"Jt Jii ,5 " -? -V- ' .' t''' "V- I. . rn THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1900. 9 s. NORTHEASTERN HALLSTEAD. Bpeclnl lo tlic Pcranton Tiltiunr. llallstpitd, Nov. '-'.--Mrs, Nullum Hpcliier, of Loiteiidilrp. Is home (lutu H'Vcial dl)s' visit wllli tier parmlq licro. Sum Yuung. nf Kiiuliittr.k. toriurily of llitl" rtead, was vlltlng friends here ticrntly. William Kimcllfr was In S)racnp on Ihi'Iucm Miniil.i)'. Mr. Nellie Caipentrr, of lllnghamlnii, was this Wick' the gncsl i'f her piicnls, Mi. uti'l Mi. Edward NlthoK 'I lie Hitlslead Republlciu iluli. niinnipniled by the IhllMr.nl luml, lift mi tin- " "11 train Friday morning fop Mimtro'e, while lluy look ti leading p'irl In the Susqochotmt count ) It"' pulillcaii rally drill there. Mi's Ling, of llr.incll, wa4 icicntlv tin' guest of her biothcr, Clmles Lang, at his doine on Chase atomic ' Mli Merlin I'Mirr lal Siuidty rnlcitalncd drr friend, Miss Helen lliitcldngs, of N'ew Mil fonl. Miss Maud bilker, the )uutigist daughter of Mr. nml Mm. (Ins bllkm, wlillf iitliinptlng I" thmw jn pinply tin t in from tin1 leu pmeh of In r home, tut litr tliinnli on Him tin. The wound fonu lifalril, nml nothing lnoie w.u thought of t lie .u'liliMit until n few d.i)s n, when it broke out again. It is piI1 tli.' little girl Is now tlircile'iicd wild lilnt.il poisoning. Warren F. blmroll, .lodn Coildingtmi ntul Wit llitn Ro's, all members of tlip ll.ilMeatl band, who lmn riirnlly JdIiipiI tlip bemdhts, ni scicnnded Monday evening dy Hip dinil. I'riinl, Vceldcis, who was acting at flrpiiim for tlip borough tiro engine w lieu it was being tested raily In the week, dad t lie torp linger of tdp rtslit I unci caught in the midilnei). Thp lull was toin off, making a painful Iniuiv. Mr. Hutchlugs nml two ihughtus, nn.i anil C'haiiottp, of Chiniugo Folks, ipeently viitPil at (he home of Mis. Kail T.iliii.idgp. John Iliimphrpy is sick with appendicitis. Ilils Is the second iittuik tint thp voting nun Ins buffered wilhin a shoit tltnp. John It. Fair, ppjkir of Hip sl.ilc hotisp of ri'prpPii(atie?, who nihlrcscd Hi" Republican nllv bore Wednesday pvining, was at one tiuip a school mate of Micliml Huffy. Mis. liclucl Ila.vs ami -pri.il ntbii' ll.illi'.i'.ul p, nplc, when thp.v were attending Mho.d in Duuiiiorc. S. IIiikp riu-c is visiting his fithcr, N. ). Pimp, at E.istuii. Repairs on the diddling oce'ipicd by It. Saver nip now ncirly toiuphtcil. ('oloi)fl Pluuiuipi, of South D.il.oti. nude the desl campaign spiced vil lit nil in hiisipiehaiin t comity wiipn speaking 'pilnpiliy pmiiIiis; it the II.ill-.tr.itl ltrpublkan dub rally. Hallowe'en nii'riiirf.woihcis wore about list Wi ilnp-il i . pulling. 'Ihp fence po-ls alons the ilnilcr-pitti betwien Gie.it Iliml .mil ll.illtp.ul wno pulled up and tlinmu ai loss (he path A I.irse KiociH' man's mkh w is stolen .mil ireLt i'd In MtC.irthv's fiont ud. on tisquilnima .mini", .nhi'lti-m:." .M.i.ior'.s vui. Other minor mi'.ileinp.ipni t.p" roiiunittpii. I'l.iuk Giattru, uoiip(or of the iauir.i House, ii p.lililil)- lliu jiopular iio-lelr.i. The raw pilot is a hmdouip sh nip of liht wieen. 'Hip llillstead Hei.ihl will nest weik .ipgiear as (lie County llii.ihl. niw iIipss of tjpe and le'w nnkc-up thtouhout ill appear. Itev. ,f. J. Henry, of the boiu-t Hill Mrllin. dt 1'pisLop.il tnurili. lnt b-pn hotditifr ici.il liiretinpi in t lie Ve(hoih-t I'pi-eopjl chui -li 'ipio this week. V. C. hmimons, who uieiill nisned ins i ion with the L iikaw.uma company, in 1 bu Njen full rhai:o loi Hip Imsil sale if l)il - ware f. '..I ... o....n ...! 11. l . l it- ..til I iLtVMt.nillil. mm tll-lllil I ll.ll. IIU Hill J OltllP m Cii'.it llPllll open Martin I'linn his bepn jrlvin t'r poiiiiou of treuei.il ..ud master Iipip. Hurt Howe, foimerlv nicht ,iai 1 mallei, has accepted a position as cuudujoi, lnius cIuirp of the train foinicily urn by Po'idiictor Tieitiey. (ipgff JlcCieaiy has been Biveii rhucrp of the pis.-ensci depot. Olnrlps Tierney Ins In i n pi id-d in p ii-nirer conductor. biiihlintr boom is piein.tpil In Halbtiail nest spuii. 'otO for cio.ss and William f'oiincll for con su.sliilii tho niliniuNir.itWiu slilch lupuKht about prooil t linos. UNfONDALE. ipcelal to the erantnii 'Iribm.e. ' I'niondile, iu. ;. Kdir.ir Uundck lpluiiied fimn Jlonlrosp on Thursday, jftn lining duly as u juryimn. The bojs perfonuid all kinds of r,ipei on Hallowe'en, li.miri nir .sisns and irlxlmr thiius in Keneral a rduulous aspect for the m.st iiiuinlni;, Somp one took an asp anil i ut a Imlc tlirmijli the floor of .lf, Inrialue'i new liunip. Mis (iilbeit limns pnliilained Hip l.ndo' Aid hoiiiti' of the .Metliodi-I Kpicop.il t liuic.li, on I.muis strpet, last Wislue-day. Almt foity wue pii'srnt and peiy chip had .1 Rood tinip. l!e. ami Mi.-. .1. V. Itiynor, ol MouliOiP, ,,re i"itlucr nlatips in llilc plaip Two koIiIpii widilincN .up Iipiil; 1 plilnntnl in tin' Immeill ite siiinit.i id 0111 town. 'Ihpy aie tbop of Mr. and Ml. Zoinia Hounds and Mr. and Mrs. L.tous, of I'.lldilp. ( lair 'iVrnuut is acain on the stini, jfier hutreriui; from an attack of diphtheria. 