W,?is. 1-1." N "J1; j Ml , ns j-jpMfn ,?; SW9rii,J wW7Wmr T t - THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1900. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. (Special to the Sir.uilon Trlbene. Montrose, Oct. 20. E. I'. Stamp, n old-tlniG merchant of thlH place, who retired some years uro. litis decided to again enter active business. 11 will Hhortly open up a grocery Hlore In Hie Post block, on Church street. Joseph O'Brien, n younp son of John K.-O'nrlen, In nn elTort to hurry tip n furnace tire, poureil upon It u liberal Mlpply of kerosene oil; there wuh nil rxploslon and, ns a result, Josephs lltjtlu Hlster, who was standing neiirby, received frightful burns about the face ana her escape from death Is consid ered remarkable. Another little girl van slightly burned. Physicians were Immediately summoned and both chil dren are on the road to recovery. Rev. Kreil H. Watklns, of Urandt, mul Rev. A. I. Henton, of this place, will exchange pulpits on Sunday, Oct. 2S. The Democrats of this county will bold a Brand Hrytin rally in this place tomorrow afternoon. Hon. l'eter O' Boyle, of AVllkes-Biirre, and W. B. Packard, of Troy, 'Bradford county, Democratic candidate for congress, will deliver addresses. Bullnul's band, of Itallstead, will furnish music. J. I,. Qualley has been having ex tensive Improvements made on the blacksmith shop on Chestnut street owned by lilni nnd occupied by K. It. Kesscnden and S. A. Dnwley. The ladies of the Methodist church served their regular monthly Ifi-cnc tea nt the home of Mrs. F. D. Morris this evening. The Bev. John Kemper Murphy, lale rector of St. Michael's Episcopal church, Germantown, wbo died at his home in thut place last Sunday morn ing, was -well known In Montrose, where ho had spent several summers as the guest of his friend, Dr. W. H. Dun ton, and the news of his demise was received with universal regret. Mrs. A. Tarke, probably the olden resident of Montrose, celebrated the ninety-third anniversary of her blrtn at her home on Drinker street a few days ago. Mrs. Parke is a lady es teemed by all and beloved by mauv. She still retains strength of mind a:ul body sufficient to make life enjoyable. Mrs. Jnmes Brady, of Scranton, Is visiting Mrs. Amanda Smith. A benefit certificate for one thousand dollars in the Improved Order of Hept nsophs, payable to the widow of the late Martin S. Hyde, has been received nnd paid to Mrs. Hyde through D. V. Gardiner, of Aneas conclave, No. iSSS, of this place. This payment has been made very promptly, less than thirty days having elapsed since the death of Mr. Hyde. George Smith has returned from a visit to,Binghnmton and Owego. Charles AV. Brodliead, of this place, member of the state board of agricul ture for this county, lias announced that farmers Institutes will be held in this county as follows: At Auburn Center, Dec. 7; Montrose, Dec. S; Biooklyn, Dec. 10; New Mllford, Dec. H: Welsh Hill, Dec. 12; Uniondale, Dev. 13. Able state speakers will be in attendance and address the gather ings. . Grand Republican rally at the ar mory. Monday evening at S o'clock. Speakers: Hon. Charles E. Llttleilelil, of Maine, and Hon. Hugh Gordon Mil ler, of Virginia. NEW MILFORP. Special to Hie Scranton Tiibunc. New Mllford, Ort. 2C A" course of lectures under the management of the Christian Kndeavor society of the Presbyterian church is being arranged for the coming season. IS. A. Boyl, of Scranton, will deliver the first lecture on the evening of Nov. S. A special service for old people will bo held at the Methodist church Sun clay morning. Cnirlngcs will be sent out after all old people. Mrs. Alba 13. Alney is spending n few days with her pr.rcnts in Nichol son. Miss 1211a Carr recently entertained her cousin, Miss Lottie Carr, of Fac toryvllle. licon. Shclp lias leturned to Roches ter, whore ho v. ill begin a two years' course in the study of law. Mi-, and Mrs. S. V. Trumbull spent Thursday with relatives nt Tiffany. Miss Helen Hutchlngs will spend Saturday and Sunday with friends at llallstead. N. S. Faucher has gone to Montrose, where ho is employed in the barber shop of Henry Smith. James Prentice Is visiting friends in Philadelphia. A number of townsmen will attend the Republican mass meeting at Sus quehanna Saturday. Grand Republican rally at the ar mory, Mondny evening at s o'clock. Spenkeis: Hon. Charles K l.lttleflcld, of Maine, nnd Hon, Hugh Gordon Mil ler, of Virginia. WMHART. Special to the