r. t ?" TA ; v i - H'V ''. ' i'. Sributte. mntoti THE ONLY SCIUNTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, VTHE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES. SC11ANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1900. TEN PAGES. TWO CENTS. ' . rX JTWMM.W.T13PKT' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A. O THE RE-ELECTED 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO New York, Nov. 7. At 12.30 this morning National Committeemen Manley, Gibbs and Bliss held a conference, at the conclusion of which the follow- jng statement was given out: "07 the returns received at Republican headquarters up to this hour, the Republican national committee claim to have elected McKinley and Roosevelt by an electoral vote of 264, with the possibility of 21 votes in addition, makiny a total of 305. These 21 votes consist of the 13 votes in Kentucky and 8 in Nebraska. The states we surely claim for McKinley are California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illi nois, Indiana, Maryland, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Isand, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming." Willi New York IUpubliean by 150,0K); Marj land Iiy 10,000; Delaware Uy 3,500; New Jcresv by 60,000; IndLiru by .".0,000; llliuoK by 100,000; Ohio by J0.O0O; Michignii by 90,000; Wisconsin by 100,000; &nd Kentucky and Nebraska chimed by both sidea with the figures fuioring JIcKii ley, there remains to htar Irom the i.ir western ttate.t. Kncu'li ij Known, lnweici, to nuke sine that JIcKlnliy's clcetnrnl vote is Jt least 13 and probably 31 larger Hun Iwir jears .isu. riitrago, Jfm, 8. At iiililniuhL reports ton firniins the defeat of senitor PeltiKiew in &outl Dakota were receheil by Vice Chairman Payne and that gentleman gar lent to lnely (ctjircvrfnns of plume. "Wo hate beaten Prtti grew," lie said, waging a telegram over lita head, "fcend the news to llannn. He promKil to le L.jtc with mo if we beat rutigicw mid I Kuril wo do i" "Therq Iiaia been thiee important things in this campaign." said Mr. Paji'c, "first, to beat T'cttigrew; n-cond, In elect McKinle;, then, third, to cany Nihr.uk i, and we have ilonn all three of lliu'ii. I giie5s wc ,ue iloing jucliy well." Just at this lime woul tame fiom Committee man New, of Indiana, "We liaie e.inied Indiina liy 30.000." NEW YORK. New York, Nov. ti. At II oMoik tiie Indlei. tloiis are that McKinley li.w canied New Viirk date by a mijnrity oicr llrjnn of about HO,- LACKAWANNA COUNTY SAFELY Returns Up to 3 O'clock This Morning Show That McKinley Has Carried the County by a Good Plurality. Returns of the county election came in with amrruvnting- slowness and at 3 o'clock tills morning only 7C districts could be (secured. Jluny of the olec tlon boards will not tlnlMi until after daylifrht. In the accompanying sum mary the vote for each candlduto i.s set forth: The followlnt,' statements were made by the respective county chairmen to Tho Tribune at a o'clock this morning; Another edition of Tho Tribune will be Issued ut 0 o'clock, which will con tain more complete returns. Chairnian Davis' Statement. Thirty dlstticts co fur received indi cate that McKinley will cany tho county by 4,000 plurality, and that the whole Republican ticket with one ex ception is elected. Kelly In elected Judge, and theiu Is a possibility that Bcbadt has defeated Follows for sheriff, but as the gn-at bulk of thu dlstrlctK yet to bo heard from ate heavily p publican, there arc good chances of thu full returns placing FcIIowh .safely In the lead. Connell is elected to congress by 2,500 plurality, at thu lowest estimate, ninl tho complete figures will, If niiyihlni?, increase his load, Wo claim Unit all luur of tho legis lative) districts tint itepubllcau, but In the Fourth It Is a close raeu betwei-u Timlin and I'hltblu. As chairman, 1 wish to thank tho county committeemen und nil their to. workers for their talwurt efforts. 