" n'Ji f. 'h N ' ' 5c..a THE SCJIANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY,-OCTOBER 31, 1900. I SECOND DAY OF INSTITUTE INTERESTING SESSION HELD BY COUNTY TEACHERS. Stnte Superintendent of Public In struction N. C. SchnoITer Delivered Two Interesting Addresses on the Study of History nnd Oratory. Rov. I. J. Lnniilng, D. D., Spoke Eloquently on the Necessary Quali fications for a Successful Teacher. Other Addresses of the Day. Doth kp.mhIoiih of Hie tuui.ty limit tuto yesterday pi overt exceedingly In teicstliifr to th throe liundrcl tench-n-ft who sal In tha main court loom, cnrefiilly listening to the ltiHtriiutlvn nnd entcrtalnliiK mldiwurH iwulo by thf various Hpeiikor? of the day. During tlio niornlng, Dr. Shurnmn Davis, o Indiana. .Statu University, continued hla tulle nil "Kuturo Stud ies," which li bewail Monday after nnon. Up will continue tin uddriww on this subject every day during the Institute. Yosterdny ninnilng he dli citsHed the spontaneous Interests of children, nnd declared them to luivo a life Interest. Among other things, he said: "The love of life is coincident with Hfo itself. IH you try to capture tin animal, obson how It will turn to defend itself. The gieatest nion tttrosfty Is the human, who has n consciousness of himself and destroys his own life. J Us Is the flagrant viol . Hon or the two highest biological principles." Dr. Davis delivered his address in the main room, and Miss Louise Con nolly spoke on "Kngllsh in the Pri mary School," in court loom No. 2. Tho remainder of the morning pro Knnnnio was conducted in the main room. Rev. T. J. Lansing. D. D of the Green Itldgo Fp'sbyti-riun church, made a strong address on "Somu Teaehlng Ideals." He "iiid that gooj health, n well-balanced nervous sys tem and un amount of comeliness are essential qualities for n teacher to possess. "It you yourself are at all slovenly or negligent in your Kngllsh," he said, "you will appear at a great disadvantage before your pupil." "An exalted character Is another veiy important requisite," Dr. Lans ing said. After paying tribute to the character of an ideal teacher. Dr. Lansing briefly gave his audience an, echo of the bribery trial and turned Ms intention to one of the witnesses, a councilman and teacher, and sulci: "A principal of a school whose charac ter was such, should h.; turned out of tho schools ho quick that his bead would swim." DR. SCHAKWEIVS TALK. Dr. TC. C. Schaefl'or. slate superin tendent of public Instruction, whose interesting addresses have made hU presence a welcome feature at teach eis' institutes lor many years, spoke on the subject of "History, How It Should He Taught and Studied." He impressed upon tho teachers the fact that in teaching history they should not limit themeselves to text books, but should strive to make tho great soldiers and heroes of this country living, breathing characters. A pupil, once interested in some great charac ter of tlila .sort, will not only learn and acquire knowledge about the in dividual, but about his surroundings, the times ho lived in, and, in fact, general informal tin. Miss Louise Connolly opened the af ternoon session with an interesting address on "How to Get Essays." In its course, she spoke about tho sub jects for composition work. "Make tho child describe," said she, "lir.-it, simple little objects, the hat, tho um brella, anything to give the faculty of accurate description." She ad vised the teachers to add zest to school work by introducing anecdotes into the routine drill, to give a point nnd interest to study, and to encour age originality. "There is one place in school to show temper," she said, "and that is when you get a soiled, dirty essay in a grade where the children are old enough to know better. Then I get mad, and hand back tho essay with a big black cross on it, and when the child asks mo what tho marl: means, I say it means that I am cross. Mis spelled, carelessly written words, are other things that rouse my ire, and poor punctuation