6oiie'.!r393 nonda .1 wlleblo, rr oathl7, r"nltlD medicine. Only hirmltus xaA tho purest drugi should b nd. 1! you wnnttbo beat, get Bva Pml's Tbnv era cromnt. cafe nnel certain In result. - Thi " ii n (Dr. real'3' never For f trs Salo by JOHN H. PHELPS, Fhnrmacist, ccr. WvcmiiiK f.venuo and Spruce street $500 We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costivetiess we can not cure with Liverita, the Up-To-Date Little Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly com plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisf action 25c boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of substitutions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken Nervita Medical Co., Corner Clinton and Jack son Streets, Chicago, III Sold by McQarrah & Thomas, Druggists, 209 Lack awanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA A tame nunibpr of our illlrens, hradpil by Hip Cothct band, pine lloopelt nil intluilitlr wtl imiip In Sitsipn haiin.i coiiiily l.ut Stlnrday. It. It. Chili lias toinuieuced ilolnc diiiuri ut Ids new Rtaln storp. Mrs. d.uon Hounds, who undent Hit a mii glial npi ration In nil dospltnl nl Philadelphia siiine time airo, wiotp 11 lellei In lier filends this wecl;, 'I his Is taken a a -lull of I'picdy and full irstoratlon to lienllli. Mrs. raiiipdell. of Sirnntiiii, and tWji chlldnn, arc lslllnif thrir p.uuils and ijtiiiidpaienls, Mr. atnl Mil. t'liatlcs I,)on and Mrs. A. Iloswell, Voir ftir Oorge Jf. Wntsun fur juilce. SUSQUEHANNA. Special to thp Sirunlon Tilbime. hiisipulnnna, Nov. ). t t.ineslioro. Inst eien In, the ilwolllnir house of Clnrles I'oy was tip strojed bj- tile. Gciss' "Passion Pla)" enteilaliuuenl was Riven Inst 1 telling in the McthodUt 1 lunch. u cs tellent Ptileilnlniiipnt was miricd In an imppr fpet lantern, whlih was tisicd for Hip lint time. Ibis IicIiib All Mints' Iny, appiopilatp hi- J iIpps were held In St. .tohn'n Cithollc ihiiieh. I 'Ihnnils MeMahon icieiwd .1 lieiil I11J111.V last ' Pteiilnic wliilp at work In Hip llile rouuildioiisi, ! A laiRc nmnbi-r of llallnm-'i'ii pirtles wpip held last ctinltie, 'I lie liojs list i'VpiiIiik iljnl Hip iisii.i1 niiiuber of llallowi'm planks, Mc'ssis, i:. H, ltinetl, Wal-oii 111,! dm and Sul ney D13 ileii aic in Pike counlj, marrhlmt fot deer. Mi-s Mirxaict Milhaiu, of .l.ulouli slieit, is tlic Kiiesl of Scrautou lelatitps. On ediiesilaj afteinoou two little lm tct fin: to tlic Ii.ij in the O1.1111I htiecl bun of Wllllaiu If. f.nralipp and for 11 fiw minutes a hie; i'ontlat;raliou was imminent. 'Hip Hip .1I.11111 was soimded, but the tiriliis tf .1 "bucket hSi Cade" made tlic attpndancp ol thp department tmneccssaij. All Null's l)iy FiitkiH who luld and latirely .iltended in St John's Catholic ihiurli this luoiuiln;. . "lli funeral of the late Mis. .Tpienilah I'man, of Piu'inct stieet, w is luld and timely attended this aitcrnoon from St. .(nun's Catholic church. 'Ihu remains wcic iuti'iinl in l.auiil Hill ic lup in. v. I 'Hip Poit Jinn I.adirs' ausiliary to the Biolii- 1 cihuod of I.ocomoiiic Knirincers last eieiiliit; paid thp 3nsiiicliami'i auslllaiy a p)p.i'aiil fi.ileinal 1 siiilation. J A small portion of the lcmains ot Hie late , Miss l.'tmicp ll.u r i-, wl.u peii.-iidl at the liuiu inif of tlic 'J'uckei residence in .lukson, Into been ' rccotered and intened. Albeit II. r.ilLciibm. is aijiiii lonlhml to his liniiii' with an injured knee. Mr'. A. 1). Dai Is, of Montiosc, is Hie up.st cf lur diiiubtei, lira. J. 11. 'Iitswoilh, of V.i-l-inxlon stint. Tho Kile is puicliaslnir monster fieie,ht lotomo. tives of the Iliooks l.otomotiie wotkj at Him kiik, X. Y. Ihie l.'iigiiiccr (leoi);u Slocuni, of Poit Jeinis, who was sciioutly miurcd in Hip Misquehaiin.i j.ud by beinjr struck by 1 bond upon a pawiiii; tar, is able to be out, and Iip will ncot.i. 1). 11. Sir Kni"iit .lolui V. Ward and degree utall, o! Xew s.oil: eiti, lit puning in llocran cipcia house, cscinplillcd Hip tliiul deiriec of the Knictlits of Columbus, About two bundled and titty members of tlic older weic Picsent, fioni Su-tjticliJiiiia, ItiiiKhamtou, Ilmiia, uanton, Cirbondale and other points. A banquet at Hip Maiiueca house followed, when Mppcilu.s wcic made by a l.ir;;e number of the mcinhi'rs of the older. It was a icry plcasint 11H.1I1. Thp Tree .Methedists will hold o.uuteily nieit iliirs at bteiens' Point Xcvcmbcr til, IT, IS. 'I lip nuptiiiKS will be in ehai'p of I)i-tiipt lilder lie.. J. T. I.anu'au. Thoi.ias J.; null, an Kim slml .s 01111 nun, re cintly uuileiwcnt a Mirccvdu! biupieal opeiatioii 111 a New Yoik bo-.pit.il fm the unioiil of sc pial Illinois, wliii It piivicil upon hi-, lu.iin and ciu-eil siolint i.uui-ms. lie has auluil hiine, ptbliully 1111 pel. Wlllilm A. MJutui, csi., of this boiouiih, will adihoss a ltepubliiau lallv at Siulli Cib-on on S.iluidiv evenimr. lackMiii llcptihliiaus In-Ill a Iml' i.dli on 'I bins. ilav pieiiinir. M. II Ililibei, of .l.uksou stitel, olfus 1 ie wild of ')0 for the appiphpuion and poiimiHou """i tin- peisuii-. wlio s-lolc his siti on lip pen 1,1s: of October .'It. Votf tut u. for u lieiuihllciin state k-KlsIa- THOMPSON. Fpeeiil to the Seianton Tribmip. Thonip-oii, Xo, '. A sul atfilr haippucd at J.iil.vni Coineis Tui-diy nislit. About inidiiiiTht Hie lioitc of Kmei'Oii Tinker tlic Ileiibcn Harris hniue-iteul was ilNio(rcil on fire Thp family wis aiou.pd and all nude theii escap" csippt r.unlcp llaiiN, aceil V jeais, s.,e wa, awakened and it wa-. MippiMil that the was follow Injr thp others down taii-, but wliptber she did or not, or whethpr she turned link for scim"thln slip wanted i-. not known. U all events, she nei ished in the tliino. The elnued leinalus weic taken from the ruins Ihp nest ilaj. Flic was a 'ERY WOi!A disappoint. Solel for ?1 .00 tier box. REWARD $500,000 4- 4- 4 -f -f f 4 f 