The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 01, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    , ' . .'".
1l" m1
k A ' .
I.. - t
!f--fti .V -v '"MnK V
Tua faoncn.-t llAtovTAn Stoat
You should not have a Sterl
ing Range they cost a little
more nt first but less In the
end than the cheaper kind.
A large oval Are box and
patent draw out grate are
two things you do not get
In any other range.
"Has no equal."
Foote & Shear Co.
H9N. Washington Ave
L. R. D. & M.
Can We Wait on You
If there Is .in.ttlilnc In (lie shoe market you
will find ,it here. All style, all shapes, u'l
ll,-f, nil width to fit anil mit any lady who
appreciates good shoes. Se our windows.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
;rpnn Avenue A. R WARMAN
Local data for tfe-t. Ml, 1WX).
Highest teiiiH'rattirj ,"i dosic's
Lowest tcmpci.ittue 4.1 cIckiccs
8 a. m M jut cent.
5 p. m VI per ant.
Miss Alice W.inicr, of Miillien.i i-licet, is is
Itiiicr friends in V.i.liln,;toii, I), (',
'Ihomas Donoliuc, of this cilj, lias lioni eleitril
secret Jiy of the junior iljss .it the Dhklnson
law M-hool.
.Miss XI. K. llejley, of WMimiiiir npinie, is In
Philadelphia, attondliiir the wedding of her
biother, James )V. Ilealey.
Mellaril 1!. Window, tnncliii;; p.i-nisci .lirciit
of the Old Dominion Mr.imship company, w.n
ill the city ,estoid.i.v on u hilef limbics uiU
sioii. Dr. Harry Van Herscn and wife, fonncily of
this city, and Miss K.ithriine Van IterKcn. of
Carbondale, line puiic to l.ns Angeles, dl.,
where they will make their home.
Mrs. Ileniy Shelly riiu a ll.ilouc'ui paity
to slteen ' Imitcd fiiemls at the Speedway
House on Tuesday criilii'. An I'l.ihuiale pis iliuner was mi vol, and the rium.s wcie
hauiNnniely mt.'rtaliied with -jinl iintiii
mental music.
Money Still Flowing in for Home for
tho Friendless.
The contributions to the Hume for
the Friendless fund are still coming
in find are thankfully received. The
following nro iicknowleclRert:
Elm I'.irk ihurtl $ iV,,-i
(lnMead of ainnimt prcilously indited.)
Mrs. Thomas Jiliktmi l.iWO.OO
T. II. Wiilklns' .,, .IOH.iio
Joseph .1. -Icniijn
Mrs. W. I), Kennedy lOil.ui
M. P. Cartel ,-,n.i
T. ('. Vim Slnrih 2.-..IHI
A, n. Klelle 21.1N1
Mis. Mary V, C.itlln :,.!
GroiKe II, C.itlln .'.'). ilu
Carry Ilins IO.ihI
W, If. MiChie i lO.lfl
Christ ;i.;;o
Undei Ihls headlinr Mmit lellrn nf Inter"!
will lie publMied when nrc,niiip.iiiic,d, fur public. i.
tluli, ! the writer's name. The Tiilnme dues not
assume rrriwilllil inr nplnli lis here ixpiVssed.J
The Bible Man.
Editor of The U'rHHinc--
Str : I am iiii(e sure Hut many nf jmir read,
crs will he int. n-atsit In .1 new word from "The
Dibit Man." .
I hate Jurt retiiined fiom .1 tour of U
months In four tminlles llr.iilfonl, Milllvan,
Lyiiiiuin and S11s1p1rh.11111.1--havlni; traieliil
I,W1 miles with h"re ami larriice, with my
eurrey thanited into a leal "lllble lli'iilory,"
niakln; : , I U rails ill liumes and hulnes
plar of the people, ilUtrllmtliu; -,H'..l vol
umes of. the Kiripturi's '.,,C(i ht sile am) 2ij
by gift! supplylii'j l'l iloslltule (imllles mid
Via Indltidiials lha,t were not personal owneu
of a lllble. or a Teitamci t.