Sirinton Ttlbune, "Waymart.Oct. 20. Mrs. Richard V.u coe, Miss Laura Doney and F. R. Inch attended tho Scudder-Vnfcoo nuptials nt Mlddlotown, N. V Wednesday even ing, October 21. Mis. II, u. Kuslgii anil Miss Hello Dlmock are visiting relatlve.svJu I'nion dale, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Itiindali! of New York, spent Monday as the guests of the former's grandmother, Mi. Hun dall, on Main street, Mrs. Emma Fwlfu of Andrew Faatz, died at her residence, In Sout'lJ Uuunun township, rpiito suddenly oh Tuesday List. F.iumu F. Pope was born In Dy borry township in 1S.12, and was there fore forty-eight years old. At tlo aie of eighteen years she was united 7n marriage to Andrew Fautss. and of tills union. them uru left to.inuuin her loss, besides Jitr husband, tinea sons mid onouaiiBnier, .Messrs. Albert, Fred und Carl Faatv. and Miss Ida Fuatz, also a stepson, Friend Faatz, of Salem, Utah, ,Sh0 '3 ."Is" fmrvb'cil by Jier parents t und one sister, Mrs. Fred Ileny, of Scranton. Tlis fuirul was held at her late residence -on Thursday nt 10 o'clock. Services were conducted by the Rev. fyW;Knrncliiier, pastor of the Wnymart" Methodist Episcopal church. Interment was made In the famllyt))ot in a private luenietery near the old glass factory In Dyberry town ship. ; Mrs. Walter Carr, Mrs. G. M. Price and Mr. Harry Price, of Port Jervls, were callers in town on Flday. A large reception was held nt tho home of Hiram Cole, In Clinton, Thurs day night. Guests were In attendance from Aldenvllle, South Canaan, Far view, Wiiyiunrt, Carbondnle f ltd Clin ton. Kdwnrd Owens has been removed to the home of his sister In Seeleyvllle. The new S. 1). B. club have moved Into their luxurious apartments on Ralhoad street. The club starts out under the most flourishing circum stances, and they look forward to many soclnl events of note the doming winter. E. F. Ames lias becnmakiug some improvements in the interior of his store, which greatly add to Its appearance. lt tomotrow. The Hlar Drum corps Will accompany tlnmi. Tho marriage of H. J. Aclterman and Miss Mary Woodlshek Is one of the social events to tnko place In the near future. Mrs. 3. C. Brown nnd Mrs. K, J, Monroe spent part of this week at Lake Como. m in Grand Republican rally at the ar mory, Monday evening nt 8 o'clock. Speakers: Hon. Charles E. I.lttlellold, of Maine, and Hon. Hugh Gordon Mil ler, of Virginia. i i JONAS LONG'S SONS. JONAS LONG'S SONS. For a Cold In the Head Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets, HONESDALE. Special lo (lie Scranton Tiibune. Honesdiile, Oct. 20. Theodore Schimpff, of Scranton, has been en gaged as brewmubtor of the A. Hart ting brewery, in Honesdnle. Mrs. I.. O. Rofc nnd daughter, Miss Vinnle, spent a portion o the past week In New York city. Miss Clara R. Torry Is the guest of friend' In Port Jervls. Texas Fire company, No. 4," will give a ball In Krantz hall nrt Wednesday evening. Season tickets for the Musical His tory club are on sale, price, b" cents. The first meeting will be held Tuesday evening, Oct. 30. This (Saturday) afternoon the Jer royn and Honesdnle teams will kick the ball on the silk mill grounds. The surety of the peace cases, which grew out of the gloss cutteis' strike, ngainsl Eugene Welsh, Stephen Kllnc koif and Henry Seegner were with drawn by the prosecution in court this week. Hon. nnd Mrs. R. B. Hardenbergh and daughter. Miss Louisa, have been spending the week in Philadelphia. Mrs. Joslah Foster, who has been with her son, William, a Gouldsboro, lor the past month, ha3 returned to her home. Mrs. H. G. Keefcr is with her son, Edward, in New York city. From there she will go to -visit a sister at Derby, Conn. Friday evening. Nov. 2, Elijah Al len's Concert company will be at the Opera house with ancient and modern solos and choruses by lourteen people. Two distinct concerts: Pari first, an cient; pnit second, modern. A beautiful cut glass punch bowl, valued at $12,"., is en exhibition at I'etci son's jewelry store, which is to be chanced off Oct. 27, at White Mills, by conclave No. lft!i, Heptatophs. A fish and oyster market has been openeu uy .. i. Rems-on, in J. M. Bauman's store room next door to the express office. The Liederkran? will hold a ball on Tuesday evening, Nov. (;. in iheif- hall, at which plaoe the election returns will be given. Hugh Malloy, who war convicted of the larceny of some chickens at th. time the half way house was burned, was sentenced on