fwltP '' l V'AJlHfil y V-i&flJ -.'-U.'MM - J . ... V ' t .. V ?' -J' v . iv . i (.'"': 1' i S - M - H"feu4 .'y - i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2?, 1900. ?cj.:v i f . MVY B. IllrllAIII), Keillor. O. F. !IV.l!l,i:, Iluslncss Manager. New York Oflh... IK) Kmiu JJole Agent tor t;orc;KA.kcttl.lng Entered l the r-cvstotllcc nt Seranlon, ' BcioniI-Ual Man .11.11m When pace will permit. The Tr l.uiie j"1"1" cld to print short letter, from IU irlcniU bear. W on current topic", l.ut IU ttlle ,lia,Ll.h.cr!! rnmt he signed, lor publication, by the wl Icr real name! end the condition precede if l ecptance l that oil te.ntrlbutlons shall be uu Jcct to editorial revision. , TEN PAGES. SC11ANTON, OCTOmUl(27, 1000. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. National. . Prcslelcnt-WlU.tAM McKIS.IIV. Vicc-Vresl(lnt-TIIKODOHi: IIOOSEVIXT. Stato. Constrcwnon nt-l.-iw fiAMJSIIA A. GKOW, noiiiinT ii. ioi:ni)Kiti:n. Auditor General-H. II. IIAKDESIIIIRGII. County. C'or.eii' Wtt.MAM CO.XNKM,. Juilffc (ll'UIKIi: M. WA'I.-ON-. Mierlff-JOHK II. IT.U.OW3. Treasurer J. A. SCIIANION". Ulstrltt Alnniet -WILLIAM Tt. IXWIo. rinthuiiiitarj JOHN rol'P.LAMV .. Hirk of Court'-IIIOMAS 1'. I1ASILI.S. ' )t"icidir of Derds-KMII. IIONN. KctMcr of ViL W. K. Ht:CK. .,, J'irv (.'oimnMniicr KDIVAKJ) B. STUtlCl.s. Legislature. I'll! IlMilct 1IIOMAS .1. Itl'.VNOLDS. hwnid Ilstriet-.NIIX SnilHU'.H. dlL Third I)llrli't-i:i)WAUI) ,1AM IIS, JK. rum tli Dlstrict-l'. A. rilll.lllN. "It there ts nny one who believes the f?oltl standard Is. a good thing, 01 that it tnust be maintained. I warn him not to cast his vote for me, becausa I promise him it will not be maintained in this country longer than I am able tc get rid of it." William Jennings Bryan, in a Speech at Knoxville, Tenn., Deliv ered Sept. 10, 1S90. "The party stands where it did in 1806 on the money question." Will iam Jennings Bryan, Zanesvllle, O., September 4, 1000. "The Time quotes with Indorse ment." Monday's riectinp; In the Armory. EVE11Y CITIZEN who vlslios to hear the pol'tbal Issues ot the day iIIsiuhscJ 1v a mas ter ot logical oratory should be present at the Armory on Monday evening. Congressman Lilttlelleld, of Slalno, .the suceesor oC thc late Nel son Dlngley, during his first term de livered thrij addre-se-? on the Horn- of the house. Ordinarily the newcomer in congress receives little attention during his maiden efforts In debate but Mr. Llttlelleld had not spoken for more than n few ininuiits before the routine noises of the chamber bad censed and every member was listen ing intently to catch each word. There is no record in recent years of such immediate and complete recognition for forensic ability ns Mr. Llttlelleld won on these occasions; and today he tanks not only among the .oremost debaters but also among the leaders of congress in the shaping of legisla tion. It was he who diafted the mul tilist amendment defeated by Demo cratic votes in congiess lust June; and It Is understood that in his speecli in the Armory on Monday evening he will give extended consldeiation to the problems presented In the modern ten dency of business interests to form gteat combination. The working man 'who wants to learn the truth on the subject of trusts as expounded by a great thinker and speaker should not fall to attend. "An apt phiase is contributed," A Case of False Pretense. IT PAYS to be fair in politics. Un fairness always recoils. The can didate who pietends to be what he Is not is soon found out and, once discovered, bis hold upon thi" people lb gone. We aie about to unmask a cm ions case of false pre tense, the responsibility for which can be settled by those whom It may con cern, in tliu Scranton Timet) of Oct. 10, in Hie couise of a fulsome eulogy of Kivdcrlelc Warlike, Democratic can didate for recorder of deeds, appeared the following; Hut that .! siiiill miui'lrtd to .mother crrat eulip he peifmiiud. Ite.illlni; mil mili'li lind in S'Niiti'U And In tho rouut,i ai hcilu.' Inul ns (aim l.iii'l wluu it should ho tiiMliil as liuildlnu lots ho Bt.irtid out to remedy tho ll. He employed M. I'. - indo in his counsel. Tho irMfll uno tlut tiny drifted ,in ,U't. It prohhd that when nup-s are undo of nny (arm lands pup.iralory to putting tho Mine on the nnikct us hulldln lots, ,i Hi ip fhill he irioohd, So boon as It I', llio lind li ill no louder he suit jettnl to taxation .H farm fyd hut as hulldlm, lots, Mr, .irnl;o and Mr, suiilo unit to Harris lidrtf and'i.ei.Miri'iJ the p.iss.ik'c wf that" ad, It U en..ilei "An net proMdins for tho reiordln ot pPiTis-ol nil Buli-onlsli'iH of nny lot or piece of land,, Into luilldlns hits liiri'toforfe laid out, or hciiifliT 'laid out, lor IJio purpofe of kelllug tilth1, uii'ordlni; n fuch plans' in prixi'ilhin!; litalllM ur failure tn rciord suih plans." It msvi tno hUliture and ,as ai)iioii'd Jlay 