It was my prititrce a No to mint- of
the churdic of the dllTcieiit denomination,,
am) to delltir' 101 minon. jml .1 (dresses In
tbo Interest of (he work nf the lllhle fcoelety,
The pastors and friend) of the lllhle gate us a
welcome and ciuntiramiicnt almost without e..
ceptlon. We found 11 Kreater deinand for the
Beripliirrs ami ilUtrlhuted morn loluiuf, than
ver K-fore In A lul' vur.
Ill three rar and .1 lull I hate truteled
12,017 miles, while rmjOKod In this home mis
Jonary work, dl.trlhuted O.IW telumei of the
Scriptures, suplic,il &!() ile.stltutc families and
3,137 Indlt duals and dclitcred i0) sumojui and
'I tipect to pcml a month in Chicago tlslt
asa; our dauijhtera, Mrs. Dr. J. W. Mctlulrc and
mi Maude Kay Iwls, and then return to re
DJiuo tbt "Olklc stork" in Laekatvamu county
about IM last of I'ft'ovciubcr,
Vouxa truly,
William Wolbtlrh Struck by a Fall
ing Slab of Rock,
William Wnlblirno, a driver boy In
the CnyiiRa mine, wast Instantly klllel
by it fall of roof yc-stprtlity morning
aboilt lo o'clock, Tho boy was wait
ing foi- the men to lorul tho cur In it
t'hnmhcr and wait Rlttlnp; nn tho
Bfoiintl, when n Rlitb of rock, with
out the least wurnliiff, fell, kMllntt lilm
Tho men removed It as quick
ly tic posslbjo, but the boy was
dead when picked up. Tho limp body
wna removed to tho (surface nnd tin
mine ambulance Ktimmonnd. The
physician .nld that death had been
Inrituntnneouii. Tho remains were
taken to the boy's home, on llrlek ave
nue. "Yotinf? Wnlburnc was 15 yearn
of age and well liked ainonu his com
Mayor Doesn't Believe That Dyer
Should Be Paid.
Should common council tonight pais
the resolution providing for a settle
ment of the claims of ox-Patrolmen
Dyer and Saul against the city, over
Mayor MoIi'b head, It may he that his
honor will go Into court to secure an
Injunction restraining the city from
paying the claim of Dyer.
He believes that while Saul may be
entitled to his money, having lllod a
claim, that Dyer Is not. Inasmuch a"
there Is no eluhn of his to settle. It Is
pietty dellnltely understood that tho
mayor will apply for such nn injunc
tion If the resolution Is passed.
John Buttcrman, Jr., Crushed Be
neath It In the E. & W. V. R.
R. Yard Yesterday.
John Butterman, Jr., of 1007 Paul
street, Petersburg, was killed yesterday
afternoon by being struck by a falling
derrick at the Urle and Wyoming Val
ley railroad yards nt Dunmore:
Butterman, who was the son of Al
derman John Butterman, of Petert--burg,
was doing his first day's work
as n laborer In the employ of the Mc
Cllntock Marshall Construction com
pany, which is building several new
shops in tho yard for the Krle com
pany. A large derrick was erected near
the railroad tracks, and one of the
ropes which held this In place extended
across tho tracks.
The men employed on the job were
busy at work, about 2 o'clock, when
one of the Erie and Wyoming enslnes
came down the track, and passing over
the rope severed it. The instant the
cable was cut there was a terrific
crash, as the big derrick pole fell to
tho ground. Butterman, who was
working directly under It, was struck
full in the head by the huge timber,
and with a loud cry was prostrated be
neath the derrick.
James Kearney, John Mover, Michael
O'Hara, James Mulherin and John
O'Donnell, who were working nearby,
ran to his assistance and extricated
him from his position. A physician was
summoned, but before he arrived But
terman was dead, his skull having sus
tained a compound fracture. Coroner
Roberts was notified, and the remains
were removed to the deceased's late
Butterman Is survived by his wife, n
two-year-old daughter, Loretta, and
his father, two brothers, Frank and
Michael J., and three sisters, Kather
Ine, Elizabeth and Mamie.
He was thirty-one years of age, and
lived in this city throughout his entire
life. For many years he was employed
by J. D. Williams & Bio., and until re
cently was one of the employes of M.
J. Kelly. The date of the funeral has
not yet been decided upon.
