, and tariled nway gcoeU valued at S1W. Fred Jewett, ot, fusion candidate for number of assembly for husmii'IianiM county, has withdtavwi in favor of the Uipnblliuu candidate. licv. I. 1). Kveriil, of Tieuton, N. ,l mciipied the pulpit of the Picsh)tciian churdi on Sunday morning and evening. Theie will be a ir.i)ir and praise bcniiu in the Oakland O'ongicg.itiunal chuidi 011 Thills el.i) evening, conducted by licv. Dr. ndward Tyler and Itev. Thombas CI i) ton, of Itiiigliiniton. Mrs. I.. 1'ellil and Miss F'mnui I'etlit spent Sunday with llinsli. union relatives. In llcebe- juil;, on .Saturday nfteinooii, the Sus. iuehiuna foot ball nam defeated the 1'oiest City team HI too. The l'lljali Allen Concert company, billed tor llogan opera bou-e on Saliudiy cvinliig, can celled its date. Quilc a large number of Miso.uchv.ini jtodo witnessed the Itcpiibllcan jiaiade in New Yoik on Salurdiv. , .Mis, Charles Henry Newlng has icliirmd homo f re ui a visit with relatives in I'loiencc, N, .1. In St. John's Catholic chinch on Js.iturday morning a high mas-, of u-milein was celebialcd for the repose of the .soul of the lite Jcicmlali I'oran, of l'rupect blicel. Itev, J, J. Henry commenced revival bCivices in the Locust Hill elmreli on Sundiy, "The American fiirl" coniiany appeared in Iln'aii ope 1,1 house this evcniiig, Tlie" 1'iee Methodibts will hold muric-rly meet ing at 'steveiis' Point, November 111, 17 and H. Mrb. Aitliur O'll.ira. of Port Jervls, is the gucbt of Susipieh 11111.1 fiiinds. 6Real Bargains6 Golf Skirts Black Melton, seven rows of sLitchinp;, tourist A A patch pocket, $5.00 value for PVO Golf Skirts Twenty-seveu Sample Skirts, all fine tailored gar ments, in b'ack, grey, Oxford blue aud brown, at one. quarter less than regular prices. Golf Capes Misses' reversible, in beautiful Clan . -Plaids $4.95 Box Coats For misses, iu brown, castor aud blue. It's a A beauty .,,,,., , J750 Dress Another lot of 50-inch all all new mixtures, $1,00 value, Vicunas, co-iiich, real slates, modes, browus, blues, greens, wine aud garnet, Our price , 4I.U0 SEE OUR WINDOWS. MEARS&HAGEN 415-417 Lackawanna Avenue. 0.&W.BUYS MT. PLEASANT ANOTHER BIG COLLIERY ADDED TO ITS COAL DEPARTMENT. It Now Takes tho Total Tonnage from Twelvo GollleicieB, Part of the Tonnage from Two Others, and Is Reaching Out for tho Control of Several More In a Very Few Years It Has Become an Import ant Factor in the Lackawanna Coal Business. Tho Mt. Pleasant Coal company Is now ntlUlatcd with the coal depart ment of tho Ontnrlo and "Western. The negotiations which have been on for some weeks aro now consummate! and another valuable colliery has beon added to the list of thosu Lending their coal over that road. It was only a few years ago tho Ontario and Western began reaching out for coal carrying business, but It wont at work with a vim and to day Is doing a very considerable share of this trade. It takes tho total tonnage lrom twelvo of tho best col lieries of the valley and a goodly part of tho output of two other mines. The collieries which contribute their totul tonnage; to tho Ontnrlo and Western, and which are practically controlled by It are the Pino Urook, Cajiottse and Mt. Plousant, West Ridge and Clark Tunnel, of Scranton; Red mond No. 3, at thiv northern extremity of the city; the old Jcrmyn No. 4 of tho Johnson Coal company, tit Piice burg; the Ontario and Utuo Ridge, at Rlakely; the Riverside and Raymond at I'eckvllle, and tho Richmond No. I, at Rlchmondalc. Tho Northwest col liery of the Tomjilet Iron company, and the Mt. Jessuji colliery of the Mt. Jessup Coal company also deliver to it a largo portion of their output. It is estimated that the company now handles over 2,000,000 tons a year of tho coal mined In Leckawanna valley. AT MT. PLEASANT. The Mt. Pleasant will continue to bo operated nominally by the Mt. Iieasont Coal company, but eventu ally may be grafted with tho Capouse and Pino Hrook in tho Scranton Coal company, which, with the Now York and Scranton Coal company and th Elk Hill Coal and Iron company, con stitute tho mining department of the Ontario and Wiastorn. Throe largo vvasherlcs will also soon contribute their product to the Ontario and Western. These arc the .Mt Pleasant, Juct completed; the Capouse. which is Hearing completion, and the Carbon, which lias been in operation for some time and shipping on the Ontario and Western. At present tho Mt. Pleasant product goes over the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western road, but