The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 25, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Informal Affair iu Which Chief
Zlzleman, Mnyor Molr nnd In
vited Quests, Together with Mem
bers of the Compnny, Participated,
Republican Clubs Will Parade This
Evening Deaths and Funerals.
St. Brenden Council Complimen
tary Social Other News Notes.
The local tiro l'oiiipuiiIjh covered
themselves with glory yesterday in the
minimi parade, and i minded out the
day In a creditable and enjoyable
manner. The Columbian repaired to
their quarters at Ui) o'clock and en
joyed u roast beef lunch and a soclut
fsslon at which music was furnished
by the .Sons of Veterans drum toi'iw.
.Later In the evening they attended th"
Crystal's ball in Music hall In a body.
The Hooks entertained their friends
and guests nt their quartets and lis
tened to some excellent music by Alex
ander's Ninth regiment band, an 1 tho
Franklins held an informal batiqiu t
at Hotel Fairchlld, which was one ol
i he most enjoyable events In the his
tory of the famous organization.
The guests of honor were Chief '.!
elmanii, Mayor Molr, I!. (!. Moigan,
.. It. Ilynon, Corge V. Jenkins.
CJeorge M. Wallace aiil .lohn 11. Fol
lows, and the following members of
the company sat around the festival
board: Thomas Allen, Charles A.
Yoos, Simon Thomas, John I.. l.ov ry,
Thomas P. Daniels K. H. KvaiH. H"iv
Kline, J. V. Hull. Harry Orccliwood,
F. K. Hutchinson, William 11. Kline,
I"). E. Nicholas, .1. C. Urown. Ilk-hard
Davis, S. H. Snyder, Heiijiinilu Allen.
David Collins, John 15. Klme, Hurry
Wldenor, O. 13. Fraunfelker, W. K.
Ivlme, Daniel Clement, J. Maloncy and
Thomas II. Phillips.
The menu consisted of blue points on
the half shell, consomme, blue tish,
with tomato sauce, loast tut key with
oyster tilling and Jiblet sauce, vege
tables, mashed white potatoes, brown
sweet potatoes, green pens, chicken
salad, celery, olives, red beets, pickles,
cheese, crackers, fruit, cake, Ice cream,
gelatine and coffee. The service was
superb and Manager Olldorf is to be
congratulated for the excellent dinner
Mayor Molr presided over the post
prandial exercises and paid a wor
thy tribute to the Franklins for their
excellent service and efficiency, and
Good Enough Cough
remedy. Dufour's French
Tar is what you ueed.
Novel Goat Fashions
With Abundance of Merit
For twenty years there has not been as much real ar
tistic merit, original ideas and genuine novelty dis
played in Ladies' Coat fashions as is offered this sea
son, and when we say that the best efforts of the world's
most famous designers await your inspection in our
Cloak Department, we merely make a statement which
you will willingly verify, if you will favor us with a call
Among the Score or More
Of Distinctly Novel Styles
Selected by us to illustrate fashion's most advanced
ideas, we may. mention:
A Nobby
French Design
In Royal Blue or Cnstor Kersey,
with tinsil trimmed military col
lar buttons to match, chased
with gold, and fastening from
the left shoulder to the center of
n pointed front, which Is elabor
ately finished with diamond
stitching, etc., while the tight
fitting back has n fan shaped
cluster of double stitched straps
A handsomer novelty has not
been produced this season.
Box Coat
In Royal Blue Kersey, half tight
fitting, storm collar. The full
skirt, collar and sleeves are
elaborately trimmed with deep
Van Dyke applique work of
elaborate design, in a beautiful
contrasting shade and presents a
striking example of elegance and
good taste.
Fish Scale
.Trimmed Coats
In Castor and other shades of
Kertey. Half tight back, flow
ing sleeves, etc. The fish scale
trim covers the collar, sleeves
and skirt, iu full satin lined with
stitched edges and as unique in
effect as it is beautiful,
Of course, we show a full line of staple styles for
ladies who do not seek fashiou's extremes.
Globe Warehouse
said they are not excelled by any
company In the department. He re
ferred to the prospects of a paid de
partment nnd seemed to think It was
a long way off. The firemen, he said,
receive no omiictiFatlon and much
abuse, and he Is astonished at the
meagre consideration extended them
by councils.
Chief SShstemnnn was called upon and
thanked the company for the Invita
tion to attend the banquet and ex
pressed much pleasure at being per
mitted to Join them In the feast. He
congratulated them on their excellent
showing In the parade, anil hoped the
company will remain together as long
as the volunteer service Is it exist
ence. Thomas P. Daniels, foreman of the
company, was also called upon, but ic
frnlnrd from making ony extended re
marks. John H. Fellows recalled sev reminiscences when he ran with
the old machine. A. It. F.ynon made
u very entertaining speech, and re
fer led to the time when he was active
In the rervlee, He said lhe Frank
lins have always been faithful and
their niolto. "Where duty calls, there
you'll find us," has never been 'vio
lated. I!. C Morgan also expressed his
gratification In being a guest of the
company, and congratulated the tlro
men on their noble efforts In saving
life and pioperty. Cieorge Wallace,
Ceorge W, Jenkins and Thomas Allen,
also spoke In pleasant terms of the
event and the pleasure to be derived
liom such gatherings.
