jfpv i-Y$&y? ti'-? w I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 1900, t CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT. X yyw V- -Vws ''W' N"N " ,tpThe Scrantoft Tribune has opened n Branch Office in Carbondnle and will print n dally edition devoted to the interests of tho city, the nlin be ing1 to supply Carbondnle with a daily morning paper, containing nil the new3 of tho Pioneer City. Com munications of a news nature, per sonals and nil items for publication may bo left at the new offices in the Burke Building, or may bo sent by mall or 'phone. . L. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbondnle edition, will be pleased to leceive callers seeking information or desirous of impart ing it. SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES. nt. : lijgh niaas, Hchonl, 2 p. in. I0.no a. ni.5 Sunday Fiist Congiegatiotml. At tlie Flint CniiKicKiillonul i lunch tqnioiiow, ltev. M. U. Klllott, the ims to'r, spooks nt both set vices. Morning theme, "The Incieusc of the Chinch." Evening topic, "Down; Then Up," thu .second In the series of sermons on "(It eat' Men." At the evening ser vice thoic will he u half hour ol hung by an augmented choir. Sir. H. P. Clark will lnB a luiiltnne solo, and 111. It. K. Gurclner will lender a violin f-olo for tho olfei lory. The public N Invited. Tomtiow afternoon at 'J o'clock the Plist Coiigiegntlonjl Sunday school will ohsere Its second Kally Sunday. A .special niofrrutnnip Is being ur laiiKCil for the occasion. La.sl Sun ilny the nchool was doubled, and Mi. nillotti has asked for an Incteaso of tlility for tomoirow. The excellent music Is one of the feutuies of tho Congregational Sunday school. Tiinity Piotestant Episcopal, ltev. It. A. Sawyer, lector. The fol lowing services will be held In Trinity church tomonow: Holy communion nnd sermon, 10 "0 a. in,; Sunday school at 12 o'clock; evening piayer nnd sor man at 7.30 p. ni. The ottering at the morning service will be devotid to domestic missions, Ladies' Aid society, Wednesday, 3 p. in.; Tiinity Guild, Tuesday, 7.30 p. in. Fiist Piesbyterian. Noitlt church htieet, near Salem j.e mie. Ilev. Charles Lee, pasloi; lesl denee, 6(5 Noith church stteet. Sun day services, 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday .school, 12 in.; Young Peo ple's Chilstian Endeavor, 6 30 p m.; i eekly prayer meeting, Thursday eve ning, 7.30 p. ni. Second Piesbyteiinn. At the Second Piesbyteiian chuiili the Rev. T. M. Hlggins will pi each In the afternoon, at the close of the Sun day school seivicet-. Welsh Piesbyterian. South- ('hutch stieet, corner Ninth nenue. Sunday services, 10.30 a. m. nnd (5 p. in.; Sunday school, 2 p m.; mid-week services, Tuesday, 7.30 p. in. The ReV. William J!. Morgan, of Hyde Paik, will preach in the AVelh language morning and evening. After tho mottling service theie will be com munion and nftcrunrdn Sunday school. All the Welsh people of this section me cordially invited. Mr. Moigan Is an able speaker. THE OLDEST RESIDENT DEAD. Mrs. Phoebe Decker Passes Away in 'Her Ninety-Ninth Year. Mis. Cornelius Decker, conceded to be tho oldest lesldcnt of the Pioneer City, died yesterday morning at the homo of hur daughter, Mrs. Sai.ili Griggs, nt tho toi nor of Paik stioet and Tenth avenue. Mis. Decker was boin In Now York statu in 1S02, which nuitle her age ul the time of her death ninety-eight yenis, With her husband, who died on Juno 10, mo, aged llfty-slx yeais, Mis. Decker came to Cai bomlalo In 1S29, and hud lived In Caibondule ever since. Their mode of tiuvel fioni New Yoik city was by way of the old Dclnwuie nnd Hudson canal, and the couple en joyed hc distinction of making the trip on the lit. st boat that ever tiavr-ised this lollte. Mr. Decker was by tiado a sawyer and he. dining his lcsldence of thlity suven yeais In Carbondnle, followed this manner of obtaining a livelihood. Mr. and Mis. Decker woie tho patents of fourteen dilution, flvu of whom sur vive, as follows: Mis. Sniah V. (Jilggs, of Caibondalc: John and Ernest Decker, of .Scinntoit; Hiram Decker, or Canostota, N. Y and Benjamin Decker, of this clt. Resides these, Mis. Deckel leaves seventeen grattd ehlldiPii, tlneo gieat-giundchlldten.and two gieat-gient-grandchlldren. One son was jrlven to the cause of the union, Lewis Decker, he dying on the battle field In the Chll war. The deceased ludy was lemaikably well piosetved up to within a tew days of her demise, both mentally and phys ically, aside fiom a slight deafness. tees and other business will he held on Wednesday evening, November 14, nt 7.30 o'clock, In tho chuich. The call states: Phst, to put tho congregational organization In full conference with ltd charter; second, hence to lccelvo the resignation of the picsent honrd of trustees In wt king, whose time has not expired, and to elect a now board In occoidanco with the laws for a "body politic." All the trustees and voting nieinbois of the church are Invited to attend. Vole for Wlllluin R. tilct attorney. Lewis for dls- The Cluysauthemum Show. Thioiigh the gcneioslty of Hon. K. E. Hendtltk the ladles of tho Reiea'n Uii tlst chuich will hold their second an nual chrysanthemum Sale and exhibi tion on Tuesday nnd Wednesday of next week. This has alieady tome to be one of Cnihondalc's gieatest events, and It Is safe to predict that loveis of tho beautiful will throng tho church dining the afternoon"? and evenings of the exhibition. The Young Men's Union. The following calendar for the month has been posted on the Young Meit'n Union bulletin. Nov. 0 Election return will be re ceived (memb'Ms only). Nov. 14 Rcan tmiuiuet for the G. A. U Post 187. 