,, . kl. M, W iUHH IJ, J , lib Iff W -Hfc- T tf .JW,,! MM "ijj'-r ?.!P I j ;.$- 'PssfTwipiuP w 'wfyTrF"W?S fc vA.- v . I .1 ., W ifA Ifff i a-v '.w.. i. ssriiS ,riu '( r j. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNl !FMBA, ) OCTOBER 26 1900. KjMcsr-?". WEST CHAMBERS DIED FROM INJURIES BARN BOSS AT ARCHBALD MINE SUCCUMBS TO GANGRENE. fie Fell from the Hayloft a Few Days go and Fractured His 'Arm. Ferber Boy's Leg Amputated Hy-land-Wnlsh Nuptials nt Holy Cross Church Democratic Mass Meeting. Speakers Who Dellverod Addresses. P. 0. S. of A. Smoker and Social. Notes and Personals. Jnmrs Chnmbcisi, burn bust nt the. Archbald mine, died at the Wesl Side hoaiiltnl ctuly ycstcnlay morning, on u icstilt of injuries Hiwtulncd some time tifro by fnlllns from the haymow In the burn. Ho BiiHtalneil nn Injury to his arm lind R-anprenp Ret In, which minted 111" rlontli. Deceased was llfty-l'ouf years of nite, and was a member of the Ornnd Army of the Republic. Ho Is mnviveii tiy his wire and one tliutKbter. The n iiiiilns were removed to the family le.1-!-ilenee In Mllwiuiklo. where the fuiieri'l ten-lees will be held. Mr. C'liainbern wits a well-known man unci had been bain btis at the Are!i ImHI jnlrje for many years-. He was iili-o it member of (Jlobe Jiultrp, Xo. !)!is, Independent order of Odd Felloivn, Post K'.fl drinul Anuy of tlie Itepublic, and 'Washington eoni mandcry. Tnlshts of .Malta. The fu neral will take place Sunday after noon at - o'clock from the home of deceased's brother, .losejdi Chambers, nnd Interment, will be made hi the .Washburn Mieot cemetery. Demociatic Mass Meeting. St. David's IihII was well illled Jast (.veiling to listen to the aisuments of the Democratic campaign orators. There was a large sin-Inkling of He ipubllcans in the audience audi several ladies were also present. Attorney C. Tl. Pitcher acted ns chairman, and addresses were made by 'ornelius Cnmegys, r. F. Conry, W. F. Shean, John J. Hart, C. (. Holantl, Thomas Law and .Tiune.'i O'Alalloy. St. 3'etcr's society drum corps paiaded the Btrcets and played In front of the hull. Amputation Was Necessary. Arthur, the young sou of Mr. and 3Irs. Henry Ferber, of North Hyde r.'itk avenue, who had several of his toes cut off by n trolley ear on S wet land htreet, underwent an examination Good Enough Cough remedy. Dufour's French Tar is what you need. Men's and Complete Furnishings The popularity of this department never was as great as today. That's fact No. 1. Gentlemen are not apt to go out of their way to do their buying, unless there is a very good reason for so doing, and we know that they come from all sections of the city and county, to fill their furnishing needs from us. That's fact No. 2. Gentlemen are not, as a rule, much given to chasing tip bargain sales and the like, but if they can get their wants filled at a substantial saving in cost, they are gen erally very willing to do so. That's fact No. 3, Gentlemen sacrifice nothing in style or quality when they buy their furnishings from us, aud the difference between our stock and that of the best men's furnishers in the trade, is that we ask less money for the same goods than they do, and take good care that sizes, qualities and finishings are always as represented. That's fact No. 4. The Result of All This Is . That we get the trade and carry the heaviest line of Men's Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Etc, this end of the state. Wonderful Saturday V Special. Globe Warehouse SCRANTON this week, In which his lrg was ampu tated above the knee Joint. The foot was so badly mnngled that a portion of It was tnkon off nt the In step. .Blood poisoning set In and It af fected the large muscle of tho leg ns far as the knee Joint, tendering ampu tation necessary. Dr. Lliulnbury pcrfotmed the opera tion, assisted by Drs. Kobcrts, Mc Dowl'H nnd Stoddard. Tho boy passed through the trying ordeal remarkably well, and his ultimate recovery Is looked for. Hyland-Walsh Wedding. John Itylnnd, of Fourth street, and Miss Anna V. Walsh, of Meridian street, were united In marriage at Holy Gross church at 11.30 o'clock Wednes day morning: by Ilev. W. V. O'Donnell. Tho couple were attended by John Oaughan and Miss Kathcrlno Cannvnn. After u wending dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Hyland left for New York and Iloston, and upon their return will reside In u newly furnished home at 348 Meridian street. Both are well-known young pcnnle In tho Uellevue section of tho city and have a host of congratulating friends to wish them happiness through life. P. O. S. of A. Smoker and Social. The members of Washington camp, No. 178, Patriotic Order Sons of Ameri ca, ciitertulncd representatives of the various camps throughout the county last evening at a .smoker and social. The gathering was primarily for the purpose of milking arrangements