V Mi"5 ' r-wviw5rFi 'wutf - j-- rismhi4i flbnaoMn.. "1.1-iti ,'j .ji v TWr3ii Vf .- I if THE SCRANTON TRT.BiTNJE-li'ttTDAy, NOVEMBER 2, 1900. 7fi,;?tftT' ' ''"'Vp vfc';-s"f "V. "'; ? - 'rV '-' ;7J?rvfl7!f?w'Sr' Vffll? Dr. Hand's Condensed Milk With Mhotphatsi and HypophoAphltes Added. Beat Milk for Family Use." "Bab es Thrive On It " fchinlor, 1'ii. i Aubi (Hit, IwOO. Dr. Hind CoiiiUnisd Milk Co. , Gtntlctnttit Your iflnrtcined inllk, lilili my ilmislilcr Ii.m liorn inline l,er luny Mtife (tut November, his aultril Mm vunnVrtiill" wmI, Nlu fnl II In Mm m non iw fli" wkiiM him, lie wis tticn n Mr old. 11c Im liail nolliliiB but jour mill.-, ami li How 21 montlH Old. tie waiiti do ntlur food. Ilf I" well niitl ttluiitf, anil In 1 infect lirallli. Tor (able use or cooking my f.'tnlli' prcfiM Jours to mi- oilier biaiul ol ioikIciknI milk. Youts ury truly, ItlCIIAIID 11IOPN3, MrtliocllU Mlnlflcr The Dr. Hand Condensed flilk Co., Scrnnton, Pa. INSTITUTE IS NEARING END TEACHERS WILL BE DISMISSED AT NOON. Dr. George W. H..... of the Millers vlllo State Honnnl School, Made His Debut Yesterday with Two Very Interesting Addresses Dr. Sherman Davis Spoke During the Afternoon on the Crucial Periods In Young People's Lives The Schubert Quartette Sang. The county tencliciro' institute is! now tpldly ncarlng its close niul this 'jStorninjr'.i session will bilnsr to an unil Bne of the best altoiuletl nnd most thoroughly Intel eillncr assemblies ever bold by the hackawannii county in structors. Dr. George AV. Hull, professor of mathematics at the Jllllersvllle State Xornial school made his initial ap pearance of the week before the teach ers yesterday and in both his morning nnd afternoon address proved himself an entertainer of no mean ability. JIlss Lloyd's tallc on "Some Causes of Degeneracy" was the opening fea ture of the afternoon session of the institute. She cited several Instances ot the lmneful effects of the evil habits of childrens' parents on tho child, but declared that careful training could eradicate any hitch influences. "Thrro is the1 old story" she paid of the ways of warning our puj,Ils against temptation. You remember the ancient tale of I lie s.-c-ns in the Mediterranean sea, who would entice unwary mariners to the rocks. The wily Ulysses, whm he came to the daiif-'oious shoal's lushed his men to the masts, and xtoppz.l his ears with wax. to keep out Ihe tiliurinv a trains?, in like manner it is l'o.ssibl.; t.ir ail to guard against temptation, by mnli ln gourfcelves practically Impervious to all attacks." Madame do Tlarrio Olll was tho nfxt entevtaincr. After giving a very hum orous Imitation of a small girl for the lir.st time sliiKing in public, M;i executed a rather nov."l pel lormance. by roudering that lie.uitilul hymn, "Nearer My (!od to Thee," in u suc cession of graceful gestures, tho deaf mutes' language. DIJ. DAVIS' SPEECH. Dr. Sherman Davis was th2 next to address the audience. He snake of young life us divided into tluee periods; fioni birth until live S'ears or age, from live till twelve and adolesenee from iwelve until twenty-four. During the second and early part of the third peiiod the appetite of the boy and girl is something wonderful, as nature is storing up in the body a tiemundous amount of nutrition to be later utilized. The girl's appetite tends mostly to sweet things, while the boy's is of a sounder nature. Most extraordinary is the pschyco loglcul change which takes place at this time in the adolescent girl. A tendency to hysteria is one of the pe culiar manifestations of this period and a girl is also prone to feel she is aliased, and begins to develop symp toms of melancholia. ' She also develops new and high Ideals. If she docs not acquire them it Is because, in some way she is con taminated. She has a necessity for love ot some sort and craves sym