" '- ',' r ' 'r IV i V'"4 r. . h'i t V V.il t M THE SCRANTON TmBUNE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1900. W NORTHEASTERN FARMERS STILL PROSPER. their Crops and Live Stock Worth ' More This Year Than In 1890. Tlic formers received $647,031,329 more for their crops tills year than last. Nicy gained 385,S55,ni4 In the value of their live stock, swine being excepted, is there are no official stntlstlcs on the increase of swine. The farmers are, In i few words, more than a billion dol lars better ofT this year than hist. the year 1899 was admittedly n pro oerous one with the farmers, but tbo alue of nine of the principal crops of :hnt year, as compiled by the United Stntes department of agriculture, was icarly $fl,"O,OO0,O0O greater this year :han last. Tho greatest Increases were ,'ii corn and hay, but the farmer re elvetl more for every ciop, excepting ,vits. The farmer knows how to vote '.his year so as to remain prosperous tnd to keep the consumeis well clothed, a ell fed and well employed. This year's gains over tho prosper ous year of 1S9D arc given herewith: l'aiiii Values of .Nine 1'rlnclpal Crops im i'hmi. t'nrn A20.3I0.1 10 f R'.),8IO,OnO .'niton ::ii.t,4,i',.wo j:i,750,'ifln iMirat :iiii,m2,;jo ssn.noo.iKX) ,)jl mtl)7,U75 K.lSTg.tOn 'dIjIocj yi.sjs.R.ij u;,:r,o,oon .Smlcy w,.ll,2.Tt ;i'j,n.i;,nnn if.tr I'J.'ill.llS U,'J4.,.'ill0 l,IV 4H,'U.187 firi.IXMI.CK10 r1uckuhc.il G,15.1,U7j ii,:!m),IHH) Total V.WO.W.lit $J,707,u:i7,V1 . Incrcaip on nine crops $ 147,034,329 Vuliio nf farm Animal. IS!)!). WOO. Ilnics $ 511.1)71, SH $ Cm,9,M2 Miller n'i,no.1,2hl 111,717,0!)2 riv 47I,'.M.I,'" .'il4,.SlJ,int! Other rattle 7,'HI,i:t1 fWl,4M,2(iU Siiccp in7,(i07,.vi(i uj.fwi.iia Total fl,Sifi,!)00,fir,l W,ilJ,7.-Ml..,i78 Increase A.' $ rwi.HM.lH Aild Increase nine imps fi47,tW4,3i') Total cain to farmer ..rl.lHi.i'HV.Ml BEAR ON THE TRACK. Fine Specimen Killed by Engineer r Gardner's Train, Near Glen Eyre. Fpecial to Hip Sirinlon Tribune. Honesdale, Oct. 28. The veteran en gineer, Benjamin Gardner, who was recently honored with a banquet at the .Allen house, met with a singular ex perience on bis last trip from Laeka waxen to Honesdale, on Thursday evening. When about a half-mile west of Glen Eyie, he encountered a monster black bear on the track. Bruin fe.iled in his attempt to derail the locomotive, hut was knocked out In the Wrst round, and rolled off the track, bleeding and dying. He weighed thiee hundred and sixty pounds. Previous to this, two bears have been seen around this locality. Mr. Gard ner, during his many years of railroad ing, has encountered landslides, snow drifts and chased deer on the track, but never before has he (had an en counter with a bear. As usual, Mr. Gardner escaped without Injury to himself or train. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton T.iliuno. Tunkhannock, Oct. 28. The West PIttstor. and TunkhannMck foot ball teams played here Saturday afternoon, the game resulting in a score of 11-.". in favor of Tunkhannock. Pictston scored once In the first half and failed to kick a goal, while b')'h of Tunk hnnnook's scores were made In thu second half of the game, the last just before tho call of time. The teams were evenly matched and the game was close and interesting at all stages. C J. Sumner, Prohibition candidate for senator in this district, whose home Is nt New Mllford, Bradford county, was In town on Saturday In the interest of his candidacy. Owing to the fact of the Republicans having no candidate for senator In their col umn on the oflieial ballot, the Demo cratic and Prohibition candidates seem to think there Is a chance for them to pull through. While the vote for R. S. Edmiston, the Honest Govern ment candidate, will undoubtedly be decreased somewhat throughout the district, still the Republican majority Is so large that there seems to be but little chance for any other candidate. Miss Anna Sterling, of Meshoppen, rvns in town on Saturday afternoon. G. X, Doyle, commissioners' clerk, pent Sunday at his homo In Nichol von. He will move his family here Jlrectly afier election and occupy the Catharine Townsend house on Wyom ing avenue. C. B. Little, of Scranton, visited his jeople hoie over Sunday. Sheriff John W. Gray lias returned ,'rom Philadelphia, where he went to Place James Terry in tho eastern pent '.entlary. lie was accompanied by Unrtln Clifford, of this place, us dep tty. There will be a gathering of Odd Fel ons of this county at this place on Cnv. 13, A degree team from Wilkes Karro Is to bo heio on that date and lo work In the various degrees of tho tidsc. The lodge will convene that light at Piatt's Opera house, thiough peclal dispensation, and ill) Invitation i to be extended to all tho lodges In Vyomlng county to be present and artlclpate In the affair. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qulnlno Tablets ure a cold In one day. No Cure, No 'ay. price 2o cents. PITTSTON. fecial to Hie Scranton Tribune; "Ittston, Oct. 28. Miss Agnes MoMIl- an, of Susquehanna avenue, West Mttston, Is critically 111 with typhoid ineuinoiiln, Mrs. Henry Martin, uged 70 years, lied Saturduy morning at tho homo jf her daughter, Mrs. Alexander Allen, vi Oregon Heights. Deceased had been III for u long time with paralysis, 'A husband and seven children survive, The funeral will take plnce .Monday U 2.S0 p, in. Mrs, Thomas Brown, of Cork Lane, DkBuII'sN ' CurtU Throat and Lung Affectioni. COUGH SYRUP k. Gt the gcauiue. Refute uttUute(. - Vis sure ( OMcttrej IUmmuUm. la at ctt. PENNSYLVANIA Idled Saturdny morning at the Mercy iur,iitti, vimeH-tmrre, iium inu i:i fects of nn operation. The funeral takes plncc Tuesday nt 9 n. m. The following have been elected offi cers of Dial Hock chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution: Regent, Mrs. Samuel Pear, re-elected; vice re gent, -Mrs. S. A. llrquhnrt; recording secretary, Mrs. XV. J. I'cck; corres ponding secrotary.MIss Martha Lance! treasurer, Mrs. S. .Tudson Stark, Tunk hannockj registrar, Mrs. W. A. Wll co, of Scranton, re-elected; histor ian, Mrs, Annette Gorman; chaplain, Mrs. O. L. Severson. Mrivv, David Evans and two children, of Cork Lane, returned home yester day from a week's visit with relatives hi West Scranton. Mis. Thomas Evans, of Hyde Park, was a caller here Saturday. Thomas Davis, son of Ebonostcr Davis, of Avoca, who was Injured sev eral weeks ago by being struck on the head by a stone, by one of his companions, has been discharged from the Plttston hospital. James Reed Injured. Mr. James Reed struck his leg against a cake of Ice In such a manner as to bruise It severely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not walk without the aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, also used Reveral kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whisky in bathing It, but nothing gave any relief until lie began using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure In a week's time and he believes that had he not used this remedy bis leg would have had to be amputated. Mr. Reed is one of the leading merchants of Clay Court House, W. Va. Pain Balm Is unequnled for sprains, bruises -and rheumatism. For sale by all druggists. Matthew Bros,, wholesale and retail agents. HOPBOTTOM. Special to Hie Scranton Tribune. Hnpbottom. Oct. 26. Mis. Sarah Ed waids, of Scranton, Is visiting her cousins, Mrs. Aim Ira Brown and Mrs. Rhoda Case, of this place. Miss Dora Belcher, of Carbondale, has been spending several days with her friend. Miss Deborah Davis. Messrs. Bailey and Kellum had a fine catch of fish at Tarbcl pond this week. Mrs. G. O. Bailey loft Thursday evening for Chicago, where she will make an,extended visit. The Scranton Dairy company Is now receiving about one hundred cans oC milk per day. Work is now progress ing upon the Ice house and addition to be erected at the creamery. "An Evening in Japan" was credit ably rendered at the Methodist Episco pal church, Thursday evening, by two Japanese' ladies, In company with a Japanese missionary. The Methodist Episcopal Aid society met for tea, Thursday evening, In the church parlor. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Bell and Mr. and Mrs. James Merrill attended the funeral of their brother, Andrew Mer rill, at Scranton, Wednesday. The Unlvetsalist Aid society, which met with Mrs. W. E. Brown on AVud nesday, was well attended. Among the visitors present were Mrs. Frank Ben jamin, of Nicholson; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sterling, Mrs. S. B. Eidrldge, Mrs. A. Sterling:, Mrs. A. W. Kent, Mrs A. G. Waldie and Miss Gertrude Waldie all of Brooklyn. AVOCA. The Ladles' auxiliary of St. Aloyslus society will meet this evening: Miss Belinda Dougherty lias re returned from Mercy hospital, after suffering several weeks from typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard are now domiciled in their prettily fur nished home In the Bailey property, on Main street. Thomas Davis, son of Ebenezer Da vis, has been discharged from the Plttston hospital, after being there several weeks suffering from a frac tured skull caused by being struck with u stone by a companion. S100 Reward $100. 