wm- - '": "Jerr 1 r tf i-H t- n. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TI I3SDAV, OCTOBER 30, 1000. 5 GREAT MEETING IN THE ARMORY Masterly Address Delivered by Con gressman Charles E. Lit tlefield, of Maine. PARADE OF THE They Acted as an Escort to the Speaker of the Evening and the Local Candidates from the Hotel Jermyn to the Armory. Mayor James Moir Was the Chairman of the Evening and in a Neat Speech Intro duced Congressman Littlefield The Lat ter Charged Bryan with Insincerity and Hypocrisy and Dwelt Upon the History of the Democratic Party with Reference to Trusts. For the Hint time in the inosioiit tampalKii the ctiiitral olty was hint night given an opportunity of showlni? Its Itopubliean enthusiasm and It did It with a vim. Thu audience which gathered at the armory was a compli ment to even such an illustrious dti y.eii and noted orator as the speaker of tile evening, Hon. Charles K. Little lleld, of Jlaine, for in Immensity and vigorous: intelligent, demonstratlve ncss the big auditorium never held anything that surpassed it and It will lie admitted that It has held some Mg, appreciative and enthusiastic as semblages. All the seats that tin- Moor could ac commodate were crowded between the .stage and the door and in the spaces at either side of the stage and not one of these wore vacant. The side aislus for nearly their, whole length and the center aisle for a good dis tance were tilled with standing men mill in the rear of the hall was a jam that extended far out into the corridor, lluny ladies were present, many of them from the most prominent fami lies of the city and they were quite as liberal and hearty in their applause as were the men folks. .Mrs. Little Held accompanied .Mr. and Sirs. A. I). Jllncklnton, at whose home .Mr. and Mrs. LiUlcllold are being entertained. On thu stage were seated Mayor James Jloir, the chairman of the even ing: Congressman William Council, President .lodge K. Archbald. Deputy Attorney Ceneral l-'ivd W. Fleitz, A. J. Cplborn, Jr., .Major Kver ctt "Warren, Thomas II. Hale. Hon. John Solicitor, Fred L. Wnrms-r anil Candidates John II. Fellows. John Copeland, T. 1. Daniels, F.mil llmui and Hon. K. Heck. The hall was elaborate decorati d in the national colors. Scarcely a vestlye of the rough, dismal Interior wa noticeable. Large Mags, clusters of tiinall banners, Mreameis and long stretches of bunting were used very effectively in transforming 1 1 1 big, barren hall Into an at tractive and cheery place. Itnuuers and portraits of thu candidates adorned the walls, and at the entrance of the armory wis placed a large transparency bearing the legend, "The People's Choice for Congiess, Hon, William C r.," Congressman Ultlclield spoke for nearly two hours. nis style is one peculiar to himself. He has a voice of great depth and .and volume, and without a seeming effort and in apparently ordinary con versational tones made himself dis tinctly understood even out lu the cor ridor, PARADE OF THE MARCHING CLUBS The Union League, lloosovolt Hough Xllders, West Hide Itepubliean club and T. J. Uoynolds Uepubllcnu club combined to give Congressman Llt tlelleld 11 suitable escort from the Hotel Jerniyn to the Armory. Each of theso organizations turned out a largo number of members and fully two hundred uini llfty uniformed men woro lu line, and gave the distin guished gentleman from Maine a mus ing reception when ho stepped from the Jermyn corridor, Tho Hough lllders formed on Wash Jngton avenue, between i.indeu and Spruce Htreots, while the Union Lea guers met at tho (ieutral Kepublleun headquarters. Promptly at 7.30 o'clock theso two companies formed into Una nnd inarched to Lackawanna nvenuo and then down tho nvemut to tho West Lackawanna nvenue bridge.., where they Joined tho 'Went Side Cen tral Tlepubllenn club and the T, J. Reyiioltltt Republican club. Then, with llylns colors, and amid martial strains played by Lawrence's band, tho combined companies marched up ilio avenue. First came tho Rough Riders. Thoy worolout in full force, about sevcnly flvo nion. riding along on their spirited prancing horses. Cuptalp Kara Rip ple, Jr., led his men. who were divided Into several snuads, of which tho llrst was led by Lieutenant iko Rrown. Svith their blue shirts broad-brimmed MARCHING CLUBS bats and leggings, the lioop, made a splendid showing, and Its appearance all along tho line of march was tins signal for loud applause. Lawrence's band was next In line, and then followed the Tnlon League. Hid ween seventy and eighty men, led by Captain Lewis Cwrter, marched along with an easy.rythmle grace of motion that was beautiful to see. F.aeh member of the association was clad in the 'League's khaki uniform, with campaign hat and leggings. The men presented n tine martial appear ance, and were assigned the honor able post of the escort, by being made the guaid of the carriages con taining Congressman Littlefield. The League banner was carried well in the van. and with its pictured four leaf seemed symbolical of the good luck and fortune which will attend the Itepubliean party at the election, fieorge Marshall, Jr.. and Curl Is How ell strode along gallantly In the first rank, one on either side of the big standard bearer. Captain Frank 1!. Ib'ise and mem bers of the "West Side Central Itepub liean club followed the T'nion Lea guers. Some seventy men were in ilne and with tli3h- khaki uniforms, almost the eounternart of those worn by the body which preceded them, seemed but another division of the Leaguers, t tally waved their banner at the head of their gallant pblanx. and close to lis bearer inarched Cap tain Ite-se and Professor David Owens, his stalwart form looking sturdy and soldierly in the campaign uniform. The T. J. Reynolds Kepublleun club brought up the rear. F.ach man be longing to this organiKation wore a red, white or blue cap and the waving color effect as they marched blithely along contributed to the fine appear ance of the entire body of marchers. At I'enu avenue the escort made an abrupt turn and prncjedoit down the avenue to Spruce sueet, wheie they made another short cut and marched to the .Irriuyn. There the liough lllders halted, and, after a se lection by the band, the mounted troop rode ,i i hi ml io Wyoming avenue and then as the carriages were driven up, Congressman l.ittlelield, accompanied by the reception committee, left