k J il i'i yl THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1900. 7! ?. J NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA GREAT RALLY AT MONTROSE THE LARGEST DEMONSTRATION SINCE GARFIELD CAMPAIGN. Lieutcnnnt Qovenior Gobln, Judge Jessup, A. J. Colborn, Jr., and Major Everett Warren Among tho OratorsI". B. Jewett, the Fusion Candldnto for tho Legislature, Withdraws, Leaving Democrats and Insurgents Without a Can didate. pedal to the Scianlmi Trlhutic. Montrose, Nov. 1. The county muss meeting and kitukI rally of Republi cans hold In this place on I-'i-liliiy wan the greatest political demonstration V witnessed in Susquehanna county since 1 . the GnrllclU campalKii. twenty years iiko. In slue, In enthuslnsni, In the speeches delivered and In far-rpaehiiiK ellfct tho demonstration was a tre mendous success. The old town donned her holldaV attire In honor oC the oc casion, the decorations belno: profuse throughout the borough. "Old Glory" lloated almost everywhere, and few, in deed, were the business places and pri vate houses from which the prlnt"d faces of the Uenubllran national can didates did not look out approvingly upon the proceedings. My 11 o'clock, the hour set for the Ilrst parade, the town was thronged with visitors, while the townspeople had turned out en masse to join In the festivities. Prom every election district in the county were delegations, varying In size from the half-dozen Republican voters from Choeonut to several hundred from, the larger towns. Several brought bands, many eaine with banners signllleautlv inscribed,' while nearly all brought cavalcndos of "Hough lllders." On reaching: town, each delegation was met by Grand Marshal II. r Hcards lev or one of his aides and was Im mediately assigned to its proper place In line. Promptly at the hour appointed the parade moved from the court house sfiuare and as It traversed the princi pal streets a most inspiring spectacle was presented, but It paled in com parison to the gorgeousness of the torchlight parade at night, with Its ac companying illuminations, fireworks, etc. Two monster meetings were held In tho armory, one In the afternoon and the other In the evening, at which County Chairman Ralph 15. Little pre sided, and George II. Frazier was sec retary. The building wns far too small to accommodate the immense assem blage and hundreds were turned away, unable to gain admittance. Itemark ably fine addresses were made in the nftcrnoon by Lieutenant Governor J. P. S. .Qobln and Judge "V. II. Jessup, and at night the eloquence of A. J. Col born, esq., and Major Kverett Warren, of Seranton, and a- wind-up by Gen eral Gobln held sway. All the speeches were listened to with close attention and received with manifestations of enthusiastic approval. A verv sensational ellninx was reached during the evening meeting, when, just after Major 'Warren had included his remarks, Chairman Little stepped to the front of the platform and stated that the next speaker would he a gentleman not previously an nounced, but who had a message to de liver to the Republicans of Susque hanna county, and he took pleasure in introducing Mr. P. 13. .Towctt. Mr. Jewett was one of the Fusion candi dates for tho legislature, being origin ally named by the county Insurgents and afterward endorsed by the Demo crats. His appearance took tho people by surprise and It was anything but it cordial greeting that ho was, at first, accorded, but Chairman Little bogged for order and it was secured. Then, In it few clear-cut sentences, Mr. Jewett explained how he had been misled into the belief that the regular Republican candidates for representatives were pledged to vote for Qtiuyt for I'nlted States senator; ho had Just learned that thev V(!ip not ko ulnilcrpil. bill were pledged to support reform lejrls latlon, and so he thought it his duty to ! withdraw as a candidate. He thanked j his supporters, and asked litem to join him In working- to roll up an old-time ! Republican majority for the whole ticket'. Ills remarks were greeted with tremendous applause by the stalwart Republicans present, but to the "aittls" and Bryanlte.-i they hounded the death knell of fusion hopes In this county, and Mr. Jewett hns .slnceieen the tar get for all manner of abuse from his late colleagues, The Democrats are frantic; they have Jewett's name on their column on the ticket, and it Is now too late to got it removed, The Insurgents have no candidate now, and the election of every Republican can didate in this county Is assured. Vote for William Counoll for con gress and sustain tho administration which brought about good times, TUNKHANNOCK. Epccial to tlic Scianlon Tribune, Tunkhannoek, Nov. :i. The Wyo ming Seminary second team and TnnkHunnrk played foot ball hpro to day, the game result Ing in a victory for sTunklmnnock by a worn of 11-0. The scores of Tunkhannoek were bolh made on long runs, the first from a quarter back trick in which Johnson took tho bal land ran sixty yards for n touchdown, mid the second arising fiom a fumblo by Seminary, Frovost getting the bal land running forty yards. Seminary's men apoparcd to bn In bad shape, frequent calls for time bring made o account of men being Injured. Tunkhannoek played a fuse, pimppy same, while the Kemlmry was very slow, The saino teams played at Kingston some time ago, the name to. suiting In favor of Seminary, ."