y ' , i ,--A,i ,-Vi.vlB?lprtrm,'-t' , i - r . ' , ' ' T 'Si" ., 6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1000. i.i Iftl ! -f WEST SCRANTON URGENT APPEAL TO THE VOTERS .WEST SIDE CENTKAL BEPUBL1 CAN CLUB'S OPEN LETTER. Party Loyalty nnd Republican Prin ciples Must Bo Adhered to in Order to Be Successful at the Coming Election Strong Sentiments of Consistent Party Workers Young Woman's Christian Association Work Special Revival Services. Meetings Hold by Democrats. At the regular 'meeting ot Hip West Side Central Iti'iiulilli'im club lielil liil evening, tlie full owing; nppeal to ill's volcrs ol "Went Sji'iutitim was tmiitil- nioiiHly ailuiitcil nnd rinlciTil circulated tluoiiKh tliu nowHpupcrs and the mallH: At .i ron'iil Hinting nf the Writ Side ( cntrnl Hi publican cliili, following tin- iiii.iulimim ndop t !-tl nf Miong Usolutlolls for l.ltt, lu.lully, tills coiniullteo was appointed to present Hie matter plainly .mil filrli tu the lteiiilH ntii nf the We.sl Mile. olictliciuo t (In1 eMues-ril will of Hi'1 mnjoil tv Is tliu lied luck iipiui wlili li ic. N tin- ii'iiiilly nf nil inn- Amrili.in lmtlluliiii.s. 1'rotu t Itl-i. In .1 flop gnu-miiicul like nut;!. Ilieic can be iif nppiMl oscrpt to rcwiliilhui. Ho jou realize tlil-V Mippo-o inn .up a minilier nf .1 soiicty emu pond nf unr Ininilitil iiiomhcis rind .-it the flu. t fi.ri of olliitis imp cltiiliiltti lcieilos J t y lolir, tin' ntlii'i' foit.i. If Hip hup rrcclilng forty lotcs refu-es lu iccognlri' tin eprts-il will i'f Hie lu.ijorlt lie cm .ippc.il unly tu rendition nml lliinliy will dcstioy the society'. Mould )nu mi tliU w,i light V N"o. Vim would s.iy It Is :i mlp nr mill polio ami should rritivp nil iicntu.igcmi til. tllit-ti.itious of this principle rmilil In' multiplied, lint with one IHITP wp will lone it. At tin' fiilpi.il t let. t ion in .Voienilior, lsiiO, .1 iii.ijniit.v fanned Alii.ih.itn l.itKiiln .mil liis pirly ptimipli". 'Hip inliiuiily lefti-cd tn .upppt tlip opionl will nf the tntjoiit.i nml illil Ihp only ntlu'f thing po-Mii!p. Tlip niiiioilt.i tplipllul .iml plunged us into .t ciiil liar, tlip cimcipii ui is uf Willi h i.iti noicr In- foigoltiu. At (lip caucus l.it .limp oiciy Uppiilillp.in n'pii.inl in Lackawanna intinly had n fiir cli.uirp In nlil.iiii .i pl.ni' on hi.s pnly liil.rl by nhlalning :i pliir.illt.i nf lotis It win luci liable lli.it one or iiinip inii-t Pp. 1 i . 1 1 1 1 ' i i 1 1 1 1 , Iml in niip tan question (lip fairness nf a nomination nt.iilp under Hip Ci.iufi.nl eomili si-trm. ur prp-pnt tiil.il in i. not lip jn,t i nun r.iih nf in would iiiilulilu.illy wi-li, lull it is Hie liil.i-l nf tliu t.iiily i'ptp.-cil will nf Ihc Iti'pulilii'.lll p.ilti nf Hip inunll. 'I hit i- miiiip tlmu' inlitlpil tn nun.' w.-iulil Hi, in .mi Itnli iilu.il wi'i in iipiiiinii nml i' Miliuiit kliniilil, nnd dm-, i, ill fni ihp upHi. .mil lnj.il nllc Ki.itiip nf en i.i .it. i w'h'i U nlLnhdl In (In. piini iplc-. uf Kcii:lili(.iiii-ni .mil (lie in-.liliill.nis uf uur (niititi.i. He hip iipi'p.ilini,' In mu lm piili liiy.iltv mil for HtQililii.iii piini i.l -.. It inn bolide tint Geta Good Knough Cough remedy. Dufour's French Tir is what you need. al llih irlls In tlir liUliry of our country IioiiW Ii.hp a lt(piil)llp.in prolilpnt. rrinciiilipr It Is iuit ni liiipurlitlit Hint wc lino the nntoit of Krinilillcnti i onei i "Mntn In tin lioitm1. Wc nlj Jniir u.itnllil intnliliriilloii nf tlipse limllirs, rxprt Lilly wlidi, ni ill iMnt. n f.ilrly iltfp.itpil cjinlldjli fur Hip ciiiiitic'liiiul nsinlim Hun li usklni for jnur miIp. An- on I'dJctcr In the rnlo or lulu p.illpy nr tire oi n trtio ninl iuiidlriit Aiiicrliitu who lipllcr.4 In llio jjprpdtiPM nf Hip i.prpiPil wltl ot the ln.ijnilty? If It lint not .itirady iHPinrril. f iipprilipinl cr.ifly plforU-wlll ! mndp tn li.il.n n'f ,l'1-" kI.iiico In uur I'oiitily nml lpltiillp nindlil.itp. Wp Lii'iipHily iriiiliid jou Unit nil wp lu' dil npiiIlM wllh lull furip tu llictii. 