The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 01, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Exhibition nnd Wrestling Bout by
Prof. M. J. Dwyer and Champion
Abo Cocker Ordination of Bev. E.
A. Boyl nt Plymouth Congrega
tional Church Funeral of Patrick
Haggcrty Baffo-Gerrlty Wedding
at St. Patrick's Church Other
Events of Interest.
The lli-ht of ii scries of staff enter
tnlnmchts under the nusplccs of the
Kloctrlc City Wheel iuimi wuh held ut
the club house last evening nnil proved
to bo it winner with the born who were
privileged to attend. The star attrac
tion was an exhibition of physical cul
ture and a wro.stiliiR bout between
Prof. M. J. Dwyer, who will wrestle
Frank Gchle, of I'liiuu, Ohio, at the
Scranton Bicycle club this evening, and
Abe Cocker, of North Scranton, cham
pion 140-pound wrestler of England.
The fall was accredited to Prof.
Dwyer In eighteen minutes and the
second also went to him In nine min
utes. The exhibition was exceedingly
clever, and while Cocker' Is twenty
pounds lighter than Dwyer, he never
theless showed much cleverness.
John D. Jones, of North Scranton,
was referee and the timekeepers were
Frank DePue and Clarence Florey. In
addition to the wrestling bout the
guests were entertained with phono
graphic selections, and refreshments
were served and cigars passed.
Claude Simmons rendered piano se
lections, Moses Morgan sang, Joseph
and Master George Keller played piano
and violin solos, and the Anthracite
quartette sang. Clus Eynon and Ed.
Morse played selections on the piano
and mandolin, and Fred Neumuls
played the harmonica.
The affair was one of the most en
joyable events in the history of the
Ordination Services.
The council called for the purpose of
ordaining Rev. E. A. Boyl as pastor of
the Plymouth Congregational church
was held In the church auditorium yes
terday afternoon. Hov. E. J. Morris, of
Wllkes-Bnrre, was chosen moderator.
Rev. W. H. Stacy, of Hansford, acted
as scribe. The following churches were
represented, as follows:
Carbondale, Rev. M. C. Elliott:
Scranton, Puritan church, Isaac Price;
Good Enough Cough
remedy. Dufour'a French
Tar is what you need.
Rlitt Ell
Every yard represents the best that fashion has pro
vided for Fall and Winter wear, and the reductions
started are guaranteed in every instauce.
The Sale Begins Wednesday, Oct. 31.
find Continues for Ten Days Only
Silk and Wool Mixtures
Designed especially for house
wrappers, children's dresses,
etc. A multitude of beautiful
color combinations; 40 inches
wide; worth 50c.
The Special
Sale Price...
40-Inch Wool Plaids
None newer and none better for
half a dollar. Good winter
weight nnd may ho a score of
styles to select from.
The Special 'nC'
Sale Price... - J 2
46-Inch Henriettas
Pure wool and best dye;' extra fin
ish in n full line of popular
shades, a cheap cloth at 05c. for
-ten days only.
The Special
Sale Price...
Pure Wool Storm Serges
42 inches wide, trim, heavy twill
nnd very best make. Navy and
black only. A cloth well worth
.62 l-2c.
The Special
Sale Price ..
48-Inch Pebble Cheviots
" in oil the new greys, castors,
, blues, etc., for separate skirts or
jacket suits, A remarkably
handsome $1.00 suiting,
The Special 7Er
Sale Price..,
, We show this week a
Dot Henriettas for smart
u nnp wiaann
JI 1 J J u am
Plymouth church, A. B. Eynon, J. Tt.
Thomas! Itondlmm, Nobo church, Hov.
Ii .1. Jenkins; Wllkes-Burrc, Puritan
eliitrch, ltov. 15. .1. Morris! Nantlcohc,
Bethel church, T. 1A Jacobs! Edwards
dale, Bethesda church. Ilisv. H. "N".
Dowdlng; l.niisfuril, Bev. W. II. Htncv.
After u most compichenslvo and ex
haustive statement by Bev. Boyl, the
council wont Into executive session,
after which they unanimously recom
mended the candidate for ordination.
