'f ',' ' " t "" ', W aw f!f v V ", 1 Jft-" o; r .. ' V ' ' r , o i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, UMJU. hi in' iJ LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONDALE. THE ROOSEVELT ATTRACTION. A litric number of f'nrbomlnllani conteinpliilc nolntr tn SiiNiiiiiiliniinti to diiy to ti.islnt In the inception of (liiv crnur Koiwuvclt. , AmoiiB tbcin will bo tbo Itcpubllcnii club, tho members of which will purtlelptito In the purntta thH tiftcrilnnii, Tho pnrty will leave hcic lit l-'.iiO, nntl retuinltiK expect to Icuva Htisquuhitnna ubnttt 0 o'clock. MUNICIPAL WATER BOOM. This pvctilnB there will be a munici pal witter ineetliiB hi the Acmleinv of Jluslc. Thu citizens' wnter committee will make u report, anil the oniinuiil eatlons of T. 11. Viinnim, lion. K. 10. Ilentlrlcks and .1. K. Hurr, nil., which were lcecntly printed In the loc.il papers, will be taken up and considered from various .standpoints. A. H. Dun ning, of Kernulon, will lie mnoriK those 'who will (,'lve theln.nplulniiH In person, and after the committee has made ItH report the meeting will he opened Tor an Informal discussion. Anyone who has any questions, to ask will he kIvcii an audience, and anyone with anything to say hearing on thu subject will he 'allowed the privilege of ndiesshitf the meeting. XOCAL' AND PERSONAL. Mis. Cicoi'Re W. Tnppim, who was visiting airs. Wurron T.ippan, of F.ir vlow jUret',1, has returned to her home In Scrauton. William Mellon, of Jerniyn, who has been conllned to the hospital for six weeks, will be able to go home In i few 'days. .Mrs. K. P. Jones leturned to Roches ter, X. V., today. Miss Noia 7ealon, of South I'huieli .street. Is cultivating her vo!t;o under the direction of Pi of. Mason, or Wllke" 15arre. P. A. Cm i oil has returned fiom Kron tlnac, Kansas, where he attended the funeral of Ids hi other. Dominie far roll. Will II. Dlmock lias under advise ment an offer fiom the Hlroy Stock company. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mahlla Grattan was held yesterday morning and was largely attended. Services were held in St. Rose church, a re quiem mass being said, and the re mains were taken to Dtinmore Catholic cemetery for intention! on the 11.20 o'clock Delaware and Hudson train. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. 'Enthusiastic Republican Rally Last Evening Speech of Major Han cock Other News of Interest. A large and enthusiastic gathering of Republicans gieeted the county can didates uiid speakers at the Republi can muss meeting in Enterprise hall last evening, liefoie the meeting opened the Citizens' band played some ontoi'tainbiR soleetlonn, which were much enjoyed. Vpon the platform were seared Major Hancock, of Haiti more; Attorneys George M. Watson, John M. Harris. 11. D. Carey, John II. Fellows, John Copelnnd, Thomas P. Daniels, W. K. Beck, P. A. Philbin and W. S. Badger. Thu chair was oc cupied by Attorney Carey, who Intro duced Major Hancock, who delivered the principal address of the evening. Major Hancock reminded his hearers of their Interest in tin government and of the common sense sentiment which was a strong characteristic of the American people, It was this ev ery day common sense that made our country what It is. lie considered the duties of citizenship too great and pre cious for any one, unless an unmiti gated demagogue, to try and deceive the people. He congratulated the men that they had won the strike aud would retain to work; they were en titled to their share of that prosperity that prevailed throughout the land. He said that if Ilryan was elected a money panic would follow such as was never known bel'oie. He traced the want and misery following the elec tion of ".i, when the people volun tarily l diminished the era of pios perlty nnd recounted many pitiful In cidents of want and iiove.'y that had come under his personal observation. Coining to the election of President McKlnley, he said you gave us back your confidence and we returned to you that prosperity you had before. In fifty years every era of prosperity has been given by the Republican party. He gave numberless proofs of the wonderful industrial growth undei rhe present administration, and in his plain nnd .simple language convinced the majority of his hearers that their duty In the coming election was to uphold the great party who had made the country in many respects the leading country of the world today. At the conclusion of his speech he was warmly applauded. Short speeches were af terward made by Attorney Harris nnd candidates of the county ticket, the NERVITA PILL Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency, , Night Emissions, Lo38 ot Mam. ory, all wasting ilise'UMJii, IlllUllOCISlH .'tilf.tlhllsn up 60 PILLS 60 CTS. iescosa and iiiiliscietion. (A nerve tonic and Iw jttV.blooti builder. Brines I TL 7 tho pink Blow to pulo fvK clieeus and lestoros tlio EflkWViWflre of youth, llv mail r-TLlBv NfiOo nor nox. 6 hnxes fnp 83.60, with our bankable g aurantoe to euro or refund, the money paid. Send for circular aim vuy; ui uui uuuauuiu huliiuuu'U UO(ia. Positively ftuiifanteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or tSlmmkon Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion, Hyutorlu, Fits, Insanity. I'uiulysls uiul the Results of Exceauro lJeo nf Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, By mail in plain package. 