'liny nrp our piiity M.nulniillieiKM in our louiily nnd 111 mi tinny ilep U fur Hi pfrrrtliuiP" upon Hip '! oih coipi nml rptfliuiiit uf which It li iom n)pil, so It N with our p.uly. Wo iniil l.irp up our dltilit nnd pnutily or Bililatloii. TI1I11 wc ciiiiint tin If wp inluiitntlly Miiiptnlpr tlie lionois nml (inoluiiipliti nf our I0111I ulliipi lo (lm Kpiiinciiipy. This U a llcpnlilkiin lounty nnd liy pnty (pally wo on easily ploit our uliolp tlil.rt. Therpforp, wo r.iinoitly iukp .mu to (to to Hip polls on Hip shlh d.11 nf N'mi'iiilicr nnd 1L1 nur duty as a (niillcnl Hi pulillian. Vole Hip Mr.i'lKlil litl.pl hy pl.uinn oitp itiwi in Hie iliolc at Hip ln.nl nf Hip llipulilli.iii minimi. Yihus fnr the micip'W of the entire HiLet. The Wot hldp t'pulr.il llpiulilluti t'luli. liy firlf. T. ILuls, flinrlis 1 1. Oiler, Ch.irloj It. A(.Kir Coiutultlpp. Y. W. C. A". Work for Girls. Tho West Scran ton brcanch nr tlic YouiiR Women's Clirlsllan association has i.sMtiud 'it clrcul.ir ilullnltiB tho ad vantages of their inlucatlonal classes and nivltliifr yotiuir Klrls to Join In the win-k. 'I'hc as-ioclatlon Is not ex clusively fop working girls, although It Includes many nf tliam. Jt Is not it club of society young women, hut It includes them; It Is a hand of younp; women each working for the development of their s-ex alotif? Christian lines. The educational, physical ami social advantages aro also inii'ortanl factory lu the work. ClnsMsti aro arram;ed for nearly every afternoon and even 1 11? In tho week, and flopel services tiro held Sunday ufleruoons Mrs, Kochler will Instruct the pupils In German thN evenlnK, and to-morrow all orders for cakes will bo filled. Tea will he served In the rooms election night from 5 to S p. m. Special Revival Services. Special rcviwtl services will ho held In the Hummer Avenue Presbyterian church throughout r.eNl week. Th3 servicer will begin iauh ovenlns at T AT o'elo.-k. R--V. . i. Coiifjir. evan-geli1-'. will assist the pastor through out lh.- services. On Tiiesdtty evening Row Charles Rnbiiivon. D. 1.. will speak. Tho l.tistnr bus been having some Mieciut ijitfctingy preparatory to the: revival her icea and already nvuiy souK liavo professed faith in Christ. A deep spirited Interest exists iimoiiL tliu niumli 'iM nnd good results aie antii'htated. Tin.' public are cordi ally invited lo attend tho meetings. GENEBAL NEWS NOTES. Cities No. v.i. of tlio Wiislibuni street Presbyterian Sunday school will hold a social in tlie church this evening. The members of the Summer Ave ruu Presbyterian chinch will hold a Laces, Trininiings, Ribbons And Latest Fancy Neckwear For Women Who Follow the Fashions. Our Lace aud Trimming Department is at its very very best now. It fairly overflows with -novelties aud the newest tilings for the adornment of beautiful women. Lace Nets, Spauglcd and Jetted Nets, Gold Leaf Ap plique Trimmings, Russian Lace Applique, Fine Hem stitched Silks, iu black aud white, Gold Embroideries, etc, with narrow styles to match, Besides these favor ites we show everything iu dress trimmings that fash ion calls for, and leave no desirable materials out of our stock. Ladies' Smartest Neckwear Has grown to be such a fiU that it requ'res coustaut care and study to keep pace with the new creations and ideas that are constantly claiming attention. We save busy women the trouble of devoting precious time on this important matter bv watchiug out for their in terests at all times. New Velvet Collars in all shapes aud shades, Lace, Silk and Chiffon Ties, Ruches iu . , Chenille, Liberty Silk. Chiffon, etc. in black aud eveu- ". ing shades. And the Great Ribbon Department Offers inducements too numerous to mention. It is complete iu detail, economic, iu price aud so perfectly adjusted to the needs of the hour that if you know what you waut, and it is fashionable, you can find it here, Today aud tomorrow we make a special show iug of novelties in these two great departments, aud . . as au inducement to visitors, offer tor Saturday ouly r No, '40 Silk Taffeta Ribbons, hemstitched aud in all the shades for street or eveuing wear at 16 Cents a Yard. Globe Warehouse collage prayer nioclltig litis evening at tho homo 'of Raymond Freeh, Clar tlcld avenue. A Hallowe'en parly was hold Wed nesday evening at tho home of H. I), .Touch on North Hyde Park avenue, which watt attended hy a cotorlo of young people, who were plciifiaiitly entertained. Clarke IJror. have made arrange iiiintN lu receive the returns on elec tion night and will, display them from their show windows on North Main avrniic. Mha Mary Johns, of Sotilh Main avenue, stepped on a rusty null Wed nesday and mirrored from the Injury vciy nuieli. The Ladle' Foreign Missionary fo cloty of tho Simpson M. 11. church will meet thin evening at the tho home of Mrs. r. a. JX'Ptiy, 521 North lduuoln