The ordination services were opened
at 7.30 o'clock. Tho following pro
gramme was rendered! Hymn, congre
gation and choir; prayer, ltov. J. J.
Jenkins; Scrlptuie reading, Bev. W. II.
Stacy; hymn, congregation and choir;
ordination sermon, Bev. K. J. Morris;
ordination prayer, Bev. W. II. Stacy;
right hand of fellowship, Bev. J. J. Jen
kins; charge to tho pastor and address
to tho church, Bev. II. W. Dowdlng:
hymn, congregation and choir; bene
diction, ltov. E. A. Boyl.
Supper was served In tho lecture
room by tho ladles of the church to
tho visiting pastors and dclegntes.
Other Hallowe'en Events.
Miss Bice of North Bromley avenue
nnd Sehlager boulevard, entertained a
party of young friends last evening.
A Ttnllowe'en party was enjoyed by
n large number of guests nl tho home
of Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Smith, corner
of South Main avenue nnd Luzerne
Msatcr Donald nnd Miss Hazel Iit
terly entertained their young friends
at a masquerade party last evening.
Miss Jennie Howell, of Scranton, en
tertained the West Side Card club at a
tea yesterday afternoon.
The Dollar club wore the guests of
Mrs. George Peck, of North Lincoln
avenue, last evening.
Afternoon Church Wedding.
Anthony Baffo, of Hoboken, and Miss
Mary Gerrlty, of Tenth street, were
united in marriage at 4 o'clock yester
day afternoon at St. Patrick's Catholic
church In tho presence of a large- circle
of friends. The ceremony was per
formed by Bev. Francis Canavnn.
The bride was attended by her sister,
Miss Nelllle Gerrlty, and the grooms
man was Joseph Buckley. Both ladies
were tastily attired and carried flowers.
Imediately after the ceremony the wed
ding party were driven to the home of
tho bride's parents on Tenth street,
where a reception and supper was en
joyed. Mr. and Mrs. Baffo left at mid
night for Hoboken, where they will
Funeral of Patrick Haggerty.
A solemn high mass of requiem was
celebrated at St. Patrick's Catholic
church at 9.30 o'clock yesterdny morn
ing over the remains of the late Pat
rick Haggerty Bev. Father Loftus was
celebrant, Bev. Frances Canavan.
deacon, and Bev. J. .1. Glllogly, of
Sayre, sub-deacon.
A number of lloral offerings were In
evidence, 'one piece being sent by tho
employes of the International Corre
spondence schools, where a daughter
of the deceased Is employed. Tho pall
hearers wore Thomas Judge, Daniel
McGonlgle, Daniel Haggerty, Dennis
Pure Wool Cheviots
46 inches wide and a cloth which
sold freely at 85c. a yard. The
color range is slightly broken,
The Special
Sale Price...
Fine Diagonal Suitings
Pure wool and 46 inches wide in
all tho leading shades of the sen
son. A beautiful high grade
cloth well worth $1.25 a yard,
The Special
Sale Price...
Plaid Back Suitings
52 inches wide, pure wool, also
golf skirtings in all the popular
shades and effects. Were sold nt
$2.S5 a yard,
The Special
Sale Price...
34-Inch Whipcords
in all the solid colors, including
black. A first rate 25c, cloth.
The Special Q
Sale Price...
Camel's Hair Plaids
84 inches wide nnd all the best
color effects, Never sold for 25c.
Tlio Special
Sale Pricc-
DOUble Fold Cashmeres
Best 20c. cloth, All the new
The Special i Cv,
Sale Price... ''
complete line of new Polka
waists. They're beautiful.
L. - 4 i A '
IN. B. By special request of a good many who have been unable to
hear the splendid Scranton Mandolin Club, they will repeat their
grand concerts on Saturday afternoon and evening.
O'llara, Patrick Cadtlen and Patrick
Kerrigan. Interment was made In tho
Cal'hedral cemetery.
