The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 31, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    !?' VM' "'--cnfli' -Mft'" mL.'ivJ.iij,yfti. j?,-.t.hi 'JJ;'JPW"4 iw, wvff"ffiW't-1,,'''OTff!l
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,V. .ill
Examination Will Be Conducted at
3 O'clock This Afternoon and In
stnllatlon nt 7.30 This Evening.
Pastors Who Will Participate in
the Services Marriage of ThomaB
Gordon and Miss Rose Reese at St.
Patrick's Church Demented Boy
Found Masquerade Party.
The exninltmtlim unci otdlnutlcm of
Bcv. E. A. Uoyl tts pastor of the Ply
mouth Congregational churi'li will take
place this afternoon ami evening In
the church, on Jiu-Uson Httcal. The
.services will be of u imlille nature ami
all nre welcome to attend. The exam
ination will begin at !! o'clock and will
be conducted by the clergymen or the
Wyoming Congregational association.
The ordlnutlnn service will com
mence at 7.S0 o'clock and will bo In
terspersed with special music by the
choir. Hpv. K. .7. .Morris, of WilkeM
Uarre, will pi each the .sermon, and
liov. H. AV. Dowillng, of Kdwanlsdale,
will deliver the charge to the church.
Itcv. W. H. Stacey, of Umsford, will
offer the ordination prayer. Itcv.
Ivor Evans, of Xantlcoke, was ex
pected to deliver the chuige lo the
pastor, but he is routined to his home
by illness nnd will not be able lo ut
tend. Among the other clergymen who will
take pnrt In the services are the fol
lowing: Rev. J. J. Jenkins, of rtend
ham; Rev. 31. (,'. Ellott, of Catbondale;
Rev. J. C. Luke, Coaldule; Rev. .1. T.
Matthews, of Plymouth; Ttev. R. S.
.Tones, D. D., of North Scranton; Rev.
T). P. Jones and Rev. David Jones, of
West Scranton.
Rev. Royl came to Scranton In July,
1S99, and has been very suceesful In
his work here. He is a young man
who has a very promising career. As
an orator he ranks among the best In
the state, having graduated from the
King School of Oratory, Pittsburg,
with high honors. Previous to coming
to West Scranton ho served a congre
gation in Clare, Michigan, for throe
Wedding at St. Patrick's.
Thomas P. Gordon, a member of the
firm of Casey fc ftordon, the well
known liquor dealers, and Miss Rose
"A. Reese, ot ;t;!S North Kilmoro avenue,
were married at 7.1!') o'clock yesterday
morning at SI. Patrick's Catholic
Good Enough Cough
remedy. Dufour's French
Tar is what you ueed.
k eh
A Rill
1 1 New
' Kvery yard represents the best that fashion has pro
vided for Kail and Winter wear, and the reductions
started are guaranteed in every instauce.
The Sale Begins Wednesday, Oct. 31.
And Continues fop Ten Days Only
Silk and Wool Mixtures
Designed especially for house
wrappers, children's dresses,
etc. A multitude of beautiful
color combinations; 40 inches
wide; worth '50c.
The Special 'J r
Sale Price... wit
40-Inch Wool Plaids
None newer nnd none better for
half a dollar. Good winter
weight and may be a score of
' styles to select from.
The Special
Sale Price...
46-Inch Henriettas
Pure wool and best dye; extra fin
ish in a full line of popular
shades, a cheap cloth at GQc. for
. ten days only.
The Special
Sale Price...
Pore. Wool Storm Serges
42 inches wide, trim, heavy twill
and very best make. Navy and
black only. A cloth well worth
62 l-2c.
The Special
Sale Price ..
18-loch Pebble Cheviots
in all the new greys, castors,
blues, etc., for separate skirts or
'jacket suits, A remarkably
, handsome $1,00 suiting.
The Special
Sale Price.,,
We show this week a complete line of new Polka
Dot Henriettas for smart waists. They're beautiful,
Globe Warehotise
church. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. J, J. ailleogly, of Hay re, Pa.
The bride was attended by her sinter,
Miss Margaret Reese, and Michael
Ontdon, a brother of the groom, wan
thu best man. Miss Mary Johnson,
the church organist, played the wed
ding marches. The bride was gowned
In blue and the maid In gray and both
carried prayer books.
A wedding breakfast was served at
the home of the bride's parents and
Mr. mid Mrs. Gordon left at noon for
New York nnd Old Point Comfort. Up
on their return they will reside on
Carbon street with the groom's mother.
The groom Is a popular young busi
ness man and n director of the West
Side bank. Ills wife Is an estlmublo
yotniir woman, who for a number ot
years was cushler ut the Atlantic anil
Purine Tea company's store on Lacka
wanna avenue.