Tuesday by Judge Purdy to pay a fine of ." and costs of prosecution, and spend three months in tho county jail. The fust number on tho Christian Kndeavor course will bo given in the Opera house by the Metiopolitan Star quartette, Thursday evening-, Nov. 1. Grand Republican rally at the ar mory, Monday evening at S o'clock. Speakers: Hon. Charles E. Llttlellold, of Maine, and Hon. Hugh Gordon Mil ler, of Virginia. Dr.BulIs COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at on'oe, FACTORYVILLE. Special lo the Scranton Tribune. Factoryvllle, Oct. 26. Several people from this place will go to Dnlton this afternoon to attend the Republican mass meeting and to hear Hon. Galushu A. Grow, who will make the address. County Chairman Carter, of Me lioopany, was ii caller here one d-iy this week. There was a Might jar down at the graded school last Wednesday after noon, but the stonu seems to have passed bv without doing any serious damage. Messrs. Reynolds & Uossltter, the enterprising contractors, have n $.",000 contract over at Oiyphant, and some of their men are over there now getting things In shape. The missionary conference held he-o In tho Baptist church Thursday even ing nnd Friday was nn excellent one and one of the best ever brought to tills town. The lectures Weie above the average, and the programmes were well carried out. There will be a union educational rally of the Baptist and Methodist I-Jplseopnl churches at tho Met It ml 1st Episcopal church Sunday morning, llev. Dr. Putiuini will have charge. The usual services will be held In the even ing. Mis, Myron Cobb Is seriously III with typhoid fever at the homeof her par ents in this place. Grand Republican rally nt the ar mory, Monday evening nt S o'clock, Speakers; Hon. Charles K. Lililelleld, of Maine, und Hon, Hugh Gordon Mil ler, of Virginia, mi i FOREST CITY. Spechl II"-' SrJiiton Trluii. Forest City, Oct, 28. James Zolsan- funee, a workman on the new breaker In course of construction here, who was employed as a block man, was being ntihed with a Inrwo wheel when the plank to which the tackle was fas leued broke, nnd tho man fell fifty feet, icceivlng Injuries on the head and body. He wuh taken to the Carbon dale hcspltul. Ild died about l o'clock. urcenseel was. about ?.0 years of ago and his home was In Wiikes-Barre. Misses Rose Mlddlntun and Oella Kano have returned from a visit at Scranton and Mlnooka. Ablg crowd will go from here" to Susquehanna to hear Governor Roose- SUSQUEHANNA. Special to tho fieranton Tribune. SiiBfiiiehnnna, Oct. 20. Will the Fac toryvlllo correspondent of the Scran ton Tribune explain his recent Item, In effect that Susquehanna hn a case of leprosy? The Busiiuchanna health authorities are much Interested. The Erie shopmen today received their ducats for services In September. Ro. Wllllnm Fretind, of Princeton, N. J., will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday morn ing and evening. He Is a candidate for the pastorate of the church. Having swallowed the Hnllstead Sun the llallstead Herald has a corpulent look. It Is expected Hint a thousand men nnd eight bands will be in line In tho Republican parade on Saturday after noon. Tile next meetlm; of tho Past Sach em's association of Susquehanna coun ty, Improved Order of Red Men, will be held in Susquehanna, In Jununry next. Wllllnm M. Post, esq,, of Montrose, was professionally engaged in town nn Thursday. Albert H. Falkeiibi'rg has returned from a visit with lib. Miters In Wash, ingtoti, D. C Colonel Price, of Philadelphia, ami Hon. George E. Green, of Binghamton, will bo among tho t-peakers to precede Governor Roosevelt at the Republican meeting on Saturday. The first of a series of hops, under the auspices of n newly-organized club, was held at tlio Stairucca. house this evening. Prof. Fierce, of Bing hamton, furnished music: for the occasion. J. w. Jackson Is ill at his home on Washington street. Merchant Tailor G. F. Schofors was taken suddenly and seriously 111 last evening. A corps of miners. In working garb. from Forest City, will be In line in the Republican parade on fc'aturdav. Mrs. Frank Curl an last evening en tertained Division No. 2 of the Ladies' Guild of Christ Episcopal church. The first of a serlea of popular con certs, under the auspices of Christ Episcopal church, will be held on Sun day evening, Oct. 30. Miss Katherlne Schnell, soprano, and Mr. 