1iJ Elite! tnliunetit. :'0 Ladies' night. 27 Webster night. street went to IJiooklyn, N. Y.( Thurs day, to attend the funeral of her sister, The funeral took place theio yester day. , Now Nov. Nov. At the Berean Baptist Chuich. At the morning set vice tomonow In the Bel can Baptist church Dr. Whalen will preach the second scimon in the .set ins on "Tho CSrent Themes nf Tli.- miu lciaiucu consciousness amiosi. to jnKoii." Ills theme will be "Cieatlon the last. Her death was caused by what of the Recoid of Genesis?" At heart tiouble. fiom which she had suf- t1(. evening service the sublect will In- it-ieci mi' d. lung nine, aim wiuuii iier advanced age lendoted it haul to alleviate. "The Ptlvllege and Responsibility of Being an American Citizen." She was a member of the Plist Methodist church in this city, ha ing become allied with It many jeais uao. She was a tine Chilstian woman and her fi lends In this city weie numetous, who will be pained to hear of a death which, though not unexpected, w ill bring sot tow to many he.nts. The i fuueial will be held at the house of Mis. Griggs, avenue, on Sunday nfteinoon at .'! o'clock. The Rev. A. P. Chaffee will preach the funeral seimon, and the in terment will take place at Mnplewood cemetery. Vote for John Copeland for piothono tui y. Postponed One Night. Tho Recheiche Dancing class has changed the date of the evening tor Its lliht "octal fiom Wednesday to Tliuis- duy night of next week. On account - -i-en- '- i r, f l,.,iu .,.... ...... .... ,.i. ,-. r mi. . ,. Paik avenue and Tenth I ",',' ".,.," "--"'"'-" ". I .- iiiu iinuutuir, tins lias oeetl mane necessaty. After next week, how ever, the regular class night for the membeis will be Wednesday. Vote for William Connell for on- giess and sustain the admlnistiation which bi ought about good times. THE PEOPLE'S LECTURE COURSE. Baptist. -BetCiin Baptist chuich, coiner Lin coln avenue and North chinch stieet. Rov. H. J. Whalen, D. D., pastor, lesi dence, 33 Lincoln avenue. Sunday ser vices, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in.; mid week services, Thuisduy, 7.30 p. m. Young People's Society of Chilstian Endeavor meets at 0 30 on Sunday evening; Junior Society Chilstian En deavor meets Sunday, 3 30 p. ni.; Sun day school at 12 in. Methodist, riisf Methodist, North chuich stieet, near Salem avenue. Rev. A. P. Chaf fee, pastor; residence, 70 Terrace street. Sunday seivlces, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 in,; Epworth League. 6.30 p. m.; prayer meetings, Thuisday eenlng, 7.30. On Sunday morning, the pastor will preach. In the evening theie will be revival services. Rev. J. W. Phillips on "What I Laughed at in Palestine." The People's Lectuie coutse will open on Monday, November 19. "What I Lauirhed at In Palestine" will be the subject, and Rev. John W. Phillips, Ph.D., D. D., of Binghutnton, N. Y., w ill be the lectin er. Other dates and leo tuies will be announced by the middle of next week. This couise of lectures will be unique in many ways; It Is for all tho people, and within the leach of all, since no lived l.ites of admission will be charged. All the Piotestant de nominations of tho city will have u tepiesentatlve among the lecturets, and tho talent will be the equal of any tint have appealed In the high-pilced lec ture couises of recent yeais. Getting Along Nicely. Ml,s Ella Loftus, daughter of Daniel F. Loftu'i. of Sand street, who was opeiaW upon for appendicitis on Thuisday nfteinoon nl the Catbondale hospital, is testing comfortably, and last evening it was said, in tesponsa to an inquity at the hospital, that sha would iccover unless unforseen com plications ensued. Evangelical Lutheran. First Evangelical Lutheran (St. Puul's church) South Church street; Rev. p, Ehlnger, pastor. 