The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 25, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    vt "h )' itV.'
"V -JfffV w '' '
. -"tt'd-ifn
-i -yinr ? " H-"' rtw '
"tfl ? J J
f'wpM (.!
-' '
Actrfeasantfy andfivrnpty.
Cleanses the System
Gently and Effectually
whetp bilious or costive.
Jivsetits int the most acceptable form
the Jojcative principles of plants
Anojfn to act most heiettcioly.
For sale by druggists price SOt per bottle.
Ice Cream.
OC Per
jc Quart.
3 elepbone Orctora Promptly Halt era J
S3S-337 Adams Avenue.
Scranfon Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office Z., It. & W. Passenger
Station. Phone C2S.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Offlco Hours e. . to 12 30 p. rn.; I to 4
Williams Building, Opp. ratoin...
I Mill l'Vl!l iONH.III V i is nun i ml
put will In- mmii it (In J nl-iui iluli ilu-,
iiiuliu; ai s n'tlniK
IIIIUli M 1 I lie tliinl ihiiuil lull f
the "nulla; Men'-, lit In w Ihiuliuil i lulj will
Ii luhl in Mu-ic nil Ii niUil.
( UK hi N M I'l'l II- iliiiltn u i will 1 1
SUM I 111 11)1 pillule if till rillll VMUUL lljl'
tf.1 iluiuli luiimlit riuiii i' in s n'lloil
I l'i; I OHM) Muiimr.l I llliu i III... k finiiil
n fill's i ii on -piiiu ftin I MMuilii ittu
lin ii mil now aw ills (In iiumi'h i ill it piilm
liiu I ii u ti r.
t'MON l.l'Xf.l IJ MHIll -Hie I l hill Ii iuip
ill jMin1t it 7 n'lhik lliN iwnni.r to iiiiiiIi
In tin 'oiilh Mil' mil it li 1 1 1 1 1 in I he lli pili
lliau l.ill. Piuii'a hu .1 will .iniimpim tl.. in
l'lll Ml. IJWt IMS t l,s Hit (illinium of
tin' I. I' 11 pili ill ilimnu' I a . will mill
Iii.Lii iiikIiI it lli. In mi of Mi III in ln
hiu' (ocurul tin Kinius it l'iiii,-,n ', ,
1 liming .is itiiti utlor.
I'l.l Ml. It I I'M.IIM. -tin fimt ill t lilt ulo
Mn MilKUit 1'. n,n i wilt iki .lu i Ihis mi ii
hi IJ n'llnik lli'lu n i I ill Ilium , ..I", I'lulps
htnot i-mieia .it the Inui-i, lltnial will lie
wide it Alaro unictiiv, Dunn
VNM'AI. IHMI'-H, 1'iuiilv-. lil-li Culm
lli llrneuilcnt nnliii U inikliiir iMuniii pup
ai illun-, fin t In. Ir eighth Jininil ihiiu wliuh wil)
In' lu 1.1 ill Meals' lull on 'Ihinks,lui' im, ln
afTair pinnies lo bo tin mini uijinihlc nun
ever stun lj this popular ctati!.:atiou
IMINVIIOV l)V.-llii in hum ii if Hip Iliim
fni tlin 1 iii'iiilli.-s jiiiiuiinii in Hie fiiin.U nl
tint inMittitinii the will lip it (In homo
tnihv to imii' their blinds Mfi-, of all
Minis Mill lie muili nuipt.ilile, 'Hie tunil U
llrffcr Hun i tu htlnii in the 1 1 1 1 1 1, nf'thi
asioilation Tlio eenili,r culutalnniiiit piornNn
tn lie inot enjoi ihle. A -ilui oiiiiin- will be
rccchtil at Hip door,
The llldiinonililo Komi.-, yo tu Juiuwi
toiliy to die (lie link .Icini'.u U mi ii tml
Vlth the pis hkln.
Ihe Oriuitnl tliinl tc mi ihillinues im 1 HI
poniiil (i.tiii in l.jil.aujinw luunij in a mhiip.
buniljj, bipt, .'. I'u Kjiip, i ipl.ihi
The No. fihoul loot bill linn nuipls the
thallciiRe of the Allanlio foot ball trim lu u
ganio I'rlilay on their kioiiii.N, I'll ii hlile
vhere )our fcioiimls aie. Answer in 'IIiiumIi)'
'Ximca. l'at Kane, laptaln.
Tin-' SpauhlliiB Alhletli cluli ( IImIi 1'aiK
challenge No. It sihool In i u'.iiiip of tout lull
ou ThanksKlvlntr I)a on Iluli kuiiiihN ,n,uu
rltlier to l'zia .Mini, taplalii, ui W aid t I mis,
manager. 'Ihe line up H as IuIIoum )' .Im.
