1pTWwtv riw'4-v:v ". P0iF v-,f ? , ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WliJPNESDAY, OCTOBER 3.1, 1000. HELPLESS HUSBANDS now iii;i ri.Kss husbands HAVE BKCOMK IIHI.PFUl. Kevin1 iloei a tniui foot so helplesH as when lio lnolw upon the suffering of the ulfp he Invert mill Itnows ilml lie Is powerless In prevent It. And when, ns Is often the ease, ho Iikk exhausted every means tit hln (HhiiohhI In tile vnln effort to restore his wife to heiilth, IiIh despair almost etituila her Hiifferlnf,'. Thete are husbands who haw paused (hvotigh this expeilonee and have found a way to he helpful to their wives when physlelans Imd absolutely failed to cure, and been .even powerless to help the sufferer. s. .-, : .1 .jW6t. v-vi ;,,i JM ,i!t., 'One sueh husband thus relates his ex lierlence: "I take pleasure In writing you to let you know about jour 'Favorite Pre scription,' " says 'Mr. K. K. Frlcks, of Petersburg1, Menard Co., Ills., Box 307. "My wife had been Mck nearly all her life, and after trying overything I could think of T muilu up my mind to try 'Favorite Proscription.' 1 sent to Chicago and got six bottles, which my wife took, u tablespoonful three times a day, until the baby came. She felt better after taking the ilrst bottle, and when baby was bom ho weighed nine and a half pounds. To-day he Is six months old and weighs twenty-two pounds. He is as good a, child us any one could wish. The doctor says lip is as healthy as any baby could be, mid also the doctor says your 'Favor ite FneserlptJion' was the cause of biich a healthy baby. 1 felt I owed wife, helpless and nil.sorable, a wife who is once more able to "guide the house" in health and happiness. HIS "DEXTER IIAL.F." The reference to the wife as the "better half" is made sometimes half .humorously. But in his heart every man feels that the old phrase ex presses a fact. When the wife Is sick the whole fabric "of homo totters to its fall. "When the wife is confined to her bed the husband leads a half life. a life from which the sunshine and laughter have been taken away. It is not to be wondered at therefore, that husbands express their gratitude for the cures which follow the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. "What a change from a sickly bed-ridden wife who is once more able to "guide the house" in health and happiness. "My wife was afflicted with uterine tioublo for several years," writes Mr. J. C. Day, of I-ittle Britain. Lancaster Co., Pa., "and in November, ISftS, the doctor said she had a mishap. He treated her for about two months or so, but there was but little improve ment. I wrote you after she had com menced to take 'Favorite Prescription and you told us to get 'fJolden Medical Discovery' also. She took Mx or seven THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum inrrtMuY lil-i in Mm t mil II e Wot." FRIDAY AND KA'lfRDAY "Rleiliic 31.Uir.cc Sntuuljy, , path." ' Academy of Music. AM, WLKK Dennett k Moullon Company in rcputoirc. Gaiety. LAST llllIKi: D.US-Wipc, Woniiii nut Sunt:. Pleased Large Audiences, 'the Hi mutt ft M.uiliiui lomjMie., now tilling u tuck's i ns.igi moil .il tin1 Auuhm.v, plci.ul two ljrgc cmlioiiic. .U'sli'iii.iv. The piece pHiilun'il lit the Hi 1 1 i in t .is "YUilid (.onilnii," .lint in the evening, I'lou'iiu' llindley'n celcbiateil sue if, "Captaln'i Mill'" vv.i piudui'ed, Tha tni. Initios ut Hie vaudeville nunibeis uf the company continue In plcw. 'I III'. nltl'IIU'OII llli lllMllliflll lIK'lodlMIII.I, "Darkest nl.i," vvliiilt made mhIi a lilt Mon day ivuilug, will he ii'ii.iU'il, .mil tonight "Tuc Pay Train" will ho tin- ultiailion, "Wino, Woman and Song" Tliv-.itlii.il iiIiiiii'-i will bo alTiirilul a feast fur t In Ir ill .iiii.il le appilUc at the cvir popular flaicty theater for I lie lieu three ilijs, whin an cng.iKOiicnt, with l.i ll milium', will li filled ny M, M. Tlile-eV) "Wine, Woman nut Sung" ioiiip.iu.i. Opeiatio Imilisqiip, rxluva uanr.1 and vaudeville are (oiiiliineil In make up a ioifiiniuin.ii iiueeelleil liy any similar or K.in'cotion now en torn, The liuilesqiies pieMiit suiiei of iMtfllii; jplfn. djr ami fene to iulioiluie beautiful inid slupoly leiliiina l onii anil il.mi r, tunny uimnllim vi many new ami iiomI ileitriial eilejl mir before wltiuul mi any siiu;e (n ihla cyt 0ifiilni; inalimc TlairUy alti moon. H0PB0TT0M. Special to (lie kr.mlon Tiibiiui. Ilopbotloni, Oct. 30, Jlr, and Mis, K, M. Tlffiinj- spent last week In Xuw 'TorU, puiclm.slng goods for the fall trade. Mrs. I-elah llallou, of Athens, liu.s fceen visiting her paient.s, Mr. arid Mrs. James Merrill, Mr. Krances I.lndsey uiet with the losa of a good span of hot pes last week, They had hauled a load of milk from hero to the Luliume coiulmiM'rv, and while returning home one hoi so died, i4ifaW. v 'MiT v i'L. W7 A JiiL WHEN IN OOUOT, TRY mm AGAIN ! fl f . 