2H( -.IMS. TJila whole; luitier was tftictlud hy .xlr.' WorjiVe. It was pavi-d HuoukIi bs efforts, liy r-' dollar of the expciue, was paid t ol bis own poiket, mid while it rost the (ounty iioth Inir, it l).i Ikcii the means of liu'rcasliiK tho taif'shy thousands of dollars. It might ho said, gaged In private business as a licensed Hfjuor dealer In tho p'ourth waid. The liltture 'of hlsi vocation suggested n) undun concern In the recording of real eBtato maps, and the Idea that out of his beneficence, should spilng Mils In teresting specimen of legislation whs eo novel that an Inqulry.wnH pursued, Its result Is sot foitli In the appended letter; Office ol K. II. Cotton, Attorny at Law, f HO I'ourth Avenue, I'ltubuiir, .a,, Oct. Ii. Mr. 1'iull Conn'. i( nar,Sir: Your Idler ol Iho Uth Inst., en closlbit neuspaptr clipping in reeard to tha Act 'of Aswinbly approved May 23, 1S95, "proildlng lor the recording of plans of all sub-dhislon-s cl any lot or piece of land,".(;tc,, (I. L. 1505, page 121), and Inquiring- as to. the conectneta ol the matter contained In slid cilpitm);, reached me this niomlin', and in answer, thereto allow tgi), that .these taxes nro paid hy tliu cdrpora ttoDH as they aro about thu only ones vrhdYow-ii traits to he tut up Into huildluir lots, V 1 Jn tlio year 1S95 Mr. Warlike wiih Vn- too In fay! That the ortitlral draft nl talil Ait wis prepared hy John O. AlacConnell, fsq.i nn altomry ol thla illy, a the Instanr 'anil re nhesl ol .Mr. (IcotRD it. Von llaiinhorst, recorder nl ih eds for this (Allegheny) ennnty, and hand rd to me hy him at the opening ot the legis lative semloii of UM wiu, hy me, Introilueed In Ilio house of reprwentallvea on ,ln. id, 1W5, and thereafter pressed to (lull iassage. There was no cxlraordlnary illfflciilty In passing slid hill. There a no "lordiy" In llsrrlshurg; cither opposlnn or (urtherlno; IU pawaife, and It went- through like any ordinary measure of like character, chiefly hy the attention Rlren Its prourcs hy the pernon Introducing the same. 'J hero never ivns any cost or cupensu Incurred In proctirlni; Its passage, and so far as I know,, no one ever expended, or wa called upon to ex pend, a penny In furthering Its p.uwage. I have tin recollection of ever Mr, Samlo'a cpciklng tb me about the measure, although t am welt ic ipiiJnlcd with him, nnd aat In the house with lilni'lii 1191. 1 nm sure Mr. Warnkc never ap proaihcd me, nor ronsnttcrl me In regard to the hill, nnd, Indeed, I am not acquainted with him. There was very little opposition to the bill ami It went through without much cltnrt, entirely on Its public merit, and I am sure that Mr. Von llinnhorst, ol this count, originated the measure. Yours very truly, K. E. Cotton. Those citizens who are Intending to vote for Mr. Wnrnke should know that; the claim mode In his behalf by the Times In this matter, and flln.ee sown broadcast, is a ense ofattempted bun co' from beginning to end, It Is on a par with a majority of tho artifices employed by the Democrats In this campaign to hoodwink the people. "The Inaccuracy of most of the Times." r A Pernicious Example. THE ANNOUNCEMENT by former Secretary Carlisle of his Intention to abstain from voting for president ot the United States will not Incrc'ase tho respect In which he Is held. It Is a npgntlvc and cowardly position. There are ten presidential tickets In tho Hold and among them Mr. Carlisle ought to lind one satisfactory to his Ideas of government. If there Is none ho should have joined with other .citi zens of similar views In making one. As a matter of common knowledge, the president to bo elected one week from next Tuesday will be William McKlnley or AVIIllam J. Bryan and the citizen who desires to give a practical value to his ballot should choose be tween them. Even those citizens who, year after year, cast their ballots for hopeless third party nominees are to be admired for courage and consis tency In devotion to principle. Their position Is idealistic, quixotic, Imprac ticable but sincere. They command personal respect. But the man who refuses to vote at all because too ca pricious or fantastic In opinion to per. m!t himself to be suited by nny of the organized political parties or their nominees forfeits respect and earns the contempt of all who admire stal wart manhood. How much braver and more manly than the skulking attitude of Mr. Cleveland's secretary of the treasury is the position boldly taken by the postmaster general In the first Cleve land cabinet, Hon. Don M. Dickinson of Michigan. Hear how he 'meets the practical Issue now before the people: Since the adoption of the Kansas Cltf plat form, .mil his nomination, I have never enter tained a thought of voting for Mr. lliynn. " I am forced to the conviction that 1 would he a reniMiit American, fabe to my country, and faNe to my party as well, if I should