Un, itntrr; Ii. llioe, rluht Kianl; II. Hi.
joe, rlitht tacKlej , JKjue, iluht rixl; V,
llecse, Jilt tfiiatilj W. HUe, left taiUlij It
I'jiion, left i ml; 1, )ais, imaiUiliark; ('.
HiiBlies, left half baik, I'. Mini, lluht lull
Uih; V, IiwU, full luih.
Local ilata foi OU. 31, innu:
Highlit tiiiipiiJluie 71 li.Kini
Low i t tuiipiiatuie ,,, , . Vi iIimhi
5 a. in. ,,,, W per mil.
6 p. I" i ...... ...... In pn tent.
When visiting this city on jiliMsuie
.v liuslneM stoj ni "The In lnt;."
iiititvinv f.vr,MNo, on. 21-scnmton,
Athlitle Hall, "-pealcrs, Dr. 1 mil Srlititliler 1 1
New Jirsfyi idilicn In tlemuiil N Ji ' ul
Ijoiii, Ir.
TliritlllAV i:IAISf), OtT. il-.-Dunii ore,
Oihl IVI'wi Hall. SpciKcM, MiJiii V M. IUt.'
i-niW, nf lliltlmor"! lion. John II. Hrr.
ItlllW l.M'M.Sn, orr. sU-Jcnmn, 1'nti.r.
i lull, Sipeakers, Mijor A. M. IHncock, of
lillniorej A. .1. Colbotii, .Ir.
-vituii)AV, ocr sr-Moww. om
IMIm lull. .peikei!i, Mjiih M. Ilinrou,
of llaltlnioie! W, (h)lori' Thnm". l'.il
strunijvv AnniNoo.v, orr. jr-Diiiei
Ohl rimrrli. 'peiker, lien (JuIikIii . Uo.
MONDAY lAr'SlVd. 0(T. D-Vrmtnti, A"
tiiiin. 'peukiM, Hon 'ha. I . Mltletlelil unci
Tt.l) I,1!M(1, OCT .0-llMle 1'nl.. "'.
Hit Ill's lull. "-pinker. Hmi IIhrIi tloiilon,
Mllln. nf Mrglnla! . liitlonl rimmn. I'1
TULilHY lAKMMJ, 0(1". TO-rarboiiJate,
Opt 1 1 home speaken, lion flu" I!. Utile'
ih hi nml nlheis
M't)M.Sj))VY I'M'AIMI, (KT rl-lomplilm.
tit.-. sipn.ei. lion tolui It lair: . It.
lewis, (I'm mi M. Wntum.
niintSHW I'M.MMI. SOV 1-Vcwlnn (Mi
In, mt -li I Ic'-t hill, 'iiealitf, Hon John It.
I in, . .1 CoHiorn, Ii.
IIIIIIAX KVI'.MNO, 0t . -Ohl Vol ue, law
nine Itipnhllcin hill. 1-iilit, tlniles !'
Dinlels, If. II. .in Dinen. It (. Ilnlilu.
I'lttDU I'AKMNfl, NOV. 2 -I Jt Hentciii, Oihl
IVIIows lull. irjk(i, liwm l Cailir, W. J.
DiurIii', II. S Mwnrlli. ,
'lAIIJltDAY r.MlMVfl, NOV. 1-lii'lns, Alli
ance II til. Sieikcn, Hon Tohn It I'll', W. It.
Iiw', Itiorirc JI. Wiitviu
The D., L. and W. Compnny Objects
to Them Aiound Station.
vMili'iin.i t Millar l H'tllnir c onlil
H.iblv ol it ml lltlt ui'oK" oti n inl
ine liiiulu Siitnrdnv bv .TtitlBe McClutf
III hlili he sttstithiLil the Incnl mtiiris
tiatt's jntli?iiiPiU In Mic citin nf tin
Pi lliwaii', 1. nk n nttl.l and AVustetti
rump tin iiirjlii't S.imltcl I.uwls. uno
II AllV. T.tliM -(Ill's .llllM'Kll
Si' Mi'cks .iko Lewis uics at-'
ti((d .xi tin1 lit-ttiinrn ol Dott'CtlM
Si'iilnum. nl tlii' T.iilt.iitiinni, ho nc Itltti cil In' p.iIng on the com
pimx's )ii-inl-ts )v I'onllnuallv lol
tn Iiik nbout tlio Lid tunic. I.iika
uiinn.t and AVrsli'tti Mt.ifion The
tnmp.inv Is inui It anouvod bv the tub
men and diaMiicn, hos'j ehlrU,i nt found stinidlntr map Hie sta
tion, nnd tabmen h.ivp bom ancstod
on Miiio'ts in'i astons on the chaise
ot tn spas-. Alilet man illllar fined
Lewis $10 nnd i osti, 'whereat thtoucrh
nM attoinev, he ippealed the rase,
and Situiduy nfteinoon it came up be
lote couit.
