The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 25, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' " '
Wrys3Jf1'lfcr-''iWl,,,'V AVvtswifij v i ' rrTttttz
' WliB83;J?JfW5 "VSatt
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
MRllRtpnd, Oct. 24.-MM. Green ami
daughter, of Snake ", '" .,
tinny with Mm. Kinem Oolwell nnd
Hon. were tltlvlnR lant Hnluidny. Ulioij
nlwttt to croii Church street rnllroml
ciosHlnp. Mim. flreen lilt the hort
with the whip. The lioie bccuinu un
luly at thli mul clashed tip the lmt
one wheel of the onulaRe stilUliiff U'
mil. threw Mi p. CI recti, her diuiKhter
nnd the Colwell boy out upon the The iltuiBhlcr of Mrs. Orcen
una hailly nhnkon up, hut not seriously
Inluied. Thuie wih no tinln In HlKlit
nl. the time to frighten the hoiic.
Mis. John Allen stntted to dilvo
down town from her faun Monthly.
The hi fed Jinn h dilvlnff the team
and ,u'i the wnRon mi deicemllnK
JUiptlHt Hill the ItliiK holt hioke and
thiew Mm. Allen out onto the HtoneH.
She wii1 h.idly Inul-ed mill suiliilnod
u broken ill).
n. It. V. Senile, chii.. "t feUHnne
hiinmt, wax In town iMonduv nuniiK
Int" for the Jlopubllenn trnthei Ing and
mlly In SuFtiuelntnna Saturday.
Tlie'Hullstead Republican club, one
of the Ktiongest orRnnlratlons In Sum
itieh,iniri rounly political clielei, will
Ifu In n body to .Susquehanna Sattir
lny t pirtlilp.He in the bit,' parade
thrtv In honoi of (ioveinor lloiieelt.
All Itepubllcans in the vicinity nie lu
lled to join the eliib In the parade.
The fate foi the lound ti Ip will be
thirty-lhe renin.
Mr. nnd Mis L. N. Kiudd wen- vis
.JlliiS In Nicholson Satin day and Sun-
' I.ou llnss slipped on his engine tank
yveial days iiro and sustained a pain
ful "it on hi lei l knee. He Is fast
rni o urlntr fnnn the luluiv.
- John roddliiBton nnd Mls Mniy
(iiokhii were ni.uilecl In St. L.iwiuw t
i Inn eh Tuesdiy afternoon at :i 10
o'clock, by llev. J. S Fiikiiii The
Bloom is one 'tf the lending business
r.ien of Ilnllmead and the In ide is an
aecompllsneil ouiib lr.dy. bavltiB
many fi lends in this vicinity. The
"kiooiii attended bv Tlnbuil I'nd
dinKton, of lilnKhiimton. .1 ml Miss
Kilte GiOBan. u sMei of the bride,
acted a biidcinald Ml and Mis.
CoddiniUon left on tuiln -S. la the
l.acKawaiiiia i.illioad, for a torn to
Atlantic City, New Ymk and a Hip
up the tludMUi. 1'pon their letum,
they will commence housekeeping In
the bouse foimeilv occupied by i:. D.
Uuiton, on Chinch stieel. They havo
the best wishes of a host of fi lends
The hIiowci bath 100m at the Young"
Men's Chilstian ahsodntlon is beiiiR"
icpainted a white coloi, and will be
A big iiniiocment when completed.
niBht new mombeis came into tlie
Voiiiib Men's Chilstian association.
fliuiiiB tlie month of Septembei.
Miss Ode.sta Arnold, the daughter
f T. .T. Arnold, Is ciuite sick at the
home of Mrs. Jules Blown.
Gecnpre AVmd ami KldildKe
aie enjojiiiB a tamping ti Ip at the
lower lake of the Three Lakes They
eio otiupjitiR the Mince Iloss cot
tnice. Hunting- and fW.iinR will be the
spoits unlived
Alfie Kcsler, of Uiandt, was the
Bilest of bis biothei, C. M. Kessler,
At the home ol Di. A. F. Men ell
Mondav nlfrhl, an accident happened,
whlih came near binning the home.
In some mannei the laise p.uloi
lamp became uniuly and exploded, the
binning oil falling upon the Hoop ut
the loom and spieadins so fast that
a sofa and cbnii and file c.irnet weie
binned. Insuiance Agent V. C, Hums
was on hand Wednesdiv nnd adjusted
the ln-s. 'l'hl 1- the second accident
fiom Iteiosene that has orunied at the
" above houe within a few weeks?"
Mi.i. T IT. Ha.s entei Mined a few
fi lends at lea Tues,i evening.
A big liepubllcau inlh will be held
in llallstcad next AWdm mI.i.v. Hon.
John ft. Tail". e-s),Mlcl of Hie -.late
house of icpieseiitatlves, Is lo be ind
ent and speak Hon. (.!toi,re ".. tiieen,
of liinghanilon, an I Hon. James T.
Dilllols will also be pu-cnt and ,id
diess the meeting. TiV llallstead Ite
publican dub will paiade: nl-o clubs
fioni Client Ilcnd, Now Milfoiil, Mont
io?e, ninghamton Hid Sus-quehanna
1110 to take pail in the paiaile. Th.-ie
will be two hands !u hue, tlie llall
stead band and Hull. lid's band.
To Cure a Cold in One Say
Take T.axathe Iiioino Quinine Tab
lets. All husBists icfiind tho money
II It tails to cute. K, AV. Oioe's Hifj
tuiture l on each bov. Ta,
,Many" a. woninu lias jieriodiu crying
spells, She meets her husbaml with
eyes red ami swollen ami he cries out:
"vWhat has happencil ? " " Nothitij?" his
wife replies. 'I don't know what is the
matter with me, hut I just had to have
a good cry," Men don't have cryinir
pells. It would seem therefore that an
atTectiou couuned to women must lme
its caus? in the womanly nature. There
is no doubt Unit n riNenbeil condition of
the delicate woitwuly organs, is in gen
eral lesponsible for feiuiiiiue iierous
jucss and hysterju.
