liVwTlftowfwiij r- vjiT'M'(wrn iv-'i" ' n'5i ' iVrV.n?SP t-- 1 . , 'j 7 . THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1900. ifVaSMsl LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONDALE. WETHERBY-LINDSAY NUPTIALS News has JiiHt lcukott out of the mar rlniro f Miss Vlnn, tlio only daUKhtor nnrl clillit of Mr. nnti Mir. Jiuiics Llntl Biiy, to Jerome I.. Wetliortiy. Uev. Dr. V1iii1pii, if the Itct unit ll.ititlHl chuifih, performed tlio ceremony. These c thnnblo young po)iIi were to have been tiirmictl with a lnilllnnl lwiwo wedding Inst June, but the serious Ill ness of Mr. Wutheliiy tnmle till." Im possible. I.ntc Inst week his physicians urged lilm to nccninpnny his pa rents to Florida for the winter, and as the parly was to start on Saturday morning, there wan time only for the most hur ried JirrangonicntH; lionce the quiet ness of the innrrlnKc nml the presence of only the two families concerned. The Broom left for Florida In his father's party Saturday morning, nml as soon as It can 'lie determined Hint the southern ellmnte will prove bene ficial to his health his bride will join Jilm there for the winter. A largo circle of friends will wish these young people life's best blessings. CHAHLES HAOAN'S FENCE LINE. The street committee of councils have viewed the strip of land In Campbell's lano that Is under dispute and will ren der a report to councils soon. There Is little doubt In the minds of some of the members that Mr. Hawaii has not fenced In any more thnn lielowjs to him: In fact, ho has reached the limit called for In ,hls deeds, although the first maps of the city and original de scriptions of boundaries are very Im perfect. A curious misstatement In one of 'the earliest conveyances for tin; property was discovered in examining the titles. It Is evidently n, clerical mistake, as one of the lines Is given as five feet, when It plainly should have been fifty feet. PREPABING FOR BUSINESS. The prospective end of the strike has lent a new lease of business life to the merchants of this vicinity. Activity of the past few days has been vpi-v marked. Traveling salesmen are again invading this territory, and already new stock is Ijolng shelved. Things are expected to start out with an impetus which will carry business up to the holldavs with a rush that will 11101 e thnn compensate for the dullness of the past month. TRANSPORTING WATER. The soaking rain that came last night was more than welcome. "While the city's 'water supply is adequate, repoits have reached hero from Greenfield, Clifford and Lenox townshlns to the effect that great Inconvenience has been felt in those quarters. For moie than a month many farmers have been obliged to transport water in milk cans from ponds more than a mile from their homes. Wells and springs were dry which had flowed without inter ruption for years. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. I. Val Hollenbeck lias returned from Port Jervis. M. D. Lathrope is attending the Sun day school convention at Altoona. John O'Lcary is sojourning In Ro chester. Miss Mary Gallnghy has returned ifrom Scranton. . E. SI. Peck is enlarging the porch on Ills Salem avenue residence. Dr. J. H. SIcGraw lias purchased the B. It. Blair property on Park place. Mips Gertrude Barrett, of Pittston, who was the guest of Miss Kmma Bar rett, of Fallbrook street, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. 15. C. Cory, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Josenh Messett, of Brooklyn stieet, for the past week, returned to tlielr home in Troy, N. Y., yesterday. Mr. Cory Is an air-brake Inspector for the Delaware and Hudson company. The funeral of the late P. J. Collins will 1)0 held this morning nt !U0 o'clock. A requiem mass will bo said at St. Rose church, and Interment will be made In St. Hose cemetery. Tlio little Hungarian, girl who was so badly burned Monday, died at. the hos pital at midnight. JERMYN AND MAYFIELP. The following notice was posted at tlio Delaware and Hudson colliery here last evening: In reference to our pre vious notice of Oct. Ctli, in addition to the reduction to $1.50 per kog for powder, 2', per cent, will be added to the price of mine ton to make the ad vance of 10 per cent, as proposed. C. C. Hose, superintendent coal depart ment." The new ball Held near Maple grove is a great attraction those days and the popularity of foot ball is plainly evident by the number who partici pate and those who assemble to wit ness the players. The new association recently formed lins a membership of sixty-seven and additional names are dally being added. The olilceivs of tho organization are: C. D. AVInters, pres ident; Elijah Stephens, vice-president: AV, J. Toman, secretary. Yesterday three games by the first three teams were played, and, although the game is an entirely new ono to tho majority of tho players, there oro several of them that Rhow considerable npltudo and In the course of a few weeks tho association might liuvn at least ono good team.' Tomorrow afternoon tho Rlchniondalo team are expected to play the best eleven of tho local play ers hero on tho local ground and it Is probable n lnrgo crowd will ho on hand to witness the game, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Baker Imvo re- BEAUTY, i"I CONQUEROR BELLAVITA Araenio Beauty Tablets and Pills. A per. fectly safe unit guurantrail treatment lurull rkiq disorders. Restores the bloom olyouth to laded laces. 10 duys' trootmont Moi 80 days' $1.00, by nml Bend for circular. Address, VEBVITA MEDICAL CO., Cllotoo Jackson SU-, Clilc Bold by HcCJarrah & Thomas, Drug fiits,, 203 Lackawanna uve., Scranton, Pa. STRONG fir sW -' ast si rii" H BBt m J A anaiui jricvrira&wtvixt. nisi i ni xsirsmrw v.