pathy. It is glorious thing for the girl at this time that she can cry and so find an outlet for her pent-up nervous energy. At this age they are most suscept ible to good and evil influences, and nil these facts must be taken into ac count by those In charge of the young people, and too much care cannot lie exercised by the instructors. At the close of tho recess, Dr. fleorge AV. Hull, ot Mlllersvllle State Normal, school gave 11 very interesting ad dross on the subject of "The Success ful Pupil." He said in part: AUK l'UOUD OF THEM. "There Is nothing parents so much like to talk of as their successful boys or glils. Tho homes throughout the land are proud of tho boys and girls. Whatever vr aro able to do to aid the homes In making a successful man out of the boy, nnd woman out of tin girl, 1 think wo ought to do, The only (liiestlon at present asked of an Ameri can boy as ho takes his place In the world Is what he can do. "If the teachers of this state suc ceed in making ouo successful man a year out of the hosts that come under their care, they can be pioud Indeed, That education Is false which does not teach a boy that the manliest thing to do on inturuiiiK from his higher school training hi to btnnd side by side with ills father, and which floes not tell the girl that tho most tvomuuly thing to do Is to assist the mother In her household duties, "The only road to success in this country Is by hard earnest endeavor. Mfu Is moving forward with a won lerful rapidity. "We are annihilating ilnio und distunco by our great mod rrn Invention) and tho wholo civilisa tion of to-day is moving with a won lerful, awful activity, 'a must build loysj to-day to meet these exigencies ind'tuko their places In life. Ho must bo built t It It n strong body, sound from the sole of his foot to tho crown if his head. Is there a, boy, or will (hero bo u boy or girl hi this country ivho can tweuty-llvn years from now rlsu up, with impaired eyesight, or any defect of health und attrlbuto It to his school teacher's neglect or cure lossness?" CARE OV THIS EYES. . Ho hero mentioned his own poor eyesight us tho result of over-btrulit In tho school room, and from this practical Illustration drew a good les son. "liullil the brain as you will," ho said," but be sum and give the boy a sttong body. Then, too, there ' Is undcr-vfork us well us over-work, and this, too, must be guurded ugainst. "Our boys should be tuught to dllvo th.'-lr pigs tu the very best market, ndfu$c their talent a to the beat pos Idle advantage. I tired to think that lull ents should hi able to tell their boys for Juat what they wore lilted. Henry Wadsworth Lowfellow's father wished him to be it lawyer. He might huvu made a sticueiiHfut barrister but how poor would the American lan guage have, been without ills great contributions. l'ATIUNTS "WANTED. "Let in do our utmobt to put the boy or girl In the road to those pur suits he Is best (lttod for, and lot him then continue on Hint path. "What wo need In the school rooms are tho men with patience enough to remain and potservere long enough, until they aro masters In their profession." During the morning session, Mlsa Connolly and Miss Lloyd addressed the nt'ttiinry teachers in court room No. !, on tho subjects of "A Geography Lesson," und "Teaching Physiology." Dr. Hull made an Interesting address before tho teachers in tho main room, on "Methods In Arithmetic." He urged that particular stress be laid on the main Important and fundamental rules and that the student be not compelled to perplex his brain too much over minor, insignificant principles which will never afford him any material benefit. vHe said that while he was proud ot bis country he was forced, neverthe less, to admit that In England the system of teaching mathematics ex cells that of tills country. LAW OP IMITATION. At the close