Until Alibi mm Millai and the Del.t
w.iie, L.k k.iuatniii and Western de
tntie ofllc ials aie pleastd over this;
ictoiv. end it is said that .lBRiessivp
action will be taktn nKitlnst the cab
men and dnMiien who (ontlnue to
c?le ttoublt.
Meeting Was Held Last Night at
Penn Avenue Church.
The Hiowninjr Ijitoiaiv society was
lcoiiranled last dIrIU In the ptnlois
of tlio P'tin Avenue Baptist ebuieli,
wlnn a numbi-i of la-.t te.ii's mem
bets came toiretlH i ind loimed plans
fin this mmi's woik
(Ulicpis eic noniinited as follow,
1'tosiilcnt, Cltatles riichtel, ii e
incident, OeotKe Levis, ttcasuier,
ft id I'otets, scfiet.n- John Utiins
Tin- will be elected at the mcctlm;.
AVednisdav, Oct JI. The society will
c (insist of about thlil mcnibeis this
oai. '
Officcis Rcpoited by the Nominating
Committee at Altoona Will
Be Elected Today.
lti I villi-1 wiip fi mi I In Wmitpil 1'iev.
Altoona, Oil. JI At todav .s session
of tile State Sabbath Si ltbol associa
tion. 1'iesldent John Wanamakei pie
sldid. The amount of money neces
satv to nitet the needs of the associa
tion silos.', was raised aftet some dlf
lleultv The nomination committee le
pot ted these ofllcets who will be elect
ed tomoiiow .
I'le-hl nl, lulin iniinil,ii', I'htl nlilphi i,
vlii pn -il. ins, Willi mi ( lilli, I'Kt-lmi.',
Hi i I I) ikti . Mill ili-luili;, leiuiilliiK
-uittiii, Hi i Mi Ni i , II irnsliui, tiea
in. i, smmoi sim, I'lnl nhlphli, tvetiitiu
iniiiiiiilici, Pr. s Itii-,,, Vllonii, In. .limes
M. ( ouiii. I.. II 1 1 n -.1 1 1 1 1 ir . I. .Im U jiiiin iku, Phil
ulilMi III, tint pn,nl. lit, No 1, (lev. Mev
llinrv. I'hlliililphii, No . Ite. It l.nnl,
Wl-t ( llslll, Nip I I II Slullimr, MlinllHMl,
No I. It II killu -lio cjliuir. Ni' i Pi
W. I hlihei, ( iil.onlilc, .Nn o. II It
M mi i, Iliiwuk. No ., I i: IliMiri, Wil
li nn-poil No , Prof Willi u Mo.iei. 1 1 1 -Iiihk,
Nn ii (noii Ii sulii, siirtiri sti
tiui Nn lo It i. Willi im )icl.-,uii, l)ill
liniR, Ni. ll! W, II I. llolmiii Mltllmlown,
Nn I.'. ( I' ilmi lJcilfuil, .No 1., I, I'
(.ijrliiK. ( Ii u lu hi, No II Km. 1. s l iion,
IthUw ii , No 15 1' V. lloma, I.ecchhi i';
No. lo, tin. .1 1 I Ko.ler, .lohn-limii, No
17. I. (. llitila, i-liiPKipii, No 18, S,nJli
iitn', IMIUImin', No Hi, l W. K-lii, N'cw
Ciklli , No JO, lln, J, ('. MeVniiiih, Inmesii,
No JI, lte. V, l. llowen-. JUaibllli.
TonlRht diplomas weie pie.sented to
n (lass of not mill students. The state
pilnmiy council elected these olllfota
this aftei noon: Piesldent. it. CI. Ken
nedj, PhlliuUlphlu; vice pieMdenth,
Miss Alice M. Hamlin, PlttHbuiir; Mm.
L'. 0. CitPBoiy, AVllkes-Bnue; Aliss
Muiy Irvln, Altoona; Di. J. X. Cluike,
Hiiulsbuiiri W. -T. Hauls, n.istou;
leioidlni; .secietmy, .Mth. C. S. Lilly,
Williamnpoii; LouoHpoudliKr .seeie
taiy, .Mis. J. W. KuineH, Philadelphia;
tteasuiei, Mi.s. a. V. Ftntrus, West
CheHtei, llbratinn, Mis, W. II. Mllloi,
Hi Uvclnilvo Wile fiom 'I in. ssoihtiJ I'ren.
Ilaiiinlini-iri ct. JI CliarUn wire lssneil as
follows it the state ilepiitmint toili.v. Mooie
llir coinium, Oakinont, Mtrirhenv count,
capital ?1,(KM, Hull) Walu caompanv, Oakmnit,
Allihlicm coiling, iipllil fl.OOO, Cieek
Watir coiiipitij, Philadelphia, wlilili will kup.
plj will) o tin pioplo of Suitaia towiiihip
Dauphin lount.i, rapltal fJI.Wl
Looking to the Putuie,
I lorn the Washington Slat.