-ft. TIs Is the fourth game out of flvo played that Tunkhannoek has won this year. R WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY STRONG AGAIN! i vigor to the whole belrg. All draiui 9 property turco, mcircoaaiuoa onea tiled sealed. Piice f 1 per boa; 6 boxes, laey.fs-eo. Seed lor free book, For Sal t)y JOHN Hi PHELPS, Spruco straet, IV ttikSfA Joseph R, Lntt, of the pension de part tnent nt Washington, Is homo here for n short time. Mr. Loll still votes here anil comes up for every election, Chief Justice AtcCnllutn, of the Pennsylvania Supreme court was In tiiwn this afternoon, on his way noitie to his home at Montrose, Rev, W. IT. Montzer, wild bus been a icsldeiu.of this place for tho last fifteen years, wll remove to Ihizleton next wck, where he has the pastorale of the llapt'lst church of tho city. C, A. Van Warmer, of Seranton, re feree In bankruptcy for this district, will meet the creditors of Jnmes O. heighten nt the olllce of C. O. Dershl nier on Monday, Nov. fi, ut II o'clock u. Ill, Mrs. Close, of Rose, X. Y Is visiting her daughter, Mrs, o. .1. Morelock. Prank Allen, of the Philadelphia In quirer, was In town on Friday last In the Interest of his newspaper. C. . Little and a Mr. Horn, of Seran ton, were in town over Sunday. T. M. Harding, who has the contract for the delivery of tho ballots to the judges of election throughout the coun ty, Is executing his contract, going Saturday to the elht Syllva, Forkston, Mehoopany, North Ttrunoh, Windham, Dnilntrlni and Washington districts. The addition of the fwo new districts of Rella Sylva and Rlcketts in the up per end of the county, makes Just about nn extra day's work In the de livery of the ballots. The ballots will all be In the hands of the judges by Monday night'. ti. N. oUyle, eonimlsl.sonors' clerk, went home today and wll remain there until after election, casting his vole in Nicholson township, lie will move here next week, occupying a house on AVyomlng avenue. W. N. Reynolds, jr.. and K. K. Lit tle, of Wilkes-Marie, were In town over Sunday. Vole for George M. Watson for judge. -. BRADFORD COUNTY. Sprrial to llii.' Sci-intou Tiiliuue. Towandn, Nov. 4. According to a late report received from the olllce of tlie county commissioners, there are ten distributing districts for scattering election ballots. The number of voters Is 17,420. The printers put' out 17,120 specimen ballots and there are s.oven-ly-llve regular ballots printed for evaiy fifty voters, which makes 23,!i62 bal lots, and besides oflfl extras for each .",000 voters, which are kept reserved at too court house in case any should become lost; in all the commissioner" are compelled to have .4,SSl' billots jiilnted for each election, tho weik generally being divided anion!,- tln:i Pointing otllces. The size of the bal lot is 20x26 inches, and the total area if scattered out would cover surface to the extent of 17!,.",2S square feet. The cost of the election in Bradford coun ty was $8SS.2 last year, which included cost" of printing ballots and returns; election boards and assistants' salar ies amount to .$l-,SliS.l"i. This year the expense Is calculated to lie nearly $1,000 extra. The Keystone social club gave a re ception on Thursday evening in honor of their llrst. anniversary. About' one hundred and fifty guests were present' lo enjoy tripping the light fantas'ie. The hall was tastefully decorated and slipper was served. O. L. Jordan, of Athens, has just received 11 second crop of strawber ries from his garden. Tlie shoemakers of the Troy Shoe f.ictoiy have purchased a flue McKin Icy and Roosevelt' banner, Two Inmates from the Binghuniton hospital, who made their escape and came to Towanda, were returned. The wife of Rev. J. 11. Davis, a re tired Methodist minister, died at her home in Ulster, after a long illness. Kmmett D. Nichols, of Wilkes-Barre, will speak at' New Albany on Monday evening. He is a candidate on the Prohibition ticket for judge of this county, having formerly resided In Al bany township, James Gllfoyle, an artilleryman quartered at Fort Washington, died on Thuradny. He will bo brought to his late home at Burlington. "The Chimes of Normandy" will bo produced by musical talent ut To wandn. At the two days' session of the Brad ford County Sabbath School associa tion, at Lu Raysvllle, the following offi cers were chosen: President, Rev. G. A. Brings, Canton; vice president, Rev. L'. J. Rosengrant, Towanda; record ing secretary, Miss Susan Peek, Fast Smlthfleld; corresponding secretary, Miss E, L. Hush, Sayre; treasure!, J. F, Bloi'her, Spring Illli; superintend ent homo department', Miss Bertha Gaylord, Wyalnslng; .superintendent normal work, Miss Lucy Arnold, Gran ville Center; superintendent primary department, Miss Mury R, Cnmp, Cnmptown. An effort ! being made to estab lish a canning factory at New Albany, Dr. T. F. Mndlll is moving his family lo :;.ilt'imore from Wysox. J'tov. J I, H, Graves Is the now pas tor of the Church of Messiah, Fx-Shorift Felt's grist mill nt Horn et's Keiry has been destroyed by fire, of an unknown origin, Tho loss Is es timated at $10,000, TT. C. Porter, our druggist, was In New York, and had only been absent a few minutes from Tarrant's drug store when the building was destroyed by an explosion. Mrs, C. H, Turner has returned from a viblt of several weeks with friends at Seranton. The ladles of Christ' s church real ized Jt;;'i from their rummage sale, Angell & Kuykendall, representing the Pittsburg, Blnghamtoii and Fast cm railroad, have presented to the judge a large number of petitions, ask ing for viewers In condemnation pro ceedings In regard to tho securing of right of ways in Rome and Wysox townships, The decision has been re served by Judgo