Winter Excursion Tickots on the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
On November 1 the Pennsylvania
Railroad company will place on sale
at itH principal ticket oflices excursion
tickets to nil prominent winter nsorts
in Now Jersey, Virginia, North and
South Carolina, Georgia, Floridn,
Cuba and Central America. The tick
et!! will be sold at the usual low rates,
with the usual llbeial return limits.
The magnificent facilities of the
Pennsylvania, with its many
connections and thiough train service,
make this the favorite line lor winter
An illustrated book, descriptive of
winter results, and giving routes of
travel and rates for tickets, will be
furnished free after November 1 on
application to ticket agents.
Card of Thanks.
I desire to thank my many friends
for their expressions of kindness and
able assistance during my recent be
reavement and ehpeclally to the eh ilri
of the Methodist Kplscopal church of
Dunmore and Presbyterian church of
Petersburg for their services so klndlv
rendered and so freely given.
Kdwarl Filei,
iHl Prescott Avenue.
When You Get a Headache
don't waste a minute but go to your
druggist and get n box of Krnuso'H
Hoadncho Capsules. They will pro
vent pain, even though your skull
w re cracked, They are harmless, too.
Reed the guarantee, Price 23e, Sold
by MtUtiiow.s Bros,
At a nuetlnir of the VeMry nt St, l.uke'a
church held October '''', the follow In; io.-oIii-tious
were iidnpud:
Whereas, by the rcumii nf die removal of
his husiuess 11111 residence from Sirantou, Mr,
Anthony l, Holland has rcsUued his positions
as 11 member of hi. Luke's VcMiy, and as
Junior Warden of the Parish, tlurefoic be It
roltcd, 'Hut the Itutor and Vestry of St.
Luke's church do hcrthy accept, but with
uufelKiiril icKril, the rcslKr.allon nf our filrnd
and loin; time as-oihle.
In dolm; ro, we hvl It 4 prltilece tc place
011 leionl our senso nf the gloat loss the
I'lllill ill ht, Lnke'ii, the illniese of Cential
lViint.tlvJiila and the Keucial imnmimlly as
well will i.speiiune from tills seterancc of re
lations which bite been so pleasant, durlni;
the :il yearn or more, of Mr, Holland',! ion
nutlou with St, Luke's church and testry.
And not only In that lelatlou, but as a
Irluid .nnd helpmeet of the redou of he
pirlth, and nn all who tame within Ids know).
edge, as needing udtlie, sympathy and prayers,
ho has left the Impiciss of a kind, urbane, and
t-.tinpathctic ('hristiuu sintlcnmi ami friend.
We wish fur lilm and bis family much hap
plurts in their new -home, a maintenance of
like pleasant paiothlal relations he has had
with us, and pray Hut (jod'i richest blcbstiitrs
may alwats accompany llicio.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
Martin Wlttli; , Scranton
Annie Hello Carr .-i, Jcssup
Christ Schllllnger .....,,,,..., ,.. .Scranton
Ella llclnen ,,,,,.. .,.,,, ,,. Scranton
Michael Hooch Maintunii
Anule Uclvej .,.,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.,,..,,,. Satopson J
Obnoxious Boss nt the Clark Tunnol
Removed to Satisfy the Demands
of the Employes Nay Aug Col
liery Men Return Upon Being
Brought to Underotand the Terms
of the Offer President Mitchell
Leaves with Many Tokens of Re
gard Greeting from Dllcher.
Ry Monday nt the latest It Is con
fidently expected all the miners will
have returned to work In the Lacka
wanna region. The only men still Idle
are those of the Forest Mining com
pany at Archbald and the Oreen Hldge
Coal (oompany in this city. Confer
ences have been held between opcrnt-
Hon. John T. Williams, a man
man of the best type, tells why McKniley should be elected in tho fol
lowing langunge:
"I believe in the country's custom of re-electing a successful
president. Mr. McKinley's administration hns been such and hence I
favor his re-election. There cannot now be any doubt of his qualifica
tion for the place at the head of the nation. He has Integrity, energy
and firmness nnd experience in the affairs of the government.
"I am in fnvor of the re-election of President McKinley because
f the gold standard and prosperity
country, and I have more confidence In facts than I have in theories.
' "I believe the industrial portion of tne country demands the re
t election of Mr. McKinley. The business and the laboring men call
-f for four years more of his administration."