the hotel by the Wyoming avenue exit. Congressman Lltilelleld, congress man William Council, Frederick W. Fleitx and Mayor James -Moir occupied the llrsL carriage, which was cltlven huineiliaii.'ly behind the Kough lllders. Major F.vcreti Warren. F. L. Wurin-s,-r. A. J. Colhorn and i II. Dale were In the second carriage, and In the third were Major T. F. Penman, P. .Silas Waller and A. . Illaokinton, of Bunmorc. The other organizations fell Into line behind Hie carriages, While in front of the Jermyn a large! number of Itoman candles, sky rockets, red tire and llreworks of various kinds were ignited by I lie J'niou league, and, as the showers of balls o tire fell from on high, and the pyrotechnic dis play was taking place, an accompani ment of cheers and volleys of upplatiHe were given by the great crowd which gathered and which cheered tln Kough Riders, Union leaguers and all the marchers to the echo nnd signaled its applause lu even more enthusiastic terms as .Congressmen Llttletleld and Council entered their carriage. The escort carriages then proceeded to Lackawanna avenue and tboneo to "Washington. The procession then turned up Washington to Linden and direct to the armory. Oreat erowdh blueked tho path of the marchers ami all nlong the routti there was a great deal of cheering and loudly manifested enthusiasm. GREAT CROWDS HEARD SPEECHES The urinary was comfortably filled at 8 o'clock, when tho marching clubs ar rived, escorting tho speakers, commit teemen and candidates, and as the for mer ptoceeded to the seats reserved for them, Just In front of the stage, ami tho latter to their places on tho plat form, there was a continuous volley of entliuslastlo cheorlug. Tho Keystone colored club, n natty black suits and silk tiles, marched in with President Campbell Hughes at their head, and were given a hearty hand, The appear nuco of Congressman Council brought forth three sturdy rounds of applauso and a "What's tho matter with Con noil V led by the Union leaguers, was responded to with a "He's all right!" that made tho rafters quake. "Tommy" Daniels also came in for a soeclal cheer, led by the West Riders, At S.15 Deputy Attorney Oeneral Flelts introduced Mayor Moir as the chairman of tho evening, nnd when tho applauso that greeted tho city's chief executive hail subsided, the mayor pro ceeded to discuss the duty of citizen ship. "VV nre here," he said, "In tiur.'ti unco to a constitutional rlaht, The constitution sols forth that certain mil curs arc to bo elected In ti certain wiy, It presumes that every citizen will, one week front tomorrow, declare his choice for national, state ami county ollleers. "Tliu.i meetings arc an education of tile voters nnd tend to waken a mini to his duty. 1 do not think there Is any apathy hern. There Is tintnuUiilciililo evidence to the contrary lu this splen did meeting. Rut It does exist In conic places, t cannot see why a voter can bo apathetic. A good Republican must view with it feeling nkln to horror it disregard lu his fellow Republican for our government and Its grand Institu tions, as would be evidenced by apathy in the elections." After a glowing tribute to President McKlnley, tho mayor Introduced Con gressman Littlefield as a man worthy to receive the political immtle of Thomas H. Reed, and worthy of a place lu lino with Itamlln, the Morrows, llhilne and the other great statesmen who have come to tls from Maine, After Alfred Woolcr had won an en core with mi excellent rendition of his own campaign song, "Honor, Love and Nation," Mtv Littlefield was presented, and proceeded to deliver one of the best political speeches a Kcrantoli audi ence has over had the pleasure of list ening to. LITTLEFIELD ON CAMPAIGN ISSUES Hon. Charles K. Littlefield spoke as follows: .Mr. Cli.dim.ni. Lnilics, f.etit It mi n ami IYIImv ( Itl'iiii: I r.nlicr fci'l like In limine; coiil-, to .Vl'W C.istlc when I iiitno Into tin klul" ef Pi tin. ii,vlv.iiii.i fur the pmiHMu of ili'iiiS'.iiiK; ltcpuli. lii.Mii iloetrlni'.i. Tlmiv li mi .-t.ili in the icpGlillc Hint i nmli'lnlooil to li.lie metier ciy in t lie irMilt.-. ot tills c.iiimIkii than tin1 tsdc of lVnu sjlvjnla. It Ih with kip.iI iltunru tli.it"! .im here tlii-. pumiIiik fo.- a t.ltuil wluic for die pur. 1UI.-.0 ot i!!rtKsin mmc of tin- qiH'-liim hivulu'd In this iiiin.iimi. It is .il-o wltli ptci'-iiii. thit I n.iy th.it t lie lime lor iIwiismoii is practically out Iht.iiw the light i ulie.oly iii.iil, Ilio Melory Is nlrr.iily noli. 'Ilieie ! nollilng prae llially left, in I his iMiiipafgn lit tin- luting und tin- counting anil the Miominj.". The only tiling that is neeiled is to -Imply .-.tlr (lie Itepiihliian huts to they m.iy come out to !! pills nn the (llli iliy of Noiemt.cr for tlii national tiel.et, ior the .state ai.il the county tlikets in tlie state of I'omi-o lwinin. i liaie In vu throns'i quite a IniKi pn'.tlon of v lint I all Ihe we-lem country vinee I Ml Ihc jilpie tthi'ie tte pry up the Mm in the moinnii; .mil let It shine over the lulance of tin- le pnlilic ilutinj.' Hie li.il.inee of tlie d.iv. i e.inie In. in K.mis a Heel, auu la-t Sitimliy, ami 1 li.nl tlie pi miiiic of iu.il.uig -filial 'imhe In li.tn-.i-. ami I am ul.ul in hiim li.n a lepmt fn in I'te .tale of K.m-.i-. t was gl.ni to he ill l'..lli-,i- to i .lll-f I liliieni. lined K.m-is as holy imoiiihI I ttipi'li. Ilian .stamlpoii.t. ami I iiiiiiuilu'ieil wh.ii K.m-J:i as hnin a- .1 Ht.lte .ik.iiikI till' opp.-aioii of the Dellloi 1.11 y, when ill the leiy hour 01 II li'ullt auony It iva- alt ilicateil in lllt'ily ami fieiil.im anil to Cliii-ti.iu i iiili.iliou. i am vl.nl to he ahle to reiort fovn the ie pulls all oiei I.ui-.is Hut I leeeiveil w-lnfr I vas iheie, tint clii Ii.is reeoineil Imui lin political ihliiimn of the ln-t eiuhl or 'in jimii ami on the lith of Xoinnlier fiom foity to slty thoii-.iml m.iiniily j-!ic will mil up lor "li Kinley anil ltooi-Tielt. .v Tin: lAiiui's t ot .s in v. I have hci u in tlie iiiemiV luunlii at-o. f li.ne tieeii in Xilua-I;a, ami the iieati-.' ion e( to r-hiasl,a the smnlhr and nioie -htiv.'lled up til" di.-tllU'llPlieihapo-tle of ilt-iouli'Ut.tli.tl is III.; eandidate of the jiinioeiaey hi thi- eiuipaiKi', appeals to siou. I hail ti.lec meetimrs in -Ne. ht.t-K.i and I wa- ,-n hoai-e 1 eouhln't till; inu l.io.l: I hale mil mi" loiee with me toni.'hl on will nothe, and I waul to fell you lh.il .ihi'.i-.lo is iDiiiinj; nut all rinlil in this eleelion, lue.'