The Prohibitionists of the First leg
islative district will hold open nlr meet
InK. weather permitting, as follows:
This evening, at the square, North
Scranton; tomorrow evening, South
Mnln avenue and Hampton street; Sat
urday evening, corner of Main avenue
and Jackson street.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Ply
mouth Congregational church will hold
an nil-day session in the church today.
Democratic rallies will be held this
evening In Golden's and Flanaghan's
halls on Luzerne street.
Mrs. Daniel Evans, of Eynon strer,
who has been suffering from Inflam
mation In one of her eyes, was operated
on nt the Lackawanna hospital this
week, and Is recovering from the treat
ment. Mrs. Ruth Ellas and Mrs. David
Moses, of Spring Brook, are visiting
Mrs. Mary Thomas, of Eynon street.
Mrs. Estelle Clayton, of Chestnut
street, Is the guest of friends In Wllkes
liarro. 'Masses will be said at St. Patrick's
church this morning at 6, 7 and 8
Jacob Parker, of Prink stret, fell re
cently near his home and fractured his
shoulder blade.
Henry Leber, of Hampton street, is
recovering from tho effects of an oper
ation recently performed by Dr. Gates.
John T. Jones and CirlllUh T. Price
were yesterday appointed majority in
spector nnd judge of election, respect
ively, in the Third district of tho
Fourth ward.
Timothy f. Hayes and John J. Hart
will address an open air meeting at the
corner of Main avenue and Jackson
street tomorrow evening.
Tho quarters of the Columbia Chem
ical company will be remodelled and
renovated in a few days. The sliding
polo will bo changed to the front of
the building and the bunk rooms
changed. New flooring will also bo put
Thomas Phillips, a boy residing on
North Sumner avenue, fell from a.
porch and fractured his left arm.
Lieutenant of Police Thomas L. Will
iams has resumed his duties after a
few days' vacation spent nt Lake Carey
and other places.
David Owens and W. Hayden Evans
were the guests of Pittson friends last
evening. ,
St. Peter's Total Abstinence and'
Benevolent society contemplate organ
izing a Pioneer corps in the near fu
ture. Nearly sixty names have al
ready been enrolled.
Mr. and Mrs. Bingham gave a
Hallowe'en party to a number of their
friends last evening and an evening
of pleasure resulted. The home on
North Blakoly street was illled with
the merry throng during the progress
of the night, and with games and
amusements suitable to the occasion,
the time quickly sped away. Mr. and
Mrs. Hingham were especially happy
In looking to the interests of their
guests and their efforts were appreci
ated as was shown by all voting their
host and hostess royal entortafners at
the close of the festivities. Refresh
ments were served at a late hour and
finally all wended their way home.
The following from the borough at
tended tho social held by tho Cale
donian club In Scranton lust evening:
'r. and Mrs. Alexander Olencross,
: and Mrs. Jnmes McWHllam, Mr.
i' '1 Mrs. O. J. llcnopp, Mr. and Mrs,
John fllencfoss, Mrs. Alexander Had
1 den. Miss Marlon Glencross, William
Haddcn and William and Alexander
Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Pres
byterian church will meet this nftor
noon at -:t!0 o'clock at the homo of
Mrs. K. Vlekcrs on Dudley street.
Mrs, W. F. Hurley of Webster ave
nue Is very 111. Her condition Is con
sidered serious by her medical ad
visers MINOOKA.
.Miss Marsturct Sullivan, of Klnijstun, who has
been isltlwj friends in tills place the post few
weeks, lias leturncd home.
Mailln Toole, r,, who tpent thu p.ul few
months ut lied Hank, X, J,, has returned lioni.-.
Miss Telia Mooiicy, a piomliiciit young lady
nt town, lias gone o Wilkes-llarro to icside
Mrs, 'Ihomas Luugliiiey, ol Main sluet, who
lias In en 111 tho past lew months, is able to be
uromid again.
Tho Ladies' Tuiipcianco noclrly ol Minnnka,
which v.u recently oiiMiiircil, iliilitfully ok-civ.
ed llallowe'iii la.t lunim:, I'.v Kiting u a-well
dance to their many f rieiuL-i. lttfie.shmuit wera
.cried during tho evening liy n hevy of pictty
maidens and a good time was Itiul by those pus.