in tho advanced classes nnd sentences run together are also very annoying. LESSON IN MUSIC. Led by Professor John T. Watkins, the afternoon lesson In music was held. Dr. Sherman Davis was then introduced nnd resumed his talk on "Natural Instincts and Impulses." "It is a nntural instinct to talk," he re marked rather nrchly, at which some two hundred and fifty or so fair young school teachers audibly tittered. H-j remarked upon the impulses and de sires of a young boy to find un outlet for his pent-up energy, and explained it Is tha natural inborn instinct. He Illustrated his argument with hovornl instances, vhlch gave a keen point to his uddre.-is. Superintendent Taylor then Intro, rtuced Mndumo Elizabeth Do linrrio SHI. of Philadelphia. Madame De GUI is of fine presence nnd distinguished bearing ,und from the moment she as cended tho plat Conn sho kept her au dience In continual good nature. Sho recited two childish poems, "if I Das.V. but I Dnssn't," and an alleged recita tion by n small boy. She was heartily encored nnd recited another juvenile selection. A live minutes' recess wag then given. Dr. N. C. ShaefiVr was Intioduced to tho teachers by Superlutendeu: Taylor nnd straightway plunged Into an interesting nddr?ss on the subject of "Three Great Or.ulons." "I hope," said he, "to convince you before I get through that the arts of peaeo are quite as Import an t as (hose of war, and that the successful orator de serves his placo In the hall of fame, just as much ns tho famous admiral or general. Tho orations of March 4, March 7 and March 11, 1830, nro threo wonderful ones In American history, WEBSTER'S SPEECH. "Tho first was by John C. Calhoun, the second by Daniel Webster. This latter speech brought tho conviction to tho country thnt the republic must bo saved, that liberty and equality must be one und inseparable. Cal houn's speech at tho time seemed a failure, but ten years later bore Us fruits. Tlio third of theso speeches was delivered by William II, Seward, nnd Just as Webster's speech was nno of tho factors which lost hi in tho presidency, so Seward's speech inude It Impossible for him to reach the executive mansion. And Ht I would rather have delivered that :1 speech than taken the presidential oath of olllcc." Dr. Schaefi'er here branched into a description of Henry Clay, the third of the great triumvirate of which Webster and Calhoun were tho other two. Ungainly and unprepossessing In person, it was his brilliant mind and magnetic manner which made him tha most agreeable of companions. "Calhoun's great speech," he con tinued, "his last speech In the United States senate, was made after he had just risen from a bed of sickness, hag gard and wan, and was read by Ills colleague, Senator Mason. "Webster claimed that the north was remiss in its duty on the slave question, and the stand he took on the fugitive slave question, in his great speech, lost him the presidency. Love for the union pervaded his speech, in the beginning of which ho ,said, 'I speak for the preservation of tho union. Hear me for my cause,' and in his peroration tho same lofty senti ment was uppermost." SEWAllD'S SPEECH REVIEWED. Dr. Sehacffer then brleliy reviewed Seward's anti-slavery speech and pointed out those particulars which told against the speaker!: presidential aspirations, and caused him to ba de nounced throughout the south. Hs concluded with a plea that the stu dent be taught to place the name of the orator by the side of tho soldier and sailor In tho hall ot fame. The session then adjourned. The eighth annual meeting of the directors' association will be this morning held in coint room No. 2. COLE CHARGED WITH BIGAMY. Wife No. 1 Institutes Proceedings to Secure a Divorce. Henry AVnrd Beeeher Cole was yes terday made the respondent in a di voce suit, with Mrs. Ella J. Mulliucc Cole as libellant. They are Wavurly people. A year ago In February tins husband deserted and was lost track of until recently, when it was learned that be was llv at Stroudsburg, with a ivonian named llumo Wolf, to whom, it U alleged, lie was married in April, 1S9A, by Kev. T. T. Martin, of Tobyhnnna. Mrs. Cole seeks the divorce on tho double ground of desertion and un faithfulness. George B. Davidson Is her attorney. -- INDUSTRIAL. D., L. & W. Board for Today. Following Is the make-up of the D., L. and W. board for today: i Tuesih.v, Oct. CO. WILD GATS SOUTH. (! p. in. .lolin Ilcmilgan. S.yo p. m. W. 1). Waifcl. 