4 - - f - f"f - f - f - f - f - fsy. - f - f - - - f -
ors and employes In both instances,
and an adjustment is expected to be
reached at any hour.
The Clark Tunnel men returned to
work yesterday morning. George
Speeder, the objectionable assistant
foreman, was relieved and as this was
the only thing standing In the way
of the men going In, they all resumed
The Nay Aug Coal company's em
ployes who staid out because they
did not understand that the company
had acceded to their demands also
returned yesterday morning.
A committee from the Sterrlck Creek
colliery waited on President T. H. Wat
kins, of the Temple Iron company, yes
terday and had a conference regarding
the minor grievances which tho men
'complained of. Everything was satis
factorily adjusted In a pleasant, amic
able way. The men Indicated a desire
for semi-monthly pays, and Mr. Wat
kins at once, and with no evident te
luctance, said their desire would be
gratified with the formality of making
the demand which the law provides.
The ManvHle colliery, operated on al
ternate months by the Delaware, Lack
awannn and Western and Delaware
and Hudson companies, "will be started
up today by the latter.
President Mitchell left for Hnzleton
yesterday afternoon, accompanied by
his secretary, Miss Morris, and John
Fahy, president of district No. 9. lie
ws to attend a mass meeting of min
ers at McAdoo last night; to-night ho
will go to New York to address a mass
meeting of cigar makers at Cooper
Union, and to-morrow night is to be
at Nantlcoke, the home of District
President T. D.NIeholls. On Saturday.
Mr. Mitchell will leave for the national
headquarters of the United Mine
Workers In Indianapolis, Ind., and af
ter straightening out his business
affairs will teturn to his home In
Spring Valley, 111., for a much needed
Before leaving, yesterday, Mr,
Mitchell expressed himself as deeply
gratified at the many kindnesses
shown him by the miners and citizens
In general on his two visits to Scran
ton, and said he would ever hold
Scranton and her people in fond re
membrance. Among the tokens of esteem from
the people of this region which Mr.
Mitchell carried away with him wore
n gold badge, presented by the breaker
boys; a gold-headed cane, presented
by tho ofllcers of the united mine
workers of district No. 1; a loving
cup and iloral-framed picture of him
self, the gift of personal friends; and
a silver-headed umbrella, given him
by the school teachers of Archbald,
on the occasion of his visit to that
borough Tuesday.
Organizer Fred Dllcher who hns been
in Scranton since the strike was first
projected, will leave this morning for
lila home In Nelsonvllle, O, He, how
over, expects to return with his family
and make Scranton his permanent
home. Mr. Dllcher carries away with
him n beautiful floral-ship presented
him by ox-sheriff Charles Itoblnsln
unci other admiring friends.
Last evening ho nddressed tho fol
lowing greeting to tho mine workers;
To lie Miners and Mine Lihorris a( District
No. 1.
(ireelliiKi Ih'foie leatinir jou lor a lime, I
would iiddriss to ,ou 11 patting wind of adtlce.
When jon tome to select jour lonfcienco torn.
17 lbs for $1.00
Best Fine Granulated
Coursen's "Special"
Java and Mocha Coffee
23c; 5 lbs for $1.00.
Coursen's Triple Blend
Coffee, 32c; J lbs $1.50,
Finest O d Maudhel
ing Java 40c lb, value 44c
New Sugar Corn, 10c,
Sweet Wrinkled Peas,
15c; $1,50 per dozen.
Long Asparagus, 29c,
value 40c,
E. G. Coursen
ntltters to meet jour employers, see to It that
)oti appoint )oitr most toiiiettotlte men,
Trent your superintendents with Ihu utmost
courtesy nnd avoid anjlhlnit lint lll tend to
widen any brraili Hill may lute resulted from
tho strike. Your chief aim slimilil be to brine
about the most harmonious relations. Treat jour
emplotem ns .toil would bate them ttrnl ou,
and The day will not he Mr distant when the
operator v. Ill not only not hesitate, but will
anxiously meet the miner In a tteneral Joint
conference. I trust that conditions will ob aln
which will make It nnnneary tor you to eter
acaln hate recourse lo n strike, cither local o.1
rcIktaI. ,
A ilrciilnr of Instruction bearlnir on the qucs.