- - ,..,. , , , , T7 perfect, and impart a health vigor to the whole being. Ail drains and lotsei are checked triiuutHtly. Unless patient aro properly cure J, their condition often worries them Into insanity, Contumptlonor Death, Mailed sealed Price ft Der box t 6boxci. with ImnlnH,..! im;9n,.,nrlin.r,miith nwfsO money, Ji.oc. Send for (tea book. Fop 8tla by JOHN H. PHELPS, Sprue ttrtet. turned home nftcr visiting nt sovornt points' along the vnllcy. Announcement Is made of the coming marriage of AVIII Waters, of this bor ough, and Miss Gertie Scull, of Green field. W. K. Iteck.the Republican candidal!) for register of wills, circulated around town yesterday afternoon, .Mrs. J. E. Welch, of Washington, D. C, Is tho guest of Mrs. AV. It. lAltey, of Second street. David P. Morgan has resigned his position with the Prudential Insurance company and gone to Cincinnati, O. TAYLOR. The employes of the Davh wnshery were compelled to suspend npcrnlloiis yesterday by the strikers of this place and Minookn, who at ilrst requested the mun employed to quit work. On their refusal the workmen received n shower of stones nnd were then com pelled to (lee. It Is staled that an at tempt will bo made to operate tho wasliory this morning with tho aid of deputies. Car No. 235 of tho Scranton Traction company, which was In charge of Con ductor Harney McGlll left the track near tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western crossing In North Taylor on Monday nftciiinnn. The car was south bound and had Just got over the cross ing when It became dernlled. Mrs. David Grllllths, of Main street, and another unknown passenger received slight Injuries." The wreck car was soon on the scene nnd had things In running order. Mr. Alexander AVelsoiilluh, our popu lar dnlrymnn, has taken charge of the AVilllntn Tell hotel, on Main street, formerly occupied by his brother, John, wiio was compelled to retire on ac count of fnlling health. The Representative foot ball team did not meet the Park Hill Stars on the Riverside gridiron yesterday, ow ing no the Inclemency of tho weather. 13d ward James, Jr., tho Itopubllcnn candidate for representative from the Third district, was n caller in town yesterday. Mr. James Is making an active canvass for the office nnd will be given a surprisingly big vote here. He Is a young man of sterling worth and is fully capable of duties pertain ing to tho above office. The American Protestant association lodge held an important session last evening, when much business pertain ing to the coming fair was transacted. Miss Josephine Blackwell, of Mil waukee, wiio has been the guest of Miss Mnry Scherer, has returned home. Taylorville lodge, Xo. 247, Knights of Pythias, will meet in important session this evening, when tlio pres ence of every members is requested. Mrs. Harry Hewitt nnd children, of South Scranton, were guests of rela tives in this place yesterday. Improved Order of lied Men, No. 217, will meet this evening. Miss Etta Fisher, of Union street, has loft for Brooklyn, N. A'., where she has accepted a lucrative position. Mrs. Itlchard Davis, of Hyde Park, visited relatives here yesterday. Insurance Agent and Mrs. AV. K. Jones, of Carbondale, have returned home after being the guests of rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry n. Jones, of Priceburg, were guests of friends In this place on Monday. OLYPHANT. The funeral services of Mrs. Sarah 1.. AVIIliams were held yesterday after noon In the Blakely Baptist church, and were attended by an Immense throng of sympathizing friends. The body reposed in a handsome heliotrope casket, surrounded by a profusion of beautiful Moral offerings, which were silent tokens of love and esteem. Rev. Dr. Spencer officiated and spoke words of eulogy and comfort. He was assist ed by ltev. John S. Thomas, of Peck vllle. During the service the choir ren dered several appropriate selections. In conclusion, the remains were borne to Peckvllle for Interment. The llower bearers wore white dresses. They were Misses Tlllle Davis, A'ictorla Frew, Mary nprkhelsor, Annie Priest, Lucre tla Gilbert and Maggie Jones. The pall bearers wore Albert Priest, John Grif fiths, William AVullace, Robert Frew, James Reed and William AVIlllains. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gllleran have gone to Prfceburg, where they will re side. Rev. Dr. Spencer left last evening for Erie, where he Is to speak this morn ing at the Unptlst state anniversary. AVllllam Evans, of Providence spent yesterday nt his home here. No attempt was made by the officials to operate the Giassy Island wnshery yesterday. The strikers were on hand again at daylight and numbered fully two thousand. A sprinkling of women and girls were among them. They stayed ubimt the premises for a few hours, but seeing no attempt being made to run the wnshery, they left as quietly as they came, Miss Sarah I.elghton, of Pittston, Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Crans, of Lackawanna street, Isaac Davis, of Green Ridge, spent yesterday ut tlio residence of D. C. Evans, on Susquehanna street. George Benton, of Cnrbondalc, was a, caller In town yesterday. MOSCOW. Mrs. Susan B. Fessenden. of Boston. fMnss.. n former nreslilpnr nf tlio Htntn Women's Christian Temperance union of that stnte, will deliver an address in tho Methodist church Thursduy evening, Admission free. , Mr. Fernsley, of .Scranton, spent Sunday with his family here, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. AVells roturned home yesterday after a few days' visit with the former's parents at South Canaan. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Yenger wero Scranton visitors yesterday. Row Father Dunn has returned from his European trip. Mr. Churles Edwards returned home from the hospital last week. Rally day services which were held In tho Methodist church Sunday morn ing wero much enjoyed by nil present. The programme consisted of recita tions, songs ami roll call, which was responded to with verses of scripture liy the members of the Sunday school. WHEN IN OOUBTi TRY TbeyWo stood the ten of years, m ii4v curca inouunas oi cases of Nervoui Diseases, such at Debility, Diziiaess, Sleepiest, ncss and Varicocele. AtroDhv.