"1 ft. ittU f I if a ;ll SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1900. & M . B i lJr I LH WEST LARGEST SEWER IN THE CITY i i iWILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE NINETEENTH DISTRICT. Io Cost ?150,000 and Will Be 61,011 Feet In length Streets Over Which It Will Pass Eisteddfod tit Nanticoke on New Year's Dny. St. Brenden's Complimentary So cialIndependent Republican Club Organized Firemen Will Parade. Other Matters of Interest. Work wilt soon lie commenced In hfi Nineteenth Hower district, which comprises the Fifth, Sixth and Fif teenth wards. It will bo one of the largest sewers over constructed In the city and will ho (11,1)11 feet In length. '.The contract lias been awarded to It. A. JIalone, of Lancaster, hut he has asked tiro city to release him from the contract, but nothing has yet been done lu tho matter. The sewer will cost $liiO,000 and bonds will be issued, lion ring li per cent. Interest, redeemable In live years, anil they will be called in as fast as the assessments are collected. Luzerne street will ho tunneled for a distance or nearly lialf a mile, and a trench nine feet ileop will also bo made to connect with tho tunnel. The sewer will pass through Oxford street, Third street, Follows street, Hampton street, Hand court, Meridian street, Bellcvue place, West Kim street, West Locust street, Archbald street. Land is street. llellevue lane, Fourth and Fifth streets, Itallroad avenue, Roland avenue, Sixth street, Acker avenue, Corbett avenue, Storrs avenue, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth streets, Christ court, Aswell court, 3'Jdwards court, Hyde Varlc avenue, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Six teenth and Seventeenth streets, South lMnln avenue from Landls to Division streets. ' St. Brenden's Council, Y. M. I. Tho lady; friends of St. Urcnden's council, Young Men's Institute, will be tendered a complimentary daneo in JMcars' hall this evening, in recognition of their valuable assistance to the boys during St. Patrick's church fair, when the Iironden 'boys won tho safe in a contest with other societies. A ilrst class orchestra will furnish tho music. The council is making arrangements to remove to their new quarters In the Luce building, which they pur chased recently. Tho first floor of the Good Enough Cough remedy. Dufour's French Tar is what you need. Novel Goat Fashions With Abundance of Merit For twenty years there lias uot been as much real ar tistic merit, original ideas and genuine novelty dis played in Ladies' Coat fashions as is offered this sea son, and when we say that the best efforts ot the world's most famous designers await your inspection in our Cloak Department, we merely make a statement which you will willingly verify, if you will favor us with a call Among the Score or More Of Distinctly Novel Styles Selected by us to illustrate fashion's most advanced ideas, we may mention : A Nobby French Design In Boyal Blue or Castor Kersey, with tinsil trimmed military col lar buttons to match, chased with gold, and fastening from the left shoulder to the center of a pointed front, which is elabor ately finished with diamond stitching, etc., while the tight fitting back has a fan shaped cluster of double stitched straps A handsomer novelty has not been produced this season, 28-inch Box Coat In Boynl Bluo Kersey, half tight 7, J fitting, storm collar, The full ,,., i skirt, collar and sleeves are elaborately trimmed with deep Van Dyko applique work of .elaborate design, in a beautiful , contrasting shade and presents a striking example of elegance and good taste, fish Scale Trimmed Coats In Castor and other shades of Kersey, Half tight back, flow ,, Ing sleeves, etc. The fish scale -.'trim covers the collar, sleeves and skirt, in full satin lined'with stitched edges and as unique in effect as it is beautiful. Of course, we show a full line of staple styles for ladies who do not seek fasliiou's extremes, Globe Warehouse SCRANTON ,jrfVSiNV'l',M''.'W"Vg building will bo rented for store pur poses, and tho rooms on the second floor wilt be occupied as social rooms. Tho third lloor will bo converted Into a mooting hall. Necessary changes wilt bo made to make It one of the best halls In West Scranton. Another Now Year's Eisteddfod. The members of tho 'Morlah church, of Nanticoke, will hold their thirteenth annual eisteddfod at tho llroadway opera house, 'Nanticoke, on New Year's day and tho music-loving pcoplu ut West Scranton will bo Interested In the programme, which Iiub been ar ranged, as .competitors arc expected from this vicinity. Tho competitive numbers arc as follows: 1. Choral rompclltlon, mixed Voice, not less tliun thirty-live in number. "The Sprlui:" (V (lw.iiiw.vn), (Iwctits prize i!0, mid a handsome gold mcil.it to sucicMfiil conductor. 