r :mSTO8S Vfo"'tf;PB T f . f fi ssn .t. ii i p in 'I'll ii mmmmm i iim m n mmimm i ssmmsmsssm i p i i i ip i m ! i iiibwpw sa isispi ss ssismsjsmssmsmsmsssjsjsmsmsjsmsmsssssmssmmim "1 ' ,.... J fr l . "k V. ,. ; . , , v ., - .Tj, '" .,--r- ' 'v r-- '. "- ' w. ' - ' -'-'.. ,; . S .'! j ' N - , I THE SCRANTON TRIBtNE-THtRSDAY, NOVI'.MBMK 1, 1.1)00. t '- NORTHEASTERN HONESDALE. Bpcclsl lb lh Scianton Tribune. Htitipstiali', Oct. .11. Xo ciml lias lorioliocl IloiieHiliilo hIiiit tlio strike pnded. The soakliiK ruin of tlio imsU few days Is (if untnltl value to thin omtiiiiunlty. "Wicked Ooiifrdoincles" will ho llif nuhject rrom which the Ho v. 0. I Percy will Hpenk Sunday cvonltiK In the Baptist church. One hundred and sIxty-plKht tickets were sold nt the tinlnn station for tho Erie excursion to New York this) niorn InR. Hon. N. F. Underwood, of Klmlrn, IV. Y., formerly of Lake Conio, whh ii Honcsdulc visitor this week. Miss Kinmii Kurhor Ih with her sister, Mrs, Harry Snyder, at PoiiKhkeepsle. Churles MeKeiina, who entered L.af iiyetto colleKO for the present term, him returned to his homo here. He Is suf fering with a hroljcn Icr whlcii ho re ceived while plnylng a Rnmc of foot ball. ' This Thursday evening- the Metropol itan Star quintette will open the Clirls t'lan Kndeavor course In the Honesdale opera house. Some Idea may be found of Hie quan tity of apples grown In Wayne county By tht number of barrelH handled by kinly two dealers, Messrs. Courlrlght Sfc. Bon are handling about fourteen tho'u Band barrels and Mr. Aveiy about peven thousand barrels. County Superintendent Uuvld J.. Slouser has tirriinrrcd nn excellent pro gramme for the teaeheis' Institute which will commence in the court liouso Monday, November 1". Friday evenhiR "ye loveis of ye olde folkcs concerto" will be entertained In tlio opera house by ye nienne and womenne .synsrers of the Klljth Allen company, composed or fourteen people. The first part of the programme will consist of old time hymns, sunns and mithoms. The second parte, up to date songs and anthems, comparing music of 1S02 to that of the present day. The ymiuc; men who organized the Irving Cut (llass company,, which tlms Ijeen In operation for the past thiee juonths, are to be congratulated on their succc-s. 'I'liey aie adding to their force of wurknien and working nlglits to fill their oi tiers. They now have or ders on hand Mitliclent to keep them working until after the holidays. " The ladies of Hie Presbyterian church Mill conduct a uimmag" sale In the Bleed drug store building on lower Muin (street, commancing Thursday, Nov. S. ' A Republican lally will be held In the Court house on Saturday evening. Ad tli esses will be made by A. J. Colliorn. Jr.. of Serantou. and other able speak ers. Music by the Maple City band. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the "-ci. intern Tiitium. Tuiikhaunock, Oct. 31. As the (ith of (November draws near the political can didates for the various ofllces aie put ting' In full time In an effort to lbs up all the places that seem to be a Utile weak in their campaign. The contests between Judge II. AV. Hard well and Harvey Slckler for asMiciate judge, and Jietween Hon. II. D. Tiffany and Hon. A. II. Sqtiler for lepreM-ntative aie both very close. The prospects for the national .ticket in this county aie very "bright and the majority should be homewhere aiound live hundred. In the light In this district for state senator there seems to bo some dlfft- ences of opinion. Ordinarily the district is from Jive to six thousand lleptlblleun. Tills year the llepubllcans have no candi date for the olllce, owing to the dllil culties which aio-e at the eonfeieneo at Wyalusliig and Mr. Edmiston, who was nominated by the anti-Quay (ac tion of Bradford county. Is running- on nomination papers under the head of Honest Clovernnient. Mr. Kdnilslon stuide himself unpopular with the Wyo ming Republicans by the stand lie ton!; ut the conference beiwpcn the two dis tricts and that fact, coupled with ilie circumstance of his not being on the regular ticket, will Iom him a good many votes. K. F. Maynanl, Hie Demo cratic candidate for the same otllce, lui lieen down heie several times and Is making an active canvass of the coun ty. For congress, Hon. l Fred Wright, of Susquehanna county, the piesent member from this district, will find no trouble, the district being Republican !by a large majority. President Judge K. M. 1 Jim hum, of Laporte, Sullivan county, was in town on, AVodnesday on his way home from Montrose, where ho lias been holding court. C. M. Klshpaugh, of Hunl.sbuig, is up for a few days. He still votes here, maintaining his residence liete by vlr-tue-ot being employed In the service of tlio state government. The epn tract for the delivery of iho ballots to the various election precincts throughout the county was let by the county commissioners to T. M. Hard ing for $2., that being the only hid put In for the Job, The ballots are being iilntcdat the office of the Nicholson "Examiner at 'Nicholson. Easy to Cure a Cold if you go nboiu It tight. Tako two or Ihreo 'Kraiise'H Cold t'uio Capsules dining the day and two before retiring at night. This will Insure a good night's rest and a free movement of the bowels next morning. Continue, tho treatment next day and your cold will malt away. Ptico !!3e. Sold by .Matthews Bros. m AV0CA Tho iJaughters of St. (ieorgc arc requested Mo' meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock to transact Important busl ness. The ofiiiials of tl)o Krlo company paid a visit to tho Hillside colliery