HTTifcao&i &immmmmmMmimMmmMim fPfPttWp3 IwBle pipiipPSw SPW r m THE SCRANTON TRIBUNati-MDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1900. Jl ihcTw I i ) ., h vr FOES IN AMBUSH. THE HIDDEN PERILS OF THE PAST AND PRESENT. When the Pnritnti pnssed throUKh the forests of New Knglruitl, he realized Hint his Rrcntcst danger was from hidden foes. Therefore, he wna firmed ami vigilant. The enemies a man can see he can Tight, hut the enemy that skulks in darkness unseen, be he ever so weak, is to be dreaded by reason of his ln visibility. ' The foes that threaten the life to-day arc all nmbnshcd. There is no fear of .tlic "arrow that flleth by day," for the day of the arrow is past and gone. But the "pestilence that walkcth in dark ness," Is still a thing of terror, because It strikes suddenly front ambush. let the word pestilence be only wills- .cred and fear grips the heart. Homes .are forsaken, i'eople flock to the rail roads frantic to escape from the infected city. But shout a warning against dys pepsia and who is alarmed ? Nobody. Vet dyspepsia in the diseases to which it tends, is responsible for more deaths nn nually in the United States than pesti lence could probably claim in a decade. Tim WRAK SPOT of the modern man is his stomach. No man can be stronger than his stomach because the stomach is in effect the vital centre of the body. Where does the heart get its nourishment? From the v stomach. Where is the nourishment prepared for lungs, liver, kidneys -and other organs? All nre nourished from the stomach. Stop putting food into the stomach and in time the heart stops beat ing. We must eat to live. Kverybody knows that. They understand that the man that isn't fed starves. But what they don't seem to understand is that starva tion is justassuie when the man is fed, ,if by reason of disease the stomach cannot convert the food it receives into nutri tion for the body and its several organs. The sign of starvation is emaciation, loss of flesh. That's the sign of dyspep sia and weak stomach al'o. The dys peptic eats enough but the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition fail to extract the nourishment from the food and so the body grows lean and the strength of the body is undermined. DYSPEPSIA AND DliGKNKRACY. There is a certain physical degeneracy .which results from dyspepsia. If the body is not nourished it grows weak, and as the body is only a general name for- the sum of its organs and members, to' speak of the body growing weak means that the heart is growing weak, the lungs are growing weak, and that the liver and kidne3's and other organs me involved in the same "weakness." When diseases of the stomach and its allied organs are cured these dependent weaknesses are cured also. " lJor about two years I suffered from a very obstinate case of dyspepsia," writes K. E. Secord. Esq., of i Eastern Ave. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. FRIDAY AMI S.VILIiHW Maliiicc Sahuth.i. , "i:icitiu :-p.ii!; Academy of Music. ALL WEEK lirniutt iloultim Con pany In reputolic. t Gaiety. I.AaT 'lllltr.i: DAIS- Wine, Women mid Son-. A Man from the West. James J. Jciliics, iIiiiiiiiihi 1icjv -t-!jlit pugl 1st of the vvmhl, appealed in the l.,ceiini lat flight ii- the Mai in .1 play wiilcn f'oi him l.i Clay .M. (ii vim.-, li I-. i.illul v Man f,,,m die Wist," mill gives .lolii io.s ,111 fippoiiuiilly lu shine Ui .Simi Kiiic I lie ihuill nt 'I l.i l-l; 1'.'i!,s Mini, tuna, t'nliki' inu-l ut llio phj-, uiiitrn Id iiriiiK piiKlli-ls 1111 tin- sl.mi', .MIikV I, not ,1 incii- incident in the whliU- in M. j In- Ins giliipwil -li'll.u liiiiini-. To mi' tin- uMiumlui, lie ionics 1I0M' to lieiii the "wlmlo thlin?,". II Is .1 inn- lit p.m lie I1.1-, with liunic fp. ulici tn xpcik ami hi roio ilnnls to peiloriii, and lie pciiks llii'iu mid mis llicm with mure fouo mill rt.iliiii than nilslit he cxpeetnl Hum the lending n)iicliisl of Ills (li). At lor JrlliiiM Is not Kiaccful, neillicr U lie a like mlUtiv .litnr, hut Ids p.nt docs ma eil for smli limiiic-i, mid ni the sl.iiill nf the lmr Ocr lountj ot the far wet, who un't nuke loe tn 11 Kill, .loinliv. has ,i ioe that penults Mm tn he as iiiiiaufiil and us it hlni to he without deitiojlnur the i-lu-lon dial he is the kiln 111, It Is 11 plij Willi kIhsci in It. Ctrijoiie up rii"j a hiuie of iimiIuis and a couple n Liiier, mid, ai iiiinlil he expirted, with flreainii within easy iimiIi "f neijone, llure Is a inuider as early n the llikt nit. Him (I'Neal, ulin un t-ien lieru last ejuni Willi the ".--oiiims ot Sauin" company n thu ilialilm; liner, .mnin Ihe iIomt laut ntsht and was ilMimtly out nl it, as he nu3 Ij-1 season. The (0011 ddiii; U nut ncKlirtnl, mil it ap peal at Meial points iliiduj; Ihe proaios of the drama and in the Ihlid ait an liUh cemcdlin (ani; mid did n i-lioil luunoloiu. Von v, 0,. wrve that ariely 1s not lii(kin, PurliiB the hllil net, Jellilei, Rine 11 lliiecioiuid lAldbitloii ,vltli Ills spaulni; paitiur, 'I hey used hnxlng Klovfs, hut It rMt lurdly he mI.I tlut they boxed. Jiflrltw, if ioure, knocked ids nun out, Wine, Women and Song-. I.aruo aiidlencci ut Ihe (ialcty jesluday wero Jfcliglilfil hy the peifornianci's (;lcii liy 'IlieUe'n ''Wine, Women nud Hong" company, whlili pic ends .111 eiiUiiaiiniiuit that U novel for its Dritfliiallt), The iinperouattous lu the opeuini; burlesiiuc, in which lliury fiviny, llichaul Ma'n Held, l)u Wolf Hopper, JIjuJu Admin, Pauline (fall-.ili'U othiri weiu jiitioihitcd, was of ,1 hlfhir , order1 than tlrnw1 u-ually piesenleil nil the uad, ml v..u inoioiiKiiiy aiipreiiuii'U ny (auill. ar uitli the ciimnt thealilial ciul. The tpa" ilties were iiii'illuiloiis throuliuiit, 0 tiuia ''Oa 3NI0I03H T3d 'fsaippv itni iujip g-.ctu 'uopvn34p 9141 8i4uaJH uCJq am Jtsp its MX w-aHI -AiacM)v'9l?ao3UBA P W9dis'tsuiU!a 'Aiiq(i J3U 'fati(x inoi3i jo im Dusinoui najiia aAiu dus Siw4jgw9iiii)ooHii4t9ia aux 'j.inoa NPPPUIIJM JOJiraol SJIUtJKllS 4 pvp-WHI MlA-),K0q CJ jioq J3J II95HJ pC3Sp5IBltf VtWa 10 uopdumsuoo 'iuesu J olU u jqi t3i4o ujijo uopipuoj 4ui 'psino jtujdoid b3 Alulllids.aiun AiwsuvuiJJJ vixma 3is kjiioi Duc'.uieiaiivr 8uuo3ion.., ,..! ,i,u v uc3tn! bus 'iJJiJsa ' -u-'"' -.