Tho AiicUiit Order of illlicrnlum and the
I.udlcs' Irish Catholic Honetolcnt union held a
joint tocial Ksslon last night at McDonough's
hall in oliscrvaiuo of Hallowe'en. Quite a large
crowd of merrymakers was piccnt and thoiougli.
ly enjoyed themselves.
James (iuu'Xl died Tuesday at Ids home on
Cspousc uyenue. He U survived by tho follow
ing children: John (Jurrcll, of Chicago; Mrs.
alary Connors aril Mies Sarah Gurrell, ol tldi
el ly, The funeral will bo held from his Jale
home, 737 Capousp, avenue, this ajternoon at "30
p. r.. Interment at Cathudiul cemetery.
Mai), l' Infant ilauglitir ol Mr. and Mis.
.Peter. O'Connor, of 12 Madison atcnue, Pun
more, died last 'light, Funeral announcement
Hear the
No musical event of the Food Show brought more pleasure with it
last week. This afternoon will be your last chance to hear them
members of Scranton Athletic Club
Appeared in Athletic Hall South
Kill Reoponed Swiss Celebration
to Be Given Tonight in Music Hall.
Pleasant Surprise Party Tendered
Miss Grace Connor Peter Ooyno
Painfully Injured Other News
and Personal Mention.
One of the cleverest exhibitions of
athletic exercise ever seen In the city
was given last night In Athletic hall,
by the Scranton Athletic club before
a large and enthuslustlc audience. The
club, which is composed of stalwart
young men, have underwent a severe
and thorough course of training under
the direction of three young, though
highly efllclont trainers, Victor Noth,
who has lately completed a gymnasium
course In Philadelphia.
Difficult horizontal bar feats were
cleverly executed by Victor Noth.
John Roth, Chris Rose, and the old
war horse, ex-Captain Philip Wirth,
who has lost none of his old-time
cleverness. Berg and Keeser demon
strated fully their ability to do tumbl
ing and all sorts of fancy twisting
nnd bending, tying themselves in
knots and then untying themselves.
They were frequently applauded.
Double bar work by Albert Henno,
Philip Wirth, Chris Rose, John Itosh
and Victor Noth brought forth some
exceedingly hard feats.
Some very fine work was done by
Victor Noth on the parallel bars, and
It was done with astonishing grace
and ease. John Johns also did some
clever tumbling.
What proved of tho greatest interest
In the programme was a four round
sparring exhibition between Chris
Rose, the club's stalwart captain, and
their trainer, Victor Noth. It was a
very spirited set-to and the boxers
exhibited skill in dodge and parry
After the exhibition the hall was
cleared and dancing was. indulged in
until a late hour, music being fur
nished by Prof. Johnson.
South Mills Again Open.
Tho South mills of the Lackawanna
Iron and Steel company, which have
been idle for over ten months, re
sumed work yesterday afternoon at
1 o'clock, on two shifts, and last night
the heavens were illuminated by that
cheerful glow which has not oeen seen
for a good while, and the deep, dull
roar of the blowers nnd the sparks
of tho converton told the tale of rush
It Is expected that enough work
has been secured to keep the South
mill going nil winter, and that being
the case, the Christmas will be one
of joy and happiness.
A Romantic Wedding.
Mrs. Joseph Hnmm, of Plttston ave
nue, received a postal card yesterday
morning, bearing the following brief,
but Interesting, announcement:
"Dear Mother: I'm married and In
Philadelphia, Don't worry nbout our
welfare, Frances."
It will be noticed that Frances spoke
about being married and about "our
welfare," but failed to mention who
the happy man was. This wasn't
necessary. Her parents know very
well who the groom Is.
He Is James McOulnness, son of
Mai'l Carrier McOulnness. and ho fell
In lovo with Miss Frances about six
months ago. He Is 20 yeors old and
she Is n Jltttle younger. Ho disap
peared from homo last week and sho
disappeared on Mondny.
Her parents did not worry much,
however. They suspected that she
was gone to bo 'married and they ac
cepted the Inovltnblo philosophically.
Swiss Celebration.