&e. They clear the brain, strengthen the circulation, make diaeslioa Address. PEAII MEDICINE CO.. Cletalind. O. Pharmacist, scr, Wyoming tvenue and An address Was given by the pnstor, Rev. Prentice, which was full of help ful thoughts. Mrs. William Reynolds nnd son are visiting relatives In Btroudsburg. PECKVILLE. For the past two weeks the wnshery at Grassy Island has been In operation without any reslslnnco from tho union. It wiii understood thnl the product of the wnshery was being used around the local breakers. In some wny tho union got the Information that tho operators were taking ndvnntngo of them by shipping the coal to parties unknown. In order to prevent this they called a meeting, at which they agreed to go In a body to the wnBhery and Induce the men not to return to work. Bright and early yesterday morning the men marched to tho wnshery and spoke to the men work ing, showing them that they were do ing wrong and nRked them to Join their ranks, which they consented to do. The bosses, however, were not to be subdued so easily. They sent out nn order for deputies from the neigh boring mines and made an excellent bluff at operating the wnshery. Tha miners will make another attempt to day to close It down altogether. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. G. Hind and son, Perican, of Academy street, were Scranton cnllers yesterday. Mrs. Mary Honsloy, of Mott Haven, has returned from a visit with friends and relatives nt Scranton. Mr. L. H. Thompson Is visiting friends and relatives at Clark's Sum mit. The funeral "of the late Mrs. George Williams, of First street, Blnkely, took place yesterday afternoon. Interment was made In Union cemetery. OLD ftORGE. Mrs. John Wilson, of Moscow, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Reed. , Tho Ladles' Home Missionary so ciety will meet at the Methodist Epis copal parsonage Thursday nt 3 o'clock p. in. Mrs. AVells and- daughter, of Me shoppen, were the guest's of Miss Ella Drake the past week. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Edsall spent Sunday at Milwnukle. Arthur, the 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Price, died Inst Saturday very suddenly of heart failure. Mr. Cooke and stepson, AVllllam Caiey, left last week for England, where they exepect to make their future hanic. Mrs. David AA'orden and Mrs. Olive Newell, of Blnghamton, N. Y., were tlie guests of Mrs. Samuel Brodhead last Friday. (.'hosier, ron of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rupp, fell and broke his ankle last Sunday. Miss Jennie AVood, of Dunmore, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Jnmes Perry. Last AVodnesday night thieves en tered the barn of Mr. John Hnrtman, stole ills cow and took it to the woods near by, where they killed It. REV. S. A. DONAHOE Testifies to the Good Qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. On tho 10th of December, 1897, Rev. S. A. Donnhoe, pastor M. E. church, South, Pt. Pleasant1, AV. Ara contract ed a severe cold which was attended from the beginning by violent cough ing. He says: "After resorting to a number of so-called 'specifics' usually kept in the house, to no purpose, I pur chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I most? cheerfully recommend It to the public. For sale by all drug gists. Matthew Bros., wholesale and letail agents. m THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. TlirHiDAY "The Ciiil from Maxim's." Academy of Music. AM, Wi:i:iv. Sduller Stock Company. Gaiety. I'llivr TIlllKt: DAWS. "A I.iukv Coon." LAbl' lllltr.i: DAYS. Amulet's (iroatest VauJct llle SUrs. "The Devil's Auction." "The PcWPs Auction," lewilttiii and iittttle ocr, was picsviitril nt the t.ji'um lnt nlKlit with Its wealth of stonorj- ami mechanical ef fects that pennlttHl of alt kiiuls of t.eem insl.v impoible tilings being done. Prides tho tuiury and mechanical elfects there was a ballet of (iiuccful , untie women led by Amelia Moirr otlermil Hilda Maccoil, ptcniiei, (food (.plrm and bad fpliits, cutiu'uhu-, nuubrctteu nnd all id the others imially funml in one of these me chanical If ulicrV tho powers of sjood are in rayed nsninst tlu pmwrs of evil. The linen nits .no luaUlv lidin u(i tpeibil. lies, tin' ones attracted the most attention being those Kit en by the three luotlirr', I.rsiido, and Iicnc ami hir dng .na, Irene is a contor tion W ant! witli the us-Mance of a small dog tin' une the iii(it unlipie enteitainnient of tlio Mini over seen in tlie city. A good sl?ed audi, encc' saw tlie pcifonuaiKe. "The Girl from Maxim's." "Tho (Jill fiom Mjxiiii'ii," a three-act farce, which lias hail abundant Mieec&s in Xiw Yoilt nml (ho laitre rites and which mule a j-' hit here last teusuii, will bu presented at tho I.y renin for a tec nml tlmo on Thursday, Oct, it. The pin-e Is by fleoiirc iVyileau, the author nf "Tlio (lay 1'arMans," and was produced two yearn ago In I'aiis, where it is utill riini.ini;. The piiKliii'tion to bo given heic will be, we nro promised, a most eitllint one. The big rjat and complete Crltciiou theater, New YoiK, puiduetloii will be teen. The girl from Maxim's Is a Moulin Homo dinier. Innocent 111, 1'cty pent meets her at Maim's, a noted I'aiis cafe uud music bill, while he Is out hating a good time. in the morning llrumage, his friend, timid him tudcen uudei Ids own tobt In his oun pailor, lie awakens l'clpont, who still feels tlie clfeot of Hie wine of the night before, and tho two men nlscivcr 1'rallne, tlio Moulin Itougo dancer, 111 tho loom. This is tlie beginning of n scries of complications, amusing and startling. High Claas Vaudeville. I'or llireo days, commencing lliursday, October 2J, l lie cer popular (lalely theater will lie giicii owr to ttilctly high class xaudovlllt An oi conization under (ho management of lxiucil Mjsuii, bearing the title of "America's (Ireatot Yaudollle Stars'' will occupy the (lalety dur ing the lime mentioned, am) peifoiinauie such as Is seldom teen in this city will he gltcn. J. U. Slnu'r, tho gnat photo artl-t. Is a number of this company, Illustrating from life much talkie! of eients, und people of I In- day. Among the pillules tliinvn, mo ('resident Me. Kiuley at hl.s doh In the white hoiibOj V, J, lliyan, xvlth Ids thickens; the (Ijbeston cyclone, und many otlieis. Mai Donald and MarMI, two fatoiites from the CVIno. New York; Untie 1111 Ion, the only comUiyman bicyclist; Ilojt uud Neff, the laugh looseners, and the great Uveictt tlio, in their malicious ucioballc sensations, are among the others who will appear with (tils company. Vim usual ilally matinee will U giuu. Old Fvlends. l'rom Puck. Bunco Stecrcr-Alit't this 'Snulrc Perkins ot rcrklnsiillcr Fanner Brown Xo, slrccl Ain't yew tjvtuuco stetreir? One Woman's 10 ay, PH1MP STUUGESS was 30 nnd a confirmed bnchelor. At lenat, so his friends snld. They added, too, that cither ho had lind a dlsnn polntmont In love In his early youth, or that ho wnti nltoRcther Inuimvlmis to tho dints of (!uiltl. Pond lntiinmus with inrminffeiiblc duURhters mndo him very welcome nt their homes and slffhotl enviously when they thuuqrht of his bank account. They would have mtiched had they known that under thnt cold, calm ex terior Philip's heart was biirnltiK with love for a dainty little mnld with eyes like tho summer sky nnd hair llko mum Bold, nnd that when he approached this deity hla heart llutterod like a blush Injr aohnoltTlrl's. Hut such remained tlio fact. And the little goddess who retimed supremo In his thoughts was pretty Leslie Stuart. He had known her when she wore short frocks nnd climbed trees. Then came nn nbsoncc of five years spent at college and In traveling In far-off countries. lie remembered her as ho lind first seen her after her return. It was at her "comlnt; out" pnrty. The rooms wero crowded, uml nt one end beside her mother, resplen dent In black velvet nnd diamonds, stood Leslie Stuart, looking very sweet nnd simple, clad ln her snowy frock and surrounded by banks nnd bunks of flowers. "I am Rlmost fiifjhtenod, Philip," she had whispered as she gave him her hand, looking up Into his eyes, and It wan then that the brotherly liking lind changed to a deep, true love, the love of a mntured man. But Miss Stuart knew nothing of this feeling and confided to him her con tiuests and doubts alike, always feeling sure of his sympathy nnel gentle coun sel, never guessing how hard Philip strove to keep his tone Impersonal. But that was almost a year ago, and lately Philip had noted a change In his little friend. To be sure, she was ns merry and light-hearted as before, yet there seemed to hnve been a tiny barrier erected between them and, try ns he might, Philip could not break It down. Last night at the assembly, when all the world lay bathed In shlmmerlns moonlight, Philip and Leslie had left the dancers and strolled through the scented darkness to a little, tinkllnsr fountain. A plain woman is pretty in the moonlight, but a pretty girl like Leslie Stuart looked almost too beau tiful, Moved by n sudden impulse, Philip caught her hand nnd breathed "Leslie." Then he stopped the rush of words that would have followed. For an Instant the girl had sat nuite still and then she spoke lightly of a coming tennis party. What did she mean? Did she under stand what he started to say? Did she mean thus to turn him awav from what would be sorrow to him? She re carded lilm no doubt as an old man. He must go away. Tho strain on him was too much. These were the thoughts crowding through his brain as he walked through the grounds sur rounding the home of Leslie Stuart. He was noing to call on her father in re lation to a political question, but be fore ho went into the house he took a short detour through the grounds to solve the problem which beset him. He went on until he reached the nodding roses. It was in this cool little summer house, all screened with arbor, that Leslie Stuart, then a child of 13, had told him that she was going away for live years. He remembered how the crystal tears had hung unon her lashes as she said: "I wish you were coming too, Phil." And yet last nl?ht He was startled to hear his name spoken, ,and realized with horror that Leslie Stuart and her Cousin Frances were sitting on the steps not five feet away. Tlio roses screened him from their view, and that was his only means of exit. He would let them know of his presence. He gave a lit tle, apoiogetical cough, but the girls did not hear him and continued: "I wish I knew what had changed Philip," said Leslie. "He used to be just llko a brother to nic, and now" she sighed, "I used to think he liked me," she added, a little lower. "I know he likes you, Leslie; nnd I think it is more than liking." "Then why doesn't he speak?" re plied Leslie. "No, Frances, you are wrong. There was a time when I hoped so, but It was a vain hope. He looks upon me as a little silly butter fly of fashion and listens to what I tell him about my dances and pnrties only with sufferance." There follow ed a silence, during which Philip knew he ought to speak, yet he longed to hear more, "Frances, I shall bo an old mnld," "You'll be nothing of tlie kind, dear," said that knowing little soul. "Why don't you accept Terry Ha worth?" "I hate him!" with force. "Well, then, Mr. Macomber?" "I hate him, too." "Now. Charley" ' "I hate everybody!" broke out Les lie Stuart fiercely. "You don't hate Philip Sturgess, do you, Leslie?" "Ah, Philip" The listener felt strange tin Ills run through him at the. cnresslng tone In which his nnme was spoken. "No, I could never hate Philip, Frances, If