The affair was one of the most en
joyable events ever held by the com
pany, and the boys are to be con
gratulated on the success of such an
Republican Clubs, Attention:
The West Side Centra! Hepubllcali
club, the T. J. Reynolds Itepubllcan
club, of the Fifteenth ward, and nil
other local clubs will assemble at Main
street at 6;'M o'clock this evening,
and pioceed to the Central City, where
thev will Join the Hough lllders and
Union League.
The ir...iLTiers will then go to South
Scrnnton where they will participate
iu the Itepubllcan demonstration. Ow
ing to these nirangements the meel
insr of the West Side club announced
for this evening has been postponed
until to-moriow evening, when a lull
attendance is requested.
Deaths and Funerals.
An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
.Tames Wilson, of Gai field avenue, died
yesterday and will be buried In the
Washington street cemetery to-motrow
Mrs. Kate Flannelly, aged ii3 yeais.
died yesterday at her i liniuic. ISL'S
Washburn street. The f uncial will
lake place at fl o'clock! to-morrow
morning, with a requiem mn&s at St.
Patrick's Cathedral church. Inter
ment will be made In the Dunmoie
The funeial of the late John J. Mul
lierin will take place at -::!0 o'clock
this afternoon from his late home,
UWS Pierce street. Services will be ludil
at St. Patrick's Cathedral church and
A Very
rianish Coat
Yet a model of good taste, is
offered in an English box coat of
exquisite workmanship. The
back is half tight and the cuffs,
skirt and collar are heavily
stitched. An inlaid velvet col
lar and flowing sleeves are the
only decorations. This is a de
cidedly high class garment for
those who desire fashion with
out loud effects.
A Jaunty Short Jacket
with storm collar and extra largo
round lappels in velvot with a
fan button front will be greatly
admired. The skirt and sleeves
are heavily stitched and the
variety of shades Is complete.
Smart Short Kersey Coats
Elaborately embroidered in Silk
and neatly embossed with dia
mond cut velvet on skirt, sleeves,
collar and lappels are well worth
looking at. A notched collar not
too deep will permit furs to be
worn with comfort and elegance.
Light Tan Kersey Coats
With pointed front, overland
strap, clusters back and front,
velvet collar and full stitching
offers perhaps as perfect a model
of quiet elegance as can be found
and Is very new,
Interment will bo made In the Cathed
ral cemetery.
General News Notes,
John Wagner, sr., of Eynon street,
celebrated his seventieth birthday on
Tuesday at the home of his datiEhtcr,
Mrs. Foster. A large number of guests
were present and enjoyed the occasion.
Charles Moore, of Jackson street, em
ployed by the street railway company,
was Injured while nt work on South
Main avenue Tuesday. He wns treated
at the Lackawanna hospital,
.'. It. Pitcher will wealth- at thu
Democratic meeting In St. David's hall
this evening, and the sneakers will
bo M. F. Conry, F. J. Fltzfllmmons,
George S. Horn, D. J. lteedy, J. 1$.
Callings nnd C.'Comegys,
William Itynn has boon elected n
member of the executive committee
of 81. llrcndcn'H council, Voting Men's
William Hnymond, of Decker's Court,
has announced himself a candidate for
the HetHibllcau noinlnutlon for select
council In the Fourth ivnul.
Miss Dorothy Huberts,, of West
Pawlet, Vt., is the guest, of Dr. and
.Mrs. .1. .1. Huberts, of South Main
I'M ward Kvans, of South Main ave
nue, has toturned from a seven weeks'
trip to Wales.
William J. Thomas of Kyuou stieet,
has accepted a position In Xow Castle,
Miss Vlolu Murphy, of Washburn
stieet, was tendered a surprise party
at her home Tuesday evening by her
friends. A long list of guests were In
An old fashioned i-oclat will be held
by Camp ITS, P. O. S. of A. this eve
ning. An entertainment will be pro
vided and sweet elder and doughnuts
will be served. Representatives of all
the city camps will be present to make
arrangements for the parade and un
veiling of the soldiers' and sailors
Michael Stern, of Price street, bin
been appointed a special olllcer at 13
Koblnson's Sons brewery on Eighth
The social committee of the Kleetrlc
City Wheelmen will meet tills eve
iilii. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Edwaids. of
West Kim street, are In Philadelphia.
The complimentary social given by
St. Prendcn's council to their lady
friends last evening wns attended by
the representative young people of the
city, and all 'pronounced It the so
cl" ty event of the season. Lawrence
oichcstra furnished the music and
M"iirs' hall was crowded with thel
mmhers and their guests.