,The use of Dr. Tierce's Favorite I're
scriplioji. makes wniiieu happy by juak
ing them healthy. There are 110 more
crying spells. "lfaorite Prescription"
cures inflammation, ulceration and te
mn weakness. It makes weak women
strong, sick women well.
.'fhcre is no medicine "just as good,"
Accept no substitute,
"J.'QHhreeymtV'Jvritf Mr. Miiry K. Sawer,
olJilijli. Lamar Co ,'Uuk,"I Hulhrred with fall
iiiir of the womb, also nkeriitiou or the womb.
Alti r Ukiug three bottles of jour i'atoritc J'rc
kcriptioa,' four of 'Oolden Mtillcal UUcovery'
nprt two vials of 1 Pleasant I'ellctii,1 I foaad re
lief, I am able to do mv work with tut. I rep
unuueud your wonderful mcdlclue lo nil my
friends, for I truly beliete It aed my life
".Free. Dr. tterce's Medical Adviser,
tit paper covers, is sentr on receipt pf
at oue-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing
oiv. Cloth binding 31 stamps. Ad
tlrcss Dr, K. V, Pierce, Buffalo, W.-.Y,
Special to (lie Scrmton Tillnint
Honendnlc, Oct. lit, Mr. and Mis.
Andrew Thompson retuined Inst eve
nine fioin a ten days' trip. Including
New Voik, Philadelphia, and Wash
ington, D. C.
Mr. nnd Mis. Joshua A. Hrowti went
to New York ycsteidny.
Minn Han let Heels will spend the
winter In Kcranton with her biolher,
Allot nev Fled 13. Ureis.
The net lecelptM ft 0111 the itinimnge
sale conducted by the ladles of Cliaui
chinch last week, amounted to $101.
Next Sntuidav the Jertnn High
school foot ball team will come to
Honesdale and plav with the home
Couise tickets for the Cln Istlnr. Hn
deavor entertainmeiH toiuse 111 c on
sale at O, T. Chambers' thug state.
Colonel Coe Dm land and daugbteis,
Mis. C. H. Hiady, .Mis. Josephine D.
Whltnev, AIlss Louisa 51. 'iind Antoin
ette, are stiendlng a few days in New
Ymk city.
Piotectlon Kngine Company's annual
ball and concert was a soclnl and
tlnanclal success. Over -100 were In
attendance. An excellent musical pio
ciamme was tendered by home talent.
Fireman's oichestui tuinlshed music
fin dancing. The net iccelpts weie
about Jl.'-i.
The "Hilo's" Hatveut Season excur
sion to New Yoik city will be tlven
redniday, Oct. 31. Tickets ftom
lloiiisdiili. -' Ofl, good to dptuin on
01 bcfoie Nov. '.
Mi". Ficcl Ole.son, the diayinan, is
III with tvphold fever at 'ls homo on
Itirei stteot.
Mi. C. Claeker, of New Yoik, bus
seemed I lie handsome oil ..painting, by
Mls Jennie Utownhcombe, that wa
on exhlliitlon nt IVtei son's. Mr.
ni.ickor has taken neaily all of Miss
Hiownscombe's iiaintlng". .Some have
gone to i:m ope.
The old saw mill at the Uunnell pond
Is being toin down. A gilst mill will
be elected on the -foundation thus
a ca led
MelCennls f'oopeiage is tinning out
about 700 apple bands dull v. Faun
teams fiom all pails ot the counliy
come lo Honesdale foi bands, 00
being; loaded on some of the wagons.
Hv the emptv bands going out lioni
the factoiv some Idea can be foimed
of the Immense clop of apples in tho
The lain last night was the cause
nl much lejolelng. Tlin ,ieseioiis of
tlie Honesdale Water uompany con
tained a supply for a shoit time onlv.
The unlet In? places along the public
hlghwas., neei know 11 lo fall,
now failed uitiicly, the snnie con
dition exists with the wells and spiings
all tluoiigh the counliy.
Sqtuiday evening the Demociats
bine a lally at the coui t house. Music
bv the Maple Cltv band.
Heller's Testimony.
Albeit Heller, lhlng nt 1114 Fainlinm
st, Omaha, says. "I liae tileci most
fveiy thing" that is ued as .1 pie
entlH or cute for headache, but noth
ing did me so much good as Kiause'j
Tleadncb- Capsule Otheis who hm e
used them saj the same thing " Pi lee
25c. Sold by Matthew Bios "
In St. James" ehuidi, Jessiip, last
eenlng, a eiy piettv wedding took
place, the ccmtiacting Iputie" weie
Miss Anna Blown, the sopiano soloist
of St. Pattiek's ehmch, and John J.
O'Mnllev, ot Hudson stieet. 1'iomptlv
nl fi o'clock the biidal p.utv ent'iied
the chinch nnd pi oc ceded iq) the aisle
to the altei. when they weie met bv
Be IMwaid r.affett., who otlldatcd
at the tPiemonv which united tliein
Mis-, Ktta McDonnell j)la.ed the wed
ding maieh. .Miss TUella Judge- a
cousin of ilie In Ide, was In idesmaiil,
and James Wheeler of this place, was
best man. The In ide woie a handsome
gown ot iii.iv satin doth with white
tilnimlngs and ,1 st.llsh hat ol ginv
velvet. Tlie hiidesinald was attlied
In a costume of giay doth ti limned
with linendei s.itlu .mil wine a blick
velvet hat. Moth canled .bouquet.s of
em nations At the conclusion of the
ceieiuonv 11 leieptlon was held at (lu
lu ide's home which was attended by
the immediate 1 datives of the joung
couple. Mi.s. O'Malle-y is an nccom
ldlshed and popular oung lady who
many peismnl chainis hae gained
tor her a host ol fi lends. The gioom
Is a ptnspeiniis business man who is
held In the highest esteem bv his
many acquaintances. Mi. 4and Mi,
O'Malley will go to housekeeping on
Hudson stieet, with the best wishes
of their numeious fi lends.