take to tho woods. I um u Democrat on all the fninl.iinint.il Iimics on which our party joined Kittle in the past with the ltepuhlioans, th Whigs, and the I'i uVrallsts a Democrat without the neflc "gold," because mj party has been the party of sound tlnanie from JcnYrson to Cleveland. I could not lie a Republican if I vvvuld, nnd I jy the cried of Democuiy with all my old-time sincerity and faith. But I rce ognirc scarcely a vestige of Democratic principle In iltlier the Chit ago or Kansas City platforms. The oiganiAJtion is in the hands of the I'opu lM, and try these the livery of true Democracy h.w been stolen in which tn servo all the devils that nuke for social disorder. Mr. Hr.ian is preaching the gospel of hate, He endeavors to set friend against friend, neigh bor against neighbor, family against family, i.ec tion against section, and nation against nation, lb- makis the alwajs dangerous appeal to the evil in human nature. He speaks no encour agiment to the successful, but tells him to lay the blame nt the door of kts more fortun ate neighbor, and that his sole remedy Is to attack hint. lie imaiiably speaks of creditors ns "meitiless creditors," and to the debtor lie teaches that his friend who has loaned him money or trusted him Is his enemy. When a man fails and becomes despondent, he does not nek to inspue him with the American spirit of perseverance; he does not appeal to him to be up and doing and to try again, but he tells him to (.top trying, and that tho remedy is to pull down the more Miccnuiful. While the Republicans are responsible for many evils that beset us In our domestic eco nomy, the crisis is such that this is no time to (iisuiftrt them. The house is on the. Wo unit help our fellow-occupants to put 11 out, however much we may have illiTcred from them on the policies of houckcepln,; and, although ng.ilnst our prot"st, they had persisted In the policy of Using I.eioscno to start tho kitchen stoic". I take my place proudly by the side of Abr.nn S, Hewitt, under whom I fought in the gieat battle for Tllilen nnd Democracy in B7n Waiting In confidence the call of men like hlin to gather for the icorciniatlon of my p.nty, like him I conceive it to he my solemn duty to vote against llryanlrlng the Democratic puty and to rid the party nnd country of !',!',viinlni, nnd so, like him, in the ranks of tin- tuie Denincr.uy I shall go to thu polls and cast my ballot for President McKlnley. This Is clean-cut definition of posl. tlvo opinion which men of character Ir. all parties can admire for Its can dor however they may disagree ns to Its subject- matter. I3ut the course of Mr. Carlisle Is Indefensible. It is a shirking of civic duty which estab lishes a pernicious example. "The Independent candidacy of Prank M. Spencer," etc. Self.Revealed. THROUGHOUT OUU history tho people have expected and demanded of tho occu pant of the presidential of ficio a certain 'dignity of expression and nuinner in keeping with the dig nity of that oxnltcd oftlce. Tho way ,n which William Jennings Bryan would fulfil this rea3onablo expecta tion may be Inferred after study ot these extracts from his recent speeches !n New York city; The llcpubllc.ui party assumes that the labor. Ing man Is like a hog that mpieals when It Is hungry and klcepa when it is full. Solomon ban given us a. proverb; "The wise man fore.eeth the evil and hldeth himself, hut the foolish pass en and are punished.' This pi over b condensed read like this; The U) man gels the Idea Into his head, the foolish man gets It In the neck. Republicans cay; Ilooiay for a president who doon't let a lt.ttlo thing jike a code ot morality St i rid in tin way ol progress. Wtiat mould you think ol a God who would errata the Filipinos and then leave them for thousands of scars helpless until Mr. Ilanna found them and threw hit protecting anna around ttienif The Filipinos can't sing "Tho Btar Spangled Panner." What can they alng? i "There'll Be a Hal Time In the Old Town Tonight." t have iteen Republican going up and down Ihe land letting what (loci wanted, what flod'a plans were, when those who knew the HepuhlL cans knew that tlod would never have let the Uepnhllrnna know Ills plans In advance for fear Hint Ihcy would go out nnd forestall tho market and try to defeat them. livery citizen who wants a man ot this caliber substituted In place of William McKlnley should certainty vote for Bryan. An apt phraso Is contributed to the llternlure of current politics by Presi dent Btrycker, of Hamilton college, In the remark that whatcvor others may do, for his part tlie does not Intend to vote the lottery ticket. That Is exactly what the Democratic, ticket Is. It Is a 'lottery ticket In which tho chances are all against tho man who votes it. An Example. YOU CAN sometimes best Judge n cause by the character of its exponents. Senator Ben Tillman, of