1 N. m W K1 m 'Ael UtllA ryMcv frj I'VlCOrtO the Whde beiD?. Allclrmn,. ari ! ,.. c...i.. Mall;d seated. Pr.celi perbo.i 6 boxes, with iroutbd Ueal auarinfee ".icufe Vx refittidttj raonev.l.ceo. feeud lor lien booh. Addren. PEAL MPnir.iiir A if..S n l-or SJiie Dy UOrilN ri. hHELPfi, H.eripi est, ur. VtrnlnR iviih und Spmrn street. bottles of 'Favorite Prchorlpllon' and two ot 'Golden Medical Discovery' she wnB cured and gol out of bed anil was able to attend to her housework once more." DocOr Pierce's Fa vol lie Proscrip tion makes weak warned slromj nnd sick woman well. It establishes letfti latity, dries the drains which weaken women, heals Inllninin.illon and ul ceration and rules female weakness. When taken as a prepimtllvr for ma ternity It promotes health of body anil cheerfulness nf mind It encourages (In appetite. Induces rcftoshlns sleep, and when the hour of trial comes it makes the baby's advent practically painless, It Is fthe best tonic for nursing mothers, promoting the (low of the nutritive secretions and giving the mother strength to give her child. "My wife wns slek for over eight years," writes Albert 11. Fullo, E of Altmnoht, Crondy f'o Tenii. "She had uterine disease and was 'iron to I by two physicians and got no relief. At last I rei 1 In one o: v'our Memorandum Books which you sent me 4bout Dr. Pierce's medi cines, and we decided to try his 'Pavoille Pro scription.' I sent to the tlrtig stoic and got one bottle and the ilrst dnso cave case and sleep. hc had not slept any for three nkhts. Being sure that It would cure her I onl for live mi-re bot tles, and when she had taken the sis hotlK's she was sound and well." AX OPPOUTUX1TY FOIl V.-OMRN. AVomen who are suffer ing ftom diseases oi" long Handing are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All letters aie prim' ?y lead and privately answvied, and the written conlldenees of women aie treated with the sn;ne stiict professional P'i acy observed by D. Pierce In peronal consultation with women at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In stitute. Buffalo, X. Y. Address Dr. It. V. fierce, Buffalo. X. Y. This offer of fiee consultation by letter Is not to be classed with tho hpuriuus offers of "fiec medical ad vice" made by those who having neither professional training nor ex perience are medically and legally im (limlllled to give (he advice they offer. Although it takes more than a diploma to make a good physician yet the medical diploma is essential as wit nessing to professional study and training. It is well for women to ex amine into offers of "fiee medical ad vice," and to ascertain whether the offer is made by those competent pio fesslonally and legally to give medical advice. Any one can offer "medical advice" but snob advice from one who is not medically educated and qualified Is not only worthless but danseroUjS. in a little over thirty years Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti tute, Buffalo, X. Y.. assisted bv his s.aff of nearly a score of physicians, bus treated and cured hundreds of thousands of weak and slek women. "Write therefore without fee as without fiar to Dr. It. V. Pierce. Murrain, X. V. The effort of some dealois to sell a substitute for "Favorite Prescription" as "Just "as good" is due to the fact that less meritorious preparations pay a little more profit. Insist on having the medicine which makes weak wo men strung and slek women well. TO HIT.SBAXDS AXU AVIVHS. The best medlc.il woik for the home is Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med ii al Adviser. This gr-.it work treats o! health and disease fioni Hip lov; polnt of common sense. It contains ions large pages and Is sent i'ivj on leedpt of stamps to pay ex pi lis of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent slumps for the book in pnper-vTuvrs, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Addiess Dr. It. V. Pleice, Buffalo, X. Y. while the mate lived only a few boms after reaching home. Impiopor driving and feeding combined are the supposed causes of the accident, If such it might bo called. It is quite a heavy loss to their owner, who does teaming for a livelihood. The funeral of Mrs. AVhlttlngton, whose death occurred Saturday even ing, took place at her home here Tues day afternoon. Her death was duo to typhoid fever, from which she had been a sufferer for some weeks. She leaves a husband but no children. Mr. and Mrs. "Williams, of Carbon dale, have moved Into rooms In Mrs. Klzena Corey's house, Mr. Albert Titus, who has been 111 for two or three weeks past, does not improve. Air. Bertcli is tilling his posi tion at the watch house. A son of Humphiey Lord, who lives about a mile from town, Is 111 with typhoid fever. Thete has been only one case In the village thus far this season, but several cases have occurred In the neighborhood. Mrs. Martha Hell has gone to Hamp ton Junction, N. .1.. to visit her son, Freeman Hughes. She i etui tied home with Mrs. Hughes, who has been visit ing her. DALT01H . llei-. A. W. Cooper was a lUitor in Suanton jotordj.v. Mis. Piank L'ohin cuUil'iliicii friemU fiom Siinntun mi Satiinh;- ):m, Mm, hman II. Ic.wouilcn, o( llo-itun, ik-liirifil an esu'lU'ht tcinpcianie .ulcliess in the Haptisl ihiuili last i'llilay eirniui;. Them wa a laifc aiuliinee present, Mrs. fieil I'almrr tpent jesiciila with lur mother in tei.iutou. Ml. ana Mis. O-ear Him ictiuneil tn their heme at tied Hank, X. J., aftci spciullni; a I'kinlli with the Jattci' liutliei, Itev. Itubci t II. Tlioiniun. ih Tunny Dei.lilinci is Isltiii;; filciuN fu (lie Wjnnilnif ulle.i. 'the public sUiooIs aie elo-ul thk wnk, on utiiiiul of the lounty Instliiite if teathen. Mrs. da Kicsse entcit.ili.eil lur luiialn, lli. lirk, of Uymiilni;, our t-iimlaj. If cn.i onu wanti oil eie.ilm; nf pleanre thev tl.outd iittenl tliu Inline on "'ll.e Wt ani Humor o( the It i-.li Piople," in the )iptst ihiuili tlilt en nil..,-, by ti. ). J, Whalen, I), P. 'Ilm iilinllon will lie 10 ami 13 ni.tn, Wlllium Von suuili has Bore lu l'iler llii, week, v lu ip he u i'iiif.iy;i puttlni; in a watw iruise. Iliiuy M. Iw leu .i.