"I don't belli to (nil bo.i Ins nnuli of a
lianln' lowaul film uoiU," 1.1I1I Mm CiiiiiinhI
to hit htibani).
"Oh, Ji, he hi," it, Ihe an.wei. "lie
kccii4 a lianln' an' a k niln' kll ilnalli lu Iks
riktlit down mi' koi s to sltep "
See the New Battenbuig Patterns
and mutoiluls, biamped linens, pillow
tnhcs, etc, ut llfjvmib, -'ll 'Wyomlncr
Mis. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Has been util for ovci HHV MHH-, ,v
Mill IONS of MOIIIIIts for their C'lllf.DltKV
WIllLi: IrK-IIIINI!. with Will I (T bl'CCI.sS
It bOOIIll-J the CHIIIl. bOni.Nb Ihu (JUJis.
is the best rcmedj lor llHH0r'V. Sold by
DruifBUU In eveij part of the world. lie im0
ami ask for "Mn Winslow's Soothing fewup."
and laU- no other iiud. Twenty fln icms u
That Is the Statement Made bil E. B.
Sturaes, the Prosecutor In
'Uie Gases flaaliist Him.
After Being; Out Since 3 O'clock Mon
day Afternoon the Juiots Yestci
day Afternoon Repotted to Judge
Ethvnids That They Believed nn
Agteement Wns Impossible and
Weie Dischairjed fiom Finthei
Consldeiatlon of the Case Mi.
Sturges Bellves Thnt Two of
the Jut oi s Weie Seen in the In
tel est of the Defendant Befoie the
Case Wns Called for Tiinl.
The Jutv befoie whom Common
Councilman James J. Oiler was tiled
foi takliiR- and sollelllnir billies foi
his ulllelal Mite was unable to UKiee
and vesteidav alteinoon at 4 JO .IikIki'
li. M. JMwaids dlscbaiKluK the juiois
fiom fuither eonsldeiatlon ot the c"
nnd without the uistomaiv ihank" ol
the colli I. The Juij Hloml seven tor
eonvhtion und five foi .until! till. It
tetii-d at .J o'clock Mondav hiu inoon.
Alter coutt opened lu the moinlui:
the juiois filed Into ( mil I ai'd n
puiled that It was impossible for them
to le.uh ,m aifi cement and thev usktd
to be illst'haiMd. .ItlelKe lMwaids In
I lepl.ving to ihein said
I lup i mi fiom tun. sintl nun
of I In Jim, iiilnir that u miiiiol iai' hi
this i i-i I nn vin -mn lint ion in in t
ilile to iifiei It toik ii- Mini i infill llj,s
to tn lie c i- d ll his Iipi ii it iiiiisldii-
abli. evpuise to Ihe cuiuilv, nJ (I I." '1 1"
uiliMliienii to voiir-ilM- Sinn. Jim will
hue to ai;iec lip ni tin" ci-e. if von fail t"
ague, and you iini In be twihe piild Intil
t i K nt nun
We think von ouslil to In able to ilipie if
this lase und liiimr In a Midut. I do not fnl
w iiiankd on iiecoiinl of (he turn taken in the
mil of the i in', ind the iniportanie of it, in
ill-irlincriiiir von this nioininir I villi a-,k toil
Kiln to utln nut lo n-i voin Im -t i Hi ts
In mm up in i M libit 1 iliilinp In ilnchugi-
jou it pu l III
CALLED unroitn Tin: cocut.
The Jin ois wen plainlv disap
poiiilid, 'ind -ludcre Udvvaidb informed
the mounts that If ill am cement
was not uaehed )iy adjourning hour
In the afteinoon he would dlschaifre
them At 130 he sent i'oi the juiors
and s.iki
(.rntleinrn, nc von nearii an i mt nt ill in
v on win- flu- niouunfc'
Inn in in Huiimtn-Wp ne not our honor I
ilunk it is iinpii-.iblr for u- lo anno at a
tin iiiiirl Do nn think then- is i ihinie foi
vou lo agin if I kiep v on mcillur foi tin
I ll hup of the week
liuoi-I tio not
Hit nitrt ll i- i 3ieii ili-ippoiutmi nl to tin
limit, niiibe to llir pnties hut mtiinlv to
tin coinmumli, tint nu Iiim nut In in ilile lo
lune upon a nnliii In this ni Of ioiii-(
f litoptile vom tvht lo vntll own jiiilgmeut
ml 1 ilo not winl in ki ei ion loaithei miles,
lluu is i pio-put of in ni;rei on nt one vi n
in the othei If there is nnv luenihci if the
Jin v uho thinks b kiepinj tht, jun toi Iher
Imuii tint flit v miirlit agree I would like to
hi ir fiom him
liuoi I don't think there i- 1 ponbilili
foi ii-, to igne the wai we sf mil
Tin lourt Well, I am rr inrrj that such l
i iliimtv has Inppeneil, tint vie villi hue to
trn ill our tin- woik again, but I tnke vour
in nl Ihit it would mil answer am lueiul pin
p i-i to keip ion logether im longei I (lieu
fori ilisilnige ihu fiom fill t lit i ion it
(hi i i-i
When the ju'ots flist let lied, they
toocl si to sK Attei u tow ballots,
one el the juio's cbantred his mind,
nnd lroin that time on the juiy stood
beven for (oinhtlon and live foi ne
illttal. The Iuioi.s weie. Joseph
Hacbman. fnimer, Oouldsboio, Hail
Caipenter, huckstci, Noith Ahintrton;
Thomas Holme, eletk, Simpson; K.