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 Or Any Part Thereof Can Be Obtained Upon First Lien Mortgages At Rates Ranging from A TO 6 PER CENT. ! RiCE&DONNELLYiAttomeys-at-Law : Rooms; 18 nnd 19 Trader 444444444444444444 44 tlsler of Seolt Harris, of Onceii, S, V., and 1 ol Mrs. II. II. llloshai f 'Ihonipson. Mr. tiicker lot ei ft) thing In thp boup. The oiittln of the lire I In doubt, as the flames were well miller wa.i whin the (Ire was ellncnieicel. It was (mined for 'fl.toi'. Todiy is thp jtreat bunt by the .laekson Fiortnii'ii, After the bunt tunic the Mippir. Ittisselt Uii"htei, who has be-en sick for some tlinc. Is not linproiltiB as uipldly as hU friend could wMi. I.. M, (.llllett Ins I'ouipleti'd the linpioieinents on his icsldoiicc, and inicst be satisllcil wltli tho outla.i, as the appe-anince and onnieiilcnre ol Hip Imllillni; aic mcatly impioicd. 'llio Itei. V. II. I'lencli, of Hip l'lin lliptist chmtb, will nttiiiil their ipmleily nieellmr rpi 1cps at Wpst Windsor nest Sattuday and .Sun. 1 iv. Hoy. Tower will supple Ids pulpit dele Sabbath mornlue. We slid in nm list Kpiiis tint "Mis. lidgar Wells and Mi. Knoe-li Swinijle, of South Canaan, spent the P.ibbath at Hist ColtiiRe." How Hip printer could make that senium' leid "I'.noeli Swincile tpnit the Sablntli ut llrst Cottage" wo cannot tell, lie did it, though. Mr. A. C I'oster Is hailiur Hip seniors of an expert trimmer in her luilllntiy liup thcjc bu.-y times. P. i:. llurkp and wife, of Long Eddy, X. V., aio sislliiif; at lur pucuts, Ml, and Mis. .1. T. I.) de it. Vote.' lor (ieoriro Ai. Wutson for Jutlge. P1TTST0N. Special to Hit Serantou Tribune, Pitlson, Xov. 2. On Siluidiy, llio or sis slicel I im)is will be placid in West I'lltston fm the piirpoie of delii mining Ihp nieiits of tin' Mollsb.uli .sjatein ot Kas lights, as u ills placer of tho liicand.-cent light sestem. Mat tin Miilonrj, of Scr.inton, an ulllci.il ol the Wpllsbach l.liibt company, was in tho boiough today, con fcirlncr with tlic bcio'ii;li omciaR The West i'ittson lliirli School easily eleteatrd tlip .second teiiu of the ll.iny llillmin Academy, Milkes-IIairc, in a foot ball tramc here thin .if tciuiinu, b a scoie of 22 0. I.ut, Kills ami Mnimo woie the .star placets tot Plttston. Itev, and .Mis. Claude ti. dauafoid, id Vcuk state, who b.ne been lisitincr beic at the home of ('. 1 Xainnan, left today for a two weeks' isit in Wet Vliiilnij. The Vulcan Iron woiks, of West I'lttslon, U hulhllnir michiupiy for a new brcakei for the I.ytlp Coal company, of MiIiumIUc. 'I Iip employ p.s of the llseter Colliery of the I.e high Yallcy e omp my, at West Plttton, quit j work about noon today, owintr to a disacriee ' input as to the amount ot topplpe; to ho I placed on cai-. A Democratic club has bien orsanied at Upper Piltson. ('oiu)imy M, of We-.t Piltson. has leased the sacant loonib in Hie Ilrmip biiildin, on Kseter stieet. and fitted them out as .social looms, with a pool table and other "allies of amuse ment. Million S MotT.it t, of 1'ullon street, and Miss Xellip Moiiison, of Uppei I'lltston. wtier united in :n ini.iiro at the roskhnep of l)r, Paike, on cusqiieliima aiciiue, l.wt eseninir. The Lafliu colliery will ipsmne wink on Moil, daj. Voti' for John II. Fellows for sOierlff. NEW A.SLFORD. Special to the Serantou Tribune. N". : Milfotd, Xoe. 'J. On Thutsdt pieniu, Nov. ., Ihu Inhp- oi (he l.pi-cop.il clnncli, will leiiidnil a social al the home of Mrs. I,. O. Mo Colliuu. Mis, CIiiiIps Movlev and ehlldien, of Hillstpnd, an- "mls at Hip home of Mi. X. P. Kiiiibci. Mis. M. O. Bradley is isilln her brother at l.iisli, tin- week. Iter, K. K. Tliomis, of Mimtiu.e, was in town U ediieday on ijiiainpss. Mi-. C, f. Piatt called on Iliiinlnnitoii reli-tic- cesti'idiv. Oianti I.e Hoy, of this place, and Miss Him. Iieth fiillp-pio, uf ll.ufoid, weip pinried in Itiuchaiuton, Sept. 17. Ir. and .Mis. Mior enteitained Mr, and Mrs. W. 1". Inni'll, of Ilillilead, Monday picidni;, A -irles of ucical meetiiiKs will be eondueti'l at the Mrlhodist chilli li beinnin N'ov, 11, Mi. dihs ('.iipenler, of llallslead, was a guest of fiieiids in town seei.il chjs thi- week. Itev. . Unbelt Gos.- will pieseut the passion Play at Ihe lliptiit cliurcli this evenliiir, Mr, and Mis, Joel ltionn, of 1,'awsiille, ate t-ltln ri'laltiis in town. .Ml', and Mis. Charles Fhelp called on friends at i:ik lake the flist of last week. Mii-. Ik A. Helicon is ill nt her home on i fhurih Mtcct. Ml-o lie-sip llradley entertained a number ol her fiiends at her homo Tlnii mIj y eenin. Dr. Mcirill, of llallstcad, was In (own Thins day on piofesslonal business. Hallowe'en was properly oldened by the lads and lassies of Xew .Mllford. nuy fllessin was called to Sei anion Hip (list of the weclc and piotnoted to a day job as opei. ator in one of the oflices in the lallroad yard In Hint illy. Mi. nies-ini; has for a number 444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 National Bank Building. 44444444444444444 44 of jean bren lilulit n)ioulor In the Delaware, Lackawaniu and Western flalloii ut this place. Itev, 11. 11. Ilrooks, of Tjiniio, I'll., was a pleisanl t.iltir In town Wnlni'-da cienlni;. Tin- HciilliiK Cliilc met at Hie hoiue ot Pre fusor II. . HeiKon this week. A nutnbci ol mil .Mam people enjo.ied a ilele to Montiojc Weelticsdajr. WAYHART. Special to tin Serantou Tribune. Uayniait, Xov. 'J.