-T.-i--v-t i-g 5ytM0t'jLfX2r VjJ&m ' t F.or Sal by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming avenut and , Sprue street. Toronto, Ontario. " I tried a great num. ber of remedies without success. I fi nally lost ffllth In them alt. I was so fat gone that I could not lear any solid food on my stomach for u long time j felt melancholy nnd depressed. Could not sleep nor follow my occupation (tin smith). Some four mouths ago a friend recommended your 'Golden Medical Discovery:' After n week's treatment I Imd derived so much benefit that I con tinued the medicine. I have taken three bottles and am convinced it has In my case accomplished a permanent cure. 7 can conscientiously recommend it to the thousands of dyspeptics throughout the land." "I have taken one bottle of Doctor rlerce's Golden Medical Discovery for indigestion and liver complaint," writes Mr. C M. Wilson, of Yadkin College. Davidson Co., N. C. "Have had no bad spells since I commenced taking your medicine in fact have not felt like the same man. Before I took the ' Gotdeii Medical Discovery ' I could not eat any thing without awful distress, but now I can cat nnytmng I wish without having unpleas ant feelings, Last sum mer our baby was teeth ing and was so poor he was almost a skeleton. We gave him your 'Golden Medical Dis covery,' and now he is as healthy and well as any child, I will speak a good word for your medicine whenever J have an opportunity." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of di gestion and nutrition It cures through the stomach those diseases of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc., which have their origin in disease of the stomach and its nllicd organs of digestion and nutrition. STRENGTH l-'KOM FOOD. All physical strength must come from food after it has been received into the stomach and properly digested and assimilated. Medicine cannot make strength. There is only one source of strength and that is food converted into nutrition. There are two chief causes of physical weakness ; on? insufficient food, the other the inability of the stom ach and its allied organs to digest and assimilate the food eaten. Drl-Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is not offered as a substitute for food, but as a medicine which enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of food, and so gives the body thestrength which comesfrom food alone'. When the weak stomach is made strong again by the use of "Golden Med ical Discovery" the food it receives is perfectly digested and assimilated, and the body in all its parts and organs is restored to strength with the stomach. The lost flesh is regained and the body is built up with sound, solid flesh instead of flabby fat. But as the body is but a name for the sum of its organs and members, so strength for the body means strength for each organ of the body, and when the stomach' is made strong, strength is given to the "weak" heart, "weak" lungs and other weak organs. Accept no substitute for " Golden Med ical Discovery," there is no other medi cine "just as good" for the cure of dis eases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. PLAIN TALK on medical matters must be in plain English if it is to be understood. It was the aim of Dr. Pierce in. the preparation of his Common Seuse Medical Adviser, to provide for household use a book that should deal with health and litease practically, on common sense lines and in common sense language. This great book, containing looS large pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send sr one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the book in paper -covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce Buffalo N Y . Kin': ami Oothuld, in their i.'ii Umy act. aid the Uaikelt Hiotlieis were better llun cu'i; Ciillieit and Coldie, the new touieilian, went throiiu'h their nun in a uiamiiT 'hit nude ee:i the old jokes sound funny, and Sheehan and licmudv hae ltnpio.'id their ludieious ."it. 'Ihe "letiny laldy tun" was minus .lenuy, but In r pait was fill-il by Mi-s bene Lackey, who sanj; in .111 aietplable iniinmr with the ltitian o i.ilists toiinuly with Mi-s Cddy, "Wine, Women nud Souk' company will be at die -ilaiclj the balance of the week, aflci noon and cc'nin?. Locitl Amateurs Night. One nf t lie events of the season will incur at tliu Ai.uleiiiy of -Mumo tonight. Imtnediatcly after the perfoiiuani c of "Musk's bandini;," thcro will h,' an amateur i.iudcWIIc tontist, in which a number of our local amateuis will appi-ai, A eenuiilttee of live ladles and Ihe Kcntlcmcu will be hcletfctl ftoin the audieute tn ait :ii judges ol thu ilill'c'li'iit ji. (-, and the ail ccciviiif; tlie most oies noni this louimittie will be pie suili'd with is.V, second .i and lliihl tji. The fob low Ins .iitltus li.ue made appliiadoii to appear; Union and l.'nok, inushal act; llauis bisteis, 10011 souks and hutk and wiu- dauceij; Ilmklii Hiotlieis, aiioliai-s; I.011K Washbuin, b.tll.nla; l!alp and ltoy llaan, aRe 0 and 7 ICspectiiely, who pcifoim on Ihe violin and cultur; Anne (Jiiaitelliv Ceorae J.cwut, Stephen Illaik, Iriali reeN, Con -McJIullen, Iiish liay plpn, 'I lie play to be picscnted, "Muck's I.andluir," Is one of tlio best in ilic Urn licit and .Muiilbm's ripeitoiic an inteicstlux stoiy, e'libellnhcd with uoud comedy. Mr, Sun iiidiis will be seen in Ids facorlte pari of the old i-oldler, and Ml -a Turner as Littil Muggtf, a pad she has plajcd wltli Kreat gm-cew. An