'Twenty third Sunday in Trinity. Sabbath school, 9.30 a. m,: preaching services, 10 30 a. nt,; subject of the sermon, "Hold That Past Which Thou Hast That No Man Take Thy Crown," Reve lations ill: 2. Evening services, 7.30 p, in,; piactlslng songs In Get man nnd English. Roman Catholic. Chinch of St. Rose do Lima North Church Btteet.opposlto Paik place. Rev. Thomas P. Coffey, lector; lesidence, 6 North Church stieet. Assistants, Rev, John Dixon and Rev. John J. Giillln, Sunday services: Plist mass, 7 a. nt.; second, mass, 8 n. m.; thhd mass, 9 n. tf 77 99 A swollen face, the chaiacteristic epidemic symptom of Cold or GRIP Tic-dolouri ux Swilled Fao. The, doctors say this year Unit tsnl Bemlo Grip has taken on a now phas,e, the first symptom being a pulling up of no sldo of the face, extending oven to tljo closing of tho eye, It Is accoiii panted by neuralglo pains and by most of tho old well known symptoms of In fluenza, Caturi)i,,putn3 and tuieiiess la the Head and Chest, Cough and Soie Throat, Goneinl Ptostratlou una Fever, "77" meets tho epidemic condition and cuts It shoit promptly. If It should not ylefd. nt once, alteinato with Sperillo NirS. -,..,. At druggist's," -3c, Dv, Humphrey' Manual on the caie no.treatinent of tho sick in all ail ments (especially children) mailed free, lliiniphrcja' Homeopathic Medicine Co, Cor. VUllItia & John feti., New Voil. ' Social Happenings. Mis. James H. Buir, of Lincoln ave nue", entertained a lau'c number of ladies at her home yesteidoy after noon at a "thimble tea." The function will b lepeated acaln to-day. On next Wednesday evening camp S of Scranton and camp 1,"8 of this city vill go to Jermyn with most of their r.iembets to visit comp 204 of that place. It will be the night for the annual inspection. A lnige number of P. O. S. of A. members fiom Scranton will come to this city next Monday exenlng to pav a fraternal ilt to camp No. 200, (Tho ofllccis or membeis of the var ious f internal societies will confer a favor and also benefit their orders If they would icport to The Tribune, Room 1, Burke Building, all news of their order that can be made public. Vote for George M. Watson for judge. A Slight Blaze. An alarm, of tire from box 21 at 5:30 o'clock last evening, diew a ciowd quickly to John Morgan's diy goods rtoro on fcalem avenue. Some cheese cloth, used In decorating the windows, caught file In an une.peeted man ner, and n passerby summoned the flic depattment. The blaze was subdued before they arrived, and tho only dani age done was to the afotes-ald cheese cloth, a little paint and the breath ing apparatus of some of our pottly citizens, who hurileU too tnst. Opened After a Long Idleness. After being closed for the past eigh teen months the Alumni Llbiary was opened to pupils of the Centtal school building and the members of the alumni yostuulay afternoon. It wilt now' be opened to pupils each Friday afternoon and the membeis of the alumni fiom 7 to on Satin day eve-rilng-. Vote for Thomas P. Daniels tor cleik of the couits. Delegates Elected. At t meeting of the Rpwoith League of the Methodist Fplscopal chuich, M'sses Isahelle Stanton and Olive Penuelly and Mrs. A. P. Chaffee were elected as delegates to the Wyoming confidence conetuinn to be hold in Oneontn, November 7 and S. Rev. CltaflVf. of this city Is secietary of the convention. After Mitchell's Celebration. The committee of an angoments for last Ttiesdnj's great demonsti.itlon and welcome to Ptesident John Mitchell, of the T'nited Mine Workeis of Ametlca, met In the cltv hall at S o'clock last evening nnd made theli lepoits and finished business. Meetings Tonight. Cambrian lodge, No. 58, Independent Older of Odd Fellows. Division No. 13, Ancient Older of Hibernians. Lily cotut, No. 3J0, Ancient Older Pot esters of Ametlca. Diamond lodge, No. 26, Shield Honor. of Vote fot Enill Bonn for unorder. Night School Opens. Thuisday night saw the fitst session of the school which has been opened in tho Central High school building for tho Instiuetlou of the mine and bleaker boys. Soveoty-flve pupils weto em oiled, lessons were assigned, and progiess made In getting the sessions well under wny for the fall and winter. Tho In tel est and enthusiasm manifested wus very eiifouiaglng mill Prof. Loftus, the teacher In chaigo, epiessed his gtull llratinn over tho lesult. It Is very prob able that unite school doom will lie needed In the near fiituie. Next Week at the Opeia House, The Huntley-Jackson company will open their week's engagement nt tha niand on Monday evening with tho play "For Liberty and Love," On Tues day, election night, "Tho Tornado" will bo presented, a very appioprlato tltlo for the events of thu day, and the io. turns will ho lead fioni the stago both dining and after tho peifnunaiice These will be icctlyed by special wire. Voto for J, A. Scwuitou for county ticasurer. A Little Better Last Night, litis mnnd Tlffanv. son of Ambrose V, Tlifuny, the contractor, who has been pry 111 with typhoid fever, wa able lo sit up last night without as sistance. Dr. John NUes Is the at tending physician. A Case of Measles. It was leported yesteiday afternoon to tho boiitd of health that a child of Oeotge H. Monti, of 35 River stieet, had become ill with measles. The house was placaulrd last evening, O1pr.1ni7.at Ions Meeting Tomonow, Knights of Father Mnthow. U. 13. Hedilck