81.00 u box, 0 for 85.00 with our bankable guar antea bond to cure in SO duya or refund money paid. Address NEftVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Gold by McGarra',1 & Thonina, Drug glita't09 Lackawanna uve., Bcrunton. !?. Ba( EVERY WOMAN 6omeUme3nedijs reliable, moathlr, Mgnlatln j medicine. Only harmless en' tho purejt drugs should be navl. If you warn the beai, gel, Dr. Foal's Pcnnvroval PiSte fS7l I They are prompt, aafe and certain in rotult, , The eer'Unn (Dr. Peal's)) cover disappoint. Bold for 81.00 per box. For Slo by JOHN H, PHELPS, Spruce straet. meeting throughout being harmonious and enthusiastic, Armlne Uiittcnhorg, of the Kasl Side, has resigned his position with the Htreet car coinpnny and accepted one with the Peck Lumber company, at Providence. Mrs. K. D. Itovard, of Dunmure, has been .spending several days here, the guest of Mis. It. J. Wheeler, of Hecoinl street. The schools ot both boroughn will be closed all next week on account of the county institute at Hcmnton. A foot ball match, married versus single men, will be played hero on the Maple drove grounds this afternoon, Theio Is much friendly rlvnlry betwe:n both teams and tin PNcltlng game Is anticipated. Mr. N. H. Parley, of Warwick. N. V.. the New York. Ontario and West ern dispatcher, will move his family Into the Jerniyn house, on Alain street, In a few dais. Mrs. W. H. Hiitclllngs, ot Moosic, wns u visitor here yesteulny. Professor and Mrs, Krlse, of May field, are at AVIIllamspoi t, whore they have been called by the death of the professor's father. Jleglniilng Mondny, the stores of both boroughs which have observed tlie parly closing movement during the summer .will remain open until S o'clock each evening, Mr. anil Mrs, Charles Arthur, of Car bondale, weie yesterday the guests of Air. and Airs, Homer Powler. of Fifth stive'.. Joseph Jay. of this borough, who has been working near Mount Pleasant since the beginning or the strike, was painfully In.luied a few days ago by being thrown from a wagon, Injuring his foot so badly that It was at first feared It might hnve to be amputated. Many Thanks. "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chainberlnln's Colic, Cholera and Dlarihoea Remedy, for having put on the murker such a won derful medicine," says W. W. Atassin glll, of Beaumont, Texas. There nie many thousands of mothers whoso children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who must itlso feel thankful. It Is for sale by all druggists. MttttboWH Uros., wholesale and retail agents. (Irand Republican rally at the ar mory, Mondny evening at S o'clock. Speakers: Hon. Charles K. Littlelle'.d, of Alalne, and Hon. Hugh Gordon Mil ler, of Virginia. OLYPHANT. The funeral of Mrs Nellie AleOraw took place from the hoiiu ot her par ents, Air. ana Mts. John AI. Gallagher yesteiday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and w-.'s very largely attended. The fu neral services vere conducted in St. Patricks church, Rev. P. J. Murphy oflieiating. Iniprnifnt was made in St. Patiick's cfinetery. The funeral ot John Walker, who jliecl on Thursday will take place from his late home on upper Punrnore street tomorrow afternoon at " o'clock. In tel ment will be m-ide in St. Patrick's cemetery. Tho public schools will bo closed next week on account of ins.titutu. A. V. Power, of Kcranton, will con duct services In the Congiegational chit re h tomorrow ovcnlng at C o'clock. Regular ervicps will be held In the Pupiiuehanna Street Rapt 1st ehuich tomorrow at 10.30 a. m. and G p. in. Rev. George Hague, pastor. Rev. J. J. 13. Peeley. of Nicholson, visited his home here yesterday. Airs. AV. K. l.loyd, of Rlakely, was called to Tamaiiua yesterday, owing to the death of her mother, Airs. Acker man, at that place. Airs. Richard Owens, of tho West Side, who is ill with typhoid fever at the Scranton Private hospital, Is get ting along nicely. A" parade of the Aline Workers of this place and adjoining towns will bj hold here, this afternoon, it Is expect ed that several bands of music will ulro bo In line and it premises to be ope of the largest parades ever held In town. Airs. William Williams, ot Kd wardsville, Is visiting Rev. and Airs. Cicoige Hague. Air. and Airs. G. W. cis.ik. of Green Ridge, visited relatives In towiiye.-,-terday. A. Al, Athorton returned yesterday from a fishing trip. He icports a bis catch. Uev. Dr. Siencer lutumed yesterday lrom Kile. .Miss Nettie Allison will leave today to spend a week with' Wllkes-Rarre relatives. Air. and Airs, William Stevens, of Alontdale, and Air. and Airs. J, "W. Stevens, of Sprlngvllle, spent yestei day with Airs. Richard Pettlgrew, of Scotch street. Airs. Howurd. of Scranton, has re turned home uftP)- spending a few days with her son. II. J I. Howard, of Lackawanna street. For a Cold in the Head Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. PECKVILLE. PecUvlllo Haptlsl ehuich, Rev, J. S Thomas, pastor. Rev. Air. Sylvius will pieach at 10.30 a, m, At 7 p. m. will be hold a missionary service, the general topic being, "Tho l.one Star MIkhIoii," The programme will consist of in structive essays nnd readings and spe cial music, All are welcome. Services In the Piesb.vteilan church Sunday at 10,30 a. n. nnd 7 p. in., Rev, S, II, Aloon, D, P., pastor. Subject In tho morning. "For Christ's Sake;" in the evening. "The Hardening." All are welcome, The Ladles' Aid society of the Pcps bytorlau church will s-ervo dinner m noon and evening, Thanksgiving day. Quinine for Colds. Alany people who use quinine for the cuio of colds say thnt the effect of this drug I.