Funning. Tho ladles have opened their Indus trial school for the winter, which Is held on Saturday's of each month. Frelrjht trafllu Is extremely heavy They have stood the test olyeait. and huvc cured ttiouiaud of caies of Nervous Ptitaics, sues. at Debility, Dujiueu, Sleepless nets anil varicocele .Atrophy. &.c. They clear the train, strengths the circulation, make digcstlo perfect, and impart a health and lours are cheeked ftniaMiitlly. Unissspatienti worries rncmiuto iDsonuy, uonsumpuoaor ucaia with iron-clad legal guarantee tocuro or refund Chi Address, PL MEUICINE CO., Clovtuuui. Q. Pharmacist, ccr. Wye-ring ovenue and on Ihn Lehigh Valley, as one hun dred have lately been sent over tho line dally. Mrs. Mnry Sutton has tuWen up her residence In New York city. Thomas JolTer.1011, of Nichols, was found dead In Ills wagon, He hud been drinking and reached homo. The editor of the Wcllftboro Clnstetle linn been sited for $lli,0U0 damages by William Mc.Cann ami other parties of Viogn county, of White Cap fame, for defamation of character. Sportsmen are roport'lng game as be ing very plentiful this season. Vote for John II, Fellows for sheriff. HONESDALE. Special lo the Serantnti Tribune. tlonopdale, Nov. 3. Mr. and Mrs. John I). Weston entertained about TI or Hum' friends In the Muslo History club rooms this evening. Miss M. Louisa Kecfer Is visiting1 friends lu New York city. Prof. J. P. Welsh, principal of the P.loonishurg Normal school was the guest of County Superintendent I). L. Homer for the past few days. Misses Carrie Richmond and Anna Urown are visiting friends in Wllke.s 11a rre. Klljah Allen's Ancient and Modern soreiiaders gave an excellent concert In the opera house last evening. Man ager SUverton bus prevailed on the company lo remain In Honcsdale and give another entertainment on Mon day evening. "The Lord is Risen," "Windham." "Strike the Cymbnls," etc., In tho first part of the- programme lake ono back to olden times. Tho second part is composed of up-to-date vocal and Instrumental music. The company Is first class. It Is seldom thai Honosdalo Is favored with a con cert of the F.lljuh Allen kind. The opera house will be open on Tuesday evening lo receive the elec tion returns by special wire. A small admission fee will be charged. The Krle New York excursionists returned last night. They report a pleasant trip and no accidents. At. tills wilting Mis. Place, wife of Rev. C. A. Place, pastor of tho Metho dist church, is lying at the point of death. She has been 111 for two or three weeks. It was thought yes terday that she could not live through the dav. Martin Confieid was awarded $IJ,4u7 by arbitrators for land taken from tlie rear of his marble yard lot by the Delaware und Hudson company, when they created the locomotive branch at Honesdnle. The Musical History club at their meeting Tuesday evening elected the following officers: Mrs. W. A. Wood, president: Mrs. H. T. Dolmetsch, Miss Clara R. Torry, vice-presidents: Mrs. W. R. Holmes, secretary: Miss .Tanette Freeman, nsMstumt .secretnry: John; F. Roe, treasurer; Augustus P. Thompson, assistant treasurer: Mrs. R. T. Whitney has charge of sublet liiK the hall. Aoti for J. A. Scrnnton for county treasurer. HOPBOTTOffl. Sptcial to the Svrunlou Titbune. Hopbottom, Nov. 3. The funeral of Mr. Alfred Jeffers, one of the oldest residents of Lenox township, occurred at his lute home, Thursday afternoon. Rev. James Herrick, of Gibson, offici ated. .Mr. Jeffers was the father of Mrs. O. D. Iloberts, of this place; Mrs. K. D. Bell, of Nicholson; Mr. James Jeffers, of Montrose, and Messrs. Frank and Will Jeffers, of Lenox. He died In the fullness of a ripe old age, having passed the milestone of fourscore years. Interment was made in the Tower cemetery. Mr. J. H. Tiffany, who has been con fined to his home by illness for some time, is again able to be out. Mr. Ernest Penny is reported to be ill with typhoid fever. Mr. Naman Tlngley Is moving bank to his farm, after spending two years as proprietor of tho hotel here. Mrs. Alvira Luce und children, of Seranton, are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Stella Jeffers, of Montrose. Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. O. D. Roberts. An unknown man was found dead on tho railroad, a little distance below here, Thursday morning. There wns uolhlns: to disclose the man's Identity, and it is supposed the unfortunate was a tramp who attempted to board a train and fell beneath tlie wheels. The remains were buried In the Hillside cemetery. Itev. James Herrick was a caller In town Friday. Mr. Hussell Phillips is spending a few duys with his family here. Mr. Albert Titus Is thought to be Im proving slightly. Vote for Thomas P. Daniels for clerk of the courts. FOREST CITY. Special to the Seranton Trlliun. Forest City, Nov. 4. Herbert Hoyn olds, the twenty year old son of W. H, Reynolds, now lies in tho hospital at Cnrboudalo at the point of death, as a iohuR of injuries received while at work In No. 2 mine Friday night. He was riding on a trip of mine cars, going In lo get the mortor which ha runs nnd one of the cars Jumped the track throwing him between the buiupors. He received a .severe crush ing"nbout the abdomen. Since being at tho hospltnl It has been necessary to operate upon him thteo times and most ot tho time he Is In an uncon scious condition. Dr. Reynolds, of Seranton, is with him nearly all tho time. He Is ono of Forest City's best known young men and tho accident was a shock to the community, M. Hcndler. Ika Joseph and Jack Alexander