PcTnlP X??? $.' .TW 'JiWWt-- ?' t 'j S?f EL . !Wo , i$ ) 10 THE SGRANlTOtf TJUBUNJB-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1900. V it. v. LAST SESSION OF INSTITUTE COUNTY TEACHERS DISMISSED YESTERDAY NOON. Resolutions Adopted nnd Repents of Commltteea Heard Just Beforo Ad journment Dr. Hull's Farewell Address Was One of the Features of the Institute, nnd the Talks Given by Miss Connolly and Dr. DavlB Were Highly Instructive. Superintendent Taylor's Speech. The muin court 100111 nnd corridors nt the court houso luokuil burc nnd do nertcd yesterdiiy, tind the merry voices of the tencheiH who held county lrtHtl lutc during the week no longer echoed in the hulls. The Hussion enmo to n close In the morning nnd nt 12 o'clock the Instructors wele dismissed by Superintendent Taylor, nnd will now so back to work with fiesh vigor, uflcr their pleasant week's recreation. Before the adjournment of the Insti tute the following resolutions were pre sented by the committee on resolutions, through M. Curnmlncs, of Oly phant: Wl.erpn, The litit)-wonil nnmi.il Imtltuto of the tpjiluM of I. irk iwnmi 1 minify l situmt to im Into history alter .1 fiiilldil wiVit work, ami Wherein, Cu-tum nml iltily of such occaMom rrqulic that c nhe c.ue-.Moii to our nplnloni of Import.iiit tihic.illoinl quiatloii', ami make hiicli reeoiiiimiiihtiuiis .is iniy pioe lirnrfkiiil to the cre.it came for the mUinument of which e lire I.iIioiIiik; theiefnre he It llrwlviil, 'lh.it our thinki are ilue nml are luicliy tinilcreil In our (eutle nllUcr, Codnty Suiiiriiitiiiilriit. T.ijloi, .iml Siipirliitimlint Ho arcl, of Dimnioie, for the csulleut tali tit e nireil for thit Intitule: to the Instructors for 111. U- iii.it(.rly i-lTuiH for our profiMlon.il nil .incitnctit; n'nil to the tlly prev for the com plete puullshi.il reports of ma piocee.lliiRs. AVTT.T. GET IT IX FULL. Kcwhril, 'Hut wo loiigratulatc tlie people nl I..uldM.iinii loiuitj upon the ii'wur.inie rrlu'ii l,y Dr. SilnelTcr th.it the full niiiount ipproprlaled by the last lenislaturc for the suppoit of the pulillo nhools will he pahl. ltesoheil, '1 hat we recommend to the semal mliool InuuN of flu- umnty the iidialiillly of allow IrR e.uli teacher In their employ, at least one thy in t.idi terra, with full pay, for the putpose of MtiiiK othei m-IiooM in the county in ilileh work of a sinillai grille is boliic tlone. Iti-ohcil. 'Ih.it we .lie opposed to holding futuie institutes in the couit loom. Us atioustie ilefnt mike it iiupovslhlc to hear the instruc tor? in all juris of the loom, uiiil we feel nan that inoie xuitjlile irunrtpti ..houlil he 'fcureil run though at an additional ipene to the teacher-. Uc-oIied, Tint we recognize in the mIioo! II lmiiy .1 neeessiry adjunct to the modern school, and that wc earnestly lecnminend to diieetorR the necessity of taking udianugc of the Act of Assembly of .tune 2n, ll.i, prodding for estaliliil.ins and maintaining .1 -chool llliiary in tlie seeial cliliicls of the commonwealth. llcsohol, 'I hit t lie million of licncllcent edii c ttional statutes by oui fcchnol boaiih is not mih injurious in iU it Milts, Iml Uuous in its example. We, lliclcforr, runcstly hope that the rhool directois of owi.v ilMriit in the coimtr, and especially thote of the Milley, will lake Im mediate steps to put in force the prousions of the lompulaoiy education liw. tleioheil, That in Ihe death of M.uy 11 Me Hale, of Dumuuie, the teaeJung piofe-slon has Inst a failhlul end tamest incmbei, and that' wc extend