to participate In the unveiling of the sol dieis' and sailors' monument. Addresses were delivered by Profes sor Junius Hughes and Henry Koehler, and phonograph .selections were ren dered by Linden Decker. Sweet elder and doughnuts were piovlded for re tieshmen's and cigars wcie passed. General News Notes. The Stieet Hull way company is milk ing needed repalis In Its roadbed on South Main avenue, between Division and Oxford streets. A party of young people were pleas antly entertained recently at the home of .Miss Maine Gavin, on Jackson street, when amusements incidental to such occasions weie indulged in by tho guests. The eighth annual social of St. Pat llck's Ladies' I. C. H. i.Vvlll be held at Meat's' hall on Thanksgiving eve. The committee in chaige of the ar rangements are now at work perfect ing the details. Mrs. Frances. Nolan, of New York, is the guest of Mrs. P. TiMhev, of North Lincoln avenue. Mrs. Morgan P. Daniels, of Division stieet, bus returned fiom a visit with relatives at Kdwardsdale. Mrs. Frank Hiwvn and children, of Kim I ra, are the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. John Long, of South Hyde Paik ave nue. An Important meeting of the West Side lleptlblican club will be held t!il evening, when the committee on reso lutions will offer some important reso lutions. Mrs. David I. Davis, of Corbott ave- Hosiery Men's Fast Black Maco Yarn Half Hose, with or without feet; also Stainless Mercerized Half Hose, black, tans or fancies; full fash ioued goods of me- riif (Hum weight, on IIL Saturday, 3 pairs for ntic, and Mrs. AVntkln Harris, of Acker aVntiUc, have returned from a visit at "Wilkes-Banc Mrs. William Price, sr., of South Main avenue, Is reported to be nulto III. A reatilein-maBS wilt bo huiir at SI. Patrick's Catholic church ntt ti o'clock this mot-nine over the remains of tho lain Mis. Kate. Flannolly. Interment will bo made In the Cathedral ceme tery. Mr. and Mrs. Jneoh Pfelffor have re turned from their wedding lour and will reside on Chestnut street. The remains of .Mr. and Mrs, .tames Wilson's child will bo interred In Washburn street cemetery this after noon. Mrs. Anthony llennlgan and son, James, of nallroad avenue, nrc visit ing relatives at Oneonta, N. V. Miss Itnttlo MeCrucken, of South Hyde Park avenue, Is seriously lit. Mr. and Mrs. Philip WllllaniH, of Ed wurdsdale, arc visiting friends In town. Mr. nnd Mrs. F.dwnrrt Jarvls, of La fayette street, held a nlasqllenule party nt their home Tuesday evening, which was attended by a large number of guests. Tho affair was very enjoyable. Mrs. Isaac Swallow, of Tenth street, served n G o'clock tea Wednesday even lug In honor of her guest, Mrs. M. K. Keller. A surprise party was tendered John Morris, of Seventh street, at his home Wednesday evening, when r number of young people were entertained. The local Republican clubs sent n good representation to South Seranton last evening to participate In the par ade. A sneak thief enteied Dr. Palne's olllce lecently and can-led off his over coat. Ilev. .1. 1!. Sweet, pastor of Simpson Methodist Episcopal church, leturned fiom Ilarrlsburg yesterday. The Fpworth league of the Simpson Methodist Episeopat church tendered a reception and supper to the old folks of the church from t! to S o'clock last evening, and provided them with an excellent supper. MINOOKA. The St. Maiy's Temperance society helil a meeting lust evening, after which an entertainment was given for tho, members. Forty-three new mem bers weie given the pledge. A gang of miners assembled on Main .street yesterday morning, und nfter a few minutes deliberations It was decid ed to nun eh on the washerles around this vicinity. Davis' washery was the first on the piogramme. They were met on the way by about 100 more strikers. After n little persuasion the men working on tho culm bunk decid ed to quit and the foreman ordered the flromnn to pull the fires and shut down the works. The ( 'hit's Patch wash erv was the next visited. Thp strikers caller; on the men to quit work, after which they put down their tools and went home. The action of the strikers was peaceful and no trouble occurred at either place. Miss Laura Kelly, the estimable young daughter of Air. and Mrs. John Kelly, of Main strct, died last even ing, nltir an illness of a few days. DeceiiMd was about l.'i years old and a very promising young lady, admired by all. Her sail and untimely demise is u shock to her many friends and ac quaintances. The lunoral will take place Saturday morning at !) o'clock. An Independent Political club was formed last evening in the upper end of the town. One hundred members weie enrolled. Jt is the Intention of the club for all its members to vote alike and be ready to swear to the mmo If any fraud Is committed at the polls. GREEN RIDGE. Mi- K.il!uiliie Wdltnii, of M.nicn -.licet, liil litmnctl lii'im- .ifur twn uriks" MMt willi friends in Nrw niK anil llimikl.wi. Ilnlirit .in NlmiiK, uf llittU- Cie.