of his address Madame de Darrle Gill gave several selections, and Dr. Davis' talk on the "Law of Imitation" closed the session. The Schubert quartette delighted the In stitute duiins: the morning session, by singing two songs. Madams Charlotte Davenport lost night addressed tho teachers on the subject ol "Health and Beauty." Tho following programme will be carried out ,this morning, In closing the insti tute' Mu-!e Vioft'-or Vnlklin A Mml'l School MIm Connolly 'Jlie biin.P"ful Tr.it her Dr. Hull Kopoits ot Commit tees. Aihlii'v) Dr. luis Adjournment. f 4--H--H- -t- INDUSTRIAL. 4 Would Like to Come Here. Secretary Athorton, of the board of trade, is In communication with sev eial industries desiious of removing their plants to other locations, promi nent among them being the Marinette Iron works, of Marinette, Wis. Ho received a letter from the com pany operating this plant' a few days ago, stating that they had outgrown tho present location and were desirous of securing a new one. They employ 3(!0 men, whose wages average $8,000 a month, and would require a site about eight acres in size. They seemed to be desirous of inter est I ng local capital to the extent of at least $100,000. Secretary Atherton wrote in reply that it was t'he policy of tho Scrnnton board of tinde In the luture to endeavor as far us possible to bring outside capital into the city, instead of bringing In industries which would absorb local capital. Ho is convinced, however, fiom the favorable tone of the letter, that he will hear more from the Marinette peo ple. , The advisability of holding a banquet of the board of trade upon the occa sion of the annual meeting In January is tu bo taken up at the next meeting The general sentiment seems to be In tavor of holding one, and already President Jacob Gould Schurman, of Cornell unlveislty and president of the. Philippine commission, has been men tioned as principal speaker. D., L. & W. Board for Today. Following Is the malcj-up of the D L. and AV. board for .today: WILD CA'lb hOUTH. Thursday, Nov. 1. li p. in. II. 1'. nllllffmi. Will p. in. .1. . l)oh,c. lUIil p, in. II, .1, J.uililn. l'ud.iy, Nov. 2. .U CAIS SOUTH,1 3i.no .1, in.-:. T. Sl.idw. l.WI a. hi.- .1. A llu-li. :: ,i. in.- cii.uio KlicU'.. I ii. in. M. C.iiiiiod), with A, J, McDonnell's mi u. II a, in. s, Ciinind,!. .s j, in. II. Ciiimr. li .1. in. .Mm lie mitau. 12.:,u p. in. IV I). W.ukI, I.mII I i. III. .1, llllll.li.il l, 2.:ui p. in, I'. Ilidlill. il.il p. in.- M l'iiiuiily, ulili Vjii Vliet'j .Mm. 5 p. i.i. -I). M. Il.ill.it. bl'MWIS. II n. in., mull. (I. I'uH.nlcll.ri. 1U ,1. 111., i.oilli -W. II. NlclmU h 1 1. in., noitli .M. II, M. I.. in..-. 1 1 1. in., noutli I). McUII-ter, fUI.I.UIt. 1U u, in. Sinici. ITMIMIS. S a in,, xoulli (.voice Hurl, ll.:;l a, in., m;uIIi M, JI.MJii. 7 p. in., wiiith -SI. Murph. Iia, m tuulli O. V. l'IU(jirJhl. 10.13 p, in,, north- C. W, Dunn. (1.15 .1, in., not lit 1 liomas Thomiwio, i'ASsi:Nni:u i:.'cusi:s. 7 a, in. (iuilney. 5.IKI p. in, felanloii. 7 i. in. Mjkqyciii. WILD CATS NOIiriL 1.80 a. hi. J, 11. M-Mif. n.liu .1, III. .1. II. Mct'mili. 7 a. in, A. F. Mullen. H ,i, in. 1) ll3ltl.Oll.lllt v. li a, in, Jjhn lliMei, uitli ,1. (i.tliagau'is men. U a. in.- !'. Wall. It p. in. I, f'jiriui;. :i p, in, A. (i. ll.i.iiinilt. 4 p, in. M. l.ouuim.'j, , ft i. ni. A. K. Krli'lum, 7 l. in. J. J. O'llui.i, li p. in. -V". iJllair, 10 p, in. (itorgo lllll, xoiicf;. llrakruLin .lnn.es lllamli will i:o out v.ill. Coi.duitor CiuUy, hi., own lun, next trip, in place of Hrakinun bil.rtiL, BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... HANVFAOTUfeED BY ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO, . UTKOTJC THK NAMK. CAUSED DIRE CONFUSION i Cviicluilctl from t'api fi.) from llii loumlU lli.1t the miilrollrr U nllnuctt In fxcrtlw tho illn'irtlon rMor In liltu iimlir the Inv. Of fonrn', thli illurrllun U not un llnillnl. For rumplr, he i.uuiot illiorl ii hill Imnriiil lv "U.o tlriuitiiirnt l ho ulil mil "I an npptoprl ilton nude for nimllicr .lci.nliiai.l, niul lii i.miiot. tranifcr i.'