. Into the lli'pulilk'.in lohiiut.. I taw a nre.it many iuteie-tiug tilings on my tup into the we-t and imong other things in which I wan moie inleir-led than anjlhiiig el.'e I .u the riler Platte. Xo'v you all Kineniiiir thai William .teuuin.'.s Uiian Is railed tho !mv oilor ef Ihe Platte, ami it is laid time ai physie.il i liara.'teii-iif - In that di.tingui-hid livir Ilia, inn (iitiulv paiallcl null liiian, !' lilli'i liially ,uid mintall.t. It i- -lid to he many thou-iud miles hug, and a iiutnhii of itiiii Iil and vny thallow. ami a leiv peruli.ir tiling ahiinl thai liiei i.. ih.a it chanae- its phi-icl pei uliaiilies ami ehaiacld inii s as lie appaienlh' ih.ucis ids ii.cntal and iuti'lleelu.il cliaiai Lrii-tie-. Now, the tdiur lii uri '.. ;: we mi inih:e e nt'.i I hing tie -,n. n tin-' I'uui.iatun tin h he lau.w. and a i.iuliar thing almiir tins riler is in the ,iear I'Iihi it i- gtowiiig .-hallowii iiny da i, mid il i- &'. -h.ilt.iiv now that Ihe gi!i"l,i'ppi i- eieu w.ule Minis- lh.it li'.er. ami it is aid that Ihey -elilnai wrt llieir fee., it is -it -hallme: and 1 -aw tlie grn hoppn- miceli or tin oihei ide i.r tlie liver, and they nui-i liaio wad.'d aeio-s In order to get aiio-- ih. tiler. (A loire III the aiidlinii illltllilpls the -pe.lU' erl. If I .i.i f .ir. am i.f 4ii) fiiiiid- dial want In put iuijiitiiis to mt, and I -hall nut he heie tint two Iioum or lime horns or four hotav. hill If any lady or geuth man has any inipiiiy t. put In the ioiir-e of till- di-Mi-inu I shall he 1 1 y alid to nieiie ami an-wer it. lhni'l he ali.iiil ot me, yon ni.iv lie dead Mire I atu mil ,'iliaid of ion. Now, the llrl lliii.g io lie -aid in this t'.iiit giaign In any -peiili is a- ha- well heen ,-ug' r,e-led liy .lour di-tiiigui.-lu d m.i.ioi'. who pie-side.- omi llil. iiieetlng, thi' In t Ihing to he -aid i- llial we aie lonl'ionled wltli the snue eandid.ili'.s dial w were in Ivni, Tlie next thing to he said Is thai no (.Ingle -talcmpnt made by U'llll.im .Ipiiiiiii;- Iti.i.iii in IS'id has eier provitl Hue or come willilu a gun-hot of pio.' ing tl.it, liol one ,-lugle plu.plic-y, and he is eoiidiiciliig this I'.iiiipaicn altogeiher on pioplie.y, Xow, if h. iniild not ue.-s light In l.-lui, and he could mil, how i.tu we he .i-sineil that he cat gue-s ilulit now, and on tlie bads of that guci.s ii-li Intelligent people to ifgl..er lluir lotcs lor him .nnl the pnlieies that lie rrpie. ,enl.s in Ihis camp.ilgnV SIM IK AMI Wlir.VT illViHICIMI. Why 1 had the ptiiihge in heating a nun wlio heard lillli luaUe a -pieili In t'letelatnl in Ix'.ii), when lie was mi lull of I Ills iloctiiue of his t.'oiiliuuect cm I'.igti '.) Dr. James', Headuvho 1'owileri. FOUR DOSES 10 CENTS. Clictip onougli yes, nnd good us gold, Dr. James' Headache Powders. No mutter whut tho cuuso of the heuduclio, Dr. Jumos' Headacho Powders will euro it. 'Restore nerve force inuko it impossible for headache to exist, No etuptfy lug drugs. Absolutely iiuimless. At Your Druggists. 4 Doses for 10 Cents. Cure Where Others Fail. SHERIFF'S SALES, OIIKUMT'S BAt.R OI-' Valuable Real Estate -us- KUUJAV, NOVKAttlKIt 0, lfXi. Hy virtue of Hiiiidr.v writs of l-'leri I'll Ins, Levari Iiteliis nnd Venditioni 1!.- ...,., i.......l ..,.. ..r i l.n r.,.i..i ..r ri.i... c I'ifii.ip. icniiu'ti uui til inu v.iiii , ... v..,,.- nioii l'leiis of htteltiiwunnii Count)', to mo poll tiiicuii'ii, i will cxpu.-u in iioiiiii; run' o vendue or otitety, to the blithest und beit bidder, for rush, nt tho Court Mouse, In the City of Heriiiitnii, l.iietmwiinuii Coun ty, on I'lltDAV, thu NINTH 1JAY Ol-' NOVKMUKlt, A. I)., VMl, ut 19 o'clock In lite lM'cimotl of stild iJa.v, nil tho ilRlll, title and lnturust ot the ilerniiilunls lu unci to tho followltiB described lots, pieces in inirceis ni lllllll, vu.. No. 1. All tho llcht. title nnd interest or the defendant, Alary UtilU'y, udinlnl ttutrlx of Jnnu'M Donnelly, deceiised, in tuitl to tilt that certain piece or imrcel of liiiiil sltnulti In i'rleeburir. l.uelcawnti'ia county, I'ii,, known us hot No, 7 In Ulock No. in, and frontiiiu; on Albert Htreet; be lnij filly (fjil feet In front by olio hundred and sixty-live (lf.r.) teet In depth, accord lntr to ti plan or mnp entitled Alnoro'ti Alii) or Prlrobiiw. Cnul and inlncrnlH reserved. All Improved with one two Btory wood two-hoiine block and out lnillilttiRM thereon. Seized and tuketi In execullim at tlie suit of Johanna Donnelly vs. Alary Cui ley, ndinlnhtratrK- of James Donnelly, di'crnred. Debt, t'MZ JtulKnicnt No. IIP!, November Term, into. h'l. la, to Nov. Term, 1!M.io. WOODltt'h'K, Alt'y. AhSO No. 2. All the right, title nnd InlerMt of tho defendiintH, Aterrltt Scott, Mcrrltt Scott. Jr., Andrew Heotl, .ibu Seott and David Scott, In and to till that certain piece or parrel of hind situate In the township of Silting: ttrook, dcs.erlbot a;i follows: BeKlniilucr at a beech Hump the pottthwest corner of Wllllnm llenn dlct warrant; thence south elKlity-elKht and one-half (SS'41 decrees east one hun dred and tltlrtv-three iHXl) perehei.; thence ntirlh one end one-fnurlh (1U1 ile Brees oust one hundrt;cl!ind thirty-three flfSJ) perches to the southwest rnrncr of Nn, ii: thence north tlilrty-eli;ht and three-fourths (.IV'i) deBrees west one hundred and tlilrly-tbree (l.T!) perehos to warrant line; thence iiliinu warrant line .outh one and throp-fourtlis fl"l) deKrees west one hundred nlid thirty-two and one-fciutth ca1!) perches to road to tlie place of bcKlnnliiK. ('onliiliilnif mio hun dred and tea (110 ncres, be the same mciro or less, Uelng No. I of Al. Jley lort'H idlolinent of Siirlnff Brook; lielnu part of the William Iiencdlct wurraut, and beliiu that certain lot of land which was contracted by Atichind Aleylert, at tiitnev for tlie e.-tale of Samuel "NX. Klsher. deceased, tu Aferritt Scott, of Spring; llrook. by articles dated April UTtli. A. D., 1S.VT. and afterward UHSlRtied to .lulla Ann Scott on April 27, A. ID.. 1S;!. and sub.siMptetitly devised by said Julia Aim Scull in defendant. Alert-it Seott, sr,, as will more fully appear by, reference to will of said .lulla Ann Seott In roRlster of Mills' otliee, In nnd for t.ai'kawnniiu county. Improved with a two-storv flame iHvcllitiR hotu.e, two frame barns, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit or Asi-lpticd to (.ieorso At. Okell vs. Alerrltt Senlt. Debt. .tll2.!H. Jtulgmoiil No, 1.