lodge, No, 9-1, Btother hood of Itnllioad Tialnmen. Cential Labor union. ClgdimnkPiH' union, No, 4J9, Vote for a Republican slate leslsla tute, i i A Coming Wedding. Mr. John O. Bildgott, the Insurance man, of Dundaff street, and Miss Mary McOonald, of South Main s,ticel, will ho man led on Wednesday next. Both the parties arc well and most favor ably known and are very populnr. Tho Wedding will bo quiet. Picked Up in Passing. Miss Nettle M. Bailey, of Salem ave nue, Is In Wllkes-Barre. Miss Nellie Gavin, of Jeimyn, was a Cnrbottdale visitor yestoiduy. Miss Tesslu Follies, of Ha anion, Is vlsltlnjf ft lends In Caibondule. The MIsm Jennie nnd Nettle Russell nie visiting fi lends In Sciunton. Andrew Nenlon, of Pike stieet, has lecovered front his lccent Illness. I3nnnoiis L. Peck, n student at Buck ncll, Is home for a brief vacation. Jeny Connor will soon open a new plumbing shop on Belmont stieet. Miss Lillian McChtone, of Jermyn, Is visiting her sister on Salem avenue. Mis. Qeotge Poster, of Seventh ave nue, Is visiting lelntlves In Plttston. Miss Mamie O'Malley, of Sciunton, Is the guest of Miss May Kailey on Sev enth avenue. Mis. Menltt O. Abbev, of North Tei l.ice .stieet, Is entei talnlng her niece, Miss Penil ailes, of White Oak. Dr. Chailes W. Colbllin, the North Main street dentist, Is entei talnlng his sister, whose home Is In Scranton. Chailes Glbbs, of White Mills, who has been making a stay with his pat ents on Paik stieet, has leturned home. Mr. and Mis. D. G. Putdy, of Schen ectady, N. Y., have tetuined home, after an extended lslt In this city and Wayne county. Michael Nolan, of Pike stieet, who has been ill for the past two weeks, has io tin tied to his wotk at the Hendticks Mnnufnctui lug company. Rose Oiler, of Carbondnle, Is visiting her hi other, John Giler. Mantle Cough lln, of Caibondule, is a guest of Miss Adelaide Gillespie on Chuich stieet. Wlnlfted Walsh and Gertrude B.utett have letuined home fiom C.ubonda'e, after a week's sojouin among us. Jo soph Gllhool, of C.ubondnle, spent Mon ilay evening with ft lends in Pott Grif fith. Plttston Gazette. Vote tor Krnll Bonn for lecotder. JERMYN AND MAYF1ELD- The Jeimyn botough council met In regular session last evening, Messts. Scull and Stanton, of the Thiid ward, being the only absentees. Mr. Dunn complained of the condition of Main street, In front of tho Sweeney house. the ptoptletor of which has been put to considetable Inconvenience nnd expense by the frequent flooding of his cellar after heavy rains. It was thought nec essaiy to have the load laisetl at that point befoie the water could be carried away effectively, and on motion of Mr. Dunn the seoretaiy was instructed to notify the Traction company to raise their toad at that point, to plank the ctossing nnd leplank the road where needed along the borough stieet. Michael McDetmott and Thomas Stan ton, a committee fiom the Artesian Hose company, weie piesent and asked council lo tin n oer to the company the lease of the hose house. Thy stated thut when the lease was made out it wus made to the borough, on ac count of the company not being chur teied. They have since secuted a char ter. The council nppuiently had no ob jection to the tiansfer, piovidlng the Delawate and Hudson company, tho ownots of the pioperty, are ugieeablo, iind Seciotaiy Jones was Instructed to write the compnny's agent In regntd to the request. Tieasurer Williams In fotmed council he had teceived fiom Ihe state treasuier a check for $49 3J, being the npptopriation for tho Flte mon's Relief association. He was In structed to hand It to the tiensuier of the association. A bill for $137 for elcc tiio lights was lead and appinvcd, and council afterwauls adjourned. A sin prise patly was hold at the home of Mis. Tonsum Roberts, on II stteet, Thuisday evening in honor of her flfty-flist bitthdny. Games and singing wpre indulged In, after which refreshments were set veil and a social time was spent. Those ptesont weie Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Cook, Mr. and Mis. Thomas Langinan, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Rnbeits, Mr. and Mis. Will iam Langman, Mi, and Mrs. Puckey, Mr. and Mis. Edward Stunt t, Mes dames Reynolds, Hany Langman, J, Soby, Samuel Langman, Stuait, Donth waite, II. Maynard, Slmmonds, Ed wards, Stevens, Martin Stevens, Thom as Seymour, Gtace Bennetts, nnd the Misses Emma Netherton, Lizzie Lane man, Saiah Bone and Mniy Jane Rob elts, The High School foot ball team will play the Honesdale High School eleven heie on the Maple gioe giound on Sntuiday, November 10. Chailes Coiey, of Scott, has accepted a position with Livetymnn Biay. C. W. Stanton, of Caibondale, was in town yestetdny. Tho Twentieth Contuty Sewing cliclo met yesterday afternoon at tho home of Mis. A, P, Gebhard, at the powder mills. Mis. Wilson Decker, of Dundnff, Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Biay, of South Main