Hairy Morgan, of Landis stteet. nnd
Mrs. Gustavo Bowman, of South Main
avenue, were united In mnrrlngo last
Local Xii. 213, United Mine Workers,
will meet at Janes' ball, Jackson
street, this afternoon at - o'clock, to
attend the funeral of the late John
Mrs. Jane Richards, of Jackson
street, Is spending two weeks Iu Phila
delphia. The Columbia sent several hand
some bouquets to the West Side hos
pital yesterday, for which the attend
ants express thnnks.
An explosion of gas in the Scranton
street sewer yesterday afternoon
caused a break of ten feet In the gas
mains and alfectcd the lights dur
ing the early evening.
Western Bates Beduced.
Greatly reduced one-way and round
titp second class rates will be in
eff"ct fioni Chicago via Wisconsin
Central Hallway, to points In Minne
sota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho,
Oregon. AVashlngton and British Col
umbia each Tuesday during October
and November.
For detailed information inquire of
nearest ticket agent, or address
JAS. ('. POND, Ceu'l Pass. Agent.
Milwaukee, "Wis.
Mysterious Disappearance of the Big
Screen to Be Used for Stereop-
ticon Views Other Notes.
The large screen which was placed
on the Swartz building facing Chest
nut street, on Tuesday, for the purpose
of showing stereoptlcon views iu the
Interest of some or the Republican
cHiidldates, very mysteriously disap
peared some time early yesterday
How the screen could havo been
reached by any one wishing to appro
priate It for themselves Is u hard
problem to unravel, as it was placed
ubout forty feet from the ground.
The police say It was in position at
12 o'clock yesterday morning and must
have been quietly removed between
that hour and daylight, Thu stereop
tlcon display will take place when a
new hereon can be secured.
Tin1 ol r..ill.i ninilcnell.i, ihe little
daughter of Mr. nnd Mr. Frank lYiiulenell.i, nf
Sit Klin tdii'c-t, who died Momliy, was hold
,iiteiil.iy afternoon. The M-nltis, held
In ft, Aiithonj's iliurib, were laim-ly iittciiiled.
bilriinoiit w.w initio hi St. .Mary's temeteiy.
Xos Ills n.uhoil till-" boioiijih tint I.emy
Sn hude, who cnloiul Ijfa,etle itjIIoku :it Ih'o
liouliinlng of tlio school jp.iv, li.u uiocl inln
"Clis A," as n ii'Milt of tho coniii'tllli ov Ions hohl at imtltntlon, This ip.ils
wi'll for hotli Mi. SuIiikIp unci tho Diininorp
High sdmiil, Up h.i.s the i.ihillclnrl.iii u( llio
il.i-.-i of 11NW of tho High kIwoI.
The lailhM intirwtoil in tho iiniilnir iolclu.i
tlon of the annual minhriviiy of tho huh point
wit Onlor of Odd 1'pllnm., will nioct this own.
ini; tu tu.iKi! .in.iUKPiunits for iho Mippir und
piitpituliiiiiint to he hold, Tho iiioctliii; will ho
hold Jt Ihu linine ot .Mrs. RrorKC W. Harper,
till riicriy Uriel.
Superintendent J, (". T.ijlor, nf Sujnttin,
(pent jelud.iy inarnliiK Isitlne; the illirvrent
departments ot the Piuunnrp Hluh mIuioI,
The irKiilar monthly mootlnir of thu rimum's
Itelief association was hold lj'.t eeiiiiu; and
the loutlno of !nnlne.s transit (oil.
T. 1', LeUhwoith has u turned home fioni days kuut In Philadelphia on liu-lnis,
Mrn. i:. J). Iloiard, of Xoilh lllilely street,
U it yiioat of frleudi in .Ten i on. lleivdo Mauley is home iioni an evtended inidp uitti frlondt in llaltnnoip, Mil.
'lids ii i nlng the lli,t m.i-i iiiu'ilnj,' of tho
JtepuhlkMiis of thu linroiiiih Mill . held In
the Independent Older of Odd IVllunn hall,
'fheie will be stuial .iddiiws, intenpeined with
Coffco Injures growing children
even when it is weakeucd, Grain-0
gives them brighter eyes, firmer
flesh, quicker intelligence anil hap.
1 pier dispositions. They can drink
nil they want of Grain-O tho moio
the better aud it tastes like coffee.
All L'totCM ; 1 3c. and '.'Ic.
Marriage of Miss Catharine DurJcIn
to John E. Coyne In St. John's
Church First Annual Banquet of
Knights of St. George Republi
can Mass Meeting Tonight Miss
Elizabeth Miller Wedded to John
Lees by Rev. Peter Christ Notes
of a Personal Nature.
Another pretty wciUIIiik took place
In .St. .IoIiii'h chinch when Miss Cath
erine Durkin of 1'lttstcin nnd Hrlck
avenues, was united In inarrlaec to
John n. t'nyne of t'ednr avenue. A
nuptial hluii mass was solemnized by
Itev, K. j, Jtellej", who ulso performed
the wedding ceremony.