11.-0 p. m. J. Iluikliarl. WcJncsJay, Oct. St. WII.U OATS SOUTH. I n. in. P. Hallelt. II a. in. M. rinnerty, with Van Vlcit's men. I a. in. t:. N. ilallett. n a, in. T. Nuimuii. 8 a. in. 1". CauukiiKli, with Uijbinu's nun. II n. in. 0. Hallorly. 12.S0 p. in. J. Kiinls. f.Stl . hi. M, Loushney. 2.yo p. in. 0. Kearney. 4. p. in. O. Case. SUMMU9. 7 a. in,, north 0. FiounfelKcr. II a. in., north W. 11. Xliliola. S p. in,, noitli M. 11, ItcLiinc, I p. in., south 11, McAUUler, VVIAXW. 10 a. m. Singer. PUSHKIN, S n. in,, south T. Douilkun. 11. SO a. in., houlli M, Moian. T p. in., south M. Jlurh,, U p. in., Gcrtli W. A. Uiiithuloiiicw, H.15 a. in., north V. P. stnens. 10 p. in,, north-It. Calncr. r.sr.sRi:u knuixks, 7 a. in, d'allncy. fi.BO i. in. Manluu. 7 p. Til. Magnum. W1MI (WIS NOItlTI, ll n. in. W. Lulliir. 5.30 u. in. J, II, MtCann. 7 a, in, .laiiicn liiiilo.i, b a. in. 0. llaitliohmiciv, II a, in. J. Galugan. 1 p. in. P. Wall. J p. in. M. .1, llHinlu.ni, .'! p, in, Jamei Cainiri.'. fi p, in. A, li, llaininitU 7 p. in. A. .'. Ki'lcliam, 11 p. in. T. riUpatilol.-. 10 p. in. J, ., O'llau. xonci:. Cmitluitur I,'. Puffy and eici- inul tlucn rnulnp cieiu will pi to .Nay Ausf uu Tuiln .V. '', Oct, ill, inul uuilv u Summit, Nmlli, fioiu ll.iic, lli.ikomi'ii William llo.n. .VrMliuiu inul .lame MUliiiinrll will Hi'inl lo Comhii'tn!' Hush llouiflicily ns liH i U'W, Uo hiUiie will u out wlili O, Kearney next trip In plare ot c-vtra nun. Haul Coal on Engines. The Lackawanna engines wtro sup plied with unth! nclto coal yastorday and the heavy clouds of bituminous smoke which havo been lurking about ihu yards have now entirely dlsnp peuied. The englneineu are lejolclug over tho change, as it was extremely dllllcult to maintain a good lire In the boilers with tlie soft coal und the proluot of the washerles. The collieries are being worked to their fullest capacities and all tho em ployes are putting In nine-hour days. Orders for coul are being filled us rap idly us possible, and everything is run ning in good shape at tho Lackawanna mines, OTHER SIDE HAS A RALLY It.nn.'liiJid ti iii 1'.av :i. or iilwIUli" Iho eoiitlhilloii. Thl li done ty the ballot. W'c nii iluilul till rlirt.l Kiame Me arc lore tlotlul liy tin- mIHjIi, iiHicrimry ulioul ot poll ties vlilili I will mil Hie (liny eiliuol, Iui tho unlit of a In I lei name. Ihcie .ire men of the tyu.iy helioo) In Iwih pnrtlr. The fimilaiiient.il principle of that school l to get tieai tlio pulx lie ulli; 1,-r.ilt n 1 1 ou call, ami act out an Inmh in yon mil. Tliov n (lilt school lll my the imutllutlnu U all rlulit fr ohl f.i.liloneil felkt. Their xlew of (lie nimlilci uf rj;ll illiui U limuiil lip in the que.-lljii "How line li li Hide In il, ami Imw iniiih tan I rrl out of It" They are flliuti. Iidlui'11 in their tliool. Il.py Ime i iln llliet ljcllff. It U their f.ittli. Tliey in,! hum-it In It. Tliey hive no pilnclplen of n;oieriiiiiciit i-wipl Mlf.feiilnu. If thee coiiiIIIIuiih cxll, It l the Inilt of the imiplt'. All potter i Inheiiiil hi the peoplo, MS the rniilltiitlnii, 1 hK nhool p.'ipeliwli i Itwlf lictntxc the people du not illupprme It. There ts only one w.iy lo urt rhl of Hie plum trie tli.it hut riomii up In our 111I1W. Ills It up hy (he inula nml bum It. (let lhl of thli nieiicn.ny, lellWi mIioo! rl pollllil.nw. incqiiiliililB lasatloii leult in thli ullle fioiu the uiiwllllii'iie'i of llili 8ilionI of pollllclims to li'iuljuil laxallon ki Hut Ihc popiihn thlnir, apiiiopilalloiis will be piuWuVil for b.i the un popular thlliff, t,iE.itlii, Heat ilale p.nr, foul fiftlis of Iho stale favrs Jel It li only one-half of the slate'H Wealth. Cnipoiiitlnn or pei-nn.it liitein-ls of II u Icul.slitori pieienl leadjuslliieul. Tlicic ncicr m.is n itie.ilrr iiMinnptioii of powir than thai rerils by (ho present national i-t. imtiu In tendliiK (mops abio.ul to nuke war anil ni.il.liiK war cipentliltiurt wltlimit onii-iiltliii, the ptoplo. No t:.u- t-uulJ Oo nimc. II li -ni absolute ilolallon of the coiislitullun. 