-leiilay fur ,i biUf i,(t in Ni w oik rlareiu ,iil IIjiij I'nin wile at CII. Mniin aiu Lu Satiiulat TiieyWvejtood Ifcctcjtoryearf, ami hive cuieil thousands el men oi menoin uucaicj, sucu as Ucbitilv. Dizjineti. Klcnlrtt. nets and Varicocele.Atronhv -&r. They clear the brain, ttrcnjifcea llm circulation, miiko diucsiiij perfect, and impart n health) Sk. PAL MFnirtur on . eii.,ni..,.i n NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Special lu llic Pcrahton lYIIiunc. Montrose, Oct, .10. The catupalgr wiiNes warm as election duy drnwj near and politics Is the all-absorbing topic of conversallon, The grand Jury of Susquehanna county Is now lu session In this place. Over thirty cases will be presented to them by District Attorney Little for their consideration. Captain II. F. Beardsley, of Mont rose, was assistant grand marshal of the ltepubllcan parade at Susquehanna on Saturday nnd he filled tliu bill In an efficient and military manner. Sisters Mary Francis de Sates, Mary Veronica, Mary f:ib,abeth and Mary Charles, fiom the House of the Uood Shepherd at Sornnton, are soliciting in Mnntro.se, Miss Kiln .Incoby has returned from Tunkhnnnock, where she visited her sisters, Miss Hattlo M. C. .lucoby and Mrs. D. V. Lyons. Lieutenant Leon Barron, of Com pany CI, Is critically HI with peritonitis at his homo In South 'Montrose. Lieu tenant Barron was ill with the same disease a few months ago and had not yet recovered his full vigor when he was again stricken. Mrs. L. P. Knoll has returned from a visit to friends In Tuukhannock. Itodney ,T. Stark and wife were In Philadelphia lust week. Miss Delia Coon leaves this week for an extended visit with friends In Hlng hamton. Mrs. W. J. Kaunas has gone to Seranton, where she becomes house keeper In the family of .1. il. Hltten house. P. M. Gardiner, esq., of Forest City, was In town yesterday morning at tending to business In court. Mrs. L. II. UrllllR and -Mrs. L. M. Bunnell were guests of Dlmock friends on Saturdav. The Uryan meeting held In the ar mory in this place on Saturday was a very tame affair. The advertised speakers failed to materialize, as did also any considerable number of the faithful from out of town. J. M. Kel ly, esq., M. S. Allen, esq., and H. S. Seatie, local lights of the liryan firma ment, made brief speeches and F. X. Gilbert, esq., a IJinghamton lawyer, was telegraphed for and reached here in time to make a fierce speech, In which he attacked militarism and Im perialism, twin spooks of the Demo cratic imagination. Ktlitor Cruser presided. The seats in the armory were only partially filled by the assem blage, which included a number of Bepubllcans, who appeared Interested and amused by the proceedings. The ciowd was so small that no parade was attempted, but Dullard's band, of Hallstead, marched about town to work up a little enthusiasm. A large number of Republicans from this place greeted Governor Boosovelt at Susquehanna on Saturday and were delighted with the strenuous personal ity of the vice-presidential candidate, and a number followed the governor to Bitighumton to hear him again that night. Three prisoners attempted to escape from tli? Susquehanna county jail m this place yesterday, but were discov ered by Sheriff Maxey in time to thwart their plans. The men are Thomas iJreek, committed on the charge of attempting to burglarize the Ihie station at Great Bend several mouths ago. and Michael Burns and Frank Smith, charged with felonious and aggravated assault. Sheriff Maxey had become suspicious of the men on Sunday and had since kept a close watch on their movements. Yes terday he became aware that they were at work upon the door of the corridor, but lie purposely concealed his knowledge until ubout ." o'clock in the afternoon, when, accompanied by a deputy, the sheriff stole softly upon the men and caught them red handed. Discovering his approach, the men beat a hasty retreat to . vacant cell, where they were immediately ,-nr-raled, and, after being searched, were placed In separate cells. On Breck was found a Jack-knife, one blade of which had in some way been transformed into a saw, and another knife, simi larly treated, was found hidden In a ventilating pipe in a closet. On Burns was found a razor. The door on which the men were working Is doubly fastened by a brake and a lock. The bolt to the lock had been sawed off and the lock smashed, but the brake was intact, so that even had the men not been discovered It Is doubtful If they could have succeeded in gaining tnelr liberty. This morning Sheriff Mnxey laid information before Justice Court right and warrants were issued charg ing the men with breaking Jail. Ofll cer Conklln served the warrants and, assisted by the sheriff, the prisoners were brought down and arraigned. They enteied pleas of not guilty, and, after a heating at which Sheriff Maxey told his story substantially as given above, they were held to court In the sum of $300 each, In det'ault of which they were remanded, J. M. Kelly, esq., appeared for the defense, and Seatie McColluui, esq, represented the district attorney. BEV. S. A. DONAHOB Testifies to the Good Qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. On the 10th of JJecember, 1897, Rev. S. A. Donahoe, postor M. E. church, South, Pt. PJeusuni', "W. Va contract ed a severe cold which was attended from the beginning by violent cough ing, lie says; "After resorting to a number of so-called 'specifics' usually kept In the house, to no purpose, I pur chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Uoinedy, which acted like a charm. I most' cheerfully recommend It to (ho public. For sale by all drug gists, Matthew Bros., wholesale and uiull agunls. SUSQUEHANNA. Special (o tliu Seranton Tribune, Susquehannu, Ontobor SO. The re. dedication services of the Avenue Methodist church, In Oakland, held on Friday and Saturday, wero largely at tended ami very Interesting. The debt ot $800 was ptovlded for and about 3(00 mote weie raised for church Im provement, etc. Tills Is very encour aging to pastor and people. Sidney Mnsteis Is III at his home, on Turnpike street, Colonel liryan was asleep when ho pastied through Susquchunnu at an early hour this morning, and quite n number of the faithful, who went to the station, weie lisappoluted. Now that the coal strike Is ended, there will again be brisk times on tli- Jefferson brunch. The Itepubllcans of Jackson will hold a tally on Thursday evening. Ths speukeru announced are: a. S. Kim- ball and IV. W W. Fletcher, of Cnr bondale, nnd Dr. Colo, of Jackson. Tlin Jackson Cornet band will furnish tnltslo for the occaalon. Buckley Brothers ltuv piltThused the grocery stock of M. L. Taylor, In Litncsboro, Mrs. Scott last evening, In the Bap tist church, delivered a lecture, Sub ject "Negto Problem III the Houth." There was considerable hoodluiulmn In Susquehanna at the Uepubllciui nut door meeting on Friday evening, tl Is evident that the harvest Ih ripe lor considerable hnrd wotic among the home heiith.Mi, Cashier C. F. Wright, of the First Natlonnl hank, offers a reward of J.W for the nrre.st and conviction ot tin? person or persons who wilfully nnd mallclouslv besmeared with foul mat ter the windows of (he First National bank, nround the pictures ot MoKln ley and Itoosevelt some time during Saturdny evening. Near Or.tndt, on Sundiy afternoon. Krle Rnglncoor II. S. Wood nnd wife, of .Susquehanna, wore thrown from thel r cartinge. Their horse wast filghteued at the cars and ran nway. It was Mopped near this place. SPRINGVILLE. Special to (lie ?crantnn Trilmnr. Spiingvllle, Oct. HO. The lecture given at t'he academy las( Wednesday evening by Itev. John Johnston was very interesting and a decided success. The rain spoiled the meeting of the Itepubllcans over on Strickland hilt lust Tuesduy evening, but they will get there for McKlnley and "Teddy" Just the same. Mrs. Anna T. Grattan has lately had some very nice stone steps placed In front of her residence. A. O. Dtfhlop has lately been putting repairs on his store building. Murk Scott has had another stroke of lightning luck. One of his horses fell dead last week while In harness. The band has lately had to hustle, having four engagements last week, an oyster supper and two engagements this week. One on Friday at Mont rose nnd on Saturday night at Dlmock for the Demmles. Pierce Kinney has quit the meat trade and gone on the load selling farm records. J. P.. Cooley & Sou, of Montrose, put a new fumnce In the academy while school was closed for teachers' insti tute. The repairs on the Methodist Kplsco palsonnge are neaily finished. A new woodhouse has been built and other repalis made. Dr. H. S. Plckard has moved his barn to a more convenient site nnd made other quite Impoitnnt repairs r.bout his premises In the shape of ditches and a large cellar. The doctor believes In having his lot look well. Al S. Scott has finished ills labors here and returned to his home at Can dor. X. Y. Mrs. D. H. Phelps has just returned home from a visit to friends at Car bondale and other points In Lacka wanna county. On Sunday led Phelps was riding a horse and It became frightened and ran with him Into a barbed wire fence and cut his leg severely. A gaping wound of mote than four inches being made. Charles Bunnell was taken severely sick Sunday and Dr. Plckard had to be summoned. Today he Is easier. On Friday next a large delegation of Republicans headed by the Citizens' band will go to Montrose to attend the big McKlnley and Itoosevelt demon stration. The Dimock delegation will join them at that place. It is expected that over two hundred will be in the delegation, G. P. Strang and family have moved into their new quarters. On Saturday the family entertained G. P.'s brother, llanry and wife. Stephen Tuttle, furnltuie dealer and undertaker, lias found it necessary to enlarge his building to accommodate his growing trade, so has erected a two-story, 24x24 addition for a shop, which gives him the entire main floor for u furniture room. lie will keep a L larger stock of furniture than before. On Thursday evening the members of Vesta lodge, No. 187, Daughters of Re becca, gathered at the home of S. O. Culver and wife to help celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary. About sixty were present and all attest to the fact that they had a royal good time and left a tine couch as a token of the event. Refreshments were served by host and wife and all wended their way home leaving best wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Culver. FACTORYVILLE. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Factoryvllle, Oct. 30. At the Meth odist Episcopal church Sunday Rev. Dr. Putman conducted a union educa tional rally, the Baptist church joining with the Methodist. About $3r0 was jaised for Hie endowment fund of Key stone academy. Assltant Past Master Sherry Taylor was a spectator at the foot hall game at Seranton Saturday. Mrs. V. R. Gardner and son, Robert, will leave here In about two weeks for Kansas City, where she will join Mr, Gardner, who has been traveling through the west J"or about two months. They Intend to remain out (here about a month after teaching Kansas Clly. Messrs. Charles and Frederick Brey- lon, of Rhode Island, are spending sotno tolme here with friends and tehitlves, Next Sunday evening at the Buptlst church the regular monthly union tent perance services will bo held Instead of the regular sermon by Rev, "V. M, HII ler, There will be uddresses by four ladles which will no doubt be very In teresting, On Nov. 11 there will be commenced at the Methodist Episcopal church a week of old fashioned camp meetings. There will be. three services each duy, morning, afternoon and evening. Quite u number of our townspeople wero entertained at ft party ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Caryl near the tunnel last Saturday nleht. Henry Qtisiuaii, who has been spend ing the past year In Colorado for his health, returned homo Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. Slanlej-X, Slmrell will occupy their rooms at (he "Irving" In Seranton on and tftor November I. Mr, nnd Mrs. George Warner, Miss Ethyl Stark and Ray C. Snyder, of Nicholson, were oolleis here Sunday, Walter Reynolds, who has been spending the sumer In Iowa, has re turned home, Mrs, H, N. Capwell was taken sud denly 111 will heurt tiouble lust Tlutijs day while attending the missionary conference at the Buptist church, and had to be curried home. She is resting quietly ut picsent nnd Is somewhat bet ter. Dr. E. T. Wheuton, Who has been spending the summer In the west, bus arrived home. G. R. Muthewson Is home from Wash ington for a short vacation and will while home cast his vole for McKlnley. Messrs. Sherry Taylor and Fred The People's Exchange. APOPULAK CLEARING HOUSE for the Ueuent "t AH WIp llnve House to Rent, Kcnl Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, ii Who Want Situations op Help The is Smalt Advertisement Co'. One Cent n Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents n Word Except Sttimttotu Wanted, Which Atu tn petted l'Yce. FOR RENT. VOIt Itl'NT-TI'VdlOtnr llntlM!. .'lis pint, ur., Iiptucni Vliliiti'ii mid Ailmni uroiine, in rently tiaprrcil; ftimair, gin, lulli. duties I', .lailnln. roit, lli:.NT-2f MIITLtX AVI'.NOi:, rooms; brick; F-U KltillT FOR SALE I . r t-i.'NV J'UVS A nff 4Nt t'OII HAI.K-HOU.si', ANil LOT, i.H VINT, ST., miner Adann aientie. Cabin Hcjiiolt, fou s i.i:-cox'i kst or noiisr. fuusi- lure, carpets, I'eilillng, etc. IIU Wnililngtrm alcnne. rott sam:-om: iii:aui.ATto.N sizr, mtux."- wlek pool lal.le. AilJreM A. S. I'rltclianl, iii Conn stii'ct. W.NTi:D-TWO10?K'MAnuStf itPNSCItS ami tnn lii-lppi.-. Appli' Miirlln llmrrtl unit I'.lllllk Itll.ldl. (llc'IIUClOll Hliufl, MllJIU'lll. waxto) - nxi; KXPEtiinxciin max to nork in Rrccn home; single prolerrrd; at Kcmteter's faun, South Main aicniie, Lincoln IfoigliK w.ixir.u rood, .srrtoxn nov. jo to," j cars of aifc, to Iiain tinner' traile. Woll js W'ciuel, 210 Ailains au'itue. WANTED SECOND HAND SUyfikSiiixKS: miut be in soud order; etatc particulars at to malic and price. Address, L. M,, general de livery, Seranton, Pa. PUBLIC SALE. l't'HLIO SALK-WH WILL SULL AT PUBLIC wile, for (lie heneflt of whom It niav ion (rin. on W'l'dni'Siljy, Nmrmlier Ttfi, at 10 o'clock a. in., at tin- Ailiitration doom in fie C'ontt lloinc in the city of S'ranton, t'enmjh.inla, ou lniiidii'il mid ten hhan'i ot pietericil "link ami one hunilreil and ten ulinrei of roinninn stoik of the fc'.-iaiitou llaliy Compaiiv. 'IVrni" of alc, usli. WELLES It TOItltEV. JLOSJ LOST-SACK (OAT: ItEWAItl) II' RirTIIINi:i) to ;. W. Ilronn') oltlcc, ClilT ttieel. LOST Oil STOLEX S.MAI.f. DAIIK (JI1AV COLT, 1 jcat.i old, weighing !'.10 pouudi; Ioiik nunc forctop; peculiar inaik on i:iIdc of left hind lex; front feet shod. Literal lcwjlil If ic turned, .lolin Ziuiuierinan, Puuiiaik, Pike i onti ly, Pa. LOST-SMALL IIED COW, WIlITt: LINK ON lurk, horns cut; had on bell. Inhumation thankfully ipivhrd. Knd Soby, Jiitnyii. f0 ROOJINr SECOND fLOOlt, WITH UOAlfD, .it 410 AUims arcnuc. ROOMS WANTED. WAXTED-2 OR .1 FURNISHED ROOMS. FOIl light housekeeping; centiatly Incated. Ad dress, J. W., Williams building, City. CITY SCAVENGER A. B. nniCCS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND rein pool": no odor. Jmpioicd pumps ucd. A. II. Bitltins. Pioprlctor. T.eae onlen ll'H) North Main menne, or Eicke's drug store, cor. ner Adanu and Mulberry. Telephone 9340. LEGAL. IN RE: INCORPORATION OI' THE RUSSIAN Kill' Company of Jlayticld. In the Court of Common lie.is of Lackawanna County, No. 40.), November Twin, I'jOO. Noiiie is hereby t'ilcn that an application will ho made to the paid roiut on Satiuday, Hie ll day of November, J'HW, at nine o'clock a. in., under the "Act to piovidc for the incoiporatlon and regulation of ceiulii loipi.ratloiw," uppioied April atitli, 11:74, and lt supplement,), liy Then, diiic Wocliua, Wa-u.ll llopiak, Oiiuury Lovvry, Al lull WW'vvak! and Silvc-lek llo-.i.ii. foi the iliaiter of an intended coiporatinu to be i.illid tin Russian Kin Company of Maylleld, ihe cluir ailir and object nf which in 1i piulrit. the Uv and piupeities ot its members and fellow citi zens fiom damage and distinction by liie, and for these putposcs tn have, pmess and enjoy all of the tights, benefits nnd piivilcges confui:.l by the said Act and its supplements. II. I). CAREY, Solicitor. "Wright, Jr., were over to the Falls last Friday looking over the political situa tion and report everything over that way solid for the entire Republican ticket. Airs. Myton Cohb, who has been so dangerously 111 with typhoid fever, is slightly convalescing-. THOMPSON. Special to the St union Tiihuue. Thompson, Oct, 30. Last Friday evening the Sunday school class of Itev. P. R. Tower and their husbands entered Rest cottage uneermonlously and made things lively for a time. After they had served cream anl eako they presented him with a line rns. While hunting Saturday Albert Plow accidentally shot off r. finger. Knoch Swingle, of South Canaan, spent the Sabbath at Rest cottage. V. W. Lewis and son, "Willard, were in Honesdnle yesterday. A pu.stofllce inspector gave our post mas(er, R. F, Barnes, a call (his morn ing and made himself quite hi home lu the'otllce, John Clapper was doing business In C'arbondale ycsletday. Jlr. Uurdlclt fully susialned his repu tntlon as an orator by his address hero Sabbath evening. Rev. A. D, David Is at Clifford for a couple of evenings, where ha will speak on Prohibition. W, A. Stanford and wife, of Waverly. Iu are visiting her brother, ('. It. Ullss, and at his sister's Miss Flora Stanford, at the Methodist Kplseopal parsonage this week, Mrs. Partridge, after a pleasant vls't with her sister, Mrs. C. M. Lewis, re turned to her home at White Volley this morning. Samuel Truesdale, while at work on a barn, yesterday fell to (he ground, home (en feet, and was shalcsn up quite badly, but, fortunately, no hones were broken. Mrs. Charles Frayhue left yesterday with her family to Join her husband ot Lyon F;Mls, N. Y., where ho lias been employed the past neason, $100 Reward $100. The readers of tiilo paper will be pleated to Kjiii that there is at Icatt one dreadul disease that bchncu lias been uble to cute In all Us lUgcs and that il catanli. Mali's Catatth Cuic is tliu I'ldy poaltlve turo nuvv known to the nieUital fraternity, CulJirh being a loiutltu tional disease, rcjuiici a loiutliutlunal treat ment. Ilall'a t'alanh Cuic Is liken Internally, aitfug Oiitttly upon the blood and mucous hk. (jiet of the s.valem, theirb deslioyiiig the foundation of the cifceaic, and giving Hit- patient ttiength by building up the luiuiliutiun and agisting iiaturo In doing its woik. The piopric tora have no much falUi in its cuiailv.i iowiu, (hat (hey oiler one Tluudicd Dollars for any caca that it fail to cure. Send for list of trill' monljh. Addre. V. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O. Sold by drnggliti, 70c. Hall' 1'amlly Pills aie the best. ' RECRUITS WANTED. UAUINT. CORPS UNITED STATES NAVY nf crutU wantcit AMc-bodled men; frrtica on our tvirMilp In all pr(i of the world nnd on land In the lhlllpplr.ra, wlicn required. Lieu tenant Colonel (1. n. nuixcll, N. W. Corner Ltck tnanna and Wyoming avenue, Seranton. DRESSMAKING. DitKRstiAtma con ciiimmikx to ordeih alio lidlci' waltti. Loulis Shocmalier, 212 Adtnn enue. MONEY TO LOAN. VioNiiY Tii'loax. nwri'Ntmitu, attoii. lie), ."07 Council lltilldlntr. ANY AMOUNT, I Til 0 I'l'.tl l.T.NI'.. I'ltOMIT ly. II. O. IteynoliH, Mcarn building. MONCY 10 LOAS-STnAIOIlT LOANS AT once. Curry, Conncll building. ANY AVOIINT Of MONT.Y '10 1.0 N. (JUIOU, ttritfiht loann or Uulhlinit nd Loon. At from 4 to C. per rent. Call on N. V. Walker, 3U-J1S Council bulhlini;. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED '10 tiO OCT II. Till: da. E. J A., :!JU Washlnijliiii uvi'iine, SITLATION WANTED 1 A YOtJNtJ WOMAN, to do wanking and Ironing, or wink b the day. Mm. J. T., (lit l'eidliiand Mreel. SITUATION WANTED HY A RESI'ECTAnLK roloied girl us look or iliaiuheinuid. Apply 401 New street. SITUATION WANTED-UY A CAPABLE OIHI. for conking or general linusevv orl; ; illy r-t-ennce; cull ut H40 Noith ll.vde Park avenue. SITUATION WANTED-ltV VOI'NO MAN AS oilne clelk, bus hail live Jc.im' ixperlenie in tliu building business; i.m do boiil.keeplng, Address, L. II. IV., Tilbiiiie iitHie. SITUATION vVANIED-HY YOUNll MAN AS otitic ileik; li.it h.id flic jean epeilence In the building bmlncs; can do bookkeeping, i.. II. W.," Tiibtttie. WANTf.D-tlY A MIDDLE AUED Ll, POSt lion us housekeeper in a. mull fainilj ; can give good l ehi i me. Addievs 132', llulvvei utreet, i liy. DliES'-MAKEIt Di:sIRES WORK AT HOME OH by tliu day; highest clly iitciemes and tli it cl's work guai.intred. Addrcjs Modes, Trib une otitic. SITUATION WANTED-UY EDUCATED iOUNO lady as ollite as-istant; veiscd in bookkeep ing, .'lion hand and typevviitiug. Deftie peim., neut cmplojment with some reliable party. Ail diess "Kxpei ii need," .02! Siimmi .ivenue. cit. GALVII'iTON HORROR; BEST HOOK; BK.iT tenn; outfit tree; Height paid; tredit given. Ferguson, 1011 Fifth street, Cincinnati, 0. LAlKiE HOUSE WANTS CAPABLE MEN AND women to act as general agents. Ii00 yeaily salary, expenses, elr.i commissions, hilllhiiit op portunity, blaftord Press Co., New- Haven, Conn. SITUATION WANTED BY A SHOE SAI.l'w. lady with cxpoienee; can furnish the be.t of city rcfeicnces. Address Experience, Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED HY YOUNO GIRL AT light houscwcik. 1713 Summit avenue, Srrcnton. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD O. SPAULDINC, ere' Bank building. C. P. A., 23 TRAD- Architecta. LDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNEI.L building. Si rantnn. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCIHTCOI', PRICE building, 120 Washington avenue, Seranton. Cabs and Carriages. RUBBER T1REH CABS AND CARRIAGES; BEST ot Eervlie Pionipt attention given oidirs, by 'phone. 'Phones -C72 and W32. Joseph Kellej', lit Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILKNIIERCER, Spruce street. Seianton. PAULI UUILD1NO, DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTOX PIIIVATG 110S. pital, corner U joining and .Mulberry. PR. C. C. LAUUACH, US WYOMING AVENUE. DR. II. f. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. , Hotels and Restaurants, THE ELK C.rE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVI'. nue. Rates icasoiuble. P. ZEIGLER, Pioprietor. SCRANTOX HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. i W. PAS senger depot. Conduct! d on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Propiietor. Xawyers. J W. RHOWNINtl, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL. lor-al-law. Rooms :il2-ai;i Mears bulWing, D B. REPLOCILi:. ATTORXEY-l.OAXS M'MO. Hated on leal ebtate security. Meais bullding. toiner Washington avenu; and Spruce street. WILLARD, WAUREX fc KNAP1 ATToitNEy and counscUois-at-lavv. Republican buildiiig, Washington avenue. JESsUIP & .IESSHP, ArrORXEVS AX) C.OVS. Ecllors-al-lavv, Commonwealth bulhllng, Rooim 10, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORXEV.AT.L.Uv'." Rooms 614, 015 and Old Itoaul of Ttado bulhl. ing. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. WKI-00I, 30 floor Mwr building. ROOMS L. A. WATRES ATTORXEY-AT-LAW. BOARD of Trade building, Seianton, l'a. O. R. PITCHER. ATIORNEY-ATLAW, BOARD of Trado Imlldiiig, Sttunton, Pa, PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building. C, COMEGYS. I)l REPUBLICAN IIUILDIXQ. A. W. BERTHOLF, ATTORNEY, MEARS 111.1)0. Physicians nnd Burgeons. , DH," ErALLEN, SIs'nORtIi WASHINGTON ovriiue. Jit, S. W. L'AMOREAUX, OITICE S30 WASIL Ington avenue. Reildenre, 13(8 Mulbeirv. Clironlo diseases, lungi, heart, Mdneyj and genlto-uilnary organ a specially. Houra, 1 to 4 p. in. Schools. SCHOOL OF TUB MCKA WANNA, SCRANTON, Pa, Course prcpaiatory to college, law, piedi tino or bjslnens. Open! Sept. lith. Send for latalogue. Rev. Tliouuj II Cann, I.L, D., priu lipal and proprietor; W, K. Pluniley, A, JL, headmaster. Seeds, (1 It. CLARK ft fO.. SKKDSMIIN AND NUIIS. I'Oinrn, nolo iOl Wjihlujitun avenue; Biveu liourfi, lMiO Nuitli MjIii avenue; storu teie phone, 7b'.'. Wire Screens, jo'sllpil KUIM'FlX, RKAFTlf LtOKAWANNA avenue, SuJiiton, Pa., iiunufjcturer of Win, S( teens. Miscellniieoua. BAItTni'S" OHCIlKSntA-MUSIO 'OU "ll M.LS pluiUs, pJillM. teccptions, vvcJdliiKs and tun. ceit work luriilsheil. For terms oddtess R. .1. Uauer, conductor, 111 Wjwminj avenue, over llulbcrt's mibic ktorc. UKGARGKK BROS., PRINTKRS' SUPPLIES, j:n. velepcs, paper bags, twine. Wauhoiue, UQ Wasuinston avenue, Scuuton, ('4. RAILROAD TIME TABLE . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect May SV, 1800. Trains leave Scrnnton, Jff. A. X. Station: 0.45 a. m week day, for Hunbury, Harrlsburp, FhilndelpUa, Balti more, Washington nnd for Plttn burg nnd the West. 0.38 n. m., week days, for HaBletoa, PottBville, Rending' NorrlstowB, nnd Philadelphia; nnd for Sun bury Hnrrlsburg, Plitlndelpblft, Daltimore,Washington nnd Pitti burg nnd the West. 2.18 p. m., week dnys, Sundayi 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harrif burp, Philadelphia. 'altlmon, Wnshlngton nnd Pltttliurg nd the West. For Hnzleton, Potte vlllo, Rending, &c. weelr. daya. 4.27 p. m., week dnye, for Sunbury, Hnzleton, Pottsvllle, Harriiburff, Phllndelphin nnd Pittsburg. .1. R. WOOD. Gen. Pan. Aft. J. II. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. Delaware, Lncknwnnna nnd Western. In EITret .tunc 10. 1100. S'oiilli Leave Sunnltm (or New Yoik at I., f.no. 0.40, 8.00 and lO.n. . m., ttl"i. 8.1S ""! 8-10 p. m. for Philadelphia nl ft.40, 8.00 and JO.tb a. tn,: lj.cr, and il.XI p. in. I'or Stroudl burg ot 11.10 p. ni. Milk and ncu-iindatlon at .1.40 p. ni. Anive at llolinlien at (1.6(1, 7,lf. 10.1H a. m.: 12.W4. 2.47, 4.48, 7,10 and 0.41 p. r. Arrive at Philadelphia at 10.00 a. m.j 1.00, 3,i. .00 and S.22 p. ,. Airlve from New York 41 1.0.1, 4.0rt and 10.20 a. tn. ; 1.00. I.M. ., 8.4 and 11.30 p. in. Kiont Stroudsburg at S.Ofi a. m. .orlh Leave Siinnlon for llullalo and Inttr ineillatc ulallons nl 1.10. 4.10 ami 8.30 a. m,i ''.. 5. IS ami 11,55 p. m. 1'or Oswearo anil Sjr I'use nt 4.10 11, 1,1. nnd l.M p. in. For Utlca at ' n. 111. and L.V1 p. m. For Moitirone at 8.30 tn.: 1.05 p. ,, ,) 5,49 ,,, in, yror Nlehol "" at 4.00 and 0.1.1 p. in. I'or ninghXmton. 10.2.1 "J" 8. JO p. 1,1. Arrive In Seranton from nuftalo 1.-10. 2.55, a.a.-, and 10.00 a. m.; il.30 itul 8.00 '. ..'.' ,,""i Oswego nnd Svriiruse it 2.55 a. in.; ,r,":5 nnt 8M I, m. I'lom'Utiia at 2,35 a. in.; li-S and :i.:io p. ,. r,0, Nhholfon at B.M IVi'iJI1"' ono !' "' 'rom Jlonlrose at 7.5S and 10 ) 11. in.. :).:;o and 8.00 p. m. Bloomsbuig Division Leave Seranton (or ortnumbi'ilnd at 8.45, 10.05 a. m.: l.SJ and VV'iJ.f- "' for PI mouth ot 1.08, 3.40, 8.M and 11....; p. tn. Kor Nantlioke at 8.10 a. ni. Arrlva Norlhuinberland at 0.3 a. in.; 1.10. 3.00 and .4i, tl. 111. Arl. , V.IIaaIt. nl lllfl . Ttt. iVHiy at I'l.i mouth at 2.00, 4.H2, 0.M p. m. and J2...0 a. in. An lie at Seranton from Northum bcrland at n.42 a. 111.; 12.31. 1.60 and 8.4S p. " From Nantirokc at 11.00 .1. m. From I'lJinoiith at 7.50 a. m.. .1.20, B.R5 and 11.10 f. m. SI'NDAY TRAINS. South Leave Seranton 1.40. 3.00, B.40, 10.05 a. m.: a.3.1, 3.40 and 8.10 p. m. .North Leave Stranton at 1.10, 4.10 a. m .; Llw. fi.4S and 11.35 p. in. Ulooniiliurir Division lave Seranton at 10.05 a. m. and B 50 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In KITect Oct. 21, 1900. Trains for Caibondale leave Seranton at 8.80, i.M, 8.53, 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, 1.23, 2.26, 3.62, 5.2. .2, 7.67, 0.15. 11.15 p. m.: 1.16 a. m. Fore llonesdale 0.20, 10.13 a. m.; 2.2 and 5.2.7 p. 111. For Wilkes-Barre 0.45, 7.48, 8.4.1, 0.SS, 10.43 a. m.: 12.0.1. 1.23, 2.18, 3.33, 4.27, fl.10, 7.4S, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. for L. v, R. R. poln(8-0.45 a. tn .; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 and 11.30 p. ni. For Pennijlvanli R. R. points 8.45, 0.38 a. ni.; 2.1S ami 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all point north 8.20 a. m. and 3.62 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbcndale-0.00, 11.33 a. m.; 2.28, S.52, 5.17, 10.52 p. m. For Wllkes-llarre 0.38 a. tn.; 12.03, 1.68, .28, 6.27. 8.27 p. m. For Albany nnd pointi north 3.52 p."ln. For llonesdale 0.00 a. 111. and .1.52 p. m. Lowest rates to all points in United State and Canada. J. (V. RURDtCK. O. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. If. W. CROSS, D. P. A., Seranton, Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In KfTcct May 27, 1900. Trains Leave Seranton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. k H. R. It., at 0.45 a. m. and 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Diamond F.-preis), and 11.30 p. in. Sundaa, V. ft II. R. R., 1.5S, 7.58 p. m. For White Haven, Ilazleton and principal points in tho coal regions, via D. & H. R. II., 0.45, 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 6,45, 2.18 p. ill. For Bethlehem, Kaston, Heading;, Ilairiaburi; and principal tnteimediatc stations via D. ft II. It. It., 0.45 a. in.; 12.0.1, 2.18, 4.27 (Dlatk Dia mond Express), 11.30 p. m . Sundayi, D. & H. H. R., 1.6S. 7.4S p. m. For Tunkhannocl;, Tovvanda, Klmira. Ithaca, Reuera and principal intermediate alatinjw, via 1)., L. ft W. R. R., 8.03 a. m.; 1.05 and 3.35 p. 111. For Cieneva, TtoclieMcr, Duffalo, Niagara Fads, Chleago, and all points west, via D. ft II. R. R., 12.03, 3.31 (Rlack Diamond F.-ipress), 7.48. 10.41, 11.30 p. 111. Sundays, D. ft H. R. R., lt.tU p. m.; 7.48 p. m. ' Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehigh Taller parlor ears on all trains between Wilkea-Bsrre and New York, Philadelphia, RulTalo and 811? pciion Bridge. ROI.L1N II. WILRUR, Cen. Supt., 26 Cortltml street. New Yoil:. ClIAItl.CS S. I.Ki:, Ccu. Past. Agt., 20 Cortland slivtt. New Yoik. A. '. SONNr.MACIII'.R. Div. Pass. Agt South Ri'tlihheni, Pa. For tickets nnd Pullman reservations apply to r,09 Larkavvanna avenue, Seianton, Pa, Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations in New York-Foot of Liberty atre9t, N. It., and South Feny. Anthrailtc coal used excliibively, insuring cleanliness and coinfoit. TISIU TAUI.K IN JU'CCT MAY 20, 11KM. Trains leave Seranton for New York, Newark, riir.ilitli. Philadelphia. Faston. Bethlehem. AL lentnvvii, .M11111I1 Chunk and White Haven, at R.'O 11. 111.; cipiess, 1.20; express, 4.00 p. ni Sun. davs, 2.15 p. m. For Plttston and WIlLcs-Ranc, 8.30 a. m.; 1.20 and 4.00 p. ni. Sundays. 2.15 p. 111. Tor llaltlmuie and Washington, and points South and West via Itethhliem, 8.30 a. m., 1.20 p. 111. Sundi.vs, 2,15 p. in. For Long Rrauih Ocean Oiove, etc., at 8.S0 a. in. and 1.20 P. in. For Reading, Lebanon ar.d ILinlftbuig. via AN lintowii, S..KJ a, 111. and 1,20 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle. S.Mll a. in., 1.20 p. in. TluouRh tickets In nil points iait, koulli ai.d west al lowest l.ltes at the station. .1. II. OHLHACSUN, f!en. Supt. II. P. BALDWIN, (len. Pass. Aft. New York, Ontario and Western R.R. TI.MK TAUI.F. IN ITrLCT SUNDAY, JUNK 24. N'm 111 Round Tialns. Leave Leave Siran- Caibon, Arrive. Tialm. 201 .. 2111 .., 107 ... Inn. 'Mle. Cadosla. .10.10 .1, in. 11,20 a, 111, l.M p. m. , 3. 11 p. in. 4.M p. m. 5.41 . m. , 0.00 p. m.Airivo Cirhnndale, 6.40 p. m. l-uutli Hound 'A.i I in, l.e.nc Leave Cado-ia. Caiboiidile. Sciantnn. 7,00 a, m. 7.40 a. m, , .IOa. 111. 10.02 a, 111, 10,41a. 111 . 2,03 p m. .1.31 i 4,20 p. m. SUNDVYS ONLY. North Bound, Leave I.rava Suau- Caibon. Arrive, ton. dale. Cadoili. , 8.30 u, 111. O.lt) n. in. 10,41 a. tn. , 7.00 11. m.Airlve Caibondale, 7,45 p. m. South Uound. Leave Leave Cadoia, Caibondale, Seranton. 201 201 '.00 201 209 Oj 7.00a. in. 7.40a.m. "(H ...... 4. 30p. m. 5.51 p. 111, 0.35 p. in. Train No. 201 makes connection for pointi Ninth and South on Main Line, at Cadosta. Trains N"- '- ul"' -8 taka Main Line con nei lions on Sunda). I'or futther Information, rontult thket agents. ,1. V. ANDr.RSON, (len. Piisr, Agt New York, J, j:. WIM.SH, Tiavellng Pastenger Agent, Scian- ton. Erie and Wyoming Valley, Times Tahla lu F.ffret Sept. 17, IdOO. Tialus for Havvley and local points. ionuect ing at Uvle with Kile railroad for New York, Neuhiiigh ad intermediate pointi, leave Scian ton at 7.03 11. 111. ami 2.25 p. ni. Tialns airivi at Siranton at 10 80 a. m. aai 0.10 p. in. NEWSPAPERS IIIH WII.KLSDARIli: RF.COltD CAN BK HAD In Siuiitoii at the liens vtancis ol Hrismtn U101., 40i Spntctt and 50.1 Linden; U. Norton, .122 Lackavvamm avenue; I. S. Schutur, til Spruce tticct. w SS6JF.TJ?SA3HENT' ji hs " iTt.eli.f.i(,vscau' TRcJraBrrrTMfcs hampoolncr, 50V.; faiclal tsaattc; maniour ing, 25c; ihiiopody. 701 CJufivcy. aSfc'i f ..-