-, more disagreeable than the disease. Krause's Cold Cure is pre pared In a convenient capsiPp foim, nnd will euro thu niobt duepiy seated cold In 21 hours without any iuterrup. tlon to biiblness. They nre pleasant to toko und give you a clear, fiebh sensa. tlon while operating, Price i'5e, Sold by Mutthews Hros. Pharmacist, cjr. Wyoming avenue and 77 99 "Seventy-seven" consists of a small vial of pleasant pellets, Just fits the vest pocket at all druggists, 25c. GRIP (ioose Flesh. Goose ileoli, n chill, n shiver, Indicate cheeked circulation, a sure sign of tak ing Cold; fever, restlessness nnd gronO thirst follow nnd Influenza Is well un der wny. Tho prompt use ot "77" re stores the cheeked circulation, stnrtn I he blood coursing through the veins and "bieiiks up" n Cold or 'the Grip. Dr. Humphrey's Manual on tho care and treatment of the alck In till nll nients, (especially about children) mailed free. lliiMlirc)V lliinirupsillilp Mmlkinp Co., Col. William & .Mm Sti., New Voile. ELMHURST. School Is closed on account ot diph theria. Miss Rlesslng Is lit her home In Susquehanna; Prof. Rogeis Is spending the week at Scranton. Rev, p. I. Prey has spent the entire week at tho state meeting of thu Unp tlst denomination at Krle. Airs. P. I. Piey Is visiting l lends at New York und Paterson. The morning preaching service will bo the only service held nt tho Presby terian church on Sunday, on account of diphtheria. There will be no meeting of the Gleaner band at the Baptist church on Snturduy afternoon. C. Al. Curtis, of llinghuinton, Is spending a few days with his parents here. Airs. C. At. Pago, of Athens, N. Y., and Airs. Will Ttlrd, of Aleshoppen, are visiting at the home of A. C. Dunning. A. 13. Wiillums, jr., or New York city, spent Wednesday night with his par ents here. Michael O'Rrlen, jr., the oldest son of Air. and Airs. James O'Hrlen, died nt the home of his parents yesterday morning ot heart disease,, following: a severe attack of diphtheria. Deceased was a bright, manly little fellow, and the stricken parents have the sympathy of the entire community III' their be reavement. A number of cases of diphtheria nre still reported In our midst, and Dr. Knedler is kept busy night and day. Tho doctor has had wonderful success in treating this terrible disease, being called upon at this time to record the first death, after treating about forty cases. '? Grand Republican rally at the ar mory, Monday evening at S o'clock. Speakers: Hon. Charles K. Uttlefleld, of Jlalne. and Hon. Hugh Gordon Mil ler, of Virginia. " DALTON. .Mrs. Dr. .T. W. Price Is entertaining iiei sister from Nova Scotia. Dr. Charles Keller was absent from low n this week, attending the wedding of his sister. Mr. Frank Colvln, who lias been HI, Is able to be out again. Fdwln Smith Is in Buffalo and other parts nf New York state travelling for a lumber firm in Scranton. A grand Republican mass meeting Mill be held this afternoon at 1.80 o'clock in tin- Old Paplist church on Turnpike "street. Tlie address will be delivered y lion, CMusIn Grow Speci tl !.prvi"'"s vlll be conouctcl in the P.ii),;-!: eliureb hot p. moining and evening tomor-ow, nickr tiie .IMi of "Harvest Home." The church will be tastefully decorated with autumn leaves and farm products. Special singing will be .endored by the choir and it Is expected that flections will he rendi'ied by PJdward James, jr., and Kdwin Dowcii. of Scranton. Mrs. W. IJ. Jenkins will p; eside at the organ and Thomas Hall will have charge of the choir. Sermons will be preached by the pastor at both services, appro priate to the occasion. A cordial Invi tation Is extended to nil. Itov. II. .r, Whalen, D. D., pastor of the ncrean Baptist church In Carbon dale, will deliver a lecture In the Bap tist church on AVednesday "Vf.'ilna next. Ills will will be "The Wit, Hu mor and Pathos of rhe Irish." Tlu lecture is on amusing and highly en tertaining one, and rtev. "Whaler. Is a most eloquent an J pleasing sneaker. The admission will be 10 cents for chll uren and 15 cents for nduKs. T'lli will be the first of a series of lectures which the members of the Christian Kndeavor society contemplate giving, Mr. Singer has moved from this place to Scranton. Grand nenubllcan rally at the ar nioi y, Mondny eveliing at S o'clock, Spenkeis: Hon, Charles 12. Uttlefleld, of Maine, and Hon, Hugh Gordon Mil ler; of Virginia. GOULDSBORO. Mrs. Myrn Latham, of Scranton, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Kerllng. Mrs, William McDowell, of Serunton, Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs, McAfee this week, Miss I'luima Hager has returned from a mouth's vls.lt with Mr. and Mrs, y, M. linger at noselle, N. J., anil has accepted the position of assistant teacher In the primary department of our graded school, T. V. Wells, attorney, of Scranton, was In town Wednesday. Mrs, Susan Heller has closed her hoube for tho season. She Intends spending the winter with her sons, Dr, J. A. Holler, orFuctorvvHle, and O. S. Heller, of ninghnniton, N, Y, The Onuldsboro public library will he open for the exchange of books every Tuesday und Friday afternoon. Mr, and Mis. Harry Staples, of Scranton, aio guests nt tho home nf Mr. Udward Staples. i Mr. nnd Mrs. .lames Crooks are en tertaining Mr. and Mrs, John Hope, of High Bridge, N. J. Dr. Kwoll Muse, of Manila, Is the guest of Mr. und Mis. Harvey, itnv, and Mrs, Blctheu