injoyahle eicnlns is assincd. "The Electric Spark." While this musical absurdity has been before die public vo lonir and so successful!, the pin. ducllon to Jie sun here is mi entirely new one lu eeiy respect. The star is new, the sienrry Is new N nd tlio music is m w, hiKer Mldsdey, a comedian of most unique aicomplMiiuiiits, Is now starling in the leading innicdy lole, wlili h fut made Frank Daniels famous. The comedy will bo seen at the r,ccuui tonight and tomorrow afternoon and night, Next Weok nt the Academy. Tlio Mii.iuley.V.ittnn ronipany will cuiuniinc n week's cugagcnieiit at the Academy of Mu-lo Sloinliy, Nov, 6, In coinbinlni; ait with romcily and diama II was at one time netesaaiy to gle n lepiCMiitation of something that was an utter Impassibility, consisting of, hciolc rcsines, thrill. Ing scenes of capture, or Impossible romie situa tions, Juw the people demand something oilgl. na, somitlilng pathitk, savuiing rf the really, that In which moral Is eontaTTiiiTrr a lesson obtained. This Mr, I'atlon has tilt c, und, ai loiding to the ninny pic applauds ami erdlUi nf the but crillis, be Ins suueedt'il in doing, bv writing the two populai jdij, ."thu Minister's Sou," which will be piesenleil Mondiy ienlig liel, and "lloial Ham." which will ho i.reent. cd dining the week, 'tlio ha lame of die reper tolie embraces the following popuhr plajs: "Inside Traik," "A Teas i'uwbuv," "IVaecful Valley," "A Wasted Life," "Just llefore Pawn" mm 9N0U1S ni n3hm siooq jsjJO pas -oo'Et Msnota v mm Witt $ and 'VTlie Other follow,'1 the nets of lhoc pluji being made rontlnuous toy the Introduction of specialties toy the ''Two Mom," In roon longs 0111I rnkc walks; i'rnnk Clayton In the "Comical Muiliiit Tramp" and Master Leslie, the liny so prano. BROOKLYN. Special to the Scranton Tribune, Hrooulyn, Nov. J. The Hallowe'en Hoclnl nl Mrs. H. n. KldrldRo's was well attended mid very enjoyable. , Mls. Mclln Drown of Hop Dotlom visited hop sister, Mr.". W. U Stcrllntr, this week. At Its Lclnh Btorllnir Is eonllned to the Monro with a sprained knee. Miss Lottie Ilyrnm spent 11 few ilnys with friend's hero. A literary society of school Kit Is was entertained at the home of Miss Kdtin Kly Wednesday owning. Miss lfnttln and Jessie Miller visited MontroKe Friday. Miss Jennie Tiffany who has been vlsltliiK In Fnotnr.vvlllw for some time rust has returned home. Miss Mnrunret Itnlwon of Dnlton Is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. L. Tewlcs bury. Mr. and Mrs. U. W. tledell spent Sunday In Je.s-.sup. Prof. M. W. Stephens entertained his mother this week. Mrs. T). t. names of Mnntiviao, visited her daughter, Mrn. J. C. Miller, this week. The funernl of Mr. Holher Reynolds was held Krldtty. Mlis Delia Snyder has been com pelled to leave school on account of poor health. People are looking forward to the lecture Filday evening, November 1, with much pleasant anticipation. Dr. .Sherman Davis of Indiana, will tell of his student life in Germany. A very quiet wedding occurred nt the horn,., of Miss Mnlvlna TilTnnv October ai. when Dr. A. S. Sage united In marriage Mis-, May Smith and Mr. Salisbury of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Gurdett Williams of Lostorshlre aie visiting In town. A (inlet social time was ihekl nt the home of J. D. Pcek-lmin Wednesilnv evening bv the young people of the Pieslivterian church. j-ne Mines of the Universalis church meet with Mrs. A. W. Kent to-dnv for Avork. Mrs. V.. ,T. Olios is visiting friends in Senintcn. Mr. Kplii-um Tr.itt is ilrllllnrr a well. A llllam Terry i working for V H. Kent. NEW JIULFORP. Special to Ihe Serantnn Tribune. Now Milforil, Nov. I. The Women's Christian Tempeyranco union mot? at the home of Airs. Charles Sludn . Thursday Mrs. A. called on last week. Charles Mume, of ifternoon, at :! o'clock. Hawley and son, Arthur, Montrose friends one day Ilnytlen and daughter, New York eltv. wlm lmvo been spending several weeks with rela tives in town, returned to their home last Saturday evening. Mrs. Charlotte Hutchlngs, of Ona quaga, N. Y.. is spending tt few days with her sister, Miss Helen Hutoh ings. Charles Moxley. of Hallstead, was a caller in town AVednesday. Mrs. M. A. Vail entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vail, of Serunton Sundav. Mr. und Mrs. C. 13. Cole recently entertained Miss Kdith Smith, Miss Carrie Van Auken, Miss Lllllun AVhentcroft ami Mr. Prank Smith, of Nicholson. The Hist of the couise of lectures under the auspices of the Presbyterian Christian Kndenvor society, will be given by K. A. Boyl, of Scranton, In the Presbyterian church, Nov. S. This course will consist of four lectures and a conceit by the Flsk Jubilee Singeis. This is not a money-making scheme. All the money received is to be paid out for the entertainment of our town. All who enjoy and believe In a high class of instructive amusement' are In vited to help this work along. AVillinm Thissell returned to his home In New York Friday, after a few weeks' visit with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Richards, of Union Hill, visited friends In town the first of plio week. Miss Nell Qulnn visited her friend. Miss Kva (Jay, in Franklin township, aiiursciay. II. Carpenter made a business trip to Cilhfeon Monday. Miss Nell lteckhowe. of Gieat lientl, called on friends here Sunday. FOREST CITY. to the ft-ranton Tiibune, Forest City. Nov. l.