Miss Alice llman, of (Jiet-n Illdue,
vlslled fi lends In town yestuiday,
Cieoige Hull who has been tnklusr a
eonise In photogiapblug at Hiimliig
ham, III,, has letlliued home,
Mis, W. J. Lewis, of West Scianton,
wlio has been lsitlng Mis, Mniy I'io
beit, 1 etui lied home ,esteiclay.
Ilev, H. F. Ilnmmnud left last eve
ning to spend a few" days In Now Yoik.
Mis, D, . Jones, of I.aiknwannu
.stieet, Is quite ill.
Mis, W. H. Pi lest spent u-Meulay
with lelatlxes In Hyde I'aik,
Miss Katie Coons of PIUMou Is the
guest of Mi. anil Mis, Chailes Beattys.
The Noith Hnd Junior basket ball
team challenges the Ollphant Hi owns
basket ball team to a game at Olphnnt
any Thiusday or Filday evening, An
swer thiough Tilbiine, Captnln Paul
Why Expei tment On Youiself
Willi lemidlps of doubtful utility when
you run get Chainbei Iain's Cough
Remedy, which has, Mood the test of
time" Twenty-live yeais' sale and use
have pi oven that lemedy to bo a
prompt nnd eeilaln 0.111 e foi ioUIs. It
will cum a cold In u day If taken as
soon as the cold has been conti acted
and bcfoie It has settled In the system.
Sold by all diugglsts. Matthews llios.,
wholesale and letntl agents.
i(lal lo tlie hcuiilon 'lllliil'i-
Seelc-yville, Oct. !M.-Oofiied Hach
maii, who d le(l fiom blood polsunlnt',
was bulled on Tuesday,
Messis. Hdwaid Moules, William
Hattan and Ped Dennis left on Tues
day for Philadelphia, theio to wotk at
their Itiado or cuttlnB.
Kd. S. Hno has ictuinod lo Ulsln,
The Seelyvlllo Sunday school llbiaty
has been leplenlshed with u veiy valu
able collection of books.
Fperlal (o llic Scwnton Irlbunt.
SiiHiiuehnnnu, Oct. 24. The Hrle
paymaster will aulvo on Thuisdny
evening", nnd on Frldny pay tho shop
men tor services In September.
The weather permitting, Governor
HoosGVelt will speult out-of-doors In
Hiisiiticlninna, fiom 11 stand lo be
elected 1111 Main street, near Hognn
Opera limine.
The sowernge niiestlon Is hnimhiB
flic until the Krle authotltlcs can he
henid fiom, conceinlUB Its shine ot
the expenses on Main street.
it Is thought that the alleged leper
In SiisiitiehnnniL came and went away
with the last elicits.
Meek McColluni, esr,, of Montrose,
was In town today.
It Is repotted that Hon. .Ilouiko
Coclunnc, of New Yoik, will mldiosi
the Susquehanna Demociacy Novem
ber L'.
At 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning, at
Parker's Glen, on .he Delawaie divis
ion of the Mile, 11 2-year-old doe, pin
sued by dogs, fell fiom a high ledge
of locks nnd moke Its neck. The
cicw of Conductor Thomas F.ngen's
tr.tln picked up the animal, cut Its
tin oat and hi ought It to Susquehanna,
divided. They nie eating venison In
Pni t Jervls todny.
The fine span of ginvs pin chased
by Ijlveiymnn Joseph p. MeMnhon, ot
Susquehanna, of Mechanics Hose com
pany, of liinghamton, will be used on
Krle Hose company's wagon. They
aie much ndmlied.
Geoige Kbit nnd familv will leave
for Albanv hi a few days, to lemaln
for Hie winter.
The Siisqudiunna county medical
pension examining bonicl Is In session
todav In Monti 033.
Tluv. lleoige W. Leach, of Oakland,
has a Continental bill, numbcied 2T,
of the lsue of November 2R, 1775. It
Is thotiRlit to be one of the oldest bills
In exMcnce.
The Honesdiile Independent stntps
that theie must be money In banking,
as Congi esMimn" Wright Is about to
elect a fine lesldence in Susquehanna.
This is about tho hardest thing said
about our popular congressman dur
ing the pie.sent campaign.
Fiank Fassett, af C.ieat Bond town
ship, has been s-nt to Monti ose jail
fiom Susquehanna, for stenllng the
lioise and wagon of Wton Reynolds,
of Oakland, on Alain stieet. In this
boiougb, on Saliudnv evening. Fns
sett look the outllt to Windsor, wheie
be tiaded the wagon foi another and
"bait" A Wlndoi constable ai
lested Fasaett and biougbt him to the
"late line, wheie hti was handed over
to OITlcei.s McMa'ion and Palmer, who
bi ought him to Susquehanna. His
healing and incaic eiation followed.
Sppcid lo the Sirjiilnn Tuliunr.
Finest City, Oct. 21. An OMUislon
tinln will be run tnn Susauehani'ii
Sattud.iv afteinoon to hear Theodoie
Roosevelt speak. It will leae Foi est
Cltv at 1.07 and the lound ti Ip will
cost but tlfty cents. A big paiado
will be held befoie the spcechmaklng.
It is enected that Foiest City will
send a huge delegation.