.r.'.rl.ilnin upon hli t.u'.ln ulllmiil rnuiiclhuanli' aullmrlly. Ho iloi hate a ill'trrlloiinr.i p.mtr, In II. o nliii'in'c of a lontiotlliiK iroluiloii or nrilliuncn if llio inn. . II", whole Ihnr mo ilium hllta nRalnvt n I'eil.iln iii.roul.illr.n III in tlifro l inoni'y In thin iiiuuprhitliiii In pjy, to sty uli.lt lilIU r-li.ilt hi' pri'liT.r.l. 'I be coiitiotlor I'unnot Inlirfrii" wild t In- ills riillou of other muiiiclp.il ilrpijImciitA, Id' uu thorlly as to mich dcp.irtmriiM "rvtrtidj otil lo vi'lno; that thoy do not cuml ttiolr appropria tion", in- apply them to iiirpoM not ullhln their proper siope. tConimoiiwe.dth e. I'lilla ilrlplda, :i V. X, (.'., l). I hae Kmiu 'iincuhiit lirjoml the Inquiry undo; hut It nccms to lur advliahlu lo ileline the duties and poweis of the illy controller lo miiiic i-slrnt, us I Unit them laid donu In Ihe law, jo that mU.ipprelirn.lons nnd unfoilunale inlsiuidcrMandlngs may not arise. CONTUOr.LKR'S COMMUNICATION. The reading of the above opinion was Immediately followed by the read ing of the following communication from Cunt: oiler Howell anont tho re cent refusal of .City Clerk I.avello to draw warrants for bills of City So licitor Vosburg and the Barber As phalt company charged to the Judg ments and Incidentals appropriation, for the reason that there were numer ous prior claims: Nouuilier 1, 1HW. To the llonoiahlc Seleit nnd Common Council. (ientlrini-ri! 1 luxe to irport that sundry bill', duly uppicived hy jour lionor.ihle liodli1", sent in bj- me to he ih.iwn, are held by the rily ilerk for the reason tint there are other flalnn nntc-d.iting tlie-p hlllrt, which should he palil. Vour hoiKiahle bodies ! oidlnaiicc, llle of Hint i-ouiiill, No. 7U, If'.K), approprlaled for the .luouut of incldentils nnd judgments the sum of $I.M7U.1I, to which -.11111 by mndry traniten was added Ihe .sum ot fl.l.S.i, in the month of April, limn, and furlher In Septemher, 10Oi, s.!,2"7.2'), a lul.ime leniainlns in the aeeouut or 'Tine ha1-!1 uf Xjv Auk p.uk." Yi ur hnuoi.ihle bodies may know that there are smithy JiiilKincnts nuainst the city ai;qreK.itlnir Mime fU,iKio, and the sum appioprlatcd will ko but a little waj- In pajment of the same. A uuniher of these jiiihancntii, owlnrf I" the fai'li of the holdois in the credit of the city, arc held mid not presented fnl pajment. In Ihe pajment of any claim I do not pi lo jinn honorable bodies, ami as!; wl.dliet- this or that one may tie paid. Under the act of May 2M. iff), ou tain di.s iretlouaij poweis me e-led In me, whiih maj be niodirleil hy aition of tljc councils. As far as pesil.lo these accounts aie paid on the ftiiine line cact!j as th.it followed bj-'mj predecessor, which maj- eallj- be leiilled lij- icferenre to the books In mi ollii e. To lemote any- douht that I am correct lj- dis rliarglng paimenls for city olillcations ill a manuei- prcMlllxd by liw, 1 ipiole lines 2(-'l, 21C, SHI, of the li(,il nppiopilation for the year lDOU: "The cilj conliollei- is herebj- aulhoiied to fharRe all outstanding approxed claims .innnist the i-llj-, not othoiwise p. milled for bj- appio. piialinn for Kenei.ll incidentals and judgment?, jear 1000." caxxot fxiii:i:stxii. In Ihe fate of Hits ilearl.r epicscd aulhoiia tiou, I am unable lo liudcisliuil on whit kioiiih! the cltj ckrk anosaies. lo himself the jiower etiil in jour honorable bodied bj act of as-heinhlj-. In Ihe icfu'il of ihe cilj clerk lo draw war rants duly approtod bj' the couuc-ils for p.t.e ment, I am ul loss to leconcile his action Willi that of funnel' jciie. It the cily i-lcik, lefuses to diau W'airants I tend him now, whj' did he lit 8SS thaw- wairants Xo. b'1,119. ,V).120, S,utl'), 111,207, S, V, 10, 11, 12, III, 14. UU,Uil), .11 &2, fi", nu, tur billb t uncut within the jcar cut of the act omit of judcrnicnts and Incidentals, The tunic t'ondilions olilaiued in lS(Hi, wilh Xo-. 