South Carolina, was a presiding officer at the Kansas City convention nnd Is one of Mr. Bryan's most trusted ndvlscra. It Is rumored that he has been promised a cabinet portfolio in the (now happily Improbable event of Bryan's election. Tillman has been talking for Bryan In Illinois. Tho Philadelphia Press per forms an educational service In letting tho larger public outside of Illinois know the style of Tillman's oratory, for It diagrams tho man and tho cause ho represents. Hero Is a specimen extract from Tillman's remarks1 at Carrollton, III.: Wc calls the Filipinos rebels. Wc ay we are earrjlng Christianity to the Islands. God have mercy upon the Christians who hope to miss hell by such doctrine ns that. What Is liberty? My Idea of liberty Is to let me run my business to suit misclf, and keep your mouth and hand out of it. Why Is every state in the South op posed to tjiis iniquity? Became you shot it Into us, and now we want to tell you If you propose to vote It out of us, we'll aee you In hell first. Mr. McKlnley refused to receive the Doer envoys except as private clti.ena because he was afraid of offending his friend, John Hull. And yet they tell us that the Germans and the Dutch are going to vote for this d U cowardly Republican party. I've told jou nothing but God's honest truth. If any man comes along and s.i It ain't so, tell him I Bay he lies, and I can prove it. The following passage Is from Till man's speech In Kewanee, III.: I told you we stuffed the ballot boxes and shot them (the colored voters). We do not deny it. What was this In comparison with the "coon" government which we had been suffer ing, by which wc were at the mercy of the ne groes, who did not know enough to go to the market place and hack? In our county the negro majority was 2,000 and we heat them by only 3,b00 votes. The conditions demanded it of us. Are we to allow jou people of the North with your fanaticism on the subject to make us submit to that which degrades us to the plane of mon grels? Xo, we'll see you In hell first. At Joliet the senator delivered him self as follows: I am not here to make any apologies for South Carolina. We are giving to the negro Just such a shire In the government of our states as he Is capable of exercising and that is d d little. We were forced to do some wrongs in dealing with the question, and I admit it. There were more colored people in South Carolina than there were whites, and we were forced to get down the shotgun when they attempted to have these blacks dictate to us what form of govern ment we should have. Yes, we occasionally Ijnch a nigger down there. Why don't we let the courts try the case? Because the men of the South are not white-livered enough to per mit our wives and daughters etc., etc. in other words, because you men of tho Xortb are too white-livered to know jour duty to your wives and daughters. That's why. And wc aro going to keep right on doing as wc have done so long as we have any fliotguns left. How would you like to have this man in the cabinet at Washington? Bryan's argument against a working man's full dinner pall Is an empty one. 5churz and Cockran Answered. (From a Recent Letter by Hon. Don M. Dickin son, Postmaster General in President Cleve land's First Cabinet.) ON THE finance question two or three respected friends use this logic, substantially: "It Is true that the Kansas City platform declares , for national and commercial dishonor by the 'Im mediate' free coinage of silver at 16 to 1 as legal tender. It Is true that the candidate who stands upon It has said: 'If there Is any one who be lieves a gold standard a good thing, or that It must be maintained, I warn him not to cast his vote for me, be cause I promise him that It will not be maintained In this country longer than I am nble to get lid of It.' It is true that the same candidate made It a condition of accepting the nomina tion that the declaration for free sil ver ohould bo Inserted In the plat form. Nevertheless, by reason of Re publican legislation and a Republican senate, the candidate wo support can not accomplish tho result he declares for." Even If It wero true, which Sadcny, that Mr. Bryan, If elected, could not order the payment of the public obll. gatlons In silver, or that tho mere election of such a man on such a plat form would not destroy confidence In the credit and honor of tho nation, and before Inauguration drive gold out of the country and Into hoarding places; nny, even If It were truo that such a declaration, Indorsed by tho American people, would not entail In dividual and commercial demoraliza tion, as well as financial distress, still, with all deference to men whom T respect, this logic seems to mo tho baldest sophistry, It may bo admitted that tho man who proposes to havo the nation make a debt paying dollar, or labor paying dollar, out of CO cents