- DwIkIiI It, lluikland died al the li'sldciiec ol II. T. Hudson Mond i.v cien. inir at r.llj o'cloek, aged il scars, 10 mouths nnd 7 days. Up had deeii lu poor health loi nonie tlinc and ir.ue up work last spring:. Mi. Iluck laud wiii a iiicinder of lodjic, jli, I'lce and Ac uvptvil .Masons ol Wayni.Ht, lloliki Ids widow, lie is Minlu-d by u miii and dionliUi, litlginu iliiiklaml and Mis. l.d lleltl) also a biotber iiuil -i-til W.nd lluckl I and Mis. II. 'I, Hud. foil, both o' Wa.Miiait. 'Ihe tuneral was held Weelui ilay altciuoou at .'M o'dock at tin. house, llov. William ltawlli.rfs olMci itliiB, avlstid In the a'.nicp by a quit telle 1mm Hip Mcthndi.-t Kpisiopal iliurcli. 'Hip I.isoiis furnished Iip.iiph and ccnilueted Hip iltml kcnlep at the itiaie, '.lilclio'iit was made in Ihe iJiuily plot In la ti.i.i'i leiupten. 'Irs. II. (. Dndjii and daughlei, Ami i, have lell lor lliinilri'ii, N' V., xhere they will rirnd the i.iulci. I'lie nihil1 'J ni'-ilas will be held in the new illy Ii ill, foimnly the old 1'ilaw.nc and Hud hull .station. ',. A. Wonnatutt is in Xew s,oik on a buslne-s t.ip. K. It. Yarcoe and bilde leturned hemt fioni their weddin til) Wcdnpsd ij altprnouii and ale now pleasantly settled in theit new Iioiop. Oiniisc W. M'lldciibuigci and fatnilj line reiiioicd fium Mm. Kate m;iiiiis housi- into the bpencer cottage. Mm. Ilaney Buckland and daughter, ol Toteal City, ip usitlm; iphitins m town. .lohn 'thompsou. who has bem in the western j.i 1 1 ol the alale '.ith Coutraitom Oi.ikt- ' Slratloii, has iititrned home. Mrs. X. f). (inner, who has been in a ho pital al Philadelphia and latei at Hip Hahne mann in serantou as a patient, returned home Thnrsdiy cumin. Mii). Horace Allniglil, of Vlneloi, X. Y is sisillni; her mother of this plare. ('. O. Illlis and fnullv will ienioe lo Wilke.s Dane Hip coniln week, whpie Mr. Kills Ins em plojment as a nir.cliini-t. For Shattered Nerves. A I'fniPilv that will soothe, build up the waplpil tissues r.iul enrich the blooi Is In-llspensahlc. Llchty's Cel ery Xervp ("'oir.poiir.il has been ".yonder fully successful in cases of iieryousj pnsp, as thous?nds of grateful people will testify. Sold by Mr.t thews Bros. ooooooooooooooooo I 0 0 rnnDTiLTr uci.ic t jruiviinva iilvvj, o 0 ooooooooooooooooo Whit piomipes lo be the mo-t eeny i ontested and stubbornly fouirlit "ridiion battle up-to-date ot the local season will be waed lit Athletic jail; llit-f afternoon, when the cliweii largp and stalwait youths who wear Hip puiple and white of St. Thomas' collptre will bp led on the Held by Captain li'llmo lo face a toup of deter mined waitiots lioni Wyomin seminaiy, d by Captain T.ic;eit. Ihe two teams liaie already pl.ised h tie cranie, but Hiuce that contest lum liotb been iii.itrii.ill) streiiKlhened. The St. Thomas plijeis will piesent piaetlcally the same line-up as in the game with the Thirteenth reRinient. l'.iiiell or O'Malley will look after center, bull) T.iniran, of the hViy locks,, and lhKserty, the '2 1. " pound iriant, will play tho imds, Kellihir and lluiki' or Mi Donald will Iip at tackle, and Johnny VaiiRhau and r.nnurt Kiikwnod will be on the end-. .Times O'lloio at qinrln, i-tocky little McAndrew and Hidln, Hip ps-Caibonililp Indian, at halvps, and stuidy rajiLiln O'lloio at full back will make a pry foimiiliblp biickfiild. Ta"erli the seminaiy cap tain, is one of Hip etrrans of last year's slronir elpipn, and PieUarski, the bis Pole, who plays Kinid, and fast Maxwell, tlic end, are two more of the member of the 'HI area. Hon. flalllet, who plajeil such a haidy center last season, is mlsed from Ihe line-up, but bis place U well taken caie of In h new mm, Jack-. Clinton Hiyden, of Ibis city, has played rptarter bad: for the team in kpieral (.'.imes, but whplher or not he will today meet his fellow townsmen Ins not jet been announced, frofher, the lialMndl.ui half back ot the eleien. is ono ol the W.iomln i-tars, mid Hie bl dele (ration of Klnolim nun who aic coining up for Ihe name id) on bis brintjin niiirh mirmw to Hip beam of the local limit's. The IIIrIi school team wa-. to have today Join ne) ed to lloncsd.ile and theie met ileieu stuidy nistic I ul-. DisiKiceineuls niosp, liow cicr, became of the linbllitr of llonesdile to put a slilitly seiiool team into the Held, aud nt tlie same time came a messap from tlm StrouiMiuig Xoiiual pcliool aikln for .1 return ame. The Ilonesdalo inaleh has been, there. fore, postponed until Xov. IT, and this afleinoon Captain Tropp and Ills warrlon bold will join, ney to Stroudsbur and "lie the N'oinuls a Lhanri' lo letiieie Ihelr local defeat. IIIkIi ndiocil will pnwnt the following line-up: Cm. ter, ScliuU.;; left "Hard, i;iwondii"ht uiiaiil, Hone; left taikle, Lyiion; risht tackle, WcUen. flub; iluht tnd Vauirlian; left end, l'nwcll; iiht half back, Willlnm; left half back, Trop)i; quar ter barl; O'Hcilly; full Intl.. Phillips; Mib,t. tutcs. Cor elt, I', Williams, llucni'll, Charles Oelbeit, of Ibis tit), who.p iiieiuory is sllll cherislipil al the IJniyfriJty of I'cntwl. ania as the beat cud who ecr donned the mole. .l.iui, is phi)in wltli the all-star Diique.ne t'ouutry and Athletic club, ot pittsluu. Ho left Ihe city Mondjy and Wednesdaj pla) til left rud atjalnst he (.lecmbui le.iin, auothei c ol leitlou of evenlleifialc stale, in a way whleli neiled imhers.il f.iiorablc press not inn. He was in (ho city Thursday, but has returned In the team and will today play against Homestead. M.rlln La)!on Shoch, lite bis local slcnocrraph' er and ex-Cornell renter, playa