are entertain ing the hitter's mother, Mrs. Delp, of Bangor. W. K. ''lower was lu Scranton on Tuesday. MOOSIC, Frank Wlldrlcl! leliuiifd Thursday from liliiKhnmlou. .Mrs. (leorse lleutdrr, of Soraiitim, was :i caller lu lown yesterday, The death of Thomas Hailstone oc curred Thursday evening at 0 o'clock. Deceased was stricken with apoplexy at about noon, and was taken to tin home of his biather-ln-law, Wllllarn ft It. Unlbralth. He Is survived by a wife nnd one sou. Ho was born In. Myreshlre, Scotland, In 1857, nnd wan nenrly M ycnis of hne. Ho has lived In thin vicinity n number of years nnd wum very well known nnd highly re spected, Va hns been n member of the, borough council nlnce the borough wns otguulzed. Thu funeral will take place today nt 8.30 p. in. from the residence on South Alain street. Interment In Lnngcllffe cemetery, Avoca. Services In the Methodist Mphicopnl church will bo as usual. The text lln' the morning will be "Good Literature" and In the evening "Sabbath Desecra tion." Mrs. Robert AVhlte, of Dtinmore, Is vIsltlitK her mother, Mri. L. 1). War ner, of South Alain street. Rev. Dr. Smythe. of Avoca, will oc cupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and Rev. S. W. Young, In the evening, P1TTST0N. Special tu tin- Pcr.uiton Tribune. Plttston, Oct. 2tl. While going from one room to another at her house on Delaware avenue, West Plttston, about 3 o'clock this morning, Atrs. Kllza both Hapemnn fell headlong down the stairs, receiving serious internal In juries nnd dislocated shoulder. William Alucklow. who for the past seventeen years hns been a foreman at the Florence colliery at Dupont, was tendered n farewell party at his home last evening. Air. Alucklow Intends to leave shortly for West Virginia, where he has ucccpted a .similar position. A committee of workmen from tho col liery were nmong those present, und during the evening the honored gen tleman was presented with a gold headed cane, a silk umbrella, a meer schaum pipe and a fountain pen, Air. James Aloran making the presentation In behalf of the workmen. John Holzapfel, aged 71 years, died yesterday at his home on Allll street, after a four weeks' Illness of Origin's disease. Funeral Sunday at 2 p. m. A slight fire took place In one ot the rooms of St. John's parochial school building yesterday afternoon. Atarla Ruthold, of Duryea, a 2-year-old Polish child, died at her home on the back road from Injuries received by falling Into i tub of boiling water last week. David O, Evans, formerly physical director of the Plttston Young Alen's Christian association, had an ankle sprained In a basket ball game nt South Scranton last night. UNIONDALE. Special to the Siianton Tiiliune. Unlondale, Oct. 26. Hon. Philo Bur rltt's family are entertaining relatives from Waymart. Mrs. H. J. Phillips, of Wllkes-Bnrre, sjient Sunday and Monday with her uncle, Hev. D. D. Jenkins. Mrs. Iucy Ann Thomas Is sojourning in "White's Valley. A goodly number ot people from this place will help to give Roosevelt a big and enthusiastic audience at Susque hanna on Saturday. W. L. Hundlck gave a prohibition lec ture to a small audience In the Metho dist church last Saturday night. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Academy of Music. AM. WI:i:K. Schiller Stock Cuinpany. Gaiety. LAST Tlllir.i: IUVS. Ameiki'a Create! VjinleWlle Slais. Morrison's "Faust." Si'unti'i-n i.ii", before llie pulilic, pie.eute,l oxer ten IliutKiml times, wllnesieil b millioui nt pinple unil t ill one of the aliongest anil moot pnpului ili.iuins .ittrartioiis in I lie woilil That U l.eN .Mouimj produrtion nt "Kami." r.ei thini: III lonnectioii with the jtti.ietion I..K .ilw.i.vs lift n l.epl up In miiIi a liluli stamlaiil lh.it il-, l.islint,' qualities aie uneMelleil. 'IhU mmooii c-pecial attention his hein tiahl In the hiii'liing up of all its ilcl.'lIU, with mi turiiiut iiinii.itioiis in the seeuli', tloitiU.d and other eltet is, all of which hae hrnuRht ahoul u pi. i lit, illy lien nnd complete proihiitiou, anil when il conies to this lily next .Mnmlay nlKlil lis pieientalinn, ,is uiiial, will hear nut ali proini'.i", made by the management. Bill for Today. Thi. aflnnouii at the Ac.ideniji of Mimic the Schiller Moil, company will puwnt "Tlie iljs minus Ml. .lones" and tliis culling "The lied, IMilte and lllue." Bennett & Moulton Company. It has hern the aim of lleiuiult & Moulton tu luc the li".t repeitoiie ceinpjny on the load, and il is .-Mil they hae succeedeil to an elcut that is Duly lie.Mind the runiprehi nsiou uf Hiom1 who liavi' not watched their lli,'ht fiom llir I c.i r to the hunt rank in the piofeiusi. lien lieu & Muullon'ij suciiM is due lu the careiul liianner in which they t.iKe then pioduclloiij aril keeplnir cm-i piomKe the) nuke lo the pub lic, 'flu' n mpany this Biuon is made up ot ep. ceptionclly ileei people, headi'd by that charm lin;, jyiiipalhelle and capilde acliess, Jh.-n Clara liirnei' She il with Aplemlld Intensity .uid It i, hei lraat lli.it she necr uppu.in on the stage Ini. luopeily cnwiieil. Hei wanhohe Is a collection of the most beautiful fabrics tint money car, Ihij, and the iconnrri, of Mich artists .is Woilli and lledfein liac been l.isul on niuu' than one oit'iisi'in to prodiirn s.'tlsfaetory costumes (or this ailist. lor Ihelr productions this (.easou llinnett ,v- .Moulton iic puichiked tnliicly new iceneiy, IMopeillei, cluliii.U illicit, etc, 'J lil-s coiupinc will be mh'ii .it the Acadiini all net week wltli diily matinees except Monday, Piles pi, 1") and l ceiits. Tlie Kie.it Indue Jlellu will appen at every perforiiMnie, l.a. dies' baiualn piifoimaucc Tuesday iiinlit. $100 Keward $100. 