of silver and SOyCcnts ot vacuum, Is sincere In his views of political economy. So Is tho anarchist sincere, nnd his physical and moral courago (though perverted) cannot bo questioned, when, taking his life, in hla hand, ho adopts assassina tion ns a proper political method, Suppose In order to get tho anar chist voto the platform had Indorsed assassination ns a political means, and suppose the friends of, tho candidate nppeuled to us for votes on the ground that although the declaration for as sassination wns in the platform, yot in fact It could never be made effec tual becausa the Republican police protection was too perfect, would we listen to tho proposition? Yet the logic Is tho same, and the analogy should not offend, for the turpitude of the two declarations would differ lit tle In degree In the opinion of the two or three men who are endeavoring to bo reason themselves into voting for Mr. Bryan. , OX00000O0C00000XO000X0 ( TWO CHURCHMEN Archbishop Ireland. "I Intend to vote lor William McKlnley and Theodore llonaevclt. In glvlncf my vole for the candichtea f the Republican pirty 1 am salltfjed In my own conscience tint I serve the bent Interests of tho country at homo and nliroad; that t tontrlbuto to the maintenance ol the country's milorlal pros perlly and ol peace and good will between tho ncvcral ctassen of Its population! that 1 aid tho country In bringing about the safest and most honorable solutions of the rompleT problem's which innfront It as the' result of tho late war, and In retaining for itself tho exalted position which It holds at pres ent, commercially and diplomatically, before other nations of tho worOld." ooooooooooooooooo This talk about "despotism" nnd "despots," and "airs of eastern poten. tates," tho cxerclso of "royal powers," "governing without tho consent of the governed," "King George the Third," nnd tho like, Is not nt till new In re spect to the government of unorgan ized territories of tho United Stntes. All these phrases nnd epithets were used nnd applied to Jefferson nnd his administration of tho nowly-acqulrod Louisiana Purchase under tho bill signed by him nnd drawn by Madison. Tho same Is practically truo ot Plor 'idn, when, following tho Jefferson pre cedent, Its government was debated. An amendment providing that nil tho principles of the Constitution bo "de clared to be applicable to the said ter ritory as paramount acts" was voted down. Webster indorsed the same theory In 182S. Tho Philippine ques tion Is a problem to bo solved by the congress so far as tho wholo territory" is concerned. It may bo determined to withdraw the flag as In Cuba. But In no place on earth must that flag bo hauled down under fire. Don M. Dickinson. s The Times quotes with indorsement from one William S. Johnson, sneclal correspondent of the New Voice, ac cusing our soldiers In the Philippines of wholesale drunkenness, debauchery, lechery, etc., In language hardly fit to print. No doubt the man who searches for the seamy side of life with a mag nifying glass can see material for sen sational accusations. You don't havo to go to Manila or to the columns of the New Voice for Instances of that. But as regards the conduct of the rep resentative American soldiers In the Philippines we prefer to accept the tes timony of men like Bishop, Potter, President Schurman of Cornell, Chap lain Pierce and scores of others, who speak of It in terms of patriotic praise. The professional slanderer of his fellow-citizens who are dally risking their lives in the performance of difficult and perilous duty far away from home In service of their country and In defense of Its flag Is about the poorest speci men of humanity yet located; and the paper which tries to make party capital out of his nauseating efforts Is little Indeed. The Inaccuracy of most of the Times' ebullitions on trusts is shown in its asinine charge that there Is a news trust. Its reference presumably Is to the Associated Press; and yet the facts are that the Associated Press Is strict ly a mutual organization, not making a penny of profit, with every member on a footing of equality with eveiy other member, and with each pledged to contribute a stated sum to meet the expense of effecting the desired inter change of Intelligence. Every member Is at liberty to quit on six months' notice and new members can be ad mitted subject to the consent of the members already In. Membership In the Associated Press costs more than In some smaller news bureaus; but it is evidently the judgment of 05 per cent, of the leading publishers of the United States that It is worth mora, else they would give notice and change. The Independent candidacy of Frank M. Spen cer for congress cannot fail to be of substantial benefit to Mr. Conry. Times. That, of course, Is Its purpose; but It rests with the Republican voters of our county to determine