'i l.o toieilittilliiii sa.id no pitfeientc li lo be ishen i'lti7tns of one slate orr nnollici. l'nilo lllcaiis came to tin under piumNc of the lights of dtl.imlilp. All thty atl. i-t In be tieatcd at aie Uu- Inhabitant-! of Indiin territory or any oilier of our lenlloilcs. Tliey winit liberty, freedom unit die itf-lilt of nidi. S-ieiily per rent of th-ir IJ.'i.fKX) lolei halo pioper quill lle.illoiis for nlliiir and nre i-diic.iled. Vet they are iluiicd tlie iikIiIh of citi.euhii which was pimiiImJ tliiiu. Tliey piy Jj ptr itnl. on impiuti and Hie i.nne tm export-). Wc loIIclI it from them. We av,inod tin in that would bo all liu-hl. Wo would lal.e out tho eovft of rov einmeiit nml she Hum the balaiiLU. The Poilo ItltiiiH aie still u.illins for the balaine. It lols .n nun h to Kowiii MW.000 people In Porto llitn as il do-s i:,0(W,lioo people in Peiiu-.ilianl.i. 'lhe.v mj- if Ilii.il-!-, cleitid then- Mill lie it Iiii.iiilI.i1 panic. IlitUr a hiianci.il panic lli."li tlnl jour (,'oicinniintal lisht-i should be taken an ay. GHIJl'S ADDUKSS. Tlnrry K. Grim, one of the Pemo. cratio candidates for congtv.-ssiiian-aL large, was nevt introduced by Clmlr nian O'JsY-lll. Jlc Is a smooth, boyish looking chap, who began by telling the audience that inasmuch as Grover Cleveland admits that Hryan if goinr? to be fleeted, It shows that tho men who were against Bryan four years ago aro coming into line for him, be cause they believe he is goin,? to bo elected. Sir. Grim ignored the fact that Cleveland has most vigorously denied the truth of the alleged inter view with him. The speaker next briefly referred to the tight against Quay In Pennsylva nia, and then attacked the trusts, lie said the Democratic party will not lolcratu trusts, cen if some mem bers of that party happen to bo stock holders In thorn. The question which Air. Grim said Is the paramount issue now in our for eign policy. "Four, years ago," lie weiu on to say, "wo were lighting for free tllvcr, now we aro lighting for free men. Shall our flag be trailed In the dust nnd bo stained by the blood of in nocent people? is a quest ion thu voter will have to pass upon In November. It is the great, tho absorbing ques tion In this campaign." After denouncing expansion in.isfi vigorously, Jlr. Grim aid that no matter what lofty sentiments the publican party may say it is actuated by in carrying the dag across (ho Pacific, gain and greed are moving those who are behind the imperialistic policy to which the Republican party is committed. New York Announcement. Horner's Furniture. THE BEST IN THE MARKET because representing tho produc tions of tho best makers only. Other advantages are the unequalled as sortments in all lines, whether wanted for city or country homes, nnd tho very moderate priceB at which tho goods aro mnrkod. The completeness of our assort ments can best be understood from tho fact that wo carry in stock, and exhibit, more titan two hundred and jity distinctively different Bedroom Sets in every variety of materlnl, as well as endless lines of Parlor, Draw ing Room, Library and Dining Room Furniture, ranging from tho mod est and inexponslvo to tho most elab orately carved and inlaid. In a word, oxuvy nrtlolo of Furniture re quired for use. comfort and ndornmont In tlio lioiibehold can balmdat tho G rent Fur niture, Emporium of R. J. Horner & Co., Furnltui-n Mukorn wad Importers, 61-G5 W. 83d St., New York Konil for IllusliaU.t lUinllinnk, "Our Aiarrlcin llonits nml How to lurnUh 'llieiu." nil. OKNSTEN, an Spruce Street, Scran tun, I'a- ill Acute anil Chronic llseaete oi Men, Womtneni Children. Comultitlonand examination free. Office Hour Dally and Sunday 8 a- m. to a p. m. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ,.. MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. (VMTK THE NAMK. ft 4m MBBaEPfc "We enn probably buIkIuc tha V Dliios," Mr. Orlm auld, ''but v can not either with money or by rorco jjalit their respect of innko them trndo with Us. Tho Itepubllrnn nutty says the iltne 1ms coino when wo nhould bocoino n world power. Tho uitHWcr lo them Ih that the country Is today n world power und hits been ever since we adopted the declaration ot Independence. AVnrs nnd colonies do not make ti country it world power. Instead of nmkhifr u country Bt-cater and freer they polfon the hetiilwuters of freedom nnd pntrlollrfiu. "Wo have lifted IilRher the stand ard of clvllliiutlon tlinn any other nation, nnd we will continue to he a world power ns lonj? as we nro true to our traditions. Xo nation Is good enough to own another party." After some further tulle nbotit Im perialism, lie paid his respects lo Gov ernor Itoosevelt, who, ho suld, had made n eowurdlv attack on some of the most patriotic-vIUk'Iis ot our coun try, 'because they aro Democrats. "The Republican party," he snld, "is oft' on till the lendliifr. Issues of the day, and hopes to snvo tho day with their full dinner pall." The speaker admitted there hns been n peculiar hind of iirosperlty dutiiiB the hist few years. Tho trusts have been malting money, he said. This was his il n If h: "In William JcnnlnRS lirynn Is your only hope of navliiK tills republic, und with hi election the dream of entnlro will fadu away as mist before the morning sun." (.'ONUV SPOKK. Mlt'Imel F. Cunry, tlie enndhlntc for comrrcss, was the last speukci of the pvenhiK'. He said that he has nuulu so many speeches of late that his voice lias grown weak, and that as the hour was late ho would be brief. Ho hiioko for fifteen minutes. Air. C'onry lost no time in nttuckini; triihts In gcuer.il anil the anthracite coal trust In particular, which, lie said, is dominated by J. Pierpont Jlorgan, who Ih the representative of European capital. Ho bald if lie is sent to con Kiess he will labor with might and main to attempt to secure a bill wthch will make arbitration compulsory. He then turned to Imperialism and dismissed the historical feature of it. He said imperialism is repugnant to the very spirit of Democracy and If we continue this colonial system wc will destroy tho basic principal upon which our government is founded. Governor Paulson and party will Icnvo tills morning for Wllliamsport, where tho governor will speak tonight. TO 00 TO PHOENIX, AKIZ. Harry B. Nichols, of Washington, D. C has been appointed to succeed Kay Johnson, of Jliehig.in, -is the assist ant at the weather station In this city. Air. Johnson has lven assigned to the station at Pheonix, Arizona. A self-registering rain guagc hna just been installed in tho station hy Observer Donaldson, who says ho. now has one of the best equipped stations in the country. Fine Tailoring The prospective settlement of the strike removes one hindrance to the purchase of your Winter Suit and Over coat. Our extremely low prices remove another. Our stock is immense, our styles are correct and no goods can be better made. W j. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor, 214 WYOHINQ AVENUE 1 HE CELEBRATED GORDON PIANO Before buying-, send for catalogue. H. S. GORDON, SR. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hen's Underwear. Highest Grades at Popular Prices. 