The bride and itroom are both mem
bers of St. John's church choir, and as
a token of their esteem the members
of the choir mini? the mass, Miss Eliza
beth Dm kin sIiikIiik' the offertory.
The bride was uharinliiKly attired in
u kowii of white broadcloth trimmed
With white lace nnd chiffon, with hat
to match. Miss Mary Murray was
brlA.'smald. After the ceremony" u
reception was tendered the newly niur
i li-il couple at thf home of the bride's
mitheiv where coiiKratulatlons wcio
offered arter the wedding dinner. The
bride and groom left on u wedillnu
lour to Xew Void.-. On their tettirn
they w 111 commence housekeeping on
Plttston avenue.
The groom Is a collector for the
Keystone Hrewery, while Miss Durkln
Is well known and highly esteemed.
First Annual Banquet.
The first annual banquet of Branch
4o, Knights of St, George, a piomlneut
organization of St. Mary's parish, took
place last evening In St. Mary's hull
on lllver str.eet, and was largely at
tended, covers being laid for TM per
sons. The tables were four In number aud
ran lengthwise along the hall, which
was profusely adoined with Hags, and
potted palms, nnd presented a bright,
cheerful picture.
The programme of the evening was
as follows: March, Professor John
son: opening address. II. AVelssler:
tojstmaster, llcv. Peter Christ: history
nf the soeietv, Kdwaid (,'. Klos; over
ture. Prof. Johnson: address, A. J.
lleliuer; toast, l!ev. O. J. Stopper: re
marks. Ilov. Von Welden: laughing
song, Prof. Johnston.
The committee In charge was ns
follows: Henry Weissler, Harney
lladle. 'William T. .Tonssen, A. J. Ren
tier, John ISailes, N. Jansen, James
F. liest, Charles linen, Edward C.
The leeeptlon committee was com
posed of the following members: John
Madden. Joseph Sehwarz. N. Theobald,
Frank Iltz. Itlnhurd J'eldmiller, John
T. McOrash and John denies, and the
llnnr committee was made up as fol
lows: AV. T. Jansfcen, John ISallcs and
-George J. Miller.
Mass Meeting To-night.
To-night a great Itepubllcan mass
meeting will be held In Athletic hall
Cellar avenue, at which addresses will
be made by Dr. Knill Schneider, a
noted tun tor of Hobokcn, N. J., and A.
J. fnlborn.
Prior to tile meeting a parade of the
Republican clubs nf this city will lake
place through the principal thorough
fares. The address, will be Interesting
ami lull of sound arguments in favor
of tho volley of the Itepubllcan party,
so that it behooves every good Repub
lican in South Scranton tu be In at
tendance. C. C Carpenter, .representing tho
county Republican committee with Ills
stereoptlcon views entertained several
hundred on Alder street.
Tees-Miller Wedding.
At !i o'clock in St. .Mary's church
on Itiver street, yesterday morning
Hiss Hlizabeth Miller of Willow strep t
was united In marriage tni John Tee.i
of Went Scranton, by Itev. Peter
Christ. The bible, who was attired
In it white hllk gown nnd who pre
sented a charming appearance, was at
tended by her sister, Miss Mary Miller,
while Matthew Miller attended the
A wedding reception was tendered
the couple at the home of the bride's
parents on AVIIlow street last evening.
'Ihe Model knur, .lunger M.ioiinpiihw anil
S.iiiicenuinle held a well attended olnt prdetlee
l.i it evening, Iu (.'ci mania lull, lo pivpaie for
the Kianil iniiuit of the bieuu'eiiiuide, id ho
givi'll nil mi, :n.
Ottn Iniii'., of Stafloid aienue, a fiuiuirunner
nt the blast fiiiuaee, hid hli left html M'teiely
injureil on Tiiciiliy by gi'tlluu it taiiitlit be.
iwieu the pi-Inn md .mil a lull I; wall. Dr. .1.
.1. W.iMi attended to liU ilijuilts.
After the paiaile jesteiilay the ItliiRffold h.iml
g.iic n line tomert at the Neptune llugino
coinpnij'.? quaiteid nit Cedar aleniie.
.Ml- .Miel.l 'Ihniii.K and Mks Amu l'.llM Irlt
ji'tUuliy mi a i-lt In fileinN at llawley and
White .Milb.
MUi ll'llileii, of lllnh stieel, h il.uinuoinK'
ill at 1 ui hmiie,
.Mls I. mi a Ki'lloj', ilatiKliIrr nf .Inlm Killej,
of Mllll nlll'l't, JllllKika, i-i oeilniisly III,
Mlii Slaej- Clllfnul, who Hum ui the loiurr
of l'111-.iiiil airline und I.ucuil stieu, U ill
with tjtiliold leiir,
Itev, J, W. Malone, iiv,Mant iilor of M.
I'aid'ii t'atlmlln iliuiili, left jeatenlay for Ntw
Vnik cltj', from wlikli plan- he will Mil for
Home, where lie will jiuiaiie an cteniled imno
of fcludv.