Rev. C. A. Spaulding. of llollistei
villo, will pieach in the Baptist chinch
A companv of mineis lias been
foimed to go to New Yoik and take
pait in the big paiaile on November
!Id. Theie will he between .10 and 40
Di. Noble and wife weie at Jit.
Pleasant jesteidav.
iA new liteiaiy .society has been
foimed in the Congiegational ehuieb.
A coloi ed lady fiom Philadelphia
named Mis. Scott will talk on missions
In the Baptist chinch Tuesday next.
iji J. I.awienie Is able lo he out
aflei his it-cent illness.
Mi. and Mis. Hdwaid Davis, ol
Si lanton, -Mi. and Mis. Hungeifoid
and daughter Pauline, Mi. and .Mis.
Coon ot Tiinkiiaunock visited Mi. nnd
Mis-, William Justin Sunda last.
The Misses Mae and Daisy Twining,
Sadie Colvln, ot Scianton, called on
fi lends lien- Sunday.
Mi. and Mis Hait Muinfoid. ot
Pilccbuig, spent Sunday ai this place.
A veiv pleasant suipiise paitv was
tendeied Miss Canie Blown at hei
home on Satin da.v evening last. Games
weie indulged In till nildnlglu when
the guests dep.uted, expiesslng them
selves well pleased with the evening's
enjojirient. Those piesent weie: Oleta
Oakley, llthel Singer, May Millaid,
Floience .Staples, Llllle Williams
Ciiaie lleluhait, Jessie Rllllngs, Emma
Cokiln: Messis Joe Samson, Tom
Staple, C.uty Colvln, Hauy Plilla,
Will Wllllanis, Geoige lluntei, Itav
Smith, Wnllio Cook, Claie Young, Hi
mer Twining.
JIis (1. G. Gleason and Mls Ralfee
of Scianton visited Mis. Doilc Boulsby
this week. 4
Miss Nellie OlllTlll visited hei par
ents In Piovldence on Sundnv
Mr. and Mis. Luther Rellis, Mi.s. p,
White and dailBlitei Mamie, of Biad
foid, have letuined home fiom a visit
with Mis. Hlveta Gillfln.
The canning factoiy will dose this
The wotk of condensing milk nt the
1 nnilensoiy began Tuesday last.
Eiuid In llu s, iininu TiIIhiiic,
Nlchol.-on. Oct. -M, F. N. Uoyle, of
Susquehanna, spent Sunday with his
daughlei, Mi.s. M. D. Kelly.
Mis. J. Y. Johnson, of Scianton, wus
visiting lelativt-s in town Inst weak.
Mr. and Mis. Khk Stephens, daugh
ter Nellie and Mis. A, W. Staik, at
tended the fillieial of Mis-, Jano
Thompson at Wuvoily, Tuesday.
The timet al of Claude Walker, who
was killed In Set union Sunday even
ing, was held at tho home of his
mothei, Wednesday.
Helen, the youngest daughter of .Mr.
and Mis. Hiu 1 y Iluiku, Is siilciusly 111
with membiaiieous cioup,
Mr. M, Oiods, who 'has been spend
ing some lime heie, 1 etui nod to the
South Tuesday morning,
1'iniu tin lliUiiUliii4 l'ii.-s
"I "Jin In Know," .iiifillj 1I11111111I11I tin"
tihhiutii! I.umloii' I. d m.ii "hIi ui ji,.
Iillllnn nie lis Mlii- Htilis at lit "Si "
"Win, ulml'i. llu- iii.ilUi wlili ilulr'1 nu
tin Aiiuric 111 iiuiuifir
"Mitlir; I vuuit ,(011 u luiow I )ui ai nuui
nus ilulni; uiciiuiil iilni mi- in London j,
in nl the other 'itU "
Cures a Cough or Cold at once.
Conquers Croup, wliooplug-Counh, CrouchltU,
Crippe aud Cousvuurlioii. QiilcU, sure result.
Jr,Uull"PIIUcureCoii5tlptlon. 80 pills JOc
Is unique among teas because no
coloring matter is used, nor do
unclean Mongolian hands touch
It in the process of manufacture.
It Is abrolutely pure and wholesome.
Ceylon Tea
Sold only In I.eail rackets.
-lOc, title, and 70c. Per Lb.
Wall Street Review.
i Yoik, Oil 1 loitn'i himil anil active
ni.iiku iml llu ulilr Hiu In itlnm in pi Ichm ol
Icinl m t IK nl oiportunltlis foi spcculiltun ai il
nil cln-n oi pinfi :ininl opontni wnr vi'i
liiwv nil iln Winn tin- or ictivc hu)hur ilc
in mil li.ul In ui pic t (v will sitisllril nml minv o(
tin- iirofpHionil ti lifers Iml foM out iti'l liko-i
llu-lr piollls thin tool, -nh ml i't" ol the Mitt on
ililloi ot tin- injikil iluc lo hue IioIiIiiikh of
toik luuiiii; iik-cil lo wiikii h mils lo put
nut -lioi I llnii ti i turn TI i rriultlnir decline
in pliri s Ini u t lie prii'iiiii In riali c a il 111
cloiul .itliic mil ui ik al .1 kin mi
tiiull.v Iii'luu tin liit I111L uilli miiuo -.lilMnn
nit itiIik in ci!IiiIiv irinilnmi; Tin- luiklioni
of the- ilij's iintkil coisisiul ot Ilie utiriiKlli
ol the liJUMOiilimulal Kimip of 1 illiouls Ijuii?