-l., Mi. h., i i-ilin-j: Mr. .mil Ml?. .. I.. I'laiiini-, of i:.i-t Jlilkll -lieu. Chalk 1!. Hiiml, of Nmlli Ounce, X, .1., who frr m'MI.'I ir.ii, ua- in llic cnqdoji uf Uta & .li in--. iIiiil'ki-Is i-, i.i.w in ih.iryi- of tlio pio Miiiition d 'I'.iilnirnt at C. P. .luni'-' ilnifr .Mim ni lliclv-mi aw-mu'. Mi. Ilnnil i- a uvKttiiil lh nni.ii !-t uf many .umi-' rxpeiiemo anil has lio-t- of hii'i-rk in Ciru-n Ituljro. linen llhlcp luiUc. Vo. ui.1. Imlrnrnihnt Onlrr of Oilil I'fUf.v s. londnril tin' thiol dcsiir on ciio uii.ilhlnlc la-t ou'iiini;, mine in tin voile h'.iiii. nf tho now iiiai.nnalia lciontly j.io cli.Wll I..V lilts llHIKC On KiUI.iy owniiis, XuvniiMir '-, tho nirmbris uf fiinrr.il I'liinm')' llnsinc lonipany will on Urtaln thi'ii- many f i i ml-, in HonilukcvV hall, ii)io.iti tho l)elai.iii! and UiitIon depot on Dlik-on amino, with an oji-tir nppri ninl lniMial proi;i.mnno. lly tie way, tlu Phinnojs Hie mtorl as WJl rntirUhiPiF. The ultclu-. i-ainival t bo nivin In the in turn hall, I liiiuli of tho llooil bhophcul on Hal lowo'in will ho .1 delight oml .sinpii-i- to those who ntt i nil. After the rntriUii'int'iil tho wUilc lanhlion in the booth will ho smoking hot, mul n aiiety of cdililis Mill be for pale, Iniluilin pumpkin pic, ilo'iglumts applos, nuts anil swiet chlir. (In Monday afternoon, Oitoher 21, nn Impor. taut iiipcliiier of the (lii-cn Itiduo Wonian'-. ilnii ;l) he In lil in tho libraiy at I o'i Inek. Tho enmtitutinn v. ill bo otril upon a- leil-nl, und cleition of o'llcirs io fill aimiies held. It is uigcnt tlut nil liu-mlicis lie prc-M-nt. OBITUARY. An lla-tuii paper contains tho folkmlntr with roferenio to the death of Harry 0. Clllirr, luotb. or of Mrb. II. 0. Pile, ot this city; "While on Ids way to be u uuest at the weddliiK dinner anniuu'sary of William n. Dillon, lint vlce-pu-d. drnt of tho International Paper rompany, at Mr, Jlillon's. home in Xew York, Itanj I). Oilier. win nf Theodoie Oilier, of Kaston, died suddenly a llttlo afler l) o'clock last OM-nlnir in a Madison au-nuu car in the foiincr rily. Death re.Milteil from an aftietlon of thp heit, The jnimi; nun was about ill ji-ais of nee, a (tlant in statute nnd was uiiiii.iirleil. Mr, Oilier aiilird In Xew York jOKtinliy fiom lluftalo and iculitcred at the Hotel Manhattan. After dieting he boarded u Jladl.-oii au'iiur iar bound iiptow'u. Four blocks mi ay from the hotel lie toppled out In his seal, The car was stopped and a policeman cjlcd an ambulance, but the Miigeon on jiiivlng could only piououmu the .louns; man dead. Ill.s body was taken to tho police station, whcie liis idintity was lcaincd fiom papeis in his poikoN. Ilcforo the body was icinovcd the cara weie bloikcd for neatly fhteen minutes, Mr. Dillon and Mr, Catch, the ih.iii.iku- nf the Hotel Man. lutt.)ii, calltd on the police lalir and had the body icinoinl to an iiinlit l.iUti '. Mr, Dillon uu.s auaiUnc tho mrlial of Mr, Ollui when a nussdigu ariiicd wllh the iii'hk of the Midden death. Hauy I), Oliver maduilcd fiom the i:.ntoii High .-ihool in Clio iU-. of 'aS. and fiom J.lfajtllo college In the tla.s nl IU. SulisO ipu'iitly he cntiiid the I'liiicrall) of l'euu-yl. anla, He was an uthlite of giell stirugth ami cudmauic and won lionou at I.uaji'liD and at tho uuiicislly, At each lintltiillon he was a lucmbei' nf the foot ball rloen nnd was also .in oaiBiuau of the IVim-ihania ciew, After his Ijiaduatiou fiom the iiuiuislly Mr, Oliver was for a couple of .icais In the employ of the (ilen Tails Paper company, Ju Xew Yolk city. Ho left that position to accept the mauagcmfiit of tho International Paper coinpiny in Hie Dull do distilct, with heaihiuaiUis in the laller illy, The young man .-pent u week In Kj-iton last August, lidtlng his father, who was H!ilouly ill at that lime, llcsides Ids father lie leaves three slstrni Mrs. II. (I. Dale, ol Suantuii; Miss Kaiali Ollvir, who is in a convent In Mcilio, and Jllis Margaret Oliver, of this city. The de ceased in in was a member of the 1'lui iteformed chuuli of llaslon. Ills remains will he biought licic for IntiiiiKnt." -I SOUTH SCRANTON BIO REPUBLICAN DEMONSTRA TION LAST NIGHT. Paiade Participated In by n Number of Clubs, Which Wns Followed by a Mass Meeting In Athletic Hall. The Speakeis were Dr. Emll Schneider, of Hoboken, N. J., and A. J, Colborn Social of Sunday School Teachers of Hickory Street Presbyterian Church. The greatest Kepublloan demonstra tion In recent yeurs In this suction of the city took place last evening lit Athletic hall, Alder street, prior to which was a parade of all the Ite publlcan marching sooletles of the city, the like of which has never been seen In this section. At V.i!0 o'clock the South Side Jtepubllonn club, tuo hundred .strong, and headed by