-.I. Septemlier Term, T-tni. Ki. fa. to November Term. !W. Also at tlie suit of Assigned to Ctenrge jr. Okell vs. Aler rltt Seott. Jr.. Andrew Seott. Xlb.i Scott and David Seott. Debt. $.ivr.ri(i. .Iitdu menl No. Mi2, .latiuary Term, P.nKl. KI. fa. to November Term, IfOtl. OlvKhh, Alt'y. ALSO No. .'!. All the light, title and Interest of the cleleiiilant. Kdwnrd Allies, lu and to all lliosi! two eertaiit pieces, parcels or lots of land, situate, lylnjv and being; in tlie villagu of Daltnii, township of North Alilngton, county nf hacknwannn and state of I'eausvlvauia. belia? a part lit Coray's Addition to the Villago of Dal ton, boiitiiled nttil described as follows, to wit: Tlie first thereof beglutiinpr at the southeasterly corner of lauds late of Niran Ih-owu. dei.-eased, and on the easterly side of AVetherby street; thenen .siitith six and iliree-foitrtlis li'.:ii) cle grees west two liuiidreil and fifty f"'i')) feet to a corner of Ives' lot; '.hence nlolif; tho iiiirlberly boiiudury line of said Ive-.' lot. cioutli elglity-threo and nnii-tourlli (SlPi; degrees east two hundred and fifty Cr.li) feet In a coiner In the westelly boundary line of the Delinvnre.l.ackiiwaii na and "Western llullioad eoiiuiany's rlKht of way: thence along lasl mentioned Him north six and three-fourths oi:;;i degrees east two hundred and llfty C'aiji feet In a corner In line of lands late of Nlran lirowii. deceased :.lheliee alonji' tho soulli erlc boundary line of lust mentioned lands north eighty-threw nnd one-fourth (sn'i) degrees west iwo hundred and llfly (li.VD feet to ii corner, the place of begin ning'. Containing- sixty-two thousand (i;-.oo0) siiunrn feet of land, lie the same more or less. Improved with u larfro two-stniy frame dwelling- house, outbuild ings, trull und shade trees thereon. Tlie second thereof beginning; at the northwesterly corner of Thompson nnd Kim streets: tlieneii int. lite northerly Mile of Mini street: north elgltt -three and otie-foiilli is:'.1)) decrees iveM two hun dred C'ln feel to n ecu nor of Allies and Kim streeb.; thenen nlong' lite easterly slcl of Allies street, ninth -Ix and llnee fourths (') degrees e;.st llfly IW) feet to ii corner; thence south oiKlity-lliteo and one-foiirlli (S"'i1 degrees east two hundred iSmi) feet to u corner on West erlv Hide of Thompson street: iheiiee south six and tliree-foutllis (BUI de KI'uch west llfty (.i feet to n corner, the place of beginning. Containing; ten thousand (lO.Hfmj stpinro feel of Intnl. be the samo more or less. Improved with the same more or less. Seized and taken In execution at tho suit of .lames Filch and Alyroli Kas.son, executors nnd trustees of tlin estate of O II, I.oonils, deceased, vs, Kdward Allies. Debt, S;),:M.I.'i. Judgment No. liSS, Niievmber Ti'iitl, l!'i"'. KI. fa. to Novem- , .. ........ ....... Hi'' Ull.' Ail.. IJI'l' ItlOl, lO'J'l. .1I..IMV. .Ul ,1. Also at the sltll of llenrge.AI. Okell vs. IMwaril Allies. Debt. i:S7.l. .luilKllient No. lis, Jlurcli Term, lOoil. KI. fa. Io November Term. 10"". .,,, r ,,,, oii:i,i,, Atty, ALSO No. I.- All tho light, title nnd lllteiest of tin) defendant. C. N. Sllvlus. in and Io all that two-Htory frame tenement and tlio folowliur described lot of land, situate lu tho Thirteenth ward of tho City of Scrnntou, county ol l.aoknwuuuii and Htalo of Venitsylvnala. nn Wnlsh nnd Ho ban's Addition hi said eily lielnj? hot No. 10 und a strip of land between lot No. in und hot No. 11 about four nnd three tetulis (l."l feet wldu und two liundtvil VJft) feet deep, in Souaro or look No. ilio. and sltuato upon street called and known as Woymluir avenue. Said hot No. ID helm; forty (lui feet in front on AVyo mini; aveiiuo und two hunched (.) teet In deplliH, and tho lot und strip losothor being forty-four and three.leutlui (l.l.lb feet In width and two hundred iaiO) leet In doptli and is reetiuigulur In slinpc. With the right to enclose mid use ten (10) feel lu trout ot mild lot on said ave iiuo for yard, vault, porch, piazza, bay window or shrubbery, but lor no other purpose, KxceptliiK' and reservlnt; coal and mlnerabi. Improved with a two story frame dwelllns' and other oiit-bulld. lugs ltelng; the samo laud and premises fully described In Alortgago Hook No. :M, ltaco KM, being; tho niortgtiBo aceompniiy JiiK tlio bond on which this Jiidgnieiit wan entered. Seized nnd taken In execution at tlio suit ot' Sllna llnblnson vs. Charles ' Sllvlus. Debt, 1.1j1. , Jilrtsment No, !K)7, Alny Term, IW). KI. In. to Novem ber Term, 1iW. WKM.S & TOltUMV, Atl'ys. ALSO No. I. AH 11m rlKht, lltlo and Interest of the dofciiilain. Alex. A. Ilrcu naii, ami Nora '- llieiimcu. In and to all that corlnln pleie or parcel of laud, Mtuate, lying- and being; tn the Klfth ward of tlio City of Calbonilule. county of Lackawanna and Main of Pennsylvania, bounded ami described ad follows, to wit; HcKlnnlns: at u corner of lands of Alexander Cluiio, on tho southerly sldo of Canaan street; tliefleu south thlrly-nlx (30) degrees cast alons.' tho Hue of lauds of said Alexander Clunii ninety (00) feet to a stako corner' In lino of loads of suld Aloxondcr Chine: thenco south llfty and three-fourtlis (50)i) du urecs west aloiu; IiiihIh of I'atrick blinu lion forty (10) feet to a atuko corner; thenco north thlrty-Mx (3d) degrees west along hinds of 1'atriok Shannon ninety tOO) feet to a corner on tho southerly sido of Camiiin Htreet: thenco north llfty and three-fourths tWli) degrees east along Cunutin street forty (10) feet to tho place of beginning. Containing threo thousand six hundred (3.C00) soimre feet. Jtelng tho samo lot of laud which Patrick Shun non and wlfo by deed dated tho twenty-fli-Bt day of September, A. P., 1W2, und SHERIFF'S SALES, isiirtt v, jircnnan, ins wire, improved with n two'story frame dwelling Itutiso iiiidiiutliuliilliig, Seized and taken In execution nt the milt of Patrick Shannon vii. Alex, A. llrenniiu el ill, Debt, $S0!.'