-A Democratic mass meeting was held In the TJuvis opera house this evening. The issues of the campaign were discussed from a Democratic point of view by Hon. H. H. Mercer, of Carlisle; AV. F. Shean esq., of Scrnnton, and .1. M. Kelly, esq.,' chairman of the Democratic county committee. Preceding the speechmak ing there was a parade of the faithful. it wns a large one. Mrs. M. D. anger has returned from AVnynu county, to spend the winter with her daughter, Mm. AVilllam Cum in u or. Dr. 13. AV. Giclding, of Starrucca, Is looking after Dr. C. It, Knnpp's prac tice during his absence. He has an ofllce In the Knapp hulldlnc. J. M, Brown niicl wife are home from their visit to Montrose. Agnes, the llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mttturkn, of North Main 'Main street, died Tuesday, and wtis laid at rest yesterday. Rl,o was seven years old. The Foiest City local of tlio United Minn AVorkers of America participated In the big labor parade In Carbondale on Tuesday night. They weie accom P.inled by the Star Drum corps, Nov. AV. A. Carrlngton and family leave for their now home at North aranvllle, N. V today. The boys performed their usual Hal lowe'en pranks last night, und many a lioiibeholder Is on tt hunt for stray gates today, A circulating llbruiy is to be formed In town. The fee will be only ?1, and all who wish to Join can notify Prof, c. T. Thm-pp or ltov, It. h. Clark, ?100 Kewnvd t?100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn liat iheiv is at least one ihejilul disease thai .clenie has been able tn uue in all IU ttages and that is catuirh. Hall's I'alarrh Cure is the only posltic cuie now known to the nicdlial fraternity. Caturili being a constltu tloin.1 dUeaic, requires u constitutional tieat mnt llall'd Catuuli Cuie Is taken Internally, acting cilifclly upon the blood and mucous cur faces ol the s.uteiu, llieuby dcttrojlng the foundation of the I'iseasc, and glUng the patient stiength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing tj work, 'the prpprie. tors have io 111u1.l1 fallli in Us curatlvo power, that they offer 0110 Hundred Dollars for any i.uv thai it falls to cure. Send for list of tcsti. monials. Addicss. V. J. CIIKNIIV & CO., Toledo, O. Kold by druggist , 7.1c. Hall's family fills am the best TRUE TALES BY WHITNEY f INTELLIGENT SHEPHERD DOO OWNED BY VAN NESS. Burnwood Lover Who Swallowed His Sweetheart's Gold IUii Railroad ers Who Appreciate a Full Dinner Pall The Dog That la a ' Hawk Killer Nubs of News Gathered Hero and There. Spechl to Ihe Srnnlon 'frlbunf. StiRntiphannn, Nov. 1. Farmer Van Ness, of Stnrucca, Is the owner of tt very Intelligent shepherd dog, and he nevor tires of telling of thn many wonderful perfoimanccs of his pot. A few nlghta since, Mi. A'un Ness told his wife, In the presence of tlio dog, to arouse him at six o'clock on the following morning, ns ho wished to go to Carbondale, to receive stirglcut at tendance. The next morning Mrs. 'nn Ness failed to awnke nt the hour named, ami Mr, A'an Ness wns aroused by hearing his knowing dog scratching nt his bedroom door. He Instantly aiose, und, upon looking at the clock, discovered that It was three minutes past six o'clock. Mr. Vun Ness says It would take considerable money to tempt him to dispose of the dog that seemingly so well understands the Kngllsh language, and Is wlthnl so faithful and knowing. JUST B13TAVI3KN I'S. A Ttttrnwood lovCr, while fooling with his sweetheart's gold ring, swal lowed It. Now her reproaches ring In his ears, while her gold ring's In his stomach. A wns a Montrose justice ot the poitc3 who said at the close of the hearing of 11 case: "t will hold this case under advisement for one week, when 1 will render a verdict for the defendant and dlvldo the costs." Oreat Bond man claims that a theodolite fell from the heavens Into that borough a few nights since. Tt ought to he an awful warning to wicked Kditor Psamuel More. IIAIT..ROAD NOTES. Since the coal miners' strike is end ed, the trainmen on the Jefferson di vision wear shorter faces. The Krie has ordered a large num ber of freight locomotives of the Brooks locomotive vorks, Dunkirk. Dining the greater portion of Cleve land's last administration the work men in the Erie's shops in Susquehan na were employed twenty -four hours per week and less. Now they are em ployed from ten to fifteen hours a day. Men who now receive $75 and $S0 per month then received $25 per month. Then 500 men were employed. Now I,'20O men are steadily employed and promptly paid. Vote for McKlnley and Roosevelt, prospects and a full din ner pall! The Delaware and Hudson Improve ments upon its Nineah branch are steadily approaching completion. T11F. NEWS RECORD. Itev. Ar. Robert tioss and Professor J. I'ranklln Crowell List evening pre sented the "Passi'jn Play" in the Methodist church, before an apprecia tive audience. Mrs. Jereminh Foran. an aged resi dent, dler at her home 011 Prospect street on Tuesday. The funeral will tfki- place from St. John's Catholic church on Friday afternoon. The re mains will be interred in Laurel Hill cemetery. Today, All Saints day, appropriate services were held in St. John's Cath olic church. Farmcis are establishing co-operative ereameries In many places in Sus quehanna county. The Republicans had a big rally last evening in Hallstead. "How are you going to vote this year''" inquired .1 Susquehanna man of a neighbor. "I am gojng to vote for Bryan," wns the reply. "I voted for him four years ago, and see the good times wo have had!" THIS DOG IS A HAWK-KILLER. Hob, a red setter, owned by Farmer Httlpln, of Burnwood, keeps 'guard over the barns and fowls, follows the cackling mother hens and their broods from onu plnce to another and lies low for hen hawks. Late In Septem ber Bob raw an enotmous hawk swoop down and carry off a squawk ing chicken, and since then he has taken upon himself the task of watch ing the feathered stock In the prem ises. Farmer Halpln wnsn't aware of Bob's self-imposed duties until 0110 af ternoon when he heard the ioost?r nnd the hens cackling and squawking back of the barn. He saw a red streak sailing over the fence like a flash, and, before he could go to whore the liightened fowls were, Bob came around the corner of the barn with a big hen h'uvk