Enjoyable Masquerade Party.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur I,oyshon, of
North Jiromloy avenue, were telideied
a masuiioiude surprise party .Monday
evening by a number of their friends.
Dancing, vocal and Instrumental music
and the usual games incident to such
occasions were Indulged In after which
refreshments vieie served. Tlue pres
ent were:
.Misses Marlon Mills, Pauline Hall,
Norma Decker, Nellie Decker. Vlra
Decker. Halite Miller, Jennie Segman,
Mildred llannon, .Maude Meyers,
Maude Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William
itruuning, Charles Sanker. Mis. Thus,
l.eyshon, Mis. Thomas Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. George Field, Messrs. Harry Ran
dolph, James Peoples. II. S. i ionium,
Edward Oormuii, 11. A. Knelt, J. B.
Grimes and W. A. Winters.
Demented Boy Pound.
Patrolman TCI ah Peters found a
lnenred boy wandering aiound In
the vicinity of Filmore avenue and Lafay
ette st'icot yestetday afternoon and
took liini lo tile station house. He was
drenched thiough to the skin fiuin the
Tlie boy could neither road, write or
talk. The patrol wagon was sum
moned unit the hid was tuken to the
municipal building, where he was given
a change of clothing and peimltted to
dry his own clothes. His name Is sup
posed to be Atkinson and his relatives
are said to bo residents of Green Ridge.
Baptist Young People'g Union.
A well attended meeting of the Bap
tist Young People's union was held
In the Jackson Street Baptist church
l.'ibt evening. Miss Annie Thomas was
in charge. A song service was enjoyed
and prayer was offered by the pastor.
Mrs. Albert Davis rendered a pleas
ing solo and Mrs. John' Thomas read
a paper on "The Lone Star Mission."
Miss Anna Thomas recited "The Love
Star," nnd Miss Ethel Lewis read a
paper on "The Land and the People."
A paper was also read by Miss I'eorlu
Jones on "The Lone Star Mission or
Prayer Answered."
The social committee of the Electric
City Wheelmen will conduct a smoker
at the club house this evening. Enter-
Pure Wool Clieviots
46 inches wide nnd a cloth which
sold freely at 85c. a yard. The
color range is slightly broken,
The Special
Sale Price...
Fine Diagonal Suitings
Pure wool nnd 46 inches wide in
nil the leading shades of the sen
son. A beautiful high grade
cloth well worth $1.85 a yard,
The Special
Sale Price...
Plaid Back Suitings
D2 inches wide, pure wool, also
golf skirtings in all the popular
shades and effects. Were sold nt
$2.25 a yard.
The Special
Sale Price...
34-IncIi Whipcords
in all tho solid colors, including
black, A first into 25c. cloth.
The Special
Sale Price...
Camel's Hair Plaids
34 inches wide and all the best
color effects. Never sold for 25c.
The Special e
Sale Price... C
Double Fold Cashmeres
Best 20c.
cloth. All the new
The S
ass i5c
dr his
tnlntncnt nnd lunch will be furnished
and tt good time is assured all who
Dr. Uates'on delivered an nddrcss be
fore the local Prohibitionists In Mor
gan's hall last evening nnd William
Stnnton played cornet solos. There
wns u fair sized audience present.
Rev. Peter Christ, ot South Scranton,
preached a sermon In St. John's Ger
man Cuthollo church Inst evening In
the closing service ot tho forty hours'
Mrs. Frances Nolan, of Now York,
has returned home from a visit with
her daughter, Mrs. P. J. Toohoy, ot
North Lincoln avenue,
Mrs. James Mellon, of North Main
avenue, is spending a few days with
friends In New York city.
The Christian Endeavor society ot
tho Plymouth Congregational church
held an Interesting mooting last even
ing. Tho West Side Democratic club will
hold a mooting In Flanagan's hall, on
Luzerne street, tomorrow evening.
Mrs. John Travis and children, of
North Lincoln avenue, are the guests
of friends at Iielden, X. Y.
A -l-yoar-old child of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Peter Theobald, of South Uromley ave
nue, severely cut his hand on Monduy
by falling on n piece of glnss.
Mrs. George W. Chnse nnd daughter,
Bsssle, of Norm Main avenue, have
returned from a visit with friends In
New Haven, Conn.
Russolt Samson, of Nebraska, 1ms
returned home from a month's visit
with relatives on North Sumner ave
nue Arthur Harris and Miss Jennie Da
vis, of Jjynou street, wero recently
united In marriage by Rev. II. II. Hnr
rls, of Taylor. They were attended
by William Jones and Miss Margaret
Mrs. William J. Wlltlnms, of Twelfth
street. Is entertaining her niece. Miss
Jennie Itobcrts, or Barborlown.
William Thomas, of Eynon street,
Is seriously III at tho home of his rela
tives on Twelfth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tudor, of Lu
zerne street, have as their guests Mrs.
Jnne Wllllnnis and daughter, Mar
garet, or Nantlcoke.
The board of directors of tho Elec
tric City Wheelmen held a meeting In
Dr. Slruppler's office last evening to
discuss several matters pertaining to
the club.
The report of last evening's mass
meeting will bo found on another puge
of The Tribune.
Tho Infant department of the Jack
son Street Baptist church Sundny
school will In the near future give an
entertainment to be known ns a "Tom
Thumb Wedding." Rehearsals are pro-
grossing under the direction of Rich
n rd Nichols.
Funeral of Mrs. Edward Fries Was
Largely Attended Other News
and Personal Notes.
One oi the largest funerals ever lu-ld
in the boinugli look place yeslvrclny
iitrenionn at L'.:;i o'clock, when tlir r.or
rowiiiK fiienils ami relatives of "Miti.
Rrtward Fries Kathei'Ml at the homo mi
Pro.cott avenue, and l.i'er at the Alelh
oilist Kpiseopal clmi-eli to pay their ilo
paited sister their last tukn nf respect
anrl esteem.
Thai I In.- deceased held :i fo.itl place
in Hie hearts ol' inanv was altrsb'd
ill the services held hi the Methodist
i lunch, when after 111" woid.-s of ocm
ilnli'iiro ami eulogy sp ikeii by Tlev. A.
.1. Van rieft, her pnstnr. very few dry
VI.- . ere lo be sj".i annuls the larre
audience crowding the main auditorium
and K'lllcries.
In Ills address Uov. A'au Cleft spoko
mainly ol thu beautiful character of
the dead woman, likening; the light of
truth and Rood. emanatiUK from her
spirit to the light and warmth or the
sun doiiiR Kood everywhere. The ad
dress was frequently almost hiter-
Hipled by the spasmodic ami heart
felt Ri-iuf manifested by the circle of
f I lends.
It was ahnoKt C o'clock befoie tho
hihi of the friends had taken their last
look at tlie lace or their departed
friend which though now cold in death
appeared to smile up at them in tho
same peaceful way to that which they
had been accustomed to when she was
In their midst, and tho funeral cortege
started for the Uunnioro cemetvry,
where tlie body was laid to rest after
short services at the sruve.
Harry Honvllle, of New York city,
is a guest at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Swurtz on Electric avenue.
tloorge F. Simons, of Lake Ariel, vls
Itvd in town yesterday.
Tho members nf the Young Men's In
stitute will attend tlfe funeral in a
body of their dead brother, John
Dwyer, which will occur this morning
at U o'clock.
John Gibbons, or Drinker street,
expects to view the Paris exposition
next week. He will start on ills trip
Tie Dcinocritts of tlie borough will
hold n mass meeting In Temperance
hall tomorrow uvenlg. Tho following
speakers ure expected to be present
who will mnko political addresses:
Hon. T. .1. Puggan, Hon, M. K. McDon
ald, .Messrs. C. Comegys, Jnnies J.
O'Malley, M, F. Corny and C. G, Ho
land. Miss Nellie Neyharr, of Scott, lias re
turned to her homo after a visit with
Miss Jessie Swurtz, nf Klectrlo avenue.
Miss fidlth Dluhl, of Jeffersouvllle, N.
Y Is visiting at tho home of the Misses
liuruhnrdt, on Electric avenue.
Mrs. William Scott will speak In the
North Main Avenue Ilaptlst church to
morrow evening on thu work of tho
American Haptlst Homo Mission socl
oty among the negroes of tho South.
Mrs, Scott was brought up in the South
and Is u bright example of tho possi
bilities of her race. She is an excel
lent speaker, nnd nil are Invited to hear
Mr. and Mis. O. p. Myers, of Church
avenue, entei tulned Mr. and Mrs.
Trimmer Vail, of West AblnRlon, yes
teuUy, P, F, Lynott and W. J, Henley nre
In Syracuse, buying up apple prchards.
Tho coming murringo of Miss Alice
Nolan, of Oak street, and James
Murphy, of AVarren street, Is an
nounced. Constable Hernnrd Davis, of Oak
street, who 1ms been ill, is convalesc
ing, All union employes of tho Cayuga
niluo mo requested to meet In O'MnN
ley's hull, Wednesday evening, ut 7.30
Tho Young Women's Christian usso
elation of North Scranton will tonight
give a Hallowe'en party nt the organ
ization's rooms. All girls fourteen years
of ajje and over arc Invited to attend.
Was Conducted by the Saengerrunde
who Wore Assisted by the Jungor
Maennerchor, Liederkranz, Ar
belter Vorcln nnd Others Marriage
of Peter Garrett nnd Miss Bridget
Cusic Funeral of Mrs. Patrick
Whnlen Stephen Gregory Injured.
Other Notes.
That the people of this pait of the
city enjoy good music, and take every
opportunity to hear It, was again fully
demonstrated last evening, when Ath
letic hall, on Alder street, was packed,
Jammed Is a more expressive word, to
hear the grand concert given by the
Saengerrunde, assisted by the Jungor
Maennerchor, the Liederkranz and the
Arbeltcr Vereln.wlth Miss Susan lllack,
soprano, and Anton Flsch, elocutionist.
One of tho features of the ovonlnc's
entertainment was the united render
ing of Kromer's "Grusse an die He!
mal," by the Maennerchor, Lieder
kranz and Saengerrunde, with a choir
of seventy-five male voices. This selec
tion, which Is a great favorite, was
sung with much fervor and perfect
rhythm, producing a brilliant effect.
Miss Black rendered in excellent
style "A May Morning," by Dcnza, and
"Sigh No More," by Lynes. while tho
recitations of Horr Anton Flsch were
up to his high standard.
The programme was as follows:
"Aeh, Welsst du es Xoch," Kaencer
runde; "Because," "A May Morning,"
Miss Black; "Frubllng ain Rhoin," Ar
'bcltcj' Vorein: recitation. "Ein Gast
ninhl." Heir Flsch; "Mulleillebe,"
Junger Maennerchor; "Melody," "Sigh
No More," Miss Rlack; "Splelmnnns
lled," Liederkranz; recitation, "Es
Lappert Sleh Zitsamincn," Herr Flsch;
"Herzllobchen Meln," Saengerrunde;
"Grusse an die Hclmel," Liederkranz.
Maennerchor nnd Saengerrunde.
The committee In charge of the ar
rangements wore Anton Flsch, Philip
Graf, Edwurd Clans, Louis Hcttrirh
and Jacob Schrolbor.
Literary Club's Programme.
The St. Aloysius Literary and Ue
batlnsr club, which was organized last
Thursday nlRht. have arransert the fol
lowing programme for their Thursday
evening session, which will no doubt
prove interesting1 und entertaining:
Essay, "Jesuits in America," Thomas
Ncedham; "Life, Character and Writ
ings of .T. Pennimore Cooper," Hush
Cnyne; "Origin of Coal." Thomas
Smith; polo selected), Steve Rukkuu;
solo (selected), Daniel Boyle; essay,
"Idfe, Character and Works of General
Lafayette," by John A. Ward.
Cusick-Garrett Wedding.
A-very pretty wedding was solemn
ized in St. John's church, Fk street,
last evening' at 5 o'clock, when Miss
RrhlKct Cuslek, of Prospect avenue,
was united in marriage to Peter Gar
rett, of Irving avenue, by Rev. V J.
The bride was attended by Miss
Mary Lally, of Tlniitlhain, -and the
groom by Patrick Flaniiery, of Avoe.i.
Immediately after the ceremony a wed
ding collation was served at the home
of the bride's parents, where congratu
lations were offered. Tho couple will
commence housekeeping on Prospect
The funeral of .Mrs. Patrick Whnlen
took plan esterduy morning; at !
o'clock from her home on Stone ave
nue and was largely attended. A high
mass of requiem was celebrated In SI.
Peter's cathedral, after which inter
ment wan made In the Cathedral ceme
tery. The strong South Hide Emeiald font
ball team will meet Hie Aoca eleven,
November -I, on the latter team's
grounds. A large number of rooters
from this section will accompany Ihelr
team to Avoca' to liven matters up.
While shingling tlie roof of a house
on Pittstou avenue, yesterday, Stephen
Gregory, a carpenter, residing at the
corner of Pittstou avenue and Gibbons
street, slipped and fell to the ground,
a distance of twenty feet, badly frac
turing several ribs. Dr. Mauley attend
ed to his injuries.
Tho plain sewing class of the Young
Women's Christian association held an
interesting session lust night.
Tho Andruo danchiK class met In
Germnnla hall last es'cnlng.
Miss Anna. Faust and Miss Meta
Thorns have returned, after spending
several days at White Mills and Haw-ley.-
Tlie funeral of Miss Laura Seott,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Marvin Scott,
of Hemlock street, took place Monday
afternoon. Services were conducted at
Grace Reformed church by the Rev. G.
L. Aldrleh. Interment was made in
Mnrcy cemetery, near Mooslc.
Ilio Wiiiiun-.' Homo nnd PoicIkii Sliralunuiy
poiiily of I lie Aaliuiy Mflliiullst
iliuuii will ii.i'i't ut llio Inline uf Mis, i;. v.',
1'iiie, ( JlmiMy .tciiK, tliii aftriimun Jt -.TO
Mr. ami Mis. (ittirKu liil'-.un, of Moniy nic
liuc, icturiidl home from a Mi with Mrs.
(ill)Stin'.-, pari'iil ill Nov Yoik cllj,
I'ontuiloi' (', S, .latolH, of Dickson .uoiuio,
Ji.i- rrtmnril liomc Iroiu a biniin'M lilp to jfew
Ynik iui'1 Albany,
Scleral )cur ago tho Dcncral I'Mnnc.v Knelna
roiiiiny annually helil .in o.vslcr biipvr in As
sociation liall on MuiiM.'y incline, which wr.n
largely luliunlinl by Oiccn Itldgen, anil
nlttajd suucfcsful hi a llnanrial way. Of late
jfai, h.Auor, ,i llieincu'a lull, held in the
PiinliliMuc aunoiy or in Mulc lull, ilonn town,
was thouclit tn liu llio proper thing, until it
wai found that aflcr jmyiiiK I'Npensi llicro
was llttlo left for the (,'cneval fund, 'ifils year
the I io,ji h.le ilrchlnl lo liohl an oUI-Uine
ujnter btippi'i- in tlio llornlialtrr liulldlng on
l)likon im-iiup, Kililay rnliw, Xov, 2, fiom
II tn 10 o'doiK, and juditlug hum Ilia sale ot
IlihoU it pioniisc? tu ho at surces-itul as of
Mis, T, .1, Kwnvilm ih lotiuneil fiom a
ltlt to f'uu. ell iinlvinll), whirr lief son,
llalpli, l a luilcnt,
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us aus,wer it to-day, Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre-
Carcd in two minutes. No boiling I no
airing I add boiling water and set to
cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Hasp,
berry and Strawberry. Get a nackago
at your grocers to-day. jo cts.
Concluded from I'agc fi.)
000,1X10 nnd nn area of our squnre
miles. Today the Tuning urn lim scarcely MtA
in the sky in Porto Illco ere tlio morning tun
gilch tlio spires of Manila,
Our object In expanding U tlie wine n II was
fircc score years bro when tlie ploneiti were
urallng tlio tiiuinitlH of tlio sierras. A nation
cannot elilik IM responsibility) lo liberty and
liuinanlly without illre lcluuis In the chape of
national retribution.
There was n time when ch Miration wa n
trred about tlio Medltternncni sea; when Mir
rlnu events took place In Home, OrrrccCarth
nse arid L'gypt and when tie llngllili language
ws unhenid of end unpoken except by a few
hardy lhltalus,
Today tlie KnglMi language N spoken by
115.000,000 people, and wlieiocr It U beard there
liny be found liberty, law and Hie higher and
better clement of obligation. Who shall my
what new pathways ."III lie blared out for Hill
AngIo-S).ioii people? What piophctlu ken ran
pierce with one i.iy of life the mysterious
There will come a (hue I my lo jon when
the Pacific ocean will be nil American ecu,
traci.sctl by Aniorlnni thlps laden with the pro
iluctj of Aineileiui Industry and when Colunibim
ilieim will In- leallnil and we shall nail wofct
waul to find the Indies.
The fulled states, lust twin of, Is
now faring Hie wisl. Some il.iy xhe will have
belted the globe with the principles of a con-
stitullouil ro eminent for nil the people. Let
us remember our flag, our and stripes,
wherever hemeforlh it may float Is Hie emblem
of liberty, humanity nnd hi-tice beckoning tht
race onwaid to a higher glory and n higher des
Following CoucrcHMinan Grow came
.Tames T. DuDols, United States con
sul general to Switzerland, who kept
the audience in splendid humor for
over half nn hour. Seldom does one
hear a speaker with such a remarkable
fund of apt anecdotes us Mr. DuBoIs
nnd seldom one with such a facility of
expression. Prom ninoiifr tho nuinv
thlniis he said may be culled the fol
lowing: Some I hue ago t.'ovcrnor Roosevelt charged
Mr. Ilrjau with anajlng labor against capital
and the maves against the clsc. In Baltimore
a little while ago I heard Mr. Bryan aromer
the governor. He said tint human bees hau
been making the honey and that he proposed
to Miow limy to ileilroy the droes who wcr:
laling it. t will gie i?r. to any man who will
nay that llijan lielieil him ,to make a ilngle
diop of honey.
You have in this dish let in Mr. Coenell a
man of splendid independence; an homM man;
a man who has sluajs voted right; man who
has alwaj, Mippoitecl lreident .McKln'.ey in
a man who has always oted right; a man who
Is Rhine thousands of hunian bees a cKinee
to make honey. I notice (he Scranton Tiiiim
tonight baid that there would lie a llrjan lin 1
slldc on Nov. (I. I acknowledge -thai t'huo will
be a but Mr. Hrv.m will be mi tin.
bolloin of II, and the two Williams, McKiuley
and Council, will be on top.
The political oigani7ation of which Uiyan is
the imperial czar is taking gicat pains to bum
bus, befng and mislead the American people.
Tin face is (urned Inward jeslcnlny nnd Its back
to icMirrcelioii mom. Xel niirlii I)
will feel like tho toper with a len-inilc thirst
ami not a single n'hooner in sight.
Ilr.t.m i, like a Maryland flea. When you put
.tour thumb clown ho is neter there, 'lie haK
mirried more paiamount issues in this campaign
than the fiiskiesl widow that eter came out
of riuiMgo. I'irst it was imperialism. Ihen
tin-as, then mililarisni, then the lighls of man,
then gntcrnnient by injunction and ut on nrl
iiillnilimi. His nel iue may he Ihe mm
up Ihe (rre for all we know.
Dr. llr.t.iu has in his snldle lug the nint
iliugeioiis iiostiiuiis ctei leiiixeted in the phar
ni.iet nf ipncl.eit.
In Isiiit llij.iu picdleled that the gohl Maud
nrd would iuae.isc the tiuiuh(r n( idle men. I.
c;. Iltin, one of Hie most cairfu! men in this
uunlry, nude an iiocstigation nt that time
and found that there wcic 2,(100,000 idle men
You know the condition of itliiiB now. You
know that eteiy calamity howli-r is hllrhed up
to a well paid job before lie stirts oil'.
There arc nnny nf them who Into worked so
hud since Ihcy tolcd for four yecrs ajro
that t oj need a mid Ihej'll (.ct it If lie
is enr ilcelril, The inteicsls of the laho'er
and the business man would lie far wolse rt
in rase nf his dcitioti than wa.s the man who
told lota
in i sw.imp.t
town when they
John 'J". Muipaou died al hN home, '.Ms Put
nam .sticet, last r-alurday ctcuini;. .Mr. Miupsou
was an old and icspu'lcil resident of the Ninth
Kill. He wis a i li ol the .Mexican anil Cull
wars .net was mnnally l.uown lor his patiiot.
sin. lie is suitited by a wife, two nuls, !;.
want .iii.i .lauiis, ot this mi lion; two hintlicr.,
.Mesalnter Simpson, also of this foclion, and
1'iank Mmpsou, of Ol.t phaut, and two M.scr,
Mis. Hrlglit and Mis Apploy. bulb of PotUtille,
I'a. The funeral seitioes will he held this after,
noon aL -.30 o'clock. Intirment in Foiest Hill
ccnieli ry.
Mkhad SiMiiloti, an old ic.shlent of (Ids illy,
died on .Monday at his limuc on Cnibon htlttt.
He is stirtitcd by a widow and two sons, Joseph
and Philip. The will be held this alter
noon nt U o'clock, instead of this morning, as
previously announced.
Mrs. John lliirslo, acred 'JS years, died on Mon.
day at her home, lftiKi Prospect atenue, after a
hbort illiuss. Tlie deceased ishiirtited by .1 bus.
band und tour chlldicn. '1 lie funeral will bo
held this afternoon with interment in dihedral
Mrs. Jane Muiphy died Monday at tlie home of
her son, Jeiemlah Muiphy, of South Scianlon.
She i Biirtltcd by the followinpr on, Timotbv,
Jeremiah and Thomas Murphy. Tim funeral will
take place this afteruuon at 2.30 p. m.
Company Agrees to the Request of
Men for nn Increase,
lly KcIusio Wire fiom The Ansaciated Press.
Hnzluton, Oct. ::o. Tho men cm
ployed at the colllei'less of tho I.ulilh'h
ami WllkeH-Hiirro Goitl company mot
thin nftornuuti ami adopted a resolu
tion reque.stliiFr thu company to
tho nllilltiK' hcnlo and guiirantsW to pay
tho 10 per cent. IncreiiHO until April 1,
Tho company Immudiatvly asreed to
tho proposition and posted the notices
tonight. Work will bo resumed as soon
aa tho mines can bo put in shape,
A, Pardee & Co. hired sevt'tity-flvo
now men at tho Cranberry colliery to
day to taku tho place of strikers who
have not reported for work, The
"liokio" oiiKlneers whoso places were
tilled by others, havo not been rein
stated. Many of tho union men 111 e
still on strlko tit this initio because
of thu refusal of the linn t rolnatiito
tho union engineers. ('. Pardee tc Co.
havo refused to reinstall) tlio men at
J.uttlmer who went on strlko and ot
their settlement'. Tho linn announe-'H
that If thest! men want work ifciiy must
teapply and taku any positions offered,
us their former places have bwn tilled.
President Mitchell Is expected to 10
vurn to Iluzlotmi tomorrow.
lly K.ulutho Wire from The AmoiIhU'iI lics.
New York-, "it. CO. Anied; Sardlnliiii, ttom
(ilasgutv. Cie.iiccl: .Vooidlaml, Anlwcrpi Oce
anic, J.hcrpool; Sew Vtuk, Southampton; Hot
ttidam, itotterdaui. called: Kaiser Wilhelm Dir
(reuse, llrt'iiien ia (beiliouii; and Southampton;
I'.iiurlc, l.hcrpool Motille Aulved: Anihoiia,
New Yoik for Glahsow. Plymouth -Sailed i
l'cimstliaiiia (from llamburi; and Boulogne),
New Yoik. 1'rawle Point Pawed: Mlchigu,
New York for London, (ilbraltar Passed: V.rnt,
Cicnoa and Xaplei for New Yoik. J,kiid-l'ai-cd:
Aimtcrdum, New York: lor Itottcrdim.
To the School Teachers of
The Lackawanna County Institute
You have an entire week to spend In Scranton.
There will be hours for study and hours for pleas
ure. Divide them as equally as you can. This
may be your first visit to Scranton; but whether or
no, do not go away without
Going Through
Scranton's Biggest Store
There are sixty departments of merchandise here
everything one might need. We credit your intel
ligence to judge of the splendor and completeness
of this up-to-date store. Dress Goods, Gloves,
Millinery. Coats and Suits, Corsets, Books, Shoes
whatever you can think of, you'll find here. Just
now the store is resplendent in its
Third Annual
Exhibition of Pure Pood
Quite the most marvelous exposition ever held in
the state. More than an acre of floor space is de
voted to it almost the entire basement of this Big
Store. Do not go home without visiting the Food
Show. It is the sight of the city. Hundreds of
splendid foods are being demonstrated, and served
to you without charge. In addition are musical
programs of great interest every afternoon.
Todau, at 2.30 O'clock,
Grand Musicale by the
Keller Concert Company
Assisted by Misses Mae Murphy, Lizzie Hiltz and
Mr. Andrew Hayes, pianists; Mr. P. J Quinn, baritone
soloist, and Master George Francis Keller, pianist. A
feature of the concert will be the playing of one compo
sition on six different pianos, by six different players,
all at one time with them, the famous Electrical Piano.
Thursday The Famous Fiorc Family.
Jonas Long's Sods
For sixty jcars. until the nomination of Adlai
.Steteiiaoti, no mm had been ic-uouiinatcd for
the office of ticc-presldcnt. John Adams. Thomai
Jefferson and Martin Van Huren are tlie only
t ice-presidents who were subsequently elected to
the piRsideucy. Four t ice presidents bate suc
ceeded to thn piesidency upon the death of the
president-John T.tler, of Virginia; Millard Fill
more, of Niw Yoik; Andiew Johikson, of Ten
nessee, and Chester A. Arthur, of New York.
Onlv two presidents weie eter elected by the
Whir; party- William Henry Hairison in 1840 and
Zacbary Tailor in IMS both nt whom died in
ouVo and wcie succeeded in the maimer indi
idled. Mrs. Ti l)i, of Idaho City, will oc ns an
American citien at the fall election. Heine
born in tlie btate, Idaho's woman bUlTrage law
took her in, while her husband, 11 natite of
China, is barred fiom the franchise. Mlft Ti
Hi receited .1 common school education and is
a constant leader of the American dallies, and
followed assiduously all the proceedings of the
Iteputillcan national contention.
On seteral occasions Queen Victoria hai enter
tained the Empress Eugenic at Osborne, and it
is sild that these two great women thoroughly
enjoy a dial ntcr that pleasant meal afternoon
tea. The alleetioti between them is sincere and
of long standing, dating as it does from the time
of the queen's first visit to Paris, when she
recorded in her journal how much she uiu im
picssed with the beauty and charm ot the cm
press. Ten dajs" celebration of the silver jubilee of
the sultan of Turkey ended Sept. 0. He has
called for benetolenccs from his subjects and
promises In put up drinking fountains in tlie
chief cities of tho Ottoman empire, to build a
railroad from Damascus to Mecca, to run a tele
graph line to the Hccljaz and to reorganize the
Turkish naty at a cost ol 60,000,000,
Professor liaeckel, of Jena university, and Da
tid J. Walters, a law student, are about to start
to find the pithecanthropus. Mr. Walters intends
to pursue his intestigatloas in Java and will ar
rite in that isle before the gient evolutionist.
The pithecanthropus, if found, will be of great
talue, as It will tend to supply the missing link
in tlie etidences of etolution.
The Afghans admire their ruler Immensely. Ho
is as tcr.satile as the kaiser. Ho paints, writes
poctiy, speaks like a born orator, talks theology
and louducU Mussulman sen lees better than a
mullah; knows all about Europe, and has mora
than a smattering of most of the sciences.
In recognition of Major (Jencrai Hadeii.PoweJl'i
gallant defense of Mafeklng Hie Iliitish residents
nf Natal aio going to present lo that officer a
shield made of Tiaiutaal sovereigns.
The king of Italy gites seven appointed hours
a day tn conducting his administrative, business.
Hy K. elusive Wire fiom Tlio Associated l'reJ.
Alliance, O., Oct. 30, Three students of
Mount Union college were mi-peiided today for
participating in a midnight demonstration wlicu
,1 Liowd of (lucKuts clad in night robes entered
tlie lcdleii' doimilory. Tills afternoon they
placed the president's cotv in an upper dormitory
where they tethcied It.
James Reed Injured.
Mr. James need struck his leg
against a cake of Ice In such a. manner
as to bruise It severely, It became
very much swollen and pained him so
badly that ho could not walk without
tho aid of crutches. He was treated
by physicians, also used several kinds
of liniment und two and(a half gallons
of whisky In bathing tt, but nothing
Bttvo any relief until he began using
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This
brought almost u, complete euro In a
week's tlmo and ho believes that had
he not used this remedy his leg would
have hud to be amputated, Mr. Reed
Is one of tho leading: merchants of Clay
Court House, W. Va. Pain Batm Is
unequaled for sprains, bruises and
rheumatism. For sale by all druggists,
Matthew Uros., wholesale and retail
" 'Burgunder ft Rets. Lessees and Mmiwgtra
A. J. Duffy. Business Managtr.
Thursday Evening, Nov. 1. 1
Tirsentlng tho New American Comedy Drama
A stirring and realistic play of Itta In Om
Heart of the Rockies crowded ivith tbriUirce
scenes interspersed with laughablt comedy and
not el specialties.
Incidental to the play Champion Jeffrie will
gite a friendly and spirited boxing exhibition
with Jack McCormick, of Philadtlphla.
Prices: Lower floor. SOe., 75c and (1.00; bah
cony. Sue., gallery, 25c.
S-eals on sale Tuesday, Oct. SO.
xiuirr. nov. 2 and a.
MR. SAGER MIDGLEY, in tho Musical Absurdity
Electric Spark.
Etcrythiog New.
PRICES XIOHT, Orchestra, TSe.l Orchestra
and Dress Circles, 0e. j entire Balcony, fiOc.
Special Matinee Prices Orchestra and Orches
tra Circle. 60c: Dress Circle, Sic.; entira
Balcony, 25c. ; childicn under 12 years to any
part of house. ICe. Advance sal will open
Wednenday at 0 a. in.
' - I
BUKdUNDER 4 RBIS. Leiiiea,
It A. BROWN Manager.
Matinee Daily Commencing Tuesdajs,
Producing a repertoire of Metropolitan Success.
This afternoon , "Wicked London.'1
Tonight "Captain' Mate.'1
Ktening Prices 10, 20 and 80 cents.
Matinee Prices 10 and 20 cent.
Also presenting as a special attraction Madam
Flower, the llronzo Uelba, and the Worl4-i
nottned roller skaters, Dawson and Booth.
New Gaiety Theatre
Thursday Matinee, Nov. t
15 Chaiming and Talented Oirla M
Daily Matinee.
l'IHCES-15, 20, 33 and SO cent.
Araenlo Beauty Tablata and Pill. A pun
fctlyafe and guurnuteed treatment foraUakla
dUgrders. Rtitarei lh bloom si youth tajutd kiM.
10 drift' titatment 50ot 80 djtT la, t7 aaU
Send tor circular, Address,
WRVITA MBOICAL CO.. Cllatea JackM SU.. CMtaf
Bold by McOarrah Thomaa. Drug-
flat,, K Lackttwanua av., Scranton, Fa.
Yesterday's Marriage ZJctuiei.
Clifford 1'iice ,,,,, Mountain Home, Pi,
Agnea hlglln ......
ilark Mallott ...
Carrie Crown ....
..............vsimuciio, 1,
., DuBJaora
Diekion City
Dickson City
Uobokeo, K, J, , (Scrafttoa
John J, McGuire
Beattlco llogau ,.
Anthony ltaflo ,,
Mary I. Gerrity
ill. Nil THE WES
t v
! 4
.Vlt - S'iaJLi-'aJ4,.atJl' V sv. ,
J- -i1.. Xi i". . 1 tejtf A,4ii .-.