-'3. .ludgiuent No, r.72, May Term, lSSii, V, fn. to Novem her Term, law. O'XMIM Att'y. ALSO No. C All tho light, title nud Interest or tho defendants, Patrick I.arkln and llrldeet l.iiilcln and Alary A. i.arkln. In nnd to till Unit certain piece or parcel i.f hind Hltunto In tho borough of Dun more, county ot r.ackiiwnumi, slate of Peniisylvanlii, hounded nnd described nn follows, to wit: llelng the front part of Lot No, 15 lu Scpuire or I Hoik No. f, and ft-onllng upon tho Drinker turnpike, nnd being about nlxty-elght (OSl feet In width und on the eastetly sido two hun dred and clglttson ('.'IM feet In depth, and on the westerly side two hundred nnd forly-soven i'24i) feet In depth, nc rnrillng to a plan or map entitled "Par ker K Throop'H Allotment ot thu Mlier wood l'ltriu." All conl nl'd minerals re terinl limn oved wltli a stone icllur fotltitlntlon wall, fruit treei' and grapo vim thereon. Sulzod and taken In exeeullon at the suit of Stowers' Pork Packing nnd Provision Company vs. Patrick l.ar Iciu and llrldgct Tiarkln. Debt, $1MJ.rn. .ludgmenl No. 2.". November 'lerm, IMS. Alias Vend. V.x. to Noyem her Term, lfXi. Also ut the suit of Min vs. Alary A. I.niklu. Debt, $ae.3S. Judg ment No. lift, November Term, ISIS. Alius Vend. Kx. to November Term, WW. Wlljl.AKl), WAllllKN fc KNAl't". Alt ys. AT.SO No. ".-All the right, title and intercut of tho defendant, ChurleR At. Lancaster, In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying nnd being In tlie vlllr.go of Aloseow. township of Atudl son, eotinty ot Lackawanna nud statp of Pennsvlvanlii, bounded and described as rollows, to wit: lteglniilng ut the cor ner of street called and known as Church iUrect and running 'hence north eight (S degrees east along Mania street two htmlred feet; thenco north clghty-two (K.i degrees west one hundred nnd tifty, (160) feet to an alloy: thence south live (u) de grees west two hundred (200) feet to cor ner of Church street; ther.ee e.ihterly nlong Church street about .mo hundred nnd forty-three (113) feet to the place of beginning; being Lot No. I and. part of Lot No. 2. on Uloek P.. on J. K. Love land's addition to the village of Aloseow. Intended to lie duly recorded. Improved wltli a two-story dwelling houu and oihei' outbuildings. Seized and taken hi execution at tins suit of Mary Augusta Gardner vs. Cluirien At. Lancaster. Debt, $1,110. Judgment No. 203, November Term, V.kk). T"l. ra. to November Term, Ititw. SI. J. AIAirriN, Alt'y. ALSO No. . All the light, title and interest of the defendant, John II. Jordan, admin istrator of Itlehnril Jordan, deceased. In and to all that certain piece or puree! of land, silualo In tlie borough of Arch bard, ooiuitv of Lackawanna and slate of Pennsylvania, bounded and deierlbe.l as follows, to wll: Containing a front of sixty (00) rent northwestward on I'liiu street, hounded northeastward nt right angles to .'-aid sliced one hundred (lnO) feet by Lot No. 13 on said street; soutli eastwatd parallel with said street sixty (CO) feet by Lot No. Hi. onCherr y street, and soutliwestward at right angles to said Pino street one hundred (loO) feet b ythe northeast line of Wayne street. Iloitnr designated ok Lot No. I." nn Pine sttenl, as per mnp of tlie Delaware' and Hudson Canal company in the borough of Archbald. Coal reserved. All Im proved wltli a two-stor yfratne dwelllns house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at tho suit of Assigned to AI. J. Klntz vs. John If. Jordan, administrator of ltlchard Jor dan, deceased. Debt. $l,0oi. Judgment No. 31.1, November Term, liiOO. Lev. fa. to November Term. Won. WOODrtl'KK. Alt'y. ALSO No. IK All the light, title nnd Interest of the defendant, Kred C.umnel-, in and to all that certain farm, consisting of two adjoining pieces of land situate in the township of Hentou. county of Lnekn--svnnnu and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows: Iieglnnlng at a post in tho center of the old Dlkwond road, corner of land surveyed to thu wife of Carlton D. Karnuni. daughter of Isnao Dotal: thence south eighty-two and onci half (S2!-.) degrees east one hundred and fourteen and five-tenths illl.B) perches along said road to ap ost corner of Milan Kvarts' land; thenco north along .said ICv urts' line one hundred and fifteen nnd live-tenths (11.1,3) perches to post and stones where the beech stood, another corner of said Kvarts"; thence north rorly-slx (461 degrees east along said Kv rats' line thirty-tlve and tlve-lenths (3.1.1,) perches to post and stones In linn be tween the counties of Susquehanna and Luzerne; thence noith eighty-seven and one-half (S7"i.) degres wst along said county line one hundred and eighteen (USi jieicltes to post nnd stones corner of land sold bv Isaac Deiiul to Alva Cook: thence south thltteen and one-fourth (13' i) de grees west along said Cook's line nlnety otii! and live tenths (fll.S) perches to post in line of said Mrs. Karnum's laud: thenco south clghty-two and one-h.ilf (S'J1-) degiees east nlong tlie line of the sumo four (I) porches to corner of tho same: thenen south twenty-three (23) perches to the place of beginning. Con taining eighty-seven (S7) acres and elgh-tv-two (S2i perches, more or less, and be ing same prcmUi'S which 1-lzcUirl Cumaer by his lasl will mid testament devised to said Krederick rjurnaer, and also one ad joining piece of land bounded and de scribed as folows: Hounded easterly by lands above closet Hied; southerly by lands of IO. Quick and Jnmun Lirundage; west erlv by lands of Jnmun lliuiiilago nnd K. K. Phillips, and northerly by tlm dividing line between tho counties of Lackawanna and Susciueltiinna. Containing fitly (101 neies, more or less, being tho same land which .1. (!. Villliims ct ul. sold and con- vnv. it In s.';lt.l Kr ilerick IllllltnOI III' lll'.wt dated Apiil 17, !Ss5, and recorded lu I.nek iiwal pa conntv In Deed nok No. Ii, paif ::CS, etc. Kxcciillng and resolving from said farm consisting ot tho niiove-de. scribed pieces of land about ten (im acres which I bo said Frederick iltiiiiaer (.old and eoneyed to John If, tSrunlng by deed dated Keb, 4, 1SHS, nnd rt'eorded In Laeltawainiii county lu Deed .nook No. 1S3, page 2ili, leferencio being thereunto had the same will more fully ami at largo appear. Tlie raid l'miii louMstlp,; of tlie above described lots or pieces of bud Is Improved with one two. story franio dwellbr,' douse, two burns, ono eieriiuiy. other oiitliuildliigs and apple orchard thereon. Seized mid 1tllti.ll 111 exeeullon Pi tlio suit of Freeman Leach, assigned to Sdhis ll.trlly vs. Fred Cumuer. Debt. M,(r.'