The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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their time In leisure, If they paw
fit, arc cngiiBCd In reforming those
vicious, unlawful uots eolely for the
general welfare.
After a defense of the detectives and
commendation for thslr cleverness,
Mr. Torrey proceeded to ko over the
list of the defendant's witnesses and
teh .wny ho arraigned some of them
was bitter Indeed. When It camo to
Attorney McCllnley's testimony, Mr.
Torrey said: "It amounts to nothing,
nrler was safe In giving It to Mo
fJlttlcy for what he Buld was sacred
nncl the law could not compel Mr.
McOlnley to tell what! wns given.
Ills evidence counts for nought.
Mr. Oder's hank account was dwelt
upon at length by Mr. Torrey and It
was pointed out' as significant that
the store which Mr. drier purchased n
Jialf-lntorest In was Inventoried ut
After rovlowlng tho testimony and
fitting it In with remarkable adroit,
ness to the theory of the (prosecution,
Mr. Torrey pointed out that the money
was taken with a corrupt motive nnd
It tho jury believed this it would
have to convict tho defendant.
Tho charge of Judge Kdwnrds was
one of the best ever delivered In u
criminal case In this county. It was
as follows:
Jtinni: umvAniw rn.imi:.
(cnllenicii of the Jury: 1 coiiRr.ittil.itc you
on the approaching termination of till case.
Vim Imc listened to n I.ircti' amount of tes
timony and to rljlior.ite urKiimcnts on the part
of counsel, ft has been called to your nttrn
(Ion times the case U of great
Importance. This f.ict Is imtloiiMcilly tuie. It
Is Important for mote thin one leaion. It ia
Important to the defendant hecauso of fill
MandlnR In the community, Ms reputation and
Mii llhcrty are (molted. It Is also Important
to the citlrrn of ftiiantoii, heciu'e It con
cerns the purity and Integrity of municipal kciv
ernment. iloiisiilerlni: the iniportanec of the uo, look
hip at It fiom these unions (.tamlpnliils, it
naturally follows that joii are ONpcrteil to he
not only impartial as between the common
wealth ami the defendant, hut to biliiff to the
ill tri initiation of the case and to your delib
eration in the jury room the best powcis of
jour mind, the inost cnllKhtcned judgment, patirnee and forheaiance In your dieus-(don-,
a clein toiwIciicp and a louracre to
follow jour comletlons, tvlintetci- jour eidlct
lnltjlit he, or whatner may be the consequences
of your Muliit.
Von liae been selected with ( eaie, each
one of jou having lueii IiitiiioiMtcil as to pre
ronccitccl opinions touchiui; tlie merits of the
case, and J'ou lue liccn Kept .separate and apart
fiom jour feilowmui during the trial. Tliil
was Jone for the purpose nf securing an im
paitial juiy, fiee from bias, prejudice and pas
sion, and secure from outside intlueiucs which
might, consciously or liuconLiousIj', swcite you
from the straight path of ilutj-.
The defendant is entitled to ,i fair ami iiu
liartial trial. He is ptcstuuul to be innocent
until he is piintn guillj. Till-, iiiesiiinption
hiloiiL's to cierj- defend ml in a e.i-o.
'I he burden or pioWng hid guilt i upon the
lommnimc.iltli, ami this I lie tomnmnwcaUlt
mist do bejond a ic.iMiiiabie doubt. "Ileison
ible doubt' N a term so well undcrslood that an
altunpS to ileline it may tend to mislead a
jiny. I iiiJj say though lint il iloix mil mean
a whimsical or tntvue doubt, n loujeitiur, :i pus
sihility of dmibl. It Is ,the ir.i-.on.ibln doubt
lliat irmaiiis in tlie mind-, of the juiy as to
the guilt of the defendant after a full ami
conscientious consideration nf all the cWdrnie
mill the law. I will now call jour attention to
the ilnrge upon whiili the ilrfeiiilant is biiug
tried. JThc oftene is known in bribriy.