'Die rr.uk id of this paper will he ploa-iil lo Icaiu that Hint' Is at learn one ilnaded dUiaso tint ktleni. e has lieiu able In ruie In all lln Et.igrs and that Is cntarrii. Hall's C.iIihiIi L'uie Is the only posithe uno now known to tlie medical fr.iteiiill', C'atairli licinfr a constltu. tloual diuise, Uiuirri a ionstiliitlou.il Heat, incut. Hall's Caluith ('mi la lakeu Internally, actim; illicitly upon the blond and mucous hi.', tale lA" llm ,ti'lii, theiehy iletiojlns the fuundatloii of tlie iliscase, and Khini; tlie patient fclieuKlh by biiildiui: up the conMiliillun und a-j-istlnt; nature In dolnif lis work, Tlie pioprle. tins liac bo mmli faith lu ill curative power, that they nllei one Hundred Dullais for any caii that It laiU In cure, Send for Hit of trsti liionials. ihlrc. I' .1 rilUN'KY k t'0 Toledo, (), Sold by diustslsts, 7'i', llaU'a I'aniilj Pill, aie the be.t. WINTER RESORT, ''Through the Hesperian Gardens of the West" Run? the luxurious "SUNSET LIMITED." The Finest Thing' on Wheels, AND ITS DESTINATION ARE THOSE DELIGHTFUL Summer Lands of " California." !telal llnoii ill tisbis conslntliig of sleeping end dining cms will have .New Yuik cuy !-jl-unlay, Tiiesdiy and Thurnlay, conii.-ctlng ell. reitly with the "sun,et Limited" at New OiUans. For full inlormulion, tire illustrated pampli. lets, nupj and tlmc'tabhii, ulto lowest iute, sleeping car tickets ami baggage clinked, apply In Southern pacific Co., 10J S. Third ttieet, Philadelphia, I'a. The People's Exchange. A POPULAR LKARINO HOfJSR fop tils BeutfU of AM Vlf llnve llott!tei to Rent, Real Kstntc or Other Proporty to Sell or Exchange, or Who Wnnt SUttuttoim or Help Theirs Small Advertisements Cost One Cent u Word. Six Insertions for Five Cents u Word Except Sltnutlo.U Wanted, Which Arj Itt acrted Free. FOR RENT. STOni:?, 01'KtCT.S IIAIISS, w. 1'ilro tiullilliiR. t. HACKiirr, IIOt'MIH, I'l.ATM AND 1I0OMS; KUIIKPillllll Oil mitui nllied. llai'Mttt, I'rlie IiuIMIiib;. di:sirahi.k w.vhi.h rtinxisiir.n noiisr.; rout rrjiiinaliit lu tllit party. M HncUll, Pi lie huililliiff. I'Olt Iti:M SO-.. MII-T1.IN AVKXUK, looim; Intel,; $'J0. I'.KUir FOR SALE NW.'.SW' VVf.VX 1)1X1X11 HOOM MtWIXKSS, KM.KANT 1.0CA lion; lung rstaltlistit.it; ilulnx line ImilnrM. Sre HnrUtt, Prli'C liilllJInp. $?30-f!llOCKlivAXI MAIIKKl"lllIHIXi:SS WITH flue cash irnde. See llmi-tt, Price bliti;. !i.,f,o(i niivg a iiusixi:.ss that wu.ii i-av tor itself in one r.ir. Sod llackctt, Pike building. ion sai,i:-tkx mii.ch axu roi'it uri'.r (, nil in llrsl elms lonilltlon. Apply to Galffp k Ck'nicnK, Moscow. UVMo"" Wll.I, 1HIY siohr.i, iiomi:. TItttKi: Minute walk lo Court Unuc. Per paillcn lam call nt iilllir. M. II. Ilolgnlc, Common wealth llulhliiit;. rou s.i i:-(;oxti:xt. op iioi'sr. rfitxt- (lire, raipeK, l.eddlng, etc. !!.! W.iihinijtou uientic. rou sam'-oxi: kt.oui.atiox si.i: phuns; Alck pool tabic. Addics A. S. Prllcliard, S'j Court sheet. waxti:b oxn r.xi'ERiKxcrr) max to woik in grcin lioue; lngli' prefrired; nt Knslrtcr' faun, South .Main avenue, Lincoln llclphK WAX'tr.D-r.ooo, srnoxo now ic to is j ears ot anc lo learn tinnvra' trade. Wolf A- Winel, LM0 Adam acnuc. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. vaxii:i)--ti:x nxi'KiiiKXcni) lady can- i.iscis to sell (OlTi'e edition liuiu door tu dooi, till Washington .iM'liuc. WANTHD-Sr.COND HAND SbOTMAHINKS: must be in coud order; state particulars aa to make and price. Address, L. M., general de livery, Scranton, Pa. SALESMAN WANTED. WA.NTi:i)-SAI.KsMi t73 MONTHLY AXU expenses; pernMheiit. Peiry Nursery Co., Ituchcslct, X. Y. SALKSMUX WASTKD TO SUM. OUIt GOODS by sample to wholesale and letail trade. We aic the largest und only manufucliireis in our line in the world. Liberal salary paid. Address UAN-DEX .Mfg. Co., Saannah, Oa. A$!iN 'TS WANTED- AUKXTS TO SI'.LL Ol'll Cl'T I'KICK XMAh bunks; inc. book 15c; M book 2"ic; fl.."iU hook .We-.; f0..il) bonk 73c. ; ciedit kIvcii. fieicht paid, outfit free. 1'eiKtison Pub. Co. !) I'lftli sluct, Cincinnati, O. PUBLIC SALE. I'lTIIMC SALt: WK WILL SKLL AT PUBLIC sale, for tlie benellt of whom it mav con cern, on Wednesday, Xoember 7th, at III o'clock a. in., .lUthc Aibltiation Itoom In the Court House in Hie city of Scranton, Pennsylvania, one bundled and ten uliaies 01 picfeiicd stock anil one hundred and ten shaies of (oininun stock if the Scianton Dairj' Company. Tcinw of sale, cas,h. WELLKS k TOUHEY. Oj-LCOjNJDEmVED '10 WHOM IT .MAY COXC'UnX MY W1FI1, Phoebe, has left me, 1 will not he lepun lihle for any debts contracted by her. Thomas I). Lewis, l.f.'S Lafajette street. REAL ESTATE. $'J1U0 BUYS STI1M HKATIM) DOUHLH house, four niluutes from court liou-e, Sen W. T. Haekett, Price liuildintr. $1J,00U Bl'VS WASHIXHTOX AVP.XUi: PHOP cily; cheap al )l.i,iaM. See Haekett, Priic builcline. 8-7,300 BUYS STEAM HEATED PROPERTY OX .leflerson avenue. Sec Haekett, Price blilkT. fil.UOO BUYS A STEM HEATED PROPERTY paving about !' pel cent, clear profit. Sec Haekett, Price bblir. fl,300 BYS DESHIABLE EIGHT-ROOM MODERN house near Monroe avenue. See Haekett, Price building. 