Hon of alllllallon with non-union men Is now
liclmr prepared nnd will be Issuril by President
.Mihi'lls In the course nf a few ilits, Take no
atllmi nf jinir own acVord In this mailer In
the meant lino.
I hope the mine workers will religiously live
up to the eonstlllitlim of their nrgitnirjlinn,
ami tint If any dllllcultles arle, they will con
sult the district president before HUmr nny
iledslte action, Kiateiinlly,
l'red Plleher,
N'ntlonal r.reentlte Hoard, U. M. W. of A,
Hcrantnn, l'a., Oct. 31.
The district ofllcers, through Presi
dent Nichols, last night presented Mr.
Dllcher with a beautiful collection of
anthracite coal novelties.
District President T. D, Nlcholls
remnlns in Scranton for a time and
of sterling worth, and a business
have proved a blessing all over the
- - f - - - f - f" - - f - f - ff - f - f - f - ' - f - f - f -f-f
expects to reside here permanently
just as soon as lie can arrange to
move his family from his present
home in Nanticoko.
Thomas King, Peter McKetrlck, Geo.
Barnes and an Italian Laborer
Were All Seriously Burned.
At 9.30 o'clock yesterday morning .1
pocket of gas In one of the chamber"
11 the Pnncoast mine became Ignited
and In tho explosion which followed,
Thomas King, of Pinker stieet, North
Scranton; Peter McKetrlck, of Prlce
burg; George Barnes and an Italian
laborer, named Peters, wore all seri
ously burned.
King was taken to the Lackawanna
hospital, and the other men were re
moved to their homes. The explosion"
occurred some time after the men had
entered the chamber and begun work.
There was a loud report, a fierce blaze
nnd every one of the four laborers was
more or less Injured. King, whose in
juries were the most serious, was Im
mediately taken to the Lackawanna
hospital. He was badly burned about
tho face and arms.
McKetrlck' burns were of a similar
nature. All the men .were last night
reported to be resting easily.
Presbyterians Honor Memory of
Their Martyred Missionaries.
A memorial service was last evening
conducted In the lecture room of the
First Presbyterian church In commem
oration of the Presbyterian mission
aries who have lately lost their lives in
The services were well attended and
were pieslded over by the pastor, Rev.
James McLeod, D. D., who made a
brief address, He read the names of
the Presbyterian missionaries massa
cred by the Boxers in commencing his
"We ought to thank God," said he,
"for giving us such loyal Christian men
and women, and I take great pride in
saying that, as far as I have been able
to learn, they all belonged to the synod
of Pennsylvania."
Continuing, he salcl: "The present
persecutions In China are slight com
pared with the persecutions which
Christians have endured in former
nges. AH attempts to overthrow Chris
tianity have always failed and always
will fall, because Christianity Is of God
and cannot bo overthrown."
A brief address was also made by
Judge Alfred Hand, who expressed the
belief that tho martyrdom nt these
noble men and women in China would
inspire Christians In all parts of the
world with n truer and a better Chris
Frnnk Sloane and George E. Davis
Had Too Much Jewelry.
Frank Sloane and George E. Davis,
two men of ragged gait and rather
disreputable appearance were yester
day afternoon arrested on suspicion
by Detective Molr, Mounted Ofllcer
llloch, and Constable Will Thomas,
The men were secretly trying to dlb
jioso of an amount of Jewelry, and
this came to tho ears of the police,
Tho two were arrested yesterday
afternoon In a Penn avenue hotel and
woi'o found to have In their posesslon
a package containing an amount of
cheap watch-fobs and scarf pins, and
some Jewelry, which was of consider
able value, Thoy were taken to tho
Central station, and to-day will bo
given n strict examination.
Arrangements Made by Republican
County Committee.
On election night the Republican
county committee will receive returns
In tho large unoccupied store room on
the first floor of tho Burr building on
Washington avenue.
Telephone and telegraph instruments
will lie put in and tho returns from
county, state and nation will be read
as received.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup
Has been mcd for over FIFTY VIHRS by
U tho Scat remedy for 1IUBRHOKA. Sold by
PrugijUta ia ex cry part of the world, u, wro
and ask for "Mra. Wlnalow Sootblug- Syrup,"
and take no othernkiod. Twenty-Are cant a
ISSUE OF 9100,000.