ths Jtlnggold band, proceeded to the Ce dar avenue Bridge, where, In conjunc tion with the company of Hough llld ers, under Captain Kzr.t H. Hippie, Jr., the Fnlon league, with Captain Lewis It, Carter In charge, resplendent with buff and blue uniforms and oui rylng torches, the West Side Republi can club, natter's band and the T. J. Iteynolds Republican club. They proceeded up Cedar avenue amid much red tiro and the cheers o! u nniltltttJe of people, w'.o crowded Cedar avenue from curl) to curb. Tho parade proceeded to Willow street, up Willow to Plttston, down Plttston to niri'h, from thence to Cedar and up Klmer to Prospect avenue, and from theie to Athletic bull, where an en thusiastic crowd had gathered and cheered the paradcrs to the echo. The parade was marshaled by Charles Slm lell, with i 'lirls Itose, William Smith, George Xape, Henry Moore, James Shorten, Fred Heusner and J. .T. Schneider as assistants. Hy the time the parade reached the hall the spa clous room was packed and even over flowed to the streets. It was at first thought advisable to hold two meet ings, but this Idea was finally aban doned. THE MEETiXO OPKXMD. L'pon the platform, which was gor geously decorated with Hags and bunt ing, sat the county candidates, with Dr. Kmll Schneider and A. J. Colborn. Councilman J. .1. Schneider in a neat speech called the meeting to order and introduced the llrst speaker, Dr. Emll Schneider, of Hoboken, X. J., in the German language, scathingly arraigned the Democratic platform and satirical ly dissected the paramount issues of the opposition. He said the cry of Imperlallsm'was the cry or men afraid to shoulder new lesponslbllltles, hfrhld to enter Into a large arena of the world's affairs. "Tho idea." be said, "of comparing George Washliitffon, T1fe ' Father; -of our country to the FntbVi- of J-ilahs. Americans received the islands In the Pacific unwillingly, but -now that wi have them wo .will ncyer given theni up. .,' ,, "Great Is Tammany and Croker, the prophet thereof," be said, "but the people of Xew York and Xew .lersey are still alive to the demoralizing in fluences of a , Bryan administration, and when thtf'iotes rire ' counted on Xov. 6 Xew York and New Jersey will be found in the front rank with Penn sylvania, rolling up a big Republican majority." After the "McKinlcy" and Roosevelt March" by the Kinggold band, Chair man Schneider introduced or "merely presented." as he termed it, "Our Jack," A. J. Colborn, who immediately pitched into Ills subject with great vigor nnd gave (he English translation (if the German speech. He said, in Dart: "I believe In the gieatest good for the greatest number of people, with no special privileges for any, and the duties and responsibilities which lvst upon us as citizens should be met squarely. Kvery individual voter ran bo likened to a stockholder In the great Republican organization, WHAT AVE WANT. "What every Intelligent voter wants is continued prosperity, good wages paid in good money und at no time in our history has prosperity been so general. Do you want to change It for untried, non-practical schemes? Xo. Vote for the straight Republi can ticket and you get prosperity and a full dinner pull." After this address short speeches were made by George M. Watson, Will R. Lewis, Kmll lionn and John J. Sclieuer. Teachers' Social Evening, A very enjoyable time was spent last evening by the Sunday school teaeheis, both of the German and Kng llsh schools of the Hickory Street Presbyterian church ill the old church on Hickory street. Willie the main object was an even ing of pleasure It had a deeper mean ing, that of refreshing themselves and preparing for an earnest winter's work. Strong addresses were mnde by Rev. AV. A. Nordt, Professor AVug ner and Charles Selieuch and others, all of which were helpful und Inspir ing. After a t-oclul hour well spent, a dainty luncheon of cream and cake was served to the teuqhers, The af fair, while merely local, was very much enjoyed, The committee in charge were; Miss Molllo Helm, Miss Louisa Nordt, Miss Kato Nehr, August Kraft, WW Hers hnuscr and Georgo Mous. Tonight's Lecture. The tllltd lecture in "The Peoplo's Lecture Course," given under the aus pices of tho Brotherhood of St, Piul, will be held this evening In the Cedar Avenue Methodist church, when Key, AV. G. Simpson, D, D.. of tho Aslmry Methodist church, will slvcfchls popu lar "Readings fiom Bonnie Hilar UiihIi" In the Scotch vernacular. Mr, Simpson's readings and Ills ver sion of beautiful nnd peculiar sen- What Shall We Have for Dessert? This qut-stiim arises in tho family every day, Let us attbwer it to-day, Try Jell-O, a, delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutM. No boiling! no baking! add bolling-'watcr and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Hasp, berry and Strawberry,- Get a package' at your