12,O0n BUYS AX ELEGANT HOt'SE AND UARN on the hill. Lot over SO feet wide. Sec. llackctt, Price butldiiijr. , Ifs.tHH) STEAM HKVl'ED RESIDENOE WITH full lot. Bet location on the hill. Sec Haekett, Pike building. $.1,000 DOWN AND 5 PER CENT. MORTGAGE, secuios the best located i-tcam heated icsi dence on the bill. Sec Ihckett, Pi ice bldg. .1,000 CASH AND HMO ON TIME BUYS A U-rooni, up-todite steam lie.lleil limue, de sb.ihly situated on the hill, bee Haekett, Price building. ?,fc!R) MODERN DOt'BLE IIOtJSE WITH TWO laicic lots near .Mulbeiiy stieet. Sic Iack ell, I'liio building. W.MIO-XI'W MDI1EIIN DOUBLE IIOrSKrx". ill n stieet, hce Haekett, Price Iniildlng. .fl.fM-XKW AlODEItX DOUBLE HOUSE NEAR Mulberry slieet. See Haekett, Price Bldg. $.71W BUYS FINEST COIINKR FOR DRUG OR Rioceiv bmiiiess In central city, See W, T, Haekett, l'llee biiililing. WANTED . STORE FOR CANDY BUSINESS; Ml'sT BE best location ill eential cit.v, Haekett, I'llie building, WANTED TO RENT-LARGE, ROOMY IIOL'M; in ieiiti.il cil.t. Single house piefeircd. Sec llackctt. Price building. 11" YOU HAVi: ANY PROPERTY FOR RENT, list t with W. T, Haekett, Price building. LANDLORDS SEEKING TENANTS, OR TEX. ants seeking homos should see llackctt, I'liiu building. .iZTIONSJAIED blTUATTOX WAXTED-I1Y 'EDUCATED b'xil l.uly us olllie auMant, vcrcil lu boukketp lug, blioit h-inl ami typewilling. Iloslrej pcrm- mill cmiiloiiieul with bouie leliahlo part. Ad Uiesi "hkperiencid," 5JJ Siminei' avenue, city, GAI.VESTOX HORROR; BEsT IIOOKiBEST Icrni; outfit tiee, height paid; nidit gcu. Fiiguvon, pill Fifth stieet, Clnclniiall, ti, lmigi: "lioiJs'i: .xi capabT.emev .si) vvhiicii to act Ji general ageuls. tHIHJ jearlv taUry, expenses, cvlr.i coiumUsIoim, billllaiit oi poiliinlty. ht.illoril Puis to,, New lliven. Conn, SITUATTOX -WAXlEH-llY A SHOE h.VLES. lady with c(icilince; can (uinUli the beat of city icfeifiiccs. Address Etpeiieuee, Tiiluiiie cilice, SITUATION WANTED-HY YOUNG GIRL AT light houscivoik. 171.1 fciiuiiuil avenue, Kcrautoii. hlTUATTOX MANTED-BY A VOt'XG MX V(l drlte, aired 21 'van. Allelic-, u Joim Lloek, leaf 1b Piico stu-ct. COLORED GIRLS WANTS POSITION' AS NURSE or iliaiiibcimald. Mi. Annie Coleman, 331 Phelps Urcet, city. man SCHOOL BOY would like employ. ment afternoons lrom 1.30 to 0 o'clock. P. O. Box 2sl. RECRUITS WANTED. siAtiixr. conns uxni'.n ctaths xaw hi:. emits wanted AlilC'lioitlrd ment service on our WAmhlp.1 In all parti of the world ami on land In tlie I'hlllpplr.rs when icipilrcil. I.leu tenant Colonel 1). P. nus-ell, N. W. i;ornr lack. awanna and Wyomlni; avenue. Scrnntun. DRESSMAKING. DnnssMAKIXO FOR CHII.DIIhX TO OUDCItt also ladles waliti. Louisu Bliocmtker, 212 Adams aevnue. MONEY TO LOAnT Jioxi": ivriT 'T.oAxT"1ii vr nixiiiiiiti, .vnou- nry, .107 Council liulMliiK. AXV AMOUNT, I "JO 'I I'l'lt CIIST.. IMtOMPT ly. II. C. Hrjiiolil, Mens liuildliu. MOXP.V TO LOAN' HTKAK'IIT LOANS AT once. Curry, Connell lmlldltiff. ANV AMOUNT OP MOXKV TO LOAN. I'UIUK, (tralght loan or Dulldlng and Loan. At from 4 to C per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 314-316 Council building. ROOMjS WANTED ayoi's'tTiuTmnpss "vomax wants nit- nbhed loom and lioard with prhuli- family Inn ii town east of Ailiina aicnne. Addicss I)., Tilbune ollici'. pop i;k,xt-puiixisii::i) pront boom with alcoM' room off if desired: al-o use. it bath, team heat. Inquire Ml Quhicy a.cnuc. wantp.u-2 oit ;i Ktiitxisin:i) rooms, roit light lioiHfkceplns; centially located. Ad dres.s, J. W Williams buildhii;, City. CITY SCAVENGER A. II. BRIfiOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pnol: no odor. Impioved pumps wed. A. B. BRinaS. Proprietor. Leave orders lino North Main nvenue, or l'icke'a drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone UilO. LEGAL. IX UK: ASSIGNMENT OP CITIZEXS' AND Min ers' Savings Bank and Trust Cuinpany. No. 770, May Temi, 1S7U, In the Com I of Common I'!, .w of Lackuwanna county. Niilice Is heiebj irbcii tint W. 1). Kennedy, assignee, has Hied bis Uttll anil final account, and the same will be continued on the second Mon day of November, 11KX1, unless evceptluiis arc picvlously Bled. The lule of Comt is ns fol lows: "Where ui counts ale filed by trustees or :iMi;nies lliu piothunotaiy shall give notice thereof by the publication previous to a ic'KUlar term and therewith publish this rule, and con tinuation nisi, the first ilav of said term shall be as of coulee and continuation absolute on the set ond .Monday of the teim shall be entered bv the piothoiiotary as of course unless cNcep lions are previously filed. .1. COPLLAXD, Piothoiiotary. ELLA F. HRI'SKY VS. CHARLES KRKSKY. No. (193, .May teim, V.I0O, Common Pleas of Lackawanna county: Divorce. To Charles Kiesky, Respondent : You are heieby notified tli.it the sheriff of Lackawanna county has returned the subpoena and alias subpoena hi the above case, "non est inventus," and the comt has ordeied ten ice upon you by publication. You aic heieby notified to be and appear at the next teim of couit lo lie held at Scranton, on Monday. Nov. 12. Iliuu. and answer the com plaint of the said libellaut, C. K. PR YOR. Sheilff. L. P. WEDEMAN, Attorney foe Libellaut. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDINO, C. era' Bank building. P. A., 21 TRAD- Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELL building, $ratiton. .FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCHITECT, PRICE bullulns, 12(1 WashlnKton avenue, Scranton. Cabs nnd Carriages. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND CARRIAGES; BEST at service. Pinmpt attention given orders, by 'phone. 