Jlrn. (, Taeululeii, nf llonemlale, is lMtlnu
ber tlaiiKlitt'i', Mid. William Osmond, of Jliik.
ton aieiiue,
Mk. W, It, IVik, ot .Woiwy airuue, n re
turned from a visit to Philadelphia,
'IliU U donatlnii day at the Home for Hi"
FriuitllcMi. Tlii-ro will be mi iiileitilninciit tliU
eL'iiIiig, at wlikli u llur uirciing will bo
A new line ill wjUi pipe li.ti hern dUliilmtcd
on Jlilaunio Ftieet, betwetu Sjiukumi und
l)kkDll iiHIUll'il,
Satuiilay cvtnliij.', Oit, 27, Illilrirl Deputy
liruud M-Hler I'olUu and liU asUI,iiiti from
Ouen Ithlue IoiIkc, Indepeiideiil Older of Odd
Pellows, will IiuUll Ihe iiflki'M ilett of 'J'JjIor
linine, No. (aw, This iniupleteii the work nf itC.
btallal It.ii for the piesnl leim nf iitoiiths.
Mrs. I'.ilikk (IuIIjii, ai;ed Oo jeaij, illul at
this home of her dauiihlti, Mn. IVIer Deianej,
ol Diookljn htieit, I'aihoiidale, Tiieaday, Kit,
M. blip Ii siirlid by te dauehlin. and four
sons, Mi. T. U", Mi'Aiidiew, of Xew York illy;
Mia. 1'rid lliiliauU, of tliU litj; Mis. IMwunl
O'Malley, and Mr. frank May, of UalMcadj
Mid. l'eter Uciauej', of ('aihondalr; Ikiuy
(Irattun, of tliU illy; John und 1'iauk, ut
HalUtrad, and licoige tlrattun, ol Caihondalo.
1'uucnl I'rldjy at tf.30 a. in., at St. llodu
The Wonderful
To Prove What the Great Kidney, Liver and
for YOU, Every
Bottle Sent Free
It used to bo considered that only urinary and bladder troubles weie to
bo traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all
diseases have their beginning In thu dlsolder of these most Important or
gans. Tho kidneys tiller and purify the blood, that Is tholr work.
So when your kldneya are weak or out of order, you can understand how
tiulekly your cntlie body Is affected, and how every organ seems to fall
to tic Its duly.
If j-oti ate sick or "feel badly," begin tnklng the famous new discovery,
rr. Kilmer's Hwamp-Rool, because uh soon as your kidney lire well they
win aeip nit tne oiner organs to Health. A trial will convince anyone.
Vlnoiitr tin1 mini' f.niiiuiq ruir nf Sw.nnii.
limit imv'lliMtiil liy The Trlliinir, tlir one
vhhli i ptililMi Iniliv fur Hip liniifit of
nnr rr.itliM4 '.il III tin- lilrxlir-t trim nf
tlii ivniiilitfnl ut nt Im iiiiii'IIih nf tliU
(tii'nl lililni'j it'tiicilj'. Ml. .Mm j- lttiiii.111".
.Mllll'llallT, TlAJI, Willi'!.: "I Willi' til ll'l
J nil Kiiiih- I am wrll nml nwe tny 1i:iltli In
S',iiiii-ltiinl, I W'j mi wi'iiK III im' li.uU
tint I mull! hit up Inn n llulo while ill .1
Hint'. In col. tip to lirlnllo from srun
In It'll tlim-i tliinitsh the iiIkIiI: intthl 'Icep
I ii. I ii few mlinilM nt ii time; wmilil wake tip
mi llieil I tuiilil h.iiillv mole: fell like a
In till weluhl en nil- iIiimi: feet tnlil nml
swelled Iu ilny time; iclic "11 Mm lime.
Veak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for many kinds of disease!,
f ml If permitted to continue much suffering with fatal results aro sure to
follow. Kidney tumble irritates tho n-rvei. makes you dizzy, restless,
sleepless and Irritable. IMnkes you .pass water orteu during I ho day and
obliges you to get up many times during the night. Pnhealthy kldnoj-n
ctuitc rheumatism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain In the back, joints
and muscles; mnkes your head ncho and buck ache, causes Indigestion,
stomach and liver trouble, you get a sallow, yellow complexion, makes you
feel as though you had heart trouble: you may have plenty of ambition, but
no strength; get weak and waste away.
Kidney and llladder Troubles Alakc Men and
men Miserable.
ff3B5fts?a a
I Effl I
EDITORIAL NOTE- Swamp-Root, tho great Kidney, Liver and Bladder remedy, ia so romarkably success
ful that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of The Tribune, who have not already tried.
it, may have a sample bottle sent absolutely free by mail. Also a book telling all about kidney and blad
der troubles and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and
women cured by Swamp-Root. Be sure and mention reading this generous offer in the Scranton Daily Tribuna
when sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
tliuiih, r.iibnnilalo. 'Ihe lemaiiH will mine
at the Delaware ami IlinUon station, Seranloii,
a U n'elnek and be taken to the lliinmnie
Citlmlic icmrteiy. llceei-i'd was a lesident of
Diiumme fur i.fxii'1'ii jejri and ln been ill f'ai
Imud.ile (hiilein j'eiK. Her hiiOianil, who win
one nf Ihe pmniiM nf tnii a!liv, died iteen
111011111.-1 .vjn.