at taikle for Piniucimc this year and anion Ihu other star players of the team are Joe Ulleiiheinier and Jaik llrdij-es, Pratt, PJcisun, Jaek-un and .tin.il other cratl.ir'jack "ridirou anl.ls. Lehlli dai.iic.w .Iunils fm tho jniiu.il foot ball "Jiuo with dafijelte lo be pl.ijiil mi ,piic;li field thli afleinoon and epecU with Hi"lr aid to win. Princeton defeated I.ehit'H in foot lull 11 to i and won from f.af.i) ctte by the scene of ti to 0. Heme the impieccelenteel Inlne.t in tho "jiuc lo be played on I.chieb Held, South Held' lelieni, Lehlh's inaiugir ban made. prntMou lo atcommoiUle 3,tX peojilc. The largest foot lull kcuio cm run up In the tooth was nude WtdneuU) by (iioielonn analnst Kiiliinond. In llility-lhe iniuiitca' play bl points wric scored. I'lftci'ii toiiehduwiK weic mule and nine goali kicked. Ileic'a the opinion of Coach .Mas, of Chicago, about tliej l'euiuyliatiia team, which so crtiih. ingly defeated lit clcicn last Saturday and which today inceU Ilarwrd: "1 ncur kau a more powerful offense or a series of plays so well calculated to gain ainst a team than the plays that 1'enns) Ivaula used through Hie game The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING IIOUSB for tilt Heiitlt rt( All Vlt- flnve llotlncn tn Rent. Real Kttate or Other Property to Sell or nxclmiti!i or Who Want Situation or Help Thso Small Advertisements Co.' Otto Cent u Word. Six Insertions fni Flvc Cent.H ti Word lixitept Sltinitltini Wanted. Which Ai-j In. scrtcd Free. FOr? RENT. I'Olt IIIIM'-TWO I.Mttll. IIOOMH Willi 110 1' nnd cold w.tlti. for nun and wife or two Kentlciii'ti; will lie ucitlrd Sunday. I'.uuut house, ,11.1 Wnahlriitiin nictiue. PMiAHwr iiojii:, tfiilncy auinie. ox mi.!,: moii:iin ill I'Olt lll'AT- tlpmali. I.AIKIH I'llUNT IIOI1.M I'Ull (IKS' Mri .felTeron ineniie. rent hunt Tr,s''iiooi noi'si:. sis pi'i: sr between tnshlii"ton and Aikims jviiiiip, li re nlly tupeiedj fiiinatP, "J", balb. t'lutles I', iladwln. FOR SALE Kon s.i.r.-to,Boo wii.i. nuv iiiiick dwkii,. In, lorncr I'tankllii nnd Mnlbetrj utieet) cay teims. Cull on C. P. .fnelw In. njit ham: o hwki.i.in'hsj: AI.I. IMI'ltOVR. liietits; central ilty; e-isy In ni ; pu.is on pilcc, 7,000, 8 per cent net aflei tascs, water, licit and Insurance1. C, P. .Iidwln, inrner ."-puicp and IVnn .tienue. koh ham: norsi: asd i.or. su vim: (oriiei Ailatua iiicnue. Caliiu .N'j'bult. I1-. lOlt SAI.K-CONTKNTt-' 01' HOI'Si: I'HKM1 tine, catpeti, liddliig, etc. ih',1 Wiisliliigton avenue. HELP WANTED-MALE. liAnnTriiWFrANMs'rAi'AiiM': mk.x 'and women to act as irrneial aKCiits. 'KM yeaily fj.u,; expenses; estra commlssliins; brllliaut oppottimlly. Malloid 1'icss Cc, N'ew llauu (.'OIlll. wanti:d - fiNt: i:.pr.Rii:xc.Ki) mav to work in "icen house; sinsle piefptiid; at Kerstcter's faun, South .Main aienue, Lincoln Ikihts. HELP WNTED-FEMALE iA.rKI)-KOH SritANTOX AXI) Vlrl.Ml'V tliiee youn ladies of intelligence who de sire to iiicicasc their incomes and cm ele'.oic a poitlon of their time to no'li uinniitr u'Kiiris, clerks and ether w.uc e.nneis of their own sev. I'lofltabh' end llitlii rniplojiii'"!'. Apply m Con nell builehn, lietwccn S and ." p. m, .AGENTS WANTED. OALYLSTOX HOIlitOlt; Ill'.ST HOOK; linsr teims; outfit ircn; lielht paid; credit iicn. Keitruson, 1041 Tilth street, Cincinnati, (I. u,i:.rs-MALi: and itmali:, -io shll a line line of peifumeiy; ncdit (xitin; inofita bio ciiiploiinent. Campbell Perfuineiy Co., Wolcpslci, ilats. SALESMAN WANTED. WANTi:U-'iALiliP7T?uTx pspenei; pirmai.ent. Peny Nuraery Co., ISoehester, N, Y. SALESMEN WAN'TKI) TO SP.I.L OUIt COODS by cample to wholesale and ictail trade. Wp aie the largest aud only manufacturer;! in our line in the world. Liberal salary paid. Addre, CAN-DR.Y Mfj-. Co., S.nannali, (J. RECRUITS WANTED. JIAIHXK COUPS, V. S. NAVY, ItKritUITS wanted Ablc-bndiid nieii, senitc on our war ships in all parts of the world aud on laud in tho Philippine when lequiied. lliciuiting of liecr, KM Wyoming avenue, Scianton, PERSONAL. ii:.vrxi:ss cuiii:d or no .llow.in, Milwaukee, Wis. PAY. VMMTJEDjOJMYj. wanthd-secoxd hand slot machinesv must be in good order; state particulars as to make and price. Address, L. M general de livery, Scranton. I. PUBLIC SALE. l'UHI.IC SALE WE WILL SELL AT PUHLKJ salp, for the benelit of whom it may ion cern, on Wednesday. November 7th, at 10 o'clock a. in., al ihe Aibllialion Room in the Couil House lu tho city of Scranton, PcniisyUania, one hunched and ten fchaica oi picfencd stock and one hundred and ten shales ot common stock ol tho Sciiiuton Paliy Company. Terms of sale, cash. WELLES & TORREY. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED-2 OR 3 rUIIXISHKH ROOMS. FOR light housekeeping; centrally located. Ad dress, J. W, Williams building, City. ST ROOMS AND BOARD. TWiTOMrCflxiTlTAW at 410 Adams avenue. LOST. LOST A PURSE niVTWEEN WASHINGTON anil uincy avenues; Under pleiso ictmn to Nichols, the Tailor, corner Washington avenue and Spuico stuet. Reward to Under. LEGAL. ELLA P. KRP.SKY VS. CHARLES KRESKY. Xo. 5'JS, May leim, 1000, Common Pleas of Lackawanna county; Diioice. To Charlcx Kresk), Respondent: You are hereby notified Hut Hie sheiiff ot I.aelcawaniu county has leturned the subpoena and alias subpoena in the above case, "non est imenius," and the couit lias oideied eiite upon you bl publlcallon. You aio hi it by notillid to bu and appear at the net teim of cmut lo be held al Scianton, on Monday, No. 12, 1000, and answer the ioiii