2. Choral competition, plxlccii In number, "Hall Smiling Morn," key of ii prize -fU. 3. Quattrlte, 'They Crucified llliu," Govl Hymn, Nos. 5 and 0, No. !il2, three vcrwi; prize ?l. 1. Duet, tenor and bain, "Albion's Iloast"; prize $.'1. 5. Soprano solo, "llve's Lamentation" (Treas ure Son!.); prize, $3. (i, Tenor solo, "Dad Thou Know," key of A fl.it (LoilN 11. lllllleO; prize S. 7, Tenor tolo, "Iit lloo of Hummer," I wo ii rues (Irish melodic,), given by Peter Comoy, prize p. S. Il.ig solo, "A Glimpse of lle.ivcn" (Adams), key of O; prize $3. J. Solo lor clils miller Id, "Never Shone a l.lulil So Fair," (Jo.pel Iljnms 0 and (', No. J.Vii prize l. 10. Solo for men not under Ml, Congregational tune, "Ukienhafien," No. Ill (Ctinlcdydd) j prize $t 11. Piano s.ilo, for (jirls under 17, "t.e Heveil dn Iln-fif," ronunec by hejinour Snillli; firt prize Sxl, hecoiid prize 2;, clven Ity lVley A1i down, esq., music publMicr, ! Yinlc. IB. Sity lines of pucliy (Welsh), "Amjnedd'' (I'.ileinee), prize !f.". II. "Ilnidyii, llnw," (Name); prize $.1.50. 13. Oration. "Dilferent Gases in Cn.il JllneVJ O'iikIUIi or WcMi), flic minute duiallon; prize given by a friend, ?2. Hi. Impromptu iruiMlnns ichilinir to mlna ven til.ilion, prize Riven by a friend, :.". 17. Iiiipromplii s-pceth, Kugllsli or Welih; prize $1. IS. Wckh reeil.ition, male ndutlo, "Vr lo-u wrntho 'i Ilun," (Our Saiionr Alone), Telynotr; prlc $3. III. IteclfJticn, male adulK "Dignity of La bor," Newman Hall, Slamhid Itrcitatioiw, No. .", pace 20. Prize, Milt of clothe?, Riven by Weilz. cnkoili, elolhicr, Wilkes-Ham'. 2. Itecilation for girls lnnlrr 111, "The Lover's Sacrifice," Standard lteeitations No. .", page II. l'ri.e, pair of .shoe, giien by Wcitz.enkorn, WllUcs-n.nre. Clam Chowder Supper. Tho Woman's Relief corps, No. fin, auxiliary to Lieutenant Ezra S. Grif fin post, No. 13!), Grand Army of tbe JJcmiblic, served a clam chowder sim per last evening at tho homo of Mrs. J. S. Loomls, on Lincoln avenue. Tho event was somewhat interfered with owing to tlie inclemency of tho weather, but those who attended en joyed the supper and the social hour which followed. Our Firemen Will Parade. The Franklins and Cnlumhlns will participate in the annual parade and Inspection this afternoon. Tho appar atus has been cleaned and decorated A Very flanish Coat Yet a model of good taste, is offered in an English box coat of exquisite workmanship. The back is half tight and the cuffs, skirt b&' collar are heavily stitched. An inlaid velvet col lar and flc-vlng sleeves are the' only decorations. This is a de cidedly high class garment for those who desire fashion with out loud effects. A Jaunty Short Jacket with storm collar and extra large round lnppels in velvet with a fan button front will be greatly admired. The skirt and sleeves are heavily stitched and the variety of shades is complete. Smart Short Kersey Coats Elaborately embroidered in Silk and neatly embossed with dia mond cut velvet on skirt, sleeves, collar and lappels are well worth looking at. A notched collar not too deep will permit furs to be worn with comfort and elegance, Light Tan Kersey Coats With pointed front, overland strap, clusters back and front, velvet collar, and full stitching offers perhaps as perfect a model of quiet elegance as enn be found and is very new. for tho occasion, and each company Will huvo a full representation In line. This evening the Cotumblaa will hold a social session and smoker, at Which several city ofllclals and councllmen will bo entertained. A Pleasant Party. A pleasant surprise party was last night tendered Master Will limiting at tho residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. limning, of -North Hyde l'ark avenue. Tho occasion was tho eleventh birthday of Master Hrun Ing, Refreshments wero served by Mrs. John Rradtcy and Mrs. A. Albert. Uames worn, played, dancing Indulged In and a enke walk given. Among those present