Ih-vciiiI Ihi- Miooiin inn. Minn llimoiri wile
nlloat IIih 11 n niim (iliuhlul to stiiuulile Hie
I li iiiii of tluv btoi k .Northiru I'aiihe -iml
(it it Noithun win .nhl to iiihre on 1111 inor
iiioiw Mile mil I In' foiiiui sloik, with llu 1 v-
I I pi ion of ,1 hi id intriv il, w it hnJil lulou tnsl
niltlil's IpmI .ill ilit, hut the ollin meinheri of
the Klimp .mil I'niili Villi wile tiu limit nit
iliuiiit: tin i nit pirt of the iliv. I line wit .1
vi it Iiiki spuulihin a No in I'oniiolviNii mil
it w it intimitiil lit the toiifiKiiit ilriuint iiinoni;
the Imtirt tint tli'1 iliviiliml 1 ill it to lie In
iiinsoil next month The stiuigth fir 111 thre
stoikt uill.itiil UiioiikIi llu- irineial Iln with
Rn itir or lest iffeit, I'liitic Vlail ifu r ritins
.I1 2 In okc I'i points, li.n 1 rn;- no siuill intliiiuie
ill the wrakiie,t of lite whole lit in the lite
triclinir Olhit leuhis In the idiauie Milfuiil
to (In- itint of t to I1, point' lutil -ill-,
SH.'HMl sluus rime wtie wi ik '.pott 111 the
honil miiket loiln mil it illil not nlnre lulh in
the km it ailititt of the .toik market Total
nli-. pti v.ilm. 2 D.!", IHW I nllnl Stites Kin
I'limu ills ttoiu .ill milium U pi 1 nut, on the
lo-t (111.
The followini; quotations are furnished The
Triliuiip lit M. 1 .Ionian ft Co, rooms T03 700
llcan huililin,, Stuntoii, Vi. Vi Icpho-ie 500.1:
Open- IIirIi Low Clou,
hu. i-t o-t inir.
Amei 11 an -u- u
Ami'liiaii S'h.Hiu
Am & ...
Mill, In .V. s le
V , 1. ,V. 1", I'i
lliookltn Iriiiii'ii
Kilt. , (II
("out. Tolilliti ....
( 111-. ,V (Hi
("hit. .V. (." . ..
( hu ,11 , I) ..
"I. I'aul
Hoik l-lmil .. . .
Ul'4 l-ii'1. UITi 121'
. 'I'll. iikiu 'it4 '1 1
.If, 'a f.j, .;
1U n USi
. . .I'i
... 74
. . I-'
... 7V
... JI'
... II",
... 1J
.. I.t
1 H
is 1 4
1 .1
fi'i is
in I'i
in 1
1 1 .
')- 'i
1 ,'l't
12 '
Dilm lie , llllil-oll
II lTi
I.11 k itt nun ITS
I'i dud 'In I
I", SI11I, Pi ..
Kan , l't , I'i ...
Lotus & i-h .. ..
Al llllllttilll 1. 1.' ...
Mi I I1.11 lion Co ..
Vlis-OIIII I'll ifll' ...
I'i opli s I, is
V .1. fcntlll
Viuthun I'u ilk ..
.N.ifolk , (-liin
11th I'uilli
Siulli I'Jiilu. I'I .
. . Cuili il
Out. ft VV.-t
I'i 1,1:1 It It
P.idl'.i Mill
Hi 11I1111;
Iteullr..', 1'r . ...
Suitlurn H. H . ...
hoiitlmn II It , I'i
'Iriin , C. ,V, hull ..
I . -, I enlhei . . .
1'. s leilhu, I'r ..
tnloi, I' Kill
I'lilun i'ai Ilk , I'i ,,
W.ihi-h, I'I
Wi-lilli t'lilnil . .,
... IN
... .11 't
. . T-.
... ''i
..UiO .
. . III'.
. .1 l.'j
... IV,
. 71
1 s'i it.';
17'.- 171',
VI l,D
12 1 iu
.'i.'i ,r7
i9ii ".
ll'U 12
Vi s
Opili- II lull- low Clos
VVIIIIVT Ini?. e-' Inc.
P.iir,ln-r T7 T7)i 7i,ii i7
Vlu( l' M'4 1111, sii
WiCillllHi 12 42 41
.,,,, 41 K ll"H UN
Scianton Boaid of Tiade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Flint National Hank hOO
hiinntnii Savings Hank 500
Siianton I'jikliu lo
Third National llmk 42
Illiiiv Ilopo.-it mul Disi omit Hank .. '200
Kionomv LiRht, II, A. I', Co
laiki. riii-t Sife Deposit, Co 110
Ini union Valiit Co
CUih ti Snotcr Co,, Pr U'
Siiaiitun lion 1'inti K MIb Co
Siriinton Axle W01l.1i ...
I arkawanna Dalr) Co, I'r
County Suinus tlmk K 'liu4 Co .. -TOO
Hist National Dank (Cailiomlale)
klniulfllil IlilllhlL Cn
Tradeu' National llmk
biranton Holt uiul Nut Co ,
Srrautun l'as.-ien'ti Hallway, firtt
Moiliraire, due llr20
People's Mint Itallvta, lir.t moit
Kdzv, due 101b
I'lople'ii Mint Itillwav, Ocneial
morlcue, due 1U21 ,
Dickson SlJnufJi fuilus Co, .,,,....
luiku. 'Iiittnsliip Mhnol 5 pir cent,
City of i-u unton bt. Imp. 0 pir
unt , ,
Eciuutoii Tiaillou (1 per unt, ,..,,
Scianton Wholesale Market.
(Coniilul hv l, (1. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave,)
lliiilu-i'iitmiu.t, 2laili.,i dairy lulis, Jc.
I UBa-hi h-rt ttctirn, ITi.t ucilhy rtule, IPe.
CliriuP i'ull ncaiii, new, ll',l".
Hum -I'u Ini , iholrv niaiiuw, 42,40; inulluiir,
fiu, pea, S2M1
I'otatiwi We,
Onion- Wi, pi 1 liu
I lour Hi el patint, II u).