street. team. Tutu out and help the boys In their finances. Game begins at 3 p. ni. The nrst number of the Christian En doavor entertainment course, given In tho opera house Inst night, was a pro nounced success, if the Mntiopolltnn Star qulntettu appear In Honesdnle again they may bo stlio of another large and nppierlatlvo midlcnco to greet thein, Coal nt Ihe Honesdalo ictall pockets bus advanced forty-five cents per ton since the strike Was declared off. A picvlous advonre of twetity-llvo cents makes u total of seventy cents for the consumer to pay. This (Saturday) evening a gland Re publican rally will he held In the court house. The meeting wilt bo addiessed by prominent speakers, among whom will be A. J. Colborn, jr., of Sciunton. It Is only necessary to lofer Wayno county votoi.s to the wotk of the county olllccrs to prove that times aic not so bad under tho contiol of a Republican admlnistiation. The shot lit of the county has veiy little business to trans act; shot Iff sales ate not known. Tho prothonotaiy Is about six bundled iiuinbeis behind that of fonner years: the logister and tec-order has done a much larger business than formerly. Poreclosuies aic senrce; Judgments and mortgages paid up and deeds recorded. Probably not In the hlstoty of the county has such a state of affults existed. OLYPHANT. The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Mutray. who died on Tuesday last, was held yesteidoy afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family residence on Jones stieet. The number of poisons who attended the obsequies wus a gratifying proof of the esteem In which the deceased was held. At St. Patrick's church an impiesshe f uncial seimon was dellv eied by Rev. I5. J. Muiphy. In con clusion, the remains weie taken to St. Patilek's cemetery for intetinent. The pnll-biaicis weie Messts. M. J. L.ivln, Patrick Kelly, Rlchaid Mlssett, Pat llck Fanell, John Cunan and Thomas Kennedy. Beginning tomonow, services will be -held In the Piesbyteiian church nt 10 30 In the morning and 7 o'clock In the eettlng. In the evening Rev, B. P. Hammond will deliver the second of a seiies of sei mons on "Wiitets and Books of the New Testament." Rov. David Jones, of Hyde Paik, will occupy the pulpit of the Congrega tional church tomoirow morning and evening. Miss Kate Gibbon, of Haw ley. is tho guest of Miss Maty Rogan, of Dun lnoie street. Mr. nnd Mis. W. H. Pnisons soent yesteiday with lulutives at Giccn Ridge. JONAS LONG'S 30VS. JONAS LONG'S SONS. I in x stem ii m i This (Saturday) morning nt I) o'clock, vc shall place on sale for the day and evening, the most magnificent purchase of Children's 'Shoes ever brought to Scranton. A lot of several hundreds pairs of the finest High Grade, Cloth Top, Patent Leather, Hand Turn Shoes. Worth Fully $1.50 the Pair. These Shoes came from America's largest and best Chil dren's Shoe Factory. They are What is termed "slighfly imperfect in the uppers," though the imperfections arc not noticeable, and we positively guarantee that their wearing qualities are in no wise affected. Spring heel, widths C, D' and E; sizes from l to 8. And just for Saturday at ' 69c. the Pair. Today Saturday, At the Pure Food Show; Two Grand Concerts Afternoon and Evening l' by the Scranton Mandolin Club. No concerts of the Food Exposition have been more thoroughly- enjoyed than those of the Mandolin Club. It is by request of, a good manv patrons that we present them for the program of todav (afternoon and evening). -Mr. Allen will present his full complement of players and promises exceptionally fine concerts. Remember that the Pure Food Show is FRKE to all; come and enjoy yourself. A week more, and the end will come. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Biotno Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. R. W. Glove's sig- natuie, 13 on each box. 25c. ELMHURST. Y., Is Vote for tor, William K. Reck for iejl- Mis. litiggs, of Kingston, N, a visitor at Oak Teirate. Mis. Henry Curry and ehildien le turned homo Wednesday, after spend ing seveial days with lelatlves at Scranton. The fi lends of Miss Bessie Bucking ham will be sony lo leain that she is again ill at Stroudsburg Nounal school, and will be obliged to come home 'for nn Indefinite period. Mis. Mniy Ne.il died at her home heie on Wednesday evening, after i lingering illness. She is survived liv one son and seeral btothcts and sls tei's. Funeral seivlces will be held at the house this aftemoon at 2 o'clock. Intel ment at Pall view cemctety. All the dlnhtlieiia patients .tie le coeiing, and school will leopen on Monday. Mr. nnd Mis. J. J. Buckiuchnm and Mr. and Mis. A. A Robinson, of Scran ton, weie the guests of fi lends heie on Sunday Mnster Rnv Buckingham, the twelve- I year-old son of Byron Buckinglumi, shot a hen hawk a few days ago, which measuted over four feet fiom Up to tip. He is having it mounted. Important Announcement Today. We have