C. Hanson, laboiei, La Plume, James
Han is, miner, Seianton; H. Hoi
Kate, student, LiPlume; Albett John
son, plumbei, AVnrlv; F. S. Kel
loTff, palntci, Seianton; Chuuncej
Xoack, fatmor. Madison, Jacob Stan
ton, fanner, AVe&t Abinstton: C. P,
AVilllams, Mi met, AVest AblnKtou.
jriions Ave n n snnx.
1'. B. Sturfies, the prosecutor of Mr,
Oiler and tlio lendei In the piesent
l iioi m movement, was seen bv n
Tiibune man last night and' asked to
make a .stateaicnt icffatdlnB the Tall
in ( ot the 1uiy lo URiee.
"I don't know- that I bnve much to
b iv," said he, "except that I know It
neraln fallows the need of a betlei class,
of Jm Milan und ol mine honest Juiv
comiulsslor.ei.s. f h.,u. infoimntion
vhli'h leads me tn believe that at
bust two of the juiMiien v.em .seen
beteii e hand,
"In fact, when ihe tiial was only
one tiny old. vc icallzed that wo had
N-e'l' little chanee ot .secmlnfi a con
viction. One could sco by the ludif
feionce ol some of the juior.s, by their
inattention to the,' evidence, that thov
bad been been befoiehand and wem
nlieady uetkUd which way they weie
to ote."
.Alt. Stuiscs was asked whether the
Cnler case would bo taken up nt tlio
noct teim of couit or whciher tho
cafct'b aualiibl bcunit ot ilm other ten
Some goods we expected in time
for the opening but which failed
to aulve iu time are now heie,
We wish to call paiticulnr atten
tion to the Immense line of Jai
dinleis, which weie opened yes
teiday. The laigest line ever
shown in Seianton at the lowest
prices ever quoted. Look them
Gruener & Co.,
205 Wyoming Avenue,
Indicted cottnellmcn would be pushed
"tt'K a (title too eaily to tell that,1'
said he, "The Juiy wns dliolmtK-ed
only tills afteinoon nnd we have hud
nn mecilnir of the league et, lo dH
cush tin mutter, t think myself Hut
the seiond case URainit Mi. Hiler will
be taken up next; "This In the nisn
In which he N ehaiBed with nee eptlntr
"Wo would lnuo tiled this sine Hist,
but when we saw the pnnel of Jiiiom
we decided llutt ll was better to tnke
up the slu cise. Had we succeeded In
until Inn it uimlctlon in ibis eae,
with Its muss of pot Jutv und chtuac"
tot witnesses, It would have hnd the
effect of 'secuiliur lonvldlons lu all
the oilier ruses, 1 believe. Tint. onetH
nKnliist 'liter nie by fur Ihu moat
(oinplleiitd. The othiu aie simple.
Alih WILL RH TlttlJD.
"Vou can say thai wo aie not koIiir
to diop nnv ol these iaes. Thev ate
nil la be tiled nnd we uie roIiir: to
endeavoi to the bet of otn ability lo
etuie a conviction In ovety one ot
them." i
fine of the aftcinoou )npiis Nestei
dny annoitiued Unit It wtib an open
si'eiet tint Ml. StiUKes would be a
landldnli lor ina.vor at the next (lec
tion. Kofi 1 1 In; to tills -tntemetit, he
"I have tifM'i bald thai T was it
eandldnte for inayoi 'ind I iluu't In
tend to The only ollh" I want and
the otilv olllce I v.'lll "vet act epl Is
Ihe olllce of luty eominlsslonc'i, be
tatlse I believe thai tu that olllce
tan best seive the Intel tsts of the
Police Satisfied Two Men Weie En
gaged in Biady Theft.
The identity of the Itt.ulv diamond
Ihleves "till lemains a nivsletv and in
Vain have the local pollie deiiailment
tilveii lo t,aln some iltie as to the
wheicabouts of the mvstctioiis hum
lais. The pltltal numbei can now be
used, unadvisedlv as Chief liobllns' N
(eitiiin that the theit was the woik ol
mote than one man.