The section of the act of assembly
defining- the offence was read by the
Judge, after which lie continued:
You notice that Hie terms of tlie scrlion I
liae read aic coinpii'liciiMic in their character, . ing nlmunt etcry possible phase of tlie
crime de.-enbed in it wliirli the mind of man
ran conceive. Lit us examine the act more
niiniitelj. Tlie otleuee is complete when a mem
ber of councils folirils money, or anjthing of
mine, for his tolo or influence. It Is not
essential that he should actually rcicivc the
nionej-. Whether he suliellt or rtccltri money
for himself or tor nuutlicr eouiiellman makes
no dilluencc, (lie nirciiie U Hie same. It is
bribeij'. And the thing Kdiiitul may not be
It may be an oiliee, or appointment, or em
plojnicnl. or lowaid, or anjthing cl-.e of pcr advantage; or it m ly be only the puuni-c
of .my uf thtsc things. Vet il is bribery if tlie
purpose of the loiiueilmiu is loiiupt. either is
il that the iciiiiicilnun slioiild iielu
ally Mile on .my mensine; it is enough Hut
lie bhniilil loriuptlj willihold his vote for a
lonsidci.itioi'. I have ufirud thus to vime of
the phai-os of tlie i.lfeiisi- of biibety to show
hoiv lomphte and f.ii-ieiihing the iut of ,s.srm
blj is, .mil how Jealous the law-in iking power
of mil btale is mi tho quest ion of tlie honesty
and intcgiily of the inembeis of municipal
Having i.illed jour atlinlion In the act of
assembly 1 will now consider tho indictment,
'll'o iiidiclmint in this i.iv contains two loiints.
'I lie Hint I'ouiit, in substance, chaiges the ile
femlaiit nilli soliciting and retching the sum
of foily itollaia for himself to iiifliuiiie his
'll' aclioii as loimclluiaii. Tlie seioucl count
(haigis the sime aiiiouul, forty,
was solhiii'd mid uirivrd by the defend ml, not
for hlm-elf, but foi some other loimiilmcn,
with the same cm nipt purpose. If the evidence
ulUties jou bejond n reasonable doubt, tint
Hie defendant imlvcil Hie sum of forly dollais
for himself, for the puipo.e I have staled, lie
tuij be lonvlttcd on I he llisl toiint uf the In
iliiliiiiul, 'I IIU riJIITV JiOI.I.AItS.
If, on the other hind, jou find that he re
ceived or solitlted Hie foily dollais for some
nHiir coiiniilman, for tlie purpo-u 1 hive staled,
and not for lunt-.ell, the difcndant may be ion
dieted on the eioud toiinl m Hie indictment,
If ho solicited or leeelved thu foily dollais
nienlioiiiil, for himself and for other t-aLin il
ium for the of iiilliiencing his niuUf,lielr
ofliiial action, lie may lie innvlilul on bolh
counts of the Indictment, or in manner and
f en in ns he Minds indicted. If ho iccelved Hie
caiil sum of money for Hie purpose staled by
him, mid nut for a coirupt (impose, lie should
bo acquitted,
I have now- explained In jou Hie indictment
nlid Hie law upon which It is based.
before proceeding to lomidcr the evidence I
vunt to icfer In u few picliinlniiy questions
whkli are at tho ilucslihold of this case, The
evidence on behalf of the couuiionvvealth, in
pail, is to be found in the testimony of the
detectives. It is claimed on the part of the
roinmnnvvcallli that for somci time past, it was
rumored on the itieets and charged in the
public press that legislation in favor of certain
corporations, by which valuable franchises were
secured, was obtained from the councils of tho
city of Bcranton by corrupt methods, and that
in order to find out tho liutli of these cluugca
nn association was foimed Icnmvn as the Munici
pal League, of vvhlili the iirosetutor in this
rase and other citizens of Scranton are mem
bers. I think It Is proper for me to stale, in this
connection, that such organizations aro to be
commended and not condemned. Citizens of a
municipality have the right to watch their public
clllcials, and it they believe them to be corrupt
and can support their belief with farts, they
have a right to associate together, and tn use
proper and legitimate means to prevent corrup
tion In tho councils or elsewhere, The com
monwealth says, that in order to accomplish this
purpose, the league was formed, and the services
ol detectives were secured.
Another tact which it connected with what I
have stated is that there was a license ordinance
before the councils, a section of which taxed
tho gross receipts of the Scrunton Hallway com
pany, known also as the Scranton Traction com
pany, at three, four and five per cent, for dif
ferent jears. before the organization of the new
councils on the first Monday of April of this
year, the ordinance failed to pus.