arranged to crown the final week of the Pure Food Show with the most magnificent Music Program ever introduced in Scranton. The thousands of visitors to this great exposition Vill hear for the first time in Scranton the famous Royal Hungarian Band of New York City the finest organization of its kind in the United States. Do not miss next week the rarest musical treat ever heard in Scranton. Jonas Long's Sons' Store Easy to Cuie a Cold if yo'i go about it right. Tnk" two or tluee Kiause's Cold Cute Capsules "lining the day and two befot retiring i.t night. This will Insuie a good night's rest and a ftee nun ..ment of tho bowels next moinlng. Continue the treatment next day and your cold will molt awny. Pi ice 2."c. Sold by Matthews Bros. Manhattan i.Ii" . Met. Tut Hon Co .. MiN,omi l'.itifli ... l'fople's lii Soutlitrn I'ttilli .. Noifolk S. iluii .Nuitli. l'.iiillc North. I'Jtllli, l'i . V. Y. Li-ult.il Out. -V Wf,t I'trm. it K I-.iiiIIu Mali Hi mil IK" HiailiiU, l'i -v.uthiiii II. It .... s.mtlii-rn II. It . IT 'linn , C. fc lion . I I . J.l-i.lllL .... -IS l.P.lttlM. IV . llitllmr I nion I'H'ifh I'lllHIl l'jciflt, IT . Wilia.'.li. l'i Wiatcni Union ... m:v .... 111'! 'It1!! ,...137',i 1V .... w 3j'i .... !U'i l"l?i .... IS .IS .... .'I"i 17 .....17' 57U 7'1- 71!th ....m" lll'l .... il'j i-J ....Hi". Hi"i .... ii1', .ri, .... 17 17U .... ."' "s .... li li" .... Il.'s MU .... !"' "'i .... ii1: mi .... 7U'i 70 11 SI .... i-i'A m ,...7.'i Ti.yi .... ls'i IS1 j .... so-h sol n-i'.4 1S7U 111 .I7'i ."ll'j "inr'a 7i',i 112'. il"t 1 11 -i .lii 17 '4 r,7 . 12" fi'.'i ".l'i II 701'. .,ll' Wj SO1! 1"6 37i(, 7i'a l.ti'i lli'i l.'i w 12's "'i BTi VOJi :u wi 7l-'m isvi SO'i THE MARKETS. Mr, Walker Resigns, Joseph Walker, who has been the C'arbondttle it-iuesontatlve of the Scian. ton Tiuth for soma time, sent his re.slg. nation tQ'tlmt paper yesteiduy. Michael Clifford will be Ills successor. Election of Trustees. The regular annual business meeting of tho First Evangelical Lutheran church for the purpose of electing tills- A'ote tor William K. Uetk for tegjs-ter. Sad Tidings. Woid was iccelved yestoiduy by MPllitt O, Abbey and Meigs Abbey of this city, of the death of tholr gran-l-mother. Mis. Ruth Wilcox, at Salem, Wayne county. A Miner Hurt. Haivy Reynolds, a young iiiimar lled man employed In thu Xorthwtst bieakis, had his leg fi.ictuicil tlieru about 8 o'clock lust ovonlng. An tun bulanio was called and ho was con veyed to tho Caibondule hospital. Voto for Krtwaid H. Stuiges for Juiy commissioner, The Qhost Walks Today. The city school Ht-acheis will be happy this morning, for cacli of them will leceive a nice llttlo envelope con taining their month's pay for October. Mis. A Bad Ertand. rtollln Munvllle of Notth Muln HONESDALE. Special to the tt inton liibuiip, Honesdalo, Nov. 2. Mrs. N, D, Spen cer and children, of Scranton, visited Miss Qiaco Whitney this week, Work on tho Wayne Citizens' Water and Supply company's plant Is pro gi easing, The pipe has been laid con necting the main and dlstilbutlng res et volrs and the shores of the lako have been cleat ed leady for lining duilng tho winter. Attention will now bo dliocted to tho completion of tho dlstilbutlng leservolr, Thuisduy evening, November 5, Ad jutant V), a. Atheitou will hold an elec tion In tho at mm y to III! the vucaucv In Company 10, caused by tho death of Captain Qiant W, Lane, nlbo uny other Vdcmicles Hint may occur. An liiteiesting game of foot ball may be seen on tin- silk mill Kiounds this (Katuiday) afteinouii, between the Car bondulti Indians and the Honesdalo Dr.BuU's COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at onoe. Conquer Croup, Whoopiuf-Counli.BroucIillis, Crlppc ami Coukuiuptlou. Quick, miic rtmlti. Or. Uull's fill cur Constipation. "60 pill 0c. Wall Street Review. Xtw YorK, Nov. 2. Toli's (IpM-lopinentH In tlit- nu'iioj inarKiLs sciveil fiillv to ihlil the priiniitlciui. jtllltidu iMiincil by lnllufiiUal in tuuts lnwanl thu bi-tiilatlun liming the pre-.-rut work. Il.ul tlm Imrrnwin? with uluch In l.ohl istixks on nursi'i pintccduil this uuk will-tin- l.t ull'iii-r i.ipcerncs, that u.is shown luc nid, the t ll c t of tutb.V tlun j in till loana incvitahly wnuhl hue lit-eii iiiiith aRrifuvnteil. In tit flul pliu- tin- mailable, ivionuea of the mom j m.iiKtt uiiulil hac been much iltph-ltil mil In the aceuuil pi ice the contraction of crciliU iipc.-hsltiitfd wouhl hap lnouulit out miuli luoit burilcnscmc orftrin.Ts of etotk for ule. An it w ii, hpeciilatiip holileifl of Blocks seemed lo be will fin tilled with time loias. 'lliose who weiv mil had to fuo n io in tint, tall loan j.iti: and a linterlnl extension in the cash nutffln te. inilii.l lo eirr htocl.s on the election. CaMi inatKlOit of ill ptr tent, were ileniinled nn n lartfe male. Hie hardihlps of bonowcra Acre incnasid In thn mllltiunal ulrictiiPM o: lcndiiH .iltli reird to tollatenl, the ratp heinsr mio p.