to her bereaved family our heartfelt Minpatliy. llcsolxcd. Tint Supeiintendent Ta.ilor be re quested to appoint a hgislatiw committee of lie membcib to carefully eximiiie nil measuies affectlni; edueitioml inteiists .it tlie roniina; ses sion of the legislature itcioluil, '1 hat the Lackawanna Sthool Xews be recognied and adopted as the otllcial cugan of the county in-i itutt-. MISS COX HI-CITED. Several of the other institute com mittees also presented their reports. One of the featuies of the programme of the day wa& u recitation by ailhs M.trgniet Cox, ot Parsons, instructor of elocution In the Dunmoic schools. She told of a pretty Incident In the life of Ciuvernor IJoli Taylor, of Tennessee, nf the prUoner who on ChiiRtinai sent to him n honip-mmle fiddle, with u pathetic appeal for pardon, JIIss Louise Connolly, of Washing ton, who has been one of the favorites of the Institute pave her last address yesterday morning, speaking about "A Model School." Miss Connolly advised the teachers .to hmj a great ileal of judgment and discrimination In the liieiature which they read, either with a view to utilizing in school wink, or in recommending for perusal to the pupils. "Many of the hooks In Sunday school llbrailes," shu said, "should be con demned because of the bigotry, narrow ievs and far fiom wholesome suntl ment which pervades their pages," In speaking about the essentials of toachlntT, she remarked that while theie are three gieat puiposes of In struction, the teaching of reading, writ ing and ciphering, still unless the proper use of each of these Is taught, SUNNY WOMEN. Who lias not known the woman whose disposition is described by that one word "sunny?" There's always a laugh lurk inf? on her lips. Her cheeks arc ever ready to dimple in smiles. Her house hold influence is au brightening and stimulating as the sunshine, Nothing ran be cruder than to huve this sunshine blotted cat by dUsusc. Hut this is a common cruelty. Tlie young wife who was the sunshine of the home becomes its dhadoyv. Every young wife should know the value of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription iu the protection and pres ervation of the health. It promotes regularity, dries the drains which enfee ble body and mind, and cures inflamma tion, ulceration and female weakness. It nourishes the nervous system and gives to the body the balance und buoy amy of perfect health, It is la strictly temperance medicine, "I can ay that your medicine cured me," writes Sir. Maud Warct, of Stoutnilte, Fair field Co., Ohio. "I had suffered about twelve cars from female weakness und I had almost hlxcn un, Ihiukiuif there was no curt for me. Then I heard about Dr. Pierce's wediciue aud thought I mould try it. and can say that sexcu hollies ot jour' fax orite Prcsciiptlsn ' made uie wel. I am now able to do my own housework. 1 tool: nlMWt twche bottles in all of Or. Pierce's roedklnes. Took some of the 'Golden Medical Discus err,' 'I'ax orlte Prescription1 aud someol the rltauuU pellets."' Pi. Pierce's I'eUcta cure constipation. education will prove, lnstend of u grand aid und source of benefit throughout life, only n dangerous weapon to civilization in general. Or. Hull, of the Allllorsvlllo Htnte Normal school, gnvo a. very interest ing, farewell talk on "Thu Huceossftil Tcnt'lier," In the course of IiIh address ho paid tribute to the Srrniltnti ltlch bcIrioI, nnd to publlti sehools throiiBli out the turtles, tittotlng the census titken by Henntor IngallH.whlch showed the