'George H. Downing, baritone, both of Bingham ton, will assist local talent. Two new, hlg decaptd pushing- lo comotives have arrived, for service on the Gulf Summit grade George Lamb, of Hnllstead, will piobably be appointed fish commis sioner for Susquehanna county. Special evangelistic s-ervices will bo held in the First Methodist church, commencing Dec. 2. Tastor Nowlng will be assisted by several ether cler gymen. The re-dedicatlon services of the Avenue Methodist church, in Oakland, will begin this evening, with a young people's rally, and conclude on Sun day evening. The dedication sermon will be preached on Sunday morning by Rpv. a. J. Van Cleft, of Dunmore. On Sunday afternoon, when the church will be dedicated. Rev. Charles H. Hayes, of Norwich, N. V., will preach the seimon. Rev. John H. Cook, of l'inghamten, will preach on Saturday morning, nnd Rev. Dr. Coons, of De posit, will preach In the afternoon. The corner stone of the First Con gregational chinch In Oakland will be laid, with appropriate ceremonies, on Nov. S, nt 2 o'clock p. m. Charles C. Pratt, esq., of Now Miltord, will per fmm the imposing work, and Rev. Dr. Edward Tyler and Rev. Thomas Clayton, both of Binghamton, will par ticipate. Grand Republican rally at the ar mory, Monday evening at S o'clock. Speakers: Hon. Charles E. Llttlefleld, of Maine, and Hon. Hugh Gordon Mil ler, of Virginia. o E a o o u. m Oppenheim's Great Concert Orchestra . . . "V sAWK"VWVX0V I ASSISTED Thomas H. Rowley, .Solo Cornetlst WILL GIVE Concerts . . Afternoon and Evening l lit ( A Jos J5 I " ir& y. S'A BY VV, .S.4&. S.V i y asc s r- i -m-m.r j vv r J j J& S -CV jr .rS e jm. m - v .jv . r . VVW S n r -rvxv s e, ":fc, JT ITJ S eS S rT" .0& J V r ,4 X-uK. m - s .J J 1 vM? m. -J -VW . .1, A. j6 kCV vy .a f?. VX .V ClV .x:.. .Atf VV rf CO' Yk. t I .& vyi t&. fs : & .VV s, ? U s& rv' -v Tj . fc- vt- V -QV vVV ..o& vX. XC; C "H lW- -. - a--. cN .vXv A X JN ..vve. NT1 .wJ V O.A s e' A .A. PS3 ,T .x rv ii ".i x V.ONVrffV SV vx. . y v- j - cv- py- m x mi .i -- rv- x x. c, ft v V.ac,V .P !0 '.v v W, vv-c 0- 'A' .fck'j- -XX XJ' .AL .V . t" .0 cv- -v-! O .fSO rtV . v . .0 A . X - -PS? v-Xx " P J r S X"V - W' A-XVV " . W J S' ,-.'x,.xt?' rx 'iV n. - .IV . ii " - fSP'tsV JfiF O T -Nv & V ..P. ' Avj . u.- ft vxV v o -.. .- J, "r.-eS. "V X f' XT d V V c (V ov k VJ -. . H.V , U ?k - .10 c tp' W P "J. X T X"V'' VIV . iT. . im.. J' t .V VV " ALV .V xx- v m w n . v . .rv x" rvi fcrvx "cx r m. jkxs .g C AvJ' fcA" ' -O &J V" YZ&l. A fi .vxVf.Atf v tv ti e. .a.' v y V V: A " X' - .VV . iw v .. er . o' V ' .x" x. v .ViT cr - v j- .e. L- k&) '.0- -V sr . S 9i Owv V & &i s r- & v JONAS LONG'S SONS. lONAS LONG'S SONS. wVvvA ly attended time. Miss Gladys week. and all enjoyed a good Ii Fanny Empet visited Miss MacConnell during institute To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature Is on each box. 25c. HARFORD. Sppcl.il to the Scrantnn Tribune. Harford, Oct. 20. Misses Pearl and Nellie Bedford visited Miss Maggie Lawrence, Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mrs. Overton, of Binghamton, and her mother, Mrs. Payne, of Brooklyn, N. Y., have been visiting at E. J. Whit ney's. Mr. Harry Miller and Miss Lena Payne were man led in Binghamton last week Thursday. Miss Bessie Tiffany has been visit ing her sister at Klneslev. Miss Minnie Dnrrow attended tho Christian Endeavor convention at Binghamton on Tuesday and Wednes day. W. Osterhout, E. H. Osborne and E. J. Whitney listened to a speech by Bryan, in Binghamton, October 1!, .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacConnell are vlMtlng their daughters In Wllkes Barre. A. E. Tiffany, of New Haven, Conn., Is visiting his father, E. T. Tiffany. Mr. and Mrs. Withers visited their daughters, in Thompson, October IS, Tho mtif-querade held Wednesdny evening at Odd Fellows' hall was large- COUGHS AND GOLDS CAN NOT EXIST Whore thy New Germicide, HWHH Is Use Night and Morning. YOUR MONEY rTfiIndED IF IT FAILS Five days' treatment and mcriinm advice sent free on receipt of 2o. stamp for postage. Sold by all druggists or seot by mall. Price, Outfit Complete, 1.00. Trial Outfit. 25e. The B. T. Booth Co., Ithaca, N. Y. BROOKLYN. Speci.il to thp Scranton Tiiliunc. Brooklyn, Oct. 20. Mrs. Mary Loomls and Miss Hattlc McMillan are visiting relatives in Sterling, Wayne county. Miss Lillian Byram, of Hopbottom, is spending a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Benjamin spent Sunday at the home of his son, Frank Benjamin, in Nicholson. Walter and Conner Stephens are painting the Unlversalist church. Mrs. George Peckham has returned from Scranton to continue caring for her mother, who is slowly Improving. Miss Lillian Chamberlain, of Mont rose, spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Shadduck. Mrs. Blake has taken up her resi dence at the homo of her brother, F. B. Jewett. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sterling, Mrs. A. W. Kent, Mrs. S. B. Eldridge, Mrs. Ansel Sterling, Mrs. A. S. AVnldie and Miss Gertrude Waldle attended the Hopbottom Unlversalist Ladles' Aid society at Will Brown's on Wednesday. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society was entertained by Mrs. A. J.-, Alney on Wednesday afternoon. Fred Miller and George Bunnell vis ited their parents on Sunday. The ladles of the Universalis! church mot at tho home of Mrs. A. W. Kent on Thursday to tie n comfortable for their fair, which will take place Thanksgiving day and evening. V Republican rally was held on Tuesday evening. Tho weather was un favorable, but quite an enthusiastic meeting was enjoyed. The Montrose Glee club and two good speakers were present. A supper was served at the hotel afterwards. Mr. J. C. Miller and Miss Jessie Mil ler visited Factoryvllle on Saturday and Sunday. An entertainment was given in the Methodist Episcopal church on Wed nesday evening by a returned mission ary and her two Japanese pupils, Illus trating many Japanese scenes, It was instructive nnd very amusing. Mrs. S. B. Eldridge and Miss Nettle Stephens spent Thursday In Montrose. Heller's Testimony. Albert Heller, living at 11U Farnham si., Omaha, says. "I have tried most every thlnK that is used as a pre ventive or cure for headache, but noth ing did m su much good as Krause's Headachs Capsules Others who have used them say the same thing." Price 23c, Sold by Mnttbew Bros. THOMPSON. Spi-clal In tin Scullion Tiiliunc, Thompson, Oct. 20. Comrades J. W. Bennett and Wallace Scott, of Tremaln post, Lauesboro, inspected Frank Hull post last Wednesday evening, and spoko words of cheer for the boys. Rev. A. F. Chaffee, pastor of the Methodist Kplscopa! chinch ot Oar boudule, called on his old friends, Rev, L. Cole und Rev, P. It. Tower, Wednesday,1 Mrs. L. Z. Oakley, ot Klngsloy, is visiting her brother, Rev. P. It. Towvr, at Rest cottage, this week. Liveryman James Burns Is excavat ing to put an underground stable under his barn, Mrs. Bert Barlow will read a paper before tho Women's Christian Temper ance union, at Foiest city, this own ing. A full house will fafeet Mr, Bundlu at tho First Baptist church next Hub bath evening. He has spoken here twice already, and enjoyed by tho Thompson people, O. L. Cullender is loading a car with potatoes toduy, The Thompson Water company Is adding a windmill to Its plant. Frank W, Lewis is moving Into his new house, which Is a model residence, Rev. A. D. David hpoke at the Chris tian Endeavor convention, at Gelatt, Wednesdiiy afternoon. Sirs. William Partridge, of White's Valley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. M, Lewis. They spent a day or so In Binghamton, returning last evening. The rain on Tuesday night was the most copious ift any wo have had. It stimulated the springs quite materially, Mi-4. Churles ICstubi'ook, of Caihon? dale, visited B. F. Barnes last nlcht, and went to Jackson thls4inornlng for a visit with friends. Rev. P. R. Tower will supply the Methodist Episcopal church pulpit on Sunday in the absence tot the pastor, Rev. A. J. Van Cleft. glllllllllllllHIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS'HIIIIHIIIIHIMIII3 ARIEL. Special lo tlic Scranton 'Irihuiic. Ariel, Oct. 26. Mrs. Grace Sampson and daughter, Madallne, spent several days In Scranton. Mrs. James Noble Is visiting at Ar lington. Mr. Shaw and Miss Smith called on friends at Gravity on , Thursday even ing. Mr. Charles Bldnell and wife and Eugene Sampson and wife and Miss Maud Chivers spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Merring, of Maplewood. The entertainment given last Friday evening in the school house was a. success. Mr. Rockwell, of South Canaan, called on friends in town last week. Mrs. Mary Brundage and littlo daughter returned home after a two weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. Shaffer, of Gravity. Mrs. John Blggart visited Scranton during the past week. Erastus and Charles Seeley, former ly of this place, but now of Hawley, The third quarterly meeting will