Mi. t.i7ie T.oih, ,ii;ii :r je.iis died at her
lioine on Xoith In mi; ai lino nu Tui"daj. aflei
a liiiurring ii Im .-. ''Hie funeral will tike
plan- tlii-, nflirnnnn nt i!.::n nMntk. Jiiti'iniciit
iu Wa-hintnn aieuue eeincteij.
Mi-. Illlen Jlil.'taw, of Jlonsie, died je-leiday
nt the I.iik.twanu.i, while she reiehed
tiealniinl for pneumonia, -iiue Sundiy nlprhl.
Mie wai i jiard of .tku and K .uried by her
Pleasant Surprise Party Tendered
Miss Gretta Purcell Other News
and Personal Notes.
A pleasant birthday surprise was
tendered Allss CJretta I'uicell on Tripp
street on Tuesday evening, by a large
number of her friends, and the oc
casion was much enjoyed. After en
joying an evening of music, games and
dancing, and various other diversions,
refieshments were served.
Among those present wore: JUsses
Kmlly Plillo, Nora Conrad, Emily
Archer, Marj- Purcell, Kathleen I'ur
cell, Jennie Ilerrou, Sophie .Snyder,
Anna Ilarte, Sabine Lynch, Katlo
Lynch, Lillian Mlrtst, Anna Fox, of
Taylor: Hilda and JIadclIne Fox of
Mooslc: Jlessrs. Stanley illller, Roy
Miller, Willie Harto, Charlie Ilarte,
Floyd l'hilo, Theodore Johnson, Frank
Twining, Haiold Freas.E veil Thomas,
Jiobort Feateuby, Thomas Urown, Ar
thur Deeii, P. J. "Whelan, and J. F.
Whelan of tho South Side. Mr. and
Mrs. C Whelan, Mrs. Margurite Whe
lan, Mrs. W. M. Fox and hon, of Tay
In iTjiiiui lion with the praj'ir meeting ser
Ieei at the i'rmidenic MithodUt Kpl-iopal
ihiiiili, list eiiulus;, the Kpuoith I. eigne held
a teiilio for the pour. The inuubeM and
IllemU brnmiht tlntblni; and pound paik.i,'es of
eat.lliks, wlildi will be di-di United auioiiR the
iimiij poor and iIimiiIui; (amllli's. The Kpwoith
League of the tliuiih h.n bull doiiiK' many
noble iIiimU und thiir wmk U limili aipreelated
by the i iiiitiniitilty. The memheis are to be
commended for this latial eiideine nf their
The Women'', Hume Mk-Iunny soelelj nf ihe
Piovldeme Pie-bjteilau iliiueli will hold a
luiitiiitr thin ufteiuooii ut the home of Mrs. I..
W. Morv, of Xnitli Main ineiuie,
'j liu Key-tone Literary and llrainatii iluli will
hold a Miilal iu tho Audiuuiiiui t lii-t cunliiir.
Mis. Ah xitmlcr llijdeu, of Illiae.i, '. V,, U
the truest of her pari ills, Mr. and Mr. S.
liawirf, ot 'Inroop btii'Lt,
The .Ninth Knd htam defeated the UI) pliant
basket ball team Tue-day nlh'lit I1)- ! 1-0''" n'
l,s to II. A huil.ll follow id the came.
.Ijiiiei .1, Jlay luit relumed fioni Xiw Yoik,
wlnie Im Ii.ii been tojuumlnir for the put
Mn, lleiheit Mjmhi, of lldiii annuo, I- III.
Iloin To Mr. nnd Mk. John lliiiinlni', of htitet, u boil,
Hoherl IH'lne, u 1 1 Kid J r army Mildler, wlm
l bt.ttloned at 1'oit Mouioe, ll the Ktitat of
liU mini im Wrct Millet olieel.
Ml vi May HalUtead, nf l.iuoulle, l tho
b'Uet of H'lallU'i on Oik btiet't,
Vov Female Complaints,
mill dlaeuBi's urlnliiK fiom un Innmro
Btuto or tlio uloml'Iity'H Celury
Nervo Comiiounil Is an Invuliiiililo spe
cillL'. rlolil by Mut'tlluw Urns.
Ficm the Dclioll Journal,
I'oii.ultlui; unit' our ttlout lliilUh huiU, uc
pieced on, Hilllllik' like iti moil-..
Of iouri.0 tho Jvllow deih tai- wjy befuiv in.
"How to the liieiil.ihle!" we Khouleil to Un in,
"Itut we lue already bowed to one inevitable
thU iiioiuiui;!" the (lilneae calkd luik, in much
termini; perpleilty.