inujorlty of Hciintors and congress men to be gruduiitei of public schools. hOVHD 111K l'UPILS. Ho dei'ltiretl Hint no teacher can huo cetsfully .follow his profession without soiui! knowledge of psychology, und said that the seciet of the riiccchs of thttt great Instructor, Arnold, of Rug by, was the fact that, like the greatest of all teachers, lie loved his pupils'. "The greatest teachers," ho said, "are not to be found In the public schools, In the colleges, In any of these Insti tutions, for those who rank above nil others itu Instructors are none other than the mothers of our children." County Stipci lutendc'ut Tuylor next delivered a short nddres.'i, In which he urged on the teachers the necessity of rogulnrly reading at least two reliable educational journal!', and In maintain ing a. lively Interest In nil advances nnd forward movements in rchool work. After the reixjrts of commltoes, Dr. Sherimin Davis gave nnothor of his "Xattire Studies' talks, dwelling pnr tlcultuly on the characteristics of the adolescent boy. At this period the lad's Ideals are beginning to be formed und he Is more susceptible thnn nt any time during his life. At the close of his ad dross Superintendent Taylor dismissed the Institute, and about three hundred teachers llled through the big doots and scD.iratcd, after one of the most beneficial nnd interesting annual as semblies held In the history of Lacka wanna county school work. Every one of the Instructors whose addresses were heard proved entertain ing and instructive, nnd the attention paid nnd Interest felt throughout the work were abundant evidences of the appreciation of the county teachers of the excellent programme arranged for their benefit. Vote for "William Connell for con gress and sustain the administration which brought about good times. ' : industrial. : p., L. & W. Board for Today. Following is the make-up of the D., I,, and W. board for today: WILD CATS SOUTH. Friday, Nov. 2. (! p. m. M. J. Hcnnlgan. b.'J p. in. T. Nauman. 11.30 p. in. P. Caianaugh, with Wsbing's men. WILD CATS', NORTH, fl p. :n. J. Rlnlcy. 7.30 p. m. J. J. Duffy, 9.30 p. m. John Snarls. Saturday, Not. 3. WILD CATS SOUTH. 1-J.30 j. in. Cf. ltifTorly. 1.S0 a. in. .John EnnR S.M a. in. O. Kcirui'j. .1.30 a. in. O. Case. 4.30 a. lu. U. Bennett. 8 a. in. fi. Thomas, with rellons men . 8 a. in. ti. Uuit, nitli D. Wallace's ni"ii, 0 a. in. II. Dohorty. 11 a. m. P. GJlligaii. 12.MI p. m. V. V. Sccor. 1.30 p. in. .1. Jlosior. 2.30 p. m. K. r. sjtcxens JAj p. in. A. Ceirity 5 iu. J. Uciiity. SUMMITS. 0 a. m north 0. FiounfelKer. 10 a. m., north W. II. Xlcholi t p. in., north M. It. MeLatie. 1 p. ni., south E. McAllister. PUMjEII. 10 a. in. fcinscr. , rUSHEll?. S a. in., south I'. Van Woiimr. 11.1)0 a. iu., south M. Moran. 7 p. ni., foulh M. Murphj. !i a. IU., soulli i). W. I"it7e;erjl0. ID.lj p, in., north r. V. Dunn. 0.1 j a. in., not th Thomas Thompson, PASSENOER ENGINES. 7 a. in. GafTucy. 5.30 p. ni. Minton. 7 p. ni. Msgou'lt:. WILD CATS NOItllL 4.30 a. in. T. I"it7patilck. 0.30 a. in. J. V.. Misters. 0 a, in..). II. McCaun. 7 u. in, John Ilaxtti, with John (Jahasan'i men, S a. in. C, llaitholonitw. 10 a. in. 1'. Wall. 11 a. in. I', h. Hcjji i-s. 1 p. in. J. C.irriL'i:. 2 p. in. X. G. Ilainiuilt. 11 p. m. M. LoueliiK. 4. ji. in. A. ICeti ham. fl p. in. .1. Glnlry. ' (i p. in. I. ,1 H'll.ira. 7 p. in. W. Lilian-. ' it p. n. (1. Hill. 10 p. m, .1, swaits. NOTICE. Conductor E, Dully nntl enw ami three enulne cicn will iro to Nay Auer on No. 30 l'llday, Nox-, 2, ami xvoik us Miiitmit, f-outh. flrakemm Michael II111I.C. will go out with Con liictor John r.nuls, at 1,30 toiuoiron n, in., in place ot I'. W, Dunn ami icmiiu tlicic uulil fui the r notice. 