grocers to-day. io cts. trnces arc delightful, and wherever these reudltigfl are given It Is always to largo niidlonecs. An opportunity so rare will not be missed by the people of (Ills section. BRIEF NEWS NOTES. The Imniitl ol .lohn f'ilrmnn, o( II tJr nionne, took ptnrr- ,lctruliy mornlnpt nt 111 n't lock anil vv,n lingr-ly "llrndcil. A ln.ii ol requiem ni rolclirnlnl In St, Peter's rnlheiliiil, alter which Interment vm in.idc in Cdtlicilml temetery. tlmlerlnker Citdik liml chaifte ol the. funeral, Melon; the ROspel tneelhiu ol the tayiitly clnb tonight In the Yoiiiik Women' Chrbtl.in usocl' at ion tho tiuwly elected oflleois ol tho noclety will be instilled by (he ccietiiry, .Mlm Van Nort. Tho olhVerq are! Prehlent, Ml Kate Opperj Mlil MI1I.1II Miller. lliO'iiiililents Ainu Sclieuer, acuctaiy, unit MIm l.brlc Itcnt'chtci, treasurer. MI1 r.lht onil IIiirIi M.ictee, tit .terney Oily, ate lldtlng Mr. l'hlllp lhulei, ol llhih Mtcct. The Paul lino tuot lull (cam ol this pail ol the city would like to make nilnic meat nut ol the Avoca eleven on any day dcsheil hy that team. Address nil communications to I'IkIIHi nuiinun, or Phillips, captain, O, It, Connell, feeietary and treasuier of the l.ii-kavvauiu .Mills lomji.iny, Is In Boston on a IuhIiicm trin, 'Hip Klcctlie Social i lull will hold ic liuluess liieetliiR tmilitlit In their rooms on Alder Rtieet. The Centiu.v Hose company and the ball com mittee lor the lomlns lull, Xov. -J, will hold a business iiKctliiK tonight. Miss Anna .Myers, of 41b lleeih stieet, Is ill with iholeia morbus. The penmanship and llteiatmi' c lasses of the Young Women's Christian association met last nlllht with a full iittcndaiiie, .Mii. Nancy Ilaidlnir, of Hailuii, N A"., Is Ult hilt her d auditor, Mis. 1'. Duty, of Chciry all eel. Jllss I.lic do.vie, of I'ltlsluM aM'luie, a vi-hnol teacher at Sa. 7 liullilili),', Is uilousli- ill at her home. M. .1. Hiiins, of lio-pnt avenue, returned fiom a visit to I ilen Onnko. II. mi, tu .Mr. and .Mis. Oluiles Phillips, of lllni stieet, a ton. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Rev. Dr. S. G. Beading' Accepts a Re call to the Pastorate of the North Main Avenue Baptist Church. Ilev. III. !s. (I. Heading is once more luck in North Sii.iiiinii, liavliiR aR.iln accepted the pas toiatc of the Xorlh Main Avenue HuptMi church. Dr. ItejilhiK handed in Ills resignation about two months ago, heinje compelled Io do o owing to ill health. .Much to the legret of the com munity he pleached his fan-well ss-iinoii and left for Willlamspurt, wheic he joint d his famllv. Since then lie inched an otter as piesiilent of the llaptist lollege at t'olfav, but, not tlndliiff it inmcnieiit to accept, he lefiikeil it. Ilev. Dr. Iteaillnff has regained his health to a great ex tent, hhoitly aftfr his departuie the members of the climt-h held a meeting and dcteiuiined to recall their old pastor, t'pon receiving suih all urgent and jircssing call the revciend gentle man again accepted the ihaiRO for an indefinite peiiod. He his his siiuly nt the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Fiank A. Clark, on Oliuich avenue. Funeral of Adelbert O'Ma'lley. The fiinei.il of Adelbert, (he 4-jear-olri Foil of Mr. and Mis. Kilvv.inl O'JIallo, was held Wed nesday fiom the home ol Mis. O'Mallej's parent, Mr. A. r. O'lto.vlc, on William blieet. The ser Aiics wcie largely atlcudid. Many beautiful Mor al oflciings were about the casket. Tho pall-beaieis were 'Ihomas Ruane, Frank Hell, Moses Olai It and .lohn Olailc. 'I he flovver beaiers were John Mc'l.inunany, due Itcgan, A. .1. O'llojlc nnd ,locph Giiltiii. BRIEFLY NOTED. A number ol the ladies ol the Piovidenre Methodist llpiscop.il ehutch tendered Mis. Wil liam I'eik, of llieen Ilidge, a siuprl.'-e parly .vestcid.iy afternoon .it her home. A inoft en jov.ihlo time was had by thw-c who attended. Sirs, l'cik Ins been a member of the Providence cluinli for a number of jcai-. and is highly eleenCll in this p.nt of tiie city. Tho joinig miii of Mr. nnd Mrs. I'unk Lewis Flopped on a needle, running it in the foot. A phv.Mcian was Miuimoned and cut out tho netdle. A. 1. O'Donnell. ol ltrii k avenue, is enter t.iining Mr. and Mis. Teter O'Donnell, of New Yoik. A number of the young men of this part oT the cil.v have oiganbed a daniing class. All mem bers are requested to meet at Young Men's In stitute's rooms next Tuesdiy evening to receive insliuclioii", lilies .ind icgulations oy whiih the cldv. will be conducted. .lames Lewis and Moigan Wntkius have re turned fiom I'.i.vetto lounly, vvheio they hive bun cniplo.ved for the uist two nuaiths. 