This was the police tlitm liotu the
stalt and Tuisdaj nlbt it tecolved
stionp: conlli inallon by the- statement
made to Chief UoblitiK- bv the coach
man ot Thomas II. Watklus, who lives
on Momoe avenue, not fai Hum the
home of Mi Simpsnn. Tin coach
man was walking on Momoe avenue
Monday evening when his attention
was attiactid by a daik fouu at
the fiont window on the second Hoot
of the Simpson lesldence. At the i o -ne)
of Olive stieet and Momoe avenue
stood another man, 'who was lookinn
up at the window The spectatot'a
cuiiosltv was not aiouscd b the slirht,
as he thouslit the man nl the window
was one of the household bet v ants and
that the man below was some ft lend.
He was unable to Judge fiom the
nositlon of the man at the window
w bethei he wns euteriiiR the house ot
making1 his cit This occuried nt
exactlv (! M o clock
As the theft was disclosed about
fi .10 o'clock It is icasonable to sun
poso that the buiRlar was then leavliiR
the house This method ol stationing
a eoniedeiate below the window to
watch if anvone is appioaching', ts the
usual modus opciandi of this class of
law bieakos who aie known as the
"porch thieves' and aie legauled by
the police as one of the most dance i
ous, ilevei and elusive clas-, of ciiin
inals in the cottntiy.
Delegates fiom This City Who Will
Attend Rending Meeting.
The annual satheiiiiKs of the Younsr
AVomen's Cluistian Associations of the
slate ate alwajs inteiestinc meetlir's.
They ate not sin h huge conventions
thnt (lie peisonality ot membcis Is
lost, but the ac fiuaintanc cs foinied aie
a pleasant featuie Consldeiahle time
is given to infoi mnl discussion ot piae
tlcal topics, wlieio many leading woiX
cts take pail and this exchange ot
ideas is most stimulating.
This week the convention occuis at
Heading, opening Thuisday with an
addiess of welcome by Mi. C. H. Itulil.
Di. Uidmnn, of Geiiuantown, is the
speaker Thuisday"' evening. Mis. M.u
ginet Sangstei, one of the most pleas
ing and helpful speakeis for young
women, speaks Filday evening, anil
ttolieit Sneer one ol the brightest and
must eat nest young men, gives tho ad
diess Satuulav evening. Miss Maiy S.
Punn, ono ot the National .secietailes
of the Y. AV. C. A. bpeaks Sunday eve
ning Miss Iivine, of PIttshuig, a le
tuined missionary fiom India, gives a
nilsslonaiy addiess Satin day attei
uoon. Dally Bible studie s.ue pait of
the convention.
The Heading association gtMs the
delegates a ilde to Mt. Penn Fri
day afteinoon, and senes a tea at
their new Y. AV. C. A. building. Soan
ton delesates ate Mis. Cteoigo Men ill,
Mis J. H. Peck, -Mis, John Scheuei,
Misses IJthelvn AVlltox, Esther How
landb and Helena Clink, Mib. AV. T,
JIuckett, Mis. F. S. rulfiey ami
olheis. JIis. II. J. Can and Mis L. JI.
Oates, ol the state committee, will at
tend. Other fi lends will be welcome
and may have pi Iv liege of icduc'd
nttes by calling at Y. AV, C. A, looms
for lallioad caul oideib,
.Mobt of Seianton delcKiites m,o c.
15. ot X. J., going by way ot Allen
town, leaving at S 35 a. m,, or 1,20 p.
Ill, A few piclel Ihe ), A, JI, to
AVIlkes-Haue and Lehigh A'alley to
Accused of Tampering with Cais nt
Mifflin Avenue Switch.
Seven boys weie m tested beinie Al
deiman Miller .vestenlay title! noon on
thu charge of tampenng with cms ot
tho D., Itf'-S: W. lallioatreompanv, at
the Muillln avenue switch, They wem
mre&ted at the Instanto ot Detective
Iku Keldmnu, who alleges that the lads
on various occasions ian tho cats
down ginde, and otf the tiackb,
Unbeit Calvin mid Hover Swlsner
of l'enu avciiiio, and Lewis Smith,
Finnk Condon, Thomas Lovnlaud, und
Ttiotnas Sumpsou, the last uumed ml
cued, weie the bovs uuestecl. Tho
oldest "f them Is foiiiteen veins of
ukii and the ouiiBesi but nine.
At tho henilng Jlobcit Swlhhnr
tinned state's cvldeiue and u&iiileei
to lmviiiff Satuul.iy been jiimiu Sainp
con pushliiK one of the oars off the
Hack, and loosening the brake. The
nldeimuu lined each of the young pi Is
oneis J3, ivheieat them was much
wnllliitt and lamentation and copious
bheddlng of teaib uiuong the Miuth
ful offendeis.