yesterday, A force of men are at ' work cleaning tho place and It Is ex. jieptod that the colliery will be in operation about Pecember 1, The Sons of Temperance will meet this evening. Mrs. Patrick Cuiiey of tho A et Side and Mrs. Henry Cuiiey of Duryea will EVERY WOMAN 6eawttMMDdnllbUt BatathlrttfaUUaf toedloln. Onlr buataagai the pureit drug tbsuld b (Md, If ju wist the but, get Dr. Peal's Pannvroval Pllla iTlwytwprompt.MfBwidcerUinlnreiult.,, "" . The r-BDiifna ("Dr. Peal') ueTtr dlaamolnL Bold for 11X0 Mr box. ff U by'.JOHN H. PHELPS, pruta airwi. PENNSYLVANIA leave on Saturday to Join their litis bunds at Frostburg, Md. Misses Nellie Walsh and Kate lire hony will resume their duties In the International Correspondence schools this week. Mrs. Deorge Chester whose husband was killed In the mines about five months ago gave birth to a young daughter on Tuesday. Sergeant Patrick Doran of Battery M, Flr.'t Artillery, returned to Ft. Morgan nn Tuesday after a few months furlough. Tho Ladles' Missionary society of the f-nngelirf church will meet at the homo of Mrs. Edward Laird this after noon. The marriage of Charles Bosley, formerly of this town and Miss Anna Llnstrnnd was solemnized In St. I3nr naba's Kplscnpul church, Chicago, on Wednesday evening, Oct, M. Mr. Bos ley now occupies a lucrative position in a machine shop of thnt pity. Prof. P. F. Oevers has returned from New York city. .lohn Allen wlio has been for the past thirty years mine foreman at Law shaft has been given notice to discontinue his labors for the Penn sylvania Coal Co. Mi. Allen has served the company faithfully but on account of advancing years the late olllclals have made It a law that fore men over i") years of age will be pen sioned on half pay. The many friends of Mr. Allen wish 111 in many happy years of retired life. He will ho suc ceeded by John 'iarvpy of North F.nd. SUSQUEHANNA. Sprii.il to the Srrflnton TilbutK. Susquehanna, Oct. 1. A Kaplist church Is being erected at Hruslivllle. In Beebe Park on Saturday after noon, the Scranton football team will play against a picked team from Brushvllle. Coal commences, to come over the Jefferson division of the Erie. A Susquehanna delegation will at tend the itepubllean rally at Hallstead tills evening. Forgetting that there are thirty-one days In the present month, a number of your people last evening played hallowe'en pranks. Owing to poor patronage, Keystone Hook and Ladder company cancelled its engagement with the "Passion Play" manager. .Mrs. J. H. IJiiolittlc and Miss Emma Hall left for New York to-day to visit relatives. The first of a sei ics of popular con certs was held In Christ Episcopal church last evening. Home talent was assisted by Miss Katherine Schncll and Mr. Ceorge H. Downing of Blng hamtou. Miss Josephine AValsh of Prospect street, has left to visit relatives in Kansas City and Denver. Mrs. M. Lyman, of Syracuse is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ella Engle, of Grace street. Mrs. Eliza Morgan is visiting at Clifton Springs. D. D. Sir Knight John W. Ward of New York city, and his degree team will exemplify the third degree in Susquehanna county, Knights of Col umbus, on Friday evening. The Thomas Starrance creamery is rapidly approaching completion. There will be preaching service in the Avenue Methodist chinch in Oak le on Friday evening. Quite a number of Susquehanna and vicinity people took in the ICri's excursion to New York this morning. A Susquehanna delegation will par ticipate In the big Republican rally in Monti ose on Friday. The giand jury of the county met at Montrose on Monday. tlns-s' "Passion Play" eiuertalnment Is advertised to bo given In the Metho dist church this evening. The lteiriocrats will hold a meeting In Hogau opera house on Friday eve ning. The speakers announced ure Hon. Henry Grimm of Hani.sburg, candidate for congressman-at-iargs: Judge Davis, of Binghaiiilon. and John M. Kelly, Esq., of Montrose. At Jackson Corners last night the -esldeuce of E. M. Jackson was (le st! oyed by flro. Miss Eunice Harris, a maiden lady who was housekeeper for the family, was burned to death. GIBSON. Siicl'I.iI to Hit' bi'.'jiiton Tiiliiine. Gibson, Oct. 31. Rev. James Herrick was In Susquehanna Wednesday on business. George Manzer and family have moved on ills father's farm. P. J, Bonner has moved in Ills house in town. Mrs. C. H. Kellum and son lomau of Hop llottom visited friends In town lecently. .Mrs, James Terwilllger of Pittston is visiting friends In town. E. H. Sweet and wife returned home biuuiay from Jiinghamton, wheie they spent part of last week. n, U. (Jelatt Is doing some carpenter work for J. .1. Potter In his mill. At the church fair which will be held here Wednesday and Thursiluy, Nov. 7th and Sth, the Gibson Cornet band assisted by local talent will give a free concert on Wednesday evening, Thursday at It a. in. J, D. .Miller, Esq., of Susquehanna will give un nddress. After this a chicken pie dinner will bo served for 2.V. in the evening the comedy farce "Tho .Mouse Trap," will be given by local talent. NICHOLSON. Spt'flul to die Sciantnn Ti Punic. Nicholson, Oct, 21, Mlfcs Gertrude Zurlllrb, of Rciauton, was tho guest of Mrs. Sarah Williams, Monday. Mrs. A. W, Stiu k spent a few davs last week with friends In Scranton. Mr, "Walton Hillings tins been spend ing boiho time with his sister, Mrs. C, M, Thomas, Mrs. Lauia Walker Is visiting friends in Serantou and Sakm, Itev, J. S. Wilkes leturned fioin Sil ver lake, Tuesday. Mr, (jlydo Pratt spent Sunday with. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming avanutand THEY TELL IT Tell It on the Streets of Scranton as Else where. Some things cannot bo told too often. Ilepetltlon gives them added HtteiiKth. . Tho same old story Is pleasant to hear. When it bilngs happiness to the home, Bring'' Joy to the mulcted. 1 Tells how burdens can be raised. I How the back can be relieved. ' All the pains nntt nuhes removed. I Serhnton people tell this story. Friends and neighbors talk about It. rney ten about their kidney Ills. What they suffered, Jiow the cure cam". What they think of Doan's Kidney Pills. Here Is what a citizen says! Mrs. Rvun Jenkins, of 113 South Fll more avenue, Hyde Park, miys: "I had steady pains In my hips mid through my sides, so distressing nt times that I rould not even do inv work about the house. 1 have often been obliged to call In the doctor. There was also nn annoying kidney weakness which at times was vprv painful and attended with frequent ac tion of tho secretions. My limbs were numb and 1 had dropsy at times nnd my feot swelled so that T could not wear my shoes. Tho doctor said tnv trouble must be checked or It would end In Brlght's disease, but I did not receive much benefit from tho medicine 1 took. I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills nnd used five or six boxes. They helped me wonderfully In every way. T have recommended them to many of my friends and some of them re ceived marked benefit from the use of this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price ri) cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for the IT. S. Hemembor the name Doan's and take no substitute. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Pratt. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. L. Walker, of Keel ersburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Johnson. . Postmaster F. M. Williams Is in Vos burg for a couple of days. PITTSTON. Sppii.il to the Snanton Tilbiinc. Pittson. Oct. 31. Tlie dry goods firm of Cutler & Finney, which lias con ducted a store here for the past six months, lias been dissolved. Mr. Tl. B. Cutler will continue the business. Thomas Grace, the 'well known gro cery merchant of South Main street, and Miss Annie O'Boylc, of .Market street, sister' of Attorney P. A. O'Boyle, were united in marriage In St. John's church yesterday morning, witli a nuptial mass. The attendants weiu Miss Mary Clare O'Boyle. as bridesmaid, and John Grace, as best man. air. and Mis. Grace will bo at home in the Fahy house, on Broad street, after Nov. 32. Miss Margaret David, of Bellevue, Is spending a week at the home of J. J. Howell, AVest Pittston. There is some talk of organizing a Country club in West Pittston. Miss Lillian May Stlcklin, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stlck lin, of Railroad street, was united In marriage this morning to Rev. J. "W. Burros, pastor of St. George's Epnsco pal church, Pittsburg. The ceremony was performed in St. James church here at uATi a. in., by Itev. J. M. Johnston. After a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burros left at 7.4.i for Pitts burg, where they will reside. Won! has been received here that Herbert II. Bush, who went from here to visit his old home in England, lias decided to reside permanently In tlio mother country. The Misses Lieseming, of Delaware avenue, attended a private Hallowe'en party at AVIlkes-Bnrre "Wednesday evening, Pittston Clly night schools will open Nov. 1. Joseph "Walsh, a Pittston shoe mer chant, and Miss Alllia Mackln, of Ash ley, were united'in marriage at the latter place yesterday morning. They will reside on Washington terrace, Pittston. A paity of tweiitv-five "West Pitts ton and Wilkes-Burre ladies were en tertained by Mrs. G. B. Sampson, of Cnrbondaie this afternoon. The Luzerne County Fair associa tion, at tlie annual meeting at the West Pittston fair grounds yesterday, elected tlie following officers: Presi dent, O. , Farnhmn: secretary, .T. Stark Coolbaugh; trensuror, "W. T. McCabe; dheetor.s, !. M. Hughes, C. AY. St. John. T. J. Corcoran. S. B. Hennett, P. F. Jojeo and M. L. Per rln. HARFORD. Special to (lie Strantcn Tiilninr. lljifinrl, Oct. ill. T. Jl. MjjiuuI WI.J In Scunlon Kuuiilav, MUi Kllcil Iluliuid U l.lllii;,' .it II. S. KH.V IllOnk'a. Mr. ami Ml., f!. h. Dulonji, of i'.linir.i, arc In pine Iiiim loi tluir father, Mr. P. M, Fa rear. Mr. ami Mii. '1'iacy llkluriNim. attended the fmu'i.il of Mi:-, ItidijiiKoii'tf .sMir at rlopliottom Monil.t.t, .c annul! library iin-etlu;' will lilield in the Mctlioiliit Kpl'cop.d iliurch Friday eunlni;, Xuv. J. 1'iofissor J. hlii'iuooil, fM,, n Wilkn-llane, will iliiiirr Iho aihlrew. Let .ill conic prcpaidl tu juin and thus (,'it a ,uu'. rood trading foi SO conK Mr. 1). I. Tompkiii) .md ihlldun !itcd at I'.uH TlfTan's Mtutday ami Sundiy. 1', II. i'itt.iiiy visited nt lllnidumtuii lait urek. Will llmdini,', of Point fit, la,, is Wilting hI.iIImm.Iii lldi vicinity, Ml4 Mabel J.cuU i, euloculy ill ulth tvpliold fe er, Air. II, K. Lewis ami lt, F, l, 'tfjny called on Irii'inU in llJt llatfoid, Monday, A Mil pi l.o Uit vw kIicii our jiaotor, Del, .1. i", Mauncl, Fliday, 0(t, 'JO. A Bie.it number vwio present and nit uijii.vnl a pleasant time, K. i:. Jonei h in Xuv Vuik on hiiiinosj. Harry Miller and wife .ui iicrnpjlnir roouit at V, Oiterliont'. MINERS WORK AT SHAMOKIN. Ily i:clL6lvt Wlr fu in 'Ho Awwlatnl I'imj. Sluiuoklii, Oct. 31, The t'orldn colliery, oper. ulid by Anduw Itoli.'rlMin Ic Co., lietween heie and Mt. Fanncl, munuil went; today, fno men uinl Ihi.vh lielnir Kranted the ten pir rent. In (lease. The KvccUioi rollleiy, alo owned by Iho b.'inn firm, will rrtunio loinoitow, with fcK Imndred (inplojr, $100 Reward $100, The rradns of this papn- will he pleated to leain that theiu is nt Ira.