V high personal characteristics and In domitable fighting qualities stood him in good stead and he won out! In his district In good style. During his term In the legislature he was appointed to and served with dis tinction on a number of Important committees of t'hat body. Mr. Beck was n6mlnated three years ago for this same office of register of wills, but was defeated because of the sympathetic feeling that was dominant among the voters for his opponent'. But with loyalty unshaken he accepted this reverse with good-humored philosophy and buckled on the armor of party ac tivity with undiminished energy. This year amid a considerable number of candidates from various sec.tlons throughout the county Mr. Beck as pired successfully for the same place on the county ticket, and it is due him as a recognition of former services no less than as an obligation of party reg ularity that he should receive the un animous vote of his fellow partisans. by the last speaker of the house, Mr. Parr. Mr. Reynolds, having made the preliminary campaign in his district, Is naturally well acquainted with the vast majority of the voters, and is known favorably by all. He Is Inde pendent In many of his political be liefs, though he always was a very consistent Republican, and his memor able contest to retain the popular bal lot at the Republican party's primaries here evidences his skill in debate. He believes in allowing the individual voter to decide the issue. If t'he voters are not able to settle any question that may come up Mr. Reynolds believes popular government to be a failure. To send him to Harrlsburg In Janu ary next means the placing of a man .there who will do all t'hat lies in his power for this city and county. Both will then need special -attention. The new city charter and the possible con tention over the fee system, bot'h of which may require legislation, will tax the capabilities of the best men at the EMIL BONN. to which will undoubtedly be added many votes cast by others in compli ment to his sturdy qualities as a citi zen and as a man. He is a man of firmness, sagacity and forethought, liberal in his views and tenacious in his opinion, and pos sesses the attributes that make a good citizen and a successful official. Hav ing kept his standing in the party at' all times, whether successful as a can didate or defeated, the Republicans of Lackawanna county are now deter mined that Mr. Beck shall receive the honors and emoluments due him at this election. THOMAS J. REYNOLDS. One of the most conspicuous now in the legislative field here Is Thomas J, Reynolds, of the First Legislative dis trict. He has the distinction of being the candidate of his party In the sec t'lon made famous in being represented state's law making seat. Mr. Reynolds is a very careful observer of events and will be able to judge correctly just what will be needed by the city and county in both Issues. As much legis lation goes by place on committees, and these come as party favors, the prudence of selecting a man who .will line-up with the dominant party now suggests itself to the voter. Mr. Rey nolds is a Republican and the next or ganization in the house will undoubted ly be of that kind, hence the wisdom of selecting him. Then there are many measures relating to this section which Mr. Farr could not complete at' the last session, and a man must be sent from his district who will be able to hold up his end In bringing these matters to a successful and early Issue. The West Side hopital needs attention, and with Mr. Reynolds In the favor of those who will control the organization nothing can go amiss in that connection, Do not allow yourselves to be fooled by S4 4ouL4ui3MSHHKa H. 4Hk v ft. NEBS' nu c W K. BECK. idle jingo, but ally yourselves to the interests that serve you best. There are many additional circumstances which go to make Mr. Reynolds the man to be favored at the polls, but for the present enough has been said to clearly indicate that. A careful can vass of the voters of the district makes it clear that he will be elected in No vember by a substantial majority. However, do not be over sanguine, as strange things happen around election time. See that your ballot goes into the ballot box for Thos. J. Reynolds, and remember you have not done your duty until you vot'e for him next month. HHHHHBHBt iHlllllllllllllllllHfcL THOMAS J. REYNOLDS.