The Lackawanna lompauy has been
much annoyed by the boys tmnpculug
with tho cars at thu switch, as thete
Is danger of their being thiown over
the embankment, when sent lapldly
down tho grade. The Iiom, too, me
likely to be In jut eel.
Excellent Showing Made by the Pile
nnd Police Dcpaitinenti us They
Mulched in Review Past Mayor
Molr nnd Other City Officials.
The Mnyoi's Compliment Mm -vellotis
Exhibition Given by the
William Connell Life Saving Coips
ou the Raub Building.
Wind was pel haps the last pi'i.nle
of Set union's Milunteei Hie Iment
took place .vestetduy aftiiuoon and
was witnessed bv huge timings of peo
ple. Whethei or not It wlll be Ihe
last inutile depends veiv little It upon
what cotninon council does with Select
Councilman C. II. Chittenden's nidi
nance pioviilltig loi a le-oigaulatloti
ol the lite depai tine til and Incidentally
foi the disbanding ol the piesent Mil
unteei lone.
In addition to the paiinle ol the fire
men Iheie was the annual Inspection
and paiaele ot the dtv's small but
eflleiettt police fotee and a uiiiueliiU"
(hlbltlnu bv the I, lie Saving coins of
Ihe William Connell Hose compattv.
Taking evetvlhlng Into consldeiatlon
It was one of the most successful llie
men't dais In the hlstoiv of this i 'I v.
'I'he membcis of the ailous com
ptnlis loimed on Washington avenue
bitween f.atkawanna avenue and A'lne
stieel belote the stalling ol the pj
i.ule and attei being lined up weie in
spei ted by Mttoi Molr who diove
down the lino in a caril.tge with f'ltv
f'onti oiled Esdias Howell. Cltv Tieas
ti i or E. J. Hoblnson and Cltv Solicitor
A. A. A'osblllg.
The major lode In this cunlige near
the bead of the line and It was fol
low cd bv seveial otheis containing
nianv of the othei 1 1 1 otllctals ind
cntiiic Ilmen.
AVhen the paiade had nea)lv l cached
the municipal building these eaulaires
weie detai heel and the maviu and
otheis weie bunledlv diiven on .ihe id
that they might take a stand In fiont
of the cltv hull and ielew the paiade.
A stmt was made at J.IJO o'clock
when the pioeession tinned Into
Ltckawanna avenue fiom AVnshingtnri.
The line uf match extended out Lacka
wanna as far as Eighth stuet. coitn
tet in. ncli to Adams avenue, tn Pine
stieet, to Washington avenue, pist
city hall to Lackawanna, wheie the
paiade disbanded.
The paiade was headed, as all good
pniades should be headed, bv mounted
ofllceib Hinke and Hloe h, lesplendent
In their vellow tilmmed unlfonns and
campaign hats Behind them came
Baud's band leading the city's police
foue Chief nank Hobling. Ji..
walked at the head of his men and
behind him tame Ueuten mt John
Davis, lollowcd bv thiitv-tlvo ot tlio
foi tv-sl policemen
Thov weie in lull diess u'liloim
long coats, belts, parade dubs and
white gloves and they matched with
an eieetness of healing and a pie
c ision that would have done ciedit
to a icimpiny of legul.u aimy soldieis.
Behind the lour lines oi pollcemi n
followed the patiol wagon diiven by
Seigeant Hldgewav.
Chiil ZUIenun headed the (lie de
pai tnient on foot, walking just in
front of the lollowing five assistant
chiefs- James E Bil tley, Hanv
fJtecnwood, chailes Simiell, D. J.
Slowe nnd M. l" Genltv. Thecbief
came in foi a good sha)e of applause,
all along the line of mmch but he
was too modest to believe that the
cheering wns meant ten him and
walked along without a look to Ihe
light oi to the lefl.
The H ,1 coi.ipativ in line was
the Fianklin Engine c ompnn.", of
AVcst Seianton. hcided bv the Citi
zens' band, The men woie long blue
conU with white helmets and marched
just ahead of theb newij -altcied hose
on t and steamei On the ' smoke
stack of the lattei was iciched a f un
sized itiostei, apparently ei owing
with delight at the splendid appeal -ance
made by the company.
The Nu Aug Engine company
came next, accompanied by its ovv n
diuiii coips iu lbeii nutty unlfoims
ol while und yebow and beaded bv
Ike Blown, the eoloted e-peimanenl
mini, who Is eonsldeied one ot the
best Hie ilghteis in tho city and who
canted pioudly the company's banner.
The inombeis of the company woie
their paiade uultoinis of blue, with
white helmets, and mm died In n sin
gle, even line, which sti etched front
aub to cuib
Following the Nay Augs enme Ihe
Llbcits, of Not th Seianton, with
their leinodelled hose wagon and be
hind them weie the Cij stuls in theb
fawn-coloied unlfoims, mat thing
with their steain'i and hose eniilage.