'llic reailcis of this paper will he plojsed to loam that tlipie l nt lean one iliiMclt'cl ditiuoe thai sclonie lias been able to cuio in all il.s Fta( s unci that ii i.n.nfli. HallV Catnrrh Cure in tlu only posilhe iiiii now known lo tlio medical fiateinlty. (Jatauli IipIiik a constitu tional iliieake. ir.nilif.4 a constitutional treat. iicnt. Ilall'n Calm ill Ciuo Is taken internally, uttliiK din uly upon the Mom! anil niucoiw sii'.-. I.ites ol the sjton, theiihy ile.tio.liijr tho foundation of the dUease, anil kivlnj,' the patient sticimth by liullilhiK up the (omtiliitlini ami a'sMinj; nature in dolus: ih woik. The piopiie. loin have 1.0 niuil; faith In Its iniatliM powers, that they oiler one llundieil Dullais for any (.ie that It falls lo ruip. Slid or Hut of tost i . moiilals. Address. V. ,f. I'llKNIlV k TO., Toledo, O, Sold by dtiiKciMs, 7,'k, Kail's Painlly I'ilK nie the best. SHERIFF'S PROCLAMATION. PROCLAMATION. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMA- tlon, Pursuant to an act of the Gen eral Assembly, entitled, "An act relat ing to elections," npproved the second day of July, Anno Domini, one thou sand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and also tho acts approved the thirtieth day of Junuary, ope thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, and twenty sixth day of June, ono thousand eight hundred and ninety-live, and tho amended constitution, It Is made the duty of the sheriff of every county In tho comnumwealth to give notice of the time of holding tho general elec lion, and In each case to enumerate; First Thu officers to be elected. Second Designating tho place at which elections aie to be held; there fore, I, CLARENCE E. PRVOR. High Sheriff of Lackawanna county, com monwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give nutlcu to the electors aforesaid that an election will be held in tho said county of Lacka wanna un TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1000. For t.tlrty-two persons Uo till the of fices of Presidential Electors.' For ore person to fill the office of Auditor General. SHERIFF'S F-mOOLAMATION. Tor' two persons to nil the offices of Ilepresentatlves.at-Lnrge In Congress. For one person to nil the office of Congressman for the Eleventh Con gressional District. For one Person (n nit tlm ofllee of Senator for the Twenty-nrst Senatorial District, For one person to All the office of Assemblyman for the nrst Assembly District. For one person lo nil (he oHlcc of Assemblyman for the Second Assembly District. For one person lo nil the office of Assemblyman for the Third Assembly District. For one person to nil the ofnee of Assemblyman for the Fourth Assembly District. For one person to nil the ofnee of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. For one person to nil the offlce of High Sheriff. For one person County Treasurer. For one person District Attorney. For one person Prothonotary. For one person to fill the office of to nil the offlce of to nil the offlce of to nil the office of to nil the office of to nil the office of Clerk of the Courts For one person Recorder of Deeds, For one person Register of Wills. For two persons t-o 111! tho offlce or Jury Commissioner. And I hereby mnkc known and give notice that the following Is tho official list of nil candidates with parties, or policies represented, whose certificates of nomination and nomination papers have been nied as provided in section 6 of the act of June 10, A. D. 1S93, and who are to be voted for In the county of Lackawanna at the ensuing election to bo held Tuesday, November 6th, 1900. REPUBLICAN. Presidential Electors. William H. Snyen, Clarence Wolf, Frank H. Buhl, Algernon B. Roberts, Edwin S. Stuart, William W. Gibbs, George F. Hoffman, George C. Blabon, Daniel R. GreenwoorT, Wllllnm M. Hayes. Charles N. Cressman, Robert H. Sayre, Russell W. Davenport, John Franklin Keller, James Molr, William .T. Harvey, Robert Allison, Jacob L. Hauer, Richard H. Ely, George Weymouth, Cortez Hicks Jennings, James G. Thompson, J. Frank Small, Henry A. Grlpp, Morris J. Lewis, Robert Pltcairn. David Edgar Park, Thomas S. Grago, George W. Johnson, William Hardwick, Harold H. Clayson, Harry R. Wilson. Auditor General, Edmund B. Hardenbergh. Bepresentatives-at-Large in Con gress, Galusba A. Grow, Robert H. Foerderer. Representative in Congress, William Connell. Senator in the General Assembly. William Drury. Representatives in the General As sembly. Thomas J. Reynolds, First District. John Seheuer, Second District. Edward James, Jr., Third District. P. A. Phllbin. Fourth District. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, George M. AVatson. Sheriff, John H. Fellows. Treasurer, Joseph A. Scranton. District Attorney, William R, Lewis. Prothonotary, John Copeland. Clerk of the Courts. Thomas P. Daniels. Recorder of Deeds, Emil Bonn. Register of Wills, William K. Beck. Jury Commissioner, Edward B. Sturges. DEMOCRATIC. Presidential Electors, Otto Germer, Sr.. Alexander H. Coffioth, Francis Shunk Brown, Andrew Kaul Hugh Moore, Henry Fernbergcr, Matthew Dlttmann, W. Horace Hoskius, Adam K. Waleh. Nathaniel M. Ellis, Albert Kneule, David J. Peaisall, Lot W. Relff, Daniel II. McCormlck, Joseph O'Brien, Thomas Muloney, Michael Mellot, James Bell, Frank P. Kimble. Hiram S. Hastings, It. Scott Ammerman, Dallas S. Bernhart, Harvey W. Haines, Wan en Worth Bailey, William L. McCracken, Wesley S. Guffey, Samuel W. Black, John F. Pauley, John C. Kelly, John T. Brew, James S. Carmlchacl, Thomas F. Rlchey. Auditor General, P. Gray Meek. Representatives-at-Large in Con gress, llnrry E. Grimm, Nicholas M, Edwards. Representative in Congress, Michael F. Conry. Senator in the General Assembly, Stogdell S, Staples. Representatives in the General As sembly. Timothy D. Hayes, First District. Martin D. Flaherty, Second District. John H. Bonner, Third District, Patrick E. Timlin, Fourth District. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, John P. Kelly, Sheriff, Charles H. Schadt. Treasurer, Christopher G, Uoland. District Attorn ;y, James J. O'Malley, Prothonotary, Matthew F. Norton, Clerk of the Courts, Thomas Law. Recorder of Deeds, Frederick Warnke. Register of Wills, William Koch, Jr. 3HEIFF'B PHOOLAMATION, AMVKiM Jury Commissioner, Daniel J. Campbell, PROHIBITION, Presidential Electors. Hllag C. Swallow, Hiram DeWalt, B. S. DiiShane, James Mannel, Thomas S. Francis, Kdwln J. Walker, J. W. Salmons, George W. Bean, William R. Miles, Lewis Palmer, ' Marvin H. Scarborough, A. F. Snyder, William M. Staufer, Joseph H. Broslus, William it. Richmond, Emmett D. Nichols, John F. Dlcner, J. W. Ellenberger, Gilbert Wolfe, Herbert T. Ames, William H. Zwelzlff, H. S. Montfort, John O. Stoner, W. A. Dlble, Isaiah G. .Beam, John A. McConnell. Alfred Brashear Miller, William H. Cover, Oscar Glezen, Howard A. plnncy, Wllllnm H. Roes, John M. Kelso. Auditor General, John 'e. Gill. Bepresentatives-at-Large in Con gress, William W. Hague, Leo L. Grumblne. Representative in Congress, William H. Richmond. Senator in the General Assembly, Nelson J. Hawley. Representatives in the General As sembly. Gomer D. Reese, First District. Levi P. Bird, Second District. John F. Lncoe, Third District. William J. Emery, Fourth District. Sheriff, Ira Davis. Treasurer, ' Minor C. Carr. District Attorney, Louis P. Wedeman. Prothonotary, Peter Bedell. Clerk of the Courts, Tllghman C. Robinson. Recorder of Seeds, Joseph E. Loveland. Register of Wills, William H. Neuber. Jury Commissioner, Edward B. Sturges. SOCIALIST LABOR. Presidential Electors. Hayden Morgan, It. W. Evans, H. A. J. Brown, Anton Fcnrich, Enos Schwartz, E. Gustav Stelter, Henry Mossbaugher, Peter R. Herriger, Thomas J. Scott, James Dunn, William McKay, Matthew Dowdclt, Francis Love, Flory Mauricourt, C. H. Jacobson, C. A. Danlelson. Joseph Campbell, Louis Katz, Charles Dinner, Joseph Heuftle, James Simpson, William Peak, Chailes Hammerbacher, James McCarrol, Edwin A. Hepting, D. C. Wlsmer, Albert Mu'ra, John Jandt, Henry Jones. B. D. Warren, Robert Mulr, Martin Garden. Auditor General, William J. Eberle. Representatives-at-Large ill Con gress, Donald L. Monro, John R. Root. Representative in Congress, John Szlupas. Representative in the General As sembly. Joseph S. Judlekl, First District. Sheriff, John Burchell. Treasurer, James Carr. Prothonotary, John Pistano. Clerk of the Courts, John A. Price. Recorder of Deeds, William Wntklns. Register of Wills, Daniel Davis. Jury Commissioner, Ladlslaus Dembskl. SOCIALIST. Presidential Electors, Harry J, Staub, John H. Lewis, Em II Guwang, Henry Peter, Earnest G. Muehlman, William H. Adams, Charles Ii, Levan, Andrew P. Bower, Frank XV. Illrt. Peter C. Heydrlck, Charles A. Anderson, Jacob Etter, L. D. Johnson, Herman Helurlchs, Thomas Ashmore, Jonn Kirn, John Simon, Albert Mulac. William J. White, Joseph G. Roth, Anthony Becker, John J. Lyons, Alfied P. Rye, J. Conrad Wanner, Andrew J, McVey, Frederick XV, Long, Thomas Whitworth, Gabriel Joseph, William Feluhals, Frederick Mossdorf, William Kelley, Harvey w, Shay, Auditor General, Nym Seward, Representatives-at-Large in Con- gress, John XV. Slayton, Edward Kupplnger. PEOPLE'S. Presidential