.:.:r.i. Judgment No. lino, Slav Term. 1V.'9. Alias Ii, la. to November Term, IMO. mtOWNINd, Att'y. ALSO No. 111. All Ilia right, title and lulmont of Ihe dotendanl. II. K. Van Kleeck. In nud to nil that eeriiilii Picco or pr.roel of land sltmiio in tlio borough of Jermyn, Liiekawmuia county, boimihd tuul de scribed as folows; Iteglimlug nt tho southerly corner of tho intersection of Third avenue and O struct; thenco along tho southerly side of Cslreet In a south jasterly illnctlon sixty (fio) feet to a eor nnr; thenco In a southwesterly and paral lel with suld Third avenue, fifty (Gu) feet nioro or less, lo ii corner in line of lot now or Into of .lames Shields and known as Lot No, 27.1a Uloek No. ."Us thenco In a northwesterly dlicctlou nlong tho linn of said Lot No. 27 und nt right angles to said Third avenue, sixty (W) feet, muro or less to said Third avenue; thenco northeasterly direction along southwest erly side of Third avenue, llfty (SO) feet, more or less, to plnoo of beginning, heln:; part of Lot No, 20 lu sntd lllock No. .'.'. Improved with a two-story franio dwell ing and outbuilding, Coal und inlnerala reserved, Also, all that lot or parcel of land lu the. aforesaid borough of Jermyn, Lucka witiina county, Pa., bounded and de-.-icilbed ns follows, to wit: Iieglnnlng ut a point on tho iUliHonburg nud Hubbard's Corners turnplku ut u corner of lands of tho Kuali llrook lodge. No. 5$, ot thu In dependent Order of Odd Fellows; thence lu a westerly direction and along said turnpike llfty-eight US) feet to u corner; thenco In a northerly direction and at right angles to said turnpike llfty (Ml teot to a corner: thenco In an easterly direc tion parallel to eald turnplko llfty-eight (US) feet to a corner: thenco It) n south oil ydlrectlon at right angles to said turn plko llfty (W) feet to placo of beginning, llelng u part of Lot No. 1. lu Ulock No. 2$, uccordlug to the maps of tlio town plot, of tho village of tllbsoaburg. Im proved with a small barn ami blucksmith tdiop. Coal and mineral reserved. Seized und taken 111 oxciitlon at the suit of lllltenbciidcr & Co, vs. II. K. Vun recorded lu the olllee of Ihe recorder of lleoit'l In t.tielliltvMloin niilllltl In lleril Hook No. i7, pilgc .107, giiinleil anil con veyed to suld Alexander A. Ilrcnmin und SHERIFF'S SALES, Kleelt, Debt, t"'tX Judgment No. 127L September Term, lS'JS. I'l. fn. to November Term, t). ALSO Nt. 21. All tho right, lltlo and Interest of the defendant, Joseph A. tlotltil, 111 and to nil thosu eertiiln loin, pieces or parcels of land sltuato In thu Kind ward of the City of Sermiton, County ot Uiek iiwnnmi and state of Pennsylvania, hounded mid deFcrlbed us follow", viz: Heglntilug' nt a stake the northwesterly corner ot llobert Itahie's lot on tho northerly lino of Itulno street: thence along said northerly line of Italne stteot north lorty und ono-hulf (Ill's) degrees west reventy-one (71) feet to n gas pipe stako corner: thenco north forty-seven nnd onc-lutll' (I7U.1 degrees eiiftt two hun dred mid It'll (21n) leet along lands of Jacob K, Jollier to a gits Plop stake cor ner on southerly line of Parker street: thence along tald southerly Hue or Par ker stieol south eighty-six (SO) degrees eaid. ninety-live tfi.1) feet to a corner of Mild Hubert ltnlne's lot; thcuee torty-slx and oiie-hulf (IO1.;.) leet along said Hubert Hiiltic's land to the place of beginning. Containing sixteen thousand lour hun dred und llfty (Hi.l.lO) square feel or land inoro or less, and being Lots Nos. 9 and 10 on the mail of Jollier's addition to the city of Sorunton, recorded or Intended lo bo recorded In tho otliee .for recording of deeds in thu county ot Lackawnnna, be ing tlie sumo piece or land conveyed lo tho said Joseph A. Could by Jueoli K. Jollier unci wife by deed dated Dee. 17, IMi.1, recorded in Lackawanna county lu Deed Hook 131, page 170, etc, Seized and taken lu oxoullon al the suit of Assigned to Charles S. Scnmans or Joseph A. Could. Dubt. JI.10O. .Illdg meat No. 210, November Term, l!i. KI. fa. to November 'form, 1W0. COM HOYS, Att'y. ALSO No. 12. All Ihe right, title and Interest of thu defendants. Alttrgaret Alack and James Alack, In and to all that, certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate In tho borough of Alayllcld, Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, hounded and described tot follows, to wit: llelng all that portion of Lot No. 22, In Ulock No. 3, that lies easterly of a lino drawn parallel with and thirty Clil) feet distant easterly incas upred at right angles from tho located center lino ot the Onturio. Curhondalo and Scranton railway. Excepting and reserving tlie coal and minerals thereon. Jielug part of tho same premises con veyed by I'atrick Aleehau and wife to 1.. 1J. Still ges, by deed dated Nov. S, ISM). and recouled lu Peed Hook No. Co, paso IS!-', etc;.. In the office for recording deeds, olc, In and for Lackawanna county, Pa. All improved with a two-story frame dwelling, with basement and out-uulld-ingis thereon. Seized and taken In exetitloti at tb suit of Dp Hoy AI. Sclioonover, assignee of Thomas P. Fowler nud John II. Kerr. vs. Ahtrgaret Alack and James Mark. Debt. .7S1. .Tudgmtnl. No. 1133. September Term, lliiW. Lev. f a. lo November Term, I'.ioo. mTRH, Att'y. ALSO No. 13. All the right, title and Interest or tlio defendants, "Alary K. Dougherty and Patrick- J. Dougherty, in and to all tho following described piece or inirccl of land situate In tho borough of Dunniore, county of Lackawanna and stute ot Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows: Commencing al a point, being tlio southerly corner of Center nud I fill streets and running In a westerly direc tion along the line or said Center street, ninety twi) feet to a corner upon John Marlon's land: thence in a southerly di rection along the land of said John Ala rloit one hundred and seveuty-fle (led feet to a corner on the land of James Dougherty; thenco In an easterly direc tion ninety (W) feet along tho lino ol land of James Dougherty to Hill street; thence alone said J Mil street in an noriii eilv direction one hundred and sevenly llvo (17.1) feet lo tho placo of beginning. Containing tlfteen thousand seven hun dred and llfly (11,7.10) square feet of laud, be the same more or Hss. Improved with foundations and outhouses. Seized and taken in exeutlon at Ilio suit of the Cosmopolitan Uulldhig and Loan association vs. Alary K. Dougherty and Patrick J. Dougherty. Debt. .... 