avenue. Thu Young People's Dancing class will resume their social kosfIoiim In Mcnrs' halt this uV"nlng. The Mt. Pleasant union of tho United Mine Worker) of America, b"ld a meeting In I'o-opcratlvp hall last ev nltig nnd transacted tegular business. St. Patrick's Ladles' society mot In St. Leo's -ootns l,.it evening and en joyed a social session. A cake and coffee stppfci' will ho f-cived In the Silvatlon Army bar racks on Pierce street at S o'clock this evening. Misses Margaret and Nellie Muiph.v, of Jackson street, entertained fiends at their home Wednesday evening. V number pf young people from tho First Welsh Congregational church gathered AVednesday evening at the homo of their pastor, Rev. Uitvltl Jones, to celebrate Hallowe'en. A very enjoyable evening was spent. The Democrats of the Sixth, Klghth, Flftcnth and Fifth wards, held meet ings Inst owning and listened to nd dresses by Attorney William Shcan, John P. Quhman. John J. Murphy and Candidate T. 1). Hayes. The meetings were held In fiolden's and Flanagan's halls. The tuneral of Charles J. Morgan of 102S Pine street who died Wednesday evening will take place this nfternoon at 3 o'clock. Services at the house at 'J:r.O. Interment in AVushburn street cemetery. NORTH SCRANTON. M.iltheiv Connolly, of LcRKitt sticcl, this end, anil Mi-H Lonii-o Ilcir, of Asliloy, worn miirioil Woi1iiomI.iv oicnitig at 8 n'lloik in tliolr new lionic on Tin oop i.tieet by Itev. (I. A. One. The inoiiH were neatly funiiflieil anil in li.ippy a group of nieiry-niokeii sh out (t.itlicrtil at a luililiiijr iieie on li.inil tn honor tlie occasion. Mr. Connolly ii mil known ill .Vnrlli Svunton .11 .111 inilustrioiis nml telialilo jounu nun nml, willi Iih aiuuiiplWiiil jminsr wife, will be hi.nt Hi welciiiiieil iu tliii 101 lion of tlic city. Mi. William Scott, the iiokio-i lei turcr, ad-ilu-.-cil .1 laige .iiulieme in tlic Vmtli Main Aie line Iliptist ilnirch List cieiilng. Mrs. SloU Fp.il.c in a forcible ni.niner. in.ikiiiK her e.splan .ilimis Miy dcir. Hoi Mibjccl was 'Women'-) Ml-Mi.iuri Suiielii-." M. Scott U u n-y lin'itht M0111.111 .iml iloeiirs lunch crulit fur the K.101I wolk she i iloiiiR fur Ihc people of tlie SI'lllll. 'Ihc l..nlies Aiil widely of Hie l'rniiileiiie Melliinli-t Cpivopjl 1I11111I1 -lill Imhl n New KiikI.iiuI mppci in Ihc ininili p.nloi.-. Thuiuliy cuniiiK, Noi '.1. The l.i.Jics Mf well known tor the iMcllcnt Mippcr-. tlici n'lie, mi be Hire .iml ilon't liii- thi-. one. All union iniploics of the Von Mun.li mine, knmiii .is Ihc Itiici Mope niiiic. arc iiiinstiil to mei'tiiiR iu O'iUIIcj'a hall hituuliy niglit .it 7 (.Mm I.. 'Ihc Ol.iuipia 1 liib will omliu t theii annual 5ud.1l iu Uic Ainlitoiiiini, u. "it. Mi-, (hold Minul,, of Kiliu .neinie, ii cnler t.ilning MUs Xillic Hailcy, of t.'.iihonil.ilc. Mrs. Ilnnn.ili .Miller, of West M.ukil sticct, is iiititi! friends in StiouiMniii.'. Mr. and Mi-. Paliick (.'onnolli, of l'.iiker street, .tie rcjoiuni; oer tlie aiiiul of a Jouug diuehtir. Mr. and Mrs. Aiuhew SlitlTcr, of nileiille, line the Bile-Is of their claiiitlilor, Mr. Ilaltie Mead, of Parker street, for tlic past few djys. Albeit White, of Miort aientie, was analKiied before Milerman Mjers jc.itcrday on a lery Mri ii'ii iluigp pictured by John Jones of Miort .1.1 mu'. .mil 11.1s lichl in ball. Al tlie home of Miss Jennie Jenkins, on O.ik (.licet, l.it cloning, .1 party was Rlien anil flash-light-, neiu taken. Those who line present were: ( a-iic Jenkins, Anna Mulgan, Mary Watkins, M1II1 Williams, Cassle. i:nii-, Uell.i. Macdiniils, Jennie JenUln, lalitli Men, Janet Thomas, Ketuiah P.nl.-, lleitba Tliomis, Mlhlieil Ueese, Del l.i Mllln; Ibctoi D.iiii, David Watkins, James Willi im-, Will llaiun, Iticliunl Slnrplcss, Will Hauls. Il.it Thomas, Hauy Lewis, Thomas William. Ilowaiil Kians, Will l'airy, Alfred llobeits, Cieotge ltee-e, Uintel Jcnkim. GREEN RIDGE. The dlcon Itidgc I1ul1lslli.ll school will begin 011 Satiuday net at 2.CU p. 111. at tlie. Oieen ltulRC llhiary. 'I he t:.ra Hippie Republican club will meet In their looms on Cum Ithlgc tlicel at T.H0 (his culling. A lull altimlaiiit! is leipiesttd, as bu-ir.ess of iinporlaiiie U 10 bo transictcd. Mr. and Jb-. C. 11. Tobey, of Capuiise aieiiue, intitlalned their filemU with .1 iciy pleasant Halloiie'iii party on Wcdne-ilny ciening. Among tho-c pic-cnt line: Ml. and Mis. A. liis, Mi, and Mm. C. II. Miminahir, Mr. and Mis. i:. Mar.