plaint of tlie Mid libcllant. O. E. PRYOI1. Sheriff. L. 1". WEDEMAX, Attorney for I.lbellant. with us, Every play was dliecled against .1 glicn spot In the opposing lines and driven toward it nltii imeiilug proclsluii. The back Held stalled last and the men helped the runner from the start until Hip referee's whistle sound id, Ihe line men opened up and blocked so tint It was iciy dlllle'ult lo get at the limner and nil that a tram could do was to go low in tlm fiunt of the play and ice epry oume of Streuglli to bilng down llio bunch. Then It was ilillltult to pieicnt a gain," "I lell you Tcny Mcdovein It a gieat little flghlii," ...ltd Champion Pugilist James J, Jef llics lei a Tribune man T lunula)1 night. The big heavyweight evinced what, for him, was a gieat dial of riitlmslisin when the liuuio of the fast little bantam was mentioned and was loud in his pulses of (he small llrookl)nlte's abillt). When asked what Ids foieiast was of il,c ii'siilt of McOovrin'd match with Joe (laps, pioviding, of course, tint the two light boy ,,, Hually be biouglit into tlm ilug nftci tho rloiueueu' of doth their managers his bem Dually exhausted, ho answered; "Oh, I don't think Hieie's much doubt uboiit the lesiilt. Tell) will whip him tho same as he's been beating cm nil, lims Is a nli 0 llltlo Huhltr, but I don't think lie will j,t long agjiiist .Miliovtru." $100 Bewaid $100, The icadcis of litis paper will be pleased to liMii, that Hull' is at l.at one iheailed disease that scicuii- has been able tu ture in all its ttdges and lb it I. eatarih. Hall's fainrrli Cure li the imly positive' nue now known to tlic medical fiatrmity, Catairh being u ii.ii.tltu. liniul disease, icqiiiies a ioiistltiitlon.il thai merit. Hall's Caldiili Cure is taken Internally, uitliig iiiiietly upon the blood and miunus su.'. i.ivci nl Hie s.vst'Hii, theieby dcitioylng the fniinelatioii of the disease, aud giving tlie patient (tringtll by building up the constitution and ntsMlug nature in doing Its wotk. Tlie pi optic tors lio-ve so ihu. It 1 J il II in its iiirjlli'ii povvcis, tint tluy olliv ono Hundred Dollars for snv isis that it fails to Hire. Send lor list of testi monials. Address. V. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O; Sold by druggists, 71c. Hall's I'uiull) Pills aie 'he best MONEY TO LOAN. MONKYT0nC(Txl II VI f KxYiniMlV All Oil- lie', 307 Conncll lltlllillli. A. MO.NIiY TO I.OAV-STHAinilT l,0.NS Al' once. Curry, Comic II building. ANY AMOUNT '"opTlONr.Y TO I.OAS. t'tlH.'IC, utrtlaht loam or liulldlnp anil Loin. At from I to II per cent. Call on N. V. Wlkr, SH-:ili Council bulldine. DRESSMAKING. DIICfSMAKIXO also ladlen' Adams aevnue. rUII Cjllililflll,! IU Ulll'IHlil waliti. Louise Shoemaker, ill frrt .,,11,1,1,1,.. .if, n.ll.L'll CITY SCAVENGER a. ij. Bitinn ci.imss piiivv vaults and pi's pool: no odor, Imptotcd pumps used A. U. liltUHiS. 1'ioprieloi. Lp nt.iin 1100 North Main inciiiii. or Klike's driiir iiloic, ci. Ik r Adaiiii anj Mttlbeiiy. lilephuuc lijiu. SITUATIONS WANTED IHIIMlHlTUANT5'wtMTirT)Y Till: 11 . Ileinodclin a hpoi tally; ul-ei clillilrin's gowns. Aildre-s .leimle, Tribune oilier. SITVATIOX WANTi:i)-llY A tllllli, 'Ml TAKIl i. lie of chidden ot do light liouse-ioik, m wash dishes oi work in mull idoie. fall ' ad dress 407 Kcrillnand Btieet. Ml CATION IVANTKI) TO !0 IfJT HY rill! day. I!. J A., .kt'.i Washington .iiumi'. .SITUATION WAXTKU-1IV A VOL NO WOMAN, to do washln ami ironing, oi v.oik by the day. Mis. J. T (IH lVidiiiand tncl, SITir.lTIOX WANTKD-HY A Iliai'lItTABLI'. eoloied girl as cook or cliuniLci lilaiil. Appl)' 4IH New strict. SITUATION WANTi:i)-UY A CAl'AULi: lllltl. for looking or gciipial huuseweuk; eily ief. ciencp; tall at aw Noitli lljde I'.uk .imiiup. sulatio.v WANrr.ii-iiY ol,.cl man as ollhe clerk, has had live )eais' ispiiknce in the building business; can do bookkeeping. Address, L. II. W., Tilbune oftlee. SITCATION WAXIKD-IIY YOCNCi MAN AS olluo clerk; has hid Hip ,'eais ppciience In the building budncis; mi do hookkrcplu. 'I.. II. '.," 1 illume. WAN'THD-HY A MIUDLU AUl'.I) I.MIY, POSI tlon as housekeeper in a fin ill family ; tan guc good refeicnie. Address 1525 Uulwer hired, city. Drss.MAKi:it ih:sihi:.s worn; vr homi: ok by the iiy , highest eily ufeiences .mil th-t ch'ss oik guaiaiilccd. Address Modes, Tub one otllee. SITl'ATTON WANTKH-nV rDUCATI'.ll YOUNG lady as oIIIcp ai.slstjnt; erscd in bookkeep ing, short liuiid unci Upewiiting. Desires pel in.. lent employment '(Itli some ' citable pail). Ad dipM "Lxpcrlenceel," W! Suninei iiienui', city. LAiioi: uot'si: wants capahli: mi:n and women to act as general agents. f'Kn yeatl) salary, expenses, olr.i commissions, biilliant op pjttunity. htaflonl Picas Co., Xiw Ilaii'ii. Conn. MlTIATIO.V WAN'TKD-BY A SHOP. SALKri- lady willi experience; can furnish the be3t of lily lefercnees. Adiliesi Dxperience, Tiihune office. PROPESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EIIWAHD C SPAULDINO, C. eis' Bank building. I'. A., 23 TRAD- Architects. LDWAnn II. DAVIS, building. Si rantou. ARCHITECT, CONNEl.L rili:i)EHICK L. building, ! IlltOWX, ARCHITECT, PRICE Washington aieniie, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages. HUIIHER TIRED CABS AND CARRlAOKS;BEST ol Her ice Pinmpt attention given oiders, bv 'shone. 'Phones 2672 and 6132. Joseph Kellei". 