who have been In New York returned Saturday. The miners who went to New York to participate In the parade are ex peoted homo Tuesday. Vote for Kiull Ronn for recorder, AVOCA. Tho school bonrd will meet in regu lar session this ovenlng, Tho post ofllco was removed to the Fltzslmmons building on Saturday evening:, F, S. Clark Is homo from Munsflcld State Normal school to act as In spector of election In tho Third ward. Joseph Coad nnd son have returned from Cambria county, Miss Klla JohiiHun of Seranton spent yesterday with Miss Mary Gordon. Tho funeral of Mrs. Kdward Tinkle puugh took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence on York avenue, Rev, D. T, Smylho conducted services at the house. Interment vas made In Langcllff cemetery. The juvenile order, Sons of St. George, of which deceased was a mem ber, led the cortege. Interment was made In Laugellff cemetery, Tho funeral of William, the- II -year- old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hooper, took place yesterday afternoon. Tho little coftln was surrounded by many pretty llornl oniblems from loving friends nnd companions. Remember our neighbor!?, Grow and Hardenbtiisli. THEATRICAL. ATTBACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. TIMJIISDAV-MIsi Coglilan In "Vanity fait," l'ltlDAV NI01IT "Who t WI107" Academy of Music. AM. WUKK V.icauU'y-l'Jtloii cniiip.iiiy In rrp crtulti'. Gaiety. I'lllHT TIIIIIIK l).VS-?nm .tick'-i company. LAST Tlllllli: HAYS Mam taster's 'Vuclcer JarU" Mncauley-JPatton Company. Tin- Maciuiley-I'iitlon company wlilclt will be at the Aiuilemy of Mtulu all tills urok wilt op.'ii with "The Mlhfotrr's Son," the licit III thl company's icportnlic. Tlil loinpin.v lir.j a sirlc? ot firt il.if production, a unniuti.v of iliftt-cliMt player, an ahmid.inct of (tnt-cls-v sctnciy .ui'l tUxQ vttlna. and many gnml epe chilly Intel pol.il iona. .Mr. l'atton will' tike lbs principal rule In Monday night's piny, uu.l he U cvccllenlly filled to tlie p.trt. There m entile rusEPMlnn ol Pol. Smith. Hussell or Sat Ooudtvln or both In his work their quaint, droll nmn tier, never raUIng his voice above the nutiiiiil Title!,. ni.l.r lfi iffltu In tlw-ltiMt ilnrv ., ,tt,,ltiu . There urn it minibvr of "skctih urtisi"" Willi inc company who appear uctweeii tlie new ana make the peitoiiiiancc uiiitlnuout. Sam. T. Jack's Big Company. Sum T. JjibV own blir. company, die pioneer of nil htuloma attraction, will nppe.it' .it the (aiety three days, commencing this afternoon, 11 ml the putioiH of Hii-i popular play I10.no may anticipate ,1 treat ot good tliliici lu the way of pretty tflrl), tip lo dale comedians, new niutie, clever specialties ami all of the thousand nnd one feature which co'i'.tltute a atrlctly fivl clai cnteitalninent. .Ml .Mabel llnteltoii, who ably manages tlft company, direct the pel ionium c jnd plays the pilnclpal lole In the builMrpte, N one of the mnsl popular comediennes on I he vandevill tl."Kff and hail the i.ne ability of linns able tit remittee her audiences with lacRlitcr. 'll.e open ing burlesque entitled "The lla.need Sniibtette, :" U fruit the pens of Oconto Totteu Smith and W. T. I'ero, and .fries to introduce many catchv songs and delightful dunce", interspersed with comedy ct the lik-licst order. Tho doting; bur luqtic, "The Kiplio Trial," while containing; all tlie points of tltW lale and well remembered fa I ci" enacted in .Vew Yolk city recently, is re plete with mttie, comedy, son? anil dance, and introduces the entire eompnify in its full Mrcnsth. "Vanity Fair." .1. 11. N'evitH, who dramatized Thackeray's "Vanity Pair," in which tfettitide Coghlan plajs the loles of lleeky S-h.tip and .Mrs. Ii.nvdoli Craw ley, at the Lyceum next Thursday night, bated his play upon the adventures of that wonder ful woniLn in Thai'ketay has deectibed litem. The play i her adventure her labors if you like her voyage f.f dkeoicrv into lite ami her eonqttei-ls and defeats anil jjriefs am pleasures therein. The popular idea, of Pocky Sharp is that o! a ivcnnii who ..ombiues lack of heart nidi pres ence of mind a "leatme ot eiidlesx life, itnl ily nnd tircominon ilii-insenuouneiMi und moit ex traordinary imliifficncc l all lltings, all men and all woim n cxi ept Perky Simp. Reiki" has in the novel, as khc has in the play, the spiiif and eneruy that maik ircniin that quickness of intellect and all that is attt.tctive, amusing, delichtful, all that is willy and all thai is Klllsh, all (hat is gay and ambitious, in (hurl thai something: that fascinates the mind of men and makes them say they witdvlhcy hsd known Uecky Sharp and at tlie same lime makes women glad they haven't. And besides all that h. battel, und hatd and cold and lieatiles o." nearly all and (herein and In the results theie o' lies the moral of the plaj. The play wright has described Becky in aellon as tio pushes and sucuccls as iie liiunmhs anil ob tains her wish and filially as she falls and drag's down tlin-e about her. The .!.( including Her lull Korlier us Itawdoii Ciawley; Cecil King ston as Hie Marquis of Steyne; Annie AllKlou as ?dlsS Crawley, and niimcious otheis. The pto flttction is complete in every ditail. Vote for Kdward 11. Sturges for jury commissioner. MAXIMS FOB MARRIED PEOPLE. Hints Which May Possibly Make Some Homes Happy. Max O'licll, in N'ew York Journal. 