Electors, A. S. Alnum, C. P, Armstrong, George T. Batemau, John J. Brady, O. Hrinton, J. W. Campion, C. C. Cooper, George W. Dawson, , W, C. Deakln. ' Iuiiani D. H. Charles W, Miller, v isner, sHmniFF'a proclamation, F. A, Foreman, W, A, Gardner, James H, Graybllt, D. Hctrlck, , W. C. Hill, Lester M. Klnter, William V, Krolgh, Thomas 8. Laird, A. II. P. Leuf, E. N. Woodcock, John H. Lorlmcr, S. F. Lane, O. G. Moore. E. Muzzy. A. C. Price. J.'D. Pyott. Andrew Storry. John Stuckllng. Edward M. Thompson. Just Is Wntklns. J. A. Wclsch. Auditor General, D. O. coughlln. Representatlves-at-Large in Con gress, Robert Brlgham, George Main. INDEPENDENT CITIZENS. Representative in Congress, Frank M. Spencer. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Cornelius Smith. And I hereby make known and give notice that the places of holding the aforesaid general elections In the sev eral cities, boroughs, townships and districts within the county of Lacka wanna are as follows, to wit: Archbald Borough Districts. First ward, First district At tho hotel of A. Miles, In said district. First ward, Second district At the hall of Andrew Degutls, In said dis trict. Second ward At the house of John J. Swift, In said ward. Third ward At the borough council rooms, In said ward. Benton Township Districts. At the house of D. L. Potter, In said township. Blakely Borough Districts. First ward At the offlce of S. W. Arnold, In said ward. Second ward At the store building of the Lackawanna Coal company, on the Providence and Carbondale turn pike, In said ward. Third ward At the borough council rooms, on Blakely street, in said ward. Carbondale Township Districts. Northwest district At the Powderly school building In said district. Northeast district At No. 4 public school house, In said district. , Carbondale City. First ward, First district At the house of B. W. Dlx, in said First ward. First ward. Third district At the house of Edward Melody, In said dis trict. Second ward, First district At a portable building near Boland's store, at the coVner of Seventh and Terrace streets, in said Second ward. Second ward. Second district At Robert Maxwell's hotel, No. 38 Main street, In said ward. Second ward. Third district At the house of Thomas Scott, In said Second ward. Third ward. First district At the building formerly known as the Flynn hotel, In said Third ward. Third ward. Second district At a portable building on South Main street, near Kinback's furniture store, in said Third ward. Third ward. Third district At the house of Mr. Larkin, in said Third ward. Third ward, Fourth district At the office of John Gibbs, on High street, In said district. Fourth ward. First district At the house of Michael Cannon, on Pike street. In said Fourth ward. Fourth ward. Second district At the house of A. Battle, In said Fourth ward. Fourth ward. Third district At the house of Peter Dougherty, In said Fourth ward. Fifth ward, First district At the office of L, L. Bunnell, corner of Bel mont and Canaan street, in said Fifth ward. Fifth ward, Second district At the house of John Clune, on Dundaff street, in said Fifth ward. Sixth ward, First district At tin house of James Thompson, on Belmont street, In said district. Sixth ward. Second district At the premises of Thomas Hart, 200 Dundaff street. In said district. Clifton Township District. At tho Fayette school hnu?-. In said township. Covington Township District. At the Dalevllle town house, In said township. Dalton Borough District. At the office of F. M. Francis, In said borough. Dickson City Borough Districts. First ward At the Odd Fellows' building, east side of Lincoln street, between Halstead and Storrs streets. Second ward At the house of J. A. Barron, on Jackson stieet, In said ward. Third ward At the store of Michael Matelavttz, In said ward. Dunmore Borough Districts. First ward, First district At Jhe house of the Neptune Hoso 'Co., on Drinker street, In said district. First ward, Second district At the hotel of Martin Gibbons, on Drinker turnpike, in said district. Second ward, First district At the house of John J. Scott, In said ward. Second ward, Second district At the house of M. D, Freer, In said ward. Third ward. First district At the house of Mrs. A. Burschell, In said ward. Third ward. Second district At the outbuilding of James McAndrew, near the corner of Sixth and Mill streets, In said ward. Third ward, Third district At tho house of August Wnhler. In said ward. Fourth ward At the houss of .Mrs. Bridget Burke, on northerly side of Drinker street, In said ward. Fifth ward At the