'fhi party was harmonious, npd I have yet to learn of any Instunco of tho disloy alty of one cuudldate to tho other, D. J. Wiivlb, Chairman Republican County Com. .rnlttee. Chairman O'Neill's Statement. We have the figures from fourty- ven districts for sheriff und they uw Schadt 2,500 unead of liH votti Jhroe years ago. Judge Kelly Is lice ted by whut will undoubtedly 0000000000X000 CHIEF EXECUTIVE. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 000 compired with a Republican rmjoiity In the last presidential election of 208,463. The total ote in the city of New York f approximately 00,000 larger than it wan in ISM and up the state the increase ii about 30,000. In the city Bryan wiped out the plurality of 60,000 which McKinley had four years ago and took on a plu. rality for himself of about 25,000. Up the state MeKinlty barely held the lotc which lie had in ISfXi, the added ote going to Brjan. The vote for B. It. Odcll, jr., Republican nom inee bn governor, is considerably larger than that for McKinley. In Urookljn particularly the Democratic nominee for governor, Mr. Stanch field, appears to hac been scratched. New York, Nov. (!. At 8 o'clock National Committeeman Manley estimates from the re tunics receded at that hour that McKinley will eairy New York state lrwll0,J).. He concedes New Yoik'city to CroUerby ls.Wff. He claims lli.it all the states that went for Me Mnley In 18)0 have been carried for him again but some of them by reduced majorities. Auburn, N. Y Nov. 0. This city complete gies McKinley, A,U2; Bryan, 2.S0S. For goiet lmr, Odell, 1.017; Stunilifti-ld, ,02.t. Osucgo, N. Y No. G. Uijan carries Oswego by 411. Borne, N. Y., Nov. 6. The city of Borne com plete Biles McKinley, 2,(X0; Drjan, 1, US3; Be publuan lavi, I'M. Odell, for goicrnor, haa l.WM; Staiifhfleld, 1,727. The rcturnH were in fifteen minutes after the clo.e of the polls. Vot inc niachlties were ued. i:imlia, N, Y., Noi. G Klniira city complete giu-i McKinley. I.1DS; Brjan, 4,370. For gover l.or, Odcll, 3,872; Ftnnehfleld, 4,R5. l'oui.'hkcep'ile, N. Y., Nov. 0. City complete: McKinley, 3.545; Brjan, 2.20S. Atihurn, N. Y Nov. 6. Compared with 1S98 the Kepuhliean loss In Auburn city is 349. I'muhkei p.ie, X. Y Nov. 0. John H. Ketch- bo one of the largest pluralities ever given a county candidate. It looks us If McKinley has carried tho county, but we feel safe In pre dicting Mr. Conry's election by a small plutallty. The figures on the other otllcers are too meagre to form tho base of a definite claim but we feel enn uraged to bellow that all tho local Democratic ticket Is elected. AVe were disappointed in somewhat small votes In the strong Demociatlo districts. A much better vote was ex pected from some of them. "We havo no figures on thu legislative lights. Never before In the history of tho party was there more harmonious work or greater loyalty. I wish to tiiatik those who contributed to what successes wo have achieved, J. J. O'Neill, Chairman Democratic County Com mittee, WAY THE RETURNS WERE RECEIVED Never before In the history of tho county was there such an anxiety expressed for news of an election. Is'lght had scarcely fallen when the central city began to fill up with seek ers for Information, Tho greatest! crowd centered In, tho vicinity of Tho Trlbuno building where tho returns were Hashed from it bteroptlcon as fast ua they wero received. Next In the matter of crowds camo thu Republican county conimltWa I a Hying point, the More room of the Burr building. This was thronge from early In tho night und the cheer ing news was tho occublon of un ul ni oat constant succession of enthusj. ustlc outbursts. The Democrats held forth at their heudqunrters In Liberty hall, Wash ington avenue, und had a good blzed crowd always on hand to hear what news they were receiving. The Scrnnton club, Knights of Col umbus, Knights of Malta und many GLORIOUS TRIUMPH FOR THE GRAND OLD PARTY In No Uncertain Tones the Voters of the Nation Pass Condemnation Upon the Candidate of Class Prejudice and