-t one drcadid dUcaie Ihat Kieme has been able tu cure in nil 1U ttJk'cs nnd that is catarrh. Hall's Catanli Cure Is tho only pontile iuie now knonn to the meilkal fraternity, t'atairli helns a ronstitu. tlonal dltiate, le.julit-s u coiustltutioual that, nunt. Hall's Tatarili Cuit i taken internally, aulntf dlrcitly upon the blood and mucous i.u,-. fates of Hie .it.'jii, thereby dektrong the foundation of the riit.ea.se, am glvinj; (be patient treiiKth by bulldiui; up the constitution and assisting nature In doing; 11$ work. The proprle. tors have to inuili fallli In Its curatlt'o powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any cam that H falls to cure. Send for list of test!. Dioulals. Address. F, J. CHKNEV & CO., Toledo, O. hold by drugsbts, 7U: ' litll'i Family Fills are the best. Jt Distressing fituationr Von llltimer obenud Uio door Jrt tils wife tiptoed down stitlis tu meet him, and, ntter tho cus. tnmnry kins, said: "Dear, the bishop has come." "What bishop?" said Von Mlunier. " on Itnow perfectly well. Hlshop Lniictister. This lt his regular visit to the diocese, and It happens to be n turn to Invite him. At least, I In sisted upon his coming." On his way to the house that after noon Von Itbinier hnd stopped at tho oltlce of the brewery, and ordered two dozen bottles of beer to be delivered nt once. At the grocer's he had or dered other materials more dry and less necessary to the hilarity of the evening. That noon it had suddenly occurred to him that It would be a pleasnnt thing to Invite the four men with whom he had taken luncheon up to a game of cards. A'on Hlumer hnd been married four years and a half Just six months shor.t of the allotted period when n man lenrns not to take any step without first consulting his wife. "1 didn't know anything about It," he said. Mrs. Von Blumer eyed him petulant ly. "That's Just like a man," she ex claimed, snappishly. "Vou never lis ten to what I say, you arc so absorbed in your own affairs. I told you all about It a week ago how I had writ ten, and the bishop replied that he would be here this afternoon," Von Ulumer suppressed un Inward shudder, and braced up. There was ro way out of It, he knew, but to put on a bold front. Deception was Impossible. "I suppose," he said, "that at tho present moment the bishop is occupy ing the best front bedroom." "Yes." "Then." said Von Blumer, "In a few moments he will have the pbasure of seeing a brewery wagon drive up and deliver two down bottles of beer. I hope he won't think It is In honor of his visit." He stopped her with a ges ture, and quickly proceeded: "Now, my dear, I'm soiry, but It can't be helped. I had forgotten all about the existence even of this bishop, and to day Invited some of .the boys up for a (Ulet game of cards. So far as I can s-ee, the bishop wiH have to make the best of It." There was a painful silence. The greatest tragedies of life usually take place In silence. Then Mrs. Von P.lu mer gave one of those inexpressible "Oils," which indicate that a woman's natuie has been stirred to Its depths. "How could you do it?" she said at last "He is so strict. I don't see "now we can kocp it from him." It was natuial that this should be her tirst thought. The same thing oc curred to Kve. "We can't and we won't," said Von Kiunier, Willi a tragic wave of his hand. )' have invited a few friends to my house to play cards yes, poker," and ho raised ills voice slightly, in spite of a horror-stricken look of warning on his wife's face "and to drink beer, and I don't care who knows it. didn't ask him here. He isn't m guest. Of course he Ih youiM, and he shall receive all proper cutietosy. You f-n to church regularly, and it is all right that you should have him. But there is no reason why I should pose ns a hypocrite. In his line I presume he Is an admirablH man, but I don't consider that he is one whit better than I am. If I want to play card and drink beer in my own home I'm going to do It. I'm not ashamed of It." Von Blumer was aroused. Hj was only a plain, ordinary man, with small capacities outside of his regu lar duties The delivery-wagon dtove up. The bl.-hop was probably at that moment sitting in the window of Ills room on tlie second floor front. "There!" said Mis. Von Blumer. "He will see, and tonight hear them come In and the noise, too. Oh, what shall 1 do'."' "Do!" exclaimed Voiv Blumer, stern ly, as he cut thi string on a box of perfectos lie had brought with hlni. "Tell him the truth, of course." The clock si tuck tHii. Von Ulumer. excusing himself mo mentarily from his companions, went down staiis past the wide-open door of the bishop's empty room to the li brary, where his wife sat alone, read ing. "My dear," he said, "do you huppose you could send some one out for another dozen bottles of beer?" "You don't mean to say," said Mrs. Von Blumer, "that you want more beer?" Von Blumer waved his hand apolo getlcally above, "Yes," lie replied. "You know I hadn't counted on the bishop." Tom Massou, in Life, THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. Tlirn-O.W Teflrlcs in "A Man f om IU Wet," rr.ip.w x e.viuiiu.w "Kicctiif spaik." Matinee 'alurda,v, , Academy of Music. Al.t, WIXIv Reiinett i: Moullun Company In r.'puioire, Gaiety. LA3T 111111:1: WIS-Wine, Women and sunt, Champion Jeffries Tonight. .lauios .1. .Ti lilies, the diamplou pu;ilUtl,! .itli icto of the world, will mako his appearamv heic tonight at tho Lyceum In tlio