I tell you some thing will you promise never, never to tell anybody until I am dead?" "Cross my heart. Oh, Leslie, what Is It?" asked Frances In nn awed tone. "I must toll somebody. I have told It to mysjlf so long that It Is ancient history, Ssh! I lovb Philip Sturgess, Yep, I do, I do; and he doesn't llko mo at all," nnd she laid her head upon the step and burst Into tears. Suddenly, like a whirlwind, Philip rniuo from (he arbor and lifting the Robbing girl held her close to him, while lio whispered something which must havo been undeniably sweet, for Leslie raised her face, now "love's own hue," and answered softly, "Yes," And while Frances slipped unob served nwuy, ahe asked herself; "Could Leslie have known he was In thero?" Philadelphia Item. DUMP PICKERS DRIVEN AWAY. No Individual Operators at Shamo- kin Have Granted Increase. By Kxciuslte Wire from The Associated Press. Shamokin, Oct. 23. A number of strikers wero discovered by Mineral company officials cutting coal from outcrops on North Shamokin moun tain thl"? morning. The men were or dered away fiom the coal land nnd threatened with prosecution if they mined any more coal. Muny working men over-run the culm banks in this vicinity, screening coal for domestic purposes. No company has, as yet, forbidden tho practice. Up to date, not one Individual opera- The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING JIOUSE for tho BeiiatU oT Alt Will Hnve 11 mines to RenJ) Rcnl Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Wnut Sltii.tUioin or Iletp-Theu Small Advertisements Co'. One Cent n Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Except Slttmtloru WnnteJ, Willed Arj In Rcrtcd Free. FOR RENT. ron iiknt a sum: or pooms and also a front room nt tho Linden, btt) l.liwcn meet. FOR SALE a PAin or Dtiivixn lionsr.s nm hm.k- Sullohle for liRht drltlnn; lmj. Iln uml W inw uhlj t.lml uml free; ncll hieil; will hII chenp for tvwt ot use. Also it large ln;t1e hone. Apply to II. M. Holes, ftffl Clay aionuo. rou HAi.r.-L'AUPirs. ui:d hoom mms. ch.ilr t.ihlr. mrulnn, iltttm, orsn, luill trre, etc. 0.12 WnihinRtnn meiiue. ion s i.i:-costi:nts or nousi: rimst- (tire, c.irpet, tcclillntr, etc. Mi Wnsliinglnn nvrniie. roit HAi.n-oNi: iii:cujlatio.v niki: iiihins. wick pool tnhle. AiIiIwm A. 8. l'rltdianl, Sl't Court streit. yNJJEDjTOBUY VAXTKD-A GOOD rAmOWKLT, KSTATp llshcd busliiem, or would ptirchmp onc-hiilf of any rooiI Irirltlniatc lunlncsi (except ttlnri or wfil'kta). Itefcience8 uslceil nml furiiliheil to be Rllt edge. Aclilics? A Tribune. WANTKD-SECONO HAND SLOT MACHINES! must be In good order; state paitlculsra ai to make end price. Address, L. SI., general de livery, Ecronton. I't. ROOMWANTjD wAlmTDa'on a fuiinisiiiid rooms, koh light housekeeping; centrally located. Ad dress, .1. W., Wllllnms hulidlnsr. City. MONEY TO LOAN. M0NT.Y TO LOAN-STRAIGHT LOANS once. Curry, Connell building. AT ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN. QUICK, straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 814-315 Connell building. IMPOUNDED. IMPOl'NDLD-AT HULL'S IIKAH, ONE HAY more, weight about 1,000 pounds; Mill K sold Octuhcr 'H nt 10 o'clock n. in., If not culled for. O. I). Drink, pound master. OITY SO AVENGER A. B. DR1P.0S CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND i-ess pools; no odor, Implored pumps used. A. II. IlltltlQS. Proprietor. Leaie orders tlOO North M.iin nieniie, or Kickc'a drug idoro. cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone !)310. LEGAL. IN Hi:; INCORPORATION OF THE RUSSIAN Fire Company of Ma v Held. In tlie Cnutt of Common Pleas of Lnekawannu County, No. 101, November Term, 1000. Notice la lieiehy given that an application will be made to the sitd court on Hatiirday. the 1st day of November, 1000, at nine o'clock a. m., under the "Act to proiido for the ineoipoiation and lrguiatiou of icitaln corporations," appioved April 20th, 1874, uml its supplements, by Theo dote Wochua. Wnwll Ilopljk. Omufry Lowry, Al bert Wosewski and Silicstek Mosytar, for tlie charter of an intended corporation to lie called the Russian Fire Company uf Mj) field, the char acter and object of which is (o protect the Iitc'4 nnd properties of its member nnd fellow citi zens from damage nnd destruction by lire, and for these purposes to hate, possess and enjoy all of the lights, benefits nnd priiileges con torted by the said Act and Its supplements. II. D. CAREY, Solicitor. NOTICE IS IIEKKIIY (IIVEN THAT AN API'Ll- cation will be made to the flovcrnor of Penn c.iliania on the 2d duv of November, l'JUO, by II. M. Uoies. E. 1). lloies. W. S. Hiilchings, J. D. Slierer and A. F. flctilinnlt. under the Act nf Assembly, entitled '.u Art to protide for the incoiporatlou and regulation of certain corpoia tions," appioied April 20, 1871, and the hupple ments thereto, for the charter nf ait Intended cor poration to he called the Mayfleld Eleetlic Light, lleat nnd Power Company, the ibaiatter and ob ject of which is to manufuctiire and supply light, heat and power, or any of I hem, by electricity, to fhe public in the lioiougli of Mujflcld, county of Lackawanna and State ot Pennsylvania, and to such persons, pattnershlps and corporations, ie hiding thcieln or adjacent thereto, as may de sire tlie same, and for these purposes to haw. foww and enjoy nil of the lights, benefits ami piivlleges of said Act of Assembly and the sup plements theieto. II. D. CAREY. Solicitor. DISSOLUTION 01' CORPORATION IN MATTER of dissolution of "Wyoming Land Compani." In the Court nf Common Pleas ot Luzerne Coun ty. No. C, Uei-cnilier Tcnn, 1000. Notice is hereby giicn that tlie Wyoming I and Company (lied its petition in the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County on October Stli, 1000, pi a) ins for a decree of dissolution, und th.U th" Court have fixed Monday, November 12th, 1000, nt 10 o'clock u. in,, for hearing said application for ilKsilutlou, when und where ail persons interested can attend If they deem it expedient, and slir.iv cause against tlie grant ing of fhe pri.)cr i.f said petitioner. THOMAS 11. ATHERTON, Solicitor for Petitioner, THE ANNUAL MEETING OV THE STOCKHOI.D- eu of The Wjomhig Coal and Land company will be held at (he ottlcc of the company, col Meats building, Scranton, Pa., on Saturday, Oct, 27, 1000, at 2..10 p. m. 11. C. SIIAFER, Secretary. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL HE RECEIVED AT Hie otllcc uf the City Engineer, Scranton, l'a., until S o'clock p. in., Thursday, Noicniber 1. 1100, for furnishing and laying tligstone sidewalks on both sides of Prospect avenue, 'rom Front. stieet to tho Stafford Meadow Uiook; on both bides, of Pittston avenue, Klin olicct to dm Stiitroid Meadow ilrook, nnd on the soulheily niilu of Riier stieet, fiom Pittston aieiiue to Stone atenue. All to he done according to jpeclllca tions on file in the oltico of tho City Engineer, Tlie city lesenen the right to leject any or all bids. JOSEPH P. PHILLIPS, City Engineer. NOTICE TO OWNERS OP PROPERTY ON EAST Market street, between the Lackawanna, river and North Main avenue. The following is a copy of a resolution of City Councils of the City of Scranton, l'a., approved Oct. 3, 1000. Resolved, by the Select Council of tho Citv of Scranton, tho Common Council concurring, That it Is hereby declared to be the purpose of the City of Scranton to order that, Hut portion nf a ccitaln street In said city, known as East Mar ket stieet, lying between tlie bridge crossing the Lackawanna ritcr and the paie where said Market street and North Main avenue intersects each other, shall be piled ut the expense of the abutting property, in accordance to tho foot flout lule, I'roWdcd that thrcc-fouiths of all tha mcmtxTH elected to each branch of the councils shall otu in favor thereof. On the passage of this resolution by the above named vote, and the approval of the Mayor, the City Clerk shall publish a ropy thereof, for trn days in two ncwsiianris published In the Citv of Scranton, stating that unless a majority of tlie owners of pioperty abutting upon suld East Mai Krt stieet between the points uboie named, shall signify to councils in writing within sixty days (rom tho date of the approial of this resolution, their preference of the material de sired for such pavement, Councils will proceed to pass an ordinance directing tho paving of said street with audi material as they see tit, Apnroied Oct. .'I, 1000, JAMES MOIIt, Mayor, Published in pursuance of tlie proiiblons o tho foirgoing resolution. M. T, LAVELLE, City Clerk. tor between here and Centralla has granted the ten per cent. Increase. $100 Reward $100, The readers of this paper will be pleated to leant Hut Ihcio Is ut least one dreaded disease that bcicnce has been able to cine in ull Us ttJffs and that is catarrh. Hall's Calanh Cure la ilio only oslthc cuio now known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, icijuIhs a constitutional (teat mint. Hall's Catutrh Cuie Is taken internally, acting dltictly upon tlie blood and mucous su, faces of the sjstem, 'thereby destroying the foundation uf the disease, and gHiiig the patient slicngtii by building up tlio (oostitution and ulstlnx iialiiia in doing lb woik. Tho proprlc lois lmc so much faith in Its mratliu p'nwit, that they offer one Hundred Dollai foi any cues (bat it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Addicss. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Hold by druggists, 7.'c. Hall's Family 1'ilU uic the best. WASTED-MART6lmr1r'TE.,ril shoot Ing f,nllcry. Dm". I'5 I'cnn aieiiue. MUSICIANS WANTl!l)-t:l7lllNllT, (OHNE'l , kititiiuc plaicrs wanted nt the Ronton nnd Montana Smeller, Ureal Falls, Mont. Other mu sicians write! union wiiges paid; only first class men need to apply. I.radir Ulack l.ngte band, 211 (1th stroll, north. wanti .u-nooti, "sriioxo no v, hi to is tears nt nge, (o learn tinners' (rude. Wolf & Wcnzel, 210 Adams nienue, RECRUITS WANTED. MARIN!'. CORPS UNITED STATES NAVY RE cnita wanted Able-bodied men; scrilce on our warships In all parts ot the world nnd on land In the Phllipplr.M, when required. Lieu tenant Colons! 13. It. Russell, N. W. Corner LacK awanna and Wyoming avenues, 3crantoiT. MHWI DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams aevnue. SITU A TJONJSJNANTED trri'ATION WANIl'.D-MY A SHOP. SALES lady willi experience; tan fuinlsli tlie bet of city tcfcrcnces. Address Expetlencc, Tiibtme olllce. SITUATION WANTEDBY YOUNU tllltl, AT light housework. 1713 Summit uiciiue, Sctnntun, ' SITUATION WANTED-llY A YOUNO -MAN YO driie, need 21 onrs. Address 0 Jones block, icar 710 nice .lioct. onmnnt nmrcl IVIVTS IHlstTlflV AS N'tlRyi 'lli: or chambermaid. Mrs. Annie Culcniau, Jl'tl Phelps street, city. WASTED I'OSll ION U A MAN OF 2s; ANY honoiablc woik; lefeicnccs. Addicts P. (J., grnctal dellery. WANTED A POSITION AH COLLECTOR, Olt any outdooi work. Can furnish leteieiices. Address 1717 Sanderson avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED AS A CASHIER OR wallrrs: would like to get work as soon us possible. Aildres A, Tribune ollice. A COLORED (Jill!, WANTS WASIIINU TO DO at home. No. 'Ml Phelps sttret, Sciunlou, Pa. BOOKKEEPER WOULD LIKE POSITION"; '1KM peintc and rellaUe; would ussM in sioie; low salary. Bookkeeper, 1111 Fairfield street, city. SITUATION WANTED-DY YOHNti OHM, IN doctor's or lawjer's olllce; salary moderate. Address "Maggie," Tilhimc! ofllee. -I-. SlTU.VftON WANTED A HERMAN COOK wishes situation as vegetable and meat cool,. M. K., Tiilnine olllce. SITUATION WANTED IIOOKKEEPEK WISHES a situation. K. K.. Tribune ofllee. COPYIST EXPERIENCED YOUNO WOMAN would like e.(r.i copjing, deeds, bonds, mortgages, etc. AddresH Copyist, Tribune otHce. SITUATION WANTKD-A 1'IRSl' CLASS LAL.V chess would like Jtondiy and Tucsdaj ; sternly. Address Mary Donnelly, Scranton P. O. SITUATION WANTED-DY A COLORED MAN to di lie teiim or to work on the farm or in a piivate family, or any kind ot woik. 1'orest court. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C SPAULDINO, C. P. A., 23 TRAD era' Dank building. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELL building, Si ranton. FREDERICK I, BROWN, ARCHITECT, PRICE bulluiny, 110 Washington uieuue, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND CARRIAGES; BEST of serviic Prompt attention given orders, by 'ohone. 'Phones 202 and 5J32. Joseph Kellc). 121 Linden. Dentists. DR.c7 E. EILENBERGER, PAULl BUILDING, Spiuce slreet, Scranton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE HOS pital, corner Wyoming and Mulberry. DR. C. O. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Hestaurnuts. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVI' nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOI.F.R, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR I)., L. &, W. PAS- aeugcr depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprie(or. lawyers. J. W. RROWNINO, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL. lor-al-law. Rooms 312-:ii:i Mears building. D B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS NEOO. tlated on ical estate security. Mears building, corner Washington aienue and Spruce street. WILLARD. WARREN fc KNAPP, ATTORNEY) mid counsellois-at-law. Republican building, Washington aieiiue. JESSUP k JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COVS-Bcllors-nMaw. Commonwealth building, Rooms 10, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKIORD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms OH, 015 and 510 Boaid of Tiadu build. Ing, EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. ROOMS MXJ-U0I, Oth floor, Mears building. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD ot Trade building, Scranton, Pa. O. H. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HOARD of Trade building, Scruuton, Pa, PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building. C. COMEOYS, 0-13 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. IlKRTHOLF, ATTORNEY, MEARS IlLDO. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. K. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. H. W. L'AMOREAU.V, OIT'K'E fa1) WASH, ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mitlheiiv, Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kldnejs and Kciilto-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, l to t p. m. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, SCRANTON, Pa, Course preparatory to college, law, medi cine or bjslnesa. Open Sept. Villi. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M Cann, 1,1,. )., prin cipal and proprietor; W, E. Plumley, A. M., headmaster, Seeds. O. . CLARK A- CO., SEEDSMEN AND NURS. crimen, stoic '0l Hinhinglun au'iiuc; fciern houses, 1030 North Main aieiiue; store tele phone, "&'-'. Wire Screens. Joseph Kur.rrr.L, rear cu i.ackawanna aienue, Scranton, l'a,, manufacturer ol Wlte Screens. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S OKCHESTKA-MUSUrFOirBALLS, picnics, parties leecpllons, weddings and con cert work (mulshed. Fur tcims address It, J. Bauer, conduttoi, 117 Wjomlng avinue, ocr Hulbcrt'e piuslo store. MEGARGEE BROS.. PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. EX iclopes, paper bags, twlue. Worihouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa, ' RAILROAD TIME TABLE . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect May 87, 1000. Trains leave Scranton t 6,40 n. m week days, for Bunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington nnd for Pitts burg and the West. 9.38 n. in,, week days, for Haaleton, Pottsvllle, Beading Norristr.'n, and Philadelphia; and for Bun bury Hartisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimoro.WaBhington nnd Pitts burg and the West. S.18 p. m,, week days, (Sundays r.B8 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harrls hurg, Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts vllle, Reading, &c. week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. .1. It. WOOD, On. Pas. Agt. J. II. HUTCHINSON', Gen. Mr. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect June 10, 1000. South Leaie Scrnnlon lor New York at 1.45, f.00, 5.40, 8.00 and 10.m n. m 12.IW, S.W and H.I0 p. in. I'or Philadelphia at 5.10, S.00 and 10.03 n. in.: 12,55 and .1.3.1 p. in. I'or Strnudf lung at 0.10 p. m. Mill; and accommodation at 3.40 p. in. Arrlio nt Hobotcen nt 0.55, 7.18. 10.13 n. in.:, 2.47, 4.4H. 7.11) and 0.48 n. tn. Arrlic nt Philadelphia nt 10.00 a. m.i 1.00. 3.4!. 0.00 and M.22 ,,, ln. Arrive .from New York at 1.05, .1.00 nnd 10.20 a. m.: 1.00, 1.52. 5.41, IMS ami 1I.30 p. in, Horn Stroudshiirg nt S.03 a. m. .North I.eaie Scrnnlon for Buffalo and Inter mediate stations nt, 4.10 and S.C0 n. m.; 1.55, CIS nnd 1I..13 p. in. Tor Oswego and Syr-cu-c at 1.10 n. in. and 1.55 p. m. Kor Ullca t LIO n. in. nnd 1.51 p. tn. I'or Montroae nt R.:W a. in.: l.aj p. ,, .) ,-,,jg p, , tir Nichol fount 4.00 nnd 0.15 p. m. For ninghamtnn, 10.25 nnd S.50 p. m. Airlte In Scrnnlon horn Buffalo nt L.IO, !..-,, 5.35 and 10.00 a, in. J .1.30 and 8.00 P in. Fiom Oswego nml Sjracuse nt 2.55 a. m. ; 12.II1 nnd 8.00 p. m. Prom HI lea nt 2.51 a. m.; 12.:w nml .1.30 p. in. I'rom Nicholson at 0.50 a. m. nml 0.00 p.' ni. 1'rntn Montrose at 7.55 and 10 00 ,i, ni, : :i.20 and 8,00 p. nt. Blooinsburg i Islon Leave Scranton for Northumberland nt 0.15. 