Social Discontent. From Every Section Comes News of Swelling Majorities for McKinley. Roosevelt, Protection, Expansion, Sound Money and the American Flag. am, Rep., has been elected in the Eighteenth congressional distiict. Klmtra, Nov. 6. Compared with the vote of IBM the Republican loss in Elmlra is 1,760. Blnghamton, V. Y., Nov. 6. George W. Ray, Rep., has been re-elected to congress in the Twenty-sixth congTession.il district. New York, Nov. 6. Returns from the state how the re-election to congress of Lueicn N. Llttauer, Hep., from the Twcnt j -fee ond district; I.ouU V. Emerson, Rep., from the Twcntj -third; Michael E. Driseoll, Rep., from thu Twenty-seventh district; Serene K. Payne, Rep., from the Twentj-eight, and Edward U. Vieeland, Hep., from the Thirty-fourth district. Buffalo, Nov. 6 Buffalo city: McKinhy, .11,. 67,i; Brym, 31,80i. New York, Nov. 6. One thousand one Hundred and fifty-two election districts out.ol. 3,124 in the (tate, outside Oicater New York, giic McKinley a majority of 67,587 as against 01.M2 in ISiW. 1,200 election districts out of 1,522 in the city cf New York glio Bryan a majority of 25, W2. MABYLAND. nallimorc, Nov. 6. McKinley has carried Marj land beyond the shadow of .1 doubt, ihc only question to be settled being the size of his ma jority. With practically complete returns fiom the city he has a. majority here of about 6,500, while from the state scattering returns indi cate an udditoiml surplus of .1,500, making his total majority in the state about 10,000. It is alo certain that the Republicans hale elected four out of the six congressmen, while the re maining two will probably be Democratic al though later return may change this outlook. Baltimore, Nov. 0. Murray Vandiier, chair man of the Democratic state central committee, concedes Maryland to McKinley. Baltimore, Nov. 0. Three election precincts other organizations received returns at their respectlvo quarters, over private wires, and entertained with smokers and luncheons. At Congressman Connell's ofllce In tho Connell building, Mr. Connell, Col. Ripple, J, S. McAnulty and a, party of their friends received returns by phone dm lug the early part of the night, nnd later heard the news by private: telegraph wire and telephone at Mr. McAnulty's homo. Among those who were at Mr. Con nell's olllce were John R. Williams, Ezra Ripple.Jr,, Hon, John K. Parr, Prothonotary John Copelnnd, Howell Hnrrls, Assistant Postmaster D. W. Powell, Samuel H. Stewns, Dr. W. A. Paine nnd Dr. M. J. Williams. Almost every hotel of prominence in the central city also received some Kind of a bulletin service nnd had strong lunged shout ers reading tho messages to crowds in the bar rooms. Walking along any of the principal streets, one's ears wero assailed with a continuous volley of '"Stcen dis tricts of -" M1,30S plurality," and the like. Invariably tho announcement wns followed with cheers for on elec tion night tho hotels ato not exclu sively devoted to men of uny par ticular party. FIRST RETURN. The first return from the county came from tho First ward of Dun inore, tho home of Mr, Spencer, who "also ran" for congress. The report sl'.owed that tho First district of this ward gave Connell I2S; Conry SO, and Spencer 30. The news was very grati fying to the Republicans nnd was cheotlly passed from lip to lip, Complete local returns were very slow In coming In, There weren't enough at hand at 10.80 o'clock to glvn even an Intimation of how any vot, was going. Tho only dellnltu news Wat that there wero comparatively few straight tickets. This, taken In connection with the unusually large size of thu ballot, convinced the wait ing throngs that the count would bo slow and no ono expected anything more than a few scattering returns be. fore 1 o'clock it. in. One bit of news that tho early even- J Ing brought forth was that u number of men of both parties had quietly made a run for tho speculative ofllci of county controller. F, i,. Brown was the only avowed