be held in the Union church on Sunday morning beginning at 0.30 o'clock, with love feast, and preaching at 10 o'clock. Presiding Elder Rev. J. F. Warner, of Carbondale, will administer the sac rament of the Lord's supper. The Strike Is Settled. Now then lets (jlk liusincst. ou have liccn promising j-oiir family a piano for tin past .M-.ir oi two Imt on one prclcst or another ou hae kept nutting it off until your child has almost siven np all hope of ecr havinp a piano. Vcu'vc probably hesitated, on account 'of the recent unsettled condition of aflalrs, to consider no serious a matter to the ptmha?c of a piano. MMtlOlj'S liciause It is a llfelline Invcilmcit, n friend, a cempanlon, and ynu know Mint the piano jou want can't be bought on WIND. Hecause wo believe the UES'l' to be the C'lIIIM'CSjT U why hc aihisc jou to buy one of the celebrated 1842 5pIANos f 1900 i Of course wo hate pianos at loner Drices that arc positively the best values that can be nfToi i'il at tlic prices c ask. Some, slightly used, we are olforimr at prices almost nominal. Tn pimc our faith in these Instruments, We amcc to lake them back any time j uuiiin thiee jcars, allonmg vn.ua neen paid to npplv to the purchase of a new m STlKr'K. I'he MlcfV lo be told at regular cash price. You'll nnd it to your inteicst to 5 etu' us a .all beloiu closing it trade fui an instrument. A large and complete stock to S select fimu tluco iloors devoted to pianos. S OUR. GUARANTEE GOES W ITH Violins, (iuitais, Mandolins, llaujos, fclieet Music. Strings, h. & II, (tested). .1. T. I,, (tested). lluflini, Kozel Flakl, XjTHINO WE SELL. .'5 Damascus Steel. S Metronomes, B Maclzcl, j" J. T. L. (sold under ? g two-) car guarantee). fclicct Music. S Why Experiment On Yourself With remedies of doubtful utility when you can get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which has stood the test of time? Twenty-five years' Bale and use have proven that remedy to be a prompt nnd certain cure foi colds. It will cure a cold in a day if taken as soon ns the cold hns been contracted and before It has settled In the system. Sold by all druggists. Matthews Bros., wholesale and retail agents. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. N'cw Yolk, Oit. 'Jfl. The sloik inaikct under went many niutatlum el hCiUimcnt lmh., but one the whole c.mio thicugli the day's en ilea i ei.v well and the HM'iage lctel of piicca was higher as u rceiili of Hie day's turning, 'the iii.il krt was Iriegulai from the opening ai'd dining tht' ionise ot !hc niiou the reactionary U'l.iluiQ fairly got the. upper hand, i. in lug ptiica Id well below last niglil's In el. The ' eieme langc ill the moit uUHc blinks was tumi 1 tu oer '1 puints but tlic llnal tally teihitoil tut thaiiges in mull all cj.m--. tu Miull fur tioius. The weakness whiili oieicaiiie the mar ket was ileal 1 1 enough an incident ot the di gestion i( piolits. 'I In- folic nt the lln.ll tally hhowed that pmlessional .ipetators U'li'.urnl lo .sell h'.io.'U pietlv fn-ely also. .Soullum I'.nilii fill away 1,'i iluting the at tlic helling niou' nieiit. IIiiiiiM)ii Kapld Tr.in-11 was toy at--I hell dealt In and was pibhed up 1 binne any ninkiil idmis or wcukiieK began to ilcuh. These points o( sticiigtli rrvid to sibtiiu Hi" liuikel auiiieivli.it but icalklug continue i nil an .utile r'l.ili'. 'I he inalers bmke bhaiply on a icpoit that the Heading rmiipaiu winilil mini lo Its full tapaiily. A number nt I lie bun i"1 nlicl slinks ill i lined fnm 1 lu I Vj uiiils lln.-n weie alU'itcd unmenlut by the leporta o! tiio i.ut in piiics of Ftiel tails by lliith lil,lliiir.ll'tilli l. The hie tally was led by .Missouri I'aellie which was rtlshcil up tlueu points aboe tlie lowest without any news to iiiiuiint for I lie tUc. To tal Mies, (ill.iKJt) uliarcs, Tlic bond uiaikel (on lluiieil ai Hie ami hhnwed points of eakuers in ,nipatliey with nloikn. Total sales, ur alue, M,7."ill,(HXi. I'niled Males lefiindlng '.', win n Usiied, t li- new hiul old -Is and I lie As ad aniiHl 't per lint, Tlic last tall. E GEORGE W. FINN, 138 WYOMING AVENUE a Fine Tuning a Specialty. frtiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiinniiS Si'tilheiii II. II., i'r .... '"7 .IT'a fti's ',"' Tcnn., (.'