Will Introduce an Ordinance Pro
viding for a Specinl Election to Sc
our e Taxpayer's Consent There
Are Now About $83,000 of Out
standing Judgments Which Are
Drawing Six Per cent. Interest,
Whereas Bonds Could Be Floated
nt Probably Three and a Half.
Select Councilman John E. Roche, of
tho Seventh ward, will Introduce In se
lect council tonight nn ordinance pro
viding for a special election for the
purpose of submitting to the vote of
the taxpayers of the city n proposal to
Issue bonds In the sum of $100,000 for
tho purpose of paying off all Judg
ments and all other adjudicated claims
now outstanding against the city.
The issuance of $100,000 worth of
bonds for such a purpose, while being
technically an Increase of the city's In
debtedness, Is not In reality an in
crease, inasmuch as it would bo mere
ly the substitution of one debt for an
other. Nevertheless, as It Is a tech
nical Increase, it cannot bo done with
out the consent of a majority of the
taxpayers of the city.
The necessity of having such an Issue
of bonds has long been apparent to
those who have nny knowledge of
municipal nffalrs. There are now out
standing against tho city some $S.1,000
worth of judgments and other adjudi
cated claims. By the latter are meant
damnge claims which councils have
authorized the settlement of.
Each and every one of these Judg
ments and claims bears Interest at the
rate of six per cent, per annum until
paid. Each year there is appropriated
for the purpose of paying them a sum
averaging about SIU.OOO, known as the
judgments and incidentals appropria
tion. This appropriation is generally
diverted to other purposes and very
little of It Is ever used In paying off
Now, municipal bonds generally bear
Interest at the rate of three and a half
or four per cent., so that the issuance
of $100,000 worth of these bonds to pay
off the judgments Is purely and simply
a business proposition, which means
the saving of two per cent, interest an
nually on that amount.
Mr. Roche believes that there can be
no possible objection to the proposition,
cither on the part of councilmen or tax
payers, and hopes to see the ordinance
speedily passed and the Issuance of the
bonds authorized by the voters.
Tho $100,000 will not quite wipe out
the total amount of judgments with
their accrued interest, but it Is ex
pected that if a liberal appropriation is
made for judgments nnd Incidentals
next year that this can be done.
The question of providing for such
an Issue of bonds has been discussed In
and around city hall for the past year,
but Mr. Roche is the first one to take
any active step in the matter.
Frank Gehle Arrived in the City
Last Night.
Frank Gehle, of PIqua, O., who Is to
wrestle M. J. Dwyer tonight at the
Scranton BIcvcle club, made his ap
pearance at The Tribune office last
night, looking hale and hearty. He re
ports himself In the pink of condition
and looks the part,
Mr. Dwyer Inst night posted his $100
bet with The Tribune, and this morn
ing Mr. Gehle will post the $75 balance
of his side wnger.
Tickots for tonight's match can be
secured nt Floroy & Brooks' store,
Phelps' drug store, Connolly & Wal
lace's store, and from members of tho
Bicycle club.
She Addressed a Number of Women
at the Jermyn.
The parlors at the Jermyn were
crowded yesterday morning to hear
Madame Charlotte Davenport's talk on
health. She gave a most Interesting
exposition of the possibilities which are
neglected by the average woman pos
sibilities which will not only keep her
young but perpetuate the beauty and
charm which all women covet. She de
clared that If they but took the proper
Rain Coats
Cravenette is a water
proof fabric which has
recently come into favor.
The popularity of the
cravenette rain coats has
proven their real worth.
As a storm coat they
answer every need. As
an overcoat they are un
excelled. Made in the lat
est style Raglan. Priced
$18 to $30.
Mine and Mill Supplies,
Machinery, Etc.
OFFICI-DiMt Bauk Bulldta
Arc in need of any Scotch Whiskies for the
winter mouths we would like to calt your at
tion to the following :
Ktag William,
John Ramsey's,
The prices are right.
care of their bodies and minds they
might preserve to a far greater period
than Is over realized their usefulness
In the world.