were: The Misses Peart Jenkins, Myfanwy Bey non, Pearl Honker, Maude Jones, Gus slo and Hose Frits?, Clara Watklns, Lizzie Jones, Lizzie Evans, Frances Roberts, Gertlo Hundon, Gertie Lud wlg, Grace Urown, Rena Sweet, Min nie Miles, Grace arcenwood, Itoso Shoemaker, liertha Thomas and Messrs. Rccsc O. Evans, William France, Russell Fern, Will Morris, Bert Morris, Delhort Thomas, Aaron Bryant, Georgo Albert, David John Reed, Bert Lowry, Thomas Markey, Bold Binning, William limning and Richard Rome. Independent Republican Club. Twenty-five residents of the Third district of the Fifth ward hove organ ized an Independent Republican club, and a meeting will lie held this evening at Joseph Morgan's hotel, on Jackson street, to perfect tho organization. Tho ofllcurs are: President, James Thompson: vice-president, John Mor gan; treasurer, Thomas Morgan; sec rotary. John H. Thomas. Prohibitionists Are Active. Tho West Side Prohibition club held an enthusiastic meeting in B. G. Mor gan's ball, corner of Main avenue and Jackson street, lust evening, at which several addresses were made. dinner D. Reese, their candidate for the legislature, has challenged any per son to dchalo the question, " Resolved, That It Is a sin to legalize a traffic that causes 7.1 per cent, of the crlmo of the United States." Notes and Personals. Mrs. It. S. Phillips and sons, Hav lock and Kdlson, have returned from Henry, West Virginia, where they were visit inp Mr. Phillips for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. James Klnby, of Hall stead, arc visiting friends on Scranton street. Michael Sullivan, of Tenth street, has accepted a. position in Now York clt.v. Mr. and Mrs. John Maher, of Ply mouth, have returned homo from a visit with Dr. J. J. Brennan, of Jack son street. A dance will bo held In St. David's hall this ovenfnpr by the Altogether Social club. Martin McDonough, of Fourth street, has R-one to Dover, N. J., to perma nently reside. M. .1. Rheerin, of Price street, is visit inc; friends In Ashley. Miss Mary Hainey, of Buffalo, is vIk HIiir; airs. Thomas O'Brien, of laizerne street. A mectliiff of Branch 44, C. M. B. A., will be held this evening in Ilari Garl hall. John T. Ttlqhards, of South Main ave nue, is In New York. Mrs. B. J. Hughes, of North Bromley avenue. Is recovering from a. few days' indisposition. A Democratic rally will be held in St. David's hall tomorrow evening. A branch of the Modern Woodmen of America Is being organized on this side iby District Deputy Joseph R. Hughes. Dr. McKeago has been selected as medical examiner. Johns' hardware store was entered by burglars recently and several re volvers wero carried away by the in truder. Entrance was gained through a rear door. A large delegation of Christian Hn deavorers attended the rally in North Scranton last evening. A 6 o'clock lea was served In tho Young "Women's Christian association rooms last evening by members of tho T. F. C. club. ADVERTISED LETTERS. I.It of lcltiM-s tciii.iining uncalled for at tlio SiT.mtim Kitol!irc, I.iiilv.iv.iutu i-uunty, l'a.,fOrt. ill, W)0. 1'riKons callins for these letter' will iIimm say iiilvcitNt'il ami (,'ivo date of Hit. l,V.ra II. Hippie, poslmablcr: .lp-io .VI.UU3 (2). I'loreni'i! Urown, Jacob It.ililions, Mrs. Nancy nijiiulijrd, Miss Mary 11. nraniln, Mlj Susan lli'L'U, Tlioinas Ilicnnan, Miss uesslo Brownoll, 11. I. Pricker, City lierliannan, J. L. Holer, Ml!.. .1. W. ltiinu (special), August Pctliki. .Mrs. T, II. Cooncy, Harry Courtiitrlit, Captain Christian, M. Dou Conilon, Frank Crocker, JM die Comes. .John S. Davis, IMdia Dcvoe. Miss Carrie Kvans, Louis Kpslcin, Seeretaiy I'lcctrleal Workers' Union. JoMipli O, Foster, i;. L Fowler, C. II, Fiymie, U. C. Fonlj'cc, Katlii fiellooly (photo), A. .V. Oajlord. M. .1. llaitman, Fied fi, Hyde, ,lohn II. Hunt, S, S. Howell, Jr., MUs Frank Heine, Miss Maiy Huidics, Michael Ilolian. Mis John JinlKe, Cieoine II, .TatUun, Mis. W, 1 James, F. Janics. Miss Nellie Jenkins, Thomas 1), James, Mrs. Jennie Junes. Albert Kalninach, Miss Jlaiy Kelly, Mis. Mary Kelly, A. F, baiiKstalf. Mis. i:. (!. Mi Council, lMwaril Mai tin, (,', Hope Miller, Miss Nellie Mewetl, Heidua Melnt er, 1,1111am Miller, ('. M. Malum, Nellie .Met i ill. Miss Winnie Noon. W, V.. Oakes, Miss Jennie Olilnuim. ll.nnle I), I'liilllps, Will IVitIbo, Mis. lleynohls, Fineison ltoe, Ai A. Heap, Miss