0. Judgment No. Sit. November Term, )". Lev. fa. to November Term, V.W). STARK, Alt'y. ALSO No. II. All the right, title anil Interest of lite defcmlaui. Jeitulo IS, Clrovcr, ad ministratrix of the F.stale. of Frank J. Hi-over, deceased, in and to all thai cer tain piece, parcel or tract of land situate in tho village of Aloosic, county of Lack awanna and state ot Peniisylvanlii, but ted, bounded and described as follows, to wll: Hegluning at a point on tlie north erlv sido of Alinooka avenue ul a dis tance of firt yr.0) feel from tho Inter section of Fourth btreel with .said Alinoo ka avenue; thence la a westerly direc tion along said Alinooka avenue a dis tance of twenty-five 2.1) feet to a cor jier; thence In a northerly direction In linn parallel to said Fourth alieet a dis tance of 13ii feel to Lackawanna avenue; ilieueo hi an easlerl ydlrecllou along said Lackawanna avenue, about iwenly-llvn feet to u coiner, and thenco in a south erly direction In Hue parallel with said Fourth street a distance of one hundred and lltlrtv U30) feet to tho place of be ginning. Coi.talnlng about three thou sand two hundred and llfty (il.iM) rcpiare eel of laud, be the rtitiin more or k'ss, it lielns ii part of Lot No. 3i. lu 1 slock No. 1, front lug Jii Alinooka avenue, as will iippe.ii' by reference lo a vitiligo map or plot mad" by It. P. Ilockwcll, esq., civil c ngineer. llelng tlie .same laud conveyed by John Thomas and Catherine, his wll'.-. to Frank J. Grover bv deed clatod tho second day of August, :S. and recorded in the recorder's oHleo in Lackawanna county In Deed Look No. id, page IH, etc. Improved with a two stnrv franio dwelling house and out buildings thereon. Seized and taken In oxoullon sit the still of Henry D. llrewsler vs. Jennie M, Clover, mtminlslratrlx of Frank .1. llro ver, deceased. Itebt, ?.1S0.s7. Judgment No. 120". September Term, II"."). Lev. f.t. to November Term, llinf). VOSni'HC & DAWSON, Alt'ys. ALSO Nn. 13. -All ilm right. Illle and iuluivst ot the defendant. (Irani .1. Keeskir. In and to all that tract or parcel of land tdtutae in "Lackawanna Park" In the First ward of ihu City of Scraniou, in Ilio easterly tingle formed by tlio junction of Deitv street and Until Ft root. llelng Lo No. 1, In lllock No. 3, In said Purl:, bounded and described an follows: L'c ghinlug uL the easleily angle of said sticets; thence along tho southerly sido of said Itulh street north thlrty-nlno csi) degrees und tweuty-ono 121) minutes cast nlxtv-two i. ml twenty-olio rmo-huudrcdthn nil 21) feel; thenco north sixty-three and llfiv-elglit ope-hundredtlis H-3..1S) degrees cast eight and forty-one one-hiuulredths IS. II) feet lo tho corner of Lot No. ::, lu laid plot; thence along said Lot No. :: south llfty (.) degrees und thlrty-nlno t:;:i) minutes east twenty-sis and live tenths (211.5) font to a corner of Lot No, f.. In said plot; thenco i-outli ililriy-nlne i3!i) dc gives and tiventy-ono (21) minutes west seventy (70) foot to tho eastern side lino ot said Dotty street: thenco, along said Dotty street north titty (.' degrees unci thlrty-nlno i3(i) minutes west thirty (30) fee lii the placo of beginning', llelng tho samo land conveyed by Jnmcs Nich ols to tho said tlraut J. Kecsler by deed dated tho stxtlt day of June.A. IX, 1SH mid recorded In tho recorder s iilllen In and forLackaw tuina county lu Deod Hook No, lltf, paago fill, etc. Seized and tuken In oxciitlon at tho suit of thu Mlddlo Slates Loan, Hand ing and Construction company vs. tlrunt .1 Keesler. Debt. JOII.bs. Judgment No, ::l. November Term, l!Ki KI. fa. to November Term, mmUt A,, ALSO No. 10. All Iho rlKht. lltlo and Interest of Iho defendant, llvereti F. Aleirlam. In and to all Ibut certain piece or parcel of laud sltuato in tho boiough ot Dun. more, county of Lackawanna and stato of Pcniihylvunla, nud doocrlbed aa follows, to wit: Iieglnnlng ut tlio northeasterly corner of Clay avenue and Ureen Hldgo htreet; thenco i mining in a iiortliensierly direction along Clay avenue lllty-two iM) feet to a corner: thenca at right angles to Clay nvenuo In a Eouthcastcrly dliec tloii llfty-nluo (5S) feet to a corner; thenco In a northeasterly direction and parallel with Clay avenuo eighteen (l) font and four (I) inches to a corner; thence in u southeastcrlv direction and at right ea gles with tho last Hue iiluety.ouo (id) feet lu u coiner: tlieneo nc right angles 111 a southwesterly direction elghy (SO) feet and tour (I) Inches to Iho lino of Oreen llldgu street: thenco In n north cnsterl direction nlyong llreen Hldgo street ono hundred and fifty (150) feet to tho place, of beginning. lining parts of Lots Now. 13 and 11, lu Squ.iro of illeek NO. -l:). on tho plot of Sander.son's Addition to Scinntoa and llreen Hldgo. No bulldlut" to bo erected within' ten tlO) feet of tho Inside, lino of tho sidewalk on Clay avenue uud Qrecn Hldgo street. Im- SHERIFF'S SALES, moved, with two.slory frutno S-lettemi'iit house nnd outbuildings. Seized mid Inkeit In execution at tha ftilt of Leonard U. llosford vs. I'.voiett I'', Aterrlmn. Debt, J3,'J1S.W. Jildginettt No, ;i7t'. November Term, 1!W0. KI. ra to Novomber Term, irwi, CAIU'tlNTI'JH, Atl'y. ALSO No. 17.-AII tho right, lllle mid Intercut ot tho defendants, Luke llurruti mid P. !'. llnrntn, in nnd to nil tho fnllowltiif described lot of land sltuato In tho west erly sido of Stnnscy avenue, In tho Thir teenth ward of thu city of Scranlon, Lackawanna county nnd state of Penn sylvania, ns fallows, viz: llelng Lot No, i) In Square or lllock No. 21. upon tin, plot of Sanderson's Addition lu Mild cltj called Green Hldge. Said lot contains In front on said Mousey nvenuo sixty (tii feet mid extends of that width In length or depth .ono hundred and soventy-otu and one-half (I71'i) feed, Tito measure, tnent of the depth to enmtnenco ten (lo) root from tlio Imtldo of the sidewalk, wlih thivilght to enclose, occupy and ltr the suld tell (to) feet for cellar-wny, poich, steps, verandas or shrubbery, hut not to erect any buildings thereon. He serving, ns thoy have heretofore been re served, all coal ami minerals beneath tho surface of suld lot, with the samo rights ns to mining and removal ot same. Im proved with a two-story frame dwelling house, barn, fruit trees, grape vines ami outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution at th sltll ot Md wn rd Louglilln vs, Luke liar-1 ran and P. F. Ilarran. Debt, $lou. .Illdg metll No. 3!)7, November Term, 1CO0. Fl, fa. to November Term, l!io. SI1UIITLKKF, Atl'y. ALSO No, IS. All the right, title and Interest ot the defendant, Cleorgn Conery, In unit to all tho folowlng described ploco or parcel or hind situate In the Fourth ward or tho city ot Scranton, county ot Lackawanna, and statu of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows: Iie glnnlng at a corner on Ynnllureti nvenuo thirty-seven nud one-half (Si'.s) feet northeasterly from the corner ot Lot 'No. 2S. now of James f'uslck. It being tho northeasterly corner of said Lot No. 2S; thence northerly along suld A'an Bureii avenue thirty-seven and oae-halC (37lfc) feet' to a corner: thenco westerly on .i Hue parallel wltli Lafayette street to Lot ..o. 14 one hundred (100) feet: thenco southerly along division line between Lois Nos. 41 nnd 41 thll'ty-snven and one half (S7!