Tho Swiss Benevolent society of this
side, In honor of tho birthday of tho In
dependence of Switzerland, will duly
celebrate tonight, in Music hull, by
having an entertainment, followed by
(i dance, The committee in charge of
the arrangements have loft nothing un
done to mnko the jubilee a success.
There- will be good music rendered,
followed by on address by the presi
dent, John Anderegg, nfter which there
will bo given a Swiss wrestling exhi
bition bv six young men, three pair,
which In turn will bo followed hv a
toman sword contest by eight youux
men from Taylor.
Robert Frederick will give a selec
tion op a zither, which will bo followed
by stereoptlciin vlows by Henry Frey.
The coiiimlttco In charge of the ur
raucements are John Oyr, Rudolph
Hleffcn, Andrew Glamor, Michael Itoth,
Rudolph Traub, John Urunner, Kmyst
Gloor and John Brunner,
Pleasant Surprlso Party.
Miss Grace Connor, of Brook street,
was tendered a pleasant snrprlsu party
on Tuesday evening by a large number
of her friends. The evening was very
pleasantly spent, .games Indulged In
nnd music- rendered, after which re.
freshments were servcti.
Those present were Misses Lizzie,
Edith uiul Hunnah Williams, Kmiua
Holder, Delia Rldgcwuy, Lizzie Evans,
Lizzie Thomas, Ruth Jarvls, Luura
Jarvls, Mrs, Jarvls, Mrs. Ruth Morris,
Fiore Family Today
Their Finest and Last Concert
Minnie Davis, Jennie Connor, nnd
Messrs. John Morgan, Arthur Morgan,
Henry Jacobs, Fred Jacobs, Hugh
Evans, August Grlfllths, John Davis,
William Gavin and James Hart,
Peter Coyne, a young man, employed
In tho engineering department of the
Greenwood Coal company, had his nose
badly Injured yesterday morning by
having It caught by a revolving hook.
Dr. Mnnley was summoned and dressed
the Injuries.
Tho Century Hose company In full
uniform, nnd headed by the Ringgold
band, paraded the streets last evening
with transparencies, advertising their
ball, to be held on Friday night in
Athletic hall, on Alder street. The
Century's hall Is an annual event of
much Importance In this section, and
large crowds are always fond of them.
The one on Friday night will prove no
Next Saturday evening prominent
speakers will address Republican mass
meetings In Schlmpff's hall and Cen
tral Park Garden, while Monday even
ing Athletic hall, Workingman's hall
and the Hall of All Nations, on Pltts
ton avenue, will be tilled, listening to
the last Republican principles being
expounded before election day.
Miss Rose Costello and Miss Mary
Muldownoy, of Carbondale, have re
turned homo, after spending several
days with friends on Fig street.
Miss Mary Mahon and Miss Tussle
Scott, of Fig street, are spending a few
days In Carbondale.
John Brown, of Washington, D. C,
formerly of Tho Tribune, is visiting his
sister, on South Pittston avenue.
Frank Kleinschrodt, of Birch street,
who was engaged In the Cnrnegle Steel
works at Pittsburg, has returned home.
Leo Herzog, of Brooklyn, Is visiting
his brother, on Cedar avenue.
Miss Minnie Faust, of Prospect ave
nue, is visiting friends In Pittston.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conrad Gave
a Hallowe'en Social Baptist
Church Choir Entertainment.
Mr. and airs. Thomas Conrad, of 1023
Diamond avenue, were tendered a mas
querade party last evening by a num
ber of their friends. There were sev
eral unique masks. Dancing, vocal nnd
Instrumental music by the Star Mando
lin trio and the usual games Incident
to such occasions were Indulged In,
nfter which refreshments wore served
nnd the guests departed for their
homes. Those who spent the evening
Mrs. George Herron, Mrs. C. S. Bene
dict, Mrs. S. D. Roberts, Mrs. Bacon,
Mrs. H. A. Scott, Mrs. Drlscoll, Airs.
Moore, Mrs. R. H. Harrison, Mrs Wnde
Jayne,' Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. John R.