7t."27, 75,017, and with Ihe nine whole pages of war i.iuts thaiKed lo iucidciuls tuitl juiIkiucms. iiuiii beilns coiisnutlidj' Irtnn Til.O'J, to 77,UIS, all be. in? for bills dalnl tiller, and paid out of Hi J llsi.tl j'ear appiopiiatlon. Out of the small amount appiopiiated I liaio paid suiidij- judgments wheie Ihe ileni.inil w.ij Inipoitunate. In inaiij cases 1 hac paid tlaiitis whcie the dihtois tlut.itencd to put their claim in judKiiiint, and I a-sk. it it is not better to do M,, lather than saddle additional rosU of the action on tho city. Take, for example, the bill of the llaiber Asphalt Pat ins; company, soc'oi Uinauie, lile of select countil Xo. :!0, t)(K), the pajmiut of which Is aullioiized by jour honor able bodies out of the account of judgments and incidentals. This is one bill the cilj- clerk ic fit.es to draw. Is it belter to paj- it, or let claimant put it in judgment, cost of which the city is to bear? Again I haie sent to bo drawn sundry pay-iolls, which may truly be claimed as dellcienej- lulls. I am not in fator of iieatlnp anj- deficieney bills, but when such bills mo rented, and appioted by jour honoiabic bodies for pajment, I conclude they aie intended for pajment, and cspnially so where they .no bills for labor. If there .should be an amount suf ficient in Judgments and incidental-, lo pay these bills for labor, it is lianl lo have to re fuse payment to hboring men, who (.iiinol af ford tn wait for their wmrcs until the next Ibcal j ear uppropiiition. A little inoncj- of lale years h.n hecn and hhculcl be held in the ae count of judgments and incidentals, foi the ic-ason lliat tho i-Itj'n olli ecu aie compelled lo luiuish the nionej- out of their own potktts for the tiausieliou of illy hu-inet-s. Meanwliile I find Ihe business of my ollite luipedul by tho action of Ihe city eleil'. H would sec Ml that .mo aition of the councils Is Imperallie. Yum- hmtoiable bodies has but to make the law-, while I hive to cseiulu tliein. f'HlTTEXDK.WS MOTION. Mr, Chittenden moved that this let ter lie referred to a special committee appointed last August to Investigate .something In the controller's ofllcc, which never Investigated, but which was never di.schurgcd. "A mutt singular condition of uf falrs exists," s,ald lie, "which ought to be cleared up. Instead of paying Judg ments out of this appropriation tju controller keeps mi paying other claims und there always seems to be n little money left in the appropria tion, As regards this particular mat ter 1 have u very clear bleu that the city clerk is right und full- In the posi tion he lias taken and that the con troller Is entirely wrong." The motion to refer to this special committee was adopted, A communication bearing on the matter from City Solicitor Vosburg was read In common council. The lat ter explained thut in bringing tho pro ceedings to condemn the turnpike ami to annul the boulevard charter he would bs very much bumpered If his bill was not paid, lie said he could seo no Impropriety In passing a reso lution directing the city clerk to draw a warrant for his bill. Ho explained that he did not wish to criticize Mr, I.avelle, believing him to bo acting under honest convictions. Ho hinted that if councils desired him to withdraw the proceedings that he would do so, huvlng no personal inter est in tho matter, A little later on Mr. "Watklns Intro duceil ii resolutions directing tho city clerk to draw a wurrunt for Mr. Vos burg's bill, and it went through with out much opposition. It didn't fare so well In select, liuwcver, AVlu'ii It came up, Mr. Vuughau moved that it bu teferred to the special committee. Messrs. Finn and t.'ostello protested violently at this.. "Vou can't do that," said Mr. Finn, "This is Imperative." "01ij yes, wo can," said Mr. dem ons, looking up ut him with his ex pansive btnlle. "It's merely a question of votes." "The city clerk has got good leasoaa for what ho has done." nlu Mr. VntiRhnii, "and Ibis committee should hear them. Mr. Vosburg gets nearly $".,000 a year out of tho city, nnd ho lnii certainty got piioiirIi money In pay lilt expenses In this mailer, even If lie tloes have. In wait a few month for Ids money," The motion to reicr to the sneclal committee was adopted. COMMITTEES' CONFERENCE. Interesting Meetlnfi ot Y. W. C. A. Hooms Last Night. . conference was held at the V. At. C. A. rooms last night or the commit tee of jifi-oclntlon win Iters, fiom Iho various local branches. After n gen eral discussion an Interesting pro gramme was unfiled out. Miss Allen, violinist, and Miss Free man, In vocal numbers, worn accom panied by MIps Helen Orllllth, on the piano. Miss Crane, the Mute secretary gave u talk upon Y. '. A. work, and the delegates from Pic stato con vention, Airs. I,. M. tlates, Miss AV1I cox, MKs Out. and Miss Crane then nnswertd vailous questions rojutlng to the convention, and furnished their audience with general Information. Refreshments were served, nnd the remainder of tho time given over to n pleuant social. A HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL. Pleasant Affair nt Parlors of Penn Avenue Baptist Church. A Hallowe'en social was last night given nt the parlors of the Penn Ave nue Baptist church by the Christian Endeavor society of the congregation. A number of games were played by the young people present and a short, but Interesting, programme was car ried out. John Horns sang a solo. Miss Clara Browning rendered several selections on the piano, and other Instrumental and vocal numbers were given. The affair was In chnrge of Miss Kdna Kvans and Miss Clara Drowning. ADDITIONAL DONATIONS. They Are Acknowledged by the Man agers of the Home. The following additional contribu tions have been acknowledged by the managers, for the Homo for tho Friendless: Mrs. 11. P. Kingsbury $ 5 00 Mis. 1'. L. Tan- 2U0 Jlr-. Dr. Gauliici- 2 IW Mis. A. C. Twitchell 1 "0 .Mis. C. '. Mattes 1 (HI II. A. Conncll 10U00 A Ki ieud 3M S. ;. Sai kcr .t Sou 2.'. 00 ,J. A. Line 2 00 Second Pieslijlciiaii Church 2 00 Total ttllS 00 Fine Tailoriflj The prospective settlement of the strike removes one hindrance to the purchase of your Winter Suit and Over coat. Our extremely low prices remove another. Our stock is immense, our styles are correct and no goods can be better made. W. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor, 214 WYOHINQ AVENUE HEADQUARTERS FOR Hen's Underwear. Highest Grades at Popular Prices. 412 Spruce Street. Agency for Young's Hats. i Wof- t$t.lW FLOUR ss&OB-issM "No, I Will Not" That sounds posi- i tive, but she was right, for her grocer tried to make her take an inferior flour instead of "Snow White" THH'WiTN Mill 'MANMN mMNr;J yjuhtidijm ContiollvaWallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING O ENTER. i 4- . - Underwear for All Ages We are re.lClV lor VOU garments for iIen, uuiun ouits win De on auring tue oaiance ot cue present week: Light, medium and heavy weights, cotton, wool, merino, silk, silk and wool, etc HandkerchiefsA You may count the day lo3t that fails to show some new merchandise interest to public attention at this store. Handkerchiefs lead today. Some advertisers might want to inform vou as to the uses and ntirnotes nf tianrlkerohiitfa Kiti- then many advertisements are stupid. Our aim is to tell you something of th X value, qualities and prices of the handkerchiefs offered today. 