'I he l Inks' union held a meeting in Leon ard's hill last ijvcniuy. Miss Ida Waul enteitained a number of friends lit her home on Diamond avenue Wednesday cwniiiir. Miss Maiy fiilheit d,ill at her home on Oik si i re1.. The Kejstonc ilub held t tic I r soiiat in the Auditoihini list evening. A light hlau1 lnoke out in tho home of S Weber, 2Ui Wi.st Maikct stuct, Wi'dneMfay morn ing, caused by a defeclive tlue. The chemitals i-arried by the I.ilieity and Jxcelsior Hose torn uanies iiuiekly etinguishiil the flame. All news initter tor The Tribune will leceive attention if left nt Davis' thug store, DUNMORE DOINGS. Rousing- Mass Meeting- Last Night in Odd Fellows' Hall Attended by a Large Crowd. Olio of the most outhusuhtiu politic j iiiett il'gs evil- held lu this boiough was conducted la. I night by tho itrpublioans in Odd rclluvvV lull, M.ior A. M, Hanioik, ol Ilaltlniore, Md,, vvjs the ihlel speaker of the evening, and his icmaiks wvi loudly apiilauded by the ciovvd in atttnd am e. Kail W. Ilish.ip v.iis Unison ihiiiuuii ai,d opened Ihe meeting with a Kw ivnuiki, intio duting .Major ll.inu.iK, The latter is a man of tvmniaiidiug appcuamo jiid U -gifted with a splendid iclce and Ihe power tu use it, His delivery thioughout his- speech was eei-lltul and he hhovvid hiiusclt tu be tho light man in the right place, lie told of the gitul Iniliisuial depression whiih would lollovv Hiyan'd election as suiely as the night billows the day aud urged tlios piesent lu voto fur the standard beaicru of Ine parly that stands for h vM money, for piotertiuu of the Vmeildiii woiklugman fiom tho viunei lahoi nl K.iiopp and for the hopor of tho Hag, rulluwing Major llancwlc came Doputy At ininey (Iciieral 1'ied I'lcil, who tpoku on (ho issuoi in I.aikavvaiiua immt). He said eveiy lU'pulilIian should -vote the stiaighl llepi.lilii.in tiikel. The laudldatis thostii wcie ihimii by the Oiavvfurd cininty sutilu. the fjct way," und should ho suppoitiil by all good people. Hull. John Pair v.-as the uet sjieaktl, lie I' Id uf I lie good Ihe llipuhlicans halo dona lui the public sdiooK, iioimal schools, eli. )', II, 1'ull' bin, faiidiilali' fur tho lenMatine in the I'ourlh ilbliiit, wis intiodiidil II3M end spoke on Ihe In lit st ballot, Ho taid lie u.is not ,-ileiboiI to suppoit any nun for I'ultid Malei seuaioi, lu t would vote for a Iti'puldliaii, t anUlilales cVlliWH and Walsoii weie iueei,t at tho opining ot lliu nuelirg, hut iiiie obliged tn leave bifoio Ihe speaking hid llnisl.vd In at tend a mtelli.g in South Su.mlun. Robert Clark Injtued. Iloboit (Tail;, tho little sou of Mr. and Mn. 'Jhumas I laik, uf llulok sheet, was pilnfully In Jin id jesttrday uiuiulug about noun. .No. 'i Mhool, on Ninth lllakely stiui-t, has just been bl out for (be noon mess aud some ot tho jiuplls started in a pud urn acioss the stuct. A gioccry wagon bt'lunglng o K. A. Stevens was coming up (lie sticcl at the time aud the hoi.se stun I; .louug ( hi I: sijiuiely, tin owing him down ami liauipllng on him. Hi hue the dilvcr toubl ait the Iron! whteli ul the waiiun p.it.-od ovt'i' his body, also, llesldtuts on the stuit who hcaid Hit- cry, togttht-r with the ihiicr, pulled the lad out, and Janitor Jojce, of the sihool building, hunlcd lihn to Ihe ollk-c ol Dr. Chamberlain. All examination showed mimvrous tuU and THE OLD WELL. A Story of Moss, Microbes and Medicine. It Im the ofllec nt the poet to Idealize, lie paints pretty and pathetics word pictures which touch tho heart and dim the eyon. Hut he does this reiiardless of physlolocry or patholojry. When ho ulnjrH a sonrr or the old well on tho farm and of the moss ri-owii bucket In which tho water was drawn, ho hasn't thought of the bacteria which lltul a fertile brecdlns ground In many nn old ,well. He pictures the hot, thirsty day, and the bucket bonded with tricKllnjj drops which shlno like pearls agulnst the moss. Hut he doesn't paint the pic ture of t'ho man whoso tongue Is parched with fever, who tumbles and tosses In his hot room and narrow bed while the bacilli of tho bucket and tho well are striving for -Ills life. That wouldn't be a poetic theme, and he has nothing to do with a theme that is not poetic. As a matter of fact the old well und its familiar bucket have been the means of diseasing whole neighborhoods. The microbe is everywhere, and the easiest vehicle for its introduction into the body is perhaps the water we drink. Wu can't keep the microbe out. We can prevent its harmfiilnoss. THE DANGER OP DISHASK does not He In the strength of the mi crobe but In the weakness of the body. When the blond Is Impure the microbe has a vantuge ground from which t-o operate. When the blood is pure dis ease falls to nnd a breeding ground, and the microbe strives in vain against the man. Nobody can ho healthy when the blood is impure. Taint the blood and every organ fed and nourished by tho blood must share the taint. Keep the blood pure and plentiful and the body is made strong to resist the as saults of disease. "I honestly believe that I would have been in my grave today had it not been for your medicine, and the