K. Heap, K, W, Huilily, James Kan-, Jakob Jlelnhault, Mm. Sarah V, lloblson, Xugim licnk, Charles A. Ity. iler, Mrs. Jeslln Hears, Claivwo Heinous, Miss Helen rimllli, Miss Ma 51. Sh.wup, Mary .Sluiuhnessy, II, I). Smith, MUs faille .Kelpie. (JeuiKe Tiavel, Miss (liis-io Williams, l'eylon II, Winfew, John Williams, Ms.s .Mamie Walteis, Mrs. John Wan ner, Miss HlauUm Ward. West Scranton Station, Philip lleiryinaii, Miss Helen U'l, John T.euls, Mrs, II. I.miyon, Miss Kitty Moifan, Miss lliiima Junes. Give Him Time, From the Indianapolis Journal, "llariy, hat nude you forget to mail my IctUrt" "Oh, Marie, Ua wait III) I'm had, my dinner and net cooled oil; by that Hint', I piomlso you, I'll liei able to think up snmu pelleclly talis factoiy leasou." What Shall We Have for Dessert? Tills question arises in tho family every day, Let us answer it to-day, Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre. pared in two minutes. Nn hnilinr ! nn Dakimr add boilitif umtnr niwl cet in tuui. j-uiYurs. i,eiuon, urango, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package ot your grocers to-day, io cts. SOUTHSCRANTON FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OP THE L. C. B. A. Was Celebrated Last Night in Ath letic ' Hall Fifth Wedding Anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. John Si mons Neptunes to Parade with tho Old "Shoo Fly" Cart Wedding of MIbs Katio Miller and Charles Brunner Numerous Cases of Diph theriaOther News Notes. Fifty years ago last night tho Lack awanna German Beneficial association was founded. Tho event was duly celebrated last evening by an enter tainment and ball given In Athletic hall, which was profusely decorated for tho occasion with streamers of bunting and with Hags. The organization, from a smalt char ter membership, has steadily Increased In membership until there are today nearly MO members In good standing. None of the charter members, how ever, nre alive. After the reception a light luncheon was served and speeches made by President Fred Wertz, Michael Kraemer, Louis Frantz and others. Music for dancing was furnished by the Ringgold band. Tho committee In charge of tho affair was as follows: Michael Kraemer? Peter Koener, Charles Klrst, Jacob Gelger, Jr., Louis Frantz, Georgo Brlegal and John De muth. Fifth Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Simons, of 1512 Birch street, celebrated the llfth an niversary of their marriage on Satur day last, and In honor of the event a largo number of their friends paid their respects by gathering at their home, where a social hour was spent. Those present wero: Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Graff, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Mrsf Webber, .Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Gull, Mr. and Mrs. Sarr, Misses Anna Gcscheldle, Lena Graff, Mary Graff, Minnie 'Snyder, Lena Sny der, Helen Smith; Messrs. John Graff, Georgo Snyder, George and Charles Graff, Rudolph Webber, John Webber and Charles Webber. Neptunes to Parade, The members of the Neptune Kngine company will meet at the engine house this afternoon at 1 o'clock sharp. All members are to be attired in regula tion uniform and wear white gloves. The company, which will be headed by the Ringgold band, wilt have In lino the old Delaware, Lackawanna and Western car shop hose .cart known as "Old Shoo Fly," gorgeously deco rated with flags and bunting, and driven by Georgo Feenc, with a pair of blacks. The old hose cart was for many years quartered at tho car shops, and was lately presented to the Neptunes, who are very fond of tho old relic. A Pretty Wedding. St. Mary's church. River street, was the scene of a pretty wedding yester day morning at S o'clock, when Miss Katie Miller, of Cherry street, was married to Charles Brunner, of Irving avenue, by Rev. Poter Christ. Miss Frances Brunner, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and John Miller, a brother of the bride, acted as best man. After the ceremony, the guests re paired to the bride's home,' on Cherry street, whore a wedding breakfast was served. The couple, who were tho re. ciplents of many presents will com mence housekeeping at 1129 Stone ave nue. TOLD IN NOTES. That dreaded disease, diphtheria, is again becoming prevalent in tills part of the clly, not fewer than nine cases being reported yesterday. In the fam ily of f'.porgo