-h, Mr. and Mis. Ilallsle.ul, Mi. and Mis, llaiincll, Mr. and Mt.s. A. Hunt, Mrs. Teal and Mr. llcrbi-it Tobey, of Mollis, X, Y. Ileibeil Tobe.i, ot Mouls, ,N, V is tlie gueat of his luulhei, r. i:. Tubcy, or I .ipuiisc incline. 'lliu (iii'in Hhlge Wheelmen will leciiie clic tloii ritiuiis at tlie tlub hoii.e 011 Cieeu ltidge slicet, 'liiesila.i on niii?, .Nm. H. Miss Viilaud Ktlliiui, of I'll,.' (ouut.i, is the gix.st of Miss ll.it tic Jackson, ot capuiisc aieuiic, Mr. and Ml-. P. 11. C.nell, of (iiccn llidge slicet, gne 11 Mij delightful "I'luuioni party," with li was gicilly mjojiil by a uuinbw ot their fliuids, 011 Uilliiwc'en nlslil. DUNMORE. IScv. It. M. Ouin, 1). U., c,f I'lieouKiillc, I'a., will biglu .1 sciies of cpeclal 1c1i1.1l liucllnss licit Moinlay iilht III Ihc lludley hticit Hap. liot chinch. The M-iilees will begin al S nMocI; nml 1011II1111D niglilly. Tho p.islni, llcv. J. I.. Kiiamei, will bait) iluiigc ot tho thu'lng and ulug a nolo cadi ten ice. All me wcluuue, The IKniouala of the boiougli held" a juuss met ling iu TeiiipeiatKC hall, on I'liisuuii stiect, last ciiiilng, Mldiael Muuay, a iiilii"!' cuiphocil 111 the No, 1 fchaft of the l'ciii!s)!.in!.i Coal louipiiiy, win hint by .1 fall of lock Wednesday 11101 iilntr, UU Injiiiics wtic found, upon ciainluallon, to he HVtie, but not miIoim. Iu was taken to liU homo on Kast llilnkir blieet, and is restln? quite cotnfurlalily. Today will liu obseived us All Souls' Hay ut the M. Mail's Catholli' thutt.li. -Mafcn will bo celcbralcd ut 0.'M anil S o'clock. 'U10 condition of Mi W. P. llurly, of Web. btcr .nciiiic, who has been lay skk, ii sonic. what iiiiiiriiicd. 'Ilin Sialic club will nit 1 1 .Mluida.i .ii'tenu-ou nt it ii'ilmtt ut the lenldcme nf Andrew Mjeilclt, 011 IIjiiUhi uieiiiie, MiiU'iliiteudent ot l.iizomc ( .unity lloppoi' ami wife, nf Poiranti'towii, ure gucU at tin homo ol Mr. and Ills. I', 11. SjihIci-s, llev, II. M. (.Ken, ). p., ol I'lioeiilwllle, I'a., will begin spciial toilial kcrvlcei m-t Monday culling, Nov, .'1, at b oMoilc, ut tho Dudley Sheet Hiptlst church. 'Ilieie seniles will ion tluue nightly aud l)r, tlieen illil preach. Tlic p.utor, Itcv, J, li, Kieainer, will haio cliaigu of Ihe tinging and will also sing a kjIo at tlicM' keriiies. A lonllal iuillutiou Is eilinilul to all t I1ri.-tl.11is to cuiue and In Ing their iiusaud (rleii'lj. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup Has been ucd lor oier Dr'TV VIHHS by illl.l.lO.Nb ol MOTHKHS lor their C'llll.URKV whim: TiiK'iiuxii. with rmtiKtr hutaa.it It SOOTIIKS the CHILD. SOrrr.NS tho (iUMS. VLI.AVS ull I'AIM I'UltKS WISH COJ.lc. ain Is the best imudy lor DIAltllllOPA. t-old by Piuggitl In fii'iy pait ol Ilia world. 114 mtu and ul. for "Miv. Wliuslow'i. Soothing fyruii." uud lake no other kluJ. TVcnty.dio cciilu u bottle. SOUTHSGRANTON LITERARY CLUB'S FIRST EXER OISES GIVEN LAST NIGHT. Tho Members of the St. Aloyslus So ciety Gave an Excellotit Pro gramme In Pharmacy Hall Hal lowe'en Party Given at the Homo of Miss Kato Myers Sad Mishap of a Spoctie Social Events Planned for Tonight Other News nnd Personal Notc3. The St. Aloyslus Idlertiry and De bating club, which was organized lust Thursday night, conducted their llrst literary exercises hist night In Phar macy hall, on Plttston avenue. Tho society, which has for Its aim higher mental culture and the development ot public speaking, Is composed of active nnd Intelligent young men, who dcslro to advance themselves In stud.v and prepare themselves for broader walks In life. Tjast night's piogramme evinced deep study and careful preparation, and also proved very luleicstlug. Thomas Needham gave a clear, con cise essay on tho "Jesuits tn America," and was followed by Hugh Coyne, who spoke of the "Life, Character and Writ ings of J. Fennlmoi'o Cooper" iu 1111 In teresting manner. Solos were rendered by Stephen Dug g.in and Daniel Uoyle, alter which Thomas Smith fully explained tho "Otlgln of Coal." A splendid essay on "Tho Life. Character and Works of General Lafayette," by John A. Ward, closed their first, though highly suc cessful literary exercises. Hallowe'en Party. Miss, Kate Myers, of Uecch street, very pleasantly entertained il throng of guests at a Hallowe'en party at her homo on Wednesday evening. Prior to the mystic midnight hour the time was spent enjoyably In listen ing to songs and piano solos, indulg ing in various games, bobbing