Philfidelphia Qinln and Pioduce.
1'hllaiklphia, (Ut 21 Wluat (. lavvir, en
tiad muli, IMuh.i. 70',jj70j4(. Ioiii '.( low
ir; No. 2 iiilvid Otiohii, 4Halle, tlaU
Mradt , .No 2 white dipped. 2tu2sHi,; No .'I
cln do . 211(1. i2Ti., No. 2 nilvnl ilu., 2Ui2ilV.i.
Hi'in-Diill anil lowri; wintii nupuloi, t-2 ..'U
8 51! do. ill is, 2.I'1U2 M)', 'ilin-l inl.l I oiler
ihai, s.litl2'i; wtlnu wintii dial, $.2ual.40;
do. tin. ktial.lit, (. lllai'O, ilu ilu palint,
iHUXtJOi liau-is atialkht hi sjik-, 1-! "2.5a 1. 10,
do. patent, hi naik, 70 : prliij iliar,
Hu'f.'li do i.triiL'hl. .iir,al.W): do. patent,
$; do fitorlte luamN. I2(UIS1: iltv
111IIN, ivtii, 2ft)a''S0; d). dear. .I2HH 10; do.
ktiaiKlit, fJIUiliiO; do. lutint, $.l.75ili). Hut-
Today's Big
Attractions at the Pure Food Show
We are devpting time and money to bring to this greatest Exposition of Pure Food, the
finest musical attractions at our command. .In the two weeks and a half the show
has yet to run, we have some rich surprises prepared for you musical events of
the greatest importance. One of these comes this afteinoon, when Scrantonians
will hear for the first time
The Famous Fiore Family
Of Musical Artists
In one of their grand concerts of music and mirth. There are five members of the
family, and the ease and grace with which they manipulate the mandolins, guitars and
flute, have been highly commented upon wherever they have appeared. From two
until five o'clock this afternoon.
Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, from the lecture platform,
a series of 10 minute talks on the preparation of Shredded
Wheat, Malted Breakfast Food and Friend's Oats, by the
demonstrateurs in charge of the respective exhibits.
Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Mr. Joseph Keller, of the
Keller and Van Dyke Piano- Company, will give a talk to
ladies on the "Proper Care of a Piano," Those who have
instruments, or who contemplate the purchase of one, no
matter what make, will be interested in this timely talk on
so interesting a subject.
Jonas Long's Sons
I A Solid Foundation I
B When you see the musical life of a home centeied about one of the S
pIANos f
you know the foundation is a
constiuction is lepiesented by
well as artistically correct.
S finds it necssary to apoologize when asking a friend to play. He
5 feels like sharing" his joy with everyone else.
Wonderful in Tone
I Sympathetic in Touch
Everlasting: in Durability
B Call to see them at your earliest convenience you'll not be dls-
B appointed.
S We are also offering fine bargains in slightly used instruments
S Pianos that weie rented less than a year.
5 Fine tuning a Specialty.
5 Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise.
tu nun: fjm.( woliiii udiupiv, -IVac; do.
I'linli, J7i l"'rs -l'n in, Ih-.Ii m 11b), .ilc.; do.
(.(..Inn, 20'i 21t .: il" sniitlinciU'iii, 20c.; (I.
Miiitluin, I'll. (.Iiiom Strjih ; Now York (nil
cii.iiii (iiki sliull, 1 1 !3 ill'l . ; do. do. ilu
(111 to (Iiohi. l(i.itl14i. ltilmcd Sugw-Iliil!.
( uttun I'm li inittil 'l.illow steady; cit inuno
in IiikIiii.K 478i.; lountiy do, birtrli, r.'ni.;
link, IV , 1 ikn, '."(il. Lho Peiltn-tit
iliinfil; fowN, "MlOi ; old roosters, T( ; -pirn,:
dil( kins HilUu, .links HalOe. Drer-wl I'milln
I hiu; (owls ilmiic, 10Vallc; iIj. till lo
Mind, ')'L iHIl. ; old ioos'ois, fiiTi.i iu iil'i
prini; iliukois llit"(.; ucstcni ilu, luilji.
Iluiii'l-.-n.iiii, f',000 lnnils Hid I'lllKUl puiiinU
111 siki; win it, 'i,"on Ini'.lipl'., inin, UXl.OoO
Infill U; ot, l'),00U tmslioN. Miiniiciits
WliiJt, mioii bu-tiiN, mi '1,(1110 IiiiiIipN; oils
lt.lKM IiiiMipN
New Yoik Grain and Pioduce.
.Niw Yoik, (Kt. 21. l'lom V( ik ind noinl.
iiill in HMnntli wild llio iliui in ulieil.
U In it poi wi ik; No. 2 ud, 7"t. I, o Ij alio it j
V"i. ikMitoi; No 1 iioiiIkui lluliitli, 5li. ip
li. .illual. mil Iu"-. 'in kuI 11 hut irini'iilh Hun
up to midilK; in tin. a(li rniiim tlie liurkil ml
lipoid anil ilii-iil wi.ik at Isi, nit hi-.; Much
iliKt'il WHc, Miv, i)1!.; U1tol.1i, 7V(.i., Do
Kinliir, 77i", ("in 11 Spot i.n(i No .', mic. dp
1tn1, ((."lie. ( o li, Jlliut; ijitions tasii I, cIomiI
Ht.ik it !h(.. ml diclliip; Mi (UiMil II'mi.; Oi
tobtr, r9ut'.; Ilpisinbor, 4I7ii. O.1I1. Spot n1''1'.
No "'. yUi.i No. .1, 24 '60.: No. iililli'. 7':i.;
No I uliilp, J7i,; ti.ul, nitvid, uiUiu, 2li.'iu.;
link ulille Hi-tLi 11 .mil .--llli', ".'7iU(.; optioui
quill mul luuii. lluttii Mpaih ; ucanu'rv, 2-1
2i'i(; fapton, 21aiiic; June iicaiiK.ii, JUiil'.;
liuitilioii (kiiikm, llljahi.: Muto iluiij, I'u
2h. ( li(fi Sliad( ; laifcu wlilto, l(lTHr.; mn, It
while. Hi,; Iiikc mloitd, lie.; mihII lolmi'd,
ll(, I pus Sli ul.v ; Male .mil oiius U311I I, -Ml
Sli'.t wiliru ipunlai luikinir, Willie.; wiMiin,, oir, JU.
Chicago Oialn aud Pioduce.
tliliauo, Oil, 21. NiWii !i(fiitln' H
luoMl liullitli todjj, Inn Wf.ikni - in nun and
niinplc wlmit toirplliir Willi'ui iiiitsnli I jiv-i
liox uumiI ailidinp. 'I In- ilon' i sti nil. Do
irmliii IU. low 1 1 . Coin (lu-.ul V nml nils
'ai, down. i'lmMuiM at Hie ilme wtie J'.ilUi
d'pri-vul (" qui t, 11 lint, mn. is MliiHa,
lliur Hull anil n.ijj Nil, ,1 spilu.' wluat. n'1.1
7JV-.(-.; u. i nil, .H7IUi.; No. j 10111, .liii
il'Jii., No. "J .mIIow, .,'ia.lUi.: No. i white. 21)
ii-jli.'.: .Nil .1 white Jla.'li,; No, -' i;i, 47t(,,
No. 1 (ki. "jl,"Ji.; V11. I iioitlni-., s 7l. tlin
olliv, M .in, poik, ll.'.'iatl.M; I ml, 51' Mm ''.;
I lllS, ll IJII4U.6U, fllllllldt . li'i.UI'.i.; hllllN, "t I'J
inlUi; whik(,(, -I.J7
Chicago Live Stock Market,
(Ucait.i, Oil, 21. t'allli lluilpU, I7,iKIiI, in
rliulln,' 2,1100 uratinii ami MHI Tcuie., ,diall
li(ui' to HU, IiIkIipi, 1 losing eanler luliu.',
! -t 1111 nit. IpiIij, lime dim ut if5lHi, and one
1.11 ut fll, 'il lo piilllu'ils, flUIHI, pom In
liu.ili 111. CI ."VJa WJ, i-eleitid luikli, ilriu, vl.7.i
4IU; nilud hloikus, tli nh, J in I.T'i: nm,
WU 21, In Hu., 1.'., Ill, 71; 1 innir., Iimil,, ti
i.'ns, I111II1, Hi in, i.M.ual.V); t ilu-, bIi'Iik, la
ii Vi"a '1 1 -.jus, lni on mi iuii, il ijh al rl,
'li.un Uil mn.., I j I !KI ; ii, c i.s aluu. ii i'u
111; do Lulls, i;.7'.it21 lli;.-ltiiilil-i l
ij, uiiliiiil, inmoiiuu, 27,0011; lilt nur, 2,0ik ,
.'11 1 Hi. lowii, iiillu", inod ill iiuiue, oi, r( i-'ii.
inhiil and hull Inn, t Kill bV,i, umul Iu ihoiiu
Iiijvj, sl.lUlsil, loiili luan, ijl.lml 10, IIkIi
i r..i(,77'i!i hull, (.( ales, ifl.Wal.iil sliup
ll(ieiits, Jl.HkJ; bhup, i-li'nh In aIiuiii:; Uii.Im
liiu.ll llli, luwn; ooil In 1 hull 1- uitlm., M(i
ill in; (an to ilinue niKiil, Ml'nl; hi.Iiiii
..Imp, 1-1 Mil II, lnu bhup, "iiliiul iulli
lauib,, .Sllim, Wihlun laiiihs, ,7Vil ii
East Llbeity Stock Mnik3t.
1'a.l llbillj. (lit, 21 -Cutllc-Miaili. iln,
ii 'iUaK.1, piiini, M.JiLiI IIj miiuiioii, Vl2"n
11.71 llo' Mi.ih; plilue luavlis llH'il.l1!,
iniiliiiiu., I'WllH'ii 111 kin, 1 wal HI,
likht orkun, l I'.l; U, ! ulj I no, imi-,li,
1.711. li(i'i Mow ; ihulie wiIIkis v-l-1i; 10111
luuii, -J I loai .1(1, cliolie limbs, ij'.j.". lil; iuiiini"ii
tu Kood, Mai M; 1.1l iuIm's, s)Aua7.
New Yoik Live Stock Maiket.
Nnw Voik, OU. 21 IIcims blow lude uud
solid one. All that is best in plimo
the Stioff it is scientifically as
The owner of a Stieff Piano nevpr
-.hup, -.2 1114 .11, (.nil-, "l.V)i it; 1 1111I.S
.1 il), (.111 id 1 Lull's, "il IU lilies-Sit idi a
6 Ml
Oil Market.
Oil il, (Kt il -Lieilit luliinc., .,lil. ur
III fill". 110 I Id, .hipiiiput., 112,122 luuii., n
ii.iki". 'U.I'Oil hmcls; urns, 11:1,117 bnrels, am.
a(, V 1,12.1 bain Is
Mt. wMliiit Lewis lias returned after
a two weolii' visit nt f-, Clalt.
Mih. Al. Smith and ilniiuliiot", JUvs
Maude, Mis. Ilnny TolK and JIImh
Kthyl Tiegellus attended Pinf. Can's
teiltal in OueiiiM'.v hall Weiljienday
Jits. S. V. YouiiB Is Kinilned to her
home with sickness.
Mis. Alvcned AVIl.sou of Hyde I'.uk
.spent yestuiday with her nntents. Mi,
tind Mis. James liiown of South .Main
Mit. James 1 wvan and (IiuikIiIci,
Miss Kiln weie culleis In Seiunton
prlppi KPiiei.ilh lOillt. lowpr; --ippv,, -ji Kii
r)0iJ; stiKs. V4 71; IhiIIn -.J4HJI71: 1U11 (it lui(-er-.,
do, t4i4 HI; iO, ".l.'IOi !.71 ( i'ims-Dp
luand fail, priirs about sti nl . eils, SlaOis'iil;
Utile (.lives -li4"ifl, ft'-isx!-., ".2.1l)ii, iuipil
mil fpd laiws !21al, m iiIIuks ii'niW
Mii( 11 111M 1 . 1111 iivuiii niui . kiiiiin lull ir
r . .1
Mis. fJenige David and Miss Raw son
Visited Mih. ("hailes Btioadhend of
Main Htieet yesteulaj.
A Riune nf root bull between tho
Avoid uud Moosle IIIbIi school teams
wnii played on tho Mouslc mounds
ye.sleiduy. Heote, in to Pi In tavor of
MJ,ss Vn?.-Hle Umeuhtci" is vjKltlim
f 1 lends In Moscow, x
A!is. Daniel ireisler, nf WllkeH
Uaue. Ik IMUiibt hei muther, Mis.
UoHHler ot Main Httedt.
ltov. Mr. fjoodsliall Is In Hnnlsbiiiir
alteiiiliiip: a mlnlstei.s' confeience.
Mis. lleiuy Thompson wiih hut led
Inst Tuesiltiy afteinoon. Shu was an
iiseil lady and had been 111 for sonm
time. The was held at (he
I iinim ('die. one of our under
takeiM, Is In Seianton lecelvliiK In
htiuctloiis fiom Mr. cuslek, Mr. Mhik
lion will ntlcnd lo tho business lime
diiihiK Ids absence.
All nf the fUumtoii people who lmvo
leslded heie illllllla the summer luivo
I etui lied home.
Albeit Jnhntou lias been dolus JiitV
duty this week.
Might Have Been Tar Woise.
I'll in llu- IMllllt liiilll.ll.
s I he luiid IUiiiik xlmt alliwatl (lie liuhli
el. i die iiiipiini laiacd Ids violin
"Uliltt" i vilaiuiul liU Ulloiil.iji N 1 1 1
iuii Mjji.lj lldille while lluiue hiiuw: '
look u( pain lliltul N1109 1 Ij.sil
'ai,i "I hope .Aon do nut think so III ut im i
to IiiijkIiu- ilut I would .ln,- lil.h lullads 111
Mich a tu (onjuiiitiuil" tlie Cji.ji tio.tu
laliJ t L hut Just to tlie iiiiiuoi.i of tills lutri.,1
in. nioiiairli that thoe l.ictj now be nude pub-
Fast Trains
Chicago & North-Western Ry.
The Overland Limited
California m 3 days
The Colorado Special
One night to Denver
The Chicago-Portland Special
Oregon ami II aslanglon in 3 days
The North-Western Limited
Electric Lighted Chicago.
tit. Paul and Minneapolis
Duluth and St. Paul Fast Mail
Fast train to head of lakes
The Peninsula Express
Fast time to Marquette
and Copper Country
MO change of cars. The best of ci erj -thing.
Call on any agent for tickets
or address
461 Broadway, Neio York
601 Cftei't St.,PUUait)BMa
368Wahinatoi SI , Bolton
435 Vint St., CfeonnatJ
507Smitkf'ld8t iPHUburg
234 Suptrlor St., Cliviland
17Camput Martini, Dttrolt
301 Main St., - Bujalol
112 Clark St.. Chicago
Booms 1 and 2, Com'lth BTU'g.
lining and Blasting
Made at Mooilo and flush ltls World.
Blrotrlo Battarlei, Kleotrlo Kxpto4r(,
xploding blasts, safety Kus 11 a 1
Repauno Chemical Co.'s cxploT,'
DR. DHNSTGN, 311 Spruce Street, Scran
ton. Pa. All 'cute on J Chronic Diseases ol
Men, Womrn an i Children. Consultation and
rumination iree. Olficc Hours Dally and
bunday K a. rn log p. rn.
The Dickson Muwiructui'lng Co.
rcmiiton mul WllkovliJira, IV
.Muiiur.ioturori o.'
Hollers, llotstliii.'andl'uniplns Alachlnerv
Qeneral OfBce, Scranton, P.
hi., I'hmirlbliitt. I'. Iliiarul.rkir Aril. I.U4
111 Itt. 1 , 1 ma nllo, ill. tliei. 1 ,11. PMVATf:
lUSSEa (u.,li'. iii-'ii .1 1 .ra isiicuuectu 11 C
lifini.raiiii iiiij.iKRrttriL.HinnninncnM'-
inCTMlUUnnn. &il,nr,li. sl.Ulnr.. n 11 uiliiiL'.lf.t-
4vurrtn.jl X(i)aiiltjaulrierririi.inC,cMi mv C
HlilUk4ietc ip I11M I ilih . Ami l(li,i)itrf4iiiienC
l Qtrciedaiiciuli Itutnil hiisin Is Snul f rNvurnr
lv.liuuilnAlltMili)-s.i,iiuii r.l jt.t1rr),c4i dauilt t
5'1'liillineiil lv Hull, I11-.I1111I 11 llel.Tj lirll.t
'J via
Wlmt Would He Have DoneP
'I'w well (liorjie didn't Hie todJ),
Willi .il low Journals hv,
I'ur tjdli would lluj lake hlni In,
lie louhln't till a He. Judje