new American iiiilodramj, "A Jlau I'rom tlio West," wiltten lor lilm by the well known plaj might, Clay M. Cicene, llavlnf dcinomlratcd that he is without u peer in the world of pugilism, Cham pion Jeffrie 1 bids fair to lay daliu within a bhort time to being the best actor who has vet stepped from the rlnu to the slat,-?, 1'ioni einy source louie enconilunij-us to the smnrlilufdy escelleut nianuei lie poitiajs ilie rule of the county sheilrt in "A Man Troin (he Went,'" He Is said o act with lulelllKemc and rase and a gracdiilucftt all the more enjoy ablj from the fact Ihat it comes from a man of gieat plijsiiiue. He ii surrounded wltlia com pauy of sterllnc; plajcis, while the drama itself is quill) liejuml the oidinaiy, ahoumliue in beautiful stage pic-tuirs and thrillini; cenlc cfTicU. ."The Electric Spavk." "The Kleclrlc Spall." will be pirtcntrd at the Lyieuin (or three performances, tomorrow iili;ht, Satuidjy afternoon and nlzht. The ritchbure, Man., .Sun says: "Tlie company Itself would make a so of a less clever piece than 'The Live trie Spark.' In Kager Midgley the manager has secured a comedian of iiioio than oidluary ability. His resources for aioujliitf an audience are boundless. Gertie Carlisle is a winsome lit. tie actress. Her singing; attracts by thi fresh ness and sweetness of her olco and her dancing is very graceful. The other members of the The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for tilts BeiiaM .! Wltr Have House tu Rent, Rant Kstttta or Other Property to Sell rtr Exclintu? Who Want Sltnntloiis or Holp-'l'listo Sintlt AdvcrtlstmanU Con One Cent n Ward, .Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word-Kx.:cp: situation Wanted., Which Ai-j In. sorted Free. FOR RENT. ion iti:.r t..itni: riiosr iioom ton tii'.N- tleninn. SOI) Jcdrrson iiuihk'. rmMU:NMi:X-U00t Hot's!-:. .MS t'INK SI'., bi'twrrn Washington and Ailin avrniip, if iciill.v pji"red futniKr, c'. tutli. rhntle I'. .Iiidiv'lti. roll "TtKNiM " Mirn.i.v avhnui', kioiiT inonit; lirlch: $JU. FOR SALE Knit h t.i:-n,stm wim. iiijv imitK mvni.i,. Inir, corner 1'i.uiMlu and Mnlheirj Muetj rjy terms. Tall on (', I'. Jadvvln. Ul'l! SAt-i: 1 "iiWrXMSHS; Abb IMPROVE- incuts; central (llys easy terms; paj.s on piicc, fcir.OOO, t irr (ent net after te, w.iter, hcut ami liKtiraiirc ('. I'. Jjdnln, corner Spruce .Mid I'enn ;i v miti'.. I'Oll SAbK-HOUSK AND LOT. Alt VI NR St., corner Adams avenue, Calvin Nrjlioll, ion ,si.i:-ro.vri:xTs w house I'UitNi- lure, catpeti, leddlnj, etc, W2 Waililiigtnii iivenuo. WANTKIl -- ONK liXI'KlllKN'CI'.D MAX TO work In Krecn houe: single prricncd; it Kcratrtri' (aim, South Main avenue, l.tneoln Heiirhti. WAXii.p-iiooi), srnoxo nov. k io i yearn ol ace. to learn tlnnerV trade. 'Aftlt .V W(ii?p1. 240 AdauiK avenue. W'ANTnDSEOTN?TiuND''r-toT MACHINES; murt be In mood mdii; ctate pailiculara in to make and price. Address, L. Jl., general de livery, Scranton. I'a. PUBLIC SALE. pi ui.ii,' sm:-vi: will si:m, at huiilic sale, for the henellt of whom it ma.r ron (cin, on Vciti!iJjv Xnveuiher Till, at 10 u'cloik a. in., at the Arbitration Koom in the Court Ihwe in the iltyof triantnu, Peninylvanla, one hunilieil jnd ten aluiei oi picfened stuck ami one hundiid nnd ten shuien of inminon stoik of tli Si.inlon llaliy Comp.in. I'ernis of wile, (.ash. WKI.I.KS H TORIIKV. JLOS7 i.ot Tti:sn.Y Ai'iTJiNoox, iiiiTw i:i:x mki and 2iX) lilncks Washington .iviimic, peail pin, ilLiiiuind in (enter; liberal revv.iid. Ilutiirn in ) Wasliintrton avenue. I.OsT HMALb I'tritSi:, MAHKKII "It," IX 'K--tral city. Tinder please return to Tribune office. Itevwrd. LOST Oil STOI.KX SMALL DKUK CIIAY COLT, 1 jimm old. veij,'liiiiB IW pounds; long mane furetoji; pciullai uurk on inside of left hind li; liont feet hliod. Lileul lewnid if le tmned. .lohn Ziinnieinian, I'aupait,, 1'ike coun ty, l'j. ROOMS WANTED. WAXTKD-2 OK 3 rURXISIir.D IIOOMS. FOR IlRbt housckeepintj; centrally locattd. Ad drew, J. , Williams building, City. luVn6oM."hKt1.l FLOOR, WITH l!OAM, i.t 410 Adams avenue. LEGAL. IX UK: l.NCOltl'OHATIIlX OF THF. 0. . JOHN cm Hose (.'omtan.v of Uiuunoie, I'tnii .vlv.ini.i. In the Court of Common l'le.is of r.aikiivvjnii.c county. No. 31(1, Novemlivr Teim, l"0fl. Xuthe is heri-hy Kiven that an applic.Uioii will be lll.nh- at Ihe i-aid colli on the 2lh oa.v ui .Niiu-inhir, A. I), llioo, nt ! o'clock a. m. umlei in act to provide for the iiicoipomtiuii and left ul.'itlon ol ceitalu corpoiation, apjirovcd Ihe itlili day of Apiil, 18T4, and its supplements, by .Ii loi M. ltcicau, Micln'el .1. Roiiau. Jamc I. O'lloin, I'rink ( . Waul, Clinics .1. (."olello, .lames A. Kennedy and tin ir asMictjC-, for u (h.iiti'i. The intended coipoialiou to lie railed the O. S. .leihusein Hose 'ompmiy of D.inmoie, lVnnsjlv.iiii.i. Tha puipoiie for whle.li tlie (or potation is foimed is 10 s'lpport 11 hose: com p.ui.v for the- control of tile, and fm tins iiu-ic-i- in hive, iiDs-r-.-s. nnd rujo.v all the riehts. liclicfits and piivileirea confeiied bv satd net and its Mipplcment. I'AVI.OR k LEWIS, Attorneys for Applicants. eOTI( K IS HKRI'.nV (UVI'.V THAT AN" Al'l'l.l- 'itlou will bo innde lei the Coveruor of Penn Kvlvnnia on the VJth d,iv- of Xovembei, liiOO. bv II. M. Holes, II. U. Hole... W. . HutchiMM, .1. 