The 111 st ot the South Seianton
companies to appear was the Nep-
tuncs, who weie beaded liy the lllng
gold band, anil who woie blue dock
i oats, with blue hats to match. They
bad theb sieaiuor In line and also the
old "Shooily" hose cm i luge used
ninny yiars uro tn the Delawun,
Lickuwnnna und Western shops. The
good nntuied face ot C'oiincllmnn Fird
Phillips, with its peiennlal siulle, was
lo bo seen in the fiont innk of ihls
i onipaio.
The Neptunes weie followed by the
Belief and ("leneial Phlnney coin
ptules, both of which had very few
inoil lu Hue, the uppe.unneo piesunteel
by those v,ho did mauh being highly
(ledltable, howevei. These two com
panies vvorp folliwed by the Niagaras,
who have lately moved Into their new
hose Iioufo and whose uppauittih has
lately been put iu bplendlel condition.
St. Petoi'rt Ditnn mips, fiom Hello,
view, was next in Hue, and It uuult
one of the lilts of the puiitde, It s
loiuposri'l of buj'H imiglng In age
liotu 10 to Hi jeais, all uUlieil hi
while tioiiseih, with HovvinB scmlet
bluuscs, mid all possessed ot lliu abil
ity to play the dium ami life. They
headed the Eagle Lbiglne iompan.v.
who woie their paiade iiiilloims of
The Sons of A'eteians dium coips
followed the Eugles nnd matched In
iront of the Columbia Hose company,
which had the luigcst turnout of any
company In line, theie being two full
lines leaching uoifibs the stieet. Thu
men v.oie light blown suits and caps
und picbenied u veiy neat uppeiu.nue.
The Excelslots weie net, with their
IVontlliued on l'Jo b
New Cameo Placques
Bon Bon and Card Boxes, The figures that form the prin
cipal features of these new cameos are In full and bas-relief.
The figures are In pure while with the back ground in sage
green. The assortment is large prices ranging from to cents
to 50 cents. They add tidiness and tone to any room in which
they aie placed. These are only a few of the many good things
we have in stole for you at
3 Geo V Millar &
5 VJCU. V. ITllllCtl .
We nulcp teith lo milt ou and jour frlfiidi)
We guarantee to plmiie ou 01 tin pity.
Mi keep work In r pull Inc of 1 barge
We tvaiuliii' and extm t terfli fne of elnrge
Our Crown and C i Per
Bridge Work... P
ill work giiaiaiitenl tor 10 veam Call
ami haw- loin teilh eviulniil batltfaetlon
in no U)
What Is This Basement Store ? You Ask.
It's neither a Four, nor Five, nor Ten Cent Store,
though our assortment of goods at these prices
will compare very favorably with any we've ever
run across in any city surely a greater variety
than you'll find hereabouts.
We think we can give you better value for
your money than any one else, simply because
the quantities we buy makes such prices a pos
sibility. Every Utensil for the Kitchen and Home
many other pretty and attractive things.
312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue.
About Rubber Tires M
m Of course all rubber tires look alike, but don't you know mm
w there is a great difference in the wear and quality of vehicle vjj
("5 tires, due to the cli llerent methods o DUttinsr on. etc.
3 We have a very expensive plant for putting on Kelly
5v? Springfield Tires on all classes of vehicles. It is the only per-
J feet rubber tire manu-factured, being made of pure rubber
0 and not composition. These tires are put on to stay held in
f lilt--cii.tiiiici uy uvo vnc-- ciccuieaiiy wcuicii, v-aiiiiui iJUiSl- g
hlv roll nft" or nut. Sn.
"j - - -,
Prices on
In Our New Store
We are now located in our new store.
406 Lackawanna Avenue, formerly oc
cupied by Siebecker & Watkins.
We are showing a superior line of
Furniture and Carpets,and invite inspection
Carpet and Furniture Company
Grades at
412 Spruce Street.
Agency for Young's Hats,
VyVxyaTViaAX. I
Co m Wyoming Avenue g
WW. wlk In and look .round. fe
$5 SET 5$
Hotter come lu anil talk to us
ll.uiil ,10111 tieth We belleie Jim
vrll) (ppiriUti the woie- and our
low' priies We will MVf vol
in ailv one halt on all denial
We nuke w'cbdiy of Crown an J Bridge
work and It ouhaeans old or decaved
teeth, come to ti. and we will make new
one out of them for ou
Dr. Reyer, Dentist
114 hprucc St., Opp Court House.
126 and 128 JJ
Franklin Ave.
Application. C5
1 4 ft, Hi IH M M I'M
"No, I
Will Not"
That souuds posi-
I tive, but she was right,
for her grocer tried
to make her take an
inferior flour instead of
"Snow White"
- rvarritmamMirvtM.
"iouMTM AMauKmu.rrf'J
,HJiJU e t T&kyZ
mint. ? Efflr tej&fr
. -$L&, 5-JL4.4& r.