&) feet to a corner thlrty-soven and one-halt (37',-j) feet from Lot No. 2S; thence In a southeasterly direction and parallel wltli the division lino between Lot. No. 2S and Lois Nos. 43, 40. 47 and IS one hundred (100) feet to Van Huron ave nue, the placo of beginning. Coal nnd minerals reserved. Improved with a Uvil Hlory frame dwelling and outbuilding. Seized nnd taken in execution at tha suit of the New York Alutual Saving and Loan association vs. George Con nery. Debt, J1.247.S2. Judgment No. :isf, November Term, l'JOO. Lev. fa. to Novem ber Term, I'ii'O. STAHK, Att'y. ALSO ) No. Hi. All the right, title and Interest ol the defendant, Frank Harouke, In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of kind situate In tho borough of Hlakely. eotinty of Lackawanna and state ot Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows, to wll: llelng Lot No. 4, lit lllock No. 2, on plol of land formerly owned by .Tolin C. Langan, said lot H forty-feet wide Hit front on Clieslnii street, and ono hundred nnd forty (1401 feet In depth, mid Is tho bind conveyed by Allebael Green anil wife to Frank Harouko by deed elate tho fourteenth day of August, 1S03, recorded In Deed Hook No. 101. page 4sl, etc. All Im proved with a two-story frame dwelling house nud other outbuildings thereon. Seized iind taken in execution at the suit of New Schiller Untitling and Loan association vs. Frank Hnronko. Debt, 51,121. Judgment No. 102. KI. fa. to Novem ber Term, WOn. STOKKS, Att'y. it. ALSO No. 20. All tho right, title and Interest of tho defendants, Horatio N. Patrick and Harry Smith, and Elizabeth K. Belles, terro tenants. In mid to all those two several adjoining lots or pieces of land situate hi tlio First ward of tlnf city of Scranton, county of LuckawuuiK and stato ot Pennsylvania, bounded am described as follows, to wit: First neghining at a stako In the reuc of Lot No, ti. in the partition of the es tate of Philip Swartz, deceased; thenca by snld lots south llfly-threo (53) degrees cast forty-two (42) perches to a oorncr' in the Lackawanna river: thence lu and along said river north twenty-two (22i degrees west ten and six-tenths (10.0) perches to a stake mid stones in tlie Lackawanna river: thenco north twenty Hvm und one-half (21',i) degrees west eight and live-tenths fS.5) perches to a birth tree; thenco north twenty-seven and one half (27',i) degrees west In and along said river twenty-two and five-tenths (22.fi porches, more or less, to a pine tree, now dead; thence south sixty (Uu) degrees west along lands of "Sllkman Plot" llf ten unci two-tenths (11.2) perches to .1 corner; thence south htirty-nine (30) de grees west live and three-tenths (.1.3) perches to the place of beginning, con taining two (2) acres and nlnety-thrnn and live-tenths (M..1) perches of land, men ci or lesu. Second A strip of land HI I ecu (11) feet In width throughout, bounded on tho southwesterly side by Deueon .struct : on the sotilttcusterly side by lite lino of tlm southeasterly Mde of the "Homestead lot," mi the northeasterly sido by liuid described above, and on Ihe uorthwest piIv side b vtlit! suuthuasli-ily "Cottago lot!" so called. In tlio partition of tlin real ostue of litiphemla WInl. deceased, now owned of Theodore .1. Whit, under lite partition proceedings in said Euphe mlii WInl estate: said strip of laud be ing ubout two hundred and sciventy-ilVH 127.11 feet in length or depth, being thi puiport or share of (lie suld Louis If. WInl, set out and partllioned to htm In thu estate of tho said nupliemia WInt, ileecastd. ill ISlfl. excepting and reserving therefrom Iho fololwlng described lots, from which tho Hen of sold mortgage has been mleased, Viz: Lot No. , in Ulock No. 2. on Dully street; Lot No. !l. In Uloek No. :t, on Dettv street; Lots Nos. in mid 11. lu Hloeic No. II. on Dotty street; Lois Nos. 7 and S, lu Ulock No. J, on Dolly strict: Lot No. 4, 111 Ulock No. .1, on Dettv and Huih streets: Lot No. :t, m Uloek No. I. on Tiogast reel: Lot No. 2, in lllock No, 2. on Ttogn street: Lot No. II, in lllock No. 2, on Dotty street: Lots Nos. !) and 10. In lllock No. 22. Said lots being morn full described in the map of snld plot known as "Lackawanna Park." Im proved with Ihreo slnglo two-story frmno dwellings and outbuildings, uud ono dou ble two-story .frame dwelling liou-sn and outbuilding!-. Seized and taken In execution at tho suit of Louis 11. Wint vs. Horatio N. Pat rick. Debt. 3,10,1.1.1. Judgment No. law, September Tci m, lliOn, Luv. fa. to Novem ber Tor in, ll'irt, ClAHDNEIc, Att'y. TERMS OF SALE. FIFTY DOLLARS CASH WHEN PROP. RRTV IS STRUCK OFF, AND BALANCB IN CASH IMMEDIATELY AFTRR SALB IS CONCLUDED. WHEN SOLD FOR COSTS, COSTS MUST BE PAID WHEN STRUCK OFF. ALL PROPERTIES ON WHICH ABOVE TERMS HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLIED WITH WILL BE RESOLD BEFORE AD J0URNMBNT. CLARENCE E. PRYOR, Sheriff. Sheriff's Olllee, Scrautuii, Pa., Octo ber IV, lM-0. WINTER RESORT. 'Through the Hesperian Gardens ot tlie West" Ituus the Luxurious "SUNSET LIMITED." The rinest Thing- on Wheels, AND ITS DESTINATION ARE THOSE DELIGHTFUL Summer Lands of ' California." Skv1jI tluotixli trains consUtlnn o( -leepimr ninl illiilitgnrii Mill lc.no N'cMr Voile umy Sit iiuLiy, Tui'.iljy and Tliui.cl.iy. couu.-itinif ill. uclly th lli ".Sunset Miiillcil" at Xw OifcjiK. t'ul' full IiiIjiiihUqii, fue iliu.liuliil pjtnpli. lrU. imjm j n I IIiiiMjuIo., jI-o I'.uTit inlfi, tletpiiiy cji' tii'tvcU and Lugcputt' ilnecltcj, apply tu Southern lMthui i'u., 1W a. Tlilnl ktntt, I'lillsdclphla. 1M ti J. A-, - 'y -l-e,fSf- '. .".-I S ;a .- .-