1 say, let your wife show and prove she loves you, but never lei her tfll It you, On tho contrary, tell her till day Iodk If you choose: she will never tire of hearins" you tell her. If your wife loses her temper, keep cool as 11 cucumber and enjoy the scene. The effect will be marvelous and instantaneous. If you are of a jealous disposition tnke all the precaution In the world that your wife may not see It, for it will muke her so proud that she may glvu you serious reasons for Indulging In It. If you are suspicious, bo a diplo matist and hide It from her, for If she does not deserve your suspicion she will naturally resent It, and If she does, It will make a hypocrite of her. Quarrel with your wife, but never bore her. Never fidget, never fuss, and never sulk. If she Is late keeping- an appointment, don't scold, don't make yourself unpleasant. Tell her It's much better to have her late than not at all. Next time go out without her. The cure Is Infallible. If she is late coming down, take It for Brnnted that she Is trying- to look her best for you, Feel flattered and show your gratitude. Remember that tho modern coming woman Is tho one who says she will lie ready In ten min utes, Laugh at It, make fun of it, crack a joko o It, but never lot n woman .suppose that In your munlv grandeur you can lose your temper or even your equanimity, for such trifles. Never appear to bn kilo In vour house, In the mornlm? especially. If you have notlilnsr to do, go to your study, your library, or any other "BTOwlerys" Inform your wife that you havo to bo very busy all tho mornlue and "will she bo kind enough to see that you nro not disturbed?" Then lock the door, light a cigar, and tnke a paper or u book, and bo fearfully busy all the lime, Your wife, being busy herself all the morning Riving orders and preparing tho programme of, the day, will be grateful to you for being out of tho wny and think all the more of you for being so busy, Whenever you do your wife n favor, make her a present, &c, never remind her of It, Gratitude, like love, Is not to be had for tho u Hieing, AVhat a wo inuu Admires most lu amun Is nencr (islty, nnd lu remind any one uf a fa vor Is not generous. It looks llko asking to ho paid for ti service. When yod lend money to your wife nftver ask for the return of the loan, tiho would think t shabby of you. It she should return it (there are omo extraordinary women), give It back to her lu the shape of a jewel or any oth er thing that may lie a fair representa tive of the value. She will say of you; "My husband Is a gentleman," and this will cost you nothing, as you had made up your mind to the. loss of that loan. When your wife puts on a new gown, The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSH for the Heitcllt o! AH Wit llnvc Holmes tt Rent, Rent Itatnte or Other Property to Sell tir KxclmtiRc. or Who Wnitt HJttmtlona or Help Theio Small Advertisement Co.it One Cent 11 Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents u Word-llxcepi Situation Wanted, Which Aim In serted Free. FOR SALE rolfsAwl-iwwiM Iiik. comer Kraitklln and Mulbeiiy Mrccli nty tcrnn. Call 011 U. H. dudwlii. ton saTks mvi:i.msosi am, impuovh. inentu! ccnlial illyi iy lerliwt payi nil price, ?27,(nxi, 8 per tent nel aller lw, wr, licit nnd in.iirancc. C. P. .ladwlti, corner Spruce ml I'enn nventtc. TOP HALK-IIOPSK AND LOT. Ml VINK ST., corner Adams avenue. Calvin Seyuolt. riirr'sujiaixiiisTs or iioueK ruiixt" tine, cupel.", l.wldlitB. clc -! Wmhliiirtoii menue. HELP WANTED-MALE. AaiNroiVot'utTv loiiai. pom- lion (ooMir.il week"), ."alary f.i par iUy. Ad dic (llobc Co., T'J:: Chcmiul Ul., Philadel phia, Pa. WAXTKII ONI? KXPRIllKXCIin .MAN TO work In iircrn homes Mngle preterm!; ut Kcrstctcr' faint, South Main avenue, Lincoln Height. RECRUTS WANTED. NfW.VWU MAitixi: coni'S, u. s. jcavv, hkcimiits w.tr.ted Able-bodied men, service 1111 our war hiw In nil puis of the. world und 011 land in the Philippines when requited. IteciuitliiK ' Hi or. 10J Wyoming menue. .Sci.ililon. WAN TED Z yXx. WANTEn-SFXOXD HAND SLOT'"ClTiNES!' must be In uood order; ctate particular nt to make nnd price. Addrco, L M general de livery, Seranton. I'. PUBLIC SALE. prilT.IC PAf.n Wll WII.li SKt.h AT 1'HHl.KI sale, for tlm benefit of whom it niav con cern, 011 Wednesday, Xineiuber Tilt, ut ID o'clock a. 111., nt the Aihltriilion Hooui in the Court llouve in the city of Seranton, Peninylvunlo, one bundled and ten dunes of preferred stock and one hundred and ten .shales of common .stock of the Scullion Hairy CoinpJiiy. Tcnm ot sale, cash. WKM.I1S & TOKRK. ROOMS WANTED. xflH'T'oirniXISllED IIOO.MS. KOll light hoiiwkeepinB; centrally located. Ad dress, J. V Williams building, City. ROOMS AND BOARD. TWO ltOOjis, SECOND FLOOR, WITH BOARD at 410 Adams avenue. LOST. LOST A LAllCii; YELLOW ST. HF.RXARD DO(f. iviin wuiie nitiiius on iuii nun ictf. .un able rewind if returned to ".'IT Mjiliron nventie. LOST A IHJRSK DKTWKKX WASHINGTON and Qitincy aicnuis; finder plcne ictnrii to NiilioU, the Tailor, coiner Washington avruue nnd Spiuce tutt. Reward to finder. LEGAL. HKAI.KI) PROPOSALS WILL nil ItlX'KlVlH) AT the oltlte of the Stieet Commissioner, Seran ton, I'.i.. until a o'doik 11. tit., Thnriiday, No vember S, l'niO, lor furnishing and laying side walks on ccilain sticebi in the Fourteenth ward, Work to be ilone according to specifications on tile in llie City Kngincer's ofllce. City rcstrves the light lo lejen any ami all bids. ROM LAND U. THOMAS, Street C'ommi'iloner. l.V HK: KSTATK OF F.UX.'CK PIIINNCY. I.ATK qf the Olty of Scraiituu, deceased. Lelleis of ailiiiinl;u:ition, C. T. A., in the above eilnte, haling been 3 ranted to the under, bicred, notice H heieby given to all person having (luiuix or demand against said estate to present