mercy of tiie good Lord," writes Mrs. .lames H. Moiss, of New LaJndon, Stanly Co., N. C. "In the fall of 1S92 I took a. hard cold, which seemed to settle In my head, terminating In catarrh of the head. Tt bothered me all the time, but I did not think it was serious until tho Bpring of j8!Ki, when my health became so much Impaired. My blood was all out of order, and I had to go to the doctor. Ho gave ine medicine which helped me for a short time. In the win ter of 18fl! I got worse than I had ever been. My tonsils were enlarged and my nock swollen all out of shape; my throat was sore and I could not cure if. My husband went for tho doctor, but he gave me no encouragement. He helped mo a, little, but it did not last long, lind so be attended me for twelve months, when I heard of a lady that was taking your medicine and was luuiso on the bov's head and body, but, ftianKO tn s.iy, no bone-, were bioLm. He wa.i resting quite easy last night. BRIEF BITS OF NEWS. 'Ihe tcithcisj uf the boroiiKh school will meet in the lliuh school Imlldlnu this inorninK at 0 o'clock In cm oil for the inunty Institute In bo held in Suanton nest week. The cmollment fee is- l. The Independent Drinociallc club held a moot ln in Keystone hall l.isl night. The meeting was a jiubiie one and was well attended. Iwics ol the toinliiK campaign were dis-iusscd. 'Ibnoth.v itellly, ot New Yoik city, L spentling seveial dajs with diends in town. l'eler Hobday left yesleulay fur Pike county, where he will endeavor to sweep the wilds cf that teuitory of game. The Kpwoith league of the Honesdale distlict will meet in coniiMitinii IhU afternoon and even ing. Tho delegates will bo from the southern sub-ilistilcl, comprising Moscow, Sterling, Thuin huist, Ariel, Tlnnnp and tlili borough, and will hold both meetings In Iho Methodist HpUcopal church. 11 Is expelled about lorty delegated will be present, Chalnniu Ilev, I.. 1. Van Hoescn will call Iho meeting to uldei, folluvvlng the piogvatnnio published In The Tiihuik'. PARK PLACE. William Smith, ol Piovideuee load, left on Wednesday for Xew York to meet his wife and two llttlo glrla who have leluined after spend, lug tho summer in Knglaud, II, M, Klih.v, nl U'i)iie county, is visiting ids biother, William Klrhy, ol I'hllo stnet. Mis. WillLiiii ll.ii.i'v, of t'ulnndale, if vUltlng Mii, N, John llauiy, ol Ninth Main avenue. AN INTERMITTENT SRIKE. Dy Kxcluslve Wire from The Asioolalcd I'reM. Moutieal, Oct. M. About one hundred militia men have been called out to jiresene older at tin) Valley 1'lcld totton mills, vvhiro thire has been an inliinltleiit sltlko duo tu aiiotu tuusca all the jear, 'fill inoiiiliig Iho slilkeia stojiped Ihe company's tnal carls lioin inlciing Ihe mill .van!, EUGENE Given Free PI PI l"V C to each person interest. ridUtU. i3 ,., ,ui,.,ini to the POPIVm Kujtue 1'lild Monti. I VSCilTIO ,tlll .Souvenir I'liml. AC7 Aft Mibsiribc any am unit """ dished. Sulneilptloiii ROOK ' I"" " tl.W will en- uvrvriv tl,K Jomn. (0 hU d4ill. Til K Hunk oribe Hy aitUtlc lolunie, leiitiiiy.lliiiicb mu;li ptoWBkS" homely I liiH- ((.loth biund, S1J), a ti-Htcd by toll. (ntlfltutd ot suUuiii' )':twM V? ,,'. Hon to fund. Uook Woililsdl-eut. mntalnsi a stdection of fit AHUM. rind's best unci mo.t repifscutatlva works and is ready for ik lively, Hut for the noble lonliibution ol tho world's- mc.itcat urtl.U thU book could not have been mauulactuicd for 1cn thin 17.01). Tho fund ilea ted U divided npially be tween the family of the late llugrnc i'lcld aud the Fund fur thu building of a monu ment to tho nuiuoiy ot tho bt loved poet of childhood. Address liugcne IMcU Mmuiment Souvenclr puna Chlcugu, lit II 3011 Uo wish Io scud postage, enclose 10 cents getting well. So I secured gome of thn medicine nnd began taking It. In on week I was ablo to do my cooking. When I began taking tho medicine I could nit up up only a few mlhutwi at aj time, and I could rest or sleep only a little while at a time. My throat) wft sore, at times 1 could not oven bwaIIow sweet milk, and tny tonsils were full of little eating sores. My left aide wan Bwollon out of Rhapo nnd no sore I could not bear my clothes fastened, as I could hardly get my breath. My victual would (tour on my ntomach before I could leave the table. My folks and friends had about given mo up. Th doctor said I would not get Well. Myi father uald I would not live a month, but three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, thrco bottles of his 'Pellets,' three botttoB ot Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy did tho work and made mn a well woman." THH UKST'THINO. for Impure blood Is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It neutralizes tin action of the poisons which corrupt tho blood and dli dlscase tho body. It In creases the activity ot the blood-making glands, thus Increasing the supply of