124 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E. ElI.ENBKltaER, PAUI.I HUILDINU, Spiucc street, Scranton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANION PRIVATE I10S pital, cornet Wyoming and Mulbcriy, DR. C. C. LAUIiACTI, 115 WYOMINO AVENUE. DR. II. T. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Bestaurante. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVI', nue. Hates leasoiiable. P. ZF.iai.ER, Pioprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NF.AU D.. L. k W. PAS- scnger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Lawyers. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL. lot-al-law. Rooms J12-313 Mears building. D. II. KF.W.OCILE. ATTORNEY-LOAN'S NEGO. tlalcd on real estate security. Mears building comer Washington avenue and Spiuce stieet WILLARtl. WARREN k KNAPP, MTOHS'IIYS ami counscllors-at-lavv. Republican building Washington incline. jessup k je-sSup, attorni:y.s AND couv sellora-at-law. Commonwealth building, Rooim 10, 20 nnd 21, W. OAKFORD. AITOIINEY-AT-LAH-511, 515 and 61(1 Boaid of Ttade builu". l'.DWARD W. 'fllAVEII, ATTORNEY. ROOMS WV1-U04, 0th floor, Miara building. L. AWATIIKS. AVrORNEY-AT-LAW, 110 Uili of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. C. R. PlTClir.lt. ArrOHNEY-ATLAW, BOARD ot Trade building, fctranton, Pa. PATTERSON k WltCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building. P, COMEOYH, 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDINO. A. W. BERTIIOLl', ATTORNEY, MEARS BLOC, Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. E. nv enue. ALLEN. 013 NORTH WASHINGTON DR. S. W. L'AMOHEUI.Y, OFFICE f.T) WASH, ington avenue. Residence, 1J18 Mulberrv. Chronic direases, lungs, hcait, kidneys aiiel genlto-uilnary oigans a specially. Hours, 1 to 4 p. nt. Schools, SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, SCRANTON, Pa, Course picpaiatoiy (n college, law, meeli. clno or b.isnes.s. Opens Sept, 12lli. Send for catalogue. Rev, Thomas M Cami, LL. 1)., prin. clpal and piopiletoi; W, E, 1'1'iniley, A. M., headmaster. Seeds, II. II. CLARK U CO . SEEDlMEN AND NUIIS. eii men, loic '.01 Washington avenue; given liDU'e.s, Itl'iO Nuilh Main aveniic; stoic tele ihuiic, 7b-'. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KIIET'IEL. Itl.'AR Ml HCKAWANNV avenue, K rant on, Pa., niauufaitiiier of Wiic Sc 1 1 ens. Miscellaneous. BAULK'S ORCHESntA-MUblcfrOlt IHI.LS, picnic, parlies, leceiptions, weddings and con. celt work furnished. For terms addicts It, ,) Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, ovci llulbcrt's music store. UEflAUOEn BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, F, vclopes, paper bags, twlue. Wsuhotise, UJ' Wasliiugtou ayciUsO, Scianton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE . PENNSYLVANIA -rilrViWiHj RAILROAD Schedule In Effect May 27, 1000. . ns lenve Scrnnton, D. . H. Stntlon: ' '4B " ''I', week days, for Bunbmy, HnirlBburp, PhllndelphlB, Bnltl jnore, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 o. m., week days, for HaaUton, Pottsvllle, Reading Norrlstown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Bun buiy Harrlaburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundayi 1.58 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Harris hurg, Philadelphia, Baltimore Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts villo, Heading, &c. week days. 4.37 p. m.. week dnys, for Sunbury, Hnaleton, Pottovllle, Harrlaburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, i .T. ft. WOOD. Oen. Pass. Aftt. J. II. I1UTCIII.NSON, Oen. Mr. Delawnie, Lackawanna and Western. In WTrct June 10, 11)00. South Lenxe Scranlon for New Yoik at l.i. XI). 5.40. SIX) and Ki.iV. a, m 12.M. a.- and ,;,"!. '' ' I'or Philadelphia at 5.411. 8.W) and lO.ib u. in.; u.s; and 3.:u p. m. For Slroudv binn at il.io p. in. Milk and accommodation at 'in p. in. Arrive at lloboken at CM, 7.1C. i.U.l.l a. m.: l0s. "47. 4.4S. T.t'l and 11.43 ti. m. ,,!" 1.t I'ldladelpbla at 10.00 a. m.; 1.00. 3.43. .ix) and v. Al rli e frntn Veev ork at. LO", 4.l n,,, lii.i:, .... I on 1 .. Si.r"g.lS and II no p. ,, j.)nlll stioudsbiirg at KKi n. lu. oith-.c,no Sriiintnn for llullalo and Inter- incejl.ilc slat U j,jo. Lit) and 8.30 a. tn.t '-, p. is nnd 11.51 il. m. Tor Osweiro and 5)ra I lls.i 1 J.10 a. m. nnd l.r.-. n. in. I'or Utlci at t.lll ' in. and 1..V. n. m. I'or MontioM at 8.:.i) '.in.; i.njj ,,. , ml . JS ,, , For x0s. ,'ni c'-i'00 !,IhI "l"' P- in- I'nr ntnshamtoti. lat'.l '.t . ". n- '" AirKi- In -'cranlon I or.i rtutTabi f, .- ' .-"""' '8 and lO.on a. m. ; S.30 and WM i..o V0"1 Oswego and Sv.a.'iisp at 2,55 a. til.; iZni "'" sno !' "i. Krom'tltlpn at 2.13 a. in.; ,,-'" J.r"1 1.30 p. m. I'ioiii SdlioUon at 0.50 a. innS1"1 aM I'- "' 1'roni MonliOKC at 7.M and 1IIIHI a. ,. . ;;.:0 ,,, gM ., m lllnonisbiii DMslon-Leave Scranton fot Noithumbeilnnd at 0. 1.-,, urn n. in.; 1.5 and """.P. in. for Plimoiith at l., :U, 8.35 and 11..1; p. in. -tr Xnnn.-nKii at 8.10 a. in. Allip at NorHiiimherland at n.'l". a. in., 1.10, S.00 and P. m. Aulvc at N'.'iilicokc al '1.10 a. m. ..iriie nt Pl.Mnouth nl 2 00, s.n, n.60 p. m. and i ...in a :. Aniio at Srijiiton from S'orlhnni 'Hand at 0.s2 a. m.: lf,3, 4 50 -.nd S.C. p. i.V. 'FP'n Xniillr olin at 11.00 a. m. From nunoiitli at 7..-,o a. in., 3.20, r..3S and 11.10 p. srvinv trin, Soiilh Leaip Sciantnn 1.40, 3.00, 0 10, 10 Uj a. m.; ,15 1, ;; (n nnd 8.10 p. m. Norlh I.e.np Scianton at j.10, 4.10 a. tn.; 1.1m. fl.48 and 11.35 p. in. Illoonishing llliisinn --Leave iranton at 10.05 a. m. and (i.M p. tn. Delaware and Hudson. In Effert Oct. 21. 