by the neck. The hawk was flapping his wings furious ly, but Bob soon choked it to death, not appearing to inlna the beating he received from the bird'H largo wings. HERE AND THRKK. Great Bond still hopt3 that some body will operate Its big tannery again. There are about fifty candidates for the pastorate of the Susquehanna Presbyterian church. Colonel Charles C. Pratt, of New Mllford, ought tn be the next stttto senator from this district. Ho Is a gentleman nnd n scholar, and ho Is In every way splendidly equipped for tlio position. Sheiitf Maxey keeps a most excel lent boarding house, but somehow his guests are always anxious to leavo him, This Is thn more remarkable be cause liW boarders pay no board and are not compelled to work. Up to dute, the "Susquehnnna Coun ty Newspaper Combine" has not over thrown the liberties of tlio people, of the county. Like tlio Democratic purty, homo pcoplo "view with nlarm" nearly ovcrythlng under the sun. And mora's tlio pity! AYIIdcuts and hoodlums who howl at Itepubllcan speakers ava now In sea son. Thcro ought to bu n big bounty on the scalps of both noxious beasts. Whitney. PROF. COLES FOR NOVEMBER. from Siorius and Slftui. Ameiiia Is still oi the right tide of the plan els and fclie will enjoy twenty-two high-flood dajs during the cnricnl month. This bcati all past ifcorcl and will incite the (my of the wholo world and nuke Ainerlcu the most pros perous nation on eJilb. The plants arc in tlio right portion to glc imaoinc dcstructle stornm, resulting in iiupicicdeiited rlooils; but in the main November may proe a mild and pleasant mouth. Jupiter, the financial planet, has pasted out of the Dlgu Bagittarius, where he met his Waterloo Uranus, the Labor I'lanet and the The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING IIOUSL' for tlia ttatisuH nf VH Win tlnve House to Rent, Rent Ksttttc or Other Property to Sell or Exchange or Who Want Slttiittioits or HolnTiiesa Small Advertisement One Cent ti Word, Six Insertions lor Five Cents a WordMxcep: sMuntloru WiiutaJ, Which Arj In sorted 1'rcc. FOR RENT. ..-".jvwt'v- t'MIAHANT IIOMi:, ON !t!M,; MOUUIlV. Oulncy menu?. Ill I'Olt HKN'r-tiAlHIl! rilOST ItOOM KOH tll'.N- tlciiiiin, uOU ,lriTriiun nuinit. rent iu:NT-Ti:s.itooM itousi:, bis pint, bv., hctucm Wiudilnrtton And AiIjiiis avenue, re rrnlly imp-roili furnace, gn, bath. Charles P. Tnclivfi). 1011 Hi:ST-2(K MIITL.IN AVI'.NUi:, rooimi hrlcki $'-U IIIOIIT FOR SALE foil SAi.i:-o,6nn wit.t, nt'Y inticic mvr.t.t,. Iiifr, comer fr.uil.lln nml Mulhcrrj street J eay terms. CalPon C. 1'. Jrtihvln. ron sai.i: n mvixuxos; am, impiiovr- meiitsi central t-ltj ; r,ij- tenn-s; p.ijs on price, 2",00o, 8 per cent net after t.ics, vuitrr, licit anil Insurance. C. 1. .tatlwhi, corner Spruce anil I'ciin aenuc. kok sam:-iiouhi: and lot. m, vixi: sr., comer Ailanis aieuuc. Calvin Seyholt, ron s u:-co.vti:nts w iionsr. fintst- tore, cjrpets, tedillni,', etc. OJJ Wnshlnirtnn a enue. ' HELP WANTED-MALE. w.ixtt.ii-a novrimiT'r;xTf1cir"rx alili m.iklni,' huslniM. Aihhess 'fheo. jjputt, Oil pliant, fa. w.XTi:i) - oxk j:xpKiui:xcr.n max to uork In green house; single prefeireil; sit Kerstrter's faun, South Jialn avenue, Lincoln Height. RECRUITS WANTED. siAitixi: coups, tr. s. navy, hi:criits w.iiiteil-Ahli'-lioilled men, hen tec on our ships In all puts of ihi- uorlil anil on l.uul In the I'hilipplnes when lequlieil. KecruUiiii; of Ucer, 10't Wyoming UM'iiue, Scranton. JfiANTJEDjOBUY. WANTnD SnCOXD HAND "ElioT MAClllNCsT must be In cood order; atate particulars a to make and price. Address, L. U., general de livery, ficranton. I'a. PUBLIC SALE. t'tJHMO SAI.K WK WIM. SKI.Ij AT HUI1I.10 sale, for the benefit nf wbom it may con cern, on Wedliesilaj, Xin ember 7tli, at 10 o'clock a. 111., at liio Aibitration ltooni in the Court Uoiivo in the city of Scranton, l'enm,iiwitiia, one bundled and ten 'li.ueb of piefcired stick and one hunched and ten Hhares of common fetock of the Siianlnn Dairy IJouipani. Temw of nalc, cash. m:u.i:s & TOltUf.1. ROOMS WANTED. yAir.o-zORsirnmTmoM'i. von light liousckvepiim; centrally located. Ail dress, J. W., iIliann building, City. ROOMS AND BOARD. TWO ltOOM, nIX'ONU f 1.0011, .it 110 Ail. una aw line. WITH ROAKU LEGAL. IN nil: INCOltl'OHATION OF TI1K GlIHMAV. American lub. In (he Coiut of Common 1' of I.ack'iwaniia County, No. 520, Novem ber Teim, HUH). Notice is hereby a.len that an application will be made 10 the Com I of Common t'leas of Laik aununa county, 01 :i .dw Judge theieof, on til lllth day ot Noembei, at !l o'clock a. m., un der tlie Ait of Assembly of the Cumtunnucalfh of t'eniisyUaiilj, entitled' "An Act to pioiidc for the iucoipomtlon and reitulitlon of certain cot point ions," appioicsl tin- twenl.v-nliiHi day of April, Anno Domini, ls74, end the Mippleiiients thereto, for the chailer of an intended coipoia-. tion to lie called "The Cennan-Aineiican ( lub," the chaiaclef and object of which is llu- main tenance nf a club for the hoclal rnjn.i merit of Its neinbeis, and for this puiposo to hae, poisew and enjoy all the rights, beiiellts and prh lieges of the. said Act of Assembly and Us supplements. 