II. Schmidt, of Beech street, five small children, ranging from IS month to 8 years, are down with it, and in two other families, two cases have 'been reported in each. Tho Saengerrundo, .Tunger Maennor chor anil tho Scranton Llederkranz will hold a joint rehearsal this even ing in Oermania hall, to practice sev eral selections which the united so cieties will render at the grand con cert of the Saengerrundo, to bo held in Athletic hall, on October 30. The marriage of Miss Kate Dur kln, of Plttston avenue, to John K. Coyne, of Cedar avenue, will be sol emnized this morning at 8 o'clock In St. John's church, Fig street. The marriage of MIs.3 Mary Boyle, of Cherry street, to Hugh Wilkinson, ot Wilkes-Barre, will take place In Ht. John's church, Fig street, this af ternoon. The Knights of St. Georgo will hold their annual banquet this eventngw-in St. Mary's liall, Hlckury street, PERSONAL NOTES. Born To Air. and Mrs. Henry J. Wehruni, Jr., of Stone avenue, a son, Mrs. Henry PlehJ, of Maple street, and her grandson, "Willie Sossong, have returned from a visit to Nar rowsburg. Kdward Wlrtheimer, of Cedar ave nue, sprained his wrist rpilto severely at tho Cliff works yesterday, CAFFERY WAS DISCHARGED. Wounded Housebreaker Yesterday Left the Hospital. P. J. Caffery was last night ar raigned before Alderman Millar on the charge of attempting to break Into IJio residence of Tony Sururo last July, but the prosecutor not appearing he was discharged. Since the commission of the crlmo Caffery has been a patient at tho Lackawanna hospital, as tho result of a, bullet which Sururo llrud, lodging In his foot,. lie was discharged from tho hospital yesterday and last night taken be forti Alderman Millar with thu above results. WHY THEY ARE LARGER. Secretary Atherton Hears from Mem phis and Fall River, Three cities which were below Scran ton in population in 1S30 have got ahead of It this year, Theso are xnll Itlver, Mass,; Memphis, Tenn., and I.os Angeles, Cal, Secretary Atherton, of tho board of trade, with the vlnw of ascertaining just how this Increase could bo accounted for, wrote letters to the city clerk' of these three cities, In quiring as to tho number of square nilles in each In 1890 and n 1900, Ho received replies yesterday from Memphis and Fall River. The city clerk of the former clly explains tho Increase by stating thnt twelve addi tional square mites of territory have been added to Memphis since 1890. Tho cltv clerk ot Fall River writes that tho total number of square miles In that municipality Is tho samo'thls year ns It was In 1S!)0 namely, fortv one. Tho city, he says, has Increased Its population within Its (former bor ders. ,Los Angeles has not yet boon heard from, The population of Scranton and tlicso other two cities In lsao and 1000 Is as follows: Scranton, tSOO, T,2ta: 1000, 102,02li; Fall River, 1S90, 71,398; 1900, tOl,S03 Memphis, 1890, 04,495; 1000, 102, 1120. The secretary also received a letter from Director ot the Census Morrlam, Informing him that tho population of the entire country would be announced on or before December 1, thus fixing It as a positive certainty that tho popu lation of Lackawanna county wilt be learned before January 1. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Young Son of Prank Roland Bun Over by n Wagon Course of Lec tures Other News Notes. A young son of Frank Roland, resid ing on Hrlck avenue, was badly Injured by being run over by a wagon on Mon day evening, near tho Intersection ot West Market street nnd Wavne ave nue. Tho vniint? fpllnw. with n. number of companions, followed a farmer's wagon and attempted to get a ride by .lump ing on one of tho side steps of the vehicle. Ho was unsuccessful, however, and slipped under ho hind wheel, which passed over tits tegs. Bystand ers, who witnessed tho accident, im mediately hastened to tho child's as sistance and removed him to his homo nearby, whore a physician was sum moned. His tegs are badly lacerated, and it is thought that one of them Is broken. The Young Republican club, which was' formed In this end recently, Is In creasing rapidly In membership and comprises some of the most energetic young men of this section. Arrange ments nre under way whereby they will occupy a handsomely furnlshcl suite of riorns in the Auditorium after November 1. Course of Lectures. The ttev. W. F. Davles, pastor of the Memorial Baptist church, will, during tho coming month, deliver a course ot lectures nn the following topics: November C, 1!)00 Subject "David Livingstone, the Cotton Picker, Mis sionary and Explorer." December 4, 11)00 "Henry Martin, the Cornish Linguist and Missionary." January 7, 1001 "Tho Nineteenth Century's Missionary Record." February fi. 1901 "John Williams. Martyr of Kmomango." March 5, 1901 William Johnson, tho Sugar Kellner, Civllizer and Mission ary." A mil 3. 