'UimiM-i Mfvctt, .lolni Ht.ilty, Malachl O'Mal ley, M II tin Liliain. 'Ilmni.ia D. Williams, '. It. riilllli-, Jr., ami l t.-n- Emiiis, x 111 call at train. ui.istci'o oltko httnecu 1 .-iiul S batuielay aftcr- llOOII, Objection in England. The Knglish papets record a good ninny expressions of Indignation on tho part of llrlrisli manufacturers over the probability that most of the ordois for the new mateilal needed for repairing thu South African railroads will ho pliired iu the United States. This Is piobable, since the muterlal Is needed nf short notice, and American mnkers cuu supply it as wanted and nt lower pi Ices than thu lOuglish, If thu con tracts lire placed In Great llrltaln they can bo filed only after long delay. Un der the circumstances It Is peifeotly nahtral that the orders should eomu here. "Wo uro Inclined to think, how ever, that tho lirltish indignation Is lather assumed ns a piucuutlonary pieasuie to prevent the placing of or ders abroad, Later advices show that tho show of feeling has had some ef fect, slueo it Is announced that most of the material needed for thu lallrnnds will bo supplied by Knglish firms; though some eiua have been ordered from the United States, The mining companies uro oi during their new ma chinery ehlelly iu this country, This and That. A feature of the Industrial situation just now seems to be thu orguuUatlou of new stvel companies for thu avowed purpose of computing with tho big con solidations formed within tho past two yeais. Thu Amerleun Steel und Wlro company seems to be the chief object of attack, and several concerns havu ulreudy been launched for the purpose of making wire und wire products. Montana is to liavo tho longest elec tric railroad lu the world, it a project Just brought out succeeds; nnd thu road will bo built If It is true, us re ported, that the Great Northern rail road, has agreed to take it' up. Thu proposed line Is from Hillings to Great Fulls, some 200 miles, and tlie plan is to operate it entirely by electric power which Is to bo supplied from generat ing stations on thu Missouri and Yel lowstone rivers, The load would have a considerable IrulUe. In eonl, ores und other lieavy freights, hiiiI would be the first line with such trnllte to be worked by eleeti Icily. The plan Is perfectly ftnsllilu and seems to present advtin luges, especially whore large xvnter powers n ro available, its In Montana, The only iiuestlon Is thu nunucla! one. The line, If built, xvlll benefit iuveral Important mining districts. For a Cold in the Head Lnxatlvo 'Broino-Quinine Tablets. AS A CURE TOfc For Congtis, Catarrh, Consumption The United Stntes Health Boports. .lanuaiy fi, TWO. "After a careful Investigation into tho cause of the great decrease In the death rate from Catanh and Consump tion dining the past year, we find that this 1 eduction was brought about by the use of the new germicide HYOMKI. That no other tieatmcnt or icmedy had anything whatever to do with this re duction." Such evidence should prove to all suf ferers that In HYOMKI alone Is their only hope of successfully treating these diseases. Besides this, it Is guaranteed nnd your money refunded If It falls. Plxe days' treatment Kent free. Alsdlc.il ad vice free. Soltl by nil ilniKKiits or pent !y mail. Price, Outnt Complete, $1.00. Tilal Outfit, 