'Ih pioposed charter is now on tile in the Pro thonotury's olllce of the salil coiut. .JOHN Q. McASKIE, Solicitor. gieat labor battle was fought at the- very time that wo predicted it 'inuld be! An annual ellipse of tlie sun will occur on the 21st int, 'ibis eclipse will be confined to the South seas, South Africa and Nnith Australia; .let wo will feel its nietcoiologitnl eflects in Noith America. Thcie are new Min-spots forming oer the iin, which will ciuue strange electrical storms and unusually biilliant "Noilhein Lights"; also destructive coast and gulf storm. sailors take wamingl TIIK STORMS AND SlfiXS. A legular storm period will be due between the 1st and 10th, and will be greatly Influenced by the planet Vulcan, and Mercury, the "sleet god," and may cause destructiie storms on tlie Cleat Lakes and upon the seas. Another tegu lar stoim period will be due between the 15th and 20lh; and the last stoun pciiod will occur between tin- 2.11 li and 30th. The leactionary btflim periods will ociur between the lot 1 1 and 15lh, and tlie 20 Hi and 23th. sallora on the (treat Lakes and on the seas watch nut for huiiicanes and tidal waves. Karlliquakrs will be liable Io occur both In Amnion and In tlie Old Countiy. A new nfriictlon may cieep In upon the Old Cuuntiy dining her eticmeiy lon-cbb period tills month. Watth out fo,r a ineteoilc shower; bud do not become frightened If .van boar some large meteors parsing tluough tli- air with a whizzing sound, as wo lime reasons to belieie that several will fall on earth and woe be to the spot where they land! The new sun-spots forming on Ihe sun may eaiiio stiange fienks to appear in tlie storm exhi bitions dining the (iiiieut month. WAHNINli WO II OS. farly last spring It will be lemenibereci we piedlited of tlie louilng of several now fauns of vegetable mlscrohes; and ill July last we gather specimen of all kinds of grain, and in the wheat wo found 11 specie of tlio "blood-tap-pel" microbe, and after haUhlng out sonic of them by aitlllcial means and feeding them 011 the whole grains of wheat, vie weie HilonMiol to find, after about ten (l.ijs waiting, that they had eaten tlie vuy heart nut of the wheat ker nels, and left nothing hut the outside shells, If this is their mission, and we have leaimiis to believe that It Is, then theie Is Just cause for great alarm, a they multiply veiy rapidly and in a few jears would consume the whole wheat product, Kvny farmer and grain dealer fliould make an immediate inspection of their grain now in sloik, and leport tlio matter at once to (is. or to the statu boaid of ugtlculture, 'Ihe unequal distribution of Ihe sun's lays caused by the immense sun-spots during tlie past K nonius win cause uu epidemic 01 me I. a (jiippc monia to spiead over the Old Country and over Aineiica. Tlie jellow fever will uUu cauio muili aim in I Kvery piccautiou should be taken tn lamp out - epidemics of typhoid, scarlet and malarial levers mat will spilug up lu inauy localllles. VAM'AIII.K IXIOIIMATION. Tlie best da.vs for fl-dilng iluilng the curient month will he Ihe 2nd, .frd, 5th, 7lh, IO1I1, 20th, 2IU, 26th uiiel .10th; unci tlie uct best ddys will ha the Dili, fth ami lth. Always bleed the Hill as soon as taught, The best dais for limiting will he tlie 1st, 3rd, Cth, 7lh, nth, fJlh, Slit and 20th. All kinds of game should be well hied at soon as caught; game killed without bleeding is not tit for a dog to eat. Remember tlie sacred command, "Thou shalt not eat the blood." The best days to pick late fruit will be tho 1st, Did, 5th, 7th, lOtli, 20th, 23ti), 20.1 and 30th. All fruits gathcicil or meats killed between the Villi and litli will not keep sound and pure. The best dajs to perforin surgical operations will be the 2nd, Ith, 7th, 10th, 20th, 2tith and suth; ami the next best days will be the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, Sth, Uth,. 21st, 23rd and 2Uth. for a full report of all such Informa tion send 10 rents to Professor O. Coles, Kings ton, Pa., and get a copy ol hl Storms and 8lfjns. Professor O. Cole, Wltor. Kingston, i'a., u. s. A., Oct. 15th, 1900. ( MONEY TO LOAN. UONCV TO f.OV.V. It MTKNDKlta, ney, 307 Connell lliilhllnir. AlTOIt. MOXKV '10 LOAX-STHAtnilT once. Curry, Connell hulldlng. LOANS AT ANY AMOUNT Of MONT.V.tO f.OA.V. QUICK, . ttralrcht loam or Uiilhlins anil Loan, At from i to C per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 314-315 Connell hullillnir. DRESSMAKING. DltfRSMAKINO foil CIIII.DltKN TO oniMHf, also ladles' waists. Louise Blioemaker, 212 Adams aevnue. CITY SCAVENGER a. n. union!! h.i:axs ritivv vaults axi leal pool"', no odor, iuipioicd pimin ucil. A. tt. IlltlOOS. I'roprlrtor. beaio orders ll'XJ North .Main avenue, or Klcke'a drug etoro, tor lur Adams and Mulberry. Telephone tljlii. SITUATIONS WANTED DitfSSMAKI'.lt WANTS WO UK UY Till'. I)A. Iletiiodellin; u specially; ali children's gun in. Addre-w ileiitile. Tribune uflicc. SITl'ATION WAXTi:i)-IlY A Olllf., TO TAIJI! tare of ihildreii 01 do light luul-i"i orl, , m wash dishes 01 work lu xinall stoic. Call 01 ail dieiH 1117 Kerdlnanil nlrret, SITUATION WA.Ti:i TO (IO Ot'T II Y '1111 day. K. J A., II'J'I W.uhlnijlon iiienue KITUATIO.V WA.NTIIII lY A YOUNO WOMAN', to do washing nnd lionliii;, 01 v.oih by the clay. Mis. J. T., 0U fcidluiiiid sticel. Sl'JTATIO.V WANTKD-tlY A ItllSl'KCI'Alll.i: I'oloii'il trlil as cook or ili.iinbciiuald. Apply 401 .New btrift. - . . SITUATION WAXrai-IlY A CAI'AIU.I mm. lor cooking or litiiiiewoik; e its- let- en me; call ill :U0 Xoilli ll.ule I'.nk avenue. SITUATION VAXTi:D-llY OCNO MAN AS olllce elcik. has hie 0,11s' espeiii'iiee in the biiliding buine--s; can do bookkeeping. Address, J ). v Tiibune office. srrt'ATiox VANTi:i)-nv -MAN AS olliie elcik; has lull tile .eeuis e:.piiieuoe .n the building liulm"; ciin do bookkeeping. '!.. It. W.," Tiibune. wanti:d-hy a middm: aokii i.ady, rosr- tiou as housckecpi'i- lu a -null family; can glio good rcfeieme. Address lj'Ju Uulwer street, c ity. i)iti:.MAKi:ii ur.sntns work at iiomi: oh b.i tlie elaj , lilr-bcft lily rcfeicnccs anil llpt class woik'd. Addicss Modes, Trlli uue oftlce. sniATioN M'AXii:n-nv i:i)Ucati:o young lady as Olllce assistant; vciied in bookkeep ing, k'loil haiiil and t.vpcvviiling. Desires puni.. M'lit employ 1111 nl Willi sonic 1 citable p.uty. Ad dicss "Kxpeiienceil," .12.! huiiiiiei eve'uue, cil.v. li.Mllii: IIOUSi: WANTS OAl'AIII.i: MKN AND women to net .is geneial agent'-. '"'0 Jearly salary, epenes, ili.i coiiimlsslous, op- lorliiuilj'. Stalloid Puss Co., New Haven. Conn. SITUATION WANiCD BY A SIIOH SAMIS lady viitli cvpuience; can liunlsh the belt of lily icft'ieuec. wXddic-ss J.'spoiieuce, Tiiiitiiic ofllce. PROFESSIONA L. Csrtified Public Accountant. EDWARD C SPAUf.DINO, C. P. A., ers' Uank building. 