1). hherer and A. 1'. (tVbhardt, under Ihe Ait of As,embly, cntllled "An Ait to piuvide for Ihe iurorporatlnn and icxulaiuui nt reilaln icupiua. lions," appioveil Apiil i), ItTL and the supple menla thereto, for the ih.iiter of an iinend-d cor poiation to be callcu the Ma.vfleld Llee trio Light, I lent and l'uner I'ouip.iny, the clui.icter and oh jre.t of which is to manufacture and supply lleht, Iieat and power, or any of them, by electricity, tn the public In the uoiemtth of Maviield, county of Lackawanna and btate of i'euns.ilvaula. and to such persons, paituerphlp and coi-por.it ions, ie itielliig: ihriein or adjacent thricto, as may de sire the same, and lor these purposes to have, pesseju and euoy all of Hie iIrIiIs, beuelils anej piivlleges of tald Act ol Assemble- and tlio sup plements Iheieto. II. D. CAltllV. .Sollcilor. lstat'i: of MARvl.v.NKvr, di:ci:aiFd. l.vTk of the Ilorough of Uuinnoii-, Comity of l.iik. avvauna, and slate of Feuusylvania, Xotite is herebv Riven that lelteia of adinliillratiou 111 the abuve estate have been granted to the un dersigned, and -all poisons luvlm." claims or de mands against die said estate will pi i sent thrm lor pavmeut. and those indebted tluielo will made Immrillate pavtneut to ' Al.Ukltr HALL, Administrator. company aie thotoughly competent and their singing of sin prising i'.iellenie, In fjot, 'The Llectiic bpaik' as presented Saturday fuininhes a ilelighlful Ileal in eveiy way to lhe4tiegoris, and Is a decided amusement novelly." Macauley-Patton Company. 'Ihe local theulei -goers will be delighted tu know Ihat the Macjuley-I'altoii company l-s bonkeel for Iip Academy nt Music all next wck la a high class repei tnite of plays. The open ing hill will be the pastoral diatiu, "The Alin Mrr's Son." Mr, W, I), Palton will appear in the leading- lcL that vf Simon ltuy. He will be reinemherrd as, one of tho best icpjitoiie com. celi'ins that liavo ever visited Scrantni., The ".MlnUter'a sen" is a play llut all i lapses of tlieatei-gocrs should tec-. It entertains every liioment, It touches the best emotions and teaches iiiou- iiu-i csivtlj than tho best seiiuon ever preached. The company Is one of the best on the road and (an led a carload of scenery tu produce their plays, Stiong specialties will lie Intioduced by "The Two Does." The list of plays produced duting the week will be; "The Inside Truck," "Peaceful Valley , " ".hm Before Pawn," "lloyal Hags," "A Wasted Life" and "A Tcas Cowboy," Prices, 10, 20 and 30 icnts. Matinees d-illy, commencing Tuesday, I.ailles' tickets (or Monday night, 15 ec-nu. BOTHERED THE PULLMANS. A Young Man Arrested at New York Is Sent to an Insane Pavilion, By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Piess. New York, Oct. 31, The younu man who for eevernl years annoyed tho Pullmans in Chlcoijo by deniandlnu money o( ihciu unJ callliit,- hlinsolf Gutituv Pttlluiiin, va.ti uiieatv'il lu'i'ii toUay, This uftcrnoon he culled at the hotel where young Uooigo and Sanger Pullman aio llvintr nnd sent Ills enrrt up to tho former. The Pullmans had him ejected and ho returned and ilcmunded $50,000. lie was again put out and on his third visit was arrested. After helnn: ar raigned lu police court, he was taken to the insane" pavilion at Uelleyue hoti pltal for examination. MONEY TO LOAN. Jioxr.v to "Toav. ''''nifi:siii:iio, !'" aitoi nty, 307 Connell Dulldlnir. AXV AMOUNT, I TO 1 PKU CK.ST.. 1'ltOMPT. ly. II. C, He) Holds, .Mrars bulldilij. MOXEV TO LOAV-HTItAIOIIT LOANS "AT once. Currj, Connell tuiildinp. AXV AMOUNT OP MONKV TO I.OA.V. QUtt!i:, tralftht loam or BultdlnK and Loin. At (rem to C per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, D14-.1IS Connclt bultdlns. DRESSMAKING. nnnssHAKixo for childucn to oiidi:k; alio ladles' waist. Loulat 8ho(mtlcer, 212 Adama aevnue. CITY SCAVENGER A. B. Unifit!3 CbKASS 1'IIIVV VAULTS AMI cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. n. HRItiriS. Proprietor. Leave order lino North Main nvenue, or Klcke's druic store, cor ner Adams and Mulbeiry. Telephone 9310. SITUATIONS WANTED iiiiTmmaki:ii "wasts work nv Tin; nw. lteumdeliuir a ipcchilt.v : alo thildieu's Kern li". Addicss Jennie, Tiibunu oftlce. MTl'ATIOX WANTKII-HY A (Hill,, '10 TALK (.arc of t-hihlleli or do licht limiscwurk, or wash dishes or work In small Mine. Call or n't dreM (07 Vridlnam! ti it. SITUATION WAX'tXO TO CO OUT 11Y Till: day. K. ,1, A., :UU Washington .ivrnue. SITIATIOX WA.NTKU-UV A YOUNO WOMAN. 10 do wanhlui,' .md iionlmr, 01 v.oik by the day. Mrs. ,1. T., (114 Itidinnml -tre-i t. S11UATIOX WANTKD-IIY A IlKSIMXT MILL colored girl its cook or chambermaid. Apply 401 New street. SITUATION WAXTi:i)-HV A CAPAIILK CIHI. for cooking- or ireiienil housevvm I; ; elty ief eieme; call at ;uu North lljdc I'mk avenue. SITUATION" WAXTCl) -IIY YOUNO MAN AS othYe cluk. has liad live yc.il-.' experiencp in the huildine: limitless; tan do bookkeeping. Address. L. II. V Tiibi.ne office. SITUATION VAN'Tlil)-IIV YOUNO MAN AS olRce 1 lerk; has had five ve.us eperliiice in Ihe building- business; cm du bookkeeping. 'L. II. .," Ttihiine. WANTF.D-I1Y A MllllJLK AfiKD LAllV. POSt Hon as housekeeper in a small family ; can give good refeiencc. Address 155 Bulwer street, c Ily. IllinSOMAKKIt DEMIIKH WOIIK AT 1IOMK OR by the da), hif.hrst oily leferenres mill first iks.s woik gUJiameed. Address Modes, Trib une office. SITUATION WANTKD-BY KUUCATF.D YOl.NH lady as oilier ao.--i.st jut ; ersed in bookkeep ing, short h'.net and typewriting. Dclres peinu. nent employment with come reliable party. Ad dress "Experienced," .WJ Sinunei avenue, city. liWiU IIOtJSK WAN1S CAPAIILK MEN AND women to mt as general agents. $U0u yearly salary, expenses, extra commissions, billlUnt op portunity. .Stafford Piexs Co., New Haven, Conn. SITUATION WANTKD-BY A SHOK SALES lady with epcricuce; can furnish the heat of city refeienees. Address Kxperience, Tribune office. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. KDWA1ID O. SPAU1.DISO, C. V. A., 2J TRAD eis' Hank buitdine;. Architects. EDWAliD If. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, CONSKl.L building, Siranton. Fltr.DF.niCK L. linOWN, ARCHITECT, PRICK builuiiig, I -'6 Wasliinejlou avenue, Scianton. Cabs and Carriages. RinnKit Tlltl'.n cabs and CARRIAOF.S; best of serviic Prompt attention glvrn order, by 'dhone. 'Phones 2072 and 5J32. .loeph Kcilev. lit Linden. Dentists. DR. O. E. F.ll.tABKROEIt. l'AOLt UUH.DlNUr Kntiice street. Sciantcm. DK. 1. O. LYMAN, SCltANlON PRIVATE DOS pital, eornci lAjomlng und Mulhsiry. PR. C. C. LAUUACII, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Dlt. II. K. JIKYNOLDB, OI'P. P. O. Hotels and Bestaurants. THE F.LK CAFE. Ii5 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVF- nue, Kates icisonjine. P. y.ElalF.H, Proprietor. cniiiWTnv 11,-lllh.l- V1.-1H n r. j- u mc. aenger depot. Condiuic-el un tlie European uUu, I vicrrnii irmif u,nh.i.,... Lawyers. J. W. BROWNINO, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL. Iov-at-law. Booms 312-313 Hears buildinr. V. B. IlKPLOOI.E, ATTORNEY-LOANS NEOO Hated on real estate security. Mesrs bttildloajL comer Washington avenue and Spruce itrtel, WILLAItt), iVAUBCSf k K.NAPP. ATTORNEYS and counsellois-at-law. Itpubllca building, Washincton uenye. JESSUI & JKSSUl'. ATTORNEYS AND COUIft ellor-at-law. Commonwealth bulldlnjr, Bo any 10, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKrOltp. ATTORXEV.AT-LAW; Rooms 614, 515 and 510 lloaul ol Trade bulls ing. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNKY. ItOOlIS WU-D0I, 9ll floor, Jicars building. l". A. WATRE3. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. C. It. PITCHER. .VnORNKY.ATI.AW, b"oaTii) of Trade building. Scranton, Pa, PATTERSON ft WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONaT Bank building. C. COMEOYS, 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDINQ. A. W, nERTII01.y. ATTORNEY. WEARS BLDO, Physicians and Surgeons. ML "w. eTaLLEN, 513 NORTi("wTSHiNGrO.V avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMORKAUX, OFFICE S39 WASH, ington avenue. Residence, 1.118 Jluluerrv. Chronio diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys aiid genlto-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. s Schools, SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, 6CIIANTON, l'a, Course preparatory to college, law, inedi cine or business. Opens Sept, 12th, Send for catalogue, Rev, Thomas M Cann, Lb. I)., prin cipal end piopiictor; W, E. I'lumley, A, 11.. Iicadmaster. Seeds. 0. It, CLARK i CO.. SEEDSMEN AND .MIRS rrymen, stole tOl Washington avenue; green bouses, 1050 North MjIu avenue; store tele phone, 782. "Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, l'a., manufacturer of Whe Screens. rfcn Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCIIESTRA-JIUSIO" FOIlllM.Ls! ..Innll, llllllfl ftM-findl-lm, UaH.1I,,d m.tA . tvrt work (urulslicd. For lenui sddreM ). .;. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wjonilug avenue, oirr ilulbsrt's music stoic. n--ninnKE HHds imivTKHs' Kiu.m u-u vv vcevpe.', yt"'c "b, ivvine, vvsicuvusc, nv I Washington avtnue, Scranton, Pa. . RAILROAD TIME TABLE . PENNSYLVANIA RAfiMAD ' Schedule in Effect My 87, 1800. Trains leave Scranton, D. . H. Station: 0.45 n, m week days, for SuaWury, HnrriBburr, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pltta burg and the Weat. D.38 a. m., week daya, for XaaUtoa, Fottsville, Beading Norriatowti, and Philadelphia, and for Bun bury Harriaburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,Waahington and Pitta bnrg and the Weat. 2,18 p. m,, week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris ' burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the Wcat. For Hazleton, Pott ville, Hetiding-, &c. week days. 4,sr p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Hazleton, Pottsville, Harriaburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1. Tl. WOOD, dm. IMis. Ail. .1. U. HUTCHINSON, flen. Mr. Delaware, Tnckawanna and Western. In lllTect .tunc 10, 1000. fcouth Leave Scranton for New York at 1.15, a.m. 0.40, 8.01 and 10.0.'i a. m.. 12.65, 3.T1 and 8.IU p. ni. For Philadelphia at 3.40. 8.00 and IO.Oj . in,. Li,f,5 nm ai33 p. m, Kor SIroud burg nt a.to p. in. .Milk and accominodation at ;?.' '" Arrhp at Hobolten at 6.B5, 7.1K. 1 Ml a. in.; i2,ns, oMT 44g, 7,10 md 0.43 p. m. fhe ".' ''I'Hadelphla at 10.0(1 a. m.; LOO, a.lx. .'H) and 3 p. ni. Airivc from New York at and 10.20 a. in.; 1.00. 1.52, fi.4S. fl.45 and IL.'lO p. m. Fiom htroudsburg at P.O.", a. in. .virtii.. Leave Scranton for Buffalo and Inter medlatr stations ut 1.10. 4.1(1 and 8.80 a. m.; ', 15.48 and 11. M p. m. For Oswego and Syra- i " at 4I a- "I. '! 1.M P- " "" u,Ic "t ' I" ii. ni. am) 1..V, p. rn. Far Montiese at 8.S0 fi. V .',03 I'- "' l' W I'- "I- Vor 'i,',, mi at4()0 and fl.C, p. m. For lllnghamlon. K.5 , i .,'., '' "' Arrive in Snanton from Bnffol" L..0. f..V,, r,,M mid 10.00 a. in. I .l.no and 8 01 ... J,!i' 'J'"" Osivego ami Svi anise at 2..M a. m.; I--.S nm a.oo p. ,, Kioin I'tlia at 2.J5 r. in." 1-.3S ami :t.:m p. ,, ro, xcii0lson at 0.S0 IV." e'"1 H'(l ' '" Krom Montrose at 7.55 an in TO a. r!. : .,,M nnii ,, m, lllnonisluira; Division Leave Serantou for "rlhu-nhinnd at r, 45. 10.0 a. m.: 1.55 and (Wl p. i. For Plymouth Rt LOI, 3.40, 8.55 and IJ"- ,':.m- rr Nantlroke at 8.10 a. in. Arrive at Northumherl.iiid at 0M a. tu., 1.10. 5.00 and ' l- in. Arihe .it Nantlroke at 11.10 a. m ;( at I'lynionth at 2.00, 4..12. 