20c. The B. T. Booth Co. Ithaca, N. Y, M. wjvm FLlblJR srau "No, I Will Not" That sounds posi tive, but she was right, or her grocer trie 1 o make her take an nferior flour instead of "Snow Whir THETWESTON'MinrCB. MIANTON CMfONMU flUrVHMrr ' At Retail. Coal lit the best quality lor Comeatla use and of all sizes, Including Buckwheat and Elrdseyo, delivered In any part of the city, at the lowest price. Orders received at the office, Connoll building, rtocm 808: telephone No. 17C2, or at the mine, telephone No. 272, will ha promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. MOUNT PLEASANT COAL CO The Cheapest Shoe Store. Men's Shoes, 00 pairs Box Calf, Welt 3-sole shoes, worth 82.50 to $3,00, at Sl.UH, 48 palvs Men's Calf, Vicl Kid ana Enamel 3-sole 82,50 shoes, at S1.08. 200 pairs Men's Box Calf, IUissia Calf and Vicl Kid, drill and leather lined, made to sell at $3.50, only 82.50, 300 pairs Men's Light and Heavy Shoes for street wear, at 08c, 81,20 and 81,40, U.JJ We invite you to call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere and make our store your headquarters. Remember, there is no trouble to show you goods, and you will surely save money by it. MYER The Cheapest Shoe Fine Tailoring The prospective settlement of the' strike removes oue hindrance to the purchase of your Winter Suit and Over coat. Our extremely low prices remove another. Our stock is immense, our styles are correct and no goods can be better made. W. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor, 214 WYOniNG AVENUE Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers ar OLD STOCK PILSNER 43B to 4S5 N. Nintli Street. .PA Telephone Call, 2333. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCR ANTON. ORGANIZED 187 S DEPOSITARY OP THE UNITED STATES. Capital SSOO.OOO Surplus 500.000 WM. CONNELL. President. HENRY BELIN. Jr., Vlce-Prei. WILLIAM II. PECK, Caahlsr. Special attention given to busi ness accounts. Three per cent. in. tcrout pal on Interest deposit. 0O The Dickson Manufacturing Co. tcrnnton and WtlkevLSarra, t'x, Manufacturer or LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENGINES Boilers, Hoisting and Pumping Maehlnsry. General Office. Scranton. Pa. illW I Myer Davidow, Perfection of Style and Shoemaking SHOES BARGAINS TODAY Though our prices are much lower than you could buy same shoes for elsewheretyet we give you our guarantee for fit and wear. Special values for today's selling. Men's Mining Shoes, Friday and Saturday only, at 08c. Ladies' Fine Shoes, at 83.00. 500 pairs Ladles' Fine Vici-Xid, Box Calf, Enamel Calf and high-top boots, extia lieavy Goodyear welt soles, kid and patent tip, AA to EE, all sizes, at 83,00, 160 pairs Ladles' Fine Vicl Kid button and lace 82.50 shoes, at 81.08. DAVIDOW Store, 307 ComiollvSiWallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. t Underwear for All Ages We are ready for you with a great line, representing all that is best in Under garments tor Men, Women, Children and Infants. A special sale of Ladies' Union buits will be on during the laluice of the present week: Lightf medium and heavy weights, cotton, wool, merino, silk, silk and wool, etc 4--f - f - f - f .4- nandkerchietsA Special Sale I You may count the day lost that fails to show some new merchandise interest f to public attention at this store. Handkerchiefs lead today. Some advertisers X might want to inform you as to the uses and purposes of handkerchiefs but f then many advertisements are stupid. Our aim is to tell you something of the X value, qualities and prices of the handkerchiefs offered tocLty. 