Jones, Mrs. Paul Marlett, Mrs. Thomas
Conrad, Mrs. Brown, the Misses Myrtle
Marlott, Jessie FIsk, Ethel Kirk. Emma
Kirk, Grace Barnes, Cora Bacon, Nora
Conrad, Addle Harrison, and Messrs.
Fred J. Peckhnm, S. A. Derby, David
W. Reese, Paul Marlett, T. Kirk, John
L. Payne, Philip Bacon, H. M. Moore,
Thomas Conrad, Charles Krnmt, Ralph
Harrison, George GIbbs, John Conrad,
Charles Marlett, James Moore.
Tho Baptist church choir met at the
home of A. T. Aekerson, HOI Wood
street, on Tuesday night nnd passed
several hours In a most enjoyable man
ner. Those present wore Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Wntklns, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Nenve, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Prltchnnl,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Aekerson, Mrs,
Daniel Scrim, Mrs. H. C Price, Mrs.
John Stopfnrd, Mrs, Smith, Misses Jen
nie Thomas, Lizzie Owens, Miriam
Owens, Rachel Evans, May Morsran,
Bessie Wngstaff, Agnes Serine, Blanche
Serine, Martha Huntsman, Irene Phil
lips, Margaret Stopford, Hazel Acker
son, Frnnklo Aekerson, Miss Jones,
Messrs, John Evans, Joshua Johns, B,
J. Thomas, David Evans, William
Aekerson, August Hower, Dr. D. H.
Told in Brief.
A number of girls of this part of the
city had a jubilant time at the Young
Women's Christian association last
night, when they were given a Hallow
e'en party ut the rooms. Many guinea
and tho usual evening diversions were
indulged in. A pleasant time wits had
by ull who were present.
There wns a meeting of tho employes
of the Cayuga mines In O'.Mallcy's hall
Inst evening,
Mr, Stearns, of Wllllumsport, Is tho
guest of Rev, S, U, Reading.
The funeral of John Simpson wis
held from his late home, on I'utnain
street, yesterday afternoon at 2.K0
o'clock, The services were conducted
by ltov, G, E. Guild and were lamely
attended. The remains reposed In a
handsome black casket In the front
parlor. Many beuutiful lloral designs
were about the room. Interment wus
made. In Forest Hill cemetery.
Mrs. William Scott will lecture in the
North'MuIn Avenue Baptist church this
evening. Mis. Scott will speak on tho
women missionaries of the South, unit
what the colored people are doing. She
Is an excellent speaker and a btivht
example of her race.
A class In millinery wus started In
tho Young Women's Christian nssoclai
tlon yesterday afternoon. A large num
ber of members of the ussosiutlon
joined the class.
than the concert of the Fiore
from 2 o'clock until ;.
NEXT WEEK The last of the Food Show with it, the finest musi
cal attraction ever brought to ' Scranton. Watch the daily and
Sunday- papers for full particulars.
The Old Square Piano
j takes up lots of room and is awfully hard to move. Of course you
M are attached to it, nnd no wonder it has been a good instrument and
X suggests many pleasant recollections; but then, during twenty years
5 of progress, many advancements have been made in the piano Indus
B try, same as in all other, and your child's "ear for music" should be
B educated by every known means from the start.
plAfUos f
S have steadily kept up their march, in the front rank of strictly
B HIGH GRADE PIANOS, always subserving commercialism to ideal
B ism, quantity to quality, never allowing the growing demands to
swerve them from the paths of highest possible attainment. At tht
B time your square piano was made cheapness was not the important
S consideration among the greater number of piano makers, but TO
S DAY IT IS, nnd we are not surprised nt people hesitating to part
B with their old and tried squares.
S Come in and see the STIEFF; it does its own talking, and you
B will be glad to converge your sentiments for the "dear old square,"
B with the future welfare of your child, in the proud possession of one
S of these noble instruments.
B Fine Tuning a Specialty.
B Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise.
i Open Evenings.
A Skin of noauty Is a Joy Forover.