- tent, IiUlier for loans litip then- was any admhturo of iitdustriat iecuiitii& than where the,) weie all lallioad. Coniidciable nltcntlon as nttruted v li- rep-nts of a (neatly Imrca.-pd ilennnd fur short time loins, It was leiKjitnl that thlily d y lonn t.uli; (omniamleif a nr tint, while tha-.p Nn hmsi-i pe. tiniu toiii.t ne nut ns low as I pei nit, I li.t. (leattd u feelliiK cf m eiislntM resardius: thu iniinedlate lUuni of the monej iiurket. It was (lain ul tint the hUh rate for nil loans was due blinply to the ti inpiirary tylnB up o inomv incident to the moiulily hettlemcnls ind that tlure would be a quitk ileae next wtek or as soon uj dllihnd and Inti-u.-t Hiliim.eiiieiits In tan to tlnd tluir waj hack into hu uioui-y tuaiket, Although Hint- has bten liquidation m the stock market the Imrinuirgs inrlilint to tho monthly seltlemrMs ,mo llkel) to (Loire In thi loan iuin iiirnoiiinv unit tnc cnett at meieasin the teseric iffinlu imnt. 'Ihe poor limk slate. ment thus pn lUtirod eiplaliu the dai'a ivints In the money nuiLcl. rmering by nhnrls i a iisoil a ruiiini hi stoiU lite in the di hut pi lies , ichled f train In the iloMug deallutis. Total salci. ail.nOO eh.ues. The Iwnd market ujs dull and irresulai. Tola! bales, pit talue, l,ff0,000. United Stales irfuiuilnj; "s whin is. mefl iiml the new 4 ilcilliml 'j nn u-nt, nn the last rill, Ihe following quotations in fumUhtd The Irihune lit M, S. Jordan & Co, moms TuV'OO sieais uiiliuiiifc", ,-icunton, I'a. Telephouo M"- WIIKAT. Prrembd M.i ( OKV In (ember Jlay youk pnoDUcn iciiANor, pitirr.s Open- III?h- Low- Oloi. tug. est. est 7);:, Wi TS'6 &v,t sj's n inc M78 ii 12 427s 42 42 I2--4 Asked. 300 05 Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Pav of 100. STOCKS. Did. First National Hank SO0 herantnn SaMo?s nanK Scnnton Paeklne C" Third National Bank Dime Deposit and Illscnunt Bank .. Hronomv Uglit, II. & 1". Co lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co Seranton Paint Co Clark fe Snoer Co, l'r. Smnton Iron rente & Miff. Co. ... Stianlon Axle Works I.-ukauaniM D-ilry Co, l'r County Vnlnss Hank tc 1rnt Co .. first National Bank (Carbondale).. Standard Drilling Co Traders' National Bank l-ctanton Bolt nnd Nut Co nONDS. Scrnnton Passensei- Itallnay, flrat Mortftapc, due llt!0 People's Mieet Railway, Brst nioit- gaire, due 1D18 , People's Stieet Itnllna), 'Geneul moilKaKt', due 1021 Dickson Mamifattuilne Co I-tcka. Township School fi per cent. City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per tint Scranton Irjillon 0 per cent 4-25 200 4li 16D 60 125 100 ' 20 SOU SO) so 1-.5 101) 115 its 113 t . t StiRirs Dull. Cotton 1-lflc. lower; mlddlinsf-uplands 9 IS 10c. Tallow Siteadyj city prime, in hoRshcads, 4c; country do., barrels, 4'ialc. r pukis, 5e. Lite Poultry Dull and unchanged; fowls, 8ji0le. ; old roosters, 7c; spring thick ens. 8'iaOM.r.; ducks, PalOc; geese, OaOVsCJ tuiktjs, Oiluo. Dressed Poultry Dull and weak; Tjfowls. thoicc, OHalOc. ; do. fair to good, bVsu Oc.; old losteis, Tc; ncarbj-, sprlnp chicken, 10H2t : westtni do, Oallc. ltcceipts Flour, It.OOO biriels and 1,170,000 pounds In sacks; wheat, 11,000 biislicls; coin, 81,000 bushels; oati, .10,000 biiahtln bhipmenb Wlicat, 24,000 bush els; corn, 47,000 bushels; oats, 121,000 bushels. Chicago Grain and Produce. Clm iko, Nov. ?. lleaiish Argentine news, lib er.il ncelpts and improed leather wero fac tors in a weak though active wehat market to da, December tlnsIuK V&t. under jestcidav. Coin tlo-.ed ie. higher and oaU unchanged, IIo product at the close wa.9 214 to TalOo. lowei. Cash quotntinus were as follows: l'lnur Quiet and unthanged; Xo. !1 spring wheat, bSn 7lio.; "o. -2 red, WiaTilc. ; No. 2 coin, 3-Vie.; No 2 jellow, JlSVOo. ; No 2 oats. 22r221it.: No. 2 while, 2V4c; No. 3 white, 2t',a20e.; No. I IU, $ISlal82; No. 1 northwest, SI bl'Jat 81; tlmolhv, ii4 10i4 20; pork, $11.50; lard, 7.07Ui 7.12i; ribs, UdOiOEO; shoulders, CiOHc. ; sidej, OCiaOTj; whiskey, $1.27. Chicago live Stock Marltet. Chicago, Nov. 2. Citilc ltcceipts, 2,000; slieH, slow; buteherV stock westerns and Te ans, fcliadv; nathe", best on silo today, three cim at iJ3! god to piimo stccis, 5-f.lOa) (K; pool to imiliuni, 40j" Jj; selected Ictdets, Nl.7')i4.IO; mixed idoikers. 2ti0aas.'; cown 'wi al-23; heifers, S2Wli4tiO; cinn-rs, 1.25a2 40, 111111!!, j 10il.40; ithes, li0.12l,J; Tean,s, u cilpls, :.00; fed stctrs. -jl.il 8i; griss steii-n, -.1.21 n 1. 10; buIN, 2 00a 125. IIos Uctclpts todi, 2J.000; tomorrow, lS.onO; loft otei, .1.000; a eiago 5e. hlghei. closing wcik; top, $100; mixed and butchers, $4 8rn4 00; good to choiie hciw, flCOal.OO; rough lieaiy, $l.l"ial..V.; light, l.lla IhTii; bulk of salt-., fl aial i-0. .Sheep Tit -u-ipts, 8,1X10; sheep, steady and lambs Miougci; good to (holte wethem, f.t.Wlti.20: filr to tholto mhed, .IMIil; western fhttp. .1.0H 20: Tevns shtep, 2..ri0Jjn0: natho Iambs, $ ';a5 50; wiMein Iambs, I.TJi.'i VI, 100 102 New York Live Stock. New Yoik, Nov. -2 Ileee Slow for all kinds of cattle; stcirs, inc. otfi bulls and town un changed: ruiiininn lo thohe nitiie steers, R4.20 alM; bulls, ?2'23a!.IO; lows, l WH1.60. Cilris Ytals, Hun it -p-irjio; little lines, yi.uvi;; Kinsserii. nonilnel; jeiilings, $2 .'