412 Spruce Street. Agency for Young's Hats. mm OUiRAHT i Ur. Jluniuj and Atinx Burgocu alii, everr ailYefll uioooi'oisoo.vancociH.suiciiiri nitllt.. buiUMiM. tptlRfouiiojuir UIMIMieaorgin,fiillxtt5ton(l. tie OURK uiui. -r1 1 iTlaf "Sf MB 1 1 ML L : J 1 II imMyjmrjj aaTl caea( VIMOll III,1, lU IU tlHTa. I Ul II1U1 UiUMCIUUI vc rttcl fllNMUTIOMMAIIZT." Treat loent byio4llT8naforHwrnTwuianukr4i nqokct soimy ,TC( fU lu(UutisUtcCltl AMtdical fiaud. ConnoAjSWallac SORANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Absurdly Little Prices on Colored Dress Goods ... Manufacturers and importers struggling to close theif season's business bring these remarkable value-getting oppor tunities to our patrons. The goods offered today are in large lots, extensive varieties, and the prices noted below are in every case lower than the cost of making alone, Here are various distinct styles of Fall Dress Goods, each one a favorite, each one in active demand just now. There are ample supplies of each though no promises can be held out that they will be here all the week. The different lots all at one price, Tweed Homespun Cheviot "Tweed," "Hotnespun," "Cheviot," three strong words, but they are needed tc fairly describe these magnificent fabrics. Think of the combination! Every special goodness aud grace of Tweed, Homespun and Cheviot blended and united in a single weave. The result is sturdiness, style and seasonableness. Every thread all wool, 0 to 4 inches wide. Actual value, $1.25 yard. Harked for lively selling, at 68 cents nixed Suitings and Serges Old familiar cloths aud just as popular as ever. Your choice couldn't fall upon hardier or more stylish weaves. These goods ruu from 45 to 4 inches wide, and are worth in the regular way from $1.2 j to $2.00 a yard. Choose at 68 cents Camel's Hair Cheviots and Camila Stripes Every thread pure wool. Both are conspicuous among the recent arrivals for fall gowns. Select either and be sure of satisfaction. 68 cents for $1.50 value CONNOLLY THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 137 S DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital S200.000 SURPLUS soo.ooo WAL CONNELL, President. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vice-Pres. WILLIAM H. PECK, Casbltr. Bpecla: attention Given to busi ness accounts. Three per cent. in. tereat pal on interest dopoatt. HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for tiia Wyoming District for DUPONT'S POWDER. Uinin?, niastin?, Fportin?, Smokeless anil the ltcpaimo Chcintral Company' High Explosives. Safety fuse, Caps ami nxplodcrs. Room -101 Con nell Rulliiin?, Saanton. AOUSCIESt Tlios. roni I'ltuton JOHN It. SMITH & tOU Plymouth W. U. MULI.IQAN WilKcallarre Manufacturer or OLD STOCK PILSNER N, Ninth St.t, SGR ANTON PA Telephoas Call, 2333. iiis m Lager Beer Brewery READ ON. & WALLACE, M CARPETS We waut you to see the new arrivals; in our Carpet Department. We believe we have the most complete stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to bo had this side of New York. A superb line of I WALL PAPER I 4, I BRASS AND WILLIAMS & McANULTY, 129 Wyoming Avenue. THE Rabbit Season Opens Nov. 1 We are well stocked with all kinds of ammunition and guns at the lowest priees. Don't forget that we are Headquar ters for everything in the line of Sports and Athletics. Florey & Brooks, 211 Washington Are. THB POWDER CO, Booms 1 auu2, Com'lt). BTd'g. 80BANT0N, lA. ninlng and Blasting POWDER M at Mooalo ao4 Hut lala WorU. LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO. '3 ORANOE QUN POWDER leotrlg Battorl,, EtMtrlolirplolari. tcvlodlBC blMU, bX,y Fum ao.4 RiiayN ChNrioH Ci't wW&e. MOOSIC 68 cents yard 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE I DRAPERIES I METALLIC BEDS I , . -i1 At Retail. , Coal of the beat quality for domealU 'uao ana of all alzsa. Includlnj; Buokwhaat ana BlrdMye. dtllvtrad In any part of tbe city, at tha lowaat pries. Ordcra rcclvd at tha office. ConaaV bulldlnj. Room 804; talephona No. 17M, or at tha mine, telephono No. art. will ba promptly attendtd to. Daaltra aupplttt t tha mlno. T PLEASANT COAL CO The Dickson Mftuufacturluj Co. Koiaotou aud Wllkat-Barra, ia Maoufaolurar o( LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONART ENQWIS ollara. HaUltngaad Paiptaa; J laatrsl OMoa. RUGS MOUNr PLEASANT COAL ' VI. Er" f 1. 'V. M ?: jH-mh & .? J Aj&tf-;i-; sf .d&ft. I A- .