6,000 hand ker- chiefs, embroidered and with scalloped edges, made on a fine quality of lawn, 'perfect wearing and perfect embroidery work, in twenty-five different designs, - altogether the best 25c value to be had. Drift a I On rAnlt 00 JA. f UGet a glimpse from the window nlGB l9G tdCIl Ol OZ OOZ t C -j. i.i- l oiidjib m ine Child's Musliii Drawer's, with hemstitched ruffle, oize 01234 Price 10c 12Jc 15c f8c 20c Ladies' Muslin Drawers, with daep lawn ruffle, hemstitched: Splendid Value at 29 Cents. Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns and Skirts, Child's Flannelette Night Gowns and Skirts, Ladies' Knit Woolen Skirts, At Our Well-Known Low Prices. -f-f-f-r -r CONNOLLY ? THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1372 DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital S200.000 SURPLUS 600.000 WM. C0NNELL, Presldeot. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vlce-Prei. WILLIAM U. PECK, Casbltr. Epecla". attention elven to belli, ness accoiints. Three per cent, in terest pal on Interest deposit. J HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming District for DUPONTS POWDER. Mining1, niabtin?, Spoitlnp, SmoUelcsa and tho Hepauno CliemUal Company'a High Explosives. Safety Fuso, Ops and Exploders. Itoom 101 Con nell Ilullilint-, tjcranton. AUUNCIKSi TII03. FOltD JOHN U. SMITH & SON , W. 11. MULLIOAN i'ittston 1'lj mouth ,,,,,Vllkc9-Uarr OR. DGNSTHN, 311 Spruce Streets Scren tnn. I'll- II Acute on.t Chronic UUcasej ol Men. Vvom n ant Children. Consultation n J examination free. Oilice hour Dally end bunJay K a. 111. tu 9 p. m. prni.d.i-.THPPi N.n. ..i. M .. - . Kli IIMt I VtMtHliriltVI J fliu, I.I.. I'lillaJvlnliU. I'm. l ilruUrker Aril. "i ' -y'.'Z. ... nii.ii. Kioriert fiIC(r(l Biierc Dinnn DniinTiur auntie nmll ITV.- Hivi0ii.vu rwi9wn "inivnf ,-""; ltOSTMANHQOP.VAEtlCOCUIJbSTIICTUR( , r .(iiCXuttiiwM wtitli'ural.Bruitiiirfl Npuillrbvok "1rlMCV't4,H wtJltJl thttrU 1 fraud L Xi m , t 4. With a crreat Imp TVnrpr-nritir Women, Children and Infants. 4.4. 4- Mi it. j . iuusiin inaerwear tounier i, 4 4. & WALLACE, CARPETS RUGS We want you to see the new arrivals in our Carpet Department. We believe we have the most complete stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and kuow that, quality con sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to be had this side of New York. A superb line of I WALL PAPER I i BRASS AND S WILLIAMS & McANULTY, 129 Wyoming Avenue. "SG THE" Rabbit Season Opens Nov. 1 We are well stocked with all kinds of ammunition aud guus at the lowest priees. Don't forget that we are Headquar- ters for everything in the line of Sports and Athletics. Florey & Brooks, 211 Washington Ave, THB IMC POWDER CO, looms 1 ind'2, Com'lta BTd'g. OEANTON, PA. ' nining and Blasting POWDER Ui'deat Mooiloand RuaaltUe Wot III. tAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANQE QUN POWDER Boo trio Ilatterloe. ISUotrlatizploderi, esplodluv blseti, bafoty fm an Reiauni Chsilcal Cis Enof 4. 4.4. 4. 4. 4l all that- io het h TTm.. -fc A special sale of Ladies1 J 50cto50t .4.4. 4. J; i .u Special Sale . . 4. 4 4. 44 nil f wash'MR 'bnub I DRAPERIES I METALLIC BEDS I , ."N"' MOUNT PLEASANT COAL At Retail. Coai of tho beat Quality tor uyaiaitla and of alt alzea, tncludtng iluokwbeat and Blrdieye, delivered In any part of the city, at tb lowest price. Ordera received at the oraoe, Cotrnell building-, noom 804; telephone No. ITI1 or at the mine, telephone No. J7J, will, bf promptly attended to. Dealera (upaUat) t the mine. MOUNT PLEASANT COAL CO The Dickson Huuur&cturliigOt. . fccrantonaud Vlllte-Urr li t ' .Muuufactur.r. ot LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENQINBS Boiler. Itolttlng and Putnplog MaeWaery. Qineral Offlce, Bcranton. Pw I ggBM lUGS7 t l r- f 4 v j Aioa." ..""-i"V , f " T"J ( .' n.ii ii.- r A'J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers