TVM t.nxi'-ftM itVf" 'j'OVni r C V-tl ?. A,?r-rkT tSVTi w rc,i Li 7"C"i " 'K1 "iVI ""'"" f . KftfifSf. ' -,! S. ,'j. vsrw? ' ,?' f.1 ,i,. Vl THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1900, IJ U. ,.,TsvlWw'i '- 'TvSsswwFMn J rf . Dr, Hand's Condensed Milk With Phosphates and Hypoplioaphltes Added. "Best Milk for Family Use," "Bibcs Thrive On lt.M , , , Scranton, I'd,, Aug, Ittli, IwW. Dr. Hand Condensed Jlllk To. firnllemtiil Your lotiilciued milk, vvhlth tnv ilatittlilcr lias been fcedlncr her baby idncp lt Novcinbrr, li.u suited lilm vvondrifully well. Slip (cd It to Mm ni soon in i-ho ivcancil hltn. Up vuh llicn a year old. Ho lim luil nothlnir but your milk, nnd U now 21 months old. Ho w.inbi no oilier food, lip In well nudist rone and 111 lierfect health. Tor lablu Use or tooKlnit my family re Tith joum to miy oilier brand uf condemed milk. Youm ery truly. ItltltAItD 11IOIINS, .Methodist MlnWer The Dr. Hand Condensed flilk Co., Scranton, Pa. Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. OC Per Jjc Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO Selepfaooe Ordtn Promptly Dell vered ag-37 Adittis Avenue. Scranton Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office D., Ii. & W. Passenger Station. Phone 525. I DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. ye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office Hours a. ra. to 12.S0 p. m.: I to I Williams Building, Ops. PostoiTU'e. .f fftr-rt t t t ; CITY NOTES I ! f-rt -rt t TO Itr.POItt' AT (Ni: T( l.(ru. All mem bers of Nay Auk K'lgiup (ninp.iiiy .-up iiiiirUil to ri'i'Oit at the inline luiife at 1 u'vluik shoip (or the par.idc. feCliANTO.V l-IIXKUAL. ll.e of Ml. .1. A. Scnilitcii will take place Tliui.vjiy ailu Iinon at 2.:n) o'clock fiom the rctlilcuci, M.idi ton avenue and Vine tlicot. Jiitrriimit piivalc. TAKKX TO NICHOLSON-. 'I he rcmilns of the lab- riaude Walker, who was killed on the Lack mvanua railroad, wire rtnmwil to the liouie of liia Telatives In Nicholson lait cuiiing by l'n licrtakcr llcgan. STRUCK IIY A UAIIi. .Money, nf South Scranton, an employe of the Sciaulon Hallway company, jcstonliy iccoivcil ticatment nt the Lackawanna hospital for a broken clavicle. Jloroey was struck by a steel l.lil. BKOWN1NG SOCICTY. -There will be a meet ing of the IIiowiiIiir hoclrty Wednes day, OU. 21, VM, at 8 o'clock p. m. in the Mvpcr parlors of Hie I'enn Aeuue ltapli-t tbureh. All ineinbeis ate leipiestcd to be pica cut. lOSTPOSKI) T..YI1I, l'llIOAY. "Hie oimii con cert to be given in :iui Park ihuiili in uiil of the lialveston lelicf f unci bv .Mr. llutTiu.t-.ti-i , of the Cornel vatory fatuity, has been postponed from Thursday cuimi;,' to 1'iiday cuniiit; ol this week on aeocunt of another benellt conceit, on the same cveninc,'. TONlt.M) l.IUHi:i). l'iieinan CIi.ii Iva Conrad, cf the Udavvaip, l.-ii ka.ii.u.i and estin iail Toad, fell into a tulwrt beneath the UMilbeil hi Jliinmnro Monday ldj;ht ami bmke his wrist, lie wn cramlnins his eni;ine and ,ui identally stepped over tli (lubankiuent and fell to the Iiotloin of tl.p ciiluit. lie was rterday taken to the MosCs Taylor hospital. PASTOII'S Itr.rKPriOX. liev. l.ulhir lies. Waring, pastor nf (iiaee I.iitliei.m ihuiili, eoi Her of Madison aienue and Mulb"ii.i stuet, will hold a leieption .it Ihe ihuich toinouoH' een liu;. A inidial iiutl.llii.ii is extended to all fritmls of Ihe ihuiili, as will as its incuihris In attend. HcKlnuiui; at S o'clook shaip a nnnl tal and literary prop-ammo will be undued. FOOT Jl.M.l, SATUItl) Y. The liigli school team is dally prat tii Ins; for Satuiday altmiocn's name with the eleven lepic-cntiii',- Ivi.vMuue uiadeiny of Kutoiyiille. The hual iI.icik lo mil the iieadiniiilans on iht Ir own Kioi'mds liy the scoie of 2,i 0, but many ihnues hue been since made in the Keytone llue-up and a dose, well contested (.Mine can be anticipated for fciatuiday. C'llAltfllM) WITH I'ltAfD,-Hank Kli,e,if. Fk.v, of .South Siiautoii, was held in !f.tuo ball jfsteuliy by Ahkiinan Kassou on the chaiKO of liaiul inefened by S. Miller, a South Seran ton merihant. The latter alleges that about sU months ago be nave the defendant vailous aitl ties to sell for him. KUccm fcky, bovvevei, h claims, uihl the ijond., took the money and left the city. On hU ictiuii je-teulay he was orrcsted. SUE OAltHlL'l) llltICKS.-Ml.s. llilds.t ltalney ol I.uzernc ttreet, who waa Monday nlnht licld In $500 ball by Alderman Millar on th( ehaicc of beinpr a cominon nold, awaited bail in the Center street pollio station ilurins I ho same nittht. fllun she citterul her cell slic laiilul a neatly tied panel and Seigeaut ,lnnci es trrdiy dUuvcied that the bad left tliU behind Iter. He opened it and found it contained three large and ugly fiasnicnts of biick. It i.s tliouclil that these were some of (liu arsunicnts with whleh Sirs. Italney backed her as.-ertloiw. Late Arrivals Here Some goods we expected in time for the opening but which failed to arrive in time are now here, 'We wish to call particular atten tion to the immense line of Jar diniere, which were opened yes terday. The largest line ever shown in Scranton at the lowest prices ever quoted, Look them over, J Gruener & Co., 205 Wyoming Avenue. rtv -r- fc& REPUBLICAN MASS MEETINGS. TlirnSDAY CVCNIN'M, OCT. 2: -Scranton, Athletic Hall. Speaker, Dr. Kmll Schneider, of Xcw .leiney, addrc(j in Herman; . J. Col bom, Jr. TIHJItStMY i:Vi:IN(l, OCT. B-Oiiiiliiorc, Odd IVllnw. Hall. Speikn, laor A. M. Han. coik, uf Itultlmoic; Hon. ,tohn It. I'atr. FRIDAY KVIINIXa, OCT. !MstMmjn, Knler prise hall. Speaker.", Major A. M. Hancock, nf llaltlmore; A. .'. Cojhnrn, ,1r. SATUltllAY i;Vi:XIX(l, OCT. 2r-Mico Odd I'ellows hall. Spc.ihciit, Major A. M. Hancock, of llaltlmore; W. da lord Thomas, I3(. SATURDAY AHKUXOOX, OCT. 27-l)alton, Old Church. Speaker, linn. Gatudia A. Clrow. MOXDAY i:vr.XIXO, OCT. 20-Seratiton. Ar mory. Speakers, Hon. rims. i:. l.lttleflcld and others. tui:sday i;vi:xixn, OU". ao-lljile WnU, St. David's hall. Speakei.s. lion. UiikIi tiordon, Miller, of Ylittliilu; W. til.vloid Tboinas, Kv, TI'KSDAV r.VllXI.Nd, OIT, .10-Ciirbonilitp, Opera boii-e. SpeakeK, Hon. C'has. I'.. Little Held and others. WCDXIMIAY RVI'.XIVn, OCT. .11 Tompkln ville. Speakers, Hon. John It. I'arr; V. K. Lewis, (.force M. Wntrnn. IIH'ltSDAY llVKSIXt;. NOV, l Xewlon Cen ter, Vim sltUe's hall. Speaker?, lion. John It. I'.ur. A. .1. Colbom, Jr. I RIDAY i:Vi:IS(l, M)V. 2-Old I'orce. Law reme RetniblUan hall. 'piakeis, harlc" V,. DauiiN. II. It. Nan Dii-en. II. (.'. Iliibbs. PIIIDAY r.VI.MNfi, MV. -J-r.isl Itonlon, Odd IVllow-s" hall, 'peal.nis, I.iwis It, Carter, W. J. Doiittlass, II. S. A'umlli SVri'RDAY KVI'.XINf!. NOV. .1-.lutn(. AIM 4111 p Hall. Speakeu. Hon John It. l'urr, W. R. Lewis-, OeoiKO M. Walton, CARVASSI'S WORDS WERE SUSP Special Officer Donlin, Who Heard Him, Placed Him Under Arrest. Charge Against the Officer. An Italian, who gave hi" name ns Gooeh L'ai'vassi, wan arrested Monday nlffht by sjpeciiil Oflleer Robert Don lin, and turned over to the West Scran ton police, on the charge of beim? Im plicated in the death or Claude Wal ler, the lltteon-year-old Nicholson lad, whose remains were found on the Dela ware, Liauka wanna and Western ti ticks on Theodore street, North Scranton, Monday morning. Carvuss! Was given a healing by Mayor Mnir yesterday afternoon, but Donlin did not appear against the pris oner, and as h seemed Innocent of any knowledge as to the death of Walker, he was dismissed. At his hearing, how ever, ho explained Ills arrest in a lather peculiar way ami made a so.rious charge against Donlin, whom lie ac cused of holding him up and on not being able to secure any money, taking him to the police station. On being questioned by Mayor Molr, however, he admitted that ho had been drinking heavily, and both his honor and Chief Robllng do not judge his re marks to be worth the greatest cred ence. The charge will, however, be in vestigated. Donlin claims that while in a saloon on Alain avenue, AVest Scranton, Mon day night, he heard Carvassl talking loudly of the discovery of the dead man, and remarking that he knew a good deal more about the case than appeared on the surface. Donlin askel him several questions, and Carvassl then began to hedge and give entirely different versions of the affair, telling him first that he was home and In bed at the time that Walker was struck by a train and killed, and afterwards say ing that he saw young Walker jump on the train. Donlin then arrested him, and was assisted In taking him to the West Scranton station by a passerby. Carvassl lives in North Scranton, near the Brisbln shaft. Ho speaks a very broken ISngllsh, and nt Ills hear ing yesterday denied, through an In terpreter, snowing anything at all about the cause of Walker's death. Ho declared that Monday night he was seized by two men, one of 'whom asked him for his money, and on his saying he had none, remarked, "Unless you give us 1,01111) money, you will 0 to jail." BIGLIN STRUCK BY A STREET CAR Resident of Dickson City Bun Over aud Killed by a Car Near City Line, Last Night. Bryan Hlglln, nu aged resident of Dickson City, was killed at S o'clock last night by being struck by a street enr while walking homeward. lie wns near the IMchmnnd store, not far from thu city line, when struck by the car and was instantly killed, The vicinity was very dark and, moreover, tluougli tho driving rain, Illglln was unable to .sec the approach ing car and could not hear the clang of the bell on account of the noise of the storm. The car passed over both of his legs, breaking them, nnd his head wus badly cut by his violent fall. Internal Injuries are also thought to have been caused. He was picked up and removed to his home by several Delaware und Hudson railroad hralcemuu. Coroner J, J. Hoberta was notified of tho death und will visit Dickson this morning ar.d Investigate tho case. Ulglln is survived by his wlfo and son, Michael. Ho was very well lcnpwn lu Dickson Pity, where he lived for many yours, Ho formerly followed tho trade of u plasterer. Ho was about CO yearn of age. He cently ho wus Involved in a suit with tho Delaware, Lackawanna ami West ern llallrotul compnuy In a dlsputo over tho ownership of property at the Dick son Flats. m POLICE JOTTINGS. 1'iaiilc Smith was aricatctl Monday alteiuoon by Special Olllcer Morau at the Laikawauna j-auli. He was several times e Jet ted front the premises and was finally discovered peacefully sleeping ill a car. Major Molr discharged lilm jesteidjy morning. The community is at present sullerlng from a siiuU epidemic of chicken thievery, Monday night the hennery of Patrolman Auusa Palmer wad entered and twelve ililtkcns removed ami ycttcrday Max Miller, of C'apouse avenue, notified the pollrc tlut he, too, was visited by unknown lor of fowl, lilt barn was broken into aud twelve cblckciu aud three ducks were removed. i , E"ja.v . DR. KNAPP IN COUNTY JAIL SENTENCED TO SIX MONTHS IMPRISONMENT. Attorney Scragg Made an Unavail ing Plea for His' Client Remarks of Judge Archbald in Imposing Sentence Cases That Came Up for Consideration in Argument Court. Mrs. Ann Regan Has Begun an Action Against the Mt. Pleasant Coal Company for 815,000. Dr. Charles It. Knnpp, of Forest City, was sentenced yesterday by Judge Archbald to six months' Impris onment In the county Jail. Dr. Knapp wits convicted of unlawful telntlons with Mrs. Anna Ames, wlfo of 1 K. Ames, of Forest City. Attorney John F. Scragg presented u long petition signed by many resi dents of Forest City, Ciirbondale and Vanillins nsklng for clemency for Dr. Knnpp, nnd this was supplemented by a long plea by Mr. Scragg. Among other things, he said: In addition to this petition, I mlitht My, that I know- the Inside hlstoiy of the case, und while I am not here to say the doctor is not guilty, beiaiKc thu jury has said be Is, but i do I, now that he lus been tinned against a' well ns sinning himself, He Is a man who Is finan cially able to pay any line that is imposed on lilm. In addition to this llieic Is another Mill, a ilvil case, pending in another county, for the Mine offense, J it which the piosecutor in this case seeks to recover" fifty thousand dam ages. All of Ibis the doctor has to stand be-iiiii-e of his ai.llnn in tills mailer. In the trial of this case the doctor would not pliad Biillty, simply because It'mlght he an in timation against the; wo would not put the wcni.m in that portion. Ho would not fro on the witueMi stand ami swear to a He, aud h? slirply put lu cv ideiiio hi- good iharatter. Ills ni.diut in Hip tiid of this case and -it I through bis life has been cMecdlngly honoiable. He Is .1 siiong mail professionally, and he has smTerul more than wouls can tell on account of this matter. Diui'ig the trill of this case lib oldest daughter was taken sick ind Ins since died. I know- in these millers the guilty parly suffers, but the Innocent .Mrs. Knapp also puf fers. Mie is now- reconciled to the doctor, ev er.vlhlng is b.iiinoniotis, and we ask that if pos sible the court will extend all the leniency that they possibly can in this case, nnd if possi ble that the doctor shall not be imprisoned. Judge Archbald, In passing sentence, said: I icgiet very inucli to be called upon to piss sentence upon a pet-on appatently so respectable as Dr. Knapp. I would gladly pass it by were It possible, but Ine 0,10 i.s ll.1gr.1nl, rot only in his own loiiimumty, but in this, and It docs rot sum to Us that wo can do less thin impose a senliiKP aftir tin. conviction. 'Ilif" do, tin's conduct In the iour.-e of Irnl was romendflble; he did not attempt to ihnv the niatlei he hardly could the evidence was so convincing. N'cithcr did he do anything; that would be regarded as mivpinly in any way. The setdince of the court is, tbat jou pay a fine of 100 to the commonwealth, piy the costs of piosetntlon and undergo imprisonment In the cmnty jail for sl- calendar months, and stand committed until this -enu'rire be loniplied with Dr. Knapp wns at once turned over to tho sheriff and escorted to the county jail. In Argument Court. One of the interesting matters heard In argument court yesterday pertained to tho suit of the Langcllffe Coal com pany against the New York, Susqeu hnnna and Western Coal company for alleged breach of contiact. It is an effort to compel the defendant com pany to bring Its foooks into court, and there was also argument on a rule be tween the same parties to show cause why the rule to take depositions should not be vacated. Ex-Judge W. H. Jos sup appeared for the Langcliffe com pany, and Major Everett Warren for the defendant company. Another important matter heard was the rule to set aside appeal from the award of arbitrators in tho case of Daniel O'Hora against the Republic Savings and Loan association. O'Hora was a stockholder of .the loan associa tion, which recently wont into the hands of a receiver, leaving a great array of mourning creditors here abouts. O'Hora is trying to collect the withdrawal value of his stock. Other cases argued were Charles W. Page against the Now York and Scran ton Coal company, rule to strike off non-surety; Elizabeth Jayne against William J. AIcKelvey, rule to open judgment; N. A. Hulbert against M. W. Flynn, rule to open judgment; Lackawanna Drug Store against F. G. Rarriek, rule to quash writ. The rule for a decree In divorce in the case of William J. Svvartzell against Laura G. Swnrtzell was submitted. In the case of Eugene T. Carroll and others against the Scranton Railway company, It was directed that a statement be filed with in ten days. It wns directed that a supplemental affidavit of defense be llied within ten days In the case of (.!. F. Reynolds against S. N. Cullender. In other cases tho following action was taken: Holes Disc lidiGftl Pi liouli La Man against Kejstono aiaduny, lueptluns to atlldarit of de fense and mie for judgment; I", Hageu (V: Son against Mary Don.i.'lly, nile to open judgment, llules Absoluh Miehail 1'innerty against John Flnnerty, rule in pay instsj city of S'ciantoii against James Rowley, jr., cueptlons to ahl davit of defense and tule for judgment; city of Scranton against Chuiles Loftus, civplIoin to aflidavit of defense unci rule for judgment; Will lam Stelnbuig against C. V., Re nobis, rule to open judgment; in le legislation of S. V. X. Hamilton, 111I0 to strike oil registiatlou; Philip KvvarlK against James Cnrrigau, rule to open judgment; commonwealth t, lei. Lackawanna county agiliist Jacob Xrriovitz, rule to strike off rciogiiiiantc. Judgment tlcveucd Wllllani Angan against Have you determined on opening: a Savings Account sotuu tlniu',' Then, there's nothing absolute ly nothing to bo gained 'by wait ing. In fact, every previous pass lug day aud week Is registering an actual Joss YOU are tho losor. Savings Department TRADERS NATIONAL BANK Cor, Wyoming and Spruce OTADERSf VMMWf BANK - . CfCfi-AsAhlihMi'm ,'jan..y -.-,x,i . . j I). M. I.j ndi, certiorari; comonivcallli ol I'enn. aihaiiln against John Stcilnlck, icrtloiarl; .Mb cliacl llannlck against M. J. Oerrlly, certiorari) rommotivvrallli of Pennsjlianln against Chail,s llelnr. and other., certiorari; Anna Okcl against Ignal ltoselifleld, certiorari) J, I. Hopkins against Scotch Woolen Mill', ceitloiail, Mrs. Regan Has Begun a Suit. Mm. Ann Regan, widow of John Me gan, Ims begun an action against, the Mt. Pleasant Coal company, In re cover $15,000 damages. The papers In the case weiv tiled ycsti'idtty by At torney .1. C. Vntigliiin, the action be Ing for the benellt of Mrs. Regan and her four children, Francis, Esther, Joseph nnd John Regan Regan wan killed In the Mt, l'lens nnt shaft on Feb, US, of this year. With three other men t was descend ing the shaft on tho carriage. At one of the veins ono of tho fans extended out Into the shaft far enough to pre vent the carriage from passing, It struck the fan with tin uwfut bang, the carriage was torn from Its fas tenings on the side opposite nnd the men were thrown down tho shaft and hilled. It Is alleged tho nccldcnt was due to Improper appliances used In holding the fans In place, nnd damages aro asked In the sum of $15,000. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Xlklls Itehlis Sera nl on l'ellnc Miller Scrniiloii Demy Morgan Scianton Mary O. Dotvmmi Scranton John J, III land Scranton Amu V. Walsh Scranton COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. The will of Martin Onnnon, late of Scranton, wns admitted to probate yesterday, and letters testamentary granted to Attorney Ir. M. Hannah. John McIInle, of Olypliant, who wns committed on a charge of assault and battery preferred by his wife, was yesterday released on $300 ball fur nished by Mrs. Mary McHale. in tho desertion case of Michael Walter, the order appointing C. H. Soper n commissioner to tnko testi mony was revoked and the testimony will bo heard orally before one oC the judges. Tomnssl Sivian, who i.s charged with chewing the ear off of Michael Golden, of Carbondale, entered ball In the sum of $1,000 yesterday before Judge Kelly. It Is an affray growing out of the tecent murder of a man named Herbert at Carbondale. BALLOT WILL BE A MAMMOTH AFFAIR It Will Be at Least Twenty-one Inches Wide and Over Thirty Inches in Length. The authorities at Hartisburg yes terday certified to the county commis sioners tho form of the ballot that will bo used tit the coming election nnd tho mimes of the candidates whose papers were regularly filed at Hnrrisburg. It will be a mammoth affair, this ballot. It will be at least twenty-one Inches wide and thirty inches long. The following parties will have their presi dential electors on the ticket: Repub lican, Democrat, Prohibition, Socialis tic Labor, People's and Socialists. Each of these parties will have a column on the ballot, and there will be another for the local Independent Citizens' can didates, Spencer and Smith. With the blank column tequlred by law, this will make eight columns on the ticket, and if it should be decided that F. I.. Brown, the Independent candidate for county controller, is to have his name on the ticket, nine columns will be necessary. The great length of the ticket Is caused by the large number of uresi dential electors In Pennsylvania and the fact that a full county ticket i.s being elected this fall. NEW HELMETS FOR THE FORCE. Chief Robling Decides on Finer Head Gear for Policemen. Chief of Police Robling announced last night that a new helmet has been decided upon for the force and here after local guardians or the peace will pace their beats In all tho .glory of handsome headpieces of a fine blue felt cloth. They are half an ounce lighter than tho hend gear at present worn and much neater and jauntier. They aro of the same pattern as the helmets worn by the members of the New York police force, nnd for uwhllo will be worn only on duy duty by the Scranton patrolmen. The Knights of Columbus Will hold ti special meeting this even ing. Tho trustees request all members to be present. Fancy We honestly believe that we are show ing the most complete assortment of Fancy Silks. Quality Way Up. Prices Way Down. All the New Weaves and Colorings. Corded Glasse Taffetas, very soft and QEp pretty., voc Bourette Striped Armure Silks new (ti s( and dainty B I OU Cheney Bros.' Fancy Stripe High Grade Taffetas In new shades of Violet, Rose, Maize Qer Cherry, Royal Metallic Blue, Etc VCFC Black Silks Wear guaranteed Taffetas, Peau De Soie, Satin De Lyons, 7Er 4-r (t ff Satin Luxor, Etc., from ot lu .UV MEARS&HAGEN 415-417 Lackawanna Avenue, i TO EXTEND THE RURAL SERVICE POSTAL OFFICIAL IS HERE FOR THAT PURPOSE. What William H. Penn, Assistant Superintendent of the Railway Mail Service, Has to Say About the Purpose of the Department in Extending the Free Delivery Sys tem as Far as Possible to tho Ru ral Districts Great Demand for tho Service. William It. Penn, assistant superln tenden of rullwny mnll service, under the second assistant postmnstor gen eral, Is In this city for the purpose of malting preliminary arrangements for tho establishment of the free de livery system In connection with what ara known ns the star mall routes, In Lackawanna county. He spoke Inter estingly regarding this system yester day afternoon to a Tribune man. Ho explained that the department at Washington has been so besieged during the lat year with applications for the establishment of rural Tree de livery that It hail been found absolute ly Impossible to establish It In one half the localities demanding It. As a substitute, tho department bus de cided to establish free delivery In conenction with the "star mall routes" already lu existence. The star mall routes are routes es tablished between railroad depots In the country districts nnd small post olllces not on the line of any rail road. The larger number are driven over every day by persons who con tract to do the work lor a term of years and who carry tho mall to every postofllcc on the route. In Lacka wanna county there aro upwards of 150 miles of star routes, traversing every part of tho county. The contiacts for the carrying of the mall over these routes expire next July, and it Is the Intention of the department when new contracts are entered into nt that time for four years more, to have the contract In clude the delivery of mall along these routes to all persons who will place proper boxes along the roadside. Tills is practically the same as the uiral fre2 delivery sy?tem, with the exception that whereas the latter Is to be in established In any part of tho country whore the residents de sire it, this is to bo established merely along those routes already In exist ence. Bids are to be advertised for and will be lecelved up to December 4. The plan heretofore has been to award the contract for the carrying of mail over these routes to the lowest bidder, but a new -system is to be in troduced this time. Under the old plan, one person would sometimes bid on several thousand routes and then sub-let the contract for each one of these to other persons at a lower fig ure than his bid, thus making a small profit on each one. This plan did not meet with good results, those to whom the contracts were sub-let being, In many Instances irresponsible persons. The depart ment has now decided to let con tracts direct only to persons living near tho route and to prohibit tho sub-letting of any contracts. MRS. FESSENDEN SPOKE. Delivered an Address Before the W. C. T. U. An interesting and well attended meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance union was held yesterday afternoon In Guernsey hall. Mrs. Fes senden, of Boston, for eight years president of the State Women's Christian Tempertjnoe union of Mas. sachusetts, addressed the meeting. She encouraged and strengthened the women In their work of temperance. She reviewed tho various lines of work, especially emphasizing tho im portance of mother's meetings. Her great mother heart seemed to yearn for the women of Scranton, that they might realize the privilege of engag ing in the work ngalnst intemperance. Women generally aro Invited to at tend next Tuesday at 3 o'clock p.. m. In Guernsey hall. LOCAL FOOT BALL. The night students of the Scianton llii-lness college challenge the day sludents to a game of foot ball on Monday nel. Andy Walsh, captain. The Atlantic foot ball team challcngp the No. 2 school toot ball team to a game of foot lull 1'iiday, Oct. 211, llXX), ut 4 p. in. shaip on tho Modoc' giounds. Answer as soon as possible. Kail Saft, manager; Jacob Schroeder, captain. Silks, . :, ... . .., , tik- 4 f rWyW.ViVWiVWV.VtfiWi New Cameo Placques Bon Bon and Card Boxes. The figures that form the prin cipal features of these new cameos are in full and bas-relief. The figures are in pure white with the back ground in sage green. The assortment is large prices ranging from to cents to 50 cents. They add richness and tone to any room in which they are placed. These are only a few of the many good things we have in store-foryou at Geo. V. Millar & Mmmmwmmwwwmwmi H r w v 1 m 1 w -tw m m kl 7J I JL JJk Wp malip teeth to suit you and your friends. Wp guarantee- to please you or no pay, We keep work In repair free of charge. We examine and extract teeth free of charge. Our Crown and Bridge Work... C"2 Per, J5 Tooth All work guaranteed for 10 years. Call nnd have your teeth examined. Satisfaction or no pay. 1 -f 4 -t- New York Life 4- 4- f f Insurance Insurance That Insures. Policies incon testa -able from date of issue. No restriction as to residence, travel or occupation, as to habits of life, or as to man ner, time or place of death, Policies non-forfeitable after first premium is paid. One month's grace in tha tavment of oreniiums. Cash. loans can. be obtained at t any time after the policy has been in force two years. - A. "Prt1irie rrttnTviTi ineitronpft anrl inVAetmAtil " : B. H. BETTS, Scranton Branch Office. 607 to 615 Mears Building, Scranton, Pa. 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 444 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - I About Rubber Tires . W Of course all rubber tires look alike, but don't you know m ft there is a great difference in the wear and quality of vehicle W ft tires, due to the different methods ol putting on, etc. 0 We have a very expensive plant for putting on Kelly 5C 5 Springfield Tires on all classes of vehicles. It is the only per- JJ jjv? feet rubber tire manu-facturcd, being made of pure rubber M m and not composition. These tires are put on to stay held in H Kthe channel by two wires electrically welded, Cannot possi- bly roll off or tear out, HO., Prices on - SOJJOUKUnnKUnKIUKnKnKKKKKKK In Our New Store We are now located in our new store. 406 Lackawanna Avenue, formerly oc cupied by Siebecker & Watkins. We are showing a superior line of Furniture and Carpets, and invite inspection Scranton Carpet and Furniture Company REGISTERED 1 HE CELEBRATED QORDON PIANO Before buying, send for catalogue. H. S. GORDON, & At Retail. Coal of tho best quality for domesllo use nd of oil sizes. Including Uuckwheat nd Blrdieyo, delivered In any part ol the city, at the lowest pi Ice. Orders received at the office, Connell building. Room 804; telephono No. 1763, or t the mine, telephone No. 272, will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied t the mine. MOUNT PLEASANT COAL W Co. IllvffAAIeuT TEETH $5 SET 5$ (letter come in and talk to us bout your teeth. Wp believe you will appreclatp thp work and niu low prices. We will save yon nearly one-half on all dental work. sum 'm 1 ? TfJ We make a specialty of Crown and Bridge work and if you have any old or decayed teeth, come to us and we will make new ones out of them for you. Dr. Beyer, Dentist 5U Spruce St,, Opp. Court House. -f M Company f 4- Agency Director : 4-4-4 4 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4- 4-4- 4-4-4 126 and 128 Franklin Ave. Application. pNoTT j I Will Not" I N That sounds posi- 1 B tive, but she was right, fl I for her grocer tried 1 to make her take au I I inferior flour iustead of ("Snow White" I g'.gsJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers