The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 30, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    it J J
Details Completed for the Final Rally
In the Campaign In West Scrnnton.
Lino of March and Organizations
Expected Address by Hon. Hugh
Gordon Miller Wheelmen Will Ob
serve Hallowe'en School Deposits,
Special Services and Other Notes
of Interest.
Tlie .locond Itepublli'iui rally, parnilo
nnd mns.s meeting f tlio present cnin
pnlffn, under the uiisplfs or the W'ewt
Side Central Republican flub, ulll
iiiflt plnee this fvcnliif,', mill JutlKlnu;
J'liim tlio ctitlftisltiHin behiK displayed,
the demonstration will out-rival the
one held two weeks iiko. Tlio speaker
of tlio uvuiilug will be Hon. Huprlt
Cordon Jllllor, of VliRlnla, who will
discuss the issues of the campaign.
"W. Cuylord Thomas will ho chair
man of the mass ineotlUK, und A. J.
C'olbnrn will also dellvui one or his
patriotic addresses. The following or
ders have been Issued by the grand
marshal, Frank 1., who will
b assisted as aides by Hdward Coons,
or the t'nlon T.ohkiio. and David
Owens, of the West Side club.
Tlio p-ii.nlc will finm mi Miin .inline, llplit
lr-tlnC en .Lirkiiin -tu'il, .U 7 ii'ilmk i-lmp. .iml
will inmo mir tin- following mute il T.J'i:
M.iin aw hug I" iiwnne, In lljile l'aik
.iciiui', to Dhi-imi -Heel, to Main mimic to
ruinn ulieet, iniintciin.iiili up Miln niiiine
to N, T)iiil's lull .mil ili-uii. ('lulu ul-lnns,'
tn pirliiipatn wlm air lift mentioned In the
linn of mirili will li'pnll to tlio 111.11 v.ll nt
M lin an nuc nml J.iil.-nn Mini .it 7 n'tlnil;
-Imp. The Ilonidi Hidu-. I nlon haunt' nml
Ki -.ton Colored iluii will i nine tip
lhiliin-mi Miri'l ami swliw onto Main annuo,
fin tiling the held of tin1 oliilnn. Ilv ntilel of the
.i.inil nt, l'l.nik II. ltu'-e.
'lhe two dii-lons nf tlii' iii.nli will lie in xlc
vp us follows:
llnllKh lllilil-.
I nion J-e.iRiii.
Dunn Cotp-i.
Noith r.inl Iti (tub.
T. .1. lie m, hi- (!! ( lull.
Mennii'i It md.
Kei.-tniie ('nlonil It puiiliiaii (Inli.
T.ijlnr llriuilillciii ( lull.
m:i ovi) iu mo.
Nay Aim Diiim Cmp-.
Wi -t Mile I la pulilii.iu fluli.
I'iflrcntli inl Diiim Cmp,
riflruilli Club
T. .1. llo.uinlds lti' flnli.
l.' .I.imr--., .Ii., ltrpul' t'luli.
huetii-h I lull.
Good Enough Cough
remedy. Dufour's French
Tar is what you need.
Beautiful Bath
Of Exquisite Design and Finish,
There's a windowful of darling beau
ty and timely comfort awaiting your in
spection today, and although it consists
of nothing but Bath Robes, there's a
wealth of art and elegance represented in
the display which cannot fail to charm
the eye and support the acme of modern
A Clever American Idea
Is represented in the double extra soft
Fleeced Cotton Robes, which are accurate
copies of the highest-priced goods in
many respects, will wear as well "and
look very well for many a day.
Your Choice of . 4 ff
Lovely Cotton Robes,
But, of Course the Rea!
Indian Robes in Fine Wool
Made ou American, soil by workmen imported from the
ror East, are of most interest to people of refined taste. The
tolor blendings are beautiful aud of unlimited variety; and
lhe patterns, no matter bow intricate; are all woven.
This new American product is better than the best im
ported and costs less mouey. It will be well for yon to see
them however. We can explain matters better theu.
e Warehouse
Citizens nluiiK the line of nmivh aio
reiitlcsted tn llluiulnitte itntl deeoiuto
their stores and icsldeiioes, and a. kcii
rral Invitiillon Is extended to voters
In altonil tltu mass mooting and lis
ten to the ut'KUtuenlH of one r the
bileJttest, brainiest and most eloquent
speakeiH on the Kepubllcan rostrum.
Will Observe Hallowe'en.
The members of the Hlei-lrle City
"Wheelmen, throuKli their new social
committee, will bo permitted lo ob
serve Hallowe'en tnmoirow evenltiK In
a most beiimnir manner, jii mitiuion
to the usual diversions on such occa
sions, special oiilcrtaltimcnt and n.
lialatable lunch will be puivliled.
The committee refuse to dlvulpe the
pi'o?ratuiiie, fourlnjr that some of their
orljrlnul Ideas mlht be exploded. It
Is safe in predict, however, that till
who attend win be assured of a most
enjoyable evening.
Invitations have been Issued to all
the members with the privilege of
taking alone; friends, to enjoy the hos
pitality of the club.
Weekly School Deposits.
The followltiK deposits were made
at the West Side bank yesterday af
ternoon for the pupils or public schools
Nos. i:j and 19:
Xn. Ill D.nlil Owens "'! Illliulwlli I.i'l,
ftl.-Jj; llritli.l Kollj, lie.; Nellie llkluiult,
St. II; Nellie Kellj. 17i.i Wli 1'iiir, .Vic;
Sloth Milloiialil. sll.31. Total. S7,!).!.
No. Iti-.Miij Li'i'ii, ra'r. Ml-rf Muri ii, lfJ.."i"i;
VI", XiilioN, N.; MI-h II0.1111M1, Mir.; MI-h, (Mi.; MiM lluttoii, IV. ; All-- lli.nii,; illi-i I).il, tile.; Mi-t Killnw. fi.; Mki
Wiule, 1.17; Mls I'ljnn. Ml; MNs MhiiIi,
7.!e.; Mr-i. IVrlur, 2. II, JII-m l'nk, 7c Total,
St. John's Devotional Services.
llev. C V. AVelden, who Is In tem
porary charge of the St. John's Her
man Catholic, church, bcKati forty
hours' devotional services In that edi
fice on Sunday morning1, llev. .T. K.
Ktelnklrchner. of Luxeiup, pi cached
Sunday evenliif,', and llev. J. W. Haltn,
of AVllkes-Hane, conducted the se
vlces last evening.
llev. J'i'ter Clnisl, of Hnuth Scran
ton, will iiieaeh the clos'i'H sermon
this uvenliiiT, llev. Welden Is beiiiK
assisted In the services by llev Georno
Stopper, of South Ser.uiton, ,ind llev.
F. K. Straub, ol 1'lttston.
The IJemoeiats of t li- Sixtli and
KlKliteenth wards will hold a rally in
tlolden's hall Thuinlay evemm,'. The
speakers will be. John l. Quinnun, W.
l- Shean, J. J. .Murphy md '. .1. Mur
ray. A drawing for a pilze of :f!0 will be
conducted by the llyil" I'.nlc Father
ilathew society on December :. Hooka
of tickets are now in the hands of
the membeis. A piize will be offend
to tlie under In iiiHlnpr in the most
membeis dining the next year.
The (Mil Upslloa society of the
Washburn Street .Presbyterian church
nmt last evenlupr in an intercstini; so
slon. (Mass Xn. Hi, of the Sunday
school, will conduct a social In the
church next Friday evening.
An Inloiinal ilince will be held In
P I .W
tlii! 13lcctrlo C'lly Wlioelnicn'.t club
huiisu this evening, under the tui-opli-es
of the Uauholor Girls.
Tomorrow will be u fast day In the
L'ulhollo, bdlnu tlm VIrI! nf the
feast of Alt' Saints. Tlnirf-day will lo
All SiiIiiIh' Uny, and morses will be
celebrated In SI. PutrleU's i hutch at
I!, 7 ittid S o'clock. Confessions will be
lieuul Wednesday afternoon and cVPit
liu,'. On Friday, All Souls' V.y,
masses will be mild at 0, 7 and S
Fred Junes, of Jackson street, loft
last iiIkIu for Hutte Oily, Mont,, whuto
he han accepted a position,
A, Jones and dauKhlor, Kllza
beth, of Jackson street, have returned
homo from a three months' trip to the
old country.
Mr. and Jlr.t. Hubert Huberts, of
West 1'awlet, Vermont, are the Kllrsta
of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Ilobcrls, of South
Main avenue.
A Prohibition rally will bo held In It.
O. Morgan's hall, corner of Main ave
nue) and Jackson .street, conmieneltiK at
".IK o'clock this evening. Ladles and
Kontlcmen are Invited to attend, Dr.
Hateson will he tjie sneaker, and Will
iam Stanton will render a cornet solo.
Ira A. Sutton, of Kdwurds court, has
returned lo his home from Frankfort,
Maine. This Is the ynuiiff man who
was supposed to have been killed In a
railroad wreck at AVIImlntrton, Del.,
some lime ni;o.
A vellum 1 Ion w.ih iMimuly uirrtril
at tin- home of (irlltltli Hail-, on lllll olurt
Smiilrr .illrinooii, A mi tnlirr of the Iioiim'IioIiI
in Iklitlnu' a pipe iiiiiilnith' ilniipiil I lid limn.
I hi,' in ilili on ,i wjf.i, lii'tnnlly thrio w.ih n
lni-k llir, wliltli tliiiMtoiiril Hit' ilitnutlon of
tlm liniiio, .Mr. D.tW with ran1 iiriM-iiii" of
iiiinil sriril the "Of.i nut lairiril it oiitnlo tlir
s-tiHt, wlicii" It liuiui'il iiu-ii lly inilll lon-iminl.
'I be Hi publican i-lnu of this pl.icn ii now
ronifmt.ilily loiatiil In n suite ot looms in the
iiuilitnriiiin. l'l.ins liiir lnrn prrfrctul wluiiliy
it will Ikioiiio a poiiii.inriiL oiir.ini?'.ition.
J.iini'H Liu-is, of Cli.irliM stucl, N l-ilhiir
fill mis at Siinlli (llli-on.
l'lofrsMir Mirtln, ptimipil of Xo. -1 hihnol, irmoiiMl liis family from Mnstnw- to 1'tln.i
'Ilionus I'uuill, of ICtiHlonc nriiilpini', i-pi-nt
Siiniliy wllh his p.nrnLs mi Summit .iM'iiur. IIq
wiis ,n oiup.inird by his ( 1.ia-,hi itr, .Mr. Sniilini.
V. II. ILilivr mill 1.1111II), nf TIu'ihIoip Muvl,
li.iii' lotnini'il fiotn I'.nliityiillr, wb ir liny
li.iir bun i-piiitliiii; .1 Itu
'Ihr of Tik.i ('iitnibill, tin- .1
il.'i'ltlitir of Mis. IMIi'n C.impbill. will lie li.-lil
fiinn bit- liotnf mi At. in- siuot this altP'iioon ,it
1 oMml,.
'I br tu111i.1l of I h.tibs Cilti.illoit hi hi is.
trnl. ii- .ilU'iiioon 1 1 1 mi the f.imily t iiib-nr t- on
ltii.,l)r sirrei. bid inn 11I w.i-, mnlr in C.ltln 1h.1l
i inirli ly.
'Ihr Dcfimloi- ot the Suilli Shlu .mil the Xoilli
Khii M.ns will In' Ihr ojiposin tr.ims ill :i ii.imo
oi ln-l.i I lull ,it Ihr tiilttoriiim this rioiiin;,-,
'Ihr Noith Main .'iirnnr p.ur is now- inmplrliil
Us .k lie 111 f.tiir(. Thr woik ;oos 011 nini h
hi Hit lb. in 11 ihil .it tin bi-zinnins. o.iclt ni.iit
briiiji brllir .itiiiiinlril with Ihr woik.
( nlisl.ililr Itiin.nd P,tu', who brJli slihi
1 inili-piisril for ihr List 111. nali with -Imiiii-h
tinnble, Is uphllv iu oi lin-.'.
Mr. Tinoiiii'iv.ill .mil wifr, of Wr-1 AbniKton,
wur lalhi-s'nn (it lei 1). Mi. is, r-tir-1l.11.
Thr timiirt-. .mil iliiwis of nniiin No. i::r.7
will nml ibis I'Mnin-r .11 l.rnniiil's hill, .it T.'id
-Iiilm i;. W'olll tircheil woiil ictrnlii of thr
ilrjlli of Ins t.iilui, I'. II. Wolil. or Miiili'iiillo,
Jlutiior lontili.
Mi. I I'.llilsoii, who brcn th msl nf
liirin lliilife fiirml-, for Ibr liner wot!.",
t t n 1 11c 1 1 in I'bil iihlplii.t i(-lrnli..
lltrr.ll nwi'1 linn l.liil mi DiI.iu.iic
sllnl fiom Ihr iisliliiiic of .Mis. ., 11. N'ilhnl,
f 01 ii i of Miiiliisnti iiMiiue. with Ihr in.iln srwrr
on Dii-hsoii .iiinur.
.Mi. Ch.iilis M'.ilion, of I'illsiiin, 1, spuiihin; .1
fi'w- 1I.1.11 with his iliitKlili'i, -Mts. liioii;, -Moiiii.,
of Moiisi y .iicnnr.
'Ihr inisirrs of AOmiy Mi Ihoilist
ilniuli atrrplul plaits loi linn nrw pn-!
ami rpnl to bir.iU roiitiil for llir fonn.
Ilium w.ills .11 an r.nli ilalr. The liiiiblin will
fiont on Mon-ii .iMimr, .mil will br li.iitil-ntiio
.nut inoilrin.
Mi-. Tliniiiis II.111, of iiiMooil, is lisiilni;
hi 1 lnolhri, Mis. L. , Wall, ot t'.ipoiin awnnr,
'I bur will br ,1 iinitiim ol thr C1nr1.1l
I'IiIiiikw- Mninr lonip.iiiy .11 thi-ir iimin at Ii ilf.
p.isl imkIiI o'lloik this I'Mliilc-. A full allilnl.
.lino is liipilnl.
'Ihr 1 iihrs ol thr I. urn ltlih:i Pir-bi li'ii.ei
ibnnh .nr iripn Ii d to iiii-tt in llir ilinuh pu
lois Ihis .iftrinniiii, to ,srw on j-,irninils I1lc.l1
air lo br mit in ihr mission.iiy lm Ihr l.iilu'3
air piruiiii.
I!i. I'. .1. M.ll.ili', of I'ilt-i .111
ablr .mil intilistini; srininll ill SI. IMnVs 1 .llhn.
lb ihiinll l.l-l niht. lhi. Mill's Vb M.1111H
will ilvlltu Ihr siimoii this ni'iiliu.
.Ii lin Dn.ii'i, Mm nf 1111 .1 lt 1 tin- I. il,' Mkliii-I
D.v.ur, oi Ills I. inn ..luii, ilml iiiUul.ii .ilti-i
:i -linil illiii'-i .it tin' Inline mi tiiim Mii'i't, 'Ihu
ilii'.i-i'il Iml In en .i Miiluir wiili lu-.iil tumble
fill' -CIIIH' limn .111.1 llU Mlililill i, Hh ,l 1 u'llddi
.M'-IiiiI.ij- inuiiiliii; .ii iliu in i.iImi1.ii' ln'.iii
tumble. 'Jliu junni; nun ni.iiiy fiiunN in
tin' limoiiuli, white lie ulu.1,1-. lti.iili. In ImtiH',
ilml .1 fcliuue ','iii'i pi'ii.iilM in my liuiiii". .it
hi-, Lilly ile.illi, Siiivlilii? .tie liU mother,
biut. ir .Lime , .mil fmir i-iMii-., .li, M, O'llmn,
Mny jihI Annie lluju .md Mi-,, .lime-, liile.
'I In' will be held lhi-. ni.uiiiiiK- .it U
ii'ilwl;, tuiiii'-i beliu In Id in M. MiijN I'.ithii.
Hi ilinuh. Inteiniiiit will he mule In M.
Iji,vV C.itliiilli! nun tui,
l'.ltiiil.;il.v, .ijfeil Ii ,u'.ir, nini lui many
e..ii iiiniluitril ,i Ki' Mine en ,I.iiK"imi
Kluet, hilew Clicliiul, ilml i'.iiIj .M'-Heul.ii'
liHUIlilii.-, iiiur .'. llnillli' illne-,.. Dece.i.iil w.i's
it 1 limine In Wi-1 Sii.iniun, .hM i.iine
heie whin (iilte .loiini!, M'tllins In lhi-. eit),
iiiul h.w hiiiie re-'lihil hue. lie U miuieil hy
III- wife .mil Iwn iIiiikIui'Is, lliiil'il .unl Willi,
fml. The film ill will t.iKe jil.n o llmi-il.iy
inniiiinir .11 II n'l liicK, Willi n iiiiiicin mi-.- ill
si. I'.itiliK'i. I'.illinlle ihiiuh. Inlerini'iit will
he in nle in the Citlinlinl lennti-iy,
'Hie ile.illi nf .Ml.-, M. r.inell, nf .illl (ill, -mi
Mui'l, oiniiiiil .it ;I..I0 .le-leiil.iy iimriiliKr, h-ii.i-iij
wa- lA.w.iin nhl, she U siniiii'il liv el'lit
ililliliin, nimib; .lohii V, K.iilell, I'ahli'k I,
r.niill, Timlin- I', 1'jrii'll, Anthimy f!, IMrrell,
M.ny ., I'.irull, r.inell, .lull.i l'.i.
H'11 nml llo-o r.inell. The will tilo
il.iie .it tlm C.ithcili.ll .it II n'l liii-k Wi'ilncsiljy
nun ninw, liili'iiui nt in tho Cntlieiiul I'duetuy,
li-. I'.mlil h lit ii, j ii .ikiiI tiiilcnt of
Sniith Ki.intun, ilk il Hunil.iy nioinliii; .it tliu
family ir-iilcnu', 101 stone .iirnnr. Hip
will be hi'l'l tills inornliiir, wllh u ieiiitcin IiIkIi
iiui, In ht, I'rli-r'ii, fntiiinent Mill
he in.nle in Cithcilial ccinitciy.
Ill,- .line Mclliillen. i,( Siniio .iiinne, illnl
ji'tuil.iy inoinlns alter u brlif lllni.. Tin)
iliie.i-ul Is lu iliiiulilir ol llr ami li. Hjiiiui'1
-Mi Mnlli'li, nt 21 Stone .iMiine,
Oraiu-0 is not n Btitnulant, like
coffee. It is a tonic and its effects
aro permanent.
A successful substitute for coffee,
because it lias tho coffco flavor that
everybody likes.
Lots ot coffee substitutes in tho
market, but only one food drink
M tirotcrs ; 15c. auil '.'3c.
Test for Yourself the Wonderful
Curative Properties of SwampRoot
To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy Swamp-Root Will Do for YOU,
. . .
Reporters Have Convincing
Dr. Kii..mi.r & Co., Binghamton, N.
I feel it my duty to send you an acknowledgment ol the receipt of the sample bottle of Swamp
Root you so kindly sent me. I had been out of health for the past five years with kidney and bladdor
trouble. Had our best physicians prescribe for me. They would relieve me for the time being, but the old
complaint would in a short time return again. I sent for a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and found it did
me a world of good. Since then I have taken eight small bottles bought at my drug store, and I consider
myself pel fectly cured. It seemed as though my back would break in two after stooping. 1 do not have
to get up during the night to urinate as I formerly did, three or four times a night, but now sleep the sleep
of peace. My back is all right again, and in every way I am a new man. Two of my brother officers are
still using Swamp-Root. They, like myself, cannot say too much in praise of it. It is a boon to mankind.
We recommend it to all humanity who are suffering from kidney and bladder diseases.
My brother olliceis (whose signatures accompany this letter), as well as myself, thank you for the
blessing you have brought to the human race in the compounding of Swamp-Root.
We remain, yours very truly, JAMES COOK,
Officers of the jSth Police Precinct, Gi eater New York JOHN J. BODKIN.
Nov. iO, iSqg.
THEODORUS VAN WYCK. former Kditor of the Mt. Vernon News,
and now one of the most pruspeious real estate brokers in New
Yorl;, 12S South nicventh Avenue, Aount Vernon, N. Y.
I h.ul been a suifeier for over four years fiom .seveie attacks of
iheumatism and Kidney tiouble, probably contracted by exposure on
liuiitiiiK expeditions and wading trout streams. I tried many reme
dies, the patent and other kind, hut none of them see.i ed to do me
.inyKooJ. I was persuaded by an old and valued friend to try
Swainp.Root, and fi a nklv confess it has benefited me as no other
medicine ha.s. I now fe-'l like mysell ai;ain. I do not have the con
stant aches and pains which at one time seemed to make life un
bearable. It is a positive benefit in ailments of this kind. I always
keep it in the as it is just as necessary as bi e.ul and butter.
Very respectfully.
(lyAc -
EDITORIAL NOTE. -Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder remedy, is so remarkably successful that a special arrangement ha
been made by which all readers of The Scranton Tribune, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent absolutely free by mail. Also
a book telling all about kidney and bladder troubles and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men
and women cured by Swamp-Root. Be sure and mention reading this generous offer in The Scranton Tribune when sending your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N, Y. r
He Objected to Emil Geissler Playing
the Accordeon nnd the Latter Wns
Fined by Alderman Ruddy An
nunl Athletic Exhibition Tomorrow
Night Miss Mny Connell Enter
tained New Debating Society Or
ganized Complimentary Bnll Ac
cidents of n Day.
,IomiIi (liiriliiiT, of '.Ho jjircli tivi't.
lower Hour, In a Mjiei' utlli-fi-, Jlu
wi'iirs u bi'llliuiit bailee that may
niiMii u' Kii'iit dual; It may nut. .Sun
day iiIkIu it liiMt Its Munlfli'iini'i', It
wii.s hiiieivil at and tho ollli-or wi'iir
liiK It was hi'oitVil at and mocUi'il. it
Mas loo much fur liuiuan iiatuii' in
boar uud Alileriiiiin lltulily ivns oalli'd
uiinit last nlBht to Htni teuton out iimt
U'l s.
rriiii (iidssli'i, of ui. Ulrch i-trri-t
tlpliei' llooi', was ct'Iulii'.itlns honu'thliur
or othor Kuiulay nlijlit, and iiiifiii-tu-iiati'ly
tlioiiKlu an aci'onlooii would
lu'lli inattoi's iiloiiH'. The oulpliratln,?
was all rlsrht, but tho aucoideon ui;
I'oiuiianliiii'nt was all ioiik, mid as
llo luiiniicd tlio whi'oay old Instru
lui'lit upstnli-H in the dani'liiK; of a
pair of foot,
stall is lu'Ktin
tlio ncciiptiutM down
huiitlni,' tliolr toma-
iitit Special Otllccr tlardnur was
thcfi'iibout and ho stialKlitway plniu'd
upon his manly bosom tho slnr of au
thority, and, marchlnff upsttili-.s, ho
iiuthoiilatlvi'ly told thorn to milt or,
hh ho bald It, "lo cut It out," Upon
huariiiK this, tho ci'lijbrniits row dx-ui-i'dlnglv
Avrathy, tluvatened all man.
nor of dliv things and mailo other 10
ninrUs, Aldi'i'iuaii itiuldy hi'iud tho baliuico
ol tho tnlo of woo last nlKht, Olesslcr
linvlnsr bfin arrrstod, nnd tho ivsull
wns a fluo nnd costs Imposed on hlni,
Moral sruslt! hath not always
chnims to Eiiotho tho savage turtisl,
Miss Connell Entertained.
Miss Mny Connell, of Cedar avenue,
very pleasantly entertained u number
of her friends at her homo Satur
day uvenlnsi The usual party diver
sions were Indulged In, With solos by
Miss Nora Howard and Master John
"Washburn, nnd llashllsiits by ejus.
Krauso. l.ator, refreshments were
Those present were: Misses Mar
garet Howard, Gertrude T)opew; Mar
garet Depow, Nora Howard, Margaret
JlowaVd, Nelllo lllbhs. Mary Tlcer,
lAiry, II. Fnrnil, Anna Kenr
nev, Tessid Sett! Mesrs. Kdwaul
Scott, Edward Norton, Thomas Bliw,
Lester Adams, Harry l.nvelle, Qua,
Krause, John "SVushbuni. Jotm Oon-
Tribune" May Have
Interviews with Prominent
nois, Tliointis Ponnors, I.ouls Jiorlur.
ity, "Willi nil Jones, Hubert Mat'Lenn,
Thomas Gihoy and James Jluldoun.
Annual Athletic Exhibition.
The annual tuniing oxliibitiun and
ball of tin' Scranton Athletic club
will take place nil Weilpohd.iy even
ing In Athlutle hull. Tho club bus
been In haul practlco for mvcui1
nionths, and n clever exhibition will
bo given. A MMi'ring match will be
a special fen till c.
Tlioie will also lie luii i.nntul bar
work, doublo bar woik ami an exhibi
tion mi Hie vaulting lioi.-e, Aciolialle
pcifnriiiiinci'K will b" given by Messrs.
llui'ke and ICelser, and turning and
bending by Daid Johns, linniedlate
Iv f'llluwlng the exhibition, theio will
be dancing.
New Debating Society.
TheSt. Aliiy.-itis sociMy have lal-ly
uiganiced a Literary nnd Debuting
I'liib, wliieli will meet dining the wln
tvi' eiry Thursday cvanlng In 1'liar
niauy ball, anil discuss current lopiis.
The nii'iiilii'i's of this .-iK'icty are all
vigoious and Intnlllgeiu uung m n.
and hotiiM of inipioveinont, ns well
ns iileasuu"' will be profitably spent
during the winter.
A committee, consisting of .Joseph
Murphy Thomas Hundley, William
Daniels aud James llnhau, am pre
paring a piognuniiH' lor Thursday
Coinplimoutnry Ball.
The complimentary bull given lust
ii.i. .it., i. ..ii .....i... ,i... .....j
ter as iiroinpter.
The coiiuultleo on uirangemonts was
eonipoMMl of Ihu following: John K.
T'lillllps, .Matthew H.unal and CJeorgij
Mei lv..
Mel U
Two Accidents.
Waller tialgle, of llil 1'rospect ave
nue, luoko his right arm yesterday,
while playhr? about the stieet. He was
taken to the I.tickiiwanua hospital for
A young son of .Mr, and .Mrs. Nick
(iiuitss, of South "Washington avenue,
fell down a (light of stairs jvstoiday
morning and dislocated his left arm,
Dr, J, J. Walsh attended to his In
A concert of r.uo excellence will be
given tonight In Athletlo hall by tho
Scranton SaenBerruude, assisted by tlm
Scranton fjcdcrkruuz and the famous
Juugor Mncnneuiior, tho tlnvo soci
eties uniting in several numbers. After
tho concert a reception will tyiko place.
Miss Howlauds, assistant secretaiy of
the South Scranton Young Women's
t'liilstlan association, returned yester
day from Heading, where sdio utteuded
I lie i-iiiii,iiiiiemur,v nun kivcii nisi
night III Athletic hall, under tin; aus
pices of the Star Social club, was a big
success. Over ouo thousand Invitations-'
wmu Issued, and by I) o'clock the hall
was Jammed with nleiisure. seekers.
M,iistii for dancing was furnished by
Professor Johnson, with Willlnpi "Wnl-
a Sample Bottle Hee.
People in Greater New York.
Gruati-ii Ni:w York.
His Physician Prescribed Swamp-Root.
Nl-W YORK, Nov. 18, 1899.
to whom 1 r .way conckkn:
I was all run down in health and spirits, from overwoiK on
the Ii.cluiiKe floor. I developed nervous neuralgia and also suf
fered from an acute attack of rheumatism.
Of course, I had careful medical attendance, but while conva
lescing my own physician himself ordeied me to take Sw.imp
Koot to build up my nervous system, and put mv kidneys in
shape. It helped me more than any curathe or tonic I everused,
and now 1 always keep it in mv medicine chest. With best
wishes forsuffereis,
Dictated & ' ,, 7? yS
the state convention of the Young "Wo
men's t'hristian as'soclatlon. Miss Row
lands leimits the meetings were of a
deep, spliitiml nature, and largely at
tended. The Swiss Uenevoleni .society lias
m ranged an el.ibmate eiitertalnnieiit to
celebrato the hulepeiidence of Switzei
land, on Xnveniher 1, in Music hall.
iiie .lunger .Maennerehnr will meet at
tii'i lunula hall at 7.1." o'eloek shaip this
evonlliB to attend the concert nf the
Tile grainniar and atithinetlc classes
of the Young Women's Christian iismi
elatlou met witli a full alleiulance last
'1111111 i::i), I'attiotlc Older Sons of
Aninrlca, met In Weekly hes-slou last
night In Hartnian's hall, on Pittston
On Wednesday evening the members
of the I'entury Hose company will pa
lade, headed by the Itinggold hand, w
advertise their ball, which will be held
Friday night In Athletic hall.
The Welcome Dancing class Is mak
ing elaborate prepaiations lor a
lnasiiue social, to be given in Snover's
hull, Wednesday evening, November 7,
Harry Wehruni.'of Prospect avenue,
ha.s leiurned to Hufl'iilo, X. V after a
few days' visit In this eit v.
tlcorgii Zang, of Alt, I'ohl), who is at
tending the county teachers' Institute,
visited friends in this pait of the eltv
John Hannlek, James r.avcllo and
Patrick Moran have returned from a
visit to Avoca,
l.utteis remaining unclaimed during
tho period ending October 27, ISOd, are
as follows. Persons culling for theso
letters will please say advertised, M",
K. Illshop, postmaster:
Amll Audiea, 0-7 Larch street: Vie
tor Andrews, H. t Montln, Now Yoik
street; ' I'zar, W, Halley, Thomas
Huddle, V, J, Colony, Andrew f'atlii, 1-7.
O, Croft. James A. Cross, Mis. John
Frey, 1001 Monroe avenue; (Jeorgo M.
Foote, Mis, J, J, FJtiiputiiek, fill Main
avejiuo; Mis. It. K. II in ley, 10JS Kleo
tiio avenue: O, Jobel, Miss Jlanie
Kelly, Ada Price, Anna Hock, Frank
Hlchaids, IB 17 Monroe avenue; John
Shepherd (2), William Hhoren, Foreign
JJIJko Jlvunle, Heorgo Hiimzlk, Demon
leu di Pane, Itomanln Ilks,
The Twentleh Century nanclng club
will gvo a Hiillowe'en social Wednes
day evening )i Munley's ball. Jluslo
by Lawrence's orchestra.
The funeral of Mis. Kdwanl Fries
will be hed this afternoon at L'.UO
o'clock. Short services will lie eon
iltieed at the home, after which the
lemalns will bo taken to the Methodist
Kplscopal church aud public services
held. Tlm members of tho Methodist
F,plscupal Sunday ehool will attend In
n body and hold lltllng services over
their dead sister.
Tho members of tho High School foot
ball eleven are considerably elated over
Every Reader of "The
Regarding. Wonderful Cureiv
How to Find Out if You
Need Swamp-Root.
Tt used to bo considered that onlH
urinary and bladder troubles were ta
bo traced to the kidneys, but now
modern science proven that nearly alt
diseases have their beginning In tho
disorder of those most Important or-
The kidneys filter and purify thrf
glood that Is their work,
So when your kidneys are weak ov
out of order, you can understand howl
quickly your ontlre body Is affected,
nnd how every organ socms to fall to
do Its duty.
If you are sick or "feci badly," be-i
gin taking tho famous new discovery.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot, because an
soon as your kidneys arc well thej
will help all tho other organs tt
health, A trial will convince anyone
Weak und unhealthy kidneys ar
responsible for more sickness und suN
fei'Ing than nny other disease, and it
permitted to continue fatal results are
sure to follow. Kidney trouble frrt-
tatcs the nerves, makes you dizzy,
restless, sleepless and Irritable. Makes
you pass water often during the day
and obliges you to get up many tlmea
during tho night. Causes puffy o
dark circles under the eyes, rheuma
tism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder,
pain or dull ache In this back, joints
and mu.seles, makes your head acha
and back ache, causes Indigestion,
stomach and liver trouble, you get a!
sallow, yellow complexion: makes you
feel as though you had heart trouble:
you may have, plenty of ambition, but
no strength; get m. utile and wastn
Tho cure for these troubles Is Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot, the world-
famous kidney remedy. In takinif
Swump-Tli)6t you afford natural help
to nature, for Swamp-Root 1s the most
perfect healer and gentle aid to tha
kidneys that Is known to medical scN
en ce.
If there Is any doubt In your mind!
as to your condition, take from youit
urine on rising about four ounces,
place it in a glass or bottle and lee
It stand twenty-four hours. If, on ex--animation,
it is milky or cloudy, 11!
there is n brick-dust settling, or If
small particles lloat about tn It, yout
kidneys aro In need of immediate at-i
Swamp-Itoot Is pleasant to take and!
Is used In the leading hospitals, rec
ommended by skillful physicians In
their private practice, nnd Is taken by
doctors thenthetves who havp kidney,,
ailments, because they recognize In'
it the greatest and most successful
lemedy for kidney, liver and bladder
If you aro already convinced that!
Swamp-Root Is what you need you
can purchase tha legular fifty-cent
and one dollar size bottles at the drus
stores everywhere.
'Bui-sunder & Rels, Lessees and Manjer.
A. J. Dully. Business Manager.
Thursday Evening-, Nov. 1.
Tin: en uipiON" ov the wonr.o.
1'ii-iiitins the uiv Aincilcin Comedy Dram
S stlninK anil ie.ili-tii' play o( life in tlm nf the ItniKie- einwilril with tluillinK
Mines inlii-pci-cil wilh lanslulile comedy anil
iioiil -peiiiltlm. In the play ( li.iiiipton .left! iri wilt
Khe a fiiemllr anil .-piuled Iiiimiii; exhibition
Willi .I.iiU .Mi Cm mil 1;, nf liiil.tdt-lphh.
I'rlien! l.mi-ei Hour. We,, 7&c. anil $1.00; hat
lon.i, .IK., (rilleiy, l2.,e,
seat- mi sile Tiie-ila,, Oil. ,10.
MI.IIT, ,M). 2 AND .1.
Mil, s(;i! MUX I.IIY, in Urn AbsurtHtjj
Electric Spark.
1'iiiltlilng v,
l'UKT.i N'KIIII', Onlii-li-.i, 7."i ! Oieheitr.1
and Pie-s Ciiele-, .IDi.; ilililo llileonv, Mo.
-ipoi I il Matlnen l'lliin-Oiehe-tia .mil Orcheri.
tra ( 'licit . We. ! lin Ciiele, ale.; entlrn
llalinny, 2'u.; ihililien limit r 1- jears tu uny
pill nf hoii-e, I.'m', Adianeti salo will open
Ueilnu-ilay .it (I a, in.
II. A. BROWN, Manager.
ai.Ti this vi:i:rc.
MatiiKC Hilly Culiiiiieiitliie; Tue.-iLiy,
I'lmhiiiiiK a icpeitulre nt Mctiopolltan Hiiochj
'I hi- .ifteinoou ,, ."Willed London.'
ToiiIbIiI "Captain' Mate,"
i:niiiiK Pike--10, 'D nml HO tents.
.Matinee Piiie.- 10 ami lid renin.
AI.-H iieililini; ns n allraotioii 3IiiJb
I'lciui. lhe Hinne .Meiba, anil tlm World-l
iiuu nril inlh-r sk.ili'is, Hiw-on and llnnth,
New Gaiety Theatre
TiiiiKi: nu, rmtsniNTiixa
Thursday Matinee, Nov. 1
m. jr. tiiiii;'s
13-Chaiiiiiiii.- and Talented Glrlt-13
Daily Jlatlnii'.
I'HU'ns 13. !, B3 and M iiuta,
their victory over tho O. S, Johnsoii
toot will eleven, on .no. o tjrotinua, tsat-j
Mr. aud Mrs. O. J. Ileuupp, of t'rosij
street, aient Sunday us the quests of
iiii.'iius in Avueii.
IfrStP '
' T
bet ' & S
A . A