house of P. Tim lin, In said ward. Sixth ward. First district At tho hotel of Jacob Smith, In said ward. Sixth ward, Second district At tho house of John Gentor, rear of lot cor ner or Jefferson avenue aim ureen Ridge, btreet, . Elrahurst Borough District. At the store buildings of Parti Idge & Co., on Main street, In said district. Pell Township Districts, First district At the Coal Brook school house, In said township, Second district At the Town Hall, In said district. Fourth district At tie Richmond school house, In said district. Glenburn Borough District, At tho Hall school house, In said bor ough, Gouldsboro Borough District, At the school house, In said borough. Greenfield Township District. At the Greenfield town house, In said township. Jeffeison Township District fr tho school house known as the Red Oak school house, In said town ship. Jermyn Borough Districts. First ward At a building occupied by Stocker Hoso company, on the east erly sldo of Main stieet, In said ward. Second ward At the borough build SHKKIFF'3 PROCLAMATION. ings on Second avenue, In said bor ough. Third ward At the house of Mrs. Jane Baker, on East side of Main street, of said ward, Lackawanna Township District. South district At a booth on a va cant tot belonging to M. McDonoiigh on the corner of Elm and Mroln streets. West district At the hose house of Mooslc Hobo company, No. 1, In Mooslc, In said district. East district Aft the office of the Sloan breaker. 1 Northeast district At the house of Christian James, In said district, Southwest district At a portable building nt the corner of Main and Blake streets in said Southwest dis trict. La Plume Borough District, At the school house In snld borough, Lehigh Township District. At the Pine Grove school house, In said township. Madison Township District. At Odd Fellows' hall In Moscow In said township. Mayfleld Borough Dstrlct. At the house of E. F. Edmund?, In said borough. Newton Township District. At the Van Sickle house, In said township. North Abington Township District. At the house of Giles Roberts, In said township. Old Forge Borough Districts, First district At a portable building erected on the southwest corner of school house lot on the easterly side of main road from Scranton to Plttston, In said district. Second district At tho house of J. G. Kehr, In said township. Fourth district At the store of John A. Wood, In said district. Olyphant Borough Districts. First ward At tho building of Pat rick Jordan, in said First ward. Second ward At the hotel of Wil liam Mahon. In said Second ward. Third ward, First district At the house of A. F. Gillespie, In said ward. Third ward, Second district At the school house in Marshwood, In said district. Fourth ward At the house of David R. Davis, immediately adjoining the lot previously used as a polling place. Ransom Township Districts. First district At the hall of the es tate of Thomas Johnson, in Milwau kee. Second district At the school house near Mayer's farm. In said district. Roaring Brook Township District. At the school house, In said town ship. Scott Township District. At the Montdale school house, on Wild Cat turnpike. Scranton City Districts. First ward, First district At the Bristol House, in said ward. First ward, Second district At Bromage's shoe store, 425 E. Market street. In said ward. First ward. Third district At a nort- able building near the corner of North Main avenue and Parker street, in said ward. First ward, Fourth district Ab a portable building on land of Thomas Harris, 216 Parker street, In said dis trict. ' First ward, Fifth district In a build ing to be erected by the commissioners on lot of Robert Pattlson, on the West Side of North Main avenue, near Mai'- vine crossing. Second ward. First district At the armory building of Company H, on North Main avenue. In said ward. Second ward, Second district At the house of John Hawks, in said ward. Second ward, Third district At a portable building In a lot of land on Sanderson avenue between Breaker street and East Market street, In said ward. Second ward, Fourth district At the house of John Timlin, on the southerly corner of Brick 'avenue and Green street, In said ward. Second ward. Fifth district At a poi table building at or near the public school house on Perry avenue, In said ward. Third ward. First district At the house of Patrick F. Lynett, 833 WPSt Market street, in said ward. Third ward. Second district At a portable building near Cuslck's hotel, In said ward. Fourth ward, First district At a portable building at the corner of North Slain avenue and Price