arrangements will bo made ut once to transfer Its shipments to the Ontario and Western but just how this will bo done Is not yet known. Tho Mt. Pleasant com pany, some time ago, wanted to divert a jmrt of its shipments to the Ontario and Western, but was estopped by nn Injunction issued at the instance of the Delaware, I.uekawanna and West ern, restraining it from erecting con veyors from Its breaker across tho Lackawanna's tracks to tho feed on tho easterly side, where it was intended to erect pockets from which cars brought up on 11 branch of the On tario and Western could be filled. An appeal was taken from tho Injunction order and it is penillng in tho su premo court. TO SHIP COAL. Should the Injunction bo continued, tho Ontario and Western, could) still secure the Mt. Pleasant output with out suffering any other road to share In the carrying traffic, by taking the coal underground to cither the Pino Prook or Cajiottse collieries. It is understood the Ontario and Western is still reaching out for more contributing collieries and that tho Dolph and Pancoast are among those for which it is negotiating. Mnny thousands of dollars have been spent by the company in expanding its coal business, and It appears to be perfectly willing and anxious to expend thousands mora if It can se cure desirable properties. Velocity of Light and Sound. I'rom the St. Louis He-public, it ln been calculated that the deepest note which the human car iicrcidvcd as a cnnllimoiis bound is jiroduied by sixteen ions in a bee ond, tlie auiti'bt by IS.OiKJ. The e.tlTliies of color are led and violet. The former is given by 4JS,OUO,O00 of vibrations ier .ciniid, the lat tir by 7-J",WX),ooO,lHK). In tins way the u-la. tive velocities of light and sound aie comiaicd. Goods. wool tailor Vetietiaus, for ouly 79c $1.25 value, in shades of vw.ww.vww.WiWiWwwwwwWfVWyw.'i Transplant Those Flowers 2g Dciorc me irost gets mem. anu you naa oeiter uo it at m once. First get your Jardinieres at this ttore, for wa -m have just what you want at the price you want to pay. 3 We have soma in beautiful Rook wood Effects, at ;j amazingly low prices, from (2.00 to $10.00. Then 55 we have others from 15 cents to $1,00. rVuxvaT Geo. V. Millar & 1iWfffmfffmmmmmfmfmf rshihiip We make a specialty of Painless Hx traction, ar.d if you have any palu whila we are pulling your teeth will guarantee to do all of your work free of charge. I bad ten teeth pulled absolutely without pain. Mrs. Durkin, 112 Adams avenue. I have recommended your painless method to everybody. .Mm. Smith, Mooslc, t'a. We make teeth In suit )ou and your friends. W'.l irll IrnlltfiA rt tilnnu.. rmt nn . . .i . niiiiiiiti.v ki Mtuni; jvw ui iiu 'J 5n:n;sjja;:::si;s!o;j:!osKK: We Have Large Shops For All Classes of Difficult Repairing. $ Large Ovens V ....... For All Kinds Plating and Bicycle chanics. BITTENBENDER U nKKKMKnnHMKIMnnUKKKKKUK In Our New Store We are now located in our new store. 406 Lackawanna Avenue, formerly oc cupied by Siebecker & Watkins. We are showing a superior line of Furniture and Carpets.and invite inspection Scranton Carpet and Furniture Company REGISTERED, : New York Life : y v f -f Insurance Insurance That Insures. Policies iucon testa able from date of issue. N restriction as to residence, travel or occupatiou, as to habits of life, or as to man ner, time or place of death, Policies uon-forfeitable after first premium is paid. One month's grace in the payment of premiums. Cash loans can bs obtained at any time after the policy has been in force two years. Policies combine iusuraucs and investment. f sV f 4- 4- : B. H. BETTS, Scranton Branch Office. 637 to 615 Mears Bnildin Scranton, Pa. 4--f 4sJ.sVSj.sVSj.Sj.4sVSl.4-f-f-f-f-.4.4s.S Heating Stovss, flanges, Furnaces, Oi! Stovss, Gas Stoves, Heaters. i 1-317 PENN AVENUB. CUR Co. JUSSSL'SSr TEETH $5 SET $5 Better com In ind talk to M about your teeth. Wtibclltre yoa will appreciate the work and aur low prices. W will nn jrem nearly one-halt on tU dwtal work. Our Crown and Per Bridge Work.... $3 Tooth All work guaranteed lor ten yean. Call and have your tcctli examined (re. Dr. Reyer, Dentist Si4 Spruce St., 'Onp. Court Home. flachine Work and of Enamejing, Repairing, Nickel by fle- Pf 126 and 128 ' III.. Franklin Ave. f-f-f Company o f Agency Director j 4 4 HEADQUARTERS FOR Hen's Underwear. Highest Grades at Popular Prices. 412 Spruce Street. Agency for Young's Mats, iiuwyjaaeA id 1? ? r t'-X & Ji I1 - T :, ,' r ia'-fi... .. UlJ ,- b -. i ;,!, v JMy-ya. -" , tip