21 TRAD- Architects. KDWARD II. DAVIS, building, til anion. Aitcmri:or, connxij. ntnDKRICK I,. DROWN, ARCIHTKCT, PlilCR huiloing, 120 Washington avenue, Scianton, Cabs and Carriages. RCUnilR TIRKP CARS AND OARRIAOnS; RUST of service Prompt attention given orders, by 'phone. 'Phones 2G72 und 5132. Joseph Kelley. 1U Linden. Dentists. DR. C. K. i:iI.ENUKRai:it, PAULI UUIl.DING', Snruic sheet, Scrantun. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE HOS. pitai, cornii Wyoming and Mulbeny. DR. C. C. LAUUACII, 115 WYOMINO AVENUK. Ut. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THU ELK CAFR, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVf nue. Rates icasouablc. P. ZCIOLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. k W. PAS scnger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Lawyers. J. W. DROWNING, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL, ior-at-law. Rooms 312 313 Mcais building, D. R. REPLOCILC. A1TORNEY-I.OANS NEOO Mated on leal estate neiurity. .Meuis building coiner Washington aveniu and Spiucc sheet,' WILUuTd. WARREN .t KNAPP, ATTORNEYS' ami couiisellois-at-law. Republican buildiiiu-. Washington avenue. JKSSHP i Jf.SSUP, ATTOIIXnyS AND counI selloia-at-law. Conimoiiwealtli building, Rounu 10, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKr'OltO. AITORNEV-AT-LA Rooms B14, 015 and OKI Hoard of Tiade buiM. ing. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. ROOM W3-U0I, Olli floor, Mcara building, L. A. WATRf-S. ATTORNnY-AT-LAW, ROARJi of Trade building, Scianton, P.i. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNRV.AT-LAW, HOARD ol Trade building, bcianton, I'a, PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL llauk building. C, COMEGVS, 0-13 RKPUIILIOAN RUILDINO. A. W, HERTHOLf, ATTORNEY, JIEARS 111,1)0 Physlclnns and Surgeons, DR. W. cr7LI.f.N, 511 NORTH WASIHjTgIOs; avenue. Ult. S. W. l.'AMOHEAI'X, OI'fK'E .'.S'l WASH, ingtnn avenue. Residence, 1313 Mulbcirv. Chronic- diseaiej, lungs, heart, I Idneys and genltU'iiiinary oigaus a specially. Hours, I la 4 p. m. Schools. SCHOOL "of" fill: LACIvAWANNaT tsCltAxToNJ Pa, Couise prepaiatory to lolle.'e. law, medi rlno or b Opens Sept, 12th. Semi for catalogue. Rev, Thomas M Cairn, I.L. I)., prlu, cipal and pioiiietur; W, I.'. Plumley, A, M,, ln-adiuaster, Seeds. O. R. CLARK &l"0.. SEEDSMEN AND M'TtsT criiiun, store iOi Washington utemie; gneii houses, Vl'iO North Main svenuej store tele phone, "ii. Wive Screens, JOSEPH KUE'lTEL, REAR 011 LCKA WANNA avenue, Scranton, li., manufaituier of Wiro ' buecns. Miscelluneons. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIO KOR UAI.1.S, picnics, partiw leceptions, weddings and con cert work furnished, for terms address R. J, llaucr, conductor, 117 Wjomlng avenusj, oei llulbcrt's music stole. MKOAR0EE UHOS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN. vclones, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, Ui Washliigtou avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE , PENNSrLVANIA RAILR0A1 Schedule in Effect May B7, 1B00. Trains leave Scranton, D. ft. WL Stntlont 6.45 n. 111., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg', Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for JPltti burg and the West. 0.38 n. m., week days, for Hasletek, Pottsville, Reading Norrltrtown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Bun bury Harrlsburg, PhllacUlphla, TJaltlmore.Washlngton and Pitta burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., weok days, (Sunday 1.08 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Harrla burg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washington ond Pittsburg and the West. For Hnzleton, Potts- vnio, Mending, &c. weeK days. 4,27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hnzleton, Pottsville, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. .f. It. WOOD. Oen. l'as. Airt. J. II. HUTCHINSON, flcn. Mgr. Delaware, Lackawrinna and Western. In Elicit June 10, 1000. Soul h Leave Scianton for New York it l.S, -H), 0.J0, 8.00 anil 10.01 a. tn., l'ABS, 3.'!.1 anil ?.V-''- "' for Phllailelplila at 0.40, 8.00 and JO.".' 11. in.; IL',85 anil :i.!U p. in. for Slrouda. Iiuib ut il.lo p. in. Milk ami accommodation at ...III p. 1,1. Arrive at lloliokeu at 11.65. 7.18, '"l-l a, ni.: 12.W. 2. II, 41S 7.10 and 0.4:) p. m. Arrlie al Pliilnilelphhi nt 10.00 a. in.: 1.00, 3.S. ".'HI ami .!!L p. ,, Arr10 (,om n,w Vork .! 1M. u i,n,l n,.-..0 , m.s 1.00, 1.S2, f..43, H.4S niijl 1 1 ..TO p. m. t-'iom Htroiulshiuir at ?.0 a. m. Ajtrih l.eiio .Sri anion for nullatn nnd Inter inrdi.iti. stations nl J.10, 4.10 and 8.30 a. m.J ', 11,1,1 jti!H p n)i i,-or Osweso and Sjja nsr. nt lI0 ,, , .1( , .. p , Kor m(M c J-'O a. rn. anil 1,51 p. m. for Montiosc at R30 a. m.: 1.05 p. ,, ,! p. in. Tor Xkhol on at 1,00 am ,, )n f.or in(!i,mt. 10.55 .11 ' "' rrlr In Scranton ftoin llnflalo ' I -10, 2.C.-,, r,.V, nnd 10.00 n. m.i n.M and 8.00 10 "o Vam Owcko and Srjcue at 2.55 a. m.J i-mS nni s.fio p. in. i-rnm Cflc.-i al 2.3IS 11. m.i J--s ami :i.;;o p, ,. -rnm xtctuil-wn at tl..W a. in and 11 00 p. ,. .'roIn Monlroso at 7.55 Hid hi '' '."! !'-20 "i'l 8-00 p. m. niooinsliurpr DMsloii l.eaic Scranton for "ojlliiimbcilonil al o.4.-, 10.n:. a. in.: 1..V1 and o.noji. ,, ror Plni0n, nt 1.01. 3.10, 8.5.1 and 11..... p. ni. Cor Xanticoke at 8.10 a. in. Airivc ntNoitluiniheil ii,, at n.:H a. m.i 1.10, 5.00 and :"". r- "I. ArrlM- .it anl rolce at 11.10 a. m. 'im.. at Ph month at 2.110 4..12. 