whether this pur pose shall succeed. The Republican who wants to send to congress an op ponent of Protection, a foe of Sound Money and a ready instrument of ob struction to tho policies of the Repub lican president will, of course, with hold his voto from tho Republican nominee, Mr. Council: and whether ho shall then give It to Spencer or Conn will not make much difference. It will count for Conry just tho same. Mr. Bryan says that If elected ho will got tho American army out of tho Philippines as soon ns possible, and In reference to the payment of govern ment obligations will obey the law. This seems a rather Indiscreet avowal at the present stage of tho gamo. If Mr. Bryan wishes to keep the wild eyed element behind him In Hue, he should be careful about committing himself to the Philippine policy of the present administration or express ing any particular regard for th'o laws of tho land. Democratic denunciation of McKln ley two years ago was based on tho Idea that there would bo no wnr with Spain, and McKlnloy's refusal to fight would bo the Issue of 1900. Now ho Is denounced became he fought and won. The same MoKlnloy who Is de nounced for militarism and Imperial. Ism, was accused by tho Democrats only two years ago of being a coward who would endure any insult or out rage rather than go to war. Not a Democrat In tho land thought nf crying Imperialism or militarism when McKlnley wns trying to settl" the Cuban troubla and avoid war with Spain, But the cry Is made now for political effect, Some one should havo Informed Mr. Hobson that the Sampson-Schley con troversy ceased to ho a paramount Issuo early during his absence from the country, v . Bryan is a protectionist for his own book and for Democratic trusts, but he Is for free trade to impoverish American labor. ON THE CAMPAIGN. Bishop Fowler, "As a believer in American history I am on expansionist, tt Is n Republican doctrine nnd Democratic prncllce. Iltpinslon Is the law of Saxon life. Kxpa.mIon Is In our blood, In our history, In our religion, In our rfes. tiny. To call expansion Imperialism Is eith er foolish or Insincere, or both. The prcsl .di nt, least of nil, could resist the people. II McKlnley la sclented he will continue lh protective tarllt. He will retain the' gold stunil.lrdl he will keep our flag floating over nil our territory, preserving our national honor; he will hold the United Rtatea up in the front as n world power; secure the open door for trade and the gospel, and help to pcrpctualo civilisation, thus haslenlng the rn dof heathenism and Chrlstlanlratlon of the world." ooooooooooooooooo ) HEBE IS THE BECOBD. From the Washington Post, Ind, The existing conditions, In finance, commerce, and Industry, furnish the Republican party with all tho campaign material that tt needs. Mr. McKlnlcy's administration has, up to this mo ment, been attended hy extraordinary and appu lent achievement. The conduct of our financial af fairs has been crowned with a success of which every substantial cltlren Is, according to his vis. tide interest, a beneficiary, Wc know of no de pfcrtment of legitimate activity which has not thriven during the past three years. Our mann. facturlng enterprises have exhibited a remark able growth and a corresponding prosperity. Agriculture was never so well-cstabllshod and so bountifully rewarded. And, what Is more to the purpose, this vast waro of profit and encourage, ment has covered the entire country north, scuth, east and west alike. The cotton planters, from Tcnncsiie to Texas, gaie upon rich har vests. The cotton mills of the Carollnas, Georgia and neighboring states have been converted Into gold minis. The farmers, from Ohio to tho Pa cific, have paid off their mortgages, are at last independent, and now see befoio them an era of assured prosperity. Labor ia everywhere In de. manil at excellent wages. Capital finds remu nerative employment on every hand. Tho whole country Is a bec-htve and honest effort has Us sure reward. Look, for a moment, nt that record. During Sir. McKlnlcy's administration wc have passed from ths state of a national debtor to that of a creditor nation. Instead of borrowing from Eu rope, we lend to Europe. We have a funded deft of $333,000,000, bearing 4 and 4V4 per cent. In terest, Into bonds bearing 2 per cent. a less rate than was ever before realised by any coun try in time of war and our new bonds now command a premium of 4 per cent., being quoted higher in proportion than the securities of any Kuropean government. We have collected, with out friction, without difficulty, and without the scandal of a single defalcation the largest reve nue In our history. During the year ended June 30, M00, our internal revenue amounted to $295,. M3,107.57, and th? proceeds of our tariff on im port!: amounted to $271,027,744.32 making a grand total of $507,210,831.89. We