'Phones 2G'Z mid MS2. Joseph Kelley. Ut Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILEXUERGER, PAULI 1JUILDIXG, Spruce street, 'Scranton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE IIOS. pitaj, corner Wyoming and Miilbciry. DR. C. C. I.AUBACII, 115 WYO.MIXG AVENUE. DII. II. F. HEYNOLDS, OI'P. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVF nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZE1GLER, Proprietor. bCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. k W. PAS senger depot. Conducted on the European plan, VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Lawyers. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AXD COUNSEL-lor-at-law. Rooms 812-313 Mears Iniildlng. 1). B. RF.PLOGI.E. ATTORXEY-I.OANS NEGO- Hated on leal estate bccmlly. Blears building, corner Washington avenus and hpruee stieel, WII.LAltD. WARREN k KXAPP. ArrORXEYS and counsellots-ai-law. Republican building WasMngton avenue. JESSUP k JESSUP, ATlOltNEYS AND COUX- ' sellors-at-law. Commonwealth building, Rooms ID, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKFOIID, AITORXEV-AT-LAW. Rooms 514, 51& "'' ""' Hoard of 'hade build Ing. jj EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORXEV. IttWlS WU-UOI, 9th Boor, Mears building. h. A. WATRES, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. O. It. PITCHER. ATTOHNEY-ATLAW, BOARD ot Trade building, heranlon, Pa, PATTE1ISOV & WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building. C, COMEGYS, -13 REPUBLICAN BUILDIXG. A. W, BERTIIOLF, ATTORNEY, MEARS lll.DG. Physicians and Surgeons, "e.ALLEN, f.1.1 NOin-iriVABIIINRTilX DR. W. avenue DR, S. W. I.'AMORE UJX, OFFICE .'31 WASH Ington avenue, Residence', 1.118 Mulheriv. Chionlc ilisejM'a, lungs, lie'art, kldnejs and genltn-urliiary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, hCIIAXTOV, Pa, Course prepaiatory to college, law, inedl cine or bjlness. Opens Sept, IJth. Send for catalogue. Rev, Thomas M t'unn, 1. 1,. I)., priii. ilpal and piopiietorj W, E. Plumley, A, M., headmaster. Seeds. (1. It, CLMIK k CO.. SEEDSMEN AXD XFRS. er.uiicn, loie '-0t Wushlngioii avenue; given boust's, 1930 Xuiih Main avenue; stoic lile phone, "Si. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUEITEL. ill! Ml 511 LVCK W.XVA avenue, Kiiautuu, Pa., luamifaituiei of Whe Screens. Miscellaneous. n iTi:hb oitcuF.sntA-Music for halls iili'iilis, parties iveeptloiw, vvcdijinm and con. cert woik furnUlied. Fur lernn adelrees It. J Bauer, conductoi, 117 Wjomlng avenue, ovei llulbcrt' muile store, MEGARGEK BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, I.'n". v clones, paper bugs, twine. Warehouse, 130 Wasliinglou uveuuv, Scuutun, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE PENNSYLVANIA Schedule In Effect May 27, 1900. Trnins lenvo Scranton! 0.40 a, m week dare, for SunkUry, HnrrlBburp, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for lttt bttrg nnd the West. 0.3B a. m., week days, for Hazletoa, Pottsvllle, Reading Norristown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Bun bury Harrlaburp, Philadelphia, Baltimore,WaBhlngton and Pitts burg nnd the-West. 2.18 p, m,, week days, (Sundays 1.08 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts vllle, Rending, &c. week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hnzleton, Pottsville, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1. II. WOOD. Gen, Pans. A(tt. .1. II. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mr. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect June 10, 1!00. South Leave Scranton (or New Yolk at 1.43, n.00, 6,10, S.IK1 and 10.0". a, in., 12.6,-., 3.3.1 ami ?;,.'' m' l'or Plilladelphla at 5.40. 8.00 and 10.01 a, in.: J2.65 an,i :i,:(;i .,, ,, For siroudi I'liiir at 11.10 p. m. Milk nnd accommodation at Vn? I' '" ArrIe at Ilolmkcn at 6.65, 7.16, 10.1.1 a. m.: I2.0S, 2.17. 4.48, 7.10 anil O.IS p. m. Atr'vi nt Philadelphia nt 10.00 a. m.j 1.0(1, 3.4. .ll und S.2J p. in. Arrive from New York it J.O.J. 4.00 ami 10.20 a. m.i 1.00. l.SJ, 5.41, 8.45 and ii-io p. ,, Krotll e,lrom,lr(r nt s,oS a. m. 1'N"l',li-Leave Scranton for llulTalo and Inter nedinte slatlon at 1.10, 4.10 and 8.30 a. in,: i.ii", ii.4S and ll.BS p. m. For Oawejto and Sjra , ,n '- M0 " il LB', p. m. For Utlca at "I" a. in. and l.r,-, p. m. For Montrose at 8.R0 .A V .La' !' " ml .1.43 p. in. For Siebol n.ioi00 nt"1 'i,'', P- " l-'or ninRhamlon. 10.2', .. i bA '' '" Arrive In Scranton from nuffalo l 1-0, 2.B3, 5..T! and 10.00 il. m.l 3.30 and 8.00 V .!!,' ,.rom fbiWKo and Svracuse nt 2. M a. m.i J-.-IS and 8.00 p. ,n. From Utlca nt 2..15 n. nt.; 1-..18 anil !t.;io p. ,. Kroin Nicholson at 6.W a. V.VJ!'"1 (l-m I'- '" 1'fom Montrose at 7.53 and ""IHI a, m.j :.20 nnd 8.0O p. in. Illooimliuri: Division Leave Rcranlon for Xoithunilicrland nt 4Ji 00r, , m-. 1,ji8 an, fi-Kl p. in. l'or Plymouth at l.a'., 3.40, 8.35 and i..w p. in. Tor Nantleoko at 8.10 a. m. Arrive at Northumberland at n.3" n. m.i 1.10. 6.00 and S4.i p. m. Arrive nt Xantleoke at 9.10 a, m. mm, at ''b mouth at 2.00, 4.32, 0.50 p. in. and 1J..JI1 a. ni. Arrive at Scranton from Nortliurn lierlaml at 0.42 a. m.i 12.3",, 4.50 and 8.41 p. ni- From Xantleoke at 11.00 a. m. From I'l.vmotilli at 7. a. in., 3.20, 5.35 and 11.10 p. ni. SUNDAY TRAINS. South-Leave fccranton 1.40, 3.00, 6.40, 10.05 a. m.: 3. :.', :uo and 8.10 p. m. North Leave Scranton at 1.10, 4.10 a. m. ; 1.5 1. 6.48 nnd 11.33 p. m. Illoomsbiiiir Division Leave Scranton at 10.0J a. in. and 5..10 p. ni. Delaware and Hudson. In EiTcct Oct. 21, 1900. Tialns for Carbondale leave Scranton at B.20, i.KI. S.S't, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00, 1.2.1, 2.20, 3.52, S.23, 0.2-,, 7.57. 1.11, 11.15 p, m.: 1.16 a. m. lore llonesdale 0.20, 10.1.1 a, m.j 2.2(1 and 5 25 p. m. For Wilkos-Barre 6.45, 7.48. 8.4.1, .J8. 10.43 a. m.i 12.03, 1.2S, 2.1S, 3.33, 4.27, 0.10, 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. For L. Y. R. R. points fl. 45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.1, 4.27 and 11.30 ji. in. For Pcnnijlvanli R. R. polnta 6.45, 9.38 a. m.; 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 6.20 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For C.ubcndaIe-9.00, 11.31 a. m.; 2.26, 3.62, 3. 17, 10.52 p. m. For Wilkcs-Uarre 9.C8 a. m.i 12.03, 1.58, 3.28, 0.27, 8.27 p. m. For Albany and points noith 3.52 p. niT For Honcdale 9.00 a. in. and 3.52 p. in. Lowest intes io all points in United Stales anil Canada. .1. W. ni'RDlCK. G. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. II. W. CROSS, I). P. A., Scranlon, Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect May 27, WOO. Trains Leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and New Yolk via D, k H. R. It., at (l.1'i a. in. and 12.0), 2.18, 4.27 (Black Diamond Express), and 11.30 p. m. Sundajs, D. k II. R. 11., 1.5S, 7.JS p. in.. For While Haven, Harlclon ami principal points in the coal regions, via D. k II. R. R., B.1'1, 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 6.4, 2.18 p. in. For lletlilehrm, Eastou, Reading;, ItarrUbiira; nnd principal intermediate stations via D. & H. It. It., (1.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.1S, 4.27 (Black D!a mond Expicvi), 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. k XI. R. R., 1.6S, 7,48 p. in. For Tnnkliannocb, Tovvanda, Klmlra, Ithaca, Geneva nnd principal Intermediate stations, via 11., L. k W. It. R 8.08 a. m.; 1.05 and 3.35 p. ui. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falla, Chicago, and all points west, via D. ft H. R. R., 12.0.1, 3.3.1 (Black Diamond Express), 7,48, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. k tl. R. R., 12.03 p. m.: 7.48 p. in. Pullman parlor and Rlecpinit or Lehigh Valley pallor ens on all trains between Wtikw-Birre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and 8in pri.slou Bridge. R01.L1X II. WILBUR, Cm. Supt., 26 Cortland street, Xevv York. - CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., ?6 Con lane street, Xevv Yoik. A. W. XOXXEM.vCHER, Div. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply tu SOI Lrckawanna nienue, Scianton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations In New Yoik-Foot of Liberty street, N. Ii., and South Feiry. Antlii.ieite coal used exclusively, Insurlnt cleanllnrss and comfoit. TIME TABLE IN El'ECT MAY 20, l0e). Trains leave Scranlon for New York, Newark, Kllrnbetli, Philadelphia, Easlon, Bethlehem, Al leutnven, M.iiu'h Chunk and White Haven, at X.ttl a. in.: rxpics, i,20; cvprens, 4.tX) p. in. Sun ilavs, 2.11 p. m. For Plttston and Wilkes-Birre, 8.30 a. m.; 1,20 and 4,00 p. m. Sunda.vs. 2.15 p. in. l'or Ilaltlmoie and Walilngtnii, and point South and West via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. m 1,20 p. m. Simdijs, 2.15 p. m. For Lung BiJiieh, Otcau Giove, etc, at 8.31 a. in. and 1.20 p. m. For Itrailhnr, Lebanon and Harrisliurg, via AI ii.iloun. S.,10 a. in. and 1.20 p. in. Pimdayf 2.15 p. in. Pur Pottsvllle, .3ii i. ni., 1,20 p. m. Through tleVels tn all points cast, smith an west at Innett i.ilei .it the Million, .1, II. OIILHAFSEX. Gen. Sunt. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agt. New York, Ontario and Western R.R. TIME TABLE IX EITECT SUNDAY, JUNE U, 1000. ' Xoith llonnil Tialns. Leave . .Leave Si rail' J Carbon. Arrive. Tralim, 201 , Jill .. 207 ., ten. ililc. Cadosla, ...lO.lila. m. ,11.20 a. in, 1,05p.m. .i.i.i i. in. i. ..j p. ni, ..! p. m. 1.00 p. m.Airivo Caiboiidale, 6,4Q n. m, Niuth fUiiiid Trains, -. - Leave Leave C.iiloila. Caihnndile, Srrinton. 7.40 . m. 10,43 . m,1 4,20 p, m. 20" 201 200 7,00 a, m, ., 8.10,1. ifW 111.0! a. m, ,, 2,0Ji tj 3.31 p. m, Sl'NinYS ONLY. fvorlh Bound. Uaic l.r.nn Snail- Caibnn- Arrive, ifWiu. dale. Cadosla. , ., a.re) .. in. 9,10a.m. 1043a.ni. ,, 7.01 p, m, nlvc Caihondale, 7,43 p. in. South Round, Leave Leave Cadosla. Carbondile, Scranton. 201 20!) C02 , 7.noa. m. 7. to a.m. "os ..,,.. 1.30 p 5.51 p. III. 11.35 p. ni, Tialn Ko- 201 makea connection for point Kmlli aiid South on Main Line, at Csdosli. " Tialns Xos. 20.1 and 2.03 make Main Line con nee lions on Sunday. For further Infoimalloii. inu.iilt ticket agents. .1, I'. vXIIERSOX, Gen. Pas,. Agt,, Sew York. J, I!. WELSH, Tiavrlhig Passengei (Agent, Sersu- ton. Erie and Wyoming Valley, Times Table In Effect' Sept.' 17', l0O. Tialns for Hawley and local. points, connect. Ing at llavvlc) with Erie lallroad for New York, Newbiugli ad Intermediate points, leave Scran lon al 7,0.1 a, m, and 2.25 . Ill, Ti.iIih airitc at Scianton al 10.30 a. in, and !i. Id p. 111. NEWSPAPERS 'Ijirj; THlT WILKES HMIRi: RECORD ("AX BE HiF In Iw'iaiiton at the news )uiuls of Relsnyfn II104., 4U.1 plua, i'UvLi'lll Liudrii; M,- Xortnt, 32 bjckawanrai t'ayeiim'i I, Ii Scliuixar, ''Sll Spiyi;Hi.H,'w4 1 , rk Z..r jt " SCALP TREATMENT. MRS. iKJjLilrt, SCALP TREATMENT. Mo.; tlmmpoofng, Mr.; fajelal nuwigt; lusnluuf li,g, 23c; ihiiiiody, 1VI iKlum. RAILROAD -. !