.0 Sheep Moie .utile hut no IiUIici ; limbs, Dim; god lamb-., Ilk-, hlghir; hhtcp, 2.2'iil.7.1; fiw eiuil with ers, fl.r.0; culls. I.Vli2; lamb-., l S0ri..V); I in ada lambs, MM; culls. Mniil, Hogs l'i cling' easy; quoted at f I.75a3 25 for i oniinon to rliolev lots. Ontii. High. Low i'Ioi In;. rt. 1'it in? Ameiitan i-ugar !2llj 121"; j. lit; Anuricjii Toba(to ,,,.., Ms Wh Wli '"' Am. h, Ic Y !lf j'j ,(H. mU Vif.li . To. & s. To I2U .)2'4 :iii Ml A.. T. & S. V., Pr .... 71 71 71 7I'I itioolhn liattion .,,,1194 ijj' Vji4 W4 Bait, ."c Ohio 71 7.1 7l;i 7I3. Cunt. Tobairu -2ci 2b .Mis 279 I'll-, k Ohio M1U MK ;.i) ..i r Me k a. w u ml ui nn hie., It. i- If , I27'i uri UTti I27-); SU Paul , 110 lli.i; llii.'. IPIVs lloek Uland Ills,?; liK?i HI,H 10 IoKkawjnui ..,, 175U 171V 171U 17'i'i Pediral Mrel SS'i l&t. ,ml '.Ml I'tdeial bleel. Pr Ul id n;( oli Ken. & Tex., Pr ,...,... n: r.lii ."111 sili l.ouls. i. Navh ,....,... 73 "i'i 75 71 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Couettrd by II. fi. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ae.) Iluttei Cuainery, 2la2lc,; ihliy tubs, 21c. rga- Pelect western, 17e.; neaihy stjte, lOt. Cheese Kull iream, ntw, lllie. Ileaus Pel bu , choice manon, if.40; medium, $210; pea, $2.!)0. rotatoea COc. Onloius tOc. per bu. flour Best patent, ft (i0 New York Oialn and Produce. New York, Nov, '.. l'lour Mniket w is quiet again but no lowei, ulthoiuh dosing with an 1 isi tone. Wheat-Spot sleadi ; No. 2 rtd, 'I'is'i f. 11, Ii. nHoit; 77V-. eleialor; No 1 iiorlliun .......... t.it. 1 .-. I. niln .1 nnltnii nn.nu il llrm and hlghe-, but l.ilei in llio daj r(ilascil and ihtaul weak at vilif. lift decline, March iltoeil h2!;c.; Mu), slV-i Nuieinbei, 77 ( . ! Jienmlitr, 7V. Corn Spot Blrona;; Nu. 2, 451't, eleiatir; 40',ii, f. n. b. nllo.it; optleni wei" (cmnpn illlflv well mulalnul all da.i 011 Malur Kngli-h 1 ihlrs and libht i-mniln unciiiiK'S, cloud Hi in at iia'.e. mt adwutt; 11 iy closed 2',st., NmemUi, 4I i llictliibii, 421t, Oal 1-pot leul; No 2, 2.'i".f,; No. J, 2'.c i No. 2 white, 2.; No .1 while, 71 ' at. I Iiml, lnK.il Vi-tUin. 2ri!ji2l',se. . tiaik white westttn md Matt, 27a lie: options steady Willi nun. Hut. ter linn, niauici), Oa22lii-.; latlorj, llild- ; .linn iitaiiiuj.lta2lf. : Imitation uiim, r.v, III li,. statu ii 11111 l"i21i. hiise ra, lirgi while, 10,'ic. I mall while, IK-.; largo lolimd, JO-J-t . , eniall colond. lit IVm Mead. , statu und l'uni' hanla, 20a2k,; westun, ienulai path' lug, Ia20t,; wu-lun, loss on, -22i-, Plilladelplita Grniu and Pioduce. I'hlliihlphla, Nov. '2. Wheal 'ic lowei; con tract n n't- Noiiinhei, 7--72'ii, Coin -Jit-, law ei; No. 2 mixed. NuuiuUr, I2.il2,i, flats Dull and weak; So. 2 while clipped. 27ija2sp., No. I do. do., 2oa2u'-.i,; No. 2 mUed, do,, 2'k-. Hutu 1 I'iiiu: fancy western ciuiucr.i, 2J!jc ; do. I iluts, 27t. I'ggo 1 ii ut und lc. higher; fiesli nearby, 2.1c; do. western, 22t-.; do. south wottin, 22e.; do, southern, 21u. tlue.e Stead); New Yoik full rieams fiuey small. UViatltac; do. do. do. god to choice, Italic. He lined East Libeity Stock Maikot. l'ast Mherlv, N'o. 2 C.itlle S-tendv; elra, W.'iOal.n.'i; prime, 120i3.'W; eoinmon. -l,23s 71. lings Adlie; piuiii- hi.il), ifl Wal.(l2ls; avutid ineilliiins. ! l; luaiy mker. "risual'il; light do., ifl 85; pigs, fl 75lt 81; rnuliB, Mil.VI, Mie. p Sleneh ; choke wtthers, slOOal; eoiimioii, '1,10 a2.fi0; tholte lambs, $,12ii140; common to good, $.11011; eal tahes, ir7a7 VI. Oil Cit. N'n, 2,-Credlt ballnce-i, 81 10; cer tliitates, no bid. Shlnmtuls, 211, hll bariels; iun, 102,0'JI hunl. NERVITA PILU Restore Vitality, Lost Visor and Manbooil Citio Impotency. Night Tmlsslons, tosi of Mom. ory, nu wusttufr ciietiscs, all eliects ol : o r-abusn or eices.s uutl iiulisciotiou. A nerve tonlo ud blood builder. Brings tho uink clow tn Dnln cheeks unci it-stoies thn ,ss'ii' of tmtli. I!) Rl.til 1 ROfl ni-e lsr. ft bfivna ttr $!2.60, with our bankable Kouruntee to cure uj- rocuna me money nam. beml for circular nnd copy u our bankable h'U.inuHeo bond, Nega Tablets SfS Positively ijiiarantcecl euro for Loss of Power, urlcocolo, Uudoi elope el or Shrunken Organs, J'nruils, Ijoconintor Ataxia, Nervous 1'rostra. 'ion. HyslBiia, l-'its, lutnnilv. I'aialsls and tho ltc'siilu of l.icesilvo Useeif Tobacco, Opium or niiiuor. ay- man, in oialn iwekiigt-. Itll.uu u n ne .JJ TA-V.KK- fW 60 PILI.S 50 CTS. box, 6 for 136.00 vlth tntee bond to cuio in UO clayu or reXund our bankablo t-uav- money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. hold by Mraarrj'.i & Thoniaa. Drug. glata,, 209 Lackawarra ave , Scranton. i-4. i. .x