. k lion ."'l!i .V7 Mis ' I'. S. Leathei 12!i Vlli ll:!i li'i V. S. U-atlier, l'r Tin Vl-li TPis 71 llnbl.er .' :'i 'li'-a ii I'liion Paiilie Ill's W.i Ol'i fti'i t'nioii I'adfic, i'r -aV TU'.s TJi Ti Wabash, I'r l' Wli IfH Ui Western t'niou M'.s Sl'i 1 wl NEW VOHK PROUL'CIl KXCIIANQC I'HICES. Open- High- Low- Clos. WIIIIAT. ing. est. l)et ember 78 78 May Mi M'i COItN". December -tlTA I- May 41 41ss est. Stl-'i tl's U'i lug. 77i't 4J 11 The following quotations Tribune by M. S. Jordan It Mean building, Scratiton, Pa. Oi Anieiiiaii hiuar ,,, .Mm I It an Tuhaico , Am. b. i. W Atili., To. i- S. I'c A T. & S. r. IT . Mtiioklyn Tuition Hall, h Olili font, 'Much , t'lu, Ac Ohio ,,,,, I'lilc. k (I. tV ., ,, Clili-.. l &- l( ,,,,, .St. Paul- , Itock Island Delawate & IliuUon baikawaiiua ,., IVdeial Steel ....... IVdeial Mi'fl, l'r .,, Kan. & Tex,, l'r ,,., bonis, fi Kadi Jl.Hiliait.iii Kb- ,.,,,, Met, Tuition Co ,,, MIsMiini PaiiHc IVople's (Ijs X, .1. l.'eiitul Sniiihiin i'jilhu ,,,, Nutfoll it: Vct em , urlb. I'.ulUe .Soitli. I'.lillle, V ,., X. V. Cinlial (Int. A: Wen .,.,,,, I'eiiiia. It. It , I'ailiie Mall Heading Heading, I'r l-uutlictii It. It Dnen-lnsr. ...1-i ... ... Jil ... i1i ... 74VJ ... m ... Ti ... ami ... 'MU ... I2'i ...IJ7si ...Hi) ...HlSVv ...11.1 ...I'D .... :v, ... nSTa ... i ... 7.'.'j; ... Dili ...liUW ... .'!! ,.. Ul ...lr. ... aj . .. U7' ... 5ih; ... TJU ...112$ ...Mlli ... U .., IMi ... m ... liTi irt liirnlslitd Tht t'u., rooini 7l) i-TOO Telephone Sixilj Illgle I.oiv. i:io. est. IJI'i tii'ii ;ii'.j ii 'i 7.1'i flIS 74 JS!4 -lis II?. IJ7 HVi Will III 1711 IS W MV 7 III! '4 I V)!i niu l.tt ;iu'4 W Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid. Asked, first National Uank S00 Fcrantnn Ravings name auu Scranton Packing Co 'third National Bank iir Dime Deposit and Discount Hank .. 200 Ktonoiny Light, II. & I'. Co I.aika. Trust Sife Deposit Co 130 Seunton Paint Co Clark k Snover Co., l'r Hi Siranton Iron l'eme i Mfg. Co Scranton Aile Woiks I.nekawanna Dahr Co.. I'r County Savings Hank k Ttust Co,.. I'ii.-t National Hank (f'aiboiidilc),. Standard Drilling Co Traders' National Hank Siranton Holt and Nut Co HONDS. Pernnton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 11120 People's Street Hallway, flrt mort gage, duo 10IS People's htieet Hallway, Gener.il mortgage, due 1W1 Dickson Manufacluriug Co I.ail.a Tiiunshlp Sihnol 6 per cent. ... City of Sctanton St. Imp. 0 per tint Siranton Traction 0 per cent 113 SOll Ij'l 100 us IIS 11.5 40 '6 ii'xj HI 2(1 300 30 100 102 102 FOe.; May, 80ic; October, 75Vjc.; December, 77',ie. Corn Spot weak; No. 2, lie. elevator and 4li',ii'. f. o. b. afloat; options declined sharply iluting the day and ilocd weak at ',de. net loss; May closed 419o, ; October, 43c. ; December, 42c. Oats Spot dull; No. 2, 25y,.c.; No. 3 23c.; No. 1! white. 27-7in'2Sc.; No. .1 white, 27a2JUc.; track mixed western, 23.i2G!c. ; track white weaiein and stale, 271iaWe.; options ery slow and ruled easier with corn. Hutter Steady; cream eiy, Kia22Uc. ; factoiy, lllattic; .lime cieameiy, 1Ki2Ic.; imitation creamery, 135;alSe.j stalo dairy, 13a2lc. (heese Steady; large white, lie; laige colored, lie.; rtnall lolorcd, lie. Kggo Dull; state and Pcnnsyliauia, 21a22e.; western regular packing, 17altie.; wcutcrn losa olf, 2Ie. Chicago Grain and Produce. Cbiy.ign, Oct, 20. Reported ecellcnt crop piijspeits wheat today lost jcsteiday's mhanie, December closing Tsc lower. Com lost He. ami oats ,iU)ii'. 1'iovisions at tiio close wcto un cliaiigcd to 7'5c loner. Cash quotations wera as follows; Klour ijuiet: No. 3 spilng wheat, Il."a71c.; No. 2 led, 7,1c; No. 2 corn. .'ITJie. ; N", 2 .icllow, a7-7i'.j No. 2 oats, 2-.'a22Vic; No. 3 white, 2.ii'.; No. .'I white, 2la2J',.o. ; No. 2 r.ie, 47!in47c; barley, 37c.; No. 1 tiaic, ?t.b0.tl.Sl; No. 1 northwest, (l.blul.U; tlinothey, t.S0j pork, $11.30; laid, S7u7.O2!0; ribs, I.75.i7; lioulders, CaOUc; sides, ?0.73aO.SJ; yhlskcyi ,fl,27. est. ns ;iii 2-1 71 ot 7'i7s 2114 31U 1214 l-Js'i, 1 1 Hi iim 113 lT!i W)4 Mi! Ii4 " l''i IW 37'.i ill!' l.Hli 37T1 S7'.j Mis 7.1',i lit 2iS5 U, in 10!i ui 12T1 v.Ti 7.1 Uib . rii 17'1 ing 122'; ns !W ia; 71 , Oils Ti-hi 2!)',i :;o',; iiS. 1I5H (H III lii54 ill l7s Ui 7Vi Hil5i a;vi 0Hi IM'I T4i 37lj -7!a 7.1 Ul 221 II Hi T' 19 1,0 l-JTi Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by 11. G. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Butler Cieameiy, 2Sa2lc,; dairy tubs, 23c. 1'gga Select western, 17i; nearby state, lWc. Cheese 1'ull iiiaui, new, Hlac. Ueans I'ei hu., choice matruw, f.'.IO; niedlum, $2.30; pea, t2.30. rolatoesCOc. Onions 00c, per bu. I'lour-Uejt patent, ?I.C0. . Philadelphia Grain and Produce. 1'lilladilphli, Oci. 20.--Wheat-Dull mul i; lowei; iiinltatt grade, llctobei, TV4a7t'?4i'. torn liiegiil.il' and in good demand; No. 2 mlscd. Odiihei, IIUa4l','ir. 0.it-l.'iicli.uiged; Nu. 2 white illppcd. 2vrJs!;i', ; No. 3 do. do,, 2U!il 27c,; No. a inlxt'il, .itiWIlsc, Huttcr-I'lini; fancy wcsleiu iiciuuiy. 211s'-! '1. I'llnlt, 27c, I'gg riiin; neli ni'Uiln, 21c; du. wclun, Jll.; do. Miutliwtstfilt, V'Ui'. , do. ioiltlii'iii, l!c, Cltii-se iuii't but limn NVw mk mil ni.iuis Ijho.i tin.ill, II .ii 1 1 lie ; iIj. du, do, flit In ihoiie, lil.ill'ic. Ilellncil 'uiiiiii- Ciiiliaiignl. Cuttiiii sliady. Tallow Dull .n.il weak; city I'lline In ho!hcadi, I'sc J ciiuuli) do., bar ids, 4?i,i daik, 4'ic. ; i.ikes, fllie. Lite I'mtl. ID- i'liin; (owls, iliolic. lie,; old iwslcni. 7c,; fining iliiiki'iii, li.iil!:i.; dm Us, lutlOtjc, Diesde roullii- I'liiii; lowli, iliiiite, ill.; do. hie o good, 0j IU',0i . ; old uMu, 7c; iieaiby piiug clili kins, llnl.li, : wolirn ilo., IU.i'c, Itiieiits- lloiii, (.Will IuiiiU and 1,7311,000 lijuii.fr, lii kjeks; wheat, .'U.ouO liihliols; torn, ll3,lkO Im-lti-ls; oils. I l,(mi) 1mi,Ii,.N. ,iiuieiiU Wheat. 17.000 lm-lit'l; 10111, 11,000 hudii'ti; ualk, 30,000 bihliil,, New York Grain nnd Produce. New Yoifc, Oil. 20. Klmir Matkel was nu. willed and noiuiiully 3a 10c. lower to Kill, witli bnjiu holding oft. Wheat Spot weak; No. 3 red, 77'ii'. f. 0. b. arloat; T-ltJi-. ileialoij No. 1 northern Dululh, tHic f, o. b. alloat; iiplloiw weak all day and ibued wiak in suite of u uoud expoit rado at ?iae. net decline; Match clojcd i eilaac Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Oct. 20. -Cattle Hcceipts, 2,500; gen erally stead.v ; natives, best on nh today, ono car branded at S-.'i.tsl; good to inline steels, $.1.00 all; por to niedlum, $l.40a5.t0; selected feeders, low, if 1,73.14.40; mixed i.tockcrs. weal:, $2.j0a 3.01; cows, 1-2.73.11,2.1; hellers, Ir2.0.1,i 1,7.1; can ners, i2a2.bO; InilN.-j 2,30al,4li; uilie.s, yiab.M; Texas fed steels, Slal.lK); grass slceis, Ia4,'l; bull, f!.73.i.l.21. Ilugs-lleiiliils today, 21,000.; tcmoriuw, 10,000 estimated: left over, 2,'XM; act iw, 10c. higher; top, srl.lU!;,; mixed ami hutch-, eis, S-I.jlil.li-J'.s; god to choice heavy, fl.Mi I.OJii; lough he.iy, sl.30jl.li0; light, ? fJal.tiO; bulk c( Mies, $1,0.1.1 1.W, Sheep Hcceipts, 0,000; hlii'i'p and lambs, steady; 174 fancy amago 1H pm.uiN at $1,21; I.001I tn clioice wetlieis, ii,rsV i.iu; tail- 10 tuoice iiiim'u, i. luri.m; wesieru hup, K-f.00i.il.lil; Texas sheep, f2.5tii.l..10; natlvt lambs, ifl.'.'3.i.'.3i); western lumbs, fl,73i.1f0. Buffalo Live Stock Market. K.it lliillalo, Oct, V'O Hiceipts, c.Utle, HI cats; ehaap and lambs, 2.1 (.in; lings, ,i.1 tats. Shlpinilits, 1'itlle, ll'l caia; liup and links, 10 uis; liogs, 21 cam, Cattle, stro'igei; cuUis, !4'', higher; choice lo extia. Sa1,25; good to ihinee, fr-.00.is. Slucp and Lambs Stronger; western lambs, 1 Mulio to extia, 1.35jj..'i); iiiedliiiu In ihoiie, S1.l.1a1.3.1; conioii to fair, lal.lfl; Cauaili I.-nibs, god to extra, VVoOal 01; slieip, ihoire to tl.i, M.73U; good o choiic, S.l,23aJ..10; year lings, ilal.fio. Iloirs .lilOc, hlgliir; he.iiy, if. Pi ai; inixed, $.itlj5; Voikers, 'Jl.b0.it iM; pis, SI.MUI.liO; tuughs, ?l.!ual.50; stags, 1.5ttill clofeil steadv. New York Live Stock Market. New York,, lit. 20. Hcei'cs (food open'A slejili; 1 illinium Imwr; ibned dull mul lual.lo, nit in lomuion steeia; cows and bulls, stccrc, l,2i.i1.,r.il; hulls, $U.-JU'(.UI; luws, ?1.10ia.ll. I alvi" lieliuall) slcad.i ; ,eal, if I.. .0.1 S .10; lit. lie l all is, i; gra.sseis, f2.30a'l; luived ami fu 1 alii-., fl'23a4. Miceii and Lambs Maiket slow; sheep, c.islei ; good lambs, iiady In sliong, nth et neghilid; t.lui-11. 2..'Ai4; 111IN, ll,Vli?.2.1; lambs, $; culls, l. t'anida l.linlw. iJ5 SO. II115S Miiket almost nomiiul Imt stead). East Liberty Stock Mnrkat. Eau f.ibiir.i, Oil, 2il. -C'jttle Stead , ejlra, ?.r,0j5.(l.,; piiuie, K.20.i3.S1; lomiuon, fl.'i'aJ.7i. Hogs- Steail.i : pllme anleil heailej and me diuiiH. l.ll7!!;a4.W)t heaij Yorkns. Lf5 4.S7W; liglit Yoikeis, SI, Mat, SI; pigs, l 1.0a I si I, Sheep siead.i; ch'Mie w, 'tin is, sl.ti.1at; lomuion, $1.50 .12.30; 1 hull e lambs, rlj.1. tu; common to good, S.J al.M; Mai calve. tfal.jU. Oil Market. Oil rily, Oct. 20.--Crf.llt batmen, Jl.U; eer. iiiiiaics, 110 1,1.1: s-nipmciiti, :m,.s. harrili; iv. etfage, OO.'C) liaiiels; 0l.7i0 bairi'ls. 1 una, luj.ijls; bauds; ar- "A