have created tinea March 14, this year, 323 new national banks. These banks have been established throughout the country small banks, with cap itals of ?30,00O and J25.00O distributed among the agricultural districts, and they give not only facility, but protection. They aro, in fact, the symbols cf our tremendous progress and develop ment. From March, 1803, to March, 1897, there were 15S national bank failures. From March, 1S97, to Match, 1000, there were 34 failures. He who cannot read aright the meaning of these facts nnd figures is byond the reach of common sense and reason. LITEBABY NOTES. The October number of Current History is re plete, as usual, with the most ot what is best to know concerning the progress of the world during the past month, appropriately illustrated with six maps and tliirty-olx portraits anu news. As a faithful summary of the history of today, systematically followed up from month to month, this magazine appeals to tho reading public as one of spetlat and permanent usefulness. Interesting, suggestive, helpful that must be the verdict upon William Allen White's character sketch of "Hanna" in the November JlcClure's. To a vast majority of most intelligent readers. Senator Hanna was unknown until the campaign of 1KHJ, and is still but vaguely understood either as a politician or as a man. To those who wish to understand this great political leader, Mr, White's illuminating article will be especially welcome at the present period of political excitement. The Century in 1001 will have a series ot articles on "Railroads and Railroad Men." The author, Major Charles DeLano Hlne, is a gradu ate of West Point, who resigned as an officer of the army to become a freight brakeman, from which position he rose through various grades to tlut of general superintendent, besides finding time to serve as an officer ot volunteers in tlie Santiago campaign. Major Hine Is now in the service ot the Interstate Commission as a railroad expert, and has exceptional opportuni ties for obtaining information. Some of the great material achievements of the nineteenth century will be celebrated in The Century Magazine next year. The steel Industry in tho United States will be treated by Professor Thurston, of Cornell, and the mining, transpor tation and milling of iron will be the subject of scvcial articles. The Woman's Home Companion for November opens with an article entitled "The Greatest Sunday School in the World," describing tlie famous Sunday school of Stockport, England, which has been In existence for llfl years and which now has over 6,000 pupils. "Tho Social Sphere.of Mexican Women," by Adelaide Vazquri .Sliiafilno, herself a Mexican, tells of the duties nf the wife and ot tlie restrained character of courtship beyond the Rio Grande. The church in which Ptcsldent McKlnley attends services Is described In an article entitled "Where the President Worships." The second part of Robert Grant's delightful paper, "Heroes and Heroines," tho second of Lillian Hell's travel papers this one dealing with the Passion Play and "Tlie Agulnaldo March," which is the war music of tlie Philippine insurgents, appear in this number. Scveial articles suggesting entertainments for Thanksgiving and special dishes for the day's great feast, und illustrated articles upon the fall fashions give the luue a tone in harmony with the season. As no diplomatist Is allowed to define, In print, his cnuntri's policy, except with the express consent of his government, the article, "Ger man 'a Foreign Policy In China," that Baron Spech von Sternburg, charge d'affalies al tho. German embassy at Washington, contributes to tho current Issue of Collier's Weekly, may be fairly described ns an oltklal document embody ing a declaration ol the views and purposes of Germany with regard to China, In granting per mission the emperor Insisted that a copy ol the paper containing tho urticle be sent to him, ao Collier's U sure of a royal roader. THAT PORTO MOAN TABIFIT. Import Into the United States from Porto Itlci havo tieblid, and exports to that island front the United StaNs have cmadruplcd In the the months since the enactment of the new l'orto lllcan urltf act, as compared with tho) of tho (.orrespondlnir months of J8W1 and IfW, when l'orto Itlco wan under the fipunhh (lasf. The l'orto HIcan tarilt act went Into effect May 1, 1U00. 'Iho imports from the inland in tho flvo inontlia whose record the treasury bureau of statWlu has juvt completed, amount to H310,:U, "gainst ft, UW.tfS In the mncipond ins month of 1M7, or pructiially Ihiee tlnici us much In tho live months of 10OO as in the nrrcsondlni; five months of 1S!I7. The export to tho bland In the live month ol I'lOO aro 2,S07,D09, against ?717,7H In the corresponding months ol ls'irt, and $TcW,S02 In the corresponding months nf h')7, or practically four times us much in 1900 as in J610 or lD7, These figures are i-.peilally Interesting because ol the fact that It was supposed when the act went Into effect that the commerce ot the nr.t jear would be very small by rtason of tin hurricane of last eor which pioved so danuKins to the chief Industries that it was lhuuht llu Island would In the piuent .vear have little t sell and consequently little with which to Imv. Vet the figures elven In low show that it has sent to the United .States In the five month from May l. 1000, to Oct. 1, I'M), twice ai much In value as In the (orresondints months ol 1S00 nd three limes as much as In the iimi months ol 1S!)7, nd that It ha bought from the United btatec. more than twice as much as In the corresponding monllis ol ISM and practi cally four times as much as In the correspond ing months ol 1800 or IK97. o The following table shows the exports from the United Stales In Porto llleo nl fifteen represen tative articles during the five months ending Oct. I, 1000, compared tilth tho samo months ot 1SD7I Five months ending Oct. 1, Articles. 1S07. 1000. Cotton cloth $ 1,42.1 $400,101 Flour , 201,278 40J,M2 I'nrk 73,821 i,M17 Petroleum lS.li !0 05,0.V1 Dacon 0,m, 28.4SI Coal ll.llsO 2i1,. Cheese , v 1,001 2rt,4lVI Furniture .'I..101 2.1.2M Builders' hardware 4,3.13 22,0sil Cars and rarrlages 3,311 12,20') Hooks, maps, etc 2, Mil 11,011 Fruits and nuts .,, ntm 0,o;7 Hotter ' .1,151 r,,v.o Agricultural Implements ,, 1,217 ,1,83d Sewing machines l,Mj 3,132 THE ENDUBINO. Still awed and marveling what light must be Hid by the door tint bars Futurity Though, even clarer than with eyes of youth, He reads with his old eves and tears foi sooth 'Would'at havo a friend? Would'st know what friend Is best? Have God thy friend; lie passeth nil the rest." .Tames Wliltcomb Riley. XOXiD BY THE STABS. Dally Horoscope Drawn by AJncehm, The Tribune Astrologer. Astrolabe cast: 1.4S a. m., for Saturday, Oct. 20, 1000. A child born on this day will notice that it usually requires more Ingenuity to commit crime than to conduct business on the squire. Many men lose a lot of fun In meditation over the best methods of getting even with some one for real or fancied Injuries. The extent of a man's failures can generally be determined by tho energy with which he at tacks his more successful business neighbor. It Is not difficult to deceive a woman once, but the return engagement Is usually attended with suspicion. It may be that there is also an effort on foot to turn the jury room Into a speak-easy. Fame that Is not followed by fortune, modest or otherwise, may be classed 33 cheap notoriety. Men who have more backDone than brains sel dom profit by their vertebial rigidity. The hunting season is proving dangerous for all save the game birds. ALWAYS BUSY. Man wants but little here below. And soon he'll want no moie, But while he's here he wants the best; That's why he lilcis our store. Shoes for all tho walks of life. Shoes for all seasons of the year for every member of the family. Ladies, in our Glove-fitting Melln $3 Shoes wish to live forever, they aro so delightful. Lewis&ReMIy Established 1S33. ShdVs for all tho walks of life. nercereaui & Connell Now open for business at our new store, 132 Wyo ming avenue. We are proud of our store now, and feel justified in doing a little talking, but we prefer to have our friends do the talking for us, A cordial invitation is ex tended to all to call and see us, Jewelers and Silversmiths. Weff j Hff ft K ! W 111! ?? TJfe 3 ."Em i1 VLi 1 e Alfred. What can I do for a bloated feeling in my stomach ? William Henry. Take a Ripans Tabule. A sinoic one will relieve you . & . Tf in twenty minutes. It you s take one every night for a week, just before going to bod, you won't have the feel- inj anv A nw utrtt rviclcrt ? k?iMtnhlnTrMrrMnWJtlrinairr rt iMj luw t Ifi i I'Uf'Mcii lor IU mrmi I UriiMiMHiUwl Oik iluwi i(Ulk..i'il twit .u0 HUilbjM,.i.lh . lOu M -! t I't IM Uil'iNAtraMIC .V .!.. IU., , . U f I : COrVS. iD4iKrf blu-titi-titi Vj.L v iiMi.tjl(Httiiaaw f4VUH) nrfiiAitullw livuuuU NIEY'S 0000 A new purchase of seventy-five pieces Fancy Silks New designs and color ings which.we have divided into tires lots, viz: 759 9BC amid $io25o ' Actual value being at least one-third more than the price asked. Goods now open for inspection. 510-512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 66 Don't Swear 99 If you huveii't tho proper ofllce sup piles. Come In and give us a trial. We have the largest und most com plete line of ofllce supplies In North eastern Pennsylvania. If It's a good thing, wo have it. We make a specialty of visiting cards and monogram stntlonety. Reynolds Bros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. more, rmr Extra ordinary f aire in Sis I GOD BLISS ii i '&fm5n i0URr .i-Ve'.-.-.-.. .aitft'&ljw tftiwfejhj.j,aft isa. j ..SJk..b sv.