candidate Xov the ot-(lce-to-be, but election Uay found hint rich In opponents. County Auditor P. W. Costello, of the Sixth wurd, and THE ELECTORAL VOTE. For rtcKinley. California 9 Connecticut 6 Delaware 3 Illinois 24 Indiana 15 Iowa 13 Kansas 10 Kentucky 13 Maine 6 Maryland 8 Massachusetts 15 Michigan 14 Minnesota . . , ' 9 Nebraska 8 New Hampshire 4 New Jersey 10 New York 36 North Dakota 3 Ohio 23 Oregon 4 Pennsylvania 32 Rhode Island 4 South Dakota 4 Vermont 4 Washington 4 West Virginia 6 Wisconsin 12 Wyoming 3 Total 302 HcKinley's Plurality John I?. Nallin, of the Twelfth wurd were two of the most aggressive of these. Kacli had stickers printed und engaged men to distribute them. REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS. The Republicans received returns lust night in the vacant storeroom In the Burr building on AVashlngton avenue. The returns were received over a spe cial wire, and a they were read off they wore listened to by a crowd of over 1,000 persons gathered in the front part of the room. Tho crowd was kept In the front part of the room, while In the rear numer ous tables were arranged, at which sat a number of the leading Republicans and members of the Union league, en gaged In tabulating the local returns ns they wero received over the tele phone by George Marshull.and Frank Jones, Tho following gentlemen wero en gaged iu tubtilutlng tho returns: Presi dential candidates, C. B. Penman; con gress and judge, Charles Acker; sheriff und treasurer, Frank II, Reeso; pro thonotary and district attorney, Grif fith T. Davis; clerk of courts and re corder, H, R. Van Dusen; register of wills, Thomas Beck; First and Second Legislative districts, William Reynolds; Third and Fourth Legislative district, L. H. Senker. P. Silas Walters, J. F. Rushmore and W. E. Decker announced the returns to the crowd, und Edmund A. Bnrtl and Dr. Voorhes compiled a general table. John Reynolds and II. L. Taylor wero present compiling a special tablo In the Interest of Cundldato W. R. Lewis. The enth'o work was done under tho super vision of T, it. Brooks, who wns act ively nnd energetically at work all night. County Chairman Davis and Major T. F, Penman, chairman of the speakers' committee, were also on hand and rendered excellent help. SOME OF THOSE PRESENT, Other prominent Republicans present wero Mayor James Molr, Coroner J. J, Roberts, Legislative Candidate John J. Scheuer, County Detective Leyihon, Milton W. Lowry, Deputy United States Marshal W, Clark Lowiy, Judge R. W, Archbald, Georgo W. Jenkins, Grlillth Davis, George Hotfnutii, City Assessor Gwllym Jones, Dr. Beddoc, City Assessor Rlnsland. The crowd kept growing In numbers and enthusiasm after 10 o'clock and tho announcements of McKinley's tre- (Cootiuucd oo I'jge S.) i For Bryan. Alabama 11 Arkansas 8 Colorado 4 Florida 4 Georgia 13 Idaho 3 Louisiana 8 Mississippi 9 Missouri 17 Montana 3 Nevada 3 North Carolina 11 South Carolina 9 Tennessee 12 Texas 15 Utah 3 Virginia 12 Total 145 157 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4 - 4 - SUMMARY OF THE VOTE OF LACKAWANNA GOUNTY Of the is5 districts of the county, 75 districts show the following vote: f f- f f f f f f -f f f f PRESIDENT. McKinley, R Bryan, D Plurality VICE-PRESIDENT. Roosevelt, R 7874 Stevenson, D 6943 Plurality 73a AUDITOR GENERAL. Hardenbergh, R 6375 Meelc, D 4824 Plurality 1551 CONGRESSMAN-AT-LARGE. Grow, R 7163 Foerclerer, R 6274 Grimm, D 5168 Edwards, D , 4926 Plurality 1995 CONGRESS. Connell, R 735i Conry, D 6479 Spencer, I. C n 406 Plurality 872" JUDGE. Watson, R , 5704 Kelly, D 6464 omitn, 1 c . . ,.,,..... ,.,,,, 30 1 Plurality . , . , , 3760 MlfcRIFr. r?llOWS t ( M M f M I f ( t I If OCnitUl) Ml f t t m I f I Ml tit 4- Plurality OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE JMEXT VICE PRESIDENT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO out of 304 iu Baltimore city giie Biy.ui, KM; McKinley, 563. The same precincts in 16M gaie. Smith, Dem., 