1901 "Ann Hazeltlne, the Missionary Heroine." May C, 1901 "John Hunt, the Savior of the Fiji Island." BRIEF NEWS NOTES. Itobert Von Scholck, of Battle Creek Mich., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Francois, of Kast Market street. There will be a meeting of the sta tionery llremon in the hall on West Market street this evening at 7.30 o'clock. All members are requested to attend, as officers will bo elected. The Women's Homo Missionary so ciety of tho Methodist church will meet at Mrs. L,. M. Morris', on North Main avenue, tomorrow afternoon. DUNM0RE DOINGS First Convention of Southern Dis trict of the Epworth League to Be Held on Friday. Tho southern sub-district of tho Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal church, comprising Salem, Moscow, Sterling, Thornhurst, Abing ton, Ariel, Throop and Dunmore, will hold their lirst convention Friday af ternoon and night, October 26, In the Methodist Episcopal church of tlds borough.. There are expected to bo llvo delegates from each chapter at the least, and an interesting and in structive time will ensue. Tho order of exercises for tho two meetings are as follows: Afternoon, at 1.15 o'clock Half-hour devotional services, led by Bev. J, N, Meaker: ' Demands of the Church Upon Our Young People," Mrs. K. A. Qulmby: "Mercy and Help," Mrs. O. Clark; "Social Work," Lizzie Harnden; "The Value of Good Literature," the Dun more chapter: "The Utility and Value of Sub-District Work," Itov. A.'.T. Van Cleft; discussion, lies-. O. Pren tice; business transactions; "Article MS of tho Methodist Discipline of 1900," general discussion by Itov. E, A. Qulmby; "Our Devotional Life," Rev. J, M. Coleman. Evening, 7.30 o'clock Song and praise service, led by Rev. David Evans; anthum, Dunmoro choir; address, "The Illblo in Rela tion to the Problems of tho Hour," Rev. M. D, Fuller, of .Termyn. Rov, L. F. Van Hocsen will preside over tho meetings as chairman. Briefly Told. David Lanford, of East Drinker street, sails today for England, where he will spend several mouths. Mrs. Rigger nifd Mrs, Norton, ot Avoca, nro guests at tho homo of Mrs, John Olencross, on Orovo street. Rev, A. J. Van Cleft, of South Hlakoly street, leaves tomorrow for Vanlen, Wayne county, whero ho will ledum that evening, William Coulter, of Dol'uo street, caught a largo pickerel, weighing llvo pounds, whllo Ashing in No. 7 reser voir yesterday, Tho Ash was shown to a number around town last oven lug and proved to be tho admiration of all sportsmen. OBITUARY. Mis. MarjiMU't IViMit ilicd ut lu'V lioino, :il.5 l'hi'ln ktirit, ,vi'Uiilay inuiiihig, Shy was the widow of tliu lato August Piiiiii-r and w.u Ht'll a'ltunral lit years, burtlvlng her aio llm fol. lowing children: Mis. Amelia lluilde, Angiut, llmloliili, John uinl William Pcittter, Joint Coleman tiled .teslenlay nt tlic llilbldo lioniu ami liU remain weic lemoved to the hoim; of liU fcifter-iii'laur, .Mis, Thomas Coleman, of 417 I'ctlar avenue. Thu funeial announcement will bo mailc later. .Mrs. Male I.ocli, aged 3., jeau, died yester day at her horns, 733 Korlli IrWnjr aivnue. The funeral will bo litld at S.30 o'clock tomorrow af ternoon Willi iiitcimeul in the Xoitlt IVsli!na'ton avenue cemetery, HAPPY JOJHERS, Whose Strength Equals Their Love. Fow women it any shrink from the passing pain of maternity. Alt they ask Is to feel tho child's heart beating against their own as they hold It in strong arms to tho full fount from which It feeds. How rarely tho moth er's strength keeps pneo with her lovo every woman knows. Often tho baby Is laid against a breast thnt cannot nourish It, nnd folded In arms almost too weak to boar the tiny burden. The woman who is strong and wheun abundant vitality enables her to nurse her child and enjoy Its care is looked upon as a marvel. She is considered an exception, peculiarly and specially endowed by nature. But the real mar vel is not thoi strong woman but tho weak one. Sho Is tho exception. The strong healthy woman Is nature's typo. Sho shows what every woman ought to bo and what almost every woman may bo by the use of proper means. THE OTHER TWO WOMEN. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sjick women well. The record shows that of the hundreds of thousands of women who have used "Favorite Prescription" ninety-eight per cent, have been abso lutely and altogether cured. The other two women In each hundred for whom no complete euro was possible, have In general acknowledged a great Improve ment In their condition; headaches less frequent and less painful, backache greatly diminished; able to resume again the care of the household and take pleasure In social life. That is the general story of the two per cent, of women who had found no help In any other medicine but have by' the use of "Favorite Prescription" found relief and comfort. But think of the great army, the ninety-eight per cent., numbering hun dreds of thousands of women who have been cured perfectly and permanently. No more backache, no more headache, no more monthly misery. Pain is a thing of tho past. These are the wo men who are lit for maternity, who will have strength to give tho child they bear. "I have Intended for some time to write you," says Mrs. Eva Burnett, of Russellvillo, Logan Co., Kentucky," and give a testimonial In regard to what your medicine has done for, me. My baby came in July, 1S99, and I had congestive chills, and lay at death's door for ten long weeks. I was in a dreadful condition and had six of the best doctors in the city. After every thing had been done and I had been given up to die I asked my husband to get mo a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. He had no faith In It, but he got it, nnd when I had tnkpn it two weeks I was able to walk t-o tho dining room to my meals, and J HEADQUARTERS FOR Hen's Underwear. Highest Grades at Popular Prices. 412 Spruce Street. Agency for Young's Hats. SUBPRISED THE BUBOLAR. Prank Moran Arrested in Home of Charles Knight, Charles Knight, who lives at tha corner of Circon Rldgo street and Ca pouso avenue, Monday night caught three ir.cn In tho act of burglarizing his home It was after the family had retired and Mr, Knight way awakened by tho noise made by the intruders. On his entry with a gun, two of the visitors took to t,lieir heels, but the remaining una was captured and turned oyer to tho police. Ho vus taken to tho North Scranton police .station and yesterday morning gavo his numo as yrnnk Moran and sad lio lived in Dunnioi'o, In default of ball, ho was committed to tho .county bastlle, FUNERAL OF MRS. CLIFFORD. . Services Held at the Feim Avenue Baptist Church. The funeral of tho late Mrs. Martha A. Clifford,, of 318 Hallstead court, was held yesterday afternoon, with services at tho Penn Avenue IJaptlst church and Interment in tho Forest Hill cemetery, Mrs. Clifford, who died early Monday morning, was 85 years of age. Rev. R. V. Y. Pierce was In charge of the services and Mrs. Mlttou Lowry sang several numbers. Thero wero many beautiful iloiul pieces ut the CrH ulMm by tho time I had taken threa bottles 1 was able to cook for my family ot four. I can never praise Dr. Plerca aw his medlelno enough. I have recom mended it to afflicted ladles whorevet 1 possibly could. I know I would hav been dead had It not been lot your medicine. WOMEN THSTJFiY TO THIS. Dr. Pierce's Favorlta "Prescription es tablishes regularity. lb dries unhealthy drains, heals Inflammation nnd ulcera tion and cures female weakness. Taken as a preparative for maternity it'irlves physical vigor and the mental courage which comes from a feeling ot strength, It encourages tho appetite, tranquillzes tho nerves nnd induces refreshing sleep. It makes tho baby's advent practically painless, nnd Increases tho flow of tho nutritive secretion. "I wish to advise tho suffering women of this great land, of the good I havo received from Dr.Pleree's Favorite Pre scription and 'Goldsr Medical Discovery,' " writes Mrs. Mary Shappell, of Colum bus, Grove, Putnam Co., Ohio. "For four years I had been a sufferer from femalo troubles.and at times was unablo t dn ven tho housework for three In the fam ily. I had such palnfi that I suffered al most death dozens of of times, but after taking Ave bottles of your medicines I can truthfully say than health was greatly, Improved. I have a' good appetite and am gaining in ilesh right along. This spring Is tho flrst time In flvo years that I havo' done my houso clean ing all by myself and without the least) fa ttguo whatever. I hope all suffering women will find relief as I have done. "My gain In weight has been just ten; pounds, and I am still gaining." Sick women are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. All correspond ence confidentially conducted and wo manly confidences guarded by strict professional privacy. Address Dr. R, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Tho offer of free consultation by let ter made by Dr. Pierce is not to bo classed with the misleading offers of free medical advice, made by those who have neither medical education nor ex perience. Anyone may offer "medical advice," but tho medical advice of an unqualified person, either man or wo man, is not only worthless bub may ba dangerous. As chief consulting physi cian to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., with an asso ciate staff of nearly a score of physi cians, Dr. Pierce is enabled to offer to those who consult him by letter free, a medical experience and success which has no superior. There is no alcohol In "Favorite Pre scription" and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and every other nar cotic. This perfect freedom from all Injurious Ingredients makes "Favorite Prescription" the ideal tonic for nurs ing mothers and all weak "run down'' women. If a dealer biic3 to sell a: substitute) in place of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription it is because less meritorious medicines pay a little more profit to the dealer. If you want to be well you want to insist on tho medicine which lias cured other women, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. WHAT IT IS WORTH. Annie Barnett, of Hltson, Fisher Co., Texas, says, "Will say I like my 'Med ical Adviser' so much; it is worth ita weight In gold." Dr. Pierce's Common Sonso Medical Adviser containing 1,008 pages and oveu 700 illustrations is sent entirely free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Sent 31 1-cent stamps; for tho cloth-bound volume or only 21 stamps for tho book In paper covers Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. AMUSEMENTS. YCEUn THEATRE Burcuntfer & Rels, Lessee and Managers A. J. Duffy, Business Manager. One Night Only, Thursday Oct. 25. Hou.ps Through an livening of Mad-Cap Fun "THE GIRL. FROM MAXIM'S." Funniest Freneli Faree. llnars A .IMI.v Affair Xew York Herald. When tho highly successful anil lively comedy was here last reason it mado a decided success, Presented with the hit,- east and complete Cri terion Tlienler, New Yoik, Production, I'riccn, 25c. to $1.60. Ailvanco s.ile of seats on Bala Tuesday at 0 a. m. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, BUKQUNDBR RBIS. Lesites. M. A. UROWN. Manager. AM, THIS WEEK. , Schiller Stock Company Supporting: the AecomplUhed and Tilentid Artiste, HISS ELLA FOUNTAINBI.EATJ. in scenic productions. Presenting tonight. Wo 'uni of Tennessee! Wednesday matinee, Carmen; Wednesday night, A Soldier ot tho Umpire. JIallneo pricen, 10 and SOc.j night prices, 10, 20 and 30c. New Gaiety Theatre II. It. LON"Q, Lessee and Manager, Tinea dijs, coninicnclnir, Monday, Oct. 22, Carl Dante's Housing, ItoUlcking, Musical Fares Ciiineily, A LUCKY COON. inlroduelia Hie v'll known colorod comedians, HUN' IIDN.V ami WAM'lJH DIXON'. A chorus o twenty younir, pretty and shapely Creole Moid, ens. I'iceo pioiliieeil by perinlsleon ot Williams and Walhei', Dally Matinee. Tin eo days, commencing Thursday, Oct, 26. Dally Matinee. America's Greatest Vaudeville Star. Tho Cream of American Vaudevillo. l'llccs, .V 23c, 3.5c, Me, church, muto tokens of the love ami afi'ection borne tho deceased. Western Rates Reduced, Greatly reduced one-way and round trip second class rates will ba In effect from Chicago via Wisconsin Central Railway, to points in Minne sota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho Oregon, AVashlngton and British Col umbia each Tuesday during Ootobe and November, For detailed Information inquire of nearest ticket agent, or address JAH. (J. POND, Uen'l Pass. Agent, Milwaukee, "Wl ttl m m y h i. -. -f . Mtf. . ., stl',1- 24?S - F J.
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