ItcmoYta Tan, Plmpln, FreolflMu
Sloth l'atclies, Ka.'ti, nd Skin
dUeues. and over blemish on
wauij, uia aeuM
detection. II bu
atood tha taat of M
Teara. anil la M
barmlcts wo taite It
tn be aura It la proi
erly made. Accept
do counterfeit of
almllarname. Dr.l
A. Sajre aald to
lady of the hant-toat
(a patient). "As you
lailiea will uie them.
I recommend 'Oour
aud'a Cream ' a tht
leait harmful of all
the Skin prepara
tioaa." For sale tr
all Drasaiftta ue)
Jaocy-Qoodi Dealers lntheU.SCanadaa,ana Europe,
fKBB. x, HOPKINS. Prop'r, 17 Gnat Joatt ( W t.T.
The Ciri'cn Itlilco Woman's Temper
aiiLu union will meet this afternoon nt the home
of Mrs. Del'ue, 22S New York streot, at 3
o'clock. A coidial invitation is ottcud.-cl to all.
The fJri'Cii ltiilffc Ulirary will he opened to
Ilio public this afternoon, after having heen
closed since the of last Slay.
lolin II. I'oore,- of C.ipome ivenue, is in Con
necticut on business.
Mis. A. G, Tliomawn, of Mousey avenue, is In
IlulTalo, S". Y., liaviiiK been called there by the
H'rlous illness of her mother. Mis. Vin Allen.
.Mis. Van Allen h.n frequently tiMted her
daughter at her homo here, and n large
of fi Until will crievc io learn of her critical
Tho "II. Jf.'s." a rhaimine; Utile (ire.ii niilce
social club, wire entertained by the Mint's i:c
Ijn ami Marion Matthews, at the home of their
parents, Mr. ami Mr- Willanl Matthews, of the
central city, list reniinr. Those who attended
weie: MIws Harriet Lindsay, Mable I'oidham,
I.ouiko Connolly, .lessie Callemler, Kunice Lath
mpn; anil Messrs. Harry Connolly, Floyd Fuller,
Waller Phillips, Colo Price, Max Phillips and
llnliert Parker.
Tbeie will he a social in Hie parlors of the
Asbnry Moihodlsl FpUeopal rliiircli tmnniruw
rt'eiiin?, miller tho auspices of the brotherhood
of SI. I'.iul.
"The Coon's l'etcl," n quaint and original
mui-iral concert, formed one of ihe most inter,
est lin; evenings of pleasure eer held l:i Hretn
llhlse. The conceit was plun by tlu iholr of
the Chuifli of the Hood Shepherd last i-venimr.
The choir was assisted liy llmcst I.. Ilovard, of
Diinimiip, as the plann Kolc.Ut. Mrs. A. b. tt".
Price wns nrcompanlbt of the evcnli'fr. The
Iheine of the- dlireii lit numbeis on Hie pro
Kininme were all in 1 coping with Hallowe'en
iilk'ht. and weie Riten in (.emi-clarkncss, Hie
hall belnif llelitetl oi,ly by jack-o'. lanterns. Tho
pcifoTfnrrs were ilics'cil to represent witches and
coons, Mrs, Chapman acted as leader of the
i bonis ami untie .in rM-ellent prompter. The
point of Mr, Ackeininn were also liberally up
plaudtd, The comcrt opened with llobert
ll'iin's (one poem, "Totn O' Shanter," plajed by
Mr, flovaril, the will lies tnkliur their places to
the spirited music, unit later the diflieult Schcirn
in O, was played by the same nrltt. The
work of Mrs. Price as aecoiiipanibt also deserves
especial montinn.
For Shattered Nerves.
A remedy that will Foolhe, build up
the wasted tissues and enrich tho
blood Is Indispensable. I.lehty's Cel
ery Nerve Compound has been wonder,
fully successful In cases of nervous
ppsu, as thousands or grateful people
will testify. Sold by M&tthows llros.
Illinoli raiiKs srioiul tn lcnii, Iv.iui.t in the
piodtittiou of coal, It is mined in fifty two
(oiintlts of the stale, ami the output for last
c.i f was 1. II I, II". I ops.