6,ooo haudker- chiefs, embroidered and with scalloped edges, made on a fine quality of lawn, X perfect wearing aud perfect embroidery work, in twenty-five different designs, U SsGet a6 gfiLp'sffronTthe window PriG8 I SO EflCll OF o2 (lOZ -f-f -f 1 - l Snaps at the Child's Muslin Drawers, with hemstitched ruffle, bize 01234 Price 10c 12&c 15c 18c 20c Ladies' Muslin Drawers, with diep lawn ruffle, hemstitched: Splendid Value at 29 Cents. Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns and Skirts, Child's Flannelette Night Gowns and Skirt3, Ladies' Knit Woolen Skirts, At Our Well-Known Low Prices. 444444 44 -444-4- 44-4 4 4 44 - 4 - f - f - f - f CONNOLLY HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent tor tho Wyoming District for DUPONTS POWDER. Mining Blasting, Sporttntr, Smokeleas and tlio Rcpauno Chemical Compony'a High Explosives. Safety Fuse, Capi and Exploders. Room -101 Con nell Buildtnt;, Ecranton. auencii:s: TIIOS. roitl) Plttston JOHN B. SMITH ct SON Plymouth V. V. MULLIQAN Wilkcs-Darro The Cheapest Shoe Store, The Newest Shapes. The Newest Values 300 pairs Ladles Bongola button and lace SI, 50 aud 82 shoes at 81,20, 81,40. 150 pairs Ladies' square toe but ton shoes, worth 81,50, at 08c, Same shoes, in spring heel, 2 1-2 to 5, 75c. 1,000 pairs Ladles' Bever Felt Lined Shoes, lace, congress and but ton, leather foxed, at 75c and 08c. Ml3ses Shoes at 00c. Children's Shoes, all prices. Boys' Shoes at 08c, s Lackawanna Avenue, - f - ff -f444- - f - f - f - f f 4 4 4 - 4 - 4 - - ff -'f-- Muslin Underwear Counter & WALLACE, M CARPETS - We want you to see the new arrivals in our Carpet Department. We believe we have the most complete stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to be had this side of New York. A superb line of t WALL. PAPER I I BRASS AND , WILLIAMS & McANULTY, 129 Wyoming Annua. lit Season We are well stocked with all kinds of ammunition, aud guus at the lowest priees. Don't forget that we are Headquar ters for everything in the line of Sports and Athletics. Florey & Brooks, 211 Washington Ave. mmm3mm$$- THE ilC POPES CO. looms 1 and2, Com'itk BTd'g. OBANTON, FA. Hining and Blasting POWDER Mr4s at Mooilo and Raih Jl Wot iu. LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO. -3 ORANGE QUN POWDER Eleotrlo Battarlet, liUotrlolCxploitri, txplodlaK bltili, tiuhtx Put -lit t Reiauni Cheilcal Ci's exSl. .- .- ' 50c to $6.50 1 - f .f 4-4- 4 -f'f -f 4- - 4--f---f-f-f-f---f-f-f-f 4-f-t-'ft f f 4 f - f -f -f-4---4----f ---f-t- -' 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE I DRAPERIES I cj, p METALLIC BEDS I , , j Opens Nov. 1 DR. DENSTEN Fbjslclan and Sureoa 311 Spruo) St. Temple Ccun Building SCRAN10N PA. All acuta and chronic dUcaie cl men, wo, men nod children. CllUOMO NKUV0U3, DUAIN AND MASTINO UlMKAbKS A SC1CC 1ALIV. All distascj ol tht llr, Kida.i, IlUdJtr. fckln, lllood, Nervti, Womb, Eye, Ku, Hone, 'lliruut, ud L.ung, Cinicri, Tumor., 1'llcJ, Itupture, Uoltre, ItheumitUiD, Atthnu, Catarrh. VanucoceU. Lou Uauhsod, Mghtly Einiblom, all Kcmalo DUeajei, Lrucorrbota, aia, aonnurrlica, SlThlll., lllood Folaon, Indlior. tiuu and joulhtul bablta obltlerattd. burnr, I'll., Kpllcpi). Tape and Stumacli Worm, CA TAltllllOZUNi:, hpeclflu lor Catarrb. Tbrt tnontlu' treatment only $5.00. Trial frM I oitlie. Consultation and examination hat. Utile e bours dally and Sunday, 8 . la. to 9 DR, DENSTEN RUGS u- f . -s , V Lii-1- A , L...J . i. .