0.60 p. m. and 1...0 a ni. Arrive at Seranlnn from Xortbum. IwilJtiel at 0-ti ii. ip.j IJ.tf,, 1.50 and 8.41 n '".- rrom N'nntlcnke at 11.00 a. in. From lymoiith at 7.50 a. in., ,'(.L'0, .. and 11.V0 p. m, m:ry TltMS. Smith- Leave Siranton 1.40. S.OU, 5 40, 10.0 . m t H.:u, ;iM ant 8.10 Pi ,, Noith Leave Snanton at t.tO. 4.10 a. ni.; Li-i. o. IS and 11.S5 p, in. Illnnm-.bincf Division Leave Scranton at 10.0.1 a. ni. and 5.50 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In EiTert Oct. 21, pjon. Tiains (up Caibondale leave Scianton at 20, 7.M. 8.5t. 10.U h. in.; 12.00, 1.2.1, 2.26, .1.52, 6.25, B.2.-I, 7.57. n.l.-, 11.15 p. in.: 1,16 a. m. 1'orc llonc'il.ilt 1;.20, 10.13 a. ni.; 2.28 and 5.25 p. m. For Wilkes-Barre C.45, 7.18. 8.43. 0.38. 10.43 a. ni.; 12.0.1, 1.2S. 2.18. .s.,1.1, 4.27, 6.10, 7,48, 10.41. ll.SO p. ni. For L. V. II. It. poinls--fl.45 a. m.; 12.05. 2.18, 4.27 and IL.'tO p. in. For Pemi'ylvanii n. It. points fi.15. fUS a. in.; 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 8 20 a. m. and 3.52 p, in. SUNDW T1UIXS. F'or raibciKlaleO.OO, H.3'1 a. in.; 2.28, 8.62, 5.17, 10.52 p. ni. Kor Wllkes-llaire 0.P8 .(. m.j 12.03, 1.08, 1.28. 8.27. 8.27 p. m. For Vlbany nnd points north 3.52 p. in. For Hone'd.ile fl.OO a. m. and 3.52 p. nr. Lowest i.ites to all points in United Htltes and Canada. .1. W. BFRDICK. O. P. A.. Albans-, N. Y. II. W. (.RO'sS, 11. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In F.ffrct May 27, 1900. Tiains Leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. : II. II. It., nt 0.45 a. in. and 12.0.1, 2.18, 4.27 (Rlaek Diamond Express), and 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. i. II. II. It., 1..W. 7. IS p. in. For While Haven, Hazleton and principal points in the coal legions, via D. k 11. K. R., 0.45, 2.18 and 4.27 p. in. For Pottsville, 8.1J, 2.18 p. m. F'or Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburar and principal inteunediate htntions via D. Ac II. It. It., 0.45 a. in.; 12.0.1, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond F'tpress), 11. "0 p. m Sundajs, D. k II. It. It.. 1.58, 7.48 p. m. For Tunkhsuuoik, Tnwanda, Elmira, llhaca, Renrva and piinclpal intermediate stations, iM I)., L. fc W. R. R., 8.08 a. m.; 1.05 and J.J1 p. in. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Fill, Chicago, and all points west, via D, Ic II. It. R., 15.03, 3.31 (Blael; Diamond Kxpicss), 7.48, 10.41. 11.30 p. m. Sundajs, 1). k II. R. R., 12.03 p. in.; 7.48 p. 111. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Galley pallor iji-s on nil tiains between Wllkea-Barre and New Yoik, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus peislon Bridge. R0I.L1N II. WILBtlR. (fen. Supt., 28 Cortland stii'cl. New Yoik. CIIAKI.ES S. LEE. fien. Pass. Agt., ?fi Cortland slieet, New 101k. A. W. KO.NM MACIIKR. Olv. Pass. Agt.. South Belhlel em. I'.i For llckrli. and I'uIIiiipii leserv.itious apply to 30V I.nkawaniia avemie, Scianton, Pa. Central Bailroad of New Jersey. Stations In New York-Fool of Liberty strttt, N. 1!., and South V'euy- , , , Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring tleanllntas and comfort. TIME TABLE IN KFECT JIAY 20, IWW. Trains leave Scranton (or New Yoik, Newark, Elisabeth. Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, At Isntown, Mauch Chunk and White Haven, it .? a. ni.; express, Z.20; cypress, 100 p. in. Svn sUys. 3.1t P "' t'or Pittston ami vYIIkM-Barre, t.S0 a. m.j 1.20 nd 4.0O p. rn. imdays, 2.15 p. in. For Baltimore and Washington, and poled Soutk and West via Bethlehem, 1.30 I. in,, 1,20 p, m. Sundays, 2.16 p. in. For long Branch, Occsu Oiore, etc., at f,!4 . in. and 1.S0 p. ni. For Heading, Lebanon and Harriaburg, via A! leiitown, 8 JO a. ni. and 1.20 p. m. flundiflt a.i.l p. m. Kor Potlgsille, 8.30 I. t 1.20 p. in. Through tickets tn all points east, south and wist at lowest rates at the station. .1. II. OI1L1IAUSEN, Gen. Supt. lb V. BALDWIN, flin. Pass. Agt. New York, Ontario and Western R.It. TIMB TABLE IN EFFECT SUNDAY, JUNE 11, Noilli Bound Tiains, l.eavo Leave Scran- Carbon- Arrive. Trains. 20t .. ten. dale. Cadstta. 10.40 a. m. 11.20 a. in. 1,0) d. m. J0.1 207 s.ll p. m. 4.32 p. in. Ms p. a. 6.00 p. m. A rrtve Cs rbondalt, 8. U d. m. ' Sm.IIi nni.n.l 'IVsl.i ' Leave Leave Cidosla, , .!') . in. Carbondals. 7.00 a, m, 10.02 a. ni, RcMiirsn, 7.40,. 1U.4S tt tn. 4.2 p. m. 2.03 p. in. n. in. ;i.oi u. 3.31 p. in. SUNDAYS ONLY, North Bound. Leave Leave Scran- Carbon- Arrive ton. dale, Cadosla) o,y, 8.30a. in. 0,10a. in. 10.15 . in "mi 7.00 p. m.Arrive Carbondale, 7.45 p. i. -lM South Bound. v Leave Leave Cadosla, Carbondale. Scranton, '(hi ...,,. 7.00a, m. 7.10a.m. ns 4.80 p. Hi. A. 64 p, in. 11.116 p. m, ' Train No. 201 make connection (or points North and South on Main Line, at Cadosii. " Trains Nos- 203 and 2.0S make Main Mm e nedions on Sunday, For Inrlliir information, consult (Irkst afr'ita. .1. l ANDERSON, den. Pass. Agt,, New YVl. J, E. WELSH, Tiavellng Paiienger Agent, Seran tou, Erie and Wyoming Valley, Times Table In Effect Sept, 17, lt00. Trains (or llawley and local points, connect ing at llawley with Erie lallroad (or New York, Nevvburgh ad Intermediate points, leave Scran ton at 7.03 a. in. and 2.22 p. in. Trains arrive at Scranton it 10.50 a. as. d 0.10 p. in. NEWSPAPERS im'TVl.KES.JiAnRK IRECOlll) 0N bk iiAn in Se lantern ut the news stands ol Rrismsn Bios., 403 Spruce and 603 Linden; M. Norton. 322 Lackawanna aveuue; , H. Schutitr,' 211 Spiuce stieet. SOPjrREMENTj JlitS..L. T. KELLER, SOALP TREAimNsTSaM shampooing, Mc-.j (miclal.inasugt; Biaaber loy, 25c.J chiropody, '701 CJulucy." 3" 4 - U