street, in said ward. Fourth ward. Second district At a portable building on North Main ave nue, near the corner of Swetland street, in said ward. Fourth ward. Third district At a portable building at the corner of Gar field avenue and Jackson street, In said ward. Fourth ward, Fourth district At an Iron booth. No, 335 North Lincoln ave nue, on the lot of H. J. Davles, in said ward. Fifth ward, First district At tho of nee of Alderman Blair, In said dis trict. Fifth word, Second district In the basement of a building situated on the Northeast side of Washburn street and South Main avenue. In said ward. Fifth ward, Third district At the hotel of George XV. Evans, No. 1610 Washburn street. In said ward. Fifth ward. Fourth district In a room of a building Hltuate at No. 224 Fourteenth street, owned by Protheroo & Co., In said ward. Sixth ward. First district At tho house of P. Golden, In said ward, Sixth waid, Second district At the house of Mrs. Margaret MoDonough, In snld ward. Sixth ward, Third district At a port able building, Avenue D, No, 15, lot of John AVIIIIams. Seventh ward, First district At the house of John R. Kelly, nn tho east erly side of Capouse avenue. In said ward. Seventh ward, Second district At tho house of John O'Donnell, on .Min eral street, In said ward, Seventh ward. Third district At the house of E. XV. Winters, southerly cor ner of Capouse avenue and New street, lu said ward. Eighth ward, First district At A, R. Rauh's building, Spruce streot, In said ward. Eighth ward, Second tllstitct At a building owned by Geoigo Klnback, on the northerly side of Spruce street, be tween Penn and Franklin avenue, next door tn Hotel Ruduipii, Ninth ward, Frst dlstilet At a port able bulldlntT on tho westerly side of Adams uvenue, In said ward. Ninth ward, Second district At a portable building on the easterly side of Adams avenue, near the corner of Olive street, In said ward. Ninth waul, Third dWtrlct At a building to bo erected by county com. nilsHloneis nn lot of J, P, l)onuev, west side of Madison avenue, between Pine and Gibson streets, In said ward. Tenth ward, First district In a building owned by Henry Wenzel, cor ner of Ash and Cross street. Tenth ward, Second district At portable building on lot of William Knoepfe), on westerly corner of Myrtle street und Irving avenue. In said ward. Eleventh ward. First district At the hotel of John Phillips, In sold wild. Eleventh ward, Second district At tho office of ex-Alderman Peter Rob ling. In said ward. Eleventh ward, Third district At a building owned by Mlna Robinson, lately occupied by Philip Graff, In said ward. SHKRIFF8 PROCLAMATION, '"" "i i-tf-i j-jn Twelfth ward, First district At tht house of Martin Lnvollc, In said ward, Twelfth ward, Second district At the house of Robert Atkinson, In said ward. Thirteenth ward, First dlstrlet-At the store of William Roberts, corner t-onouse avenue and Larch street, In said district. Thirteenth ward. Second. dlstrlet'-At the house of William Weber, No. 1423 1 enn avenue, in said ward. Thirteenth ward, Third dlstrlct-At a portablo building on Dickson avonue, near the corner of Green Ridge street, In said ward. Fourteenth ward, First dlstrlct-At the house of Thomas Cosgrove, In said (iittrlct. Fourteenth wnrd, Second dlstrlot-At tho hotel of Philip schnoll, on Lacka wanna avenue, In said ward. Fifteenth ward, First district At n portnblc building near the corner ot South Main avenue and Eynon street, In snld wnrd. Fifteenth ward. Second dlniitniAf the Fellows building, corner of South Main avenue and Luzerne street, In said ward. Sixteenth wnrd, First district At tho Eagle hotel, in said wnrd. Sixteenth wnrd, Second district At tho hotel of William II. iWhyte, Nos. COO and 602 Wyoming avenue, on east erly corner of said avenue and Vina streot, in said district. Seventeenth ward, First district At a portable building on Spruce street near corner of Jefferson avenue, In said district. Seventeenth ward, Second dlstrlct At a portable building near the corner of Madison avenue and Mulberry street, In said ward. Seventeenth ward, Third district At a booth corner of Irving avenue and Mulberry street. Eighteenth ward At a portable building on Railroad avenue, near Sev enth street, in said ward. Nineteenth wnrd, First dlstrlct-At the. house of John C. Dlppre, in paid ward. Nineteenth wnrd, Second district At the house of Joseph Kramer, corner Prospect avenue and Market street. Nineteenth ward, Third district At the house of August Neuls, at the southerly corner of Irving avenue and Willow street, in said ward. Nineteenth ward. Fourth district At the house occupied by Charles Beck at 822 Meadow avenue. Twentieth ward. First district At the house of P. Corcoran, on Cedar avenue. In said ward. Twentieth wnrd, Second district At the house of Frank Moeller, in said district. . Twentieth ward, Third district At the house of It. J. Gallery, on the upper side of Blrney avenue, In said ward. Twentieth ward, Fourth district At the house of Andrew Hartlnctz, corner Stone avenue and Palm street, in said ward. Twenty-nrst ward, First district At the offlce of James Mears, corner of North Main avenue andi Ridge street, in said ward. Twenty.