for apples, roasting chestnuts, after which a dainty repast was served. As tho hour hand neared 1 o'clock, each miss, with a broom under her arm, took a position on the sidewalk and began sweeping, and the first gentleman who spoke to thai particular miss after that exorcise was supposed to marry her. Those present were Misses Frances Myer, Hannah Myers. Gertrude Sclut maii, Amelia Schunian, Kate FIncke, Mary AVirth, Gertrude Lcnkcnutcln. Gertrude Mulherin. and Messrs. David Thomas. P. J. Mulherin, TCmll Schmidt, John Lenkenslein, AVilllam Myers, Owen Myers. George Pfelffer and Charles Hornbakcr. A Spectre's Sad End. One member or a festive gang of South Scranton boys, which was giving a second night's celebration of Hal lowe'en last night, came to grief in a very funny manner. This particular Imp had a penchant for masquerading in a spectre tint fit, and used, as spectres aro generally supposed to do, a whito sheet wrapped around his body. This Happed- lu the night wind, and was suggestive of country graveyards. After a little pre liminary skirmishing with an irascible old fellow on Brick street, the hitter gave chase lo the gang, who all got away from him except our friend In the sheet, which had become wrapped around his legs and was hanuierlng every step he made. AVhen Cedar avenue was reached the spectre dfished across the street, which, owing to the pave being laid and the rain, was very muddy, and stepping on his Happing sheet, fell foremost in a largo puddle of mud and watiir. He got up slowly, looking very much like a mud turtle or a clayweel, while his pursuer sat on a nearby stoop and roared at the little fellow's discomfit ure. The latter slowly untangled the wet and dirty sheet fiom him and quickly disappeared. BRIEF NEWS NOTES. The I.o.i.ilty club of Ihe f-outli Siianion A'oung Women''. Ohiii-lian association will hold thilr regular monthly businc-s inciting lids owning In the assoiiatioii loom-i Tlie ilas in lltcrutuic and the wilting class held a lm y trvdnn l.it cienltr.'. Aii.iiigcmcnfs aie being nude by the Ladies' Aid loiioty of lie Cci'.ir Aieuiic Methodist chinch lor .1 tuikey dinner 'llianksgiilng day iu the chinch pallor-. Those .Illinois hcielofuie hue alwajs. drawn large ciowds and It is be coming an annual cieiit. The Soulli Mile bise lull team, one of the hailing amaleur b.isc bail oigaui.uious lu the ilt.l, all it a most Mine till mason, will hold a lull tonight iu WuikliigiiK'ii' hall, Aider htiiet. Tonight a l.ngo llipubliiaii mass miotlng 11 111 be held in Coicoi.111'1. lull, (Villi' aicnuc. d-ihes-c's will be ni'ide by the lion. William Cou nt II, Jla.mr Molr, lion. C 1'. O'Malley, 11. A. Zlmiiioimau, P. b. Loiighiau und Chatles 1.'. Olicr. Miss K.itc N.ihill, of luing amine, cmplojcd hi the S.iuquolt fill: mill, M-ieiely cut lie r left tutu icsliul.iy morning by baling It caught in 11 hook. Thu wound bled piotu,ely and Ihc lady was taken to Dr. Walth's otliic, whcic the In Jurlis iuic diessid. .Mi lliu Itoouey, of 0.17 Aid. 1 nticct. who had his light baud bully inanglid by a tall ui lock in .1 cUlein last Saturday, Is tlowly linpioilng, PERSONALITIES. J. A, Moom and family, loimcrly of Ulke,. llano, haw uiUen up their abode iu the i.K.int house of Kvan Jones, collier nf t'hciiy hlicit nnd Plltstou uicnuc. Ml., f.h.uks llakii, of 10i)7 Cedar avenue, is K'unly ill at her limne, tieoige liu km jn, of I'lit.tou aieuiic, who was icicntly engaged In woil. ut I'lillailelphla, has returned lumu, Mu. Joliu Tltelbeijj i ill at lici home, 1727 I'ittstou uitnue. OBITUARY, Itilliatd (iilllin, uu old and well l.nouii u-ildtiit ol Old I'oigo boiougli, illnl lat night, uitrr tev rial inonths' illness-, which began in a wvcie nihl. Mr. fiilflin wics a miner by occupalon, und U fciiiihnl by hit wile and the lollowlng ihlldiciii Maty A., Sadie, Dell ( und Mrs. Junes Cllpln, John, Thomas uud James. The ftinei ll will bo held at li.oil 11M01L touiorioiv uioiiiliig, llluh mass will be tung at M. I..1W rente's church nnd iulruniiil will be made in the Mlnooka cemetery. Mr. and Mi. Peter OVoniior, of MadUon .no nue, Duumoic, were called upon late Wcdnisday night tu mourn ilia deutb of Ihiir jouugcit daiightei', Tho liitlo one had u-Jiliul a most liilerfi.llng age and as the joy of lur fond paidits. niooiii ami kouow now tour the licuvhold. Mm. Miry Seal, nf Kliuluiiht, died .irslrnljy allir .1 llugeiing Illius. Tho ilruuicij uu a incmbci of .Mo-cH T'ajlor SUIcr lodge, No. IU, of Scruuli'ii. The lunci.il will tako place tn luoriuw afternoon. All members arc icipieslid In be pre-ent. Ml. Mary A. Osgood, aged 'J7 je.irs, ol SiO Uiihlcr Mn-ct, tllvtl jetlcidiy uftcrimon fiom iliphllullj. Shu 19 biirihrd by a hliibai.d und two children. T. F. MASON'S PETITION. Is Circulating One in Favor of the , Viaduct. T Fellows Mason, of AVcsl Kcranlon, who Is probably tho most enthusiastic vladuetonlan lo be found In the entire illy, when he read on Wednesday about tho petitions presented to Mayor Molr, asking hint to call a pttbllo meet ing, that those who are opposed to tho viaduct might bo heard, decided lo start a counter petition. ' This petition, Instead nf requesting tho mayor to call a public meeting, re quests him to atli.t his signature tu tho viaduct ordinance Immediately. Mr. Mason staled to 11 Tribune man that ho left It at Davlen' drug store for a little while on Wednesday night and secured a whole batch of slgnatutcs. "Look here," said he to a Tribune man yesterday, pulling ll out of his pockel. "Here's a petition that I've got up, ami the slgnntttics aro the result of about a half-hour's work only." A casual glance al the nclltltiu re vealed tho fact that It was sltmcd by about fifty of tho leading citizens ot AVest Scranton. "Wo can secure several thousand names If we want to," said he. "Wo want tho viaduct and we're going lo got It." MAN AND WOMAN HELD FOR COURT John Sheehan and Alice Jacoby Are Charged with Taking $100 and a Wntch from T. W. Mansfield. Matthew Conlln, John Sheehan and Alice Jacoby, till of tho central cltv, wero yesterday afternoon arraigned bi-fiiic Mayor Molr on tho charge of taking $100 In cash and a silver watch on Wednesday fiom Thomas AV. Mamtlleld, of dot Chestnut street, AVest Scranton. The trio pleaded Innocent, but after hearing tho testimony of -Air. Manstleld, Patrolman Loun Day and Special OHlcor John Tlerney, his honor discharged Conlln and held tho other two In ?500 bail for their appearance at couit. Manstleld claimed that AVednesday lie met Sheehan and was in I1I3 com pany during the greater part of the afternoon nnd evening up to about 8 o'clock. Sheehan introduced him to several friends, and at the end of tho day's work. Manslleld found himself minus watch and money. The watch was subsequently recovered, but the money !s gone. Manslleld informed Patrolman Ms Colligan of his mishap, and a small hi .itbl.iclc, who was at the Hotel Jif ktns. on Penn avenuef while Maus iii'ld, el' al., were there, approached Special Olllcer Tlerney early in the evening and gave him tlie following information: "Dere's a dead easy mug at do AVbite House, an,' I jus' saw it loldy with him pick a wad of dough out of his pocket." He gave the olllcer more information of a simi lar mil are. When Tioiney and Paliolman Day entered the Hotel -I if kins, they 1m lnodlatoly arrested the Jacoby woman and Sheehan. Conlln, on their ap proach, threw a watch to the floor and tlic ofllcers' suspicions being aroused, he, too, was arrested. It was subsequently developed, however, that the watch was handed to Conlln for Inspection by Sheehan, and that on tho blue coats' entry, Sheehan would not take it back. Sheehan and tlie woman arc loud in their protestations of innocence. CORPORATIONS CHARTERED. Hy Kicluslie Wiic fiom Tlie Assoiialed l'icsi. IIaiib.liuTK.Xiiv. 1. -These chartem neic grant ed today: M. If. Mijdain Paint company, Pitts lung, capital, isl.UOO. The Dig Itim Mining com pany, Clearfield; capital, IfJO.lKJO. The Turllo Click Klcolric lompauy, Allegheny; capital, ijsjno. Saltsbuig Class company; capital, 91,000. Amcrii.iu Tiiist company, I'lttsbuig; capital, ?.i0,i)D. I'm: ItiiUe Coal company, Indiana county; capital, !U,000. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in tho family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared iu two minutes. No boiling! no baking ! add boiling water aud set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry nml Strawberry. Get n package at your grocers to-day. 10 cts. AMUSEMENTS. "llursuniler & If els. I.cstcciand olaimjers. A. .1. Duffv. lUisiness Manager. 1'fllPAY, SATrilDAV MATINIII!, SUI.11UAV Nllilll. NOV. U AND .1. MU. sAlHllt MIUULIiV, in the Musical Absuidlly Electric Spark. llictj tiling New, I'lWT.h MflllT, Oiihrtlia, 7'ic ; llnluslu aud Diii-.s Chilci, 'liv,; entile llakouy, 30c, Spec Id Matinee Pi ices Orchestra and Orches tra Circle, a.ic.s Pn.s3 elide, 'Jjc,; cnihe ll.iUuni, :!.ic; chlblun 11111U1 11 ica is to any pait of house, lie, Aduinco sale will open Wednesday at ll a. m. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, UUKOUNUUK & IIBIS, L,ei:.M. , It. A. lKOVN.Mnab';r. BAi.ANCr. OP WIJliK-DAII.Y MATINKK. BENNETT & MOULTON CO, IMruntlns Tl.uisday Nliilit "WIcLtil Loudon." I'ridav NTuht ".Musa'i. Laiullm;." SUuiday Mghl "All for liohk" AT.I,'"xiIxT AM'.I.K-rsl l. JI.VIIM.i:-'. MAOAULEV-PATTON CO, In lleiierlnlio. Prcsciiliui; Monday ciculni;, "'Ihc MinUtei'a Son," 11 pastotal iiinedy, Iteular piius Mill pieiull lliiou'liout tin lutk. New Gaiety Theatre TIIHHK 1IVYS. I'OUMIAt I.NG Thursday tJVlatinde, Nov, 1 M. M. 'IIUOK'S WINE WOMEN AND SONG. IS Cliaimiiitf uud Tulcnlcd tlltU-15 Pally Mjiliicc. I'ltlCXtj-U, 5, M aii'i W nuts. rAH s1fcAW,KVyrf' Here Are Twenty-One Items That Form th Most Gigantic Combination of Bargains Ever Of fered by Any Store, and VVhlch Will Crowd This Store from Top to Bottom Today. Our Great One Hour Friday Afternoon Sales Sale No. i Begins Promptly al Two O'clock. Sale No. 2 Begins Promptly at Three O'clock. Sale No. 3 Begins Promptly at Four O'clock. Another Phenomenal Sale of Kid Glove. Do 3011 recall thai dense matt ol luinnnlfy of two wceki ngo, stniRilliift to get hold ol th Brealrt gloio bargain rirr offered In Bcrinton? Supposn wc tell you that this onn ol today. Is far mincrlor to It; won't you bo hertf Tl lot conslsU ol 1C0 pairs ujid Include cvonlne (times In light dhndcF, sizes V&, 0?i and 01 ulno tno-cliisp und 4-button gloves In all lengths; h!i from bi to 7W. excepting one aire, 6W, of which there are only a few. They aro gloves which any other rtoic would aril at $1 to'$l.G0 rulr. "lQn Al 2 o'clock, for One Hour "'" Oroat Two o'clock Sale in the Base ment. Here mo 1 Items tliat will pny you to travel many miles to get hold ol. They form a apodal teat uro of the Pure Food Show. You may buy ths loimcr, and enjoy the latter. Head tho details. GALVANIZED 1'AILS, full 10-qiinrt aire; cxtia f "yc licaiy and alwajs sold at Site. At 2 o'clock lor CLOTHEM PINS of the best turned wood; aKty K in a box. For one hour you get the CO lor '' WASH WltlNtlERS, mado by the Anicricnn Wringer company; tho name alono tells you they arc tho beat. Wood frames and adjustable clamps. Heat hard and solid rubber rolls. Positively worth mid t.old at $2. I'or ornt hour al 2 o'clock (none Qfis to dealers) for yuw 11UOOMS Como early if you want one for a trifle. Tho best qunllty ttock, made Irom new corn Qg and always 30c. For one hour at 2 o'clock lor ' l'TaUHES Genuine American terra cotta Fig ures, finished In gold antique and ivory effects, comprising all the famous authors, poets, musi cians nnd mythological subjects. Sold in all other Cp ttorcs at 43c. For ono hour at 2 o'clock (One only to a buyer.) CUIITAIX STKETCIlER3-Don't dry curtains the old way when the "new" Is so trilling in cost. Stationery pin curtain stretchers, tho fold ing Kind with best clamps and braces. Always JKn S1.S0. For one hour at ww (PlION'OGItAFIl COXCEBT Following the Two o'clock sale, Mr. G. L. Ackcrman will give a. Ki'.inil recital on the magnificent Improved Edison t'onccrt Phonograph the finest instrument iu ax. I istencc. Fuod fallow- Concert platform. 31c 47c Very Important Offering of Dress Goods. That you may come to know this Dross Goods Store better, wo make exceptional offerings for Friday. This one in particular appeals to your sense of falniew fiom a price standpoint. 38-inch licaiy weight Homespuns in light, medium and dnk greys; also Stl-lnch Pebble Cheviots in many dcidrcd colorings; alao 10 pieced ol extra good riuality Plaid IllacK suitings, tor opes ami skirts needs no lining. Your choice at Jl o'clock Ladies' Dresden and Silver Handle Umbrellas. The Umbrella bargain ot the century. It's sur prising what CdSh will do when you confront a manufacturer who lias something good to sell. Witr.cs: Ladies' 2(l-incii Umbrellas of splnidii! quality, 'Jit lili'ck Serge coierlng. with fancy llruidcn handles in many designs and colors; 3lso sllicr capped Congo handles. Would bo a bar giin at 75c. And yet all you will pay us at 3 rt'i'liink fnr ttipm will be Friday's Greatest Shoe Bargain for Ladies. Wc do not bclieie that am stoii ever offered .Midi shoe value us is reprcmvrcl hero in this lot for