10.05 a. m.i 1.55 and 5 50 p. m. for Plwnotilh nt 1.05, 3.40, 8.55 and II. 3"i p. m. for Nnntlcohe at 8.10 n. m. lArrlia nt Norlhumbeilnnd ut-D.35 n. m.i 1.10, 5.00 and S.45 p. m. Airlie nt Nantlcoke at 0.10 a. in. Anile at Pljiiioulli nt 2.00, 4.32, 0.50 p. m, and 12.30 n. ni. An lie at Srrnnton from Northum beiland at 0.12 a. in.; 12.31, 4.50 and 8.41 p. ni. l'rom Nnntlcoke nt 11.00 a. in. From I'l.iniouth at 7.50 a. m., 3.20, 5.35 and 11.10 p. ni. SUNDAY TRAINS. .South Lenio Seiantnn 1.10, .1.00, 5.40, 10.O5 a. in.: !l.:. S.tO nnd S.10 p. in. Vnrlli I.eaie Seiantnn nt lTlO, 4.10 a. m.J 1.55, 5.4S nnd 11.35 p. in. liloonisbuig Dii islon Leave Sernnton at 10.0S a. nt, nnd 5.50 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In EfToot June 13th, 1000. Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at 8.20, 7.5,1, 8.51, 10.1.1 n. m. : 12.00, 123, 2.20, 3.52, 5.2J, 0.25. 7.57, 0.15, 11.15 p. in.: 1.10 a. m. For llonesdale und Lako Lodorc G.20, 10.13 . ni.: 2.20 nnd 5,25 p. in. I'or Wlll.cs.ltiirio-fl.45, 7.4S, 8.4.1. 0.88, 10.4S . m.: 12.03, 1.2S, 2.18, 3.33, 1.27, 6.10, 7.18, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. For L. V. R. R. polnts-0 45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.19, 3.33 and 11.30 0. m. For l'enn.ili.inli 11. R. polnla 0.45, 0.38 a. m.i 2.18 and 4.27 p. in. For Albany and all points north 6.20 a. xn. and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. I'or C'.iibnndalc 0.0U, 11.33 a. m.; 2.23, 3.5S. 5.17. 10.52 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre a. m.; 12.03, 1.53, 3.23, 0.27, 8.27 p. m. For Albany and polnla north- 3.52 p. m. For Honcudale and Lodorc 0.00 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. I.imcst rates to all points In United States and Canada. .1. W. BIJRDICK. O. P. A., AlbanyaN. Y. II. W. CROSS, I). P. A., Scranton.a. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In Effect May 27, 1900. Trains Leave Scranton. For Philadelphia nnd New York via D. & H. It. It., nt 0.45 a. m. ond 12.03, 2.13, 4.27 (Black Diamond Express), nnd 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. 6 II. R. R 1.51. 7.(3 p. m. For White Union. Hazleton and principal points in the coal regions, via D. & II. It. It., 0.43, 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 6.4J, 2.18 p. m. I'or Belhlehrm, Enston, Reading, HarriRburg and principal intrihiedlate stations l la D. & II. R. It., 0.45 a. ni.; 12.0.1, 2.18. 4.27 (Black Dia mond Express), 11.30 p. ni. Sundaja, D. Ic H. It. R 1..7iT 7.48 p. in. I'or Tunkhannoik, Tnwanda, Klmira, Ithaca, (leneva and principal intermediate stations, via 1)., L. ti W. R. R., 8.03 n. in.; 1.03 and 3.35 p. m. I'or Oeneia, Rochester, Rullalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, nnd all points west, ila D. k 11. R. R., 12.03, 3.31 (Black Diamond Express), 7,48, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sundnjs, P. & II. 11. R., 12.03 p. in.; 7. IS p. m. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley pallor ens on nil tiains between Wilkes-Barra and New Yolk, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus peislon Bridge, hoLI.IN II. WILBUR, Oen. Supt., 20 Cortland street, New York. CHARLES S. LEE. Oen, Pass. Agt., ?fl Cortland street, Ncn Yolk. A. W. NONNEMAf.'HER. Biv. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman rescriations apply to SOU Lackawanna uremic, Scianton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations In New York-Foot of Liberty atrc?t, N. IL. and South Feuy. Antliiacltc coal used cxciuslicly, insuring; cleanliness nnd cnmfoit. TIME TABLE IN EFECT MAY ), I'lOO. Tiains lean1 Scranlon for New Vork, Newark, Ellraheth, Philadelphia, Enston, Bethlehem, AI lentniMi, Mauih Chunk and White llaien, at 8.30 a. m.i express, 1,20; cxprcsa, 4,00 p. in, Sun dais, a. 11 p. m. For Pittston and Wilkes-Barre, 8.30 i. m.; 1.20 and 1.00 p. m. Sundaya, 2.15 p. in. For Baltimore .mil Washington, and points South and West lia Bethlehem, 8.30 a. in., 1.20 p. nt. Suuda.ia, 2.15 p. in. I'or Loir; Branch. Ocean Otnve, etc, at 8.30 a. m. nnd 1.20 p. m. Pur Reading, Lebanon and HarrMiurg, ila Al ii litem n, 8,.'0 a. ni. and 1.20 p. m. Sundays, 2,11 p. in. i'or Pottsillle, S.30 a. ni., 1.20 p. m. Through tie lets to nil points cist, south and nest at lowest rales at the station. J. II. OIII.IIAUSEN, Oen. Supt. H. P. BALDWIN, (leu. Pass. Agt. New York, Ontario and Western B.B. TIME TABLE IN EtTECT SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1000. Noilh Bound Trains. Leave Lenin Scran- Carbon. Arrive, Trains. ton. dale, C'adosia. 201 10.10 u. in. 11,20a 1,05 p.m. 2ill 3.11 p. in. 4.32 p.m. 5.15 p. m, 207 0,00 p. in. Arrive Carbondale, 0.40 p..m. South Bound Trains. ' Lenio Lc.iio Cadoiia, Caihondalc, Scranton, 202 7,00a, m. 7.40a.m. Mil S.IOa. lit. 10.02 a. m. 10,45 a. m, 'MiiJ 2.01 p. in. ,1.31p.m. 4.20 p.m. SUNDAYS ONLY. North Bound, I.e.ivo Leave Snail- Caibon- Arrive, ton. dale, Cadosia, "05 ...... S.30a. ni. 0.10 a. in. 10.45a.m. "00 7.00 p. ni. Arrlio Carbondale, 7,45 p. ni. South Bound, r I. cue Lcun Cadosta. Carbondale, Scranlon, (Vj 7,00 a, in, 7.10 a. ni, (M .,,,.. L30 p. in. 5.51 p. m, 0.35 p. in, Tialn No. 201 makes connection for points Noilh und South on Main Line, at Cadosia. Trains Nos. 205 and 2.03 niake Main Lino con nections on Similar, I'or lurther Inhumation, rnns.uU ticket agents, .1. O. ANDERSON, (Sen. Pa-s, Agt,, Neiv York. J, E. WELSH, Tiaicllng Passenger Agent, Scran ton. Erie and Wyoming Valley, Times Table in KlTect Sept. 17, I00O. Tiains (or Hanlcy and local points, connect ing at llaiiley with Erie railroad for New York, Nenbuigh ad intcimedlate points, leaie Scran ton at 7.05 a, in. and 2.25 p. In. Tiains arrive at Scianton at 10.30 a, ni. and 0.10 p. m. NEWSPAPERS Till.' WILKI'.SBARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton ut tuc i-.cira statuU of uclaiuan Bias., 405 Spiuce and 60.1 l.iudciii M. Norton, 322 Lackaivunna aicnuc; I, S. Schutter, 311 Spruce stieet. , , 3 ALPjrETMENT MRS.)., T.KELLER. BOAU TBEATUBNT, M)f. hauipoolng, MX; fascial massagsj tuinicur. Ing, 25c; chiropody. 701 (Julncy. I. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers