The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 01, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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ftiMlnheit Dally, r.nerpt Riincliy. by The Trlli
Una Publishing Company, at Filly Colin a Month.
I.IVV 8. IltCIIAltf), Wllor.
O. P. IIY.XIIKi:, I)uslnes Manager.
New York Oftlce! 160 Nassau St. ,
n. s. vncEfiANn,
Boto Agent for Foreign Advertising.
Entered tt the I'ostoffleo at Scranlon, Ta., as
Second Claim Mail Matter.
When space will pcrinll, Tlie Trlhune 1 always
clad to print short letter (rom It 4 frlcncl9 hear
JiiK on current topics, hut Iti rule Is that lhee
uut he nloncd. lor puhlliallon, hy tho writer a
real names ami the roiiillllon preeedem to ac
ceptance I, that all contributions shall be sub
ject to editorial revision.
frrent manufacturing Interests nntl
which threatened labor.
Hryan now threaten") to lower the
tat Iff and take away Protection from
labor. Do you want It? If so, vote for
Hryan and you will get It.
I'resldent-WIIXIAM MrKINf.KY. ,
VIcc-t'resMent-lllKOUUtli: ltOOSCVrLT.
Coiiirrewmen-al.I.nruc CJAt.USHA A. OltOW,
noriKUT ii. roi:itti:ui:it.
Auditor Ocneia'.-i:. II. HAHOnNOnBOlI.
ror,Kresi WII.I.IAM rONNI'.Mi.
Judffc-OKOIiai: M. WAT.-ON.
Wicriir joii.v ii. it.m.ons.
Tiposurer .!, A. PC'tlANlON.
IMshJct Atornej-WIM.IAM It. IXN1S.
1'iotlionotaiy JOHN COI'KI.AXn.
Clerk o( Courts-TIIOMAS 1". DANIELS.
Iteccnler nf Diril i:III, MONK.
llesMcr of Wills W K. DUCK. ,.
Jnrv Commissioner IIDAVAIID II. STUnCILS.
I'll-t Dhtrtrt TIIOM S !. Hr.YNOT.DS.
fc-cond District tons rni:nr.n. -lit.
Third I).(rlcl-i:i)AI!l) .lAMI'.S Jit.
rem Hi DMrlct 1'. A. 1'
"If there Is any one who believes
tho gold standnrd la a good thing,
or that it must be maintained, I
warn him not to cast his vote for
me, because I pvomiso him it will
not bo maintained in this country
longer than I nm able to get rid of
it." William Jennings Bryan In a
Speech at Knoxvillo, Tenn., Deliv
ered Sept. 1G, 1806.
"The party stands where it did in
1806 on tho money question." Will
iam Jennings Bryan, Zanesville, O.,
September 4, 1000.
One of the commonwealth witnesses
In the famous Qocbct murder trials In
Kentucky has already confessed that
ho committed perjury In testifying
acalnst Caleb Powers, one of the men
convicted of complicity In the crime;
and other developments are cxpeoted.
It bcglna to look as though the fact
that Ooebol Is dead will be about the
only feature of the case that will ever
be established to the satisfaction of
In tho party he should be sure to make
a suocess of his effort. It will be re
called that this particular man, who
has talked so much about the trusts
and never punished one when he had
the power, left the Republican party
because he failed to securo a guber
natorial nomination.
Mr. Crokei's renmiks In lesm'd to
what Democrats should do at the
polls, Indicate that the Klmlt.t rowdies
who attempted to mob Governor
Uoosevelt mitlerst ind the campaign
piosxanime that best plea.sos the bos.
A Message of Good Cheer.
the manly and straiRht-
forward letter elsewhere
on this pajjo from Hon.
John H. Fellows, the Republican
nominee for sherlif, in which he de
nies absolutely the malicious false
hood published in Tuesday's edition
of the Scrnnton Times. The motive
of tho Times should be clear to every
Republican. Tho Times wants a
Democinttr sheriff. It needs one In
Its business. The Democratic party
also wants one, because it needs the
Influence of the sheriff's ofTk-o "o
strengthen it In future fights. The
Times imagines that it can manufac
ture discoid among Republicans by
circulating stoiies of party defection
and disloyalty. Hence the publica
tion referred to in Mr. Fellows' let
ter. In this connection, The Tribune
wishes to say, in tho most unequivo
cal manner possible, both as. jepre
senting the political Interests of Mr.
Connoll and Ii behalf of every other
nominee on the Republican county
ticket, that never before in the history
of Republican campaigns in Lacka
wanna couutv has theie been more
thoiough harmony timl loyalty on
the part of each candidate on the Re
publican ticket towaid every other
candidate on that ticket than exists
today. Tho interest of one has been
made the inteiest of nil. In working
for himself, each has worked .stead
fastly for tho others. This couisij has
been piompted. not only hy general
fidelity to Republican pilnciplos, as
naturally Intensified in a presidential
year, but also by the obvious prompt
ing of political self-preservation.
All nro In one boat. That boat must
roach the port of victory with escry
passenger safe. No man can took or
wreck it without Jeopaidizing his own
Wp. We will go further. Wo
win say now for the bene
fit of the Republican voters of
this county thnt tho Republican ticket
will be elected next Tuesday from top
to bottom. Wo will predict that the
margin of its majorities will bo
so largo and so uniform as to sur
prise the faint-hearted few who shy
at cvsry Do.-nocrntlo roorback, anil
lose nerve whenever a paid clacker of
the opposition launches a disquieting
rumor. Victory, comprehensive nnd
complete,, Is Indicated beyond mlstako,
nnd It will be won and held.
Facts Vs. (lush.
IN OUR VALLEY are many In
dustries. Some employ men.
Pome employ women. In some
cases tho father and sons work
In the mines while the daughters, or
some of them, find employment In the
silk mills, the woolen mills, tho but
ton factory or other like Industries.
The miners having won their strike
for more wasjon not only want to keep
what they have won, but, as sensible
men, want also to keep the other In
dustries busy at work, so that good
times may continue for nil. If they
will compare conditions now with
conditions four years ago, they will
have no dlfllculty In deciding whether
Republican or Democratic adminis
tration Is most helpful to general
business prosperity. For the purpose
of helping them to make this compari
son fairly, we Intend to submit a few
facts and figures.
Mr. J. W. Doran, manager of the
Wllkos-Bnm- Lace Manufacturing
company, replying to an inquiry ad
dressed to him by Hon. W. II. Pal
mer, writes: "In 1S95 we employed
Philadelphia Times of an
Interview with ox-President)
Cleveland, which the latter
pronounces "an absolute and outrng
poub fabrication" and for which the
only authority Is tho nmdavlt of n
man named R. J. Illack, of Vinton, la.,
who swears that a week ago at
Princeton he had a casual talk with
Mr. Cleveland, in which tho latter re
ferred to Bryan 'as a great orator, Il
lustrates the desperation with which
the drowning Popocracy Is clutching
at straws.
It it proper to say that the Phila
delphia Times wad Imposed upon and
that it has tho manliness to say so
distinctly. But It Is the hysterical
feeling In which this bogus Interview
predicting a landslide for Bryan was
snapped tip and emphasized through
out the country by Democratic editors
and sncll-blnders who for tho past
four years have been holding Mr.
Cleveland up to execration ns a "gold
bug," "tool of Wall street," "minion
of tho capitalistic sharks" and "dis
credited ally of the money power,"
which is tho chnrlsterlstlc feature of
the affair. It shows better than any
barometor the pnnlo and demoraliza
tion which exists behind the Demo
cratic scones.
Closely okin In the deliberate advice
of Richard Croker to the Democratlo
voters in Now York to enter the elec
tion booths on election night and
ooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo
Editor of The Tribune
Y Sir: My notice has been called to an editorial in the Times
A of Tuesday, In which occur these sentences:
6 "Hon. John H. Fellows, in his chosen organ, has declared
Y that tho Hon. William Connell is working against him.
X "That was equivalent to a declaration of war by Fellows
0 against Connell."
Y I wish to say that I have no "chosen organ;" that I have not
X a penny's worth of money in any newspaper and that I am
0 certain my associates on the Republican ticket will say, one
9 nnd nil, that I have done the same loyal work for each that I
A have a right to expect In return. My friends can be assured
0 thnt The Times article has no foundation or Justification and is
X false. Let no Republican be deceived by fakes evidently meant
A to stir up discord. Yours truly,
0 Scranlon, Oct. 31.
ooooooooooooooooo xxoxxxxxoxx
532 persons, worked 308 days and paid
In wages $133,316.18. In 1899 we em
ployed 707 persons, worked SOW2 days
and paid In wages $193,555.08." This
means a gain of $25 a year for each
wage-earner who was at work both
years and a gain of $60,000 in wages
paid in 1899 which were not paid to
anybody in 1S95."
Mr. J. C. Atkln, manager of the
AVyoming Valley Lace Mills, writes:
"Wo had during the year 1S95, fifty
eight girls, boys, men and women in
our employ; nnd the average wages
paid for each was R305.67 for the year.
At the present time, we have two
hundred and slxty-slx girls, boys,
men and women In our employ, aver
age wages paid, $314.80. In other
words, our pay roll has Increased from
$17,729.40 for the year 1895 to $91,713.74
for tho present year." That state
ment requires no explanation.
The Sheldon Axle company submits
tho following exhibit, which also is
1695. 1809.
Niimliir men cinplojed 249 31)3
Waccs. paid $187,323.07 $218,330.03
Willie ol pioduct 483,263.80 604.642.24
Additional figures concerning inter
ests in Wilkes-Barre and in Penn
sylvania follow:
Total deposits in Wilkes Dure hanks:
1m lS'l.'i $6,761,170.43
In H' 8,510,775.75
throw out the Republican members of
the election boards if they suspect
unfairness in the count. This plain
case of squealing before he is hurt
shows that Croker f.ees howlthe elec
tion 13 going and wants to cushion
his downfall by an advance howl of
fraud. It recalls the, ad vice of Bryan
four years ago to wear McKInley but
tons before entering the booth, but
to vote the Democratic ticket after
getting Inside. That was a confes
sion of defeat which stamped the man
who made It as a trickster.
AVe predict that before the week Is
out the Scranton Times, taking Us cue
from Croker nnd the men of his type
at Democratic national headquarters,
will fill the air with predictions of in
timidation nnd fraud. Thus it will let
itself down after election. It has
never failed to do this in the past, and
the leopard cannot change its spots.
Mr. Black, tho mnn who intoi viewed
ex-rresldent Cloveland on the Uryttn
lnndsllde,-possesses qualifications that
would place him nt tho head of tho
list as a wap correspondent.
Do You Want It?
IN 1S92 THIS country was moro
prosperous than over befoie.
Employment was more general
nnd wages higher thun they hud
aver been,
Tho people, misled by the assertions
f tho Democratlo oulce-seekers, tried
Jhe experiment of changing tho policy
f tho Government on tho Tariff ques
tion. What wna tho result?
On ithe very day following the tolec
tlon business hero began to decline,
Bealers canceled their contracts far
kome manufactures, factories reduced
their working forces anl curtailed their
orders for the product of the mine, tho
Ibrest and tho field, and uncertainty
took the place of confidence in the busi
ness world,
What ollowed7
Every worklngman, every employe
nd e'very fanner whose roqrlfet was
(hus curtailed remembers. There was
panic, depression, gloom, enforced
Ulcness, snd want.
All this was the result of a Change
fa our tarjgjjowafeiijho.
lucre i-c $1,755,506.32
SniiiRs deposit In Miners' Savings Dank,
Wilkes Uai re:
Oil. 1, lS'lj $1,195,226.38
Oct. 1, 1900 1,02.',5.U.BS
Decrease $427,307.20
Number of faiinj depositors in Miners' Sav
ings Hank, Wllkea-Darre:
July 1, lS'il 3,060
Oct. 1, 1U0U 4,112
Increase ,1,013
Airrngp amount to imcIi Elilnga depositor,
Milieu' Savinga Hank, Wllkes-ltarrc:
July 1, 1H $.1S9.45
Oct. 1, KKX) 3III.5S
liurcise $5.1.1
Total deposits in ill liankius Institutions of
IVnn-jliania: "
In lS'il $201,021,015 ft)
In lSD'J :i21,S.SO,705.8l
bureau $UD,95U,00,21
Number of depositors:
18'lt 103,010
16irj , 675,463
Increase ,, ,,,,, , ,,206,521
Average amount to each depositor;
1E94 , $436.00
1809 ,,.,,, , 480.03
Increase ,, ,,,,,,.,,, ,,.,, $13,09
Now these flgres are not like tho
gush of Democrat'ic stump advocates,
fitted to suit the fancied political needs
of each particular community entered;
they represent accurately tho facts
which exist. Wo select for quotation
figures having reference to Wllkes
Garre's Industries, so that no man can
accuse us of manipulating or Inflating
them. But if the Scranton Times
will publish them, we shall be
pleased to supplement the fore
going comparison with eomo fig
ures which can be compiled tegardlng
work and wages here In Scranton;
figures which clearly show on which
sldo of the political question labor's
berad is buttered. 1
Mr, Hryan has promised to use his
Influence with Ohio Democrats next
year to have the Hon. Frank S. Mon
nett nominated for Governor. If Mr.
J3ryaj desires to retain, Mr.Monnctt
Mr. Bryan discovers a new causa pf
agitation and alarm in each presiden
tial campaign. At his first appearance
in national politics ho claimed the
countrj" was In danger of ruin from
the tariff and could be saved only by
a free trade policy. After experiencing
a thumping defeat on this issue, he
discovered four years later that tho
gold standard was the source of all
our woes, and relief could bo had only
from free silver. Beginning this cam
paign, ho dropped both free trado and
free Mlvcr, and Insisted upon imperial
ism ns the paramount Issue, Now ho
dodges over on to trusts. He is too
versatile and unstable to make a safe
Tho Immense volume of business In
all classes of merchandise means nn
incredible amount of skilled labor
which has been well paid, and skilled
labor will not voto to check that vol
ume of business.
For a man who had a now front
porch constructed with a view of re
maining quietly at homo during tho
campaign Mr. Bryan has managed to
cover considerable territory.
Mr. Bryan's answer to tho Inquiries
about disfranchisement In North Caro
lina are similar to his answer concern
ing the Tammany Ice Trust. They
don't answer.
As Mr, Bryan finds himself sinking
for the second time ho puts in a claim
for tho privilege of tho third oppor
tunity. But It Is doubtful if ho will
ever get it.
Tho Anglo-American alliance be.
twoen tho Prince of Wnjcs and "Tod"
Sloauo Is now beyond tho possibility of
being made a campaign Issue,
The way Bryan snuggles up to
Croker shows that he is moro willing
to seek aid from protected vice than
from protected Industries.
It will be noticed that there has beon
no mobbing of political speakers of any
faith In Scranton this year.
Mr. Cloveland will do well to remain
"hermetically bealed" during tho bal
ance of tho campaign.
That Times Bryan lundsllde seems
to have been composed of very light
ARIC L. CRAWFORD, ex-presldent of the International Typo
graphical union, ex-prcsldent of tho Chicago Trades assembly,
and llrst secretary of the American Federation of Labor, Is sup
porting the Republican ticket this year, and will vote for Mc
KInley and Roosevelt. Ho has always voted tho Democratic ticket hereto
fore, and his reasons for not doing so this year are given by himself ns fol
"I have voted tho Democratlo ticket over since I have diad a voto. I
have ncted with tho party that, avpry four years since 1SC0, had In their
Platforms 'viewed with alarm' thn results of Republican success at tho polls,
and the tendency of Republican rule towards 'Imperialism.' With much men
tal reservation I followed the party" In its declaration that the civil war was
a failure; Its opposition to specie payment; its greonbacklsm; Its 'tariff for
revenue only,' nnd last, but not least, its '10 to 1' heresy. But I must decline
to take another dose of '16 to 1 and 'Imperialism' and shall vote tho Repub
lican ticket.
"On 'Looking Backward' I nm Impressed with tho feeling that tho war
was not a failure; that specie payment not only came, but came to stav:
that greenbncklsm wns only the result of Indigestion; that we tried 'tariff for
re'enue only' to our sorrow; thus closing our manufacturing Industries, para
lyzing tho business of tho countrj, nnd making paupers of millions of honest
"Wo were told four years ago by tho apostle of 1G to 1 that unless the
government adopted tho remedy ho had discovered, the countrj' would go
to the devil. Tho people decided that, inasmuch dm he could not show thorn
where any of his prophecies had come true, he was a false prophet, and
therefore endorsed the standard of money that the world has tried and not
found wanting gold. The result of such decision was marvelous, when- we
consider the depth of want nnd gloom Into which a 'tariff for revenue onlv'
had sunk us.
"Four j'ears ago, when the business of tho country was paralj'zed, when
large armies of honest, unemployed men were tramping the country seeking
work, when soup houses had to be established all over the country to pre
vent starvation, Mr. Brj'an said to these hungry people: 'There Is no end
to the gold standard. You think you have suffered enough; your nufferlnc
has just begun. You think there has been enough depression, but depres
sion has but just commenced.' HE FAILED TO SAY THAT IT WAS A
ING. If the last four years are a sample of the 'suffering' we nro to have
under a gold standard, I for one am ready and willing to 'suffer.' The gold
standard Is still on deck, and j'et tho nation has nover experienced a more
positive Improvement. Property has Increased in value, business has revived,
and the great army of unemployed has largely disappeared.
" 'Imperialism' does not frighten me In the least. I heard -the 'imperial
ism' cry against Abraham Lincoln In tho sixties, when those who are crvlng
the loudest about It now were shooting holes through loyal Democrats.
"With me my patriotism stands first, and my politics come afterward It
Is time enough to talk government when tho cannon and the Mauser stop
talking. Wo heard men cry In the sixties for 'peace at any price,' for 'com
promise;' 'What are j'ou going to do when you lick us,' etc. The answer was
but two words, 'unconditional surrender. Why should we change our answer
to Aguinaldo? When tho Brj-an-Aguinaldo-Croker-TIllman combination stops
killing American soldiers it is ample time to consider the government of the
Philippine Islands. Tho Cubans never fired on the American flag and they
know their destinj-.
"We need a man for president who is conservative, broad and patriotic;
a man who does not appeal to race, religion or class; a man great enough to
recognize tho dignity attached to the presidency of the greatest nation on
earth. We have heard nothing from President McKInley since his letter of
acceptance of the nomination for president. By his dignified silence he seems
to say to tho people of tho countrj-, 'You have before you four years of my
work, compare It with Mr. Brvan's dire prophecies.' On the other hand we
find Mr. Bryan with all the cunnlmr and versatility of the successful 'con
man,' dressing our alleged governmental and economic weaknesses In all the
gaudy colors and fantastic designs a scheming mind can create, appealing to
class, race, religion or anything else for votes. This In Itself convinces me he
is not a safe man to entrust with the presldencj'.
"Wo Hear much about 'government without the consent of the governed.
I had an object lesson in this some years ago In Senator Jones' state, Arkan
sas. 1 devoted a whole day to observation at five voting precincts in that
state, purely for my own information. I saw the black man hiding under
sidewalks, in nllej-ways, behind buildings, near the polling places, with a
look-out, watching for a time when tho self-constituted guards were away
from the polling places, that he might cast his voto for the candidates- of his
choice. What I saw that daj convinced me that there is still In this coun
try 'government' with the forced 'consent of the governed.'
"I have been a member of a labor organization for thirty years. Much of
my time, money and what little ability I have I have given to what I have
always considered the best interests of organized labor. I have been selfish
enough to want for labor benefits today, and don't believe in destroying the
benefits received todaj by experiments or speculation ns to what may come
tomorrow. We all know that anything that disturbs 'business hits labor first.
It is unfair to assume that nil men that have capital are enemies of labor. A
large percentage of the successful business men came from the ranks of or
ganized labor. 1
"There Is no question but that there have been combinations of capital for
purposes that bear heavily upon the laboring man. But to say that all com
binations of capital are alike is not, only unfair, nU untrue. Mr. Bryan
characterizes all these combinations as trusts, and submits the inquiry, 'Who
is to tell tho bad Indians from tho good?' Inasmuch as all these trusts
passed through their experimental era during a Democratic national admin
istration, and a large percentage of the trusts doing business now were or
ganized during those four yeais, It Is but fair to answer Mr. Bryan that we
are quite sure ho and his followois aro not the proper persons to select the
'good Indians' from the bad. Mr. Bryan snys ho will kill the trusts by taking
the 'tariff off of their products. Inasmuch as ho has failed so far to distin
guish between good and bad combinations of capital wo must conclude that
the ghost of eight years ago 'tat Iff for revenue only' Is being masqueraded
in a. new gown. And If he succeeds In winning tho election we may expect
the 'tariff on most of our manufactured goods to be taken off. Are wo pre
pared to return to the conditions from 1893 to 1896?
"If for no other reasons I am uolng to voto the Republican ticket the
coming election, The difference In the two planks concerning labor In the
Democratic nnd Republican platforms Is ample. Tho Democratic plank says:
" 'In tho interests of American labor and tho uplifting of the working
man, as tho corner-stone of the prosperity of our countrj-, we recommend
that congress create a department of labor In charge of a secretary, with a
seat In tho cabinet, believing that the elevation of tho American laborer will
bring with it increased protection nnd increased prosperity to tho countrj'
at homo and to our commorco abioad.'
"Briefly tho Democratic party believes that 'tho elevation of the Ameri
can laborer, etc,,' can best bo accomplished by the 'elevation' of one man
to a job.
"The Republican plank reads:
" 'We renew our fnlth In tho policy of protection to American labor. In
that policy our industries have been established, diversified and maintained.
By protecting tho home market, competition l)s been stimulated and produc
tion cheapened. Opportunity to tho inventive genius of our people has been
secured and wages In every department of labor maintained at higher rates
higher now than ever before and always distinguishing our working peo
ple In their better conditions of life fiom those of any competing countrj.'
"It would seem to me that any worklngman rending these planks caie
fully would conclude, as I have, to voto tho Republican ticket,"
I'roni the Utlea Victa,
In a nurd, free coinage of sllicr will enable
any one to take ilTUi grains of puio dlhcr t
the mint and liaie it stamped a dollar am) It
must past lurreut as a dollar, 'ihat much sl.
cr weighs 10 tlnuti as much as grains of
pure gold which make a dollar. The aluo of
biher fluctuates and tho silver in a fclher dob
lar is north about half as much as thn koUI in
a pold dollar. If Mr, Pryan has hU way, miy.
body can buy filler and the government will be
required to make every 50 cents uoitli of it 1
dollar and then it ulll be legal tender for a dob
lar. Of lourse those who haie debts to pay Mill
pay them in the cheapist turrcmy, and thone
employers Mho aro not high grade philanthiop.
lata will pay their help In the cheapest money
available, lu that the man thosc witgn aro $12
a week "111 get twelve eiher dollars, which will
be worth to him in purchasing power about $6.
It has been the Invariable rule tho world over
Ihat the cheap money drives out the good money.
Nobody will pay a gold dollar on a debt which
can be discharged with a silver dollar which act
ually cost only hall Its face value. Whoever
has money in a payings bank, (or example, has
put It there on the tlicor) that each dollar con.
tilns 100 rents. When he comes to dnm it
nut, if Hryan Is elected, the k.nk ran give legil
tender t-llur dollars which oie aiu.illy worth
only 50 ccnW oil the .1oU.ii and will have only
that purchasing power. Whoever il.pencls upon
wages, lnlcut on investments or annuities, pen.
tloni, etc,, will be paid jutt half what Ihry are
getting now, and with that hey mutt be tativ
tied, i'cnplo of largo means who are called tbr
rich have money enough so that they will not
suiter in ii) thing like the aame proportion it the
poorer people whu arc dependent upon their own
clTcrts which they en turn into wages fir their
support. It will be advantageous for those who
have boirovvol dollars with lOu cents In them tn
pay back tlw lebt with dollars worth only SO
rcnti., but that is dishonorable and discreditable
on lie fate.
1'iec siller Is a mcnice which every man or
woman who depemU upon wages or salary for a
living should right to u fiuUh. Beside this, th
establishment of frco silver would be attended
by a financial panic, reaching to manufacturing
industries of all kinds, closing many mills and
creating untold hirdshlp. Sir. Pryan has repeat
edly said that the gold standard will last no
longer after hU election than it take to get it
out of the way, aad it anything be eays la so,
that can lie depended tmon ni a tme prophecy.
There In no escaping the proposlton that the
Mflinnlint Ishia Itt ll miiiHal.n I. t. II.....
.....UUiiw inuv 11a tino iniiiiniH is iitc gllYer
Our txpnrU have nearly doubled ntnee 18DS.
Our Imports Imvo slightly increased In iho srnie
time. Such Ii the record of rmnmerclal expan
slon under the loitering enre of the present tid
The treasury department Ins Jinl limed n
statement nf the Importi nnd exports of the
United Hlatei for the month of September, to
gether Willi n statement nf the importi nnd cv
ports for the period of nine montln, ending Sep
tember 30, for a series nt yeari. Nn stronger
argument In favor of holding our own nurkets
by the application nf Die principle of protection,
and then seeking the world mniliets, 1ms ever
been made.
According to the statement Issued tho Importi
nnd exporti during September were ai follonsi
September, Iflflfl.
EPorti ll-,CH,2t0
'mrrt fiii.sns.rmo
l'xrcii of expord $ nrt.071,.101
For tbe nine months ending Sept, 80, woo,
the showing Is equally gr.itlf.ilng. It Ii below:
Nine montln, ending Sept. HO, 1100.
fPorJ ....i,nu,rrt,toi
nlnort, lUl.lflt,BOtl
Kxcesi ol exports j 407,224,8!)-,
Compare this with tbe record of tne tint
nine monthi of 1ST,, when Democratic theories
of foreign trade were being put Into practice;
when a low tnrlfl stimulated Imports and when
the idleness of American factories was a dam
per to exporting. This record Is as follows:
Nine monthi ending Sept. 10, 1S05.
'"Port $001,043,111)
I-Tnrt' 037,027,400
Ilxcess of Imports $ 13,113,073
That, In a nutshell, Is the difference between
Democratlo theory and llepnbllcin practice.
While our expoiti Imp NKAHt.V DOUHI.r.D our
Importi are but slightly moie than they were
in Democratic dais, .in.) Hia Iii-m.. Ij nttc.,i..
due to the Increased demand for manufacturers'
materials like India rubber, and for tropical
products, such ni tea, roffee, silk dud certain
hard woods not now produced In the United
Value in
It'i a putty good world, this Is, old man
Id b piuly good world, this is!
For nil its follies and shows and lies
Iti rainy weather, and cheeks likewise.
And age, hanl-hearin' and rheumatlz
We're not n-faultln" the Lord's own plan;
All thingi jest
At their best
It's a puity good ivoihl. old nun!
.lames WhiUomb Wley.
A new purchase"
of seventy-five pieces'
Fancy Silks New
designs and color
ings which we have
divided into
A &
f ;
Man wonts but little here below,
And soon he'll ivant no more.
But while he's here he wants tho best J
Thai's why he likes our store.
.Shoes for all tho walks of life.
Shoes for all seasons of the sear for every
member of the family.
Ladles, in our Olove-fltting Jlplb.i $3 Shoes
wish to live forever, they nre so delightful.
Established 1SS3.
Shoes for all the walks of life.
;9 9c ;
and $1025,, '
Actual value being
at least one-third
more than the price'
Goods .now'- opjen)
for inRnpf-'f-inri "t
r. , .
, : ; I
V.'' v
' 510-512
$ Conine!!
Now open for business at
our new store, 1132 Wyo-
mniiing avemiae.
We are proud of our store
now, and feel justified in
doing a little talking, but we
prefer to have our friends do
the talking for us,
A cordial invitatiou is ex
tended to all to call and see us,
Jewelers and Silversmiths.
- - m l""ililH"M -, nivaaMlljHrJ
If you haven't the proper oftlce sup., i
plies. Come in and give us a trial, r
We have the larceBt and most com
plete line of ofllce supplies In North
eastern Pennsylvania.
If it's a good thing;, we have it. Wsj
make a specialty of visiting cards and'
monogram stationery.
Reynolds Bro'
Stationers and Engravers,
Hotel Jermyn Building,
jfflSKrt I f ffl jl
Grace, Did I tell you about Martin's wife? You know
she has periodical attacks of something very
like colic, I tried to have her take Ripans
Tabules, but she never would. She writes
me that owing to my recommendation she
took up tho Tabules after she went home, and
has had no trouble since, though a great deal
more time has passed than has been usual
between the attacks.
Alice. Does she still live in Troy ?
Grace. Oh, yes.
A n stjU packet oonttlniiur l nrvim Tistxita In paior carton (wlljoot plug) Is now for SfJ S4 sotM
drag atoms rok huckih. nu lo w-itK. d wrl !lnteudtJ for tho porni llu ouuumlcid, Oottlaua
af feoaYecotcrtiusnaliuult)iaa be ks4 ly mull bjM-iutintfrortyl!rbi cents to the KiriNsriLasuQAfc
Stfturaar, " ) Sprue Slrevt, Mow Yu k-vr a sla.-w wWn (tu uls) will U soul (ur nit l
-1 11
ttJw4&afjAUife8iH-;&.A,Jv. .'lAu'.igj.-Wfel'V- ftwt
, yU wpznouk j. ii i.