pure) blood, rich in tho rod cor puscles of health. By these the body is built up and Its vitality restored. "Golden Medical Discovery" Is sin gularly offectlvo in tho cure) of scrofulous diseases, en larged glands, swellings, pimples, eczema and erupt ive diseases in general. Tha most obstinate and danger-, ous forms of blood disease' have yielded to the curative power of this great remedy. "I feel it is my duty to write to you of the wonder ful curative powers of your?1 'Golden Medical DIscovh cry,' " writes Geo. S. Hen derson, of Denaud; Lee Co., 'I had a bad sore on my right Fla. ear, nnd my blood was badly out of or der. I tried local doctors but with no good results. Finally I wrote you tho particulars In my case and you ad vised your 'Golden Medical Discovery," which I began to take. From the first bottle I began to feel better, and when I had taken eight bottles the sore was healed up. I wish you success." "For about one year and a half my fare was very badly broken out," wrltesi Miss Carrie Adams, of 116 West Main street, Battle Creek, Mich. "I spent a great deal of money with doctors and for different) kinds of medicine, but re ceived no benefit. At last I read one ot your advertisements in a paper, and obtained a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden (Medical Discovery. Before I had taken one- bottle of this medicine I noticed a,' change, and after taking three bottles I was entirely cured. I can well rec ommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medlcat Discovery to any one similarly afflict ed." DON'T 'BE IMPOSED ON. Sometimes a dealer for the sake of the little more profit paid on a sale oil inferior preparations will try and sell a, substitute as "just as good" as "Golden. Medical Discovery." The claim In false on its face. Thero is no similar medicine for the blood and stomach which can show such a record of cures as the "Discovery." Don't be imposed upon by substitutes without a record. There is no alcohol In "Golden Medi cal Discovery," and it Is entlrelyjfrea from opium, cocaine and all other nar cotlcs. "A PERFECT GUIDE to Health and Happiness" is one tlttu given to Dr. Pierce's Common Senso Medical Adviser. C. Ia Shaw, of Couley, Winn Par., I.a.. writes: "No family should be without it, and uny one who wishes a perfect guide, to health and happiness should have Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser." This great 'work, containing 1008 large pages and over 700 Illustrations. Is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 .stamps if the book is desired In cloth binding, or only 21 stamps for the book lu paper covers. Address Dr. R. V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE "Bureunder & Rels, Lessees and Mansf era A. J. Dully, Business Manager. One Night Only, Monday, Oct. 20, LEWIS MORRISON'S C0MM.F.TK AND IX.UIOHATE 1'ROlJUCTlfW with its magnificent and scenic effects and itl miiveloua story. The Seven Wonders of Stagecraft The Fiery timolol), tlie Illuminated Cardeii, the Jfitrcmbere Cathedral, the Klci-trio Duel, the Blazing Cross, Iho Walpurgis Iteiula, the lleautilul Apotheosis, and all the ill eat feature of this favorite play. Original company. Car load ot scenery. Jivery. llilme iite lull; tint l!H(. ' I'llcea-Wo. to fl. Sale of seats open at box office, Friday, 24, at 'J a. m. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, BUKdUNDBR & RBIS. Lessees. II. A. BROWN. Manager. n.u.Axc!: of vei;k. Schiller Stock Company IN REPKKTOltiK. Thuisdav night. Montn Ciisto; Friday matinee, Daughters: Sicrltlce; Friday night, Great Mrook. Ivu Handicap; Satuiday matinee, Mysterious Mr, Jonea; Saturday night, Ucd, White and Dim. ALb NEXT WEEK. BENNETT AND MOULTON CO. mid giand conceit ouhrstra with the Bionz Melba as a special feature. Usual prices. New Gaiety Theatre II. It. LONG, l.cjee and Mangtr, Three iljjs, conmieiulng. Monday, Oct. U. Call Dante's Housing, Unlinking;, iluilial Ftree (,'umcdy , A LUCKY COON. IntrinUuIiiK the well known colored comedian. IIU.V lll'.NX and WAl.TIJIt DIXO.Y, A choru. oj twenty .vouii;:, pretty and shapely Creole Mild eiH. I'leco. piodiitcd bv permulnon ot Williams and WaH-tr, lUlly Matinee-. Thieo da), commencing Thursday, Oct. !. Daily Matinee. America's Greatest Vaudeville Stars, The t'leain uf Aiueiicau Vaudeville, l'lliu, lie,, i'iu., 'Jot:, Wv. BRIDGE BUILDERS' WAGE RATE, Dy Exclusive Wiie from The Associated Press. l'ltUbuig, Oct. 25. Iho Xationil Association of Bridge aud Strut tuul Iron Workers in session here today adopted u universal wage scale, fU. jug the rate of wjgea at SO cents an hour, with eight houia as a day's work, The sosl will ga into c ft nt neU May. It was also decided U end on organlrer lo iloutli Africa nd Kgypt Is oiganUe ktructuial lion workers in those touu ti Us. 1i . "5 i - f tug y , j .. j-to3T iatfJ.ti l i- J.? L r , jus m,i i r s