Mntlame Davenport's method Is
averse to tho use of drugs and cos
metics, but ndvocatcs taking advan
tage of natural opportunities, and by
tho proper exercises and diet, nnd cor
rect care of the body to regenerate It
to a great, degree. She believes that
warts, moles and hair on a woman's
face are but ugly excrescences which
no one need suffer, that most of the
ailments may bo overcome by pursu
ance of a correct system of living.
Madame Davenport will have a class
this morning at Guernsey hall, which
will be Instructed In her methods. This
evening she will speak to lady teach
ers in the court house, when all teach
ers of the city and county schools and
of private schools and of music are
asked to attend.
Was Held Last Night In Tompkins
ville. .An enthusiastic Republican meelng
was held last night In Tomnklnsvllle.
A crowd of large proportions was gath
ered In tho principal hall of the town
when the meeting was called to order
by Chairman John Cure.
Excellent addresses were made by W.
R. Lewis, G. M. Watson. H. C. Hubler
and H. R. Van Dusen. Tho enthusias
tic manner in which their remarks were
received would Indicate that a big Re
publican majority will be rolled up next
Tuesday In tho pretty little town.
They Were Appointed Yesterday by
the Court.
The following election ofllcers were
appointed by the court yesterday:
John J. Jonc, majority inspector, of Third
district, I'onrth v. ml, Straiitim.
Arthur Loner, majority Inspector of Second
district, Sixth xtnicl, Dutimni e.
(iritllth T. Price, juclue nf election, Third
district. Fourth wnid, Scranton.
William (I. (Iw.tu, judge of election, 1'irst
district, Old Forge.
It. A. Zimmerman, judge of election, Second
district, Sixth ward, Immnorc.
Change in Time Table.
After Nov. 3 the N. Y., O. & W. rail
road will discontinue rurtnlng their
trains Nos. 203, which lenx'es Scranton
at 3.15 p. m., and 201, arriving here at
10.45 a. m., until further notice.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley,23l Wyoming ave.
The groatest commercial
economist in tho world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment in business,
is incalculable.
Residenco and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manager's office, 117 Adams avenue.
Special Notice
Recent and advanced scientific
principles of construction render
the Mason & Hamlin Pianofortes
instruments par excellence.
This statement is borne out by
musicians whose recognized lotty
positions render to their words an
ex-cathedra lorce.
A full stock of these instruments
may be seen at the warerooms ol
131-133 Washington Ave.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
Receiving dally. Fancy Domestic
Grapes, Concords, Wardens, Nia
garas, Delawnres, nnd other varieties.
Also Malaga and Tokay Grapes,
Pears, Pound Sweet Apples and
Quinces, Cauliflower, Lima Beans,
Spinach, Boston Head Letttuce, Cel
ery Etc.
Strictly New Laid Eggs, Fancy
Creamery Butter.
W. H. Pierce,
It Lackawanna Are.
U, 112, U Penn Are,
Old Mull Blend,
John Robertson's
The name guarantees
216 Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton, Pa.
We have been to work
all during the strike mark
ing and arranging a fine
stock ot bosom shirts. The
newest patterns tor the up-to-date
305 Lackawanna Ave.
Carpets made and laid.
Flags, Bunting, etc., to
rent for public and private
316 Washington flue.
Guernsey BuiMing.
Tbe Popular llonseldrni.'lilmj Storo
Stove J'op
indicates a cool oven and
waste of fuel. This diffi
culty is foreign to a
When it does get hot
every cooking- part re
ceives its due share of
heat, but like the accom
plished diplomat it does
not disclose its warmth to
the eye. In variety of
size and price to suit the
needs of all nt the
Foote & Fuller Co.
140-42 Washington Ave.
elegan t
anil at
tractive even in
lower grades the pat
terns are handsome and
the colorings so fine that
they have .the appear
ance of very much more
expensive goods for in
stance, many of our in
grains are made up in
Brussels patterns and ef
fects, so that a room can
be made to look very
pretty at a small ex
pense. Our 69c ingrain
is as good an ingrain
carpet you can get lor
69c and worth 50c more
than a half dollar in
grain in wear. We give
a carpet sweeper with
every purchase of carpet
amounting to $15,00 or
over. Ask for it.
Seitz & Co.
231-233-225-227 WyomingAve
i j
AM 2Aj