Fiom tliU we knew that the auurtcd liuulJiu
lud been too 'julik for iu.
Curative Properties of Swamp-Root.
Reader of The Tribune
by Hall.
I inulil lint Keep mv inlliil mi one Milijeit
iimie ui.iii a iew mwii'H ui a nine, l wmilil
fniKil I was tilklnif about, I pent
fur n .'.imple Imtlle nf Sw.nnp-ltoiit, nnd liu'e
then I line tukeii K Ijijci' bottlM pureliaieil
nf my iIiiikcIvI, .mil inn in well ill cut I
win. 1 taii't think joti rnuugli for the inie
ilerful tionil join- Jiiii-1tont ilhl for me.
"f ttnve swainp-ltoiit in my little cltl. She
inulil lint 1 1 hi her urine. It euieil l.ei-.
S'teu linltle-i mrtil m Imtli, If j'ntt wlih to
print miy nf thN letlti-, iln so. t remain jnti
filiml. and j mi vuiivw nml Inui? llle.
MiJ j'tiii fhnl ii'm .ifter jnur l.ilmr-t .lie Hie
liliril." .MIIS. ll.MIV HUMANS,
.1.111. 4, 1!H). M.inclicilcr, Teias,
In taking Swamp-Itoot you af
ford natural help to Nature, for
Siivamp-Hoot Is the most perfect
healer and gentle aid to the kid
neys that Is known to medical
If there Is any doubt in your
mind as to j'our condition, take
from vour urine on rising about
four ounces, place In a glass or
bottle and let it stand twenty-four
hours. If on examination It is
milky or cloudy. If there Is a brick
dust settling, or If small particles
float about In It, your kldnej's are
in need of Immediate attention.
If you are already convinced that
Swamp-ltoot is what you need, you
can purchase the regular llfty-cent
nnd one-dollar size bottles ut the
drug stores everywhere. Remem
ber the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Hoot, and the address, Bingham-
ton, N. Y.
A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever.
Itemores 1n, rimplei, FnolilML
Moth J'atchte, ln-li, and Skin
dlwaMfl. vxA ortry blcmliili on
uwu7, ana uenca
deleeUon. U AM
Btood the Uat eXM
jrun. and la aa
barmleii ira taata It
in dg mre ic u prop,
crly made. Accept
no counterfeit of
Imllaroame. Dr. L.
A. Bajrs eatd to a
lady of tbe bauttom
(apalicntlt "As you
l recommena uoui
I and's Cream as tba
leakt harmful of all
the Skin prenara
tlonn." For aala br
all Dnnrfflsta ana
lancj-OooiIs Dealers lnttaoV.S.,Canadas,and Eurosa.
aTXUD. T.flOP&UtB. Prop'r, SI Great Joaca BU, K.T.
lacho and Liver
Bold by all drunclsts
or sent by moll.
Nerrlta Medical Co., Cbteira
Bold by McGarrah A Thomas, Drue
gists,, W) Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Fa.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place,
American 1'lan, $3.50 per day and upward.
European l'lan, $1.50 per day and upward.
I. D. CRAWFOKD, Proprietor.
Tor Ilusfuess Men
In the heart ol the wholcsala
For Slioi)icivi
S nilnutea' wulk to Wunamakeras
S minutes to Sli'tt'l Cooper's Big
Ktoro. Kftsy of acceua to tho great
11 ry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One block fiom B'way Cars, civ
Ins rosy transpoi'tatlou to all
points ot Interest.
f Cor. 11th BT. ft UNIVERSITY VU "
Only otio Block rrom Broadway, -f
f Dnnm! 1 Iln ITAURANT.
Prices Krasonablo
Well Illustrattd in the Career of
Stonewall Jackson.
I'lOlll hlKlt'M,
AVliun youiiB Sionuwall Jm-kboii, one
or tho nu-t itwHwui'il, untjulnly and,
hueinliigly, uninomlaliiKr yotitliH tluU
llio South htifi iiriiiliip.'il, lii'iuil of u
vacancy ut West Point, In. liniiu.'dliUt.
y went to VashliiKtuii, dotonuliied to
Kut the appointment, ami ho not It.
"When ho reuchi'il Went 1'olnt, the
other hoys laughed at hlni, but one
of Hit-in, with more penetration than
his companions, suld- "That fellow
looka lllcu he's conie in Htay," Ho did
He wotUetl haul, economized, and
saved eiiouuh from his cadet's pay,
after coverlnu all expoii'-e.s, to buy Ilia
sister a slllc dress.
The world knows what battles he
fought, what victories he won, in the
last years of lily life.
It was determination that gave to
history this splendid name,
to J f K.I
J If I a JlJs Si I ' 1
LC-1 v.
nil nun.!