428; Lowndes, Rep., IS.) for po ei nor. Baltimore, Noi. 0. Seien precincts out of Sot nutalifo of Baltimore cltv giic McKinley M4; Biyan, 760. The same precincts in 1"96 time Smith Dem., 7M; Lowndes, Hep., 7M. Net Re publican gain, 77. OHIO. Columbus, ,, Nov. 6. Reports from different pirts of Ohio indicate tho largest otc ciei cast - lirger than either state committee expected with McKlnle, gaining in niral dKtricts and holding his onu in the cities. Clcicland, O.. Nov. 0. Congress, Twenty fust dlrtiiir, Thcrdoro Burton, Hep., elec'ed. Con gress Nlulli dlslrl.'t, CliGtlci Dick, Rep., elected. Columbus, Nui 0. -Although early report li nm cities indicate Demi cratic gains Republican man agers claim the stute has ghen McKinley 60,000 plurality, unci with the i lection of To'iipkiim hue filer Lent,!, at least mientirn tiiiigitssinui. Cinilnall, Nov. 0. Sewnty piecincls out ot 2nt in Cincinnati show Brjan galnx ot Silo, but in dicate McKinley's plurality in the county about 17,000 or 18,000. Cincinati, Nov. C Hamilton county, -:0 pie cincts out of 2"ki: McKiulej, 3,277; Brjan, 2,s-:6. same in lfcfui gaie McKinley, 3,167; Bryan, ","'-. Canton, ()., Nov. 0. Practically complete re turns show McKinle.v will carry his home county by 2,00(1 rmjont.v, a giin ot l.Uril oicr lS'M. Clticland, Nov. (1. RetmiH fiom about 40 pie cincts of 1M ill CIcieland show nicinge Demo cratic cfains of about 20 to the precinct. 'I his indicates that the city will be icr.v tIoi. ColmnbiH, Nov fi. MiKlnley hn c.iriicd his own state without doubt, bj- an ineie.iscd plu- REPUBLICAN 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 44 - - f - f4 - - f - r - 774 6942 Scranton, R Boland, D 73 Plurality Plurality, M M M tMMt 6635 7756 1211 Plurality OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ralllj, but at midnight it is' impossible to gnu the figures owing to the unusuilly meagre re turns ftcciied. ILLINOIS. Chicago, Noi. b. At 0 p. m. Chairman Rowe, of the Republican state central committee, claimed that Illinois hid been cmied bj' Mc Kinley by at least 100,00a Ex-Coayrressman Hinrichscn, who was at Democratic ntfcte liead quartcrd, concethd the state to McKinley by not morn than 10,000. Illicit;!), Noi. li. Basing their cellmate on the flist 210 precincts receded out of 1,127, leadem of the Democratic piny In Cook county snv President McKlnley'it majority in this countj will jie about l'l.nno, but lhar Alsrhuler, the Democratic candidate, will ciriy the state lor gniernor. Rliwniington, Nov. 0. -Congress: Eighteenth congiesdcnal district, Vespasitui Wrner, Hepub licin, elected. hicago, Noi. 0. Vico Chairnian Payne, oi thu Rcpiililkuii iiition.il loinmiltce, at O.hM tunlglit tald tint jiiiicet receiied from Tammany sources conceded New York state to McKIulcj fiy 50,000 pluralit.v. Chicigo, Nov. I!. Six hundred ind slst.v pre cincts out of 1,227 giic McKinley KW.ToO; Ilrjan, 07.S40; Woidlej, 1,112; Debs, 3,010. At this rate McKinley will hue 2j.(hj0 plurality in Chicago. Chicigo, Nov. 0. Twenty precincts in Illinois, outside C'ook cniiiitj : McKinley, ."Mills; Brjan, 1.S70. Same iu Istu: AIcKInley, !l,.iS7; Brjan. 1.SI2. These tamo pri cincts gaie Vates, Repuh Hi an for gnu-iimr, il.Slu; ANchulei, Dcmocral, l,'i2. BK.iimiiigton, Nov. 0. In Aillai II. litccii'j)n',s lContinucd on l'a'e :, i - ft - f -t-----4--f-f--f--f-t-t---f-t--f TREASURER. 7398 6836 f -t-f f f f -f f 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 Plurality 46 DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Lewis, R 7677 O'Malley, D S546 93i PROTHONOTARY. Copeland, R 7381 Norton, D 6s?4 Plurality 857 CLERK OF THE COURTS. Daniels, R 737s Law, D 7031 Plurality 354 RECORDER OF DEEDS. Bonn, R, . . , . , 7130 Warlike, D , . , 6519 Plurality ,., 611 REGISTER OF WILLS. Beck, R 6566 Koch, D, .,,,.,.... , , 6793 337 JURY COMMISSIONER. bturges, R.,1.... ... .... ... ..,,,,,, 7"5' Campbell, D. , . . .... . . ,..,,,,., 5299 ,,,.,....,,,,,,., 1753 4- v. 4- 4 ii : A ye t 1 iS. ..VV- .4 a