0.5(1 p. in. and . - -. .... yiiuie ill r-criimoii iroue .simiiiiih, beilaiiil nt B.I2 n. in.; 12.31, 4.50 and 8.41 p. - From Xanticoke at 11.00 a. m. from 1 lymotilh nf 7,50 , ,., .W, .1.35 and 11.10 l SI'VDAY IRVINS. S011II1- Le.ivp Scianton 1 40, 3.00, 5.40, 10.01 . m.: :t.:a, 3.40 and f-'.io p. :n. North Leave S'nanton at 1.10, 4,10 a. tn.; 1.5 1. 5. IS nnd 11.35 p. m. Illnnm1iini; Division Leave Scranton at 10.0S a. m. and 0.50 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In Eilcct Oct. 21, 1000. Tialns for Caibondale leave Scianton al 8.20, 1.5!. S.fll, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00, 1.21. 2.2(1, 3.52, 8.2S, 0.2 J. 7.57. (1.11. 11.15 p. m.: 1.10 n. tn. lore lloiiesdale 0.20, 10.1:1 a. m.; 2,28 and 5.2.1 p. 111. Tor Wlikes-nane 0.4.1. 7.4S. 8.43, 9.38, 10.43 . m.; 12.03, 1.2S, 2.1S, 3.31, 4.27, 6.10, 7.48, 10.41. 11.30 p. m. For I;. V. R. R. points-0.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 anil 11,30 p. in. for PctiiHilvnuli R. R. points-6.45, 0.38 a. m. : 2.1S and 4.27 p. 111. for Albany and all points north 8.20 a. in. and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale 9 00, 11.31 a. in.; 2.2a, 8.52, 5.17, 10 52 p. in. For Wilkrs-Harre 9.."S a. in.; 12.03, 1.38, 3,28. 0.27, S.27 p. m. .oy ' For Albany and points north 3..12 p. m. I or Honcsdale 9.00 a. m. and 3.52 p. in. Lowest rates to all points in United State anil t.anada. J. W. IICRDICK. Ol P. A.. Albany, N. Y. II. W. CROSS, D. P. A., Scranton. P. u.eei n. . ..,."....'..:.' , -.. .,. Iiehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect May 27, 1000. Trains Leave Scranton. for Philadelphia and New York via D, k II. R. II.. at 0.41 a. m. ond 12.03. 2.18. 4.27 fRIack Diamond Evpiess), nnd 11.30 p. 111. Sundays, D, k II. It. R 1.5S. 7. IS p. m. for White Haven, Hnzleton and principal points In the coal regions, via D. k II. It. R., 11.41. 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. For Pottsville,, 2.18 p. m. For Bethlehem, Eastern, Reading, Harrlsburg and principal inleimcdiate stations via 1). k If. it. R 0.45 a. m.; 12.0.1, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Expicss), 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. k H. It. It., 1.0b. 7.4S p. m. for Tunkhannoc k, Towanda, Elmira, Ithaca, C'cnVva nml intermediate stations, via 1)., L. & W. It. II., S.18 a. m.; l.Oj and 3.35 p. m. ror Geneva, Rochester, RutTalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, and nil points west, via D. k II. R. R., 12.0), 3.3.1 (Rhck Diamond Express), 7.1S. 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sundajs, II. k II. R. R 12.03 p. in.: 7.4S p. in. Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley pallor cais on all trains between Witkes-Barre nnd New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Bus pel sinn Bridge. ROLI.I.V II. WILBUR, fieri. Supt., 26 Cortland strict, New Yoik, CHARLES S. LEE. Ceil. Pass. Agt., '.'0 Cortlard stri'ot. New Yoik. A. W. S'ONNEMACHER. Div. Pass. Ast., South Bethlehem, Pa For tickets nnd Pullman rcscnatloiis apply to 300 Lack.ivv.umii avenue, Scranton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations In New York-Foot of Liberty utrest, N. K.. and South IViry. Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFECT MAY 2'). lutM. Trains leave Scranton for New Vork, Newark, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, Easlon, Bethlehem, A IcnlDwn, Mini'1! Chunk and Wli'te Iliven, at R.?0 a. m.; evpres, 1.20; cxpicss, 1.00 p. m. Sun elavs, 2.11 p. m. For Plttslon ami Wilkes-Banc, 8.30 a. m.i 1.S0 anil I.'' p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. ni. For llaltlnmir- and Washington, and point Smith and West via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. m., 1.20 p. 111. Sundays, 2.15 p. ill, for Long Hunch, Ocean Giove, elc, at 8.3(1 a. m. mill 1.20 P. in. For Kcaillmr, Lebanon and Ilarrlsbiug, via 41. liiilovvn, S..tU n. in, and 1.20 p. in. Sundaya, 2.15 p. m. For l'uttilHe, S.llt i. m., 1.20 p. in, 'llirough ticlets to all points cast, south and west at lowist rate at tlie station, .1. II. 0111.11 VUSEN. Oen. Supt. 11. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pa. Agt. New York, Ontario and Western R.R, 1!:ii: TABLE IN F.rrECT SUNDAY, JUNK 24, Nmlh Round Tialn. l.civc I.e.ivo Scran- Carbon. Anlve, Tialns. ln"- ,la,e- ,Cadola, .Ul 10.10 a, 111. 11.20 a. m. 1,05 p, in, ."at 3.11 p. in. 4.31p.m. 5.45 ni, Sq7 fl Ol p. ni.Airlvo Carbondale, 8.40 pi in. South Bound Train. Lea vi! Leave Cadosla. Carbondale, Scranton. 7.40 a, m, 10.1,1 a,,m, 4.20 p,,i, 202 201 2UH 7.00 a, m, , S, ton. in. 10.02a. m, , 2,0' l. m- 3-"l P- in, SUNDAYS ONLY. North Hound, Leave I.cayo Scran- Caibon- ton. dale, nnr .. 8.30 a. in. 0.10 a. in. Arrive. Cadosla. 10.45 a, m. 201 ...... "0I) P- 'ii. Arrive Carbondale, 7,45 p, m, nuuiie I.UUUW. Leave Leave Cadosla, Carbondale, Scranton. .)( 7.00 a. m, 7.40 a. m, "0 .,,,.. 4.30 p. in. 5 54 p. ni. 8.34 p. In. " Train No. 201 makes connection (or points North and South on Main Line, at Cadosli. Trains Nos. 201 ami 2.01 make Main Lint col lections on Sunday, For further information, consult ticket agents. ,T. (I. ANDERSON, (leu. Pass. Agt,, New Vork. J, E. WELSH, Tiaicllng Passenger Agent, Sera. ton. Erie and Wyoming Valley, Times Table In Effect Sept, 17, 1800. Tialns for Hawley and local point, connect ing at llawlcv witli Eiio lallioad for New York, Nenbiugli ad Intermedial points, leave Scran ton at 7,01 a. ni. and 2.21 p, in. Tialns apivc at Scranton at 10.30 a. rn. an4 P.10 p. m. NEWSPAPERS THE WH.lvFS-llARRE RECORD OAK BE HA jn Scianton at the news stands of Relsraaa Bios., 40.1 Spiucc and 003 Linden; M. Norton. K22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutiar, 211 Sprue o street. , llianipocliig-, 6fic, !'- faacial nt man l - miPJUaT Ing, '23c. ; clilTopody.- 701ulnc' W" i -. ' Ml 'J il ( . Wi ' "ll 'II 1
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