A new ordinance was introduced in the com
ftvvB council imposing ths tune tax e the litcct
railway company. This ordinance, It II claimed
by the commonwealth, furnished the opportun
ity which was aclced upon by the Municipal
League to Ascertain whether any members ot the
Scranton city councils were or wcf not cor
rupt nnd the proposition was made to tho de
fendant anil other couuellmcn, If you believe
the evidence of the commonwealth to rcduco
tho tax from three, four and lite per rent, to
one per cent, by an amendment to the ordinance,
and It la claimed that in prcliiff this propo
sition the agents of the league were met with
demand (or money from the defendant and
I have referred to these mailers becauso they
lead us naturally to a consideration and dis
cussion ot the evidence. I Hull not attempt
to go over In detail the tftlmony In the case.
I gather, from my observation of your conduct
during tho trial, that jou have paid close atten
tion lo the testimony on both sides. It Is jour
duty to consider all the evidence. You are the
sole judges of the tacts. Nevertheless, It la my
duty to assist Jou, at far as II Is in my powir,
by classifying the evidence, bringing together
the testimony relating lo each salient feature of
the case, Instructing you as to the relevancy
nf portions of the testimony to certain phases
of the Issue before you, and by Informing j-ou nf
certain principles of law which should guide
jou lit considering and weighing the evidence
ml In judging ot the credibility of the wit
nesses. Till! CI'.NTRAL KHATUHE.
All the evidence Is lo be considered by yoij
In Its relation to the central feature of Hie rase,
vl,, the motive which animated the defendant
when he received the forty dollars from the
witness Harris) Was his purpose corrupt or was
It on honest one? Did he solicit and receive
the money to Influence his olllclal action os a
councilman, or was It obtained by him for the
purpose of obtaining evidence ngalnst Harris so
as tci piosccule him for bribery? These are
questions that you must answer for yourselves.
After a most Impartial review of the
testimony for the commonwealth and
defense, thu judge continued his charge
as follows:
I have now briefly but In substance gone over
the testimony of the defense in relation to the
transactions between the defendant ami the wit
ness Harris, and as I have already stated tn jou
the question for j-our determination is largely
If not altogether a question of motive. Did the
defendant when he admittedly received the money
from Harris receive it for an honest purpose or
for a coirupt one? Was It received for the
purpose of entrapping Harris and prosecuting
him for bribery or was It received in further
ance of a corrupt Fcheme lo secure money for
himself and oilier counellmen for his unci their favor? In order to judge rightly as to
this question jou mu-t consider some of the
tads nnd tlrciimstances of the case so far as
they are in evidence and determine what the
actual motive of the defendant was.
As nn important circumstance in this case j-our
attention has been called to the letter produced
by the defendant, in which Harris requested
him to call at the hotel. The defendant says
it Is the only letter he received from Harris. The
lime when this letter was written and the
tune It was received by the defendant have a
mateilal bearing in connection with the pay
ment of tlie forly dollars. The defendant snjri
he found the letter in bis house on the evening
nf M-iy S, and that he mentioned the fact that he
handed such letter to several witnesses on May
f, while on his way to keep the appointment.
If this letter was not wiitten and sent until
May II, it would lie, of couise, impossible for
the defendant lo have hhovvn the letter to nnj--body.
You probably recall the evidence ns to
the letter. The defendant sajs he wus In pos
session of it on May 0. He tells others on that
diy tint he had such n letter. I don't think
the other people mw the letter so as lo know
its contents. Hauls and Whitney both testify
thai I he letter was i-ent on May 11, and that
this fact was icported to the agency ill New
York at the time. Mr. Itecis testifies thai
In- leeched from Now Yoik n copy of a icpoit
a few dajs after M.i.v 11. .showing that the letter
was written on Miy II and not on May V.
You have heaul the testimony on this point.
If you believe thai this letter was. not sent
until May 11, then j on cannot help coming to
the conclusion tint the defendant is cither mis
taken or is not telling the liutli, and that the
asseitinn of his pinpose in going lo Harris'
room on Ma- 0 is seriouslj' discredited. If on
the other bind, jou believe the letter was sent
on May S, then it may he consideied by j'ou as
a coiroboration of Hie defend int.
I now refer to tho alleged pajment of the
fourteen one hunched dollar bills on May 11.
The defendant denies this transaction. You
heard the testimony of Harris, Whitney and An
derson on this point. You must remember that
wo an- not trying the defendant for leeching
the !, 400, but if you believe that the defendant
took this hum of money fiom Harris on Miy
11, jou have a right to consider this fact in
judging of his motive in taking the forty dollars
on May a. Kveiy man is judged by his acts,
by his conduct. If he took the $1,400 and kept
it without pioilucing it as he did Hie forty dol
lars, it is Important evidence as to the intention
of Hie defendant in taking the forty elollars. It
is,dillleiilt to reconcile the existence of an hon
est inutile on May 9, and a coirupt one on
M ly 11. If jou believe that Hie defendant did
not receive the 91,4110, jou cannot use this
transaction against him in this cao
Your attention is called also tn Hjo conduit
of the defendant in icl.itlon with Hauls and
in lel.ition to his assellloii under oath
his attlons were honest and his motive not
corrupt. The commonwealth edalms that (ho
conduct of the defendant has been Inconsistent
Willi his cunli-ntiiin that he was Indignant when
he was eiffcied money nnd that ho took the forty
dollars for the purpose of prosecuting Harris for
If tliat was his pinpose, say lliej-, why did he
not arrest llairis? Why elld he not expose
the attempt at biibery In the councils, or to
the pioper officials? Why did he not lodge an
information before a magistrate ami cause tho
an eit of llairis? Ile sajs that be submitted
Hie matter to his attorney and ,vou heard tho
testimony nn this point. The defendant saj-s
his attorney told him tn gel more evidence,
to lning certain witnesses, naming them, to
the ofllce.
The defendant sajs he did not try lo get
ninie evidence, that lie made no particular
rtTnit in Hut direction and that Harris was
not aiiesleel. Whatever the reason was, you
luve a light lo consider the defendant's lalliuc
to piiiseciite Han is in judging of the honesty
of his uintivrx in his traii-ai'lious villi Hauls.
You must consider tho d, fondant's explanation
also, in discns-liii,' tills point.
Vim have a unlit al-n to consider lhe oflltial
action of the defendant 111 connection with the
ordinance I have refouid to. He voted in tavor
ol the iriliutioii ot the tu' on the Mi ret railway
compiiij-. Did he do this fiom an honest convic
tion, nr was it the u-siilt of baigaln and Kile?
Consider the evidence nn both sides in consider
ing this point and ghn II its pi ope r weight.
Hofercnie has also been uiadn to the defend
ant's bank deposits beginning .Ian. 'J, with n
deposit of $-o and the subsequent deposits as
trstiuVcl In, You heaul Hie explanation of the
d" as to his earnings, his accumulation
of money unci his living expenses, Hefore you
can use these deposit to the detriment of the
defendant or to his illscidlt, jou must be satis
lied that they weie, at least In part, the pro
ceeds of rnriiiption In connection with his offi
cial conduct and this infeiencc must bo based
upon facts in the evidence,
These are some ot the facts and cireuinstantes
which may throw some light upon tlie
point in the case. You have a right to consider
any other facts which aie based upon pioper
testimonj-, although not referred" to by me. I
state generally that as a' help to asceilain tho
motive of a ,iiiau in connection with a particular
act you have a right lo scrutinize hU conduct
subsequent to (lie act so as to determine thu
character ot the motive.
I will now give you some instructions as to
the credibility of witnesses. The juiy am the
sole Judges of their credibility. In weighing the
testimony of the jury may consider
tlie conduct of a witness upon the stand, the
interest ho may have in the case at a party,
the relation of tlie witness, fiiendly or other
wise, tn the parties concerned, and the charac
ter of the witness himself, The purpose in view
li to ascertain the truth.
Most of the testimony on bchalt of the com
monwealth comes from the detectives. Some
comment has been' made upon this fact. In
Judging of the credibility of the detectives as
witnesses you have a right to consider the
nature of the crime which they arc investigating,
bribery is a crime that is committed in secret,
behind closed doors, and not in the presence
of witnesses. To ferret out this crime detectho
service U not improper.
If a detective enters into communication with
an official (or the purpose of ascertaining
whether or not lie is corrupt and the detective
'does toll without criminal intent on bis part
and acta tluoughout with this original purpose,
he cannot be regarded as on accomplice and hl
testimony Is to bo treated Just as the testimony
of any other witness, and you should give It
such weight as Jou believe It is entitled to and
Judge It by the rules norrnlng the ircdlblllty
of witnesses.
It Is claimed that Harris Is a briber, This
would bo true If ho associated with the defend
ant and others with a criminal Intent and not
(or the purposo of delecting corruption. The
(act that a pirty la deceived by n detective Into
a violation of law Is no Justification (or the of
fence. Tho question Is! Did tho defendant so
licit and receive the money lo Influence, his
olllclal action? Nevertheless the credibility of
the detectives is for you.
wi:iin tiihy iiisciti:i)tTi:i).
The commonwealth also ilalms that several of
the witnesses sworn tor the defense have been
discredited by certain facta 'ellsrloscel by the
testimony, particularly tho counellnianlu wit
nesses, Coleman, Cojnc nnd Calpln. Coleman
and Coyne were asked upon the witness stand
whether at any time they bad solicited and re
ceived money from tho witness Harris to In
fluentc their olllclal action ns counellmen. This
they ilenlcd. You heard the testimony In con
tradiction of their denial. Coleman, ncconling
to the testimony of Harris, iccelved tfin onto
and $50 at another time, nnd Coyne, as early
as March 21 received $100, and arrangements
were made with Cojnc to pay him $1,400 for
use In the select council.
You have heard Calpin'a testimony In which
he saj-s that he mode no intimation to Harris
that he wanted money and you heard Ihrrls'
testimony that on May V, Calpln mid that lie
would not vole to reduce the tax until his suit
was settled, nnd that It would cost the com
pany more than $200. It Is for you to consider
this testimony In Its bearing upon the credi
bility of Ihese witnesses. If you believe that
they solicited nnd received the money as testi
fied by Harris, then jou would have a right tn
conclude that such conduct is not to their
credit as witnesses, lint if 'you believe the
witnesses themselves, that they were not gtilltj'of
sucb. corrupt practices, j-ou should not use It
against them.
Many witnesses have been sworn to testify to
the good reputation for chararter of the de
fendant previous to his arrest in this case.
Good character or reputation is a substantive
fact and must be proven like any other fact
In the case. The terms character and reputation
are sometimes interchangeably used, but speak
ing stilctly, character consists of those qualities
which distinguish one man from another, while
reputation is the opinion of others with regard
to those qualities, or in other worels character
is what a man actually is, and reputation Is
that which his neighbors and the people believe
htm to be.
You must consider the evidence on this point
and first ascertain whether the defendant lias
proven u good leputatlon, especially in his offi
cial cliai.icter. Tills depends to some extent on
Hie knowleilge the witnesses for character have
of his official acts and conduct. If you arc sat
isfied be has pioven a good leputatlon j-ou
have a right to consider it with the other ci
elencc in the tase in determining the guilt or
innocence of this defendant. Hood character
inaj- of itself bj- the creation of a reasonable
doubt produce an acquittal. If his good char
acter or reputation has not been pioven lo
j-otu- satisfaction In jour judgment, then, of
coiiise, it lias no place In this case. If it has,
jou must give it the weight that 1 have indi
cated. I
The case is now in your bands. The responsl-bllitj-
of a erdict rests upon jou. The import
ance of the case, both to the defendant and the
commiinltj' has been extcnshclj- commented upon
in jour hearing. Let your erdict be such ns
will s.ilNfj- jour own coiistlenccs and bo in
accordince with tlie law and the evidence. If
j'ou think tills defendant should be acquitted
saj- so by jour verdict; If ,vou believe that he
is gaiiltj" it will be jour duty to so icturn
him. If j-ou acquit liim j'ou Ime to dispose of
the costs. If jou eonviel liim on cither count
of the indictment jou have nothing lo say on
that question.
In connection with his charge the
judge passed upon n number of law
points presented by the defense.
Dr. Jnincs'
Won't yon try tho easty-to-tako
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Dr. James'
Headache Powders.
No strong, stupefying
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At all Drug Stores.
4 Doses 10 Cents.
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WE 0p Tj If
"No, I
Will Not"
That sounds posi
tive, but she was right,
for her grocer tried
ro make her take an
inferior flour instead o(
"Snow White"
I Dyspepsia.
lacho and Liver
nrifbdva r.riATBii.
1 PILLS Bold by nil druireUU
i orncai; uy man.
JNenlta Medical Co., CalcajQ
Sold by McGarraU & Thomas, Drug
tlsts,, 309 Lackawacct ve-, Scranton. f.
To Satisfy
and to learn for ourselves all
the uses for
We will pay
We are hearing of new uiei for thli
great cleanter every day. We vrtih to
learn at once ALL the uiei, and are
willing to pay you to help ui. ,
&200 to the person sending in the
List decided to be First by the
Committee named below.
for the List
decided to be
$50 for the Llit decided to be Third.
$20 (each) for the Lists decided to
be 4th to the I3th (inclusive).
$10 (each) for the Lists decided to
be 14th to 33d (inclusive).
$5 (each) for the Lists decided to be
34th to 83d (inclusive).
The Conditions of Competition arei
FIRST The list specifying the erenterat num
ber of separate use that ZHNOl.A mny be
cut to will be declared by the Committee to
be the Pint, and the one containing the next
largest number, Second, and so 011.
SECOND Lists of uses submitted must be
plainly written in ink, on one side of paper
only, and method of each use separately
stated. Lltt to be miffed to Tht Ztaola
Company, 78 lluiton St., Stw Yrk on or
before thirtieth day of November, 1900, and
must be signed by encli competitor and F. O.
address given,
THIRD Tlie lists submitted in accordance
with the conditions will be passed on by the
Committee nud their decision will be final.
In no case will a list submitted by any one
connected with the Zennla Company be con
sidered. The lists decided to he first, second
and third wilt be printed in this paper.
FOURTH The ZKKOI.A used mast be pro
cured by each competitor from n dealer in
the city or town where competitor resides,
be stated. Any gioccr or druggist haa
ZKNOLA or can supply it.
The Committee will consist of
of the Boston Globe.
fonnerlnspcctorof Teachers' Training Classes
for the State of New York.
M. F. Hanson-.
of The North American, Philadelphia.
Awards to be made
December 20, 1900
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""" desired. Subscription:)
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centiiry.Hnncl- FIlsLO FL.OWBKS"
somcly I Itis- (doth bound, Sxlll, ai
trateil by tiilr- itrtifieato of buliocrlp
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Hut for tho noble contribution (if the
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'the Fund tieatcd is dlUelcd riniatly he.
turtn the family of the latu lluuine Field
ami the Fund for tho InilMIng of a iiionu
nicnt tn the luciiioiy of the bclou'd poet
of childhood. Addicts
Uugene PleU Monument Snuvenelr Fund
Chlcneo, III.
If jou uUo wish to bend postage, eneloso
10 cents.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place,
American Flan, W.60 per dsr and upward.
European Flan, ?1.M per day and upward.
L D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor.
For Uusiness lieu
In the heart of tba wholesale
Fur Shoppers
l minutes' wulk to Wanamnkers;
s minutes to Slcw'ol Coopur'u ill
Btore. Easy of access to tho great
Dry Oooda Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from B'way Cars, civ
tng easy transportation to all
points of Interest,
Only 0110 niock from Broadway.
RnnTrK $1 ITn uestaurant
Autumn Dress Goods
When we say (as we do say) that there never was such another showing as thii in
any Scranton store, we speak with the calm confidence of accurate knowlodge. Fact
as big as this need no verbal embroidery: No exaggeration could be bigger than
many of our simple truths. Largest in quantities, greatest in varieties, supreme in
exclusiveuess, unrivalled in beauties. A quartette of stout claims.
Add a fifth we permit no lower price than our lowest price. Whatever we sell
is fairly priced, and no price is fair that is higher than others ask for the same qual
ities. So, when we say fair prices, we say it all.
It was reserved for the style setters of this season to give the most positive dis
tinction to plain weaves. Their mandate is praiseworthy and purely sensible. All
women admire and desire the simple elegance of unobtrusive fabrics. We give im
pulse to the prevailing tendency by offering uuusual values in Broadcloths, Vene
tians, Camel's Hair Serges, Poplins, Whipcords, Prunellas and other weaves. The
quotations represent an effort to convey an idea of the true goodness of these materi
als. Plowever, types have proved incapable of performing the task. Eyesight is our
main reliance, uorae and
English Broadcloths, 54 inches wide, $, $1.50, $3
English Cheviots, 54 inches wide $3.00
Venetians, 54 inches wide $i.a5, $1.50, $2.00
Camel's Hair, 54 inches wide $3.50
Satin Solids, 34 inches wide $3.50
English Suiting, 54 inches wide. .$1.35, $1.50, $1.75
Poplins, 48 inches wide $1.00
All in such popular colors ns
Chapter 1 1 About Black Dress Goods
Knowing ones predict an increased popularity for black dress fabrics this fall and winter. There seems
to be much plausibility in the prophesy, judging from this remarkable collection, enlarging almost
daily. Makers have been vicing with each other toward that end. Never have they produced designs
in black goods so rich, never variety so extensive. Perhaps this is more particularly true of the Vene
tians, Prunellas and Camel's Hair effects. And there's a vast number of fine silk and wool fabrics here
now. Altogether the gathering is an inleresting one worth studying. Visit the Black Dress Goods
Department, just as you would any other department in the store without feeling any obligation to
buy. Just a little list, illustrative of range of choice :
English Broadcloth, 54 inches wide,
$1.25, $1.50, $3.00, $2.50
Venetians, 54 inches wide $1.25, $1.50, $2.00
Whipcords, 45 inches wide...., $1.50, $2.00
Prunelllast 45 inches wide $1.35, $1.50
Poplins, 45 inches wide.. ..$1.00, $1.25, 1.50, $1.75
SURPLUS 600.000
WM. CONNELL, Preildent.
HENRY BELIN. Jr., ViccPret.
WILLIAM tl. PECK, Caabltr.
Bpecla'. attention given to busl
ness accounts. Threo per cent, in
tercst pal on Interest deposit.
Uannractcirors ot
485 to 455
N. Ninth Street
Telephone Call, 2333.
General Agent for tlio Wyomlns
District for
VflnlDf, niaitln;, Sporting, fimokclcsj and (In
ju'iiaunu incnucui Uompjnj'a
High Explosives.
Safety I'use, Caps one Exploders. Itoom tot Cou
ncil UullUlner, tjcriintoii.
TIIOS. FOItl) Pittston
JOHK B. SMITH & 60N Plymouth
V, V. MULL1QA.N ,..,, , ..WilkesDirro
L Ill's Ml
see the displays. That's the
grays, browns.tans.gornets, cardinals,
We want yon to see the new arrivals in our Carpet
Department. We believe we have the most complete stock
in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con
sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to be
had this side of New York. A superb line of
129 Wyoming Avenue.
I Hilt li i 1 Ms I
m Such as Foot Balls and Uniforms,
'H Tennis Goods, Guns, Revolvers, I
J Ammunition, Cameras, Kodaks m
S and Supplies. m
V Florey & Brooks, i
W 211 Washington Ave. P
At Retail.
Coal ot the best quality for domestto
ass and of all Uei. Includlna Uuckwheat
and Blrdieyo, delivered In any part of
tbo city, at tho lowest price.
Order received at the office, Connell
building, Itocm SOS; telephone No. 172. or
at the mine, telephone No. Mf, will he
promptly attended to. Dealers supplied
t the mine.
The Dlcksou SlAiinracturing Co.
ecrantonand WllUevUurre, 14,
Mmiuruoturr4 o!
Boilers, Hoisting and Pumping Machinery.
General Office, Bcranton, Pa.
convincing, way.
Satin Finished Coverts, 54 inches wide,
$1.00, $1.35, $3.00
Whipcords. 54 inches wide $3.00
Prunellas, 54 inches wide $3.00
Camel's Hair Cheviots, 54 inches wide $1.00
Redfern Serge, 49 inches wide 75c
Imperial Serge. 40 inches wide 600
blues, greens, heliotropes,old rose,etc.
Camel's Hair Cheviots, 54 inches wide,
$1.00, $1.35, $'-35
Storm Serges, 54 inches wide $1.00, $1.35
Mohairs, 48 inches wide, 50c, 7sc,$i.oo, $1.35, $1.50
Henriettas, 48 inches wide 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00
Drap D'Ete, 49 inches wide $l.oo, $1.35, $1.5
127 AND 129
Booms 1 and'2, Com'Ith BTi'f.
lining and Blasting
! at Mooalo and Huiblale Work.
Blcetrle Batteries. Gleotrlo Exploder,
exploding ulasta, Safety Vuie aai
Rtiauii CtiailcaJ Ci's eiAVe
nwujii ruwuGK iu.
r '..
" 'I
. ,.,