-ffrst ward, Second dlstrlct At the house of Ann Y. Jones, In said ward. South. Abington District. First district At the hall of M. S. Frace, In the village of Clark's Green. Second district At Schilling's hall, In the village of Clark's Summit. Third district At the house iof J. SV Leach, in said district. Spring Brook Township District. At the Scott school house, An said township. Taylor Borough, First ward North Main street, In said borough, at the offlce of John B. Davis. Second ward In a room of thoJfufld', Ing owned by J. B. Wlnslow &o it; said district. i Third ward At Weber's rink, In sala ward. ' Fourth ward In a portable bulldlnff vacant lot of William P. Griffiths, on Washington street. In said ward. , Fifth ward In a building on land on D., L. & W. R. R. Co., westerly side of Main road, opposite property of Ira Atherton, In said ward. Throop Borough. At new borough building in said boa ough . Borough of Vandling. At the hotel of Peter Butler, In said borough. Waverly Borough Districts. At the Waverly "band building, on Church street, In said Borough, West Abington District. At the house of H. E. Capwell, in said district. Winton Borough Districts. First ward At public school housd No. 1, in said borough. Second ward At the No. 5 school house on road leading to the old Deck er Bridge, In said ward. Third ward At tho public house of Thomas Reddlngtoi), icorner Church street and Clnrkson avenue, in said ward. , I also make known and Rive notice, as In and by the thirteenth section of tho uct of July 2, IS69, I am directed: "That every person, except justices of the peace, who shall hold any offlce or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or this state, or In any city or incor porated district, whether a commis sioned officer or otherwise, a subor dinate officer or agent, who Is or ahall bo employed under the legislative, judiciary or executive departments of this state or the United Stntes, or any city or Incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and the State Legislature, and of the Se lect and Common Councils ot any city, commissioner of any Incorporated dis trict Is by law incapable of holding or exerclslnjr at the same time the office or appointment of judge, Inspector or cleik of any election of this common wealth, and that no Inspector or judge, or any officer of such election, shnll bo eligible to any office thn to bo voted for, except that of an election officer." Also, that in the fourth section of the Act of the Assembly, entitled "An act I elating to elections and for other pur poses," approved April 16, 1874, It Is en acted that the thirteenth section "shall pot bo so construed as to prevent am military officer or borough officer from horvlng ns Judge, Inspector or clerk, at any general or special election In this Commonwealtb. Also, that in the fifth section of tlm act of January 30, 1874, It Is enacted that every general and special election shall be open at seven o'clock In Hm forenoon, and .shall continue without Interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock In the evening, when the polls shnll bo closed. Also, that when a Judge by sckiies or unavoidable accident Is unable tn attend such meetings of Judges, then tho cortlllcato or return aforesaid shnll be taken charge of by the luspectori or clinics of election or said district, who shall do and perform the duties leciulred by said judge unable to at tend. Also, that In case the court has since the last election made chances In the polling places not mentioned lu this proclamation, then the correct polling place will be lu thu place designated by the court. Given under my hand, at my office at Scranton, this 26th day of October, In the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred, In the one hundred and twenty-fourth vear of tho Indepen dence of the United States. God save tho Commonwealth. C. E. ritVOR, Sheriff, Sheilff's Office, Scranton, Pa., October 26th, 1900. I , , i'frl AM.''Sf 1 1 I .iu.