1D00. trains for Caihondalo leaie eranu. at (ISO, 8.2.-1, ,.!, s.s-1, in. 13 a. in.; 12.00, 1.2), 2 '.(I, 3.62, .-1. ..oi. u.ij. ii.if, p. in.; i.io a. lore iioiiesdalc 11.20, 10.13 a. in.; 2.2B and i.-' p. in. Tor Wilkes-narre 0. 15, 7.4S, S.4J. 9.3S, 10.41 a. m.; 12.03, 1.2s, 2.1B, 5.33, 4.27, 6.10, 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Tor L. V. 1L R. points-G Ij a. m. ; 12.03, 2.13, 4.27 and 11. p. m. Kor Pomityhanii R. R. polnLs-0.45, 0.33 a. rn.: 2.1R and 4.27 p. m. I'or Albany and all points north 6.20 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Tor Carbcntlalc 0 00, 11.33 a. m.; 2.26, 3.52, 3.17, 10 52 p. in. I'or Wilkes-narie 9.38 a. m.; 12.03, 1.58, 3.28, 0.27, 8.27 p. in. I'or All, my and points north 3.52 p. m. Kor Honesdalc 9.00 a. in. and 3.52 p. m. Lowest rates to all points in United States and Canada. J. W. RURDICK. fi. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. 11. W. CROSS, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa. lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect May 27, 1000. Trains Leave Scianton. I'or Philadelphia and New York via 1). ft II. IL IL, at 0.43 a. m. and l.'.OJ, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Diamond Express), and 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D, k II. R. R.. 1.6, 7.JS p. m. Tor White Haven, Hazleton and principal points in the coal regions, via D. it H. H. R., (1.4-1, 2.18 and 4.27 p. in. For Pottsvllle, 6.45, 2. in p. in. For Bethlehem, Easlon, Reading, Ilanisburg ami principal inteiniediate stations via D. k II. It. R., (i.45 a. in.; 12.0J, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Emucss), 11.30 P. m. Sundays, D. k II. It. It., 1.63, 7.48 p. in. Tor Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and principal inteiniediate stations, via 1)., L. k W. It. It., 8.0S a. in.; 1.05 and 3JS p. in. Tor Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, nnd all points west, via D. H. R. R., 12.03, 3.33 (Black Diamond Express), 7.48, 10.41, 11.50 p. 111. Sundays, D. & II. R. R 12,0.1 p. in.; 7. -18 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlor can on all tiains between Wllkes-Barro and Xew Yoik, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus peision Iliidge. ROLLI.V II. WILBUR, On. Supt., 26 Cortland ttrcet, New York. CHARLES S. LEE. Oen. Pass. Agt., 26 Cortlard street, Xew Yoik. A. W. S'OXNF.MACIIF.R. DIv. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to SOS Lsrkavvanua avenue, Scranton, Pa, Central Bailroad of New Jersey. Stations In Xew York Foot of Liberty atrest, N. I!., and South Fciry. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuriig cleanliness and comfort, TIME TABLE IN EFECT MAY 29. I'lOO. Trains leave Scranton for New York, Newark, Elirabeth. Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Al lenlnwn. Mined Chunk nnd White Haven, at 8.?0 a. in.; rxpiess. 1.20; express, 4.00 p. m. Sun davs, 2.11 P. rn. For Plttston and Wilkes-Banc, S.30 a, m.; Lit) and 4.00 p. m. Sundays, 2.16 p. in. For Baltimore uud Washington, and point) Soutli and West via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. m,, 1.20 u, in, Sundays, 2.16 p. in. Fur Long Branch, Ocean Oiovc, etc., at 8.30 a. ui. and 1.20 p. in. For Heading, Lebanon and llarrisbuig, via Al ii lit own, 8..'.0 a. in. and 1.20 p. m. Sundayi, 2,1.1 p. m. For Pottsvllle, S 30 a. ro 1.20 p. m. Thioiigh tklets tn all points east, south and west at lowest l.ttes at Hip stltlon. .1. II. OHLHAUSEN. Oen. Supt. II. P. BALDWIN, Oen. Tass. Agt. New York, Ontario and Western R.VH. TIME TABLK IX ITrEOT SUNDAY, JUNK M, North Bound Tialua. Leave Leave be ran- Carbon- Arrive. Tiains, 201 . 201 ,. 207 .i ton. dale. Cadoerts. ,10. 10 a. to. 11.20 a. in. 1.0.1 p. m. ,, 0.00 p. in. Al rive Carbondale, 6,40 p. m! Soutli Bound Trains. . . 111. s.mJ p. Ill, o.3 p. m. Leave Leave Cadosln. Carbondale, Scranton. 7.00 a.m. 7.40 a. tn. ,, 8.40 a. in. 10.02 a. in, 10.45 a. m. ,, 2.03 p.m. 3.31 p. m. 4.20 D. m. SUNDAYS ONLY. V North Bound, leave I.eava Seian- Caibon. Arrive, ton. dale. Cadosla. ,, 8.30 a. in. 9,10 a. m. 10.41 a. m. ,, 7.00 p. m. Arrive Caibondale, 7,45 p. ni. South Bound, Leave Leave Cadosla, Carbondale, Scranton, 7.00 a, in. 7,40 a, pi, , , 4.30 p. tn, 5.34 p. m, 6.S5 p. in, Kn. 201 il 1 1 1.0.1 connection for nnlnts 202 201 20U 201 2W 202 .,,, 20s .... Train No 'oi tli and South on Main Line, at Cadosla. I'.ntns Vos. 20.1 and 2.03 inakt Main Llns run. net lions on Sunday, For further Information, consult ticket agents, J. (t. ANDERSON, (len. Pass. Agt., New York. J, E. WELSH, Traveling Passenger Agent, Scran, ton. E;le and Wyoming Valley, Times Tablo In Eflcct Sept. 17, 1000. Tiains for Hawiey and local points, connect ing at llavvley with Erie lallroad for Xew York, Xcvvbiirgh ad intermediate points, Isave Scran ton at 7.0.'i a. in. and 2.25 p. in. ,Tulns uiilic at Scranton at 1030 a. rn. and U.K) p. m. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKEvBMlHE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scianton at Ihe news standi ot lUisnijn Bios., 105 Spruic and 60.1 Linden; M. Norton, 322 l.aaawauna avenue; I, S. Schutstr, ill Spruco stieet. pSjGJzpJLREATMeNT' MR S. Tt?KEl7,VSCMLP shampooing, 60c.; fascial musstei niulsufi Inir, 25c. j chiropody. 701 tjulncy, iaI 21 -si fu 1 1 I is- SIMLSiJ'J... HaAt-k-'tj,ut.HI: n, asrt,Hi'L.V . V.jV ijj) m 's ' l satwtbatL s. wii4i.srf.-essj'WrtiB'jikiia.ji, r .- mIvSUs , .. I j.