lliern for pajineut, and to nil persons indebted thereto to make immediate payment to WALTKIt L. JIATTIIUWS, Administiator, C. T. A. V. L. HITCHCOCK, Att'y lor eslale. a new hat, or any new garment, never fall to notice It at once. She will ap preciate an act which proves to her that your Interest in her is keenly alive. Never do unto your wife what, as a gentleman, you would never think of doing to any Intly of your acoualnt ance, such aa to enter a room before her, meet her In the street without tak ing oft your hat, etc. If your wife, should ever appear in your presence with curlers on.or In any way she would sternly refuse to appear before n stranger, do not reprove her, but shame her by the lrreproachable ness of your appearance. Therefore treat her as you want her to treat you. If she Is Intelligent she will tako the hint at once. Never put on isllppers, a smoking cap, spectacles and such remedies for love. Always be freshly shaved nnd let your "negllsee" ot home be as carefully put on as your best coat. Iove feeds on even such trifles us those In the case of people of a refined and artistic temperament. Never Interfere with the liberty and Independence of your wife, nnd never allow her to Interfere with yours. Let her correspondence be sacred to you as yours to her, Mutual confidence and "Liberty Ilnll" should be the motto of matrimony. Vote for William Council for con gress and sustulu the administration which brought nbout good times. $100 Reward !100. The readeis of tills paper will be plraeed to leain that tliclc is ut least one ihiaded illscaso tlial kuiiRc lias been able to euro in all Us stage:) and that li uit.iilh. Hall's C'atarih Cure U the only poltiio euro now known to Hie medical fraternity, t'utauli beliuj a comtitii. lionol dlseaic, ieiiiirea a constitutional treat, incnt. llall'a ('alanh Cute is taken Internally, acting; directly upon the blood and mucous biir faces of Hie sisteni, thereby destroying: the foundation of the (Useiise, and Hiving- tho patient tticnajlh Iy hulliliug up tho constitution and nsslstinir natute In dolnfr lla work. The ptoprie torn have so much fjlth In its curativu power, that they ofler 0110 Hundred Dollars for any lacs that It falli to cure. Send for list of testi. inoniuir. Addrci. V. .1. t'lll'.XRV & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by dinifftUts, 7&c, Hall's rainlly I'ilU :11c the bet. - f -f REPUBLICAN OBJECT LESSONS, -f -- Mlcbigan. -f Drpositui. -f -f RnnW, IS'JI. , IsllO. -f -f Nulloiial :i5.8lS , 3.".,4-jn 4. f Stute and I'liwle 17,571 40,7T S.ivlnm , IJ.e'x) ld,8 - -f Tolal , fVM ll',037 -f -f Increase in No. of dtpojllois., n,'it'i -f 4 Amount of Depoittii, 4- f Haul.. tb'.H. Uit). -- National ? ll,5'.13,t-. T,8H,43J -f State and Private S.ltil.ftK) lil,3l3,rfj - Savins 4.0sM ll,00S,l -f- -f Total S4.0flT.S-iT $ 6i,3fifl,'0 -f lucici.e in d;poslt ,., f 2S.-itKi.002 - 4- -f TTttttTHtTtHt4t MONEY TO LOAN. M0XI1Y TO LOAN. n.VTrilNlltitUI, ATTOR. ney, SOT Conncll Utilhllng. MONTY TO LOAN-STKAIflllT LOANS AT once. Curry, Council building. ANY AMOUNT OP JtONT.Y TO LOAN. QUICK, atralaht loam or Building and Loan. At from 4 to C per cent. Call on N. V, Wadker, 311-315 Council building. DRESSMAKING. DrtKSSUAKtXO KOtt CHILDREN TO OUDF.lt. alto ladles" waittt, Louisa Shoemaker, S13 Adams aevnue. CITY SCAVENGER A. II. llltlfiOS CI.BAXS PltlVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor. Jmptoved pumps med. A. I!. IlillOOS. Pioprlclor. Leim." orders 1100 North Alain avenue, or Eickc's thug ttore. cor ner Adams und Mulbeiiy. Telephone. Dill). SITUATIONS WANTED MAX" OF fo1Tou7iHM ciiii would like lu act as lepre'entiiflvc or manager ol luaniltauurlng or wliolo-ale house lu New lhiMii, Conn, Addict V. J. L., Trib une olllce. PHKSSMAKKR WANTS WORK 11Y Till: DAY. Remodeling a tpeclnlty; ulo children gowns. Addicts Jennie, Tribune ofllce. SITUATION WANTi'O-HY A (11RL, TO TAKH care of children or do light houewoik, or wash dlthcs or work in .small store. Cull or ad dress 107 l'cidiuand stuct. SITUATION WANTED TO OO OUT II Y TUK day. 13. J, A., ;I3I Washington avenue. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNU WOMAN. to do washing and ironing, or work by the day. Mrs. .1. T., Oil l'cidiuand street. SITUATION WANTI3D-DY A RESl'KCrAUL13 colored girl as cook or chambermaid. Apply JOI New stieet. SITUATION WANT13D-UY A OAPAIILK OIIII. for cooking or general housework; city let ercnie; tall at iliO Nuttli Hyde Park avenue. SITUATION WAST13D-IIY YOUNG MAX AS office clerk, has had five yens' experience in the building business: can do bookkeeping. Addnss, L. U. V Tiibunc office. .SITUATION IVANTI3D-IIY YOUNO MAS AS otllii' clerk; has had five years experience In the building business; can do bookkeeping. L. H. V" Tiiliuuo. WAXTKD-1IV A MlilDhK AOHD LAUV. POSt tioii ai hoiiiekeeper in n auull family; can give eooil refetence. Addrem 1325 Ilulwer street, city. IrtKS?MAKF.ft DESinUS UOllK AT HOMF. OK by llie day; lifirheat city lefcrencei anil lint diiia woik Kttarantaed. Address Model, Trili une ofUce. fiAlltIK IIOUSi: WAN'TS-CAPABLK MBS AND women to act as Kcneral afenti. if'.HX) yearly salary, rxpciwes, extra uoiiuniseions, brilliant op portunity. Ktaflord Press Co., New Haven. Conn. SITUATION WANTED-BY A SIIOF. SALES lady with experience; can furnish the best oT city reference's. Addie&s Expel ience, Ttibune office. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. nmVARD C. SPAULDIXa, C. P. A 2J TRAD- eri' Uunk building. Architects. I'DWAUD II. DAVIS, AUCHITECT, OOS'NUl.I, lu'lldinif, l-iiaiiton. PHEDER1CK L. I1ROIVX, ARCHITECT. PRICH bulldlur;. 120 Wasliinglon aicnue, Seranton. Cabs and Carriages. HlHHtl'lt THIKD CARS AND CAURIAOES; BEST of service. Prompt attention given order, by 'phone. 'Phones 2G72 and 6332. Joseph Kelley, 121 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E. KILEXBKRaKH, l'AULl UUILDING, Pnrtice street. Seranton. DR. I. O. I.YMAX, SCIIANTON PRIVATE 1IOS pital, comer Wyoming and Jlulheny. DR. O. C. LAUUAC1I, 115 WYOMINQ AVENUE. Dlt. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPI P. O. Hotels and Bestaurants. THE F.LK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVF nue. lute teiuooable. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. SCIIANTON HOUSE. NEAR I).. L. k W. PAS. tenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Lawyers. J. W. ItROWNISO. ATTORNEY A.D COUNSEL 1.,... ,i.t- llootns 312-J13 Mrars bulliHmr D. II. REPLOOI.I:, ATTOltNEY-LOANS NKGO- dated on real estate security. Menis building, corner Washington avemrj and jjpiuee ttreet. W1LI.A11D. WAimilN' fi KNAPP AlTORN'EYa Waifrhlnutan avenue. jkssui' & jkssup. attor:i:vs and cou.vT UI 11" ,...inw rrommonwyjlth l.nH.titi n ... . 'fWllUVS" - -""i!) 41UU1I-.3 10, 20 and SI. JAMKS W. OAKFOH I. A1TOUM2Y.AT.IiAW. " mt tir. ,iiwl nlil ltnfli.l nt It' t .1 . Rooms on, " "" " .'"" i irauo Ullllil. lug. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTOHNRY. ROOMS (ins.uoi. 0th floor, Jlcars buildlne. I, A. WATRER. .mORNEY.AT.LAW, BOAllii of Trade Imildlnii, bcranton, Pu. 3. II. PITCHER, ATTORNKV-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade buildins, Scianton, Pa. PATTERSON Is WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Da 11k buildlns. C. COMEOYS, 013 REPUBLICAN RUILDINQ. A. W. UERTHOI.F, ATTORNEY, MEARS 1II.IK;, Physicians nnd Surgeons. DR. W, EI.I.EN, 5ia NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOREAI'X, Ol'l'ICE SS'l WASH Ingion avenue. Residence, l-'llS Mulberry. Chronic diseatei, Iiiii','h, heait, kiduejs and Rcnlto-urlnaiy oiKaui a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, MltANTON, Pa. Course preparatory to lollcuc, law, utedi cine or basliiess. Opens Sept, IStli, Send for i atalouue, Rev, Tliomai M Cann, I.L. li,, prin cipal and ptopriitorj W, E. Plinuley, A. M., Iieadiuattcr. Seeds. 41, II. CLARK i CO.. SEEDSMEN ,S) NUItS erjineii, blote .01 W.i!hlnlon uu'iiue; yiceit houMii, 1W0 Notlli Main avenue; ttote tele phone, "Si, Wive Screens. JOSEPH KUlVricLrilUAU 611 LACKAWANNA au'iuie, Seranton, Pa., iiianufjcturci' ct WI10 tsen-eiu. Miscellaneous. n-il'F.U'S OUCHESTRA-MUSIO FOR BALLS, iilcnli'ii parties, reception, weddlims and con. cult uwiu furiiuhcd. For Icitus addnss It. .1. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wjotnins atcnut, om llulbert'a music store. MEaARQEK I1U08., PRINTEllS' SUPPLIES, EN vclopcs, paper ItRt, twins. Warvhouse, 1M Washington ateuue, Sciantou, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABL ts.."!.. ni ..J.- r -iri r - r i ri - r i-ii-i.-ij-irJX PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAI Schedule In Effect May 87, 1B00. Trains leave Scrnnton. D. ft. K StnUon: 0.45 n. rm week days, for Sunbury, HnnlBburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, WnshlnRton and for Wtts. burg and the West. O.B8 a. m., week days, for Hft&letoa, Pottavllle, Beading Korrlfrtown, and Philadelphia; and for Bun. bury Harrlsburg:, Philadelphia BaltImore,Wnshlngton and Pitii burg and tho West. 2.18 p. m,, week days, (Sundayi 1.68 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore Washington and Pittsburg an the West. For Hnzloton, Potts ville, Reading, &o. week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrlsburg Philadelphia and Pittsburg. ,T. R. WOOD. On. Paat. Att. J. 11. HUTCHINSON, lin. Jlgr. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, In Effect Juno "lO, 1900. t . South Leave fcranton for New Yoilc at l.s 3-"0, 5.40, S.00 and 10.0A a. m., 12.65, 3.33 m K-1U p. in. Kor I'hlludelphia at 0.40. 8.00 ti JO.tb a. in.; 12.5c alHi ji.au p. nt. For Bttoudi burg at u.io p. m. Milk and accommodation al U0 p. m. Arrive nt lloboken at 8.0J. 7.1S, 10.M n. in.; 12.03. 2.47, 4.48, 7.19 and B.4J p. m. Arjle at I'lilladclphia nt 10.00 a. m.J 1.08, n.4. O.UO and 9.2: p. m. Arrlv from New York at 1.0.J, 4.08 and 10.20 . in.; 1.00, 1.62, 6.48, 8.41 and lL.'IO p. m. From Stroildsburg at 8.0J a. m, Aorth Leavo Seranton for Buffalo and Inter mediate Ttallon.1 at 1.10, 4.10 and U.HO a. m.i 1-Bi), 6.48 and 11.36 p. in. For Oaweito aad Syra cuse at 4.10 a. m. and 1.63 p. m. For Utica Jt -10 n. in. and 1.65 p. nt. For Montroiw at S.30 !;". .1'03 1'- " ini -8 p " I"'or m.: on at 4.(10 anJ v , Kor Blnghamton. 10.a. '-'a anu B.so p. ni. From Nicholson at 0.00 . J'i,Ajni1 ao P- in- From Montroto at 7.65 anil 10.00 a. m 3.0Q -,i son n. m. Illoomihurrf Division Leave Seranton tor ami Arrlvo 30 and P- m. Arelve at Nantlcoke at n.10 a. no. ; ac ' Wjnioiitli at 2.00. 4.32, 9.60 p. m. and 12.30 3, Til. Arrlv ,.f R-rnntnn from Korthum- herland at D.42 a. m.; 12.3.5, 4.50 and 8.45 p. " rom .Nantlcoke at 11.00 a. m. From flynioiilh at 7.60 a. 111., 3.20, 6,35 and 11.10 p- SUXDAY TRAINS. South I.e.ne Seranton 1.40, 3.00, 5.40, 10.0J a. 11.: ;i.3, 3.40 and 8.10 p. m. North Loire f-'ernnton nt 1.10, 4.10 a. m.; I.5j. C.48 and 11.33 p. m. Illooiiuhute Uirision Leave Seranton at 10.05 . in. and 6.50 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect Oct. 21, 1000. Trains for Carbnndal leave Seranton at D.0. 7.5.1, 8.5.'). 10.1.1 a. m.; 12.00, 1.23, 2.26, 8.52, J.25, 0.25, 7.57. 0.1.5, 11.10 p. 111.; 1.10 a. in. Foro Honcsdale 0.20, 10.13 a. m.; 2.24 and 5.26 p. 111. For Wllkes-narre-C.45. 7.43. 8.4S, 9.3S, 10.41 . m.; 12.03, 1.28, 2.1S, 3.33, 4.27, 0.10, 7.43, 10.41, ll.ao p. m. For L. V. II. R. points 0.43 a. m.; 12.03, 2.19, 4.27 and 11.30 p. tn. For Pennsylranli R. R. poinU .45, 9.83 a. nt.: 2.1S and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 6.20 a. sn. nnd 3.52 p. rn. ' SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbcndale-0.00, 11.33 a. m.; 2.28, 3.52, 5.17, 10.52 p. m. For Wllkes-llarrc-n.38 a. m.; 12.03ajl.5S, 3.28, C.27, 8.27 p. in. For Albany und points north 3.62 p. in. For Honcsdale 9.00 a. m. and 3.52 p. ru. Lowest rates to all points in United Stats and Canada. .1. W. nURDICK, G. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. II. W. CROSS, D. P. A.. Seranton. Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect May 27, 1000. Trains Leavo Seranton. For Philadelphia and New York via I). & H. It. R at 0.45 . m. and 12.03, 2.19, 4.27 (Black Diamond Express), and 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. Jc II. II. R., 1.53, 7.18 p. m. For White Haven, Hasleton and principal points in the coal regions, via D. & H. It. R., 11.45, 2.13 and 4.27 p. rn. For Pottsville, 6.43. 2.1S p. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading;, Harrlinnr; and principal inteintedlate stations via D. k H. It. R., fl.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.1S, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Express), 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. & II. K. It,, 1.5S, 7.4S p. m. For Tunkhannoek, Towanda, Elmira, Ithaca, Ceneva nnd principal interniediata stations, via. V., L. & W. R. It., 8.03 0. m.J 1.05 and 3.35 p. 111. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Fall, Chicago, and all points west, via D. & If. H. R., 12.0.1, 3.8.1 (Bluck Diamond Express), 7.4S. 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. & It. H. R., 12.03 p. 111.; 7.48 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlor can on all trains between Wllkes-Barr and New Ymlc, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus peition Bridge. KOLL1N II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 28 Oortlaad street. New York. CHARLES S. LEi:. Cen. Pass. Agl., 26 Cortland street. New Yotl;, A. W. KONNT.MACI1KR, Div. Pass. Ajrt., Bouth Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to "00 Lsrlrawannti avenue, Seranton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations In Nw York Foot of Liberty lrt:t, N. li., and South Ferry. Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuri; cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFECT MAY 21), 1WO. Trains leave Seranton for Now York, Newark, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlohem, Al lentown, Maueli Chunk and Wlitto Haven, at 8.M a. m.: exptcss. 1.20; express, 4.00 p. nt. Sun davs, 2.15 p. in. tor Plttston and Wilkes-Barre, 8.30 a. m.; 1.20 and 4.00 p. ni. Sundays. 2.15 p. m. For Baltimore and Waililngton, and point South and West ia llethlehein, 8.30 a. m., 1.2D n. in. Sundays, 2.15 p. nt. For Lonu lirandi. Ocean Glove, elc, at 8.50 a. in. and 1.20 p. in. For Readini-. Lebanon and Harrlsburg-. via Al. Iratuwii, S..10 a. m. and 1.20 p. in. Sundays, 2.15 p. in. For PfiltsvlHe. S.30 a. m 1.20 p. in. 'riiioui;li tickets to all points east, south and west at lowest rales at the station. ,t. II. OIII.IIAHSEN. Cen. Supt. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agt. New York, Ontario nnd Western R.R. TIME TAllM! IN r.rri'OT SUNDAY, JUNK 24, Nutth Humid Trains. Leave Leave Scran- Caiboif 'iviliu. ten. dale, -ill ... ,10.10a. 111. 11.20 n. 111. Zkn . :!.I5i. 111. 4.32 n. ni. Arrive, Cadosla, l.Oaii. in. 5.45 p, 111, on? ' 0.00 p. nt.Airlio Carbondile, 6.40 p. ni. -u' t-outh Hound Trains. Leave Leave Cado.la, Carhondale. n0 7.00 a. in. ."m S.IOu. in. 10.0.1 u. 111. ."nu . 2.03 p. m. 3-34 p. lit. -w SUNDAYS ONLY. North Bound, Leave I.eaio Scran Cithoii ton, dale, nn. - .. :10 11. 111, 0.10 a, III. Seranton 7.40 a. in, 1D.I.1 a. in, 4.20 p. 111. rrlic. Cido-ds. 10.41 a. ni. Job ."... "u0 1'" it. Arriva Carbondile, 7.43 p. in. 3nuin iiuunu. Leuve Leave Cadoila. CarboAtlsls. Suanton. .,,) 7.00a, in, 7,10a, m. ,7( 4.30 p. lit, 8.54 p. lit. 11.35 p. in. " 'ff.iin No. 201 makes connection for point Km lb and South on Main Line, at Cadnsla, Tiiiln. Nos. 2V. and 2.01 mat. Main Lin con iiecilotis on Sunday. ,.,.. Kiir further infoimallon. comult ticket agents. ,1. t), ANDERSON, Clen. Pas. ,gt New York. ,1. E. WELSH, Traveling; Passeiigsr Agntl Scran ton. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Times Tablo lu I'.lfcct Sept. IT, 1900. Trains for Hawley and local points, connect Ina at llawh'y with Etio railroad for New York, Nelui'Kli d Intermediatu Kiliit. Itsi Seran ton at 7,0-1 u. 111. and 2.25 p. in. Tialns anile st Seranton at 10.90 . m. sn4 0.10 p. in. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKES-IIAItitr. RECORD CAN IE llAD lu serunioti at lie ntws nanus ej ueismsn llro.. 405 Spiuce and 60.1 Linden; H. Notion. CM Luikuwantia avenue; I. S. Bchutwr, 211 fpiucc til ret. 3 SCAL TRyATTMEN JinaTlTT. KEtdRTOALrvRJl shatupoolng, 50c,; faaclal inswag; mauluur ing, 25c; ihiiopody, 701 (Julncy, v 'v-ummueriann at 0.40, 10.0." n. nt. ; i.o, 5.50 D. 111. IV- !!..,. it. ol 1 0". a in. R.5S 11.S5 p. in. j.'or NantleoliB at 8.10 a. m. at Northumberlar,! t o.ss a. m.: 1.10. 5.1 11 "-&' -v'ft .V v -j-'rs ill .i-itLi-'. ,aitimtoiiMi.MtAj'&t!iu y ' ,k f '-,