It is claimed thai liupiotcd in.-(im!ln of
vcv-tds Is lining away with kejliknc. Sclen.
lUu ilalm that a few Kcuerations hence tea-sicklies-,
will btciune all c.Mlmt malady III
ncciii trawl.
Aluminum htopptis fur hot tU i nic now helm;
made nt the late of m-wi.iI lli.ot.iinl pounds
a week. The blanks nie tut fiom slice I metal,
ami lifter shaping lubU'r gaskets aie foued owr
them. Stith sloppeis hate rct.ilmd the gas of
cll'i'ivi-.-iint llulds or four .t.ii.
1'unir impoipt I,ii,h.k tons of coke pir year.
In Iv.tnlt-llic years (icrm.uo b" liu reused
her iiMiiufactiiiiiig cnpacliy ten fold.
The nun of lata cjeticd from Vts'itius shite
16:).". amounts to lil.mUKU cubic nu'trit..
Mexican capitalist) lire about to elect four or
lite lame lotion lailoilo In that tommy. The
pilmlpal oucj wiU be at Atotouiko, s-au Mar
tin and Torn on.
'Hie ciioiiuoiis losses on the hluh seat are not
uhvjys Inouidil to the eyes of the I railing world.
Duilug the past three months the Lloyd have
rvioiiU of a 1j3 of 11') veivj!, of US," 1 1 tom.
0vl W
Uo3 Hm
"BuTgunder & Rels, Lesaeesand Manaf tr
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
Thursday Evening, Nov. 1.
Presenting tho New American Comedy Drama
A stirring- nnd realistic play of Ufa in the
Heart of the Rockies crowded with thrilling
fcenes interspersed with laughable comedy and
novel specialties.
Incidental to the play Champion Jeffries will
give a friendly and uplrlted boxing exhibition
with .lack MeConnick, of Philadelphia.
Prices: Lower floor, 00c., 73c. and $1.00; bal.
cony, Ofle., gallery, 23c.
Seats on sale Tuesday, Oct. 30.
NinilT. NOV. 2 AND 3.
MR. SAQER MIGLi:Y, in the Miuical Absurdity
Electric Spark.
Everything New.
PRICKS NIC.1IT, Orchestra, 75c.; Orchestra
anil Dre-vS Circles, (Mr.; tntiro Balcony, 50c.
Special Matinee Pi ices Orchestra and Orches.
tra Circle. 50c. : Dress Circle. 25c.; entlrn
balcony. 2.1c; children tinder 12 years to any
part of house, I3e. Advance sale will open
Wednesday at II n. m.
II. A. KKOWN, Manazer.
Thursday Nlitlil "Wicked London."
Friday Niuht "Mucit's LantliiuT."
haltirday Mfdil "All for Hold."
In llcpertoiie.
Presenting Monday ctenlnir, "The Minister'!
nn," ,i pastoral comedy. Itt'Kiilar prices will
prevail tliiouidiiuit the week.
New Gaiety Theatre
Thursday Matinee, Nov. t
15 Cliarmim; ami Talented Olrlt 15
Daily Matinee.
PHIC'KS-15, 25, 35 -and 60 cents,
and Llvsr
25 CTS.
old by all druMUU
or sent by i
SoM by McOarrah & Thomas, Druf
Ctstu., W Lackawanna ave., Bcranton, Fa
In the preccdintc quarter the Iom was !M rt
m-Is, of 2M,2j:i tons.
There are 7,ono,000 postal satlnjs depositor
In (Ileal lliittiln, who hate accumulated ajga
noii.umi. in wliiih In 1WJ3 a ditidentl of t pef
it-iil. v paid, leaving a surplus of $3,600,000.
The cost of the luaiUKtment wa 0.H per csnt.
of I ho ineiiii amount of deposit.
China boasts a bu-td of dog which It virtuslt))
unknown in all incidental lauds. The "leey
puppy," as the tiny creature is styled, is s
iliminutite that it can with ae be carried iq
the baggy sleet e of he Chinese, overgarment,
-. t I -.
J"Jltf. 4' 2&
JUvaf- . eS.-, J.sjJ
JW & Cv n-fiA.V..