1UU fla.U
Bladder Remedy Will Do
Hay Have a Samplr
(Swamn-Koot Is pleasant to tk,
Burcunder & Rels. Leasees and ManajarJ
A. J. Duffy, Iiualne5$ Manager.
One Night Only, Thursday Oct. 25.
lion ps ThioiiRh tin Kicnitijr of Mad-Cap Van
Funniest French Farce.
llo.irs A Jolly Allnir Xew York Herald.
When the highly sneeeisfiil and liveiv corneal heic last ea-ou ll iiiiidc a decided stlcct'4
I'ruental with thi" hlsr cast ami romplete Crl
triion II e.'iter, Xew York, 1'ioductioii.
I'n'cis, Sir. to M.50.
Aihaniu ,i.i le of te.iti on sale Tuesday af
0 a. in.
One Night Only, Monday, Oct. 20.
coMPi.urK m rjiAHou.vrr. imioductios
1 1 1 1 iti iii.uniliii'iit and i-crnio cllccts and iti
m.ineloiu stoiy.
The eien Wooden, of MaKccraft. The Fiery
nrin Ini. tho Illuminated (..irtleii, the Niircinberif, Ihe IJleitrlc Duel, the Ular.tlip Ctom,
the W'.ilnirKis licieU, the lleaiitlfid ApotlteoMs.
.md all Ihe i-Tcil fi.itiui". of this favorite play ioiiiuii. Car load ot icenerj'. Every
lliini; now Inn the title.
I'mei- '-.'e. to M.
Pale of seats open at lio offlee, Trlday, 2
at 9 a. m.
nUKaUNDHR & RDIS, Lessees.
H. A. BltOWN, JMannijer.
Schiller Stock Company
in- iti:i'i:i(ToiitL'.
Tliin-ilay iiIbIiI. hnite ("riito; Filthy inatltife,
Daimhlers .Siirillte; TiMay niitlit, Hroat lirook.
hn Il.iiiilh'jp; S.-.lind.iy iiiatiuee, M.itterinin Mr.
.toned; Salunl.ij- nkht, Ited, White and llluc.
and ui.tiid coneeit nulirslM with the Ilionzu
Jlelh.i as a feature, t'oiul puny.
New Gaiety Theatre
If, II. LON'd, Lessee and Manager,
Thieo ili.ti. roniiiicnrluir, Monday, Oet. 22,
Call Danti'n iltiiiniiii;. ItolllcUnir, Muilcal Fauo
Cometh ,
Intiodi'eliii; the will known rnlnicil comediann,
IIII.V Illf.N.V and WAI.TKIl DIXON'. A ehonis ot
twenty jouiiir, pretty and tluiiely Cieoln Maid,
rut. I'leio pioilueeil liy pcrmbiaoa of Wllllaim
aud Walktr, Daily .Matinee,
'lliree ilayj, coiiiinriiclni; Thursday, Oct. Si,
Dally Matinee.
America's Greatest Vaudeville Stars.
Tho Cit'jiu of Ameilciiu Vaudciillo.
I'llces, 15e., 2a',, :),., ,-0e.
A $7.00
Given Free
to each person Interwt.
id in subscribing to tha
Kugtiiu k'lrld Monu.
ment Souvenir Fund.
f-ubicrlba any amount
desired. Subscriptions
u low as $1,00 will en
title donor to Id daint
ily urlUtlo volume.
(cloth bound, Sull), a.
a certifleuto of subscrip
tion to fund. Book
loulaliu a selection of
Field's beit and inoit
Till: Hook oMlie
Homely I Iuh
truteil by tutr-ty-tuo
of tlio
World' i treat
est .VltUU,
reprrsentatlvo worKs und IS reauy tor at
llieiy. Hut for tha noble contribution ot the
Moild'rf urea test this book, could not
have been inaniifactuied for less than 47.00,
Tlio Fund erf a ted is divided equally be
tween the family of tlio late t-ugeno Field
and tlii) Kund for the building ot a monu
Hunt to tho memory of the beloved leet
of childhood. Address
Kuzcno HUM Alonument Souvenelr Hund
Clilcu.o. IIL
If ou aho uUli to tend poatige, eacloi
10 (cuts.
H Star tk onL tits 9i H
H thrta tMipooBfuM befor H
H oraftcrniMlfaBd at bed. B
B tint. H
1 ChHlrta IeM tetotitng H
H toafc.
ooouaenea rtth
fH Rna'jtOMiaBdlnoroaMtD H
iH (on I ot) or mora, u taa H
H cuevoaldMtmtorequtr. H
Ll 1hi irraat nraodjr cani H
H all kldnor.JlTer, blaster H
H andUrloAotdUwjblaiaad bH
H iaontefiluateaaI tM- H
H BtThauchaicatatfliafrBa fH
H Madder, srarcl, rhi uiaa H
H HnruhimblfoaBdBrlftit'i H
H DlMiin, TrhlchlathewoMC H
HH fsrmotkldneydlteasa. H
Icltplauauttotake. H
H aoMbyaUDranhta. H
-f ,..ifc -JJIM
jij '! :u. ,, tf
"im ei- i' j-- '
S. fVS", rkj. - " Xitf. t '