tomorrow. Four bundled pairs of ladies' finest Dongol.i Kid Button Shoes, equal in make and finish to any three-dollar shoe on the market. Idlest toe shapes and newest military heels. Winter weight soles, stocks tips and circular seams; foM'd vamps. Every pair positively guar-. jO antccd. For jut ono hour Friday at itaj Big Lot of Handsome Laces for This Friday. So long as the public clamors for Lace bargains we'll continue to supply the demand with offers liku lids one: Take jour choice of Vala Point cl? Paris, Duchess anu uncniai iaces in uoin whito and cremc, and in widths up to 6 and 8 inches. Hlehcst and ncwcit of patterns, and a phenomenal One Hour Bargain at, yard Big Comfortable Comforts for Fri day's Sale. Get beneath on or two of this Friday kind during the cold 11 inter night:,, and you can dely the efforts of Jack Frost lo pinch you. Fine silkolino Comforts, full sire, 7272, mostly in iluk colors', illllnir of the best elude ol cotton. Clean und sanitary and neicr Fold by any store for les-i than fl.2j. For One Hour at On Second Floor. Important Sale Tourist Hats. Tho dressiest, the nobbiest, t'.io prettiest hat of the car, and brought doini to tho minimum of expense ut this great Friday Sale. Ladies' n. . ..... .... .... ...1.. I.- ...,!. .11.. 4t..:.i1..J JOliriSC 11.111 ill UU LOIOId, UV.lUbllMllj' I.IIIC.ICU with polkadot bands; sold In all stores at !)8c For just One Hour, second floor, at Ladies' Finest Coutil Corsets Little Priced. On the Second Floor and it will pay you well lo ti.nel up there after them. Knough for all at tho hour. Finest Coutil Corsets, 4-hook stjlc, haidsomely tiimmcd with lace. Pink, blue, drab and white. Cheap at Sue., but yours for One Hour al Children's Flannelette Dresses For a Song. Might as well dress the little folks comfortablo while' ion arc about it. We'll help you, if jou como today, Flaiunlellc Dicv.es of finest qual ity, picttilv tiimmcd willi braid. Good width at skltt and ilnlihcd wllh decu hem. A Bleat bar gain, on Jlain Floor 7c 89c 69c 39c 35c Fine Outing Flannels at Big Price Reduction. You'll find this best lor nklrts and house waists, ami it ion want tomething comfortable uu some of it fo'r a bith rube. Two lots; mm ol Plain Out. ing, kiionn ui Uioektou's Canton Flanuol; extra weight and full 30 inches wide; Eold all over at VM; The other is lancy Outings in light, me dium and dsrl; stiipul etlicts. Veiy lien and pretty. For just One Hour, 4 o'clock, at Men's All Wool Socks; Very Cheap for Friday. The first chance the men haie had at a Friday Sole in seierul weeks; so wo limo picked one of the best things In thu stoia for them. Vine all- .--.... ... t,i ...I ...ctl. .rciiv, Iii.aI iinrl tnm. A 11001 nocitl Hi mum ,.. .,.., ...-. - - -" - sock that oidinarily would be good value at 25c., ..... ntr ui a ..Mock for One Hour at Boys' Shirts and Drawers at Lowest Prices. These aio ol heaiy weieht bilvcr grey fleeeed luateilals uhleii ensiiics warmth und comlort dining the winter. Shirts unci Drawers in sites fiom 20 to 31; also a lot of grey cotton goods ill sires rrinu 23 tn 34, Gaiments that are cheap at 33c, lor Ono Hour at .,,, Boys' Finest Knee Pants; A Great Offering. IV ii weeks ago you had a clianoo at the cheap er sorts; now wo oiler you tho Sunday kind at an uncommonly low price. linen Pants ol thu tlnest all-wool materials, undo with double seats and knees; all taped scams. These come iu blues, browns und grey; also iu stripes and plaids; newest patterns. Sites from 3 tn 15 yours, and woith from 6uo, lo T.1c. the pair. Heady at prompt 4 o'clock, on tho Second Floor lor ..... Cretonne for Quilts. Big Sale on Third Floor. n urn want to makp a tour ciiillts for loursolf. buy thu material on Friday, home for curtains and pillows, too, . Finest iialteiiis lu Ciotonne, lull .laid Wide; all new this season. Cheap at I,'', the ).ud. Heady at I o'clock on the Tldfl I'looi for, yaid ,,, .,.. ,,,,,.,,,,m.,i. Plant Stands, Great Bargain, Fourth Floor, .laulinlcic, plant or flower stands, whicheter .uu I may ehoo.su to call them, at less than halt inii o lor Fildiy. 01 uniquo colonial designs, tin. Isl.i'd lu Finnish mahogany or oak. Supports in (ull seipiiitlnc of heaiy stotk, combining itrengtk ami neatness. A gleat buigalu ut 4 o'clock on the luiu tit Flour fur ,.,..,,.,.,.. 8c 12c 1 9c 43c 10-Jc 37c.-''i Jonas Long's Sods 'SWNWsa-HV'ij ) Kf UDi. f 4 r . ft ,fft -JSiri Ji" tM- j5te